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Summative Assessment: Evaluating Outcomes and Impact

Russell Hart

University of Phoenix


John Hullar


Summative Assessment: Evaluating Outcomes and Impact

Mass Incarceration can be defined as “the entire regime of managing social crisis by

means of police, courts, and prisons. This means social management using violence,

incarceration, and surveillance. Mass Incarcerations can be contributed to serval laws

implemented throughout the years (Kurti, 2018). Mass Incarceration is not only being seen in

prisons but also in Jails. New York City is a great example of this. Now there has been a call for

some reforming of these policies by people from all walks of life. This includes judges, nonprofit

originations, and mental health providers. There have been serval different ideas proposed on

how to do this.

Identify the set of industry standards

As time has changed, so has the industry standards tend to change. What were once

acceptable standards or practices are no longer accepted. Mass Incarceration at one point and

time was the industry standard if the street were safe. Mass Incarceration started particularly due

to the War on Drugs, but it somehow spiraled out of control due to other policies and law reform.

The industry now requires being proactive to crime instead of being reactive. This approach

requires that you police each crime-driven area according to its needs. With this information, an

extensive evaluation will have to be created. The data collected will have to be carefully

analyzed to provide effective help.

Analyze how the industry standards provide the framework

The industry is now requesting a more personalized or tailored criminal justice reform

instead of generalized plans that may have shown effective in some areas but not all. These

standards require more of an indebt look at the data gathered rather than just a surface or

generalized approach. The indebt evaluation seeks to contact offenders with resources that better

fit their needs. The only way that this can be done is by an indebt study that studies more than

just offenses of the offenders. An indebt study of the offender’s lifestyle in and out of prison

must be completed. This will evaluation will also help shed light on ways the offenders entered

the Criminal Justice System. This information will aid in helping deter others from committing


Data used to perform evaluation

The first part of the evaluation will take a look at offenders’ current crimes. These can be

broken down into serval different categories such as drugs, family violence, violence,

prostitution, and violation of probation crimes. For repeat offenders, efforts should be made to

determine what most likely leads to being rearrested. The offender’s living situation should also

be identified. The location of the offender should also be noted. The next thing the evaluation

will seek is to evaluate the history of the offenders. The history means how many crimes the

offender has been arrested for, how many crimes the offender has been convicted of, and

whether he has committed the same crimes over again. The evaluation will also look at if any

social services have been provided. These include housing aid, food stamps, mental health

services, and other services that may be offered in the community. The offender’s language will

also need to be known in order to make sure they get the help in their first language. It will also

be important to identify if acts of violence have ever been committed towards offenders. The

survey will also seek to understand the offender’s family dynamics upon release from

incarceration. If the offender doesn’t have a family some kind of support system post-

incarceration will need to be identified. These new industry standards require a more holistic

approach and not each area on its own.

How the data is interpreted


The data should be interpreted and analyzed both individually and together with different

categories put together. The data should be reviewed based on geographical location. This helps

identify the specific help that a geographical area. It is very important because one area may

have drug problems, whereas another area has issues with gangs. These two areas will require

different help. The data should analyze when offenders first encountered violence, whether it be

them committing the crime or them being a victim of crime. The current crimes should also be

analyzed to determine if there were underline circumstances for the offender to commit the

crime. For example, if someone is arrested for stealing but they are homeless this will need to be

noted in an effort to help identify resources that may help the offender upon release. Interpreting

the data correctly is very important because this will determine the resources provided to a

geographical area.

Measurement of outcomes based on industry standards

The data seeks to understand what community factors lead an offender to commit a crime

and to determine the proper resources an area will need. The evaluation will provide a large

amount of data. This data will be used to determine the resources needed in the community. Any

area scoring over fifty percent will indicate that the community needs help in these areas. The

different areas include but are not limited to drugs problems, housing assistance, vocational

assistance, and more. The data will measure what lead the offenders to commit a crime will help

create programs to prevent crimes. If the score in this section is over forty percent, programs will

be put into place in an effort to prevent and deter crime in areas. This data will also be looked at

based on the geographical area.

How can the program be improved


“The distinction between prearrest and post-arrest interventions, which the commission

downplays, is important for understanding how these suggestions would actually be implemented

(Kurti, 2018). Industry standards are now calling for community-based crime prevention efforts.

The industry also suggests not just focusing on adults but also juveniles. Mass Incarceration can

be tackled on three different fronts. These programs are Enhanced Probation, Justice Hubs, and

Community-Based Alternative to Incarceration. Enhanced Probation requires that the probation

department take more than just fees seriously. The industry is now requesting that jobs, housing,

and other social services be taken seriously. If offenders are found to be lacking in this area

proper resources should be provided to the offender in this area. Justice Hubs is suggested to be

an area for civic unity. These areas will allow for areas to house the community-based resources.

Community-Based Alternative to Incarceration suggests that alternatives to incarceration should

be provided. These programs should help decrease mass incarceration rates.

Evolution of the policy

These policies and programs should evaluate to determine if there is a different need in

the community. As the programs progress, there may be a need for more programs, or some

programs may need to be taken away. The programs implemented should be evaluated every five

years. You don’t want to evaluate the program too often because you have the program’s time to



The industry is now calling on everyone to stop mass incarceration. An evaluation can be

completed to determine the resources needed in the community to prevent mass incarceration.

The programs implemented in the community will be unique to specific geographical areas.

These programs will need to be evaluated every five years to determine the impacts of the

community resources.


Dang, J. (2021). Uprooting Mass Incarceration: From Restoration to Transformation. Kansas

Journal of Law & Public Policy, 30(2), 234–280.

Giancola, S. P. (2020). Program evaluation. SAGE Publications.

Kurti, Zhandarka, and Jarrod Shanahan. 2018. “Rebranding Mass Incarceration: The Lippman

Commission and Carceral Devolution in New York City.” Social Justice 45 (2/3): 25–49.


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