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Which Trend Is Your Friend

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Financial Analysts Journal

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Which Trend Is Your Friend?

Ari Levine & Lasse Heje Pedersen

To cite this article: Ari Levine & Lasse Heje Pedersen (2016) Which Trend Is Your Friend?,
Financial Analysts Journal, 72:3, 51-66, DOI: 10.2469/faj.v72.n3.3

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Financial Analysts Journal
Volume 72 Number 3
©2016 CFA Institute

Which Trend Is Your Friend?

Ari Levine and Lasse Heje Pedersen

Managed futures funds and commodity trading advisers (CTAs) use heuristics or statistical measures often
called “filters” to trade on price trends. Two key statistical measures of trends are “time-series momentum”
and “moving-average crossovers.” We show, empirically and theoretically, that these trend indicators are
closely related. In fact, they are equivalent representations in their most general forms. They also capture
many other types of filters, such as the Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filter, the Kalman filter, and all other linear
filters. We show how these filters can be represented through “trend signature plots,” demonstrating their
dependence on past prices and returns by horizon.

rend-following investing is the predominant such as astronomy, audio, ballistics, image processing,
investment style for managed futures hedge and macroeconomics. For example, engineers who
funds, commodity trading advisers (CTAs), and track ballistic missiles based on noisy radar informa-
certain macro traders.1 Trend-following investing can tion attempt to filter out noise to determine the mis-
be defined loosely as buying when prices have been sile’s direction. Similarly, macroeconomists and central
rising and selling short when prices have been falling. bankers who receive imperfect economic data—such
The strategy is based on the idea that these price trends as estimates of GDP for countries and unemployment
are more likely to continue than not. Several studies rates collected from many sources (with errors)—try to
have found trend-following investing to be profitable,2 assess whether an economy is heading into a recession
but what is the best way to identify a price trend? What or is overheating. Investors trading on trends in finan-
methods exist for identifying trends, and how do they cial markets face the similar challenge of assessing the
compare with one another? These are the questions we direction that prices are headed by filtering noisy price
seek to address in this article. data. In the world of audio, Ray Dolby developed the
To put our findings in a broader perspective, Dolby system to reduce noise in music recordings and
we note that because day-to-day price changes are enhance the “signal” that the listener hears. Along the
“noisy,” finding a trend that predicts the next day’s same lines, trend followers use quantitative tools to
price move in any market is never easy. According to enhance the signal of the price trend and reduce the
the so-called random walk or efficient market hypoth- noise around it.
esis, future price moves are completely unpredictable, In finance, a simple approach to capture price
meaning that trend-following strategies should not trends is time-series momentum (TSMOM) as
work.3 Price trends may exist, however, if markets are defined by Moskowitz, Ooi, and Pedersen (2012). The
not completely efficient or if risk premiums change simplest form of a TSMOM signal is the return over
over time. some recent time period (e.g., the past 12 months).
Finding a price trend among noisy random price For instance, if investing in gold has resulted in a
moves presents a challenge similar to that of “filtering” positive return over the past 12 months, then the
information from the noise in many other applications, trend is assessed to be upward and the TSMOM
investor buys gold. If the past return is negative, the
Ari Levine is a managing director at AQR Capital Man- trend is assessed to be downward and the TSMOM
agement, LLC, Greenwich, CT. Lasse Heje Pedersen is a investor sells gold short. Moskowitz et al. (2012)
professor at Copenhagen Business School, Fredriksberg, showed that investing based on 12-month TSMOM
Denmark, and New York University, NY, and a princi- was, on average, profitable for each of the 58 liq-
pal at AQR Capital Management, LLC, Greenwich, CT. uid securities they analyzed over the past 25 years.
Editor’s note: This article was reviewed and accepted Their universe included instruments from among
by Executive Editor Stephen J. Brown. the world’s most liquid commodity futures, equity
Editor’s note: Both authors are affiliated with AQR, a futures, bond futures, and currency forwards.
global investment management firm running long- Another way to assess trends in financial markets
only and alternative investment products, including is the moving-average crossover (MACROSS) method
managed futures funds. (e.g., Brock, Lakonishok, and LeBaron 1992; Okunev

May/June 2016 © 2016 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. 51
Financial Analysts Journal

and White 2003). A CTA using this method will buy crossover strategy. Then, we analyze how they can
when one moving average of an asset’s recent prices substitute for each other, and we illustrate our results
crosses another moving average of the asset’s prices through a number of specific examples.
measured over a longer horizon. The idea is that a
Time-Series Momentum.  A TSMOM strategy
“fast” moving average captures the average recent
goes long when prices have been moving up and
prices whereas a “slower” moving average captures
short when prices have been moving down. The sim-
where prices used to be. If recent prices are above
plest TSMOM signal is the past return over some
where prices used to be, then the trend is assessed to
time period—say, m months or days:
be upward and the MACROSS investor buys.
Both the TSMOM and MACROSS methods can TSMOM tm = Return t − m ,t . (1)
be refined in various ways (e.g., by relying on differ-
ent trend horizons). We show that the most general For instance, 12-month momentum considers
form of MACROSS can be viewed as a special case of the return over the past 12 months. The return can
the most general TSMOM strategy, and vice versa. A be computed as the ratio of prices, Pt / Pt − m , or as
different way of stating this result is that trend filters the ratio of two points of a return index that takes
can be equivalently represented as functions of past dividends or coupons into account for cash instru-
prices versus past returns. We illustrate how each ments and handles roll yields and implicit financing
trend signal can be represented graphically using for futures. Alternatively, it can be computed as the
“trend signature plots,” again based on either past difference of (log) prices, Pt − Pt − m (or, again, with
prices or returns. We also show how a large class of a return index used in the place of prices). In this
filtering methods used in science and economics can study, for simplicity, we focused on differences in
be viewed as a special case of TSMOM. log prices or index levels. As an example, Figure 1
Finally, we report an empirical study that com- shows how gold prices had positive TSMOM at
pares the performance of common implementations the end of 2010 because prices had been trending
of TSMOM strategies with that of MACROSS strate- upward.
gies, and we discuss the implications for investors. More-refined TSMOM signals are also possible.
One way to refine the TSMOM signal is to smooth
Time-Series Momentum vs. the prices used to calculate the return:

Moving-Average Crossover
TSMOMtm = Average ( Ps : s near current time t ) −
In this section, we first describe separately the time-
series momentum strategy and moving-average Average ( Ps ' : s ' near lagged time m ) . (2)

Figure 1.  TSMOM of Gold Futures, January 2008–January 2011

Gold Price (US$/troy ounce)









Jan/08 May/08 Sep/08 Jan/09 May/09 Sep/09 Jan/10 May/10 Sep/10

Gold Price Past Price Current Price

Note: The arrow shows the filtered trend from the smoothed past price (left horizontal bar) to the smoothed
current price (right horizontal bar).

Which Trend Is Your Friend?

Smoothing can be a good idea because it reduces returns at various lags predict future returns. A
random noise in the data. For instance, focusing on trend-following strategy is characterized by having
a single past price might be arbitrary and subject to positive coefficients cs, whereas negative coefficients
more noise than using an average of multiple past correspond to reversal trades.
prices (which could be called “back-end smoothing”).
Moving-Average Crossover.  The MACROSS
Figure 1 uses the average price over the 60-day period,
strategy first computes two moving averages (MAs)
indicated by the dotted horizontal line. Asness,
of prices, which we call MAfast and MAslow. The fast
Moskowitz, and Pedersen (2013) used back-end
MA puts more weight on recent prices; the slow MA
smoothing of cross-sectional momentum signals.
puts more weight on past prices. As an example, we
Smoothing recent prices (“front-end smoothing”)
can compute an equal-weighted MA over the past 20
also reduces noise but has the potential drawback of
weekdays as a measure of recent prices and a 260-day
delaying the signal. With front-end smoothing, recent
average as a measure of where prices used to be.
price changes are smoothed out and, therefore, only
Figure 2 shows the plot of these moving averages for
gradually affect the trading signal. This approach can
gold prices over the same period shown in Figure 1.
be suboptimal if recent prices contain important infor-
The MACROSS strategy depends on which
mation about the current trend or a trend reversal, but
MA—the fast one or the slow one—is higher. In
it can be helpful in reducing turnover.
Figure 2, the fast MA is above the slow MA at the
Of course, traders may want to define the TSMOM
end of the time period; that is, recent prices are above
signal over a variety of horizons. In the extreme, one
past prices, resulting in an upward trend.
could use a series of daily (or monthly) returns and
Of course, other MACROSS strategies can be
give each day’s return a separate weight, c:
devised by varying the time horizons (here, the
∞ 20- and 260-day averaging periods). Furthermore,
TSMOM tc = ∑ cs ( Pt − s +1 − Pt − s ). (3) each day’s price need not have an equal weight in
s =1 the moving average. Another common method,
Equation 3 means that a general TSMOM signal which is discussed in detail later, is to weight past
can be generated by considering all the past daily prices exponentially (called “exponentially weighted
price changes and assigning importance to each day moving average”). Generally, we can compute the
based on how long ago it happened. For instance, MAs by using any weighting scheme, w, where the
one might want to rely more on recent price changes weights can, for instance, be equal weights or expo-
in assessing the current price trend. Moskowitz et nential weights. Hence, in general, we can write the
al. (2012) conducted a detailed analysis of how MAs mathematically as

Figure 2.  MACROSS Indicator for Gold Futures, January 2008–January 2011

Gold Price (US$/troy ounce)









Jan/08 May/08 Sep/08 Jan/09 May/09 Sep/09 Jan/10 May/10 Sep/10

Gold Price 20-Day MA fast 260-Day MAslow

Note: Because the fast moving average is above the slow moving average at the end of the sample, the
filtered trend is up, as indicated by the arrow.


Financial Analysts Journal

∞ Specifically, the MACROSS equation (Equation

MAtfast = ∑ wsfast Pt − s +1 7) is equivalent to the TSMOM strategy (Equation
s =1
(4) 3) with coefficients on past returns cs computed as

MAtslow = ∑ wsslow Pt − s +1. follows:4
s =1
The idea that one MA is faster than the other can be ( j)
cs = ∑ sj =1 w jfast − wslow . (8)
captured mathematically by the requirement that the
Implied coefficients cs are positive for all
fast MA place more weight on the most recent prices:
MACROSS strategies in which the fast MA is uni-
s fast s formly faster than the slow MA as given by Equation
∑ w j ≥ ∑ w j for all s. (5) 5, which is true for the standard MACROSS strat-
j =1 j =1
egies. Naturally, these TSMOM coefficients are
The trading signal is then the MACROSS—that positive because the strategy is trend following
is, the difference between these moving averages: (negative coefficients would have indicated a bet
MACROSSt = MAtfast − MAtslow . (6) on trend reversal).
Furthermore, implied return coefficients cs
Hence, the MACROSS signal tries to measure approach zero as the number of lags, s, increases
whether recent prices, as captured by MAfast, are (assuming that the weights wsi sum to 1 for each i).
above or below more distant prices, as captured by Although the coefficients cs have no specific “scale,”
MAslow. Intuitively, a positive MACROSS means that it is natural to normalize them in such a way that
recent prices are higher than past ones, indicating a they sum to 1:
rising trend.
MACROSS as TSMOM.  The MACROSS signal cs = . (9)
∞ c
is the difference between two MAs and, therefore, a ∑ j =1 s
combination of past prices: In this way, the TSMOM signal can be viewed
∞ as a weighted average of past returns.
MACROSSt = ∑ wsfast − wsslow Pt − s +1. (7) ) To understand this conversion from MACROSS
s =1 to TSMOM (i.e., the conversion from “price space” to
This equation shows that MACROSS signals, “return space”), consider the 20-day versus 260-day
in general, can be viewed as combinations of past equal-weighted MA strategy. This strategy compares
price levels. Similarly, the general TSMOM equation past prices on the basis of the coefficients illustrated
(Equation 3) shows that TSMOM is a combination of in Figure 3.
past price changes. We can go back and forth between When we take the MACROSS (i.e., the fast
price levels and price changes, however, if we change average minus the slow average), then we have the
the coefficients accordingly. weights on past prices depicted in Figure 4.

Figure 3.  MACROSS Coefficients: Fast and Slow Averages

Weight on Past Prices (%)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Day Lag
MA fast MA slow

Which Trend Is Your Friend?

Figure 4.  Price Signature Plot: MACROSS, Equal Weighted

Weight on Past Prices (%)

MA fast – MA slow

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Day Lag

Notes: As shown in Equation 7, the MACROSS signal was computed as a weighted average of past prices,
where the weights are the fast MA (20 days) minus the slow MA (260 days). The resulting signal puts
positive weights on the most recent 20 days and negative weights on the past 21–260 days.

The MA weights wsfast – wsslow usually have this We can also use Equation 8 to translate the
shape as a function of the time lag s. The weight on MACROSS coefficients for price levels into TSMOM
recent prices is positive, the weights on distant prices coefficients for price changes (i.e., returns). The coef-
are negative, and the weights eventually go to zero. ficients in return space are shown in Figure 5, where
Thus, a moving-average strategy can be interpreted we have normalized the weights to sum to 1 in both
cases. The graph shows two lines: The dotted line is
as a TSMOM strategy in which both the front-end
the simplest TSMOM signal. It gives equal weight
price and the back-end price have been smoothed.
to the price change (or return) on each of the past
Indeed, the MACROSS strategy is like a TSMOM 260 days; that is, it assesses the direction of the trend
strategy in which the current price is computed as based on the average return. The solid line plots the
the average of the past 20 days’ prices, the past price MACROSS coefficients derived from Equation 8. It
is computed as the average of the prices from day shows that, even though MACROSS is defined as a
21 to day 260, and the return is then computed as moving average of price levels, it can be computed
the difference between these two smoothed prices. instead from price changes. The MACROSS assigns

Figure 5.  Return Signature Plot: Trend Coefficients in Return Space

Weight on Past Price Changes (%)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Day Lag

Note: This figure shows how much weight the trend indicator places on each daily return in the past for
the simple 260-day TSMOM and the 20/260 MACROSS strategies.


Financial Analysts Journal

the most importance to intermediate price changes Equation 11 shows how to determine the differ-
and less weight to the most recent price changes and ence between the weights of MAfast and MAslow.
very old price changes. Many choices of moving averages produce the same
signal, however, because adding and subtracting the
same price has no effect. In contrast, momentum
signal can be computed as the difference between
weights c are unique, as are the weights on past
the current price (or log price or return index), Pt,
and the lagged price, Pt–m (e.g., the price 12 months prices, wsfast − wsslow , so these variables are more
ago, or Pt–12 months): fundamental parameters of the filtering process.5
Example: Exponentially Weighted MACROSS. 
TSMOMtm = Pt − Pt − m . (10) An exponentially weighted moving-average
(EWMA) crossover is similar to a simple MACROSS,
Equation 10 shows that a TSMOM strategy can
but the fast and slow moving averages are expo-
be viewed as a MACROSS in which the recent mov-
nentially weighted instead of equal weighted.
ing average, MAfast, is simply the current price, Pt;
Specifically, an exponential decay of θ > 0 produces
that is, the weighting scheme puts all the weight
on one price—namely, the most recent one: 1 ∞ j
EWMAt = ∑ θ Pt − j . (12)
=w1fast 1,= wsfast 0 for s > 1. Similarly, the distant 1 − θ j =0
moving average, MAslow, is simply the lagged price;
A more intuitive approach than parameterizing
that is, its weight scheme puts all the weight on that
slow by decay θ is to consider the center of mass (COM)
price: wm =1. of the moving average, defined as
More-refined TSMOM signals can also be viewed
as MACROSS. If one uses front-end smoothing, then 1 ∞ j
COM = ∑ θ j
the MAfast becomes a (possibly weighted) average 1 − θ j =0
of recent prices. Similarly, if back-end smoothing is (13)
used, then MAslow becomes an average of lagged = .
prices. 1− θ
If many momentum horizons are used simultane- The COM can be useful for forming an intuition
ously, with coefficients c, as discussed previously, then about the effective length of the moving average. For
the MACROSS weights can be computed as follows: an exponentially weighted MACROSS, the price
weights, w j = θ j / (1 − θ), look similar to those of a
w1fast − w1slow = c1
(11) simple MACROSS but are smoother, as we show in
w jfast − wslow
j = c j − c j −1. Figure 6.

Figure 6.  Price Signature Plot: MACROSS with Exponential Weights

Weight on Past Prices (%)







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Day Lag
MA fast MA slow MA fast – MA slow

Notes: This figure shows how much weight an EWMA crossover puts on past prices. The fast EWMA uses
a COM of 32, and the slow EWMA uses a COM of 128. The effective weights of the EWMA crossover
are also shown.

Which Trend Is Your Friend?

An exponentially weighted MACROSS also The HP Filter.  TSMOM and MACROSS tech-
implies return weights c that are similar to the equal- niques also capture, as a special case, the so-called
weighted case but smoother, as shown in Figure 7. HP (Hodrick–Prescott) filter. Hodrick and Prescott
(1997) reported that the method (also called the
The Equivalence of All Other Linear Whittaker–Henderson Type A method; see Whittaker
1923 and Henderson 1924) has been used in actuarial
Filters sciences to smooth mortality rates; in astronomy
The literature on signal processing includes many (e.g., by Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1867); and in bal-
types of linear filters for applications in science and listics (e.g., by John von Neumann in the 1940s). The
engineering. In fact, a large set of linear filters of method is widely applied in macroeconomics, where
prices can be viewed as TSMOM and MACROSS it is used to filter out the business-cycle trends from
signals if we allow any weights c and w.6 Specifically, noisy data on GDP growth.
linear filters corresponding to positive return weights The HP filter is based on the idea that prices
c have a natural interpretation as a TSMOM signal. (or GDP) have a growth component g and a cyclical
Hence, TSMOM and MACROSS trend indicators component z (i.e., Pt = gt + zt). The trend is the change
represent many classic filtering techniques. of the smooth growth component, trendt = gt – gt–1.
What is not immediately captured by TSMOM The growth component is filtered from the price data
and MACROSS filters is nonlinear effects, such as by finding a growth path that implies small trend
whether the signs of the returns have been consis- variations, trendt – trendt–1 (stable trend), and small
tent for a time period or, conversely, whether returns noise terms, zt (good fit):
have been accelerating recently. However, varia-
2 2
tions of TSMOM can also account for such effects. min g1 ,..., gT ∑ ( zt ) + λ ∑ ( trendt − trendt −1 ) , (14)
For example, we have thus far limited ourselves to t t
strictly positive weights c. If we loosen this restric- using a parameter that determines how stable the
tion to include sets of weights the sum of which is filtered trend is.
positive but which include some negative weights, We show in Appendix A that growth component
we can create trend measures that implicitly include gt is a moving average of past prices. Hence, the
differences in returns. These metrics can be inter- trendt = gt – gt–1 is a difference between two moving
preted as including acceleration/deceleration mea- averages (the MA at time t and the MA at time t – 1).
sures. For example, if we put positive weights on Therefore, the HP trend is a MACROSS signal. As an
more recent returns and negative weights on more example, Figure 8 shows the weights on prices for
distant returns, we are measuring whether returns the two growth components, gt and gt–1, as well as
have been stronger recently than in the past; in other for the trendt, based on an HP filter with parameter
words, we are measuring acceleration. λ = 104.

Figure 7.  Return Signature Plot: MACROSS Using Exponential Weights

Weight on Past Price Changes (%)








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Day Lag

Notes: This figure shows the weights that an EWMA crossover puts on past returns. The COMs used
for the EWMAs are, respectively, 32 and 128 for the fast and slow EWMAs. For comparison, a 260-day
TSMOM signal is also shown. Weights have been normalized to sum to 1 in both cases.


Financial Analysts Journal

Figure 8.  Price Signature Plot: HP Filter

Weight on Past Prices (%)



0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Day Lag
trendt gt gt–1

Notes: This figure shows the weights on prices for the two growth components, gt and gt–1, and for trendt
(their difference) for λ = 104. Note that, although gt–1 depends on Pt, the final trend does not depend
on any future information.

Furthermore, because a MACROSS signal is also however, because the filter has a small amount of
a TSMOM signal, the HP filter is also a TSMOM negative weight. Thus, the filter can be thought of
signal. That is, the HP trend can be written as a as a combination of a simple TSMOM signal plus a
weighted average of past price changes, as we depict small amount of acceleration.
in Figure 9.
What is special about the HP filter is that it The Kalman Filter.  The Kalman filter (Kalman
implies a particular shape for the MA weights and 1960) can be used to optimally estimate hidden vari-
for the momentum return weights. The shape of ables of dynamic linear systems with noisy observa-
the weights is similar to an exponentially weighted tions. A full treatment of Kalman filtering is beyond
MA. The weights on returns are not strictly positive, our scope here, but in the context of trend detection,

Figure 9.  Return Signature Plot: HP Filter

Weight on Past Price Changes (%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Day Lag

Note: This figure shows the weights on past returns for trendt, for λ = 104.

Which Trend Is Your Friend?

the Kalman filter can be applied to estimate the under- slow), the Kalman filter results in an exponentially
lying (and hidden) trend variable driving returns. weighted moving average on returns. This pattern is
The particular application of the Kalman filter different from the simple TSMOM or EWMA cross-
will depend on the model used for the underlying overs, as shown in Figure 10.
data. If we know more about the underlying dynam-
Trend Estimation Using Ordinary Least-Squares
ics of the system, we can put more structure around
Trend Regression. Another intuitive trend
the model, which may help in estimating the param-
measurement method that turns out to be equivalent
eters of a Kalman filter. For price data, however, even
simple random walk models tend to capture most of to a generalized TSMOM signal is a regression-based
the important dynamics of the price series. So, it is trend estimate on prices. To estimate the trend in a
not clear that adding more structure to the underly- price series over a certain period of time, we can esti-
ing data-generating process would be productive. If mate an ordinary least-squares (OLS) best-fit straight
the goal is simplicity, the special case of the “local line through the price series. Figure 11 shows how
trend” model may be a good choice. The local trend this approach works for a one-year trend estimate of
model treats prices as a random walk with a trend, gold prices.
where the trend itself is a random walk whose value We show in Appendix B that this trend estima-
is not directly observable.7 The Kalman filter can tion methodology is equivalent to a generalized
then be used to estimate this underlying trend. TSMOM signal. In other words, it can be expressed
Harvey (1984) showed that in applying the as a linear combination of weighted past prices and,
Kalman filter to a local trend model, the resulting opti- therefore, as a weighted combination of past price
mal trend estimate is simply an exponentially weighted changes.
moving average of past returns. In other words, in the The set of weights in Figure 12 is parallel to a
absence of more model structure than the linear trend MACROSS: Recent prices get positive weight, and
model, using the Kalman filter to estimate a trend more distant past prices get negative weight. For the
results in strictly positive weights on past returns sake of comparison, the simple MACROSS weights
(i.e., a TSMOM-type signal). The COM parameter of are also shown. The coefficients can also be translated,
the exponentially weighted moving average is deter- by using Equation 8, into weights on returns, as seen
mined by the parameters of the underlying model in Figure 13.
(which may themselves be estimated from the data). The OLS regression method gives the most weight
Unlike the EWMA crossover discussed ear- to returns at the center of the time window. Returns
lier, which consists of two exponentially weighted at the extremes of the window (either most recent or
moving averages on past prices (one fast and one most distant) are underweighted by this approach.

Figure 10.  Return Signature Plot: Kalman Filter

Weight on Price Changes (%)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Day Lag
Kalman Filter EWMA Crossover TSMOM

Notes: This figure shows the weights on past price changes, or returns, for a Kalman filter applied to
a local linear trend model. In this case, a COM of 96 was used to form the exponential weights. Also
shown are weights for an EWMA crossover with COMs of, respectively, 32 and 128 for the fast and slow
EWMAs, as well as weights for a simple 260-day TSMOM signal.


Financial Analysts Journal

Figure 11.  OLS One-Year Trend Estimate of Gold Prices, January 2008–
January 2011
Gold Price (US$/troy ounce)









Jan/08 May/08 Sep/08 Jan/09 May/09 Sep/09 Jan/10 May/10 Sep/10

Gold Price OLS Trend

Note: The last year of data shown was used.

Figure 12.  Price Signature Plot: OLS Trend

Weight on Past Prices (%)

OLS Trend


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Day Lag

Note: This figure shows the weights on prices for the OLS trend estimator, which estimates a best-fit
trendline through the past 260 days of prices; it can be compared with the simple 20/260 MACROSS signal.

Many other operations are ultimately versions of and MACROSS capture all of the other filters and
weighting past returns that are similar to TSMOM. feature prominently in applications, we focused our
For example, using the multiresolution approach, empirical study on these trend indicators.
“wavelets” can be used to extract trends at various In practice, the common implementations of
resolutions from a price series.8 these trend signals are not exactly equivalent, so it
is interesting to study their empirical similarities
and differences. Indeed, differences in the perfor-
Empirical Analysis mance of these signals can emerge from the specific
We have shown theoretically how the most general parameter choices, from nonlinear transformations
forms of TSMOM and MACROSS are equivalent and completed as part of portfolio construction, and from
capture all other linear filters. Given that TSMOM other practical effects.

Which Trend Is Your Friend?

Figure 13.  Return Signature Plot: OLS Trend

Weight on Past Price Changes (%)
0.6 OLS Trend


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Day Lag

Notes: This figure shows the weights on past price changes, or returns, for the OLS trend estimator,
compared with the simple 20/260 MACROSS signal and the simple 260-day TSMOM signal. Each of
the three sets of weights was normalized to sum to 1.

Data. We used prices from 24 commodity every day, we formed a new portfolio that was held
futures, 13 developed country government bond for one day. The results were similar for one-month
futures, 12 currency pairs from 9 underlying cur- holding periods, except that, naturally, the Sharpe
rencies, and 9 developed country equity indexes. ratios were lower. We used daily rebalancing to
These 58 instruments were chosen for their liquidity focus on the connections between the various trend
by Moskowitz et al. (2012), and we extended their strategies, with minimal noise because of infrequent
dataset so that our data would cover prices from rebalancing.
January 1985 through April 2015. Signals were cal- We considered three MACROSS strategies at
culated from a return index (rather than from prices similar horizons. We used exponentially weighted
directly) that was formed by rolling futures and for- MACROSS signals because they are perhaps the most
ward prices; therefore, the index implicitly incorpo- common in investment practice. The MACROSS
rated financing cost and “carry” or “rolldown.” The signals were parameterized by the centers of mass
index reflects the actual returns from holding a rolled of the fast and slow moving averages so that a
futures or forward position in an instrument with MACROSS(m,M) signal had an m-day COM for its
no cash outlay. Because futures and forwards have fast moving average and an M-day COM for its slow
implicit financing, these return indexes are naturally moving average:
excess of cash. A list of instruments and their sources
is given in Appendix C. MACROSS( m, M )
Signalt = ∑ s =1wsm Pt − s +1 −
Methodology.  We wished to construct three M
∑ s =1ws Pt − s +1 , (16)
standard TSMOM strategies and three standard
MACROSS strategies that were relatively compa- where the weights are wsm = θs / (1 − θ) , with
rable. Following the methodology of Hurst et al. θ = m / (1 + m) as in Equation 12 and Equation 13. We
(2013), for the TSMOM strategies, we considered chose m and M in such a way that the MACROSS
1-month, 3-month, and 12-month trends. Specifically, strategies would correspond to the TSMOM signals
the TSMOM signals were parameterized by the by ensuring that they had similar trend horizons.
number of look-back days so that TSMOM(n) was Specifically, we let M take the values 12, 32, and 128
calculated as the log return index today minus the and set m to one-quarter of these values. The values
log return index n days ago: were chosen so that M would be close to n/2 (and
TSMOM ( n ) divisible by 4) for the corresponding TSMOM(n)
Signalt = Pt − Pt − n . (15) signals. These choices of M are natural because a
We considered values of n equal to 22 trading TSMOM(n) signal has a COM equal to n/2 (in
days (approximately 1 month), 66 trading days (3 returns) because it gives equal weight to the past n
months), and 260 trading days (12 months). For returns.


Financial Analysts Journal

To put the trading signals on an equal foot- Table 1.  Performance of Simple TSMOM and
ing, we followed Moskowitz et al. (2012) and used MACROSS Strategies
the same portfolio construction methodology for Annual
TSMOM and MACROSS signals. Specifically, for Returns
each strategy, our position in an asset i at time t was (excess Annualized Sharpe
calculated as follows: Signal of cash) Volatility Ratio

Position it = 0.65%
Sign Signalti ) , (17) MACROSS(3,12)
σti MACROSS(32,128) 12.8 9.7 1.33
TSMOM(22) 9.8 10.1 0.97
where Signalit is the relevant TSMOM or MACROSS TSMOM(66) 12.1 10.1 1.20
signal and σit is the volatility of asset i at time t. TSMOM(260) 14.2 9.8 1.45
Again following Moskowitz et al. (2012), we used Notes: This table shows the performance statistics of six dif-
an exponentially weighted volatility with a COM of ferent trend-following strategies. Excess returns and volatility
60 days. We multiplied by 0.65% to target an annual- were annualized, and the Sharpe ratio is the ratio of the two.
ized volatility of 0.65% in each asset. When aggre-
gated, this level of asset volatility resulted in an
annualized portfolio volatility of approximately 10% MACROSS ( m, M ) TSMOM ( 22 )
for each of the six strategies. We took the sign of the rt = α + β1rt +
signal for simplicity, although many other transfor- TSMOM ( 66 )
mations of the signal could be used in practice. β2 rt +
TSMOM ( 260 )
Empirical Results.  The performance of each of the β3 rt . (18)
six strategies is reported in Table 1. The TSMOM and We also ran the regression with each of the
MACROSS strategies performed similarly for all hori- TSMOM factors on the left-hand side: regressing
zons. Both delivered impressive risk-adjusted returns, on the three MACROSS factors. In other words,
with Sharpe ratios above 1 before transaction costs. we performed six OLS regressions: regressing each
Consider next the central empirical question of TSMOM (MACROSS) factor portfolio return on the
our project—namely, a comparative study of these three MACROSS (TSMOM) factor portfolio returns.
two approaches to trend-following investing. For this The results are summarized in Table 2.
MACROSS ( m, M )
study, we regressed the return rt of each For each of the six regressions, the R2 is above
MACROSS factor on all three TSMOM factors: 80%. Such a high R2 shows that these trend signals

Table 2.  Regressions of TSMOM on MACROSS and Vice Versa

(t-statistics in parentheses)
Dependent Variable Independent Variables
A. Regression of MACROSS on TSMOM
TSMOM(22) TSMOM(66) TSMOM(260) Intercept R2
MA(3,12) 0.76 0.25 0.01 –0.29% 84%
(30.20) (10.85) (0.53) (–0.40)
MA(8,32) 0.19 0.73 0.13 –1.78% 86
(17.20) (65.42) (14.29) (–2.41)
MA(32,128) –0.13 0.18 0.83 0.18% 83
(–12.06) (16.48) (85.76) (0.23)
B. Regression of TSMOM on MACROSS
MA(3,12) MA(8,32) MA(32,128) Intercept R2
TSMOM(22) 0.91 –0.01 –0.04 1.19% 81%
(49.02) (–0.84) (–2.53) (1.50)
TSMOM(66) 0.03 0.85 0.04 2.06% 82
(2.08) (59.46) (3.44) (2.54)
TSMOM(260) 0.14 –0.05 0.90 1.84% 82
(10.58) (–3.76) (93.09) (2.35)
Notes: Panel A shows the regression of each MACROSS factor on the three TSMOM factors. Panel B shows the regression of
each TSMOM factor on the three MACROSS factors. The intercept was multiplied by 260 to annualize the daily returns.

Which Trend Is Your Friend?

are closely related and that the yield strategies are fact that we see these significant alphas does not
quite correlated. necessarily mean TSMOM specifications are supe-
In addition, for each of the three MACROSS strat- rior to MACROSS specifications or vice versa. It
egies, we see no significant alpha over the TSMOM may simply mean that MACROSS signals have a
signals. In other words, none of the three MACROSS harder time mimicking a TSMOM signal whereas
signals considered here provided any significant TSMOM signals, because of their shape, more eas-
performance benefit over a combination of TSMOM ily fit an arbitrary MACROSS signal. This trait
signals. This result is intuitive in light of our theoreti- can be seen to some extent in the R2s, which are
cal results. Somewhat surprisingly, however, in the higher when TSMOM signals are the independent
case of MA (8,32), we see a significant negative alpha, variables (although the difference is only a few
meaning that this MACROSS factor would detract if percentage points). Figure 14 illustrates this point
added to the best-fit TSMOM portfolio. graphically. Panel A shows how the TSMOM signals
Also surprisingly, we see positive significance are well able to approximate the MA(8,32) signal by
in the alphas of some of the TSMOM signals when combining the three TSMOM signals with relevant
they were regressed on the MACROSS signals. The weights. Panel B shows that the MACROSS signals

Figure 14.  Approximating Moving-Average Weights with Time-Series

Momentum and Vice Versa

A. Using TSMOM to Approximate MACROSS

Weight on Past Price Changes (%)


TSMOM Combo Best Fit


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Day Lag

B. Using MACROSS to Approximate TSMOM

Weight on Past Price Changes (%)
1.6 TSMOM(66)
0.4 MACROSS Combo Best Fit
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Day Lag

Notes: Panel A shows the weight of the moving-average MACROSS(8,32) signal on past returns and the
combined weights from the three time-series momentum (TSMOM) signals, weighted in proportion to
the betas in the regression of MACROSS(8,32) on TSMOM in Table 2. Panel B shows the weight of the
TSMOM(66) signal on past returns and the combined weights from the three MACROSS signals, weighted
in proportion to the betas in the regression of TSMOM(66) on MACROSS in Table 2.


Financial Analysts Journal

are not able to approximate the TSMOM weight as Appendix A. The HP Filter as
Furthermore, the alphas shown in Table 2 may TSMOM or MACROSS
reflect the relative performance of the trend horizons To find the HP filter, we need to minimize the objec-
that are over- or underweighted by the best fit as seen tive function:
in Figure 14. For instance, Figure 14 indicates that the T T
∑ ∑
min g ( Pt − gt ) + λ  gt − gt −1 − ( gt −1 − gt −2 ) .
MA(8,32) signal gives more weight to past returns
60–120 days ago, whereas the best-fit TSMOM portfolio t =1 t =3
gives more weight to returns 40–60 days ago. The 40–60- (A1)
∑ ∑
( Pt − gt ) + λ  gt − gt −1 − ( gt −1 − gt −2 ) .
day returns may predict future returns more minstrongly,
which would lead to a negative alpha. This resultt =does
1 t =3
not necessarily mean that TSMOM is the better way The objective function can be written in vector
to invest because these issues may be addressed by form:
changing the parameters of the MACROSS signals and
including a wider array of MACROSS signals. min g ( P − g ) ' ( P − g ) + λg ' K ' Kg , (A2)
where the matrix K is of dimension (T – 2)-by-T,
Conclusion defined as
The academic literature and real-world investors have
put forth a host of strategies that, on the surface, appear  1 −2 1 0
 
unique but that are all related to trend following at a
 1 −2 1  . (A3)
high level. We sought to unify many of these seemingly K=
disparate strategies in a simple, robust, and intuitive
    
 
framework. We showed that trends can be filtered out 0 1 −2 1 
from prices or returns by using a variety of methods,
including time-series momentum, moving-average To solve this filtering problem, one differentiates
crossovers, and other popular filters. We proved that the objective function and considers the first-order
generalized forms of many trend-based investment condition:
strategies are equivalent, and we provided intuition for 0 = − ( P − g ) + λK ' Kg . (A4)
how the various approaches to trend following vary
from strategy to strategy. Furthermore, we showed Hence, the solution for the growth component is
how each trend signal can be characterized by its “trend
g = ( I + λK ' K ) P. (A5)
signature plots,” which illustrate the trend indicator’s
dependence on past prices and returns. Equation A5 shows that the growth component
Our results help demystify trend-following is a linear combination of past prices. Indeed, the
investing and put these strategies in a useful perspec-
last row of the matrix ( I + λK ' K ) contains the
tive for investors. Because each of these signals can be
expressed in a unified framework, the conclusion is weights on past prices that give rise to the most
that the filtering methodology may matter less than recent growth component, gT. Similarly, the second-
the horizons chosen, the portfolio construction, risk to-last row gives the weights for the second most
management, and other factors that may be useful recent growth component, gT–1. Finally, the differ-
in identifying the quality of a trend. Our results sug- ence between these components is the current trend,
gest that investors and managers, rather than looking trendT = gT – gT–1, which, therefore, is a MACROSS
exclusively at which specific filter to start from, should signal or, equivalently, a TSMOM signal.
focus on the robustness and quality of implemen-
tation—including optimally managing transaction
costs,10 dynamic trading, diversification, position
Appendix B. The OLS Best-Fit
sizing, portfolio construction, and risk management. Trend as TSMOM or MACROSS
The OLS trend regression estimates the parameters
We thank Cliff Asness, Brian Hurst, Ronen Israel, Toby of the following model over some time window that
Moskowitz, Yao Hua Ooi, and Dan Villalon for helpful is N periods long:
comments and discussions and Jusvin Dhillon for excel- Pt = α + βt + εt . (B1)
lent research assistance.
The relevant trend parameter is the estimated slope
parameter, β . A positive (negative) value of β indi-
CE Qualified
Activity 1 CE credit cates a positive (negative) time trend.

Which Trend Is Your Friend?

The expression for the estimated slope can be

The OLS estimate of β as a function of the prices
rearranged as follows:
P, time t, and window length N is
 N +1  N ( N + 1) / 2 ) − s  N
∑ sN=1 Pt − s +1 − Pt , N )
 2
− s β t = ∑ Pt − s +1
2 =: ∑ ws Pt − s +1 ,
β t = ,
s =1 ∑ mN =1 ( N + 1) / 2 ) − m s =1
N  N +1 − m  (B4)
∑m =1  N ( N + 1) / 2 ) − s  N
 2 
βt = ∑ Pt − s +1 =: ∑ ws Pt − s +1 ,
 N +1  s =1 ∑ m =1 (
N  N + 1 ) / 2 )
 − m s =1
where  − s  is the de-meaned time index series
 2  which is clearly a weighted sum of past prices. One
and Pt , N is the average price over the window: can then use Equation 8 to express them as weights
1 N c of past price changes (i.e., asset returns).
Pt , N = ∑ Pt − m +1. (B3)
N m =1

Appendix C. Data Sources

Item Source Item Source
Commodity futures Currencies
Aluminum Australia
Copper United Kingdom Spot exchange rates and forward
London Metal Exchange
Nickel Germany (spliced interest rates from Citigroup were
Zinc with euro) used to form return series after
Brent crude Japan 1989. Prior to 1989, spot exchange
Gas oil United States rates from Datastream were com-
Coffee Norway bined with the Interbank Offered
Intercontinental Exchange Sweden Rates from Bloomberg.
Cotton Switzerland
Sugar Canada As above, with 1992 as the
Corn switchover point.
Soybeans New Zealand As above, with 1996 as the
Soybean oil Chicago Board of Trade switchover point.
Soybean meal Equity indexes
Australia (SPI 200)
Lean hogs
Chicago Mercantile Exchange France (CAC 40)
Live cattle Germany (DAX)
WTI crude oil Italy (FTSE MIB) Datastream was used for futures
RBOB gasoline Japan (TOPIX) returns, and MSCI country index
(spliced with unleaded) New York Mercantile Exchange returns were used before futures
Netherlands (AEX)
Heating oil returns were available.
Spain (IBEX 35)
Natural gas UK (FTSE 100)
Gold US (S&P 500)
Commodity Exchange, Inc.
Platinum Tokyo Commodity Exchange
Australia 3-year bond
Australia 10-year bond
Euro Schatz
Euro Bobl
Euro Bund Datastream was used for
Euro Buxl futures returns, and JP Morgan
Canada 10-year bond bond index returns were used
Japan 10-year bond before futures returns were
Long gilt available.
US 2-year note
US 5-year note
US 10-year note
US long bond


Financial Analysts Journal

Notes 6. Specifically, any filter f ()⋅ on data series P that is causal (i.e., only
1. Hurst, Ooi, and Pedersen (2012, 2013) provided a detailed depends on the past), linear [i.e., f (aX + Y ) = af ( X ) + f (Y ) ], and
analysis of managed futures strategies and showed that the time invariant (i.e., the function does not depend on time) can be
returns to the strategy can be largely explained by time-series represented as a sum of weighted past values of P.
momentum. 7. Slightly more formally, return t = trendt + εt , and
2. Silber (1994), Erb and Harvey (2006), and Moskowitz, Ooi, trendt = trendt −1 + ηt , where ηt and εt are both independent
and Pedersen (2012) found strong performance of trend- and identically distributed variables, normally distributed
following strategies, and Park and Irwin provided a survey with mean 0 and constant variance.
(2007). Technical trading rules were analyzed broadly by Lo, 8. A wavelet is a wave-like oscillation with an amplitude that
Mamaysky, and Wang (2000) and Sullivan, Timmermann, begins at zero, increases, and then decreases back to zero. It is
and White (1999). Zakamulin (2015) made an independent a popular filtering technique because it can extract both time
analysis of the performance of market timing with moving and frequency information from a series. For a full treatment
averages. of using wavelet filtering in financial time series, see Gençay,
3. Fama (1965) provided a detailed summary of the random walk Selçuk, and Whitcher (2001).
hypothesis for stocks. 9. Each plot in Figure 14 shows a signal’s effective weight on
4. To see this equivalency, note that the coefficients on the price past asset returns. It also shows the weighted average of the
at each time, Pt − s +1 , must be equalized in the two different weighting schemes corresponding to the four explanatory
variables weighted in proportion to the betas in the regression.
ways of writing the trend signal (i.e., cs − cs −1 = wsfast − wsslow ).
It is meant to be stylized; that is, it does not perfectly represent
This equation can be iterated to arrive at the expression for c
the regression because the regression analysis was performed
given the initial value c1 = w1fast − w1slow . on strategy returns, not the underlying signals. The relation-
5. One particular choice of MA functions with positive weights ship between signal construction and return correlations is far
that add up to 1 is as follows. For the fast MA, let w jfast = c j / c from perfect because of the nonlinear portfolio construction,

for all j, where c = ∑ j =1c j . For the slow MA, let w1slow = 0 but the stylized results are, nonetheless, informative.
and wslow = c j −1 / c for j ≥ 2. 10. See Gârleanu and Pedersen (2013).

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