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G10 Reproductive System 7e's DLP

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The learners demonstrate an understanding
of organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which
A. Content are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine
Standards systems and how these feedback mechanisms
maintain homeostasis to reproduce and survive.

B. Performance
Explain the role of hormones involved in the
female and male reproductive systems.
C. Learning (Code: S10LT-IIIB-34)
/ Objectives
Write the LC
code for each a. Identify the parts of the male and female Reproductive
b. Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their
c. Appreciate the value of having a healthy body

Coordinated Functions of the Reproductive,

Endocrine, and Nervous Systems


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide TG10 pp. 180

2. Learner’s LM10pp. 247-248

Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning Images from

IV. Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
- Good morning class. - Good morning
Good morning

- None teacher.
3. Checking of Attendance

- Is anyone absent today?

4. Setting of Classroom Standards

- What are the important

rules to be followed while
the class is going on? - Raise our right
hand when we
want to answer.
- Listen carefully
when somebody
is talking.
- Work
with your
- The female and
male reproductive

5. Review

- What does the picture - The picture

ELICIT shows? shows the human
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or system
presenting the
new lesson
- What is the reproductive - Involves all
system? anatomical
organs that are
involved in sexual

- What do you think is the - Penis

major part of the male
reproductive system?
- How about the female? - Vagina

6. Motivation

- I want everyone to analyze

the pictures in front.
- What can you observe in
the pictures?

What things come into your mind first when you -male and female
saw those photos? reproductive system
- reproduction

7. Unlocking Difficulties

- Kindly get a ¼ sheet of

- I want you to arrange the
scramble words.
- Write your answers
- I will give you 1 minute to
finish the activity.


B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson - Time is up! Let’s check
C. Presenting your work.
examples/instances of the
new lesson (checking of activity)

- Now I will be showing you

our objectives for today’s
- At the end of the lesson,
you are expected to:
A. Identify the parts of the
male and female
B. Describe the parts of
the reproductive
system and their
C. Appreciate the value of
having a healthy body.
- Among the organ system
in our body, our lesson for
today focuses on the male
and female reproductive
- What things come into
your mind first when you
see these pictures?

- H
ow old were you when you
notice some changes in
your body? Do you have
some questions raised in
your mind that you are
afraid to ask?

EXPLORE B. Developmental Activities

D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #1

E .Discussing new concepts Activity 1: “Know my Name and my Purpose”

and practicing new skills #2

- In this activity, you have to

group yourselves into four.
- Count from 1-4 starting
from my right and within 30
seconds, I want you to find
your group mates and sit
with them accordingly.
- (students are grouping
- Before we start the activity,
I will present to you the
rubrics to be followed while
making and presenting
your activity.


4 3 2 1
Content Student Student Student Student
knowledg demonstr is at ease is does not
e ates full with uncomfor have
knowledg content, table with grasp of
e (more but fails informatio informatio
than to n and is n; student
required) elaborate able to cannot
with . answer answer
explanati only questions
ons and rudiment about the
elaboratio ary subject.
n. questions

Organizat Student Student Audience Audience

ion presents presents has cannot
informatio informatio difficulty understa
n in n in following nd
logical, logical the presentati
interestin sequence presentati on
g which on because
sequence audience because there is
which can content is no
audience follow. jumbled. sequence
can of
follow. informatio

Visuals Student Visuals Student Student

used related to occasion used no
visuals to text and ally used visuals
reinforce presentati visuals
screen on that
text and rarely
presentati support
on. text

Delivery Student Student’s Student Student

used a voice is incorrectl mumbles,
clear clear. y incorrectl
voice and Student pronounc y
correct, pronounc es terms. pronounc
precise es most Audience es terms,
pronuncia words members and
tion of correctly. have speaks
terms. difficulty too
hearing quietly for
presentati students
on. in the
back of
class to

- For Groups 1 and 3, your

task is to label and define
the uses of the different
parts of the male and
female reproductive
system. Group 1 will do the
male and 3 the female.
- For the remaining groups 2
and 4, you are tasked to
present the journey of the
ovum and the sperm.
Group 2 will do the male
and 4 the female.
- You have 10 minutes to do
your work and you are
given 3 minutes each
group to present your
activities in front in a
creative way.

Guide Questions:

Group 1:

- What is the most important

organ of the male
reproductive system and
- What part of the male
reproductive system
produces fluid that
nourishes and transports
Group 2:

- How is sperm produced in

- Where do sperm cells
Group 3:

- What is the most important

organ of the female
reproductive system and
- The ends of the fallopian
tubes have finger like
projections called?

Group 4:

- Where does fertilization

- What is the egg cell called

EXPLAIN - (Students do their activity)

F. Developing mastery - Time is up! Present your
outputs in front starting
from group 1. Remember
our rubrics in presenting as
it will be the basis for your
scores. Clap your hands
for our presenter.
- Thank you Group 1, next
group 2. Give them 5
- The testes are the
primary male
reproductive organ and
are responsible for
testosterone and sperm
- The prostate gland.

- Sperm production in the
testes takes place in
coiled structures called
- Thank you Group 2, next
group 3. Give them 5 the seminiferous tubules.
claps. - The sperm moves into
the epididymis, where
they complete their

- The uterus is one of the
most important organs of
the female reproductive
system. It serves
important functions
- Well done Group 3, next during pregnancy and
but not the least group 4. childbirth.
Give them 5 claps.
- The fimbriae.

- The fertilization of an
egg by a sperm normally
occurs in the fallopian
- The ovum or oocytes.
ELABORATE 8. Generalization
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the - The reproductive system is
not only about the penis
and the vagina. There are
common misconceptions
about our reproductive
organs being only about
our private parts. In bisaya,
we call it bilat and oten.
What about in your native
language? What do you
call our private parts?

- In Maguindanaon
we call it puki
(vagina) and lusi
- In Ilonggo, we call
it putay (vagina)
and boto (penis).
- In ilocano, it’s uki
(vagina) and boto

- We should not be
ashamed to say bilat, puki,
buto, lusi or whatever we
call them because it is a
part of our body. Do we
- No ma’am.
make malice when we say
mouth? Or hands?

- Vagina and penis are not

bad words, we all should
remember that. It is a part
of our body and we must
take good care of it. How
do you take care of your
private parts?

- We take a bath
everyday ma’am.
- We wash it with
soap and warm
water ma’am.
- Very good. Just like every
other parts of our body, our
reproductive system also
needs to be taken care of.
- But, our reproductive
system isn’t just about our - Epididymis
vagina and penis. It’s more - Scrotum
than that on the inside.
- Testes
Can someone enumerate
- Vas deferens
the parts of the male
reproductive system? - Bulbourethral
- Prostate gland
- Seminal Vesicle
- Penis

- Vagina
- Cervix
- Endometrium
- How about the female - Ovary
reproductive system? - Fimbriae
- Fallopian tube
- Uterus

- Testis. It also
produces sperm
- What is responsible for
making the primary male
sex hormone?

- Scrotum.

- Very good. How about that

bag of skin that holds and
helps to protect the

- Uterus.
- Correct. And on females,
what stores or houses a
fertilized egg until the
offspring is ready to be
delivered? - Yes sir.

- Very good. So are you all

ready for our evaluation?
- Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the
- Choose the letter of the correct answer.
- You have 3 minutes to do your work.

1. It produces egg cells or oocytes.

a. fallopian tube b. ovary

EVALUATE c. endometrium d. vagina
I. Evaluating
2. In men, the seminal fluid added to the sperm to
form semen is secreted by the .
a. testes b. prostate gland

c. vas deferens d. epididymis

3. The external genital organ of the female is known

the .

a. labia majora b. vulva

c. labia minora d. vagina

4. An ovum is discharged alternately between two


a. Yes, the ovaries take turns in releasing the egg


b. No, this is not stated or explained.

c. Yes, but only sometimes.

d. No, no one can tell if the ovum is discharged by

the right or left ovary of the girl.

5. The two male reproductive organs that produce

fluid that help sperm be nourished and travel are the:

a. scrotum and penis

b. urethra and testes

c. testes and epididymis

d. prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

EXTEND C. Closure Activity

J. Additional activities for - For our last activity, match the word in
applications or remediation
Box A with its corresponding function in
Box B. Write your answers on the back of
your ¼ sheet of paper and pass it after.


1. ovaries a. nourish and

house a fertilized

2. estrogen b. where the sperm

cells mature and are

3. cervix c.where testosterone

is produced

4. uterus d. primary female

reproductive organ

5. hymen e. produce fluid that

nourishes and
transports sperm

6. f. it connects the
testosterone uterus to the vagina

7. scrotum g. holds

8. epididymis h. primary male sex


9. testes i. help regulate the

menstrual cycle
10. prostate j. thin membrane
glands that surrounds the
opening to the


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the


B. No. of learners who require

additional activities

for remediation who scored below


C. Did the remedial lesson work?

No. of learners

who have catch up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who require to



E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?

Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my

Principal or Supervisor can help?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I used

which I wish to share with the other


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