Datapath: Case Study
Datapath: Case Study
Datapath: Case Study
The MaxView modular product suite can be customized for specific cus-
tomer user interface requirements—customization is a key sales feature. As
such, DataPath needed a technology solution that would make it fast and
easy to customize MaxView according to distinct customer interface require-
ments. Enter ActiveTcl. Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a powerful dynamic
programming language used frequently for networking, administration and
testing, and ideal for cross platform development. DataPath relies on ActiveS-
tate’s ActiveTcl language distribution because it is a complete, ready-to-install
commercial grade distribution that works cross-platform with Windows, Linux
and Mac OS X plus Solaris, AIX and HP-UX.
Since 2005, ActiveTcl has been DataPath’s choice for powering device driv-
ers—the code that connects MaxView to a specific device or system on the
customer end. By using ActiveTcl in device drivers, DataPath doesn’t have “We can be
to manually change its core product to work with every unique customer away from our
interface. “We have a Tcl interpreter built into our product so we don’t have
to change the core product for each new interface or customer,” says Adam
Kirkley, director of software products at DataPath. “This allow us to more environment and we
effectively manage and support our commercial product, while using the
don’t have to worry
customization capability to meet the needs of our customers.”
about compiling
ActiveTcl also powers automation logic, which can be customized by end
users onsite once the system is operational. “Customers can change these code and distributing
smaller bits of code that, thanks to ActiveTcl, don’t have to be compiled. Nor
it for particular
do they affect the quality and stability of the core product.”
platforms because
Another key benefit of ActiveTcl for DataPath is the ability to make develop-
ment changes on the fly at customer locations. DataPath senior software ActiveTcl supports so
engineer, Seth Ogram, says this is critical for fast, successful system integra- many platforms. It’s
tions. “We can be away from our development environment and we don’t
have to worry about compiling code and distributing it for particular plat-
the cross-platform
forms because ActiveTcl supports so many platforms. It’s the cross-platform aspect of ActiveTcl
aspect of ActiveTcl that’s so valuable.”
that’s so valuable.”
ActiveTcl is Worry-Free Tcl for Critical Systems
Development Speed Keeps MaxView Ahead of Competitors
Adam Kirkley, Director of Software
Products, DataPath
While the stability and technical value of ActiveTcl are critical, ActiveTcl also
introduces business benefits, such as speeding development time. “ActiveTcl
helps us deliver solutions faster than our competitors. And we can react to “ActiveTcl helps us
changing requirements,” Kirkley says. For instance, when responding to a
proposal or a set of requirements from a customer, DataPath doesn’t have deliver solutions
to waste time going through a full software development cycle or creating a faster than our
new product from scratch for each implementation. “We have a core product
that we’re reusing, that we already know is set and stable, and then we only
competitors. And
change the ActiveTcl part of it for each implementation. We’ve separated out we can react
the customizable parts of it from the core code. And when we write code in
to changing
ActiveTcl, we don’t have to compile it to use it. We can run it right then and
troubleshoot problems very quickly.” requirements”
For DataPath, it’s all about the rapid development and ease of customization.
“There’s a quick learning curve. Our customers have learned to go in and start
doing customization work themselves.” Ultimately, ActiveTcl ensures MaxView
is faster to develop, easy to customize, and stable. And with those bases
covered, DataPath can provide a high quality product that consistently meets
its customers’ needs. To enable these capabilities and embed ActiveTcl in
MaxView Enterprise, DataPath uses OEM licensing from ActiveState, allowing
them to take their product to market faster with the right licenses in place.
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ActiveState Software Inc. Toll-free in North America:
ActiveState believes that enterprises gain a competitive advantage when they are able to quickly create, deploy and efficiently manage software solutions that immediately create business
value, but they face many challenges that prevent them from doing so. The company is uniquely positioned to help address these challenges through our experience with enterprises,
people and technology. ActiveState is proven for the enterprise: more than two million developers and 97 percent of Fortune 1000 companies use ActiveState’s end-to-end solutions
to develop, distribute, and manage their software applications written in Java, Perl, Python, Node.js, PHP, Tcl and other dynamic languages. Global customers like Cisco, CA, HP, Bank of
America, Siemens and Lockheed Martin trust ActiveState to save time, save money, minimize risk, ensure compliance and reduce time to market.
©2016 ActiveState Software Inc. All rights reserved. ActiveState®, ActiveTcl® are trademarks or registered trademarks of ActiveState. All other marks are property of their respective owners.