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2000 3000 X Series Service Guide

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Keysight InfiniiVision

2000/3000 X-Series

Service Guide
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Safety Notices
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2 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

In This Service Guide
This book provides the service information for the Keysight 2000/3000 X-Series
oscilloscopes. This manual is divided into these chapters:

1 Characteristics and Specifications

This chapter contains a partial list of characteristics and specifications for the
Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes.

2 Testing Performance
This chapter explains how to verify correct oscilloscope operation and perform
tests to ensure that the oscilloscope meets the performance specifications.

3 Calibrating and Adjusting

This chapter explains how to adjust the oscilloscope for optimum operating

4 Troubleshooting
This chapter begins with suggestions for solving general problems that you may
encounter with the oscilloscope. Procedures for troubleshooting the oscilloscope
follow the problem solving suggestions.

5 Replacing Assemblies
This chapter describes how to remove assemblies from the 2000/3000 X-Series

6 Replaceable Parts
This chapter describes how to order replaceable assemblies and parts for the
Keysight 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes. It includes diagrams and parts lists
for hardware that you can order.

7 Safety Notices
At the front of the book you will find safety notice descriptions and document

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 3

Digital Channels
Because all of the oscilloscopes in the Keysight 2000/3000 X-Series have analog channels, the analog
channel topics in this book apply to all instruments. Whenever a topic discusses the digital channels,
that information applies only to Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) models or DSO models that have
been upgraded to an MSO.

Abbreviated instructions for pressing a series of keys

Instructions for pressing a series of keys are written in an abbreviated manner. Instructions for pressing
Key1, then pressing Softkey2, then pressing Softkey3 are abbreviated as follows:
Press [Key1] & Softkey2 & Softkey3.
The keys may be front panel keys, or softkeys, which are located directly below the oscilloscope

4 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

In This Service Guide / 3

Figures / 9

Tables / 11

1 Characteristics and Specifications

Power Requirements / 13
Measurement Category / 14
Measurement Category / 14
Measurement Category Definitions / 14
Maximum Input Voltage / 15
Environmental Conditions / 16
Specifications / 16
Contact us / 16

2 Testing Performance
Overview / 18
List of Test Equipment / 19
Conventions / 20
To construct the test connector (for use with MSO models
only) / 21
To test digital channels (MSO models only) / 23
To verify digital channel threshold accuracy (MSO models
only) / 24
When to Test / 24

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 5


What to Test / 24
Verifying Test Results / 24
To verify DC vertical gain accuracy / 28
To verify dual cursor accuracy / 35
To verify bandwidth (-3 dB) / 40
To verify time base accuracy / 45
To verify trigger sensitivity / 47
Test Internal Trigger Sensitivity (all models) / 48
Test External Trigger Sensitivity / 50
Keysight 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Performance Test
Record / 53
Keysight 3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Performance Test
Record / 55

3 Calibrating and Adjusting

User Calibration / 58
To perform User Cal / 58
User Cal Status / 61

4 Troubleshooting
Solving General Problems with the Oscilloscope / 64
If there is no display / 64
If there is no trace display / 64
If the trace display is unusual or unexpected / 64
If you cannot see a channel / 65
Verifying Basic Operation / 66
To power-on the oscilloscope / 66
To perform hardware self test / 66
To perform front panel self test / 67
To verify default setup / 67

6 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide


To perform an Auto Scale on the Probe Comp signal / 68

To compensate passive probes / 69

5 Replacing Assemblies

6 Replaceable Parts
Ordering Replaceable Parts / 74
Listed Parts / 74
Unlisted Parts / 74
Direct Mail Order System / 74
Exchange Assemblies / 75
Exploded Views / 76
Replaceable Parts List / 77

7 Safety Notices
Warnings / 82
To clean the instrument / 83
Safety Symbols / 84


2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 7


8 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Figure 1. Constructing the 8-by-2 Connector / 22
Figure 2. Setting Up Equipment for Digital Channel Threshold Accuracy Test / 26
Figure 3. Setting up Equipment for DC Vertical Gain Accuracy Test / 32
Figure 4. Using a Blocking Capacitor to Reduce Noise / 34
Figure 5. Setting up Equipment for Dual Cursor Accuracy Test / 38
Figure 6. Using a Blocking Capacitor to Reduce Noise / 39
Figure 7. Setting Up Equipment for Bandwidth (-3 dB) Verification Test / 41
Figure 8. Setting Up Equipment for Internal Trigger Sensitivity Test / 48
Figure 9. Setting Up Equipment for 4-Channel External Trigger Sensitivity
Test / 51
Figure 10. User Calibration cable for 2-channel oscilloscope / 60
Figure 11. User Calibration cable for 4-channel oscilloscope / 60
Figure 12. Default setup screen / 68
Figure 13. Example pulses / 70
Figure 14. Exploded View / 76

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 9


10 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Table 1. List of test equipment / 19
Table 2. Conventions / 20
Table 3. Materials required to construct the test connectors / 21
Table 4. Equipment Required to Test Digital Channel Threshold Accuracy / 25
Table 5. Threshold Accuracy Voltage Test Settings / 27
Table 6. DC Vertical Gain Accuracy Test Limits / 28
Table 7. Equipment Required to Verify DC Vertical Gain Accuracy / 29
Table 8. Settings Used to Verify DC Vertical Gain Accuracy, 2000 X-Series
Models / 30
Table 9. Settings Used to Verify DC Vertical Gain Accuracy, 3000 X-Series
Models / 31
Table 10. Equipment Required to Verify Dual Cursor Accuracy / 35
Table 11. Settings Used to Verify Dual Cursor Accuracy, 2000 X-Series Models / 36
Table 12. Settings Used to Verify Dual Cursor Accuracy, 3000 X-Series Models / 37
Table 13. Bandwidth (-3 dB) Test Limits / 40
Table 14. Equipment Required to Verify Bandwidth (-3 dB) / 40
Table 15. Equipment Required to Verify Time Base Accuracy / 45
Table 16. Equipment Required to Verify Trigger Sensitivity / 47
Table 17. Replaceable Parts / 77

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 11


12 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope
Service Guide

1 Characteristics and
Power Requirements / 13
Measurement Category / 14
Environmental Conditions / 16
Specifications / 16
Contact us / 16

This chapter contains a partial list of characteristics and specifications for the
Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes.
For a full list of Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes
characteristics and specifications see the data sheets.
The data sheets are available at or

Power Requirements
Line voltage, frequency, and power:
• ~Line 100-120 Vac, 50/60/400 Hz
• 100-240 Vac, 50/60 Hz
• 100 W max

1 Characteristics and Specifications

Measurement Category

Measurement Category
The InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes are not intended to be used for
measurements in Measurement Category II, III, or IV.

Use this instrument only for measurements within its specified measurement category
(not rated for CAT II, III, IV). No transient overvol tages allowed.

Measurement Category Definitions

The "Not rated for CAT II, III, IV" measurement category is for measurements
performed on circuits not directly connected to MAINS. Examples are
measurements on circuits not derived from MAINS, and specially protected
(internal) MAINS derived circuits. In the latter case, transient stresses are variable;
for that reason, the transient withstand capability of the equipment is made known
to the user.
Measurement category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly
connected to the low voltage installation. Examples are measurements on
household appliances, portable tools and similar equipment.
Measurement category III is for measurements performed in the building
installation. Examples are measurements on distribution boards, circuit-breakers,
wiring, including cables, bus-bars, junction boxes, switches, socket-outlets in the
fixed installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other equipment, for
example, stationary motors with permanent connection to the fixed installation.
Measurement category IV is for measurements performed at the source of the
low-voltage installation. Examples are electricity meters and measurements on
primary overcurrent protection devices and ripple control units.

14 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Characteristics and Specifications 1

Maximum Input Voltage

Maximum input voltage for analog inputs

135 Vrms

Do not exceed 5 Vrms in 50 Ω mode (3000 X-Series oscilloscopes only). Input protection
is enabled in 50 Ω mode, and the 50 Ω load will disconnect if greater than 5 Vrms is
detected. However, the input could still be damaged, depending on the time constant of
the signal. The 50 Ω input protection mode only functions when the oscilloscope is
powered on.

When measuring voltages over 30 V, use a 10:1 probe.


Maximum input voltage for logic channels:

±40 V peak

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 15

1 Characteristics and Specifications

Environmental Conditions

Environment Indoor use only.

Ambient Operating 5 °C to +55 °C; non-operating –40 °C to +71 °C


Humidity Operating: Up to 80% RH at or below +40 °C. Up to 45% RH up to +50 °C.

Non-operating: Up to 95% RH up to +40 °C. Up to 45% RH up to +50 °C.

Altitude Operating and non-operating to 4,000 m (13,123 ft)

Overvoltage This product is intended to be powered by MAINS that comply to Overvoltage

Category Category II, which is typical of cord-and-plug connected equipment.

Pollution Degree The InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes may be operated in

environments of Pollution Degree 2 (or Pollution Degree 1).

Pollution Degree Pollution Degree 1: No pollution or only dry, non-conductive pollution occurs.
Definitions The pollution has no influence. Example: A clean room or climate controlled
office environment.
Pollution Degree 2. Normally only dry non-conductive pollution occurs.
Occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation may occur.
Example: General indoor environment.
Pollution Degree 3: Conductive pollution occurs, or dry, non-conductive
pollution occurs which becomes conductive due to condensation which is
expected. Example: Sheltered outdoor environment.

Please see the InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Data Sheet for
complete, up-to-date specifications and characteristics.
To download a copy of the data sheet please visit: or

Contact us
To contact Keysight, see:

16 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope
Service Guide

2 Testing Performance
Overview / 18
List of Test Equipment / 19
To construct the test connector (for use with MSO models only) / 21
To test digital channels (MSO models only) / 23
To verify digital channel threshold accuracy (MSO models only) / 24
To verify DC vertical gain accuracy / 28
To verify dual cursor accuracy / 35
To verify band width (-3 dB) / 40
To verify time base accuracy / 45
To verify trigger sensitivity / 47
Keysight 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Performance Test Record / 53
Keysight 3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Performance Test Record / 55

This chapter explains how to verify correct oscilloscope operation and perform
tests to ensure that the oscilloscope meets the performance specifications.

2 Testing Performance

To completely test and troubleshoot MSO models, create and use the test
connector accessory as described in this chapter.
• The test connector is only required for oscilloscopes that have the MSO option
licensed (enabled).
• The connector is used in the digital channel threshold accuracy test.
• The test connector keeps electrical distortion to a minimum and makes it easy
for you to connect the oscilloscope probes to function generators and
measurement equipment.

Let the Equipment Warm Up Before Testing

For accurate test results, let the test equipment and the oscilloscope warm up 30
minutes before testing.

Verifying Test Results

During the tests, record the readings in the Performance Test Record on page 53.
To verify whether a test passes, verify that the reading is within the limits in the
Performance Test Record.

If a performance test fails

If a performance test fails, first perform the User Cal procedure. Press the following keys to access User
Cal: [Utility]→Service→Start User Cal.

18 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

List of Test Equipment

Below is a list of test equipment and accessories required to perform the
performance test verification procedures.

Table 1 List of test equipment

Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/ Part Number

Test connector, 8-by-2* See page 21 for instructions on building test n/a
Digital Multimeter 0.1 mV resolution, 0.005% accuracy Keysight 34401A/34461A
Power Splitter Outputs differ by 0.15 dB Keysight 11667A
Precision Source DC voltage of -5.5 V to 35.5 V, 0.1 mV resolution Keysight B2912A/B2962A
Signal Generator 25 MHz, 100 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz sine Keysight N5171B
Power Meter 1 GHz ±3% accuracy Keysight N1914A
Power Sensor 1 GHz ±3% accuracy Keysight E9304A or N8482A
50 Ω BNC Cable (qty 3) BNC - BNC, 48” length Keysight 8120-1840†
Cable Type N (m) 609.6 mm (24 in.) Keysight 11500B
Probe cable* No substitute 16-chanel: Keysight N6450-60001 or
8-channel: Keysight N6459-60001 or
Adapter (qty 2) BNC(f) to banana (m) Keysight 1251-2277†
BNC Tee BNC Tee (m) (f) (f) Keysight 1250-0781† or Pomona 3285
Adapter Type N (m) to BNC (m) Keysight 1250-0082 or
Pomona 3288 with Pomona 3533
* Required only for testing digital channels of oscilloscopes that have the MSO option.
Most parts and equipment are available at See respective manufacturer’s websites for their equipment.

These parts available at at the time this manual was published.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 19

2 Testing Performance

Table 1 List of test equipment (continued)

Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/ Part Number

Shorting cap BNC Keysight 1250-0774
Blocking capacitor Note: if a BNC blocking capacitor is not available use Keysight 11742A +
an SMA blocking capacitor. Pomona 4289 +
Pomona 5088
50 Ohm Feedthrough 50Ω BNC (f) to BNC (m) Keysight 0960-0301
* Required only for testing digital channels of oscilloscopes that have the MSO option.
Most parts and equipment are available at See respective manufacturer’s websites for their equipment.
† These parts available at at the time this manual was published.

The following conventions will be used when referring to oscilloscope models
throughout this chapter.

Table 2 Conventions

Models Referred to as:

MSO-X /DSO-X 2002A, MSO-X /DSO-X 2004A 70 MHz Models

MSO-X /DSO-X 2012A, MSO-X /DSO-X 2014A 100 MHz Models

MSO-X /DSO-X 3012A, MSO-X /DSO-X 3014A

MSO-X /DSO-X 2022A, MSO-X /DSO-X 2024A 200 MHz Models

MSO-X /DSO-X 3024A

MSO-X /DSO-X 3032A, MSO-X /DSO-X 3034A 350 MHz Models

MSO-X /DSO-X 3052A, MSO-X /DSO-X 3054A 500 MHz Models

MSO-X /DSO-X 3102A, MSO-X /DSO-X 3104A 1 GHz Models

20 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

To construct the test connector (for use with MSO models only)
Keysight 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes that have digital channels enabled
require the test connector described below. Follow the steps to build the test

Table 3 Materials required to construct the test connectors

Description Recommended Part Qty

BNC (f) Connector Keysight 1250-1032 or 1

Pomona 4578

Berg Strip, 8-by-2 3M .100” x .100” Pin Strip 1 strip, cut to length (8x2)
Header or similar

Jumper wire

1 Obtain a BNC connector and an 8-by-2 section of Berg strip. A longer strip can
be cut to length using wire cutters.
2 On one side of the Berg strip, solder a jumper wire to all of the pins (shown in
Figure 1 on page 22).
3 On the other side of the Berg strip, solder another jumper wire to all of the pins.
4 Solder the center of the BNC connector to a center pin on one of the rows on
the Berg strip.
5 Solder the ground tab of the BNC connector to a center pin on the other row on
the Berg strip.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 21

2 Testing Performance

Jumper (2)

Ground Lead
(from scope’s MSO cable)

Signal Lead
(from scope’s MSO cable)

8 x 2 Berg Strip

BNC Panel Mount Connector

Figure 1 Constructing the 8-by-2 Connector

22 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

To test digital channels (MSO models only)

The acquisition system testing provides confidence that the acquisition system is
functioning correctly. It does not, however, check a particular specification.
1 Disconnect all probes from the circuit under test and from any other input
2 Using probe leads and grabbers, connect digital channels D0, D1, D2, and D3
to the Probe Comp signal on the center of the front panel.
3 Press the [AutoScale] key.
If four square waves appear, the acquisition system is functioning correctly.
If the square waves do not appear, go to the “Troubleshooting” chapter. Then
return here to finish testing the digital channels.
4 Disconnect the digital channels from the calibration point.
5 Use steps 2 and 3 to test the following sets of digital channels. After you test
one set of digital channels, remove them before connecting the next set.
• D4, D5, D6, D7
• D8, D9, D10, D11 (on 3000 X-Series models)
• D12, D13, D14, D15 (on 3000 X-Series models)

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 23

2 Testing Performance

To verify digital channel threshold accuracy (MSO models only)

This test verifies the digital channel threshold accuracy specification of the
Keysight 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes.
Threshold accuracy test limits: ±(100 mV + 3% of threshold setting)

When to Test
You should perform this test every 12 months or after 2000 hours of operation,
whichever comes first.

What to Test
Use these instructions to test the threshold settings of digital channels D7-D0.
Then, use the same instructions to test digital channels D15-D8 (on
3000 X-Series).

Verifying Test Results

After each threshold test, record the voltage reading in the Performance Test
Record on page 53. To verify whether a test passes, verify that the voltage reading
is within the limits in the Performance Test Record.

24 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

Table 4 Equipment Required to Test Digital Channel Threshold Accuracy

Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part

Digital Multimeter 0.1 mV resolution, 0.005% accuracy Keysight 34401A/34461A

Precision Source DC voltage of -5.5 V to 5.5 V, 10 mV resolution Keysight B2912A/B2962A

Adapter (qty 2) BNC(f) to banana (m) Keysight 1251-2277

BNC Tee BNC Tee (m) (f) (f) Keysight 1250-0781 or Pomona 3285

50 Ω BNC Cable BNC - BNC, 48” length Keysight 8120-1840

BNC Test Connector, User-built (See page 21)


Probe Cable No substitute 16-chanel: Keysight N6450-60001 or

8-channel: Keysight N6459-60001 or

1 Turn on the test equipment and the oscilloscope. Let them warm up for 30
minutes before starting the test.
2 Set up the precision source.
a Set the precision source to provide a DC offset voltage at the Channel 1
Note: Set the Low Force terminal of the Precision Source to its "Floating"
state to prevent offset error caused by ground loop current from the
Precision Source ground to the DUT ground.
b Use the multimeter to monitor the precision source DC output voltage.
3 Use the 8-by-2 test connector and the BNC cable assembly to connect digital
channels D0-D7 to one side of the BNC Tee. Then connect the D0-D7 ground
lead to the ground side of the 8-by-2 connector. See Figure 2.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 25

2 Testing Performance

Precision Source

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope


BNC Tee Probe


BNC-Bananna Channels
Cable Test Channels 8 - 15
Connector 0-7

Figure 2 Setting Up Equipment for Digital Channel Threshold Accuracy Test

4 Use a BNC-banana cable to connect the multimeter to the other side of the
BNC Tee.
5 Connect the BNC Tee to the Channel 1 output of the precision source as shown
in Figure 2.
6 On the oscilloscope, press the [Digital] key, then press the Threshold s softkey,
then press the D7 - D0 softkey repeatedly until the check mark is next to User.

26 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

7 Press the User softkey to the right of the D7 - D0 softkey, then turn the Entry
knob ( ) on the front panel of the oscilloscope to set the threshold test
settings as shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Threshold Accuracy Voltage Test Settings

Threshold vol tage setting (in DC offset vol tage setting (on Limits
oscilloscope User softkey) precision source)

+5.00 V +5.250 V ±1 mV dc Lower limit = +4.750 V

Upper limit = +5.250 V

–5.00 V –4.750 V ±1 mV dc Lower limit = –5.250 V

Upper limit = –4.750 V

0.00 V +100m V ±1 mV dc Upper limit = +100 mV

Lower limit = –100 mV

8 Do the following steps for each of the threshold voltage levels shown in Table 5.
a Set the threshold voltage shown in the User softkey using the Entry knob on
the oscilloscope.
b Enter the corresponding DC offset voltage on the precision source front
panel. Then use the multimeter to verify the voltage.
Digital channel activity indicators are displayed on the status line at the top
of the oscilloscope display. The activity indicators for D7-D0 should show all
of the channels at digital high levels.
c Use the knob on the precision source to decrease the offset voltage, in
increments of 10 mV, until the activity indicators for digital channels D7-D0
are all at digital low levels. Record the precision source voltage in the
Performance Test Record (see page 53).
d Use the knob on the precision source to increase the offset voltage, in
increments of 10 mV, until the activity indicators for digital channels D7-D0
are all at digital high levels. Record the precision source voltage in the
Performance Test Record (see page 53).
Before proceeding to the next step, make sure that you have recorded the
precision source voltage levels for each of the threshold settings shown in
Table 5.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 27

2 Testing Performance

9 When testing 3000 X-Series MSOs, use the 8-by-2 test connector to connect
digital channels D15-D8 to the output of the precision source. Then connect
the D15-D8 ground lead to the ground side of the 8-by-2 connector.
10 Repeat this procedure (steps 6 through 8) for digital channels D15-D8 to verify
threshold accuracy and record the threshold levels in the Performance Test
Record (see page 53). Be sure to set the thresholds with the User softkey for the
appropriate set of channels.

To verify DC vertical gain accuracy

This test verifies the accuracy of the analog channel DC vertical gain for each
In this test, you will measure the dc voltage output of a precision source using the
oscilloscope’s Average - Full Screen voltage measurement and compare the results
with the multimeter reading.

Table 6 DC Vertical Gain Accuracy Test Limits

Models Test Limits Notes

2000 X-Series ±3% of full scale (>= 10 mV/div); • Full scale is defined as 32 mV on the 2 mV/div range
±4% of full scale (< 10 mV/div) and the 1 mV/div range.
• Full scale on all other ranges is defined as 8 divisions
3000 X-Series ±2.0% of full scale times the V/div setting.

28 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

Table 7 Equipment Required to Verify DC Vertical Gain Accuracy

Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part

Precision Source DC voltage of 7 mV to 35 V, 0.1 mV resolution Keysight B2912A/B2962A

Digital multimeter Better than 0.01% accuracy Keysight 34401A/34461A

50 Ω BNC Cable (qty 2) BNC - BNC, 48” length Keysight 8120-1840

Adapter (qty 2) BNC (f) to banana (m) Keysight 1251-2277

BNC Tee BNC tee (m) (f) (f) Keysight 1250-0781 or Pomona 3285

Shorting cap BNC Keysight 1250-0774

Blocking capacitor Note: if a BNC blocking capacitor is not available use Keysight 11742A +
an SMA blocking capacitor. Pomona 4289 +
Pomona 5088

1 Press [Save/Recall] > Defaul t/Erase > Factory Defaul t to recall the factory default
2 If you are testing a 2000 X-Series oscilloscope, set the probe attenuation to 1:1
on the analog channel you are testing (for example, [1] > Probe > Probe; then,
turn the Entry knob to select 1.00 : 1).
3 Set up the oscilloscope.
a Adjust the horizontal scale to 200.0 us/d iv.
b Set the Volts/Div setting to the value in the first line in Table 8 or Table 9
(depending on the oscilloscope model).
c Adjust the channel’s vertical position knob to place the baseline (reference
level) at 0.5 major division from the bottom of the display.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 29

2 Testing Performance

Table 8 Settings Used to Verify DC Vertical Gain Accuracy, 2000 X-Series Models

Vol ts/Div Setting Precision Source Setting Test Limits

5 V/Div 35 V 33.8 V to 36.2 V

2 V/Div 14 V 13.52 V to 14.48 V

1 V/Div 7V 6.76 V to 7.24 V

500 mV/Div 3.5 V 3.38 V to 3.62 V

200 mV/Div 1.4 V 1.352 V to 1.448 V

100 mV/Div 700 mV 676 mV to 724 mV

50 mV/Div 350 mV 338 mV to 362 mV

20 mV/Div 140 mV 135.2 mV to 144.8 mV

10 mV/Div 70 mV 67.6 mV to 72.4 mV

5 mV/Div1 35 mV 33.4 mV to 36.6 mV

2 mV/Div1, 2 14 mV 12.72 mV to 15.28 mV

1 mV/Div1, 2 7 mV 5.72 mV to 8.28 mV

1 A blocking capacitor is required at this range to reduce noise. See “Use
a Blocking Capacitor to
Reduce Noise" on page 34.

2 Full scale is defined as 32 mV on the 2 mV/div and the 1 mV/div range. Full scale on all other ranges

is defined as 8 divisions times the V/div setting.

30 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

Table 9 Settings Used to Verify DC Vertical Gain Accuracy, 3000 X-Series Models

Vol ts/Div Setting Precision Source Setting Test Limits

5 V/Div 35 V 34.2 V to 35.8 V

2 V/Div 14 V 13.68 V to 14.32 V

1 V/Div 7V 6.84 V to 7.16 V

500 mV/Div 3.5 V 3.42 V to 3.58 V

200 mV/Div 1.4 V 1.368 V to 1.432 V

100 mV/Div 700 mV 684 mV to 716 mV

50 mV/Div 350 mV 342 mV to 358 mV

20 mV/Div 140 mV 136.8 mV to 143.2 mV

10 mV/Div 70 mV 68.4 mV to 71.6 mV

5 mV/Div1 35 mV 34.2 mV to 35.8 mV

2 mV/Div1, 2 14 mV 13.36 mV to 14.64 mV

1 mV/Div1, 2 7 mV 6.36 mV to 7.64 mV

1 A blocking capacitor is required at this range to reduce noise. See “Use
a Blocking Capacitor to
Reduce Noise" on page 34.

2 Full scale is defined as 32 mV on the 2 mV/div range and the 1 mV/div range. Full scale on all other

ranges is defined as 8 divisions times the V/div setting.

d Press the [Acquire] key.

e Then press the Acq Mode softkey and select Averaging.
f Then press the #Avgs softkey and set it to 64.
Wait a few seconds for the measurement to settle.
4 Add a measurement for the average voltage:
a Press the [Meas] key.
b Press Source; then, turn the Entry knob (labeled on the front panel) to
select the channel you are testing.
c Press Type:; then, turn the Entry knob to select Average - Full Screen, and press
Add Measurement.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 31

2 Testing Performance

5 Read the “current” average voltage value as V1.

6 Use the BNC tee and cables to connect the precision source /power supply to
both the oscilloscope and the multimeter (see Figure 3).
Note: Set the Low Force terminal of the Precision Source to its "Floating" state
to prevent offset error caused by ground loop current from the Precision Source
ground to the DUT ground.


Precision Source

BNC Tee Digital


BNC (f) to dual

bananna adapter

Figure 3 Setting up Equipment for DC Vertical Gain Accuracy Test

32 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

7 Adjust the output so that the multimeter reading displays the first Volts/div
precision source setting value in Table 8 or Table 9 (depending on the
oscilloscope model).
8 Disconnect the multimeter.
9 Wait until the measurement settles.
10 Read the “current” average voltage value again as V2.
11 Calculate the difference V2 - V1.
The difference in average voltage readings should be within the test limits of
Table 8 or Table 9 (depending on the oscilloscope model).
If a result is not within the test limits, go to the “Troubleshooting” chapter. Then
return here.
12 Disconnect the precision source from the oscilloscope.
13 Repeat this procedure to check the DC vertical gain accuracy with the
remaining Volts/div setting values in Table 8 or Table 9 (depending on the
oscilloscope model).
14 Finally, repeat this procedure for the remaining channels to be tested.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 33

2 Testing Performance

Use a Blocking Capacitor to Reduce Noise

On the more sensitive ranges, such as 1 mV/div, 2 mV/div, and 5 mV/div, noise
may be a factor. To eliminate the noise, add a BNC Tee, blocking capacitor, and
shorting cap at the oscilloscope channel input to shunt the noise to ground. See
Figure 4. If a BNC capacitor is not available, use an SMA blocking capacitor,
adapter, and cap. See “Blocking capacitor in the equipment list on page 20 for


BNC shorting

To oscilloscope input

Figure 4 Using a Blocking Capacitor to Reduce Noise

34 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

To verify dual cursor accuracy

This test verifies the dual cursor accuracy for each analog channel.
This test is similar to the test for verifying the DC vertical gain, except you will
measure the dc voltage output of a precision source using dual cursors on the
oscilloscope and compare the results with the multimeter reading.
Dual cursor accuracy test limits: ±[DC vertical gain accuracy + 0.5% full scale]
For the DC vertical gain accuracy test limits, see Table 6 on page 28.

Table 10 Equipment Required to Verify Dual Cursor Accuracy

Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part

Precision Source DC voltage of 7 mV to 35 V, 0.1 mV resolution Keysight B2912A/B2962A

Digital multimeter Better than 0.01% accuracy Keysight 34401A/34461A

50 Ω BNC Cable (qty 2) BNC - BNC, 48” length Keysight 8120-1840

Adapter (qty 2) BNC (f) to banana (m) Keysight 1251-2277

BNC Tee BNC tee (m) (f) (f) Keysight 1250-0781 or Pomona 3285

Shorting cap BNC Keysight 1250-0774

Blocking capacitor Note: if a BNC blocking capacitor is not available use Keysight 11742A +
an SMA blocking capacitor. Pomona 4289 +
Pomona 5088

1 Press [Save/Recall] > Defaul t/Erase > Factory Defaul t to recall the factory default
2 If you are testing a 2000 X-Series oscilloscope, set the probe attenuation to 1:1
on the analog channel you are testing (for example, [1] > Probe > Probe; then,
turn the Entry knob to select 1.00 : 1).
3 Set up the oscilloscope.
a Set the Volts/Div setting to the value in the first line in Table 11 or Table 12
(depending on the oscilloscope model).
b Adjust the channel 1 position knob to place the baseline at 0.5 major division
from the bottom of the display.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 35

2 Testing Performance

Table 11 Settings Used to Verify Dual Cursor Accuracy, 2000 X-Series Models

Vol ts/Div Setting Precision Source Setting Test Limits

5 V/Div 35 V 33.6 V to 36.4 V

2 V/Div 14 V 13.44 V to 14.56 V

1 V/Div 7V 6.72 V to 7.28 V

500 mV/Div 3.5 V 3.36 V to 3.64 V

200 mV/Div 1.4 V 1.344 V to 1.456 V

100 mV/Div 700 mV 672 mV to 728 mV

50 mV/Div 350 mV 336 mV to 364 mV

20 mV/Div 140 mV 134.4 mV to 145.6 mV

10 mV/Div 70 mV 67.2 mV to 72.8 mV

5 mV/Div1 35 mV 33.2 mV to 36.8 mV

2 mV/Div1, 2 14 mV 12.56 mV to 15.44 mV

1 mV/Div1, 2 7 mV 5.56 mV to 8.44 mV

1 A blocking capacitor is required at this range to reduce noise. See “Use
a Blocking Capacitor to
Reduce Noise" on page 39.

2 Full scale is defined as 32 mV on the 2 mV/div range and the 1 mV/div range. Full scale on all other

ranges is defined as 8 divisions times the V/div setting.

36 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

Table 12 Settings Used to Verify Dual Cursor Accuracy, 3000 X-Series Models

Vol ts/Div Setting Precision Source Setting Test Limits

5 V/Div 35 V 34.0 V to 36.0 V

2 V/Div 14 V 13.6 V to 14.4 V

1 V/Div 7V 6.8 V to 7.2 V

500 mV/Div 3.5 V 3.4 V to 3.6 V

200 mV/Div 1.4 V 1.36 V to 1.44 V

100 mV/Div 700 mV 680 mV to 720 mV

50 mV/Div 350 mV 340 mV to 360 mV

20 mV/Div 140 mV 136 mV to 144 mV

10 mV/Div 70 mV 68 mV to 72 mV

5 mV/Div1 35 mV 34 mV to 36 mV

2 mV/Div1, 2 14 mV 13.2 mV to 14.8 mV

1 mV/Div1, 2 7 mV 6.2 mV to 7.8 mV

1 A blocking capacitor is required at this range to reduce noise. See “Use
a Blocking Capacitor to
Reduce Noise" on page 39.

2 Full scale is defined as 32 mV on the 2 mV/div range and the 1 mV/div range. Full scale on all other

ranges is defined as 8 divisions times the V/div setting.

c Press the [Acquire] key.

d Then press the Acq Mode softkey and select Averaging.
e Then press the #Avgs softkey and set it to 64.
Wait a few seconds for the measurement to settle.
4 Press the [Cursors] key, set the Mode softkey to Manual, then press the X Y softkey
and select Y. Press the Y1 softkey, then use the Entry knob (labeled on the
front panel) to set the Y1 cursor on the baseline of the signal.
5 Use the BNC tee and cables to connect the precision source /power supply to
both the oscilloscope and the multimeter (see Figure 5).

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 37

2 Testing Performance

Note: Set the Low Force terminal of the Precision Source to its "Floating" state
to prevent offset error caused by ground loop current from the Precision Source
ground to the DUT ground.


Precision Source

BNC Tee Digital


BNC (f) to dual

bananna adapter

Figure 5 Setting up Equipment for Dual Cursor Accuracy Test

6 Adjust the output so that the multimeter reading displays the first Volts/div
precision source setting value in Table 11 or Table 12 (depending on the
oscilloscope model).
7 Disconnect the multimeter.

38 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

8 Wait until the measurement settles.

9 Press the Y2 softkey, then position the Y2 cursor to the center of the voltage
trace using the Entry knob.
The ΔY value on the lower line of the display should be within the test limits of
Table 11 or Table 12 (depending on the oscilloscope model).
If a result is not within the test limits, go to the “Troubleshooting” chapter. Then
return here.
10 Disconnect the precision source from the oscilloscope.
11 Repeat this procedure to check the dual cursor accuracy with the remaining
Volts/div setting values in Table 11 or Table 12 (depending on the oscilloscope
12 Finally, repeat this procedure for the remaining channels to be tested.

Use a Blocking Capacitor to Reduce Noise

On the more sensitive ranges, such as 1 mV/div, 2 mV/div, and 5 mV/div, noise
may be a factor. To eliminate the noise, add a BNC Tee, blocking capacitor, and
shorting cap at the oscilloscope channel input to shunt the noise to ground. See
Figure 6. If a BNC capacitor is not available, use an SMA blocking capacitor,
adapter, and cap. See “Blocking capacitor in the equipment list on page 20 for


BNC shorting

To oscilloscope input

Figure 6 Using a Blocking Capacitor to Reduce Noise

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 39

2 Testing Performance

To verify bandwidth (-3 dB)

This test checks the bandwidth (-3 dB) of the oscilloscope. In this test you will use
a signal generator and a power meter.

Table 13 Band width (-3 dB) Test Limits

Models Test Limits

1 GHz Models All channels (-3 dB), dc to 1 GHz

500 MHz Models All channels (-3 dB), dc to 500 MHz

350 MHz Models All channels (-3 dB), dc to 350 MHz

200 MHz Models All channels (-3 dB), dc to 200 MHz

100 MHz Models All channels (-3 dB), dc to 100 MHz

70 MHz Models All channels (-3 dB), dc to 70 MHz

Table 14 Equipment Required to Verify Band width (-3 dB)

Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part

Signal Generator 100 kHz - 1 GHz at 200 mVrms Keysight N5171B

Power Meter 1 MHz - 1 GHz ±3% accuracy Keysight N1914A

Power Sensor 1 MHz - 1 GHz ±3% accuracy Keysight E9304A or N8482A

Power Splitter outputs differ by < 0.15 dB Keysight 11667A

Cable Type N (m) 24 inch Keysight 11500B

Adapter Type N (m) to BNC (m) Keysight 1250-0082 or

Pomona 3288 with Pomona 3533

50 Ohm Feedthrough 50Ω BNC (f) to BNC (m), when testing 2000 X-Series Keysight 0960-0301
Termination oscilloscopes

40 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

1 Connect the equipment (see Figure 7).

a Use the N cable to connect the signal generator to the input of the power
splitter input.
b Connect the power sensor to one output of the power splitter.
c Use an N-to-BNC adapter to connect the other splitter output to the
channel 1 input.



N to BNC Adapter

Power Splitter

Power Sensor N Cable


Figure 7 Setting Up Equipment for Band width (-3 dB) Verification Test

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 41

2 Testing Performance

2 Set up the power meter.

Set the power meter to display measurements in units of watts.
3 Set up the oscilloscope.
a Press the [Defaul t Setup] key.
b Set channel 1 Coupling to DC.
c With 2000 X-Series oscilloscopes, connect a 50 ohm feedthrough
With 3000 X-Series oscilloscopes, set channel 1 Imped to 50 Ohm.
d Set the time base to 500 ns/div.
e Set the Volts/Div for channel 1 to 200 mV/div.
f Press the [Acquire] key, then press the Averaging softkey.
g Turn the Entry knob to set # Avgs to 8 averages.
4 Set the signal generator for 1 MHz and six divisions of amplitude.
The signal on the oscilloscope screen should be about five cycles at six
divisions amplitude.
5 Set up the Amplitude measurement
a Press the [Meas] key.
b Press the Clear Meas softkey and then the Clear All softkey.
c Press the Type: softkey and use the Entry knob to select AC RMS - Full Screen
(Std Deviation) within the select menu.
d Press the Add Measurement softkey.
6 Note the oscilloscope AC RMS - FS(1) reading at the bottom of the screen.
(This is the RMS value with any dc offset removed.)
7 Note the oscilloscope Std Dev(1) reading at the bottom of the screen. (This will
be used in later calculations.)
8 Set the power meter Cal Factor % to the 1 MHz value on the calibration chart
on the power sensor.
9 Note the reading on the power meter and covert to Vrms using the expression:

Vin1MHz = Pmeas 1MHz × 50Ω

For example, if the power meter reading is 892 uW, then Vin1MHz = (892*10-6 *
50Ω)1/2 = 211.2 mVrms.

42 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

10 Change the signal generator output frequency according to the maximum

frequency for the oscilloscope using the following:
• 1 GHz Models: 1 GHz
• 500 MHz Models: 500 MHz
• 350 MHz Models: 350 MHz
• 200 MHz Models: 200 MHz
• 100 MHz Models: 100 MHz
• 70 MHz Models: 70 MHz
11 Referencing the frequency from step 9, set the power meter Cal Factor % to the
frequency value on the calibration chart on the power sensor.
12 Set the oscilloscope sweep speed according to the following:
• 1 GHz Models: 500 ps/div
• 500 MHz Models: 1 ns/div
• 350 MHz Models: 2 ns/div
• 200 MHz Models: 2 ns/div
• 100 MHz Models: 5 ns/div
• 70 MHz Models: 5 ns/div
13 Note the oscilloscope Std Dev(1) reading at the bottom of the screen.
14 Note the reading on the power meter and covert to Vrms using the expression:

Vinmaxfreq = Pmeas maxfreq × 50Ω

15 Calculate the response using the expression:

response(dB) = 20 log10 
Vout max freq / Vin max freq 
 Vout 
 1 M Hz / Vin 1 MHz 
Example If:
Pmeas1_MHz = 892 uW
Std Dev(n) 1MHz = 210.4 mV
Pmeas max_freq = 687 uW
Std Dev(n) max freq = 161.6 mV

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 43

2 Testing Performance

Then after converting the values from the power meter to Vrms:

response(dB) = 20 log10 161.6 mV / 185.3 mV  = -1.16 dB

 
 210.4 mV/ 211.2 mV 
16 The result from step 14 should be between +3.0 dB and -3.0 dB. Record the
result in the Performance Test Record (see page 53).
17 Move the power splitter from the channel 1 to the channel 2 input.
18 Turn off the current channel and turn on the next channel using the channel
19 Repeat steps 3 through 17 for the remaining channels, setting the parameters
of the channel being tested where appropriate.

44 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

To verify time base accuracy

This test verifies the accuracy of the time base. In this test you will measure the
absolute error of the time base oscillator and compare the results to the
Table 15 Equipment Required to Verify Time Base Accuracy

Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part

Signal Generator 100 kHz - 1 GHz, 0.01 Hz frequency resolution, Keysight N5171B
jitter: < 2ps

50 Ω BNC Cable BNC - BNC, 48” length Keysight 8120-1840

50 Ohm Feedthrough 50Ω BNC (f) to BNC (m), when testing 2000 X-Series Keysight 0960-0301
Termination oscilloscopes

1 Set up the signal generator.

a Set the output to 10 MHz, approximately 1 Vpp sine wave.
2 Connect the output of the signal generator to oscilloscope channel 1 using the
BNC cable. When testing 2000 X-Series oscilloscopes, also connect a 50 ohm
feedthrough termination between the channel 1 input and the BNC cable.
3 Set up the oscilloscope:
a Press [AutoScale].
b Set the oscilloscope Channel 1 vertical sensitivity to 200 mv/div.
c Set the oscilloscope horizontal sweep speed control to 5 ns/div.
d Adjust the intensity to get a sharp, clear trace.
e Adjust the oscilloscope’s trigger level so that the rising edge of the
waveform at the center of the screen is located where the center horizontal
and vertical grid lines cross (center screen).
f Ensure the horizontal position control is set to 0.0 seconds.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 45

2 Testing Performance

4 Make the measurement.

a Set oscilloscope horizontal sweep speed control to 1 ms/div.
b Set horizontal position control to +1 ms (rotate control CCW).
c Set the oscilloscope horizontal sweep speed control to 5 ns/div.
d Record the number of nanoseconds from where the rising edge crosses the
center horizontal grid line to the center vertical grid line. The number of
nanoseconds is equivalent to the time base error in ppm.
e Use the date code on the oscilloscope’s serial tag to calculate the number of
years since manufacture. Include any fractional portion of a year.
Date Code:
07 = Year
47 = Week

f Use the following formula to calculate the test limits.

Time base accuracy limit: ±25 ppm ±5 ppm per year (aging)
g Record the result and compare it to the limits in the Performance Test
Record (see page 53).

46 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

To verify trigger sensitivity

This test verifies the trigger sensitivity. In this test, you will apply a sine wave to
the oscilloscope at the upper bandwidth limit. You will then decrease the
amplitude of the signal to the specified levels, and check to see if the oscilloscope
is still triggered.
Test limits for:
• Internal trigger sensitivity on all models:
• < 10 mV/div: greater of 1 div or 5 mVpp
• >= 10 mV/div: 0.6 div
• External trigger sensitivity on all models:
• DC to 100 MHz: < 200 mVpp
• 100 MHz - 200 MHz: < 350 mVpp

Table 16 Equipment Required to Verify Trigger Sensitivity

Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part

Signal Generator 25 MHz, 100 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz sine Keysight N5171B

Power splitter Outputs differ < 0.15 dB Keysight 11667A

Power Meter Keysight N1914A

Power Sensor Keysight E9304A or N8482A

Cable Type N (m) 24 inch Keysight 11500B

Adapter Type N (m) to BNC (m) Keysight 1250-0082 or

Pomona 3288 with Pomona 3533

50 Ohm Feedthrough 50Ω BNC (f) to BNC (m) Keysight 0960-0301


2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 47

2 Testing Performance

Test Internal Trigger Sensitivity (all models)

1 On the oscilloscope, press the [Defaul t Setup] key.
2 Press the [Mode/Coupling] key; then, press the Mode softkey to select Normal.
3 Connect the equipment (see Figure 8).
a Connect the signal generator output to the oscilloscope channel 1 input.



N to BNC Adapter

N Cable

Figure 8 Setting Up Equipment for Internal Trigger Sensitivity Test

b With 2000 X-Series oscilloscopes, connect a 50 ohm feedthrough

termination between the channel 1 input and the BNC cable.
With 3000 X-Series oscilloscopes, set channel 1 Imped to 50 Ohm.
4 To verify the trigger sensitivity at the oscilloscope’s maximum bandwidth, set
the output frequency of the signal generator to the maximum bandwidth of the
• 1 GHz models: 1 GHz.
• 500 MHz models: 500 MHz.
• 350 MHz models: 350 MHz.

48 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

• 200 MHz models: 200 MHz.

• 100 MHz models: 100 MHz.
• 70 MHz models: 70 MHz.
5 Perform these steps to test at the 5 mV/div setting:
a Set the signal generator amplitude to about 10 mVpp.
b Press the [AutoScale] key.
c Set the time base to 10 ns/div.
d Set channel 1 to 5 mV/div.
e Decrease the amplitude from the signal generator until 1 vertical division of
the signal (about 5 mVpp) is displayed.
The trigger is stable when the displayed waveform is stable. If the trigger is
not stable, try adjusting the trigger level. If adjusting the trigger level makes
the trigger stable, the test still passes. If adjusting the trigger does not help,
see the “Troubleshooting” chapter. Then return here.
f Record the result as Pass or Fail in the Performance Test Record (see
page 53).
g Repeat this step for the remaining oscilloscope channels.
6 Perform these steps to test at the 10 mV/div setting:
a Set the signal generator amplitude to about 20 mVpp.
b Press the [AutoScale] key.
c Set the time base to 10 ns/div.
d Set channel 1 to 10 mV/div.
e Decrease the amplitude from the signal generator until 0.6 vertical divisions
of the signal (about 6 mVpp) is displayed.
The trigger is stable when the displayed waveform is stable. If the trigger is
not stable, try adjusting the trigger level. If adjusting the trigger level makes
the trigger stable, the test still passes. If adjusting the trigger does not help,
see the “Troubleshooting” chapter. Then return here.
f Record the result as Pass or Fail in the Performance Test Record (see
page 53).
g Repeat this step for the remaining oscilloscope channels.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 49

2 Testing Performance

Test External Trigger Sensitivity

This test applies to all models.
Verify the external trigger sensitivity at these settings:
• 100 MHz, 200 mVpp
• 200 MHz, 350 mVpp
1 Connect the equipment (see Figure 9).
a Use the N cable to connect the signal generator to the power splitter input.
b Connect one output of the power splitter to the Aux Trig input through a 50Ω
feedthrough termination.
c Connect the power sensor to the other output of the power splitter.

50 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2



50 Ohm Feedthrough

N to BNC Adapter

Power Splitter

Power Sensor N Cable


Figure 9 Setting Up Equipment for 4-Channel External Trigger Sensitivity Test

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 51

2 Testing Performance

2 Set up the oscilloscope.

a Press the [Defaul t Setup] key.
b Press the [Mode/Coupling] key; then, press the Mode softkey to select Normal.
3 Change the signal generator output frequency to 100 MHz or 200 MHz.
4 Set the power meter Cal Factor % to the appropriate value (100 MHz or
200 MHz) on the calibration chart on the power sensor. If necessary, do a linear
interpolation if a 100 MHz or 200 MHz factor is not included in the power
meter’s calibration chart.
5 Adjust the signal generator output for reading on the power meter of:

Signal Generator Calculation Power Meter

Frequency Read ing

100 MHz 200 mVpp = 70.71 mV rms, Power = Vin2/50Ω = 100 μW

70.71 mV2/50Ω
200 MHz 350 mVpp = 123.74 mV rms, Power = Vin2/50Ω = 306 μW
123.74 mV2/50Ω

6 Press the [Trigger] key, then press the Source softkey to set the trigger source to
7 Check for stable triggering and adjust the trigger level if necessary. Triggering
is indicated by the Trig’d indicator at the top of the display. When it is flashing,
the oscilloscope is not triggered. When it is not flashing, the oscilloscope is
8 Record the results as Pass or Fail in the Performance Test Record (see
page 53).
If the test fails, see the “Troubleshooting” chapter. Then return here.

52 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

Keysight 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Performance Test Record

Serial No. ______________________________________ Test by _____________________________

Test Interval ____________________________________ Work Order No. ______________________
Recommended Next Testing ________________________ Temperature ____________

Threshold Specification Limits Ch D7-D0

Accuracy Test 5 V - 250 mV 4.750 V ________
(100 mV + 3% of 5 V + 250 mV 5.250 V ________
threshold setting) -5 V - 250 mV -5.250 V ________
-5 V + 250 mV -4.750 V ________
0 V - 100 mV -100 mV ________
0 V + 100 mV 100 mV ________

DC Vertical Gain Accuracy

Range Power Supply Setting Test Limits Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3* Channel 4*
5 V/Div 35 V 33.8 V to 36.2 V ________ ________ ________ ________
2 V/Div 14 V 13.52 V to 14.48 V ________ ________ ________ ________
1 V/Div 7V 6.76 V to 7.24 V ________ ________ ________ ________
500 mV/Div 3.5 V 3.38 V to 3.62 V ________ ________ ________ ________
200 mV/Div 1.4 V 1.352 V to 1.448 V ________ ________ ________ ________
100 mV/Div 700 mV 676 mV to 724 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
50 mV/Div 350 mV 338 mV to 362 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
20 mV/Div 140 mV 135.2 mV to 144.8 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
10 mV/Div 70 mV 67.6 mV to 72.4 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
5 mV/Div 35 mV 33.4 mV to 36.6 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
2 mV/Div 14 mV 12.72 mV to 15.28 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
1 mV/Div 7 mV 5.72 mV to 8.28 mV ________ ________ ________ ________

Continued on next page.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 53

2 Testing Performance

Dual Cursor Accuracy

Range Power Supply Setting Test Limits Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3* Channel 4*
5 V/Div 35 V 33.6 V to 36.4 V ________ ________ ________ ________
2 V/Div 14 V 13.44 V to 14.56 V ________ ________ ________ ________
1 V/Div 7V 6.72 V to 7.28 V ________ ________ ________ ________
500 mV/Div 3.5 V 3.36 V to 3.64 V ________ ________ ________ ________
200 mV/Div 1.4 V 1.344 V to 1.456 V ________ ________ ________ ________
100 mV/Div 700 mV 672 mV to 728 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
50 mV/Div 350 mV 336 mV to 364 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
20 mV/Div 140 mV 134.4 mV to 145.6 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
10 mV/Div 70 mV 67.2 mV to 72.8 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
5 mV/Div 35 mV 33.2 mV to 36.8 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
2 mV/Div 14 mV 12.56 mV to 15.44 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
1 mV/Div 7 mV 5.56 mV to 8.44 mV ________ ________ ________ ________

Band wid th (-3 dB) Model Test Limits Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3* Channel 4*
202x -3 dB at 200 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________
201x -3 dB at 100 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________
200x -3 dB at 70 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________

Time Base Accuracy Limits Calculated Measured Pass/Fail

time base time base
accuracy error (ppm)
limit (ppm)

Time Base Accuracy Limit: ±25 ppm ±5 ppm per year _________ ________ ________
Internal Trigger Sensitivity
Generator Setting Test Limits Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3* Channel 4*
200 MHz models: 200 MHz < 10 mV/div: greater of 1 div ________ ________ ________ _______
100 MHz models: 100 MHz or 5 mVpp
70 MHz models: 70 MHz >= 10 mV/div: 0.6 div ________ ________ ________ _______

External Trigger Sensitivity

Generator Setting Test Limits Ext Trig In
200 MHz 350 mV ________
100 MHz 200 mV ________

* Where applicable

54 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Testing Performance 2

Keysight 3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Performance Test Record

Serial No. ______________________________________ Test by _____________________________

Test Interval ____________________________________ Work Order No. ______________________
Recommended Next Testing ________________________ Temperature ____________

Threshold Specification Limits Ch D7-D0 Ch D15-D8

Accuracy Test 5 V - 250 mV 4.750 V ________ ________
(100 mV + 3% of 5 V + 250 mV 5.250 V ________ ________
threshold setting) -5 V - 250 mV -5.250 V ________ ________
-5 V + 250 mV -4.750 V ________ ________
0 V - 100 mV -100 mV ________ ________
0 V + 100 mV 100 mV ________ ________

DC Vertical Gain Accuracy

Range Power Supply Setting Test Limits Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3* Channel 4*
5 V/Div 35 V 34.2 V to 35.8 V ________ ________ ________ ________
2 V/Div 14 V 13.68 V to 14.32 V ________ ________ ________ ________
1 V/Div 7V 6.84 V to 7.16 V ________ ________ ________ ________
500 mV/Div 3.5 V 3.42 V to 3.58 V ________ ________ ________ ________
200 mV/Div 1.4 V 1.368 V to 1.432 V ________ ________ ________ ________
100 mV/Div 700 mV 684 mV to 716 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
50 mV/Div 350 mV 342 mV to 358 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
20 mV/Div 140 mV 136.8 mV to 143.2 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
10 mV/Div 70 mV 68.4 mV to 71.6 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
5 mV/Div 35 mV 34.2 mV to 35.8 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
2 mV/Div 14 mV 13.36 mV to 14.64 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
1 mV/Div 7 mV 6.36 mV to 7.64 mV ________ ________ ________ ________

Continued on next page.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 55

2 Testing Performance

Dual Cursor Accuracy

Range Power Supply Setting Test Limits Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3* Channel 4*
5 V/Div 35 V 34.0 V to 36.0 V ________ ________ ________ ________
2 V/Div 14 V 13.6 V to 14.4 V ________ ________ ________ ________
1 V/Div 7V 6.8 V to 7.2 V ________ ________ ________ ________
500 mV/Div 3.5 V 3.4 V to 3.6 V ________ ________ ________ ________
200 mV/Div 1.4 V 1.36 V to 1.44 V ________ ________ ________ ________
100 mV/Div 700 mV 680 mV to 720 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
50 mV/Div 350 mV 340 mV to 360 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
20 mV/Div 140 mV 136 mV to 144 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
10 mV/Div 70 mV 68 mV to 72 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
5 mV/Div 35 mV 34 mV to 36 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
2 mV/Div 14 mV 13.2 mV to 14.8 mV ________ ________ ________ ________
1 mV/Div 7 mV 6.2 mV to 7.8 mV ________ ________ ________ ________

Band wid th (-3 dB) Model Test Limits Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3* Channel 4*
310x -3 dB at 1 GHz ________ ________ ________ ________
305x -3 dB at 500 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________
303x -3 dB at 350 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________
302x -3 dB at 200 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________
301x -3 dB at 100 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________

Time Base Accuracy Limits Calculated Measured Pass/Fail

time base time base
accuracy error (ppm)
limit (ppm)
Time Base Accuracy Limit: ±25 ppm ±5 ppm per year
(aging) _________ ________ ________
Internal Trigger Sensitivity
Generator Setting Test Limits Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3* Channel 4*
1 GHz models: 1 GHz < 10 mV/div: greater of 1 div ________ ________ ________ _______
500 MHz models: 350 MHz or 5 mVpp
350 MHz models: 200 MHz >= 10 mV/div: 0.6 div ________ ________ ________ _______
200 MHz models: 100 MHz
100 MHz models:

External Trigger Sensitivity

Generator Setting Test Limits Ext Trig In
200 MHz 350 mV ________
100 MHz 200 mV ________

* Where applicable

56 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope
Service Guide

3 Calibrating and Adjusting

This chapter explains how to adjust the oscilloscope for optimum operating

3 Calibrating and Adjusting

User Calibration
Perform user-calibration:
• Every two years or after 4000 hours of operation.
• If the ambient temperature is >10° C from the calibration temperature.
• If you want to maximize the measurement accuracy.
The amount of use, environmental conditions, and experience with other
instruments help determine if you need shorter User Cal intervals.
User Cal performs an internal self-alignment routine to optimize the signal path in
the oscilloscope. The routine uses internally generated signals to optimize circuits
that affect channel sensitivity, offset, and trigger parameters. Disconnect all
inputs and allow the oscilloscope to warm up before performing this procedure.
Performing User Cal will invalidate your Certificate of Calibration. If NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology) traceability is required perform the
procedures in Chapter 2 in this book using traceable sources.

To perform User Cal

1 Disconnect all inputs from the front and rear panels, including the digital
channels cable on an MSO, and allow the oscilloscope to warm up before
performing this procedure.
Before you start the adjustments, let the oscilloscope and test equipment warm
up for at least 30 minutes.
2 Press the rear-panel CAL button to disable calibration protection.
3 Connect short (12 inch maximum) equal length cables to each analog channel’s
BNC connector on the front of the oscilloscope. You will need two equal-length
cables for a 2-channel oscilloscope or four equal-length cables for a 4-channel

58 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Calibrating and Adjusting 3

Use 50Ω RG58AU or equivalent BNC cables when performing User Cal.
a For a 2-channel oscilloscope, connect a BNC tee to the equal length cables.
Then connect a BNC(f)-to-BNC(f) (also called a barrel connector) to the tee
as shown below.

Longer cable
To Channel 1 to TRIG OUT

To Channel 2

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 59

3 Calibrating and Adjusting

Figure 10 User Calibration cable for 2-channel oscilloscope

b For a 4-channel oscilloscope, connect BNC tees to the equal-length cables

as shown below. Then connect a BNC(f)-to-BNC(f) (barrel connector) to the
tee as shown below.

To Channel 1

To Channel 2

To Channel 3

Longer cable
To Channel 4 to TRIG OUT

Figure 11 User Calibration cable for 4-channel oscilloscope

4 Connect a BNC cable (40 inches maximum) from the TRIG OUT connector on
the rear panel to the BNC barrel connector.
5 Press the [Utility] key; then, press the Service softkey.
6 Begin the Self Cal by pressing the Start User Cal softkey.

60 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Calibrating and Adjusting 3

User Cal Status

Pressing the User Cal Status softkey displays the following summary results of the
previous User Cal, and the status of probe calibrations for probes that can be
calibrated. Note that AutoProbes do not need to be calibrated, but InfiniiMax
probes can be calibrated.
User Cal date:
Change in temperature since last User Cal:
Probe Cal Status:

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 61

3 Calibrating and Adjusting

62 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope
Service Guide

4 Troubleshooting
Solving General Problems with the Oscilloscope / 64
Verifying Basic Operation / 66

Read All Cautions and Warnings

Before you begin any troubleshooting, read all Warning and Cautions in the “Troubleshooting” section.

This chapter begins with “Solving General Problems with the Oscilloscope. It tells
you what to do in these cases:
• If there is no display.
• If there is no trace display.
• If the trace display is unusual or unexpected.
• If you cannot see a channel.
Next, this chapter describes procedures for “Verifying Basic Operation of the
• To power-on the oscilloscope.
• To perform hardware self test.
• To perform front panel self test.
• To verify default setup.
• To perform an Auto Scale on the Probe Comp signal.
• To compensate passive probes.
The service policy for all 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes is now unit
replacement, so there are no longer internal assembly troubleshooting
instructions in this service guide.

4 Troubleshooting

Solving General Problems with the Oscilloscope

This section describes how to solve general problems that you may encounter
while using the Keysight 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes.
After troubleshooting the oscilloscope, if you need to replace parts, refer to
Chapter 6, “Replaceable Parts,” starting on page 73.

If there is no display
✔ Check that the power cord is firmly seated in the oscilloscope power
✔ Check that the power source is live.
✔ Check that the front-panel power switch is on.
✔ If there is still no display, go to the troubleshooting procedures in this chapter.

If there is no trace display

✔ Check that the Intensity (on the front panel) is adjusted correctly.
✔ Recall the default setup by pressing [Defaul t Setup]. This will ensure that the
trigger mode is Auto.
✔ Check that the probe clips are securely connected to points in the circuit under
test, and that the ground is connected.
✔ Check that the circuit under test is powered on.
✔ Press the [AutoScale] key.
✔ Obtain service from Keysight Technologies, if necessary.

If the trace display is unusual or unexpected

✔ Check that the Horizontal time/division setting is correct for the expected
frequency range of the input signals.
✔ The sampling speed of the oscilloscope depends on the time/division setting. It
may be that when time/division is set to slower speeds, the oscilloscope is
sampling too slowly to capture all of the transitions on the waveform. Use peak
detect mode.

64 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Troubleshooting 4

✔ Check that all oscilloscope probes are connected to the correct signals in the
circuit under test.
✔ Ensure that the probe’s ground lead is securely connected to a ground point in
the circuit under test. For high-speed measurements, each probe’s individual
ground lead should also be connected to a ground point closest to the signal
point in the circuit under test.
✔ Check that the trigger setup is correct.
✔ A correct trigger setup is the most important factor in helping you capture the
data you desire. See the User’s Guide for information about triggering.
✔ Check that persistence in the Display menu is turned off, then press the Clear
Display softkey.
✔ Press the [Auto Scale] key.

If you cannot see a channel

✔ Recall the default setup by pressing [Defaul t Setup]. This will ensure that the
trigger mode is Auto.
✔ Check that the oscilloscope probe’s BNC connector is securely attached to the
oscilloscope’s input connector.
✔ Check that the probe clips are securely connected to points in the circuit under
✔ Check that the circuit under test is powered on.
You may have pressed the [Auto Scale] key before an input signal was available.
Performing the checks listed here ensures that the signals from the circuit
under test will be seen by the oscilloscope. Perform the remaining checks in
this topic to make sure the oscilloscope channels are on, and to obtain an
automatic setup.
✔ Check that the desired oscilloscope channels are turned on.
a Press the analog channel key until it is illuminated.
b On models with the MSO option, press the digital channels [Digital] key until
it is illuminated.
✔ Press the [Auto Scale] key to automatically set up all channels.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 65

4 Troubleshooting

Verifying Basic Operation

To power-on the oscilloscope

1 Connect the power cord to the rear of the oscilloscope, then to a suitable ac
voltage source.
The oscilloscope power supply automatically adjusts for input line voltages in the
range of 100 to 240 VAC. Ensure that you have the correct line cord (see page 73).
The power cord provided is matched to the country of origin.

WARNING Always operate the oscilloscope with an approved three conductor power cable. Do not negate the
protective action of the three conductor power cable.

• Press the power switch.

• When the oscilloscope is turned on, the front panel LEDs will briefly light up
in groups from bottom to top.
• Next the Keysight logo appears on the display.
• Next a message will appear with tips on getting started using the
oscilloscope. At this time you can press any key to remove the message and
view the display. Or you can wait and the message will automatically
• It will take a total of about 20-30 seconds for the oscilloscope to go through
its basic self test and power-up routine.
2 Proceed to “To perform hardware self test" on page 66.

To perform hardware self test

Pressing [Utility] > Service > Hard ware Sel f Test performs a series of internal
procedures to verify that the oscilloscope is operating properly.
It is recommended you run Hardware Self Test:
• After experiencing abnormal operation.
• For additional information to better describe an oscilloscope failure.
• To verify proper operation after the oscilloscope has been repaired.

66 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Troubleshooting 4

Successfully passing Hardware Self Test does not guarantee 100% of the
oscilloscope's functionality. Hardware Self Test is designed to provide an 80%
confidence level that the oscilloscope is operating properly.

To perform front panel self test

Pressing [Utility] > Service > Front Panel Sel f Test lets you test the front panel keys
and knobs as well as the oscilloscope display.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Failures in the front panel self test indicate problems with the keyboard, keypad, or

To verify default setup

The oscilloscope is designed to turn on with the setup from the last turn on or
previous setup.
To recall the default setup:
1 Press the [Defaul t Setup] key.
This returns the oscilloscope to its default settings and places the oscilloscope
in a known operating condition. The major default settings are:
• Horizontal:
• main mode.
• 100 us/div scale.
• 0 s delay.
• center time reference.
• Vertical:
• Channel 1 on.
• 5 V/div scale.
• dc coupling.
• 0 V position.
• probe factor to 1.0 if an AutoProbe probe is not connected to the channel.
• Trigger:
• Edge trigger.
• Auto sweep mode.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 67

4 Troubleshooting

• 0 V level.
• channel 1 source.
• dc coupling.
• rising edge slope.
• 40 ns holdoff time.
• Display:
• 20% grid intensity.
• persistence off.
• Other:
• Acquire mode normal.
• Run/Stop to Run.
• cursor measurements off.

Figure 12 Default setup screen

2 If your screen looks substantially different, replace the system board.

To perform an Auto Scale on the Probe Comp signal

1 Press the [Defaul t Setup] key. The oscilloscope is now configured to its default

68 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Troubleshooting 4

2 Connect an oscilloscope probe from channel 1 to the Probe Comp signal terminal
on the front panel.
3 Connect the probe’s ground lead to the ground terminal that is next to the Demo
2 (Probe Comp) terminal.
4 Press [AutoScale].
5 You should see a waveform on the oscilloscope’s display similar to this:

If you see the waveform, but the square wave is not shaped correctly as shown
above, perform the procedure “To compensate passive probes" on page 69.
If you do not see the waveform, ensure your power source is adequate, the
oscilloscope is properly powered-on, and the probe is connected securely to
the front-panel analog channel input BNC and to the Demo 2 (Probe Comp)
6 If you still do not see the waveform, use the troubleshooting flowchart in this
chapter to isolate the problem.

To compensate passive probes

You should compensate your passive probes to match their characteristics to the
oscilloscope’s channels. A poorly compensated probe can introduce measurement

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 69

4 Troubleshooting

1 Perform the procedure “To perform an Auto Scale on the Probe Comp
signal" on page 68
2 Press the channel key to which the probe is connected ([1], [2], etc.).
3 In the Channel Menu, press Probe.
4 In the Channel Probe Menu, press Probe Check; then, follow the instructions
If necessary, use a nonmetallic tool (supplied with the probe) to adjust the
trimmer capacitor on the probe for the flattest pulse possible.
On the N2862/63/90 probes, the trimmer capacitor is the yellow adjustment on
the probe tip. On other probes, the trimmer capacitor is located on the probe
BNC connector.

Perfectly compensated

Over compensated

Under compensated

Figure 13 Example pulses

5 Connect probes to all other oscilloscope channels (channel 2 of a 2-channel

oscilloscope, or channels 2, 3, and 4 of a 4-channel oscilloscope).
6 Repeat the procedure for each channel.
The process of compensating the probes serves as a basic test to verify that the
oscilloscope is functional.

70 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope
Service Guide

5 Replacing Assemblies

The service policy for all 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes is now unit
replacement, so there are no longer instructions for replacing internal assemblies
in this service guide.

No operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. To prevent

electrical shock, do not remove covers.

5 Replacing Assemblies

72 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope
Service Guide

6 Replaceable Parts
This chapter describes how to order replaceable assemblies and parts for the
Keysight 2000/3000 X-Series oscilloscopes.
Diagrams and parts lists are included for assemblies and hardware that you can
Before working on the oscilloscope, read the safety summary at the back of this

6 Replaceable Parts

Ordering Replaceable Parts

Listed Parts
To order a part in the parts list, quote the Keysight Technologies part number,
indicate the quantity desired, and address the order to the nearest Keysight
Technologies Sales Office. To find your nearest sales office go to

Unlisted Parts
To order a part not listed in the parts list, include the instrument part number,
instrument serial number, a description of the part (including its function), and the
number of parts required. Address the order to the nearest Keysight Technologies
Sales Office.

Direct Mail Order System

Within the USA, Keysight Technologies can supply parts through a direct mail
order system. There are several advantages to this system:
• Direct ordering and shipping from the Keysight Technologies parts center in
California, USA.
• No maximum or minimum on any mail order. (There is a minimum amount for
parts ordered through a local Keysight Technologies Sales Office when the
orders require billing and invoicing.)
• Prepaid transportation. (There is a small handling charge for each order.)
• No invoices.
In order for Keysight Technologies to provide these advantages, please send a
check or money order with each order.
Mail order forms and specific ordering information are available through your local
Keysight Technologies Sales Office. Addresses and telephone numbers are located
in a separate document shipped with the manuals.

74 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Replaceable Parts 6

Exchange Assemblies
Some parts used in this instrument have been set up for an exchange program.
This program allows the customer to exchange a faulty assembly with one that
has been repaired, calibrated, and performance-verified by the factory. The cost is
significantly less than that of a new part. The exchange parts have a part number
in the form XXXXX-695XX.
After receiving the repaired exchange part from Keysight Technologies, a United
States customer has 30 days to return the faulty assembly. For orders not
originating in the United States, contact the local Keysight Technologies service
organization. If the faulty assembly is not returned within 30 days, the customer
will be charged an additional amount. The additional amount will be the difference
in price between a new assembly and that of an exchange assembly.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 75

6 Replaceable Parts

Exploded Views
The following exploded views provide a graphical representation of the
oscilloscope at the time this manual was released. Not all parts are shown. Your
parts may be slightly different than those shown. These views provide reference
designator numbers that map to those used in the parts list table in this chapter.



MP2 MP35

Figure 14 Exploded View

76 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Replaceable Parts 6

Replaceable Parts List

The information given for each part consists of the following:
• Reference designation.
• Keysight Technologies part number.
• Total quantity (Qty) in the instrument or on assembly.
• Description of the part.

Table 17 Replaceable Parts

Ref Des Keysight Part Qty Description
75014-68801 1 Oscilloscope 2000 X-Series 2-Ch - 70, 100, 200 MHz
75014-69801 1 Oscilloscope 2000 X-Series 2-Ch - 70, 100, 200 MHz (exchange)
75015-68801 1 Oscilloscope 2000 X-Series 4-Ch - 70, 100, 200 MHz
75015-69801 1 Oscilloscope 2000 X-Series 4-Ch - 70, 100, 200 MHz (exchange)
75016-68801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 2-Ch - 100 MHz
75016-69801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 2-Ch - 100 MHz (exchange)
75017-68801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 4-Ch - 100, 200 MHz
75017-69801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 4-Ch - 100, 200 MHz (exchange)
75018-68801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 2-Ch - 350, 500 MHz
75018-69801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 2-Ch - 350, 500 MHz (exchange)
75019-68801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 4-Ch - 350, 500 MHz
75019-69801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 4-Ch - 350, 500 MHz (exchange)
75022-68801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 2-Ch - 1 GHz
75022-69801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 2-Ch - 1 GHz (exchange)
75023-68801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 4-Ch - 1 GHz
75023-69801 1 Oscilloscope 3000 X-Series 4-Ch - 1 GHz (exchange)

H5 2950-0054 3 Nut, 1/2-28 THD (secures rear BNCs, not shown)

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 77

6 Replaceable Parts

Table 17 Replaceable Parts (continued)

Ref Des Keysight Part Qty Description
H11 2190-0068 3 Washer-LK Intl T 1/2 In. .505 IN-ID (for rear BNCs, not shown)

MP1 75010-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 2002A

MP1 75010-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 2002A
MP1 75011-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 2004A
MP1 75011-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 2004A
MP1 75012-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 2012A
MP1 75012-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 2012A
MP1 75013-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 2014A
MP1 75013-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 2014A
MP1 75014-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 2022A
MP1 75014-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 2022A
MP1 75015-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 2024A
MP1 75015-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 2024A
MP1 75016-94303 1 ID Label DSO-X 3012A
MP1 75016-94304 1 ID Label MSO-X 3012A
MP1 75017-94303 1 ID Label DSO-X 3014A
MP1 75017-94304 1 ID Label MSO-X 3014A
MP1 75019-94308 1 ID Label DSO-X 3024A
MP1 75019-94309 1 ID Label MSO-X 3024A
MP1 75016-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 3032A
MP1 75016-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 3032A
MP1 75017-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 3034A
MP1 75017-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 3034A
MP1 75018-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 3052A
MP1 75018-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 3052A

78 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Replaceable Parts 6

Table 17 Replaceable Parts (continued)

Ref Des Keysight Part Qty Description
MP1 75019-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 3054A
MP1 75019-94307 1 ID Label MSO-X 3054A
MP1 75022-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 3102A
MP1 75022-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 3102A
MP1 75023-94301 1 ID Label DSO-X 3104A
MP1 75023-94302 1 ID Label MSO-X 3104A

MP2 75019-94340 1 BNC Label 2 Channel

MP2 75019-94341 1 BNC Label 4 Channel

MP6 75019-94302 1 Front Keyboard Label 2 Channel

MP6 75019-94303 1 Front Keyboard Label 4 Channel

MP33 75019-94310 * Overlay - Traditional Chinese, 4 channel

MP33 75019-94330 * Overlay - Traditional Chinese, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94312 * Overlay - Japanese, 4 channel
MP33 75019-94311 * Overlay - Japanese, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94315 * Overlay - Russian, 4 channel
MP33 75019-94322 * Overlay - Russian, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94316 Overlay - French, 4 channel
MP33 75019-94324 * Overlay - French, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94317 * Overlay - Spanish, 4 channel
MP33 75019-94325 * Overlay - Spanish, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94318 * Overlay - German, 4 channel
MP33 75019-94326 * Overlay - German, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94319 * Overlay - Portuguese, 4 channel

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 79

6 Replaceable Parts

Table 17 Replaceable Parts (continued)

Ref Des Keysight Part Qty Description
MP33 75019-94327 * Overlay - Portuguese, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94320 * Overlay - Simplified Chinese, 4 channel
MP33 75019-94328 * Overlay - Simplified Chinese, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94321 * Overlay - Korean, 4 channel
MP33 75019-94329 * Overlay - Korean, 2 channel
MP33 75019-94331 * Overlay - Italian, 4 channel
MP33 75019-94323 * Overlay - Italian, 2 channel

MP35 75019-42203 1 Hole Plug - Option Module

W6 Power cord 0-1 Part number varies by country. Contact your local Keysight sales office for

N2841A or N2862B * Passive Probe 10:1, 150 MHz

N2842A or N2863B * Passive Probe 10:1, 300 MHz
N2843A or N2890A * Passive Probe 10:1, 500 MHz

MP10 75019-44108 * Protective Cover Assembly

Not shown 75019-68705 * LAN Module
Not shown 75019-68706 * GPIB Module
Not shown N6456-60001 * Rack Mount Kit for 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope

*Optional item.

80 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Keysight InfiniiVision 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscope
Service Guide

7 Safety Notices

This apparatus has been designed and tested in accordance with IEC Publication
1010, Safety Requirements for Measuring Apparatus, and has been supplied in a
safe condition. This is a Safety Class I instrument (provided with terminal for
protective earthing). Before applying power, verify that the correct safety
precautions are taken (see the following warnings). In addition, note the external
markings on the instrument that are described under “Safety Symbols.”

7 Safety Notices

Before turning on the instrument, you must connect the protective earth terminal
of the instrument to the protective conductor of the (mains) power cord. The
mains plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective
earth contact. You must not negate the protective action by using an extension
cord (power cable) without a protective conductor (grounding). Grounding one
conductor of a two-conductor outlet is not sufficient protection.
Only fuses with the required rated current, voltage, and specified type (normal
blow, time delay, etc.) should be used. Do not use repaired fuses or short-circuited
fuseholders. To do so could cause a shock or fire hazard.
If you energize this instrument by an auto transformer (for voltage reduction or
mains isolation), the common terminal must be connected to the earth terminal of
the power source.
Whenever it is likely that the ground protection is impaired, you must make the
instrument inoperative and secure it against any unintended operation.
Service instructions are for trained service personnel. To avoid dangerous electric
shock, do not perform any service unless qualified to do so. Do not attempt
internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid
and resuscitation, is present.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the
Capacitors inside the instrument may retain a charge even if the instrument is
disconnected from its source of supply.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gasses or fumes.
Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a
definite safety hazard.
Do not use the instrument in a manner not specified by the manufacturer.

82 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

Safety Notices 7

To clean the instrument

If the instrument requires cleaning: (1) Remove power from the instrument. (2)
Clean the external surfaces of the instrument with a soft cloth dampened with a
mixture of mild detergent and water. (3) Make sure that the instrument is
completely dry before reconnecting it to a power source.

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 83

7 Safety Notices

Safety Symbols

Instruction manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it is
necessary for you to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect against
damage to the product.

Hazardous voltage symbol.

Earth terminal symbol: Used to indicate a circuit common connected to grounded


84 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

A F list, 77
ordering, 74
accuracy, DC vertical gain, 28 front panel passive probe, 80
accuracy, dual cursor, 35 exploded view, 76 perform user cal, 58
assemblies front panel self test, 67 performance
exchange, 75 test record, 53, 55
replacing, 71 H pollution degree, 16
pollution degree, definitions, 16
B hardware self test, 66 power
cord list, 80
bandwidth I power requirements, 13
verification, 40 probe
input voltage, maximum, 15 N2841A or N2862B, 80
C internal self-tests, 66 N2842A or N2863B, 80
N2843A or N2890A, 80
calibration, 58 K probes
certificate of calibration, 58 compensating, 69
channels Keysight problem solving, 63
problem solving, 65 contact information, 16
cleaning the instrument, 83
compensating your probe, 69 R
connecting for threshold test, 26
record tests, 53, 55
contact Keysight, 16 LED, startup sequence, 66 replaceable parts list, 77
replacing assemblies, 71
D M run self-tests, 66

DC vertical gain accuracy, 28 making test connector, 21

digital channel measurement category, 14 S
testing, 23 definitions, 14 self test, front panel, 67
verification, 24 self test, hardware, 66
digital channels, 4 N self-alignment, user cal, 58
display self-tests, 66
problem solving, 64 NIST, 58 specifications, 16
dual cursor accuracy, 35 startup sequence, 66
O status, User Cal, 61
E status, user cal, 58
ordering parts, 74
equipment, test, 19 overvoltage category, 16
exchange assemblies, 75 T
exploded view P test
front panel, 76 connector, constructing, 21
parts digital channels, 23

2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide 85


equipment, 19
record, 53, 55
accuracy, digital channel, 24
test diagram, 26
trace display
problem solving, 64
sensitivity, 47
sensitivity, external, 50
sensitivity, internal, 48
troubleshooting, 63

user calibration, 58

bandwidth, 40
digital channel, 24
trigger, 47

warranted specifications, 16

86 2000/3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Service Guide

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