Nephro Case Study
Nephro Case Study
Nephro Case Study
Family history:
Type : Nuclear
No. of family members: 4
Any Illness : No
Family Composition:
Sl Name of the Age Relatio Education Occupation Health
No. Family Members n Status
1. Abhinash samal 53Years Self 12 PASS Govt. Job UnHealthy
Family tree:
- Male
- Female
- Assigned
Socio-Economic Status:
Family income :3,00,000 /- per annum
Enviornmental hygiene: Well and Good
Type of house: Pucca
Personal History:
Personal hygiene:
Oral hygiene :Average
Bath per day :Once a day
Diet : Mixed Diet
No. of meals per day :4-5 meals / day
Food preference :All Type
Tea/Coffee :Tea
Sleep & rest :8-10 hrs\day
Elimination Pattern:
Bowel :Normal
Frequency : 1-2 times per day
Urine frequency
During day: Irregular
During Night: Irregular
Alcohol : No
Smoking : Yes
Tobacco : No
Exercises : Yes
General Appearance:
Level of Consciousness : Conscious
Speech : Clear
Height : 5’ 6’’
Weight : 65 kg
Body Built :Healthy
Personal Hygiene :Average
Vital Signs:
Date Time Pulse Respiration Blood Pressure Temperatures
10.03.2021 8AM 78 /M 18 /M 132/80 98.0
9AM 80 /M 20 /M 140/86 98.4
10AM 82 /M 20 /M 136/82 98.4
11AM 82 /M 20 /M 136/80 98.4
12AM 80 /M 18 /M 134/80 98.4
11.03.2021 8AM 76 /M 20 /M 130/86 98.4
9AM 80 /M 22 /M 130/88 98.2
10AM 80 /M 22 /M 134/88 98.4
11AM 82 /M 22 /M 136/88 98.6
12AM 84 /M 20 /M 140/90 98.6
12.03.2021 8AM 86 /M 20 /M 128/78 98.0
Size : Normal Size and Shape
Hair Colour : Black and white mixed
Scalp : Clean
Face : Normal
Facial Symmetry : Symmetrical
External Ear : Equally distributed position
Tympanic Membrane : No lesions
Hearing activity : Normal
Webber test : Normal
External Nose : Symmetrical, Nothing abnormal
Nostrils : No lesion or any discharge
Sinusitis : Absent
Sense of smell : Present
Eyes Brows : Normal
Eye Lashes : No lesions present
Eye Lids : Normal
Eye Balls : Not sunken or protruded
Conjunctiva : Transparent
Sclera : No sign of jaundice and anemia
Pupils : Reacted to light
Vision : Normal
Mouth and Pharynx:
Lips : Brown in colour, not dehydrated
Odour : No
Teeth : 28 in numbers
Denture : Absent
Buccal mucosa : Normal
Tongue : Not dehydrated
Tonsils : Not enlarged and not swelled
Lymph Nodes : Palpable
Thyroid Gland : Not Enlarged
Range of Motion : Normal
Cardio-Respiratory System:
Chest expansion : Expand symmetrically
Shape : Normal
Any deformities : No
Breathing sound : Wheezing Sound
Respiratory pattern : Difficulty in breathing
Respiratory rate : 20/min
Heart :
Heart sound : S1 and S2 heard
Murmur sound : No
Diaphragmatic excursion :
Varicose vein : No
Inspection :
Colour of skin : Brown
Presence of scar : Not present
Assess for lesions : no lesion present
Palpation : No tenderness at the area of appendix, no muscle mass
Percussion :
Ascites : Not present
Auscultation :
Bowel sound : Present
Genito-urinary system:
Urinary frequency : Abnormal
Burning micturation : Present
Hematuria : No
Urethral discharge : No
Bladder tenderness : No
Musculo-skeletal system:
Gait : No
Posture :No kyphosis, lordosis
Range of motion : Normal
Spine : Normal
Weakness : Present
Integumentary system:
Skin colour : Normal, brown in color but pale
Skin texture : Pale, rashes present
Skin integrity : Normal
Lesions : Not present
Cyanosis : No
Edema : Yes, swelling in hands and feet
Clubbing of nail : Absent
Neurological Test:
Co-Ordination Test: Patient responses in co-ordination test
Definition: CKD is defined as abnormalities of kidney structure or function, present for >3
months, with implications for health.
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs found in vertebrates. They are located on the
left and right in the retroperitoneal space.
In adult humans are about 11 centimetres (4.3 in) in length. They receive blood from the
paired renal arteries; blood exits into the paired renal veins. Each kidney is attached to a
ureter, a tube that carries excreted urine to the bladder.
Surface anatomy:
The kidneys lie retroperitoneally (behind the peritoneum) in the abdomen, either side of
the vertebral column.
They typically extend from T12 to L3, although the right kidney is often situated slightly
lower due to the presence of the liver. Each kidney is approximately three vertebrae in length.
The adrenal glands sit immediately superior to the kidneys within a separate envelope
of the renal fascia.
Arterial Supply:
The kidneys are supplied with blood via the renal arteries, which arise directly from the
abdominal aorta, immediately distal to the origin of the superior mesenteric artery. Due to
the anatomical position of the abdominal aorta (slightly to the left of the midline), the right
renal artery is longer, and crosses the vena cava posteriorly.
The renal artery enters the kidney via the renal hilum. At the hilum level, the renal artery
forms an anterior and a posterior division, which carry 75% and 25% of the blood supply to the
kidney, respectively. Five segmental arteries originate from these two divisions.
The avascular plane of the kidney (line of Brodel) is an imaginary line along the lateral and
slightly posterior border of the kidney, which delineates the segments of the kidney supplied
by the anterior and posterior divisions. It is an important access route for both open and
endoscopic surgical access of the kidney, as it minimises the risk of damage to major arterial
Venous Drainage:
The kidneys are drained of venous blood by the left and right renal veins. They leave the renal
hilum anteriorly to the renal arteries, and empty directly into the inferior vena cava.
As the vena cava lies slightly to the right, the left renal vein is longer, and travels anteriorly to
the abdominal aorta below the origin of the superior mesenteric artery. The right renal artery
lies posterior to the inferior vena cava.
Physiological Overview:
1. Renal blood supply to approx 20% of cardiac output 90% to cortex 1% to medulla
2. 2 capillary beds arranged in series
3. Glomerular: High pressure for absorption
4. Peritubular: Low pressure for absorption
5. Urine formation: simple filtration, selective & passive reabsorption, concentration
Stages of CKD:
Risk Factors:
Urine may contain abnormal amounts of protein, RBC’s, White blood cells or casts
Increased serum Creatinin, BUN level and retention of urea and other nitrogenous
waste (uraemia and azotemia)
Clinical Manifestations:
As Same
13.03.2021 Skin rashes To reduce risk for Risk for infection related to
present infection disease condition
Low immunity
13.03.2021 Subjective Data: Disturb thought To maintain 1. To assess 1. Assessed 1. To know Patient now
11AM Patient asks frequent process related to optimum level patient’s patient about the feels better
questions electrolyte imbalance of steady condition condition mental status
as evidence by change mental state 2. To provide 2. Provide of the patient
Objective Data: in behaviour
psychological psychological 2. To help
Stressed irritability.
support support patient relax
Date Nursing Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Goal Planning Implimentation Rationale Evaluation
14.03.2021 Subjective Data: Patient Imbalanced nutrition To maintain 1. To assess the 1. Assessed 1. To provide Patient will
10AM said that he can’t eat less that body nutritional nutritional nutrition comparative gradually
properly and feels weak requirements related status maintain
condition of condition , baseline
to reported balance with
Objective Data: inadequate food the patient body weight , 2. Provided oral evidence of
Weight Chart intake as evidenced 2. To provide oral rest level of the care appropriate
by nutritional care patient 3. To establish a body weight.
Nutrition parameters less than 3. To determine 2. Provided oral nutritional
imbalance normal care
whether extra plan
Daily diet list calories 3. Determined 4. To establish a
Inadequate needed or not extra calories nutritional
food intake 4. To provide diet needed or not plan
modification as 4. Provided 5. To prevent
needed modified diet further
5. To avoid 5. Advised to increase in
sodium rich avoid sodium sodium level
food rich food 6. To have
6. To encourage 6. Encouraged the proper
to do passive pt. to do circulation of
range of passive range blood
motion of motion 7. To prompt
exercise exercise. treatment
7. To administer 7. Administered
medications as medications as
ordered ordered
Date Nursing Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Goal Planning Implimentation Rationale Evaluation
14.03.2021 Subjective Data: Self care deficit To assist the 1. To assess the 1. Assessed 1. To obtain Patient now
11AM Patient complains of related to disease patient in daily feels
extent of extent of information
weakness condition as living confident
evidenced by activities weakness, weakness, about the
Objective Data: verbalization and fatigue, ability fatigue impact of encouraged
Weak visualization to participate 2. Encourage the activities on
Self-care in active and patient for fatigue
deficit passive reading story 2. To provide
Dull face activities. book news relaxation
At bed rest 2. To encourage paper 3. To promote
reading 3. Made a independency
3. To make a schedule for and active life
schedule for the patient of
the patient for rest periods
rest periods following
following active regular
activates. exercises
15.03.2021 Subjective Data: Patient Knowledge deficit To provide 1. To assess 1. Assessed 1. To clear the Client now
10AM frequently ask questions related to disease knowledge patient’s patients doubts of the can verbalize
about the discharge condition as about the knowledge knowledge clients about the
procedure, disease evidenced by disease about the about the 2. To educate disease
process frequent questioning procedure disease disease procedure
the client
condition condition and
Objective Data: 2. To provide 2. Provided regarding the treatment
Knowledge knowledge knowledge disease, regimen.
deficit about the about the treatment
Confused disease disease procedure,
procedure procedure exercise,
3. To discus about 3. Discussed about treatment
the medications the medications, regimen
diet therapy what types of
4. To advise about diet to be
exercises, follow followed
up routine 4. Advised to do
exercises and
regular check-up
15.03.2021 Subjective Data: Constipation related to To provide 1. To check on the 1. Checked on the 1. To know the Patient now feel
11AM Patient complains of disease condition as relief from usual pattern and usual pattern and normal comfortable
constipation evidence by passage of discomfort of
frequency of frequency of stool. frequency
hard stool constipation
Objective Data: stool 2. Given enema to of stool
Stool not [assed 2. To give enema to the patient. passing
for last 2 days
the patient 2. To make it
easier for
the patient
to pass
Progress Note:
Day by day patient’s condition is progressed.
11.03.2021: When he was admitted in the hospital. He had complains of fever for 3 days, loss of appetite,
breathing difficulty. Patient was in serious condition. Treatment has been started as early as possible to stable
the general condition of the problem.
12.03.2021: Patient had problem to pass the urine. Medication was administered to solve the problem. Various
nursing intervention had been applied to make the patient feel better.
13.03.2021: Patient was weak due to disease condition. Diet plan had been modified. Patient did the daily living
activities with the help of nursing professional. Oral care provided to decrease the loss of appetite. Change in
fluid therapy advised by the doctor
14.03.2021: Patient has discomfort due to fluid excess within the body. Swelling in hands and feets occurred.
Dialysis had been advised. Various aseptic techniques had been practiced to advice. Various aseptic techniques
had been practiced to avoid risk for infection
15.03.2021: Patient was tensed about his disease condition. To make him relax psychological support was
advised. BP came to a stable level. Patient feels relaxed.
Patient was in far more better condition and advised to discharge on next day along with next follow up date for
Health Education:
Dietary Changes:
1. Intake less amount of sodium rich food, avoid salt.
2. Eat season foods with fresh herbs, garlic, onion and sodium free spice blend instead of salt.
3. Eat less meat, yogurt.
4. Don’t practice smoking, don’t take alcohol
5. Eat medicines properly at time.
Other Changes:
1. Get plenty of rest and sleep. Don’t take stress.
2. Exercise daily
3. Weight yourself daily at the same time of the day
4. Take your medicine exactly as directed
5. Keep all medical appointments
6. Go for dialysis as per the date given
Follow-up Care:
1. Regularly maintain check up for monitoring any abnormality
2. Go to your doctor if having
- Trouble eating, loss of appetite
- Little or no urine output
- Trouble breathing
- Fever
- Blood in urine
- Vomiting, nausea
- Swellings of legs and hands
I started taking history of the patient with diagnosis of CKD. It is a very dangerous disease. If not managed
carefully can become progressive. Therefore, it is up to professional health care providers to ensure every care
is given to slow down the disease process. I also maintained a nursing care plan to his disease. I also observed
him about his medications, reports, treatment for preparation of my case presentation. I also have given health
education to the patient about the diets to be followed at home. There is no curable treatment for CKD but
lifestyle modification can manage the disease satisfactorily.
1. Brunner and Siddhartha, Text book of medical surgical nursing. 10th edition, Lippincott publisher, page
no 1053-1061
3. PK Panwar. Medical Surgical Nursing, ATBS Publication.