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Classroom Management Plan

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Management Plan:
Art Classroom
By: Keane Fairchild

The purpose of this classroom management plan is to outline my ideas and

current beliefs about classroom management. In this plan, I mention the
theories and practices that that will help guide my approach for my future
classroom and students.
Because I have always seen myself teaching at the elementary level (K-5), I
have aimed such theories and practices for this level, however, with a possible
interest in teaching at the middle school level, some of these can be slightly
changed and implemented if I decide to change which grades to teach.
This plan is a working document, and I plan to make changes to it as I
broaden my understanding and learning, and throughout its implementation
in the classroom.
Additionally, this classroom management plan will be a great resource to
incorporate in my portfolio to take to future teaching job interviews as a way
for administration to get an understanding of how I would teach.
I look forward to seeing how this plan will help me on the path towards
becoming a teacher.
Philosophical Statement
In my classroom, classroom management is key to a positive learning
environment. The educational process “needs to assist students to develop
their capacities to manage themselves as individuals and in relation to others,
to understand the world in which they live, value it and contribute to its
development and sustainability” (Havel and Mawer, 2017). The goal of my
classroom management relies upon an authoritative style; I want my students
to have the independent freedom of creative exploration, reflection upon
their work and themselves, and engage in peer discussions. While also
understanding that the classroom rules we have set are there to keep them
safe, and to protect everyone’s right to learn. Part of my management
philosophy also relies on strategies suggested in an article focusing on
classroom management by creating a positive learning environment. Mink-tak
Hue and Wai-shing Li state that classroom management must go beyond just
managing behavior – it is also about the management of learning. Such
management includes: the physical environment, learning, classroom
procedures/rules, and discipline.
First Day(s)
First Day Agenda

The following is an example of my class schedule would be if I were to teach at the

elementary level:
4th Grade: 8:20-9:05
1. Greet Students when they arrive to
5th Grade: 9:05-9:50 the classroom. Students will find a
place to sit on the mat.
3rd Grade: 9:50-1-:35 2. Morning Meeting: Hopes and Dreams
Lunch & Planning: 10:35-12:00 PM for art this year
3. Brain Break: students will participate
1st Grade: 12:00-12:45 in icebreaker activities.
Kinder Grade: 1:40-2:25 4. Give out seats
5. How goals can align with rules and
2nd Grade: 1:40-2:25 expectations
6. Museum Walk: Students will get to
walk around the room
• Throughout the first week of school students will
learn about each area of the art room. On the
second day of school we will go over classroom
guidelines. Students will continue to learn and
practice art classroom guidelines, safety
procedures, and the proper use of materials to
prepare for the year ahead.
7. First Day Activity Worksheet (if time
allows, if not then it will be moved to
next class)
First Day Agenda Continued

The following schedule is an example of what my schedule would be if I were to teach for
middle school (6th-8th grade) Art II-III levels:

• Period 1: Art 1 (6th/ 7th Grade) 1. As students arrive to the art class, they will pick a
card and find the matching card (this will be the
• Period 2: Conference Period seating chart for the start of the school year)

• Period 3: Art 3 (8th Grade) 2. Warm Up: Students will be asked the question
about their hopes and dreams for art this year
• Period 4: Art 1 (7th/8th Grade) 3. As a class we will discuss how our goals can align
• Period 5: Art 2 (7th/8th Grade) with rules and expectations for our classroom and
the school
• Period 6: Art 2 (7th/8th Grade) 4. Brain Break: Students will participate in icebreaker
• Period 7: Art 1 (6th Grade)
5. Museum Walk: I will go over some parts of the art
room. Students will learn and practice guidelines,
safety procedures, and the proper use of materials
to prepare for the year ahead.
• Throughout the first week of school, students will learn about each
area of the art room.

6. Students will be introduced to their first in-class art

activity. This will be an overview of the elements of
During the first week of school students will start
learning about the elements of art and principles of
design as it relates to their first assignment – their
First Day Art Activity

The first day(s) of school is filled

with other classes reviewing
procedures and rules as well. For a
space of change, I want to get my
For Elementary
(1st-5th) students into the art making
process, and will have a simple art
activity for the first day.
• This activity will serve as a way to
understand where my students
are at artistically (what they
already know about art)
• Help me get to know more about
my students, and start building
positive relationships with them.

For Middle
Art Books/Sketchbooks

For Elementary –
Mrs. Edington
Part of my teaching philosophy is to (Instagram:@artwithmrs.e)
build positive relationships with my
students. During the first week of
school I want to start getting to know
my students better.

Students will design a sketchbook

based on a theme (something about
them). This book will be with them
throughout the school year- where
they will use it to practice drawing
and free-drawing work.

At the end of the year, it can serve as

a fun reminder of the progress that
they made!

For Middle School Mrs. Moen

(Instagram: @artofteaching)
“What Can You Do With a Dot?” Lesson (specifically for

During the first week of school, I will

introduce all my students to the
book “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds.
They will also view a slide show of
some artworks that use dots.

This lesson will get the students

excited as they will be part of a
large all school project. The
inspiring picture book will make a
great first-day(s) read aloud and
serve as a springboard their
imagination and creativity for art!

Additionally, this lesson will help get

things seen in the hallways for open
Seating chart

For Middle School: As students arrive for the

first day of school, they will pick a card from
my deck and find the matching card on the
chair. This is where they will sit for the
beginning of the school year.
The seating chart will be changed
periodically throughout the school year.
In my art classroom I want students to have
the opportunity to collaborate together, and
this provides them the opportunity meet new
classmates and learn new perspectives.

For Elementary School: The seating chart

for elementary will be selected by me, with
reward opportunities for students to switch.
The seating chart will be changed
periodically throughout the year to still
provide students to meet and work with new
I plan to arrange the classroom in an
inviting and enriching way. I want to
incorporate appropriate decorations that
are conducive to teaching and learning,
desk arrangements that allow interaction
between classmates and the teacher, and
areas for active participation.

Classroom Through outside observation of other art

classrooms, I envision my art classroom to
Environment have four main components to it: a main
area for group discussion/instruction with
visuals for art, tables grouped for 4-5
students, my desk to look out towards the
class, and a supply cabinets.

The following layouts I have made show a

visual example and have this in common.
Classroom Layout #1
Layout Number 1: This layout would be my ideal elementary art classroom, and it’s more spacious. I
like the idea of having group tables in the middle, with a main area for group instruction and
discussion, with various supplies and centers located around the main area. I have also included a
picture as an example from a real art classroom. Two things from this picture that I would like to
implement in my classroom (regardless of how big the room is), is to give all students an opportunity
to see a lesson examples from the different grades. The lesson example wall would be close to the
main area for whole class instruction/discussion.
Safe examples
Classroom Layout #2

Layout Number 2: I want to reference Ms.

Nguyen’s classroom set up as another way I can
structure my classroom environment. She
provided great tips to organizing supplies for
students to find, and I especially like the idea of
color coding the tables.
Classroom Layout #3

This layout is more ideal for a middle school classroom.

It provides more storage for art supplies, and gives this
classroom the opportunity to store a kiln for pottery
Art projects. A sink area is provided in the classroom for
storage easy clean-up procedures. Cabinets and posters are
room and located around the main area of seating. Students are
Kiln grouped into four to allow for small group activities or
collaboration. The teacher desk is at the front near the
white board.

Keeping an appropriate noise

level during class is important.

I want to use a visual voice level

monitoring strategy for my
classroom. At the beginning of
the year I will model, discuss,
and practice what each level
should look like for the different
working scenarios. Doing this
will make sure everyone’s on
the same page.
Consistency is something that I find
integral to a good classroom
management. When students know what
is expected of them daily, their actions
and behaviors reflect this in a positive
manner. While my are lessons and
presentations change, the essential
procedural workings of my classroom will
Classroom During the first week of school, I plan to

Procedures establish a set of rules and procedures

with the students. By including them in
on the list of rules, it will help them gain
an understanding that they are part of a
community that works with each other to
maintain certain functions.
List of Procedures

1. What to do when entering the classroom each day

2. What the morning work/tasks are
3. How to join the class at the rug
4. How to listen to someone talking – stop, look, think
5. How to respond to/ask a question and wait to be called on
6. What the teacher signals for quiet/attention are
7. Emergency drills
8. What to do incase of injuries in the classroom and location of emergency items
9. How to care for the art supplies (using and cleaning)
10. How to organize supplies and desk
11. Class and school rules
12. Hallway Pass procedures
13. How to use technology in class for learning
14. What do to when finished early
15. How to distribute supplies and how the teacher wants to collect work.
16. How dismissal works/switching to other class

These are some of the important procedures for now, more can be added on in the future.
Class constitution

I want students to understand that

they are part of the classroom

Students will create a class

constitution as a way to maintain
order, provide security, and protect
individual rights. By getting them
involved and creating a class
constitution it will help students
become more comfortable as a
learning community. Also students
are more inclined to follow and not
break their own rules rather than
the rules I set as a teacher.
Voice Level

Keeping an appropriate noise

level during class is important.

I want to use a visual voice level

monitoring strategy for my
classroom. At the beginning of
the year I will model, discuss,
and practice what each level
should look like for the different
working scenarios. Doing this
will make sure everyone’s on
the same page.
Out of the Class Pass

Students will be required to get a

hallway passes from me before
leaving at all times.

No more than two students are

allowed to be out of the classroom at
the same time. Emergency cases may

The Restroom Pass system will slightly

differ. I know that restroom passes
may be harder to keep clean, or keep
track of. Therefore, before students
leave to the restroom they will be
required to press a light that indicates
they are in the restroom. The
restroom pass sign will near the door,
and students will learn to reference it
instead of asking me.
Classroom Jobs

I plan to engage each student in

the understanding of small
responsibilities by assigning
helpers for certain classroom tasks
(i.e., table captain, supply steward,
artwork curator, clean up monitor).
Classroom jobs will rotate
throughout the semester to provide
students equal opportunity to
experience the tasks.
Allowing students to help with
small tasks will help them develop
individual community management
Discipline System
Classroom Rules and Expectations

Classroom rules and expectations can be printed out and displayed as a reminder
during the school year.

Expectations of Individual Expectations of Class Expectations of Teacher


• Be on time to class • Be nice to everyone • Treat everyone with

• Always try my best • Listen to each other and kindness and care
• Be a good friend to support ideas • Respects students as
everyone • Be helpful! individuals
• Ask questions if I don’t • Be prepared for class • Encourage students to do
understand • Provide help when their best work
• Complete school work on needed • Teach to all learning styles
time • Be responsible with art • Help with class work;
• Listen and consider materials in the class answer questions
everyone’s ideas • Do not disturb those • Be positive and
• Be positive about my around them encouraging
learning • Contribute to group work • Be a leader and model to
• Treat each other with • Respect each other’s students
respect property
• Help my classmates • Include everyone
• Always have my materials
for class
• Manage my time well
Classroom Discipline Plan

The following steps will take place in a gentle to extreme order to manage student behavior. I do
believe that extreme discipline should be used for the last reorst, and instead try to work with the
student to understand the “why” behind their behavior. As I continue to learn from others in the filed my
plan may change.

1. Private Signal – this will be a student’s first warning. It will be clear enough to indicate that the
behavior needs to stop
2. Verbal Warning
3. Private conversation – If the behavior continues, I will privately talk to the student about their
behavior. We will talk it through and use it as a learning lesson.
• Temporary seat change
• Behavior will be documented
• Parent contact depending on severity of behavior (occasionally)
4. Reflection – If the behavior still continues after my conference with the student, I will ask them to
complete a Behavior Reflection Card. This will allow the student to consider their actions and how
they can change it.
• Permanent seat change
• Parent contact depending on severity of behavior (sometimes)
• Behavior will be documented in student’s folder
5. Parent Notification and Apology Note– For those who continually misbehave, the student will write a
note stating the rule they broke and apologizing for their mistake. This note will be signed by a
parent. In addition, I will call the parents and inform them about the situation. The student and
parents are informed about the next step if rules are continued to be broken.
• Permanent seat change
• Behavior will be documented in student’s folder
6. Detention/Office Referral – Depending on the severity of the behavior the student may be required
to attend detention with the teacher/office, or the student will be sent to the office. Parents will be
notified about the behavior and the next step
• Behavior will be documented in student’s folder
Behavior Parent Letter

To the parents of _____, Date: ______

I am sure we are in agreement that good grades, hard work and class
While I would like to minimize participation are crucial for _____ to excel in class. While these things are most
misbehaviors and prevent important, good behavior and acting responsibly is also very important. It is with
regret that I must send letters home from time to time because a student may
things from escalating before it break a rule. Regretfully, I am sending this letter home to you to let you know
happens, sometimes the that _______ has failed to act responsibly for follow the rules set forth in our
classroom more than once this week. Please see the checked infraction/s below
occasion arises and I will need and kindly discuss the issue with your child, I am sure you are eager to help me
to send a misbehavior letter guide him/her down the path to greater achievements. I know _______ will
home to the parent. show marked improvement if we work together to set up goals to strive towards
and rewards for meeting these goals.
This is a general plan for how to I did not make good choices today:
contact parents as • Such infractions include: coming to class unprepared, failing exam(s) or
professionally as possible quizzes, acting unkindly to a fellow student, using foul language, showing
disrespect to the teacher, not following requests or directions, engaging in
regarding misbehaviors in the conversations not on topic, missing assignments, use of cell phone or other
classroom. electronic device when not supposed to, or other

Allowing the student to also Tomorrow is a new day and I will be a safe, respectful, and responsible student

sign the letter in relation to their Sincerely, ___________

behavior will help hold them I will be more than happy to discuss your child’s work further should you need
accountable for their actions. more details. Please contact me through my school email ________ and we can
arrange a meeting or a phone call.
Thank you so much for being a strong partner and advocate for your child’s

Teacher Signature: _________

Emotions Chart

The Conscious Discipline is a trauma-

informed approach to that provides
an array of behavior management
strategies and classroom structures
For that teachers (and parents) can use to
Middle help turn behavior problems into
learning opportunities.
The website offers posters for the
In my classroom, I want to hang up
posters like the resources they offer.
They are free to any of my students
regardless of whether they need a
brain break or it’s their free time.

Personal Sticky Note Praise

Feedback and praise in the art classroom

will be given with care as not to negate
student ownership over their creative
expression. When I give feedback and/or
praise to students, I want to make sure that
I am pointing out specific strengths and
weaknesses, and avoid using generic
language or brief acknowledgements.

I would also like to be aware that calling a

student out with praise might not be ideal
for some, as it might make them feel
nervous being called out in class. With that
being said, I want to include personal
sticky notes of praise - it keeps it personal,
and more meaningful.
Individual & Class Rewards

I want to engage students in making

good choices in the classroom.
Students will get a chance to
individually earn rewards through a
star reward system. For good
behaviors and/or learning choices
they will get a star by their name. For
every 5 stars they can go to the
treasure box and choose from a
candy, pens/pencils, or lunch with
teacher. When their start chart is full
they can receive bigger rewards such
as: teacher helper, teacher’s chair,
choose your seat, free time, extra
brain break, favorite snack/meal,
switch jobs, line leader, etc.
I also want to give the opportunity to
use a whole class reward system for
each class I teach. For example, a
class can decide what they want work
towards, and they start learning starts
as they make good learning choices,
when they work well as a team, listen
to directs, etc.! Such class rewards
can include: a pizza party, free time,
listen to music, etc.
Digital Learning Tools

Looking back at my schooling

experience, I remember my teachers
were really strict with the ”no phone”
rule or distracting technology.
However, I think technology
integration helps improve students’
learning processes.
In my classroom I want to encourage
the use of technology when it is
appropriate, and put it away when
we don’t need it.
Field Trips

Looking back on my experience, I

loved field trips. It was a different
learning experience that got us
outside of the standard classroom
For my future students, I want to
incorporate fieldtrips. I believe that
they can serve as important
moments in learning just as the
classroom; a shared social
experience that provides students
to explore and encounter new
things in a new atmosphere.

• Slide 1: Image by edith Iuthi from Pixabay

• Slide 4: Image by
• Slide 9:
• Slide 10: Image by Juraj Varga from Pixabay
• Slide 12: Screenshot from Michele Rose’s classroom vlog -
• Slide 13:
• Slide 15:
• Slide 18: Class Constitution Creation
• Slide 19:
• Slide 20:
• Hallway Pass:
• Bathroom Pass System:
References Continued

• Slide 21:

• Slide 28:
• Slide 29:
• Star Jar Reward System:
• Star Student Incentive Reward Chart:
• Slide 31:
• Flipgrid Image
• Kahoot Image
• Slide 32: Image by LillyCantabille from Pixabay

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