Dental Anthropology: September 2017
Dental Anthropology: September 2017
Dental Anthropology: September 2017
Dental Anthropology
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1 author:
G. Richard Scott
University of Nevada, Reno
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All content following this page was uploaded by G. Richard Scott on 23 October 2017.
Dental Anthropology, Fig. 1 Examples of minor vari- on upper central incisors, with moderate shoveling; (c)
ants of human tooth crowns and roots. (a) Large Carabelli’s two-rooted lower canine; (d) five-cusped lower first
cusp with dentine involvement; (b) large dental tubercles molar and four-cusped lower second and third molars
(Peyer 1968), other changes are remarkably con- same types of teeth (incisors, canines, premolars,
servative. For example, the adaptive zone of felids molars), along with many commonalities in mor-
is defined broadly by the elements of hunting phological details. Beyond that, human teeth are
strategy (ambush and pursuit), activity period like hominoid teeth, making it obvious that the
(nocturnal), and sociality (solitary), but the subdi- great apes are our closest biological relatives
vision of this zone by prey size resulted in a wide (Swindler 2005). However, human teeth are dis-
variation in felid body size (4 kg to over 200 kg). tinguished from hominoid teeth in several ways.
Despite variation in body size, including tooth The most important difference is in the size of the
size, the teeth of a small cat are basically identical canines. The general primate dental pattern
to those of a lion or tiger from a morphological includes large, projecting canines that are primar-
standpoint. One can see the same pattern in canids ily used in male-male competition for access to
where body and tooth size vary considerably but valued resources. These canines form a shearing
tooth number and morphology are identical in complex with the lower first premolar which
most respects (Hillson 2005). The point is this: if assumes a sectorial shape (elongated front to
you maintain the same diet (e.g., meat eating) but back, or mesiodistally). For proper articulation
vary that diet by prey size (e.g., mice to water of the two jaws, there is a space, or diastema,
buffaloes), your teeth ultimately change in size between the upper lateral incisors and canines to
but not in shape or morphological details. accommodate the lower canine. Paleoanthropolo-
Human teeth are remarkably similar through- gists often note canine reduction, homomorphic
out the world. A dentist who works on “normal lower premolars, and lack of a diastema as hall-
human teeth” could ply his trade in Australia, marks of early hominids. These traits are all linked
Asia, Europe, Africa, or the Americas. With few to a single trait – canine size.
exceptions, humans have the same number of Hominoids and many other primates also differ
deciduous teeth (20) and adult teeth (32) and the from hominins in the form and relative size of the
Dental Anthropology 3
Dental Anthropology,
Fig. 2 Two pairs of
monozygotic twin
dentitions with emphasis on
upper left cheek teeth. Note
symmetry of expression of
Carabelli’s cusp for A1-A2
twins but contrast between
this cusp on B1-B2 twins
Dental Anthropology, Fig. 3 Carious lesions noted by arrows. (a) Coronal; (b) interstitial
6 Dental Anthropology
Another oral pathology that crosscuts all geo- expression and number. Because teeth develop
graphic areas and subsistence practices is dental within relatively limited time periods, some
abscessing, or periapical osteitis. An abscess authors evaluate timing in terms of the biological
almost invariably develops at the root apex when age of the subjects. In Midwest Native Americans,
the pulp chamber is exposed to the oral environ- these lines often occurred between the ages of two
ment. This exposure can be the result of extremely and four, leading researchers to conclude they
rapid crown wear, coronal or interstitial caries, were coincident with weaning infants off breast
significant crown fractures, or periodontal dis- milk and transitioning them to a maize gruel
ease. When oral bacteria invade the bloodstream, lacking essential proteins (Goodman et al. 1984).
an individual is subject to a generalized infection. As the major triggers for LEH are nutritional
Many individuals in the archaeological record had deprivation or disease, interpretation of the lines
active abscesses at death. To what extent such always depends on context. Populations can
abscesses are implicated in mortality is difficult exhibit the same frequency and severity of lines
to assess. Caries and abscesses can lead to ante- but for altogether different reasons. In northern
mortem tooth loss. Individuals who retain their hunting populations, living in small, scattered
teeth throughout life live at least a decade longer communities with few endemic diseases, the trig-
than those who lose one or more teeth. ger for LEH development is primarily seasonal
food shortage. By contrast, in agricultural com-
Developmental Stress munities, periodic food shortages are less of an
Teeth are the calcified product of an original pro- issue than diseases associated with crowding,
tein template. As environmental and genetic exi- including cholera, diphtheria, and typhus.
gencies can impact the calcification of this
template, there are markers that leave an imprint
on teeth that researchers use to evaluate stress- Forensic Odontology
related growth disturbances (Hillson 2014). The
most commonly used marker is linear enamel One branch of forensic science involves teeth.
hypoplasia (LEH) that takes the form of circum- Focus is primarily on bite marks left on the skin
ferential lines around a tooth (Fig. 4). Although all of victims of violent crimes. Most bite mark
teeth can exhibit LEH, the anterior teeth show it experts come from the field of dentistry, not
most clearly. Hypoplastic lines vary in degree of anthropology. Dental anthropologists nonetheless
Dental Anthropology, Fig. 4 Well-developed linear enamel hypoplasia on upper and lower anterior teeth
Dental Anthropology 7
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▶ Plant Domestication and Cultivation in Scott, G.R., and S.R. Poulson. 2012. Stable carbon and
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Further Reading
tion. Meddelelser om Grønland 142: 1–244.
Bailey, S.E., and J.-J. Hublin, eds. 2007. Dental perspec-
Scott, G.R., and C.G. Turner II. 1988. Dental anthropol-
tives on human evolution: State-of-the-art research in
ogy. Annual Review of Anthropology 17: 99–126.
dental paleoanthropology. Dordrecht: Springer.
Teaford, M.F., M.M. Smith, and M.W.J. Ferguson, eds.
Brothwell, D.R., ed. 1963. Dental anthropology.
2000. Development, function and evolution of teeth.
New York: Pergamon Press.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dahlberg, A.A. 1945. The changing dentition of man.
Ungar, P.S. 2011. Dental evidence for the diets of Plio-
Journal of the American Dental Association 32:
Pleistocene hominins. Yearbook of Physical Anthropol-
ogy 54: 47–62.
Dahlberg, A.A., ed. 1971. Dental morphology and evolu-
Weiss, K.M. 1990. Duplication with variation: Metameric
tion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
logic in evolution from genes to morphology. Yearbook
Gregory, W.K. 1922. The origin and evolution of the
of Physical Anthropology 33: 1–23.
human dentition. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.
Hillson, S. 1996. Dental anthropology. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.