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Planning Grid Junior Cert Wood Technology First Year

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Student Name: Oisin Nugent List of Topics: Sketching, Health & Safety, Species of Trees Class teacher: Pat

Class teacher: Pat Kennedy

ID: No: G00383331 No of Pupils: 24 Length of Lesson: 80 minutes & 40 minutes

Class profile

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Diversity (Gender, Ethnicity etc.) Other relevant information

Wood Technology Planning Grid

Student name: Year Group: 1ST Year School: St. Ailbes
Linking with Subject Specification and Junior Cert Framework Evidence of Teaching and Learning
Statements of Learning Intentions (students will learn Success Criteria
Topic/Chapter Relevant JC Outcomes Key Skills Teaching Methodology Assessment Method Key Words
Schedule Learning about)
Week 1 SOL 19 Introduction to 1.1 explore key elements Students will learn about the teacher. 1c. Learning Video (Showing how to Students list health Observation Health
SOL 15 teacher, Taster required for the Teacher will learn about the students. Creatively wear the PPE correctly) and safety Peer Assessment Safety
SOL 21 Health and safety/ completion of tasks Students can discuss health and safety 1a. Exploring Textbook (Teacher will precautions. Co-operative learning
Project 1.7 explain the function Students can identify health and safety take the students Students identify Hazard
options and
and application of a range precautions in machines through the health and the health and User
of tools, equipment, Students will design there Christmas safety measurement's) safety precautions Exclusion Zone
3e. Discussing
fixtures and fittings decoration. Aminated PowerPoint in machinery.
and debating Environmental
1.8 apply knowledge of (Teacher show the Students design
and skills in a range of students what they will their decorations
appropriate existing and undertake for the next for Christmas.
emerging principles, few months)
processes and techniques
Week 2 SOL 19 Taster Health and 1.1 explore key elements Recap on health and safety 2b. Co-operating Co-operative learning Students will be Visual Inspection Health
SOL 15 safety/ Project required for the Students will begin forming design 4c. Thinking (Students will be able to recap the Teacher Discussion Safety
SOL 21 completion of tasks concepts creatively and learning off one another health and safety
1.10 apply recognised Students will learn how to make their as they routines in the Hazard
health and safety designs proportionate Workbook (Look PPE classroom. User
practices in the use of Students will learn collaboratively 5c. Setting and images in the book) Students will come
achieving goals Exclusion Zone
tools, equipment and Activity sheet (Name the up with ideas
materials real-life examples of together.
2.5 communicate PPE) Students will have
relevant information their own individual
Students will create
a design that is
Week 3 SOL 19 Taster Project 1.8 apply knowledge of Students will start cutting and making 8f. being Peer Learning (Students Students will have One on One Reer Reviewing Health
SOL 20 and skills in a range of their projects. confident about will give a piece of advice sure they have all Questioning Safety
SOL 21 appropriate existing and Students will learn what the learning to every student in the their piece labelled Observation
emerging principles, measurement's they should use on steel 1c. Learning class) correctly.
processes and techniques1 ruler. Creatively Video (Explaining how to Student will User
.9 demonstrate principles Students will learn how to use Tennon use the Try-Square and manage to mark Exclusion Zone
of craft excellence Saw 1b. Implementing Tennon Saw effectively) out their pieces
ideas and taking Environmental
through the design and Students will learn the how to use a try Practical demo (Teacher right.
action Responsible
realisation of tasks and and how to use it effectively. marking out a piece) Students will cut
artefacts their joints straight
2.5 communicate on the waste side of
relevant information the line.

Week 4 SOL 19 Taster Project 2.11 produce purposeful, Students will have created the concepts 1c. Learning Video (Explaining how to Students will have a Evaluation done by class Health
SOL 20 functional, appealing designs in proportion. Creatively apply a finish) finished product Teacher inspection Safety
SOL 21 artefacts Students will be shown how to sand 3f. Using digital PowerPoint (Will have all that's roughly to
2.7 communicate a their pieces and how to round over any the different kinds of the measurement's Hazard
technology to
suitable approach to sharp edges that they might have on finish's) the student set out. User
solving a problem their pieces. Microsoft Forms (Asking Students will get Exclusion Zone
4c. Thinking
2.12 create an artefact Students will learn of to apply a finish to what they enjoyed about the edges smooth
creatively and Environmental
having considered factors their pieces. the project and self- and have the edge
critically Responsible
such as materials, cost, points for future taken off the piece.
time, resources and skills projects)

Week 5 SOL 15 Health and Safety 1.1 explore key elements Students will learn the different Safety 1b. Implementing Activity Sheet Students will be Worksheet Health
SOL 19 required for the procedures for each machine. ideas and taking Video (On what hazards able to list the Peer inspection Safety
SOL 20 completion of tasks Student will learn about the different action to look out for in the different safety gear
1.7 explain the function types of Safety gear. 4a. Being Curious classroom) that they need to
and application of a range PowerPoint (On the safely operate a User
7d. Expressing
of tools, equipment, different types of safety machine. Exclusion Zone
fixtures and fittings ideas clearly and gear) Student will be able
accurately Environmental
1.8 apply knowledge of to operate the
and skills in a range of machines safely.
appropriate existing and
emerging principles,
processes and techniques
Week 6 SOL 19 Species of Trees 3.2 evaluate the Students will learn what wood is. 8f. being Workbook (Looking at Students will learn Worksheet Deciduous
SOL 21 characteristics and Students will learn about the main confident about the characteristic) what wood is. Peer evaluation Coniferous
SOL 24 properties of common characteristics for identifying wood. learning Video (Explain the Students will know Carbon
species of wood Students will be able identify the 2e. Learning with characteristics) the characteristics Sequestration
3.1 identify common difference between hard and soft others of hard and soft Hardwood
species of wood woods. woods Soft Wood
3.3 understand the 5d. Being able to
reflect on my
properties associated
with a range of materials learning.
applicable to Wood
Week 7 SOL 15 Species of Trees 3.4 evaluate the use of Students will learn where certain trees 8e. being Textbook (Discussion of Students will Peer Inspection Deciduous
SOL 20 wood in comparison to can be found. confident hardwoods and soft identify where hard Co-operative learning Coniferous
SOL 23 alternative materials Students will learn about the Common 1c. Learning woods) and soft woods can Carbon
3.5 explain the properties Softwood Trees Creatively Active sheet (On be found. Sequestration
associated with the Students will learn about the common hardwoods and Students can Hardwood
classification of wood hard wood Trees 5b. Making softwoods) identify and Soft Wood
3.6 discuss the use of considered Softwood
wood in comparison to decisions Students can
alternative materials identify a hardwood
Week 8 SOL 19 Species of Trees 3.7 justify the use of Students will learn about environment 7a. Developing Workbook (Diagram in of Students will Conclusion via a discussion Deciduous
SOL 21 materials based on and sustainability. my understanding environment) understand the Worksheet questions Coniferous
SOL 23 characteristics and Students will complete a few questions. and enjoyment of Worksheet (Questions great benefit that Carbon
properties within a words and on the work sheet) trees have on our Sequestration
context language environment. Hardwood
3.8 utilise the natural 2c. Respecting Students will be Soft Wood
aesthetics and properties Differences able to answer Enviromint
of wood to enhance the questions.
1c. Learning
appearance and function
of an artefact Creatively
3.9 create an artefact
that demonstrates an
understanding of the
properties associated
with a range of materials
applicable to Wood
Statements of Learning (Wood Technology)
The statement Examples of relevant learning 
SOL 15 The student recognises the potential uses of mathematical knowledge, skills Students will apply numerical reasoning to establish
and understanding in all areas of learning. appropriate functions, proportions and dimensions. 
SOL 19 The student values the role and contribution of science and technology to Students will evaluate the impact of Wood
society, and their personal, social and global importance. Technology on their lives, society and the
SOL 20 The student uses appropriate technologies in meeting a design challenge. Students will select suitable equipment to realise a
design task.
SOL 21 The student applies practical skills as she/he develops models and products Students will create solutions through modelling and
using a variety of materials and technologies. tasks that encourage the development of their
practical skills, while working with a range of
materials and equipment.
SOL 23 The student brings an idea from conception to realisation. Students will develop, individually, a concept to
address a problem and create their solution using
appropriate materials and the skills they have
SOL 24 The student uses technology and digital media tools to learn, work and think Students will select appropriate digital media tools
collaboratively and creatively in a responsible and ethical manner. to explore, research and represent design ideas.

Statements of Learning (Graphics)

SOL No. The statement Example of relevant learning
SOL 15 Recognises the potential uses of mathematical knowledge, skills and Students will be able to support their solutions to
understanding in all areas of learning geometry problems by referencing appropriate
geometry concepts and principles.
SOL 19 Values the role and contribution of science and technology to society, and Students will evaluate the impact of technologies on
their personal, social and global importance. their lives, society and the environment.
SOL 20 Uses appropriate technologies in meeting a design challenge Students will determine the most suitable
technologies available to them and apply them to
fulfil the criteria of a given design challenge.
SOL 21 Applies practical skills as she/he develop models and products using a variety Students will develop 3D representations of solutions
of materials and technologies to problems through modelling using appropriate
SOL 23 Brings an idea from conception to realisation Students will individually explore ideas to satisfy a
problem and develop their solutions using
appropriate modelling skills they have developed.
SOL 24 Uses technology and digital media tools to learn, communicate, work and Students will select appropriate digital media tools to
think collaboratively and creatively in a responsible and ethical matter research, explore and present design ideas.

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