Gujarat Technological University: Bachelor of Engineering Subject Code: 3161709
Gujarat Technological University: Bachelor of Engineering Subject Code: 3161709
Gujarat Technological University: Bachelor of Engineering Subject Code: 3161709
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3161709
SUB NAME : Safety Instrumented System
Semester – VI
Type of course:
2 Design Lifecycle 2 7
Hindsight/Foresights, Findings of the HSE, Design life cycle, SIS design &
Engineering ,Installation, commissioning and validation, operation and
maintenance, decommissioning
3 Process control vs. safety control : 2 10
Control and safety defined, process control-active/dynamic, safety control-
passive/dormant, separation of control and safety systems, Common cause
and systematic/functional fallers
4 Protection layers: 3 10
Prevention layers, mitigation layers, Diversifications
5 Developing the Safety requirement specifications 3 10
Introduction, why are 44%n of accidents caused by incorrect specifications?,
ANSI/ISA-,part 1-3 requirements, documenting the
specifications requirements.
6 Determining SIL 3 10
Introduction, common issues, evaluating risk, Safety integrity level,SIL
determination methods(ALARP and Risk matrix, risk graph, LOPA)
7 Choosing a technology 2 8
Phumatic systems, relay systems, solid state systems,
microprocessor/PLC(software based)systems, issues related to system size,
issue related to system complexity, communication with other
systems,certified vs prior use
8 Initial system evolution 4 15
Things are not as obvious as they may seem, why systems should be
analyzed before they are built, need to get failere rate information, failure
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3161709
modes, metrics, degree of modeling accuracy, modeling methods, the real
impact of redundancy, analysis of a relay system, non redundant PLC
system, TMR systems, Field devices, fault tolerance requirements, Sample
SIS design cookbook, Engineering tools available for analyzing system
9 Issue relating to field devices 2 10
Introduction, importance of field devices, Sensors, Final elements,
Redundancy, Design requirements of field devices, Installation concerns,
Wiring of field devices
10 Engineering a system 2 10
General management considerations, General hardware consideration,
General software consideration
Able to analyze the safety specification for process control and safety
CO-2 control of various processes
CO-3 Will be able to analyze failure of field devices and apply modifications
Text Books
Reference Book
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19