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Test FPSC For The Post VO

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Test FPSC for the Post VO, ( Ministry of Defence ) 28-Aug-2021

Prepared and Compiled: Dr. Israr Ahmed (DVM SAU, Tandojam) and Dr. Saba (DVM)

 English MCQs 20 Questions (Grammar, Sentence Structuring,


1. Being distributed
2. If I had money
3. Swimming
4. Most Difficult
5. To walk
6. To park
7. Whose
8. Either, or
9. First, then
10. Scrabbler than
11. Over this rule
12. My joining
13. Plan to attend
14. Blind in one eye
15. The professor was travelling
16. For
17. Broke down
18. Hire

 Processional Part 80 Questions

 Birds are Re-vaccinated when Antibodies are below protection level,

Antibodies are above protection level, no need of re-vaccination
 Wooden tongue is also called as Actinobacillosis
 Tiger heart is characteristics sign in FMD
 The sloughing of extremities is found in FMD, Dermatitis, Dagnala
 Luteal cyst treatment: PGF2 alpha
 Animal Adjust heat stress by Cease to walk, cease to breed, cease to
sneeze, noon of these
 Animal coming into heat after every 10 to 15 days probably Follicular
cyst, luteal cyst, repeat breeding
 IB causative agent Corona virus, adeno virus, birnavirus
 IBD causative agent Corona virus, adeno virus, birna virus, non of
 High source of energy Oat hay, wheat bran, Gluten meal 30%
 Animal provided with lycine and methoinine will effect Increase in
milk production, increase dietry feed intake, increase in fat and
protein content of milk
 Pakistan ruminant policy is to Increase wool production, increase
milk production, increase meat production, all of these
 To test heterozygote Test cross, back cross, criss cross
 All are winter crops except Oat, barseem, guara
 Leghorn average annual egg production 180, 220, 250
 Weight of calf at weaning should be of birth weight 2 times. 1.5
times, 5 times
 Ringworm is disease Fungal, bacterial, viral, protozoan
 HS is disease Fungal, protozoan, bacterial
 Bebesia DOC Imidocarb, oxytetracycline, diminizine acetuarate
 Removal of non- productive, animals Culling, removing animals
 Calf should be fed concentrates at 3rd day, 15, 25
 Calf should be provided water at 2nd day, 15 , 25 day
 Linguatula serrata lives in Nasal passage, skin, blood
 Ovulation occur on ovulation fossa in which specie Mare, cow, dog
 Estrus cycle length 19-26 days, 20-21 days, 15-20
 Possible pyometra Treatment Estrogen, oxytocin, PGf2 alpha
 Buffalo usually comes into heat at Midnight to 6am, noon to 5pm
 Most effective and cost effective method for disease prevention is
Vaccination, treatment, Bio security
 Broiler breeder egg production annually 270, 220.
 White leghorn egg production annually average is 220, 290. 180
 Chromosomes of Goat, cattle, and poultry are 60,60,78, 60.54.78
 Hen sitting on eggs, spreading of wings, and producing typical
clutching sound, Nusting, broodiness,
 Tissue Macrophages Granulocytes, monocyte, lymphocyte
 Which is not a systemic immune mediator Hegmon factor, PGF2
aplha, histamine
 Which breeding limits the diversity Inbreeding, out breeding,
random mating
 Local dialation of artery Aneurum, arthescelorosis, dialation
 Hydro perocardium is caused by Adeno virus, birna virus, carona
 Bull semen to be thawed at 37-30 Sec. 25-2 mints. 30- 30 sec
 Rabies virus when attacks the body Moves towards legs from
infection site, moves towards the brain and stays there,
 Cheapest Silo is Bunker silo, pit silo, pilo silo
 Universal Gun can Load 0.5ml, 0.25ml, Both A and B
 In old animals what usually occurs particularly in Females
Osteomalasia, rickets, Osteoporosis
 When infection occur, 1st to reach are Macrophages, neutrophil,
 Toxoplamosis, following are intermediate host except Cat, dog,
 Largest tape worm Eccinococcus, tania, diphylobothrium
 Which is not true for capsular staining Direct blood smear, heat
fixation, Indian ink
 Antigen Antibody attacks Fab, Fc, Fv
 Serological test done FAT
 With minimum ventilation, Air flows toward Roof, floor, wall
 Shooting diarrhea is characteristic of John disease, BVD, Rinderpest
 Granulomatous lesion in lung is not present in T. B, streptococcus
equi , Actinobacillosis
 To improve Farm production we have to choose Superior Male,
 Mean of population divides into 2 equal Halves, 3 halves quadrant
 Shortage of fodder can be overcome Preservation of forage, TMR
 Max level inclusion of rapeseed in feed 10-12%,, 15-20
 The integration of Virus into cellular genome Bacteriophage,
lysogeny, prophage
 Staphylococcus is positive for Coagulase test, conglance test,
catalase test
 The typing of E.coli is O, H, K, F
 Veneral disease among Trypanosoma evansi, T. equiperdium
 One is the following is not characteristics of Milignant Tumors Slow
growth, Invansive
 Breeder Chicks at 64 weeks 140, 180
 Breeder Broiler Thermal Heat Index at 40 weeks 100-115, 135-145,
 With 1% less Oxygen, the hatchibility will decrease by 5%, 10% 15%
 For Day old Chick the most critical temp is 20 degree, 30 degree
 Female animal from 1 year till calving is called as Heifer, 1st Calving
 Maternal Recognition of Pregnanacy is found on 16-17 days after
 Low brooding temp cause death in chicken due to Typhoid, Ascites,
 The parasite occurring in an unusual host Accidental host
 Collar Growth under skin is ---------- cruelty Less, Active, Passive
 The most good productive local Buffalo breed Nilli ravi, kundi
 Hemolytic Anemia is Always Monochromic, Macrocytic
hypochromoic, normocytic, etc
 Not a method of selection- heretibility
 Dry roughage for horse-oat hay
 Function of NDF- increase chewing
 Ovulation - LH
 Common mode of transmission in parasites- Skin penetration,
Ora-fecal route
 Venereal diseases transmitted by way, Contagious, Congenital,
Sexual contact none

Subect wise Questions

English 20%
Micro 15 %
Reproduction 12 %
Veterinary Medicine 10%
Poultry 15%
Nutrition 15%
Animal Genetics and Breeding 8%
Livestock Management 5 %

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