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Rollno. Anna University (University Departments) B.E. (Full Time) - End Semester Examinations, Nov/Dec 2021

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III Semester
EC5302 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

Time: 3hrs Max. Marks: 100

CO1 Understand basic laws and theorems applied in Electromagnetic waves and propagation
CO2 Analyse static and dynamic electric and magnetic field and associated laws
CO3 Understand the EM wave propagation in a medium and through boundaries
CO4 Understand Maxwell’s equations and apply to solve electromagnetic problem
CO5 Explore the application of electromagnetic principles in system used in day today life
BL – Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels
(L1-Remembering, L2-Understanding, L3-Applying, L4-Analysing, L5-Evaluating, L6-Creating)

PART- A(10x2=20Marks)
(Answer all Questions)

Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

1 Given a Vector ⃗ ̂ ̂ ̂ Find the divergence of 2 1 L3
a vector.
2 For the scalar field , find the gradient at 2 1 L3
position (2,0).
3 Using gauss law find D due to uniform line charge density. 2 2 L3
4 Given ̅̅̅ ) ̅̅̅ , find , at the origin. 2 2 L3
5 Find the capacitance between two coaxial cylinders of length 2m 2 3 L3
having radii 10 cm and 50 cm respectively.
6 In a coaxial cable, having inner conductor of radius 1mm, the 2 3 L3
current density in the inner conductor is 10 A / m2. The radius of
the outer conductor is 5mm and its thickness 1mm. What is the
magnitude of flux density at a distance of 2mm from the axis.
7 A charge Q is uniformly distributed throughout a sphere of radius 2 4 L3
a. Taking the potential at infinity as zero, find the potential at r = b
8 A Circular disk of radius 4m with a charge density 2 4 L3
μC/m2, is enclosed by surface S, what is the net flux crosses S?
9 The electric field of a travelling wave is given by 50 cos (10 9 t – 2 5 L3
2z) V/m. Find the direction of propagation of the wave, velocity of
10 An electromagnetic wave travels in free space with electric field 2 5 L3
component . Find the average
PART- B(5x 13=65Marks)
(Restrict to a maximum of 2 subdivisions)

Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

11 (a) (i) State and derive Divergence Theorem 4 1 L1
(ii) Given that D = (10 r3/4) (C/m2) in cylindrical coordinates, 9 1 L4
evaluate both sides of the divergence theorem for the volume
enclosed by r = 1m, r = 2m, z = 0 and z = 10m.
11 (b) (i) State and derive Stokes Theorem 4 1 L1
(ii) Evaluate both sides of Stokes’ theorem for the field H = 6xyax − 9 1 L4
3y2ay A/m and the rectangular path around the region, 2 ≤ x ≤ 5,
−1 ≤ y ≤ 1,z = 0. Let the positive direction of dS be az.
12 (a) (i) An infinite uniform line charges of 5nC/m lie along the (positive 9 2 L4
and negative) x and y axis in free space. Find ⃗⃗ at PA (0,0,4),
PB (0,3,4).
(ii) In a dielectric material, Ex = 5 V/m and P = (3ax - ay + 4az,) 4 2 L5
nC/m .
Calculate:(a) electric susceptibility and (b) Electric Field.
12 (b) (i) Conducting spherical shells with radii a = 10 cm and b = 30 cm 9 2 L4
are maintained at a potential difference of 100 V such that
V(r = b) = 0 and V(r = a) = 100 V. Determine Vand E in the
region between the shells. If εr = 2.5 in the region, determine the
total charge induced on the shells and the capacitance of the
(ii) Plane x + 2y = 5 carries charge ρs = 6 nC/m2 . Determining E at (-1 , 0, 1). 4 2 L5
13 (a) (i) A rectangular loop carrying current I2 is placed parallel to an 8 3 L2
infinitely long filamentary wire carrying current I1 as shown in
Figure 1. find the force experienced by the infinitely long wire if
l1 = 10 A, I2= 5 A, ρ0 = 20 cm, a = 10 cm, b = 30 cm.

Figure 1
(ii) Derive the torque of the rectangular planar loop in a uniform 5 3 L4
magnetic field.
13 (b) (i) Determine the self-inductance of a coaxial cable of inner radius a 8 3 L2
and outer radius b.
(ii) Derive the energy in a magnetostatic field using field quantities. 5 3 L4
14 (a) (i) Derive the boundary condition for electromagnetic field in the 13 4 L1
interfaces (a) between two dielectrics of medium 1, εr1 and
medium 2 with εr2, and (b) between the free space and conductor.
14 (b) (i) Derive all the four Maxwell’s equation from basic law’s in point 13 4 L1
form and integral forms. Show that how the Ampere’s law is
modified using continuity equation.
15 (a) (i) Derive the equation for the reflection coefficient of the uniform 13 5 L4
plane waves when it incident normally to the interface between
two dielectrics.
15 (b) (i) In a nonmagnetic medium E = 4 sin (2π X 107t - 0.8x) az, V/m, 9 5 L4
Find (a) εr , η(b) The time-average power carried by the wave (c)
The total power crossing 100 cm2 of plane 2x + y = 5
(ii) State and derive pointing theorem. 4 5 L4

PART- C(1x 15=15Marks)

(Q.No.16 is compulsory)

Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

16. (i) In a lossless medium for which η= 60π, μr = 1, and H = —0.1 cos 8 5 L5
(ωt - z) ax + 0.5 sin (ωt- z)ay A/m, calculate εr , ω, E, λ and skin
(ii) Given that A = 10 cos (108 t – 10x+ 60°) az and Bs = (20/j) ax, + 7 5 L5
10 e j2πx/3 ay, express A in phasor form and Bs in instantaneous

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