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Giáo Trình NX Mold Wizard Design Process

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Mold Wizard Design Process

1.Initializing a mold design project

Setting project defaults

Design In this activity you use specific part naming rules to replace the default rules.
The naming rules specified are to familiarize you with using name rules, and apply
only to a series of activities in this course that are based on the mouse project.

Launch the activity.

Setting project defaults

1. Create a mouse project.
Choose Start→ All Applications→Mold Wizard.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Initialize Project .

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In the Open dialog box, navigate to your parts \ initialize folder,
select mouse_case_upper, and click OK.

Design IntentThe original parts of the mouse are designed in inches.

The design intent is to create a metric tooling assembly.

In the Initialize Project dialog box, in the Project Settings group, in the Name box, clear
the default text, type mouse, and press Enter.
From the Material list, select ABS.
From the Configuration list, if necessary, select Mold.V1.
In the Settings group, from the Project Units list, select Millimeter.
Select the Rename Components check box.

Click Edit Material Data Base .

NoteThe material database is a list of materials and shrink factors.

You can add materials you use to the list, and set any shrink factor to match
your experience.
Choosing a material is a convenient method to set a shrink factor. The name of
the material is not stored.

When you have examined the spreadsheet data, close the spreadsheet without saving it.
In the Initialize Project dialog box, click OK.
In the Part Name Management dialog box, in the Part Names group, verify whether the
first part listed is mouse_top_000.
Only if the numeric suffix for the top part mouse_top is not 000, do the following:
o In the Name Rules group, in the Next Part Name Number box, type 0 and press Enter.

o In the Part Names group, click Set All Names .

Click OK.
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2. Examine the project structure that was just created.
On the Resource bar, click the Assembly Navigator tab.

TipYou can keep the navigator open by clicking the push pin button in the left
corner of the Assembly Navigator title bar.
The appearance of the button changes to indicate that the window is pinned in
the open position .

Expand nodes mouse_layout_021, mouse_prod_003, and mouse_parting-set_020 and

observe the names used.

NoteThe original product part is never renamed.

The numeric suffixes are assigned in sequence during your NX session, beginning
with 0 in each new session.
During this course, you are asked to reset the starting number to 0 for each new
assembly you initialize. This is to make the numbers you see in NX match the
examples in this student guide.

Choose Information→Assemblies→List Components.

What part is represented by its Empty reference set?

The original product model, mouse_case_upper.

What part has different Units?

The original product model, mouse_case_upper.

Close the Information window.
3. Examine the relationship between components of the product subassembly.
In the Assembly Navigator, select the original product component, mouse_case_upper.

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In the Dependencies group, click Expand Next Level until the entire sequence of
dependent parts is revealed.
Observe the order of dependency.
The tree structure reflects the order in which the component bodies are WAVE linked.
4. Select the Advanced with full menus role.

On the Resource bar, click the Roles tab.

In the System Defaults group, select the Advanced with full menus role.
In the Load Role dialog box, click OK.

NoteThis course is designed for the Advanced with full menus role.

5. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Initialize Project.

2.Mold CSYS
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Choosing and setting mold coordinate systems
Design The mouse project parts are modeled with a common coordinate system relative
Intent to the mouse assembly, regardless of how the individual parts are molded.

You must establish a suitable mold CSYS for each component.

Launch the activity.
Choosing and setting mold coordinate systems
1. Verify that the Mold Wizard application is running.
2. From your mold_csys folder, open mold_csys_top_010.
3. Reposition the product so that a section of planar face is on the XY-plane (parting plane) of
the mold tooling assembly.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold CSYS .

CautionIt is important to click Mold CSYS before you adjust the working coordinate
When the Mold CSYS dialog box is open, the Mold Wizard software
compensates for the origin of the shrinkage scale feature.

Right click the view background and choose Orient View→Front.

The orientation of the WCS is suitable for the upper case, but the origin Z level (the XC-YC
plane) is not convenient for molding. The XC-YC plane should be at the principal parting

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Design You are going to position the WCS in the same plane as the flat section at
Intent the right side of the part in the preceding figure.

From the graphics area, double-click the WCS.

If necessary, select the origin handle of the dynamic CSYS.

On the Selection bar, if necessary, select Point on Face to turn the option on.
Click to indicate a point on the lip near the mid center of the flat region as shown in the
following figure.

TipRotate the part to make it easy to select the point.

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The WCS is relocated to the end plane of the case:
Click the middle mouse button to end WCS dynamics.
In the Mold CSYS dialog box, in the Change Product Position group, select Product Body
In the Lock XYZ Position group, if necessary, select the Lock Z Position check box.
Click OK.

NoteThe mouse_csys_parting-set subassembly is repositioned in

the mouse_csys_prod structure. The WCS is now at the mold center, with ZC 0.0
at the main parting level.

4. Verify the shrinkage factor.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Shrinkage .

NoteIn the Scale Body dialog box, in the Type group, you can see that you have
a Uniform type scale feature.
In the Scale Factor group, you can see that the scale in the Uniform box is
1.006. The shrinkage for this mold has already been applied by specifying a
Material from the Initialize Project dialog box.

Click Cancel.
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5. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold CSYS.


Edit the workpiece sketch

Design IntentIn this activity you are going to design a cylindrical user-defined insert.

Launch the activity.
Edit the workpiece sketch
1. Initialize the hub project using the information provided below:
o First Part = ... /hub / hub
o Project Name = hub (default)
o Material = PC+ABS
o Configuration = Mold.V1
o Project Units = default (Inch)
o Next Number = 01
o Mold CSYS = Specify later

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2. Specify the mold coordinate system for the hub.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold CSYS .

Double-click the WCS.
Select the YC-ZC rotation handle on the plane at the base of the X-axis handle and rotate
the WCS 90 degrees clockwise, so the Z-axis points along the cylinder axis in the direction

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Click the middle mouse button to end WCS dynamics.
In the Mold CSYS dialog box, in the Change Product Position group, if necessary,
select Current WCS.
Click OK.
3. Redefine the workpiece to be a cylinder instead of a block.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Workpiece .

NoteThe hub_layout_022 subassembly is displayed, and hub_workpiece_010 is the

work part. (Numeric suffixes may vary.)

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In the Workpiece dialog box, in the Dimensions group, under Define Workpiece,
click Sketch Section .
When the sketch opens, press Control+A to select every object currently in the sketch.

Press the Delete key.

On the Sketch Tools toolbar, click Circle .

Position the cursor over the datum point at the origin of the datum CSYS, as shown in the
following figure.

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NoteWhen the cursor is over the existing point, the indicator changes to show a point
symbol, and the coordinates boxes show zero in both X and Y.
When you select an existing point, by default, a coincident constraint is
automatically created.

Click to select the existing datum point.

Drag the circle to a diameter of about 3.25 inches.
In the Diameter on-screen input box, type 3.25 and press Enter.

Click the middle mouse button to close the Circle dialog bar.

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On the Sketch Tools toolbar, click Inferred Dimensions .
Select the circle and indicate a dimension origin.

TipIf you created the circle with a diameter other than 3.25, you can change the
dimension to 3.25.
With the circle dimensioned, the sketch is fully constrained.

Click the middle mouse button to close the Dimensions dialog bar.

On the Sketch toolbar, click Finish Sketch .

NoteThe solid body is based on the extruded sketch, not the individual curves.
Even with a complete new set of curves, the body updates.

4. Define the extents of the workpiece cylinder.

When the Workpiece dialog box reappears, in the Limits group, in the Start Distance box,
type –0.5 and press Enter.

Next to the End Distance box, click the Function button and choose Make Constant.
In the End Distance box, type 1.5 and press Enter.
Click OK.

5. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Workpiece.

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User defined workpiece
Design In the assembly for this activity, you are going to create a revolved body in the
Intent parting part and identify it as the workpiece.

A sketch is already created.

Launch the activity.
User defined workpiece
1. With the Mold Wizard application running, from your workpiece folder,
open user_body_top_010.
2. Display the parting part.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Parting Tools .

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, clear the Mold Parting Tools button to close the toolbar.
3. Create a revolved body for the workpiece.

NoteThe work layer is 2.

The existing sketch is in layer 2.
The Modeling application is running because the assembly was saved in the
Modeling application.

Design You are going to create a revolved body in layer 2 using the existing
Intent sketch as the revolved section.

5. On the Feature toolbar, click Revolve .

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6. On the Selection bar, from the Curve Rule list, if necessary, select Infer Curves.
7. Select any curve in the sketch, as shown in the following figure.

9. In the Revolve dialog box, in the Axis group, click Specify Vector.
10. On the Selection bar, from the Type Filter, select Datums.
11. Select the Y datum axis of the Datum CSYS, as shown in the following figure.

13. Click OK.

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15. Using the Part Navigator, reorder the Linked Body (2) “UM_INSERT_BOX” feature after
the new Revolve feature.
16. Define the workpiece.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Workpiece .

In the hub2_workpiece_009 part, with the Workpiece dialog box displayed, make
layer 2 Selectable.
In the Workpiece dialog box, in the Workpiece Method group, from the Workpiece
Method list, select Cavity-Core.
Select the user defined revolved body, as shown.

Click OK.

TipYou can edit the display of your user defined workpiece body.
Using Edit→Object Display, you can change the translucency to resemble the
default workpiece.

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17. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Workpiece.

4.Cavity layout

Circular layout
Design In this activity you are going to create a circular layout similar to the following
Intent figure.

Launch the activity.
Circular layout
1. From your layout folder, open layout_top_010.
Right-click the view background and choose Orient View→Top.

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Design The lug must face the center of the array.
Intent The lug currently lies on the –YC-axis; so, you must use the start
angle option to translate the part in the +YC direction.

The arc centers of the inserts must lie on a 240 mm diameter circle, six cavities equally
spaced. This makes the radius 120 mm and the number of cavities 6.

2. Start a circular layout.

Click Cavity Layout .

In the Cavity Layout dialog box, in the Layout Type group, from the list, select Circular.
If necessary, select Radial.
Click Specify Point.

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On the Selection bar, verify that Arc Center is selected.
Select a circular edge of the insert.

NoteAs you select the edge, notice that the cursor shows that you are selecting an
arc center.

3. Specify the circular layout parameters.

In the Circular Layout Settings group, in the Cavity Count box, enter 6.
In the Start Angle box, type 90, and press Enter.
If necessary, in the Rotate Angle box, type 360 and press Enter.
In the Radius box, type 120 and press Enter.

In the Generate Layout group, click Start Layout .

Fit the view to the screen.

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From the Edit Layout group, click Auto Center .

NoteThis cavity layout is already centered, but clicking Auto Center stores
information that will later be used when adding a Mold Base.

Click Close.
4. (Optional) Click Undo to experiment with different circular array parameters.

TipTry using a different reference point. A quadrant point adjacent to the lug works

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5. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Cavity Layout.

5.Family molds

Family mold project — toy shapes

Design In this activity you are going to add several products to a Mold Wizard tooling
Intent assembly.

For this activity, a standard layout consists of two 175x175x50 millimeter insert

You are going to locate the parting for each insert 20 mm above the bottom of the
lower core insert. This leaves 30 mm as the cavity side Z dimension.

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Launch the activity.
Family mold project — toy shapes
1. Initialize a new toys project.

Design The original parts are modeled in inches; you must be careful to specify a
Intent millimeter assembly.

o First Part = ... / family / circle

o Project Name = toys (Notice that you are not accepting the default name.)
o Material = PS
o Configuration = Mold.V1
o Project Units = Millimeter
o Next Number = 01
o Mold CSYS = Specify later

2. Load a second part.

Click Initialize Project .

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In the Open dialog box, from the list of parts, select square and click OK.

In the Part Name Management dialog box, click OK to accept the default names.
Open the Assembly Navigator and review the structure of the *_layout subassembly.
3. Create an insert for the currently active product.

Design The two products are currently positioned at the same coordinates. You are
Intent going to create the inserts for each product, and then line up the edges of
the inserts as shown in the following figure:

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Workpiece .

TipThe last product loaded always becomes the active product.

Under Define Workpiece, click Sketch Section .

Design From the sketch dimensions you can easily determine that several
Intent expressions control the size of the workpiece for the product:
o size_wp_x
o size_wp_y
o offset1_x
o offset2_x
o offset1_y
o offset2_y

No changes are needed to the workpiece sketch at this time.

On the Sketch toolbar, click Finish Sketch.
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In the Workpiece dialog box, in the Dimensions group, under Limits, in the Start
Distance box, type –20 and press Enter.
In the End Distance box, type 30 and press Enter.
In the Workpiece dialog box, click OK.

4. Define the insert dimensions for the circle part.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Family Mold .

In the Family Mold dialog box, from the list, select circle, and click OK.

TipYou can click Family Mold to confirm the currently active product.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Work Piece .

In the Workpiece dialog box, in the Start Distance box, type –20 and press Enter.
In the End Distance dialog box, type 30 and press Enter.
In the Workpiece dialog box, click OK.

5. Position the inserts for the circle and square products.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Cavity Layout .

Fit the view in the window to see clearly where both inserts are located.

NoteThe circle part and insert are highlighted. It does not matter which part you
move. Eventually, you are going to use the Auto Center command to position
your entire layout at the mold center.

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In the Cavity Layout dialog box, in the Edit Layout type group, click Transform .
In the Transform dialog box, in the Result group, select Move Original.
In the Transformation Type group, if necessary, expand the list and select Show
Shortcuts .

In the Transformation Type group, if necessary, click Translate .

Move the sliders to practice repositioning an insert.

Design IntentThe desired translation is 175 in X and 0.0 in Y.

If necessary, in the X distance box, type 175.

In the Y distance box, type 0.
Click OK.

In the Cavity Layout dialog box, in the Edit Layout type group, click Auto Center .
In the Cavity Layout dialog box, click Close.
6. Save your work.
Choose File→Close→Save All and Close.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Family Mold.

7. Mold Tools

Edge patch and edit patch surface

Design You are going to use sheet patch-up methods to shut off several holes for the
Intent upper half of a battery pack.

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Launch the activity.
Edge patch and edit patch surface
1. Create a project for battery_upper.
o First Part =
o Project Name = default (battery_upper)
o Material = ABS
o Configuration = ESI
o Project Units = Millimeters
o Name Rule =
o Next Number = 01
o Mold CSYS = default

NoteYou are using an ESI project configuration since the full mold tooling assembly
will not be used for this training activity.

2. Use the Edge Patch command to patch the hole in the conical face.

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Design The hole through the conical faces traps a volume of material that
Intent prevents removal of the part.
To mold this hole you must define the steel shut-off that would be
formed by a slide or lifter.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, if necessary, click Mold Tools .

Click Edge Patch .

NoteIf a top level assembly is displayed when you click Edge Patch, the parting part
becomes the displayed part.
In the ESI configuration, the *_ESI_Analysis part acts as the parting part.

From the Type list, select Face.

As you move the cursor over the graphics window, observe that only faces with interior
holes are selectable.
On the Selection Bar, from the Face Rule list, select Single Face.
Select the interior conical face as shown below.

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From the Settings group, verify that As Patch Surface is selected.
In the Edge Patch dialog box, click Apply.
A surface is created to represent where the slide or lifter steel will shut-off against the
core or cavity steel.

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Select the Part Navigator tab and review the Feature Group (6) “patch_set1”.

NotePatch sheets are created as feature groups.

The first sheet is created in the simplest geometry format possible.
The first sheet is the parent for core and cavity patch sheets.
The three sheets and any other related features are then added to the feature

3. Use the Edge Patch command to patch the simple holes in the part.
From the Type list, select Body.
From the graphics window, select the solid body.
All open loops in the selected body are highlighted.

Zoom in on large circular opening and note that the highlighted loop is at the bottom of
the part.
Mold Wizard considers this a ―crossover‖ face. To define a patch surface at the proper
location to be molded, this face would need to be divided at the zero degree isocline using
the Mold Tools Face Split or Mold Parting Tools commands.

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Design You will ignore this opening for this portion of the activity since these type
Intent of crossover faces can automatically be corrected using the Mold
Wizard Mold Parting Tools.

From the Loop List group, verify that Select Loop is highlighted.
From the graphics window, hold the Shift key and deselect the loop as shown below.

Click OK to create the patch surfaces.

Rotate your part as needed and review the newly created patch surfaces for the mounting
boss holes and slide hole.

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4. Delete a patch sheet.
Rotate your part as needed and zoom in on the cutout patches that cross multiple faces.
For geometry like these cutouts, there are two possible solutions:
o The solution shown below is correct for this shut-off.

o The solution shown below is incorrect for this shut-off.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Edit Parting and Patch Surface .
Hold the Shift key and deselect the incorrect patch set surface as shown. (If both patch set
surfaces were created correctly, then you can select either one.)

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In the Edit Parting and Patch Surface dialog box, click OK to delete the patch.

CautionUse Mold Wizard commands to delete Mold Wizard features.

When you use the Edit Parting and Patch Surface command in Mold Wizard,
unseen members of feature sets are automatically deleted.

5. Traverse a closed loop using Edge Patch.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Edge Patch .

If necessary, zoom in on the cutout area without a patch sheet as shown in the following

From the Type list, select Traverse.

From the Traverse Loop group, expand the Settings group.
From the Settings group, clear the Traverse by Face Color check box.

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Select the vertical edge shown in the following figure.

From the Segments group, click Accept .

Continue using a combination of Accept and Cycle Candidates until you have
selected a complete closed loop as shown below:

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In the Loop List group, verify that the Select Loop count is (10).
In the Loop List group, select Select Reference Face.
If the faces shown in the following figure are highlighted, in the Loop List group,
click Switch Face Side .

NoteFour interior faces should now be highlighted as shown below. (Rotate the
model as needed to verify the interior faces.)

Click Apply.
The patch set has three faces that match the missing geometry, as shown in the following

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Leave the Edge Patch dialog box open.
6. Patch an open loop using Edge Patch.

Design The next loop to patch has no lower boundary at the basic parting plane
Intent so you will use a different method.

Zoom in to the area illustrated in the following figure.

From the Type list, select Traverse.

Select the upper end of the edge shown below.

TipWhen you select edges or curves for a chaining operation, always select at the
end at which you want the chain to continue.

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NoteAn additional edge is highlighted as the next path.

From the Segments group, click Accept .

Continue using Accept until you have selected loop back to basic parting line on the
right side of the opening as shown below.

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After clicking Accept for the last vertical segment, your next path should like as shown

At this point, you actually want to cross over the opening and return to the first loop edge

From the Segments group, click Close Loop .

In the Edge Patch dialog box, click OK.
In the failure dialog box, click OK.

NoteThe software has problems dealing with edge loops where:

o There are many edges and complex bounding faces.
o The edges represent a cut through a periodic face, such as the toroidal faces in
this example.

NoteIn situations where edge patch does not create the surface you want, you can:
o Create a patch body and a trim region patch.
o Create one or more free form sheets and identify them as patch-up sheets.

7.Create a free form sheet to patch the opening.

If necessary, start the Modeling application.
Choose Insert→Sweep→Swept.
On the Selection bar, from the Curve Rule list select Single Curve.
To begin the first section string, at the end illustrated, select the edge shown.

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Select the second edge as shown.

NoteWhen you select edge strings for free form faces, the first click establishes the
alignment of the string, represented by a vector arrow.

If your vector arrow does not match the illustration below, from the Sections group,
click Reverse Direction .

In the Sections group, click Add New Set .

For section 2, at the same end as you selected section 1, select the edge at the right side
of the open loop as shown in the following illustration.

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Select the second edge for section 2.

Click the middle mouse button to complete Section 2.

WarningMake sure that the direction vectors are aligned, otherwise the sheet is
You can reverse the direction of either section string by selecting it in the
list, and clicking Reverse Direction.

In the Guides group, click Select Curve.

TipYou can collapse the Sections group if it is necessary to fit the dialog box in the
available screen space.

If necessary, on the Selection bar, from the Curve Rule list, select Single Curve.
Select the edge at the end shown.

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Click the middle mouse button to indicate that you are finished selecting guide string 1.
In the Section Options group, verify that:
o From the Interpolation list, Linear is selected.
o From the Alignment Method list, Parameter is selected.
o From the Orientation Method list, select Fixed.
o From the Scaling Method list, Constant is selected.
o The Scale Factor box contains 1.000.
Click OK.

8. Use the Edit Parting and Patch Surface command to identify the new sheet as a patch

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Edit Parting and Patch Surface .

WarningAll existing patch sheets are automatically selected.

You must leave them selected.

Select the new free form sheet, and click OK.

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NoteA new patch set is created with associative copies of the sheet body placed on

9. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Edge Patch, and Edit Parting and Patch Surface.
Solid Patch and Boolean operations
Design The pen cap has twelve windows that must be patched before you can trim core
Intent and cavity inserts.

It is tedious to use the Edge Patch command and repeat the face confirmation for
twelve patches.

You are going to use Solid Patch instead.

To compensate for faces and edges hidden from the core side of the part by the
solid patch, you are going to unite a linked patch body to the core body in
the *_core part.

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Launch the activity.

Solid Patch and Boolean operations

1. Create a project for pen_cap.
o First Part = .../cap/pen_cap
o Project Name = default (pen_cap)
o Material = ABS
o Configuration = Mold.V1
o Project Units = Inch
o Name Rule =
o Next Number = 01
o Mold CSYS = default
2. Create a Workpiece using the following start and end values:
o Start = –0.5
o End = 2
3. Using the Cavity layout command, auto center the workpiece.
4. Prepare the part for tooling design.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Parting Tools to display

the *_parting component.
Verify that pen_cap_parting_023 is now the displayed part. (The numeric suffix may

Click Mold Parting Tools to clear the toolbar.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Create Box .

In the Settings group, change the Clearance to 0.05.

CautionIf the default Clearance value exceeds the above value, you must use
additional trimming steps (not documented) to complete the activity.

Select the inner face containing the window openings.

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Select the small inner face nearest the top of the cap.

Click OK.

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TipIt is very fast to use a Boolean subtract to shape the patch body with multiple
faces and complex geometry. A Subtract at this stage would divide the patch
block into more than one piece. Currently, this removes all parameters and

5. Trim the patch block to the interior shape of the pen cap.

Design You are going to trim the rectangular patch body to the largest inside
Intent diameter of the part before you subtract.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Split Solid .

From the Type list, select Trim.
As the target solid, select the box you just created.
As the tool object, select the inner face containing the windows.

CautionSelect the same face with rectangular openings that you used to define the
patch block.

From the Tool group, select the Enlarge Face check box.
From the graphics area, drag one the Enlarge Face % V handled to a value of 500.
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The enlarged conical face should extend past the upper end of the box.

From the Split Solid dialog box, from the Tool group, click Reverse Direction .
In the Split Solid dialog box, click OK.
The trimmed block now resembles a truncated cone.

6. Use the patch body to create shut off faces in the windows.

Click Solid Patch .

The outer pen cap body was automatically selected as the target product body.
As the tool, select the new interior cylindrical patch body.

In the Solid Patch dialog box, in the Settings group, select the Subtract Tool Body check
This option will trim the patch body to fill the inside of the model with no interior pockets.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 45

Click OK.

Design The Solid Patch command removes several faces from the core region of
Intent the parting part. These removed faces do not appear in the core tooling
when you initially create it.
You will need to compensate for this after the core and cavity inserts are

7. Define the core and cavity faces.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Parting Tools .

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Region Analysis .

In the Check Region dialog box, click Calculate to accept the default body and
Select the Region tab.
On the Region page, verify that there are no unknown, vertical, or crossover faces.

Click Set Regions Color .

Click OK.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Define Regions .

In the Define Regions dialog box, in the Settings group, select the following check boxes.
o Create Regions
o Create Parting Lines
Click OK.
8. Create the parting surface.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Design Parting Surfaces .

From the Create Parting Surface group, click Bounded Plane .

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 46
From the Create Parting Surface group, verify that the Resize All Directions check box is
From the graphics area, drag one of the bounded plane handles so that the surface is larger
than the workpiece profile.

Click OK to create a single parting surface.

Fit the view to the window to see the parting face.
9. Complete the core and cavity bodies.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Define Cavity and Core .
In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, in the Select Sheets group, from the Region
Name list, select All Regions.
In the Settings group, clear the No Interaction Queries check box.
In the Sew Tolerance box, type a value of 0.1.
Click OK.
In the *_cavity part, in the View Parting Result dialog box, click OK.
In the *_core part, in the View Parting Result dialog box, click OK.
10. Display the core and parting components.
Use the Window menu to display pen_cap_prod_004 (the numeric suffix may vary).
Using the Assembly Navigator, make pen_cap_core_007 (the numeric suffix may vary) the
Work Part.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click View Manager .

From the View Manager Browser, locate the Freeze node.
Under the Freeze node, right-click Core and choose Isolate.
In its current state, the core body is similar to the following figure.

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Under the Freeze node, select the Parting node check box to show the component.
Make layer 25 the Work Layer.
Make layer 1 Invisible.

NoteThe original patch block you created should now be visible from the parting

11. Compensate for geometry removed by Solid Patch.

Choose Insert→Combine Bodies→Unite.
In the Settings group, make certain that Keep Tool check box is cleared.
Select the larger, lower, core body as the target.

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On the Selection Bar, from the Select Scope list, select Entire Assembly.

On the Selection Bar, if necessary, click Create Interpart Link .

This option will create a WAVE Geometry Link into the Work Part.
As the tool, select the smaller interior patch.

From the Interpart Copy message box, click OK.

From the Unite dialog box, click OK.
This unite operation compensates for faces removed from the parting part by the patch
12. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Create Box, Split Solid, Enlarge Surface Patch,
and Solid Patch.
Enlarge Surface Patch
Design The phone_case6 part has a contoured parting.
You are going to use the Enlarge Surface Patch command to create a natural
parting face that follows the contour of the product.

You are going to practice using a modeling application dialog box to edit an
enlarged surface patch.

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Launch the activity.
1. If necessary, pin the Part Navigator in the open position.

WarningYou should be in the Modeling application.

NoteFeature time stamp numbers may vary from those mentioned in the following

3. Expand the Feature Group (7) “patch_set1” node.

5. Right-click Enlarge Surface (3) and choose Edit Parameters.
6. Move the sliders or drag the handles until the enlarged face is larger than the block.

Click OK.
8. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 50

 Use the Command Finder to search for Enlarge Surface Patch and Group Features.
Trim Solid and Reference Blend
Design The connect part has an interior window that must be shut-off.
You are going to use the Trim Solid and Reference Blend commands to create a
patch body to shut-off the opening.

Launch the activity.
Trim Solid and Reference Blend
1. Create a product tooling assembly for connect.
o First Part = ... / trimsolid / connect
o Project Name = default (connect)
o Material = ABS
o Configuration = ESI
o Project Units = Millimeters
o Name Rule =
o Next Number = 01
o Mold CSYS = default
2. Create the trim solid.
Make connect_ESI_Analysis_003 the displayed part.

If necessary, click Mold Tools to display the Mold Tools toolbar.

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On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Trim Solid .
From the Type list, select Face.
From the graphics window, select the following:
o The inner face under the clip overhang.
o The narrow inner face opposite the clip overhang.

NoteNotice that a preview block is constructed as you select faces.

From the Settings group, in the Bounding Box Clearance box, type 0.85.
Press Enter.

From the Trim Face group, click Faces inside Bounding Box .

Design IntentThe trim direction vector must point outward.

If necessary, click Reverse Direction to change the trim vector.

Click OK.

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3. Edit the patch body.

Design Notice that the patch body extends slightly beyond the flat face at the XC-
Intent YC plane. Because that one face was not trimmed, it retains a default
clearance value.
You are going to adjust the clearance for that one face.

Use the QuickPick dialog box or the Part Navigator to select the
feature KF_BOUNDBOX(2).
Right-click the selected feature and choose Edit Parameters.
Drag the clearance handle of face (1) shown above from 0.1 mm to 0 mm.

Click OK.
4. Use the Reference Blend command to add radii to the trim solid patch body.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Reference Blend .

Select the cylindrical blend face at the top of the trim solid.

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On the Selection Bar, from the Curve Rule list, verify that Tangent Curves is selected.
Select the unblended edges around the top of the patch solid as shown below.

Click OK.

NoteThe patch body can now be used with Solid Patch or Trim Region Patch to
complete the cavity and core design.

5. Save and close all parts.

Replace Solid and Trim Region Patch
Design You are going to use the Replace Solid, Reference Blend, and Trim Region
Intent Patch commands to create a patch sheet for an opening.

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Launch the activity.
Replace Solid and Trim Region Patch
1. From the replacesolid folder, open replace_ESI_Top_001.
2. Display the analysis part.

NoteIn the ESI structure, the analysis part is used when you create parting features.

Click Mold Parting Tools to change the displayed part.

Click Mold Parting Tools to clear the toolbar.

In the un-patched opening, you are going to construct two sheets like the ones in the other
opening. The required sheets include:
o A sheet to shut off a closed loop on the inner part walls.
o A sheet to shut off an open loop on the outer part wall adjacent to the parting.

3. If the Mold Tools toolbar is not displayed, on the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold

Tools .
4. Using Replace Solid, create a tool solid.

Design IntentYou are going to fill the opening on the inside of the product.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Replace Solid .

In the Replacement Face group, if necessary, select the Create Bounding Box check box.
Select the five faces of the opening shown in the following figures.

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NoteThe order of selection is not important.

Click OK.

5. Create reference blends to complete the patch body.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Reference Blend .

Select either one of the two blend faces shown.

Select both of the edges shown.

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Click OK.

Design There is an area of the body that interferes with another blend, but this
Intent does not matter. you are going to use the body to define a Trim Region
Patch feature.

6. Define a Trim Region Patch feature.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Trim Region Patch .

Select the new patch body.

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In the Trim Region Patch dialog box, in the Boundary group, verify that the Type list is
set to Body/Curve.
Select the solid model of the linked body part.
In the Trim Region Patch dialog box, in the Region group, select Select Region.
Select the inside of the patch body to define the region shown below.

Click OK.
7. Create an edge patch on the open loop above the parting loop.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Edge Patch .

In the Edge Patch dialog box, in the Type list, select Traverse.
In the Traverse Loop group, expand the Settings group and select the Traverse by Face
Color and the End Edge check boxes.
For the start edge, select one of the vertical edges adjacent to the parting at the upper
end, as shown at the position marked (1).
For the end edge, select the opposite vertical edge, as shown at the position marked (2).

In the Traverse Loop group, in the Segments group, click Close Loop .
In the Loop List group, select Select Reference Face.
With the single face highlighted as shown in the following figure, click OK.

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NoteThe part is now completely patched. The openings are formed by the core.

8. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Replace Solid and Trim Region Patch.
Merge cavities
Design You are going to merge the cavity and core bodies in a family mold.
The assembly does not contain the example merge parts. You are going to
create new components.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 59

Launch the activity.
Merge cavities
1. From your merge folder, open merge_top_010.

2. If the Mold Tools toolbar is not already displayed, on the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold

Tools .
3. Create the combined core component.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Merge Cavities .

In the Merge Cavities dialog box, in the Components group, from the list,
select merge_comb-core_016.
From the graphics area, select the two core bodies.

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In the Design Methods group, if necessary, select Unite Body in Target.
Click Apply.
4. Create the combined cavity component.
In the Components group, from the list, select merge_comb-cavity_024.
Select the two cavity bodies.

Click Apply.
5. Create the combined workpiece component.
In the Components group, from the list, select merge_comb-wp_015.
Select the two workpiece bodies.

Click OK.

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TipYou can use a combined workpiece to create pockets in mold plates.
You can add clearance to combined workpiece faces without affecting the
combined cavity and core bodies.

6. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Merge Cavities.

Design a sub-insert and foot
DesigYou are going to design an insert for a high-wear area in one of the core bodies of a
n family mold.

Launch the activity.
Design a sub-insert and foot
1. From your insert folder, open insert_top_010

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 62

2. In the Assembly Navigator, expand the insert_layout_022 node and
the insert_combined_013 node.
3. Right-click the insert_comb-core_016 node and choose Make Displayed Part.

Design You are going to design an insert for the area shown in the following
Intent figure.

4. If the Mold Tools toolbar is not displayed, on the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold

Tools .
5. Create a box to define the insert body.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Create Box .

In the Settings group, in the Clearance box, if necessary, type 1 and press Enter.
Select one of the blend radii of the insert area, as shown in the following figure.

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Select the diagonally opposite blend, as shown.

Drag the handle on the –Z side of the box until the box breaks through the lower faces of
the insert, as shown.

Click OK.
6. (Optional) Add blends to the new insert.
Create a 2 mm edge blend on the four vertical edges as shown.

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TipYou can select hidden edges as shown in the preceding figure.
On the selection bar, select Allow Selection of Hidden Edges.

7. Create the insert body.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Split Solid .

In the Split Solid dialog box, from the Type list, select Split.
Select the core insert body.
Use QuickPick to select the new sub-insert Solid Body, as shown.

Click OK.
8. Define the insert component and foot.

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Design Inserts .

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From the Parent Part list, select Work Part.
In the Reference Plane group, if necessary, select Select Bottom Face.
Select the lower planar face of the core insert as shown.

In the Sub-insert Solid group, click Select Solid.

Design The parent body of the face you selected as the reference plane, the sub–
Intent insert, should now be selected.

In the Foot group, from the Foot Type list, if necessary, select Box.

Design The current foot thickness is too great for the amount of material in the
Intent insert.
You can see in the bitmap that Z_L is the foot thickness parameter.

In the parameter list, scroll to and select Z_L.

In the parameter edit box, type 5 and press Enter.
In the Settings group, select the Rename Components check box.
Click OK.
In the Part Name Management dialog box, select the row containing the default name.
Double-click the selected cell in the Part Name column, and, in the box,
type core_subinsert and press Enter.
Click OK.
9. Verify the structure.
In the Assembly Navigator, under the insert_comb-core_016 node, verify that the new
component has the name you specified.
Over the view background, right-click and choose Rendering Style→Partially Shaded.
Examine the foot and the false body.

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10. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Create Box, Split Solid, and Design Inserts.
Simulate the mold assembly motion
Design IntentYou are going to run a motion simulation for the saw cover mold assembly.


Launch the activity.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 67

imulate the mold assembly motion
1. From the motion_sim folder, open the motion_top tooling assembly.

2. Add a Kinematic Model template.

If necessary, on the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Tools .

On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Tooling Motion Simulation .

From the Type list, select Add Kinematic Model.
From the Kinematic Model list, select Tooling Kinematic Model.
Click Apply.
3. Define the machine stroke and ejection distance.
From the Kinematic Parameter list, select the Two-plate Style radio button.
In the Machine Stroke box, type 200 and press Enter.
In the Ejection Distance box, type 50 and press Enter.
Click OK.
4. Define the move and fix half mount components.

Design You will define the Move, Fix, and Ejection components, but you will first
Intent need to use the View Manager and Assembly Navigator to show only the
components desired.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click View Manager .

If necessary, dock the View Manager Browser.
From the View Manager Browser, right-click the mold fixed half node and choose Isolate.

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On the Mold Tools toolbar, click Tooling Motion Simulation .
From the Type list, select Mount Component.
From the Component Mounting list, select FIX.
From the graphics area, select all visible fixed half components.

Click Apply.
From the View Manager Browser, right-click the mold move half node and choose Isolate.
From the Tooling Motion Simulation dialog box, from the Component Mounting list,
select MOVE.
From the graphics area, select all visible movable half components.

Click Apply.
5. Define the ejection and product model mount components.
From the View Manager Browser, right-click the Ejection node and choose Isolate.
From the Assembly Navigator, expand the motion_dm and motion_movehalf nodes.
Show the following components:
o motion_eja
o motion_ejb
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 69
o motion_scr_e (4 components)

From the Component Mounting list, select EJECTION.

From the graphics area, select all visible ejection components.
Click Apply.
From the View Manager Browser, locate the Freeze.
Under the Freeze node, right-click the Parting node and choose Isolate.
From the Component Mounting list, select PRODUCT.
From the graphics area, select both parting body components.

Click Apply.
From the View Manager Browser, right-click the Top node and choose Isolate.
6. Run the complete tooling simulation.
From the Tooling Motion Simulation dialog box, from the Type list, select Run

From the Run Simulation group, click Run Simulation .

NoteThe displayed part has changed to show

the Tooling_kinematics_copy assembly.

Fit your graphics area and rotate your model as needed.

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From the Refresh group, adjust the slider to a value of 1.0.

From the Controls group, click Play .

From the Run Simulation dialog box, click Close.
From the Tooling Motion Simulation dialog box, click Cancel.
7. Optional: Specify the slide body cams.

CautionIf you are using the NX8.0.1 software release or later you can use the Define
Cam function to simulate mechanical slides.

From the View Manager Browser, right-click the Slide/Lifter node and choose Isolate.

If necessary, on the Mold Tools toolbar, click Tooling Motion Simulation .

From the Type list, select Define Cam.
From the Define Cam group, select the User Defined Cam radio button.

From the Define Cam group, click Define Cam .

From the graphics area, select the left motion_bdy slide component.

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From the Linear Cam dialog box, from the Cam Drive group, select Select Bodies.
From the graphics area, select the left motion_cm cam lock block component.

From the Linear Cam dialog box, from the Cam Direction group, specify a YC

Axis vector.
From the Cam Direction group, in the Backstop Offset box, type 6.5 and press Enter.

NoteThis value can be any distance larger than the slide travel.

From the Name group, in the Name box, type slide1 and press Enter.

From the Linear Cams group, click Add New Set .

If all the linear cam parameters have been defined correctly, the slide motion is
From the Linear Cam dialog box, from the Cam group, select Select Bodies.
From the graphics area, select the right motion_bdy slide component.

From the Linear Cam dialog box, from the Cam Drive group, select Select Bodies.
From the graphics area, select the right motion_cm cam lock block component.

From the Linear Cam dialog box, from the Cam Direction group, specify a –YC

Axis vector.
From the Cam Direction group, in the Backstop Offset box, type 6.5 and press Enter.
From the Name group, in the Name box, type slide2 and press Enter.

From the Linear Cams group, click Add New Set .

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 72
If all the linear cam parameters have been defined correctly, the slide motion is
Click OK.
From the View Manager Browser, right-click the Top node and choose Isolate.
8. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Tooling Motion Simulation.

7. Partings

Molded Part Validation

Design You are going to use the Molded Part Validation command to evaluate a part.
This could help you to estimate the amount of rework for the mold, or to identify
areas for the designer to repair before you begin work.

Launch the activity.
Molded Part Validation
1. From the mpv folder, open vac_attachment.

On the Standard toolbar, click Open .

From the mpv folder, select vac_attachment and click OK.

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2. Evaluate the part using the Molded Part Validation command.

Choose Analysis→Molded Part Validation→Check Regions .

From the Product Body and Direction group, select Specify Draw Direction.
Select the Z-axis of the datum coordinate system.

From the Product Body and Direction group, click Reverse Direction .

From the Calculate group, click Calculate .

3. Inspect the part
If necessary, set the Rendering Style to Shaded.
In the Check Regions dialog box, select the Face tab.
From the Face Draft Angle group, select the two Positive check boxes.
Click Apply.
Rotate your part to review the cavity side.
Clear the Positive check boxes.

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NoteAll faces with positive angles greater than or equal to 3° (1) and all faces with
positive angle less than 3° (2) are colored to match the respective color buttons
on the dialog box.

Select the Negative check boxes.

Click Apply.
Rotate the part to see the core side.
Clear the Negative check boxes.

NoteFaces with negative angles greater than or equal to 3° (4) and all faces with
negative angle less than 3° (3) are colored to match the respective color
buttons on the dialog box.

Select the Vertical check box.

Move the Non Selected Faces Translucency slider to about 80 per cent.

NoteThe vertical faces are highlighted.

Enabling transparency of other faces with edges not displayed makes it easy to
see where highlighted are located.

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Click Apply.
Clear the Vertical check box.
Change the Draft Angle Limit to 1.0 and press Enter.
Select Positive < 1 and Negative < 1.
The highlighted faces all have less than 1° draft.

Change the Draft Angle Limit to 0.5 and press Enter.

The display is updated to show faces with less than 0.5 degrees draft.

From the Face Draft Angle group, clear all the check boxes.
From the Undercut group, select the Crossover Faces check box.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 76

The four faces that cross the parting with respect to the current coordinate system are

4. Restore uniform face colors.

Clear all check boxes.
With the Check Regions dialog box still open, choose Edit→Object Display.
Select the part solid and click OK.
Set the part body color to Color 87, Light Gray.

In the Settings group, select the Apply to All Faces of Selected Body check box.
Click OK.

NoteThe Check Regions dialog box is still open. It reappears when you close the Edit
Object Display dialog box.

5. Find the minimum radius on the part.

Click the Information tab.
Under Check Scope, select Sharp Corners.
Under Small Corner Radius Faces, under Range Type, if necessary, select Uniform.

NoteThe Uniform option divides the size range between Lower Limit and Upper
Limit into twelve equal, consecutive size ranges, and identifies the number of
faces in each range. You can set the colors for each range and apply them to the

Select the check box for 0.000 to 0.500 mm.

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NoteThe four faces with a small radius in the size range 0.000 to 0.500 mm are

In the Range Type group, select the Plain radio button.

NoteThe Plain option divides the size range between Lower Limit and Upper
Limit into twelve exact sizes, assigns a tolerance to each size, and identifies the
number of faces in each range. You can adjust the tolerances. You can set the
colors for each range and apply them to the model.

Select the check box for the last row (0.000 to 0.0000 mm).
Set the tolerance to 0.2 mm and press Enter.

NoteThere are zero faces in this range. You can find the smallest radius by increasing
the tolerance until faces are highlighted.

Set the tolerance to 0.25 mm and press Enter.

NoteThere are two faces in the 0.25 mm radius tolerance range of zero millimeter
radius. In production, you can examine such faces much more closely to
determine if corrections to the model are necessary. Occasionally, the radius

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 78

detected does not reflect the true shape of the surface.

Click OK close the dialog box.

6. Analyze the wall thickness of the part.

Choose Analysis→Molded Part Validation→Check Wall Thickness .

NoteThe Check Wall Thickness dialog box has two main calculation methods, both
based on finite element mesh analysis.
The default Rolling Ball algorithm calculates the size of ball that can fit inside
the body at various points along the surfaces. This method is comparatively fast
with many models (not this one) but certain results could be misleading to
anyone not familiar with the method. For example, near sharp corners, where
smaller and smaller ball sizes fit in the vicinity of the sharp edge, the reported
thickness approaches zero.

Click Calculate Thickness .

NoteNotice that the Status line informs you of the calculation progress.
The analysis display quickly shows the typical wall thickness of approximately
3.5 mm. It shows the thickest sections (most vulnerable to sink defects) are 6
It also shows many faces with zero thickness, which is simply a limitation of the

Change the Calculation Method option to Ray.

Select Project to Face in Ray Method.

NoteYou can think of the Ray method as constructing a perpendicular line at each
point on the finite element mesh, and determining how far the line can extend
before it passes through the material. The Project to Face option projects mesh
points in a normal direction onto their parent faces before reporting the length
of the rays.

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Click Calculate Thickness .

NoteThe result display is different from rolling ball; however, both may be useful to

Cancel the Check Wall Thickness dialog box.

7. Close the part.
8. Examine a saved analysis.

On the Standard toolbar, click Open .

In the Open Part File dialog box, expand the View Menu list and select Details.

NoteNotice that the file wall_results (57 MB) is considerably larger

than vac_attachment (7 MB).
The former file has the results of a larger analysis, tolerance 0.02 and size 2.0.
Otherwise, the files are identical.

Open wall_results.

Choose Analysis→Molded Part Validation→Check Wall Thickness .

On the Check Wall Thickness dialog box, select the Inspect tab.

NoteNotice the relatively immediate display.

9. Review the thick areas of the part.

From the Face Selection Filter group, select the Thickness Range check box.
In the Low box, type 6.0 and press Enter.
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 80
In the High box, type 10.0 and press Enter.
Click Apply.
Review which areas are displayed as walls with a thickness between 6 and 10mm.

10. Close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools and Molded Part Validation.
Face Split and Assign to Region
The battery pack model has several holes and a crossover face that extends around an
interior window. You are going to:

 Identify and split the face that crosses over a core/cavity shut-off.
 Manually assign faces to the cavity side.
 Patch the holes.

You are not going to complete this assembly, so you are going to use the ESI template,
which has only a few parts.

Launch the activity.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 81

Face Split and Assign to Region
1. Create a product tooling assembly for battery_split.

WarningIf other parts are open, you must close them now.

o First part = ... / face_split / battery_split

o Project Name = patch
o Material = PS
o Configuration = ESI
o Project Units = Millimeter
o Rename Components = checked
From the Part Name Management dialog box, from the Name Rule list, select
In the Next Part Name Number box, type 01.

Click Set All Names .

Click OK.

Use the Current WCS to define the Mold CSYS .

2. Change the color of the parting body.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Parting Tools .

Design The parting body is colored similarly to the highlight color.

Intent You are going to edit the initial color of the parting body to make the
crossover faces easier to see.

Choose Edit→Object Display.

Select the parting body.
In the Class Selection dialog box, click OK.
In the Edit Object Display dialog box, in the Basic group, click the Color swatch.
In the Color dialog box, in the Selected Color group, in the ID box, enter 87.
Click OK.
In the Edit Object Display dialog box, click OK.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 82

3. Find crossover faces

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Region Analysis .

In the Check Regions dialog box, expand the Inferred Vector button stack.
From the Inferred Vector list, click ZC-axis.

From the Calculate group, click Calculate .

In the Check Regions dialog box, select the Face tab.
Select the Crossover Faces check box to identify the crossover faces.
One crossover face (1) represents a hole that must be patched and integrated into a slide
or lifter.

The remaining crossover face (2) must be split at the boundary between the core and
4. Split the crossover face for the inner loop shut-off area.
From the Commands group, click Face Split.
From the Type list, select Isocline.
From the graphics window, select the crossover face as shown below.
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 83
TipOnly crossover faces are selectable when you select the Isocline option.

In the Split Face dialog box, click OK.

From the Undercut group, note that Crossover Faces count still displays 2.
You have a choice to make. You can:
o Assign all of the crossover faces to the Core or Cavity manually.
o Force a reevaluation and potentially eliminate many manual face assignments.

Design IntentYou will force a reevaluation.

TipYou can force a reevaluation of the model in Check Regions by exiting from
dialog box and starting it again.

In the Check Regions dialog box, click OK.

5. Redefine cavity and core regions.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Region Analysis .

In the Check Regions dialog box, from the Calculate group, select Reset All.

Click Calculate .

TipThe software uses the direction you set in the previous evaluation.

Select the Region tab.

From the Undefined Region area, note the following object count:
o Undefined Region = 3
o Crossover Region Faces = 1 (slide hole)
o Crossover Vertical Faces = 2 (no draft faces)
o Unknown Faces = 0
All but three faces are identified.
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 84
From the Define Regions group, click Set Regions Color .

From the Settings group, clear all check boxes.

Select the Crossover Region Faces check box.
Only one face is highlighted.
In the Assign to Region group, select Cavity Region.
Click Apply.
Select the Crossover Vertical Faces check box.
Both of the no draft faces highlight.

In the Assign to Region group, select Cavity Region.

Click Apply.
Note the object count for the Undefined Region is now 0,
Click OK.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 85

6. Create the patch surfaces for the core and cavity shut-offs.

Design You manually created shut-off surfaces for this part in an earlier activity,
Intent but now that the Region Analysis is complete, you will create the required
patch sheets automatically.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Patch Surfaces .

From the Type list, select Body.
From the graphics window, select the product solid body.
Click OK to create the patch surfaces.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Parting Tools to clear the toolbar.
7. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools and Face Split.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 86

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools and Patch Surfaces.
Extract Regions
You are going to work with a product that requires three slides.

Two slide tips for the clips are already created with replace face.

For the third slide, you are going to define a region to mold the end face and three holes.

Launch the activity.
Extract Regions
1. From your extract folder, open extract_top_010.

2. Design the cavity and core regions.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Parting Tools .

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Region Analysis .

In the Check Regions dialog box, click Calculate .

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 87

Select the Region tab.

NoteNotice that there are 3 unknown faces and 1 vertical face.

The vertical face and the unknown faces (three holes) are going to be formed by
a slide.

Click Set Regions Color .

Click OK.
3. Patch the holes.

NoteIf you do not patch up holes before you define the parting lines, there will be
extra parting loops created at the hole edges.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Patch Surfaces .

In the Loop Selection group, from the Type list, select Face.
From the graphics area, select the core side planar face adjacent to the holes as shown

From the Loop List, notice there are now 3 loops (1 for each hole).
Click OK.
4. Define a slide region.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Define Regions .

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 88

In the Define Regions dialog box, in the Define Regions group, from the list,
select Undefined Faces.

NoteNotice that the undefined faces are the one vertical and three hole faces which
will comprise of the slide tip geometry.

From the list, select New region.

Click the selected New Region row in the list.
Re-selecting the row allows you to specify a new name for the region.
In the box, type mouse2_end_slide and press Enter.
In the Face Properties group, click the Color swatch.
In the Color dialog box, in the Palette group, under Principal, click the yellow swatch.

TipYou can scroll down to the Selected Color group to verify the color ID and Name.

In the Color dialog box, click OK.

In the Define Regions group, click Select Region Faces .

Select the vertical face and the three hole faces.

Click Apply.

NoteNotice that there are now zero undefined faces.

Region Name Count

All Faces 26
Undefined Faces 0
Cavity region 2
Core region 20
mouse2_end_slide 4
New region 0
5. Create the regions and parting lines.
In the Settings group, select the following check boxes.
o Create Regions
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 89
o Create Parting Lines
Click OK.
In the Parting Navigator, in the tree diagram, clear the Product Body check box.
If necessary, select the Parting Lines check box.

NoteThe parting lines should look like the following figure.

Select the Cavity check box.

Select the Core check box.

NoteSelecting one region deselects any other region.

Select the mouse2_end_slide check box.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Parting Tools to clear the toolbar and Parting
6. Save and close all parts.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 90

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools.

 Use the Command Finder to search for Patch Surfaces.
Create guide lines
You are going to design guide lines to make sure the parting in the slide area is constructed
suitably for a push-pull slide that moves perpendicular to the adjacent workpiece and mold

Launch the activity.
Create guide lines
1. From your guides folder, open guides_top_010.

2. Define guide lines.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Parting Tools .

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 91

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Design Parting Surface .
In the Design Parting Surface dialog box, from the Edit Parting Segments group, click Edit

Guide Lines .
In the Guide Line dialog box, in the Guide Line group, from the Direction list, select Snap
to WCS Axis.
Select the linear parting line at the two ends shown as locations (1) and (2) in the following

Click the ends of the contoured curve adjacent to the straight edge, shown as locations (3)
and (4) in the following figure.

Click Apply.

NoteIn the slide area, the two guides based on the straight edge are sufficient to
define two parting segments.
The guide line structure should resemble the following figure.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 92

Click Cancel.
In the Design Parting Surface dialog box, click OK.
3. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools.

 Use the Command Finder to search for Design Parting Surface.
Create parting surfaces
You are going to create parting surfaces for a part with two parting loops.

Suitable guide lines are already present.

Launch the activity.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 93

Create parting surfaces
1. From your parting folder, open parting_top_010.

2. Create the first parting sheet.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, if necessary, click Mold Parting Tools .

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Design Parting Surfaces

If the highlighted parting segment is not the one that is shown below, select it in the
graphics window.

TipYou can control the order of processing parting segments by selecting a curve
segment to process.

In the Design Parting Surface dialog box, in the Method group, if necessary,

click Extrude .
Click Apply.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 94

3. Create a parting sheet for the upper slide segment.
If the highlighted segment is not the one that is shown, select it in the graphics window.

If necessary, click Extrude .

With the vector direction pointing outward along the guide line, click Apply.

4. Create a parting sheet for the contoured parting segment.

With the contoured segment highlighted, in the Method group, click Ribbon Surface .

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 95

If necessary, select the Trim with Guide Lines check box.
Click Apply.

Design There are two corners adjacent to the slide that are not created correctly
Intent due to the upper slide parting surface geometry.
You are going to edit the two transition points to recreate the corner
parting sheets.

5. Use the Auto transition parting surface type to correct the corner parting surfaces.
In the Design Parting Surfaces dialog box, in the Parting Lines group, select Select
Parting Lines.
On the Selection bar, from the Type Filter list, select Point.
Select the transition point at the location shown as shown below.

From the Transition Parting Surface Type group, click Auto .

Highlight the Select Primary Edges selection step.
Note that the Select Primary Edges object count is (2).
Hold the Shift key and deselect the linear edge shown.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 96

Note that the Select Primary Edges object count is now only (1). The transition surface
selected both the lower and upper slide parting surface edges which caused the corner
patch to fail.
Select the linear edge of the parting surface on the opposite side of the corner as shown.

Click Apply.

Select the other corner transition point and use the same steps to create the parting
transition surface.

6. Review the completed parting surfaces.

On the Selection bar, from the Type Filter list, select No Selection Filter.
In the Design Parting Surfaces dialog box, click Cancel.
On the Parting Navigator, change the display of the following Parting Objects:

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 97

o Product Body = checked
o Workpiece Wireframe = cleared
o Guide Lines = cleared
Rotate the display and review your completed parting surfaces.

7. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools.

 Use the Command Finder to search for Design Parting Surfaces.
Define the cavity, core, and slide
Design You are going to create the cavity, core, and slide bodies for a part with
Intent multiple parting loops.

Launch the activity.
Define the cavity, core, and slide
1. From the multiple folder, open multiple_top_010.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 98

2. Create the cavity parting.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Define Cavity and Core .
In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, in the Select Sheets group, from the Region
Name list, select Cavity region.

NoteIf they are not selected automatically, select the corner faces and the face over
the slide.

In the Select Sheets selection step, verify that count is (5).

From the Settings group, clear the No Interaction Queries check box.
From the Settings group, in the Sew Tolerance box, type 0.1 and press Enter.
Click Apply.
In the cavity part, with the View Parting Result dialog box open, verify that the trim result
is like the following figure.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 99

TipIf the default trim direction should ever happen to be incorrect, you can
click Reverse Normal to flip the trim.

With the part trimmed in the direction shown in the preceding illustration, click OK.
3. Create the core parting.
In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, select Core region.

NoteIf they are not selected automatically, select the corner faces and the face
under the slide.

In the Select Sheets selection step, verify that count is (8).

Click Apply.
In the core part, with the View Parting Result dialog box open, verify that the trim result
is like the following figure.

With the part trimmed in the direction shown in the preceding illustration, click OK.
4. Create the slide parting.
In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, select mouse2_end_slide.

NoteIf they are not selected automatically, select the faces adjacent to the slide.

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In the Select Sheets selection step, verify that count is (6).
Click Apply.
In the slide part, with the View Parting Result dialog box open, verify that the trim result
is like the following figure.

With the part trimmed in the direction shown in the preceding illustration, click OK.

NoteThe Region Name list should look like the following figure.

Cavity region
Core region
In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, click Cancel.
5. Use the Window pull-down menu to change the Displayed Part (one component at a time)
to review the cavity, core and slide.
6. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 101

User defined parting
The assembly has a single patch sheet created with the Enlarge Surface command.

You are going to define the cavity and core using this patch sheet in place of a parting

Launch the activity.
User defined parting
1. From your user_parting folder, open user_parting_top_010.

2. Create cavity and core regions.

Verify from the Parting Navigator tree diagram that parting sheets, parting lines, and
region sheets do not yet exist.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Define Regions .

In the Define Regions dialog box, in the Settings group, select the Create Regions check

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 102

If necessary, clear the Create Parting Lines check box.

WarningNormally, parting lines are be used to define a parting sheet. Since you
already have the sheet, you do not need parting lines.

Click OK to create the region features.

3. Add the user defined parting sheet as a Mold Wizard Parting Surface.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Edit Parting and Patch Surface .
From the graphics area, select the contoured sheet body.
Click OK.
4. Create the cavity and core.

Click Define Cavity and Core .

In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, in the Select Sheets group, from the Region
Name list, select All Regions.
In the Settings group, if necessary, clear the No Interaction Queries check box.
In the Sew Tolerance box, type 0.1 and press Enter.
Click OK.

NoteNotice that the patch sheet is used automatically.

In the cavity part, in the View Parting Result dialog box, with the cavity trim as shown,
click OK.

In the core part, in the View Parting Result dialog box, with the core trim as shown,
click OK.

Use the Window pull-down menu to display the top level assembly part.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 103

5. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools.

 Use the Command Finder to search for Edit Parting and Patch Surface.
Swap and update after simple changes
This tray assembly has modifications in the molding part.

you are going to:

 Identify changes in a replacement model that affect only auto patched holes but not the
parting curve loop or parting sheets.
 Swap the new product model into the assembly.
 Update the core and cavity.

Launch the activity.
Swap and update after simple changes
1. From the simple_swap folder, open simple_swap_top_010.

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2. Examine the parting part.

If necessary, click Mold Parting Tools .

In the Parting Navigator observe that the following features are present:
o Parting Lines
o Patch Surfaces
o Cavity Sheet
o Core Sheet
NoteYou must expand the Cavity and Core nodes to see their
respective Sheet nodes.

3. Compare the model to a new revision.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Swap Model .

In the Open dialog box, select cardholder_rev and click OK.
In the Swap Settings dialog box, if necessary, select the check box for Compare and Match
If necessary, select the check box for Remove Parting Features.

NoteWhen you select Remove Parting Features the old parting is removed and
replaced by mapped features in the new part.

In the Compare Tolerance box, type 0.002.

In the Swap Settings dialog box, click OK
In the Model Comparison dialog box, from the View Display group, select
both Shading check boxes.
Click Apply.

WarningWhen you use the Model Compare command the original product model is
automatically opened.

Confirm that you see the original product model by noticing the absence of draft on the
four ribs and two of the feet.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 105

NoteDownstream changes such as ones made in the molding part are invisible to this

Use the slider to apply about 30 per cent Translucency to the new model.
Notice that the only changes are the removal of two slots in the base of the tray and a
circular gap in the set of ribs.

From the Model Comparison dialog box, click Back.

In the Swap Product Model dialog box, read the instruction about updating all features,
and then click OK.
In the Information window, notice that the:
o Modeling features in the parting part are all marked inactive.
o Report ends with the comment: No features are marked out of date.

NoteIn more complex models some features might be out of date such as:
o Patch Sets
o Solid Patches

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o Parting Surfaces

Close the Information window.

You now need to update Mold Wizard geometry.
4. Update the parting part.
In the Part Navigator, with your cursor in the background, right-click and choose Update
to End.
Notice that the patch sets fail to update.
The two slots that were patched no longer exist.
In the Part Navigator, hold the Ctrl key and select both Feature Group (7)
“patch_set1” and Feature Group (11) patch_set2
Over the selected nodes, right-click and choose Delete.
In the Delete Feature Group dialog box, click Feature Group and Members.
In the warning dialog box, click OK to proceed with the delete.
5. Update the core and cavity insert models.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Define Cavity and Core .

NoteNotice that the Patch Surfaces are gone, and the parting sheet and regions are

In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, in the Select Sheets group, from the Region
Name list, select All Regions.
Click OK.
In the cavity part, in the View Parting Result dialog box, with the cavity trim as shown,
click OK.

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In the core part, in the View Parting Result dialog box, with the core trim as shown,
click OK.

Use the Parting Navigator to display the Product Body.

NoteNotice that the slot openings and the circular break in the ribs are gone.

6. Replace the product model with the Empty reference set.

Use the Window pull-down menu to display the simple_swap_top_010 assembly.
In the Assembly Navigator, expand the layout, prod, and parting-set nodes.
Right-click the cardholder_rev node and choose Replace Reference Set→Empty.
7. Update the molding part and verify that the draft features and blend are active and
attached properly to the updated linked body.
In the Assembly Navigator, right-click simple_swap_molding_025 and choose Make
Displayed Part.
In the Part Navigator, with your cursor in the background, right-click and choose Update
to End.
In the graphics window, verify that the draft features and blend updated to linked body

8. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 108
 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools.
 Use the Command Finder to search for Swap Model.
Swap and update with parting loop changes
The product model swap for this activity has changes that affect the parting curve loop,
parting sheets, and (possibly) patch sheets.

You are going to swap models and complete the necessary updates.

Launch the activity.
Swap and update with parting loop changes
1. From your phone_swap folder, open swap_top_010.

2. Open the original product model.

From the Assembly Navigator, right-click the swap_prod_003 node and choose Make
Displayed Part.
Right-click the swap_prod_003 node and choose Show.
Expand the swap_parting-set_021 node.
Right-click the phone_upper_case_rev0 node and choose Open→Component Fully.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 109

3. Swap product models.

If necessary, click Mold Parting Tools .

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Swap Model .

In the Open dialog box, select phone_upper_case_rev1 and click OK.
In the Swap Settings dialog box, select the check boxes for both Compare and Match
UI and Remove Parting Features.
In the Compare Tolerance box, type 0.001.
Click OK
In the Model Comparison dialog box, in the View Display group, select both of
the Shading check boxes.
Click the Unchanged faces color swatch.
Click Cyan (31) and click OK.
Click the New faces color swatch.
Click Magenta (181) and click OK.
In the Model Comparison dialog box, click Apply.
Try changing the translucency of both models to about 50 per cent and look for these
o One hole face was removed.

o There are two new through holes.

o The parting has changed due to a new opening on the right side at the parting plane.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 110

o There are new rib faces in the core region,

o An original core face was spit into two new and one existing face by the ribs.
NoteYou can save patch operations by mapping the removed hole (1) to the nearby
new hole (2).
Effectively, you are specifying that the hole moved.

In the Model Comparison dialog box, select the Match tab.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 111
On the Match page, in the Match Type group, verify that From original to new is selected.
In the Face/Edge Type group, select the Removed/New option.
In the Entity Type group, verify that Face is selected.
From the ORIGINAL_MODEL view, select the removed hole face.

From the NEW_MODEL view, select the new hole face.

Click Apply to save the matched pair of faces.

NoteNotice that the color now indicates that the pair are Altered faces.

In the Model Comparison dialog box, click Back to indicate that you are done with the
Eventually the swap completes with success.
Click OK to acknowledge the message.
Close the Information window.
4. Update the parting part.
In the Part Navigator, with your cursor in the background, right-click and choose Update
to End.
Examine the feature tree to verify that no features are out of date.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 112

5. Examine parting features.
Open the Parting Navigator.
In the Parting Navigator, in the tree diagram, hide everything except the Workpiece
Show the Parting Surfaces.

NoteYou will have one of two parting surface results.

a. Result possibility 1 will have only one gap in the parting surfaces.

b. Result possibility 2 will have on untrimmed surface and a gap in the paring surfaces.

One at a time, examine the Core Region and Cavity Region.

NoteNotice that the cavity region now includes some core faces.

6.Redefine the regions.

Click Region Analysis .

Select Edit Regions Only.

NoteYou do not need to repeat the analysis. You need only identify the faces

From the Calculate group, click Calculate .

Select the Region tab.
Select the Crossover Vertical Faces and Unknown Faces check boxes.
Under Assign to Region, select Core Region.
Click Apply.
Click OK.
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 113
7.Patch the new hole.

Click Patch Surfaces .

From the Type list, select Body.
From the graphics window, select the product body.
From the Loop List verify that one new loop has been found for the new hole.
Click OK.
8.Extract the redefined regions and parting lines.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Define Regions .

In the Define Regions dialog box, in the Settings group, select the following check boxes:
o Create Regions
o Create Parting Lines
Click OK.

NoteThe Existing Regions dialog box appears to warn you that there are already
region sheets in the part.
Since one of the existing sheets is incorrect, so you need to delete and recreate
the data.

In the Existing Regions dialog box, click Delete and Continue.

If necessary, close the Alerts window.
9.Create new guide lines.

Click Design Parting Surface .

From the Edit Parting Segments group, click Edit Guide Lines.
In the Guide Line dialog box, in the Guide Line group, from the Direction list, if
necessary, select Snap to WCS Axis.
Select the two curves adjacent to the new notch, as shown.

Click OK.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 114

10.Recreate the untrimmed parting surface.

WarningOnly if your parting surface updates resulted in the untrimmed surface as

shown below, proceed with the following steps.

In the Design Parting Surface dialog box, in the Parting Segments group, select Segment
With your cursor over the Segment 2 row, right-click and choose Delete Parting Surface.

If necessary, select Segment 2.

From the Create Parting Surface group, click Bounded Plane .

From the graphics area, use one of the bounded plane drag handles to size the surface
larger than the workpiece wireframe.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 115

Click Apply to complete the bounded plane parting surface.
If necessary, flip the trimmed sheet direction and click OK.
11.Create the missing parting sheets.
In the Design Parting Surface dialog box, in the Parting Segments group, select Segment
If the new notch segment is not highlighted, select the other out of date segment.

From the Create Parting Surface group, click Extrude .

Click Apply to create the parting surface.

With the straight Segment 4 highlighted, click Extrude .

In the Design Parting Surface dialog box, click OK.

12.Update the core and cavity inserts.

On the Mold Parting Tools toolbar, click Define Cavity and Core .
In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, in the Select Sheets group, from the Region
Name list, select Cavity region.
Click Apply.
In the cavity part, in the View Parting Result dialog box, with the cavity trim as shown,
click OK.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 116

In the Define Cavity and Core dialog box, in the Select Sheets group, from the Region
Name list, select Core region.
Click Apply.
In the core part, in the View Parting Result dialog box, with the core trim as shown,
click OK.

Click Cancel.
13.Clean up the assembly structure.
Use the Window pull-down menu to display swap_top_010.
In the Assembly Navigator, expand the layout, prod, and parting-set nodes.
Right-click the phone_upper_case_rev1 node and choose Replace Reference

NoteThe molding part for this project does not contain any part changes so no
further updates are required for swapping the new revision of the phone model.

14.Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Parting Tools.

 Use the Command Finder to search for Swap Model.
8.Mold Design Validation
Molding part topology changes and update
The tray part has some vertical faces that must have draft. You will use Mold Design
Validation to locate no draft faces on the core and cavity inserts.

In the *_molding part, you are gong to add draft to the vertical faces.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 117

Launch the activity.

Molding part topology changes and update

1. From your molding folder, open molding_top_010.

2. Analyze the core and cavity models.

Open the Assembly Navigator and expand the molding_layout_022 node.
Using the Assembly Navigator, make molding_combined_013 the displayed part.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Design Validation .

From the Checkers group, select the Mold Part Quality check box.
From the graphics window, select both the cavity and core solid bodies.

NoteYou may need to use QuickPick to avoid selecting the Pocket Body.

From the Checkers group, select the Model Quality check box.
From the graphics window, select both the cavity and core solid bodies.
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 118
NoteYou may need to use QuickPick to avoid selecting the Pocket Body.

Click Execute Check-Mate .

On the Mold Design Validation dialog box, click Close.
From the HD3D Tools manager, review the validation Results.

The validation results list shows the following:

o Model Quality passed all checks.
o No Undercuts were found.
o Checks for Draft Angle provided three Face Angle information objects.
From the Results list, expand the Draft Angle node.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 119

Select the Face Angle = 0 node to highlight the vertical faces and observe their location on
the model.

NoteThe validation found the following features to have a zero draft angle:
o Four ribs per part
o Two boss feet per part

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 120

o Circular indention cutouts
o Outer profile faces of the cavity and core block

From the View toolbar, click See-Thru All .

Right-click the selected Face Angle = 0 node and choose Expand.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 121

Zoom and rotate and observe how the draft information tags dynamically update to more
clearly display the selected faces.

Design The outer profile of the core insert is vertical by design. The feet require 2
Intent degrees of draft and the ribs need 3 degrees of draft to release from the
core steel. The circular indention cutout faces in the cavity insert are small
enough that having no draft will cause a molding problem.

From the top of the HD3D Tools manager, click Deactivate.

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 122

3. Change the displayed part to the *_molding component.
Choose Window→More and display molding_molding_025.

From the View toolbar, clear the See-Thru All button.

4. Add draft to the two feet.

On the Feature toolbar, click Draft .

In the Draft dialog box, in the Type group, from the list, select From Edges.
Indicate a draw direction by selecting the planar foot face shown in the following figure.

On the Selection bar, from the Curve Rule list, select Single Curve.
Select the edges of the 2 outer feet as shown in the following figure.

In the Stationary Edges group, Angle 1 box, type 3 and press Enter.
Click OK.

Design You are going to use the Draft Body command to add 2 degrees draft to
Intent the rib faces.

5. Apply Draft Body to the four rib areas.

On the Feature toolbar, click Draft Body .

In the Type group, expand the list and select Faces to Draft.
In the Draw Direction group, click Specify Vector.
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 123
Select the planar face of any one of the four feet.

NoteIf the vector indicator points into the body instead of away from it, check that
you are selecting the face and not the edge.

In the Faces to Draft group, click Select Face.

On the Selection bar, from the Face Rule list, if necessary, select Tangent Faces.
Select all four blend faces of the ribs.

Selecting the blends with the tangent faces rule also selects the eight adjacent planar
In the Draft Angle group, in the Angle box, type 2.0 and press Enter.
In the Settings group, from the Draft Method list, select Isocline.
Click OK.
6. Verify that the changes are automatically propagated to the core insert model.
Display the core part, molding_core_006.

(Optional) Use Mold Design Validation to verify the draft.

NoteThe ribs and feet are drafted.

The changed faces and some adjacent faces lose their inherited colors. This is

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 124

normal after changes.
There are sharp edges in some places.
Once all draft is corrected, it is safe to apply corrective blends, as shown in the
following examples.

7. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Design Validation.

 Use the Command Finder to search for Draft and Draft Body.
8.Mold base
Add a mold base
You are going to add a standard mold base to a tooling assembly.

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Launch the activity.
Add a mold base
1. From your mold_base folder, open mb_top_010.

2. Add a mold base.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Base Library .

From the Catalog list, select DME.
From the TYPE list, select 2A.

WarningSpecify option values in the lists at the bottom of the Mold Base
Design dialog box before you edit any parameter values in the parameter
When you choose a catalog value from a list, all parameters are reset to the
default values for that catalog entry.

From the BP_h list, select 56.

From the AP_h list, select 56.

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NoteIndex size 3535 is automatically selected because the Cavity Layout command
was used earlier.
An important function of the Cavity Layout command is to save the data that
you see in the Layout Information list.

In the parameter list, select offset_fix.

Type 1 in the box below the list, and press Enter.
Verify that the new value appears in the parameter list.
In the parameter list, select offset_move.
Type 1 in the box and press Enter.
Click OK.

3. Change the ejector (moveable) half of the mold base to use a 2–plate configuration.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Mold Base Library .

From the TYPE list, select 2B.
In the parameter list, select offset_fix.
Type 0.5 in the box below the list, and press Enter.
In the parameter list, select offset_move.
Type 0.5 in the box and press Enter.
Click OK.
Orient to the Front view and review the new plate stack-up.
4. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Mold Base Library.

10.Standard Parts

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Add lifters and screws to an assembly
The mouse project requires two lifters and two sliders per product instance.

You are going to use the trim method to add lifters to the snap areas in the lower case.

Launch the activity.
Add lifters and screws to an assembly
1. From your lifter folder, open lifter_top_010.

2. Make the lower case the active product.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Family Mold .

In the Family Mold dialog box, select mouse_case_lower and click OK.
3. Prepare the display to simplify the task of adding lifters to the lower case.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click View Manager .

In the View Manager Browser, locate the Core / Cavity / Region node.

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Under the Core / Cavity / Region node, right-click the Core node and choose Isolate.
Close the View Manager Browser.
In the Assembly Navigator, expand the lifter_layout_022 and lifter_prod_003 nodes.
Click the red check box for the lifter_core_006 node to hide the mouse upper half core
Right-click the view background and choose Rendering Style→Partially Shaded.

NoteThe view should now resemble the following figure.

4. Add lifters.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Slider and Lifter Library .

In the Slider and Lifter Design dialog box, from the Folder View group, select
the Lifter folder.
From the Member View group, select Dowel Lifter.

NoteIn the Information dialog box image, notice that the Y axis should point from
the lifter toward the face it forms.
The lifter origin is centered in the X axis dimension.

Zoom in on the snap area shown in the following figures.

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Choose Format→WCS→Dynamics.
Click to place the WCS origin at the center control point of the linear edge of the snap
seat, as shown.

Using the XC-YC drag handle, rotate the WCS 180 degrees about the Z axis as shown in the
animation below.

Click the middle mouse button to end WCS Dynamics.

NoteThe Z location of the WCS is irrelevant. The lifter is placed at the origin of the
WCS with respect to X and Y coordinates. The base Z position is placed correctly
on the mold plate.

Click Apply.

NoteThe riser is added. It remains selected for editing.

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5. Adjust and position the riser.
From the Part group, verify that the Modify radio button is selected.
From the Details group, scroll the parameter list if necessary, and select riser_top.

Design The riser must be long enough to be trimmed by the core face trim
Intent sheet.

For the riser_top parameter, double-click in the Value column to start the edit.
Type 7.5 and press Enter.
Click Apply.

NoteThis is the typical process you could follow to create satisfactory dimensions by
visual examination.

From the Part group, click Hide Information Window .

Rotate the part until you can see the notch for the tab opposite the lifter.

NoteThe two tabs are identical.

Choose Information→Object.
Select the inner edge of the opposite tab notch as shown.

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TipYou can use the QuickPick dialog box to make the proper selection easily.

In the Class Selection dialog box, click OK.

In the Information window, observe that the edge is approximately 7.292... long.

NoteThe outer edge in the same area is approximately 7.289... long.

Close the Information window.

In the Slider and Lifter Design dialog box, from the parameter list, select wide.

Design If you use a width value that lies too close to the size of the part in the
Intent lifter area, the trim might possibly divide the body into two pieces and
cause an error message.
To avoid trim problems, you are going to allow extra stock to assure a good

Change the Wide parameter Value to 7.5 and press Enter.

TipTo find a dimension, you can also choose Analysis→Measure Distance.

Click Apply.
6. Reposition the lifter.
Rotate the view until you can see the full height of the lifter and the adjacent edges of the
core, as shown.

Design If the lifter were trimmed at the current location, the head would have an
Intent area of contact with cavity steel.
You are going to avoid the unwanted contact with the cavity by
repositioning the lifter along the YC axis.

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From the Part group, click Reposition .

NoteA dynamic CSYS tool appears. Motion is with respect to the dynamic CSYS, not
the WCS.

Select the Y-axis drag handle, as shown in the preceding figure.

In the Dynamic input box, in the Snap box, type 1 and press Enter.
Drag the handle two increments in the negative direction (towards the origin handle) until
the contours of the snap notch are just visible, and the lifter is still partially in contact
with the planar face on the lip of the part, as shown.

Click OK.

Design IntentYou are going to adjust the cut_width parameter.

7. Adjust the amount of stock on the trimmed faces of the lifter.

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From the Part group, click Show Information Window .

NoteNotice, in the Information window, that the cut_width expression controls the
stock on the trimmed faces.

From the Details group, from the parameter list, select cut_width.
Change the cut_width Value to 3 and press Enter.
Click Apply.
8. Add an identical second lifter as a new, independent part.
With the lifter still selected, from the Part group, select the New Component radio
If necessary, clear the Rename Component check box.

NoteThis creates an independent component wit the same parameters as the

selected component.

Choose Format→WCS→Dynamics.
Click to place the WCS origin at the center control point of the linear edge of the opposite
snap seat, as shown.

Once again, rotate the WCS 180 degrees about the Z-axis, and click the middle mouse
The WCS should be in the orientation and position shown in the following figure.

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Click Apply.

From the Part group, click Reposition .

In the Move Component dialog box, from the Motion list, select Delta XYZ.
In the YC box, type –2.
In the Move Component dialog box, click OK.
In the Slider and Lifter Design dialog box, click OK.
9. Trim the lifter heads to match the core contour.

Click Trim Mold Components .

From each lifter subassembly, select one component, as shown.

From the Trim Surface list, if necessary, select CORE_TRIM_SHEET.

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Click OK.

NoteThe assembly should look like the following figure.

10. Show the ejector side (B side) of the moldbase.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click View Manager .

In the View Manager Browser, locate the Moldbase node.
Under the Moldbase node, select the Moldbase B node check box.

Close the View Manager Browser.

11. Add a point pattern for the core insert screws.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Standard Part Library .

In the Standard Part Management dialog box, from the Folder View group,
select POINT_PATTERN_MM→Point Pattern.
From the Member View group, select Point Pattern.
From the Part group, clear the Rename Components check box.
From the Placement group, from the Parent list, select lifter_prod_028.
From the Details group, set the following parameter values.
o X1 = 120
o Y1 = 75
In the Settings group, select the Associative Position check box.
Select the back face of the core insert.

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Click Apply.
From the Point dialog box, click OK.
From the Position dialog box, click Face Center.
From the Offset group, in the D1 box, type 0.0 and press Enter.
In the D2 box, type 0.0 and press Enter.
Click OK.
From the Point dialog box, click Cancel.
12. Add screws for the core side of the active product assembly.
In the Standard Part Management dialog box, from the Folder View group,
select DME_MM→Screws.
From the Member View group, select SHCS [Auto].
From the Placement group, from Parent list, select lifter_prod_028.
From the Position list, select POINT PATTERN.
Select the center Pattern Point as shown.

TipPoint Patterns can only be selected by the insertion location point.

From the Details group, set the following parameter values:

o SIZE = 8

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o SIDE = B
The plate height thickness should equal the distance from the back of the mold plate and
the back of the workpiece.
Click Apply.

NoteThe display of all SHCS components may not update until you exit the dialog

In the Standard Part Management dialog box, click OK.

13. Optional challenge: add a push-pull slide for the upper mouse product assembly.

14. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Slider and Lifter Library.
 Use the Command Finder to search for Standard Part Library.

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11.Sub-insert Library

Add a sub-insert from the library

You are going to create a sub-insert in the core insert of a tooling assembly.

Launch the activity.

Add a sub-insert from the library

1. Verify that the Mold Wizard application is active.
2. From your subinsert directory, open subinsert_top_010.

3. Make subinsert_core_006 the displayed part.

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4. Adjust the display to show the area for sub-inserts.
Zoom in on the area shown in the following figure.

Change the Rendering Style to Partially Shaded to see the geometry inside the holes.

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NoteNotice the two posts that create small holes for screws.

5. Find the configuration for the first sub-insert and specify the parameters.
Choose Information→Object.
On the Selection bar, from the Type Filter list, select Edge.
Select the two circular edges at the bottom of the post with the smaller pin and click OK.

Design The pin portion of the insert must be larger than the small pin shape and
Intent smaller than the hole that creates a post.
This leaves enough material to trim the sub-insert to match the cavity.

Design The Information window shows the diameters to be 1.006 mm

Intent and 2.515 mm.
You are going to specify a diameter of 1.75.

Close the Information window.

6. Create a self-cleaning sub-insert.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Sub-insert Library .

In the Sub-insert design dialog box, from the Member View group, select CORE SUB
From the Placement group, verify that Position is set to POINT.
From the Details group, set the following parameter Values:
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 141
o X_Length = 1.75
o Z_LENGTH = 25
o FOOT_HT = 20

NoteThe FOOT_HT distance in this case from the bottom face of the workpiece to
the circular edge which will must match the part geometry exactly to create the
self-cleaning shelf.

7. Locate the insert in the core.

In the Sub-insert Design dialog box, click OK.
In the Point dialog box, in the Type group, from the list, select Arc/Ellipse/Sphere
Select any arc on the boss, as shown in the following figure and click OK.

In the Point Constructor dialog box, click Cancel.

CautionIf you specify another position, you are creating another instance of the same

Orient the view according to your preference.

8. Examine the sub-insert.
Zoom in on the sub-insert.

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Design The diameter and length of the actual insert portion of the sub-insert is
Intent slightly longer and larger than the current pin shape in the core.
You are going to trim the sub-insert using the Trim Mold
Components command.

9. Trim the sub-insert to the core surface.

Using the Window pull-down menu, make subinsert_top_010 the displayed part.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Trim Mold Components .

As the target body, select the sub-insert.

Verify that the Trim Surface is set to CORE_TRIM_SHEET

Click OK.
10. Examine the results.

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Using the Window pull-down menu, make subinsert_core_006 the displayed part.
Right-click the view background and choose Rendering Style→Partially Shaded.
The core tip geometry may not display shaded due to the Partially Shaded status of newly
trimmed faces.

11. Display the false body.

Using the Window pull-down menu, make subinsert_top_010 the displayed part.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Sub-insert Library .

Select the sub-insert you just created.
From the Placement group, from the Reference Set list, select False.

NoteThe false body is later subtracted from the core solid body to make a pocket for
the sub-insert.

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Change the display back to True.

NoteThe true body represents the actual sub-insert.

Click OK.
12. Create a round core insert for the phone speaker geometry.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Sub-insert Library .

In the Sub-insert design dialog box, from the Member View group, select CORE SUB
From the Placement group, verify that Position is set to POINT.
From the Details group, set the following parameter Values:
o X_Length = 11.0
o Z_LENGTH = 35
o FOOT_OFFSET_1 = 1.5
o FOOT_HT = 5
In the Sub-insert Design dialog box, click OK.
In the Point dialog box, in the Type group, from the list, select Arc/Ellipse/Sphere
Select any arc on the boss, as shown in the following figure and click OK.

In the Point Constructor dialog box, click Cancel.

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13. Trim the speaker sub-insert to the core surface.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Trim Mold Components .

As the target body, select the sub-insert.
Verify that the Trim Surface is set to CORE_TRIM_SHEET
Click OK.
Your trimmed sub-insert should look like the illustration below.

14. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 146

 Use the Command Finder to search for Sub-insert Library.
 Use the Command Finder to search for Trim Mold Components.
12. Gates and runners

Placing gates
The desk tray design specifies a submarine gate, centered approximately on the outer boss
of the part.

Launch the activity.
Placing gates
1. Verify that the Mold Wizard application is active.
2. From your submarine_gate folder, open desk_tray_top_010.
3. Prepare to configure the gate for the desk mount.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Gate Library .

In the Gate Design dialog box, from the Balance group, select Yes.
From the Position group, select Cavity.
From the Type list, select tunnel.
4. Define the initial gate parameters.
Set the following parameters:
4CTECH.COM.VN tổng hợp 147
TipRemember to press Enter after every change in the edit window.

d 1.5

A 15

HD 14
5. Define the gate location.
Click Apply.
In the Point dialog box, from the Type list, select Point on Face.
From the graphics area, verify which product assembly instance is the Work instance.
From the Work instance, select the outer conical face on the cavity side as shown in the
following figure.

In the Location on Face group, in the U Parameter box, type a value of 0.75 and press
In the V Parameter box, type a value of 0.8 and press Enter.
in the Coordinates group, you should have approximately the same values as shown below:
o X = 87.5
o Y = –25.621
o Z = 10.035
From the Point dialog box, click OK.
6. Define the gate direction.
In the Vector dialog box, in the Type group, from the list, select –YC Axis.
Click OK.
Orient to the Right side view and review your gates.

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TipYou can see the gate body through the translucent workpiece. You can also verify
that the gate does not extend through the part surface far enough.
In the next step, you will refine the gate by editing parameters to see the effect
of each change.

7. Refine the gate design.

In the Gate Design dialog box, from the parameter list, select OFFSET.
In the OFFSET edit box, type 1 and press Enter.
Click Apply.

NoteThis is the typical process to refine a design by examining the results and
iterating to a solution.

Zoom out and note that since you selected a Balance gate design, you have a same
submarine gate at each cavity location.

In the Gate Design dialog box, click Cancel.

NoteFor this activity, consider the design to be complete.

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You can use the Insert Design command to create inserts in tunnel gate areas.

8. Show all components.

In the Assembly Navigator, right-click the desk_tray_top_010 node and choose Show and
9. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Gate Library.

Adding runners
Design IntentYou are going to design a runner system to connect four gates.

Launch the activity.
Adding runners
1. Verify that the Mold Wizard application is active.
2. From your desk_runner folder, open desk_tray_top_010.

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3. Simplify the display.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click View Manager .

Locate the Injection node.
Right-click the Runner / Gate node and choose Isolate
Locate the Core / Cavity / Region node.
Click the gray check box for the Cavity node to show the component.

Close the View Manager Browser.

4. Create sketch to define the runner path.
Make desk_tray_fill_014 the work part.

On the Mold Wizard toolbar, click Runner .

In the Runner dialog box, in the Guide group, click Sketch Section .
In the Create Sketch dialog box, from the Plane Method list, select Create Datum CSYS.

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From the Sketch Plane group, click Create Datum CSYS .
Click OK to accept the default Datum CSYS location.
Click OK to create the sketch using the default sketch plane.

Zoom in to the gates at the left side cavities.

Create a vertical line connecting the arc center of the large end of both gates as shown

Zoom in to the gates at the right side cavities.

Create another vertical line connecting the end of both gates for the other two cavities.

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Create a horizontal line connecting the midpoints on the vertical lines you just completed.

Verify that you now have three lines connecting the gates as shown below.

Click Finish Sketch .

Rotate the part as needed and review the runner preview.

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5. Create the runner channels.
In the Runner dialog box, in the Section group, from the Section Type list,
select Circular.
In the Parameters list, in the D row, double-click the Value 8.
In the Value box, type 6 and press Enter.

NoteThe circular section runner is symmetric in the core and cavity so the runner
vector setting is irrelevant.

Click Apply.

6. Edit the size of the main runner channel.

Design You are going to edit the runner that connects the two channels. You are
Intent going to specify a larger diameter.

In the Runner dialog box, in the Runner group, select Select Runner Body.
Select the runner that runs parallel to the X-axis.

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In the Parameters list, in the D row, double-click the Value 6.
In the Value box, type 8 and press Enter.
Click OK.
Change to a Shaded rendering style and review the completed runner and gates.

In a production environment, the next step would be to use the Pocket command to
subtract the runner and gates from the core and cavity inserts.
In the Assembly Navigator, if necessary, double-click the node for the top level assembly
to make it the work part.
Right-click the desk_tray_top_010 node and choose Show and Hide→Show.
7. Save and close all parts.

Related information
For more information:

 Use the Command Finder to search for Runner.

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