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Engineering Statistics and Linear

Module 3
Random Processes

Faculties Handling: -
1. Mrs. Anjani , 2. Mrs. Laxmi G
Asst Professor, Senior Asst Professor,
Dept. of ECE, Dept. of ECE,
MITE, Moodabidri. MITE, Moodabidri
Course Outcomes(CO)
After studying this course, students will be able to:
Identify and associate random variables and distributive functions associated to
CO1 Communication events.

Understand two variable expectations, transformation and Joint probabilities

for multiple random variables and application exercises to Chi-square Random
Variables, Student-T Random Variables, and Cauchy and Rayleigh Random
Interpret Random process, Correlation functions and analyze with effect of
CO3 noise.

Understand the concept of vector spaces, linear independence, basis and

CO4 dimension, and Orthogonality and apply these concepts to various vector
spaces and subspaces.
Demonstrate by way of simulation or emulation the ease of analysis employing
CO5 determinants, Eigen values, Diagonalization of matrix and Singular Value
Decomposition. Dept.of ECE,MITE,Moodabidri 3
Module -3

Random Processes: Ensemble, PDF, Independence,

Expectations, Stationarity, Correlation Functions (ACF,
CCF, Addition, and Multiplication), Ergodic Random
Processes, Power Spectral Densities (Wiener Khinchin,
Addition and Multiplication of RPs, Cross spectral
densities), Linear Systems (output Mean, Cross
correlation and Auto correlation of Input and output),
Exercises with Noise.
08 Hours

Dept.of ECE,MITE,Moodabidri 4
Date Date
Sl no TOPIC Remarks
planned engaged

Date Date
Sl no TOPIC Remarks
planned engaged

Random Process
• A random process is a time-varying function that
assigns the outcome of a random experiment to each
time instant: X(t).
• For a fixed (sample path): a random process is a time
varying function, e.g., a signal.
• –For fixed t: a random process is a random variable.
• If one scans all possible outcomes of the underlying
• random experiment, we shall get an ensemble of
• Random Process can be continuous or discrete
Probability Density function
• Random variables x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n represent
amplitudes of sample functions at t 5 t 1 , t 2 ,
• – A random process can, therefore, be viewed
as a collection of an infinite number of
random variables:
• Deterministic and random processes :
• both continuous functions of time (usually), mathematical concepts

• deterministic processes :
physical process is represented by explicit mathematical relation

• Example :
response of a single mass-spring-damper in free vibration in
• Random processes :
result of a large number of separate causes. Described in probabilistic terms
and by properties which are averages
• random processes :

time, t

• The probability density function describes the general distribution of the

magnitude of the random process, but it gives no information on the
time or frequency content of the process
Random processes - basic concepts
• Averaging and stationarity :
• Underlying process

• Sample records which are individual representations of the

underlying process

• Ensemble averaging :
properties of the process are obtained by averaging over a collection
or ‘ensemble’ of sample records using values at corresponding times

• Time averaging :
properties are obtained by averaging over a single record in time
• Stationary random process :
• Ensemble averages do not vary with time

• Ergodic process :
stationary process in which averages from a single record are the same
as those obtained from averaging over the ensemble

Most stationary random processes can be treated as ergodic

Wind loading from extra - tropical synoptic gales can be treated as

stationary random processes
Wind loading from hurricanes - stationary over shorter periods <2 hours
- non stationary over the duration of the storm

Wind loading from thunderstorms, tornadoes - non stationary

• Mean value :



time, t T
1 T
x  Lim  x(t)dt
T  T 0

• The mean value,x , is the height of the rectangular area having the
same area as that under the function x(t)

• Can also be defined as the first moment of the p.d.f. (ref. Lecture 3)
• Mean square value, variance, standard deviation :



time, t T
1 T 2
mean square value, x  Lim  x (t)dt
T  T 0

variance, 2
x  
σ  x(t)  x  Lim  x(t) - x  dt
2 1 T
T  T 0

(average of the square of the deviation of x(t) from the mean value,x)

standard deviation, x, is the square root of the variance

• Autocorrelation :

time, t T
• The autocorrelation, or autocovariance, describes the general
dependency of x(t) with its value at a short time later, x(t+)

1 T
  
 x ( )  Lim  x(t) - x . x(t  τ) - x dt
T  T 0

The value of x() at  equal to 0 is the variance, x2

Normalized auto-correlation : R()= x()/x2 R(0)= 1

For multivariate random Process

f X(t1)X(t2) (x1,x2) = fX(t1) (x1) fX(t1) (x2)

• Expectation of random variable is
Stationarity of the order n is
Autocorrelation of random process is

Rx(Ʈ) = E *X(t)X(t+Ʈ)]

Crosscorrelation of random process is

Rxy(Ʈ) = E *X(t)Y(t+Ʈ)]
Addition of Random Process
W(t)= X(t)+ Y(t)
Rw(Ʈ)=E*{X(t)+Y(t)}{X(t+Ʈ) Y(t+Ʈ)}]

Rw(Ʈ) =Rx(Ʈ) + Ry(Ʈ)

Multiplication of random process
W(t)= X(t)Y(t)
Rw(Ʈ)=E*X(t)Y(t)X(t+Ʈ) Y(t+Ʈ)

Rw(Ʈ) =Rx(Ʈ)Ry(Ʈ)
• Covariance :

• The covariance is the cross correlation function with the time delay, ,
set to zero

1 T
 
c xy (0)  x(t).y(t)  Lim  x(t) - x . y(t) - y dt
T  T 0

Note that here x'(t) and y'(t) are used to denote the
fluctuating parts of x(t) and y(t) (mean parts subtracted)

(Section 3.3.5 in “Wind loading of structures”)

• Correlation coefficient :

• The correlation coefficient, , is the covariance normalized by the

standard deviations of x and y

x' (t).y'(t)
σ x .σ y

When x and y are identical to each other, the value of  is +1

(full correlation)

When y(t)=x(t), the value of  is  1

In general,  1<  < +1

• Correlation - application :
• The fluctuating wind loading of a tower depends on the correlation
coefficient between wind velocities and hence wind loads, at various heights


u' (z1 ).u' (z 2 )

For heights, z1, and z2 : ρ(z1 , z 2 ) 
σ u (z1 ).σ u (z 2 )
• Cross spectral density :

By analogy with the spectral density : Sxy (n)  2 c xy ( )ei 2n dτ

The cross spectral density is twice the Fourier Transform of the cross-
correlation function for the processes x(t) and y(t)

The cross-spectral density (cross-spectrum) is a complex number

Sxy (n)  Cxy (n)  iQxy (n)

Cxy(n) is the co(-incident) spectral density - (in phase)

Qxy(n) is the quad (-rature) spectral density - (out of phase)
• Normalized co- spectral density :
C xy (n)
 xy (n) 
S x (n).S y (n)

It is effectively a correlation coefficient for fluctuations at frequency, n

Application : Excitation of resonant vibration of structures by

fluctuating wind forces

If x(t) and y(t) are local fluctuating forces acting at different parts
of the structure, xy(n1) describes how well the forces are
correlated (‘synchronized’) at the structural natural frequency, n1
• Input - output relationships :
Input x(t) Output y(t)
Linear system

There are many cases in which it is of interest to know how an input random
process x(t) is modified by a system to give a random output process y(t)
Application : The input is wind force - the output is structural
response (e.g. displacement acceleration, stress). The ‘system’ is
the dynamic characteristics of the structure.

Linear system : 1) output resulting from a sum of inputs, is equal

to the sum of outputs produced by each input individually
(additive property)
Linear system : 2) output produced by a constant times the input,
is equal to the constant times the output produced by the input
alone (homogeneous property)
• Input - output relationships :
Relation between spectral density of output and spectral density of input :

Sy (n)  A . H(n) .Sx (n)


|H(n)|2 is a transfer function, frequency response function, or ‘admittance’

Sx(n) A.|H(n)|2 Sy(n)

frequency, n

Proof : Bendat & Piersol, Newland

Spectral Density
Energy Spectral Density is

Power Spectral Density is

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