Registration of Suppliers and Contractors 2020/2021 Application Form
Registration of Suppliers and Contractors 2020/2021 Application Form
Registration of Suppliers and Contractors 2020/2021 Application Form
Application Form
2. Name of Applicant:
5. Telephone No:
6. Fax No:
7. Email Address:
8. Status of the Supplier / Contractor: (Whether Sole Agent, Importer, Manufacturer, Wholesaler,
9. No. and Date of Business Registration Certificate: (Please attach a Photocopy of the Certificate)
10. ICTAD Registration No.: Grade: (If Applicable) Field of Registration- (Please attach Photocopies of
relevant Pages)
15. VAT Number, If Any: (If you are not registered for VAT, please attach a letter obtained from the
Commissioner of Inland Revenue, certifying that your Company has not been registered for VAT)
16. Income Tax File Number, If Any: (Please attach photocopies of any directions received from the
Commissioner General of Inland Revenue re. withholding tax)
I / We hereby agree with the conditions stipulated by the Hambantota International Port Group (Pvt) ltd
and submit my / our application for registration.
…………………………………………. .…………………………………………………………………..
Duly filled applications should be sent along with the proof of payment of the registration fee of
LKR 2,000.00 (Should attached the copy of payment slip/receipt of cash payment or cheque)
The payment methods are as follows
(i) Obtain a receipt upon cash payment to Finance Department of HIPG
(ii) Cheque written in favour of “Hambantota International Port Group (Pvt) Ltd
(iii) Money transfer or deposit
Sri Lankan Rupee Account
Applications should be sent as per the guidelines given above, under registered cover to reach Head of
Procurement, Hambantota International Port Group (Pvt) Ltd, Maritime Centre, Mirijjawila, Hambantota
with the wordings “Supplier Registration 2020/2021” written top left hand side on the envelope.
Head of Procurement
Procurement Department
Hambantota International Port Group (Pvt) Ltd
Maritime Centre, Mirijjawila, Hambantota