What Is Jini?: Nature of Networks
What Is Jini?: Nature of Networks
What Is Jini?: Nature of Networks
Why Jini?
Is Jini Portable?
• Jini technology will run on any network with at least one Java Virtual Machine.
How does JINI work?
The Jini architecture relies upon several properties of the Java virtual machine:
• Devices permeate our lives. Look around: TVs, DVDs, cameras, phones, PDA,
printers, disk drives, pagers. A device performs a simple task, and only that
• Today devices are unaware of their surroundings - they are rigid and cannot
adapt. When you buy a disk drive, you expend a lot of effort to install it or you
need expert to do it for you.
• With the help of JINI Technology, a device that can take charge of its own
interactions can self-configure, self-diagnose, and self-install.
• With Jini technology it’s possible for a camera to plug into a digital photo kiosk
or simply connect the camera to your home Jini network.
• We will instantly have access to the files and can choose to use color printer
services or share the images through your distributed disk service.
• Jini connection technology enables impromptu networks of resources to live
and serve in the ever changing world.
Without JINI
Jini Infrastructure
• With the ever falling cost of Computers, Jini technology creates the possibility
of impromptu device communities popping up in all kinds of places far from
any sys admin.
• Self-managing devices reduce further the need for expert help, and this should
lower the total cost of ownership for Jini connection technology-based
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