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Church and Its Relation With The para Church

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For the past years many Organizations (Para-Church) has sprung up in incredible numbers to
evangelize and help Christians grow. These ministries are not under the direct control of the
church. When we talk about the Church and its relation with the Para-Church, number of
questions arises in our mind. Are they biblical? Should they be under the authority of a local
church? Do they drain leadership from the church? Are they doctrinally weak? Are they
antichurch? Are churches insensitive to their task? Are churches getting the job done or are they
crippled by tradition? Are churches a stumbling block to God’s work? Can church and
parachurch live and thrive together? In this paper I am trying to bring out few issues in brief.

Moltmann says, “The Church is like an arrow sent out into the world to point to the future”.
Local church could mean two things: in a limited or narrow sense it means the congregation of a
particular denomination or an independent congregation in a specific locality. Comprehensively,
a local church should refer to the various Christian congregations in a particular locality.

In O.T. qahal may be a gathering of men called up for military duty (Gen.49: 6; Num.22:4;
Ezek.16:40). In the Greek world, the term ekklesia meant a group of citizens “called out” to
assemble for political purposes. In the N.T. ekklesia signifies a group of believers in Jesus who
are called together and is translated as “church”. In the Septuagint ekklesia is used
interchangeably with synagogue. Paul regularly uses the term church (ekklesia) in his letters to
address individuals or communities of believers (Rom.16: 1; I Cor.1: 2; II Cor.1: 1; I Thess.1: 1;
II Thess.1: 1). Of the 112 appearances of ecclesia in the N.T., 90 percent are found in Paul’s
letters, the book of Acts & Revelation. The term church appears only two times in the Gospels,
both in Matthew. (Matt.18: 17; 16:18).

Para- Church
Para church organizations are vehicles by which evangelical Christians work collaboratively
both outside of and across their denominations to engage with the world in mission, social
welfare and evangelism.

Through many decentralized organizations, Para-church organizations function to bridge the gap
between the church and culture. These are organizations often seek to be less institutional,
however over time, with growth and success, and in response to environmental pressures they
can become more institutional.

Any spiritual ministry whose organization is not under the control or authority of a local
congregation is called Para-church_. In protestant and Catholic theology, Para-church
organizations are termed sodalities, as distinct from modality, which is the term for the structure
and organization of the local or universal church.

The prefix “para” means, “Along side of, by, near”. Thus, the term Para church means “along
side of the church”.

Classification of Para-Church
Para-Church can be broadly classified into two.
1. Missionary Organizations, and 2. Charity Organizations.

Missionary Organizations
Sometimes come under the authority of the Church.
Example: Bridge Of Hope. This organization is working under Believers Church India.

1. Indian Missionary Society (IMS), working under Tirunelveli Diocese.

Mostly all the Para-church work independently. Some of the Missionary Organizations are:

2. Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB)

3. Vishwa vani
4. Gospel Echoing Mission Society (GEMS)
5. Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM)
6. Youth With A Mission (YWAM)
7. Blessing Youth Mission (BYM)
8. Campus Crusade for Christ
9. Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM)
10. Serve India Mission (SIM)

Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB)

The Friends Missionary Prayer Band, a completely indigenous mission agency. The FMPB was
formed, and sent out its first missionary in 1967. It now sends 550 missionaries cross-culturally
to work among 100 of the 1,800 unreached people groups in India, and supports 250 local
evangelists as well.

The Church and FMPB

FMPB as the result of their ministry starts small fellowship and slowly it start becoming a
church. These churches never come under their banner. For few days the church will be under
the control of the local missionary. Latter the churches are given in the hands of Evangelical
Church of India (E.C.I) or Church of North India (C.N.I). Nearly 500 churches are given to E.C.I
and 700 churches are given to C.N.I. Thus, FMPB indirectly works together with the church.

Indian Evangelical Mission

In 1965, the Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM) was born. Rev Dr Theodore Williams was its
founder General Secretary.

Youth With A Mission

Youth With A Mission is an international movement of Christians from many denominations
dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. It operates in more than 900 locations in over
140 countries, with a staff of over 11,000.

Blessing Youth Mission
God poured out a spirit of intercession on a group of college students in South India in the 1960s.
As a result the Blessing Youth Mission was born in 1971.

Ravi Zachariah’s International Ministries (RZIM)

RZIM's primary mission is to expand the teaching and preaching ministry of Ravi Zachariah’s in
order to equip Christians to engage the philosophical and cultural assumptions of the world they
live in.

Campus Crusade for Christ

Campus Crusade for Christ International is an interdenominational ministry committed to
helping take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.

Charity Organizations
(Non Governmental Organization) doesn’t work under the Church. It runs by its own. Some
Charity Organizations are:

 World Vision India.

 Compassion Ministries.
 Church Auxiliary Social Organization.

World Vision India

International humanitarian Christian organization working in 106 countries with over 300
projects in India First started in India in Calcutta in 1965.

EFICOR was a wing, set up as a unit of EFI to provide relief to drought hit state of Bihar in
1967. However, it later became an independent body & has its own legal status. It is a leading
organization working for Disaster response, preparedness & mitigation.

The Church and EFICOR

Some of the board members of EFICOR are Church leaders and many of EFICOR partners are
Church related organizations. EFICOR draws its inspirations from the Bible, yet it is an
independent body & does not receive any direction from Church regarding its activities. One of
the objectives for 2001-2006 is to sensitize Indian Church on God's concern on social issues. Its
association with Church has not in any way prevented EFICOR from adopting a holistic view
towards social realities.

Why Para-church?
Power structure, obsolete theological teachings, irrelevant and insensitive theological
affirmations, lack of justice oriented theological principle and a faith that has almost become
dormant, characterize the church_. Any church, which relegates mission to being the peripheral
activity of a lunatic fringe of enthusiasts, is doomed to self-destruction.

The Church failed to do its duties. It was ineffective in its mission. So, the Para-church emerged
and took up the responsibility of reaching the world. It began as a temporary phenomenon or a
small irritant needed to spur the church to renewal. Para-church ministries are, a fixture of
contemporary evangelical life. They do most of the heavy lifting in Christian outreach.

Roles undertaken by Para-church organizations

 Evangelistic crusade associations (patterned after the Billy Graham Association)
 Evangelistic and discipleship ministries (such as The Navigators, Campus Crusade for
 Music and print publishers, radio and television stations, film studios, online ministries
 Study centers and institutes, schools, colleges and universities
 Political and social activist groups
 Welfare and social services, including homeless shelters, child care, and domestic
violence, disaster relief programs, and food pantries and clothing closets, and emergency
aid centers (such as the City Missions)
 Self-help groups, Bible study groups & House churches.

Church’s attitude towards the Para-church

 Para-church drains leadership from the local church. They divert resources and personnel.
 They become exclusive and display a superior attitude. They promote themselves above
the local church ministry.
 They drain the church of finances that should go to the local church. The people instead
of supporting the church they support the Para-church. They use the church only for the
 Accountability of the Para-church is questioned.
 They have a very weak doctrinal position – watered down to try to please most churches.
 They are unbiblical when they’re not under the authority of the local church. They bypass
the authority of the church.
 Their staffs are antichurch even though they’re members of some local church.
 They never meet the broad spiritual, social & personal needs of the people. They minister
to a selected group rather than a broad spectrum_.

Para-church’s attitude towards the church

 The church is dull and dead, also it becomes a hindrance for the mission. It is pathetic to
see the minor impact they make in the society.
 The church thinks that it is the only instrument God is using. They never accept other
 Church pours too much money into its buildings rather than missions and people_.

Various ways Para-church hinders the ministry

 Lack of Accountability, Non-support of the local church, Duplication and lack of
coordination, Focus on a person, Lack of balance, etc.
 Various ways the church hinders the ministry
 Duplication, party spirit, lack of unity, Focus on building, Clergy/Laity divisions, Lack of
flexibility, Lack of relevance and impact in a pagan culture, Focus on person, Lack of
accountability, etc.

Some Issues
As a staunch believer, there will be always a question ‘In which organization I should be a
member?’ There are lots of good, biblical, effective Para-churches around us. My answer is,
Become part of a local church. Your first priority should be for the church. According to your
commitment and as you wish support as much as Para-churches as you can. In some churches
priorities are given to only for some Para-churches. Or there will be two different groups
supporting their own Para-churches. The whole church is divided because of such differences. In
such cases there is always a spirit of competition. Instead of having such spirit let us have the
spirit of unity. Let us work together to build the kingdom of God.

The problem is in our understanding. The spirit of competition, the lack of acceptance, the
differences between the people and so on create the problem. The Para-church cannot be ignored.
Nor can the Para-church ignore the local church. We being the part of church and Para-church
have to approach the issues with wisdom, understanding, and a deep desire to see God’s
kingdom advanced. The basic solution is within the individuals in the church & the Para-church.
The ultimate goal is to reach the lost, so why don’t we work together?


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