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Determination of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Contents in Two Varieties of Melon Fruits (Cucumis Melo L.) by Iodometric Titration

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Fullerene Journ. Of Chem Vol.6 No.

2: 143-147, 2021
ISSN 2598-1269
doi 10.37033/fjc.v6i2.342

Determination of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Contents in Two

Varieties of Melon Fruits (Cucumis melo L.) by Iodometric
Evana*a,b, Maria Selviana Bareka
aAkademi Analis Kesehatan Manggala Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 55198, Indonesia
bResearch Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, South Tangerang, 15314, Indonesia


Diterima 16 September 2021 Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is regarded as
Disetujui 28 Desember 2021 one of the safest and most effective nutrients. Vitamin C can be found in most fruits,
and one of the fruits that contain vitamin C is melon fruit. The objective of the study
Key word: is to determine vitamin C content in two varieties of melon fruits (Sky Rocket and
Ascorbic acid Rock Melon) through the iodometric titration method. The method of determination
Iodometric was cheap, accurate, and can be used for routine analysis. The samples were collected
Melon from different markets in Yogyakarta. The results recorded the concentrations of
Rock Melon
ascorbic acids in Sky Rocket melon (30.84±0.3066 mg/100 g), and Rock Melon
Sky Rocket
(33.77±0.2237 mg/100 g). The color of the fruit flesh affects the difference in vitamin
C content between two varieties of melon fruit. The vitamin C content of orange-
colored flesh (Rock Melon) is greater than that of greenish-yellow flesh (Sky Rocket).
*Telp: +6285729493309

Introduction The majority of fruits and vegetables,

Vitamins are organic chemical substances particularly those with a green leafy
that are required by all organisms due to their appearance, are high in ascorbic acid [5]. Fruits
critical function in metabolism. Vitamin C is one are high in vitamin C, according to several
of the most vital vitamins for human health. studies. Citrus, tomatoes, strawberries, peppers,
Vitamin C, commonly known as ascorbic acid, is grapefruit, guava, and other fruits have been
a water-soluble vitamin with a monosaccharide reported to have significantly high levels of
structure [1]. vitamin C [3]. Fruit vitamin C levels vary greatly
Vitamin C cannot be produced by the body depending on factors such as species, maturity,
and must therefore be acquired from dietary climate, temperature, and soil nutrient [3,4].
sources such as vegetables or fruits, particularly Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a fruit that
in fresh conditions. Ascorbic acid, in addition to belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and has the
functioning as an antioxidant [2], plays a key potential to be developed through plant
role in wound healing and osteogenesis, as well breeding [6]. Many Asian countries, including
as iron absorption, immune response activation India, Japan, Korea, China, and Thailand, have
[3], and collagen production [1]. Collagen is a developed melon plant breeding applications to
protein that is found in the skin, connective produce superior varieties [6].
tissue, bones, and teeth. A lack of ascorbic acid High-quality and high-phytonutrient
in the body might cause collagen production to melon fruits have strong market opportunities
be disrupted. This potentially fatal disease can besides their health-related benefits. Hence,
be avoided with as little as 10 mg of vitamin C information about the content of vitamin C in
per day, which is easily obtained from fresh melon fruits is expected to be able to maximize
fruits and vegetables [4].
by the community as important information in 10 ml of the sample solution was pipetted
community business development. into a conical flask, followed by 2 ml of 2 N
Many analytical techniques, such as H2SO4, and 10 mL of Iodine (I2) solution 0.1 N.
titrimetric [7], fluorimetric [5], The generated excess iodine was titrated against
spectrophotometric [7,8], high-performance a solution of 0.1 N Na2S2O3. The titration method
liquid chromatography [9], and enzymatic [10], determines vitamin C in the form of ascorbic
are mentioned in the literature for determining acid. The following expression is used to
vitamin C in various matrices. In this study, calculate the amount of ascorbic acid:
vitamin C was determined by the iodometric Level of Ascorbic acid =
(mmol x Mr) Ascorbic acid (2)
titration method. The method of determination
was cheap, accurate, and can be used for routine
analysis. mmol of Ascorbic acid =
[mmol I2 -1/2(mmol Na2S2O3)] (3)
Studies that systematically compare
ascorbic acid contents of melons, especially the
Results and Discussion
differences among varieties, are limited. In this
Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate Solution
study, we examined ascorbic acid contents in the
Vitamin C levels in samples were
two varieties Sky Rocket (greenish-yellow
determined using an iodometric method with
colored flesh) and Rock Melon (orange-colored
Na2S2O3 as the titrant. Na2S2O3 is a standard
solution unstable secondary, it must first be
standardized using a primary standard solution
(KIO3) to determine the concentration of
Preparation of Samples
Fresh samples of two melon varieties (Sky
The principle of Na2S2O3 solution
Rocket and Rock Melon) were obtained from
standardization is based on redox iodometric
different markets in Yogyakarta city. The
titration with KIO3 as the primary standard.
samples were washed with water, peeled, sliced
Na2S2O3 is a reducing agent which can be
into smaller portions, weighed, squeezed in a
standardized against iodine (oxidizing agent) by
juicer machine, and centrifuged. Then the
iodometric titration. A primary standard is a
volume and weight of the supernatant liquid
reagent that is easily weighed and is generally
were taken.
representative of the number of substances
present. Excess potassium iodide in an acidic
Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate Solution
medium liberates iodine, which is then re-
This standardization was accomplished by
titrated with sodium thiosulphate as a strong
pipetting 10 ml of potassium iodate (KIO3)
oxidizing agent using the following equation (4)
solution 0.1 N + 10 ml of 10% potassium iodide
and (5). The average value of Na2S2O3
(KI) solution + 10 ml of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) 2
concentration was 0.11±0.0008 N based on
N into a conical flask. The liberated I2 was
standardization results.
titrated against a burette solution of sodium
thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) until a faint yellow color KIO3 + 5KI + 3H2SO4 3K2SO4 + 3I2 + 3H2O (4)
was obtained. Then 4 drops of 1% starch
solution were added, and the titration was I2 + 2 Na2S2O3 2 NaI + Na2S4O6 (5)
continued until the starch-triiodide complex's
blue-black color completely vanished. The
Determination of The Ascorbic Acid Concentrations
titration was carried out in three replicates, and
Ascorbic acid was determined in two
the normality of the sodium thiosulfate solution
melon varieties using the titration method
was calculated. The following expression is used
described in the experimental section. The
to calculate the normality of the sodium
results revealed that the average ascorbic acid
thiosulfate solution:
content of Rock Melon was higher than Sky
N Na2S2O3= [(V x N) KIO3]/ V Na2S2O3 (1)
Rocket melon (table 1).
In this work, vitamin C was determined by
Determination of The Ascorbic Acid Concentrations
the iodometric titration method. The basic

principle of the iodometric method in mg/100 g) is higher than Sky Rocket melon
determining vitamin C levels is an iodine (30.84±0.3066 mg/100 g).
solution will oxidize ascorbic acid under acidic Melon flesh color affects the total
conditions to produce dehydroascorbic acid, as carotenoid content, orange-fleshed melon had
shown by the equation (6) below: the highest level of carotenoid content
compared to the green fleshed [6]. Other studies
C6H8O6 +I2 C6H6O6 + 2I- + 2H+ (6)
have reported that a catabolite of beta-carotene,
The unreacted iodine solution excess is titrated is more abundant in orange netted melons like a
with the sodium thiosulfate solution as shown cantaloupe than in green honeydews [11].
by equation (5). The starch is added as the Watanabe and Sato also researched the
titration approaches its endpoint to avoid carotenoid content of three watermelon
interfering with the I2 and C6H6O6 reactions. The cultivars with different flesh colors, watermelon
amount of vitamin C in the sample is with red flesh contained 35-50 µg/g lycopene,
determined by the amount of sodium thiosulfate while orange flesh had a higher beta carotene
used in the titration. content (14 µg/g) than yellow flesh (0.5 µg/g)
[12]. Carotenoids are antioxidant-rich color
Table 1. The ascorbic acid concentrations in two pigments found in plants. Antioxidants are
melon varieties. compounds that can prevent free radicals from
Samples V Na2S2O3 Concentration damaging cells in the body.
(mL) (mg/100 g) According to some studies, there is a
1 11.40 positive correlation between vitamin C and
carotenoids. The chemical content of lycopene,
A 2 11.50 30.94±0.6721
also known as alpha-carotene, a bright red
3 11.30
pigment carotenoid, was higher in red-fleshed
1 11.30
pamelo oranges (32.444 mg/kg) than in white-
B 2 11.40 31.09±0.5081
fleshed pamelo oranges (2.801 mg/kg). The red-
3 11.40
fleshed pamelo oranges have 0.721 mg/g of
1 11.60
vitamin C compared to the white-fleshed
C 2 11.40 30.50±0.5081
pamelo oranges (0.107 mg/g) [13].
3 11.40 Kurniawan et al. (2010) carried out the same
1 10.80 study, the content of chlorophyll, carotenoids,
D 2 10.80 34.02±0.2540 and vitamin C in several aquatic plants was
3 10.70 investigated in this study [14]. According to the
1 10.90 results of a study, the plant with the highest
E 2 10.80 33.73±0.2540 carotenoid content was Nymphaea sp., with 3.4
3 10.80 mg/L, and the plant with the lowest carotenoid
1 10.90 content was C. linum, with 0.34 mg/L (included
F 2 10.90 33.58±0.2540 in the group with the dominant pigment being
3 10.80 chlorophyll). The highest vitamin C content was
found in plants with the highest carotenoids,
Note: A, B, C = Sky Rocket melon; D, E, F = Rock Melon; the namely Nymphaea sp., with a value of 14.1 mg/30
represented value of ascorbic acid concentrations is the
g, and the lowest vitamin C content was found
mean ± standard deviation.
in plants with the lowest carotenoid content,
namely C. linum plant, with a value of 0.63
According to table 1, it was clear that the
mg/30 g. According to this research, the higher
color of the fruit flesh affects the difference in
the carotenoid content of the plants, the higher
vitamin C content between two varieties of
the vitamin C content of the plants.
melon fruits. The flesh of the Rock Melon is
Three melon cultivars with orange flesh
orange, whereas the flesh of the Sky Rocket
(Savor, Sweetie#6, and Early Queen) had the
melon is greenish-yellow. The average ascorbic
highest antioxidant activity when compared to
acid content of Rock Melon (33.77±0.2237
other cultivars. These three cultivars have high

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