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Bosch VE Pumps

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The document discusses diesel fuel injection systems and their components and operation.

Technical requirements discussed include precision, ability to meter small injection quantities, and immediate response to accelerator pedal changes.

Main components discussed include injection pumps, fuel injection techniques, fuel supply and delivery, and mechanical engine speed control.

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© Robert Bosch GmbH, 1999

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Automotive Equipment Business Sector,
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Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Horst Bauer.

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Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Anton Beer.

Dr.-Ing. Helmut Tschöke, assisted by the
responsible technical departments of
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Berthold Gauder, Leinfelden-Echterdingen.

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4th Edition, April 1999.

English translation of the German edition dated:
November 1998.
distributor fuel-injection pumps VE

The reasons behind the diesel-powered Combustion in the diesel engine

vehicle’s continuing success can be The diesel engine 2
reduced to one common denominator:
Diesels use considerably less fuel than
their gasoline-powered counterparts. Diesel fuel-injection systems:
And in the meantime the diesel has An overview
practically caught up with the gasoline Fields of application 4
engine when it comes to starting and Technical requirements 4
running refinement. Regarding exhaust- Injection-pump designs 6
gas emissions, the diesel engine is just
as good as a gasoline engine with Mechanically-controlled (governed)
catalytic converter. In some cases, it is axial-piston distributor fuel-injection
even better. The diesel engine’s emis-
sions of CO2, which is responsible for
pumps VE
the “green-house effect”, are also lower Fuel-injection systems 8
than for the gasoline engine, although Fuel-injection techniques 9
this is a direct result of the diesel Fuel supply and delivery 12
engine’s better fuel economy. It was Mechanical engine-speed control
also possible during the past few years (governing) 22
to considerably lower the particulate Injection timing 29
emissions which are typical for the Add-on modules and
diesel engine.
shutoff devices 32
The popularity of the high-speed diesel
engine in the passenger car though, Testing and calibration 45
would have been impossible without Nozzles and nozzle holders 46
the diesel fuel-injection systems from
Bosch. The very high level of precision Electronically-controlled axial-
inherent in the distributor pump means piston distributor fuel-injection
that it is possible to precisely meter pumps VE-EDC 54
extremely small injection quantities to
the engine. And thanks to the special
governor installed with the VE-pump in
passenger-car applications, the engine
axial-piston distributor fuel-injection
responds immediately to even the finest pumps VE-MV 60
change in accelerator-pedal setting. All
points which contribute to the sophisti- Start-assist systems 62
cated handling qualities of a modern-
day automobile.
The Electronic Diesel Control (EDC)
also plays a decisive role in the overall
improvement of the diesel-engined
passenger car.
The following pages will deal with the
design and construction of the VE distri-
butor pump, and how it adapts injected
fuel quantity, start-of-injection, and
duration of injection to the different
engine operating conditions.
in the stion
Combustion in the diesel

Power stroke
The diesel engine Following the ignition delay, at the begin-
ning of the third stroke the finely atom-
Diesel combustion principle ized fuel ignites as a result of auto-igni-
The diesel engine is a compression- tion and burns almost completely. The
ignition (CI) engine which draws in air cylinder charge heats up even further
and compresses it to a very high level. and the cylinder pressure increases
With its overall efficiency figure, the diesel again. The energy released by the igni-
engine rates as the most efficient com- tion is applied to the piston.
bustion engine (CE). Large, slow-running The piston is forced downwards and the
models can have efficiency figures of as combustion energy is transformed into
much as 50% or even more. mechanical energy.
The resulting low fuel consumption,
coupled with the low level of pollutants in Exhaust stroke
the exhaust gas, all serve to underline In the fourth stroke, the piston moves up
the diesel engine’s significance. again and drives out the burnt gases
The diesel engine can utilise either the through the open exhaust valve.
4- or 2-stroke principle. In automotive A fresh charge of air is then drawn in
applications though, diesels are practi- again and the working cycle repeated.
cally always of the 4-stroke type (Figs. 1
and 2). Combustion chambers,
Working cycle (4-stroke) turbocharging and
In the case of 4-stroke diesel engines, supercharging
gas-exchange valves are used to control Both divided and undivided combustion
the gas exchange process by opening chambers are used in diesel engines
and closing the inlet and exhaust ports.
Fig. 1
Principle of the reciprocating piston engine
Induction stroke
TDC Top Dead Center, BDC Bottom Dead Center.
During the first stroke, the downward Vh Stroke volume, VC Compression volume,
movement of the piston draws in un- s Piston stroke.
throttled air through the open intake valve. VC

Compression stroke s
During the second stroke, the so-called Vh
compression stroke, the air trapped in the BDC
cylinder is compressed by the piston
which is now moving upwards. Com-
pression ratios are between 14:1 and
24:1. In the process, the air heats up to
temperatures around 900°C. At the end

of the compression stroke the nozzle in-

jects fuel into the heated air at pressures BDC
2 of up to 2,000 bar.
(prechamber engines and direct-injec- Diesel-engine exhaust The d
tion engines respectively). emissions engine sel

Direct-injection (DI) engines are more ef- A variety of different combustion deposits
ficient and more economical than their are formed when diesel fuel is burnt.
prechamber counterparts. For this rea- These reaction products are dependent
son, DI engines are used in all commer- upon engine design, engine power out-
cial-vehicles and trucks. On the other put, and working load.
hand, due to their lower noise level, The complete combustion of the fuel
prechamber engines are fitted in passen- leads to major reductions in the forma-
ger cars where comfort plays a more im- tion of toxic substances. Complete com-
portant role than it does in the commer- bustion is supported by the careful
cial-vehicle sector. In addition, the matching of the air-fuel mixture, abso-
prechamber diesel engine features con- lute precision in the injection process,
siderably lower toxic emissions (HC and and optimum air-fuel mixture turbulence.
NOX), and is less costly to produce than In the first place, water (H2O) and carbon
the DI engine. The fact though that the dioxide (CO2) are generated. And in rela-
prechamber engine uses slightly more tively low concentrations, the following
fuel than the DI engine (10...15 %) is substances are also produced:
leading to the DI engine coming more
and more to the forefront. Compared to – Carbon monoxide (CO),
the gasoline engine, both diesel versions – Unburnt hydrocarbons (HC),
are more economical especially in the – Nitrogen oxides (NOX),
part-load range. – Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphuric
acid (H2SO4), as well as
Diesel engines are particularly suitable – Soot particles.
for use with exhaust-gas turbochargers
or mechanical superchargers. Using an When the engine is cold, the exhaust-gas
exhaust-gas turbocharger with the diesel constituents which are immediately
engine increases not only the power noticeable are the non-oxidized or only
yield, and with it the efficiency, but also partly oxidized hydrocarbons which are
reduces the combustion noise and the directly visible in the form of white or blue
toxic content of the exhaust gas. smoke, and the strongly smelling alde-

Fig. 2
4-stroke diesel engine
1 Induction stroke, 2 Compression stroke, 3 Power stroke, 4 Exhaust stroke.
1 2 3 4

l f el-
Diesel fuel-injection systems:
An ov
er view
An overview

Fields of application Technical

Diesel engines are characterized by their requirements
high levels of economic efficiency. This is
of particular importance in commercial More and more demands are being made
applications. Diesel engines are em- on the diesel engine’s injection system as
ployed in a wide range of different ver- a result of the severe regulations govern-
sions (Fig. 1 and Table 1), for example as: ing exhaust and noise emissions, and
– The drive for mobile electric generators the demand for lower fuel-consumption.
(up to approx. 10 kW/cylinder), Basically speaking, depending on the
– High-speed engines for passenger particular diesel combustion process
cars and light commercial vehicles (up (direct or indirect injection), in order to
to approx. 50 kW/cylinder), ensure efficient air/fuel mixture formation,
– Engines for construction, agricultural, the injection system must inject the fuel
and forestry machinery (up to approx. into the combustion chamber at a pres-
50 kW/cylinder), sure between 350 and 2,050 bar, and the
– Engines for heavy trucks, buses, and injected fuel quantity must be metered
tractors (up to approx. 80 kW/cylinder), with extreme accuracy. With the diesel
– Stationary engines, for instance as engine, load and speed control must take
used in emergency generating sets (up place using the injected fuel quantity with-
to approx. 160 kW/cylinder), out intake-air throttling taking place.
– Engines for locomotives and ships (up The mechanical (flyweight) governing
to approx. 1,000 kW/cylinder). principle for diesel injection systems is in-
Fig. 1
Overview of the Bosch diesel fuel-injection systems
M, MW, A, P, ZWM, CW in-line injection pumps in order of increasing size; PF single-plunger injection
pumps; VE axial-piston distributor injection pumps; VR radial-piston distributor injection pumps; UPS unit
pump system; UIS unit injector system; CR Common Rail system.








creasingly being superseded by the Elec- According to the latest state-of-the-art, Fields
tronic Diesel Control (EDC). In the pas- it is mainly the high-pressure injection applic f
senger-car and commercial-vehicle sec- systems listed below which are used for Techn
tor, new diesel fuel-injection systems are motor-vehicle diesel engines. requir al
all EDC-controlled. ts

Table 1
Diesel fuel-injection systems: Properties and characteristic data

Fuel-injection Injection Engine-related data

quantity per stroke


IDI Indirect injection

No. of cylinders
DI Direct injection
Solenoid valve

NE Post injection
VE Pilot injection
Injected fuel

Max. nozzle

Max. power
per cylinder
Max. speed


mm3 bar min–1 kW


In-line injection pumps

M 111,60 1,550 m, e IDI – 4…6 5,000 1,120
A 11,120 1,750 m DI / IDI – 2…12 2,800 1,127
MW 11,150 1,100 m DI – 4…8 2,600 1,136
P 3000 11,250 1,950 m, e DI – 4…12 2,600 1,145
P 7100 11,250 1,200 m, e DI – 4…12 2,500 1,155
P 8000 11,250 1,300 m, e DI – 6…12 2,500 1,155
P 8500 11,250 1,300 m, e DI – 4…12 2,500 1,155
H1 11,240 1,300 e DI – 6…8 2,400 1,155
H 1000 11,250 1,350 e DI – 5…8 2,200 1,170

Axial-piston distributor injection pumps

VE 11,120 1,200/350 m DI / IDI – 4…6 4,500 1,125
VE…EDC 1) 11,170 1,200/350 e, em DI / IDI – 3…6 4,200 1,125
VE…MV 11,170 1,400/350 e, MV DI / IDI – 3…6 4,500 1,125

Radial-piston distributor injection pump

VR…MV 1,1135 1,700 e, MV DI – 4.6 4,500 1,150

Single-plunger injection pumps

PF(R)… 150… 800… m, em DI / IDI – arbitrary 300… 75…
18,000 1,500 2,000 1,000
UIS 30 )
2 11,160 1,600 e, MV DI VE 8 3a) 3,000 1,145
UIS 31 2) 11,300 1,600 e, MV DI VE 8 3a) 3,000 1,175
UIS 32 2) 11,400 1,800 e, MV DI VE 8 3a) 3,000 1,180
UIS-P1 3) 111,62 2,050 e, MV DI VE 6 3a) 5,000 1,125
UPS 12 4) 11,150 1,600 e, MV DI VE 8 3a) 2,600 1,135
UPS 20 4) 11,400 1,800 e, MV DI VE 8 3a) 2,600 1,180
UPS (PF[R]) 13,000 1,400 e, MV DI – 6…20 1,500 1,500

Common Rail accumulator injection system

CR 5) 1,100 1,350 e, MV DI VE 5a)/NE 3…8 5,000 5b) 30
CR 6) 1,400 1,400 e, MV DI VE 6a)/NE 6…16 2,800 200
1) EDC Electronic Diesel Control; 2) UIS unit injector system for comm. vehs. 3) UIS unit injector system for
pass. cars; 3a) With two ECU’s large numbers of cylinders are possible; 4) UPS unit pump system for comm.
vehs. and buses; 5) CR 1st generation for pass. cars and light comm. vehs.; 5a) Up to 90 crankshaft BTDC,
freely selectable; 5b) Up to 5,500 min–1 during overrun; 6) CR for comm. vehs., buses, and diesel-powered
locomotives; 6a) Up to 30 crankshaft BTDC. 5
l f el-
Injection-pump and with it the start of delivery and the start
of injection. The control sleeve’s position
designs is varied as a function of a variety of dif-
An ov ferent influencing variables. Compared
er view
In-line fuel-injection pumps to the standard PE in-line injection pump
therefore, the control-sleeve version fea-
All in-line fuel-injection pumps have a tures an additional degree of freedom.
plunger-and-barrel assembly for each
cylinder. As the name implies, this com- Distributor fuel-injection
prises the pump barrel and the corre- pumps
sponding plunger. The pump camshaft
integrated in the pump and driven by the Distributor pumps have a mechanical
engine, forces the pump plunger in (flyweight) governor, or an electronic
the delivery direction. The plunger is re- control with integrated timing device. The
turned by its spring. distributor pump has only one plunger-
The plunger-and-barrel assemblies are and-barrel asembly for all the engine’s
arranged in-line, and plunger lift cannot cylinders.
be varied. In order to permit changes in
the delivery quantity, slots have been Axial-piston distributor pump
machined into the plunger, the diagonal In the case of the axial-piston distributor
edges of which are known as helixes. pump, fuel is supplied by a vane-type
When the plunger is rotated by the mov- pump. Pressure generation, and distribu-
able control rack, the helixes permit the tion to the individual engine cylinders, is
selection of the required effective stroke. the job of a central piston which runs on
Depending upon the fuel-injection con- a cam plate. For one revolution of the
ditions, delivery valves are installed be- driveshaft, the piston performs as many
tween the pump’s pressure chamber and strokes as there are engine cylinders.
the fuel-injection lines. These not only The rotating-reciprocating movement is
precisely terminate the injection process imparted to the plunger by the cams on
and prevent secondary injection (dribble) the underside of the cam plate which ride
at the nozzle, but also ensure a family on the rollers of the roller ring.
of uniform pump characteristic curves On the conventional VE axial-piston dis-
(pump map). tributor pump with mechanical (flyweight)
governor, or electronically controlled
PE standard in-line fuel-injection pump actuator, a control collar defines the
Start of fuel delivery is defined by an inlet effective stroke and with it the injected
port which is closed by the plunger’s top fuel quantity. The pump’s start of delivery
edge. The delivery quantity is determined can be adjusted by the roller ring (timing
by the second inlet port being opened by device). On the conventional solenoid-
the helix which is diagonally machined valve-controlled axial-piston distributor
into the plunger. pump, instead of a control collar an
The control rack’s setting is determined electronically controlled high-pressure
by a mechanical (flyweight) governor or solenoid valve controls the injected fuel
by an electric actuator (EDC). quantity. The open and closed-loop con-
trol signals are processed in two ECU’s.
Control-sleeve in-line fuel-injection Speed is controlled by appropriate trig-
pump gering of the actuator.
The control-sleeve in-line fuel-injection
pump differs from a conventional in-line Radial-piston distributor pump
injection pump by having a “control In the case of the radial-piston distributor
sleeve” which slides up and down the pump, fuel is supplied by a vane-type
pump plunger. By way of an actuator shaft, pump. A radial-piston pump with cam ring
6 this can vary the plunger lift to port closing, and two to four radial pistons is responsible
for generation of the high pressure and for come possible due to the omission of the Injecti
fuel delivery. The injected fuel quantity is high-pressure lines. Such high injection design -pump
metered by a high-pressure solenoid pressures coupled with the electronic
valve. The timing device rotates the cam map-based control of duration of injection
ring in order to adjust the start of delivery. (or injected fuel quantity), mean that a
As is the case with the solenoid-valve- considerable reduction of the diesel en-
controlled axial-piston pump, all open and gine’s toxic emissions has become possi-
closed-loop control signals are processed ble together with good shaping of the
in two ECU’s. Speed is controlled by rate-of-discharge curve.
appropriate triggering of the actuator. Electronic control concepts permit a va-
riety of additional functions.
Single-plunger fuel-injection
pumps Unit-pump system (UPS)
The principle of the UPS unit-pump sys-
PF single-plunger pumps tem is the same as that of the UIS unit
PF single-plunger injection pumps are injector. It is a modular high-pressure in-
used for small engines, diesel locomo- jection system. Similar to the UIS, the
tives, marine engines, and construction UPS system features one UPS single-
machinery. They have no camshaft of plunger injection pump for each engine
their own, although they correspond to cylinder. Each UP pump is driven by the
the PE in-line injection pumps regarding engine’s camshaft. Connection to the no-
their method of operation. In the case of zzle-and-holder assembly is through a
large engines, the mechanical-hydraulic short high-pressure delivery line preci-
governor or electronic controller is at- sely matched to the pump-system com-
tached directly to the engine block. The ponents.
fuel-quantity adjustment as defined by Electronic map-based control of the start
the governor (or controller) is transferred of injection and injection duration (in
by a rack integrated in the engine. other words, of injected fuel quantity)
The actuating cams for the individual PF leads to a pronounced reduction in the
single-plunger pumps are located on the diesel engine’s toxic emissions. The use
engine camshaft. This means that injec- of a high-speed electronically triggered
tion timing cannot be implemented by solenoid valve enables the character-
rotating the camshaft. Here, by adjusting istic of the individual injection process,
an intermediate element (for instance, a the so-called rate-of-discharge curve, to
rocker between camshaft and roller tap- be precisely defined.
pet) an advance angle of several angular
degrees can be obtained. Accumulator injection
Single-plunger injection pumps are also system
suitable for operation with viscous heavy
oils. Common-Rail system (CR)
Pressure generation and the actual injec-
Unit-injector system (UIS) tion process have been decoupled from
With the unit-injector system, injection each other in the Common Rail accumu-
pump and injection nozzle form a unit. lator injection system. The injection pres-
One of these units is installed in the en- sure is generated independent of engine
gine’s cylinder head for each engine cyl- speed and injected fuel quantity, and is
inder, and driven directly by a tappet or stored, ready for each injection process,
indirectly from the engine’s camshaft in the rail (fuel accumulator). The start of
through a valve lifter. injection and the injected fuel quantity
are calculated in the ECU and, via the in-
Compared with in-line and distributor in- jection unit, implemented at each cylin-
jection pumps, considerably higher injec- der through a triggered solenoid valve.
tion pressures (up to 2050 bar) have be- 7
distr ibston
(governed) axial-piston distributor
fuel-Injection pumps VE
tubing, the governor, and the timing
Fuel-injection device (if required).
systems The combustion processes in the diesel
engine depend to a large degree upon
Assignments the quantity of fuel which is injected and
upon the method of introducing this fuel
The fuel-injection system is responsible to the combustion chamber.
for supplying the diesel engine with fuel. The most important criteria in this re-
To do so, the injection pump generates spect are the fuel-injection timing and the
the pressure required for fuel injection. duration of injection, the fuel’s distribution
The fuel under pressure is forced through in the combustion chamber, the moment
the high-pressure fuel-injection tubing to in time when combustion starts, the
the injection nozzle which then injects it amount of fuel metered to the engine per
into the combustion chamber. degree crankshaft, and the total injected
The fuel-injection system (Fig. 1) in- fuel quantity in accordance with the
cludes the following components and engine loading. The optimum interplay of
assemblies: The fuel tank, the fuel filter, all these parameters is decisive for the
the fuel-supply pump, the injection faultless functioning of the diesel engine
nozzles, the high-pressure injection and of the fuel-injection system.
Fig. 1
Fuel-injection system with mechanically-controlled (governed) distributor injection pump
1 Fuel tank, 2 Fuel filter, 3 Distributor fuel-injection pump, 4 Nozzle holder with nozzle, 5 Fuel return line,
6 Sheathed-element glow plug (GSK) 7 Battery, 8 Glow-plug and starter switch, 9 Glow control unit (GZS).



7 8

Types Fuel-injection Fuel-i
techni ection
The increasing demands placed upon techniques
the diesel fuel-injection system made it
necessary to continually develop and
improve the fuel-injection pump.
Fields of application
Following systems comply with the Small high-speed diesel engines
present state-of-the-art: demand a lightweight and compact fuel-
– In-line fuel-injection pump (PE) with injection installation. The VE distributor
mechanical (flyweight) governor or fuel-injection pump (Fig. 2) fulfills these
Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) and, if stipulations by combining
required, attached timing device, – Fuel-supply pump,
– Control-sleeve in-line fuel-injection – High-pressure pump,
pump (PE), with Electronic Diesel – Governor, and
Control (EDC) and infinitely variable – Timing device,
start of delivery (without attached in a small, compact unit. The diesel
timing device), engine’s rated speed, its power output,
– Single-plunger fuel-injection pump (PF), and its configuration determine the
– Distributor fuel-injection pump (VE) parameters for the particular distributor
with mechanical (flyweight) governor pump.
or Electronic Diesel Control (EDC). Distributor pumps are used in passenger
With integral timing device, cars, commercial vehicles, agricultural
– Radial-piston distributor injection tractors and stationary engines.
pump (VR),
– Common Rail accumulator injection
system (CRS),
– Unit-injector system (UIS), Fig. 2: VE distributor pump fitted to a 4-cylinder
– Unit-pump system (UPS). diesel engine


pi Subassemblies facilitate adaptation to the specific
distr ibston requirements of the diesel engine in
pumpor In contrast to the in-line injection pump, question.
the VE distributor pump has only one
pump cylinder and one plunger, even for
multi-cylinder engines. The fuel deliv-
Design and construction
ered by the pump plunger is apportioned The distributor pump’s drive shaft runs
by a distributor groove to the outlet ports in bearings in the pump housing and
as determined by the engine’s number of drives the vane-type fuel-supply pump.
cylinders. The distributor pump’s closed The roller ring is located inside the
housing contains the following functional pump at the end of the drive shaft al-
groups: though it is not connected to it. A rotat-
ing-reciprocating movement is imparted
– High-pressure pump with distributor, to the distributor plunger by way of the
– Mechanical (flyweight) governor, cam plate which is driven by the input
– Hydraulic timing device, shaft and rides on the rollers of the
– Vane-type fuel-supply pump, roller ring. The plunger moves inside
– Shutoff device, and the distributor head which is bolted to the
– Engine-specific add-on modules. pump housing. Installed in the dis-
tributor head are the electrical fuel
Fig. 3 shows the functional groups and shutoff device, the screw plug with vent
their assignments. The add-on modules screw, and the delivery valves with their
Fig. 3
The subassemblies and their functions
1 Vane-type fuel-supply pump with pressure regulating valve: Draws in fuel and generates pressure
inside the pump.
2 High-pressure pump with distributor: Generates injection pressure, delivers and distributes fuel.
3 Mechanical (flyweight) governor: Controls the pump speed and varies the delivery quantity within
the control range.
4 Electromagnetic fuel shutoff valve: Interrupts the fuel supply.
5 Timing device: Adjusts the start of delivery (port closing) as a function of the pump speed and
in part as a function of the load.


5 2

holders. If the distributor pump is also also contains the full-load adjusting Fuel-i
equipped with a mechanical fuel shutoff screw, the overflow restriction or the techni ection
device this is mounted in the governor overflow valve, and the engine-speed
cover. adjusting screw. The hydraulic injection
The governor assembly comprising the timing device is located at the bottom of
flyweights and the control sleeve is the pump at right angles to the pump’s
driven by the drive shaft (gear with longitudinal axis. Its operation is in-
rubber damper) via a gear pair. The fluenced by the pump’s internal pressure
governor linkage mechanism which which in turn is defined by the vane-type
consists of the control, starting, and fuel-supply pump and by the pres-
tensioning levers, can pivot in the sure-regulating valve. The timing device
housing. is closed off by a cover on each side
The governor shifts the position of the of the pump (Fig. 4).
control collar on the pump plunger. On
the governor mechanism’s top side is
the governor spring which engages
with the external control lever through
the control-lever shaft which is held in
bearings in the governor cover.
The control lever is used to control
pump function. The governor cover
forms the top of the distributor pump, and
Fig. 4
The subassemblies and their configuration
1 Pressure-control valve, 2 Governor assembly, 3 Overflow restriction,
4 Distributor head with high-pressure pump, 5 Vane-type fuel-supply pump, 6 Timing device,
7 Cam plate, 8 Electromagnetic shutoff valve.

1 4

6 7

distr ibston
Pump drive Fuel supply and
The distributor injection pump is driven delivery
by the diesel engine through a special
drive unit. For 4-stroke engines, the Considering an injection system with
pump is driven at exactly half the engine distributor injection pump, fuel supply
crankshaft speed, in other words and delivery is divided into low-pressure
at camshaft speed. The VE pump must and high-pressure delivery (Fig. 1).
be positively driven so that it’s drive
shaft is synchronized to the engine’s
piston movement.
Low-pressure stage
This positive drive is implemented by Low-pressure delivery
means of either toothed belts, pinion, The low-pressure stage of a distributor-
gear wheel or chain. Distributor pumps pump fuel-injection installation com-
are available for clockwise and for prises the fuel tank, fuel lines, fuel filter,
counter-clockwise rotation, whereby the vane-type fuel-supply pump, pressure-
injection sequence differs depending control valve, and overflow restriction.
upon the direction of rotation. The vane-type fuel-supply pump draws
The fuel outlets though are always fuel from the fuel tank. It delivers a
supplied with fuel in their geometric virtually constant flow of fuel per
sequence, and are identified with the revolution to the interior of the injection
letters A, B, C etc. to avoid confusion pump. A pressure-control valve is fitted
with the engine-cylinder numbering. to ensure that a defined injection-pump
Distributor pumps are suitable for en- interior pressure is maintained as a
gines with up to max. 6 cylinders. function of supply-pump speed. Using
this valve, it is possible to set a defined
pressure for a given speed. The pump’s
Fig. 1
Fuel supply and delivery in a distributor-pump fuel-injection system
1 Fuel tank, 2 Fuel line (suction pressure), 3 Fuel filter, 4 Distributor injection pump,
5 High-pressure fuel-injection line, 6 Injection nozzle, 7 Fuel-return line (pressureless),
8 Sheathed-element glow plug.

1 7



interior pressure then increases in injection pump is powerful enough to draw Fuel-i
proportion to the speed (in other words, the fuel out of the fuel tank and to build up techni ection
the higher the pump speed the higher sufficient pressure in the interior of the in-
the pump interior pressure). Some of the jection pump.
fuel flows through the pressure- In those cases in which the difference
regulating valve and returns to the in height between fuel tank and injection
suction side. Some fuel also flows pump is excessive and (or) the fuel line
through the overflow restriction and between tank and pump is too long, a
back to the fuel tank in order to pro- pre-supply pump must be installed. This
vide cooling and self-venting for the overcomes the resistances in the fuel
injection pump (Fig. 2). An overflow valve line and the fuel filter. Gravity-feed
can be fitted instead of the overflow tanks are mainly used on stationary
restriction. engines.

Fuel-line configuration Fuel tank

For the injection pump to function ef- The fuel tank must be of noncorroding
ficiently it is necessary that its high- material, and must remain free of leaks
pressure stage is continually provided at double the operating pressure and in
with pressurized fuel which is free of any case at 0.3 bar. Suitable openings or
vapor bubbles. Normally, in the case of safety valves must be provided, or
passenger cars and light commercial similar measures taken, in order to
vehicles, the difference in height between permit excess pressure to escape of
the fuel tank and the fuel-injection its own accord. Fuel must not leak past
equipment is negligible. Furthermore, the the filler cap or through pressure-
fuel lines are not too long and they have compensation devices. This applies
adequate internal diameters. As a result, when the vehicle is subjected to minor
the vane-type supply pump in the mechanical shocks, as well as when
Fig. 2
Interaction of the fuel-supply pump, pressure-control valve, and overflow restriction
1 Drive shaft, 2 Pressure-control valve, 3 Eccentric ring, 4 Support ring, 5 Governor drive,
6 Drive-shaft dogs, 7 Overflow restriction, 8 Pump housing.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Axial- cornering, and when standing or driving Vane-type fuel-supply pump for low-
distr ibston on an incline. The fuel tank and the pressure delivery
pumpor engine must be so far apart from each 1 Inlet, 2 Outlet.
other that in case of an accident there is
no danger of fire. In addition, special
regulations concerning the height of the
fuel tank and its protective shielding
apply to vehicles with open cabins, as
well as to tractors and buses

Fuel lines
As an alternative to steel pipes, flame-
inhibiting, steel-braid-armored flexible 2
fuel lines can be used for the low-
pressure stage. These must be routed to
ensure that they cannot be damaged
mechanically, and fuel which has dripped
or evaporated must not be able to
accumulate nor must it be able to ignite.

Fuel filter
The injection pump’s high-pressure
stage and the injection nozzle are
manufactured with accuracies of several
thousandths of a millimeter. As a result,

Fig. 3: Vane-type fuel-supply pump with impeller
on the drive shaft
Fig. 4


contaminants in the fuel can lead to force pushes the impeller’s four vanes Fuel-i
malfunctions, and inefficient filtering can outward against the inside of the techni ection
cause damage to the pump com- eccentric ring. The fuel between the
ponents, delivery valves, and injector vanes’ undersides and the impeller
nozzles. This means that a fuel filter serves to support the outward movement
specifically aligned to the requirements of the vanes.The fuel enters through the
of the fuel-injection system is absolutely inlet passage and a kidney-shaped
imperative if trouble-free operation and recess in the pump’s housing, and fills
a long service life are to be achieved. the space formed by the impeller, the
Fuel can contain water in bound form vane, and the inside of the eccentric ring.
(emulsion) or unbound form (e.g., The rotary motion causes the fuel
condensation due to temperature between adjacent vanes to be forced into
changes). If this water gets into the the upper (outlet) kidney-shaped recess
injection pump, corrosion damage can be and through a passage into the interior of
the result. Distributor pumps must the pump. At the same time, some of the
therefore be equipped with a fuel filter fuel flows through a second passage to
incorporating a water accumulator from the pressure-control valve.
which the water must be drained off at
regular intervals. The increasing Pressure-control valve
popularity of the diesel engine in the The pressure-control valve (Fig. 5) is
passenger car has led to the connected through a passage to the
development of an automatic water- upper (outlet) kidney-shaped recess, and
warning device which indicates by is mounted in the immediate vicinity of
means of a warning lamp when water the fuel-supply pump. It is a spring-
must be drained. loaded spool-type valve with which the
pump’s internal pressure can be varied
Vane-type fuel supply pump as a function of the quantity of fuel being
The vane-type pump (Figs. 3 and 4) is delivered. If fuel pressure increases
located around the injection pump’s drive beyond a given value, the valve spool
shaft. Its impeller is concentric with the opens the return passage so that the fuel
shaft and connected to it with a Woodruff can flow back to the supply pump’s
key and runs inside an eccentric ring suction side. If the fuel pressure is too
mounted in the pump housing. low, the return passage is closed by the
When the drive shaft rotates, centrifugal spring.
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Pressure-control valve Overflow restriction


The spring’s initial tension can be High-pressure stage
distr ibston adjusted to set the valve opening
pumpor pressure. The fuel pressure needed for fuel
injection is generated in the injection
Overflow restriction pump’s high-pressure stage. The
The overflow restriction (Figure 6) is pressurized fuel then travels to the
screwed into the injection pump’s injection nozzles through the delivery
governor cover and connected to the valves and the fuel-injection tubing.
pump’s interior. It permits a variable
amount of fuel to return to the fuel tank Distributor-plunger drive
through a narrow passage. For this The rotary movement of the drive shaft
fuel, the restriction represents a flow is transferred to the distributor plunger
resistance that assists in maintaining via a coupling unit (Fig. 7), whereby the
the pressure inside the injection pump. dogs on cam plate and drive shaft
Being as inside the pump a precisely engage with the recesses in the yoke,
defined pressure is required as a function which is located between the end of the
of pump speed, the overflow restriction drive shaft and the cam plate. The cam
and the flow-control valve are pre- plate is forced against the roller ring by
cisely matched to each other. a spring, and when it rotates the cam
lobes riding on the ring’s rollers convert
the purely rotational movement of the
drive shaft into a rotating-reciprocating
movement of the cam plate.
The distributor plunger is held in the cam
plate by its cylindrical fitting piece and is
locked into position relative to the cam
Fig. 7
Pump assembly for generation and delivery of high pressure in the distributor-pump interior


Pump assembly with distributor head Fuel-i
Generates the high pressure and distributes the fuel to the respective fuel injector. techni ection
1 Yoke, 2 Roller ring, 3 Cam plate, 4 Distributor-plunger foot, 5 Distributor plunger, 6 Link element,
7 Control collar, 8 Distributor-head flange, 9 Delivery-valve holder, 10 Plunger-return spring,
4...8 Distributor head.

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 10 8 9

Fig. 8

plate by a pin. The distributor plunger Cam plates and cam contours
is forced upwards to its TDC position The cam plate and its cam contour in-
by the cams on the cam plate, and the fluence the fuel-injection pressure and
two symmetrically arranged plunger- the injection duration, whereby cam
return springs force it back down again to stroke and plunger-lift velocity are the
its BDC position. decisive criteria. Considering the different
The plunger-return springs abut at one combustion-chamber configurations and
end against the distributor head and at combustion systems used in the various
the other their force is directed to the engine types, it becomes imperative that
plunger through a link element. These the fuel-injection factors are individually
springs also prevent the cam plate tailored to each other. For this reason, a
jumping off the rollers during harsh special cam-plate surface is generated for
acceleration. The lengths of the return each engine type and machined into the
springs are carefully matched to each cam-plate face. This defined cam plate is
other so that the plunger is not displaced then assembled in the corresponding
from its centered position (Fig. 8). distributor pump. Since the cam-plate
surface is specific to a given engine type,
the cam plates are not interchangeable
between the different VE-pump variants. 17
Axial- Distributor head these movements within 60° of plunger
distr ibston The distributor plunger, the distributor- rotation.
pumpor head bushing and the control collar are As the distributor plunger moves from
so precisely fitted (lapped) into the TDC to BDC, fuel flows through the open
distributor head (Fig. 8), that they seal inlet passage and into the high-pressure
even at very high pressures. Small chamber above the plunger. At BDC, the
leakage losses are nevertheless un- plunger’s rotating movement then closes
avoidable, as well as being desirable for the inlet passage and opens the distribu-
plunger lubrication. For this reason, the tor slot for a given outlet port (Fig. 10a).
distributor head is only to be replaced The plunger now reverses its direction
as a complete assembly, and never the of movement and moves upwards, the
plunger, control collar, or distributor working stroke begins. The pressure
flange alone. that builds up in the high-pressure
chamber above the plunger and in the
Fuel metering outlet-port passage suffices to open the
The fuel delivery from a fuel-injection delivery valve in question and the fuel
pump is a dynamic process comprising is forced through the high-pressure line
several stroke phases (Fig. 9). The to the injector nozzle (Fig. 10b). The
pressure required for the actual fuel working stroke is completed as soon as
injection is generated by the high-pres- the plunger’s transverse cutoff bore
sure pump. The distributor plunger’s reaches the control edge of the control
stroke and delivery phases (Fig. 10) collar and pressure collapses. From
show the metering of fuel to an engine this point on, no more fuel is delivered
cylinder. For a 4-cylinder engine the to the injector and the delivery valve
distributor plunger rotates through 90° closes the high-pressure line.
for a stroke from BDC to TDC and back Fig. 9: The cam plate rotates against the roller ring,
again. In the case of a 6-cylinder en- whereby its cam track follows the rollers causing
gine, the plunger must have completed it to lift (for TDC) and drop back again (for BDC)


Fig. 10
Distributor plunger with stroke and delivery phases Fuel-i
techni ection

a Inlet passage UT 1
At BDC, the metering
slot (1) closes the inlet
passage, and the
distributor slot (2) opens
the outlet port.

b Fuel delivery. UT 42 3
During the plunger
stroke towards TDC
(working stroke),
the plunger pressurizes
the fuel in the high-
pressure chamber (3).
The fuel travels through
the outlet-port passage (4)
to the injection nozzle.

c End of delivery.
Fuel delivery ceases
as soon as the 5 6
control collar (5)
opens the transverse
cutoff bore (6).

d Entry of fuel. UT OT
Shortly before TDC,
the inlet passage
is opened. During
the plunger’s return
stroke to BDC,
the high-pressure
chamber is filled with
fuel and the transverse
cutoff bore is closed
again. The outlet-port
passage is also
closed at this point.


Axial- During the plunger’s continued move- The delivery valve is a plunger-type
distr ibston ment to TDC, fuel returns through the valve. It is opened by the injection pres-
pumpor cutoff bore to the pump interior. During sure and closed by its return spring.
this phase, the inlet passage is opened Between the plunger’s individual delivery
again for the plunger’s next working cycle strokes for a given cylinder, the
(Fig. 10c). delivery valve in question remains
During the plunger’s return stroke, its closed. This separates the high-pres-
transverse cutoff bore is closed by the sure line and the distributor head’s
plunger’s rotating stroke movement, outlet-port passage. During delivery,
and the high-pressure chamber above the the pressure generated in the high-
plunger is again filled with fuel through pressure chamber above the plunger
the open inlet passage (Fig. 10d). causes the delivery valve to open. Fuel
then flows via longitudinal slots, into a
Delivery valve ring-shaped groove and through the
The delivery valve closes off the high- delivery-valve holder, the high-pressure
pressure line from the pump. It has the line and the nozzle holder to the injection
job of relieving the pressure in the line nozzle.
by removing a defined volume of fuel As soon as delivery ceases (transverse
upon completion of the delivery phase. cutoff bore opened), the pressure in
This ensures precise closing of the in- the high-pressure chamber above the
jection nozzle at the end of the injection plunger and in the highpressure lines
process. At the same time, stable drops to that of the pump interior, and the
pressure conditions between injection delivery-valve spring together with the
pulses are created in the high-pressure static pressure in the line force the de-
lines, regardless of the quantity of fuel livery-valve plunger back onto its
being injected at a particular time. seat again (Fig. 11).
Fig. 11
Distributor head with high-pressure chamber
1 Control collar, 2 Distributor head, 3 Distributor plunger, 4 Delivery-valve holder, 5 Delivery-valve.



Delivery valve with return-flow “retraction volume” resulting from the Fuel-i
restriction retraction piston on the delivery-valve techni ection
Precise pressure relief in the lines is plunger does not suffice to reliably
necessary at the end of injection. This prevent cavitation, secondary injection,
though generates pressure waves and combustion-gas blowback into
which are reflected at the delivery the nozzle-and-holder assembly. Here,
valve. These cause the delivery valve constant-pressure valves are fitted
to open again, or cause vacuum phases which relieve the high-pressure system
in the high-pressure line. These pro- (injection line and nozzle-and-holder
cesses result in post-injection of fuel with assembly) by means of a single-acting
attendant increases in exhaust emis- non-return valve which can be set to a
sions or cavitation and wear in the injec- given pressure, e.g., 60 bar (Fig. 13).
tion line or at the nozzle. To prevent such
harmful reflections, the delivery valve is High-pressure lines
provided with a restriction bore which is The pressure lines installed in the fuel-
only effective in the direction of return injection system have been matched
flow. This return-flow restriction com- precisely to the rate-of-discharge curve
prises a valve plate and a pressure and must not be tampered with during
spring so arranged that the restriction service and repair work. The high-pres-
is ineffective in the delivery direction, sure lines connect the injection pump
whereas in the return direction damping to the injection nozzles and are routed
comes into effect (Fig. 12). so that they have no sharp bends. In
automotive applications, the high-
Constant-pressure valve pressure lines are normally secured with
With high-speed direct-injection (Dl) special clamps at specific intervals, and
engines, it is often the case that the are made of seamless steel tubing.
Fig. 12 Fig. 13
Delivery valve with return-flow restriction Constant-pressure valve
1 Delivery-valve holder, 2 Return-flow restriction, 1 Delivery-valve holder, 2 Filler piece with spring
3 Delivery-valve spring, 4 Valve holder, locator, 3 Delivery-valve spring, 4 Delivery-valve
5 Piston shaft, 6 Retraction piston. plunger, 5 Constant-pressure valve, 6 Spring
seat, 7 Valve spring (constant-pressure valve),
8 Setting sleeve, 9 Valve holder, 10 Shims.



3 4

9 6



distr ibston
Mechanical engine- mechanical (flyweight) governor and the
lever assembly. It is a sensitive control
s speed control device which determines the position
of the control collar, thereby defining
(governing) the delivery stroke and with it the injected
fuel quantity. It is possible to adapt
Application the governor’s response to setpoint
changes by varying the design of the
The driveability of a diesel-powered lever assembly (Fig. 1).
vehicle can be said to be satisfactory
when its engine immediately responds Governor functions
to driver inputs from the accelerator The basic function of all governors is
pedal. Apart from this, upon driving off the limitation of the engine’s maximum
the engine must not tend to stall. The speed. Depending upon type, the gov-
engine must respond to accelerator- ernor is also responsible for keeping
pedal changes by accelerating or decel- certain engine speeds constant, such
erating smoothly and without hesitation. as idle speed, or the minimum and
On the flat, or on a constant gradient, maximum engine speeds of a stipulated
with the accelerator pedal held in a given engine-speed range, or of the complete
position, the vehicle speed should also speed range, between idle and maxi-
remain constant. When the pedal is mum speed. The different governor
released the engine must brake the types are a direct result of the variety of
vehicle. On the diesel engine, it is the governor assignments (Fig. 2):
injection pump’s governor that ensures – Low-idle-speed governing: The diesel
that these stipulations are complied with. engine’s low-idle speed is controlled by
The governor assembly comprises the the injection-pump governor.
Fig. 1
Distributor injection pump with governor assembly, comprising flyweight governor and lever


– Maximum-speed governing: With the function of engine speed (torque control). Mecha
accelerator pedal fully depressed, the In some cases, add-on modules are gover ical
maximum full-load speed must not necessary for these extra assignments.
increase to more than high idle speed
(maximum speed) when the load is Speed-control (governing) accuracy
removed. Here, the governor responds The parameter used as the measure for
by shifting the control collar back towards the governor’s accuracy in controlling
the “Stop” position, and the supply of fuel engine speed when load is removed is
to the engine is reduced. the so-called speed droop (P-degree).
– Intermediate-speed governing: Vari- This is the engine-speed increase,
able-speed governors incorporate in- expressed as a percentage, that occurs
termediate-speed governing. Within when the diesel engine’s load is re-
certain limits, these governors can also moved with the control-lever (accelera-
maintain the engine speeds between tor) position unchanged. Within the
idle and maximum constant. This speed-control range, the increase in
means that depending upon load, the engine speed is not to exceed a given
engine speed n varies inside the en- figure. This is stipulated as the high idle
gine’s power range only between nVT speed. This is the engine speed which
(a given speed on the full-load curve) results when the diesel engine, starting
and nLT (with no load on the engine). at its maximum speed under full load, is
Other control functions are performed relieved of all load. The speed increase is
by the governor in addition to its gov- proportional to the change in load,
erning responsibilities: and increases along with it.
– Releasing or blocking of the extra fuel
required for starting, n –n
= lon vo
– Changing the full-load delivery as a vo

Fig. 2 or expressed in %:
Governor characteristics
a Minimum-maximum-speed governor, nlo – nvo .
= 100%
b Variable-speed governor. nvo
1 Start quantity, 2 Full-load delivery,
3 Torque control (positive),
4 Full-load speed regulation, 5 Idle. where
a mm
= Speed droop
nlo = High idle (maximum) speed
nvo = Maximum full-load speed
2 3 4
Control-collar travel

The required speed droop depends on

engine application. For instance, on an
engine used to power an electrical gen-
erator set, a small speed droop is re-
quired so that load changes result in
5 only minor speed changes and there-
b mm fore minimal frequency changes. On the
other hand, for automotive applications
large speed droops are preferable
Control-collar travel

2 3 4
because these result in more stable
control in case of only slight load
changes (acceleration or deceleration)
and lead to better driveability. A low-value
speed droop would lead to rough, jerking

5 operation when the load changes.

0 Engine speed min–1
pi Variable-speed governor governor housing, and is free to rotate
distr ibston around it. When the flyweights rotate
pumpor The variable-speed governor controls they pivot outwards due to centrifugal
all engine speeds between start and force and their radial movement is
high idle (maximum). The variable-speed converted to an axial movement of the
governor also controls the idle speed and sliding sleeve. The sliding-sleeve travel
the maximum full-load speed, as well as and the force developed by the sleeve
the engine-speed range in between. influence the governor lever assembly.
Here, any engine speed can be selected This comprises the starting lever, ten-
by the accelerator pedal and, depending sioning lever, and adjusting lever (not
upon the speed droop, maintained shown). The interaction of spring forces
practically constant (Fig. 4). and sliding-sleeve force defines the
This is necessary for instance when setting of the governor lever assembly,
ancillary units (winches, fire-fighting variations of which are transferred to
pumps, cranes etc.) are mounted on the the control collar and result in adjust-
vehicle. The variable-speed governor ments to the injected fuel quantity.
is also often fitted in commercial and
agricultural vehicles (tractors and Starting
combine harvesters). With the engine at standstill, the fly-
weights and the sliding sleeve are in their
Design and construction initial position (Fig. 3a). The start-
The governor assembly is driven by the ing lever has been pushed to the start
drive shaft and comprises the flyweight position by the starting spring and has
housing complete with flyweights. pivoted around its fulcrum M2. At the
The governor assembly is attached to same time the control collar on the dis-
the governor shaft which is fixed in the tributor plunger has been shifted to its
Fig. 3
Variable-speed governor. Start and idle positions
a Start position, b Idle position.
1 Flyweights, 2 Sliding sleeve, 3 Tensioning lever, 4 Starting lever, 5 Starting spring, 6 Control collar,
7 Distributor-plunger cutoff port, 8 Distributor plunger, 9 Idle-speed adjusting screw, 10 Engine-speed
control lever, 11 Control lever, 12 Control-lever shaft, 13 Governor spring, 14 Retaining pin, 15 Idle spring.
a Starting-spring travel, c Idle-spring travel, h1 max. working stroke (start); h2 min. working stroke (idle):
M2 fulcrum for 4 and 5.

a b

9 13 14 c

1 5
M2 M2


8 h1 h2

start-quantity position by the ball pin on Characteristic curves of the variable- Mecha
the starting lever. This means that speed governor gover ical
when the engine is cranked the A: Start position of the control collar,
distributor plunger must travel through a S: Engine starts with start quantity,
S–L: Start quantity reduces to idle quantity,
complete working stroke (= maximum L: Idle speed nLN following engine start-up
delivery quantity) before the cutoff bore (no-load),
is opened and delivery ceases. Thus L–B: Engine acceleration phase after shifting the
engine-speed control lever from idle to a given
the start quantity (= maximum delivery required speed nc,
quantity) is automatically made available B–B': The control collar remains briefly in the
when the engine is cranked. full-load position and causes a rapid increase
in engine speed,
The adjusting lever is held in the pump B'–C: Control collar moves back (less injected
housing so that it can rotate. It can be fuel quantity, higher engine speed). In accordance
shifted by the fuel-delivery adjusting with the speed droop, the vehicle maintains
the required speed or speed nc in the part-load
screw (not shown in Figure 3). Similarly, range,
the start lever and tensioning lever are E: Engine speed nLT, after removal of load
also able to rotate in the adjusting lever. from the engine with the position of the engine-
speed control-lever remaining unchanged.
A ball pin which engages in the control
collar is attached to the underside of
the start lever, and the start spring to mm
its upper section. The idle spring is AS
attached to a retaining pin at the top
end of the tensioning lever. Also
Control-collar travel s

attached to this pin is the governor

spring. The connection to the engine- B B' Full load
speed control lever is through a lever and C
the control-lever shaft.
It only needs a very low speed for the
sliding sleeve to shift against the soft L E No-load
start spring by the amount a. In the
process, the start lever pivots around 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 min–1

fulcrum M2 and the start quantity is auto- nA nC nLT nVH
Engine speed n nLO
matically reduced to the idle quantity.
Fig. 4
Low-idle-speed control
With the engine running, and the this means that idle speed can be
accelerator pedal released, the engine- adjusted independent of the accelerator-
speed control lever shifts to the idle pedal setting, and can be increased or
position (Figure 3b) up against the idle- decreased as a function of temperature
speed adjusting screw. The idle speed or load.
is selected so that the engine still runs
reliably and smoothly when unloaded or Operation under load
only slightly loaded. The actual control During actual operation, depending
is by means of the idle spring on the upon the required engine speed or
retaining pin which counteracts the force vehicle speed, the engine-speed control
generated by the flyweights. lever is in a given position within its
This balance of forces determines the pivot range. This is stipulated by the
sliding-sleeve’s position relative to the driver through a given setting of the
distributor plunger’s cutoff bore, and accelerator pedal. At engine speeds
with it the working stroke. At speeds above idle, start spring and idle spring
above idle, the spring has been have been compressed completely and
compressed by the amount c and is no have no further effect on governor
longer effective. Using the special idle action. This is taken over by the
spring attached to the governor housing, governor spring. 25
Axial- Example (Fig. 5): and as a result the start and tensioning
distr ibston Using the accelerator pedal, the driver levers pivot around M2 and push the
pumpor sets the engine-speed control lever to a control collar in the “Stop” direction so
specific position corresponding to a that the control port is opened sooner.
desired (higher) speed. As a result of It is possible to reduce the delivery
this adjustment of the control-lever quantity to “zero” which ensures that
position, the governor spring is ten- engine-speed limitation takes place. This
sioned by a given amount, with the means that during operation, and as long
result that the governor-spring force as the engine is not overloaded, every
exceeds the centrifugal force of the position of the engine-speed control lever
flyweights and causes the start lever and is allocated to a specific speed range
the tensioning lever to pivot around between full-load and zero. The
fulcrum M2. Due to the mechanical result is that within the limits set by its
transmission ratio designed into the speed droop, the governor maintains the
system, the control collar shifts in the desired speed (Fig. 4).
“Full-load” direction. As a result, the If the load increases to such an extent
delivery quantity is increased and the (for instance on a gradient) that even
engine speed rises. This causes the though the control collar is in the full-
flyweights to generate more force which, load position the engine speed con-
through the sliding sleeve, opposes the tinues to drop, this indicates that it is
governor-spring force. impossible to increase fuel delivery any
The control collar remains in the “Full- further. This means that the engine is
load” position until a torque balance overloaded and the driver must change
occurs. If the engine speed continues to down to a lower gear.
increase, the flyweights separate even
further, the sliding-sleeve force prevails,
Fig. 5
Fig. 5: Variable-speed governor, operation under load
a Governor function with increasing engine speed, b with falling engine speed.
1 Flyweights, 2 Engine-speed control lever, 3 Idle-speed adjusting screw, 4 Governor spring,
5 Idle spring, 6 Start lever, 7 Tensioning lever, 8 Tensioning-lever stop, 9 Starting spring,
10 Control collar, 11 Adjusting screw for high idle (maximum) speed, 12 Sliding sleeve,
13 Distributor-plunger cutoff bore, 14 Distributor plunger.
h1 Working stroke, idle, h2 Working stroke, full-load, M2 fulcrum for 6 and 7.

a b

3 4 11

1 6
9 12
M2 M2


h1 14 h2
Overrun (engine braking) Minimum-maximum-speed Mecha
During downhill operation the engine is governor gover ical
“driven” by the vehicle, and engine
speed tends to increase. This causes The minimum-maximum-speed gover-
the flyweights to move outwards so that nor controls (governs) only the idle
the sliding sleeve presses against the (minimum) speed and the maximum
tensioning and start levers. Both levers speed. The speed range between these
change their position and push the points is directly controlled by the ac-
control collar in the direction of less fuel celerator pedal (Fig. 6).
delivery until a reduced fuel-delivery
figure is reached which corresponds to Design and construction
the new loading level. At the extreme, The governor assembly with flyweights,
the delivery figure is zero. Basically, and the lever configuration, are com-
with the variable-speed governor, this parable with those of the variable-speed
process applies for all settings of the governor already dealt with. The main
engine-speed control lever, when the difference lies in the governor spring and
engine load or engine speed changes its installation. It is in the form of
to such an extent that the control a compression spring and is held in a
collar shifts to either its full-load or stop guide element. Tensioning lever and
position. governor spring are connected by a
retaining pin.

With the engine at standstill, the fly-
weights are also stationary and the
sliding sleeve is in its initial position. This
Fig. 6 enables the starting spring to push the
Characteristic curves of the minimum- flyweights to their inner position through
maximum-speed governor with idle spring the starting lever and the sliding sleeve.
and intermediate spring On the distributor plunger, the control
a Starting-spring range, collar is in the start-quantity position.
b Range of starting and idle spring,
d Intermediate-spring range,
f Governor-spring range. Idle control
Once the engine is running and the
accelerator pedal has been released, the
mm engine-speed control lever is pulled back
a b d Uncontrolled f to the idle position by its return spring.
The centrifugal force generated by the
flyweights increases along with engine
speed (Fig. 7a) and the inner flyweight
legs push the sliding sleeve up against
Control-collar travel s

the start lever. The idle spring on the

tensioning lever is responsible for the
Full load controlling action. The control collar is
shifted in the direction of “less delivery”
by the pivoting action of the start lever, its
position being determined by interaction
between centrifugal force and spring

Engine speed n min–1

Axial- Operation under load fuel quantity is directly determined by the
distr ibston If the driver depresses the accelerator accelerator pedal. To accelerate, or climb
pumpor pedal, the engine-speed control lever a hill, the driver must “give gas”, or ease
is pivoted through a given angle. The off on the accelerator if less engine
starting and idle springs are no longer power is needed.
effective and the intermediate spring If engine load is now reduced, with
comes into effect. The intermediate the engine-speed control lever position
spring on the minimum-maximum-speed unchanged, engine speed increases
governor provides a “soft” transition to without an increase in fuel delivery. The
the uncontrolled range. If the engine- flyweights’ centrifugal force also in-
speed control lever is pressed even creases and pushes the sliding sleeve
further in the full-load direction, the even harder against the start and
intermediate spring is compressed until tensioning levers. Full-load speed control
the tensioning lever abuts against the does not set in, at or near the engine’s
retaining pin (Fig. 7b). The intermediate rated speed, until the governor-spring
spring is now ineffective and the pre-tension has been overcome by the
uncontrolled range has been entered. effect of the sliding-sleeve force.
This uncontrolled range is a function of If the engine is relieved of all load, speed
the governor-spring pretension, and in increases to the high idle speed, and the
this range the spring can be regarded as engine is thus protected against over-
a solid element. The accelerator-pedal revving.
position (engine-speed control lever) is Passenger cars are usually equipped
now transferred directly through the with a combination of variable-speed
governor lever mechanism to the control governor and minimum-maximum-speed
collar, which means that the injected governor.
Fig. 7
Minimum-maximum-speed governor
a Idle setting, b Full-load setting.
1 Flyweights, 2 Engine-speed control lever, 3 Idle-speed adjusting screw, 4 Governor spring,
5 Intermediate spring, 6 Retaining pin, 7 Idle spring, 8 Start lever, 9 Tensioning lever, 10 Tensioning-lever
stop, 11 Starting spring, 12 Control collar, 13 Full-load speed control, 14 Sliding sleeve, 15 Distributor
plunger cutoff bore, 16 Distributor plunger.
a Start and idle-spring travel, b Intermediate-spring travel, h1 Idle working stroke, h2 Full-load working
stroke, M2 fulcrum for 8 and 9.

a b

4 b
3 13
1 7
10 14
1 11
M2 M2


16 15

h1 h2

Fig. 1
Injection timing Curve of a working stroke at full load
and at low speed (not drawn to scale). timing
In order to compensate for the injection FB Start of delivery, SB Start of injection,
lag and the ignition lag, as engine SV Injection lag, VB Start of combustion,
ZV Ignition lag, SE End of injection,
speed increases the timing device VE End of combustion.
advances the distributor pump’s start Combustion pressure,
of delivery referred to the engine’s Compression pressure,
crankshaft. Example (Fig. 1): OT TDC.
Start of delivery (FB) takes place after Plunger position h
the inlet port is closed. The high pres- bar
sure then builds up in the pump which,
as soon as the nozzle-opening pres- SV

sure has been reached leads to the

start of injection (SB). The period 1
between FB and SB is referred to as the
injection lag (SV). The increasing

compression of the air-fuel mixture in the
combustion chamber then initiates the
ignition (VB). The period between SB 2
and VB is the ignition lag (ZV). As soon
as the cutoff port is opened again the
pump pressure collapses (end of pump
delivery), and the nozzle needle closes FB SB SE
again (end of injection, SE). This is bar
Pump high pressure p

followed by the end of combustion (VE). 400

During the fuel-delivery process, the
injection nozzle is opened by a pressure 100

wave which propagates in the high- 0

pressure line at the speed of sound. TDC
Basically speaking, the time required for mm
this process is independent of engine
Nozzle-needle lift nD

speed, although with increasing engine
speed the crankshaft angle between
0.2 SV
start of delivery and start of injection
also increases. This must be
compensated for by advancing the
start of delivery. The pressure wave’s
propagation time is determined by the TDC
length of the high-pressure line and
the speed of sound which is approx. mm3
1,500 m/s in diesel fuel. The interval cms
Rate of injection Q

represented by this propagation time is

termed the injection lag. In other words,
the start of injection lags behind the start 4
of delivery. This phenomena is the 2
reason for the injector opening later
(referred to the engine’s piston position) 0
-16 -12 -8 -4 -2 TDC2 4 8 12 16

at higher engine speeds than at low cms BTDC cms ATDC

engine speeds. Following injection, the Degrees camshaft
injected fuel needs a certain time in 29
Axial- order to atomize and mix with the air to piston position, this means that the in-
distr ibston form an ignitable mixture. jection pump’s start of delivery must be
pumpor This is termed the air-fuel mixture advanced along with increasing engine
preparation time and is independent of speed in order to compensate for the
engine speed. In a diesel engine, the overall delay caused by ignition lag
time required between start of injection and injection lag. This start-of-delivery
and start of combustion is termed the advance is carried out by the engine-
ignition lag. speed-dependent timing device.
The ignition lag is influenced by the
diesel fuel’s ignition quality (defined by
the Cetane Number), the compression
Timing device
ratio, the intake-air temperature, and
the quality of fuel atomization. As a Design and construction
rule, the ignition lag is in the order The hydraulically controlled timing de-
of 1 millisecond. This means that pre- vice is located in the bottom of the
suming a constant start of injection, the distributor pump’s housing, at right
crankshaft angle between start of angles to the pump’s longitudinal axis
injection and start of combustion (Fig. 2), whereby its piston is free to
increases along with increasing engine move in the pump housing. The housing
speed. The result is that combustion can is closed with a cover on each side.
no longer start at the correct point There is a passage in one end of the
(referred to the engine-piston position). timing device plunger through which the
Being as the diesel engine’s most fuel can enter, while at the other end the
efficient combustion and power can only plunger is held by a compression spring.
be developed at a given crankshaft or The piston is connected to the roller ring
Fig. 2
Distributor injection pump with timing device
1 Roller ring, 2 Roller-ring rollers, 3 Sliding block, 4 Pin, 5 Timing-device piston,
6 Cam plate, 7 Distributor plunger.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 3
through a sliding block and a pin so that Timing device, method of operation Injecti
piston movement can be converted to a Initial position, timing
rotational movement of the roller ring. b Operating position.
1 Pump housing, 2 Roller ring,
3 Roller-ring rollers, 4 Pin,
Method of operation 5 Passage in timing-device piston,
The timing-device piston is held in its 6 Cover, 7 Timing-device piston,
initial position by the timing-device spring 8 Sliding block, 9 Timing-device spring.
(Fig. 3a). During operation, the pressure-
control valve regulates the fuel pressure
inside the pump so that it is proportional
to engine speed. As a result, the engine- a
speed-dependent fuel pressure is ap-
plied to the end of the timing-device
piston opposite to the spring.
As from about 300 min–1, the fuel
pressure inside the pump overcomes the 2
spring preload and shifts the timing-
device piston to the left and with it the
sliding block and the pin which engages
in the roller ring (Fig. 3b). The roller ring
is rotated by movement of the pin, and 4
the relative position of the roller ring to
the cam plate changes with the result 5
that the rollers lift the rotating cam plate
at an earlier moment in time. In other
words, the roller ring has been rotated
through a defined angle with respect
to the cam plate and the distributor 9 8 7
plunger. Normally, the maximum angle
is 12 degrees camshaft (24 degrees
b UMK0355Y

distr ibston
Add-on modules the add-on modules and their effects
upon the diesel engine. The schematic
s and shutoff devices (Fig. 2) shows the interaction of the
basic distributor pump and the various
add-on modules.

The distributor injection pump is built

Torque control
according to modular construction Torque control is defined as varying
principles, and can be equipped with a fuel delivery as a function of engine
variety of supplementary (add-on) units speed in order to match it to the
(Fig. 1). These enable the implemen- engine’s fuel-requirement characteristic.
tation of a wide range of adaptation If there are special stipulations with
possibilities with regard to optimization regard to the full-load characteristic
of engine torque, power output, fuel (optimization of exhaust-gas compo-
economy, and exhaust-gas composition. sition, of torque characteristic curve, and
The overview provides a summary of of fuel economy), it may be necessary
Fig. 1
Distributor injection pump with add-on modules
1 Cold-start accelerator,
2 Manifold-pressure compensator.

1 2


Fig. 2
Schematic of the VE distributor pump with mechanical/hydraulic full-load torque control Add-o
LDA Manifold-pressure compensator. les
and sh
Controls the delivery quantity as a function of the charge-air pressure. u
device toff
HBA Hydraulically controlled torque control.
Controls the delivery quantity as a function of the engine speed (not for pressure-charged engines
with LDA).

LFB Load-dependent start of delivery.

Adaptation of pump delivery to load. For reduction of noise and exhaust-gas emissions.

ADA Altitude-pressure compensator.

Controls the delivery quantity as a function of atmospheric pressure.

KSB Cold-start accelerator.

Improves cold-start behavior by changing the start of delivery.

GST Graded (or variable) start quantity.

Prevents excessive start quantity during warm start.

TLA Temperature-controlled idle-speed increase.

Improves engine warm-up and smooth running when the engine is cold.

ELAB Electrical shutoff device.

A Cutoff port, nactual Actual engine speed (controlled variable), nsetpoint Desired engine speed (reference
variable), QF Delivery quantity, tM Engine temperature, tLU Ambient-air temperature, pL Charge-air
pressure, pA Atmospheric pressure, pi Pump interior pressure.

Full-load torque control with governor lever assembly, Hydraulic full-load torque control.

on m
tLU /tM nsetpoint Uon /Uoff pL /pA


Engine-speed Control of injected LDA

control fuel quantity ADA

n actual Injection
Drive Vane-type fuel- High-pressure Delivery-valve nozzles QF
supply pump pump with distributor assembly


pi p

Timing device KSB

Axial- to install torque control. In other words, actual fuel requirements. This is known
distr ibston the engine should receive precisely the as “torque control”, and in the case of
pumpor amount of fuel it needs. The engine’s the distributor injection pump can be
fuel requirement first of all climbs as a implemented using the delivery valve, the
function of engine speed and then levels cutoff port, or an extended governor-
off somewhat at higher speeds. The lever assembly, or the hydraulically
fuel-delivery curve of an injection pump controlled torque control (HBA). Full-load
without torque control is shown in Fig. 3. torque control using the governor lever
As can be seen, with the same setting of assembly is applied in those cases in
the control collar on the distributor which the positive full-load torque control
plunger, the injection pump delivers with the delivery valve no longer suffices,
slightly more fuel at high speeds than it or a negative full-load torque control has
does at lower speeds. This is due to the become necessary.
throttling effect at the distributor plunger’s
cutoff port. This means that if the Positive torque control
injection pump’s delivery quantity is Positive torque control is required on
specified so that maximum-possible those injection pumps which deliver too
torque is developed at low engine much fuel at higher engine revs. The
speeds, this would lead to the engine delivery quantity must be reduced as
being unable to completely combust the engine speed increases.
excess fuel injected at higher speeds
and smoke would be the result together Positive torque control using
with engine overheat. On the other the delivery valve
hand, if the maximum delivery quantity Within certain limits, positive torque
is specified so that it corresponds to control can be achieved by means of the
the engine’s requirements at maximum delivery valve, for instance by fitting a
speed and full-load, the engine will not be softer delivery-valve spring.
able to develop full power at low engine
speeds due to the delivery quantity Positive torque control using
dropping along with reductions in engine the cutoff port
speed. Performance would be below Optimization of the cutoff port’s dimen-
optimum. The injected fuel quantity must sions and shape permit its throttling effect
therefore be adjusted to the engine’s to be utilized for reducing the delivery
Fig. 3 quantity at higher engine speeds.
Fuel-delivery characteristics, with and
without torque control Positive torque control using the
a Negative, b Positive torque control. governor lever assembly (Fig. 4a)
1 Excess injected fuel, The decisive engine speed for start of
2 Engine fuel requirement,
3 Full-load delivery with torque control, torque control is set by preloading the
Shaded area: torque-control springs. When this speed
Full-load delivery without torque control. is reached, the sliding-sleeve force (FM)
and the spring preload must be in
equilibrium, whereby the torque-control
mm3 lever (6) abuts against the stop lug (5)
stroke 1 2 3 of the tensioning lever (4). The free end
Delivery quantity QF

of the torque-control lever (6) abuts
a against the torque-control pin (7).
If engine speed now increases, the
sliding-sleeve force acting against the
starting lever (1) increases and the

min –1
common pivot point (M4) of starting
Engine speed n lever and torque-control lever (6)
34 changes its position. At the same time,
the torque-control lever tilts around the presses against the preloaded torque- Add-o
stop pin (5) and forces the torque- control spring. As soon as the slid- modu
control pin (7) in the direction of the ing-sleeve force exceeds the torque- and sh
stop, while the starting lever (1) swivels control spring force, the torque-control device toff
around the pivot point (M2) and forces the lever (6) is forced in the direction of the
control collar (8) in the direction of re- torque-control-pin collar. As a result, the
duced fuel delivery. Torque control ceases common pivot point (M4) of the starting
as soon as the torque-control-pin collar lever and torque-control lever changes its
(10) abuts against the starting lever (1). position. At the same time the starting
lever swivels around its pivot point
Negative torque control (M2) and pushes the control collar (8)
Negative torque control may be in the direction of increased delivery.
necessary in the case of engines which Torque control ceases as soon as the
have black-smoke problems in the torque-control lever abuts against the pin
lower speed range, or which must collar.
generate specific torque characteristics.
Similarly, turbocharged engines also Negative torque control using hydrauli-
need negative torque control when the cally controlled torque control HBA
manifold-pressure compensator (LDA) In the case of naturally aspirated diesel
has ceased to be effective. In this case, engines, in order to give a special shape
the fuel delivery is increased along with to the full-load delivery characteristic
engine speed (Fig. 3). as a function of engine speed, a form
of torque control can be applied which
Negative torque control using the is similar to the LDA (manifold-pressure
governor lever assembly (Fig. 4b) compensator).
Once the starting spring (9) has been Here, the shift force developed by the
compressed, the torque-control lever hydraulic piston is generated by the
(6) applies pressure to the tensioning pressure in the pump interior, which in
lever (4) through the stop lug (5). The turn depends upon pump speed. In
torque-control pin (7) also abuts against contrast to spring-type torque control,
the tensioning lever (4). If the sliding- within limits the shape of the full-load
sleeve force (FM) increases due to rising characteristic can be determined by a
engine speed, the torque-control lever cam on a sliding pin.
Fig. 4
Torque control using the governor-lever assembly
a Positive torque control,
b Negative torque control.
1 Starting lever,
2 Torque-control spring, a b
3 Governor spring,
4 Tensioning lever, 3 4
5 Stop lug,
6 Torque-control lever,
7 Torque-control pin,
8 Control collar, M4 M4
9 Starting spring, 5 5
10 Pin collar, FM FM 10
11 Stop point, 6
M2 Pivot point for 1 and 4, 7 1
M4 Pivot point for 1 and 6, 2 M2 7 M2
FM Sliding-sleeve force, 1 2
s Control-collar travel. 8 6 8

s s

pi Manifold-pressure With an exhaust turbocharger, the
distr ibston compensation engine’s exhaust gas, instead of simply
pumpor being discharged into the atmosphere,
Exhaust-gas turbocharging is used to drive the turbocharger’s
Because it increases the mass of air turbine at speeds which can exceed
inducted by the engine, exhaust turbo- 100,000 min–1. Turbine and turbocharger
charging boosts a diesel engine’s power compressor are connected through a
output considerably over that of a nat- shaft. The compressor draws in air,
urally aspirated diesel engine, with little compresses it, and supplies it to the
increase in dimensions and engine engine’s combustion chambers under
speeds. This means that the brake pressure, whereby not only the air
horsepower can be increased corre- pressure rises but also the air
sponding to the increase in air mass temperature. If temperatures become
(Figure 6). In addition, it is often possible excessive, some form of air cooling
to also reduce the specific fuel con- (intercooling) is needed between the
sumption. An exhaust-gas turbocharger turbocharger and the engine intake.
is used to pressure-charge the diesel
engine (Fig. 5). Fig. 5: Diesel engine with exhaust-gas turbo-


Power and torque comparison, naturally aspi- Manifold-pressure compensator Add-o
rated and pressure-charged engines (LDA) modu
The manifold-pressure compensator and sh
kW Naturally aspirated engine Nm (LDA) reacts to the charge-air pressure device toff
Pressure-charged engine generated by the exhaust-gas turbo-
charger, or the (mechanical) super-
charger, and adapts the full-load deliv-
ery to the charge-air pressure (Figs. 6

Torque Md
Power Pe

and 7).

Md The manifold-pressure compensator
(LDA) is used on pressure-charged
diesel engines. On these engines the
UMK0367E injected fuel quantity is adapted to
min–1 the engine’s increased air charge (due to
Engine speed n pressure-charging). If the pressure-
charged diesel engine operates with a
Fig. 6
Fig. 7 reduced cylinder air charge, the in-
Distributor injection pump with manifold-pressure compensator (LDA)
1 Governor spring, 2 Governor cover, 3 Reverse lever, 4 Guide pin, 5 Adjusting nut, 6 Diaphragm,
7 Compression spring, 8 Sliding pin, 9 Control cone, 10 Full-load adjusting screw, 11 Adjusting lever,
12 Tensioning lever, 13 Starting lever, 14 Connection for the charge-air, 15 Vent bore.
M1 pivot for 3.

5 6

4 7
M1 15

3 10
1 11

Axial- jected fuel quantity must be adapted starting lever and tensioning lever to
distr ibston to the lower air mass. This is performed swivel around their common pivot point
pumpor by the manifold-pressure compensator thus shifting the control collar in the
which, below a given (selectable) direction of increased fuel delivery. Fuel
charge-air pressure, reduces the full-load delivery is adapted in response to the
quantity. increased air mass in the combustion
chamber (Fig. 8). On the other hand,
Design and construction when the charge-air pressure drops,
The LDA is mounted on the top of the the spring underneath the diaphragm
distributor pump (Fig. 7). In turn, the top pushes the diaphragm upwards, and with
of the LDA incorporates the connection it the sliding pin. The compensation
for the charge-air and the vent bore. The action of the governor lever mechanism
interior of the LDA is divided into two now takes place in the reverse direction
separate airtight chambers by a dia- and the injected fuel quantity is adapted
phragm to which pressure is applied by to the change in charge pressure. Should
a spring. At its opposite end, the spring the turbocharger fail, the LDA reverts to
is held by an adjusting nut with which its initial position and the engine operates
the spring’s preload is set. This serves normally without developing smoke. The
to match the LDA’s response point to full-load delivery with charge-air pressure
the charge pressure of the exhaust is adjusted by the full-load stop screw
turbocharger. The diaphragm is con- fitted in the governor cover.
nected to the LDA’s sliding pin which
has a taper in the form of a control cone.
This is contacted by a guide pin which
transfers the sliding-pin movements to
the reverse lever which in turn changes
the setting of the full-load stop. The initial Fig. 8
setting of the diaphragm and the sliding Charge-air pressure: Operative range
pin is set by the adjusting screw in the top a Turbocharger operation,
of the LDA. b Normally aspirated operation.
p1 Lower charge-air pressure,
p2 Upper charge-air pressure.
Method of operation
In the lower engine-speed range the
charge-air pressure generated by the
exhaust turbocharger and applied to the
diaphragm is insufficient to overcome the mm3/
stroke LDA operative
pressure of the spring. The diaphragm range
remains in its initial position. As soon as
the charge-air pressure applied to the
diaphragm becomes effective, the dia-
phragm, and with it the sliding pin and
control cone, shift against the force of the
Injected fuel
quantity Qe

spring. The guide pin changes its a

position as a result of the control cone’s
vertical movement and causes the
reverse lever to swivel around its pivot
point M 1 (Fig. 7). Due to the force exerted b
by the governor spring, there is a non-
positive connection between tensioning
lever, reverse lever, guide pin, and
p1 p2 mbar

sliding-pin control cone. As a result, the

tensioning lever follows the reverse Charge-air pressure p
38 lever’s swivelling movement, causing the
Load-dependent Design and construction Add-o
compensation For load-dependent injection timing, modu
modifications must be made to the gov- and sh
Depending upon the diesel engine’s load, ernor shaft, sliding sleeve, and pump device toff
the injection timing (start of delivery) housing. The sliding sleeve is provided
must be adjusted either in the “advance” with an additional cutoff port, and
or “retard” direction. the governor shaft with a ring-shaped
groove, a longitudinal passage and two
Load-dependent start of delivery transverse passages (Fig. 9). The pump
(LFB) housing is provided with a bore so that
a connection is established from the
Assignment interior of the pump to the suction side of
Load-dependent start of delivery is de- the vane-type supply pump.
signed so that with decreasing load
(e.g., change from full-load to part- Method of operation
load), with the control-lever position un- As a result of the rise in the supply-
changed, the start of delivery is shifted pump pressure when the engine speed
in the “retard” direction. And when en- increases, the timing device adjusts the
gine load increases, the start of delivery start of delivery in the “advance” direc-
(or start of injection) is shifted in the tion. On the other hand, with the drop in
“advance” direction. These adjustments the pump’s interior pressure caused by
lead to “softer” engine operation, and the LFB it is possible to implement a
cleaner exhaust gas at part- and full- (relative) shift in the “retard” direction.
load. This is controlled by the ring-shaped
groove in the governor shaft and the
sliding-sleeve’s control port. The control
Fig. 9
Design and construction of the governor assembly with load-dependent start of delivery (LFB)
1 Governor spring, 2 Sliding sleeve, 3 Tensioning lever, 4 Start lever, 5 Control collar,
6 Distributor plunger, 7 Governor shaft, 8 Flyweights.
M2 Pivot point for 3 and 4.

1 2

7 8

Axial- lever is used to input a given full-load port is closed again. The fuel in the pump
distr ibston speed. If this speed is reached and the interior can now no longer flow through
pumpor load is less than full load, the speed the governor shaft to the suction side,
increases even further, because with a and the pump interior pressure increases
rise in speed the flyweights swivel again. The timing-device piston shifts
outwards and shift the sliding sleeve. On against the force of the timing-
the one hand, this reduces the delivery device spring and adjusts the roller ring
quantity in line with the conventional so that start of delivery is shifted in the
governing process. On the other, the “advance” direction (Fig. 10).
sliding sleeve’s control port is opened by
the control edge of the governor-shaft Atmospheric-pressure
groove. The result is that a portion of the compensation
fuel now flows to the suction side through
the governor shaft’s longitudinal and At high altitudes, the lower air density
transverse passages and causes a reduces the mass of the inducted air,
pressure drop in the pump’s interior. and the injected full-load fuel quantity
This pressure drop results in the timing- cannot burn completely. Smoke results
device piston moving to a new position. and engine temperature rises. To pre-
This leads to the roller ring being turned vent this, an altitude-pressure compen-
in the direction of pump rotation so that sator is used to adjust the full-load
start of delivery is shifted in the “retard” quantity as a function of atmospheric
direction. If the position of the control pressure.
lever remains unchanged and the load
increases again, the engine speed drops. Altitude-pressure compensator
The flyweights move inwards and the (ADA)
sliding sleeve is shifted so that its control
Fig. 10 Design and construction
Sliding-sleeve positions in the load- The construction of the ADA is identical
dependent injection timing (LFB) to that of the LDA. The only difference
a Start position (initial position), being that the ADA is equipped with an
b Full-load position shortly before the control aneroid capsule which is connected to
port is opened,
c Control port opened, pressure reduction in a vacuum system somewhere in the
pump interior. vehicle (e.g., the power-assisted brake
1 Longitudinal bore in the governor shaft, system). The aneroid provides a con-
2 Governor shaft, 3 Sliding-sleeve control port,
4 Sliding-sleeve, 5 Governor-shaft transverse stant reference pressure of 700 mbar
passage, 6 Control edge of the groove in the (absolute).
governor shaft, 7 Governor-shaft transverse
1 2 3 4 Method of operation
Atmospheric pressure is applied to the
a upper side of the ADA diaphragm. The
reference pressure (held constant by
5 6 7
the aneroid capsule) is applied to the
diaphragm’s underside. If the atmo-
spheric pressure drops (for instance
when the vehicle is driven in the
mountains), the sliding bolt shifts verti-
cally away from the lower stop and,
similar to the LDA, the reverse lever
causes the injected fuel quantity to be
c reduced.

Cold-start compensation Mechanical cold-start accelerator (KSB) Add-o
engaging in roller ring (cold-start position) modu
The diesel engine’s cold-start charac- 1 Lever, 2 Access window, 3 Ball pin, and sh
teristics are improved by fitting a cold- 4 Longitudinal slot, 5 Pump housing, 6 Roller ring, device toff
7 Roller in the roller ring, 8 Timing-device piston, s
start compensation module which shifts 9 Torque-control pin, 10 Sliding block. 11 Timing-
the start of injection in the “advance” device spring, 12 Shaft, 13 Coil spring.
direction. Operation is triggered either
by the driver using a bowden cable in 12 3 4
the cab, or automatically by means of
a temperature-sensitive advance mech-
anism (Fig. 11).
Mechanical cold-start accelerator
(KSB) on the roller ring 6

Design and construction 7

The KSB is attached to the pump
housing, the stop lever being connected 13 12
through a shaft to the inner lever
on which a ball pin is eccentrically 8
mounted. The ball pin’s head extends

into the roller ring (a version is available
in which the advance mechanism en- 11 10 9
gages in the timing-device piston). The
Fig. 12
stop lever’s initial position is defined
by the stop itself and by the helical Method of operation
coiled spring. Attached to the top of Automatically and manually operated
the stop lever is a bowden cable which cold-start accelerators (KSB) differ only
serves as the connection to the manual with regard to their external advance
or to the automatic advance mechanism. mechanisms. The method of operation is
The automatic advance mechanism is identical. With the bowden cable not
mounted on the distributor pump, where- pulled, the coil spring pushes the stop
as the manual operating mechanism is lever up against the stop. Ball pin and
in the driver’s cab (Fig. 12). roller ring are in their initial position. The
force applied by the bowden cable
Fig. 11
Mechanical cold-start accelerator (KSB), advance mechanism with automatic operation
(cold-start position)
1 2
1 Clamp,
2 Bowden cable,
3 Stop lever,
4 Coil spring,
5 KSB advance lever,
6 Control device
sensitive to the
temperature of
the coolant and
the surroundings.

3 4 5 6
Axial- causes the stop lever, the shaft, the inner Temperature-controlled idle-speed
distr ibston lever and the ball pin, to swivel and increase (TLA)
pumpor change the roller ring’s setting so that the The TLA is also operated by the control
start of delivery is advanced. The ball pin device and is combined with the KSB.
engages in a slot in the roller ring, which Here, when the engine is cold, the ball
means that the timing-device piston pin at the end of the elongated KSB
cannot rotate the roller ring any further in advance lever presses against the en-
the “advance” direction until a given gine-speed control lever and lifts it away
engine speed has been exceeded. from the idle-speed stop screw. The idle
In those cases in which the KSB is speed increases as a result, and rough
triggered by the driver from the cab running is avoided. When the engine has
(timing-device KSB), independent of the warmed up, the KSB advance lever abuts
advance defined by the timing device (a), against its stop and, as a result, the
an advance of approx. 2.5° camshaft is engine-speed control lever is also up
maintained (b), as shown in Fig. 13. With against its stop and the TLA is no longer
the automatically operated KSB, this effective (Fig. 14).
advance depends upon the engine
temperature or ambient temperature. Hydraulic cold-start accelerator
The automatic advance mechanism uses Advancing the start of injection by
a control device in which a temperature- shifting the timing-device piston has
sensitive expansion element converts the only limited applications. In the case of
engine temperature into a stroke move- the hydraulic start-of-injection advance,
ment. The advantage of this method is the speed-dependent pump interior
that for a given temperature, the optimum pressure is applied to the timing-device
start of delivery (or start of injection) is piston. In order to implement a start-
always selected. of-injection advance, referred to the
There are a number of different lever conventional timing-device curve, the
configurations and operating mecha- pump interior pressure is increased
nisms in use depending upon the automatically. To do so, the automatic
direction of rotation, and on which side control of pump interior pressure is
the KSB is mounted. modified through a bypass in the
pressure-holding valve.

Fig. 13 Fig. 14
Effect of the mechanical cold-start Mechanical cold-start accelerator
accelerator (KSB) (automatically controlled) with temperature-
a Timing-device advance, dependent idle-speed increase
b Minimum advance (approx. 2.5° camshaft). 1 Engine-speed control lever, 2 Ball pin,
cms 3 KSB advance lever, 4 Stop.

Injection-timing advance

a 3



0 min–1
Pump speed p
Design and construction Effect of the hydraulic cold-start Add-o
The hydraulic cold-start accelerator accelerator (KSB) modu
comprises a modified pressure-control 1 Injection-timing advance. and sh
valve, a KSB ball valve, a KSB control cms device toff
valve, and an electrically heated ex-
pansion element.

Injection-timing advance
Method of operation
The fuel delivered by the fuel-supply
pump is applied to one of the timing 1
device piston’s end faces via the injection
pump’s interior. In accordance with the
injection pump’s interior pressure, the
piston is shifted against the force

of its spring and changes the start-
of-injection timing. Pump interior Pump speed p
pressure is determined by a pressure-
control valve which increases pump Fig. 16
interior pressure along with increasing adjusting screw in the integrated KSB
pump speed and the resulting rise in control valve, the KSB function can be
pump delivery (Fig. 15). set to a given engine speed. The fuel
There is a restriction passage in the supply pump pressure shifts the KSB
pressure-control valve’s plunger in order control valve’s plunger against the
to achieve the pressure increase force of a spring. A damping restriction is
needed for the KSB function, and the used to reduce the pressure fluctu-
resulting advance curve shown as a ations at the control plunger. The KSB
dotted line in Fig. 16. This ensures that pressure characteristic is controlled by
the same pressure is effective at the its plunger’s control edge and the section
spring side of the pressure-control at the valve holder. The KSB function
valve. The KSB ball-type valve has a is adapted by correct selection of the
correspondingly higher pressure level KSB control valve’s spring rate and its
and is used in conjunction with the control section. When the warm engine
thermo-element both for switching-on is started, the expansion element has
and switching-off the KSB function, as already opened the ball valve due to the
well as for safety switchoff. Using an prevailing temperature.
Fig. 15
Hydraulic cold-start accelerator (KSB)
11 Pressure-control valve, 1
12 Valve plunger,
13 Restriction passage, 2
14 Internal pressure, 3
15 Fuel-supply pump, 4
16 Electrically heated
expansion element,
17 KSB ball valve, 6
18 Pressureless fuel return, 5 7
19 KSB control valve,
10 Timing device. 8

10 9

Axial- Engine shutoff stop lever pushes against the start lever
distr ibston of the governor-lever mechanism. This
pumpor swivels around its pivot point M2 and
Assignment shifts the control collar to the shutoff
The principle of auto-ignition as applied position. The distributor plunger’s cutoff
to the diesel engine means that the port remains open and the plunger
engine can only be switched off by delivers no fuel.
interrupting its supply of fuel.
Normally, the mechanically governed Fig. 17
distributor pump is switched off by a Electrical shutoff device
solenoid-operated shutoff (ELAB). Only (pull solenoid)
in special cases is it equipped with a 1 Inlet passage, 2 Distributor plunger,
mechanical shutoff device. 3 Distributor head, 4 Push or pull solenoid,
5 High-pressure chamber.

Electrical shutoff device

The electrical shutoff (Fig. 17) using the
vehicle’s key-operated starting switch is 1
coming more and more to the forefront
due to its convenience for the driver. 5
On the distributor pump, the solenoid
valve for interrupting the fuel supply is
installed in the top of the distributor

head. When the engine is running, the
solenoid is energized and the valve
keeps the passage into the injection
pump’s high-pressure chamber open Fig. 18
(armature with sealing cone has pulled Mechanical shutoff device
in). When the driving switch is turned 1 Outer stop lever, 2 Start lever,
to “OFF”, the current to the solenoid 3 Control collar, 4 Distributor plunger,
winding is also cut, the magnetic field 5 Inner stop lever, 6 Tensioning lever,
7 Cutoff port.
collapses, and the spring forces the M2 Pivot point for 2 and 6.
armature and sealing cone back onto
the valve seat again. This closes the
inlet passage to the high-pressure
chamber, the distributor-pump plunger
ceases to deliver fuel, and the engine 1 5
stops. From the circuitry point of view,
there are a variety of different possi-
bilities for implementing the electrical
shutoff (pull or push solenoid).
Mechanical shutoff device
On the injection pump, the mechanical
shutoff device is in the form of a lever
assembly (Fig. 18). This is located in M2
the governor cover and comprises an
outer and an inner stop lever. The outer 3 7
lever is operated by the driver from inside
the vehicle (for instance by means of

bowden cable). When the cable is

pulled, both levers swivel around their
44 common pivot point, whereby the inner
coupling, or with direct frequency control). Testin
Testing and calibration The pump is connected to the bench’s
calibra and
calibrating-oil supply via oil inlet and
outlet, and to its delivery measuring
device via high-pressure lines. The
Injection-pump test measuring device comprises calibrating
benches nozzles with precisely set opening
Precisely tested and calibrated injection pressures which inject into the bench’s
pumps and governors are the prerequisite measuring system via spray dampers. Oil
for achieving the optimum fuel-con- temperature and pressure is adjusted in
sumption/performance ratio and compli- accordance with test specifications.
ance with the increasingly stringent There are two methods for fuel-delivery
exhaust-gas legislation. And it is at this measurement. One is the so-called
point that the injection-pump test bench continuous method. Here, a precision
becomes imperative. The most important gear pump delivers per cylinder and unit of
framework conditions for the test bench time, the same quantity of calibrating-oil
and for the testing itself are defined in as the quantity of injected fuel. The gear
ISO-Standards which, in particular, place pump’s delivery is therefore a measure of
very high demands upon the rigidity and delivery quantity per unit of time. A com-
uniformity of the pump drive. puter then evaluates the measurement
The injection pump under test is results and displays them as a bar chart
clamped to the test-bench bed and con- on the screen. This measuring method
nected at its drive end to the test-bench is very accurate, and features good
coupling. Drive is through an electric reproducibility (Fig. 1).
motor (via hydrostatic or manually- The other method for fuel-delivery mea-
switched transmission to flywheel and surement uses glass measuring gradu-
Fig. 18 ates. The fuel to be measured is at first
Continuous injected-fuel-quantity directed past the graduates and back to
measuring system the tank with a slide. When the specified
1 Calibrating-oil tank, 2 Injection pump, number of strokes has been set on the
3 Calibrating nozzle, 4 Measuring cell, stroke-counting mechanism the mea-
5 Pulse counter, 6 Display monitor.
surement starts, and the slide opens and
the graduates fill with oil. When the set
number of strokes has been com-
pleted, the slider cuts off the flow of oil
6 again. The injected quantity can be read
off directly from the graduates.
Engine tester for diesel
4 engines
5 The diesel-engine tester is necessary
for the precise timing of the injection
pump to the engine. Without opening the
high-pressure lines, this tester measures
M the start of pump delivery, injection
timing, and engine speeds. A sensor
is clamped over the high-pressure line
1 to cylinder 1, and with the stroboscopic
timing light or the TDC sensor for detect-

ing crankshaft position, the tester

calculates start of delivery and injection
timing. 45
distr ibston
Nozzles and The following types of pintle nozzle are
s nozzle holders – Standard pintle nozzles (Fig. 1),
– Throttling pintle nozzles, and
The injection nozzles and their respec- – Flat-cut pintle nozzles (Fig. 2).
tive nozzle holders are vitally important
components situated between the in-line Design and construction
injection pump and the diesel engine. All pintle nozzles are of practically identi-
Their assignments are as follows: cal design, the only difference being in
– Metering the injection of fuel, the pintle’s geometry:
– Management of the fuel,
– Defining the rate-of-discharge curve, Standard pintle nozzle
– Sealing-off against the combustion On the standard pintle nozzle, the nozzle
chamber. needle is provided with a pintle which
Considering the wide variety of com- extends into the injection orifice of the
bustion processes and the different forms nozzle body in which it is free to move
of combustion chamber, it is necessary with a minimum of play. The injection
that the shape, “penetration force”, and spray can be matched to the engine’s
atomization of the fuel spray injected by requirements by appropriate choice of
the nozzle are adapted to the prevailing dimensions and pintle designs.
conditions. This also applies to the injec-
tion time, and the injected fuel quantity
per degree camshaft.
Since the design of the nozzle-holder
combination makes maximum use of
standardized components and assem- Fig. 1
blies, this means that the required flexi- Standard pintle nozzle
bility can be achieved with a minimum of 1 Lift stop surface, 2 Ring groove, 3 Needle guide,
components. The following nozzles and 4 Nozzle-body shaft, 5 Pressure chamber,
nozzle holders are used with in-line injec- 6 Pressure shoulder, 7 Seat lead-in, 8 Inlet port,
9 Nozzle-body shoulder, 10 Nozzle-body collar,
tion pumps: 11 Sealing surface, 12 Pressure shaft,
– Pintle nozzles (DN..) for indirect-injec- 13 Pressure-pin contact surface.
tion (IDI) engines, and
– Hole-type nozzles (DLL../DLSA..) for 12
direct-injection (DI) engines, 1 11
– Standard nozzle holders (single-
spring nozzle holders), with and with- 2
out needle-motion sensor, and
– Two-spring nozzle holders, with and 3 10
without needle-motion sensor.
Pintle nozzles
Pintle nozzles are used with in-line in-
jection pumps on indirect-injection en-
gines (pre-chamber and whirl-chamber
5 8
In this type of diesel engine, the air/fuel
mixture is for the most part formed by the

air’s vortex work. The injected fuel spray

serves to support this mixture-formation 6 7
46 process.
Throttling pintle nozzle Flat-cut pintle nozzle Nozzle
The throttling pintle nozzle is a pintle This nozzle’s pintle has a ground surface and n
nozzle with special pintle dimensions. which opens a flow cross-section in addi- holder
The special pintle design serves to define tion to the annular gap when the pintle
the shape of the rate-of-discharge curve. opens (only slight needle lift). The result-
When the nozzle needle lifts it first of all ing increased flow volume prevents de-
opens a small annular gap so that only a posits forming in this flow channel. This is
small amount of fuel is injected (throttling the reason why flat-cut pintle nozzles
effect). coke-up far less, and any coking which
As needle lift increases (due to pressure does take place is more uniform. The
rise), the spray orifice is opened increas- annular gap between spray orifice and
ingly until the major portion of the injec- throttling pintle is very small (less than
tion (main injection) takes place towards 10 m). Very often, the flat-cut pintle sur-
the end of needle lift. Since the pressure face is parallel to the nozzle-needle axis.
in the combustion chamber rises less Referring to Fig. 3, with an additional
sharply, this shaping of the rate-of-injec- inclined cut on the pintle, the gradient of
tion curve leads to “softer” combustion. the injected-fuel-quantity curve’s flat por-
This results in quieter combustion in the tion can be increased so that the tran-
part-load range. In other words, it is sition to full nozzle opening is less
possible to shape the required rate-of- abrupt. Specially shaped pintles, such as
discharge curve by means of the pintle the “radius” or “profile surface” types, can
shape, the characteristic of the nozzle be applied to match the flow curve to
needle’s spring, and the throttling gap. engine-specific requirements. Part-load
noise and vehicle driveability are both
improved as a result.
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Flat-cut pintle nozzle Flow quantity as a function of needle lift and
a Side view, b Front view. nozzle version
1 Needle seat, 2 Nozzle-body floor, 1 Throttling pintle nozzle,
3 Throttling pintle, 4 Flat cut, 5 Injection orifice, 2 Throttling pintle nozzle with inclined cut on
6 Profiled pintle, 7 Total overlap, pintle (flat-cut pintle nozzle)
8 Cylindrical overlap, 9 Nozzle-body seat.
a l/h

1 9


2 7
Flow quantity

5 6 200

2 1



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 mm

Needle lift
pi Hole-type nozzles At those points where high flow rates
distr ibston occur (spray-hole entrance), the abrasive
pumpor Application particles in the hydro-erosive (HE) me-
Hole-type nozzles are used with in-line dium cause material loss.
injection pumps on direct-injection en- This so-called HE-rounding process can
gines. be applied to both sac-hole and seat-hole
One differentiates between: nozzles, whereby the target is:
– Sac-hole, and – Prevent in advance the edge wear
– Seat-hole nozzles. caused by abrasive particles in the fuel
The hole-type nozzles also vary accord- – Reduce the flow tolerance.
ing to their size:
– Type P with 4 mm needle diameter, For low hydrocarbon emissions, it is
and highly important that the volume filled
– Type S with 5 and 6 mm needle dia- with fuel (residual volume) below the
meters. edge of the nozzle-needle seat is kept to
a minimum. Seat-hole nozzles are there-
Design and construction fore used.
The spray holes are located on the en-
velope of a spray cone (Fig. 4). The num-
ber of spray holes and their diameter de- Designs
pend upon:
– The injected fuel quantity, Sac-hole nozzle
– The combustion-chamber shape, and The spray holes of the sac-hole nozzle
– The air swirl in the combustion cham- (Fig. 5) are arranged in the sac hole.
ber. In the case of a round nozzle tip (Fig. 6a),
depending upon design the spray holes
The input edges of the spray holes can are drilled mechanically or by means of
be rounded by hydro-erosive (HE) ma- electrochemical machining (e.c.m.).
chining. Sac-hole nozzles with conical tip (Figs.
6b and 6c) are always drilled using e.c.m.
Fig. 4 Sac-hole nozzles are available
Spray cone – With cylindrical, and
Spray-cone offset angle, d Spray cone. – Conical sac holes
in a variety of different dimensions.

Sac-hole nozzle with cylindrical sac hole

and round tip (Fig. 6a):
This nozzle’s sac hole has a cylindrical
and a semispherical portion, and permits
a high level of design freedom with
respect to
– Number of spray holes,
– Spray-hole length, and
– Injection angle.

The nozzle tip is semispherical, and

together with the shape of the sac hole,
ensures that the spray holes are of
identical length.

Sac-hole nozzle with cylindrical sac hole Sac-hole nozzle with conical sac hole Nozzle
and conical tip (6b): and conical tip (Fig. 6c): and n
This type of nozzle is used exclusively Due to the conical shape of this nozzle’s holder
with spray-hole lengths of 0.6 mm. The sac hole, its volume is less than that of a
tip’s conical shape enables the wall nozzle with cylindrical sac hole. The
thickness to be increased between the volume is between that for a seat-hole
throat radius and the nozzle-body seat nozzle and a sac-hole nozzle with cylin-
with an attending improvement of nozzle- drical sac hole. In order to achieve uni-
tip strength. form tip-wall thickness, the tip’s conical
design corresponds to that of the sac

Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Sac-hole nozzle Sac-hole shapes
1 Pressure shaft, 2 Needle-lift stop face, a Cylindrical sac hole with round tip,
3 Inlet passage, 4 Pressure shoulder, b Cylindrical sac hole with conical tip,
5 Needle shaft, 6 Nozzle tip, c Conical sac hole with conical tip.
7 Nozzle-body shaft, 8 Nozzle-body shoulder, 1 Shoulder, 2 Seat entrance, 3 Needle seat,
9 Pressure chamber, 10 Needle guide, 4 Needle tip, 5 Injection orifice,
11 Nozzle-body collar, 12 Locating hole, 6 Injection-orifice entrance, 7 Sac hole,
13 Sealing surface, 8 Throat radius, 9 Nozzle-tip cone,
14 Pressure-pin contact surface. 10 Nozzle-body seat, 11 Damping cone.

1 11
2 10
3 9
4 8



Seat-hole nozzle Standard nozzle holders
distr ibston In order to minimise the residual volume
pumpor – and therefore the HC emissions – the Assignments and designs
start of the spray hole is located in the Nozzle holders with hole-type nozzles in
seat taper, and with the nozzle closed it is combination with a radial-piston distrib-
covered almost completely by the nozzle utor injection pump are used on DI
needle. This means that there is no direct engines.
connection between the sac hole and the With regard to the nozzle holders, one
combustion chamber (Figs. 7 and 8). The differentiates between
sac-hole volume here is much lower than – Standard nozzle holders (single-
that of the sac-hole nozzle. Compared to spring nozzle holders) with and with-
sac-hole nozzles, seat-hole nozzles have out needle-motion sensor, and
a much lower loading limit and are there- – Two-spring nozzle holders, with and
fore only manufactured as Size P with a without needle-motion sensor.
spray-hole length of 1 mm.
For reasons of strength, the nozzle tip is Application
conically shaped. The spray holes are The nozzle holders described here have
always formed using e.c.m. methods. the following characteristics:
– Cylindrical external shape with diame-
Fig. 7 ters between 17 and 21 mm,
Seat-hole nozzle – Bottom-mounted springs (leads to low
moving masses),
– Pin-located nozzles for direct-injection
engines, and
– Standardised components (springs,
pressure pin, nozzle-retaining nut)
make combinations an easy matter.

The nozzle-and-holder assembly is com-
posed of the injection nozzle and the
nozzle holder.
The nozzle holder comprises the follow-
ing components (Fig. 9):
– Nozzle-holder body,
– Intermediate element,
– Nozzle-retaining nut,
– Pressure pin,
– Spring,

– Shim, and
– Locating pins.

Fig. 8 The nozzle is centered in the nozzle body

Seat-hole nozzle: Tip shape and fastened using the nozzle-retaining
nut. When nozzle body and retaining nut
are screwed together, the intermediate
element is forced up against the sealing
surfaces of nozzle body and retaining
nut. The intermediate element serves as
the needle-lift stop and with its locating

pins centers the nozzle in the nozzle-

holder body.
Fig. 9
The nozzle-holder body contains the Standard nozzle holder Nozzle
– Pressure pin, 1 Edge-type filter, 2 Inlet passage, and n
– Spring, and 3 Pressure pin, 4 Intermediate element, holder
5 Nozzle-retaining nut, 6 Wall thickness, s
– Shim.
7 Nozzle, 8 Locating pins, 9 Spring,
10 Shim, 11 Leak-fuel passage,
The spring is centered in position by the 12 Leak-fuel connection thread,
pressure pin, whereby the pressure pin is 13 Nozzle-holder body, 14 Connection thread,
15 Sealing cone.
guided by the nozzle-needle’s pressure
The nozzle is connected to the injection
pump’s high-pressure line via the nozzle- 14
holder feed passage, the intermediate
element, and the nozzle-body feed pas-
sage. If required, an edge-type filter can
be installed in the nozzle holder. 1 13

Method of operation
The nozzle-holder spring applies pres- 12
sure to the nozzle needle through the
pressure pin. The spring’s initial tension
defines the nozzle’s opening pressure
which can be adjusted using a shim.
On its way to the nozzle seat, the fuel pas- 11
ses through the nozzle-holder inlet pas-
sage, the intermediate element, and the 10
nozzle nody. When injection takes place,
the nozzle needle is lifted by the injection 2
pressure and fuel is injected through the
injection orifices into the combustion
chamber. Injection terminates as soon as
the injection pressure drops far enough for 9
the nozzle spring to force the nozzle
needle back onto its seat.

Two-spring nozzle holders
Application 8
The two-spring nozzle holder is a fur- 5
ther development of the standard nozzle
holder, and serves to reduce combustion 7
noise particularly in the idle and part-load
The two-spring nozzle holder features
two springs located one behind the other.
At first, only one of these springs has an
influence on the nozzle needle and as
such defines the initial opening pressure.

The second spring is in contact with a

stop sleeve which limits the needle’s
initial stroke. 51
Fig. 10
Axial- Two-spring nozzle holder for direct-injection When strokes take place in excess of the
distr ibston (DI) engines initial stroke, the stop sleeve lifts and both
pumpor 1 Nozzle-holder body, 2 Shim, springs have an effect upon the nozzle
s 3 Spring 1, 4 Pressure pin, needle (Fig. 10).
5 Guide element, 6 Spring 2,
7 Pressure pin, 8 Spring seat,
9 Shim, 10 Intermediate element, Method of operation
11 Stop sleeve, During the actual injection process, the
12 Nozzle needle,
13 Nozzle-retaining nut, nozzle needle first of all opens an initial
14 Nozzle body. amount so that only a small volume of
h1 Initial stroke, fuel is injected into the combustion
h2 Main stroke.
1 chamber.
Along with increasing injection pressure
in the nozzle holder though, the nozzle
needle opens completely and the main
quantity is injected (Fig. 11). This 2-stage
2 rate-of-discharge curve leads to “softer”
3 combustion and to a reduction in noise.

Nozzle holders with needle-

motion sensor
5 The start-of-injection point is an impor-
tant parameter for optimum diesel-engine
operation. For instance, its evaluation
permits load and speed-dependent injec-
tion timing, and/or control of the exhaust-
8 gas recirculation (EGR) rate.
12 Fig. 11
Comparison of needle-lift curves
a Standard nozzle holder (single-spring nozzle
13 b Two-spring nozzle holder.
h1 Initial stroke, h2 Main stroke.

Nozzle-needle lift


h1 0.2


0 1 2 ms

This necessitates a nozzle holder with Two-spring nozzle holder with needle-motion Nozzle
needle-motion sensor (Fig. 13) which sensor for direct-injection (DI) engines and n
outputs a signal as soon as the nozzle 1 Nozzle-holder body, 2 Needle-motion sensor, holder
3 Spring 1, 4 Guide element, 5 Spring 2, s
needle opens.
6 Pressure pin, 7 Nozzle-retaining nut.

When it moves, the extended pressure
pin enters the current coil.
The degree to which it enters the coil
(overlap length “X” in Fig. 14) determines
the strength of the magnetic flux.

Method of operation
The magnetic flux in the coil changes as
a result of nozzle-needle movement and
induces a signal voltage which is propor-
tional to the needle’s speed of movement 3
but not to the distance it has travelled.
This signal is processed directly in an 4

evaluation circuit (Fig. 12).

When a given threshold voltage is ex-
ceeded, this serves as the signal to 6
the evaluation circuit for the start of

Fig. 13
Fig. 12 Fig. 14
Comparison between a needle-lift curve and Needle-motion sensor in a two-spring nozzle
the corresponding signal-voltage curve of the holder for direct-injection (DI) engines
needle-motion sensor 1 Adjusting pin, 2 Terminal,
3 Current coil, 4 Pressure pin,
5 Spring seat.
a X Overlap length.
sensor signal
Needle lift

b Needle-
sensor signal
Theshold 2
Signal voltage




distr ibston
C axial-piston distributor fuel-
injection pumps VE-EDC
Mechanical diesel-engine speed control vehicle (for instance, traction control
(mechanical governing) registers a wide system (TCS), and electronic transmis-
variety of different operating statuses sion-shift control). In other words, it can
and permits high-quality A/F mixture be integrated completely into the overall
formation. vehicle system.
The Electronic Diesel Control (EDC)
takes additional requirements into ac-
count. By applying electronic measure-
System blocks
ment, highly-flexible electronic data pro- The electronic control is divided into
cessing, and closed control loops with three system blocks (Fig. 1):
electric actuators, it is able to process 1. Sensors for registering operating
mechanical influencing variables which it conditions. A wide variety of physical
was impossible to take into account with quantities are converted into electrical
the previous purely mechanical control signals.
(governing) system.
The EDC permits data to be exchanged 2. Electronic control unit (ECU) with
with other electronic systems in the microprocessors which processes the in-
Fig. 1
Electronic Diesel Control (EDC): System blocks

Sensors ECU Actuators

Needle-motion sensor fuel quantity

Temperature sensors Engine

(water, air, fuel) Fuel-injection pump

Sensor for Start of

control-collar position injection
Micro -
Air-flow sensor pro- EGR Transducer with
cessor EGR valve

Engine-speed sensor Starting

Glow control unit

Vehicle-speed sensor


Setpoint generators Diagnosis

Accelerator-pedal sensor Diagnosis display

Speed-selection lever

formation in accordance with specific Electronic control unit (ECU) Electr
control algorithms, and outputs corre- The ECU employs digital technology. The contro ic
sponding electrical signals. microprocessors with their input and distrib or
3. Actuators which convert the ECU’s output interface circuits form the heart pump tor
electrical output signals into mechanical of the ECU. The circuitry is completed
quantities. by the memory units and devices for
the conversion of the sensor signals
into computer-compatible quantities. The
Components ECU is installed in the passenger com-
Sensors partment to protect it from external in-
The positions of the accelerator and the fluences.
control collar in the injection pump are There are a number of different maps
registered by the angle sensors. These stored in the ECU, and these come into
use contacting and non-contacting effect as a function of such parameters
methods respectively. Engine speed and as: Load, engine speed, coolant tem-
TDC are registered by inductive sensors. perature, air quantity etc. Exacting de-
Sensors with high measuring accuracy mands are made upon interference
and long-term stability are used for pres- immunity. Inputs and outputs are short-
sure and temperature measurements. circuit-proof and protected against spu-
The start of injection is registered by a rious pulses from the vehicle electrical
sensor which is directly integrated in the system. Protective circuitry and me-
nozzle holder and which detects the start chanical shielding provide a high level
of injection by sensing the needle move- of EMC (Electro-Magnetic Compatibility)
ment (Figs. 2 and 3). against outside interference.

Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Sensor signals Nozzle-and-holder assembly with
1 Untreated signal from the needle-motion sensor needle-motion sensor (NBF)
(NBF), 1 Setting pin, 2 Sensor winding, 3 Pressure pin,
2 Signal derived from the NBF signal, 4 Cable, 5 Plug.
3 Untreated signal from the engine-speed signal,
4 Signal derived from untreated engine-speed
5 Evaluated start-of-injection signal.

1 4

2 2 5



Axial- Solenoid actuator for injected- Solenoid valve for
distr ibston fuel quantity control start-of-injection control
pumpor The solenoid actuator (rotary actuator) The pump interior pressure is depen-
VE-ED engages with the control collar through dent upon pump speed. Similar to the
a shaft (Fig. 4). Similar to the mechani- mechanical timing device, this pressure
cally governed fuel-injection pump, the is applied to the timing-device piston
cutoff ports are opened or closed de- (Fig. 4). This pressure on the timing-
pending upon the control collar’s posi- device pressure side is modulated by a
tion. The injected fuel quantity can be clocked solenoid valve.
infinitely varied between zero and With the solenoid valve permanently
maximum (e.g., for cold starting). Using opened (pressure reduction), start of
an angle sensor (e.g., potentiometer), injection is retarded, and with it fully
the rotary actuator’s angle of rotation, closed (pressure increase), start of in-
and thus the position of the control col- jection is advanced. In the intermediate
lar, are reported back to the ECU and range, the on/off ratio (the ratio of
used to determine the injected fuel solenoid valve open to solenoid valve
quantity as a function of engine speed. closed) can be infinitely varied by the
When no voltage is applied to the ac- ECU.
tuator, its return springs reduce the in-
jected fuel quantity to zero.
Fig. 4
Distributor injection pump for electronic diesel control
1 Control-collar position sensor, 2 Solenoid actuator for the injected fuel quantity, 3 Electromagnetic
shutoff valve, 4 Delivery plunger, 5 Solenoid valve for start-of-injection timing, 6 Control collar.


6 5

Closed control loops (Fig. 5) with a check-back signalling unit and Electr
ensures that the control collar is cor- contro ic
Injected fuel quantity rectly set. distrib or
The injected fuel quantity has a decisive pump tor
influence upon the vehicle’s starting, Start of injection
idling, power output and driveability The start of injection has a decisive in-
characteristics, as well as upon its par- fluence upon starting, noise, fuel con-
ticulate emissions. For this reason, the sumption, and exhaust emissions. Start-
corresponding maps for start quantity, of-injection maps programmed into the
idle, full load, accelerator-pedal charac- ECU take these interdependencies into
teristic, smoke limitation, and pump account. A closed control loop is used
characteristic, are programmed into the to guarantee the high accuracy of the
ECU. The driver inputs his or her re- start-of-injection point. A needle-motion
quirements regarding torque or engine sensor (NBF) registers the actual start of
speed through the accelerator sensor. injection directly at the nozzle and
Taking into account the stored map compares it with the programmed start
data, and the actual input values from of injection (Figs. 2 and 3). Deviations
the sensors, a setpoint is calculated for result in a change to the on/off ratio of
the setting of the rotary actuator in the the timing-device solenoid valve, which
pump. This rotary actuator is equipped continues until deviation reaches zero.
Fig. 5
Closed control loop of the electronic diesel control (EDC)
Q Air-flow quantity, nact Engine speed (actual), pA Atmospheric pressure, sset Control-collar signal
(setpoint), sact Control-collar position (actual), sv set Timing-device signal (setpoint), tK Fuel temperature,
tL Intake-air temperature, tM Engine temperature, ti act Start of injection (actual).
Fuel Accelerator Operator’s Air
pedal panel

On/Off Cruise

tK Start-
control EGR pA
sactual control
sv setpoint Start-of- Injected-
injection fuel-quan-
control tity control Ql Vehicle

nozzle t i actual
tM n actual EGR valve

Engine and vehicle

Axial- This clocked solenoid valve is used to Idle-speed control
distr ibston modulate the positioning pressure at the The idle-speed control avoids engine
pumpor timing-device piston, and this results in “shake” at idle by metering the appro-
VE-ED the dynamic behavior being comparable priate amount of fuel to each individual
to that obtained with the mechanical cylinder.
start-of-injection timing.
Because during engine overrun (with
injection suppressed) and engine start-
Safety measures
ing there are either no start-of-injection
signals available, or they are inadequate, Self-monitoring
the controller is switched off and an The safety concept comprises the
open-loop-control mode is selected. The ECU’s monitoring of sensors, actuators,
on/off ratio for controlling the solenoid and microprocessors, as well as of the
valve is then taken from a control map in limp-home and emergency functions
the ECU. provided in case a component fails. If
malfunctions occur on important com-
Exhaust-gas recirculation (EGR) ponents, the diagnostic system not only
EGR is applied to reduce the engine’s warns the driver by means of a lamp in
toxic emissions. A defined portion of the the instrument panel but also provides a
exhaust gas is tapped-off and mixed facility for detailed trouble-shooting in
with the fresh intake air. The engine’s the workshop.
intake-air quantity (which is proportional
to the EGR rate) is measured by an air- Limp-home and emergency
flow sensor and compared in the ECU functions
with the programmed value for the EGR There are a large number of sophisti-
map, whereby additional engine and cated limp-home and emergency func-
injection data for every operating point tions integrated in the system. For in-
are taken into account. stance if the engine-speed sensor fails,
In case of deviation, the ECU modifies a substitute engine-speed signal is
the triggering signal applied to an generated using the interval between
electropneumatic transducer. This then the start-of-injection signals from the
adjusts the EGR valve to the correct needle-motion sensor (NBF). And if the
EGR rate. injected-fuel quantity actuator fails, a
separate electrical shutoff device
Cruise control (ELAB) switches off the engine. The
An evaluated vehicle-speed signal is warning lamp only lights up if important
compared with the setpoint signal input- sensors fail. The Table below shows the
ted by the driver at the cruise-control ECU’s reaction should certain faults
panel. The injected fuel quantity is then occur.
adjusted to maintain the speed selected
by the driver. Diagnostic output
A diagnostic output can be made by
Supplementary functions means of diagnostic equipment, which
The electronic diesel control (EDC) can be used on all Bosch electronic
provides for supplementary functions automotive systems. By applying a
which considerably improve the ve- special test sequence, it is possible to
hicle’s driveability compared to the systematically check all the sensors
mechanically governed injection pump. and their connectors, as well as the
correct functioning of the ECU’s.
Active anti-buck damping
With the active anti-buck damping
(ARD) facility, the vehicle’s unpleasant
58 longitudinal oscillations can be avoided.
Table 1. ECU reactions Electr
contro ic
Failure Monitoring Reaction Warning Diagnostic distrib or
of lamp output pump tor
Correction Signal range Reduce injected s
sensors fuel quantity
System- Signal range Limp-home
sensors or emergency
function (graded)
Computer Program runtime Limp-home
(self-test) or emergency
Fuel-quantity Permanent Engine shutoff
actuator deviation

Advantages Engine shutoff

– Flexible adaptation enables optimi- As already stated on Page 40, the prin-
zation of engine behavior and emission ciple of auto-ignition as applied to the
control. diesel engine means that the engine
– Clear-cut delineation of individual func- can only be switched off by interrupting
tions: The curve of full-load injected fuel its supply of fuel.
quantity is independent of governor When equipped with Electronic Diesel
characteristic and hydraulic configuration. Control (EDC), the engine is switched
– Processing of parameters which pre- off by the injected-fuel quantity actuator
viously could not be performed me- (Input from the ECU: Injected fuel
chanically (e.g., temperature-correction quantity = Zero). As already dealt with,
of the injected fuel quantity characteris- the separate electrical engine shutoff
tic, load-independent idle control). device serves as a standby shutoff in
– High degree of accuracy throughout case the actuator should fail.
complete service life due to closed con-
trol loops which reduce the effects of Electrical shutoff device
tolerances. The electrical shutoff device is operated
– Improved driveability: Map storage with the “ignition key” and is above all
enables ideal control characteristics and used to provide the driver with a higher
control parameters to be established level of sophistication and comfort.
independent of hydraulic effects. These On the distributor fuel-injection pump,
are then precisely adjusted during the the solenoid valve for interrupting the
optimisation of the complete engine/ supply of fuel is fitted in the top of the
vehicle system. Bucking and idle shake distributor head. With the diesel engine
no longer occur. running, the inlet opening to the high-
– Interlinking with other electronic sys- pressure chamber is held open by the en-
tems in the vehicle leads the way ergized solenoid valve (the armature with
towards making the vehicle safer, more sealing cone is pulled in). When the “igni-
comfortable, and more economical, as tion switch” is turned to “Off”, the power
well as increasing its level of environ- supply to the solenoid is interrupted and
mental compatibility (e.g., glow systems the solenoid de-energized. The spring
or electronic transmission-shift control). can now push the armature with sealing
The fact that mechanical add-on units no cone onto the valve seat and close off the
longer need to be accomodated, leads inlet opening to the high-pressure cham-
to marked reductions in the amount of ber so that the distributor plunger can no
space required for the fuel-injection longer deliver fuel.
distr ibston
V axial-piston distributor
fuel-injection pumps VE-MV
Prospects Components
On the electronically-controlled distrib- Angle-of-rotation sensor
utor pumps of the future, the electrical Angle-of-rotation detection uses the
actuator mechanism with control collar following components: Sensor, sensor
for fuel metering will be superseded by a retaining ring on the driveshaft, and the
high-pressure solenoid valve. This will trigger wheel with a given tooth pitch.
permit an even higher degree of flexibility Detection is based upon the signals
in the fuel metering and in the variability generated by the sensor.
of the start of injection. The pulses generated by the sensor are
inputted to the ECU where they are pro-
cessed by an evaluation circuit. The fact
Design and construction that the sensor is coupled to the pump’s
This pump is of modular design. The field- roller ring ensures the correct assign-
proven distributor injection pump can thus ment of the angular increment to the
be combined with a new electronically position of the cam when the roller ring is
controlled fuel-metering system (Fig. 1). rotated by the timing device.
Basically speaking, the solenoid-valve-
controlled distributor pump’s dimensions, Pump ECU
installation conditions, and drivetrain in- The pump ECU is mounted on the upper
cluding the pump’s cam drive, are identi- side of the pump and uses hybrid tech-
cal to those of the conventional distributor niques. In addition to the mechanical
pump. The most important new compo- loading with which it is confronted in
nents are: the vehicle's under-hood environment,
– Angle-of-rotation sensor (in the form the pump must also fulfill the following
of an incremental angle/time system assignments:
[IWZ]) which is located in the injection – Data exchange with the separately
pump on the driveshaft between the mounted engine ECU via the serial
vane-type supply pump and the roller bus system,
ring, – Evaluation of the signal from the
– Electronic pump ECU, which is mount- angle-of-rotation sensor (IWZ),
ed as a compact unit on the top side of – Triggering of the high-pressure sol-
the pump and connected to the engine enoid valve,
ECU, – Triggering of the timing device.
– High-pressure solenoid valve, installed
in the center of the distributor head. Maps are stored in the pump ECU which
not only take into account the setting
With regard to its installation and hydrau- points for the particular vehicle applica-
lic control, the timing device with pulse tion and certain engine characteristics,
valve is identical to the one in the pre- but also permit the plausibility of the re-
vious electronically-controlled distributor ceived signals to be checked. In addition,
pump. they form the basis for defining a number
of different computational values.
High-pressure solenoid valve Fuel supply and delivery Electr
The high-pressure solenoid valve must Via the distributor head and the opened contro ic
fulfill the following assignments: high-pressure solenoid valve, the vane- distrib or
– Large valve cross-section for efficient type supply pump delivers fuel to the pump tor
filling of the high-pressure chamber, high-pressure chamber at a pressure of
even at very high rotational speeds, approx. 12 bar.
– Low weight (low moving masses), to No fuel is delivered when the high-pres-
keep the loading of the parts to a mini- sure solenoid valve is de-energized
mum, (open). The valve’s instant of closing
– Short switching times to guarantee defines the injection pump’s start of
high-precision fuel metering, and delivery. This can be located at the
– Magnetic forces which are powerful bottom dead center (BDC) of the cam or
enough to cope with the high pressures. on the rise portion of the cam slope.
The high-pressure solenoid valve is com- Similarly, the valve’s instant of opening
prised of: defines the pump’s end of delivery. The
– The valve body, length of time the valve is closed deter-
– The valve needle, and mines the injected fuel quantity.
– The electromagnet with electrical The high pressure generated in the high-
connection to the pump ECU. pressure chamber (the fuel from the
The magnetic circuit is concentric to the supply pump is compressed by the axial
valve. This fact permits a compact as- piston when this is forced up by the cam
sembly comprising high-pressure sol- plate riding over the rollers of the roller
enoid valve and distributor head. ring) opens the delivery valve and the
fuel is forced through the pressure line
to the injection nozzle in the nozzle
Method of operation holder. Injection pressure at the nozzle
is 1400 bar. Excess fuel is directed back
Principle to the tank through return lines.
Pressure generation in the solenoid- Since there are no additional intake ports
valve-controlled distributor injection available, if the high-pressure solenoid
pump is based on the same principle as valve should fail, fuel injection stops.
that in the conventional electronically- This prevents uncontrolled “racing” of the
controlled VE pump. engine.
Fig. 1
Solenoid-valve-controlled axial-piston distributor fuel-injection pump (section)

Star t-
as ist
Start-assist systems

Since leakage and heat losses reduce the formed. The element is a metal tube which
pressure and the temperature of the A/F is resistant to both corrosion and hot gases,
mixture at the end of the compression and which contains a heater (glow) element
stroke, the cold diesel engine is more diffi- embedded in magnesium-oxide powder
cult to start and the mixture more difficult to (Fig. 1). This heater element comprises
ignite than it is when hot. These facts make two series-connected resistors: the heater
it particularly important that start-assist filament in the glow-tube tip, and the con-
systems are used. The minimum starting trol filament. Whereas the heater filament
temperature depends upon the engine maintains virtually constant electrical
type. Pre-chamber and swirl-chamber resistance regardless of temperature, the
engines are equipped with a sheathed- control filament is made of material with a
element glow plug (GSK) in the auxiliary positive temperature coefficient (PTC). On
combustion chamber which functions as a newer-generation glow plugs (GSK2), its
“hot spot”. On small direct-injection (DI) resistance increases even more rapidly
engines, this “hot spot” is located on the with rising temperature than was the case
combustion chamber’s periphery. Large DI with the conventional S-RSK glow plug.
truck engines on the other hand have the This means that the newer GSK2 glow
alternative of using air preheating in the plugs are characterized by reaching the
intake manifold (flame start) or special, temperature needed for ignition far more
easily ignitable fuel (Start Pilot) which is quickly (850 °C in 4s). They also feature a
sprayed into the intake air. Today, the start- lower steady-state temperature (Fig. 2)
assist systems use sheathed-element which means that the glow plug’s tem-
glow plugs practically without exception. perature is limited to a non-critical level.
The result is that the GSK2 glow plug
Sheathed-element can remain on for up to 3 minutes
glow plug following engine start. This post-glow
feature improves both the warm-up and
The sheathed-element glow plug’s tubular run-up phases with considerable im-
heating element is so firmly pressed into provements in noise and exhaust-gas
the glow-plug shell that a gas-tight seal is emissions.
Fig. 1
Sheathed-element glow plug GSK2
1 Electrical connector terminal, 2 Insulating washer, 3 Double gasket, 4 Terminal pin, 5 Glow-plug shell,
6 Heater seal, 7 Heater and control filament, 8 Glow tube, 9 Filling powder.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sheathed-element glow plugs: Functional sequence Sheat
Temperature-time diagram eleme d-
1 S-RSK, 2 GSK2. The diesel engine’s glow plug and starter glow p
switch, which controls the preheat Flame gs,
C and starting sequence, functions in a glow p
similar manner to the ignition and
1 starting switch on the spark-ignition (SI)

engine. Switching to the “Ignition on”
position starts the preheating process
and the glow-plug indicator lamp lights
up. This extinguishes to indicate that
the glow plugs are hot enough for the
750 engine to start, and cranking can begin.
In the following starting phase, the drop-
0 10 20 30 40 50 s UMS0688E lets of injected fuel ignite in the hot, com-
Time t pressed air. The heat released as a result
leads to the initiation of the combustion
Fig. 2 process (Fig. 3).
Flame glow plug In the warm-up phase following a suc-
cessful start, post-heating contributes
The flame glow plug burns fuel to heat to faultless engine running (no misfiring)
the intake air. Normally, the injection and therefore to practically smokeless
system’s supply pump delivers fuel to the engine run-up and idle. At the same
flame plug through a solenoid valve. The time, when the engine is cold, pre-
flame plug’s connection fitting is pro- heating reduces combustion noise. A
vided with a filter, and a metering device glow-plug safety switchoff prevents
which permits passage of precisely battery discharge in case the engine
the correct amount of fuel appropriate cannot be started.
to the particular engine. This fuel then The glow-control unit can be coupled
evaporates in an evaporator tube sur- to the ECU of the Electronic Diesel
rounding the tubular heating element Control (EDC) so that information
and mixes with the intake air. The resulting available in the EDC control unit can be
mixture ignites on the 1,000 °C heating applied for optimum control of the glow
element at the flame-plug tip. plugs in accordance with the particular
operating conditions. This is yet another
Glow control unit possibility for reducing the levels of blue
smoke and noise.
For triggering the glow plugs, the glow
control unit (GZS) is provided with a
power relay and a number of electronic Fig. 3
switching blocks. These, for instance, Typical preheating sequence
control the glow duration of the glow 1 Glow-plug and starter switch, 2 Starter,
plugs, or have safety and monitoring 3 Glow-plug indicator lamp, 4 Load switch,
functions. Using their diagnosis func- 5 Glow plugs, 6 Self-sustained engine operation,
tv Pre-heating time, tS Ready to start,
tions, more sophisticated glow control tN Post-heating time.
units are also able to recognise the 1
failure of individual glow plugs and
inform the driver accordingly. Multiple
plugs are used as the control inputs 3
to the ECU. In order to avoid voltage

drops, the power supply to the glow
tV tS tN
plugs is through suitable threaded pins 5
or plugs. 6 Time t 63
The Program Order Number
Gasoline-engine management
Emission Control (for Gasoline Engines) 1 987 722 102
Gasoline Fuel-Injection System K-Jetronic 1 987 722 159
Gasoline Fuel-Injection System KE-Jetronic 1 987 722 101
Gasoline Fuel-Injection System L-Jetronic 1 987 722 160
Gasoline Fuel-Injection System Mono-Jetronic 1 987 722 105
Ignition 1 987 722 154
Spark Plugs 1 987 722 155
M-Motronic Engine Management 1 987 722 161
ME-Motronic Engine Management 1 987 722 178
Diesel-engine management
Diesel Fuel-Injection: An Overview 1 987 722 104
Diesel Accumulator Fuel-Injection System
Common Rail CR 1 987 722 175
Diesel Fuel-Injection Systems
Unit Injector System / Unit Pump System 1 987 722 179
Radial-Piston Distributor Fuel-Injection
Pumps Type VR 1 987 722 174
Diesel Distributor Fuel-Injection Pumps VE 1 987 722 164
Diesel In-Line Fuel-Injection Pumps PE 1 987 722 162
Governors for Diesel In-Line Fuel-Injection Pumps 1 987 722 163
Automotive electrics/Automotive electronics
Alternators 1 987 722 156
Batteries 1 987 722 153
Starting Systems 1 987 722 170
Electrical Symbols and Circuit Diagrams 1 987 722 169
Lighting Technology 1 987 722 176
Safety, Comfort and Convenience Systems 1 987 722 150
Driving and road-safety systems
Compressed-Air Systems for Commercial
Vehicles (1): Systems and Schematic Diagrams 1 987 722 165
Compressed-Air Systems for Commercial
Vehicles (2): Equipment 1 987 722 166
Brake Systems for Passenger Cars 1 987 722 103
ESP Electronic Stability Program 1 987 722 177

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