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3 1966 Tropospheric Scatter Communications Past, Present, and Future

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Tropospheric scatter communications

Past, present, and future

An effective "gap filler," tropospheric scatter techniques
provide a means for radio communications at distances lying between
the short-range ultrahigh-frequency and superhigh-frequency
systems and the long-range low-frequency systems
Frank A. Gunther Radio Engineering Laboratories

In the 11 years since the first practicable operational this method of communication is now generally under-
tropo systems were developed, there has been a stood to embrace a radio system that permits communica-
tremendous growth in their number and complexity. tion over the distances indicated, with excellent relia-
This article describes the principles and applications bility and good information capacity, using relatively high
of tropospheric scatter communications and discusses transmitted power, frequency modulation, and highly
current development trends. Included is a table sensitive receiving apparatus. The name "tropospheric
listing practically all of the tropo systems installed scatter communication" is now usually referred to in the
around the world, with pertinent technical data, engineering vocabulary simply as "tropo."
together with maps showing the geographic location Figure 1 is a conventional sketch of a tropo span. This
of most systems. The maps are keyed to the table for graphic representation is merely symbolic, and indicates
easy reference. in a general way that the circuit utilizes high power and
large directional antennas, may be duplexed, can sur-
Tropospheric scatter communication may be defined as mount ground obstacles of considerable magnitude, and
a method or system of transmitting, within the tropo- will span a relatively large distance over the earth's sur-
sphere, microwaves in the UHF or SHF bands to effect face.
radio communication between two points on the earth's
surface separated by moderate distances of from 70 to
600 miles. Such a span or hop may be augmented by (Above) Three-branchtroporelaystationinSpain,forming
other spans in tandem to permit end-to-end or through part of a large U.S. Air Force defense communications sys-
circuits up to many thousands of miles. More specifically, tem in Western Europe and the Mediterranean.

IEEE spectrum SEPTEMBER 1966 79

-X*;-. .: . It should be noted that these programs were limited in
range, by the low power available, to what is now known
as the diffraction field; in a few cases of longer ranges,
they were limited by anomalous propagation (possibly
atmospheric ducting).
- Tropo would probably still be a scientific speculation
but for the tremendous impetus given to the development
.41 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~of
high-powered microwave tubes during World War
.~~,.*.. I. Radar FM
experienced bracsts
reception beyondandthetevisio
distances brodat
that could albe
T ojsher~e . explained by the "smooth sphere" theories of propagation
then current. In 1943 Terman3 noted a probable tropo-
spheric involvement in observations of propagation far
beyond the horizon unreported in the unclassified lit-
erature of that time.
Transmitting and Transmitting and By 1949 a "freeze" had to be imposed on the issuance
receiving site receiving site
of licenses in the United States for new television sta-
Fig. 1. Graphic representation of a tropo span. tions because the cochannel interference caused by
propagation beyond expected boundaries had proved to
be much greater than anticipated.
The combined pressures of this nuisance factor and
the growing need for reliable communications on the
With accuracy, tropo can be termed a "gap filler." "Arctic perimeter" led, in the early 1950s, to the applica-
It provides a means of radio communications at dis- tion of serious effort on the part of many individuals4-6
tances not covered either by the short-range UHF and and several organizations to unravel these mysteries.
SHF line-of-sight systems and the medium frequencies, Experimental data were relatively slow in accumulating,
or by the HF and long-range LF systems. Figure 2 sum- because tests far beyond the horizon required high power,
marizes the principal characteristics of "microwave" large antennas, and relatively long and expensive testing
communications as utilized today over the surface of programs.
the earth, and indicates the relationship of tropo to the In 1952 Bell Telephone Laboratories, supported by
other modes in the microwave band (70 MHz to 20 much theoretical speculation and a convincing amount
GHz). Satellite communications are intentionally omitted of empirical evidence, ventured to propose a practical
from Fig. 2, as the propagation mechanism is somewhat beyond-the-horizon communications system, which oper-
different in space. ated entirely in the tropo mode and became known as the
Systems of multiple spans in tandem, composed of "Polevault" system. Armstrong,' in previously unreported
tropo links and extending even to thousands of miles, work, verified independently the existence of usable
are now in operation in many areas of the world, provid- fields in the 150- to 300-mile range from his laboratory at
ing reliable multichannel communications. Tropo is Alpine, N.J., at about this same time.
also used in several special applications. The ability of The explosion of interest created by the success of the
tropo to span hundreds of miles of inhospitable terrain Polevault system resulted in a special issue of the PRO-
with circuits of relatively high traflic density insures a CEEDINGS OF THE IRE in October 1955, with contribu-
continuing need for this type of transmission. tions from major segments of the scientific community.
It is to the credit of the U.S. Air Force that, based upon
History the evidence and theoretical considerations presented, it
It appears fitting to give a short account of the history decided to take the risk and make the plunge into the
of the early detection of the tropospheric scatter phe- new field of tropo by embarking on the Polevault sys-
nomenon and to describe the events that led to the first tem, rather than utilizing a line-of-sight system over a
practicable operational systems in 1955. stretch of difficult and unfriendly terrain with the accom-
Perhaps the first recorded investigation of tropospheric panying logistic problems produced by a much greater
scatter was made in 1933 by Marconi,' who described numberofstations.
550-MHz tests conducted in 1932, first aboard the yacht
Eletirct and finally over a 168-mile path at 550 MHz The tropospheric propagation mechanism
from Rocca di Papa, near Rome, to Cape Figari, Sar- As a result of experience to date, tropo has emerged as
dinia. These results were the culmination of many earlier a propagation mechanism that can endow communi-
experiments, which had consistently demonstrated prop- cations systems with certain advantages not available
agation 50 to 75 percent beyond the optical horizon at through any other means, particularly where other types
shorter ranges (15 to 50 miles). of systems are not practicable.
Andre Clavier2 reports on tests performed in 1941 with The phrase "tropospheric forward scatter" describes
10 watts at 3000 MHz (10 cm). The tests were conducted a hypothesis that has been suggested to explain the mech-
from Toulon, in southern France, to specially equipped anism that enables the propagation of usable microwave
ships sailing on a course to remain within the trans- radio signals well beyond line-of-sight distances. Dif-
mitted beam. These experiments duplicated those of fraction theory does not account for the substantial elec-
Marconi in some respects, but updated information gained tromagnetic fields that are produced at these ranges,
in Marconi's investigation, both in scientific refinement nor does atmospheric ducting explain the time availability
and in achievable frequency. of these fields. One of the hypotheses attempts to explain

80 IEEE spectrum SEPTEMBER 1966

Propagation Equipment
Range Characteristics Comments

i --
wide-band system: replaces
tO~~~~ W ~~costly right-of-way mainten-
ance of coaxial or multiple
Line of sight cable or overhead wiring.
(LOS) -_ _

<~- Diffraction mode is very
Dilanefsurfaction 3 -;specialized form of UHF
( lanurface) used only rarely where
rugged terrain prevents use
.--i of direct LOS and permits
A ~~
~-~2 S~~~-- 3 W
,' longer path with obstacle gain.

Diffraction --y. Great attention is being given

(knife edge) to refining propagational com-
putation in the diffraction
-\ region because of need for

Diffractionsutilization in tropo path predictions.

(rough surface)

~~~ 14k'
N(~~~~~i6 ~~~~~~~~~~~Only
- practical wide-band,
reliable ground-based method
of achieving 7d- to 600-mile hop
where unsuitable intervening
territory prevents use of
Go o=btacl Scatter cttranl LOS or diffraction modes.

h = height of antenna center Ao = obstacle absorption

Ns = obstacle
refractive index d = distance between stations
Go= gain e = scatter angle

Fig. 2. Principal ground-to-ground communication modes atmosphere, ay- bending occurs and is accompanied by
utilizing microwave (70 MHz to 20 GHz) region of radio
spectrum; characteristically wide-band service (100 kHz partial reflections This hypothesis has been advanced by
to 20 MHz). Carroll and others 9-12
A third approach, long a subject of speculation by
many, has been formalized through a derivation by Bul-
lington.rst3 This concept is based primarily on the average
value and the standard deviation of the index of refrac-
these apparent anomalies as resulting from atmospheric tion at the earth's surface, both of which decrease ex-
turbulence. This turbulence is thought to produce "blobs" ponentially with height. The result is a quantitative ex-
of atmosphere whose refractive indexes are sharply dif- planation of tropospheric radio propagation, derived
ferent from those of the surrounding atmosphere. When without the use of arbitrary numerical factors.
irradiated by a microwave signal, these blobs reradiate Regardless of the true mechanism, much is known con-
the signal, scattering it in all directions. Some of this cerning the characteristics of the microwave energy field
scattering is in the forward direction, which produces the propagated beyond the horizon. It has been learned
field at a receiving location. The entire process is thought through observation of a large mass of empirical data
to occur in the region between the stratosphere and the collected from operational tropo links.
surface of the earth-that is, the troposphere. This First, it is known that the average amplitude of the
hypothesis forms the basis for the National Bureau of field propagated beyond the horizon is greatly attenu-
Standards methods8 for predicting the strength and time ated with respect to the transmitted field. The amount of
availability of beyond-the-horizon fields. Although the attenuation can be calculated as a function of the angular
hypothesis itself remains unproved, the method has been distance between the transmitting and receiving sites.
widely accepted; the hypothesis combined with massive Angular distance is a parameter that takes into account
empirical information ordinarily affords a usable solu- curvature of the earth, terrain configuration, and clina-
tion to the problem of predicting performance. tology. For all but the most unusual circumstances, it is
Another promising hypothesis explains these fields as closely related to the linear distance between the two
being the products of mode propagation based on partial sites. This relationship is the basis for the general state-
reflections. The gravitational stratification of the atmos- ments that appear later regarding the traffic capacity vs.
phere, where the lowest layer is the densest and each distance capabilities of the tropo scatter medium.
succeeding layer is less dense, with sharp boundaries be- Second, the amplitude of the received field varies sub-
tween the layers, is thought to be responsible. When an stantially with time over a given path. The National
electromagnetic wave is propagated through such an Bureau of Standards has gathered and analyzed a mass

Gunther--Tropospheric scatter communicationis 81

of data on these variations, so that it is now possible to in a multichannel system, the Defense Communications
predict the amplitude-time distributions for most paths Agency prescribes that a minimum SNR of 45 dB be
with a high degree of accuracy. For convenience these delivered to customers at the termini of 6000-mile sys-
amplitude variations are separated into short-term and tems, with the noise contributions from individual
long-term distributions. Short-term amplitude-time dis- spans prorated on the basis of mileage as a percentage of
tributions are those measured over periods shorter than 6000 miles. In commercial telephone systems one may
a few minutes. During such periods the amplitude varia- occasionally find an SNR of 33 dB, which is quite usable;
tions are described by a Rayleigh distribution. The long- however, the ratio for toll quality is generally 39 dB or
term distribution represents the variation of hourly better.
median levels over a longer period of time-usually a Tropo scatter links are frequently installed in tandem
month, a season, or a year. If amplitude variations are to provide long-distance multichannel communication
sampled over a period of one hour, an hourly median circuits. Theoretically, the relay stations involved could
amplitude can be found, and if the hourly median ampli- be termed "circuit drop-and-reinsert" stations, where
tudes are observed over a longer period of time, the dis- all or a number of circuits must be used at the stations
tribution becomes apparent. Since it has not yet been for local traffic requirements, or they could be called
possible to derive exact theoretical expressions for these "through" repeaters, where there are no traffic or control
long-term distributions, empirical relations, based on the requirements and the incoming signal could be hetero-
large mass of available data, are used. dyned to the frequency of the outgoing signal without
It must be emphasized that the short-term and long- demodulation to baseband. In actual practice, regardless
term distributions of signal amplitude vary considerably of traffic requirements, all relay stations bring the signals
with the season of the year and with geographical loca- down to baseband, since it is necessary at least to utilize
tion, and therefore when a system is being designed these the order wire channels for circuit control purposes.
factors must be taken into consideration. Determination Demodulation to baseband and subsequent remodulation
of parameters and design are usually based on the worst for transmission to the next station in the chain may pro-
propagational month of the year-usually February or duce some intermodulation and multiplex noise to be
March in the Northern Hemisphere. added to the overall circuit noise. As a practical mat-
Third, it is known that when a wide band of the fre- ter, however, equipment has long been available in which
quency spectrum is utilized for the transmission of in- radio equipment intermodulation and multiplex noise
telligence, any existing multipath propagation introduces have been reduced sufficiently that these factors in mul-
a factor that is evidenced as a signal distortion. It is a tiple span systems are no longer of major concern.
result of the phase differentials that appear across the It was pointed out previously that tropospheric for-
frequency band when signals are received over the longer ward scatter signals are subject to amplitude-time varia-
paths of the multipath routes as well as over the direct tions, separated into short-term and long-term distribu-
path. This distortion places an upper limit on the band- tions. In practice, the two types of signal fading are not
width that can be transmitted successfully. To date, no compensated individually, since the resultant fading is a
generally accepted method of predicting the magnitude combination of both types, usually referred to a monthly
and distribution of the distortion has been formulated. median level. Methods known as diversity techniques
Several researchers, including Medhurst," Booker and have been developed to counteract this fading and afford
de Bettencourt," Chisholm et al.,16 and von Baeyer," the prescribed propagational reliability.
have studied the problem. Several others"l-2 have pub- Diversity can be defined as the utilization of more than
lished tentative methods for predicting its effects. one independent and uncorrelated transmission path
over a single span of tropo to afford greater reliability
System considerations than that provided by a single transmitter and receiver
All high-quality, long-distance, multichannel communi- at each end. In each type of diversity now in common
cation systems have two requirements: (1) reliability and use, certain additional equipment is required.
(2) delivery of a favorable SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) to One of the most effective methods is known as space
the customer. The signal components usually are ampli- diversity, in which two antennas, separated in space
fied, as required, to overcome the various losses in the sys- by 100 wavelengths or more, are used to receive the signals
tem. The big problem for the communicator is the accu- and reduce the effect of fading, since the signals sep-
mulation of noise. Every time the signal is processed there arated in space by this distance show an almost complete
is some contribution to noise, which adds on a cumulative absence of correlation. Another method in wide use is
basis. The result is that long-haul systems require sharp known as frequency diversity, wherein two frequencies,
attention to the details of noise accumulation if the re- separated by about one to ten percent depending upon
sulting SNR is to meet requirements. the frequency band in use, are transmitted over the span
Much thought has been given to this general subject and from the transmitting to the receiving station. Here,
international objectives of performance have been formu- again, there is a minimum of correlation between the
lated. This work has culminated in the CCITT standards, signals received on the two frequencies. As an example, a
for telephone/telegraph, and the CCIR standards, for separation of 10 to 12 MHz at a frequency of 1000 MHz
radio practice. In addition, the Defense Communications should be adequate. Other types of diversity, which are
Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense has formu- little used at the present time, include circular polariza-
lated specialized versions of these standards to apply to tion and differences in azimuth orientation of antennas
the Defense Communications System. (angle diversity).
Signal-to-noise ratio is a complex subject, and a tech- Although space and frequency diversity may be uti-
nical discussion would be out of place in this type of lized independently (dual diversity), both may also be
article. For a high toll quality on a telephone voice circuit used simultaneously to afford quadruple diversity. For

82 IEEE spectrum SEPTEMBER 1966

high-reliability circuit requirements and in applications capable of high power output, extremely directional
where the span length otherwise might produce a mar- antennas, and very sensitive receiving systems. The long-
ginal circuit, quadruple diversity is the preferred solu- term amplitude distribution of received signals is counter-
tion despite the additional equipment necessary. It is acted in the same way. The short-term variations, on the
therefore used in the vast majority of fixed station sys- other hand, usually are only partially offset in this man-
tems installed to date. ner, because in most cases total compensation for the
To produce an optimum signal from a multiple re- wide excursions that characterize this distribution would
ceiver installation involved in either dual or quadruple require inordinate amounts of power. Diversity tech-
diversity, a "combiner" is provided for adding and effec- niques, employing advanced signal combining schemes,
tively utilizing the received signals. The combiner, into are used instead. Although it is undoubtedly true that
which all the receivers are fed, may be operated at base- better understanding of the propagation mechanism
band frequencies (postdetection combining) or at inter- would yield more advanced techniques and equipment,
mediate receiver frequencies (predetection combining). the tropo scatter mode can be utilized very effectively on
This subject will be discussed further in a later section. the basis of what is already known.
Many variables affect any specific tropo path and, there- Modulation and detection techniques. Important
fore, considerable engineering effort is usually expended areas in which known techniques are readily usable in
to extract the most favorable compromises for a pro- the tropo mode are modulation and detection. Fre-
posed system. Ultimately, system performance is traded quency modulation (FM) is practically the only method
for cost, within limits imposed by the path loss and sup- used in the transmission of tropo signals today because
portable bandwidth of the propagation mechanism. of its superior performance when compared with single-
Path loss can be directly attacked by higher power and sideband suppressed-carrier amplitude modulation (SS-
greater antenna gains but there is a very real limitation BSC-AM, or simply SSB). It remains to be proved that
on supportable bandwidth, at least as systems are de- various schemes of pulse code modulation (PCM) for
signed today. some purposes may ultimately be better than FM.
In many cases system design is not limited entirely The reasons for the recognized superiority of FM over
by the cost or investment factor, since the importance SSB are frequently misunderstood, or overlooked. First,
of the system, its reliability, and its channel requirements of course, is the fact that much higher SNR performance is
may be overriding. Many special systems exist today available from an FM system operating well above thresh-
in which the propagational reliability may vary from old. The seldom-reproduced right-hand portion of Fig.
99.9 to 99.99 percent for 120- to 300-voice-channel ca- 3, shows that the SNR values achievable at high signal
pacity over path lengths of 90 to 175 miles. There are also strengths are far greater with an FM system than with an
systems of 48 to 96 voice channels with the same relia- SSB system. In both cases the limiting factor is intermod-
bility operating up to span lengths of 300 miles, and a few ulation noise caused by equipment nonlinearities.
circuits that span 300 to almost 600 miles but are limited The second feature favoring FM can be seen if we
to 12 to 48 channels. examine Fig. 4, which shows the distribution of energy
Tropo system parameters. The system parameters for about the carrier frequency. It should be noted that these
tropo are the same as for any other type of communica- occur in balanced pairs and that the process of detection
tion system; that is, the power available at the receiver produces a summation of all the individual components.
is equal to the transmitted power, plus all system gains, Frequency-selective fading can alter the detected result
less all system losses. The system design engineer must only slightly, thus providing a sort of built-in frequency
consider all parameters (and there are many) in seeking diversity action.
the best solution for any system, and select the best These features are obtained at the cost of increased
possible values for these parameters within the physical spectrum space required, but are unobtainable by any
or cost limitations imposed by the problem. other presently known means of achieving the extremely
At this point, instead of advancing the mathematical high performance required for toll quality of transmission.
presentation of the general system equation with ap- Current practice sets the FM index at about 3, requiring a
propriate detailed treatment of all parameters involved, bandwidth of about eight times the highest baseband
the reader is referred to the National Bureau of Stand- frequency, although in most systems optimization of
ards Technical Note 101, issued in 1965.8 This thorough deviation usually takes place after installation to achieve
examination of all the parameters of a tropo circuit, best results.
based upon an extensive mass of data gathered over In computing the SNR deliverable to a customer's
the years and embracing the frequency range of 40 to handset, many factors must be considered, such as:
10000 MHz, offers the most complete analysis known Thermal noise
on the subject. It is believed that the methods offered by Highest baseband frequency
Technical Note 101 for the solution of tropo system Peak per channel test tone deviation before
design and propagation problems are more widely used pre-emphasis
than any others. Channel top frequency
In the planning of any tropo system much time can be Watts per cycle of bandwidth
spent in refining the values of the various controllable Receiver noise figure
parameters to provide a maximum of power at the re- Pre-emphasis improvement
ceiver with an acceptable customer SNR. Nevertheless, Diversity improvement
the overall path propagation loss is by far the most Multiplex noise
serious loss in the system, and exceeds by a wide margin Intermodulation distortion noise
the propagation losses in other types of radio systems. Transmission-line echo distortion noise
The large path attenuation is overcome by transmitters Line loading factor

Gunlther-Tropospheric scatter communicationls 83

Antennas and transmission lines. Because of the high ticular frequency is the surface tolerance that must be
gain requirements encountered in tropo scatter trans- maintained in construction of the parabolic reflector.
mission, highly directional antennas must be used. This limitation, of course, applies to the other modes of
They usually take the form of large parabolic reflectors propagation as well.
with horn feeds. The larger the parabolic surface, the The transmission lines used in tropo scatter work
higher the gain. However, a point of diminishing returns are usually the best available, since they represent
is reached. Above a certain gain, depending upon the only a small part of the total equipment cost and con-
particular radio path, the increase of gain with increasing tribute heavily to the performance of the system. Large-
parabolic diameter proceeds at a slower and slower rate un- diameter, rigid coaxial cable is normally used for trans-
til a practical limit on the maximum gain capability over mitting power from the transmitter to antenna, par-
that path is reached, primarily because of the medium-to- ticularly at powers of 10 kW and greater. It has high
aperture coupling loss experienced in tropo scatter sys- power-handling capability, low attenuation, and low-
tems. This loss occurs only in the tropo scatter mode; voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR). In many in-
in the line-of-sight applications, gain is not affected in stances, rectangular waveguide is used to provide even
this manner. The directly proportional relationship be- better performance in these respects. The transmission
tween gain and frequency limits the size of antenna that line from the antennas to receivers can be lighter, and
can be used for any particular frequency. Furthermore, is usually flexible coaxial cable with low loss at low
since path attenuation increases with increasing frequency, VSWR. When transmitter output powers of one kilo-
the optimum frequency for a particular path is a com- watt or less are employed, flexible coaxial cable may also
promise between path attenuation and net antenna gain. be used.
Another limiting factor to the size of antenna for a par- System performance. In defining the performance of
any communication system, two features are of par-
amount importance: the quality of the communication
channels and the reliability with which this quality is
achieved. In voice communications, channel quality is
measured in terms of SNR; in teletypewriter and data
channels, it is measured in terms of binary error rate;
FM. thr.eshold Iin both, the ultimate criterion is intelligibility. The two
measures of quality may be combined under the single
grade of service. In statistical communications,
which is what multichannel communications really are,
t r n ji there is no absolute level of service that can be considered
I ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to exist for all time. As a result, it is necessary to talk
about the time availability for a particular grade of serv-
When these definitions of system performance are
applied to the tropo scatter situation, it is possible to
separate grade of service and reliability on the basis of
the two amplitude-time distributions of the received
field. Since grade of service has been defined as voice-
channel SNR or binary error rate, it can be related to the
Ashort-term distribution. Then, it follows that the long-
Fig. 4.term distribution establishes the time availability, or
of the grade of service resulting from the short-
Reliability has another facet, too. It is the reliability
| of equipment, expressed in terms of mean time between
Relative received signal power
(MTBF). Although much complicated circuitry
is involved in tropo scatter equipment, the state of the
Fig. 3. Comparative performance of FM and SSB. art with respect to components and circuit design per-
mits very good MTBF values, certainly as high as any
that can be realized in other communications media.
And new, transistorized equipment provides even better
Fig. 4. Relative distribution of energy in FM signal. MTBF values.
Third-order Like all communications media, tropo scatter has cer-
tain limitations, which in this case restrict the number of
channels that can be transmitted and the distances that
Second-order can be spanned. The two most stringent limitations en-
countered in tropo scatter transmission are the large
Balanced first-order components path attenuation and the bandwidth of the medium.
The first, as we have seen, is related to angular distance
'~~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~ ~~between the transmitting and receiving antennas. Even
I I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~though
it is mitigated by the use of high radiated power,
II I I ~~~~~~ntenna directivity, and sensitive receiving systems, there
is a range beyond which the combination of the utmost
84 IEEE spectrum SEPTEIMBER 1966
capabilities of these devices is not adequate to provide a modulation is used almost exclusively on tropo circuits
signal level above the system threshold. It is perhaps too because of its inherent capability to produce a greater
obvious to mention that the traffic capacity of a system is SNR. There are very few proponents of amplitude mod-
maximum at the minimum range and decreases to mini- ulation. At this time, it appears unlikely that AM will
mum capacity at the maximum range. The second major receive further attention in the foreseeable future.
limitation, the bandwidth of the medium, is not well Almost all of the tropo circuits utilize an output power
understood. It is thought that the bandwidth restrictions of one kilowatt or greater, and in practically every case a
that have been observed over tropo scatter paths are a klystron power tube is used. With the continual develop-
result of frequency selective fading caused by multipath ment of more efficient and larger klystrons, output powers
propagation of the signal. This theory is partially borne up to 100 kW are now being used. With the advent of
out by the ability of highly directive antenna beams to high-power traveling-wave tubes additional flexibility in
reduce the multipath effects-that is, to increase the equipment design may be forthcoming.
phase-coherent bandwidth. It has also been observed
that multipath effects increase with increasing path length Diversity equipment configurations
and, further, that they are inversely proportional to the In dual diversity, either space or frequency diversity is
RF carrier. In any event, the net effect is to limit the RF usually employed. Referring to Fig. 5, it should be noted
bandwidth that can be successfully transmitted and, con- that for dual space diversity, in theory only one trans-
sequently, to limit the traffic capacity of the system. mitter need be provided per terminal. However, in the
A less serious limitation, though one still worthy of event the transmitter goes down, communication is lost.
consideration, results from choice of a less than optimum It may, therefore, be practical to provide a second trans-
frequency. It has already been pointed out that optimum mitter, maintained in a standby condition to take over
frequency is the result of a compromise between path immediately and automatically in the event the other
loss and realized antenna gain. But in most cases another transmitter fails. Thus, for this type of dual diversity,
factor, spectrum availability, is involved in frequency there would be available both the two regular receivers
selection. Often a frequency that is not optimum for a with combiners and two transmitters to insure continuous
particular path must be used, with a consequent reduction communication, even though one receiver or one trans-
in received signal strength. This situation, of course, mitter is down and the resultant circuit reliability is some-
limits the amount of traffic that can be transmitted with a what less than that designed. This arrangement also per-
specified performance. mits regular preventive maintenance on receivers or trans-
In addition to these technical limitations, cost and size mitters without complete loss of communication. In the
represent two other factors that limit system capability. dual space diversity arrangement (Fig. 5), the advan-
The cost factor needs little explanation. If a system with a tage of frequency diversity is not available; but space
certain capacity is considered too expensive, one of re- diversity is more conservative of the frequency spectrum.
duced capacity or less reliability must be considered. In the case of dual frequency diversity (Fig. 6), the
Physical size of equipment is usually only a limitation desired redundancy of equipment is provided, even though
when it conflicts with the intent of the system. It rarely the advantage of space diversity is gone, since only one
ever imposes any restrictions on a fixed-plant installation, antenna is required. Although there appears to be a drift
but if an installation must be made transportable, or at toward the use of dual space diversity rather than dual
least mobile, then very definite limitations are imposed. frequency diversity, there are occasions where the latter
These usually dictate the maximum transmitter power is the only practicable solution at the present state of
output that will be available, and the maximum antenna the art, as in the case of a ground site or shipboard site
sizes and order of diversity that can be used. And when that does not permit the employment of two antennas
really tactical transportability is required, such as a spaced at a distance of at least 100 wavelengths apart,
helicopter lift requirement, size and weight are the most or where cost factors are overriding.
important of all limitations. Figure 7 shows a typical configuration of a quadruple
To reiterate, the factors that limit tropo scatter system diversity terminal. Obviously, this type of diversity of-
performance are path attenuation, bandwidth, frequency fers the maximum in equipment redundance and system
allocation, number of tandem links, physical size, weight, performance, assuming proper design. Also, it is obvious
and cost. Nevertheless, the effects of these factors are that quadruple diversity is more costly, both in initial
offset to a remarkable degree by the skillful utilization, capital outlay and maintenance. But a reference to Table
with necessary compromises, of engineering techniques I will show that nearly all of the systems in which a prop-
and advanced equipment designs, including the use of agational reliability of 99.9 percent or greater is desired
FM, low-noise receivers, diversity reception with maxi- utilize quadruple diversity. Its use is practically mandatory
mal-ratio combining, -threshold extension techniques, in long systems and when digital data transmission is
high-power transmitters, diversity transmission, high- required with low error rate.
gain antennas, low-loss transmission lines, and ap- Figure 8 demonstrates a typical dual diversity terminal
propriate siting of stations. These enable the system en- using predetection combining, which is now being em-
gineer to exploit the tropo scatter medium, imperfectly ployed on a few systems, as can be seen from an inspection
understood though it may be. of Table I. In the example shown, it is evident that if the
demodulator or baseband amplifier were to experience a
Typical tropo equipment failure, the circuit would be down and would remain so
The development and subsequent experience with until repairs were effected. This lack of equipment re-
tropo during the past 11 years has tended to "standardize" dundancy has been recognized, and it is understood that
to a great extent the equipment used today on these cir- the latest dual diversity equipment employing this method
cuits, regardless of point of manufacture. Frequency of combining provides for the addition of a back-up

Gunther-Tropospheric scatter communications 85

demodulator and baseband amplifier. They would nat- 8 dB. The use of a tunnel diode amplifier can bring this
urally be eliminated in the case of quadruple diversity figure down to about 4.5 dB, and the use of a good para-
terminals using this method of combining. metric amplifier can improve the figure to about 2.5 dB
Figures 5 though 8 indicate certain optional equipment, or even somewhat lower.
to be employed when the system designer determines that Figures 5 through 7 also show optional equipment
the equipment is desirable or essential to produce the labeled "threshold extension demodulator" for use on
required RF carrier-to-noise ratio. Depending upon the marginal circuits and where a very high degree of relia-
improvement needed in the receiver, a low-noise pre- bility is necessary. This device usually takes the form of
amplifier can be inserted between the preselector and an FM feedback demodulator connected in parallel with
down converter. It can take the form of a parametric or a the regular demodulator, with provision that this threshold
tunnel diode amplifier, although transistor amplifiers extension device will automatically take over when the
are now becoming practical. Generally speaking, most signal approaches the receiver threshold. Althoughi some
modern tropo receivers have a basic noise figure of about additional distortion takes place in the threshold ex-

. ----Standby transmitter equipment --.-


1 t S~~~

f2 IF

polarized Parabolic reflector antennas

feed hrseprated by at least 100
BB 1g $;~B 0

> IF _ __ ti 1 l~ ~I

tHpower amplifiers of l kW or greater

Fig. 5. Typical dual space diversity terminal.

Fig. 6. Typical dual frequency diversity terminal.

17 77Heat -Int

f|j RFt Baseband

Parabolic eo tar
oC reflector

777 °Optional equipment

Rpct~t2r. Heat exchanger required for
power amplifier of 10kWor greater

86 IEEE spectrum SEPTEMBER 1966



Duaid rpolarized

Farabolic refl

feed horn


9~ ~ ~ ~ B
tension mode, the device is highly useful in maintaining
communications on marginal circuits, particularly when
propagation conditions are unfavorable. Since thermal
noise usually controls system noise under these condi-
tions, increased equipment noise is of no consequence.
In Fig. 8 it can be seen that predetection combining
is performed at intermediate frequencies. For a number
of years a controversy has existed over the relative merits
of postdetection and predetection combining. A discus-
sion of the detailed technical claims of the oppos-
ing sides is beyond the scope of this article. However,
it is brought to the reader's attention that this contro-
versy still exists, even though years of field experience



etor antennas

Fig. 7. Typical quadruple diversity terminal (space and frequency).

Fig. 8. Typical dual frequency terminal using predetection combining.
|ulti le
would appear to give postdetection combining the edge.
Regardless of the merits of the claims made for both
types of combining, two obvious facts should be con-
sidered. First, from theoretical analysis and laboratory
controlled experiments, combining of diversity signals
on a voltage basis at IF seems to have a distinct advantage
over postdetection combining, which occurs after the
inherent power loss in the detection process. However,
the requirement that the signals to be combined at IF
must be held accurately in phase with each other, in
both voltage and frequency, has not been proved prac-
tical in the field for any substantial percentage of time for
signals randomly scattered by the tropo mechanism.


rnoftl ~

or ~

pwr mliiroflkWrgrax

a imdsnal equipment
Gunther-Trmpolpheric cifieor oftlOWor greater

Dp°oladrized ( )reflector _a i


RF| ury 0or|

A-- 2'aeac Optional equipment

Gunther-Tropospheric scatter communications 87
Second, insofar as the writer is aware, no multispan difficult than the cutting of a submerged cable or unat-
system (spans in tandem) that uses predetection co-nibining tended line-of-sight span. As for security obtained in a
has yet afforded operation of the quality and reliability tropo link versus that obtainable in a satellite circuit, it
required for toll circuit performance, particularly for remains to be seen whether or not the latter can be de-
data transmission. A few short single-span systems have veloped to the point where destructive radio interference
evidently afforded satisfactory results for voice and tele- or radio interception can compare with the security
typewriter circuits. From information at hand, no prop- achievable on tropo systems.
erly engineered system using postdetection combining Undeniably, and under certain conditions, tropo offers
has failed to offer results meeting rigid military or toll certain overriding advantages. When the cost of a tropo
circuit requirements for both voice and data. The reader system is considered, these advantages must be weighed
is referred to Table I, which shows the relative extent of against the cost of other systems that may lack the ad-
use of postdetection combining versus predetection com- vantages peculiar to tropo.
Discussion of Table I and the maps
Advantages of tropo In Table I an attempt has been made to list all of the
Tropo has been developed over the past ten years into tropo systems or projects from the first ones completed
a highly successful method of radio communication, in 1955 up to July 1, 1965, plus a few additional systems
which offers certain advantages not possessed by other scheduled to be completed beyond that date and which
modes: are a matter of public knowledge. Unquestionably other
1. It provides a high-grade multichannel service over systems, both military and common carrier, are in the
distances between 70 and 60() miles in a single span, planning, design, or implementation stages, but at pres-
thus reducing the number of stations or terminals re- ent information is not available in suiricient detail to
quired in a line-of-sight system. include these in the table.
2. With a properly designed system, it will offer a cir- Although a strong effort was made to make the table
cuit of high propagational reliability on a year-round as complete and correct as possible, undoubtedly there
basis. This reliability compares very favorably with that are some errors in the data accumulated on a worldwide
of line-of-sight circuits, and is generally far superior to basis. Apologies are extended for such errors or any omis-
that alforded by current high-frequency techniques. sions. The reader will also note a number of blank
3. It can be utilized in rugged or otherwise inhospi- spaces in the several columns where the information was
table terrain where it is impractical or impossible to pro- either not readily available, or it was not feasible to
vide other means of communication. expend additional time in further attempts to obtain it.
4. It provides a high degree of spectrum utilization The table is a compilation and condensation, contain-
while simultaneously minimizing frequency allocation ing the most important data for each system. An attempt
problems incident to radio interference in a high-density was made to accord due credit to all companies or or-
location. ganizations involved in each project, but no assessment
5. It offers a relatively high degree of security as com- has been made of the overall success of each system,
pared with other methods of communication. Radio inter- since official field operational test reports are very dilfi-
ference, deliberate or otherwise, is reduced to a minimum cult to obtain for obvious reasons. From the writer's
unless the interfering transmission is within the beam and personal knowledge, however, most, but not all, of the
range of any one station in the tropo system. Further, listed systems have been quite successful, and it is a credit
there are in a tropo system fewer stations that are sub- to the engineering profession and to the manufacturing
ject to jamming or link impairment. From a physical view- capabilities of the various producers that nearly all of the
point, the surreptitious destruction of a tropo link is more successful systems installed, including many of the earliest
vintage, are still operating with a very satisfactory per-
It is interesting to note from a study of Table I that
most of the systems installed until the last few years were
designed primarily for defense purposes. Now, many of
the newer systems are utilized exclusively as common-
LOS Diffraction } Tropo scatter carrier circuits, or in some cases, as a combination for
10( _ _ _ _ __ 0.1 .2 government and common-carrier services. Common car-
f 800 MHz 0.2 E riers and certain government telecommunication agencies
___ _ _____ 0.4
. li
have now recognized the importance of tropo systems,
a i .c;particularly where other systems are unsuitable or im-
15( l___ _ _ a l possible to utilize.
K\Relative loDss - 2.0 , , ,Other notable facts from Table I include the prepon-
_0_ s 4.0 *
derant use thus far of fixed stations for the various systems
0 _0_ as compared with transportable or mobile types; the
_ l-_ .0 _ use of frequencies principally in the 900- or 2000-MHz
20 _ bands; and the employment mainly of quadruple diversity
20.0 - particularly in systems with fixed stations, to achieve
40.0 maximum reliability. With few exceptions, the power
251 ___ ___ ____ _ __ 70.0 (D amplifier tube is a klystron with an output power of one
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 kilowatt or greater. Frequency modulation is used on all
Path distance, miles systems with one exception.

88 IEEE spectrum SEPTEMBER 1966

Maps 1 and 2 should be viewed in conjunction with transportable equipment now used as fixed stations, the
Table I, since the system numbering is identical. They following figures are derived:
indicate the general distribution of tropo systems through- Average route miles per system 642
out the world. In practically every case, the various in- Average voice channel miles per system 33 000
dividual systems with maps have been published over the Average number of tropo spans
years in public prints and technical journals, although per system 4.1
technical details or specifications of equipment have gen- Average length per span (miles) 157
erally been omitted in the interest of brevity or under the
assumption that technical features lack public interest. Tropo costs
In Maps 1 and 2, used with Table I, an effort has been It has been loosely stated for years that where a choice
made to consolidate the worldwide picture of tropo to exists as to the utilization of tropo over line-of-sight,
provide a comprehensive view of what has happened dur- submarine cable, or any other means of communication,
ing the past 11 years in the free world, and since the in- tropo costs more. This statement requires examination.
ception of this type of radio communication. Due to First, it is true that in tropo large values of propaga-
world political conditions, most of the tropo equipment tional path losses must be compensated by higher power
manufactured since 1954 has been destined for military transmitters, very sensitive receivers, and relatively large
use, and the locations of the various military systems antennas. This may involve greater initial capital outlays
around the world as shown on the maps confirm that for equipment. However, as a matter of interest in con-
these defense systems have been in consonance with sidering costs per channel mile for any proposed system
political policy and military deployment of forces. Maps it is interesting to study Fig. 9, which reveals that the
1 and 2 do, however, also show the various common- relative loss in dB per mile for tropo is quite low when
carrier or commercial circuits installed before July 1, compared with diffraction path and line-of-sight prop-
1965, and, in addition, some late ones not yet cut over. agational losses. This in itself does not indicate that tropo
The following figures derived from Table I may be of is cheaper to use than other modes of communication for
interest. Although approximate, they are considered any particular situation. There are many factors involved
fairly accurate, based on data received. The figures do in a cost comparison and, for a specific system, all must
not include transportable equipment, particularly that be considered. They include:
made for defense purposes, since data on such circuits . .
.itsinstallation required for the systemqnot just the
are not available and vary widely depending on military
deployment. It is estimated that approximately 500 000 its itallatio eequired th
channel miles are in use by the military on transportable
eqimet 2. ofethe
cs rado ent.
Whether or not the terrain is such that systems other
than tropo can be utilized.
3. Cost of construction, including building, access
Total route ofstropolashofeJuy
miles established since
1roads, antenna towers, protection features, etc.
4. Estimated maintenance costs, including allowances
1955,including experimental circuits 53 600 4'.tmtdmitnnecot,icuigalwne
for spare parts, power, fuel, repairs, inspections, tests,
Operational system route miles transportation, and living quarters and salaries of oper-
installed or under installation 51 300 ating and maintenance personnel.
Operational system route miles dis- 5. The necessity for security of communications-
mantled 1 200
interception, disruption, jamming, vandalism, and
Operational system route miles now sabotage.
Tnotalmexprimentaorotein minles
in commission or being installed
50 100
6. Traffic studies, which can predict the volume ten
tal 2out300ilesyears hence and thus the prospective revenues.
7. Whether or not the circuit can be considered per-
Experimental route miles dismantled 700 manent in nature or a temporary expedient.
Experimental route miles now in
commission 1 600 In general, it cannot be said categorically that tropo is
either cheaper or more expensive over the long-haul
Voice channel miles of tropo period than any other mode of communication. It all
Total channel miles installed since depends on the conditions surrounding any individual
1954, including experimental circuits 2 687 000 project. These conditions vary widely with each project,
Operational system channel miles particularly with respect to construction and logistic
installed or in process of installation 2 600 000 problems, not to mention the grade of equipment em-
Operational system channel miles dis- ployed. Any average figure for cost per tropo channel
mantled 30 000 mile that might be derived from financial records of com-
Operational system channel miles in pleted projects would be meaningless, and thus should
commission or being installed 2 570 000 not be used even for budgetary purposes for future proj-
Total experimental channel miles es- ects. It is to be hoped that with the advent of solid-state
tablished 87 000 tropo equipment, which will replace the tube types, the
Experimental channel miles dismantled 27 000 initial cost of tropo radio equipment may eventually
Experimental channel miles in commis- 60 000 be reduced considerably. However, this cost reduction
sion would have no overriding effect on total system cost.
It is practically impossible to compare tropo channel
Using the above data in conjunction with Table I and mile costs with those of other types of communications,
counting only operational systems using fixed stations, or since no firm basis for comparison exists. For a given

Gunther-Tropospheric scatter communications 89

length of span or circuit and where, for topographical tor or tehlnician precisely which circuit or circuits in the
reasons, tropo is the only tool that will do the job, equipment have failed.
there is no comparison if modern reliable multichannel For some years efforts were directed toward increasing
communications are required. Again, where a long the bandwidth or the number of voice channels that could
span of multichannel service is desired in an unde- be used over a tropo circuit. For a conservatively designed
veloped area where intermediate channel drops are system, with moderate lengths of spans, equipment is
unnecessary, tropo may be the cheapest solution. now available to provide for 300 channels. The present
It is reiterated that in any decision involving the use of consensus appears to be that the tropo propagation
tropo versus some other mode of communication, every mechanism will not support a greater number of chan-
factor must be thoroughly considered. It may well be nels, at least at the present state of the art. There are
that any higher initial cost of tropo radio equipment may occasions when a much greater channel capacity is
be overshadowed by the higher costs of construction, needed, and it remains to be seen whether our de-
maintenance, and security for other modes. The future velopment engineers will be able to solve this problem.
development of lower-cost solid-state tropo equipment Until the present, the utilization of tropo by the military
for commercial and common-carrier use, will go far to- has generally been in the form of fixed stations or in the
ward furnishing a more definitive answer to the cost prob- form of mobile- or air-transportable units used as fixed
lem. It is believed possible that with the small size stations and considered to be strategical in nature. Now
of solid-state tropo now being developed for com- there is a growing need for small tactical equipment-
mercial use (having a less stringent reliability factor than easily transportable by military planes and helicopters-
that involved in militarized equipment) there will be housed in the standard military types of shelters, where
not only a reduction in initial capital outlay for equip- space is at a premium. Although several types of such
ment, but also a resultant sizable reduction in construc- equipment have been or are under development, none
tion, maintenance, and power supply costs. appear to be the answer to all military requirements for
this class of equipment.
Current equipment trends In addition to compromises in channel capacity,
Very soon all tropo equipment purchased for future weight, reliability, output of power, and order of diversity,
systems will be solid-state except for the power ampli- one of the most grievous problems for the tactical set
fier; and even in the case of the latter, future develop- involves antennas. The size of the parabolic reflectors
ments may be able to offer more efficient klystrons or other can be reduced somewhat with the use of frequencies in
power tube types. Otherwise the evolution from the older the higher UHF or SHF ranges. However, still to be
tube types to solid-state is virtually complete. This change, solved is the problem of devising an antenna system that
of course, results in new equipment approximately 80 is collapsible, light in weight, easy to stow or pack, and
percent smaller in volume and weight, with commensu- that can be set up in the field in less than 30 minutes,
rate reduction in the size of building or shelters and sta- including orientation of the dish to the proper azimuth.
tion main power requirements, along with improved and The necessity for the concentration of the RF signals
cheaper maintenance and logistics. in a narrow beam has so far precluded the successful
Frequency utilization in the UHF spectrum during the use of other types of antennas. A number of develop-
past ten years has risen sharply, particularly because of ment efforts have been undertaken to provide a tactical
many line-of-sight installations, radars of all types, tropo antenna meeting the foregoing requirements, but
space satellites, and other defense and scientific endeavors. none are considered completely satisfactory. No doubt
Considering propagational reliability, the size of radio further efforts are in order, and will be made, to solve this
equipment and antennas, and the state of development in problem, but some new and radical approach is needed.
power tubes available, 900 MHz was long considered Another important development concerns the applica-
the optimum frequency for most areas of the world. But tion of digital forms of multiplexing and modulation on
in view of the increased use of this band in many regions, tropo systems. Generally, these are variants of time-
equipment was developed to use the 2000-MHz band, division techniques, with PCM4 being most prominent.
although in some cases it was employed to obtain better They appear to be most promising to the military
antenna gain using parabolic reflectors of standard sizes- who are concerned with secure communications. In
such as 12, 15, 18, 20, 30, and 60 feet in diameter-than addition, the use of digital techniques allows operation
could be obtained on 900 MHz despite the better prop- with lower signal-to-noise ratios and therefore, on some
agational characteristics of the latter. Even so, there exist systems, PCM can provide a better grade of service than
some areas where 2000 MHz is unacceptable because of FM. However, the propagational characteristics of
interference problems. Tropo equipment is now avail- tropo make the advantages of PCM obtained on the
able in the 4000- and 5000-MHz bands; and although it cable and line-of-sight systems more difficult to realize.
can use smaller antenna structures, it lacks the propaga- With increasing demands for tactical military tropo,
tional advantages of equipment on the lower frequencies. and concomitant requirements for smaller size and weight
Higher frequencies restrict its use mainly to shorter spans. of equipment, further efforts in development appear to
Since the advent of solid-state tropo equipment, and be in order. Tropo equipment can now be considered
even before, the trend has been toward the modulariza- to be nearly solid-state, the chief exception being in the
tion of the different units of the equipment. This practice power amplifiers. This situation leads to efforts in:
tends to simplify the maintenance and operations prob- 1. Reduction in size of klystron tubes, traveling-wave
lems, as well as problems of field modifications that may tubes, or other power-tube types and their necessary
prove desirable at a later date. Coupled with the trend power supplies.
toward modularization is the greater and greater use of 2. Development of solid-state devices to a level where
fault indicator circuitry and lights to display to the opera- they can replace the power tubes in the power amplifier

90 IEEE spectrum SEPTEMBER 1966

stage or modulator-exciter output stage, if used in the to divide this approach into two or more separate de-
latter. velopments because of the wide variances in channel re-
3. Reduction in size of packaged units, consonant with quirements and power outputs. Any such developmnent
rcquired heat dissipation. should, of course, be confined to solid-state equipment,
4. Development of microminiature integrated circuits and should be capable of installation in a modest-size
where these can be used to replace present solid-state trailer or shelter when the requirement may be of a tem-
circuits. porary nature, such as a mining exploration project, far
At the present time, development of these integrated removed from the headquarters in overall control but
circuits has reached a point where certain substitutions where ordinary commercial communication facilities
are possible. Any or all of the foregoing advances could are not available.
lead to material reductions in size, weight, and cost. To summarize the present trends in the current develop-
Reference to Table I shows that the world is becoming ment of tropo equipment, we can list the following:
increasingly aware of tropo for use in commercial or 1. Completion of transformation of all tropo equip-
common-carrier systems. It is, therefore, desirable to ment from tube types to solid-state, though still retaining
develop commercial or common-carrier tropo equip- power tubes in power amplifiers.
ment, based to a great extent on CCIR and CCITT speci- 2. Further elTorts to decrease size, weight, and main
fications, and with a voice-channel capacity from 4 to power requirements for solid-state equipment. These
200 channels for this type of service. It may be necessary elrorts include development of relatively high output

I. Tropo systems or projects completed from 1955 to July 1, 1965,

plus additional systems, already announced publicly, scheduled to be completed at later dates
a, E ~~~~~~~~~~~N di
EE Ef - X '-'0 0o
E U) U)= *0-0z C
E = 2.
iL.cC ~ . 8

C . nC U m - .ELw.'- .r~ AN JT9

Chd-a. 1 C0
Di D N NPTT 1 Net 90 F am-
90 1
0 @0@_
"o .Exp0 PT 1 8 9 S
(D 1958, Ontar - io Ex0 170 12
0 0U 0 >
1958, New
U.K.-NCetherlands;' E Hi~ .. NC.i >.- Ep C E
1956, a Exp 13 S E a T MAD
TxsTwrprttp, PG 221152 80F 90 72 REL LEN KEN 3 0 6 ~T

I2E wn
0) CL ~~~~~~~i
(01- ( (0 0
0 ~C ~ = -
di)Oa: I- cl~
* Nutley-Southampton, ITT 1 91 Var F 900 Var Var WS ITT KENN 28 Var 8 D A
1955, New York Expi
B Texas Towers prototype, PAGE 2 210 15120 80 F 900 72 72 REL LENK KENN 30 10 6 T B
1956, Massachusetts' Expi 130 NRC
C AN TRC-43 (XW-1), 1957, WEST 1 268 F 900 Var WEST WE PROD 28 10 9 N c
Verona, N.Y.-Baltimore Expi
D Denhe/der-Domburg, NPTT N
WPTT 1 90 90 F 900 1 PHTE 16 80W 94 D
1958-59, Engla nd '
1957, Netheraandsb Expl
E Kinmount-Sugarpoint, CWES 2 270 6 480 100 T 5000 24 120 CWES STRC PMS 16 2 9.5 D E
1958 Ontario!' Expi 170 12
F Lannion-Conches, 1958, CFTH/CNET 1 200 12000 F 2000 60 CGDT CGDT 40 10 10 D F
France Expi CFTH
G West Beckham-Domburg, N PTT/GPO 1 112 112 F 900 1 PHTE 16 100W 9 D G
1958, U.K.-Netherlands" Expi
H South England Tropo, MARC 1 206 4 944 F 900 24 MARC 30 10 D H
1958-59, Englandf Expi
J AN/FRC-53/54, 1959, WEST 1 171 4 104 F 2000 24 72 WEST KENN 28 10 10 D J
Northern New York Expi PROD 1
K Paris-Nancay, 1959, CGE 1 103 9 682 F 900 94 33 2 8 D K
Franca, Expi
L AN/GPA-35 (XW-1), 1960, WEST 2 244 976 121 F 5000 4 WEST LENK KENN 2 9 Q L
Florida Expi 123
M AN/TRC-66, 1960, WEST 3 209 10 032 56 T 5000 48 WEST LENK WEST 14 1 4 Q M
Carolinas Exp' 93
N Radas Experimental, 1962, MART 1 100 4 800 T 5000 48 OWES MART 12 D N
Florida" Expi
0 Radas Experimental, 1962, MART 1 210 10 080 T 5000 48 OWES MART 12 D 0
Florida' Expt
1 Polevault, 1955, BTCC 9 1609 57 924 130 F 900 36 36 REL STC KENN 60 10 9 D 1
Canadal" Def2 228
2 Anchorage-Kodiak, 1955, PAGE 2 190 1 140 65 F 100 6 12 REL WE PAGE 30 1 4 D 2
A!aska'l CC' 125 WEST

Gunithier-Tropospheric scatter communicatioil~ 91


0 ~~~~~~~~EN 0,
0E 2 2 0L 0
.2 EE -0E" CO- (_
0n 0._ 4)~~~~~ 0 C

~ ~
E -C
o20c 2~ 0
0 0 E
5 u 0
00 E
0 >O 0
5 u


0 bb 0m 'a 5 0

a ~
Nospcii loato
4 arina-inrc,
~ ~ Def
~ ~ E0 0

97, ir 124 144 800 6 3 IT IT 6 0.

6 Mid-Can South. 1957. BTCC 4 ~~~~-69 2142 9 90 36 36 NOC GELDCL 6 1

Canada Def' 180~~~~6
0 a 10

3 ASTn"r01a 1957, Span-IT 2T8 738 1 900 36 48 CTT LENK KENN 60 10 D 7

8 PuartdiRico-Diominican57 ITT! T 1 240 1 440 F 900 6 36 ITT LENK KEN 62 1 D 8

Mdtrepoan1957 Caiba' CC3
9 Blougida-Cba,Masor,197,ACTHT 1 50 12005 F 450 241 240 CFTH CFT BCFT 18 10 6 DQ9
10 Quebe-Labradort, 1958, BTCC 5 65701
6400 80 F 900 48 48 NOEC NGECL DBCL 2804 1 7 D 10
Eastern Canada Comb' 1501222A80 10 2.
11 TST-orit, 1958, CRCn-IT 8 738
T 1 900 4,61 248 CRC CRC CRCN 15 1 8 Q 11
Noospcifc loainDef' 245RE
12 DuewtLine,D1958,cAlaska-GWE 29 2695 646840 F 900 24 24 CRC LENK BKCN 30 1 8 D 12

Northern Canada Domb, 120 19 5 C 60 1

13 Northern Telephone Co., CRC 1 91 364 TF 900 4 12 CRC CRC CRC 15 1 8 D 13

1958, Kenora-Redlake, Can. CC'
14 Venezuela Scatter System, CRC 2 344 8 256 110 TF 900 24 24 CRC PHTE TAC 28 1 8 Q 14
1958, Venezuela' GCmr5.6 234 CRC KENN
15 White Alice, 1958, WE 23 3135 413 820 70 F 900 132 132 REL WE BKC 30 1 8 DQ 15
Alaska Comb' 170 60 10
16 Polevault. "Dog-Legs," RCA 6 440 1 760 46 F 900 4 4 REL KENN 28 1 8 D 16
1958, Lab.-Newfoundland Def'- 95
17 Iceland Tropo, 1958, RCA 3 650 2 600 167 F 900 4 4 REL KENN 28 10 8 DQ 17
Iceland:' Def' 270 60
18 Texas Towers, 1958, RCA 3 310 22 320 81 F 2000 72 72 REL LENK KENN 28 10 8 Q 18
East Coast, U.S.', Deft' 124
19 Hot Line, 1958, ITT 3 525 18 900 100 F 900 36 ITT 28 10 Q 19
Norwayh Def 2 235 2000 NRC 60
20 Constantine-Tebessa, CFTH 1 66 1 584 F 450 24 24 CFTH CFTH CFTH 18 1 D 20
1958, Algeria CC3
21 AST-102, 1959. CRC T 2000 4.12 24 CRC CRC CRC 15 1 9.5 D 21
No specific location Det' 24
22 Libya Tropo, 1959, HEPC 2 340 4 760 120 F 900 14 72 REL GECL KENN 28 1 7 Q 22
Li bya CC' 220 60 10
23 Orinoco Mining Co., 1959, CRC 1 324 1 620 F 900 5 24 CRC CRC TAC 28 1 8 D 23
VenezueWla Cmr6
24 Blue Grass, 1959, WE 8 1395 100 440 80 F 900 72 72 REL WE BKC 20.60 1.10 2 Q 24
Alaska Comb4 410 120 50 8
25 Berlin-Torphaus, 1959, SIEM 1 118 14 160 F 2000 120 132 SIEM SIEM SIEM 33 1 8 D 25
West Germany CC4
26 AEC, 1959. Eniwetok- HAN 1 350 8 400 F 900 24 24 LNP LENK 26
Kwajalein G

27 Florida-Bahama Tropo, ATT/ITT 1 186 6 696 F 2000 36 72 ITT WE BKC 30 10 10 DQ 27

1960, S.E. U.S.-Bahamase CC' KEN N
28 Gulf Missile Range, PHIL 1 180 4 320 F 2000 72 PHIL 60 10 Q 28
1959, Gulf of Mexico Det'
29 Medea-Laghouat, 1960, CFTH 3 181 4 344 25 F 450 24 24 CFTH LTT CFTH 18 100W 6 0 29
Algeria CC' 91 30 1W
30 Dew Drop, 1960, Thule- GE 1 625 7 500 F 400 1, 12 24 GE LENK KENN 120 3 2 Q 30
Cape Dyer' Def2 24 10
9? IEEE spectruni SEPTEMIBER 1966
0 CL U) 2~~~~)

. C)
z 2 O Xo @ ' C
02 . >' .% X tE E
o , ,Q
a c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) x .a.- '
t 6* ; 3 iPA
E E=, O li <, o* ,~~~~~~~EE
,;; : E - E(L 04.2

*.E4O ~O
102 'z ~~
a -

a - Ln
*0 0 - a

S 4)0 ~ ~
~ *.Ei~~~- o a
m U

35 Snow Lake-Thompson, RCA 1). 2120

1960, 3 600
oanitoba, Canada F 450 4~30
a,.CCa 48) RCA LENK 0ENN 28 1 6 35>
Eastern Canaa
to 0> >xZ
E-E. Caribbean
Gem 0 TV TR
>C- 2~ 40
185C F C 400 4
Vie ie 0
RTT - -u4)1 E
0W 9 D 33
4) n0y0-Be
*a FrneAgra
217 C
1960,~~~~~ , .-
31 34 East
Pacscat, Reay 190
-os1960, CR
11~ 114 2816
736 FF 900 120
200 24 1372 R
TAC 188 11 88 Q
Q 331
Hawaii Def2
32 Laghouat-Ouargma, 1960, CFTH 2 203 4872 101 F 450 24 24 CFTH LTT CFTH 30 1 6 D 32
Algeria CC' 102
33 37~~
0rnddBabds TV, 191 TRT
AC 12 402
25 246 185 FF 75 Video
4000 12 Video
AR 30 500W
18 1 109 QD 33
1960, France-Algeriai G' 217
34 East Coast Relay, 19601 CRC 1 68 8160 F 2000 120 132 CRC CRC AC 28 1 8 Q 34
Maryland, Def2
35 Snow Lake-Thompson, RCA 1 120 3600 F 450 30 48 RCA LENK KENN 28 1 6 D 35
1960, Manitoba, Canada CC3
36 ADcOM 11, 1960, CWES 1 T 5000 24 48 CWES LENK AC 10 9.5 Q 36
Eastern Canada Def2
37 Trinidad-Barbados, 1961, MARC 1 205 2460 F 750 12 60 MARC ATE MARC 30 1 10 Q 37
S.E. Caribbean CCo
38 BMEWS-Alaska, 1961 WE 7 855 164 160 100 F 900 192 240 REL WE BKC 60 1 2 Q 38
Alaska Comb4 180 10
39 Schonfeld-Flobecq, 1961, SIEM 118 7 080 F 2000 60 132 SIEM SIEM KENN 28 1 8 D 39
Germany-Belgium Def2
40 Flobecq-Martresham Heath, SIEM 1 141 85460 F 900 60 REL SIEM KENN 28 1 8 Q 40
1961, Belgium-England Def2
41 Polevault Rebuild, 1961, WE 5 955 78840 150 F 900 72 132 REL WE BKC 30,60 1 2 Q 41
Canada CombV 228 108 VICK 120 10
42 R.S.A.F., 1961, CWES 4 610 29280 200 F 5000 48 120 CWES LENK PMS 16 2 9 Q 42
Sweden Def2 100 10

43 Manicougam, 1961, CWES 1 115 2 760 T 5000 24 120 CWES STRC PMS 16 2 9.5 D 43
Quebec CCo 12
44 Ft. Wadsworth, 1961, ITT 1 45 540 T 2000 12 24 ITT GE AC 15 1 8 D 44
S.E. New York Def2
45 Jasdaf, 1961, NEC 13 1708 61488 91 F 1800 12 NEC 33 100W 45
Japan DeA r 145 48
46 Makpo-Cheju, 1962, MARC 1 98 21176 F 750 12 60 MARC ATE MARC 30 1 10 Q 46
Korea CC'
47 1ndocom, 1962, PHIL 1 260 6240 F 900 24 24 PHIL CRC AC 28 1 8 Q 47
Indonesia Comb4
48 Atlantic Missile Range, PAGE 1 382 9 168 T 900 24 72 REL GE KENN 60 10 2 Q 48
1962, Caribbean Comb'
49 B.C. Telephone Co., 1962, LENK 2 345 16 560 155 F 900 48 252 REL LENK WEBR 60 10 2.5 Q 49
British Columbia-Alaska Comb' 190
50 Colomb Bechar Hammaguir, CFTH 1 71 2 556 F 500 36 CFTH CIT CFTH 30 1 6 D 50
1962, Algeria Def2
51 Philippine Tropo, 1962, BEND 3 425 5100 105 F 900 12 12 REL LENK ASI 28 1 8 Q 51
Philippines Def2 185
52 Back Porch, 1962, PAGE 5 820 59050 106 T 900 72 72 REL LENK ASI 60 10 2 Q 52
South Vietnam DefG2.5 224
53 Taiwan-Philippines, ITT 1 310 3 720 F 450 12 24 ITT KENN 60 10 Q 53
1962, West Pa CifiCk Def2
54 Dew East Nars, 1962, WE 10 2420 203 280 120 F 900 84 84 REL WE Var 30, 60 10 2 Q 54
North Atlantic Comb4 450 120 50
55 U.K.-Spain-Morocco, 1962, PAGE 4 1230 29 520 209 F 900 24 24 REL SIEM BKC 60 10 2 Q 55
Western Europe Def2 515 400 72 RAD 120 50 8
56 Alberta Govt. Telephone, CWES 1 90 2 160 F 5000 24 120 CWES LENK AC 28 5 4.5 Q 56
1963, Alberta, Canada CC'
57 Okinawa-Miyako Jima, PAGE 1 176 2 112 F 2000 12 72 REL GE TAG 30 lOW 8 Q 57
1963, Okinawa Del)
58 Navy Philippine Tropo, USN 1 45 540 F 900 24 24 CRC LENK 30 10 9 Q Ss
1962, Philippines Def2

Gunther-Tropospheric scatter communications

U) EN >1 -~

C a) 2 4) C. f U~~~~~~~~~~
-3 - U) )
to ~ C ( - C )-
U22 5

13L of.mZ
2 2E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-o 0V4 0
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.,CI) - C(0 U 0
too 'O C~0. Z
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C,, -CU) -)1 U)
) -CC

59 Thin Route
Tropo, G~~~E
FT 40 11EE G AC 22W Q5
Atlantic Coast Def' C
250~~~~~6 30
1963, Mozambique CC' 273)CL
Algeria CC' 143~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ CFTHa.C
63Ac 1963Top, SHAE 40652300 15 FT 900 36 60 REL GTC ITEC 33 10 8 DQ 63
Europe3 VrosDefCm20r00 6A1
64 Coknawa-apan,919, USNEC E 9 1705r 402 800 ar F 20400 24 602 NEC LNEC 601 10 3.5D 64
JAplanti CatDef 45003
65 PacificoMissilesRaneir, BEND 1 2 18 4 F 5000 32 12 CRCH CRC CRC 10 1 25 65
1963. Coalioriau Def FEC

Bangko-aio,1963 . PHILE 10 4750 1430800 F 2000 24 60 PHIL GEC ITEN 60 10 8 Q 66
SEurpAi'Def2 5 0 YEKU 61
67 Okinawa-Tapwan, 1963, CRC 2 6701 14424 192 F 9000 24 24 CRC GEC BK 60 10 2 5 67
Westen PcfcDef' 4090C 2
68 Yuko-Barer Isande, WEN 1 23 20 F 900 36 72 REL WEC BKC 120 50 2 68
1963, Calaskrna CombFE
69 Condkor-Saigon1963 3,USN/RL 1 458 139M0 2000 24 48 REIL LENKEAC 30 10 8 Q 69
SpEAsin "
670 TukeyawaTropan,19633,PAGE 8 0179 42829 782 FM 900 24 24 CREL GIEM AKC 60 1 32 Q 670
Weturke PcfcDef2 268 A 28 1

71 AondMrC/9, 1963, BENDRE 16 T832 M 9000 24 252 REL LENK ATE 28 10 2 Q 671

No specific location Def2

72 Rokaf, 1964, ITT 3 445 32 046 110 F 5000 24 240 ITT ITT KENN 6, 15 1 DQ 72
South Korea" Def2 175 120 30. 40
73 Big Rally 11, 1964, ITT 6 1200 28 800 150 T 400 24 24 REL MOTO ASI 30 1 2 Q 73
Southern Europe Def 2 300 10
74 AN/TRC-80, 1961-64, CRC T 5000 1 1 CRC CRC BIRD 8 1 9 D 74
Various Def'
75 AN/TRC 90, 90A, 90B, 90C, CRC T 5000 1.12 24 CRC CRC CRC 10, 15 1 5.5 DQ 75
1962-64, Various Def2 24 48 NORC KENN 29 9
76 Antigua-St. Lucia, 1964, MARC 1 220 10 560 F 900 48 72 MARC TMC KENN 30 1 2 Q 76
Caribbean CC' REL
77 St. Lucia-Barbados, 1964, MARC 1 112 8 064 F 2000 72 72 REL TMC KENN 20 5W 8 Q 77
Caribbean CC'
78 Bahama Telecom, 1964, PAGE 4 380 9 120 65 F 2000 24 60 FEC LEN K ASI 1 5 78
Bahama Islands CC' 125 SIER FEC AC
79 CNT-Northwest Tropo, PAGE 3 640 16 640 190 F 2?000 26 72 NOEC LENK DBCL 60 1 2.5 Q 79
1964, N.W. Canada CC' 240
80 Bangkok-Ubon, 1964, PHIL 2 310 7 440 155 F 2000 24 60 PHIL GE KENN 60 10 8 Q 80
S.E. Asia Def2 155
81 AMR, 1964, Cape Kennedy- PAGE 1 170 12 240 M 900 72 72 REL LENK ASI 60 10 2.5 Q 81
Grand Bahama Island NASA
82 Wet Wash, 1964, PAGE 1 180 12 960 M 900 72 240 REL LENK ITE 30 10 2 Q 82
South Vietnam Def2
83 Saida-Colomb Bechar, CFTH 3 270 9 720 57 F 500 36 60 CFTH CFTH 30 1 6 D 83
1964, Algeria CC' 123
84 Phil. Cable Extension, GTE 1 70 9 240 F 2000 132 240 REL LEN K 30 1 2.5 Q 84
1965, Philippines CC'
85 Philippine Telecom, 1965, ITT 3 415 29 880 100 F 900 72 240 REL ITT ROHR 1 8 Q 85
Philippines CC' 180 10
86 Phil-Taiwan Improvement, PAGE 1 310 7 440 F 600 24 48 ITT CRC KENN 60 10 2 Q 86
1965, Philippines, Def2 FEC BKC 120
4)~~~~~~~~~E N Z-

c 0
E 'n -
a; - 0 C a)
I CL .-
- .4
0 4)

E MC 4
Z 0)
- CL E
> 4)
C 4
.- Z ~
a ZI w
04M- Z C
. U.
C )
~C 4) 02 (D C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 a O.. >jT
~~~~~~~O44)~~~~~ ~~~
0 a)CC 'a Z>, 0 Z
~~0..2 0.
024) 0
0 > .
8 <

-a .C2 2t0~'

tL)*0 0C Q: M 0 4 -
.~ ~
05 MU)
15c -p ,C
oc - C 4
'. ) 6-
~~4) M 'L
(Zn -i D

c it 0 ) -
87 Thule-Fox, 1965. Canada- PHIL 1 590 7 080 F 400 12 72 REL LENK DBCL 120 100 2.5 Q 87
Greenland Def2
88 LL-176, 1965. ATT 4 54 000 F 2000 132 300 REL WE Q 88
United States CC:
89EMT, 1965, ITT 18 3267 235 224 68 F 2600 72 120 REL RAY BKC 30 1 2.5 Q 89
South Europe Def2 282 60 10
90 Antigua-Tortola, 1965, MARC 1 220 17 600 F 2000 300 REL 1 2.5 Q 90
Caribbean CC:
91 France-Portugal, 1966, CFTH 1 293 10 548 F 900 36 120 CFTH CEI 90 10 2.5 Q 91
West Europe CC3
92 Fayal-Flores, 1966, CFTH 1 170 2 040 F 900 12 12 CFTH CEI 30 150W 2.5 D 92
Azores CC3
93 ET-A, 1966, ITT 18 2080 114 930 50 FT 5000 24, 36 120* ITT GE KENN 6, 15 1 DQ 93
West Europee GDef2,5 240 60, 72 30, 40 10
94 AN/TRC-97, 1966 RCA T 5000 24 24 RCA 8 1 4.5 D 94
Various"' Def2
1 Experimental d World's first system designed for ! The only system utilizing amplitude
2 Defense operational traffic modulation
3 Common carrier e Predetection combining j TV service-predetection combining
4 Combination f When operating in dual diversity, cap- k Predetection combining (being up-
5 Government ab~le of handling 1 TV channel and 120 grd)
6 Commercial vinge chnesrdtcincmi- m Phase-lock threshold ext.
b Unidirectional
~~~h Under retrofit
Now part of Ace High (see System No. nado ie
c Radas tests 63) * Also present capacity on some spans

Key to companies and agencies listed in abbreviated form in this table

AC Andrew Corp. MARC The Marconi Co., Ltd.
AEC Atomic Energy Commission MART The Martin Marietta Co.
ASI Antenna Systems. Inc. MOTO Motorola Inc.
ATE Automatic Telephone & Electric Co. (England)
ATT American Telephone & Telegraph Co. NASA National Aeronautical and Space Administration
NEC Nippon Electric Co., Inc.
BEND Bendix Corp. NOEC Northern Electric Co., Ltd.
BIRD Bird Air Structures NORC Northern Radio Co.
BKC Blaw-Knox Co. N PTT Netherlands Postal, Telephone &
BTCC Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Telegraph Bureau
NRC National Radio Co.
CEI Compania Elettronica Italiana, S.p.A.
CFTH Compagnie Francaise Thomson-Houston PAGE Page Communication Engineers, Inc.
CGDT Compagnie General de Telegraphie Sans Fil PHIL Philco Corp.
CGE Compagnie Generale d'Electricit4 PHTE N. V. Philips Telecommunicate Industrie
CIT Compagnie Industrielle des Telecommunications PMS Precision Metal Spinning, Ltd.
CNET Compagnie Nationale Etudes de PROD Prodelin, Inc.
Telecommunications PYE Pye Telecommunications. Ltd.
CNT Canadian National Telecommunications
CRC Collins Radio Co. RAD Radiation, Inc.
CWES Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. RAY Raytheon Co.
RCA Radio Corp. of America
DBCL Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd. REL Radio Engineering Laboratories
FEC Farinon Electric Co. ROHR Rohr Corp.
GE General Electric Co. SAT Socidt6 Anonyme de Telecommunications
GECL General Electric Co., Ltd. (U.K.) SHAPE Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe
GPO General Post Office (U.K.) SIEM Siemens & Haiske, A.G.
GTE General Telephone & Electronics Corp. SIER Sierra Electronic Div., Philco Corp.
STC Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd.
HAN Holmes and Narver STRC Stromberg-Carlson Corp.
HEPC Hycon-Eastern Co. and Page Communication
Engineers, Inc. TAC Technical Appliance Corp.
TMC Telephone Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
I-T-E Circuit Breaker Co.
International Telephone & Telegraph Corp.
TRT Telecommnunications
Radio-Electriques et
KENN D. S. Kennedy Co.
KRUP Friedrich Krupp, GMBH USN U.S. Navy
LENK Lenkurt Electric Co., Inc. VICK Canadian Vickers Co. Ltd.
LINC Lincoln Lab.
LNP Lincoln Lab., National Radio Co.. WE Western Electric Co.
Page Communication Engineers, Inc. WEBR Western Bridge Co.. Ltd.
LTT Lignes Telephoniques et Telegraphiques WEST Westinghouse Electric Corp.

Gunither-Tropospheric scatter commiunications 95

1650 180° 1650 1500 1350

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65' '80° 165' 1500 135'
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9t 7 ^ n / 1 7 0 C | t DEVON ISLAND /
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;\(R)<LSr~ ~ ~ REPUBLICS(. SR)
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>-2 5°'5 SENEG>AL M + CHADtAN VV -5

50° 50° 0° 15° 30° 45°

900 1050 1200 1350 150°
_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I IIII1f - I I I i I I I I I I I I I I 121I
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_ C I N A 9 A T o X <N_
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30° -- ,__ , '

t CHINA '0
_ i EAST 00 0_ igp;i100;-0000
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_~~~~ 7~ ,.' , of ; 00 . PN

9 1050
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ANGK0K, 01500

poe tubet\s. 9. Deeomn of a lihwegt RNEasiy transportable

4.p Invesigatons)Tofovariousnew tproecsoftowrouhu

thbs bebyrlalxlutypesof helioters.aiicae)

5.weDueveopen ofcepradlgtratna, 1. Development of a rliablweih,relativly cheanptyeortal

patcualfditorntanspveormetabl rdueieand rtepaeqip
tacicl tyopesofteropoa equipment,tonorin ores
m ore lesscatouie
mlient, wher weiht,strowague. Uizandieas of tassemlying-the ments and CCIT mltrecommendations cand capableu ofth
tubeld are pawr amount. heeecnmia.i incopoatomintmmofntional communieatioytrnspsystem
6. Investigations of valtrnaives towtparaboliaoertuens. without dgadationeof theli systems.

7. Advances in further modularization of solid-state 11. Further studies and investigations of the tropo
equipment, including use of integrated circuitry, to propagation mechanism to determine its exact nature and
reduce size and weight and increase accessibility, behavior, and thus afford designers a stronger base for
X. Further development of automatic fault indicator development of improved equipment and perhaps better
and performance monitoring equipment to facilitate bandwidth for increased channel capacity.

Gunther-Troposplicric scatttcr communicaltionIs 99

The future of tropo Compagnie Generale d'Electricite
In the years ahead, what will be tne position of tropo Electric Company
General Telephone
General & Electronics Corporation
in the world of modern communications? Many persons International Aeradio Limited
may say that it will be more or less eliminated from the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation
picture wlth
with thehe cdevelopment
eve oment oft com
communication satel-
unlcalon ste. ~ Marconi Company Limited
Martin Company
lites. At the beginning of this article, tropo was termed a N. V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken
"gap filler" between radio facilities that provide short- Page Communication Engineers, Inc.
Pye Limited
range and long-range communications. This iS a fairly Radio Corporation of America
accurate description. Probably tropo will be complemen- Siemen-s & Halske, A.G.
tary to satellite systems rather than competitive with them. Telecommunications Radioelectriques et Telephoniques
Western Electric Company
At this moment, several nations are reluctant to exercise Westinghouse Electric Corporation
their rights of satellite access for a number of reasons- The author also desires to express his warm thanks and ap-
stemming principally from economic considerations and a preciation to certain members of the staff at Radio Engineering
lack of operational control. Whatever satellite ground Laboratories who assisted in the cormpilation of data and in the
stations the various nations may establish, these com- preparation of illustrations and manuscript.
munication centers must have feeder circuits to handle the
domestic relays. Although various modes of effecting REFERENCES
these feeder systems are possible, tropo scatter may be 1. Marconi, Guglielmo, "Radio communications by means of very
used in many cases where other means are impracticable short electric waves," Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit., vol. 22, pp. 509-
544, 1933; reprinted in IRE Trans. on Antennias and Propagation,
For commerciabll
and where reliability is required.
For commercial or common-carrier
common-carrier purposes,there
purposes, there
vol. AP-5, pp. 90-99, Jan. 1957.
2. Clavier, A. G., and Altovsky, V., "Beyond-the-horizon 300-
appear to be many nations that are beginning to realize megacycle propagation tests in 1941," Elec. Commuin., vol. 33,
the value of tropo in places where the nature of the ter- June 1956.
rain presents obstacles and, in addition, where there is no 3c Terman, F. E., Radio Engineers' Handbook, Ist ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1943, pp. 754-755.
need for circuit drop reuirment
needfor ircut
drp requirements at nterediae ponts
at intermediate points 4. Bullington, K., "Characteristics of beyond-the-horizon radio
between stations. As this is written, aside from the systems transmission," Proc. IRE, vol. 43, pp. 1175-1180, Oct. 1955.
being installed (see Table I and maps), a number of others 5. Norton, K. A., "Propagation during World War If," Proc.
are under consideration or in the process of procurement. IRE, vol. 50, pp. 698-704, May 1962.
It can be assumed that during the next ten years there will 6. Manning, L. A., "Radio propagation following World War
II," Proc. IRE, vol. 50, pp. 709-711, May 1962.
be a steady, if limited, demand for common-carrier tropo 7. Hull, R. E., "E. H. Armstrong participation in early tropo
systems. Where planning is done properly, these systems propagation studies," Unpublished memorandum to W. E.
will provide for expansion of channels as requirements Yost, Jr., Dec. 16, 1964, Radio Engineering Laboratories.
increase with economic progress and the population ex- 8. Rice; P. L., Longley, A. G., Norton, K. A., and Barsis, A. P.,
"Transmission loss predictions for tropospheric communication
plosion. circuits," Tech. Note 101, vols. 1 and 2, National Bureau of
The continued and additional employment of new and Standards, May 7, 1965.
advanced types of tropo for military purposes will, of 9. Carroll, T. J., Lebatich, J. L., and Vergara, W. C., "VHF air-
ground propagation far beyond the horizon and a new mete-
course, depend upon the international situation. As orological parameter," Bendix Radio Rept., Feb. 1961.
pointed out previously, the accent is now on develop- 10. Carroll, T. J., "Mode theory as proof of partial internal
ment and procurement of light tactical types for utiliza- reflections from the normal air," International Scientific Radio
tion in jungle, guerrilla, or amphibious warfare, with some Union Program, May 1961, pp. 52-53.
11. Carroll, T. J., "Interpretation of Tukizi's calculations of
additions or upgrading of existing or planned strategic twilight propagation," International Scientific Radio Union
systems. Program, Oct. 1961, p. 34.
We can take steps to produce better tropo equipment 12. Armand, N. A., Vvdenskii, B. A., et al., "Long-range tro-
by proceeding with the developmen'ts listed in the pre- pospheric of ultrashort radio waves," Radiotekhn. i Elektron.
(U.S.S.R.), vol. 6, June 1961, pp. 867-885.
ceding section. To these might be added improved low- 13. Bullington, K., "Reflections from an exponential atmosphere,"
noise receivers, preamplifiers, and threshold extension Bell System Tech. J., vol. 42, pp. 2849-2868, Nov. 1963.
devices. 14. Medhurst, R. G., and Small, G. F., "An extended analysis of
echo distortion in the FM transmission of frequency-division
There is no doubt that tropo is here to stay, and will multiplex," Proc. IEE (London), vol. 103, pt. B, pp. 190-198,
occupy its own niche in the array of various types of Mar. 1956.
communications systems. Under certain conditions its 15. Booker, H. G., and de Bettencourt, J. T., "Theory of radio
employment is now
ditio indispensable;
ns t hevue
the may we
future may well transmission
beams," by tropospheric
Proc. IRE, vol. 43, pp. 281-290, Mar.using
scattering 1955. very narrow
add to these conditions to augment its value to later use 16. Chisholm, J. H., Rainville, L. P., Roche, J. F., and Root,
in both worldwide and domestic communications. Its H. G., "Measurements of the bandwidth of radio waves propagated
first 11 years of development have been impressive and by the troposphere beyond the horizon," IRE Trans. on Antennlas
and Propagation, vol. AP-6, pp. 377-378, Oct. 1958.
fruitful. The further enhancement of tropo will depend 17. Von Baeyer, H. J., "Selective fading effects on UHF tro-
upon the effort and vision of our engineers. pospheric scatter paths," Proc. IRE, vol. 47, pp. 2021-2022, Nov.
A nuber frms,at onsierale iconeniece,suppied 18. Shaft, P. D., "Information bandwidth of tropospheric scatter
valuable data and comment on various aspects of tropo scatter systms, IRe tras onCmunctos9ytms6o.C19p
communications, including the equipment involved. The author is 28 '27 Spt 1961
indebted to these companies, listed below, and extends to them 19. Beach, C. D., and Trecker, J. M., "A method for predicting
his sincere appreciation for their generous assistance and co- interchannel modulation due to multipath propagation in FM
operation, and PM tropospheric radio systems," Bell Sy:stem Tech. J., vol.
American Telephonle & Telegraph Company 42, pp. 1-36, Jan. 1963.
Bell Telephone Company of Canada 20. Prescott, H., "A method for predicting the statistical distri-
Bendix Corporation bution of bandwSidth in tropospheric scatter links," Proc. 7th
Collins Radio Company Nat'l Conu, on Military Electronlics, Washington, D.C., 1963,
Compagnie Franlcaise Thom1pson Houston pp. 28 1-285.

100 Gunther-Tropospheric scatter communications

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