Angelica G. Ge 01 Pre Final
Angelica G. Ge 01 Pre Final
Angelica G. Ge 01 Pre Final
Art Recall
When was the first time you realized that there is a higher being than Yourself? How old
are you then? What made you believe that there is a higher being?
I learned from my parents when I was six or seven years old that there is a
higher being than myself. Heaven and Earth were created by God, to be more
explicit. I had a good understanding of the ground on which I walk and what I
view with my own eyes.
Draw: Make a poster about the instance or situation that made you believe in the
existence of higher being.
Discuss the following questions:
a. How is the belief on higher being related to your Self?
The way we think and respond to life's ups and downs is influenced by our beliefs
in a higher power. Our lives have purpose and substance because we believe we
are connected to a bigger source. And what we think about ourselves has a
direct impact on our self-confidence and self-esteem.
b. Do you consider having a Spiritual Self? Why or Why not?
Reflection Paper:
Reflect on Viktor Frankl’s sources of meaning of life.
The meaning of life, according to Frankl, is unique to each individual. For some, it
may be found in personal relationships; for others, it may be employment or a pastime;
and for others, little, daily routines and interactions may provide meaning.
The tone of Frankl's writing is always very human and nonjudgmental throughout
– in other words, he is always simultaneously providing us with insights on how finding
one's own meaning in the direst of situations can save lives, while also recognizing
complex contexts and mental health issues that may contribute to one's suicide – which
is best observed in his treatment of those who took their lives.
Make a reflection on any of the following topics:
In comparison to other Asian countries, Filipino culture is distinct, and beliefs are
carried out every day in the lives of Filipinos, revealing how rich and wonderful the
country's culture is.
As a result of our long and varied past, our culture is an important expression of
who we are. People with whom we have interacted have a significant impact on it.
Incorporating influences from Chinese, Indians, Arabs, and other Asian cultures, the
Filipino customs and traditions are a unique blend of Malayo-Polynesian and Hispanic
culture. Mano Po is the first on the list. When children or young people meet or say
farewell to their elders, they usually do so by touching the back of the elder's hand
lightly on their forehead and taking the elder's right hand with their right hand. It's a
means of showing respect for the elders, and I feel it's also a method of blessing them.
When addressing elders or superiors, the Spanish term mano means "hand,"
whereas the word po means "end of sentence."
The Political Self and Being Filipino
Cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers of illustrations that call to mind your
being a Filipino. Paste them below.
Answer the following questions below in relation to what you have posted above.
II: Discuss how being a Filipino affects your “self”. How can becoming a better
Filipino influence your duty to becoming a better version of your “self”
Three Facts, One Fiction
Construct four sentences that start with I am_____________________
The first three sentences should be true about yourself. You can talk about your
characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments, personalities, and behavior.
The last statement should be a fiction or something that you just made up. Make the
activity more fun and make others believe the last statement to be true.
1. I am an introvert kind of person.
2. l am not that confident to socialize others.
3. I am a type of person who love to draw and reading Wattpad books.
4. I am a girl with black and wavy hair. My skin color is brown as well as my eyes.
What have you learned from the activity? Did you learn something of your classmates
that you did not know before? What were the clues that helped you figure out which
statements were facts and fiction about others? Were you classmates able to discern
easily the facts and fiction about you? why?
I learned from the activity that, not everyone who only describe their self as they
really is, is true unless you see it yourself. It’s so easy to believe their
personality/identity since their own description of their self is something so good
to be true and believable.