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Case# 4: Car Wash Chain: Industry: PE Case Type: M&A Firm: Bain Concepts Tested Structure Creativity Math

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Case# 4: Car Wash Chain

Industry: PE Concepts Tested Math Structure Creativity

Case Type: M&A • Growth strategy
Firm: Bain • Market sizing
Hard Medium Medium
• Creativity
• Mental math

Problem Statement Narrative

The client is a private equity firm looking to acquire a chain of car washes in the United States. The car wash
chain provides basic coin-operated, self-wash services for $5, has 200 locations in 14 markets and had
revenues of $40M last year. The firm is targeting 30% revenue growth in 1 year to justify the acquisition.
How would you think about whether or not this is attainable?

Case Notes
Classic PE case focusing on analyzing target’s growth to justify acquisition. Most of the analysis will be based
on assumptions (market sizing), with some additional information given in an exhibit.

Case# 4 - Car Wash Chain

Sample Framework

Guidance for Interviewer Sample Framework

Let Interviewee begin with wide analysis of 1. Existing Locations
potential growth areas, then guide towards new • New Products/Services
products and new markets • Customer demand
• Increase price
• Price Sensitivity
• Change carwash hours
• Marketing
• Advertising
• Partnerships
• Social Media etc.
Clarification Answers if Asked
Can be told after framework to guide discussion: 2. New Locations
• increasing sales of existing products and • Existing Markets
services in existing markets has already been • New Markets
explored and isn’t a viable option • Competition & Response
3. Risks
• Cannibalization/Saturation
• Over-extended management
• Cost implications (*recognize we are
primarily concerned w/ revenue

Case# 4 - Car Wash Chain

Question #1

Question #1

What do you think is the size of the carwash market as a whole in the United States?



•Number of cars owned

• 100M households w/ average 1.5 cars = 150 million vehicles
• Plus another 10% business or industrial vehicles = 165 million vehicles

•Estimate # of Washes per year

• Any number between 10 and 20 times per year is reasonable (We’ll use 20)

Estimate average cost per wash ~ $5

Total US market: $16.5B

So long as the interviewee uses reasonable assumptions, any market size is fine.

Case# 4 - Car Wash Chain

Question #2

Question #2

Give Exhibit 1: Look at the following slide on their existing 14 markets and competitors in those markets.
What do you gather from it?


Insights from slide:

• They have highest market share in about 10 of the 14 markets (all major cities) that they competed in and
within those markets, many have no significant competition from other national chains These could be
targets for continued expansion either via driving competitors out of the market or acquiring smaller
local chains.
• Potential follow up: What are the pros and cons of acquisition vs. building fresh?

• Another insight from the slide is that the chain is entirely concentrated in the Southeast and Pacific
Northwest, ignoring major markets in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and Southwest.
• Potential follow-up: What factors would you consider in selecting potential areas for expansion?

Case# 4 - Car Wash Chain

Question #3

Question #3

What new products or services could the car wash company offer to grow their revenues?


Example solution
Most feasible/precedent:
• If they were not a full-service car wash, add additional services (wax, polish, undercarriage wash,
detailing, vacuuming) to the existing car wash line. Eg., install coin-operated vacuums in a self-
serve area after the car wash.
• If they don’t have it already, add a retail sales area to the car wash where customers can purchase
air fresheners, seat covers, convenience items, etc.

Medium feasibility/precedent:
• Explore adding a gas station or basic vehicle maintenance service (Oil changes, Tire replacements,
etc.) to some of their larger carwash locations.
• Pick-up and drop-off services

Least feasible/precedent:
• Install coin-operated hoses for a gated pet-washing area (compete with a service that Petco offers)
• Explore adding a franchise fast food restaurant like Dunkin Donuts or Subway

Case# 4 - Car Wash Chain

Question #4

Question #4

After considering some of your ideas, the team has come up with the following information.

• People vacuum their cars half as often as they wash them when the price is $0.50
• Sub-Answer: Adding vacuums will result in additional revenue = $2M (or 5%=10% price*50%
• (8M washes * 50% frequency * $0.50)
• Low frequency customers are willing to pay $3 for wax services, while High frequency customers are
willing to pay only $1 for wax services. Make them ask for the following information:
• Low freq: 10x/year; represent 25% of revenues
• High freq: 30x/year; represent 75% of revenues
• Sub-Answer: Adding wax services for $3 will result in add’l revenue = $6M
• $40M annual revenue * 25% = $10M from low freq. customers. At $5/wash, that’s 2M washes. 2M
washes * $3 wax = $6M
• Sub-Answer: Adding wax services for $1 will result in add’l revenue = $8M (or 20%, b/c everyone
will use it)

• ANSWER: Adding vacuums for $0.50 and waxing for $1 will only achieve 25% revenue growth in 1 year

Case# 4 - Car Wash Chain


Recommendation Rationale

• Based on our analysis thus far, we’ve identified • Target is market leader in several significant
opportunities to achieve 25% revenue growth. markets, yet is completely missing in several
This will be achieved by adding vacuum and major markets which could be significant growth
waxing services to existing locations. We feel opportunities
confident that, with further analysis, we can • Target could also continue growing in markets it
identify at least one more opportunity to close currently operates in, by buying out local
the final 5% gap that would justify the purchase competitors or driving them out of the market
of this carwash chain.

Risks Next Steps

• Entering markets in which strong competitors • Research potential new markets to enter
exist could be tough • Dive deeper into existing markets to understand
• Driving competitors out of existing markets growth potential
could cause a price war • Discuss acquisition price
• Cost analysis of added services

Case# 4 - Car Wash Chain

Exhibit #1

Case# 4 - Car Wash Chain


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