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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution

Corporation Ltd.

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical

Thermal Power Project





FICHTNER Consulting Engineers (India) Private Limited

Chennai, India
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



















Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. II, Section 2 Page : 2 of 3
Vol-II Section 2-00 Mech Index_R0 Detailed Technical Specification –Mechanical
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract






























Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. II, Section 2 Page : 3 of 3
Vol-II Section 2-00 Mech Index_R0 Detailed Technical Specification –Mechanical
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract





This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, manufacture & assembly,
inspection, erection, testing commissioning and performance testing of Pulverized coal fired
Super critical Steam Generating units along with its auxiliaries to well established engineering
practices, safety codes and other relevant codes and standards.

The steam generators shall be of supercritical, once through type, two pass (gas path), water
tube, direct pulverized coal fired, (preferably tangentially fired with tilting burners) balanced
draft furnace, single reheat, radiant furnace, using spiral wall (inclined) or vertical plain / rifled
type water wall tubing and the evaporator shall be suitable for variable pressure operation
from sub critical to supercritical pressure range and suitable for outdoor installation. Items
though not specifically mentioned but needed to complete the equipment and systems to
meet the intent of specification, shall be deemed to be included in the scope of work of
Contractor. The scope of supply and services for each steam generating unit shall include all
items but will not be limited to this specification.


• All equipment, systems and work covered under this specification shall comply with all
latest statutes, regulations and safety codes, as applicable in the location where the
equipment will be installed.

• All the parts of the steam generator including pressure parts, vessels, piping, valves
including safety valves and fittings shall meet or exceed all the requirements of latest
editions of Indian Boiler Regulations (IBR).

• Any other standards acceptable to IBR can also be considered, provided the
requirements of those standards are equivalent or exceed the IBR requirements.

• Wherever the specification stipulates requirements in addition to those specified in IBR,

the same shall also be complied by the Contractor.

• In cases where IBR does not govern, other international standards established to be
equivalent or superior to the codes and standards specified, are also acceptable.
However, in the event of any conflict between the requirements of the equivalent codes
and standards, and the requirements of the Indian standards/ regulations, the latter shall
govern, unless, specified otherwise in the specification.

• It shall be responsibility of the Contractor to obtain the necessary approvals of Inspection

Authority/ Chief Inspector of Boilers on behalf of the Owner, as may be required for
designing and design calculations, manufacturing and erection procedure, testing etc. as
called for under the IBR. It includes Registration of boiler erection and inspection fees to
be paid, obtaining certificates to use the boiler , steam testing and obtaining Register
number including Co-ordination with Boiler inspectorate, arrangement of visit to site by
Director of Boiler,Duputy Director of boiler, etc,.All such documentation submitted to
statutory authorities shall also be submitted to the Owner for his review. It shall also be
the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish the requisite documentation as required by
the Owner for getting the Steam Generator registered under IBR.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Codes/Standards for integral piping and valve shall be ANSI B 16.34 and ANSI B 16.25
(valves), ANSI B 31.1 (for piping) and ANSI B 16.5 (flanges), ASTM-A-335, ASTM-A-106,
SA 210 and SA 213 (High Pressure / temperature piping and tubing). Wherever definite
design stipulations are not available in the IBR, the ASME Section- I and IBR (for Steam
Generator Integral Piping) shall be referred.

• The steel structures and foundations shall be designed for earthquake conditions as per
IS-1893 and wind loads as specified in IS-875.

• Manufacturing standard can be considered in the absence of codes and standards on a

case-to-case basis and subject to Owner's approval.

• Boiler efficiency shall be calculated based on ASME PTC-4.0 (energy balance method)
(Loss method without credits) / B S EN12952-15,2003 (Loss method without credits)


3.1.0 Water/ Steam System

Complete steam/water cooled furnace with separators, water wall headers, drains, drain
funnels, drain pipelines up to and including startup flash and drain tanks and necessary stubs
for chemical cleaning and wet lay up. Two retractable type temperature probes with duplex
type elements at the furnace outlet, along with supports, cooling arrangements, position
indicators etc.

Adequate no. of steam-water separators along with separator storage tanks at the evaporator
outlet, of welded construction, along with all internals, safety valves, mountings, fittings,
nozzles, manholes, instrumentation tappings, valves, drains, pipings and its fittings, etc.

Complete Start-Up Recirculation and Drain System Comprising:

a) 1 x100% start-up recirculation pump complete with motor and cooling water lines,
connecting pipe work between separator/ drain collection vessel.
b) One motorized and One manual isolation valves at suction of start-up recirculation pumps
and Motorized isolation, electrohydraulic operated control valves and Non return valves at
discharge of the start-up recirculation pumps.
c) Inlet feed water pipeline along with necessary separator and its collection vessel, level
control and valves.
d) Pump minimum flow control valve and recirculation flow control valve.
e) Mixing box at pump suction, a non-return valve upstream of the Mixing box on the
recirculation line from separator, along with necessary piping and valves.
f) Piping with necessary level control valves from separator/ drain collection vessel to start-
up flash tank. A start-up and emergency drain control valve upstream of flash tank with a
motorized isolation valve upstream of drain control valve.
g) 2 x 50% drain pumps with necessary isolation valve, control valve, minimum flow facility
and piping up to condenser . The pumps are designed for the worst operating scenario
including the start up without Boiler start-up recirculation pump in operation and entire
flow diverted to condenser.
h) Start up flash tank, drain tank with all piping, headers, valves, supports and hangers,
insulation, tank level control system, and instrumentation etc.
i) Start-up flash tank with drain piping up to station drains, to be cooled by service water
system by the Contractor.
j) All level controls, electro-hydraulically operated fast acting valve with safety features, their
isolating valves, bypass/ non-return, drain valves etc. for the start-up circuit.
k) Separator safety valves with drain pans.

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Vol-II Section 2-1 SG and Aux_R0 2.1 Steam Generator & Aux. System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

l) External high pressure cooler for each motor rated for 100% duty to remove the heat
generated by the motor and bearings during operation.
m) Steam Water analyzer system.

Complete evaporator, superheater and reheater system, including headers, connecting pipes,
vents, drains, drain funnels, pipelines up to flash and drain tank, nitrogen connections,
sampling connections, start-up lines, safety valves with silencer and drain pans etc.

Electromatic valves on SH and RH outlet), complete with solenoid valve assembly, pressure
sensing device, impulse piping, accessories, necessary instrumentation etc., and a remote
operated motorized isolation valve on the upstream side of each Electromatic valve.

Desuperheater system for superheaters and reheater each comprising of :

a) 2 x 100% pneumatic control stations for each desuperheater rated for full duty.
b) One (1) No.pneumatic/motor operated isolating valve upstream of each control valve
c) Two (2) Nos. electrically operated isolating valve downstream of each control valve
d) Quick acting block valve (pneumatically operated) at upstream of superheater spray
control station on the common super heater attemperatation line.
e) One non-return valve on the spray water line near the spray point.
f) Drain valve at after downstream of non-return valve to clear spray nozzle blockage.
g) One flow nozzle on each spray water line

All startup vents shall be provided with two valves in series – one motorized isolating and
other motorized regulating type.

All start-up vents, first lowest and second lowest set pressure safety valves electromatic relief
valves at superheater & reheater outlets, first lowest and second lowest set pressure safety
valves on the water separators shall be provided with silencers.

Non steaming type Economiser system with connecting pipes, headers, etc. with non-return
valves ,vents , drains and sampling connections.Feed line shall consists of non-return valves
and flow element as near as the inlet.

Steam Generator integral piping consists of valves and fittings, feed check valves, motorized
main steam stop valve with integral motorized bypass valve with actuators including hand
wheel, motorised drain/vent valves, safety valves and electromatic safety valves for
separator, superheater and reheater (as applicable) ,Safety valve escape pipings and start up
vent line with silencers, drip trays, shock absorbers etc.

Complete steam and water sampling lines with sample coolers & collectors, cooling water
distribution lines, chemical feed line, drain lines, vents, tanks, all necessary stub connections
with isolating valves for chemical cleaning and lay up of Steam Generators including nitrogen
capping connections, nitrogen piping system up to the isolating valves for capping of
separator, super heater and reheater.

Necessary specialties in the steam and feed water, spray water lines, steam generator startup
and warm-up system.

All fittings and mountings.

Steam Generator inner Casing, outer sheet steel casing, Aluminium sheet casing/insulation
jacket for equipment, frames and supports, buck stays, tie bars wherever necessary.

Adequate number of doors and ports necessary for access, inspection and supervision
including service air nozzles and connecting piping.

Non – Return valve and isolation valve for boiler fill line.

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Vol-II Section 2-1 SG and Aux_R0 2.1 Steam Generator & Aux. System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3.2.0 Combustion System

• Furnace with Front, Opposed or tangential firing system. Preferably tangential firing
• HSD & HFO burners complete with actuators, piping & valves, HEA ignitors, flame
detectors and all necessary accessories, etc.
• Coal burners and wind box complete with registers, flame detectors for each burner.
• All necessary fuel air dampers and secondary air dampers and respective controls.

3.2.1 Heavy Fuel Oil Firing Equipment

• HFO burners completes with diffusers, actuators, flame detectors, shut of valves, tips
extension pipes for each burner and its ancillaries.
• All integral piping for heating steam, condensate, atomizing and scavenging steam to
connect the various equipment.
• HFO supply and return lines

3.2.2 HSD Start-up System

HSD burners, complete with actuators, flame detectors all pipes and valves for HSD and two
quick acting valves for each burner. All integral piping for atomizing and purging air.

3.2.3 Ignition System

High Energy Arc (HEA) ignitors for each HFO & HSD burners completes with transformers,
control cabinets, cabling, etc.

Individual oil burner shall be provided with IR type or a suitable flame scanner.

3.2.4 Scanner Air System

Scanner air supply system with fans 2 Nos. AC drives (1 No. from normal supply and 1 No.
from normal/emergency AC supply) along with required ductings.

3.3.0 Coal preparation and firing System

• Pneumatically operated sliding type shut off gate at each Coal bunker outlet gates with
proper approach and Electrically operated ( shut off gate at each coal feeder inlet).Chain
wheel and chain shall be provided for above said shut off gates for manual operation for
from feeder floor.
• Coal chutes to feeder inlet and from feeder outlet to pulverizer with remote operated shut
off gate.
• Gravimetric Coal feeders, together with variable speed drives.
• Coal pulverizers complete with drives, outlet gates and classifier
• Pulverized coal piping from pulverizer to coal burners along with coupling, supports, and
sampling device.
• Pulverizer inerting system with necessary piping, valves, fittings and supports.
• Primary air system, including ducts, dampers, shut-off gates, 2 x 60% BMCR capacity
primary air fans with blade pitch control complete with drives, Control system and forced
lubrication system and bird screen and rain protection hood.
• 2 x 100 % Sealing air fans with drives and seal air piping to pulverizers.
• Dampers in pulverizers and seal air system.
• Bunker emptying Chute shall be provided upto ground to unload the coal from bunker to

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Detecting instruments to detect choking, flow and no flow of coal between bunker and

3.4.0 Combustion air System

• Two (2)Nos. axial type forced draft fans (2x60% BMCR capacity), complete with motors,
forced lubrication system with blade pitch control for air flow control including filters, bird
screen and rain protection hood.
• Two (2)Nos. axial type Primary Air fans (2x60% BMCR capacity), complete with motors,
forced lubrication system with blade pitch control for air flow control including filters, bird
screen and rain protection hood.
• Two (2) steam coil air preheaters in secondary air bypass duct, complete with common
condensate tank, integral piping, control and isolation valves for steam and condensate
along with necessary controls. The condensate to be feed to the flash tank through steam
• Two (2 x 60% BMCR capacity) tri sector type regenerative air pre heaters, complete with
washing drives, fire fighting devices and fire alarm devices and rotor stoppage alarm.
• Air ductwork up to wind box with necessary dampers, expansion joints, silencers and

3.5.0 Flue Gas System

• Electrostatic precipitator, complete with all necessary electrical equipment, structure,

insulation and cladding and dust handling equipment with mono rail and electric hoists for
transformer-rectifier sets.
• Wear resistant plates in flue gas ducts at corners and direction changing areas (min 5 mm
• Two (2 x 60% BMCR capacity) Nos. axial type induced draft fans complete with motors
and forced lubrication system with blade pitch control for air flow control
• Flue gas duct work inclusive of dampers and expansion joint with supports up to the
• Continuous Emission Monitoring system (CEMS for Sox, NOx, SPM, CO and CO2) etc.

3.6.0 Steel Structure, Wall cladding, insulation and Casing

• Complete structural steel works for Steam Generator, coal bunker, lift, lift shaft, pipe (and
belt conveyor bridges ) and for auxiliary equipments.
• Foundation bolts and anchor channels for all equipment supplied.
• Complete buck stays and tie bars.
• All necessary access galleries, stairways ladders and platforms.
• Roof and wall cladding for the Steam Generator pressure parts including main platforms,
safety valves, blow-off valves, etc.
• Roof and wall cladding for lift shaft and staircases
• Protection sheds (or hoods) for all fans
• Steam Generator inner casing wherever necessary.
• Steam Generator outer sheet steel casing, Aluminium sheet casing/insulation jacket for
equipment including hot air ducts.
• All necessary lagging, metallic cladding and insulation for all the equipment.

3.7.0 Steam Generator Accessories

• Electrically operated automatic sequential type intelligent soot blowing system for furnace,
super heaters, convective and radiant heating surfaces ,air preheaters and economizer
complete with necessary piping, PRDS valves, spray control valve and other specialties

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

with instruments and controls as required for carrying out on load cleaning. Washing
water hoses and supply lines for off load cleaning of heating surfaces.
• Auxiliary steam system including High and low pressure control station (Electro Hydraulic/
Electro Pneumatic), desuperheater, spray control station, downstream piping and valves
upto equipment e.g. SCAPH, air preheater soot blowers, oil burners (with atomisation),
fuel oil heaters etc. using auxiliary steam.
• Utility stations for air, steam and water from connection branch of main distribution supply
up to the consumer, including hoses, hose couplings and isolating valves.
• Two(2) Numbers of 3000 kg capacity passenger-cum-goods lift for each Steam generator
with necessary landings and interconnecting platforms to the TG buildings at required
• Fire fighting equipment for steam generator, complete with all integral pipes, valves,
nozzles, hoses.
• Burner maintenance trolley along with accessories
• Electric operated maintenance & Steam Generator inspection cradles (sky climber) for
fast inspection and repair of all the walls of combustion chamber.
• Temporary piping/valves for boil out and acid cleaning/EDT
• Temporary piping/valves for Steam Blowing
• Equipment and provisions for stand-still conservation (storage) of the steam generator.
Nitrogen gas pipeline, valves & fittings for connection to Steam generator.
• Mill reject handling system
• Furnace Safeguard Supervisory system
• Supply and application of paints as required.
• Auxiliary Boiler.
• All other accessories and auxiliaries as required.

3.8.0 Sampling

Sample coolers with entire stainless steel piping from sampling point including a collecting
rack positioned at SWAS room at TG areafor the following services:

a) Water and steam sampling at steam-water separator.

b) Main Steam Sampling.
c) Feed Water at inlet to Economiser Sampling.
d) Condensate sampling.
e) Reheat steam sampling.

3.9.0 Pipes and Valves

Complete high pressure and reheat steam system, feed water and spray water pipe work and
accessories required for use including valves, funnels, headers, silencers,steam traps,
measurement devices, mountings and fittings for the auxiliary systems of the Steam
Generator such as venting, drainage, atomizing and purging steam,steam coil air heater
steam and condensate, soot blower steam, fire fighting water, Steam Generator &
regenerative air preheater water washing, cooling water, cooling air, sealing air, service air,
instrument air and inert gas system.

Auxiliary steam header for each unit and interconnecting piping between unit auxiliary steam
headers sized for auxiliary steam requirement for start-up of other unit plus the steam
requirement for fuel oil unloading and heating.

Auxiliary piping system, auxiliary cooling water, fuel oil, Mill inerting, atomizing steam,
scanner air system, etc along with Pipe supports and associated structural works as required.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


The requirements specified are the minimum design and sizing requirements for the steam
generator and its auxiliaries. Contractor's utilization of various values and requirements
indicated in this specification shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities to
meet all guarantee requirements or of providing completely safe and reliable operating
equipments/ systems.
The specified requirements shall be complied for the most stringent conditions resulting either
from the range of coals specified or from the range of operating conditions specified (like
100% BMCR or HP heaters out or variable/ constant pressure operation etc.), or from both
occurring simultaneously, unless otherwise specifically mentioned by the Owner.

Steam Generator and its auxiliaries shall be sized for 60% BMCR condition for single stream

Typical characteristics of specified range of coals in General technical specification such as

high abrasive, slow burning, high ash resistivity etc shall be given due consideration while
designing Steam generator and its auxiliaries.

The design of Steam Generator shall comply with the design requirements set out in this
section and also meet the requirements specified in Annex 2.1.1 - Specified Design Data

4.1.0 Steam Generator Rating

Boiler maximum continuous rating : Steam flow at superheater outlet shall

(BMCR) correspond to at least 102% of the steam flow
at turbine inlet under VWO (Valves wide Open)
with 0% make up, design CW inlet condition
plus continuous steam requirement for
auxiliary systems of the unit (e.g. fuel oil
heating etc) .

Steam Temperature

At Super Heater outlet : HP turbine inlet temperature plus temperature

drop in HP main steam piping from Steam
Generator SH outlet to HP steam turbine inlet.

At Reheater outlet : IP turbine inlet temperature plus temperature

drop in hot reheat steam piping from Steam
Generator RH outlet to IP steam turbine inlet.

Temperature control : The steam temperatures at superheater and

reheater outlet(s) shall be guaranteed to be
maintained at +/-5˚C of the rated value at all
loads within control range (60% TMCR to
100% BMCR), under all operating conditions
when firing specified range of coals.

Feed water temperature at economizer : To be based on the turbine cycle optimization.

inlet The steam generator shall also be suitable for
accepting feed water at low temperatures
corresponding to HP heaters out of service
condition without exceeding any of its design
limits including design metal temperature.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Steam Pressure

At superheater outlet : HP turbine throttle steam pressure plus

pressure drop in HP steam piping.
At reheater outlet : IP turbine throttle steam pressure plus
pressure drop in HRH steam piping.
Steam generator control range : 50% TMCR to 100% BMCR. However, the
contractor to specify the feasible mill
combinations below 60% TMCR.
Efficiency of Steam Generator : The efficiency of the steam generator (on high
heat value basis) in % as guaranteed by the
manufacturer, shall not be less than the value
as arrived with the following formula for the
quality of performance coal.
Minimum Steam
Generator efficiency (%) = 92.5-

A= % of ash in fuel
M=% of moisture in fuel
H=% of Hydrogen in fuel
HHV= High heat value of fuel in Kcal/kg.

4.2.0 Fuels

A) Coal

• The steam Generator shall be designed for the range of coals and ash as specified in the
General Technical Specification.
• Correction curves shall be furnished by the bidder for the variation of coal quality
parameters for making adjustment on calculated efficiency during performance guarantee
test of the unit(s).
• The steam generator and its auxiliaries shall be capable of giving BMCR rating and other
operating capabilities without any trouble and limitations, when firing the specified range
of coals.

B) Fuel Oil

• The characteristics of heavy fuel oil (HFO) and High speed diesel (HSD) are specified in
the General Technical Specification.
• HFO shall be used for start-up, coal flame stabilization and low load operation of the
steam generators.
• HSD firing facilities shall also be provided for cold start ups of the steam generator(s).
• The design and construction of the steam generator shall be such as not to call for any
other liquid or gaseous fuel than that specified for purpose of operation of the steam
generator at low load including initial ignition.
• High energy arc (HEI) igniters shall be used for ignition of HFO/HSD fuel oil directly.

4.3.0 Ambient Conditions

The steam generator and its auxiliaries shall also be sized that they are capable of giving
BMCR within the range of ambient air conditions as specified in the General Technical

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

4.4.0 Limiting Parameters for Steam Generator Design

The steam generator design shall comply with the following limiting parameters while firing
specified range of coal, under reference ambient air condition as specified in the

i) Excess air at economiser outlet at TMCR load: 20% (minimum). In furnace no air leakage
shall be considered by the bidder while sizing FD fan. Bidder shall indicate the minimum
excess air & unburnt carbon loss at which unit can be operated on sustainable basis
meeting all other requirements for the range of coal specified.
ii) Flue gas temperature at air-heater outlet (corrected) at TMCR load: 125°C (minimum).

4.5.0 Operating Modes

The steam generator shall be designed for all the operating modes and operating conditions
specified in General Technical Specification.

The design of steam generator shall such that it does not call for any oil support beyond 30%
BMCR load when firing any coal from the range specified with adjacent mills in service and
mill load not less than 50% of its capacity. This shall be guaranteed and demonstrated by the

In case of sudden load throw-off, in worst case from 100% BMCR, the steam generator shall
be capable of automatically bringing down the steam generating capacity to match with
HP-LP bypass capacity of 60% BMCR flow considering main steam parameters at the
upstream of valves and CRH steam parameters corresponding to 60% TMCR condition on
the downstream.

Steam generator shall also be capable of satisfactory, stable and safe operation in case of
rapid load changes in downward direction due to external disturbances or equipment
malfunction. Under such conditions the system shall stabilize itself through proven concepts
and controls and within the recommendations of National Fire Protection Association,
USA(NFPA), Section 85 C, 8502 and 8503

Bidder can offer either 1x100% or 2x50% bypass valves to suit the layout. The bidder to
indicate minimum load of steam generator to which it can be brought down under such
condition, during short turbine outages or export load rejection, with a view to save fuel and
reduce heat losses. The unit shall be capable to operate at house load conditions.

The steam generator shall be designed to operate for sliding /modified sliding pressure
operation. Thermal design of steam generator and selection of materials shall be suitable for
both the operational modes.

4.6.0 Operation without HP heaters in service

Steam generator shall be designed for continuous operation with HP heaters out of operation.
The steam generator heat output under HP heaters out condition shall be equal to at least
100% BMCR heat output with HP heaters in service.

For two stream HP Heaters configuration, plant output shall not be less than 100% TMCR
with one stream of HP heaters out condition.

For single stream HP Heaters configuration plant output shall not be less than 100% TMCR
with any one of the HP Heaters out of operation.

Under this condition the superheater and reheater outlet steam temperature shall be
maintained at rated values within the whole control range of steam generator load. Further,

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

during such operation the metal temperature of various pressure parts shall not exceed the
limits stipulated in their design/ selection.

4.7.0 Operation with/ without Turbine HP- LP Bypass System

As specified elsewhere, when unit trips under full load, HP-LP by-pass system will come into
service. This will call for Steam Generator operation in HP-LP bypass mode, with SH flow of
60% BMCR capacity and feed water temperature corresponding to bypass operation at
economizer inlet. For such condition the economiser shall be suitably designed to take a
thermal shock of sudden change of feed water temperature due to bypass operation.

Irrespective of the fact that HP-LP bypass system is provided for smooth start-up, fast loading
and house load operation of the unit; the steam generator shall also be capable of start up
without HP-LP bypass system in service.

4.8.0 Rate of Loading

The steam generators shall be designed for minimum rate of loading/ unloading specified in
the General Technical Specification from 50% to 100% (TMCR) loads without compromising
on design life of pressure parts. Bidder shall clearly bring out the max. rates of loading/
unloading achievable with steam generator offered and the corresponding limiting variations
(+ %) of Steam Generator parameters such as throttle pressure, oxygen in flue gas, SH
steam temperature, RH steam temperature, furnace draft, etc.

4.9.0 Provision for Future Installation of FGD System

A flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) system may be installed by the Owner in future to meet the
requirements of pollution control.

Following provisions needs to be kept by the bidder for this purpose:

a) Suitability of duct between ID fan and chimney for future interconnection of FGD system
with minimum modification.
b) The ducting and supporting structure to be designed to take care of future guillotine
damper to be installed between the two tap offs before chimney.

The space provided for FGD shall not be occupied for other purposes.

4.10.0 Furnace

Furnace shall comply with requirements specified in the Annex 2.1.1-Specified Design Data at
100% BMCR with or without HP heaters out of service and with range of specified coals,
under most stringent combination of operating conditions.

Definitions of Acronym/terms used in the Annex 2.1.1-Specified Design Data.

a) Burner zone is defined as the centre line distances between the top and bottom burner
plus 3.05 meters of furnace height. Further, heat input is the input from coal.
b) For FEGT, the furnace exit plane shall be defined as the plane above the furnace nose tip
or the plane beyond which the transverse tube pitching is less than 600 mm whichever is
positioned first in the flue gas path.
c) Furnace cooling factor in kcal/h/m2 is the ratio of NHI or heat available and effective
projected radiant heat absorbing surface (EPRS). Calculated EPRS shall be reduced by
at least 10% to account for deterioration of furnace walls surface condition due to fouling
and slagging.
d) NHI or heat available in furnace is obtained by considering the GCV of the fuel minus the
radiation loss, unburnt combustible, moisture in the air, latent heat of moisture in fuel and

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that formed by combustion of H2 in the fuel plus the sensible heat of combustion air
(primary plus secondary air), all above 27°C.
e) Furnace residence time shall be defined as the residence time of the fuel particles from
center line of the top elevation coal burners to the furnace exit planes. For this purpose
the furnace exit plane shall be defined as the horizontal plane at the furnace nose tip for
two pass Steam Generators.
f) Pressure withstand capability of the furnace shall correspond to minimum +/- 660 mmwc
at 67% yield strength or maximum expected pressure/draft of fans, whichever is higher.
g) To protect tubes against falling clinkers, the following shall be considered
• Wear bar at hopper panel tubes area or
• Providing additional thickness on the spiral tubes for the hopper portion.
h) Lower side of hopper panel exposed to sea water to be protected with shield plates.
i) Boiler columns shall be encased with RCC up to 8 m to avoid corrosion.
j) The makeup water for Bottom ash hoppers shall be sea water. The arrangement of pump
(LP pump) for make up to the Bottom ash hopper to be furnished.

Maximum heat liberation rate is defined as the ratio of NHI (or) heat available and furnace

Maximum burner zone heat release rate is the ratio of NHI (or) heat available to the burner
zone area.

4.11.0 Pressure parts

The design of all pressure parts (tubes, headers, vessels etc.) shall be as per IBR or other
international codes with the approval of the Owner.

Design pressure of the Steam Generator pressure parts shall be at least 1.05 times the
maximum operating pressure, or as required by IBR/ other international codes, whichever is
higher. Further, maximum operating pressure for design of the steam generator parts up to
separator(s) inlet shall be arrived at by adding an additional margin for the increased pressure
drop in the evaporator tubing due to scaling during operation over a period of time. This
additional margin shall be equal to atleast 5% of maximum operating pressure with
evaporator tubing without scaling or actual expected increase in the pressure drop in water
wall/ evaporator section, which ever is higher.

The thickness of the pressure parts (steam and water tubes/ headers, pressure vessels etc.)
shall be calculated using IBR formulae/factor of safety etc. (and not as per codes/ formulae
non acceptable to IBR). Such thickness as per IBR formulae shall be arrived at after allowing
for tube bend thinning allowance, where applicable as per IBR/ international codes. Additional
erosion allowance on the calculated tube thickness shall be provided at specified locations as
specified by the Owner in these specifications.

In line with IBR, the maximum permissible temperature/ metal temperature for design of
different components of the Steam Generator shall be considered as specified in the Annex
2.1.1, Specified Design Data.

Materials used for Steam Generator tubing, headers, piping, vessels and other pressure parts
shall comply with maximum permissible temperature limits for various materials as specified
in the Annex 2.1.1, Specified Design Data.

4.12.0 Steam Generator Startup Recirculation and Drain water system

The startup recirculation & drain system shall be designed for maximum possible recirculation
& drain flow under all possible normal, abnormal conditions.

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The circulation system shall ensure adequate circulation during start up, and low load
operation of the system.

The start-up drains shall also be routed to the main condensers of the steam turbines through
flash tanks, valves etc.

The recirculation system piping and components shall be sized so that the start up and shut
down is possible even without the availability of the start-up recirculation pump.

4.13.0 Super heaters and Reheaters

Spray water for superheater attemperation shall be tapped off from a suitable source
upstream of HP heaters (from BFP discharge or Kicker stage outlet). The bidder can also tap
off the spray water from a suitable location downstream side of HP heaters, provided, bidder
has experience of such tapping, details of which shall be provided to Owner.

The steam generator design shall ensure that rated RH outlet temperature is achievable for
the entire range of operation by use of primary control device only, while firing from the
specified range of coals and all the following operating conditions:.

a) Normal operation.
b) Operation of steam generator with reduced feed water inlet temperature during the
conditions of HP heaters out of operation and/or HP-LP bypass operation.
c) Continuous operation of steam generator at BMCR conditions.
d) Unit start-up.
e) With middle mill combination at 100% TMCR load.

The RH spray water shall be tapped from BFP interstage, however, be used for temperature
control in case of emergency conditions.

Maximum allowable spray water flow for superheater and reheater shall be as per the
requirements specified in the Annex 2.1.1-Specified Design Data. Superheater and reheater
desuperheating spray systems complete in all respects and conforming to ASME standard no.
TWDPS, Part-1
The steam temperature downstream of desuperheater shall have at least 10 C super-heat to
ensure proper evaporation.

4.14.0 Economiser

Economiser design shall comply with the requirements specified in the Annex 2.1.1, Specified
Design Data.

Economiser shall be non steaming type.

Economizer shall be designed to preclude the possibility of evaporation at any load, startup
constant pressure and sliding pressure operation. The design of the economiser shall be such
that the tube elements can be easily replaced when necessary.

4.15.0 Air Pre-heater

The design of air pre heater shall take care of the problems of corrosion at low temperature
end of air heater.

The air pre heater shall be suitable to take care of the high ash content of the coal, sulphur
content of the coal and fuel oil.

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Air pre heater design shall also ensure that there is no need for economiser bypass to get the
desired mill outlet temperature, for the whole range of specified coals.

Air Pre heater Design shall comply with requirements specified in the Annex 2.1.1-Specified
Design Data.

Design ambient condition for air pre heater design is the reference ambient condition
specified condition in the Annex 2.1.1-Specified Design Data.

4.16.0 Steam Coil Air Pre Heater (SCAPH)

Steam Coil Air Pre Heaters (SCAPH) shall be designed and sized to increase the air heater
inlet temperature based on minimum ambient condition specified in the General Technical

Design of SCAPH and connected bypass duct work suitable to handle flows corresponding to
60% BMCR loads without any undue noise/vibration.

4.17.0 Auxiliary steam PRDS

Auxiliary steam pressure reduction and desuperheating station shall be sized based on the
criteria specified in the Annex 2.1.1-Specified Design Data.

4.18.0 Coal Firing System

A) Coal Pulverisers

• Mills shall be located by the side/front of the boiler.

• The mills offered by the bidder can be of Vertical spindle Bowl type

• Bidder shall guarantee the wear life of mill wear components (for whole range of
specified coals) specified in the Annex 2.1.1- Specified Design Data.

• The bidder shall indicate YGP (Yancey, Geer and Price method) index considered
for design of wearing components, and shall furnish curves along with his offer
indicating the variation in guaranteed wear life with variation in quality of coal fired.
Separate curves for different wear elements of mill shall be furnished i.e. grinding
rolls, balls, rings etc. The curve shall be subject to Owner's approval.

• Bidder shall provide mill correction (HGI, Moisture, Finess, Ash and Worn out
condition) and mill performance curves after award of Contract.

There shall be N+1 standby mill available for 100% BMCR with worst coal & N+ 2 standby
mills available for 100% BMCR with design coal.

• Design criteria for coal pulveriser shall be inline with the requirements specified in
the Annex 2.1.1, Specified Design Data.

B) Pulversied Coal Pipe and Coal Feeders

• Coal piping and feeder system design shall comply with the requirements specified
in the Annex 2.1.1- Specified Design Data.

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C) Primary Air Fans & Seal Air Fans

• Design criteria for primary air fan and seal air fan shall comply with the requirements
specified in the Annex 2.1.1- Specified Design Data.

• Design ambient condition for fan is maximum ambient condition specified in the
General Technical Specification.

D) Coal Burners

• Coal burner shall be designed based on the criteria detailed in the Annex 2.1.1,
Specified Design Data.

4.19.0 Fuel Oil firing system

• Fuel Oil firing system shall be designed based on the criteria detailed in the Annex 2.1.1,
Specified Design Data.

4.20.0 Draft Plant

The forced draft (FD) fans and induced draft (ID) fans shall be capable of maintaining balance
draft conditions in the furnace over the entire load range with any one or both FD fans and
any one or both ID fans in operation while burning the specified whole range of fuels.

Fans shall have stable characteristics suitable for parallel operation and sharing of the load
equally without hunting over the entire load range.

The selection of fan type as well as its type of control shall be based on the requirement of
maintaining stability of flow and maximum possible fan efficiency, from its test bed rating point
down to the minimum continuous fan discharge that may be required during any part-load
operation of the plant.

Fans shall be designed to bring the critical speeds well outside the respective operating
Complete detailed calculations of fan sizing shall be submitted after award of contract.. These
calculations shall be subject to approval by the Owner.

Both FD and ID fans shall be sized based on the criteria specified in the Annex 2.1.1,
Specified Design Data.

The sizing criteria specified in the Annex 2.1.1, Specified Design Data shall consider air
heater and ducts in normally fouled up condition. The static pressure requirements only shall
be considered without any credit for velocity pressure recovery.

4.21.0 Flue Gas Ducts and Air Ducts

Flue gas and air ducts shall comply with the requirements specified in the Annex 2.1.1,
Specified Design Data.

Minimum thickness of 7 mm shall be provided for flue gas ducts before ESP and 6 mm from
ESP outlet to chimney.

Minimum thickness 5 mm shall be provided in the air ducts.

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Wear resistance plates made out of tougher material such as boron carbide, tungsten
carbide, etc., shall be provided in flue gas ducts at corners and direction changing areas (min
5 mm thick)

Corrosion allowance of 1.5 mm shall be considered for stress calculation for gas ducts.

4.22.0 Electrostatic Precipitator Design Data

The electrostatic precipitator(s) shall be designed to comply with the requirements stipulated
under ‘guarantee point’ and ‘design point’ specified in the Annex 2.1.1, Specified Design

The minimum specific collection area shall change in inverse proportion to the spacing
between collecting plates i.e. for collecting plate spacing of 300 mm, the minimum specific
2 3
collection area shall be 240 m /m /s for worst coal firing with one field out of service at 100%
BMCR condition and for collecting plate spacing of 400 mm, the minimum specific collection
2 3
area shall be 180 m /m /s for worst coal firing with one field out of service at 100% BMCR

The corona power shall be defined as the product of, average bus voltage and mean current
divided by the collection area served by one TR set.

Bidder shall furnish the detailed calculations in support of ESP gas flow, inlet dust burden,
ESP efficiency as offered by him both at ESP design and guarantee points during detailed

4.23.0 Other Features

Steam generator shall be suitable for firing all the range of coal and worst coal as specified .It
shall be capable of giving guaranteed max. continuous output under the most adverse
condition satisfactorily. Performance coal shall be considered for guarantee purpose. For the
designing of steam generator for worst fuel type, the maximum / minimum range of coal
constituents shall be considered.

The Steam Generator and its integral piping, valves and fittings shall be designed so that any
proposed acid cleaning process (if required) may be carried out without any need for
exchanging valves during cleaning procedures which may come into contact with the cleaning

In case of accidental interruption or failure of any important equipment the change to the
stand-by unit shall be achieved automatically without shut-down of the Steam generator
concerned. If that is not possible in some cases the Steam generator shall be run down to
minimum load as quickly as possible or shut-off safely. Special consideration must be given in
the design of the equipment to the notable seismic activity in the region.

The steam generator and its auxiliaries shall be designed to operate at full load(100% BMCR)
even at the frequency of 47.5 Hz.

The furnace size shall be designed in such a way that there shall not be any flame
impingement on water walls on any face of the furnace walls, no accumulation of slag on the
walls, tubes or hoppers or other part of the Steam generator unit that will interfere with the
continuous operation of the unit and no fouling in superheaters when burning range of coal
specified and under all conditions of load up to the maximum output which can affect the
reliability of the unit.

The gas velocities shall be selected considering ash content of the fuel. The gas passages
shall be designed to ensure a smooth flow without any abrupt change in direction. Erosion

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

problems in tubes shall be taken care of by providing low gas velocity and least nos. of
baffles, screens etc. The erosion allowances considered in tube design shall be clearly


5.1.0 Steam Generator startup recirculation system

The Recirculation Pump shall be hermetically sealed glandless zero leakage type without
requiring any external sealing arrangement.

The pump and motor shall be hermetically sealed, of heavy-duty design and construction,
shall be provided with necessary handling arrangement and shall be suitable for the
maximum operating pressure and temperature.

The pump-motor sets shall be submerged in Steam Generator water and shall be mounted on
the steam generator re-circulating system. The motor shall be mounted below the pump.

The pump casing shall be one piece casting with end suction and single discharge or forged
construction with welded inlet and outlet discharge nozzles. The impellers shall be one-piece
casting secured to the shaft in overhung position on the extended motor shaft. The impeller
mounting shall allow the hub to freely expand and contract independent of the shaft.

Bearings shall be lubricated by liquid in motor cavity. Bearing material shall be leaded bronze
impregnated with polytetra fluora ethylene or equivalent subject to approval of Owner.

The entire pump and motor shall be enclosed in a pressure tight casing, motor being
protected from the high temperature fluid inside the pump casing by a suitably designed
thermal throttle. The motor shall be of Wet Stator Construction. The liquid inside the motor
shall be circulated by an impeller mounted on the motor shaft in a closed cycle and shall be
cooled by external high-pressure indirect water/water heat exchanger. The temperature of the
high-pressure water leaving the motor cavity to the cooler shall not exceed 60˚C or as per
proven OEM practice, subject to approval of Owner. The cooler shall be adequately sized to
reduce the temperature to below 50˚C.

Motor windings shall be of non-hygroscopic material and shall withstand continuous water
pressure and temperature variation. Cooling water for the heat exchanger shall be tapped off
from Bidder’s own cooling water system.

A high temperature motor cavity alarm/ trip shall be provided. The alarm and trip
temperatures shall be adjustable.

Pump design and installation shall be so as to ensure adequate NPSH under all operating
condition of the steam generator including cold start.

The materials of construction of pump and motor shall be suitable for continuous operation
with Steam Generator quality water normally encountered in such service and shall ensure
long service life. The materials shall be suitable to withstand the possible effect of erosion,
corrosion electrolytic effect etc.

The stator windings in the motor shall be cooled with suitable insulation impervious to water.
The insulation shall have sufficient dielectric strength to withstand the rated phase-to-earth
voltage in slot portion and phase-to-phase voltage in end windings.

The insulation material shall not have any tendency to plastic deformation even under
extreme operating condition like the conductor temperature, mechanical forces, vibrations etc.

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The power and instrumentation leads shall be taken out of the motor through properly sealed
water-tight glands, shall run through flexible metal conduits or metal cable sheathing and shall
have adequate provisions of differential expansion of pump casing and conductor.

Motor design and construction, in addition to the features described above shall meet the
requirements specified in relevant electrical part of this specification.

The Bidder shall indicate the safety protections and interlock scheme provided for the
recirculation water pump. The motor shall be protected against external heat exchanger
cooler leakage and against possible heat conduction during idle operating condition. The
safety features adopted under such condition shall be elaborated in the offer.

5.2.0 Economizer

Erosion allowance of minimum 1mm in addition to IBR requirements shall be considered while
arriving the economiser tube thickness. Apart from this, minimum 10% thinning allowance on
bends shall be considered.

Economiser shall be bare tube and inline type, arranged for counter flow of feed water and
flue gases with modular construction. It shall be fabricated from seamless tubes in suitable
modules to facilitate block erection.

Stainless steel erosion shields shall be provided with for the leading tubes of each tube bank
of the economiser. Minimum 5 mm thick sturdy cassette baffles shall be provided for all front
and rear bends of the economizer banks. The cassette baffles shall cover complete bends
and additional 300 mm straight tube length.

Steam/ water cooled hanger tubes/headers / Mechanical supports supporting the economiser
shall form part of steam/ water circuit such as not to cause any dislocation /damage to the
tube banks/setting.

Ash hoppers shall be provided for the economiser.

If the steam generator has the flue gas downflow section with horizontal tube banks, the top
most row shall be shielded to reduce erosion.

Headers shall be located external to gas path and shall be drainable completely. If locating
headers in gas path becomes unavoidable, then suitable erosion shields must be provided.

The economiser header shall be provided with drains and suitable opening with forged weld
on caps for internal inspection and chemical cleaning.

Clear cavity height of minimum 1.5 m shall be provided between two sections/ banks of the
economiser for maintenance access.

Access/opening alongwith air/ gas tight hinged quick opening door shall be provided for
approach to each tube bank.

Necessary walkways, platforms, runway beams, motorised hoists etc. shall be provided for
removing, handling and placement of complete tube bank/section at ground level for repair
and replacement.

Space provision shall be provided on gas inlet side of the economiser for future addition of
minimum 20% economiser surfaces. Structures and hangers shall be designed considering
loads due to these additional surfaces also.

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5.3.0 Steam Generator separator/Mixing Chamber/Headers

Design of pressure parts/Steam Separator shall be as per IBR or other equivalent

international standard.

The Separator and Drain vessels shall be of fusion-welded construction with welded
hemispherical dished ends. All weld joints shall be properly heat treated and 100%
radiographed during manufacturing.

The separators/ drain collectors shall be equipped with suitable nozzles for steam/ water
connections, tappings for instrumentation, sampling and other mountings/ fittings etc. The
tappings and nozzles shall comply with heat treatment, weld and other requirements as per
ASME Section-I/ BS 5500. Relevant requirements of IBR shall also be satisfied.

Manhole shall be provided with forged steel cover.

Minimum load with separator dry shall be 25% BMCR

5.4.0 Furnace and water wall

The furnace shall be designed conservatively with sufficient volume to provide complete and
efficient combustion of specified range of fuels.

The height of furnace bottom shall be about 10.50 m above ground level and smaller side of
opening for bottom ash hopper shall be 110 cm (minimum).

Water/ steam walls shall be of membrane wall construction made from seamless tubes.
Clinker breaker shall be provided at inside hopper panel.

The thickness of water wall tubes shall be increased by minimum 0.6 mm over and above the
calculated thickness as per IBR to account for tube erosion and corrosion. Further, an
additional tube thickness of 1.0 mm over and above the thickness of water wall tubes as
calculated above shall be provided on all water wall tubes coming within a radius of half a
meter of each wall blower to guard against premature tube failure due to soot blowing.
Alternatively, fasciated tubes may be provided in the soot blowing radius to guard against
impact of soot blowing.

There shall not be any flame impingement on water walls.

Headers shall be located external to gas path to the extent possible and as per the
manufacturer’s standard practice.

Minimum 10% thinning allowance shall be provided wherever there is bend in the tubes of
furnace and water walls.

Adequate numbers of furnace observation and tapping points shall be provided for local
instruments, gauges, switches, test pockets etc.

In case water wall orifices are provided, these should be supplied with indexing holes and
index pins.

To protect tubes against falling clinkers, the following shall be considered

• Wear bar at hopper panel tubes area or
• Providing additional thickness on the spiral tubes for the hopper portion.

Lower side of hopper panel exposed to sea water to be protected with shield plates.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Boiler columns shall be encased with RCC up to 8 m to avoid corrosion.

The furnace water walls shall be equipped with all necessary access and inspection doors,
access doors being located at both side walls.

For indicating of the flue gas temperature at furnace exit during start-up, sufficient nos. of
retractable temperature measuring probes shall be provided on two opposite sides of the
combustion chamber. These retractable measuring probes shall be provided with electric

A sufficient number of observation ports shall be provided in the appropriate positions to allow
for visual observation of the flames, the combustion process and roots and the tip of the
flames of each burner. Adequate numbers of tapping points shall be provided for local
instruments, gauges, switches, test pockets etc.

Site welding to the furnace and Steam generator tubes, such as, studs for refractory, shall be
avoided as much as possible.

No additives are to be used to improve combustion, fouling problems, corrosion problems or

other reasons.

5.5.0 Superheaters and Reheaters

• Superheaters and reheaters shall be designed, suitably sectionalised and positioned to

comply with the requirements of the specified load(s), coal(s) and whole range of
operating conditions like sliding and constant pressure operations, HP heaters out of
service, HP-LP bypass operation etc.

• Construction of superheater(s) and reheater(s) shall have following features:

i) Heating surfaces arrangements:

a) Tubes, banks, sections shall be made from seamless tubes and shall be
drainable to the maximum possible extent.
b) Even temperature distribution shall be ensured at gas and steam side by criss
crossing the steam paths between LHS and RHS.
c) Use of girdling loops shall not be allowed. .
d) Elements shall be uniformly spaced to avoid gas bypassing.
e) Minimum clear spacing between any two sections of horizontal tube banks shall
be 1500 mm.
f) Maximum depth of tube bank sections in the direction of gas flow shall be 2
meters or maximum soot blowing radius whichever is lower.

ii) Supporting arrangement

All horizontal surfaces shall be supported by steam cooled hanger tubes. The hanger
tubes shall not hamper the access to any part of heat transfer surfaces. Horizontal
surface support by water cooled hanger tubes is also acceptable provided the
contractor has proven experience with the same.

iii) Arrangement of headers

Headers shall be located out side the gas path to the extent possible and shall be fully
drainable. Wherever locating the headers in the gas path becomes unavoidable, these
shall be suitably protected with erosion shields. The arrangement of header shall be
such that it does not cause the high localised flue gas velocity zones near tubes
downstream side of the header. The established design practices of the manufacturer
shall be given due credence.

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iv) Attemperators

Attemperators shall be made from corrosion/ erosion resistant steel, and shall be fitted
with removable liners. These shall be located at inlet or between the two stages of
superheaters and reheaters.
v) Minimum tube thickness

a) Leading tubes of each bank shall be provided with additional thickness of minimum
1.0 mm as erosion allowance over and above the calculated thickness as per IBR.
b) Balance of tubes in the bank shall be provided with additional thickness of minimum 1
mm as erosion allowance over and above the calculated thickness as per IBR.
c) Minimum thinning allowance of +10% shall be provided on bends in addition to the

vi) Tube and header materials

The materials shall be appropriate for most adverse operating conditions and as
specified elsewhere in this specification (Alloys containing molybdenum only without
any suitable stabilization with vanadium and chromium shall not be used. Total
content of molybdenum, tungsten, silicon, vanadium, titanium, tantalum etc.,
individually or all together, if not otherwise specified, shall not exceed the limits
specified in relevant material codes).

vii) Maximum number of material grades that can be used in one tube bank shall be
limited to three (3).

 Superheater(s)/ reheater(s) design shall cater to the operation requirements

as elaborated elsewhere in this specification throughout the control range, for
specified fuel and under all operating conditions like constant and sliding
operations, HP heaters out of service, HP-LP bypass operation, top mills in
service etc.

 There is no damage is caused to the reheaters with sudden closure of turbine

interceptor valves.

 The reheater shall be provided with isolators both at inlet and outlet to
facilitate isolation of reheater during hydraulic tests.

For continuous temperature monitoring, minimum nos. of thermocouples as per following

shall be provided:

a) For supherheaters and reheaters elements placed before furnace exit plane (in the
direction of gas flow), chromel-alumel thermocouples on at least two elements of
every fifth assembly between the two headers shall be provided for tube metal
temperature detection out of gas path (in SG casing).

b) In addition to the above, adequate number of chromel-alumel thermocouples for

measurement of tube metal temperatures outside the gas path shall also be provided.
Total number of thermocouples including those at (a) above shall, however, not be
less than 2 (two) thermocouples per RH/SH assembly between the two headers.

For maintenance and inspection of SH and RH, the following shall be ensured:

a) Minimum 1.5 m clear cavity height between two sections/ banks of heat transfer
surfaces for personnel access. For vertical surfaces, minimum clearance between the
two banks shall be 600 mm.

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b) Access opening shall be provided alongwith air/ gas tight hinged door for approach to
above maintenance spaces without any hindrance from hanger tubes. All access
doors shall be of 500x500 mm size (minimum) and access doors above 0.8 m from
the nominal floor level shall have access platforms. Hanger tubes of horizontal banks
shall have access opening for crossing.

c) Stainless steel erosion shields shall be provided for all bends of all SH and RH
sections and hanger tubes in areas where flue gas temperature is below FEGT. For
the pendent tube sections, the erosion shields on the leading tubes and wherever else
considered necessary by the bidder as per his proven practice shall be acceptable.

d) Arrangement shall be provided for internal inspection of attemperators.

e) Arrangement of structural steel, runway beams, motorised hoists, walkway platform

etc. shall be provided for removing, handling and placement of tubes banks/section at
ground level for repair and replacement.

f) Headers and pipes if made of using X20 Cr Mo V 12-1 material shall have provisions
to ensure that no site welding of this material with similar or dissimilar material is

Complete information on the system used to protect the superheaters/reheaters

during starting-up and shutdown of the units shall be provided. Suitable allowance
shall be provided for the super heater tubes to counter the erosion condition.

5.6.0 Steam Generator Integral Piping, Valves, Fittings and Mountings

• In addition to specific requirements indicated in the subsequent paragraphs below, the

steam generator integral piping, valves, fittings and mounting shall also comply with all
specification requirements of piping, fitting and valves given in Section-2.20 of this
• Silencers shall be provided for boiler start up vent, all first lowest and second lowest set
pressure spring loaded safety valves and electromatic valves.
• Temperature Element shall be provided on all drain lines including soot blower drain line.
• Air release valves, two in series, shall be remote motor operated and shall be connected
to a funnel with drain leading to drain trench.
• Complete valve schedule including control valve sizing calculations, characteristics, and
data sheets etc. shall be furnished and shall be subject to Owner's approval.
• All Steam Generator drains shall be combined in groups (drain stations) depending on
the pressure level and lead to the drain system. The arrangement of drain system shall
comply with following requirements :
i) Drain lines upto drain valves and drain valves shall be designed for the maximum
operating parameters of main process line to which it is connected.
ii) Drain system shall be sized to enable draining of complete pressure parts in
maximum one (1) hour.
iii) The drain valves shall be of low noise and erosion resistant type. The limiting noise
level for regulating drain valves shall be 90 dBA. The noise level for TG, regulating
drain valves and for air motors shall not exceed 90 dBA and 95 dBA respectively, and
that for safety valves and associated vent pipes shall not exceed 105 dBA.
iv) The flow velocity through the drain valves shall not exceed 90 m/s.
• Drain valves (two in series, one manually operated isolation and other motorised
regulating) shall be provided for draining furnace walls, superheaters, reheaters,
economiser, headers, steam line, auxiliary steam line and feed water lines. Valves shall
have plugging/ locking keys and shall be located at appropriate location for convenient
operation. The piping from drain valves shall be connected to flash tank.
• All remote operated control valves shall be provided with the following:

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i) 100% bypass control valves, remote operated and exactly identical to main control
ii) Separate power operated isolation valve on upstream side of each of main and
bypass control valve.
iii) Separate electrically operated isolation valve on down stream side of each of main
and bypass control valve.
iv) Pressure gauge at inlet and outlet of each respective control station in the common
line of main and bypass control valve.

• Drains from headers, gauge glasses and integral piping of steam generator shall be
terminated into one or more drain collection headers which in turn will be connected to
Steam Generator drain tank. The drain shall be connected to the plant drain system after
the same has been cooled by the cooling water. Selection of design conditions of drain
tank shall be as per BS:806 and the atmospheric vent pipe shall be extended upto SG top
canopy level. Suitable arrangements to prevent overflow in this tank shall be furnished.
The valves in the drain line shall be power operated and regulating type with provision of
a motorized isolating valve on upstream side and manual isolating valve on downstream
side. The water level control station shall be complete with the control valves, bypass
valves, and the level controllers.
• Steam Generator fill line shall be provided with a non-return valve of size not less than
100 NB and a stop valve.
• All required sampling points shall be provided along with root valves including that for
feed water at economiser inlet, saturated steam, superheated steam reheated steam. The
sampling probes shall be provided as per relevant section of the latest ASME power test
code. For laboratory samples, necessary sample coolers with valves and cooling water
pipe shall be provided. The root valves shall be of stainless steel. The cooling water shall
be taken from the main cooling water system. Drain from sample coolers shall be
terminated at appropriate floor level. Each steam and water terminal connection for vent,
drain, instrument tapping point and sampling shall be provided with two valves.
• Tapping points shall be provided for all the instrumentation and controls as required for
performance guarantee tests.
• All the valves (including drain, vent and air release valves) required to be operated during
startup and shut down of steam generator shall be provided with remote motorized
operation. For valves located in inaccessible locations, remote operation facility shall be
provided to enable startup, shutdown, load monitoring from unit control room.

5.7.0 Safety valves / Pressure relief devices

• The number, size, location and setting of safety valves on separator/on outlet pipeline,
superheaters and reheaters shall be as per IBR/ASME. The safety valves, installed on the
Steam generator separator, super heater outlet and reheater shall be set to blow in a
predetermined sequence.
• The safety valves of adequate capacity and setting pressure shall be provided on all
steam lines including soot blowing lines, auxiliary PRDS lines and the steam lines,
wherever pressurisation may take place.
• Combined capacity of the sping loaded safety valves shall not be less than 100% BMCR
for Separator and superheater.
• Electormatic relief Valves shall be provided for Super heater. Electormatic relief valve is
set to operate at a lower pressure than spring loaded valves and reduces spring loaded
safety valve maintenance substantially.
• Capacity of electormatic relief valves shall be 15% BMCR for super heater.
• Electormatic relief valve of suitable capacity at reheater outlet shall be provided, if
recommended by the manufacturer.
• All equipment necessary for gauging the safety valves and for hydraulic test purposes
shall be supplied.
• Set points of H.P. bypass stations and safety valves in the H.P. system shall be selected,
so that the H.P. bypass reducing stations will open first. During a trip of the turbine at full

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load and availability of the H.P. bypass reducing station, no safety valves on the H.P. side
shall open.
• The set pressure of the reheater safety valves and of the low pressure bypass stations
shall be chosen so that opening of the reheater safety valves will be avoided to the
largest possible extent.
• The noise level during lifting of safety valves of separators, superheaters and reheaters
shall not exceed 105 dBA with the provision of silencer on the first lowest and second
lowest set pressure safety valve. Noise level of HP & LP bypass valves shall not exceed
115 dBA during valve operation.
• Safety valves shall have access platforms of adequate size to permit two people to work
with access ladders and maintenance access walkways for reaching the platforms.
Access shall be provided on both sides of safety valves.

5.8.0 Miscellaneous mountings

For main steam, cold and hot reheat pipes leading to the turbines, pressure test locks shall be
installed in the vicinity of the steam generator so that it will not be required during a pressure
test of the Steam generator, to block the supports of the whole piping system. Pressure test
lock refers to the locking arrangement provided in spring hangers. Springs hangers shall be in
locked position during hydro test.

• The supply shall include for the Steam generator all necessary connections, valves,
fittings, etc. requested for later cleaning of the Steam generators after some years of
operation. The volume of supply shall be such as to permit easy connection of the acid
cleaning equipment to the Steam generators, avoiding any cuts and welds of pressure

5.9.0 Drain System

• Flash and drain tanks shall be designed and fabricated as per requirements of IS/ASME
section VIII.
• All drain connection to the tanks shall be tangential, and wear plates shall be provided to
prevent erosion due to high pressure and high velocity drains.
• Flash tank design shall not allow discharge of any free water from vent. The steam
velocity through the vent pipe shall not exceed 90 m/s. Vent pipe size shall be so selected
that no pressurisation takes place in the flash tank.
• Drain tank shall be complete with drains, overflows, access manholes and any necessary
internal pipes, baffles and access ladders.
• Provisions shall be made for easy access for inspection and maintenance.

5.10.0 Fuel oil firing system

• Design and installation of HFO and HSD firing system shall comply with N.F.P.A.
(National Fire Protection Association) standards and/or recommendations or other similar
standards. Changeover from one fuel to another should be possible without reducing the
load on the Unit.
• Tracing shall be provided for heavy fuel oil lines.
• Burner tip material shall be corrosion resistant due to oil containing sodium, vanadium,
sulphur, chloride etc.
• Heavy fuel oil and High speed diesel oil trip valves and nozzle valves shall be suitable to
oils at temperature and pressure required at the burners. Further, these valves shall
confirm to ANSI leakage Class-VI under shut off pressure conditions of respective pumps.
• The solenoids of trip valves and individual burner nozzle valve shall be of single coil
heavy duty construction having class ‘H’ insulation.
• The closing time of trip and nozzle valve shall be less than one (1) second. The

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valves shall close when de-energised /failure of air supply.

• Fixed drip tray for each oil burner to contain any oil leakage
• Oil gun cleaning station and the facility for blow off of the oil guns using auxiliary steam at
each firing floor. For this purpose auxiliary steam tapping with necessary isolation valves
and necessary hose connection shall be provided.
• Interlock shall be provided for automatic purge before light up and after failure to first oil
burner operation.
• Contractor shall furnish the fuel oil requirement for startup, commissioning and trial
operation, PG tests along with base offer.

5.10.1 Ignition System

HFO and HSD burners shall be ignited by High Energy Arc ignitors. HEA Igniters for lighting
up of oil, located at the same elevation of oil burner (one per burner) with spark rod retract
mechanism, exciter, fire ball cum discriminating scanners and control box. Each flame
scanner has to monitor only his own flame.

5.10.2 Scanner Air System

Scanner air fans One (1) No. AC drive (Normal Supply) and One(1) No. standby AC drive
(Supply from Normal/Emergency supply) are provided to supply air to cool the flame scanner
head assembly and fuel oil guns. Scanner cooling air system with necessary ductwork,
dampers, supports etc. shall be provided.

5.10.3 Fuel oil drain system

The fuel oil drains from different equipments and piping etc. of a steam generator shall be
brought by gravity to the drain oil tank provided for steam generator. The oil collected in these
tanks shall be periodically pumped back to the fuel oil storage tanks Adequate heating
arrangement shall be provided for drain oil tanks.

5.10.4 Oily water drain system

The oily waste water drains from each steam generator area shall be collected in the oily
water collection pit. This shall be periodically pumped to effluent treatment plant using sump

5.10.5 Coal Preparation and Firing System

The coal storage, preparation and firing system shall commence with the raw coal bunker,
shut-off valve/ gate at raw coal bunker outlet and shall include raw coal feeders with shut off
gate at inlet, coal pulverisers, primary air and seal air fans, pulverised coal piping, coal
burners and associated auxiliaries.

The design of coal preparation and firing system shall ensure the following:

a) Complete safety of the plant, equipment and the personnel.

b) Complete compliance with the latest NFPA (USA) requirements and other requirements
specified hereinafter.
c) Coal supply to the mills shall be from the individual coal bunkers having useful storage
capacity of minimum 14 hours with the unit operation at 100% BMCR while firing worst
coal as specified, considering operating mill bunkers only.
d) Coal bunkers shall complete with lining, inertisation, dust collecting equipments and
deblocking devices (e.g Vibrators)
e) Comprehensive flowability study shall be conducted for the coal bunker hopper to ensure
smooth flow of coal in all seasons with different moisture contents and different
percentage of mill operating configurations. Bunker hopper valley angle shall be

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considered as 73 deg for bunker sizing in the technical offer or as per coal flowability
study conducted as per specification requirement which ever is maximum.

5.10.6 Coal Shut off gates/valves, chutes

• Bunker shut off gate(s) and coal feeder inlet gate(s) shall be provided with the following
a) Size of gates/valves shall be suitable for round bunker opening of minimum 914.4 mm
b) Shut off gates/valves shall be motor operated, with double rack and pinion drive
arrangement and shall be of non-jamming type.
c) Gate/ valve design shall ensure dust tight enclosure and shall be of self cleaning type.
• Shut off valves/gates shall be designed to operate with “bunker full of coal” condition
without its motor getting overloaded. Normal motorised as well inching operation of these
shut off gates/valves should be possible from the feeder floor. For manual operation from
feeder floor level, wheel and chain shall be provided for each gate/valve.
• The chutes between bunker outlet gate and inlet to the coal feeder shall not have internal
diameter less than 914.4 mm. The chute between feeder outlet and pulveriser inlet shall
not be of internal diameter less than 600 mm.
• The chutes shall be of made of minimum 12mm thick SS-410 material and shall be of
fully welded construction. The chute between feeder outlet and pulveriser inlet shall have
a SS lined hopper with suitable reinforcement. The provision shall be made for the
insertion of poke rods in two direction opposite to each other at outlet of the bunker and
inlet of the feeders.
• Suitable coupling (Dresser or equivalent) shall be provided for chute connection(s) at
outlet of feeder and pulveriser with SS 410 inner ring.
• The arrangement of permanent bunker emptying chute alongwith necessary coal flow
diversion valve shall be provided between each bunker and RC feeder. Necessary
access shall be provided for operation of coal flow diversion valves. The emptying chute
shall enable unloading of bunkers on trucks at ground level. An arrangement with a
temporary chute fitted on the bunker downspout alongwith a permanent chute from the
feeder floor to the ground level shall also be acceptable
• Suitable indicators shall be provided in the downspout between bunker and feeder to
detect presence of coal flow to ensure minimum seal height at inlet to feeder and trip the
feeder if the level of coal tends to be below the seal height.
• All components coming in contact with coal and the roller bearing shall be of stainless
steel material.

5.10.7 Coal feeders

• The raw coal feeders shall be of gravimetric, belt type with minimum size of 914.4 mm
(36”). Each RC feeder shall be sized for 1.2 times the maximum capacity of coal
pulveriser. The feeder casing shall be designed to withstand an explosion pressure of
3.5 kg/cm (g).
• The RC feeders shall comply with all the stipulations of NFPA.
• The feeder belt shall be of multi- ply reinforced rubber of single piece construction with
arrangement for tracking and to prevent spillage. The width of the belt shall have
sufficient margin while operating in conjunction with feeder inlet opening. Suitable
arrangement shall be provided to adjust belt tension without opening doors
• All components coming in contact with coal (except belt) shall be made of stainless steel.
• All site equipment shall be suitable for 70°C ambient temperature and other environment
conditions envisaged.
• Each feeder shall be equipped with :

-Variable speed motor or transmission

-Worm reducer assembly
-Multi- ply reinforced rubber belt of single piece construction

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-1 inspection door 0.5 x 0.5 above coal feeder and at front and rear side
-Temperature indicator
-Inner illumination lamps
-Inspection windows
-Control gate with outside scale
-Chutes between feeders and mills.
• Detection for “No coal” flow shall be provided to stop the feeder when no coal is detected
on the conveyor and when pluggage occur at feeder outlet. Paddle type coal alarm switch
shall be provided for this purpose over the feeder conveyor for indication of loss of coal
flow and near the feeder discharge to stop the feeder in the event of coal pluggage at the
feeder outlet.
• The feeder control system shall be microprocessor based. Coal weighing shall be
automatic and shall include local and remote indication for rate of flow and totaliser
counter. The feeder control cabinet shall be located in control equipment room (CER).
• The mass flow of the coal poweder shall be adjustable with online orifice adjustment
using micro wave based flow measurement.
• The weighing accuracy of the feeder shall be + 0.5% with repeatability of 0.1%. Facility
for in-built calibration shall be provided.
• The following facilities shall be provided for the feeders:
a) Spraying water inside the casing.
b) Providing purge air to the feeder.
• Feeders shall be provided with adequate number of manholes on for quick and easy
release of the feeder jamming. Easy access to any part of the feeder internals shall be
possible without dismantling the complete casing.

5.10.8 Coal mills

• The coal pulversier shall be of vertical spindle type. Each mill shall be fed with coal by an
independent coal feeder. The coal pulverizers shall be of the “applied force mill” type
suitable for pressurized operation in conjunction with primary air fan.
• The milling system selected shall respond to load change, remain in service for long
operating periods, maintain prescribed performance throughout the life of elements and
accept wide variety of coal.
• The classifier design shall be of static type and shall be capable of maintaining rated
conditions of fineness under all conditions of operation, load changes and specified fuels.
Further, the classifier vanes shall be adjustable externally and shall be lined with suitable
wear resistant material to ensure the guaranteed wear life.
• The classifier shall ensure reduction in particle of 50 mesh and increased quantity
through 200 mesh percentage to ensure uniform sizing and distribution of particles.
Fineness adjustment shall be possible while the mills are in service.
• Outlet of the classifier shall have aerodynamic shape to prevent eddies.
• Provision shall be provided in the mill design for future accommodation of rotary classifier
in place of stationary classifier. For this purpose necessary structure, piping, spare piece
etc. shall be provided.
• Fineness adjustment shall be possible while the mills are in service. Mill grinding
ring/race shall be segmental and grinding elements must be wear resistant and shall be
made of superior Hi-chrome or equivalent material to ensure the guaranteed wear life.
• The mill noise level shall not exceed the specified values. While selecting lagging,
background noise from adjacent mills, drive system and other secondary and stray noises
shall be taken into account.
• Seal air fans common for all the mills shall be provided for each steam generator unit.
The fans shall preferably be located at ground floor.
• The sealing system shall prevent ingress of any dust into the bearings and leakage of
coal-air mixture to atmosphere.
• The seal air fans shall take their suction from atmosphere/PA fan cold air duct. Silencers
shall be provided, if required, at the suction of the fans to restrict noise level within
permissible limits.

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• The gear box design shall ensure that there is no ingress of coal dust into gear box under
all conditions of operation. Each mill shall be provided with its own forced lubrication oil
system, including 2x100 % oil coolers, oil tank, 2 x 100 duplex filters and 2 x 100% oil
pumps. The design of lubrication system shall ensure continuous operation of mill
bearings Sealing air connections and seals shall be provided on the mill journals and on
the mill casing in order to protect the bearings against the entry of dust. The gear box
shall give trouble free operation of not less than 100,000 hours of mill operation.
• The mill motors shall be adequately sized and selected motor capacity shall enable
restart of the mill after a trip with mill full of coal. Such restart shall not call for any
emptying of the mill.
• Inlet coal pipe between RC feeder and the mill shall not have any reduction in section
throughout the length, including at entry point on top of the mill.
• The material of construction of wear parts shall be selected taking into account highly
abrasive nature of coal resulting from coal contamination with silica sand and alpha-
• The grinding rings/ race shall be made of material having hardness of minimum 550 BHN
at the surface with adequate chilled depth. The grinding rolls shall be of insert type sinter
cast rolls with minimum hardness 350 BHN. Minimum difference between hardness of
rings/race and rolls shall be 100 BHN.Tapping points shall be provided on each
pulverized coal pipe at mill outlet and shall be suitable for coal sampling as per ISO 9931.
The sampling provisions shall be complete with screwed plugs, compressed air purging
connections at tapping points, heating arrangement and other requirements as per ISO
• One (1) no. of Rota probe shall be provided for each steam generator for coal sampling
as per ISO 9931. Further, four (4) nos. of Dirty Pitot tubes shall be provided for steam
generator and shall be suitable for measurement of coal-air velocity in the coal pipes.
• Convenient approach/access from nearest platform floor shall be provided for coal
sampling/ measurement points.
• Mill outlet temperature control shall be capable of achieving and maintaining rated
temperature for adequately drying the specified coal range for all unit loads.
• The flap of power operated mill discharge valves shall be totally out of coal path during
operation of the mill.
• The mill shall be capable of running at part loads and ensure minimum turn-down ratio of
• It shall be possible to isolate the mills from the hot air/gas ducts and from the dust ducts
in such a way that the Steam Generator operation will not be disturbed when isolating
one mill, and that the maintenance work such as rearmouring has not to be done under
hard conditions. Doors of the mills shall be provided with hinges and quick acting
opening & closing facilities.
• All mill wear parts shall be arranged so as to facilitate easy replacements without total
dismantling of mill. Suitable measures shall be taken to prevent, under all operating
conditions, each part of the mill by being endangered by over temperature. Lifting and
hoisting devices required for maintenance shall be provided.
• Adequate numbers of access doors/windows with access ladders shall be provided to
facilitate access to various parts of mill. The access doors shall be suitable for on load
inspection and maintenance of the mill. The oil pumps and filters shall be readily
• Necessary ladders and approach platforms for mill bay hoist shall be provided at one
end/ corner to carry out any maintenance activity on hoists.

5.10.9 Inerting system for mills and coal pipes and ducts

• Special care is to be taken to avoid explosions inside the mills and coal pipes, especially
when burning coal with a self-ignition temperature of 220 C and high volatile content.
• The provision of the plant with an inerting system will be mandatory. It shall consider an
inerting system based on steam with motor operated valves and all relevant equipments.
• Inerting system shall be capable of performing the following function:

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• The system shall deliver a high inerting flow to the mill to quickly reduce the oxygen level
in the mill to 7% to reduce the explosion potential. The system shall be designed to meet
the above flow requirements in the event all pulverizers require simultaneous inerting.
• The system shall deliver a low inerting flow to the off-line mill to maintain inert
atmosphere during hazardous conditions.
• The system shall deliver a cleaning steam flow capable of emptying a tripped mill into the
furnace under specific interlocked conditions.

5.10.10 Distribution of pulverized coal

• Pulverised coal pipes from the mills to the burners shall be arranged in view of maximum
symmetry, to achieve even distribution to all burners
• The coal air mixture velocity in the coal pipes shall not be lower than the critical fallout
velocity under all conditions of mill operation from start up of Steam Generator onward.
• The fuel pipe shall preferably have no horizontal run and if horizontal run is necessitated
due to layout constraints it shall tilt either towards mills or burners.
• Calculated static loading of each support of the pulverized coal pipes shall be increased
by at least 25% to arrive at the design load, to take care of the shock loading, occurring in
the pipe work under abnormal conditions of operation.
• The individual pulverised coal ducts behind the distributors shall be provided with shut-off
devices, which upon shutdown of one mill shall be closed for avoiding the recirculation of
the flue gases. Changes of mills load shall not cause any disturbance of the gas and dust
flow in the ducts. No unreasonable wear of ducts shall occur.
• The guide plates, wherever provided in the coal pipe, shall be removable and access to
them shall be obtained through detachable cover. The guide plates shall be made up of
suitable abrasion resistant material.
• Pulverized coal piping shall be ceramic lined with the thickness of not less than 15 mm
wherever necessary.
i) From mill outlet upto and including 1 bend and two times pipe diameter straight
length down stream of first bend.
ii) All bends between 15˚ and 30˚ angle and straight length down stream of the bends
equivalent to one pipe diameter.
iii) All bends 30˚ and higher and two times diameter straight length downstream of the
iv) The burner inlet elbow and the pipe piece after the elbow.
v) Pulverised coal pipe from mill to classifier (in case of separate classifier).
vi) The ceramic material shall have alumina content of not less than 90%. The ceramic
lining shall be minimum 15 mm thickness and shall provide guaranteed life of
25000 hrs.
• Purge air connections shall be provided after the mill discharge valve to clean pulverised
coal pipes of any deposits etc.
• Provisions shall be made at suitable locations on pulverized coal piping for sampling the
pulverized coal. Suitable sampling equipment shall also be provided.

5.11.0 Pulverized fuel burners

5.11.1 Burner Design

• Coal firing system shall be designed for minimum turn-down ratio.

• The coal burner design shall ensure a steady log mean density of coal air mixture
distribution as it enters the combustion zone, without allowing the coal dust to settle
• The burner design shall minimise erosion.
• The burner shall be designed to ensure smooth variation in the fuel flow without affecting
the air to fuel ratio.
• The air to fuel ratio around the burner shall be optimized to ensure low emission of Nox.
Total Nox emission (fuel as well as thermal Nox) shall not exceed 750 mg/Nm

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• Burners shall be provided with automatic control with flame scanner and safety
• Each burner shall be provided with its own ignitor and flame scanner. The burners shall
be robust and shall stand long operation periods. Adequate measures shall be taken to
protect coal burners which are not in operation from being damaged by radiation of heat
coming from the furnace. Necessary cooling arrangement shall be provided for non
operating burners.

5.11.2 Burners Construction

• Each coal burner shall be served by one separate coal pipe and shall be provided with
one knife edge type gate valve at burner inlet. The valve shall be power operated and
hooked up to burner management system.
• Compartmented wind box shall be provided for supply of secondary air for combustion.
• The material and construction of burner shall withstand radiation from the furnace, and
shall not be damaged when not in use.
• Burner design shall ensure freedom from deposits and distortion under all operating
condition in the furnace. Further, burners shall not require adjustment to maintain flame
• The parts subjected to high temperature which cannot be protected by other means shall
be made of alloy steel. Further, burners parts subject to abrasion that may require
replacement at frequent intervals shall be easily removable.
• Minimum operating life of burner parts without requiring any maintenance and
replacement shall be guaranteed for minimum 8000 hours.
• Burner shall be removable or replaceable from outside the stream generator without entry
to the furnace.
• Air register construction shall be such that tangential air vanes are always free to move.
The support bearings shall preferably be located outside. In case the support bearings
are located inside, minimum period of operation shall be 16000 hours without calling for
maintenance of any sort during this period.

5.12.0 Primary Air Fans

• The fan characteristics shall be compatible with pulverized coal system resistance and
Steam Generator operation at rated loads, during Steam Generator start up and low load
operation with minimum number of mills. The system resistance curves shall always be
sufficiently below the fan stall line. The best efficiency point of the fan shall be close to
100% TMCR operating point.
• The fan control system shall be designed to achieve stable and satisfactory operation
with air flow control and air pressure controls. Fan flow control shall be by blade pitch
control. The final control element shall be electrically/ pneumatically operated and shall
not have a backlash or play etc. The regulating dampers for air pressure control shall
operate in the range of 20% to 85% steam generator loads up to BMCR conditions. The
system shall be capable of working on automatic mode for all regimes of operation in a
steady and stable manner.

5.12.1 Constructional Features

• Material of construction
Fan Blades : High strength Aluminum alloy with
minimum hardness of BHN-75
Base Plate : Cast Iron and Welded Steel
Casing : Sheet Steel of suitable thickness
Fan inlet boxes, diffuser and : Fabricated with sheet steel of thickness
intermediate pieces not less than 5 mm.

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• Special features

i) The fan suction shall be provided with rigid bird and trash screen assembly and shall
have suitable arrangement to prevent rain water from directly entering the fan.
ii) The fan design shall be over hung type. The layout of PA fans shall ensure
interchangeability of impellers. Similar fans shall have same direction of rotation.
iii) The contractor shall submit detailed calculations for Owner’s approval to confirm
compliance with the sizing requirements specified else where in the specification.
iv) Pulsation shall be avoided by suitable design of fan and connecting ductwork.

• Fan bearings:

i) The rotor assembly shall be supported over a oil lubricated bearing assembly
consisting of antifriction/sleeve bearing adequately sized to take care of radial thrust
ii) Bearing housings shall be provided with vibration pad and sensors for remote
monitoring, interlock and protection.
iii) In case of oil lubricated bearing, the design shall be such that bearing are lubricated
by external force oil lubricating system in which oil is cooled by external cooler. In
addition, sump lubrication shall also be provided.
iv) One number duplex RTD and temperature indicators shall be provided for local and
remote monitoring of the bearing metal temperature of fans for each bearing.

• Each primary fan shall be provided with its own forced lubrication oil system, including
2x100 % Lube. Oil coolers, Lube. Oil tank with heater, 2 x 100 duplex Lube. Oil filters and
2 x 100% oil pumps. The lube oil pressure shall be higher than cooling water pressure.
Each bearing shall be provided with an oil level indicator and screwed drain plug if
applicable. Further Flow sight glasses shall be provided in the return oil lines from the
bearings to lubricating oil system

• Silencers shall be provided to limit the noise level to the specified values.
• Fan vibration monitoring pads shall be provided.
• Fan housing shall be designed for ease of maintenance and access to the fan wheel or
impeller. The casing shall be split type to provide easy removal of the fan wheel or
impeller for replacement and repairs. Access doors shall be provided in each suction
chambers, casing. The casing section shall have gasketted joints to ensure air-tight
sealing. Drain connections shall be provided at the bottom most point of fan housing.
• Fan casing shall be properly stiffened to minimize vibrations and distortions during

5.12.2 Primary Air flow measurements

• PA flow measuring devices shall be provided at air inlet to each mill for total air flow
measurement and control.
• Independent tapping points with necessary isolating valves shall be provided for control,
measurement and performance test.
• Location, type and design of flow measuring devices shall be subject to Owner’s
• Necessary temperature element points for temperature compensation in the flow
measurement shall also be provided.
5.12.3 Balanced draft system
• To maintain balance draft conditions in the furnace over the entire load range while
burning the stipulated range of fuel , 2 x 60% forced draft (FD) fans and 2 x 60% Induced
draft (ID) fans shall be provided.

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• Both FD and ID fans shall operate with highest possible efficiency which shall be nearly
equal at the 100% TMCR and test block points.

5.12.4 Construction Features

• The construction of FD & ID fans shall comply with the following requirements:

Description FD fans ID fans

Type of fan Axial type Axial type
Type of fan blade Stream line, aerofoil Stream line, aerofoil shaped
shaped section section
Blade material and High strength Al-alloy High strength Al- alloy with anti
thickness BHN-75 (min) wear spray coating/ liners or
Equivalent subject to approval of
Fan critical speed Not less than 125% of Not less than 125% of fan
fan maximum operating maximum operating speed
Fan component To withstand torsional To withstand torsional stresses
design stresses three times the three times the normal full load
normal full load motor motor torque at all speeds. The
torque at all speeds shaft material shall be 15 Mo3 or
better or equivalent subject to
approval of Owner. The operating
stresses shall be limited to
2kg/mm . Welded zones shall be
suitably stress relieved and
residual stress shall be
considered for design.
Fan casing material 5 mm (min.) Abrasion resistant high BHN
and plate thickness Steel 8 mm (min.)/ 12mm (min.)
mild steel with liner thickness 6
mm (min.) or equivalent subject
to approval of Owner.
Fan housing design Shut off head of the fan Shut off head of the fan

• Fan components along with servo/blade pitch control mechanism shall be designed to
withstand and continuously operate with the maximum air or flue gas temperature that
these fans will be required to handle.
• ID fan components shall also be designed to withstand the excursions upto 300°C which
may persist for about 30 minutes duration.
• Each FD & ID fan shall be provided with its own forced lubrication oil system, including
2x100 % oil coolers, Lube. Oil tank with heater, 2 x 100 duplex lube. Oil filters and 2 x
100% lube. Oil pumps.
5.12.5 Fan Bearings

• Bearing shall be provided with oil bath to avoid damage in case of complete loss of plant
auxiliary power when the fans must coast down without power.
• Oil reservoir in bearings housing shall be sized for maintaining lubrication for extended
periods in case of oil circulation system being out of service.
• One number duplex PE-RTD and temperature indicator shall be provided for each
• Bearing housings shall be provided with vibration pads and sensors for remote monitoring
and interlock/ protection.

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5.12.6 Fan Balancing

• The fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced before dispatch to site. Balancing of
each fan shall be checked and adjusted at site, if necessary.
• Natural frequency of fan components shall be established by vibration testing to ensure
that no part of the wheel is adversely exited by any force generated at operating speeds.
• For axial fan cantilever, variable pitch blade shall be subjected to natural frequency. The
other components of ID & FD fan wheels need not be subjected to natural frequency test
if supplier can prove that these component are very rigid and have very high natural
frequency compared to the operating frequency of respective fans giving justification.

5.12.7 Operational Requirements

• FD & ID fans shall meet the following operational requirements:

Description FD fan ID fan

Mode of operation a) Two fans in parallel Two fans in parallel
b) One fan operation (One as One fan operation (One as well
well as both streams in as both streams in operation).
operation). Reverse rotation
Fan Control Capable of operating in Capable of operating in
automatic mode for all regimes automatic mode for all regimes
of operation in a steady and of operation in a steady and
stable manner. stable manner.
Vibration monitoring Suitable pads matching with vibration pickup shall be provided on
system fan bearing housings.
Bearing metal Shall be possible from remote as well as locally using adequate
temperature nos. of duplex platinum RTDs.

• The fans shall be suitable for parallel operation and sharing the load equally over the
entire range of operation without hunting. Pulsation shall be avoided by suitable design of
fans and connected ductwork.

5.12.8 Flow measuring devices

• The draft plant shall include aerofoil type flow elements in the air system for total air flow
measurements and control, each with three pairs of tapping points.
• Three nos. duplex temperature element with thermo wells for temperature compensation
shall be provided.

5.12.9 Fan casing

• The fan casing shall be of split type to facilitate easy removal of the fan wheel or impeller
for replacement and repairs.
• Access doors shall be provided in each suction chamber casing and diffuser.
• The sections shall have gasketed joint to ensure air tight sealing.

5.12.10 Fan Layout

• The layout of FD & ID fans shall ensure interchangeability of the impellers. Similar fans
shall have same direction of rotation.

5.12.11 Drain connections

• Drain connections shall be provided at bottom most point of the fan housing.

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5.12.12 Fan suction

• Silencers shall be provided at the suction of FD fans to limit the noise level to 85 dBA at a
distance of 1.0 m.
• Fan suction shall be provided with rigid bird and trash screen assembly and shall have
suitable arrangement to avoid rain water from directly entering the FD fan.
• Location of FD fan hood shall prevent entry of dusty air into fan.

5.13.0 Steam coil air preheater(SCAPH)

• To ensure that the Steam Generator exit gas temperature does not fall short the dew
point secondary air shall be preheated by steam coil air preheaters.
• SCAPH and connected air ducts shall be designed to handle flows corresponding to 60%
BMCR loads with one of the two streams working without any undue noise/ vibration.
• The steam supply can be taken from the auxiliary steam line. All steam and drain piping
control and isolating valves, and all other fittings and drain condensate pumps (If
required) shall be provided in order to satisfy the above requirements..
• SCAPH shall have modular construction with adequate tube spacing to avoid chocking by
contamination in the entering air. The position of the steam coil air preheater shall allow
for the complete draining of all pressure parts.
• Facility shall be provided for complete isolation of SCAPH from the air flow path.
• SCAPH should be in service only during startup, low load and under abnormal conditions.
It shall not be in service under all normal operations for the complete specified range of
• Heating coils shall be easily removable for cleaning and maintenance. Drain connections
(blind flanges or screwed plugs) shall also be upstream and downstream of the SCAPH in
the bottom of the air duct (not only in the SCAPH frame).
• Proper approach and adequate facility (platform, runway beam, hoist etc.) for removal
and placement of SCAPH modules on ground level shall be provided.
• SCAPH shall be located in the bypass duct of secondary air duct instead of locating at
main duct.
• The requirement of Steam coil air preheaters will be ascertained by the Steam Generator
manufacturer based on the site ambient conditions; sulphur content in the range of coal
specified and required no. of cold start-ups during the life of the plant.

5.14.0 Regenerative air heaters

• The steam generator shall be equipped with Two (2) Nos. of trisector regenerative Air
pre-heaters as the last stage of heat recovery, in which both the primary and secondary
air are independently heated up in the same air heater. The sections for the primary air
and secondary air shall be apportioned in accordance with the primary air/secondary air
flow ratio for the design point. Sizing of air-preheater(s) shall also ensure that there is no
need for economizer bypass to get the desired mill outlet temperature, for the whole
range of specified coals.
• Air and flue gas ducts at inlet and outlet of APH shall be of aerodynamic design to ensure
uniform flow distribution across the duct sections at all loads.
• The air pre heaters shall be of rotary regenerative, Lungstorm or approved equivalent
type with axis of rotation as vertical. The construction of air pre heaters shall conform to
the following:

a) Heating Elements
Cold End : Corten steel, minimum 1.2 mm thick
Hot/Intermediate End : Carbon steel, minimum 0.8 mm thick.
(Sacrificial hot end element to a height of 300 mm
to 400 mm. or Equivalent subject to approval of

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b) Bearings(Sump lubricated and forced cooled lub oil system)

Cold End : Spherical roller thrust bearing
Hot/Intermediate End : Radial guide bearing

Only metallic hoses shall be used for bearing cooling and lubrication. Rubber hoses
shall not be acceptable.

c) Air heater seals

The seals shall be of externally adjustable and easily replaceable type.

The maximum air-in leakage to flue gas does not exceed 8%, one year after
demonstration of above guaranteed air-in-leakage. Within this period of operation till
all air heater leakage demonstrations are completed by internal adjustments shall be
allowed. The seal design/construction shall be such that the above requirements are

Seals shall have life not less than 2 years (with leakages not exceeding permitted

d) Air heater drive system

The drive system shall consist of one (1) no. peripheral AC drive and One(1) no.
standby AC drive (supply feed from emergency DG set) with gear box and automatic
clutching/ declutching facility, and one (1) no. independent air motor drive with its
gear box and automatic clutching facility for rotation during non availability of AC drive
system. An air receiver of storage capacity to cater to 10 minutes (minimum)
operational requirement of air motors shall be provided.

• Ash hoppers shall be provided for collection of ash.

• Sacrificing basket for APH shall be provided at hot end
• The rated air temperature exiting the air heater shall be achievable upto 100%
BMCR load with design coal.
• Facilities along with the grids for flue gas sampling and gas temperature
measurement on both the inlet and outlet sides of APH(s) shall be provided.
• Alarms for rotor stoppage and failure of drives and lubrication system shall be
• Air pre heater off load water washing facilities (including hoppers, water connections
etc.) with drainage connected to station drains shall be provided.
• Air heater elements shall be arranged in baskets and shall be easily removable in
groups/baskets for maintenance.
• Observation ports with vapour proof light shall be provided at air inlet duct for rotor
• Maintenance facilities
a) The arrangement of walkways, platform, runway beams, trolley, hoists etc. as
required, shall be provided conveying, lowering and placement of elements/baskets
to ground level.
b) Hinged access doors shall be provided in the housing for internal inspection, cleaning,
maintenance and replacement of elements without dismantling air heaters.
c) Galleries and platform around air heater and access to observation ports/access
doors etc. shall be provided. Platforms shall be capable of taking load and storing
elements for at least one sector of the air pre heater.
d) Special T&P kit including Hydralic lifting cyinders for supporting shall be provided for
removal of bearings and for replacement of shaft.

• Permanent firefighting facilities alongwith thermocouple type fire sensing device and
redundant temperature elements shall be provided for each bearing and oil sump. Fire

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fighting facilities on cold end and hot end of the air preheaters shall be provided and the
fire fighting facilities shall cover both flue gas sides of air preheaters. Connections for fire
water shall be taken from fire water lines. Necessary water draining system, connected to
station drains shall also be provided.

5.15.0 Duct work and Dampers

5.15.1 Duct Work

• Air Ducting includes Cold air ducting from FD fans to air heaters with interconnecting duct
and SCAPH bypass duct, Cold air ducting from PA fans to air heaters with
interconnecting duct, cold tempering air ducting to mills from PA fan outlets, hot
secondary air ducting from air pre heater to burner wind box including interconnecting
ducts and hot primary air ducting from air heater to mills. Air ducts are fabricated from
5 mm steel plates.
• Flue gas ducting shall include,

i. Flue gas ducting from economiser to air pre heaters

ii. Flue gas ducting from air pre-heaters to dust collector(ESP) inlet including
interconnecting duct
iii. Flue gas ducting from dust collector (ESP) to ID fans including inter connecting duct
iv. Flue gas ducting from ID fans to stack.
v. The flue gas ducts shall be fabricated from minimum of 7 mm thick Carbon steel
plates before ESP and minimum of 6 mm thick carbon steel plates after ESP. The
ducts shall be of welded construction with all necessary dampers expansion joints,
access doors and necessary supporting steel. Wear resistant plates in flue gas ducts
at corners and direction changing areas (min 5 mm thick)

• Duct design shall take into account following all occurring together.

i. Wind Load
ii. Dead weight including weight of insulation, lining, wash water and vertical live load.
iii. Horizontal flue gas ducts shall be designed additionally for minimum 245 kg/m fly ash
loading on the surface or for one fourth of duct full of ash or for maximum possible
accumulation of ash in the duct work, under all normal, upset or abnormal operating
conditions, whichever is higher. The ash density for the purpose of loading shall be at
least 1300 kg/m³.
iv. The following minimum load factor shall be applied to the design loads

Temp 27 38 93 149 203 260 316 321

(Deg C)
Load 1.00 1.02 1.12 1.19 1.25 1.29 1.34 1.42

v. Expansion joint reaction.

vi. The duct work and its structure shall take into account loads due to future addition of
FGD interconnection ducts and dampers in the duct between ID fan outlet and
chimney inlet.

• All interconnecting gas ducts, connecting one gas stream to another, between the Steam
Generator and the ESP shall have a minimum slope with respect to horizontal so that any
chance of accumulation of ash particles in the duct can be avoided under all operating

The ducts shall be of rectangular cross-section and shall be of all welded construction.
Circular ducts shall not be acceptable.

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Internal duct stiffening shall be made of pipes and External stiffening shall be made of rolled
The thickness of the duct plate shall be suitably increased, if required, in the transition zone at
steam generator outlet where the flue gases change direction, to increase the wear life of the
duct plates.

Material of construction of duct shall be as per following requirement:

Duct plates, turning vanes

: ASTMA 36 or equivalent
perforated plates
Structural shapes : ASTMA 36 or equivalent
Pipe struts, trusses tracing : ASTMA 53 or equivalent
Erection bolts for ducts : ASTM A 307 or equivalent
Bolts for connection to
: ASTM A 325, AISIA 325(friction type) or equivalent
structural steel
Stainless steel : ASTM A 316 L
Gaskets : ’Refrasil’ by Hitco or equivalent
Access and inspection doors : Reinforced steel plate

The stiffeners provided on the ducts wall shall be of such a design and layout that no rain
water can accumulate on the duct surfaces.

The flanges at the bolted joints shall have adequate stiffeners to avoid damages to the

All necessary wall boxes and floor collars shall be provided where the duct work pass through
walls, floor and roof.

The floor collars shall be fitted with a high combing to prevent water and dust falling through
the hole.

The duct work shall be fitted with a steel hood to cover the opening.

Weather proof flashing shall also be provided wherever necessary.

The configuration and design of ducts shall be coordinated with the pulveriser parts removal

Air and gas ducts shall not counter internal bracings which cause excessive pressure drop.

Duct work sections between expansion joints shall be checked and designed with regard to
their ability to transmit loads to supports. Care shall be exercised to identify uplift condition.

Internal stiffening elements shall consist of trusses, preferably comprised of extra-strong steel
pipes (minimum diameter 76.2 mm) acting in conjunction with external stiffeners. Such
internal stiffeners for the flue gas duct between Steam Generator and ESP shall be provided
with erosion protection shields. The number of internal trusses shall be limited to the minimum
required for structural integrity and shaped so as to offer least resistance to gas flow and to
minimise the accumulation of fly ash in the bottom of duct.

Corner angles shall be used on inside corners of all ducts to provide adequate continuity.

Inside welds of corner angles to duct plate shall be continuous and seal welded. Where inside
surface of ducts will be coated, welds shall be full throat.

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Field welding and all connection of bracing (stiffening elements) to stiffeners shall be well
designed in order to develop full strength of the members. The gusset plates shall be of
minimum 10 mm thickness.

The duct, plates, trusses, stiffeners and ductwork shall be designed as structures in
accordance with relevant Indian Standards.

All opening inducts shall be reinforced for all design loads.

The expansion joints shall be of metallic type suitable for the service conditions.

The materials for joints shall be tested as per IS/ASTM/DIN or other international standards.

The minimum trouble free operational life of expansion joint shall not be less than 20000 hrs
of operation from the date of commissioning.

Bolted plates or other positive closure means shall be provided in order to permit pressure
testing of steam generator enclosure.

5.15.2 Dampers

Power operated gas tight isolation dampers along with their drives shall be provided at all
locations required for carrying out internal repair and maintenance of pulverisers, electrostatic
precipitators, ID fans, PA fans, FD fans when the steam generator is under operation.
Interconnecting dampers shall be provided where necessary. As a minimum, the following
locations shall be provided with power operated gas tight dampers:

On each hot air and cold air duct to each of the : Guillotine gate type
On each inlet and outlet to each ESP stream (there : Guillotine gate type
being four ESP streams, with eight inlets and eight
Before and after each ID fan. : Guillotine gate type

At inlet to each of the regenerative air pre heater on : Bi plane type Multi louver
flue gas side. dampers
Before and after each of the regenerative air pre : Bi plane type Multi louver
heater on air side. dampers
At discharge of each of PA fan. : Guillotine gate type
At discharge of each of FD fan. : Biplane type dampers
Interconnecting duct dampers as necessary. : Multi louver type

Heavy duty multi louver dampers shall be provided at locations not requiring tight shut off

Pneumatically or motor operated control dampers shall be provided on the hot and cold
primary air inlet to each mill, and at each air pre heater outlet on flue gas path (if applicable).

Damper gas tightness:

Damper gas tightness for the guillotine dampers shall be guaranteed for a gas tightness
efficiency of 100% with or without use of sealing air

Damper gas tightness for the multi louver damper shall be guaranteed for a gas tightness
efficiency of 99.3 % without use of sealing air.

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Pressurisation fans:

a) All dampers at ID fan discharge, primary and secondary air at APH outlets and mill inlets
shall be provided with 2x100% pressurisation fans to achieve 100% sealing efficiency.
Alternatively, for mill inlet gate, bidder may take seal air from PA fan cold air bus.

b) The location and scheme for pressurisation system shall be to Owner’s approval.

All dampers shall be designed to withstand the operating air and flue gas temperature without

The multi louver damper shall be capable of effectively stopping the flow when in closed
position and while in full open position shall cause minimum pressure drop. The isolating
damper design shall provide positive shutoff when closed.

All regulation dampers, vanes, blade pitch controls coming under auto regulation shall be able
to provide the desired relationship between percentage opening and the flow.

The auto regulating dampers shall be capable of being operated between 20% to 85%
opening as per the optimal requirements of control systems to achieve stable, steady and
smooth automatic control of the plant and processes under all operating conditions.

There shall not be any backlash, play etc. with linkage mechanism, actuator and final control

Thermal expansion of ducting shall not produce stress in louvers, linkage arrangement etc.

Outlet dampers of seal air fans, scanner air fans and emergency dampers of scanner air shall
be pneumatically operated, suitable for remote manual operation. Auto transfer damper is
also acceptable for the scanner air fans.

All pneumatically operated interlocked dampers actuators shall be provided with solenoid

Guillotine dampers:

All guillotine dampers shall be located in horizontal duct to avoid fly ash build up when in
closed position and shall be of top entry type.

Multi louver dampers:

a) The damper shall be of heavy duty construction and shall operate without bind or
fluttering under operating conditions.
b) The damper louver shaft shall be rigidly constructed to prevent bending and shall be
suitably insulated to protect from over heating. .
c) The spindles shall be adequately sized and bearings suitably insulated to protect over
d) The shaft bearings shall be mounted outside the damper box channel and arranged for
convenient inspection.
e) Stuffing boxes shall be provided on all damper blade shafts.
f) The shaft shall be horizontal wherever possible.
g) For preventing hot air or gases from escaping around damper shaft, double gland type
stuffing boxes with graphite impregnated packing material shall be provided on all damper
blade shafts.
h) The dampers in flue gas paths shall be so located that the build up of grit behind the
damper blades is reduced to a minimum.

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Diverter dampers/ flap dampers (if provided)

a) Dampers shall be single flap/double flap construction with flexible duplex seals mounted
on the flap itself. The seals shall have minimum life of 3 years. The seal material shall be
high nickel alloy equivalent or better than hastealloy C-276 (ASTM B575, UNS 10276) or
Inconel 625.

b) The diverter damper shall ensure sealing efficiency of minimum 99.3% on flue gas flow
without seal air. To provide man safe isolation for on-line maintenance of air pre heater,
2x100% seal air fans per damper shall also be provided to attain 100% gas tightness.
c) The diverter flap shall be totally out of flue gas flow path in order to avoid any erosion
from ash.
d) The damper design shall prevent ash accumulation when in closed position.

Weather hood to prevent rain water entry and accumulation shall be provided at damper top.

If grease lubrication is required, grease connection shall be accessible and suitable platforms
etc. shall be provided.

Dampers operation:

a) All dampers shall be arranged to facilitate local manual operation also from a gallery or
floor level. Open and closed positions shall be clearly marked on the dampers
b) The force required to operate the damper shall be limited to 35 kgs (maximum) at the rim
of the hand wheel.
c) The operating gear shall be fitted with a graduated indicator and shall be designed such
that the damper may be retained in any position. The isolating dampers shall additionally
be fitted with locking devices to permit locking in the fully open and shut positions.
d) All powered dampers shall also have provision for manual operation during emergency
and maintenance along with graduated local position indicator.
e) Suitable all-around approach and platform shall be provided for manual operation of
dampers and for carrying out maintenance on damper.

f) All bearings for spindles for damper operating gear shall, be arranged for efficient grease
lubrication. Grease lines of copper/ steel shall run from all greasing points on each
damper to a convenient and easily accessible location adjacent to the respective damper
and terminated with suitable clamps and grease nipples on a steel frame to facilitate easy

5.16.0 Ash Hoppers

The Contractor shall furnish all necessary fly ash hoppers for Steam Generator, economizer,
air heater, including air heater wash down hoppers as required. The capacity of each hopper
(including any dust hopper) shall not be less than 8 hours storage when the Steam Generator
is steaming at maximum continuous rating. The capacity of economizer hopper shall be 12hrs
storage at maximum continuous rating. The capacity of the hoppers shall be calculated with
ash content corresponding to the worst coal specified. Bulk density of bottom ash for volume
calculation shall be considered 650 kg/m3 and for fly ash 750 kg/m³ and 1350 kg/m3 for
structural design.

All hoppers shall be equipped with proper flanged pipe connection for attaching to fly ash
removal piping system and the hopper slope shall not be less than 60 Deg.

Ash hoppers shall be provided, wherever necessary, below the vertical portion of the ducts
where ash may accumulate. However, care shall be taken in the design of ducting
arrangement so as to minimise the necessity of such hoppers.

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5.17.0 Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)

The electrostatic precipitator for each Steam Generator shall be designed for a dust
concentration at ESP outlet with specified worst coal firing and with all fields in service and
one field out of service as indicated in the Specified datasheet.

The ESP minimum requirements are:

- Fields with gas tight housing

- Electrically heated hoppers with sufficient steep hopper slope to avoid ash bridging and
sufficient volume
- Access doors, platform stairs and inside gangways and ladders
- Weather proof pent house for complete ESP.
- Complete ESP internals and rapping devices
- Supporting structure
- Pipes and condensate traps for steam trace
- Thermal insulation
- Paintings

Electrical part:

- Transformer rectifier unit with spark control

- Control panel
- Discharge electrode supports and wrapper insulator
- Penetrating insulator
- Insulator heater
- Portable grounding rod
- ESP control centre for enclosed cubicle, indoor-use
- All motors
- Electric Hoist for erection & maintenance of Transformer Rectifier unit.

The design of the casings, access doors and holes in the casings for electrical and
mechanical connections shall be such as to minimize air leakage into the precipitator. The
rapping gear shall be arranged as far as possible without wearing parts inside the precipitator.
The intensity and frequency of the rap shall be variable and the gear shall operate without
undue noise .Special attention shall be given to uniform flue gas distribution across the

Access shall be provided to each insulator compartment, to each hopper and before and after
each field. The insulating devices at the high tension (HT) inlet passages are to be heated

One control panel for each precipitator shall be provided and placed near the ESP and shall
contain all equipment and instrumentation for both automatic and manual controls. There
shall be remote indication from these panels to the central control panel to indicate
precipitator ON and OFF.

The insulating devices at the high tension (HT) inlet passages are to be heated electrically. All
precipitator and rapping gear fault alarms for each ESP shall be brought up by a common
signal at the control room to an alarm.

A safety interlock system shall be provided to prevent any access into the precipitator unless
the electrical equipment is isolated and earthed.

Suitable space shall be provided to include an additional set of field in ESP in future to meet
any stringent environmental norm/variation in coal properties.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ESP shall be able to meet the stipulated SPM emission requirement even when one electric
field in each pass of the ESP is out of service while firing worst fuel with unit operation at
100% BMCR.

ESP hopper outlet flanges shall be terminated at a height of 3.5 m above ground level.

ESP shall be provided with effective ash evacuation system having controls for ash
temperature and ash level in the hopper. Each hopper shall have a storage capacity of
minimum of eight (8) hours with unit operation at MCR.

Specific weight of ash may be considered not more than 650 kg/m³ for determining hopper
storage capacity and not less than 1350 kg/m³ for ESP structural design.

Pressure withstand capability of the ESP casing shall correspond to minimum +/-660 mmwc
at 67% yield strength and flue gas temperature of 200 Deg C.

10% margin over ESP inlet flue gas flow and 10% margin over ESP inlet flue gas temperature
shall be considered for ESP sizing. All fields ESP hopper shall be equally sized for 8 hours
storage while firing worst coal at 100% BMCR conditions.

Physical scale modeling as well as CFD modeling of ESP shall be conducted.

5.18.0 Flue Gas Side Cleaning Equipment

A complete plant for on and off load cleaning of the Steam Generator heating surfaces shall
be provided. The cleaning installation shall meet the requirements for coal and heavy fuel oil
operation of the steam generator.

Soot blowers

The type of soot blowers to be provided for different sections of the Steam Generator shall be
as below:

i) For furnace chamber : Short rotary, single nozzle, retractable type.

ii) Vertical pendent section : Two nozzles in diametrically opposite side, long
retractable type.

iii) For horizontal : Long rotary, multiple nozzle exchanger sections (rear
pass) retractable type.

iv) Air pre- heaters : Long retractable multi-nozzle soot blower for
regenerative air preheater.

The scope shall include soot blowers for the regenerative air-heaters and for heating surfaces
(Furnace, convective and radiant heating surfaces, economizers) complete with pipe work,
supports ,relief valves and all other equipment necessary to maintain the unit in a clean
condition for efficient operation. For regenerative air preheaters sootblowers shall be
provided on the cold end and Complete washing installation shall be provided. Washing water
hoses and supply lines for Off load cleaning of heating surfaces shall also provided.

The soot blowers shall be capable of selective operation in areas of ash deposition (SMART)
type or equivalent.

The numbers of sootblowing cycles shall be three per day as a maximum. Sootblowing shall
be possible at any load of the steam generator. Design of soot blower shall be of self draining

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sufficient provision shall be provided for for soot blower at waterwall and second pass for the
installation of future additional soot blowers.

All the equipment shall be provided and designed to the requirements of pressure parts and
piping specifications wherever applicable. Provisions shall be made in the pipe work for fitting
pressure gauges to enable pressure to be observed when sootblowing in order to make any
necessary adjustments.

Retractable electric motor-driven sootblowers shall be of sufficient number and located so as

to enable the Steam Generator to maintain full load, steam temperature and Steam Generator
efficiency. The sootblowers shall be the retractable gun and/or lance type to suit the location.

Soot blowers shall be retractable even during emergencies such as drop in steam supply
pressure, low steam flow, etc.

Soot blower control system shall be provided for automatic sequential operation of soot
blowers, soot blower steam pressure control and drain temperature control etc. Indication of
completion of sootblowing shall be provided on the unit control panel. All sootblowers shall
be capable of convenient remote and local manual operation under emergency conditions.
Complete automatic control equipment with cubicles arranged for automatic sequence
control, remote control and indication shall be supplied for installation in the control room.

Control switches shall be provided for each sootblower in order that any blower may be
selected in sequence or out of sequence, as may be required. Also the necessary steam
supply valves shall be remotely controlled.

5.19.0 Washing installations for heating surfaces

The selection and supply of equipment for washing of the steam generator shall meet the
following requirements:

Equipment and washing process shall be chosen, with regard to a minimum demand of
service water. All relevant hoses, washing water utility stations at various Steam Generator
platforms, connecting pipes and/or pumps (if required) from the water supply source to the
utility stations and drainage ducts shall be provided under this contract.

For the regenerative air preheaters a fixed installed washing system shall be provided, which
must be suited to wash one of the air pre-heaters when the unit is in operation.

Regenerative air heaters shall be supplied and designed to permit off-load washing. The
system shall include all supply pipes, pumps dosing system, discharge pipes, dust separator
complete with internals, discharge ducts and pumps (if required) from the dust separator.
Dust separator may be carried out from concrete also, provided that the relevant cooling
water connections exists.

5.20.0 Steel Structure, Enclosure, Insulation and Cladding

All structural work and architectural work shall comply rigidly with the requirements in detailed
technical specification for civil.

5.20.1 Steel structure

For the steam generator and for its auxiliary equipment specified under this section (coal
bunkers, electrostatic precipitators, conveyors, pipe racks, etc.) the following additional
requirements shall be met:

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Vol-II Section 2-1 SG and Aux_R0 2.1 Steam Generator & Aux. System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The unit shall be supported by a structure which shall be free to move without restraint so that
it may expand without damage.

Detailed information of the design adopted for supports of the pressure parts shall be given.
The design shall be robust and capable of withstanding dead weights and shock load
imposed by the tube assembly and separator and its storage tanks together with the
economizer, air heaters, air collectors, ducts, flues, coal handling, ash handling and coal firing

All parts of the structure shall be sufficiently far away from the Steam Generator to avoid
additional stresses imposed by heat except where the basic design of the unit dictates
otherwise. In these instances the arrangements adopted shall be subject to special approval.

All parts of the steel structure exposed to adverse conditions shall be designed to avoid water

Consideration shall be made that the steel structure can take over also forces of the pipes
and ducts which will be eventually supported by the Steam Generator main columns.

In addition to this, the steel structure must be able to resist the forces resulting from water
filling of the Steam Generator and pipes during hydraulic test or from other loads during

Special care shall be given to the design of pipe racks for steam pipes, which must be able to
support these pipes during water filling (hydraulic test or chemicals). In order to avoid over-
dimensioning of the pipe racks and the appertaining foundations, consideration with regard to
the simultaneity of forces shall be made.

Stairs and platforms shall be supported so that no forces shall be introduced into the Steam
Generator body itself.

All nuts, bolts and washers must be galvanized or cadmium-coated, and properly protected
against corrosion before installation.

Girders for fixing of lifting appliances required for dismantling and mounting during
maintenance and overhaul shall be installed over all components having a weight heavier
than 100 kg.

5.20.2 Platforms, Galleries, Stairways

The supplier shall include all the access galleries, stairways and platforms leading from main
floor levels to individual items of the units. Such areas shall include access to valves and
fittings, measuring points, access and inspection doors, mills classifier and roof, coal feeders
measuring points (pulverized coal extraction) in coal pipes, soot blower heads, fan bearings,
dampers and any other item to which access may be necessary during operation and

Galleries, walkways, platforms, staircase, hand rails, ladders and gratings etc. as specified
shall be provided at the Steam Generator floors including the interconnecting platforms
between the Steam Generator floors and main building at four (4) elevations on either side of
boiler (excluding ground floor) and between the Steam Generator and bunker buildings at four
(4) elevations on either sides of Steam Generator as per the details given in the Technical
Specification. Number of inter-connecting platforms between Boiler and Coal Bunker building
for each level / floor shall be two (2) numbers on each side of Boiler i.e. four (4) numbers per

All supporting steelwork required carrying the flooring, together with any kerbs and hand
railing necessitated by the arrangement of the plant shall be supplied.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

2 (two) main access stairs from the grade up to the top and alternative means of escape from
the main galleries shall be provided for the unit in addition to all local access galleries and
stairways, required for operation and maintenance of individual item of the plant.

All supported steelwork, kicking strips and handrails associated with the galleries shall be
included, to facilitate lowering and replacement of heavy components during overhaul,
suitable shackles and extension beams shall be provided around the units at strategic

The ladder treads, stair treads, platforms and galleries shall be galvanized as per IS 2629.
Blast cleaning is applicable only for components having thickness 5 mm and above and
coating thickness will be 610 GM/SQ.M.

Handrails shall be provided on each side of each gallery except where the open space
between the gallery and the nearest adjacent equipment does not exceed 100 mm.

Step irons to be installed in the vertical parts of air ducts and flue gas ducts to provide internal
access for the inspection of dampers, air heater elements, etc.

Handles to be arranged above each inside and outside access door of furnace, electrostatic
precipitator, ducts and flue gas path to facilitate entering of personnel.

All burner and Steam Generator platforms have to be lead around the Steam Generator so
that Steam Generator front wall, side wall, rear wall and air heater area can be inspected at
one level without using stairs.

Ladders will not be accepted as the means of main access to all places where maintenance,
checking and reading have to be performed. Ladders shall be used in special cases only.

All platforms, walkways, galleries shall be covered with galvanized welding steel gratings with
a height of 30 mm or more.

All platforms, walkways and galleries shall be self-supporting without tie to the main station
building. All main platforms (burner platforms, platform on the top, etc.) shall be fixed on the
Steam Generator steel structure to allow freedom for expansion

Floor and walkway gratings shall be fabricated in sections convenient for handling and
installation. Stair treads shall be of galvanized welding gratings of a height of 30 mm with
cast abrasive nosings. The landings for stairs shall be covered with galvanized steel gratings.
Due consideration shall be given to assure the required emergency exists on each Steam
Generator level. Where the escape way exceeds 30 m, additional emergency ladders shall
be provided.

Necessary access, platforms, walkways, handrails, staircase, ladders and gratings etc. for
proper approach shall be provided for all equipments and accessories in the scope of this
package so that operators and maintenance personnel can function conveniently and safely.
The above provision shall include but will not be limited to the following locations:

• Bunker outlet gate.

• Mill discharge valve.
• All maintenance hoist levels.
• All dampers and their drives.
• Furnace seal trough level.
• All fans and associated motors. (Continuous platforms shall be provided around the fans
and their corresponding motors).
• SCAPHs (If Applicable)

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Vol-II Section 2-1 SG and Aux_R0 2.1 Steam Generator & Aux. System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Air preheaters
• All valves.
• All Observation ports, access manholes etc.
• All soot blowers.
• All Ash hoppers of economizer, Air-Preheaters, economizer Bypass (if provided) and duct
(if any) which require fly ash removal by the ash handling system.
• 2. Necessary access, platforms, walkways, handrails, staircase, ladders and gratings etc.
for proper approach shall be provided for all equipments and accessories in the scope of
this package so that operators and maintenance personnel can function conveniently and

The above provision shall include but will not be limited to the following locations:
• Bunker outlet gate.
• Mill discharge valve.
• All maintenance hoist levels.
• All dampers and their drives.
• Furnace seal trough level.
• All fans and associated motors. (Continuous platforms shall be provided around the fans
and their corresponding motors).
• SCAPHs (If Applicable)
• Air preheaters
• All valves.
• All Observation ports, access manholes etc.
• All soot blowers.
• All Ash hoppers of economizer, Air-Preheaters, economizer Bypass (if provided) and duct
(if any) which require fly ash removal by the ash handling system.

In addition to the platforms required for the operation of the Steam Generator, interconnecting
platforms between Steam Generator and control room, between Steam Generator and bunker
building, and between bunker building and annex building shall be provided.

5.20.3 Steam Generator Enclosure, Casing and Framing

Steam generator enclosure shall form air and gas tight envelop from combustion air inlet point
to chimney inlet to prevent infiltration of extraneous air in to the combustion chamber and gas

The enclosure integral with Steam Generator (except air heaters) shall be formed by
water/steam cooling tubes using welded wall construction on all the four sides, roof and
bottom. Where use of refractory is unavoidable, 4mm thick steel plate behind refractory shall
be provided to form enclosure and any penetration (s) into the steam generator enclosure
shall be sealed for gas tight integrity.

Seal plates of stainless steel (type 430) or better corrosion and erosion resistant steel
material all around the furnace bottom shall be provided to prevent ingress of air.

Dissimilar metal welds (DMW) between austenitic and ferritic steels, martensitic and
austenitic steels, martensitic and ferritic steel shall be avoided inside the Steam Generator
enclosure for the pressure parts which are exposed to hot flue gases. However, if such DMW
are unavoidable, same can be permitted at shop provided manufacturer has previous
experience of such DMW and appropriate heat treatment is done after welding.

In the steam generator enclosure, minimum 1.5 m clear cavity height shall be provided in
between the horizontal banks, sections of economizer, superheater and reheater for
maintenance purpose.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The entire furnace shall be suspended from a suitable supporting structure to allow free
expansion of surfaces and to prevent its distortion and dislocation of insulation. Thermal
expansion of the furnace wall shall be in the downward direction

The design of steam generator casing including pent house shall ensure:

a) The enclosure of steam generator shall be complete including superheaters, reheater and
economizer headers.

b) The casing, pent house and its supporting system shall be capable of taking additional
loads due to accumulation of ash in the pent house up to a height of 300 mm or actual
expected (in between two annual overhauls of the units) whichever is higher. This
additional load shall be over and above other loads considered for casing design. The ash
density for the purpose of loading shall be at least 1350 kg/m .

Steam generator casing including pent house shall have following features:

a) Rigid self containing structure with adequate stiffening.

b) Welded wall construction, economizer to allow easy removal/ replacement. However pent
house may be bolted/screwed type and shall be easily removable.

c) Water proof/ tight construction under rains and winds with proper drainage system.

d) All drainage arrangement like gutters, drain pipes, connected to plant drain system at
ground level.

Steam Generator roof arrangement of proven design and architecture.

At least two pent house ventilation/cooling fans with their air inlet opening at opposite ends
shall be provided.

The casing including pent house shall be provided with air tight access, observation and
cleaning doors with frame having fire brickwork. Access alongwith platform shall be provided
for easy and quick installation of scaffolding for furnace inspection/ maintenance.

Access and observation opening

The steam generator shall be provided with adequate number of access and observation
openings doors at different levels and at various positions as per the Owner’s approval. The
doors shall be provided to permit access to the furnace, superheaters, reheaters, and other
enclosed pressure parts and any other area requiring access. All doors shall be hinged and
be air-tight. Suitable poke doors at the furnace bottom shall be provided for maintenance.

One of the access doors provided shall be suitable to take a power operated furnace tube
maintenance cradle inside the furnace. This access shall be provided on one of the side
walls and shall be such as to provide easy accessibility to introduce the maintenance cradle
directly on the water wall hoppers, either in assembled condition or in dismantled condition to
be assembled inside the furnace. Suitable number of openings in the roof superheater shall
be provided to pull the maintenance cradle up and reach any place of all the water walls and
pendent super-heaters to effect any repair on the tubes.

Design shall also include observations ports at various levels to facilitate observation of the
furnace including inside surface of burners, ignitors, thermocouple connections and the
burner flame.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

All such openings e.g. manholes, peepholes etc. shall have suitable approach platforms and
ladders from the nearest platform level. This shall assume easy and safe approach during
operation and maintenance.

5.20.4 Insulation and cladding

Thermal insulation and cladding has been provided for the entire steam generator, flue gas /
air ducting, ESP, etc. Complete thermal insulation including cladding, lagging, reinforcement,
wire mesh, cleats, supports etc. will be furnished so as to maintain outside surface temp. of
60 degC with design ambient temp. of 40 degC.

Thermal insulation and cladding for valves, pipes, fittings shall be of the same construction
and manufacturer as for the equivalent components used in all other sections of this

As an exception from the general requirements, the Steam Generator wall cladding shall be
carried out from trapezoidal (seawater proof) aluminum sheets of 0.8 mm thickness. All
cladding sheets shall be provided with moisture barrier.

All insulation shall be on-inflammable, hot-resistant, chemically inert and shall remain so in
the event of being saturated with water.

The use of asbestos and of glass wool as an insulator is prohibited. The thermal insulation
shall consist of preformed slabs or blankets.

The whole outdoor insulation and cladding must be completely sealed as a protection against
salty fog and other atmospheric conditions.

Insulation and cladding shall be fitted so as to allow thermal expansions of the equipment,
specially piping, without suffering any damage.

Fittings, valves and pipe flanges shall be insulated with material having atleast the same
thickness and insulating qualities as the material employed on the corresponding pipes.

A small hole to act as a leakage indicator shall be formed in flange lagging. All equipment
susceptible of noise emission (e.g. fans, pressure reducing stations, etc.) shall be provided
with sound insulation.

All pipes, ducts and other equipment on which condensation on the outer surface is liable to
occur, shall be provided with a condensate water insulation.

5.20.5 Refractory
The SG shall be designed for a minimum of refractory material. In the 2 path (if any) no
refractory material shall be used.

5.21.0 Steam Generator Accessories

5.21.1 Auxiliary Steam Pressure Reducing and Desuperheating Stations (PRDS)

To meet the continuous and startup auxiliary steam requirements, two numbers auxiliary
pressure reducing and desuperheating stations (PRDS), one taking tap off from main steam
line (high capacity PRDS) and other taking tap off from cold reheat line (low capacity PRDS)
shall be provided per unit. A high temperature unit header shall draw steam from above two
PRDS stations. A low temperature unit header shall draw the steam from high temperature
unit header through a desuperheater.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

High capacity PRDS shall supply steam for following:

i) Startup requirement of the unit

ii) Continuous and intermittent requirement of the unit.
iii) Startup requirement other units.
iv) As standby to low capacity PRDS station.

Low capacity PRDS shall supply steam for normal requirements of its own unit. The sizing of
high capacity and low capacity PRDS shall be subject to Owner’s approval. Stub connections
along with isolating valves shall be provided on low temperature header to meet the auxiliary
steam requirement of other systems such as fuel oil system. Further, adequate number of
spare connections shall also be provided on each header for Owner’s use.

Sharing of load requirement between high temperature header to low temperature header
shall be done in case low capacity PRDS is unable to meet auxiliary steam requirement on its

Low capacity PRDS shall be capable of supplying continuous requirement of auxiliary steam
to the unit. The change over of control from high capacity PRDS to low capacity PRDS and
vice versa shall be automatic with manual override facility.

In case each unit is provided with only high temperature auxiliary steam header as per
manufacturer’s standard and proven practice, auxiliary steam requirement at lower
parameters shall be met with PRDS stations provided for individual application. Further,
connections with individual PRDS shall also be provided to meet the auxiliary steam
requirement of other systems such as fuel oil system.

The spray water for de-superheating station shall be supplied from boiler feed pump
discharge or inter stage tap-off. The system is provided with pressure and temperature control
valves to meet the requirements of auxiliary steam system.

5.21.2 Utility stations

In the Steam Generator area and on the various platforms, utility stations for air, water and
steam shall be provided to meet the following purpose:

- Wet washing of the convective heating surface

- Air supply for tools
- Air supply for cleaning and/or cooling
- Steam supply for cleaning of components susceptible of contact with oil.

Adequate hoses of sufficient length shall be supplied

5.21.3 Fire extinguishing equipment

In addition to the fire-fighting equipment and installation provided for the whole unit, all
equipment related to fire extinguishing and fire annunciation systems shall be supplied
together with the components, i.e.

- Regenerative air preheater fire extinguishing, alarm and annunciation system

- Firing system, inertisation fire alarm and annunciation system
- Spray system for hazardous area within the coal firing system in addition to the
hydrant system

5.21.4 Equipment for internal inspection

In order to reduce the standstill periods during inspection, cleaning and repair, Removable
cradle for the internal inspection of the combustion chamber shall be provided. The inspection

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Vol-II Section 2-1 SG and Aux_R0 2.1 Steam Generator & Aux. System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

cradle for the combustion chamber shall allow the access to the whole extent of the
combustion chamber. The extent of the platform shall be dimensioned with respect to the
largest expected repair work

All lifting appliances shall be provided with electrical drives.

5.21.5 Inside Cleaning of Pressure Parts

After erection of each Steam Generator the manufacturer shall perform boiling out and
blowing out as a protection measure. If necessary the Steam Generators shall be passivated
after this procedure. No acid cleaning measure is required but the Steam Generators
themselves must be designed and fabricated in such a way that an acid cleaning process can
be carried out if required by the Owner.

If it will be found out after Steam Generator erection that the inside tube and header surfaces
are rusty and dirty, acid cleaning of Steam Generator and all other equipment will be carried
out by the supplier without any costs for the Owner.

The criteria for above mentioned decision is as follows:

- Steam Generator separator and headers are to be visually clean without any corrosion.
- Cut tube samples may not have more than 0.11 mm corrosion layer or 15 mg/cm
corrosion layer.
- Recommended steam quality for starting up shall be reached within 2-3 days.

Atleast five months before the date fixed for the internal cleaning, the Steam Generator
manufacturer shall submit to the approval of the client a complete and detailed specification of
the procedures that will be carried out giving all sequential events and chemical analysis
required. The temporary blow-off pipe and blow-off valve should have the same size as the
main steam pipe and main steam valve.

5.21.6 Equipment and provisions for standstill conservation

In order to protect the Steam Generator and the appertaining pipe work during standstill
periods, provisions shall be made to conserve the water/steam side of the Steam Generator.
For standstill conservation, the hot and wet method shall be applied, i.e. that the Steam
Generator shall be conserved with hydrazine to pH 10.5.

Conservation of reheater and reheat lines shall be done by the dry method by using
absorption type dryers.

At flue gas duct entrance into the chimney, a damper shall be provided to separate the Steam
Generator air flue gas side from outside during shutdown

5.21.7 Maintenance Equipment and Special Tools for Erection

For the maintenance equipment and special tools the following shall be considered:
- The supply shall cover one complete set of spanners and special wrenches to every type
of nut and bolt on the plant, together with special tools, such as tube expanders and
equipment for the preparation of tube ends before welding, valve seat lapping machine
covering the whole range of valves, lighting devices for internal inspection, etc., shall be
provided before start of erection. This equipment may be used during erection.
- All heavy parts of the auxiliary plant shall be provided with means for slinging or handling
during erection and overhaul.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

- One pump suitable for Hydraulic testing of boiler with permanent connection and with
necessary isolation. The pressure rating is to be 1.5 times of design pressure of

- One set of quick erectable scaffolding system to erected inside the SG furnace
ensuring full height coverage for capital overhaul .The scaffolding system shall be
made of light weight material. Erection shall not take more than 24 hrs. The locking
arrangement shall not call for any welding.
The weights of individual item of the plant shall be clearly marked before delivery to site on
each item.

5.21.8 Sampling system

A complete sampling system, including sampling coolers with connections, nozzles, valves,
fittings and pipes shall be provided. All required sampling points shall be provided along with
root valves including that for feed water at economizer inlet, Steam Generator water,
saturated steam, superheated steam and reheated steam.

The sampling coolers shall be fitted with stainless steel coils and stainless steel piping
connections up to the takeoff point. All sample coolers shall be provided with stainless steel
trays. The drain of these trays shall be laid to the waste drain system.

The position of each sampling point shall ensure representative samples and should be led to
steam water analysis system (SWAS).The cooling water for sample cooler shall be taken
from the auxiliary cooling water system. Drain from sample coolers shall be terminated at
appropriate floor level. Each steam and water terminal connection for vent, drain, instrument
tapping point and sampling shall be provided with two valves.

The sample coolers shall be designed so that no detrimental consequences will occur on
interruption of cooling water supply. The throttle valves shall be located downstream of the
sample coolers in order to avoid steaming of the sample.


All drive motors shall be as per Specification for Electric Motor presented in relevant section
of electrical specification.


Refer Part II, Section 4 for Control & Instrumentation Specification.


8.1.0 General
a) Completely filled in technical schedules & other schedules for all equipments as enclosed
with the Tender specification.
b) Flow Diagrams and P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments
and the destination / functionality of the signals Plot plan
c) Plot plan and General arrangement drawing with section for Steam Generator &
Auxiliaries etc., showing maintenance area
d) Quality Assurance and plan
e) Master Document List (MDL) for Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and C&I with schedule of
f) Description of options and alternatives offered
g) Complete description of the plant offered including description of the process and the

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

h) General descriptions of individual systems and descriptions of operation including

description of start-up, shutdown and emergency shutdown procedures. Also behavior of
boiler/steam generator and, turbine, etc. under transient conditions.
i) Safety Plan
j) Training program and schedule for training of Owner’s personnel
k) Space requirement for construction site and equipment
l) Maintenance proposal (for SG)
m) List of spares
n) List of Special tools and Tackles
o) Inspection intervals (major/minor) for six years along with the spares to be replaced
during the above inspections. Contractor shall provide the cost of such spares on yearly
p) Contractor shall enter into a long term spare supply agreement with the OEM, and agree
to transfer the same faithfully to the owner upon COD. Contractor shall commit to facilitate
further negotiations on the spares with the OEMs directly by the owner.

8.2.0 Mechanical
a) Start up curve for cold, warm and hot condition
b) Installation references where 660 MW Supercritical units with proposed main steam and
reheat steam parameters are in operation.
c) Experience list for supply and installation plants of similar capacity supercritical Units and
performance certificate of the plants indicating the availability and plant load factor from
the date of COD.
d) Steam Generator Manufacturer’s experience list for the offered Capacity
e) Deed of Joint Undertaking shall be executed by Contractor with following manufacturers

- Steam Generator & Auxiliaries

The above shall be submitted clearly indicating the validity of the agreement and role and
responsibilities among them

f) Details of Technical Collaboration of the Steam Generator manufacturers with technology

Supplier and role of the technology supplier for this project.


The documents required for design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of
the entire plant shall be submitted by the Contractor in good time so as to permit the plant as
a whole to be constructed in compliance with the specified time table.

Only the most important documents are listed below. The list and approval category of the
doc/drawings shall be agreed sufficiently in advance before award of relevant order, so that
corrections and amendments desired by the Owner as well as resubmission of the documents
will not result in any delays with respect to the guaranteed time table. The Owner reserves the
right to request from the Contractor additional drawings, documents, etc. as may be required
for proper understanding and definition of the design and engineering of the Plant.

9.1.0 General
a) Re-Submission of all the technical data furnished during pre award contract stage.
b) Complete filled-in technical schedule.- For approval
c) Plot plan - For approval
d) General arrangement drawings /Equipment layout of all equipments along with sections
indicating the unloading & maintenance area. - For approval

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e) Design basis for all the systems and major equipment sizing calculation - For approval
f) P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments and the interlocks
for all the systems - For approval
g) Monthly progress report
h) L2 network
i) Quality plan for approval
j) Prequalification document for different Vendors for Owner’s approval.
k) Equipment Testing procedure for approval
l) Complete list of documents with proposed submission schedule
m) Vendor Engineering document vix Data sheets, General arrangement drawing, material of
construction, performance curves for approval for major items
n) Painting & surface preparation procedure
o) Technical specification

9.2.0 Mechanical

a) Major equipment sizing calculation viz Fans, Coal Mill, ESP, Coal feeder for approval
b) Boiler efficiency calculation, Combustion calculation, Air and flue gas duct sizing
calculation, Critical pipe sizing calculation etc.
c) Start-up and shut down procedure along with the curve for approval
d) System description for all the systems. for approval
e) Thermal calculation for critical items for approval
f) Pipe sizing and determination of pressure & Temperature criteria. for approval
g) Critical piping drg and calculation
h) Acceptance and Performance test procedure and program
i) Acid/Alkali/Boiling out procedures.
j) Performance calculations write up.

Any other drawing or document which are not covered above but required to the effective
commissioning of the project.

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ANNEX 2.1.1



No. of Steam generator’s required One per unit
Reference ambient dry bulb temperature ˚C 32
Reference ambient Relative Humidity % 65
Type of Steam Generator Super Critical
Fuel allocation for Steam Generator

- For load carrying Coal

- For Flame stabilization HFO

- For Startup HSD

Operation Constant Pressure/Sliding Pressure
Type of tubes and header for pressure Seamless
Inspection / Access doors Heat Resistant without water cooling
FURNACE (Furnace loading indicated
below are as per CEA guidelines.
Bidder shall optimize the furnace
loading for range of coals as specified
in Part-I, General Technical
2 6
Maximum net heat input (NHI) per unit kcal/hr/m 5 x 10
plan area
3 5
Maximum heat liberation rate kcal/hr/m 1.1 x 10
2 5
Maximum Effective Projected Radiant kcal/hr/m 2.1x10
Surface area
2 6
Maximum burner zone heat release rate kcal/hr/m 1.5 x 10
Maximum heat input per burner kcal/hr/ 55 x 10
2 5
Maximum furnace cooling factor kcal/hr/m 1.8 x 10
Maximum furnace exit gas temperature °C 60 °C below minimum initial deformation temperature
(FEGT) (IDT) of ash
Minimum furnace residence time Sec 1.72 seconds. Selected furnace residence time shall
be coal specific.

Pressure withstanding capability mmwc Minimum ± 660 mmwc at 67% yield strength or
maximum conceivable head of fans, whichever is
higher as per latest NFPA standards.
No. of Coal burner elevation to be fed from No. One
one mill
Buckstay spacing To ensure that its natural frequency is sufficiently
away from the flame pulsation frequency
Buckstay support Self support from furnace walls with no
interconnection with Steam Generator structure.
Furnace Bottom Hopper Designed for hopper with one third full of ash/ clinker
with density of 1350 kg/m3 (minimum)
Loss due to Unburnt Carbon % Guaranteed unburnt combustible content in fly ash
shall not be more than 1.5% by weight.
Guaranteed unburnt carbon loss for boiler efficiency

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shall not be more than 1%
Furnace tube arrangement Membrane
Max. flue gas velocity before gas flow m/s 10
changes the direction
Type of wall Membrane
Type of tube Seamless
Maximum average flue gas velocity in m/s 10 (The maximum localized velocity across the cross
sections/tube banks with transverse tube section shall not exceed 12m/s)
pitching 600mm or less and with 25%
excess air at economiser outlet
% 8% of BMCR flow water flow.
Maximum allowable spray for superheater However, the control valve shall be sized for 12% of
BMCR flow
Maximum allowable spray for reheater % Nil (Reheater attemperation shall be used only under
emergency conditions).
However, the control valve shall be sized for 5% of
the BMCR flow.
Superheater(s)/Reheater(s) design shall cater to following operational requirements throughout the control range
of Steam Generator, with whole range of specified fuels and under all operating conditions like, H.P. Heaters out
of service, HP/LP bypass operation, top mills in service etc:
SH outlet Steam temperature At least 568 degree Celsius
RH outlet Steam At least 596 degree Celsius
Note: The control system for SG shall be able to maintain SH/RH outlet temperatures within ± 5°C of above
values over complete control range of Steam Generator with whole range of specified coal.
Type Non steaming bare tube type, with counter cross flow
Maximum average flue gas velocity m/s 8
through inter-tube space of the
economiser banks (the gas velocity shall
be calculated considering 25% excess air
at economiser inlet)
a) Economiser tubes °C Maximum working water temperature plus 11°C
b) Furnace and Steam Generator tubes °C Saturation temperature corresponding to maximum
working pressure plus 28 °C
c) Superheater and reheater tubes in °C Maximum working steam temperature in convection
convection path path plus 39 °C
d) Superheater and reheater tubes in °C Maximum working steam temperature in radiation
radiation path path plus 50 °C
Pressure Parts Materials :
a) Up to and including 400 ˚C Carbon steel to ASME SA-106 Gr. B/C or SA 210 Gr.
C or approved equivalent.
b) Upto & including 550 deg C Alloy steel to ASME SA-335: P-11/P-12/P-22/P-23;
ASME SA213: T-11/T-22/T23/ or approved
c) Upto & including 605 deg C Alloy steel to ASME SA-335/213:P-91/T-91, T-92, or
approved equivalent.
Number of SCAPHs One(1) in secondary air by-pass duct after each FD
fan for tri- sector type APH
Air temperature at the inlet of each air pre To keep average cold end metal temperature
heater (throughout Steam Generator minimum 10 °C above the acid dew point for flue

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control range) gases
Type Regenerative type tri-sector air pre heaters with
facility of steam coil heating on secondary air side to
guard against low cold end temperature.
Steam Generator Load a) 60% BMCR with worst coal and maximum
moisture with one APH in service condition
b) 100% BMCR with worst coal and maximum
moisture with both APH’s in service
Minimum average cold end temperature at °C 76
100% BMCR (with SCAPH’s out of
On load cleaning medium Steam
Off load cleaning medium Water
APH sizing shall also ensure following (for
whole range of specified fuels)
a) Minimum flue gas temperature °C 125
(corrected)at APH exit at 100% TMCR
load with design coal firing
b) Air leakage % 8% of the TMCR flue gas inlet flow entering air-heater
c) Minimum flue gas temperature °C 5°C above acid dew point of flue gas
a) High capacity auxiliary PRDS
No of aux.PRDS/unit No. One
Capacity t/hr To meet the aux. steam requirements of the
equipment in contractor’s scope of supply when the
unit running at 60% TMCR load plus start up auxiliary
steam requirement of another unit plus auxiliary
steam requirement of fuel oil system
b) Low capacity auxiliary PRDS
No of aux.PRDS/unit No. One
Capacity t/hr To meet the aux. steam requirements of the
equipment in contractor’s scope of supply with unit
running at 100% TMCR load plus auxiliary steam
requirement of fuel oil system
Design of fuel firing system To meet the requirements of Steam generator at
100% BMCR with worst coal.
Number of Mills (N) corresponding to N+1 :100% BMCR with worst coal
maximum 90% mill loading. N+2 :100% BMCR with design coal
(preferred total Number of Mills 8 (Min))
Maximum permissible mill loading for 80% of guaranteed capacity
selection of mill capacity/type even during
worn-out condition
Mill inside condition Pressurised
Pulverized coal fineness at rated capacity % 70% through 200 mesh(75 microns)
of pulverizer 98% through 50mesh (300 microns)
Input Coal Size mm Upto 50
Design Hard grove grindability index of -- 38
Wear Life of mill wear components
a) Classifier cone and other items lined Hrs 25000
with ceramic materials
b) Classifier vanes Hrs 25000

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c) Seals (For Mechanical Seals) Hrs 20000
d)Mill discharge valve Hrs 15000
e)Grinding Elements (rolls, balls, rings and Hrs 8000
Coal sampling device for sampling coal Required as per ISO/ASME. One working and one as
from coal mill discharge with rigid standby
accessible platform
Coal mill system fire fighting To meet NFPA / TAC requirements
Mill lube oil system Integral / External
Mill grinding ring / Race Segmental
Velocity in coal Pipe Minimum 15 m/s
Maximum 28 m/s.
Minimum Continuous operating ˚C 110
temperature for pipe design
Special erosion protection (on identified - Ceramic lining
Coal Pipe Material Carbon Steel conforming to International standard
Guaranteed Life of wear parts Hours 25000
Design Pressure (Minimum) Kg/cm (g) 3.5 Kg/cm2 (g) as per NFPA requirement
Type Gravimetric, belt type with minimum coal inlet pipe
size of 36inches
Operating range 1:5
Feeder capacity % Minimum 20% spare capacity over guaranteed mill
Environment withstand capability as per Operating pressure of 0.14 kg/cm
NFPA norms Explosion pressure of 3.5kg/cm
Ambient temperature 70˚C (minimum)
Other environmental conditions envisaged
Type Two stage axial type with rotor blade aerofoil design
No of Primary air fan Nos. Two for each unit
Speed rpm 1500
Control Blade Pitch Control
Location of Silencer At suction
Fan / motor bearings Self aligning
Fan capacity Fulfill both case (A) and Case(B).
Case (A)
Steam Generator Load % 60%BMCR with following conditions all occurring
Number of stream in operation - One stream operation
Firing Coal - Worst Coal with maximum moisture content
Power Supply Frequency Hz 50
Air Pre heater air in Leakage % 15% of primary air leakage in RAPH or Guaranteed
value whichever is higher
Ambient Condition - 32 deg C with 67% relative humidity
Design Ambient condition Maximum ambient temperature with 70% relative
Steam Generator Load % 100% BMCR with following conditions all occurring
Number of stream in operation - Two stream operation
Firing Coal - Worst Coal with maximum moisture content
Power Supply Frequency Hz 50

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Number of mills in service All mills including standby mill
Air Pre heater air in Leakage % 15% or Guaranteed value whichever is higher
Ambient Condition - 32 deg C with 65% relative humidity
Margin over 100% BMCR flow % 25
Margin over 100% BMCR head % 30
Design ambient condition Maximum ambient temperature with 70% Relative
Type - Centrifugal
Number of fans Nos. 2x 100% common for all mills of each unit
Fan Sped rpm Not to exceed 1500rpm under test block condition
Margin over and above the calculated - 25% in flow
values under maximum duty condition 30% in head
Ambient Condition - Maximum ambient condition
Coal Burner
Capacity a)To cater to 100% BMCR load
b)To ensure stable operation at and above BMCR
with coal having lowest volatile matter without oil
Minimum Turn down ratio of coal firing 2:1.
Control Centralized automatic control with flame scanner and
safety protection.
NOX Limit 1. Low NOX design
2. Total NOx emission (fuel as well as thermal NOx
shall not exceed 750 mg/Nm3)
Operation Conforming to relevant NFPA guidelines.
Fuel Oil firing capacity for HSD % 7.5% BMCR heat input capacity
Fuel Oil firing capacity for HFO % 30% BMCR heat input capacity
Oil burner
a) Type - Steam/air atomised with HEA ignitors
b)Atomisation Medium - Air for HSD
Steam for HFO
c) Capacity >To cater for 30% BMCR heat input with HFO for
load carrying and as oil support.
> To cater for 7.5% BMCR heat input with HSD for
startup at cold start conditions.
d)Minimum turn-down ratio of fuel oil - 4:1
e)Control Centralized automatic control with flame scanner and
safety protection.
f)Burner cooling - HFO - steam or air
HSD - air
g) Life Hrs 16000
FD and ID fans
Fan capacity Fulfill case (A) and Case (B).
Description FD fans ID fans
Number of fans Nos. Two for each unit Two for each unit
Type of fans Constant speed axial Constant speed axial
Speed rpm ≤1500 <750
Air/flue gas flow control - Blade pitch control Blade pitch control
Fan / motor bearings - Self Aligning Self Aligning
Fan sizing criteria

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Each fan Load 60% BMCR flow with 60% BMCR flow with
following factors occurring following factors
together occurring together
Number of stream in operation No. One stream in operation One stream in operation
Type of coal firing Worst coal
Design coal
Power supply frequency Hz 50 50
Excess air requirement % 20% over stoichiometric 20% over stoichiometric
air requirement air requirement
Margin over 60% BMCR flow requirement % 20 20
Margin over 60% BMCR pressure % 44 44
Design Condition - Maximum ambient Maximum flue gas
temperature with 70% temperature plus 15 deg
Relative humidity. C
Air heater air-in % 10% of secondary air 10% combined primary
leakage leakage or actual and secondary air
guaranteed value leakges into flue gas
whichever is higher side of RAPH or actual
guaranteed values
whichever is higher
Pressure drop through ESP mmwc Not applicable 25 mm WC or actual
value whichever is
Air-in leakage through ESP % Not applicable 1% or actual whichever
is higher
Air-in leakage through ducts % Not applicable 2% through ducts or
actual value whichever
is higher
Pressure required at chimney inlet mmwc Not applicable + 10 mm WC
Operating Medium atmospheric air Flue gas
Each fan Load % 100% BMCR flow with 100% BMCR flow with
following conditions following conditions
taken together: taken together:
Number of stream in operation No. Two stream in operation Two stream in operation
Type of coal firing Design coal Worst coal

Power supply frequency Hz 50 50

Excess air requirement at Economiser % 20% over the
20% over stoichiometric
outlet stoichiometric
air requirement
air requirement
Margin over 100% BMCR flow %
20 20
Margin over 100% BMCR pressure % 44 44
Design Condition - Maximum ambient Maximum flue gas
temperature with 70% temperature plus 15 deg
Relative humidity. C
Air heater air-in % 10% of secondary air 10% combined primary
leakage leakage or guaranteed and secondary air
value whichever is higher leakges into flue gas
side of RAPH or actual
guaranteed values
whichever is higher

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Pressure drop through ESP mmwc Not applicable 25 mm WC or actual
value whichever is
Air-in leakage through ESP % Not applicable 1% through ESP
Air-in leakage through ducts % Not applicable 2% through ducts or
actual value whichever
is higher
Pressure required at chimney inlet mmwc Not applicable +10 mmwc
Operating Medium - Atmospheric air Flue gas
Delivery head % 121
Capacity % 110
Frequency (minimum) Hz 47.5
Maximum velocity in flue gas ducts (the m/s 13(before ESP)
velocity shall be calculated considering 16(after ESP)
20% excess air at economiser outlet,
worst coal firing at 100% BMCR load)
Maximum velocity in air duct (the velocity m/s 16
shall be calculated considering 20%
excess air at economiser outlet, design/
worst coal firing at 100% BMCR load
whichever gives maximum air/gas flow)
Flue gas duct plate minimum thickness mm 7 mm before ESP.
6 mm from ESP outlet to chimney.
Air duct plate minimum thickness mm 5 mm
Corrosion allowance mm 1.5 mm
Design pressure Minimum ± 660 mmwc at 67% yield strength or
maximum conceivable head of relevant fans,
whichever is higher
Type of Damper Control Damper - Pneumatic
Isolation - Electric/pneumatic, where fast closing is
desirable from process point of view.
Duty Intermittent / Continuous
No of ESPs per SG One with min of 4 streams
Installation Outdoor
Duty Continuous
Item Guarantee point Design point
Unit loading % 100% TMCR 100% BMCR
Type of coal - Design Coal Worst coal (Maximum
ash coal from specified
Ambient air condition - Specified reference Maximum ambient
ambient condition condition
Gas flow per steam generator at the ESP m3/sec To be worked out by To be worked out by
inlet when firing respective coal Contractor when firing the bidder when firing the
specified design coal at specified worst coal with
TMCR load considering max. ash at BMCR
20% excess air at load, considering 20%
economiser outlet, 15% excess air at economiser
air heater in leakage and outlet, 15% air heater in
2% duct leakage as a leakage and 2% duct
minimum. leakage as a minimum.
Gas temperature at ESP inlet ˚C 125 deg C or predicted by 140 deg C or predicted

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the Contractor under by the Contractor under
condition stipulated above, condition stipulated
which ever is higher above, which ever is
Inlet dust burden gm/Nm To be worked out by the To be worked out by the
Contractor (based on 90% Contractor (based on
of ash or actual predicted 90% of ash or actual
whichever is higherbeing predicted whichever is
carried forward to ESP higher being carried
while firing specified forward to ESP while
design coal). firing specified worst
(maximum ash) coal).
ESP dust collection efficiency % To be worked out by To be worked out by to
Contractor to limit outlet Contractor to limit outlet
dust burden (ODB) to <50 dust burden (ODB) to 50
mg/Nm3 (maximum) with mg/Nm3 (maximum)
one field out of service with one field out of
while firing design coal servicewhile firing worst
Maximum flue gas velocity m/s 1 1
through the ESP
Treatment time of the flue gases seconds 20 20
Other design parameters:
a) Minimum aspect ratio - 1.5 1.5
b) Design internal pressure at 67% yield mmwc ±660 ±660
c) Precipitator mechanical design ˚C 200 200
d) Short temp excursion temperature (for ˚C 300 300
approx. thirty minutes at a time)
e) Minimum dust hopper storage capacity hrs - 8
(up to the maximum trip level based on
design point conditions (while firing worst
coal (with maximum ash)
f) Minimum hopper valley angle to the degrees 60 60
g) Ash resistivity ohm cm 1x10
Insulation and Cladding
Insulation, lagging, cladding & refractories
Ambient temperature °C 40
Surface velocity m/s 1
Insulation surface temperature °C 60
Min thickness of insulation for SG mm 75
Min thickness of insulation for ESP mm 70
Min thickness of insulation for other mm 40
Soot blowers
Number of Steam Generator operating hours 8,000
hours without outage for wet cleaning
Cleaning medium Superheated steam
Drive Dual electric drive for traverse and rotary motion.
Other Data
Galleries, platforms, floorings
Minimum live load for design of platforms dN/m² 500
and galleries (for operation and

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maintenance purposes
Minimum live load of floorings (needed dN/m² 250
exclusively for inspection and operational
Minimum live load dN/m² 250
Maximum inclination deg 40
Minimum clear width mm 1,000
Treads shall overlap by at least mm 25
Minimum clear width mm 800
Height of chimney m 275
Minimum flue gas velocity when unit m/sec 22
operating under normal condition (100%
TMCR design coal)
Maximum NOx emission while firing worst mg/Nm3 < 750

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Furnace shall comply with requirements specified in the Annex 2.1.1-Specified Design Data at 100%
BMCR with or without HP heaters out of service and with range of specified coals, under most
stringent combination of operating conditions.

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ANNEX 2.1.2


One (1) no. water tube type, natural circulation, pressurized furnace, HSD fired, outdoor type
auxiliary boiler with its auxiliaries, having steaming capacity of Minimum 50 TPH with
steam parameters of 16 kg/Sq. cm(g) pressure and 350 deg.C steam temperature,
complete with structures, piping, valves, fitting, mounting, draft plant, fuel oil
pressurizing & firing system, water system, chemical dosing system, blow down tanks,
ducting, damper, chimney, C&I ,Control panel and Elecrical Breakers ,all associated works.

a) Complete steam and water circuit includes feed control station comprising of 2x100%
feed control valves and Saturated steam from evaporators section / drums shall pass to a
convective superheater. Super heated steam shall be connected to aux steam header
through a NRV and a motor operated isolating valve.

b) Furnace including its fittings, mountings and other accessories.

c) Steam drum complete with internals, safety valves, level indicators, chemical feed,
pressure gauges, vents and drains, sampling connections, acid washing connection
and thermocouples etc.

d) Safety valves at drum, SH outlet and wherever required shall be provided.

e) Feed system complete with feed water pressure type deaerator complete with
necessary mountings and fittings and 2 x 100% electric motor driven boiler feed pump
sets (one running & one standby) with auto-change over facility on failure of duty pump
and NRV is fitted with discharge, together with all pipe work, valves fittings, controls etc.
as necessary.

f) Non steaming type Economiser system with connecting pipes, headers, etc. with non-
return valves ,vents , drains and sampling connections

g) One no. D.M. Water storage tank sized for half an hour make-up water requirement of
boiler at 100% BMCR and 2 x 100% makeup water pumps alongwith necessary valves,
piping and fittings shall also be supplied.

h) HSD system complete with HSD piping from HSD day oil tank to pressurizing pumps &
from pump to burners, any recirculation/return line etc. complete line with necessary
valves & fittings etc. are to be provided and two (2) nos. of positive displacement type
HSD pressurizing pumps with motor drive.

i) Complete flue gas ducting upto chimney including flanged & bolted joints self supports,

j) Complete draft system comprising of 2 x 100% FD fans complete with lube oil system and
associated ducting system etc.

k) 1 no of 35m high chimney with insulation and cladding and shall be provided with
access door with cover and a drain connection.

l) Complete boiler structures, supports and canopy including frames, supports and steel
sheetings and shall be complete with guttering & downpipe, etc. as necessary.

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m) Platforms, ladders, gang way, handling provisions. Suitable platform & approach shall be
provided for operation of auxiliary boiler and for attending all maintenance requirements
of the boiler & its auxiliaries.

n) Insulation and refractory for auxiliary boiler components & auxiliary equipments.

o) Equipment Handling Arrangement at wherever required.

p) Complete instrumentation and control


The specific requirements as follows:

a) Auxiliary Boiler shall be capable of achieving full load from cold conditions within
maximum two (2) hours time.

b) Two nos of HSD pressurizing pumps shall be sized for 100% MCR requirements of
auxiliary boiler and an additional margin of 10%.

c) The main burners of Aux Boiler are to be designed for firing HSD. The ignition system will
use spark ignition system.

d) Motor driven boiler feed pump shall be rated for continuous operation at 100% boiler,
MCR with an additional margin of 10% on flow.

e) D.M. Water storage tank sized for half an hour make-up water requirement of boiler at
100% BMCR.

f) Safety valves at steam drum shall be designed for 75% MCR capacity and SH outlet shall
be 30% MCR capacity.

g) The pressure withstand capability at the furnace shall not be less than the
maximum conceivable head of the FD fans.


The specific requirements as follows:

Super Heater
Convective type, suitable to take care of hot end corrosion due to fuel oil.
Feed System

The pumps shall have stainless steel impellers. The shaft seals shall be hard faced water
wear resistant material with automatic wear adjustment taken up and alignment. Each
pump discharge is fitted with NRV.

The duct shall be rectangular in shape & constructed from carbon steel plate. The ducting
section shall have flanged & bolted joints self supported against all wind seismic and
grauitational loads.

Structural Steel Work

All steel work & structures shall be capable of accepting seismic loading in addition to other
loadings including dead weight, wind forces etc.

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Auxiliary Boiler Canopy

To offer protection to the boiler against rainfall, a rain canopy shall be provided. This shall be
made from steel frames, supports and steel sheetings and shall be complete with guttering &
downpipe, etc. as necessary. The rain canopy shall not prevent reasonable access to boiler
mountings and shall be arranged as necessary to allow the use of lifting tackles supported off
the rain canopy steel work.


The chimney shall be manufactured from CORTEN steel plate with insulation and cladding
and shall be provided with access door with cover and a drain connection. The
chimney shall be insulated with mineral wool.

Equipment Handling Arrangement

Where it is necessary to handle any item in excess of 55 kg. weight on the boiler for purpose
of erection or maintenance a suitable lifting beam arrangement is to be provided. For loads
one ton and above on lifts exceeding three meters electric hoists shall be provided.

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Parameter Units Value

Steam Flow T/Hr 50
Steam Pressure kg/cm2 16
Steam Temperature Deg C 350
Feed water flow T/Hr
Fuel fired HSD
Fuel Flow T/Hr
Atomization Medium Air
Efficiency of Boiler % About 88
feed control valves % 2x100
MDBFP Nos 2 x 100
1 Hr for DM Water /2
DM water and HSD storage capacity hrs Hrs for HSD
HSD pressurizing Pumps Nos 2
FD Fans Nos 2 X 100%
Chimney m 35
Ignition Spark Ignition

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This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, manufacture & assembly,
inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of Steam Turbine.

The steam turbines shall be super-critical, condensing, single reheat and regenerative,
tandem/ cross compound , multi-cylinder type to suit the unit rating and the supplier’s proven
design, and shall be throttle governing, horizontal type coupled to directly driven AC generator
suitable for indoor installation as per manufacturer’s standard and proven design.

Determination of main and reheat steam parameters, number of extraction points, number of
turbine casings and stages, final feed water temperature, extraction steam parameters etc.
shall be based on the optimization study by the Contractor considering turbine manufacturer's
proven standard design for the unit rating and type. Contractor to ensure suitability of final
feed water temperature for steam generator at all loads.

This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with other sections of the
specification as appropriate and the equipment offered shall meet the requirements as spelt
out therein.


The equipment to be provided shall specifically conform to the latest editions of the following
codes, standards, specifications and regulations. Also the system design shall conform to the
requirements of applicable codes as specified in the General Technical Specification.

PTC-6 : ASME Performance Test Codes for Steam Turbines.

IEC:34-1 : Specification for rotating electrical machines.
IEC:34-3 : Specific requirement for turbine-type synchronous machines.
IS:7132 : Guide for testing synchronous machines.
IEC:34-2 : Method for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical
machinery from test.

IEC:34-4 : Methods of determining synchronous machine quantities from test.

IEC:34-5 : Classification of degree of protection provided by enclosures for
rotating machines.

IEC:34-6 : Methods of cooling rotating machinery.

IEC:34-8 : Terminal marking and direction of rotation for rotating machines
IS:3003 : Specification for carbon brushes of electrical machine
ASME-TDP1 : Prevention of water damage to steam turbines. (Part-I)
IEC-45 : International Electro- technical Commission
ANSI : America National Standards Institute.
ASTM : American society of testing and materials.
IEC 953-1 : Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests
Manufacturing standard can be considered in the absence of codes
and standards on a case-to-case basis on approval of Owner.

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Each steam turbine generator unit shall be provided with the following equipment and

Steam turbine and auxiliaries specified herein for the TG set together with all accessories and
auxiliary equipment including HP/LP bypass system required to make a complete and well
integrated unit to satisfy the scope of this specification shall include but shall not be limited to
the following (for each steam turbine unless indicated otherwise) :

3.1.0 Steam Turbine

• Steam turbine shall be complete with casings, rotors, bearings, temperature detectors,
couplings, steam gland seal, rotor turning gear preferably hydraulic type and having
local/remote operation facility, hand barring gear, emergency stop and control valves and
reheat stop and control valves with their servomotors, Integral steam strainers with the
emergency Stop and reheat stop valves or removable type steam strainers for start up
and normal operation upstream of emergency stop and reheat stop valves, crossover/
cross around piping and electric motors for all its integral subsystems. Steam strainers
integral with main steam emergency stop and reheat stop valves are also acceptable.

• Hydraulic/pneumatic power operated quick closing non-return valves (QCNRV) and

ordinary non return valves for each extraction including steam lines to BFP turbine drives,
and for each cold reheat line one hydraulic/ pneumatic power operated QCNRV shall be
provided. The type of actuation i.e., hydraulic/ pneumatic shall be as per the standard
proven practice of the Manufacturer.

• Blow out provision for emergency stop and control valve and reheater stop and control

• Steam turbine governing and protection system complete with electro hydraulic governor
with mechanical hydraulic back up or electro hydraulic system with 100% hot back-up,
electro hydraulic converter, hydraulic converter, tracking devices, hydraulic speed
governor, electrical speed sensors, speed/load adjusting gear, unloading gear (if
applicable), vacuum breaker, motor drives, remote trip solenoids, over speed, low
condenser vacuum, low lube oil pressure, high axial shift and other trip/protection
devices, electrical components associated with electro hydraulic system, test devices and
test panel inserts/testing facility etc.

• Explosion diaphragms for outer casing.

• Turbine gland sealing steam system with gland steam condenser, gland steam
exhausters (2 x 100%), all associated motors, associated piping, valves and fittings,
strainers/ filters, specialties, hangers and supports, necessary insulation and complete
with instrumentation and control hardware including electro hydraulic/electro pneumatic
controller, actuator, electro hydraulic /electro pneumatic converter etc. as to make the
system complete in all respects.

• Turbine integral drain system consisting of warming, drain and vent system, associate
piping and equipment complete with flash tanks (details specified in condensate system),
associated spray system, piping, valves and fittings, valve motor drives or pneumatic
actuators, specialties, hangers, supports, insulation, instrumentation and control etc.
Drains from main steam, cold reheat and hot reheat lines etc. shall also be connected to
these flash tanks(details specified in condensate system)

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• Turbine preservation system consisting of adequate numbers of air driers including, fans,
motors, filters, heater drying wheel, connecting pipings, valves, fittings etc. for
preservation against corrosion of turbine during idle periods shall be provided. Write-up
on the recommended system to be furnished. Bidder to elaborate the alternate
preservation procedure recommended for turbine corrosion protection during long outage
of plant in his bid.

• Boroscopic inspection ports in turbine for inspection of turbine internals shall be provided
as per Contractor's standard practice. The inspection ports shall cover turbine internals as
maximum as possible as per Bidder's Standard practice. The inspection port should be
designed for ease of accessibility with leakage proof features while in operation.

• Hydraulic or pneumatic or DC operated device shall be provided for raid reduction of

vacuum in condenser to bring turbine rotor to rest as quickly as possible under
emergency conditions.

• Blanking discs for emergency stop and reheat interceptors and control valves and special
bonnets, as required for steam blow out. Provision for steam blow-out pipe connection
with cold Reheat lines non-return valves.

• Steam turbine exhaust hood spray cooling system complete with spray arrangements,
associated piping, instrumentation and control devices, valves and fittings, motor/solenoid
operated valves and specialities, hangers, supports etc.

• Complete noise and thermal insulation, to the extent necessary

• Turbine cladding/covers/enclosures complete.

• Flush / cleaning provisions

• Sealing fixtures (for hydraulic pressure testing of steam lines) at HP and IP valve blocks.

• All primary Instruments and final control elements.

• Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation

• Transport Fixtures along with all special Tools & Tackles.

• Complete enclosure for turbine complete (If applicable as per OEM, However bidder to
ensue the Noise level within the Limits).

• Fire detection and protection system for lube oil tank area and turbine and generator
bearing area.

3.2.0 Turbine oil system

Lubricating oil system complete with main oil tanks including oil strainers, oil purifying system,
oil pumps (as specified below) with drive motors, oil coolers (as specified below), strainers,
vapour extractors (as specified below) with drive motors, maintenance opening, vent
connection, all interconnecting piping, valves and fittings, hangers and supports, necessary
instrumentation and control hardware to make the system complete in all respects.

• One (1x100%) shaft driven Main Oil Pump (MOP) with Two (2x100%) AC MOP


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Two (2 x 100%) AC motor driven main oil pumps with (2 x 100%) AC motor driven
auxiliary oil pumps.

• 1 x 100% Emergency Oil Pump with DC motor drive.

• 2 x 100% Jacking oil pumps with one pump provided with AC motor and another pump
provided with DC motor drive for emergency condition.

• 2 x 100% duty oil vapour extraction fans with AC proof explosion motor with oil separation
in the piping.

• 2 x 100 % lubrication oil coolers equipped with change over device allowing continuous
operation without interruption of oil flow and automatic oil temperature control device.

• One Duplex filter with change over valve for the complete lube oil flow.

• Automatic oil temperature control device.

• Centralised oil storage and purification system common for two units including clean oil
tank, dirty oil tank, transfer pumps, purifying unit with interconnecting piping, necessary
instrumentation and control hardware to make the system complete in all respects.

• Steam turbine control fluid and its purification system along with its conditioning system
complete with control fluid tank, control fluid pumps (as specified below) with drive
motors, strainers, accumulator, control fluid coolers( as specified below), waste fluid tank,
purification equipment including fluid circulation pumps with drive motors, associated
piping, valves, fittings and specialties, hangers and supports, instrumentation and control
hardware to make the system complete in all respects.

• 2x100% Control oil pumps

• 2x100% control oil coolers

• 2 x 100% vapour extraction fans and drive

• One Duplex filter with change over valve for the complete control oil flow.

• Sheet metal ducts or cover for oil piping and other oil spray protection equipment.

3.3.0 Miscellaneous Items

• All sole plates, sub-sole plates, shims, jack-screws and wedges, as required, to set and
align the turbine generator unit.

• All foundation frames/base plates, anchor bolts, sleeves, nuts etc. for all equipment under
this section.

• Special lifting slings, lifting beams etc. for erection and maintenance of the turbine
cylinders and rotors, generator stator and rotor, bolt heating device, tongue wrenches etc.

• Suitable lifting attachments i.e., lifting lugs, eye bolts, slings, etc. for all equipment to
facilitate erection/maintenance.

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3.4.0 Turbine Bypass System

• 60% BMCR HP bypass valve (minimum 1 x 100% or 2 x 50 % Capacity) and

corresponding LP bypass steam conditioning valve (capable of handling steam flow to HP
bypass valve and spray water used in the HP bypass system) with spray water valves,
spray control station, throttling devices, fittings, de-superheating arrangement, hydraulic
power pack, solenoid valves, quick acting devices, blanking devices for steam blowing,
supports, associated piping including warm up arrangement, valves, instrumentation and
control hardware, electrical devices and actuators/motors etc. For LP bypass valves, the
control fluid supply can be taken from the common control fluid system if it is a standard
practice of the Contractor.

• Spray water system consist of spray water control &, block valve, isolation valves, flow
element, NRV, piping along with necessary instrumentation etc.

• Dump tube with spray water arrangement to meet the HEI requirement.

3.5.0 Piping, Valves, Fittings Supports etc.

The complete piping system as specified below and as required along with valves, control
valves, fittings and supports, instruments, insulation and cladding etc.,

• Lube oil system

• Control fluid system
• Turbine gland steam seal system
• Exhaust hood spray system
• Seal oil system
• Spray water piping for steam turbine Generator, bypass system, dump tube station and
other system as required.
• Any other piping system


The design of Steam Turbine Generator shall comply with the design requirements set out in
this section and also meet the requirements specified in Annex 2.2.1 - Specified Design Data.

Steam turbine proposed for this project is proven design with respect to HPT inlet pressure
and temperature, IPT inlet temperature, HP, IP,LP blade profile and number of stages in HP,
IP,LP turbines and the offered steam turbine with above design for the similar capacity should
already be in successful operation. Contractor shall also furnish along with the bid, the
reference list of power plants of similar capacity which are in successful for at least one years
for the main steam and reheat steam parameters offered for this project.

The proposed steam turbine set should be operating under constant pressure mode from zero
to 40% rated load, sliding pressure mode from 40% to rated load. The proposed TG set shall
be capable of continuous operation under VWO condition also.

The design shall cover adequate provision for quick startup and loading of the unit to full load
at fast rate. The unit shall have minimum rate of loading or unloading of 3% per minute above
the control load (ie 50% TMCR).

Turbine vibrations shall be minimized and shall be with in the limits as per latest version of
relevant standards of International Organization for standardization (ISO).

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The turbine shall be provided with protective devices as per relevant IEC or equivalent,
including the following:

(a) Separately actuated over –speed trip device,

(b) Emergency hand trip devices to facilitate manual tripping of the turbine locally and from
control room.

The turbine generator units shall comply with general requirements and standards of relevant
latest versions of IEC & IEEE or their approved equivalent or as per the Supplier’s standard
practices to be mutually agreed between the Contractor and Owner and the additional
requirements as specified hereinafter. All materials, equipment and fabrication procedures,
wherever applicable for the equipment covered in this specification, shall also be in
accordance with the latest applicable code requirements.

Type of steam turbine shall be of tandem/cross compound construction, condensing type with
adequate no. of steam extractions at optimum points for regenerative feed heating. HP
turbine shall be of double casing design. The HP, IP and LP casings shall be independent of
each other OR combined HP-IP and separate LP casing(s). LP turbine may consist of two
separate turbines. HP inner casing, IP casing and LP casing(s) shall be of horizontally split
type. HP steam dumping device shall be provided for evacuation of steam from HP turbine to
the condenser after shutdown /tripping to avoid windage.

Gross continuous TG power output less the power consumed by excitation system at 100%
turbine maximum continuous rating (TMCR) shall be guaranteed under design steam
conditions with 0% make-up, all extractions in operation and design condenser back pressure

DM water make up to thermal cycle under BMCR condition 1%. However the system has to
be designed for 1.5% DM water makeup

The turbine- generator set shall be capable of continuous 100% TMCR output under rated
steam conditions, design condenser back pressure, 1 % make-up and 47.5 Hz grid frequency.

The turbine shall also be capable of operating continuously with valves wide open (VWO) to
swallow 105% of TMCR steam flow to the turbine at rated main steam and reheat steam

The operating capabilities of various systems, equipments and associated auxiliaries in the
scope of Contractor is specified elsewhere in the technical specification.

The plant and it's unit (s) shall be designed to operate with all the specified margins for
continuous operation without any limitations under any of the conditions indicated in the
technical specification.

Turbine shall be capable of continuous operation under all HP heaters out of service with
maximum output commensurate with boiler heat duty corresponding to 100% operation with
HP heaters in service and the same shall be demonstrated.

Turbine Generator set shall be capable of continuous operation with HP heaters out of service
with maximum output not less than 660 MW

Contractor shall indicate the turbine over pressurisation (under VWO) possible and ensure
corresponding continuous output of TG set as per IEC 45.

Turbine shall be capable of accepting variation in steam temperature and pressure as per IEC
45 in case continuous over pressure operation is possible.

Turbine shall be suitable for continuous base load operation. In addition Turbine shall be
suitable for two-shift operation & cyclic load variations.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Turbine shall be capable of operating on constant pressure mode as well as on variable

pressure mode during part load and start up operation.

TG set shall be capable of being started from cold condition to full load operating conditions in
as short time as possible.

TG set shall be capable of operating on house load during sudden total export load throw off
using HP and LP bypass system. Unit shall not trip on over-speed in the event of total export
load throw-off.

Over speed during full load loss shall be limited to 8% of the rated speed.

The turbine generator and the associated systems shall be designed for minimum of 4000 hot
starts, 1000 warm starts and 150 cold starts during its life. No component shall be stressed
beyond acceptable safe stress and fatigue levels when operating under the stated duty

The steam TG set apart from being capable of operation on base load, shall also be suitable
for two shift operation and cyclic load variations as the unit is expected to operate in
automatic load-frequency control system.

Contractor shall provide adequate temperature measurement and other instrumentation etc.
for adequately guiding the operator to regulate loading of unit to keep the thermal stresses
and fatigue levels within safe limit.

Turbine Generator set shall be capable of operating on constant as well as variable pressure
mode. Necessary facilities shall be provided for switching over to variable pressure mode of
operation from constant pressure operation and vice versa from unit control board.

During sliding pressure mode, throttle pressure shall slide from 100% to 40% of rated
pressure corresponding to 30% load.

The peak to peak value of vibration measured on bearing housing shall be minimized and
shall be within limits as per ISO 10816 and ISO 7919.

All cycle drains shall be led to condenser through flash tanks. In addition, the provision shall
be kept for main steam line drains and HP bypass line drains to be led to a separate
atmospheric flash tank.

The steam turbine & its auxiliaries shall be capable of safe, reliable and continuous operation
and shall be able to operate continuously with frequency variation of plus 3% and minus 5 %.

While operating under all the above conditions the variation in steam temperature and
pressure shall be limited to the extent stipulated in latest IEC-45.

The start up and drainage system shall comply with relevant ANSI/ASME Standard TDP-1
prevention of water damage to steam turbines.

The turbine governing system shall meet the following requirements:

i) The governing system shall be capable of controlling with stability the turbine speed
between zero to maximum power output when the unit is operating isolated or in parallel
with other units.
ii) Over speed during full load loss shall be limited to maximum of 120% of the rated speed
iii) Adjustable steady state speed regulation shall be provided between +3% to +8% of rated
speed during commissioning.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

iv) Dead band at rated speed and at any power output within rated output shall not exceed
0.06% of rated speed.

The turbine shall be provided with protective devices as per relevant IEC or equivalent,
including the following:

(i) Separately actuated over-speed trip device.

(ii) Emergency hand trip devices to facilitate manual tripping of the turbine locally and from
control room.

4.1.0 Steam By-pass System

The HP/LP Bypass System shall be designed to handle 60% of BMCR flow and sized for 65%
BMCR flow at rated steam conditions. LP bypass system shall be designed to condition the
incoming steam from reheater to parameters matching the LP turbine exhaust steam and the
capacity shall be commensurate with that of the HP bypass system plus the spray water used
in HP bypass.

Steam dumping device shall be provided for dumping of desuperheated steam from LP
bypass. Sizing of steam dumping devise shall be adequate to accept the steam from LP
bypass valve outlet with necessary spray water including abnormal condition like HP heaters
out of services plus spray water used in dump tube.
The low pressure steam bypass system shall be furnished with perforated basket type dump
tube of length as required to evenly distribute the fluid.

Dump tubes shall be designed to distribute the steam as evenly as possible in the steam
turbine exhaust duct by individual dump tubes.

HP/LP bypass valve actuators shall be of Electro Hydraulic type.

The HP/LP bypass system shall be designed to control the flow and temperature of steam
bypassing the HP and LP sections of steam turbine during the steam turbine trip or during
major load rejections, so that the boiler can safely be kept on-line, without risk of lifting of
Steam generator safety valves.

Each HP/LP bypass system shall be equipped with necessary control and instrumentation
including all necessary positioners for continuously controlled actuators, power modules,
various converters, power supply and other fault monitoring and alarming modules, position
transmitters, etc.

Each bypass station shall be designed for the respective maximum steam pressure, i.e. the
safety valve set pressure in the respective section and sized for maximum steam capacity
generated taking into account the condensate injection for attemperation.

Attemperating water for the HP Bypass valves shall be taken from feed water pump discharge
and for LP Bypass shall be taken from Condensate Extraction Pump discharge. Spray water
system shall include spray water control valves, Non-return valve and isolating valves.

Warming up arrangement shall be provided for HP and LP bypass valves and associated

HP-LP bypass system shall be suitable for operations under sliding pressure mode to enable
short start up time.

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HP-LP bypass system shall be capable of operation in parallel with turbine with all feed water
heaters in service.

HP-LP bypass system shall facilitate hot and warm restart of the unit following a trip from full
load, part loads, controlled shutdown and cold start up following a long shutdown.

The system design shall ensure that boiler operation is not affected in the event of loss of
load on the turbine, by disposing off the steam produced in the boiler automatically by
providing a quick opening device. The full stroking time of valve under quick action shall be
within 2 to 3 seconds.

The HP/LP bypass system shall rapidly shutdown upon detection of low spray water pressure/
high steam temperature downstream of desuperheating stations and high reheater /
condenser pressures.

Special attention shall be paid to the provision of draining the warm up drains as close to the
bypass valves as possible in order to minimize steam hammer / thermal shock on bypass
valves and upstream pipe work when bypass comes into operation.

The systems downstream of bypass valves shall be capable of withstanding the thermal
shock due to failure of spray water.

Sufficient upstream and downstream straight length of piping shall be kept for each By-pass
control valve, to permit desired controllability, based on applicable code recommendation/
good engineering practice. Downstream piping material shall suit the outflow temperature,
depending upon the mixing length require by the de-superheater (to be ascertained by
Temperature Element). Valve position, elevation & warming system shall be prevent water
accumulator when closed & thermal shock when it opens.


The installation and dismantling of the various parts of the equipment must be possible
without great difficulty and appropriate design features must be incorporated for this purpose.

All parts must be capable of accepting the loads occurring due to rapid load and temperature
variation and also those occurring due to start-up, shut-down and continuous base load
operation without limitation and without affecting the planned life.

The turbine generators must operate without any restriction and any limitation in time at each
load between no-load and maximum continuous load and shall be ensured that ramping rate
is not exceeded.

In so far as the special requirements given below for the individual parts of the plant also
apply to other parts of the steam turbine plant, they are to be used there as applicable.

5.1.0 Steam Turbine


Casing shall be designed for maximum pressure and temperature to be encountered during
service. The design of casing shall be such as to permit inspection of all main bearings
without dismantling the casings.

The turbine casings shall be designed for a hydro-static test pressure of at least 50% in
excess of the working pressure or as per proven OEM practice subject to approval of Owner.

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There shall be no sudden cross section changes and sharp corners leading to stress

The differential expansions if any between rotors and casings shall be kept to the minimum.

Steam tightness of HP and IP turbine casings shall be ensured by providing horizontal joints
with metal to metal contact. Steam tightness of LP turbine shall be ensured by providing
suitable seals.

Steam chest support arrangement shall be of proven type and shall be capable of accepting
piping forces during operation without transmitting the same to the casings.

All extractions shall preferably be from the lower half of casing and extraction branches
should be welded to casings except for LP casing extractions which can be bolted
connections or as per proven OEM practice subject to approval of Owner.

In order that rapid assembly and dismantling of the turbine will be possible, the turbine
casings are to be split horizontally and supplied with guides to permit safe lifting of the casing.

To check the condition of the turbine blading without opening the casings, openings are to be
provided at suitable points on the casings. Casings shall be symmetrical in design to minimise
the effects of thermal stress and creep. The design and surface preparation of the supports
are to be such that thermal expansion is not prevented.

Adequate drainage facility shall be provided in casings for proper removal of drains during

LP casing shall be provided with completely self contained exhaust hood spray to protect the
turbine against excessive temperature due to windage at no load; low load and HP-LP bypass
operations. Exhaust hood spray cooling water shall be supplied from the main condensate
extraction pump discharge. Pressure relief bursting diaphragms shall be provided for LP
casing(s) to limit the exhaust hood pressure within a safe margin from design pressure.

Inspection holes shall be provided for field balancing of rotor without dismantling the casings.

Dismantling of casing should be possible with minimum removal of insulation.

Bearing inspection should be possible without necessity of dismantling the turbine casing.

Guide rods shall be provided to prevent damage to blades during erection and maintenance.

Suitable lifting gear and slings shall be provided for raising and lowering the upper portions of
the turbine casings and rotors, blading or remainder of the machines.

Blading, nozzle segments:

The design of turbine blading will have to ensure high efficiency of energy conversion with low
loading, stressing and vibration considerations to insure long-term reliability. All the blades
shall be securely and adequately anchored to the rotor and design shall ensure quick and
easy site replacement.

Material of nozzles and blades shall be hard, corrosion and erosion resistant alloy steel.

The turbine blading shall be designed to withstand the centrifugal stresses that arise due
to rotation and bending stresses due to flow of steam. In addition HP blading shall
withstand high temperature and LP blading shall resist corrosion and erosion in fast flowing
wet steam. LP stage blade hardening up to 1/3 (min) of blade length & width 25 mm or
stelliting as per the proven standard practice of turbine manufacturer. L.P blades design

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without lacing wires is preferred. Fatigue strength, vibration damping shall also be provided in
the design of blades.

There shall be no resonance of LP blading in the continuous operating frequency range of

47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz. The Contractor shall furnish campbell diagrams for free standing stages
of LP blading offered.

Free standing stages of LP turbine blades shall be independently tuned to avoid resonance
frequency in the operating frequency range of 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz.

Stress induced in LP turbine blading due to back end steam loading under VWO conditions
shall not exceed 90% of design stress value. Supporting calculations shall be furnished for
the above.

The turbine stages operating in the wet steam region are to be provided with sufficient water

Design shall ensure quick and easy site replacement of blading.


Rotors shall be of forged alloy steel.

Uniformity of material composition and strength shall be ensured by examining adequate

number of test specimen.

Dynamic balancing shall be carried out on composite rotor and blade assembly. The rotor
shall be tested at an over speed of 120% of rated speed.

Completed rotor including coupling shall be capable of withstanding the shock loading and
excess torque resulting from a generator short circuit without damage.

The procedures proposed for inspection of the rotors in order to ensure their soundness and
homogeneity shall be stated in the specification, together with particulars of the thermal
treatment proposed in order to minimize the possibility of distortion occurring in service. The
HP and IP rotors shall be given thermal stability test.

Vibrations shall be minimized and shall be within limits as per Zone A of ISO 10816-2 and
Zone A of ISO 7919.

Critical speed of composite rotor and blade assembly shall not be within ±15% of operating
speed i.e. 3000 rpm or the range recommended by IEC-45. Contractor shall furnish studies
carried out for combined critical speeds for the offered TG set.


All the bearings are to be designed as horizontally split, forced lubricated type, lined with
suitable anti-friction material and provision shall be available for adjustment and alignment of
the rotors.

Complete even loading of the bearings is to be ensured by suitable measures. The thrust
bearings must be capable of taking load from both sides and be self-aligning. They must be
axially adjustable. The journal bearing shall be self aligning type with spherical seats.

The thrust bearing shall be of the Michell or Kingsbury tilting pad type and shall be capable of
handling the maximum possible thrust in either direction under any combination of operating
conditions. A thrust bearing wear indicator shall be provided with an alarm for excessive

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thrust wear or standard practice of proved OEM subject to approval of Owner. It must be
possible to check the thrust bearing wear during operation.

Provision shall be made for measuring bearing temperature as near the point of heat
generation as possible and for measuring the oil temperature leaving the bearing.

No oil leakage shall take through bearings.

Independent supporting arrangement outside the turbine casings and easy access

One number portable type fire extinguisher shall be provided for the turbine and generator
bearing area.

Following instrumentation shall be provided for each journal and thrust bearing:

a) Necessary pick-ups and accessories for remote monitoring of vibrations (horizontal and

b) At least two nos. duplex temperature sensing elements for remote monitoring.

c) Local temperature indicators in each bearing lube oil drains along with RTDs for remote
indication and annunciation.

Provision shall be made to permit vertical and horizontal adjustment of each bearing by shim
manipulation, and not by scrapping or remetalling, in order to accommodate realignment
without complete dismantling. It must be possible to dismantle the bearing shells without
removing the turbine casings.

Steam Admission Valves (Emergency Stop Valves, Reheat Stop Valves, Control valve
and Interceptor Valves)

The steam turbine shall be equipped with suitable emergency stop and governor controlled
valves and reheat stop & interceptor valves connected to speed governing system, complete
with interconnecting piping and supports. It is preferable to provide the steam strainers
independent of the stop valves.

(a) The valves shall close simultaneously and automatically when the over speed governor
trips and upon action of other protective devices

(b) Emergency stop and reheat stop valves shall be equipped with easily removable steam
strainers for normal operation and extra fine mesh strainers, if required, for initial

(c) The valves shall be designed so as not to cause any objectionable noise and vibrations of
the pipes and valves.

(d) The valves shall be equipped with auxiliary contacts and limit switches for control
interlocks and signaling. Additionally position transmitters shall be provided on control
valves for remote indication and control.

(e) Each valve shall be provided with two additional normally open (NO) potential free direct
limit switch contacts in the valve closed position.

(f) The valves shall be lagged with insulation and provided with lifting eye bolts(g) Valves
shall be located close to the turbine casing for limiting turbine over-speeding to safe limits
because of entrapped steam volumes.

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(h) The valves shall be hydraulically operated, fail safe type and equipped with test device to
permit complete closing of one valve at a time while the unit is carrying load.

Provision shall be made for tripping of turbine from the unit control room and for local manual
trip from the steam turbine front stand.

The emergency and reheat stop valves, if not mounted on the steam turbine casing, shall be
connected to the steam turbine by piping flexible enough to avoid transmission of excessive
forces and moments to the steam turbine casing.

Designed to avoid seizure under operating condition. Withstand high Erosion by stelliting or
other superior methods as per standard proven practice of the bidder for internal components
of valves. Ensure that valves are stable and shall not vibrate at high steam velocities.

The hydraulically operated control valves shall have removable seats to facilitate any repair
work required. Valves stem shall be made of wear resistant and oxidation resistant materials
to provide reliable operation with a minimum of maintenance work.

The emergency stop and reheat stop valves shall allow for removal of stop valve internals for
blowing out the main steam pipes. Suitable provisions shall be supplied to protect valve seats
and other internals surfaces, and to deflect the blowout steam where inlet and outlet are not in
a straight line. Designed to allow blowing out of Steam leads prior to startup. Suitable
provision shall be made by the Contractor to perform on load testing of main steam stop valve
and reheat steam stop valve without tripping the unit.

In order to facilitate the safe and reliable shut-down of the machine, the emergency stop
valves and governor valves must be arranged with easy access.

Non-Return Valves

Contractor shall provide Hydraulic/Pneumatic power operated Quick closing type & ordinary
NRVs of proven design for each Steam extraction line and for each CRH line one
hydraulic/Pneumatic power operated QCNRV shall be provided.

NRVs shall be suitable for on load testing individually and shall be provided with fail safe
design and shall close on loss of power.

The valves shall be full bore type designed for minimum pressure drop.

Each valve shall be provided with two sets of limit switches for both open and close position
with two changeover contacts.

The material of the NRV's shall be compatible to the material of piping on which they are

Based on TSR (tip speed ratio) analysis to be carried out by the successful Contractor any
additional requirements shall be met by him.

Valves shall be of proven design with respect to type, size and rating offered (Contractor shall
furnish sufficient experience data for the same).

Valves shall close during unit trip.

Turning device

Suitable turning gear device shall be provided, either hydraulic type or AC electric motor
driven type, capable of continuously rotating the turbine shaft to ensure fast uniform cooling
and warming during the shut down and start up respectively as per standard proven practice

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of Contractor. The design of the turning gear shall have minimum 25% additional capacity for

Turning gear shall have provision of automatic engagement/ disengagement with shaft speed
decrease/ increase at preset value.

Manual hand barring facility shall also be provided for manually cranking the turbine in case of
emergency including AC power failure. Availability of lube oil shall be ensured to the bearings
during manual barring operation.

Instrumentation and control shall be provided for local and remote operation.

Suitable interlocks of lubrication system shall be provided with operation of turning gear.

Suitable protection shall be provided to prevent the turning gear device from being started
unless the jacking oil pump is in operation and an adequate jacking oil pressure has been

All other necessary interlocks and protections, as required, shall be provided.


Shearing type rigid couplings shall be used. Couplings shall be designed to allow for removal
of any rotor without opening adjacent turbine casings. Ensure ready disconnection preferably
through bolts. Couplings with axially fitted bolts may be offered. Hydraulic bolt tensioning
equipment is also preferred. Coupling shall be suitably lubricated, if required. Couplings shall
be designed to take care of short circuit shock.

Provide sufficient allowance for taking up reaming / honing of bore holes for the machine to
meet out the future requirements.

Material Requirements

The proposal shall include the schedule of materials used in turbine construction indicating
chemical composition and designation of materials for following:

i. HP casing, HP blade carrier, IP & LP casing

ii. HP, IP and IP shaft and its coupling
iii. HP, IP & LP moving and fixed blades
iv. HP/IP/LP casing joint bolts
v. IP/LP cross over/cross around piping
vi. Turbine steam admission and extraction valves (Valve body, spindle and seat)

The steam turbine shall be built up using materials which are field proven for rated turbine
inlet steam parameters. The Contractor shall be required to furnish necessary information
during detail engineering for connection of HP and IP inlet nozzles, HP turbine exhaust
nozzles, HP and IP stop cum control valve inlet and outlet MS and HRH strainer, inlet and
outlet HP bypass and LP bypass valve inlet and outlet and CRH non return valve inlet and
outlet nozzles.

Gland sealing system Steam turbine and BFP turbine

Gland sealing system for the TG set and BFP drive turbines shall comprise of spring back
labyrinth seals. However, the gland seals of BFP drive turbine may not be of spring back type
and shall be as per standard practice of the turbine manufacturer.

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Turbine shaft glands shall be sealed with steam. Fully automatic gland sealing steam supply
system shall be provided including necessary piping, valves, fittings and control and
instrumentation as required.

Gland steam condenser shall be provided to condense and return to cycle all gland leak off
steam alongwith 2x100% capacity motor drive exhausters to remove air and non-condensable
gases. The exhaust gases shall be discharged above the TG hall roof level.

Suitable arrangement shall be provided to bypass gland steam condenser (designed to

operate under vacuum condition also) alongwith desuperheating arrangement, if required, for
the bypass to prevent unit tripping when gland steam condenser is not in operation The
exhaust shall be discharged above the TG hall roof level. The gland steam condenser shall
be provided with bypass on water side also.

MDBFP to be located in the Zero mt or intermediate floor of TG ( not in TG floor)

The gland seal material shall be of proven type.

The turbine shall be self sealing during normal operation of the unit. During startup and low
load operation, sealing steam shall be supplied from high temperature or low temperature
auxiliary steam header or CRH depending upon the sealing requirement. Facility shall be
provided for automatic switchover from alternative source to the main source and vice versa.

During changeover of steam supply source from turbine or CRH or auxiliary steam header,
there shall be no rubbing at glands and no undue increase in vibration and the system shall
be capable of withstanding thermal shock.

Effective drain system shall be provided alongwith instrumentation to monitor and maintain
the required temperature to avoid thermal shock to the rotor during changeover from self
sealing to alternate source of sealing steam.

Two nos. modulating type control valves shall be provided, one discharging surplus steam to
condenser and other for supplying extra steam to gland sealing header from steam source to
maintain sealing steam header pressure at a preset value. These control valves shall be
provided with electrically operated bypass valves.

Control valves shall be stay put during power failure and sealing steam header pressure shall
be maintained by manual control of these valves.

Gland sealing arrangement provided by the Contractor shall permit easy examination and
replacement of glands without lifting the upper half of the turbine casing. However, for BFP
drive turbine, the arrangement for replacement of glands may be as per standard practice of
the manufacturer.

The Desuperheater necessary for reducing the sealing steam temperature shall be taken from
condensate extraction pump discharge. Where gland steam temperature control is achieved
by use of direct contact spray type desuperheaters, the design shall include features to
prevent water reaching the shaft glands in the event of malfunction of the desuperheater
spray water control system.

Suitable arrangement shall be provided to drain the gland seal steam header during startup
and shutdown conditions shall be provided. Suitable arrangement such as pressure relief
valve shall be provided to maintain the desired pressure in the gland seal steam header.

A steam strainer shall be provided before the pressure reducing valve(s) of the steam supply
to the glands or as per proven standard design of OEM subject to approval of OWNER. The
strainer shall be sized to prevent entry of any foreign material which could damage the shaft
glands. Details of the mesh size of the strainers proposed shall be given in the proposal. The

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strainer shall be arranged to permit easy inspection and cleaning. Provision shall be made for
measuring the differential pressure across the strainer.

System shall be designed to ensure the required minimum condensate flow through gland
steam condenser during start-up and other normal/abnormal operating modes. Gland Steam
condenser tubes shall be made of Stainless steel only.


Ambient temperature is40 °C for design of thermal insulation.

Contractor shall provide insulation and cladding for all equipment and piping with surface
temperature more than 60°C.

The temperature of cold face of finished insulation shall not be greater than 60°C.

For the turbine, in order to avoid a possible penetration of oil, insulation with an oil-tight hard
cover is to be provided. Asbestos insulating material will not be accepted.

Hot sections which cannot be insulated, such as for example observation openings, are to be
provided with suitable protection.

Turbine cladding

The turbine cladding shall be designed as a sheet metal cladding and provided with sufficient
corrosion protection. It shall cover the complete turbine area including the bearings. Heat
build-up within the turbine cladding shall be avoided by suitable ventilation. Particular
importance shall be attached to a good overall appearance of the turbine generator set with
the turbine cladding installed. Furthermore, the cladding shall be easily dismantled/re-

The turbine cladding shall be provided with access openings for inspection and maintenance.

Steam Strainer

The strainers shall pass the full steam requirements for rated turbine output and they shall be
arranged for easy inspection and cleaning. The strainer shall be accessible without removing
the inlet steam piping. Strainer integral to steam admission stop valve as per manufacturer
standard will also be acceptable. Temporary fine mesh strainers shall be provided for use
during commissioning period or separate steam blowing device shall be supplied by bidder
subject to approval of Owner.

Maintenance Requirements

Each turbine shall be suitable for wet steam washing if applicable. Necessary stub
connections on turbine/ piping shall be provided for future connection to wet steam washing
system. Recommended washing procedures shall be furnished by the Contractor.

Necessary equipment shall be provided for forced cooling of turbine during emergency
condition for quick access.

Turbine preservation system consisting of adequate numbers of air driers including, fans,
motors, filters, heater drying wheel, connecting pipings, valves, fittings etc. for preservation
against corrosion of turbine during idle periods shall be provided. Write-up on the
recommended system to be furnished.

Boroscopic inspection ports in turbine for inspection of turbine internals shall be provided as
per Contractor's standard practice. The inspection ports shall cover turbine internals as

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maximum as possible as per Bidder's Standard practice. The inspection port should be
designed for ease of accessibility with leakage proof features while in operation.

5.2.0 Turbine Governing System, Protective Devices and Unloading Gears

The steam turbine generator unit shall be equipped with an electro-hydraulic governing
system with mechanical-hydraulic back up or electro-hydraulic system with 100% hot back-

The governing system shall be equipped with speed and load changers to control the speed
or power output of the steam turbine within the limits. The speed/load changer provided shall
be capable of adjusting the speed of the turbo set to any value in the range of 94% to 106%
of rated speed for manual/auto synchronisation of the generator with the bus. It shall be
capable of varying the load on the machine from no load to full load.

For remote control, suitable motor drive shall be provided. Indication of the speed/load
changer position shall be provided on the operator’s work station and console panel insert.

The governing system shall be equipped with a load limiting device capable of being operated
both locally as well as remotely from unit control room for the purpose of limiting the amount
of opening of the governor controlled valves to set the load at a pre-determined limit, while the
turbine is in operation. A remote position indicator shall be provided on the console panel
insert for indication of the setting of the load limit. Contacts shall also be provided on the load
limiter for signaling load limited operation in unit control room.

Steam turbine shall be provided with electronically controlled electro- hydraulic governing
system and back up governing system of mechanical hydraulic or electro- hydraulic type.

Contractor shall provide a separately actuated over speed device called quick acting
emergency governor to trip the unit at 110% of rated speed in case speed governor fails to
limit the turbine over speed.

The emergency governor resetting shall be as per manufacturer's standard practice.

However, it shall meet the IEC-45 requirements for over speed trip.

Contractor shall provide means for testing the operation of emergency governor when the
machine is on load without exceeding the rated speed of the unit.

Contractor shall provide emergency hand trip device on front pedestal/panel near turbine to
facilitate manual tripping of the unit alongwith facility to trip turbine from UCB.

Turbine trip should occur under following condition. Over speed, backup over speed,
complete EHG failure, Low lube oil pressure, High axial shift, high condenser pressure (low
vacuum)-fixed set point & variable set point, thrust & Journal bearing wear, boiler tripped,
shaft vibration very high, AC generator tripped, all circulating water pumps tripped, Fire
protection, Main steam temperature very low, high HP exhaust steam temperature etc.

5.3.0 Other turbine equipment

Initial Pressure regulators, Low Vacuum unloading device (if applicable), vacuum breaker
valves, Exhaust temperature limiting equipment, Pressure relief diaphragms for LP outer
casing, Protection against water induction, supervisory equipment etc., shall also be provided
to ensure reliability of the system.

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The facility to adjust or bypass the initial pressure regulator from UCB during start up
condition to facilitate starting with low steam pressure and during sliding pressure operation
shall be provided.

Contacts shall ensure turbine unloading to a preset point to run on house load in case main
steam pressure falls below a predetermined value.

Contacts shall be provided for signaling the initial pressure regulator in ‘Operation’ and

In order to protect the condenser from excessively high temperature an automatically acting
cooling device has to be supplied for the exhaust steam. The cooling shall be from main
condensate pump discharge side.

The Pressure relief diaphragms shall be designed for the maximum possible steam flow.

Based on the standard proven practice of the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide a low
vacuum unloading gear (If applicable) which shall ensure progressive decrease of steam flow
to turbine below a preset value of condenser vacuum, thus restoring the condenser vacuum.

Contacts shall be provided for signaling the low vacuum gear in ‘Operation’ and ‘Reset’.

The ingress of seepage steam into the turbine during standstill of the turbine and operation of
the boiler shall be prevented. The turbine injection shall be provided with a control valve
and a power operated NRV. In addition to these valves in the injection lines, stop valves
shall be provided in order to make possible repair and maintenance work on turbines
during shut-down.

The HP Steam turbine exhaust shall be provided with hydraulically / pneumatically operated
quick closing non return valve. These shall be closed automatically when steam turbine is

Vacuum Breaker valve shall be sized for rapid reduction of vacuum in condenser for turbine
rotor to be brought to rest as quickly as possible.

5.4.0 Steam turbine lubricating oil and purification system

A complete lubricating oil system shall be provided for the steam turbine generator unit and
shall consist of following. The control fluid system shall be fully separated from the lubricating
oil system.

Oil pumps

Centrifugal /gear type main oil pump (MOP) directly driven by turbine as per Contractor's
standard practice with capacity to cater to lube oil required for bearings and emergency seal
oil requirement. The grade of oil to be used with its complete specification shall be stated by
the Contractor.

AC auxiliary oil pumps for start up, shutdown of TG unit and as standby to MOP for automatic
operation, each pump having capacity to cater to lube oil and turning gear oil requirement.

DC emergency oil pump for meeting lube oil requirement of bearings during emergency, with
automatic starting on low lube oil pressure preset value.

Jacking oil pumps with interlocking not to start till lube oil pressure is established.

Pressure transducers for monitoring pressure of jacking oil of each bearing.

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The shaft driven main oil pump shall be designed to maintain adequate lubricating oil
pressure over the entire operating frequency range without auxiliary oil pump cutting in.

The pump shall supply all oil requirements for the lubricating as appropriate under all
conditions of load and operating frequency range specified. The auxiliary oil pump must be
able to start automatically in the case of a drop in oil pressure. A pressure accumulator is to
be installed in the oil system to avoid an unallowable drop in pressure during switchover of oil

Main Oil Tank

The tank shall be of welded construction and manufactured from high quality mild steel plate
and shall have sufficient capacity to hold all the oil within the system.

Each unit lube oil tank of capacity to allow 8 oil changes per hour (at normal operating level)
alongwith with vapour extraction fans driven by explosion proof AC motors. The tank shall be
provided with non-corrodable strainers, level indicator visible from turbine operating floor/ oil
room floor, man holes, platforms, railings, necessary piping, supports and accessories etc.

Special attention shall be taken in the tank design for handling hydrogen entertainment in the
generator lubricating oil drains.

All vents shall be taken outside the building above the roof level. Horizontal vent pipe shall
have a natural drainage back to the tank and suitable drainage arrangement for any oil build
up shall be provided in the discharge piping of the extractors.

The base of the tank shall slope to a common point to facilitate complete draining and an
accessible lockable valve shall be provided in the drain line. Piping shall be provided from the
drain valve to a suitable point from where the oil can be drained into the transfer or drain tank.

Sampling points shall be provided at suitable locations on the oil tank.

Oil Filters

Duplex type filters/strainers with stainless steel element shall be provided at common lub oil
supply line of the turbine. In addition to the above, the Contractor may provide filter/strainer at
oil supply line to/oil return lines from bearing and generator seals as per his standard practice.
The filter element size shall be five (5) microns or a size suited to requirement of the turbine.

Changeover from one filter to the other shall be possible without a reduction in flow or a
momentary drop in pressure. The changeover valves shall be interlocked or arranged so that
it is not possible to inadvertently cut off the supply of oil to the plant. A differential pressure
gauge and differential pressure switches with alarm shall be provided on both filters.
Adequate provision shall be made for draining and venting the section of filter undergoing

Oil Coolers

DM water cooled lube oil coolers with 15% excess tube surface area, designed as per TEMA
having oil pressure greater than water pressure.

The oil coolers shall be provided with dial type thermometers and manual three way valve on
oil side for change over of coolers. Oil temperature at outlet of coolers shall be maintained
within permissible limits as per requirement at inlet to the bearings. The changeover
arrangement shall be such that one cooler cannot be isolated before the second is in service.

The oil side pressure of the oil coolers shall be higher than the water side pressure.

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The cooler shell shall be constructed of carbon steel and shall be fitted with an air vent at the
highest point and a drain valve at the lowest point.

The cooler water boxes shall be of fabricated steel. The highest point of each water box shall
be supplied with a vent connection. The relief valve and all drain and air release valves shall
be provided with pipe work leading to the nearest convenient drain trench.

The coolers shall be supported such that the water boxes can be removed without difficulty
and adequate access to the tube plates is possible.

The arrangement of water box connections shall be such that tubes can be cleaned without
breaking any oil or water pipe joints.

Oil Piping

Piping and all other components of system coming in contact with control oil shall be of
stainless steel.

Double oil piping or equivalent shielding shall be provided for all high pressure lines and all
pipes close to hot pipes and parts to protect against fire hazards.

Oil return lines from bearings shall be fitted with illuminated sight fittings or any other device
to see the flow of oil depending upon the standard proven practice of the manufacturer.

The oil pipes are to be pickled and, on commissioning, oil flushing is to be carried out with
cold and heated oil alternately. All the facilities necessary for commissioning are to be

Oil supply lines to and oil return lines from bearings and generator seals should have
provision for oil flushing filters. Oil flushing filters may not be provided in individual return lines
if a common strainer is provided in the tank for return oil as per standard practice of the

Unit purification system

Each steam turbine shall be provided with a permanently connected, continuous oil
purification system having following major equipment:

Oil centrifuge having capacity to purify not less than 20% of total oil charge in system per hour
and constructed from high grade stainless steel. Purified oil shall not have any free moisture
and maximum particle size shall be conforming to code 15/12 as per ISO 4406 with inlet oil
quality conforming to code 21/18 as per ISO 4406.

Carbon steel anti-flood tank for each purifier.

Positive displacement feed and discharge pumps (if required), each having capacity 10%
higher than purifying unit. Necessary interlock for preventing centrifuge operation in case
these feed and discharge pumps are not operating shall be provided.
Indirect electric oil heater to heat oil to temperature not more than 65 C with facility to cut
heater elements in steps.

Entire purification equipment shall be mounted upon a suitable metal base having a raised lip
around the outside with a drain connection.

Alternatively, Contractor can offer oil purification system as per their standard practice. But,
The purified oil shall be with no free moisture & max. particle size conforming to code 15/12

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as per ISO 4406. This shall be demonstrated with inlet oil quality conforming to code: 21/18
as per ISO : 4406.

Central Turbine Lubricating Oil Storage and Purification System

A central turbine lubricating oil storage and purification system shall be provided common for
two units. The system shall consist of identical dirty and clean oil tanks each with capacity of
1.5 times the capacity of unit oil tank, purification system identical to unit purification system
and 2x100% capacity oil transfer pumps.

The purifier shall be fully self contained on an oil tight base plate and shall be provided with
necessary piping.

The parts of the purifier which are liable for corrosion i.e. oil wetted parts shall be
manufactured from stainless steel or superior material. The pumps required for purifying
unit shall be of 110% the normal purifier capacity. Necessary indirect heating system shall
also be provided.

The purifier shall be capable of being used both in operation and when the turbine is at rest.
The oil separator delivered shall be of the self-cleaning design.

Suitable arrangement such as unloading pumps with strainers, piping and instrumentation
shall be provided to unload the lube oil from barrels/unloading tank etc to dirty oil
compartment or clean oil compartment of central lube oil storage and purification system
depending up on the new oil quantity. Suitable arrangement shall be provided to evacuate the
lube oil from main turbine lube oil tank, boiler feed pump turbine lube oil tank and clean oil
tank and dirty oil tank of central lube oil storage and purification system to emergency oil pit
during emergency condition such as fire accidents etc.

5.5.0 Turbine Control Fluid System

Each unit shall be provided with control fluid system consisting of the following:

Fire resistant fluid for control fluid system for servomotors of all hydraulically operated turbine
stop and control valves, extraction NRVs and spray water valves for LP bypass system (if
applicable). The grade of oil to be used with its complete specification shall be stated by the

Fluid reservoir of adequate capacity fitted with non-corrodable strainers, level indications,
level alarm switches and overflow devices alongwith draining and sampling connection. The
surfaces of reservoir in contact with fluid shall be of stainless steel.

The reservoir shall be fitted with adequate vapour extraction fans, access ladders, platforms,
railings and man holes with covers etc.

DM water cooled control fluid coolers with 15% excess tube surface area, designed as per
TEMA having oil pressure greater than water pressure fitted with dial type thermometer and
manual 3- way valve on oil side for change over of coolers. Oil temperature at outlet of
coolers shall be maintained within permissible limits. All surfaces coming in contact with
control fluid shall be of stainless steel.

Control fluid purifying unit to purify at least 2% of the total fluid charge in the system per hour
on a continuous bypass basis alongwith 2x100% capacity AC driven purification pumps (for
fluid circulation through purification system).

Piping and all other components of system coming in contact with control fluid shall be of
stainless steel.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

5.6.0 Turbine Drains System

Contractor shall provide warming-up and drainage system for the steam turbine system to
drain away the condensate which may be formed due to steam coming into contact with
cooler metal during start-up and stagnant steam sections. The drains shall be provided for
every low point with automatic disposal of collected condensate. The drains shall be
connected to the flash tanks via headers. The connections on the header shall be graded
according to the pressure. The drains from main steam piping, HRH, CRH, BFP turbine
system and auxiliary steam headers etc. shall also be connected to the atmospheric/HP/LP
flash tanks.

The steam turbine drain system shall be designed in accordance with the recommendations
outlined in ASME TDP-1 for protection against water induction to the steam turbine.

Drains shall be tapped off from main line through a drip pot with provision for removal of
entrapped dirt. Each drain shall be provided with one locked open manual valve followed by
one motor/ pneumatic operated leak proof angle valve on downstream side to be used for
draining and warming-up the pipes as applicable. For sections having drain formation during
normal plant operation such as auxiliary steam header lines and alternate steam lines to BFP
turbines and deaerator, steam trap assembly shall be provided in parallel to the motorized/
pneumatic drain valve.

Drain valves shall be located in accessible areas to facilitate their maintenance.

5.7.0 Steam By-pass System

Each bypass station shall comprises a quick acting stop valve and a pressure control valve on
steam line(operated by separate actuator), a desuperheater, a stop valve and a control valve
on spray water injection line(operated by separate actuator),

The spray water system for temperature control shall be compatible with the bypass control
valve requirements.

The steam conditioning and spray water valves actuators shall be provided with double acting
electro-hydraulic piston type.

If the oil system is a self-contained unit, it shall have 100% standby oil pump connected to
main system with necessary valves for isolation and maintenance. Hydraulic accumulators
shall be provided on the hydraulic system to ensure positive supply of oil to hydraulic
actuators even when hydraulic oil pumps are not available. Accumulator shall be adequately
sized to ensure sufficient number of stroking operations of all connected actuators. The
hydraulic system shall have online filtration arrangement to keep hydraulic oil clean. All
control valves shall be of tight shut-off design and the actuators shall be designed for
maximum shut-off differential pressure acting across the valve.

The valve stem should be protected against contact with the hot fluid. Complete assembly
shall be designed as single unit. Constructional details of body and internals shall be
designed based on above requirement.

Valve trim shall be designed and selected so as to give required steam outlet parameter in
stable manner and within the specified sound level.

The HP/LP Bypass System shall be designed to handle 60% of BMCR flow and sized for 65%
BMCR flow at rated steam conditions. Bypass valves shall be capable of handling atleast
120% of the stated maximum flow at the full open condition for HP valves and 125% for LP

Sizing of control valves shall be done as per the latest edition of the ISA handbook.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Valves shall be designed to give class v leakage when the valve is fully shut and subjected to
maximum inlet pressure as per ANSI B 16.104.

HP and LP bypass valves shall be provided with gland cooling arrangement, preferably using
spray water, as per manufacturer's standard practice. Further, graph-oil packing rings or
equivalent arrangement shall be provided for valve glands

Valve trim material shall be selected based on the service conditions. However SS316 trim
material shall be offered as minimum. Stelliting or other equivalent treatment shall be done for
all valves offered for all steam service and high pressure reduction service. Cage guided
valves may be offered for steam service. For water service it shall be preferably top or heavily
top guided type.

Cage guided valves shall be avoided for water service. Seat rings shall be replaceable type.
Seat rings shall securely lock in place to prevent leakage past the body. Where required as
per the service condition seat surface shall be stellited. Anticavitation trim shall be offered
where cavitation and flashing is expected.

The Contractor shall provide necessary blowout tools to protect the bypass valve, when the
bypass steam pipes are blow out during cleaning of the steam lines before commissioning the


In addition to the tests mentioned elsewhere the following shop tests shall be conducted as
applicable on various components such as rotor, casings, blades, diagrams, valves, pipes,
flanges, bolts, etc. All such tests shall be documented and forwarded to Owner:

a) Boro-scope test
b) Magnetic particle test for crack detection
c) Heat stability test
d) Resonant vibration tests
e) Examination of threading tolerances etc.
f) Chemical composition and quality tests on blades (moving)

After the assembly of various components of the turbine the following tests shall be

a) Verification of fits and operating clearances.

b) Balancing test
c) Test at 120% of rated speed centrifuging as per manufacturer’s standard practice.
d) Tests for checking the proper operation of governors, control valves and auxiliaries.


All drive motors shall be as per Specification for Electric Motor presented in relevant section
of electrical specification.


Refer Volume II, Section 4 for Control & Instrumentation Specification.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


9.1.0 General

a) Completely filled in technical schedules & other schedules for all equipments as enclosed
with the Tender specification.
b) Flow Diagrams and P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments
and the destination / functionality of the signals Plot plan
c) Plot plan and General arrangement drawing with section for major building viz Power
house building etc., showing maintenance area
d) Quality Assurance and plan
e) Master Document List (MDL) for Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and C&I with schedule of
f) Description of options and alternatives offered
g) Complete description of the plant offered including description of the process and the
h) General descriptions of individual systems and descriptions of operation including
description of start-up, shutdown and emergency shutdown procedures,. Also behavior of
boiler/steam generator and, turbine, etc. under transient conditions.
i) Safety Plan
j) Training program and schedule for training of Owner’s personnel
k) Space requirement for construction site and equipment
l) Maintenance proposal (for STG)
m) List of spares
n) List of Special tools and Tackles
o) Inspection intervals (major/minor) for six years along with the spares to be replaced
during the above inspections. Contractor shall provide the cost of such spares on yearly
p) Contractor shall enter into a long term spare supply agreement with the OEM, and agree
to transfer the same faithfully to the owner upon COD. Contractor shall commit to facilitate
further negotiations on the spares with the OEMs directly by the owner.

9.2.0 Mechanical

a) Heat and Mass balance diagram same for 100% TMCR condition ( 0% and 1 % makeup),
VWO condition (0% and 1 % makeup), 60% TMCR (Constant and Sliding pressure
operation), All HP heaters out condition, Auxiliary steam condition and house load
operation with HP-LP bypass in operation,
b) Start up curve for cold, warm and hot condition
c) Installation references where 660 MW Supercritical units with proposed main steam and
reheat steam parameters are in operation.
d) Experience list for supply and installation plants of similar capacity supercritical Units and
performance certificate of the plants indicating the availability and plant load factor from
the date of COD.
e) Steam Turbine Manufacturer’s and Generator Manufacturer’s experience list for the
offered Capacity
f) Deed of Joint Undertaking shall be executed by Contractor with following manufacturers

- Steam Turbine and Auxiliaries

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The above shall be submitted clearly indicating the validity of the agreement and role and
responsibilities among them
g) Details of Technical Collaboration of the Steam Turbine, Generator manufacturers with
technology Supplier and role of the technology supplier for this project.


The documents required for design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of
the entire plant shall be submitted by the Contractor in good time so as to permit the plant as
a whole to be constructed in compliance with the specified time table.

Only the most important documents are listed below. The list and approval category of the
doc/drawings shall be agreed sufficiently in advance before award of relevant order, so that
corrections and amendments desired by the Owner as well as resubmission of the documents
will not result in any delays with respect to the guaranteed time table. The Owner reserves the
right to request from the Contractor additional drawings, documents, etc. as may be required
for proper understanding and definition of the design and engineering of the Plant.

10.1.0 General

a) Re-Submission of all the technical data furnished during pre award contract stage.
b) Complete filled-in technical schedule.- For approval
c) Plot plan - For approval
d) General arrangement drawings /Equipment layout of all equipments along with sections
indicating the unloading & maintenance area. - For approval
e) Design basis for all the systems and major equipment sizing calculation - For approval
f) P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments and the interlocks
for all the systems - For approval
g) Monthly progress report
h) L2 network
i) Quality plan for approval
j) Prequalification document for different Vendors for Owner’s approval.
k) Equipment Testing procedure for approval
l) Complete list of documents with proposed submission schedule
m) Vendor Engineering document vix Data sheets, General arrangement drawing, material of
construction, performance curves for approval for major items
n) Painting & surface preparation procedure
o) Technical specification

10.2.0 Mechanical

a) Major equipment sizing calculation viz , Bypass valve, for approval

b) Start-up and shut down procedure along with the curve for approval
c) System description for all the systems. for approval
d) Fire protection system layout
e) Heating and ventilation system layout
f) Pipe sizing and determination of pressure & Temperature criteria. for approval
g) Critical piping drawing and calculation
h) Acceptance and Performance test procedure and program

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

i) Performance calculation write up.

Any other drawing or document which are not covered above but required to the effective
commissioning of the project.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.2.1

Description Unit Data

Type of Steam Turbine 3000 rpm, Supercritical,
tandem/ cross compound,
single reheat, regenerative,
condensing, multicylinder
Maximum Continuous rating of each MW 660
Turbine(TMCR) at generator terminal
excluding excitation power.
Maximum generation during valve wide MW Minimum 5% over TMCR
(VWO) condition (with continuous operation output
Operation Mode Throttle governing in
combination with sliding
Gross turbine cycle heat rate at 100% Kcal/kWh Shall not exceed 1850
TMCR condition, 0% make up, 33°C
cooling water inlet temperature and TDBFP
in operation including pressure drop in
main steam piping, reheater system and all
the extractions of steam turbine.
Design & operational requirement including As per IEC 45
variations in rated steam
Main steam pressure at turbine inlet bar Contractor to furnish
Main steam temperature at turbine inlet °C Contractor to furnish
Main steam flow at turbine inlet t/hr Contractor to furnish
Hot reheat temperature at turbine inlet °C Contractor to furnish
HPT exhaust steam pressure bar Contractor to furnish
HPT exhaust steam temperature °C Contractor to furnish
IPT inlet steam pressure bar Contractor to furnish
IPT inlet steam temperature °C Contractor to furnish
Reheat steam flow at turbine inlet t/hr Contractor to furnish
Reheat steam temperature at turbine inlet °C Contractor to furnish
Maximum Pressure drop between HPT bar Contractor to furnish
exhaust and IPT stop valve inlet
Frequency variation range around rated Hz +3% to -5% (47.5Hz to
frequency of 50Hz 51.5Hz)
Final feed water temperature for heat rate To be selected by Contractor
guarantee point and TMCR condition based on his turbine cycle
Turbine protection against water induction As per ASME-TDP-1-2006
(reaffirmed latest)
DM water make up to thermal cycle under 1% of throttle steam flow
TMCR condition
HP/LP Bypass valve/Spray Valve
Design Code ANSI
Type of actuator double acting electro-hydraulic
piston type

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This specification is intended to cover the minimum requirements of design, engineering,

manufacture, inspection and testing at manufacturer's works, supply, packing and delivery at
project site, unloading, storage and in plant transportation at site, erection, supervision, pre-
commissioning, testing, successful commissioning of condenser, condenser air evacuation
system, condenser on load tube cleaning system and all accessories and associated piping,
valves, specialties, controls, instrumentation, supports and insulation.

This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with other sections of the
specification as appropriate and the equipment offered shall meet the requirements as spelt
out therein.


Condenser, Condenser air evacuation system shall be designed in accordance with latest
edition of following codes, standards specifications and regulations. Also the system design
shall conform to the requirements of applicable codes as specified in the General Technical

HEI - Heat Exchange Institute standard for liquid ring

vacuum pump
HEI : Heat Exchange Institute standard for surface
IBR : Indian Boiler Regulations.
PTC-12.2 - ASME Performance Test Code on Steam Surface
ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials.


The scope of supply shall include but not limited to the following (for each unit unless
indicated otherwise).
3.1.0 Condenser
a) Horizontal surface of proven design (Type shall be as per below Annexure) with integral
air cooling section and divided water box construction. Water box shall have cathodic
protection. Water box shall have proper GRP lining / resin coated suitable for sea water

b) Large box type screening structure with anti-vortex baffling at each hotwell connection to
suction of condensate pumps.

c) Provide suitable impingement guards or baffles on top row tubes. Similar guards for any
steam or water connection to condenser. Other alternate arrangements to the satisfaction
of Owner to protect top row of tubes shall also be considered.

d) Water box interiors to be FRE lined with min 3 mm.

e) Provision of motorized butterfly valves and expansion bellows at inlets and outlets of
condenser cooling water of each half of condensers.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

f) Easily removable/hinged type water boxes along with suitable handling arrangement and
provision of hinged manholes (of 460mm size) in shell, each water box and each hot well

g) Stand pipes with necessary connections for instruments, with water level gauges and
isolation valves.

h) Design for installation of LP heater(s) in condenser neck. The drain cooler to be installed
outside the condenser neck.

i) Water box, tube plates and support plates material shall be carbon steel as per ASTMA-
285Gr.C. with FRE lined for intended duty. Titanium cladding of required thickness shall
be provided on water side of tube sheet plate.

j) One no. Debris filter shall be installed above ground level at the outside of the TG
building before the each inlet pipeline of condenser of each unit and adequate cathodic
protection shall be provided for debris filter to prevent against corrosion.

3.2.0 Condenser Air Evacuation System

a) 2x100% air evacuation pumps for each shell of multiple pressure condensers along with
all accessories and instrumentation as per HEI recommendations.

b) Steam water separator.

c) Heat exchanger.

d) The complete piping system as required along with valves, actuators, fittings and
supports, insulation and cladding etc.

3.3.0 Condenser On Load Tube Cleaning System

a) Sponge rubber ball type tube cleaning system designed for continuous & trouble free
operation with provision of abrasive coated balls cleaning in case of hard deposits inside

b) Suitably sized non clog type ball recirculation pump to inject the cleaning balls into
respective CW inlet pipe.

c) Suitable ball injection nozzles.

d) Suitable ball collecting strainer to be provided at CW discharge pipe to collect the

cleaning ball and the same will be drawn off to the suction of ball recirculation pump.
Material of construction shall be of proven material suitable for sea water application.

e) Sufficient capacity ball collecting vessel to hold the full charge of balls.

f) Necessary piping, fittings and accessories for complete installation of the system.

g) Automatic / manual ball sorter to sort out under size balls.

h) The system should be complete with necessary instruments, protection and interlocks.

i) Provision of manual and automatic back washing system with automatic collection of balls
prior to back washing.

j) Provision of ball monitoring system, which should at least consist of separate ball
circulation monitor and ball oversize monitor.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

k) Adequate Cathodic Protection in COLTCS and other components of CW system to

protect against corrosion.

l) Avoid any dead zone inside the water box. There shall not be crowding of balls at the inlet
of ball collecting strainer at discharge pipe.


Steam condensing system shall be designed in accordance with the codes specified in this
section and applicable codes specified in the general technical specification or any approved
equivalent standards.

The steam condensing system shall be suitable for operation in conjunction with the turbine

4.1.0 Condenser

Design manufacturing and testing as per Heat Exchange Institute, USA (latest) with proven
design. Contractor to furnish thermal, hydraulic and mechanical design calculation for
checking equipment capability.

Condenser to be designed for minimum air leakage and under normal operating conditions,
the air leakage in condenser not to exceed more than 50% of design value taken for sizing of
vacuum pumps. The same shall be demonstrated at site under actual operating condition
failing which Bidder shall carryout necessary modifications.

Max. Oxygen content of condensate leaving the condenser shall be 0.02 ppm over the entire
load range.

Quality of Cooling Water shall be sea water specified in this specification.

Shell material carbon steel as per ASTMA-285 Gr.C or SA 516m Gr 485 or equivalent subject
to approval of owner & suitable for intended service, welded construction and 16 mm
minimum wall thickness. Hot well of material same as that of shell material, shall be
longitudinally divided with proper drainage provision.

Condenser shall be spring supported or solid supported as per standard and proven practice
of the OEM. The expansion joint of fully stabilised austenetic stainless steel all welded type
shall be provided in the condenser neck if applicable.

Tubes shall be seamless type titanium as per SB 338 Gr 2 and continuous without any
circumferential joint suitable for intended duty with average wall thickness 22 BWG (0.71mm)
(minimum). Welded condenser tubes shall not be accepted. Top rows of tubes shall be extra
thick. Provision for taking care of thermal expansion of tube bundle and proper drainage of
tubes during shut down shall be ensured.

Water box, tube plates and support plates material shall be carbon steel as per ASTMA-285
Gr.C. or SA 516m Gr 485 with resin or equivalent subject to approval of owner /GRP
polyurethane lining/ coating lining and suitable for intended duty. Adequate cathodic
protection of water box side shall be provided and Titanium cladding of required thickness (5
mm minimum) shall be provided on water side of tube sheet plate. Avoid any dead zone
inside the water box.

Corrosion allowance of minimum 3.2 mm for water boxes, tube plates and 1.6 mm for shell,
hotwell and condenser neck.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Ensure efficient steam distribution in the condenser when one half of the condenser is
isolated and ensure at least 60% of rated output under this condition.

Suitable provision (like sliding and fixed base plate of condenser support feet etc.) for
expansion of condenser shell to be made. Suitable provisions to be made for expansion
between shell and tubes.

Provision of separate sponge ball type condenser on-load tube cleaning system for each half
of condenser including ball circulation pumps, strainer and ball monitoring system.

The Condenser shall be designed for heat load corresponding to unit operation for VWO
condition, VWO with 1% make up condition, HP heaters out of service condition, turbine
operating at house load operation with HP-LP bypass operating at its rated capacity (60%
BMCR) and rated steam parameters. Condensate temperature at all loads shall not be less
than the saturation temperature corresponding to condenser pressure.

The Condenser hotwell shall be sized for three (3) minute storage capacity (between normal
& low-low level) of total design flow with the turbine operating at VWO condition, 1 % make-
up, design condenser pressure. The low-low level of hotwell shall be at least 200 mm above
the bottom of hotwell.

Sizing of steam dumping device to accept the steam from HP-LP bypass with necessary
spray water including abnormal conditions like HP heaters out of service etc.

Design of air removal section to cool the air and vapour mixture to atleast 4.17 deg. C below
saturation temperature corresponding to 25.4 mm Hg (abs). Connections to air evacuation
pumps shall be made at this section.

Design for exhaust steam from steam turbine, BFP drive turbine, HP-LP bypass system,
heater drains and vents, boiler separator drains during start-up, low-load and abnormal
conditions and other miscellaneous drains.

Designed to carry flooded weight (upto tip of last stage of LP turbine blades) for hydraulic and
hydrostatic testing of condenser without installation of temporary supports or bracing.

C.W. butterfly valves with actuators to be designed as per AWWA-C504-80 or Owner

approved equivalent standards. Valve's material shall be suitable for sea water application
and the duty intended.

C.W. expansion joints made from high quality natural / synthetic rubber with carbon steel
reinforcement rings and with flanges of 125 LB as per ANSI-B16.25. The material used shall
be suitable for sea water application and the service intended. The expansion joints shall be
designed to the deflections and fluid pressure through out plant life and shall be suitable to
withstand full vacuum without collapse and the proposed arrangement for this shall be
indicated in the offer. Further the design shall limit the reaction forces/moments on condenser
CW nozzles and on C.W. piping.

Design, Material and construction of CW piping and butterfly valves shall be as per relevant
standards and as specified elsewhere in the specification. All wetted components shall be
proven and suitable for sea water application. The Cooling water pipe line from CWP to
condenser and from condenser to CT shall be of RCC with Epoxy paint coated. The above
ground portion at CWPH and Condenser area may be MS with polyurethane coating.

DM Make-up water shall be added to condenser from an condensate surge tank of adequate
capacity through a normal make up control valve sized for 1.5% of VWO flow with 1.5% Make
Up and emergency make up control valve sized for sized for 10% of VWO flow with 1.5%
Make Up All necessary piping, valves, tank etc shall be engineered and supplied by the

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

5% tube plugging margin shall be considered while arriving the heat transfer area.

Steam dumping device for dumping of desuper heated steam from LP bypass along with all
accessories and instrumentation.

No damaging due to vibration during normal, abnormal and transient conditions and during
turbine trip from full load to HP-LP bypass operation, feed heaters out of operation, VWO
condition, 100% load and start-up condition etc. Contractor to ensure satisfactory operation
under above operating conditions.

Natural frequency well above the frequencies induced by other associated equipments under
all operating conditions including abnormal.

Provision for maximum deaeration and removal of non-condensable gases from steam and
make-up water. Air removal section to be suitably baffled to prevent water carryover.

Air release valve and drain valve shall be provided in water box and condenser shell and also
for complete drainage of water from hot well.

Provision in water box of adequate size nozzle and valve for priming of condenser.

Provision of catch trough below tube sheet in hotwell for detection of water leakage into
steam side.
All extraction pipes routed through the condenser shall be provided with stain less steel
shroud to prevent erosion

All bolts, nuts and stays etc. inside the steam space shall be of Low Alloy Steel as per SA 193
Gr B7 and SA 194 Gr 2H and where such parts project through tube plates they shall be fitted
with stainless steel or approved cap nuts and protective sleeves. For deaerating zone, trays,
fittings etc. made of stainless steel shall be provided.

Provision of motorized butterfly valve in each exhaust duct of BFP turbine for isolation of
BFPT, when not in use.

4.2.0 Condenser Air Evacuation System

Single/two stage liquid ring type with both stages (if two stage pumps provided) mounted on a
common shaft.

Suitable for indoor installation and for continuous duty.

Each pump and its accessories shall be mounted on common steel base plate. Pump shall be
connected to motor by flexible coupling.

Heat Exchangers shall be shell and tube type / Plate type heat exchangers.

Material of tube shall be titanium suitable for sea water application and material of shell and
tube plates as M. S. type ASTM-A285 Gr. C properly coated with resin / GRP.

For U-tube type: Removable tube bundle provision shall be provided. Alternatively-plate type
heat exchangers with SS 316 plates and 20% area margin on plates also acceptable.

Heat exchanger sizing shall be done as per HEI.

Capacity of each pump in free dry air at standard condition with condenser operating at
design pressure of 1 inch (25.4 mm) of Hg (abs) and sub cooled to 4.17 deg.C below

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

temperature corresponding to absolute suction pressure shall not be less than 30 scfm (51
m3 per hour) under standard conditions i.e. 760mm Hg (abs) and 21.1 deg. C.

Capacity of vacuum pumps shall be as per HEI standard.

Selection of materials for vacuum pumps and seal water recirculation pumps as below :

(1) Casing -Nickel cast iron

(2) Shaft -Carbon Steel (EN8)
(3) Impeller -Nodular iron/stainless steel
(4) Shaft sleeves-Nodular iron/stainless steel

Operational flexibility of all pumps during hogging and must be able to evacuate the
condenser in specified time as per HEI.

Each pump shall be suitable for evacuating 100% designed air steam mixture and non-
condensable gas as per HEI. Further the stand-by pump shall cut in automatically in case
running pump fails or when condenser pressure falls back to a preset value.

Pumps shall be designed for no cavitation under all operating conditions.

Noise levels should not exceed limitations as specified in Section of General Technical
Requirements and vibration levels shall be as per VDI-2056/ or as recommended by proved
OEM subject to Owner’s approval.

Following type tests are to be carried out on vacuum pump:

(i) Cavitation test

(ii) Wet air test

4.3.0 Condenser On Load Tube Cleaning System & Debris Filter

The ball collecting strainer should have redundant differential pressure transmitter, switch and
gauge with remote seal type connection.

The no. of balls in circulation should be at least 10% of nos. of condenser tubes.

Bidder should indicate the number of ball losses in 1000 hrs. of normal operation.

Enough provision for homogeneous ball injection and even distribution of balls through out the
condenser tubes.

Bidder should ensure that there should not be crowding of balls at the inlet of ball collecting
strainer at discharge pipe.

Provision to prevent losses of ball during normal and abnormal condition including tripping of
CW pump.

Tender Drawing for COLTCS may also be read in conjuction with the specification.

The ball recirculating pumps, collector, monitor etc. shall be skid mounted.

The Condenser on Load Tube Cleaning System (COLTCS) design has to be suitable for sea
water quality.

4.4.0 Debris Filter

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One no. Debris filter shall be installed above ground level at the outside of the TG building
before the each inlet pipeline of condenser of each unit and adequate cathodic protection
shall be provided for debris filter to prevent against corrosion. Fully automatic debris filter of
suitable mesh size for sea water application shall be provided at the upstream of COLTS for
each CW inlet line. Debris filter shall be supplied with automatic self wash system. The debris
filter design has to be suitable for sea water quality.


If the condenser shells call for site assembly, care shall be taken in the assembly of shells,
and the correctness of alignment shall be checked in a manner acceptable to the Owner prior
to stitch welding. With stitch welding over, and on clearance of final alignment by the Owner,
final welding shall be done by 'seam method' so as to ensure a minimum deformation of the
welded parts. Only approved welders shall perform such welding operation. All the weld
seams shall be properly ground and subjected to non-destructive examination. At least 10%
of butt welded seams shall be subjected to radiographic examination.

If the superstructure portion or the upper portions of the condenser are not welded to the
condenser shell in the Bidder 'works, then they shall be properly aligned with the Condenser
shells at site. Any special fixtures required for such alignment shall be furnished along with
the equipment and made use of by the Bidder. All welding shall be done as prescribed under
in this volume above and the weld seams shall be properly ground and subjected to dye-
penetrant examination.

The Bidder shall be governed by the following conditions during condenser tubes insertion
and expansion.

(1) The condenser shall be installed in its position prior to tube insertion. Tube insertion
and expansion shall not be carried out in the open.

(2) The tubes shall be free from any dents, mechanical damages or any other defects
caused during the storage.

(3) Both ends of the tube where tube expansion has to be carried out shall be thoroughly
cleaned to a length of 100 mm to remove oil grease etc. The cleaning shall be done
with a fine emery paper.

(4) The surfaces of the holes in the tube plates and the tube support plates shall be
thoroughly cleaned and shall be free from paint, corrosion spots, oxide scales etc.
The method adopted by the Bidder for such cleaning of the holes shall meet the
approval of the Owner. Final cleaning shall be performed by a chemical cleaning
agent like Carbon Tetra Chloride.

(5) The cleaned surfaces of the tubes and the reamed tube plate holes shall be free from
any longitudinal scratches.

(6) Tubes shall be inserted such that their ends shall project out 2 to 3 mm beyond the
tube plate outer surface. The tube shall then be expanded using an electronic
automatic torque control tube expanding unit or pneumatic tube expander so as to get
4% thinning of the tube walls and the elongation of the tube ends shall be 0.40 to
0.60 mm. Tube expansion shall be so controlled that neither over expansion nor
under expansion of the tubes takes place. Tube expansion shall be checked with a
dial bore gauge indicator. Tube expansion shall be carried out to a length of 70% to
80% of the tube plate thickness. In no case, the expansion shall go beyond the tube
plate thickness. The tube insertion shall be such that the excess length of all tubes
shall be at the same tube plate and they shall be cut off by a cutting tool followed by
expansion. Both ends of tubes after expansion shall be flanged properly. Finally,

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

proper chamfering shall be carried out. Expansion of condenser tubes shall start from
the peripheral holes of the tube plate and shall proceed towards the centre of the tube
plate in such a sequence as to avoid any deformation of the tube plate.

(7) Design for full vacuum and min. internal pressure 1.08 Kg/cm2 (g). Minimum shell
side design temperature 120 deg. C.

In case the condenser is supported on springs and the condenser neck is directly welded to
the L.P. cylinder exhaust hood, then the final lifting and installation of the condenser on
permanent support shall be carried out only after final installation of the L.P. casing. It shall be
ensured that all spring supports are evenly loaded and the gap between the condenser and
the spring supports is within +/-1.0 mm. Suitable adjusting bolts shall be used to further lift the
condenser till the clearance between condenser neck and L.P. exhaust hood is suitable for
welding and such clearances shall not exceed 3.0mm. The welding of the above connection
shall be performed as called for as prescribed in this volume above. Suitable machined
permanent spacers shall be provided and the condenser load shall gradually be transferred
on to these spacers from temporary bolts.

The Hydrostatic testing of condenser steam space shall be carried out after connecting all the
pipes with the condenser along with the condenser vacuum system by filling the steam space
with water up to tip of last stage LP turbine blades. Any leakage detected shall be rectified

The water space shall be tested hydraulically along with the circulating water lines, after
assembly of the waterbox doors.

After the hydraulic testing, the water boxes tube plates and covers shall be given suitable
coatings of anti-corrosive paints. The paints and painting shall meet the approval of the


Refer Volume - II, sub section-4.10 of Control & Instrumentation Specification.


7.1.0 General

a) Completely filled in technical schedules & other schedules for all equipments as enclosed
with the Tender specification.
b) Flow Diagrams and P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments
and the destination / functionality of the signals Plot plan
c) Plot plan and General arrangement drawing with section for major building viz Power
house building showing maintenance area
d) Quality Assurance and plan
e) Master Document List (MDL) for Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and C&I with schedule of
f) Description of options and alternatives offered
g) Complete description of the plant offered including description of the process and the
h) General descriptions of individual systems and descriptions of operation including
description of start-up, shutdown and emergency shutdown procedures,. Also behavior of
boiler/steam generator and, turbine, etc. under transient conditions.
i) Safety Plan
j) Training program and schedule for training of Owner’s personnel

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

k) Space requirement for construction site and equipment

l) Maintenance proposal
m) List of spares
n) List of Special tools and Tackles
o) Inspection intervals (major/minor) for six years along with the spares to be replaced
during the above inspections. Contractor shall provide the cost of such spares on yearly
p) Contractor shall enter into a long term spare supply agreement with the OEM, and agree
to transfer the same faithfully to the owner upon COD. Contractor shall commit to facilitate
further negotiations on the spares with the OEMs directly by the owner.

7.2.0 Mechanical

a) Heat and Mass balance diagram same for 100% TMCR condition ( 0% and 1 % makeup),
VWO condition (0% and 1 % makeup), 60% TMCR (Constant and Sliding pressure
operation), All HP heaters out condition, Auxiliary steam condition and house load
operation with HP-LP bypass in operation,
b) Start up curve for cold, warm and hot condition
c) Installation references where 660 MW Supercritical units with proposed main steam and
reheat steam parameters are in operation.
d) Experience list for supply and installation plants of similar capacity supercritical Units and
performance certificate of the plants indicating the availability and plant load factor from
the date of COD.
e) Steam Generator, Steam Turbine Manufacturer’s and Generator Manufacturer’s
experience list for the offered Capacity
f) Deed of Joint Undertaking shall be executed by Contractor with following manufacturers

- Condenser,
- Condenser Air Evacuation System &
- Condenser On Load Tube Cleaning System

The above shall be submitted clearly indicating the validity of the agreement and role and
responsibilities among them
g) Details of Technical Collaboration of the Condenser, Condenser Air Evacuation System &
Condenser On Load Tube Cleaning System manufacturers with technology Supplier and
role of the technology supplier for this project.


The documents required for design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of
the entire plant shall be submitted by the Contractor in good time so as to permit the plant as
a whole to be constructed in compliance with the specified time table.

Only the most important documents are listed below. The list and approval category of the
doc/drawings shall be agreed sufficiently in advance before award of relevant order, so that
corrections and amendments desired by the Owner as well as resubmission of the documents
will not result in any delays with respect to the guaranteed time table. The Owner reserves the
right to request from the Contractor additional drawings, documents, etc. as may be required
for proper understanding and definition of the design and engineering of the Plant.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

8.1.0 General

a) Re-Submission of all the technical data furnished during pre award contract stage.
b) Complete filled-in technical schedule.- For approval
c) Plot plan - For approval
d) General arrangement drawings /Equipment layout of all equipments along with sections
indicating the unloading & maintenance area. - For approval
e) Design basis for all the systems and major equipment sizing calculation - For approval
f) P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments and the interlocks
for all the systems - For approval
g) Monthly progress report
h) L2 network
i) Quality plan for approval
j) Prequalification document for different Vendors for Owner’s approval.
k) Equipment Testing procedure for approval
l) Complete list of documents with proposed submission schedule
m) Vendor Engineering document vix Data sheets, General arrangement drawing, material of
construction, performance curves for approval for major items
n) Painting & surface preparation procedure
o) Technical specification

8.2.0 Mechanical

a) Major equipment sizing calculation viz Condenser Air Evacuation pump for approval
b) Start-up and shut down procedure along with the curve for approval
c) System description for all the systems. for approval
d) Thermal calculation for critical items for approval
e) Pipe sizing and determination of pressure & Temperature criteria. for approval
f) Critical piping drg and calculation
g) Acceptance and Performance test procedure and program
h) Performance calculation write up.

Any other drawing or document which are not covered above but required to the effective
commissioning of the project.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.3.1

Description Unit Data

Design code - HEI
Type of condenser - • Single pressure stage / Dual
pressure stage
• Single pass/ Double pass
• One shell / Two shells

Orientation of condenser tube axis - Perpendicular to turbine axis

Maximum cooling water inlet temperature °C 33
Temperature rise of cooling water in °C Not exceeding 8.5
condenser at TMCR condition
Maximum temperature rise of cooling water in °C Less than 10
condenser during abnormal condition
Maximum cooling water velocity in condenser m/s 2.2
tubes with 10% blocked tubes
Min. size (OD) of the tube mm 22.225
Minimum thickness of the tube BWG 22
Minimum cooling water velocity in condenser m/s According to requirement of sponge
tubes rubber ball equipment
Tube plugging margin % 5
Tube side/Water box design pressure bar Shall be equal to circulating water
pump shut-off head or 5 bar
(whichever is higher) and vacuum
of 0.1 bar (ab)
Tube side/Water box test pressure bar 1.5 times the design pressure
Minimum Titanium cladding thickness for tube mm 5
Shell design pressure Bar (g) Full vacuum and 1.08

Shell design temperature °C 120.

Fouling factor Hr-m2- As per HEI
Maximum Cooling water side pressure drop mwc 6
across condenser with tube cleaning system in
Tube material - Titanium
Maximum oxygen content of condensate ppm 0.015
leaving the condenser over the entire range of
Source of vacuum pump heat exchanger - Auxiliary cooling water.
cooling water
Source of sealing water - Condensate water
Source of sealing make up water - Condensate water
Vacuum pump heat exchanger cooling water - Shall be equal to circulating water
design pressure pump shut-off head and vacuum.
Pressure of make up water - CEP discharge pressure.
Maximum temperature of condenser cooling °C 33
Design code - HEI

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Design back pressure mm of Hg 25.4
Design pressure of COLTCs equipment bar Shall be equal to circulating water
pump shut-off head and vacuum.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This specification is intended to cover the minimum requirements of design, engineering,

manufacture, inspection and testing at manufacturer's works, supply, packing and delivery at
project site, unloading, storage and in plant transportation at site, erection, supervision, pre-
commissioning, testing, successful commissioning of feed water heating system consisting of
LP heater, Gland steam condenser, full capacity drain cooler, feed water storage tank,
deaerator, HP heaters, drain system and extraction steam piping, all accessories and
associated piping, valves, specialties, controls, instrumentation, supports and insulation.

This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with other sections of the
specification as appropriate and the equipment offered shall meet the requirements as spelt
out therein.


Feed water heating system shall be designed in accordance with latest edition of following
codes, standards specifications and regulations. Also the system design shall conform to the
requirements of applicable codes as specified in the General Technical Specification.

ASME (B&PV), Sec VIII, Div I : ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.
HEI : Heat Exchange Institute standard.
IBR : Indian Boiler Regulations.
ASME TDP-1 : Recommended Practices of Prevention of Water
Damage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power
PTC 12.3 : Performance test code for deaerator.
PTC 12.1 : Performance test code for feed water heaters


The scope of supply shall include but not limited to the following (for each unit unless
indicated otherwise).

• Deaerator
• Feed water storage tank with strainers, anti-vortex baffles, splash plates, spray valves,
trays, stand pipe, relief valves, orifices, control, instrumentation, insulation, supports etc.
• Auxiliary steam supply system including actuated valves, check valve, isolation valves,
control, instrumentation, insulation and supports.
• Required no. of HP heaters (Based on cycle optimization).
• Required no. of LP heaters with full capacity drain coolers (Based on cycle optimization).
• Relief valves on all heaters for shell side and tube side except condenser neck mounted
heaters and startup vent and continuous vent for all heaters.
• Vents and Drains with valves for HP& LP heaters, auxiliary steam, feed water piping.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Complete feed water , vent, drain inter-connecting piping system with fittings, valves,
actuators, instrumentation, insulation, cladding and supports
• Foundation bolts and nuts
• Platform, grating and Ladders
• Special tools

All other miscellaneous facilities and materials for safe, reliable and efficient operation of feed
water heating system equipments and accessories.


Feed water heating system shall be designed in accordance with the codes specified in this
section and applicable codes specified in the general technical specification or any approved
equivalent standards.

The feed water heating system shall be suitable for operation in conjunction with the turbine

4.1.0 Feed Water Heating System

The feed water heating plant shall be capable of raising the temperature of feed water from
that in the condenser to the design value at the outlet of top heater at rated output with zero
percent makeup.

4.2.0 Heaters

Heaters shall be designed for all operating conditions including transients like sudden load
throw-off, HP-LP bypass coming into operation, preceding one or two heaters going out of
service etc.

Heaters shall be designed with minimum pressure drop on tube side. Velocity of
water/condensate through the tubes shall be restricted to 3.05 m/s under all operating

Each of the HP heaters shall be capable of handling 110% of the design flow from working
BFP’s at design condition without undue vibration and other deleterious effects.

Each of the LP heaters and drain coolers shall be capable of handling 110% of the design
flow from working CEP’s at design condition without undue vibration and other deleterious

Terminal temperature difference (TTD) and Drain cooling approach (DCA) of heaters shall
correspond to the heat rate guarantee conditions.

4.3.0 Deaerator and feed water storage tank

Deaerator shall be designed such that maximum oxygen content at deaerator outlet shall be
0.005 cc/litre measured as per ASME D-888 reference method-A or Indigo Carmine method
at all operating condition.

Free carbon dioxide as measured by APH method shall be non traceable at all loads.

Deaerator shall be designed for efficient steam distribution and deaeration of condensate
under all operating conditions including VWO, 1.0% make up, HP-LP bypass, all HP heater
out of service.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The deaerator shall be capable of satisfactory operation under SGMCR, normal operation,
condition of turbine trip and HP-LP bypass operation (full open) and lowest condenser

All LP heaters out and minimum back pressure shall not affect deaerator performance in any

Feed water storage tank capacity shall be minimum 6 minutes storage of 100% BMCR flow
between normal operating level and low-low level with a filling factor of 0.66. This capacity
shall be exclusive of internal piping, baffles and dished end volume. This capacity shall be
exclusive of the volume of internal piping, baffles and volume of the dished end. It shall be
designed for maximum incoming steam flow when none of the LP heaters are working under
HP-LP bypass condition.

Bidder to take into account the transient operating conditions such as sudden load throw off,
cold condensate entering into the deaerator, low low water level in the feed water storage
tank etc. with respect to NPSH requirement of booster pump while calculating the capacity of
feed water storage tank.

The deaerator shall be of floating pressure type with pegging pressure of 3.5 ata during warm
and hot startup, HP-LP bypass operation, major load rejection, turbine trip and low loads
when extraction steam pressure is less than 3.5 ata. During cold startup the deaerator
pressure shall be maintained at 1.5 ata with steam from auxiliary steam header. During hot
and warm start-up, if the boiler start-up drain circulation pumps are in service, deaerator
pressure shall be maintained at 3.5 ata. In case start-up drain circulation pumps are not in
service and start-up drains are routed through condenser, deaerator pressure shall be
maintained at 1.5 ata and steam supply shall be from auxiliary steam header. Deaerator
operating pressure shall vary with load when it gets steam from turbine extraction/CRH
pressure or worst operating condition with sufficient margins. Steam for initial heating of feed
water shall be taken from the auxiliary steam header.

Sources of heating

a) Extraction steam from turbine during normal operation

b) Steam from CRH till extraction steam pressure is available.
c) Steam from auxiliary steam header till CRH steam pressure is available.

4.4.0 Heater Drain system

Normally, the feed water heater drains shall be cascaded to the next lower pressure feed
water heater. Drains from the lowest high pressure feed water heater and low pressure feed
water heater shall be led to the deaerating feed water heater and surface condenser
respectively during normal operation. In addition the high pressure heater drains shall have
alternate paths to the surface condenser via the flash tank. The low pressure heater shall
have an alternate path to the surface condenser via the flash tank.

Heaters shall be designed for handling drains from proceeding heaters for all operating
conditions and under emergency condition drains shall be led to condenser bypassing the
drain cooling zone.

Sentinel relief valves shall be provided on tube side. Relief valves on shell side shall be sized
to pass flow from two ruptured tubes (four open ends) or 10% of design water flow at 10%
accumulation which ever is higher and set to open at heater design pressure.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

4.5.0 Design Pressure and Temperature

4.5.1 Heater Shell

HP & LP Heater shell side design pressure shall be as follows:

Maximum extraction steam pressure with 5% margin at turbine extraction flange and full
vacuum for HP Heaters

Maximum extraction steam pressure with 5% margin at turbine extraction flange or

3.5kg/cm (g) whichever is higher and full vacuum for LP Heaters.

This condition shall be satisfied under all operating condition. For HP heaters taking
extraction from CRH line, heater shell side design pressure shall be same as CRH line design

4.5.2 Heater Tube

Heater tube shall be designed for shut off head of BFP/CEP at maximum speed (as
applicable) plus maximum pump suction pressure at cold condition. It shall also be designed
for full vacuum.

Over frequency operation of 51.5Hz shall be considered while determining the tube side
design pressure based on above philosophy.

Alternatively, if feed control station is located at upstream of HP heaters and feed water
system is designed without economizer inlet isolation valve, the HP heaters can be designed
based on boiler design pressure meeting IBR requirement with provision of mechanical relief
device to prevent BFP shut off pressure being communicated to the feed water system.
Bidder shall comply with the new IBR amendment resolution 520.

4.5.3 Deaerator and feed water storage tank

Design pressure of deaerator and feed water storage tank shall be at least 105% of maximum
extraction steam pressure rounded off to next higher 0.5 kg/cm and full vacuum.

Minimum Design temperature of deaerator shall be compatible with heating sources

temperature of maximum extraction steam and auxiliary steam.

Minimum Design temperature of feed water storage tank 50˚C higher than saturation
temperature corresponding to the design pressure.


The installation and dismantling of the various parts of the equipment must be possible
without great difficulty and appropriate design features must be incorporated for this purpose.

All parts must be capable of accepting the loads occurring due to rapid load and temperature
variation and also those occurring due to start-up, shut-down and continuous base load
operation without limitation and without affecting the planned life.

5.1.0 Feed Water heating system

Each heater shall be designed for removal from service individually without shutdown of the
unit, using hydraulically operated or motorised bypass and isolation valves. Alternatively
group bypass arrangement for HP heaters comprising 2 x 50% streams can be offered by the

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Provision shall be made for complete drainage of heaters both on shell side and tube (water
box) side. Heaters shall be provided with startup and operating vents with orifices and relief
valves on both shell and tube side.

Provision shall be made for removing non condensable gases collecting on shell side
individually to the condenser. All LP heaters startup vents and operational vents shall be
connected to condenser. Vent orifices shall be sized to pass 0.5% of rated steam flow to
respective heater. Water box channels shall have access necessary openings of suitable

Tube material shall be stainless steel as specified in the specified design data.

Tube sheet shall be of carbon steel as specified in the specified design data and shall be
welded to shell and water box.

Water box channels shall have access openings as specified in the specified design data.
These shall be of self sealing type and bolted design shall not be acceptable.

Minimum tube size and minimum wall thickness after bending shall be as per applicable

Minimum fouling resistance on tube inside and outside of tube shall be as per specified
design data and as per HEI.

Stand pipe shall be provided with necessary connections for instruments and water level
gauges with isolation valves.

Adequate baffling shall be provided to prevent vibration, ensure uniform distribution and free
drainage of condensate shall be ensured.

Proper drainage of bled steam lines to be ensured. Each bleed lines shall have ordinary and
power assisted NRVs and motorised isolation valves except for heaters mounted in
condenser neck and extraction to heater from CRH line.

Prevention of super heated steam contact with tube plate and joint at entry to heaters.

Adequate provision must be made in the design for the possible expansion of the tubes and
internals under the different temperature conditions.

No copper or brass shall be used in the internal construction of heaters to avoid copper pick
up through condensate/drips.

Arrangement shall be provided for preservation by nitrogen blanketing during shut down.

Roller supports shall be provided for removal of shell of all heaters.

5.2.0 LP heater and drain cooler

Shell material shall be rolled steel as specified in the specified design data with
SS-304 bands at cut points on shell to prevent damage against flame impingement during
torch cutting.

Water box channel shall be of carbon steel as specified in the specified design data and shall
be welded to tube sheet.

Provision shall be made for differential expansion between shell and tubes.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Rolled expansion of tubes to tube sheets for LP Heaters; Roller expanded and seal welded
for HP Heaters tubes to tube sheets joints. Tube shall be cold bent for fabrication.

Roller supports shall be provided for shell removal of all heaters except condenser neck LP
heater and for LP Heater in condenser neck roller supports shall be provided for heater
channel during tube bundle removal.

Shell attachments shall be provided for supports of condenser neck LP heater. Anti-flash
baffles shall be provided to protect the turbine from water ingress.

LP heaters shall have provision of integral desuperheating, condensing and drain cooling
zones except for condenser neck LP heater which has a separate drain cooler.

Details of tube sheets, tube to tube sheet joint, tube support plates and material of
construction for drain cooler shall be identical to the LP heaters.

The installation and dismantling of the various parts of the equipment must be possible
without great difficulty and appropriate design features must be incorporated for this purpose.

Special provisions must be made for the withdrawal of feed water tube bundles, e.g. rollers
and/or hoists.

5.3.0 Feed water tank and deaerator for feed water system

Design and construction shall be as per IBR, ASME code for unfired pressure vessels,
Section-VIII or any other equivalent code subject to approval of Owner.

Reinforced wide mesh strainer and anti-vortex baffles shall be provided at discharge
connections from deaerator.

Fixed and saddle supports shall be provided on deaerator storage tank.

All pressure parts like shell, heads and nozzles shall be of carbon steel as specified in the
specified in the specified design data.

Shell plate shall be of minimum thickness as specified in the specified design data and of
welded construction.

Hardened 400 series stainless steel impingement plates shall be provided for flashed drain
inlet from HP heaters, BFP recirculation, boiler start-up drains etc.

All water spray valves, splash plates, trays, vent condenser and other elements in contact
with undeaerated water or non-condensable gases shall be of stainless steel 304.

Deaerator safety valves of adequate relieving capacity shall be made of 13% Cr. stainless
steel disc and spindle.

Sparger pipe and nozzle shall be provided for feed water heating.

Maximum temperature difference between effluent and saturation temperature of incoming

steam shall be 0.56 deg C at all load conditions.

The deaerator spray nozzles if provided and the nozzle strainer shall be of stainless steel. If
separate deaerators are mounted on the feed water tank they must be lined completely with
stainless steel.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sufficient distance shall be provided between the normal regulated water level of the feed
water tank and the maximum permissible level. Tripping of condensate extraction pumps
must be provided to prevent overpressure in the tank. Additionally safety valves must be
provided are able to discharge safely the maximum possible supply of water.

The tank must be suitably stiffened to safely withstand full vacuum.

Minimum recirculation and balancing leak off line from the boiler feed pumps shall be led to
the feed water storage tank. The overflow from deaerator shall be lead to flash
tank/condensate storage tank.

De-aerator is elevated suitably to provide sufficient static head to the feed water pumps so
that cavitation at boiler feed pump does not occur at any operating condition.

The feed tank shall incorporate 2 manholes of size specified in the specified design data.

Separate deaerator should have at least 1 manhole of size specified in the specified design
Access platforms and ladders along with hand rails shall be provided on deaerator / feed
water (deaerator) storage tank.


Refer Volume II, Section 4 for Control & Instrumentation Specification.


7.1.0 General

• Completely filled in technical schedules & other schedules for all equipments as enclosed
with the Tender specification.
• Flow Diagrams and P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments
and the destination / functionality of the signals Plot plan
• Plot plan and General arrangement drawing with section for major building viz Power
house building etc., showing maintenance area
• Quality Assurance and plan
• Master Document List (MDL) for Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and C&I with schedule of
• Description of options and alternatives offered

7.2.0 Complete description of the plant offered including description of the process and the

• General descriptions of individual systems and descriptions of operation including

description of start-up, shutdown and emergency shutdown procedures
• Safety Plan
• Training program and schedule for training of Owner’s personnel
• Space requirement for construction site and equipment
• Maintenance proposal
• List of spares
• List of Special tools and Tackles
• Inspection intervals (major/minor) for six years along with the spares to be replaced
during the above inspections. Contractor shall provide the cost of such spares on yearly

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Contractor shall enter into a long term spare supply agreement with the OEM, and agree
to transfer the same faithfully to the owner upon COD. Contractor shall commit to facilitate
further negotiations on the spares with the OEMs directly by the owner.

7.3.0 Mechanical

• Installation references where 660 MW Supercritical units with proposed main steam and
reheat steam parameters are in operation.
• Experience list for supply and installation plants of similar capacity supercritical Units and
performance certificate of the plants indicating the availability and plant load factor from
the date of COD.
• HP, LP Heater, Deaerator and Feed Water Tank Manufacturer’s experience list for the
offered Capacity
• Deed of Joint Undertaking shall be executed by Contractor with following manufacturers

- HP & LP Heater
- Deaerator & Feed Water Tank

The above shall be submitted clearly indicating the validity of the agreement and role and
responsibilities among them

• Details of Technical Collaboration of the HP, LP Heater, Deaerator and Feed Water Tank
manufacturers with technology Supplier and role of the technology supplier for this

7.4.0 Drawings & Documents to be submitted after Award of Contract

The documents required for design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of
the entire plant shall be submitted by the Contractor in good time so as to permit the plant as
a whole to be constructed in compliance with the specified time table.

Only the most important documents are listed below. The list and approval category of the
doc/drawings shall be agreed sufficiently in advance before award of relevant order, so that
corrections and amendments desired by the Owner as well as resubmission of the documents
will not result in any delays with respect to the guaranteed time table. The Owner reserves the
right to request from the Contractor additional drawings, documents, etc. as may be required
for proper understanding and definition of the design and engineering of the Plant.

(A) General
• Re-Submission of all the technical data furnished during pre award contract stage.
• Complete filled-in technical schedule.- For approval
• Plot plan - For approval
• General arrangement drawings /Equipment layout of all equipments along with sections
indicating the unloading & maintenance area. - For approval
• Design basis for all the systems and major equipment sizing calculation - For approval
• P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments and the interlocks
for all the systems - For approval
• Monthly progress report
• L2 network
• Quality plan for approval
• Prequalification document for different Vendors for Owner’s approval.
• Equipment Testing procedure for approval

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Complete list of documents with proposed submission schedule

• Vendor Engineering document vix Data sheets, General arrangement drawing, material
of construction, performance curves for approval for major items
• Painting & surface preparation procedure
• Technical specification

B) Mechanical
• Major equipment sizing calculation viz HP, LP Heater, Deaerator and Feed Water Tank,
for approval.
• Start-up and shut down procedure for approval
• System description for all the systems for approval
• Thermal calculation for critical items for approval
• Pipe sizing and determination of pressure & Temperature criteria. for approval
• Critical piping drawing and calculation
• Acceptance and Performance test procedure and program
• Performance calculation write up.

Any other drawing or document which are not covered above but required to the effective
commissioning of the project.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.4.1

Description Unit Data

Design - HEI
Type - standard U-tube horizontal type [LP
heater type is specified below in this
No of HP and LP feed heaters Nos. To be decided by Contractor to
achieve optimum cycle configuration.
Tube Material - ASTM A 213 Gr. TP304 for seamless
tubes without circumferential joints or
ASTM A 688 Gr. TP 304 for welded
Maximum content of carbon in the tube - 0.05%
Tube sheet material - ASTM A 266 Class II or
ASTM A516 Gr.70 or SA350LF-2 or
equivalent subject to approval of
owner with SS overlay of atleast 6.35
mm after all machining (for HP
Tube support plates - Common quality steel – minimum
16mm thickness
HP & LP heater Shell Material - ASTM A516 Gr.70 or equivalent
LP heater water box channel - ASTM A516 Gr.70 or equivalent
HP heater water box channel - ASTM A-266 class –II or equivalent
subject to approval of owner
Water box channel access openings - Minimum 450mm diameter
Minimum fouling resistance on tube inside Hr-m - 0.00004098
Minimum fouling resistance on tube Hr-m2- 0.000061475
outside deg.C/Kcal
Minimum corrosion allowance for shell and mm 3.2
water box
Maximum pressure drop on tube side of mwc Heaters shall be designed with
each LP heaters minimum pressure drop on tube side.
Velocity of water through the tubes
shall be restricted to 3.05 m/sec
under normal operating conditions
Maximum pressure drop on tube side
of 0.1 MPa whichever is minimum.
Maximum pressure drop on tube side of mwc Heaters shall be designed with
each HP heaters minimum pressure drop on tube side.
Velocity of water through the tubes
shall be restricted to 3.05 m/sec
under normal operating conditions
Maximum pressure drop on tube side
of 0.1 MPa whichever is minimum.
Type - Horizontal U tube type with integral
drain cooler.
Condenser neck LP heater - Straight or U tube design with

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

separate drain cooler.
Drain cooler of condenser neck LP heater - U tube or straight
Type of Deaerator - Horizontal, spray-cum-tray type /
Spray Type
Mode of operation of Deaerator - Variable pressure with fixed
minimum pressure
Pressure parts like Shell, heads and - ASTM A-515 Gr. 70
Shell plate minimum thickness mm 15.8
Manhole mm Minimum 500
Shell corrosion allowance mm 3.2

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This specification is intended to cover the minimum requirements of design, engineering,

manufacture, inspection and testing at manufacturer's works, supply, packing and delivery at
project site, unloading, storage and in plant transportation at site, erection, supervision, pre-
commissioning, testing, successful commissioning of power cycle pumps, all accessories and
associated piping, valves, specialties, controls, instrumentation, supports and insulation.

This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with other sections of the
specification as appropriate and the equipment offered shall meet the requirements as spelt
out therein.


Power cycle pumps and accessories shall be designed in accordance with latest edition of
following codes, standards specifications and regulations. Also the system design shall
conform to the requirements of applicable codes as specified in the General Technical

HIS : Hydraulic Institute Standards

ANSI B 16.5 : Code of steel flanges and pipe fittings

ASTM : American Society of Testing and Materials.

ASME Sec V : Non destructive examination

ASME Sec VIII Div 1 : Unfired pressure vessels

PTC – 8.2 : Centrifugal Pumps – power Test code.

PTC - 6 : Steam Turbine

API612 : Special purpose steam turbine for petroleum chemical

and gas industry services

API 614 : Lubrication, shaft sealing and control oil systems and
auxiliaries for petroleum chemical and gas industry

EPRI : Electrical Power Research Institute

ASME-TDP1 : Recommended Practices of Prevention of Water

Damage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power

IS 10981 : Acceptance test for centrifugal mixed flow and axial flow

IS 1710 : Specification for pumps- Vertical turbine mixed and axial

flow, for clear cold water.

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The materials of the various components shall conform to the applicable IS / BS / ASTM / DIN

All equipment covered by this specification shall comply wit all applicable laws and statutory
regulations, Indian Electricity Act etc.


The scope of supply shall include but not limited to the following (for each unit unless
indicated otherwise).

3.1.0 Boiler Feed water pumps

• 2 x 50% capacity turbine driven boiler feed pumps (normally working)

• 1 x 50% capacity motor driven boiler feed pump startup/standby.
• Each main feed pump shall be provided with booster pump to meet the net positive
suction head (NPSH) requirement.
• Piping with flow element and relief valve between booster pump and main pump.
• Turbine driven feed water pump, Motor driven feed water pump and booster pumps
specified herein for the TG set together with all accessories and auxiliary equipment
including gear boxes required to make a complete and well integrated unit to satisfy the

Scope of this specification shall include but will not be limited to the following (for each
pump unless indicated otherwise):

a) One complete minimum-flow system with ON/OFF type automatic recirculation valve, pipe
work, lock open type isolation valves, drain and vent valves, orifice etc.
b) Pump warm up orifice, isolation valves along with piping, fittings, and instrumentation if
c) Balance chamber leak-off flow orifice along with piping, fitting, valves and instrumentation.
d) Permanent and temporary basket strainer for each feed water pump along with differential
pressure measurement, drain and vent valves.
e) Mechanical seals
f) Flexible couplings
g) Hydraulic couplings
h) Gear box assembly
i) Coupling guard
j) Integral piping and valves
k) Thermal lagging and cladding
l) Mechanical seal cooling system
m) Vibration monitoring system
n) Base plates with foundation anchor bolts/inserts, drip lip and drain.
o) Interstage bleed connection from boiler feed pump to supply water to reheat steam de-
superheater and kicker stage tap-off from boiler feed pump to supply water to superheater
p) A complete self-contained lubricating oil system including tanks, 2 x 100% lube oil pumps,
oil purifier, 2x 100% capacity coolers, level indicator, sight flow glass, relief valve,
thermometer, pressure regulators, strainers, piping, all instruments and control
hardwares, etc for motor driven boiler feed pump.
q) Appearance cover.

• Portable type oil purifier unit.

• Acoustic hood (if required)
• Duplex R.T.D./thermocouples in all journal, thrust bearings and pump barrels.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Local instruments, local gauge board and instruments to be mounted on the gauge
board as required.
• Mobile cradle
• Each boiler feed water pump drive turbine shall include following apart from above
specified items.
a) Suitable integral Gland sealing system
b) Emergency stop valves and control valves
c) Non return valves for single admission drives
d) Permanent and temporary steam strainers or
Permanent steam Strainers and blanking device for steam blowing during
commissioning will be supplied.
e) AC driven or hydraulically operated turning gear for TDBFP train
f) Hand barring gear for emergency condition.
g) Atmospheric relief diaphragm and its vent piping
h) Complete interconnecting piping
i) Complete lube oil and control oil system consist of following:
i) Oil reservoir capacity of five minutes retention time
ii) 1x100% capacity AC motor driven main oil pump
iii) 1x 100% capacity auxiliary oil pump
iv) 2x 100% capacity oil coolers
v) Duplex type full capacity oil filters of cartridge type with automatic bypass
vi) 2x100% AC driven vapor exhausters.
vii) One DC motor driven emergency oil pump for bearing oil requirements.
viii) Capacity of centrifuge type oil conditioning system - 2400 LPH or 15% to
20% of total oil charge in the system per hour whichever is higher.
ix) Jacking oil system with 1x100% AC jacking oil pump and 1x100% DC jacking
oil pump
j) Other accessories to render the system complete
k) Electro hydraulic governing system
l) Turbine supervisory system along with all control and accessories as specified
elsewhere in the specification
m) Exhaust ducts from the auxiliary turbines along with metallic expansion joint and
motorized butterfly valve. The exhaust duct shall be self-draining to the
n) Gland sealing steam supply piping from auxiliary steam header or CRH line
during starting conditions and boiler feed pump dive turbine shall be self sealing
during normal condition. All the steam-air mixture connection to gland steam
condenser inlet line complete with all fittings, valves, necessary instrumentation
and control hardwares to make the system complete in all respects.
o) Complete insulation inclusive of special material, if any, for the auxiliary turbines
and piping in the scope of this specification.
p) Other accessories to render the system complete.
q) Gear box for TDBFP booster pump and flexible coupling (if required).
• Feed regulating station for feed water flow control during unit startup and normal
condition, consisting of the following for each unit:
a) One pneumatically operated ( 0 to 30% BMCR capacity range) feed control valve.
b) Two numbers of motor operated gate valves with motor operated integral bypass
valve, one each on upstream and downstream of pneumatically operated feed control
c) One motor operated gate valve with motor operated integral bypass valve in parallel
to the pneumatically operated feed control valve to bypass the feed control in the unit
operation range of 30-100% BMCR.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3.2.0 Condensate Extraction Pump

Each Unit shall be provided with three 3 x 50% capacity condensate extraction pumps (2
working + 1 standby).

Condensate Extraction pumps together with all accessories required to make complete and
well integrated units to satisfy requirements of the specification, including but not limited to the
following. (for each pump, unless otherwise noted).

• AC drive motor
• Fabricated common base frame.
• Non lubricated, spacer type, flexible coupling with coupling guard.
• Pump suction permanent and commissioning basket type strainers including drain valves
and supporting legs.
• Each strainer shall be provided with differential pressure indicator and switch along with
isolation valve and piping.
• Vibration monitoring system and minimum flow facility.
• Pump and drive sealing/cooling arrangement.
• All integral piping with necessary valves, fitting and instrumentation for sealing, cooling,
lubrication, bleed and vent, etc.
• Noise attenuation features / devices as required to limit the near field noise with in limits
indicated elsewhere in specification.
• All necessary venting and draining equipment
• Foundation bolts, base plates, sole plates, bolt, nuts, washers, supports, covers etc.
• Expansion joint for each condensate extraction pumps
• Instruments, gauges, controls and panels.
• Minimum flow facility
• Excess condensate dumping line to CST and provision for direct draining to atmosphere
• Pump bearing cooling water arrangement.
• Provision for recirculation line with suitable capacity to avoid starvation of pump and gland
steam condenser.

The complete condensate and feed water piping system as required along with valves,
control valves, flow meters, fittings, provision for commissioning activities, supports,
instrumentation, insulation and cladding etc.,


The pumps and auxiliaries shall be designed, manufactured, tested and supplied strictly in
accordance with the codes and standard. All requirements specified in the following
paragraphs are addition/modification to the above standards.

4.1.0 Boiler Feed Water Pumps

Design Criteria:

The combined flow of 2x50% turbine driven boiler feed pumps shall have 10% margin over
feed flow corresponding to turbine VWO condition with 1% makeup, CW inlet temperature of
33˚C and corresponding head. 10% margin on equipment and piping pressure drop at VWO
condition with 1 % make-up shall be considered while arriving the TDH at design point.

The best efficiency point of the pump shall correspond to 100% TMCR condition with 1 %
make up and corresponding head under rated condition.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Turbine driven feed pumps to be capable of generating the discharge pressure not less than
3% over steam generator highest safety valve set pressure and flow corresponding to BMCR

Two pumps shall also be capable of handling the flow and head corresponding to 100%
TMCR with 1% make-up, CW inlet temperature of 33˚C even at 47.5 Hz (Under Frequency

One TDBFP or MDBFP shall be capable of handling flow and head corresponding to 65% of
unit rated load at run out point.

One TDBFP and the MDBFP together shall be capable of generating flow and head
corresponding to 100% TMCR with 1% makeup conditions.

Other requirements
Combined flow of 2x50% TDBFP shall meet the following:

a) BMCR flow and head corresponding to rated steam pressure.

b) V.W.O. output, 1% makeup, worst condenser pressure (MDBFP should meet the
corresponding requirement at 47.5Hz).

The characteristic curves of all the pumps shall be identical and shall be of continuously rising
type with decrease in flow. The shut off head of the pump shall be between 120% and 130%
of TDH at rated condition or 1.25 times of boiler design pressure whichever is higher.

The maximum continuous motor rating corresponding to maximum cooling water temperature
at cooler inlet shall not be less than larger of the following conditions:

a. Sufficient to drive the pump through the entire range of run-out flow to shut-off conditions
operating at frequency variations from 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz
b. 110% of pump design point rating. The maximum load demand of driven equipment at its
entire range of operation at frequency variations from 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz

Motor shall not be overloaded during any mode of operations of the driven equipment.

Discharge flow of the pump shall not include any seal flow, warm up flow and balance
leakage flow.

In designing the system, attention has been paid to minimization of slip losses, by adjusting
the head between booster and main pump. While adjusting the same, adequate attention has
been paid to the NPSH requirements of the main and the booster pumps during normal
operation and transients. Location of de-aerating feed water heater and offset of suction
piping from pumps are such that the sufficient margins on net positive suction head (NPSH)
required by pump during normal and transient conditions, to avoid flashing/steaming in
suction lines under all operating modes.

MDBFP to be located in the Zero mt or intermediate floor of TG (not in TG operating floor)

The ratio between NPSH(A) and NPSH(R) at 3% head drop for booster pump and main pump
shall not less than 2.5 at design point corresponding to low-low level of deaerator and
maximum pressure drop across the strainer.

Trip speed of TDBFP shall be 10% above the design speed of feed pump.

Motor drive shall be able to accelerate the pump from standby condition to its rated pumping
condition in less than 15 seconds after receipt of starting signal while operating either singly

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or in parallel with other operating pump. MDBFP and associated auxiliaries shall be designed
for auto start-up on failure of running equipment/ auxiliaries.

The boiler feed pumps shall be capable of coasting down safely to standstill after it is tripped
in the event of a sudden interruption of suction flow. The Bidder shall demonstrate this
capability by a suitable dry-running test at his works and shall furnish full details of this
proposed test including its duration etc. in his bid

The pumps shall be capable of accepting complete loss of water due to incidents such as
inadvertent complete closure of suction valve and brought down to rest in controlled manner
from design condition with simultaneous closure of suction valve.

The minimum flow of the booster pump and main pump shall not be less than 25% of their
respective design flow.

ON-OFF type minimum recirculation valve shall be provided with valve body designed for
40% of design flow.

The first critical speed in water above the speed corresponding to turbine overspeed trip
condition and internal clearances being 150% of new clearance or 130% of design speed
whichever is higher.

Life due to wear due to cavitation of first stage impeller shall not be less than 40000 running

The suction specific speed of first stage impeller for main pump and booster pump shall
generally not exceed 8000 US units and 9500 US units respectively at their respective design
point based on 3% head break down.

TDH per stage for the main pump shall not exceed 670 mwc at design point.

Casing design pressure for TDBFP shall be TDH at minimum flow with pump operating at trip
speed under lowest operating density plus maximum suction pressure at booster pump. For
MDBFP, the casing design pressure shall be TDH at minimum flow with pump operating at
maximum speed at 51.5 Hz under lowest operating density plus maximum suction pressure at
booster pump.

The pumps shall be designed for the highest practicable degree of availability and reliability
under all conditions of operation such as operation on turning gear during startup, maximum
and minimum temperature of feed water encountered during operation, abnormal pressure
decay in deaerator, sudden generator load throw off, frequency variations (47.5 Hz to
51.5 Hz), HP heaters out of operation, HP-LP bypass operation.

Response and performance characteristics of BFP (Motor and turbine driven) shall be such
that while operating in parallel the difference in flow handled by them and the flow
proportionate to their rating corresponding to the load shall not be more than 5% of flow
through any one pump.

The inner pump element comprising of shaft, impellers, stage casings capable of being
removed and replaced as a unit without disturbing feed piping in not more than 12 hours and
shall be demonstrated by bidder. Suction, discharge and interstage bleed connections need
not be broken to dismantle the pumps.

Provision shall be made for pressure lubrication (if necessary) of MDBFP at the time of
coasting down of the motor driven boiler feed pump in the event of AC power failure.

If bidder foresees any possibility of the feed pump operating at flow beyond its maximum flow
handling capability due to low system resistance, bidder shall make necessary arrangements

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to protect the pump from such high flow condition without any necessity of reducing the plant

During normal operation the discharge valve of standby BFP set is kept normally open. Each
BFP set as a whole is capable of withstanding the reverse rotational speeds which would
result from non-return valve failure under the most severe condition (i.e. remaining normally
working pumps operating at full speed). The reverse rotation detection system to close
discharge valve on detection of same is provided.

The capacity, head and efficiency of the pumps shall be guaranteed within the tolerances
stipulated by Hydraulic Institute Standards, USA or any other International Standard.

Balancing drum shall be designed to balance 95% of total pump axial thrust. Balancing disc
shall not be acceptable.

Thrust bearings of booster pump and main pump shall be designed for two times the worst
thrust under turbine on trip speed, pump at shut off head and internal clearances 200% of
new clearance. Thrust bearing shall be suitable for reverse rotation.

The Units shall be so arranged that start-up, running and shut down operation may be carried
out from the central control room. Necessary interlock and provisions shall be made so that
the standby pump will come into operation automatically and immediately whenever any
operating pump trips.

The pump should be designed to withstand thermal shock encountered during the entire
operating regime (normal and abnormal) of the unit.

Speed control range of the Boiler feed pump drive unit (both turbine and motor driven) shall
cover the entire range of boiler feed pump operation, from minimum flow (i.e. pumps on
recirculation) to the design head-capacity point with at least 5% margin on pump speed both
on the high and low sides.

Basket type strainer shall be provided on the each booster pump suction to protect the pump
from debris. Strainer shall be provided with necessary vents and drain along with piping and
valves. High differential pressure switch alarm facility shall be provided for each strainer.

TDBFPs and MDBFP shall be accessible to turbine hall EOT crane for their erection and
maintenance. In case MDBFP and TDBFPs are not accessible by turbine hall EOT crane,
separate adequate handling facilities shall be provided for these equipments subject to
purchaser’s approval.

Bidder shall ensure that no components shall be included with use materials which are
degradable and/or which will need replacement with 40,000 running hours with the exception
of mechanical seal face material, which shall be capable of operating for at least 20,000
running hours.

Coolers shall be designed with margin of 20% over worst condition of heat generated in seals.
Further in case of AC power failure, seals should be able to withstand operation without
cooling water.

Design of drive turbines shall be in accordance with API 612 and 614 except as modified
herein and generally used in thermal power plants and testing in accordance with ASME-
PTC6. However, ageing factor on BFP drive turbine shall be considered same as for main
Steam turbine generator.

Drive turbine shall be of dual admission type or single admission type with an external control
valve, single cylinder, condensing type.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Fabricated steel baseplates shall be as per standard practice of bidder. The bed plate shall
extend under all parts of the equipment from which oil or water may drip and shall have a
raised lip with tapped drain connection with suitable grout holes.

The design requirements of Strainers are:

• The pressure drop of the strainer at design flow and clean condition shall not exceed
0.1 Kg/cm2.Pressure drop at design flow and 50% clogged condition shall not exceed
0.15 Kg/cm2

• The clear area of strainer shall be five times the inlet cross sectional area of the
connection piping.

4.2.0 Condensate Extraction Pumps

Design Criteria:

Design flow

The combined flow of 2x50% condensate extraction pumps shall have 10% margin over
condensate water flow corresponding to turbine VWO condition, 1.0% makeup, CW inlet
temperature of 33˚C and corresponding head.

Design head

TDH at design capacity shall be derived based on deaerator maximum safety valve set
pressure at VWO and equipment and piping pressure drops with 10% margin at VWO
condition with 1.0 % make-up, static head etc. While Sizing the Condensate pumps the
pressure drop across Condensate polishing unit shall be taken into account in the discharge
head of the pump.

Best efficiency point

The best efficiency point of the pump shall correspond to 100% TMCR with 1% make–up
condition and corresponding head under rated condition.

One pump shall be capable of handling the flow and head corresponding to 65% unit load.

Under frequency operation

Two pumps shall be capable of handling the flow and head corresponding to 100% TMCR,
HP heaters out, 1.0% make-up and maximum CW inlet temperature of 36˚C at 47.5 Hz.

Two pumps shall also be capable of handling the flow corresponding to HP-LP by pass
operation with turbine under tripped condition as well as turbine on house load so as not to
fall into over-discharge trip due to rapid action of the LP turbine bypass de-superheater spray.

Other requirements

NPSH(R) at 3% head drop shall be not more than half the NPSH(A) at design flow with lowest
hot well level and maximum pressure drop across suction strainer. Under all other operating
regimes, the NPSH(R) at 3% head break shall be well below NPSH(A).

The pump head curve must be continuously rising with a shut off head of atleast 115% to
125% of total developed head at design point.

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The maximum continuous motor rating corresponding to maximum ambient temperature at

cooler inlet shall not be less than larger of the following conditions:

a. Sufficient to drive the pump through the entire range of run-out flow to shut-off conditions
operating at frequency variations from 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz
b. 110% of pump design point rating. The maximum load demand of driven equipment at its
entire range of operation at frequency variations from 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz

Motor shall not be overloaded during any mode of operations of the driven equipment.

First critical speed of the pump shall not be within 20% of design speed.

Pump impellers shall be of closed and non over-loading type with wear rings provided on
pump casing bowls.

Thrust bearing shall be provided for the combined thrust load of pump and motor with a rigid
coupling between pump and motor or individual thrust bearings shall be provided for pump
and motor with a flexible coupling between motor and pump.

The wear life due to cavitation for first stage impeller shall not be less than 40,000 running
Peripheral speed of impeller shall not exceed 20m/s or limiting peripheral speed shall be
as per standard and proven practice of the manufacturer.

Suction specific speed of first stage impeller shall generally not exceed 11,000 U.S. units
based on 3% head break of that impeller at design point.

Discharge and suction connections shall be of weld neck type with raised steel flange as per
ANSI B 16.5 and shall be located above floor mounting flange.

Bowls and discharge components shall be designed for pressure corresponding to shut off
head at 51.5 Hz, operating specific gravity and maximum suction condition.

Suction components shall be designed to withstand full vacuum apart from suction side
design pressure.

The pump internals shall be capable of being lifted out of casing after removal of motor and
disconnecting discharge flange but without disturbing the discharge piping.

The minimum recirculation of the CEP shall preferably meet the minimum flow requirements
of gland steam condenser.


The installation and dismantling of the various parts of the equipment must be possible
without great difficulty and appropriate design features must be incorporated for this purpose.

All parts must be capable of accepting the loads occurring due to rapid load and temperature
variation and also those occurring due to start-up, shut-down and continuous base load
operation without limitation and without affecting the planned life.

In so far as the special requirements given below for the individual parts of the plant also
apply to other parts of the steam turbine plant, they are to be used there as applicable.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

5.1.0 Boiler Feed water pumps (BFP)

The main pump shall be of horizontal, centrifugal type, multistage, outer casing barrel type
with end rotor removal.

The booster pump shall be of single stage, two bearing design and double suction impeller
type. Overhung impeller shall not be acceptable.

MDBFP shall be provided with a constant speed squirrel cage induction motor. MDBFP to be
located in the Zero meter or intermediate floor of TG(not in the TG floor). The main pump
shall be connected to the motor through a combined gear box cum hydraulic coupling and
booster pump shall be connected at other end of the motor.

TDBFP shall be provided with a variable speed turbine drive. Main pump shall be connected
to the turbine through a disconnect coupling and booster pump shall be connected at other
end of turbine through a gear box.

Each boiler feed pump complete with booster pump driven by the same shaft as the main
pump and accessories.

The boiler feed pumps, booster pumps, drive turbines, hydraulic coupling and major
equipment shall be identical in design in order to provide complete interchangeability.

Booster Pump Side suction and discharge connections shall be of flanged type with weld
neck raised face as per ANSI B16.5.

The pump shall have stiff shaft design and minimum internal clearances more than maximum
static shaft deflection.

Pump Casing

The casings shall be of suitable design to withstand any possible thermal shock and/or high
pressure and shall be constructed of materials specifically selected to prevent erosion and

The barrel type outer casing of the B.F. Pump as well as the booster pump casing shall be
supported at horizontal center line of the pump. The inner casing shall be of axially/radially
split type in accordance with the standard proven practice of Manufacturer. The joints shall be
constructed in such a way that the feed water discharge pressure acting between outer barrel
and inner casing acts to seal the joints. The casing assembly complete with the rotating
elements should be located accurately in the outer barrel and it should be possible to remove
this assembly without disturbing the suction and discharge piping connections.

The Bidder shall supply a cradle with rollers and necessary attachments for the removal of the
inner assembly.

Pump casings shall be provided with adequate number of vent and priming connections with
valves. Casing drain, as required, shall be provided complete with drain valves. Necessary
insulation cleats shall also be provided on the casing.


The shaft shall be of tested forgings accurately machined and ground. The material
specification and its heat treatment as well as particulars of thermal treatment, proposed to
minimise distortion during manufacture, shall be stated in the Bid. Shafts should withstand the
stresses set up when the pump will be started quickly. Shaft size should be so selected that

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

full driver output can be easily transmitted without excessive deflection, vibration, distortion or

The impellers should be accurately machined, finished to close tolerance and installed
individually on the shaft giving special consideration to prevent recirculation between shaft
and impeller.

The first stage of inlet impeller should be specially designed to provide most favourable
conditions free from cavitation even during stringent suction condition.

Each impeller shall be balanced individually and the entire rotor assembly should be statically
and dynamically balanced. The rotor shall be so designed that its first critical speed in air or
water is above the operating speed.

Shaft sleeves of hardened wear resisting material shall be provided at all points of wear (if
applicable). Ferritic wear surfaces shall be preferred. They shall be firmly secured and keyed
to the shaft. The material and design shall be such that no internal leakage occurs between
shaft and sleeve. The axial thrust of the rotor shall be carried by an approved type of
hydraulic balancing device and an external oil lubricated thrust bearing fitted at the outboard
end of the pump integral with the journal bearing housing. No axial thrust should be
transferred to the electric motor at any condition of operation. The thrust bearing shall also be
designed for additional load when pump gets vapour bound.

Shaft Seals

Shaft seals shall be of mechanical seal type both for main pump and booster pump. The seals
shall be designed to have a minimum life of 20,000 running hours between overhauls. Liquid
for sealing shall be supplied from pump discharge header.


Each pump shall be equipped with forced oil lubricated babbitt lined sleeve bearings and
tilting pad, double acting 100% thrust bearing. The sleeve bearings shall be horizontally split
type. The thrust bearing shall be of sufficient size to carry the maximum unbalanced load in
either direction due to any emergency operating conditions like the non-operation of the
balancing device etc.

Thrust bearing shall be suitable for reverse rotation of pump. Temperature sensing elements
shall be provided for bearing metal temperature indication and thermometers with alarm
contacts shall be provided for bearing oil drain.


Each pump set shall be provided with a complete pressure lubrication system of sufficient
capacity for both pump and drive motor, The oil cooler tubes shall be of stainless steel
SS-304. The coolers shall be designed for service with auxiliary cooling water system
(softened water). The oil pump shall be driven by the feed pump shaft and all parts of the
system shall be mounted as an integral part of the feed pump assembly.

Provision must be made to ensure continuity of oil supply even during reverse rotation of feed
pump, and during low frequency operation of oil pumps.

The oil system shall cover the entire lubrication of the pump, motor, gears, the booster pump
as also the supply of oil to the hydraulic coupling. Arrangement for proper distribution shall be
made using needle valves and orifice plates. The complete sealing/ cooling/ lubrication/

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

hydraulic oil system shall be self-draining to a tank from where the oil can be purified, cooled
and pumped back to the system, or can be drained suitably, if required.

Required electrical interlock shall be provided for continuous, safe and trouble-free operation
of the lubricating oil system, including supply pressure switches for automatic standby pump
start, trip and alarm interlocks.

For auxiliary turbine driven pump sets, the pump lubricating oil shall be supplied from and
returned to the auxiliary turbine lubricating system.


Adequately sized spacer type, extension type or other approved type flexible couplings shall
be used between the pumps, the fluid drive, the step up gear, and the motor drive. Couplings
shall have adequate permanent lubrication arrangement and shall be provided with safety

The couplings for turbine driven pumps shall be quick disconnect type suitable for remote
manually disconnecting of the pumps from the turbine. Bidder may submit alternate offer with
flexible metal diaphragm type coupling in case, he does not recommend the use of quick
disconnect type coupling for offered pump set.

Gear Box

The gear boxes shall be of double helical type manufactured by hobbing process and shall be
dynamically balanced. The high speed pinion shall be of heat treated forged steel with integral
shaft and low speed gear shall be of forged steel keyed to the input shaft. The gear casing
shall be horizontally split and accurately machined to provide oil tight joints. The gears shall
be enclosed in an oil and dust proof gear casing made of grained cast iron or fabricated steel.
Oil used shall be same as for the pump, motor and turbine and supplied from pump
lubrication system. Gear boxes shall be designed for continuous service.

Service factor for gear box

a) TDBFP (gear box between turbine drive and booster pump) : 2.0
b) MDBFP (combined gearing/hydraulic coupling) : 1.4

Gear box shall be provided with two oil level gauges, drain fill vent thermometer dipstick with
approved mounting valves, fitting etc. on gear casing.

Gear box shall be provided with separate thrust bearings to meet worst duty conditions.
Bearings shall be of split sleeve type bronze backed with a high grade centrifugally cast tin
base babbit lining. Gear journal bearing shall have babbitted thrust faces next to the gear to
act as locating surfaces for the gear train.

Design and manufacturing of gear boxes shall be as per AGMA 6011

Hydraulic Coupling

The hydraulic coupling shall be of combined gear box and fluid coupling type, and shall be
provided with electric actuator, linkages and necessary amplifier units.

The hydraulic coupling shall be adequately rated to meet the requirement of pump
characteristics while operating in the range of capacities specified.

The hydraulic coupling shall be complete with stainless steel impellers, casing, self supported
double duty roller bearings, pillow blocks and Kingsbury/ Mitchell thrust bearing or proven

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thrust bearing as per manufacturer’s standard practice for inlet/outlet with removable covers,
oil sump, duplex filters to remove all particles upto 5 microns, oil temperature and pressure
gauges, control pump for oil regulation if provided, regulating valves, stainless steel scoop
tube, 2x100% lube oil coolers, 2x100% working oil coolers, one portable type oil purifier of
adequate capacity.

Other coupling

Other couplings shall be of flexible metal diaphragm type designed to limit the rotor end play
with spacer. However, bidder may offer flexible gear coupling between gear box and booster
pump for TDBFP.

Oil Coolers

Oil coolers shall be of shell and tube type. The tubes shall be roller expanded and flared at
the ends and tube bundles shall be of removable type. Tubes shall be of stainless steel and
shell shall be made of carbon steel.

Suitable corrosion allowance shall be provided for carbon steel and iron parts including shell,
flanges etc.

Oil coolers shall be adequately rated with suitable fouling allowance in accordance with TEMA
with necessary arrangements for changing over the cooler without interrupting the oil flow.

Cooling medium shall be demineralized water taken from closed loop equipment cooling
system. Cooling medium shall flow in tube side.

Temperature and pressure indicators shall be provided on inlet and outlet branches of the
water side and also on the shell side of each cooler. Adequate arrangement for draining and
venting of all parts of cooler shall be provided.



The casing shall withstand the maximum pressure and temperature likely to be encountered
during normal operation and 25% over rated pressure for short term duration as per IEC 45.

Casing shall have uniform shape and thickness, free from sharp corners and shall be
symmetric design to maintain thermal balance.

Provisions shall be made to take care of the effects of temperature changes on the alignment
of the rotating parts relative to the casing and glands and free movement of casing due to
expansion both longitudinal and transverse.

Casing shall be horizontally split at the centre line for raising and lowering the upper halves
and rotor to clear off remainder of machine.

It shall permit inspection of the main bearings without dismantling the casing.

Horizontal casing joint shall be made steam tight with metal to metal contact. Gasket or
grooves shall not be acceptable.

Horizontal joint bolts shall be heat tightened and necessary bolt heating equipment and
accessories (if required) shall be provided by the bidder.

Control valve chest shall be an integral part of the drive turbine.

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Rotor shall be of forged steel, heat treated, accurately machined and proportioned in order to
keep critical speed away from operating speed.

The rotor shall be dynamically balanced.

Turbine blading shall be designed to have a high efficiency of energy conversion, consistent
with low loading, stressing and vibration consideration to ensure high degree of availability.

All nozzles and blading in steam path shall be of corrosion and erosion resisting alloy steel
suitable for temperature encountered.

Rotor blading shall be securely fixed and readily renewable type.

Turbine blading shall operate smoothly over the operating speed range. The natural and
harmonic frequency of vibration of last few rows of blades shall be such that they are well
outside the operating range so as to avoid resonant vibrations.

Stop and control valves

Valves shall be arranged to close through a trip device actuated either by over speed
governor or by action of other protective devices.

Stop valves shall be provided with removable stainless steel steam strainer for normal
operation, and one extra strainer shall be provided for initial operation.

Valves shall be provided with removable internals to allow for steam blowing.

Valves shall be designed to resist erosion due to steam flow and to be stable and not to
vibrate over entire operating range.

Control valves shall be designed to provide the required steam flow control when operating in
conjunction with turbine governing system as specified elsewhere.

Control valves and their seats shall have stellite inlays with their stem hardened. Alternatively,
nitriding of spindles and guide bushes shall also be acceptable as per standard practice of the

Stop valves shall have provision for on-load testing.

Inlet connections of control and stop valves shall be of flanged type.


The bearing shall be designed to avoid oil whip. Bearings shall be spherically seated,
horizontally divided type, with provision of adjustment and alignment of rotor, forced feed
lubricated type, lined with babbit or suitable anti-friction alloy. The thrust bearing shall be of
proven design as per standard practice of the manufacturer.

Bearings shall be arranged outside drive turbine so that these are readily accessible. Lower
half of bearing shall be capable of being removed and replaced by minimum lifting of shaft.


The disconnect coupling shall automatically disconnect the pumps from the drive turbine so
as to permit independent operation of turbine on turning gear. Alternatively, dry type flexible

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

membrane coupling may also be provided between BFP and drive turbine to facilitate
disengagement by dismantling of spacer bolts as per standard practice of the manufacturer.

Other couplings shall be of flexible metal diaphragm type, requiring no oil lubrication from the
external source. However, the coupling between gear box and drive turbine may be oil filled
flexible type without requiring external oil supply. Closure plates shall be supplied to allow
drive turbine to be disconnected for spin testing.

Turning gear

Turbine shall be provided with an adequately sized AC motor driven or hydraulically operated
turning gear for rotation of complete TDBFP train i.e. booster pump, gear box, drive turbine
and main pump while unit being started or taken out of service.

Turning gear shall be so arranged that drive gear is engaged manually by means of external
lever while turbine is at rest. When steam is admitted to the turbine and its speed reaches
beyond turning speed, its gear shall automatically disengage and latch in a disengaged

Necessary interlock shall be provided to prevent the starting of turning gear motor and shall
trip on loss of lube oil pressure and should have provision of starting from the control room.

Hand barring gear shall be provided for manually rotating the drive turbine in an emergency.
The lube oil shall be made available to the bearings during such operation.

Lubricating oil system

Each drive turbine shall be provided with a complete lubricating oil system which shall provide
lube oil for drive turbine, main pump, booster pump and disconnect coupling and also to cater
the control oil of governing system and turning gear oil requirements.

It is preferable to have quality of lube oil and working oil for MDBFP and TDBFP identical to
that of main turbine lube oil quality.

Suitably sized hydraulic accumulators shall be provided in governing oil system to maintain
system pressure, when there is a change over from one running pump to stand by oil pump.
Also provision shall be made for initial air purging of the governor system.

Turbine Exhaust pipe

Turbine exhaust shall be separately piped to the condenser of main TG unit in the downward

Necessary metallic expansion joints, supports, hangers, tie bars and butterfly valve shall be

Blades tuning

Turbine blades, in particular last stage blades shall be independently tuned to keep the blade
resonant frequencies away from operating speed.

Protection against water induction

Turbine shall be designed for protection against water induction. All drains shall consist of
motorised drain valves with isolating valves and drain piping for connection to drain flash tank
i.e. for warming up drains before and after valve seats, casing drains, gland steam system
drain, IP extraction, CRH and auxiliary steam lines alongwith necessary controls.

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Protection against erosion and corrosion

Last stage blading of turbine shall be designed for protection against erosion and corrosion by

Governing system

Turbines shall be designed for electro-hydraulic or electronic control system to control speed
from 0% to 100%. It shall be of the type which provides continuous corrective action until
equilibrium conditions are obtained in response to changes in external signals or speed
change resulting from other causes, such as changes in energy of the steam available to a
turbine during sudden load pick ups or rejection on the main turbine generator unit. The
system shall ensure controlled accelerating of the drive turbine and shall prevent over speed
without tripping of the equipment under any operating condition or in the event of maximum
load rejection.

Sources of steam from TD-BFP

During low unit load conditions, turbine bypass operation, shutdown operation when
extraction steam pressure from IP turbine is insufficient to operate the drive turbine, steam
from alternate source i.e. cold reheat steam shall be admitted through a separate set of stop
and control valves. Both sets of control valves shall be controlled by electro-hydraulic
governing system. Bidder can offer single admission turbine with an external control valve (to
be operated from the same governing system).

During cold/warm/hot start of boiler, TDBFP can be started with auxiliary steam (in case
MDBFP is inoperative) till motive steam from CRH is available.

All other auxiliaries shall be designed for auto start of standby equipment on tripping of
running auxiliaries.
5.2.0 Condensate Extraction Pump

Pumps shall be vertical, centrifugal, multistage, cannister type, diffuser type with double
suction first stage impeller.

The first stage impeller shall be specifically designed for low NPSH requirement and minimum
risk of cavitation.

The shaft coupling shall be of flexible type in case the thrust bearing is provided on the pump
and it shall be of rigid type if the thrust bearing is provided on the motor.

The construction shall ensure removal of pump shaft and impeller without disturbing the can.

Casing and rotors are to be provided with wear rings in order to permit easy replacement of
the parts subject to wear. The seals are to be provided with sealing water connections.
Condensate from the discharge pipe is to be used as sealing water. Pumps and driving
motors are to be supplied on a common base plate.

The design and workmanship shall be such that the pumps are readily assembled or
dismantled and that they will operate satisfactorily under all operating conditions without
cavitation, pitting, excessive vibration, noise or undue wear.

The glands of the pumps and their associated suction valves shall be suitably sealed to avoid
ingress of air into the condensate under all conditions. The casing vent shall also be
complete with all valves, piping, etc., for each pump.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The installation height of the pumps and the NPSH value of the pumps are to be matched to
one another so that there shall be sufficient suction head even under the most extreme
operating conditions.

Condensate Extraction Pump Suction Strainers

The strainers shall be generally sized so as to keep the pressure drop across them to a

These strainers shall be provided with complete back-washing arrangements enabling them
to be cleaned quickly and effectively without dismantling the strainer, or the use of tools.

The mesh size of the strainer element shall be chosen as necessary to prevent the risk of
damage to the extraction pump from debris and foreign matter. If appropriate the strainer
shall be provided with both coarse and fine mesh elements. One complete replacement set
of strainer elements shall be provided with turbine unit (i.e one spare element of each mesh
size.). High differential pressure switch alarm facility shall be provided for each strainer.

The design requirements of Strainers are:

• The pressure drop of the strainer at design flow and clean condition shall not exceed
0.1 Kg/cm2.Pressure drop at design flow and 50% clogged condition shall not exceed
0.15 Kg/cm2

• The clear area of strainer shall be five times the inlet cross sectional area of the
connection piping.


Performance tests are to be conducted to cover the entire range of operation of the pumps. A
minimum five combinations of head and capacity are to be achieved during testing to
establish the performance curves, including design capacity points and two extremities of the
range of operation specified. The tests shall be conducted as per Hydraulic Institute Standard.

Performance tests of Condensate Extraction Pumps should preferably be conducted with

actual drive motors.

The Bidder shall submit in his proposal the facilities available at his works to conduct
performance testing. If because of limitations on available facilities, a reduced speed test has
to be resorted to establish pump performance, the same has to be mentioned in the offer and
the applicable performance calculation procedure has to be submitted for approval of
Purchaser. The power and the results of the reduced speed test will be extrapolated to the
specified conditions as per HIS.

Overall performance test of the Boiler Feed pump shall be conducted in accordance with
ASME P.T.C. 8.2 latest edition or equal to obtain following characteristics. Each pump
including the spare rotating assembly (as applicable) shall be tested. At least one of the
pumps shall be tested with water at actual working temperature. Tests should be carried out
for the following:

a) Total head developed, horse power requirement and efficiency at the rated condition.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

b) NPSH requirement for each rotor at rated speed and temperature, over the entire
operating flow range both for 1% and 3% head drop. NPSH testing shall be governed by
ASME P.T.C. and Hydraulic Institute Standards.

c) To establish the pump characteristic curves for head vs. capacity, power vs. capacity,
NPSH vs. capacity and efficiency vs. capacity.

e) Gearbox testing at full load for transmission efficiency and smooth operation. Noise level
to be measured.

f) Hydraulic coupling speed vs. output and efficiency tests.

g) Vibration at bearings and noise level shall be checked during performance tests.

h) Tests for drive motors shall be as specified in the Standard specification for A.C. Electric

i) Drive turbine shall be tested as per ASME PTC-6 at speed and load conditions
corresponding to the guarantee point and at normal steam conditions.


Refer Vol-II, section-4 of Control & Instrumentation Specification.


(A) General

• Completely filled in technical schedules & other schedules for all equipments as
enclosed with the Tender specification.
• Flow Diagrams and P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating
Instruments and the destination / functionality of the signals Plot plan
• Plot plan and General arrangement drawing with section for major building viz Power
house building etc., showing maintenance area
• Quality Assurance and plan
• Master Document List (MDL) for Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and C&I with schedule of
• Description of options and alternatives offered
• Complete description of the plant offered including description of the process and the
• General descriptions of individual systems and descriptions of operation including
description of start-up, shutdown and emergency shutdown procedures,
• Safety Plan
• Training program and schedule for training of Owner’s personnel
• Space requirement for construction site and equipment
• Maintenance proposal
• List of spares
• List of Special tools and Tackles
• Inspection intervals (major/minor) for six years along with the spares to be replaced
during the above inspections. Contractor shall provide the cost of such spares on
yearly basis.

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• Contractor shall enter into a long term spare supply agreement with the OEM, and
agree to transfer the same faithfully to the owner upon COD. Contractor shall commit
to facilitate further negotiations on the spares with the OEMs directly by the owner.

(B) Mechanical

• Installation references where 660 MW Supercritical units with proposed main steam
and reheat steam parameters are in operation.
• Experience list for supply and installation plants of similar capacity supercritical Units
and performance certificate of the plants indicating the availability and plant load factor
from the date of COD.
• Condensate Extraction Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps & Boiler Feed Pump Drive Turbine
Manufacturer’s experience list for the offered Capacity
• Deed of Joint Undertaking shall be executed by Contractor with following

- Condensate Extraction Pumps

- Boiler Feed Pumps & Boiler Feed Pump Drive Turbine

The above shall be submitted clearly indicating the validity of the agreement and role and
responsibilities among them

• Details of Technical Collaboration of the Condensate Extraction Pumps, Boiler Feed

Pumps & Boiler Feed Pump Drive Turbine manufacturers with technology Supplier
and role of the technology supplier for this project.

8.1.0 Drawings & Documents to be submitted after Award of Contract

The documents required for design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of
the entire plant shall be submitted by the Contractor in good time so as to permit the plant as
a whole to be constructed in compliance with the specified time table.

Only the most important documents are listed below. The list and approval category of the
doc/drawings shall be agreed sufficiently in advance before award of relevant order, so that
corrections and amendments desired by the Owner as well as resubmission of the documents
will not result in any delays with respect to the guaranteed time table. The Owner reserves the
right to request from the Contractor additional drawings, documents, etc. as may be required
for proper understanding and definition of the design and engineering of the Plant.

(A) General
• Re-Submission of all the technical data furnished during pre award contract stage.
• Complete filled-in technical schedule.- For approval
• Plot plan - For approval
• General arrangement drawings /Equipment layout of all equipments along with sections
indicating the unloading & maintenance area. - For approval
• Design basis for all the systems and major equipment sizing calculation - For approval
• P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments and the interlocks
for all the systems - For approval
• Monthly progress report
• L2 network
• Quality plan for approval
• Prequalification document for different Vendors for Owner’s approval.

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• Equipment Testing procedure for approval

• Complete list of documents with proposed submission schedule
• Vendor Engineering document vix Data sheets, General arrangement drawing, material of
construction, performance curves for approval for major items
• Painting & surface preparation procedure
• Technical specification

B) Mechanical
• Major equipment sizing calculation viz Condensate Extraction Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps
& Boiler Feed Pump Drive Turbine for approval.
• Start-up and shut down procedure for approval
• System description for all the systems for approval
• Thermal calculation for critical items for approval
• Pipe sizing and determination of pressure & Temperature criteria. for approval
• Critical piping drg and calculation
• Acceptance and Performance test procedure and program
• Performance calculation write up.

Any other drawing or document which are not covered above but required to the effective
commissioning of the project.

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ANNEX 2.5.1


Description Unit Data

Design Code - HIS (Latest)
Type Vertical, centrifugal, multistage,
canister type
Number of pumps Nos 3 x 50% capacity for each unit
Synchronous Speed RPM 1500
Material of construction
Bowl - Cast Iron
Impeller for 1 stage - Stainless steel(12% Cr)
Stage Impeller - Bronze or chromium steel
Shaft - Stainless steel
Can - Fabricated mild steel
Frequency Variation Hz 47.5 to 51.5


Design Code HIS (Latest)
Number of feed water pumps for each unit Nos 2 X 50 % turbine driven main
boiler feed pumps (TDBFP) and
1 X 50% capacity electric motor
driven standby boiler feed pump
Type of pump - Horizontal Centrifugal multistage
barrel type pump.
Control of motor driven feed pumps - Variable speed hydraulic
Frequency Variation Hz 47.5 to 51.5
Material Of Construction
Barrel Forged carbon steel with
austenitic stainless steel inlay in
high velocity zones and sealing
Shaft - 13% chromium steel forging
Impeller, inner casing, stage pieces - 13% chromium steel casting
Wearing ring - 13% chromium steel properties
with antigalling properties
Balancing drum bush - 13% chromium steel properties
with antigalling properties
Balancing Drum - Stainless steel
Shaft Sleeves - High alloy chromium or
chromium nickel alloy steel
Radial Bearings - Sleeve type
Thrust Bearings - Tilting pad, double acting, 100%
thrust bearing(suitable material)
Booster pumps
Design Code - HIS (latest)
Material of Construction
Shaft, shaft sleeves and wearing rings - 13% chromium steel forging
Casing - Cast Steel

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Vol-II Section 2-5 PCP and accessories_R0 2.5 Power Cycle Pumps & Accessories
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Booster pump & CEP suction strainer
Type - Basket type
Strainer Insert Material - Stainless Steel
Clear area of strainer (Flow opening area) - Five times the inlet cross
sectional area of the connecting
Maximum allowable pressure drop at clean Kg/cm 0.1
condition and design flow
Maximum allowable pressure drop at 50% Kg/cm 0.15
clogged condition and design flow
BFP suction strainer
Type - Conical strainer
Strainer Insert Material - Stainless Steel
Clear area of strainer (Flow opening area) - Five times the inlet cross
sectional area of the connecting
Maximum allowable pressure drop at clean Kg/cm 0.1
condition and design flow
Maximum allowable pressure drop at 50% Kg/cm 0.15
clogged condition and design flow
Boiler Feed Pump Drive Turbine Drive Turbine shall be sized for
pump run out condition with
minimum expected turbine inlet
and maximum expected turbine
exhaust steam parameters

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, manufacture & assembly,
inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of condensate system.

This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with other sections of the
specification as appropriate and the equipment offered shall meet the requirements as spelt
out therein.


The condensate system as specified here shall be designed and constructed in accordance
with the requirements of Applicable Standards and Codes specified below and in General
Technical Specification.

The equipment to be provided shall specifically conform to the latest editions of the following
codes, standards, specifications and regulations:

ASME : ASME Boiler & pressure vessel code

IBR : Indian Boiler Regulations.
HEI : Heat Exchange Institute
HIS : Hydraulic Institute Standard
ANSI B : Horizontal Centrifugal pump end suction pump
ASTM : American Society of Testing and Material.
PTC -8.2 : Performance Test Code of centrifugal pump.


The scope of supply shall include the flash tanks, drain transfer system, normal and
emergency make-up system, condensate storage tank with all components and complete
accessories and auxiliaries and shall include, but not be limited to the following(for each unit
unless otherwise indicated).

3.1.0 Condensate system

Complete condensate piping from condenser hot well outlet to deaerator including following

• Minimum recirculation facility with 2 x 100% recirculation control valves with isolation
valves upstream and downstream. The minimum recirculation flow shall correspond to
maximum of gland steam condenser minimum recirculation flow and CEP minimum
recirculation flow.
• Excess dump facility with control valves, bypass arrangement and isolation valves
• Spray water system piping for various system as required and as specified elsewhere in
the specification with control valves and bypass arrangements

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Condensate piping for LP heater along with individual heaters bypass piping arrangement
as required and as specified.
• Flow element at gland steam condenser outlet.
• Flow element at deaerator inlet.
• Spool piece for performance flow measurement at deaerator inlet.
• All fittings and mountings.
• Complete instrumentation.
• Specialties as required.

3.2.0 Drain Transfer system

• HP/LP/Atmospheric flash tank and accessories including manhole, reinforcement, vent,

drain piping, manifolds along with control valves and instrumentation.
• HP/LP flash tank vent piping to condenser including expansion joint.

3.3.0 DM water make up system

• Condensate storage tank along with necessary piping, fitting, valves, specialities and
instrumentation for each unit. Tank shall be provided with excess dump facility from
• 2 x 100% cycle make-up pumps with auxiliaries and accessories.
• 2 x 100% steam generator initial fill pumps (i.e. each pump shall have capacity of filling
the steam generator in 2 hour maximum) for each unit along with complete piping, fitting,
valves, instrumentation and supports.
• Pumps shall be provided with minimum flow facility.
• Each pump shall be provided with suction strainer of adequate mesh size.

3.4.0 Piping, Valves, Fittings Supports etc.

The complete piping system as required along with valves, control valves, actuators,
fittings and supports, insulation and cladding etc.,


4.1.0 Flash Vessel

The flash tanks shall be adequately sized to take care of the total drains in the complete
power cycle piping system. There shall be sufficient margin to accommodate the possible
variation in drain quantities as well as flash steam. Flash tanks shall be designed as per the
requirement of ASME boiler and pressure vessels (B&PV) codes, and ANSI standard.

The flash tank shall be adequately sized to take care of the following drains:

a) Main steam, CRH and HRH line drains

b) Main steam stop and control valves
c) Reheat stop valves and interceptor valves
d) Steam lead and all turbine drains including turbine casing drains and feed water heating
system drains.
e) HP & LP bypass valves and warming up line
f) Turbine extraction steam piping system
g) BFP turbine exhaust system.
h) Any other drain from boiler drain tank as applicable.

There shall be sufficient margin to accommodate the possible variation in drain quantities as
well as flash steam. The drains shall be provided for every low point with automatic disposal
of collected condensate. The drains shall be connected to the flash tanks via headers.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The vents of the HP/LP turbine flash tanks shall be recovered by connecting it to condenser.
Necessary metallic expansion joint shall be provided in the flash tank vent line.

Atmospheric flash tank vent shall be discharged to atmosphere. Atmospheric flash tank drain
shall be discharged to near by trench after quenching.

The vents of atmospheric flash tank shall be open to atmosphere and drains of this tank shall
be connected to the plant drain/ channel/pit.

Corrosion allowance of 3 mm shall be added to the design thickness of the shell and head of
the vessels. The minimum thickness of the vessels including corrosion allowance shall not be
less than 8 mm.

The minimum design pressure and minimum design temperature for the pressure vessels
(except bellows) to be designed shall be 3.5 kg/cm and 215 °C respectively. Flash tanks
shall also be designed for full vacuum condition.

The temperature in the flash tanks shall be maintained by using condensate spray or service
water spray (for flash tanks open to atmosphere). The spray shall be automatically controlled.
However, for flash tanks open to atmosphere continuous spray through an orifice shall also
be acceptable.

In case the spray is in the manifold, the material for the flash tank manifolds shall conform to
ASTM A335 Gr. P22 or better and its thickness shall not be less than Schedule 100 of ANSI
B36.10 irrespective of temperature of the fluid handled.

4.2.0 Condensate Storage tank

The design code of the tank shall be ASME B&PV Sec VIII, Div-1. The capacity of Condensate
Storage tank shall be boiler fill water volume or 24 hours storage of cycle make up, subject to a
minimum effective storage of 600 m .

The demineralised water for hotwell make-up system, steam generator initial fill, dosing
system make-up, DM cooling water system make-up shall be supplied from the condensate
storage tank. Excess condensate shall be dumped out of turbine cycle by excess condensate
dump system to the condensate storage tank.

4.3.0 Cycle make up system

Rated flow of hot well make up pumps shall be sized considering a flow of 10% of VWO
steam flow with 1.5% make-up condition. In addition a 10% of design margin and 20% for
pump minimum flow margin or pump continuous minimum recirculation flow whichever is
higher shall have to be considered on the above rated flow. The system shall have a normal
make-up control valve to be sized for 1.5% of steam flow rate at valve wide open (VWO) with
1.5% make-up condition and an emergency make-up control valve to be sized for hot well
make pump rated flow condition.

The pump motor rating shall not be less than the larger of the following :

(a) Sufficient to drive the pump through the entire range of run-out flow to shut-off conditions.
(b) 115% of pump design point rating.

Pump-motor set shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration. Acceptable peak to
peak vibration limits shall generally be guided by HIS.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


The installation and dismantling of the various parts of the equipment must be possible
without great difficulty and appropriate design features must be incorporated for this purpose.

All parts must be capable of accepting the loads occurring due to rapid load and temperature
variation and also those occurring due to start-up, shut-down and continuous base load
operation without limitation and without affecting the planned life.
5.1.0 Flash tank

Flash tanks shall be vertical, cylindrical design and of welded construction with torispherical or
hemispherical heads.

Drain/hot water inlet nozzles shall be tangential/ radial to the vessel periphery. Suitable
vortex breaker arrangement shall be made at the liquid outlet to the vessel. In case the
contractor finds better alternate arrangement, the same can be submitted for the purchaser’s
acceptance and approval.

The flash tanks shall be located on the ground floor of the power house. Necessary structural
supports including anchor bolts shall be provided. Three support legs at 120 degree spacing
shall be provided on each flash tank. Necessary lifting lugs for handling by the main plant
building EOT crane shall be provided.

The flash tanks shall be provided with a full length level indicating gauge glass complete with
protective rods, isolation valves and drains. Temperature indicators and temperature switches
shall be provided on the flash tanks.

The flash tank and manifolds shall be designed to take care of the impact forces due to
incoming drains.

A man hole shall be provided on the flash tank for inspection purpose. It shall be of min
500 mm diameter. The flash tank shall be provided with access ladders.

In place of ASTM 285 Gr. C material (refer specified design data), the Contractor may also
offer ASTMA 516 Gr 60 or IS 2062 Gr B materials provided the relevant code/standard
permits use of these materials for the intended design parameters.

5.2.0 Cycle make-up pump and Steam generator initial fill pump
Pumps shall be identical in construction and similar parts of the pumps shall be

Casing shall be provided with a drain & vent connection comprising of an isolation valve
and blind flange (with fasteners and gaskets) terminated at the edge of the base plate. The
minimum size of any connection or piping shall be 1/2 inch nominal pipe size.

Each pump and its components shall be designed to facilitate installation and removal.
Components requiring periodic inspections or maintenance shall be easily accessible.

Suction and discharge nozzles shall be flanged and shall conform to ASME standard.

Shaft sealing shall be by mechanical seal.

Sound power level shall not exceed 85 dBA at one (1) meter from the equipment.

The casing shall be designed to withstand the maximum shut-off pressure or 150% of
maximum pressure under which the pump can operate at design fluid temperature, whichever
is higher. Each pump shall preferably be of such construction that it is possible to service the

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

internals of the pump without disturbing suction and discharge piping connections. Casings
shall be of such thickness as well be suitable for maximum discharge and hydrostatic testing
pressure and pumping temperature, with a 3 mm minimum corrosion allowance.

Impeller shall be of shrouded type. Impeller shall be of single piece casting (fabricated
impellers not acceptable), smooth finished and dynamically balanced along with shaft on
proper balancing equipment so as not to cause any vibration.

Replaceable type wearing rings shall be furnished to prevent damage to impeller and casing.
A suitable method of locking the wearing ring shall be used, such as by the use of grub
screws. Wearing rings shall have a close tolerance fit to permit only a minimum of
recirculation flow. Impeller wearing rings shall have surfaces harder than surfaces of opposed
casing wearings or shall be made of non-galling material to suit the pump medium.

Bearings shall be of antifriction grease/oil lubricated heavy duty ball or roller bearings capable
of carrying heavy loads in either direction of rotation for continuous operation. The bearing
shall be designed for a minimum life of 40,000 hrs in continuous operation at rated pump
conditions. Hydrodynamics radial and/or thrust bearings shall be provided if required.
Bearing housings shall preferably be arranged so that bearings can be replaced without
disturbing pump drives or mountings. The housing shall be effectively protected against the
ingress of water, pumped fluid and dust. When oil lubrication is provided all bearing oil wells
shall be fitted with visual oil level indicators. Non-pressure oil lubricated bearings shall be
equipped with constant level oilers. Means of draining bearing housings shall be provided.

Proper lubricating may be by oil/ grease. In case of Oil lubricated bearings, the type shall be
of the ring oil/Flooded type, incorporating an ample oil reservoir and fitted with an oil level
sight glass/indicator and thermometer. Free access to all lubrication ports shall be
incorporated in the pump design. Means of draining bearing housings shall be provided.


Refer Volume II, Section 4 for Control & Instrumentation Specification.


(A) General

• Completely filled in technical schedules & other schedules for all equipments as
enclosed with the Tender specification.
• Flow Diagrams and P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating
Instruments and the destination / functionality of the signals Plot plan
• Quality Assurance and plan
• Master Document List (MDL) for Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and C&I with schedule of
• Description of options and alternatives offered
• Complete description of the plant offered including description of the process and the
• General descriptions of individual systems and descriptions of operation including
description of start-up, shutdown and emergency shutdown procedures,
• Safety Plan
• Training program and schedule for training of Owner’s personnel
• Space requirement for construction site and equipment
• Maintenance proposal

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• List of spares
• List of Special tools and Tackles
• Inspection intervals (major/minor) for six years along with the spares to be replaced
during the above inspections. Contractor shall provide the cost of such spares on
yearly basis.
• Contractor shall enter into a long term spare supply agreement with the OEM, and
agree to transfer the same faithfully to the owner upon COD. Contractor shall commit
to facilitate further negotiations on the spares with the OEMs directly by the owner.

(B) Mechanical

• Installation references where 660 MW Supercritical units with proposed main steam
and reheat steam parameters are in operation.
• Experience list for supply and installation plants of similar capacity supercritical Units
and performance certificate of the plants indicating the availability and plant load factor
from the date of COD.
• Cycle make-up pump, fill pump and Flash Tank Manufacturer’s experience list for the
offered Capacity
• Deed of Joint Undertaking shall be executed by Contractor with following

- Cycle make-up pump and fill pump

- Flash Tank

The above shall be submitted clearly indicating the validity of the agreement and role and
responsibilities among them

• Details of Technical Collaboration of the Cycle make-up pump, fill pump and Flash
Tank manufacturers with technology Supplier and role of the technology supplier for
this project.


The documents required for design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of
the entire plant shall be submitted by the Contractor in good time so as to permit the plant as
a whole to be constructed in compliance with the specified time table.

Only the most important documents are listed below. The list and approval category of the
doc/drawings shall be agreed sufficiently in advance before award of relevant order, so that
corrections and amendments desired by the Owner as well as resubmission of the documents
will not result in any delays with respect to the guaranteed time table. The Owner reserves the
right to request from the Contractor additional drawings, documents, etc. as may be required
for proper understanding and definition of the design and engineering of the Plant.

(A) General
• Re-Submission of all the technical data furnished during pre award contract stage.
• Complete filled-in technical schedule.- For approval
• Plot plan - For approval
• General arrangement drawings /Equipment layout of all equipments along with sections
indicating the unloading & maintenance area. - For approval
• Design basis for all the systems and major equipment sizing calculation - For approval

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• P&ID (Process and Instrumentation drawings) indicating Instruments and the interlocks
for all the systems - For approval
• Monthly progress report
• L2 network
• Quality plan for approval
• Prequalification document for different Vendors for Owner’s approval.
• Equipment Testing procedure for approval
• Complete list of documents with proposed submission schedule
• Vendor Engineering document vix Data sheets, General arrangement drawing, material
of construction, performance curves for approval for major items
• Painting & surface preparation procedure
• Technical specification

B) Mechanical
• Major equipment sizing calculation viz Cycle make-up pump, fill pump and Flash Tank for
• Start-up and shut down procedure for approval
• System description for all the systems for approval
• Pipe sizing and determination of pressure & Temperature criteria. for approval
• Acceptance and Performance test procedure and program
• Performance calculation write up.

Any other drawing or document which are not covered above but required to the effective
commissioning of the project.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.6.1


Description Data
A) Cycle make-up pump and fill pump
Design Code HIS / ANSI B73.1
Type Horizontal centrifugal pump
Impeller Closed
Drive transmission Direct
Seal Mechanical seal
Lubrication Oil / Grease /Self-liquid
Coupling Spacer type
Accessories Drain plug, vent, priming connection,
Coupling guard, lifting lugs etc
Material of Construction
Casing CF8M/SS316
Impeller Stainless steel
Shaft 316 L / AISI 410
B) Flash Tank
Shell and Head ASTM 285 Gr.C
Wear Plate/baffle ASTM 285 Gr.C
Nozzle Neck ASTM 106 Gr.B
Manhole Nozzle flange and cover ASTM 285 Gr.C
Coupling ASTM A105
Bolts and studs ASTM a193 Gr. B7
Nuts ASTM a193 Gr. 2H
Gaskets Spiral wound SS 316 with graphite

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, manufacture & assembly,
inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of Condensate Polishing unit.

This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with other sections of the
specification as appropriate and the equipment offered shall meet the requirements as spelt
out therein.

Bidder shall supply complete system including common regeneration facility as per his
standard design and as elaborated in these specifications for treating the condensate.


The condensate polishing unit shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the
requirements of Applicable Standards and Codes specified in General Technical Specification
and elsewhere in the specification.


The scope of supply shall include the following with all components and complete accessories
and auxiliaries, but not be limited to the following (for each unit unless indicated otherwise).

3.1.0 Condensate Polishing Unit

3.1.1 Service Vessels

3x50% capacity service vessels for each unit.

Service vessels shall be complete with condensate inlet and outlet connections, connections
for resin transfer to and from the vessels, bed support-cum-underdrain system, inlet water
distributors, air distribution arrangement for resin mixing, all fittings and appurtenances etc. as
specified and as required.

External resin traps shall be provided at the outlet of each service vessel, designed for in-
place manual back washing.

All necessary piping, valves and fittings with actuators necessary for their remote operation.

Common drain header for service vessels of each unit.

All necessary drains, vents and sampling points, with valves shall be provided as required.

3.1.2 Resin Trap

Outlet of each condensate polishing vessel and waste effluent header of common
regeneration system shall be provided with a resin trap whereas at the outlet of Activated
carbon filter a media trap shall be provided.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3.1.3 Emergency bypass system

Each condensate polisher service unit shall be provided with an automatic bypass for the
condensate polisher on the condensate inlet and outlet headers of the unit with a butterfly
type control valve and wafer type butterfly isolation valves on the upstream and down stream
sides of the control valve.

Complete instrumentation and controls for this system, including the differential pressure
transmitters, panel mounted indicating type controller with provision for remote manual
operation, actuator for the control valve with position indicator etc.

Bidder shall design, supply and erect the piping between the service units and the common
external regeneration facility, for transferring the exhausted and regenerated resins as
required. Routing of this pipe line shall be developed by the bidder in line with his standard
practice and shall be finalised in coordination with the Purchaser.

3.1.4 External Regenaration Facility

One (1) common facility for regeneration of the ion-exchange resins from the condensate
polishers of two units shall be provided. The system shall include but not limited to the

Regeneration system

Two nos. resin separation/ regeneration vessels, one no. mixed resin vessel and one no.
mixed resin storage vessel (to hold charge of one service vessel) shall be provided alongwith
all internals, fittings and appurtenances for these vessels.

Resin injection hopper, complete with a water ejector system shall be provided for resin
make-up to the resin separation/ regeneration vessel. The system shall be sized to handle
upto 150 liters of as received new resins per single injection.

All necessary piping, valves and fittings with the actuators necessary for their remote
automatic operation shall be provided. These shall include all drains, vents and sampling
points with valves as required.

Common waste effluent header with one resin trap designed for in-place manual backwashing
shall be provided.

2x100% capacity CPU regeneration water pumps shall be provided for water supply for
chemical preparation/dosing and transfer of resin from service vessel to regenerating vessels
and vice versa. The pumps shall be horizontal centrifugal type and conform to IS: 1520/IS:
5120 or equivalent without any negative tolerance. All wetted parts of the pump shall be of

Chemical dosing system

Complete facility for dosing of acid, alkali and ammonia (if applicable) shall be provided as per
details given below:

2x100% capacity hydraulically operated ejectors or metering pumps shall be provided each
for dosing of acid and alkali. Material of construction shall be suitable for liquid being handled.

Acid ejectors shall take suction from 2x100% acid measuring tanks and alkali ejectors from
2x100% alkali day tanks. Alkali day tanks shall be complete with carbon dioxide absorber and
overflow seal. The capacity of tanks shall be atleast 20% higher than that required from
process calculations.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

For heating of alkali diluent water, 2x50% electrical heating coil in a MSRL tank shall be
provided. The capacity of tank shall be minimum 20% higher than the maximum water
demand. This tank shall be provided with burn out protection, pressure relief valve, level
switches, temperature indicator etc. The heater shall be controlled by the temperature
switches provided on the tank. The heaters shall be sized for heating the water from a
temperature of 15 to 50 deg.C at the outlet of ejector. The water shall be heated to the
required temperature within 5 hours.

All interconnecting piping, valves and fittings as required for the system.

Complete system for off-stream ammoniation of the resins, using ammonium hydroxide, shall
be included in the offer, if felt necessary by the bidder to meet the system requirements. The
system, if offered, shall include two (2) nos. bulk ammonia storage tanks (total one month
storage), two (2) nos. motor-driven feed and recirculation pumps (each with 100% capacity),
regenerant dilution tank, instrumentation and controls and all other appurtenances mounted
on a separate structural steel skid.

Alkali solution preparation facility

Complete facility for preparing alkali solution from alkali flakes shall be provided as per details
given below:

One (1) no. alkali preparation tank complete with electrically driven stirrer, and dissolving
basket shall be provided. The tank capacity shall be equal to 120% of regeneration
requirement of one polisher vessel.

2x100% capacity horizontal centrifugal type alkali solution transfer-cum-recirculation pumps

shall be provided to fill the alkali day tank in one hour.

One (1) no. activated carbon filter shall be provided for alkali preparation. The rated flow of
the filter shall not be less than the design capacity of the alkali transfer-cum recirculation
pump, and the maximum velocity through the filter shall not exceed 12 m/hr. Depth of the filter
material shall not be less than 1 m.

The prepared alkali shall be stored in two (2) no. alkali day tanks.

Facility of bulk storage tanks to hold 48% alkali lye shall also be provided and alkali dosing
system shall be designed for this also.

All interconnecting piping, valves and fittings as required for the system.


All the equipment viz. tanks, valves, piping, resin trap etc handling acid, alkali, DM water etc.
shall be of MSRL construction, Valves for handling acid, alkali, ammonia, etc shall be
preferably of diaphragm type (MSRL).

Air blowers

2x100% capacity air blowers (1W+1S) shall be provided for subsequent mixing of the resins.

Further 2x100% capacity air blowers shall also be supplied for mixing the resins in the service

Each blower shall be complete with motor, V-belt drive with belt guard, inlet filter/silencer,
flexible couplings and discharge snubber, all mounted on a single base.

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Relief valve (s) shall be provided as required.

Bulk acid and alkali storage tanks

These tanks shall be horizontal, dished ends, cylindrical type as per BS-2594 or equivalent
and shall be located outdoor near the regeneration plant. These tanks shall be made of FRP
as per relevant codes. Vessels should be complete with vent, overflow, sample connection,
manhole, stair case, platform, level indicator, fume absorber, CO2 absorber, overflow seal pit
etc. Specification of tank and pump shall be as below:

• Acid storage tanks : 2 Nos., 20 MT each.

• Alkali storage tanks : 2 Nos., 20 MT each.
• Acid unloading pump : 2x100%, 10 m3/h each (PP Casing/Impeller with EN-9 shaft)
• Alkali unloading pumps : 2x100%, 10 m3/h each (SS-316 construction)

Required number of hoses shall be provided to receive acid from road tankers.

DM water for regeneration

DM water required shall be drawn from DM water storage tanks by 2 x100% capacity CPU
regeneration pumps taking suction from the DM water storage tank.

Effluent disposal system

Neutralizing pit shall be in two (2) sections of RCC construction and each section shall have a
holding capacity of 1.5 times the waste effluent from each regeneration. Two nos. (1W+1S)
Neutralized Waste Recirculation / Disposal pumps of horizontal centrifugal type with priming
arrangement shall be supplied for waste recirculation and disposal to the Purchaser’s central
monitoring basin. Provision of dosing acid and alkali shall be provided to neutralise effluents
before disposal. All piping, valves etc. shall be in bidder’s scope.

3.2.0 Chemical Feed System

Ammonia and Hydrazine dosing system

Each unit shall be provided with independent and skid mounted dosing system for Ammonia
and Hydrazine dosing.

Each chemical dosing skid shall consist of

1x100% capacity measuring tank,

2x100% capacity preparation/ storage tanks and

2x100% metering pumps per dosing system (Condensate system, deaerator system) per unit
complete with strainers, piping, valves, fittings, instrumentation and control panel etc. Each
system shall have multiple dosing points with double isolation valves.

In addition, bulk storage tank will be common for both units for storage of concentrated
aqueous ammonia as per the available market standards subject to approval of Owner.
2x100% capacity transfer pumps shall be provided for transfer of concentrated ammonia from
bulk storage to the measuring tank. The ammonia transfer pumps shall be of centrifugal type.

Hydrazine shall be received in small containers and hand pumps shall be provided for transfer
of hydrazine to the measuring tank. The flow of chemical from measuring tank to the
preparation/ storage tank shall be by gravity.

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Oxygen Feed System

Oxygen cylinders skid with adequate number of oxygen filled cylinders.

Two (2) sets of oxygen decompression facility and regulating station including control valve
shall be provided in each oxygen injecting skid for each unit.

Flow measurement device

Complete piping, fittings, valves and necessary instrumentation.

100% redundancy oxygen cylinders, decompression station and regulating station shall be
provided for each unit.

3.3.0 Piping, Valves, Fittings Supports etc.

The complete piping system as required along with valves, actuators, controls, grating
control valves, fittings and supports, insulation and cladding etc.


4.1.0 Condensate Polishing Unit (CPU)

There shall be 3x50% capacity service vessels per unit designed as per condensate flow
corresponding to maximum TG output at 1.0% make up, design condenser pressure and all
HP heaters out of service.

The quality of influent (condensate at inlet of CPU), effluent (condensate at outlet of CPU)
and service run length to be considered for design of the CPU shall be as below:

Normal conditions:

During normal conditions, the quality of influent and effluent shall be considered as below:

Description Influent Effluent

Sodium, ppb 10 2
Iron, ppb 50 5
Silica, ppb 30 5
Chloride, ppb 10 2
Ammonia, ppb 100 -
TDS (total dissolved solids), ppb 100 20
(excluding ammonia)
pH 8 – 9.3 -
Conductivity, µ mhos/cm - ≤ 0.1 at 25°C
Suspended solids (crud), ppb 50 5

Under the above operating conditions and design flow through the polisher units, the service
run of the vessels shall be minimum 15 days (360 hrs). The mode of CPU operation during
this period shall be either in hydrogen cycle or a combination of hydrogen and ammonia cycle
which shall be decided by the bidder while maintaining the above effluent quality.

Bidder shall declare in his bid the number of days of operation in hydrogen cycle and
ammonia cycle (if opted by the bidder) separately in a cycle of 15 days. Whenever specific
conductivity starts increasing in the effluent, it shall be deemed that the ammonia cycle has

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Start up conditions

During unit start- up conditions, the quality of influent shall be considered as below:

TDS, ppb 2000

Silica, ppb 150
Sodium, ppb 50

Crud (mostly black oxide of iron), ppb 1000

For design purposes, average crud loading shall be considered as 500 ppb.

For the above influent parameters under start up condition, total crud content of the effluent
shall not exceed 150 ppb and Silica and sodium shall not exceed 20 ppb.

The useful service run between two regenerations under start- up conditions shall not be less
than 50 hours.

The bed cross section shall be such that the average velocity of condensate through it shall
not exceed 2 meters/min at the design flow rate. The effective depth of the mixed resin bed in
the condensate polisher service vessels shall not be less than 1100 mm.
Maximum pressure drop under dirty conditions will be restricted to about 3.5 kg/cm including
the pressure drop across effluent resin traps.

Cation resins shall be regenerated by technical grade hydrochloric acid to IS:265

(concentration 30-33% by volume) and anion resins by sodium hydroxide, rayon grade to
IS:252 available as 48% lye or as flakes.

The regeneration process offered by the bidder shall be of proven design and shall give resin
separation compatible with the desired effluent quality. The bidder shall include inert resin in
the system if he feels that it helps in better resin separation.

Bidder shall submit sizing calculations for resin volume provided and capacities of various
regeneration equipment and neutralizing pit during detailed engineering.

Design pressure of service vessels shall be equal to shut off pressure of condensate
extractions pump
Design temperature of the vessel shall take care of all operating regimes including HP-LP
bypass operation.
All pressure vessels shall be designed and constructed in strict accordance with the ASME
code Section- VIII or acceptable equivalent international standard. Suitable mill tolerances
shall be considered for determining the thickness of the shells and dished ends. A minimum
thinning allowance of 2 mm shall be considered for the dished ends.

4.2.0 External Regeneration Facility

Alkali solution preparation facility

The tank capacity shall be equal to 120% of regeneration requirement of one polisher vessel.

The rated flow of the filter shall not be less than the design capacity of the alkali transfer-cum
recirculation pump, and the maximum velocity through the filter shall not exceed 12 m/hr.
Depth of the filter material shall not be less than 1 m.

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4.3.0 Chemical Feed System

Ammonia and hydrazine feeding

Arrangements shall be made to inject Ammonia and Hydrazine in the feed water suction lines
to the boiler feed pumps as well as at the condensate pumps discharge after the condensate
polishing unit. Ammonia shall be used as pH control agent and hydrazine as oxygen
scavenger. The concentration of aqueous ammonia to be dosed shall be around 3% and that
of hydrazine around 0.6%.

The bulk storage tank for ammonia shall be sized to hold one month requirement of aqueous
ammonia. The measuring and preparation/storage tanks for each chemical shall be designed
to have storage capacity equal to one day requirement of chemical dosing.

The capacity of solution preparation and solution metering tank shall be based on 24 hours
dosing of ammonia plus 20% margin. Ammonia Dosing pumps shall be provided with 25%
margin above the design capacity. The transfer of solution from preparation tank to metering
tank shall be by gravity.

Oxygen Feed system

Oxygen feed system shall be designed generally as per the guidelines of EPRI.

Oxygen after reducing pressure will be injected into condensate polisher outlet and deaerator
water tank’s downstream, and the dissolved oxygen in feed water will be controlled in a range
of 30-150µg/l at economizer inlet.

Oxygen dosage to condensate will be controlled by condensate flow, while the dosage to
feedwater will be controlled by feed water flow.

Oxygen feed system shall be controlled through Distributed Control Station (DCS) and also
be capable on Local Control Panel (LCP).


5.1.0 Service Vessels

All service vessels and regeneration area pressure vessels shall be fabricated from carbon
steel plates to SA 285C or SA-516 Gr. 70 or equivalent and lined internally. Conical or flat end
service vessels shall not be accepted.

Lining used may be soft rubber having a shore durometer reading of 40-70 on the A scale, or
semihard rubber having a durometer reading of 45-70 on the D scale. The lining shall be
applied in three layers, resulting in a total thickness of not less than 4.5 mm anywhere on the
internal surfaces of the vessels.

Inlet water and regenerant distributor of service vessels shall be of hub and diffuser splash
plate or header and perforated laterals. Material of construction shall be SS-316 except for
acid service which will be of haste alloy-B.

Under drains shall be provided with screened laterals with internal perforated pipes and
rubber lined flat bottom. For resin separation/ regeneration/ mixed resin vessels, it may have
fully screened bottom (NEVA – clog type with pora septanurese screen, fully supported by
subway grid or equal).

All internal fasteners shall be of SS-316 and heavy duty locknuts shall be used throughout.

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5.2.0 Exchange resins

Cation-anion resin ratio shall be 1.5 parts cation to 1.0 part anion by volume. In case the
bidder’s process require any non ionic resin the same shall represent at least 10 percent of
the bed volume, but not less than 15 cm of the bed depth in the resin separation/cation
regeneration tank of the external regeneration facility.

The bidder shall include with the plant adequate resins for the condensate polisher service
vessels along with one (1) spare charge of resin in the mixed resin storage tank. In addition a
separate charge of resin shall also be included for using the resins during commissioning of

The resins shall be in the form of spherical beads. The particle sizes and densities shall be
carefully selected to facilitate clear separation between the resins during regeneration
The average force required to fracture the individual bead of cation resin in hydrogen form,
anion resin in hydroxide form and Inert resin shall exceed 350 grams. Not more than 5
percent of the beads tested in each batch shall get fractured by forces less than 200 grams.

Base of the ion-exchange resins shall be copolymer of styrene and divinylbenzene forming a
macroporous or macrorecticular structure. The type of resins to be supplied shall as below:

Cation : Strong acid, with sulfonic acid functional group

Anion : Strong base, with quaternary ammonium (type- I) functional group
Inert : Non ionic, compatible with the above type resins
The resins shall be of reputed manufacturer with adequate past record of successful service
for not less than 3 years in similar application.

5.3.0 Vessel freeboard requirements

The pressure vessels in the common external regeneration facility shall be provided with
adequate freeboards over the top of the settled resins, to minimize resin loss during their use.
Minimum permissible freeboards are as follows:

• Mixed resin storage vessel – 50%

• Resin separation vessel – 75%
• Anion and cation regeneration vessels- 100%
• Activated carbon filter- 75%

In case resin separation vessel is also used as regeneration vessel then the free board shall
be 100%.

5.4.0 Resin traps

Outlet of each condensate polisher vessel and waste effluent header of the common
regeneration shall be provided with a resin trap. Pressure drop at design flow through a clean
resin trap shall not exceed 0.35 kg/cm2. Resin trap shall be of rubber lined steel construction
and internals (cord and screen) shall be of Johnson Screens (Ireland) or equivalent (SS-316)

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5.5.0 Emergency Bypass system

In the event of excessive pressure differential between the condensate inlet and outlet
headers, this control valve will open automatically to bypass requisite quantity of condensate
to prevent this pressure differential from exceeding a preset limit. The control system shall be
so designed that the control valve is able to bypass 50% of rated flow when any of the service
vessel is out of service and 100% of flow when both the service vessels are out of service.

5.6.0 Piping

The arrangement shall avoid any sharp bends which cause segregation of the mixed resins,
and pockets where the resins can get trapped. Suitable observation ports shall be provided in
all critical areas to enable the operator to monitor completeness of the resin transfer
operations. All necessary arrangements for venting and draining of the pipeline shall be

Remotely operated valves suitably interlocked with the plant operation, shall ensure that the
resins get transferred to and from only the particular service vessel which has been selected
by the operator.

The resin transfer pipeline shall be of stainless steel type 304. The pipeline shall be sized for
a flow velocity of between 2 and 3 m/s. The isolation valves on the resin transfer line shall be
of eccentric plug type/ball valve of stainless steel construction.

5.7.0 Control and Operation of Plant

The regeneration system shall be external and common to the two units. Under normal
conditions, it will hold a complete charge of freshly regenerated and mixed resin, ready for
use, in its storage tank. For regeneration, resin from the exhausted exchanger vessel will be
transferred hydraulically/hydro pneumatically to this facility. The empty exchanger vessel will
then be filled up with the already regenerated resin which was stored in the regeneration
facility. This exchange vessel shall come into service soon after pre requisite condition is
satisfied or as and when desired by the operator. In the meantime, the exhausted resin shall
be cleaned, separated, regenerated, mixed and rinsed before being stored for next use.

Control and operation of the condensate polishing unit.

The condensate polishing unit shall be controlled from plant DCS.

It shall be possible to select each of the CPU vessels for any of the following operations:

• Service
• Resin transfer from CPU vessel to regeneration plant
• Resin transfer from regeneration plant to CPU vessel
• Isolation from service
• Rinse recycle

A mimic diagram shall be provided for the CPU scheme on the front of the CPU control panel.
Status of various valves shall be indicated by LED’s on the mimic diagram.

5.8.0 Condensate polisher control system

Unit DCS based control to be provided as defined in C&I section 4.10. From this panel it shall
be possible to initiate any of the following operating modes:

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Rinse recycle

The rinse recycle shall be a manually initiated in full automatic sequence. This sequence shall
include the rinse down step until the unit effluent quality is acceptable for boiler feed water.
The effluent quality shall be determined by conductivity monitoring of the rinse water outlet. A
panel mounted cation conductivity indicator shall be interlocked to prevent advancing of the
automatic sequence until the rinse down is complete.

Service mode

Service flow rate for each polishing vessel shall be monitored by panel mounted flow
indicators. During periods of low condensate flow the operator may select to remove one of
the vessels from service by a manually initiated automatic sequence. A differential pressure
switch installed between the influent and effluent headers shall on a high signal cause an
annunciator alarm.

Panel mounted cation conductivity indicators shall be provided to monitor the polishing
system influent and effluent streams as well as the discharge of each service vessel.

The sequence resin transfer from CPU vessel to regeneration plant and from regeneration
plant to CPU vessel shall be initiated from the condensate polishing unit control panel but
shall be controlled by the programmable logic controller in the regeneration control panel.

5.9.0 Regeneration control system

Manually initiated automatic sequences shall be provided for transferring resin from a vessel
to the remote common facility for physical cleaning and chemical regeneration and for
returning fresh resin to that vessel. Control for chemical dosing system and alkali preparation
facility shall also be provided in it.

Regeneration shall include hydraulic reclassification of the resins and the transfer of the
resins to the respective regeneration vessels. The separated resins shall then be
backwashed, cation and anion regenerated with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
solutions respectively, rinsed and then followed air scrubbing and a good backwash. The
resin is then transferred back to the resin separation vessel and the resins are air mixed. The
mixed resins after regeneration are given a final rinse with the discharge conductivity being
monitored. If the quality is satisfactory, the mixed resin shall be transferred to the resin
storage vessel otherwise regeneration sequence shall be repeated.

Demineralized water shall be used throughout the regeneration process for backwashing,
regenerant diluent, rinsing and resin transfer. A conical bottom hopper having a water ejector
will be used for resin make-up.

The complete control and operation of the regeneration plant shall be through plant DCS.

It shall be possible to operate the regeneration plant in auto/semi-auto /manual mode.

Following operations shall be possible from the regeneration control panel:

• Complete regeneration
• Resin transfer from CPU vessel to regeneration plant.
• Resin transfer from regeneration plant to CPU vessel.
In 'Auto' mode, once the sequence has been initiated, it shall proceed from step to step

In 'Semi-auto' mode each step shall be performed only after initiation by the operator.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

In ‘Manual’ mode complete operation shall be by the operator by operation of the control
switches on the panel.

On DCS failure, it shall be possible to operate the valves by means of manual operation of
solenoid valves also.

It shall be possible to switch mode of operation from one to the other at any moment and the
operation shall proceed on the newly selected mode from that time.

The system shall incorporate the necessary safety features. During automatic sequential
operation, if any pre-requisite criteria is not fulfilled or missing for a pre determined time
interval, the steps should not proceed further, and Alarm shall be provided. Missing criteria,
sequence which is under hold up etc. shall be displayed on the panel.

A mimic diagram of the Regeneration system shall be provided on the front of the panel. The
status of various drives and valves shall be indicated by LED on the mimic diagram.

Wherever standby equipments are provided, it shall be possible to select each of the drive on
‘standby’ duty.

The detailed logic for the sequence and for each of the drive shall be subject to the
Purchaser’s approval.

Start, progress and stop of each of the sequence shall be annunciated in all the control

At any time only one of the sequence shall be in progress.


All interlocks for safe operation of the plant shall be provided. They shall specifically
include the following as minimum requirement:

Service vessels shall be taken back in service, only after they have been pressurized.

Service vessels shall be taken up for resin transfer only after they have been completely
isolated from the condensate system and depressurized.

Resin shall be transferred to and from only one service vessel at a time.

Resin transfer between the service and the regeneration skids shall be permitted only when
the receiving vessel is initially empty.

It shall be possible for the operator to extend the timing of a particular step by isolating the
timer for the duration. The timer will restart once the operator puts back the system on 'auto'
and the other steps will then follow as programmed.

The regeneration sequence shall be prevented from advancing further in the event of tripping
of a running motor or other fault condition which do not permit the various desired parameter
of this step to be achieved. A manual override for this shall also be provided.

The immersion heater in the hot water tank can be put on only when there is adequate water
level in the tank.

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Metering pumps for each chemical shall be of horizontal positive displacement, reciprocating
and variable stroke type. All the chemical storage/handling tanks shall be of SS304. Transfer/
dosing pumps shall be of SS-316 construction. The tanks shall be complete with necessary
fittings and accessories etc. including manhole/hinged cover, motorized stirrers for
preparation tanks, drain connection, exhaust through water seal for ammonia vapours and
level switches etc. The provision shall be made for flushing of the transfer/metering pumps by
the DM water/Condensate.


a) Duly filled-in technical data, bill of material and prices as per specified schedules.

b) Technical write-up for the system.

c) List of drawings/documents attached to tender.

d) Time schedule for design, manufacture, delivery, erection, testing, and commissioning.

e) P & I Diagram for the System

f) Operation and control philosophy.

g) Equipment layout drawings.

h) Process design calculations with catalogues and equipment sizing calculations

i) Utility consumption for various equipments (power, cooling water and instrument air

j) List of tests the Bidder proposes to carry out in shop and at site after installation including
those pertaining to their sub-Bidder.

k) List of all maintenance tools, tackles and accessories required for maintenance of the
offered equipment including bought out components.

l) List of all recommended spare parts for all equipment offered including bought out
components suitable for three (3) years operation.

m) A bar chart indicating design engineering, procurement, manufacture, testing at shop,

delivery, installation, testing and commissioning activity/duration of System offered.

n) Quality Assurance Plan.

o) Complete Electrical Load List

p) Bill of quantities for civil works.

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Drawings, data / documents to be furnished by the successful Bidder

The following drawings, data / documents shall be submitted for the approval / review of the
Purchaser / Consultant by the successful Bidder.

Mechanical Category

a) Drawing / Document submission schedule A

b) Process design calculations with catalogues and

equipment sizing calculations A

c) Final Schematic, Flow and P&I diagram with interlock

summary. A

d) Final technical data sheets for all equipment/ tanks/ vessels/

instruments A

e) Piping and Valve Schedule. A

f) Equipment layout drawings. A

g) Design calculations A

h) Pressure vessel thickness calculations A

i) FRP tank thickness calculations A

j) Fabrication drawings of vessels & tanks I

k) G.A. drawings , Data sheets of all equipment with sectional

details giving details of materials. A

l) Piping specification A

m) Piping layout A

n) Isometric drawings including pipe support drawings. I

o) Technical literature for all equipment I

p) Foundation bolt detail drawing. A


a) Complete civil inputs required for civil design A

Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, manufacture & assembly,
inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of Equipment cooling water (DMCW/CCCW)

This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with other sections of the
specification as appropriate and the equipment offered shall meet the requirements as spelt
out therein.


Equipment cooling water (DMCW/CCW) pumps and accessories shall be designed in

accordance with latest edition of following codes, standards specifications and regulations.
Also the system design shall conform to the requirements of applicable codes as specified in
the General Technical Specification.

HIS : Hydraulic Institute Standards

ANSI B 16.5 : Code of steel flanges and pipe fittings

ASTM : American Society of Testing and Materials.

PTC – 8.2 : Centrifugal Pumps – Power Test code.

IS 10981 : Acceptance test for centrifugal mixed flow and axial flow


The scope of supply shall include the pumps, PHE, tank with all components and complete
accessories and auxiliaries and shall include, but not be limited to the following(for each unit
unless otherwise indicated).

• Turbine generator auxiliaries and BOP auxiliaries

- 3 X 50% Closed circuit cooling water (CCCW/DMCW) pumps

- 3 X 50% Plate Heat Exchanger
- Complete interconnecting piping, fittings, valves, instrumentation, supports etc.
• Steam Generator (boiler) and BOP auxiliaries

- 2 X 100% Closed circuit cooling water (CCCW/DMCW) pumps

- 2 X 100% Plate Heat Exchanger
- Complete interconnecting piping, fittings, valves, instrumentation, supports etc.

• Any other equipment/ system not specifically mentioned here, but elaborated elsewhere
in the specification.

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The primary cooling water systems shall be closed circuit type with Demineralised (DM)
water. Sea water shall be used in the secondary (Auxiliary Cooling Water-ACW) circuit for
cooling the primary circuit DM water, through a set of plate type heat exchangers as specified.
All materials of construction used in primary (DM Water) circuit shall be suitable for the water
quality that would be applicable for this system.

Water quality for primary side shall be passivated Demineralised (DM) water. Sodium
Hydroxide dosing equipment shall be provided to maintain pH around 9.5 in the D.M. water

The outlet header from plate heat exchangers shall be suitably branched off to supply the
cooling water to various auxiliary coolers of Turbine-Generators/ Steam Generators/ Station
auxiliaries (BOP). Outlets from these auxiliary coolers shall be connected back into a common
return header and led back to the suction of DMCW pumps to complete the closed loop
primary cooling circuit of the respective module.

The primary cooling system shall be designed to provide the necessary cooling water flow to
the following auxiliary coolers: (Refer flow diagram for ACW & DMCW System 00-1112140-M-

a) Coolers for ID/ FD/ PA fans.

b) Coolers for Air Preheaters, coal mills.
c) Coolers for circulating water pump and motor
d) Coolers for access doors, scaffold doors
e) Coolers for SWAS, Sample coolers, Flame monitoring cameras
f) Steam turbine control fluid coolers.
g) Stator Water Coolers, Hydrogen Coolers, Seal Oil Coolers, Exciter cooer.
h) Feed water pumps and drives coolers.
j) Coolers of miscellaneous station auxiliaries.
j) Condensate extraction pump.
k) Ash conveying compressor
l) Ash instrument air compressor
m) IA & SA compressor
n) Sample coolers
o) Any other auxiliary coolers not specifically covered above.

Outlet of overhead tank shall be connected to the respective closed circuit return header to
serve the following:

a) The expansion of closed cycle water due to temperature fluctuations and to control other
b) For adequate Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) for DMCW pumps.
c) For normal make-up to closed loop cycle.
d) Emergency water supply to critical (if applicable) coolers in case of power failure.

pH of DM water in the closed loop shall be continuously monitored and controlled at around
9.5. The control shall be achieved by dosing sodium hydroxide in DM water overhead tank
and DMCW/CCW pump suction. The dosing shall be done automatically through a chemical
dosing pump. Provision for manual dosing shall also be provided.

Normal make up water for DM water overhead tank shall be taken from the condensate
extraction pumps discharge. Emergency make up water for DM water overhead tank shall be
taken from the condensate transfer pumps discharge. The make up water required for dosing
tank shall be tapped form both the normal and emergency make up water line to DM water
over head tank.

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Re-circulation line shall be provided with self regulating butterfly valve from the discharge
header of DMCW pumps up to the suction header.


5.1.0 Pumps
General design and construction DMCW/CCCW pumps shall be as per HI standard.

Pumps shall be identical in construction and similar parts of the pumps shall be

Continuous motor rating at high ambient for all pumps shall be at least 10% above the
maximum power requirement at any condition of entire characteristic curve of the pump.

Casing shall be provided with a drain & vent connection comprising of an isolation valve
and blind flange (with fasteners and gaskets) terminated at the edge of the base plate. The
minimum size of any connection or piping shall be 1/2 inch nominal pipe size.

Each pump and its components shall be designed to facilitate installation and removal.
Components requiring periodic inspections or maintenance shall be easily accessible.

Suction and discharge nozzles shall be flanged and shall conform to ASME standard.

Shaft sealing shall be by mechanical seal.

Sound power level shall not exceed 85 dBA at one (1) meter from the equipment.

The casing shall be designed to withstand the maximum shut-off pressure or 150% of
maximum pressure under which the pump can operate at design fluid temperature, whichever
is higher. Each pump shall preferably be of such construction that it is possible to service the
internals of the pump without disturbing suction and discharge piping connections. Casings
shall be of such thickness as well be suitable for maximum discharge and hydrostatic testing
pressure and pumping temperature, with a 3 mm minimum corrosion allowance.

Impeller shall be of shrouded type. Impeller shall be of single piece casting (fabricated
impellers not acceptable), smooth finished and dynamically balanced along with shaft on
proper balancing equipment so as not to cause any vibration.

Replaceable type wearing rings shall be furnished to prevent damage to impeller and casing.
A suitable method of locking the wearing ring shall be used, such as by the use of grub
screws. Wearing rings shall have a close tolerance fit to permit only a minimum of
recirculation flow. Impeller wearing rings shall have surfaces harder than surfaces of opposed
casing wearing or shall be made of non-galling material to suit the pump medium.

Bearings shall be of antifriction grease/oil lubricated heavy duty ball or roller bearings capable
of carrying heavy loads in either direction of rotation for continuous operation. The bearing
shall be designed for a minimum life of 40,000 hrs in continuous operation at rated pump
conditions. Hydrodynamics radial and/or thrust bearings shall be provided if required.
Bearing housings shall preferably be arranged so that bearings can be replaced without
disturbing pump drives or mountings. The housing shall be effectively protected against the
ingress of water, pumped fluid and dust. When oil lubrication is provided all bearing oil wells
shall be fitted with visual oil level indicators. Non-pressure oil lubricated bearings shall be
equipped with constant level oilers. Means of draining bearing housings shall be provided.

Proper lubricating may be by oil/ grease. In case of Oil lubricated bearings, the type shall be
of the ring oil/Flooded type, incorporating an ample oil reservoir and fitted with an oil level
sight glass/indicator and thermometer. Free access to all lubrication ports shall be
incorporated in the pump design. Means of draining bearing housings shall be provided.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

5.2.0 Plate Type Heat Exchangers

The plate heat exchangers are required to cool, DM water circulating in primary circuit with
the cooling medium of Auxiliary Cooling Water in the secondary circuit.

The heat exchanger shall be of gasketed plate type complete with frame plates, pressure
plates, heat transfer plates, flanges, gaskets, etc. The pressure containing parts shall be
designed, fabricated and tested as per ASME Sec VIII Div.I.

The heat exchangers shall be adequately designed for the indicated hot and cold fluid flow
rates which are the maximum values.

The plates which are in contact with both hot and cold fluids shall have design temperature
higher of the two temperatures.

Calculations of the surface areas shall be based on the fouling factor considered and the
frequency or time period between two successive cleanings.

The plate corrugations shall be such as to get high heat transfer coefficients, and prevent any
stagnant pockets in the channels to minimize fouling. The plate design shall ensure sufficient
number of contact points in order to reduce the contact pressure and minimize stress

The model of heat exchanger shall be selected such that the frame can accommodate at least
10% extra plates than required for the duty specified in this specification.

The heat transfer plates shall be of corrugated design. The corrugation pattern shall be
based on the total allowable pressure drop and the minimum required heat transfer
coefficient. The thickness selected shall enable the plate to withstand the differential
pressure & contact stresses arising out of bolt tightening.

5% margin on heat load shall be considered for PHE sizing. Frame of exchanger should be
designed to accommodate 10% additional plates in future.

Double sealing arrangement should be provided at outer edge and around ports to avoid
intermixing of fluids.

The inter-space should be vented to atmosphere.

Plate thickness should be adequate to withstand all operating conditions but not less than
0.6 mm.

Flanges shall be per ANSI B 16.5 or equivalent.

Minimum corrosion allowance for heat exchanger parts shall be 1.6 mm.

The corrosion allowance for the heat exchanger plate parts such as support plates, nozzles,
sliding channels and frame shall be 1.6 mm (minimum).

5.3.0 Strainers and Filters

a) The strainers shall have basket type straining elements permitting easy removal and

b) The open area ratio (i.e. straining area to the inlet area ratio) shall be at least 6:1.

c) The strainer shall have screen of stainless steel (AISI-304) construction with wire
diameter of about 0.25 mm and open area of about 50%. Strainer screen shall be of 80
mesh or higher.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

d) Strainer body shall be made of Mild steel.

e) Each strainer shall be provided with a pair of counter flanges and associated bolts nuts
and gaskets. Material of counter flanges shall be of tested quality steel conforming to
IS-2062. All strainers shall also be provided with oil drip plates beneath them for
collection of oil.

f) Bolts and nuts shall be as per IS-1363. Gaskets shall be minimum 3 mm thick.

5.4.0 Piping & Valves

Refer Volume-II section 2.20 for more details.

5.5.0 Tanks
Effective capacity of tank(s) wherever mentioned shall be from the minimum level (for alarm
purpose) to high level (for alarm purpose).

All the overflow / vent connections shall be terminated up to the plant effluent system.
Overflow shall be through seal and vent connections for alkali and DMCW tanks shall be
through CO2 absorbers.

5.6.0 Chemical Dosing Equipment

Chemical dosing to neutralize the corrosiveness of dematerialized water in primary side.

Periodic sampling for correct rate of dosing chemical.

Five percent solution of sodium hydroxide solution to be injected at the suction header of
closed loop pumps.

One no. Sodium hydroxide solution preparation tank along with three numbers
(3 x 50% capacity) of injecting (metering) pumps of reciprocating type shall be provided.


6.1.0 General

The I&C system shall consist of a field instruments, instrumentation & control cables and
erection hardware.

6.2.0 Operational Philosophy

It is envisaged that primary operations including control and monitoring of Demineralized
cooling water system will be carried out only from the Operator station of the plant DCS
located in the central control room.

Apart from the CCR operation, local operation shall be provided through LPB (Local push
buttons) located near the equipment.

6.3.0 DMCW Pump Controls

The complete controls will be implemented in the plant DCS.

The DMCW pump controls / interlocks shall be provided for safe and trouble free operation of
three numbers DMCW pumps (2 working + 1 standby) per unit for TG auxiliaries and (1
working +1 standby) per unit for SG and BOP auxiliaries.

The Local / Remote operation selection shall be made through MCC. After getting the Remote
selection as a permissive from MCC, drives shall be controlled / operated from DCS.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Emergency Stop push buttons will be provided to facilitate the emergency Stop operation of
DMCW Pumps and will be wired to the SWGR directly.

The local start command from LPB of DMCWP shall be routed through DCS where all control
logics, interlocks and permissive shall be implemented.

All alarms and Trips shall be annunciated in CCR.

Vibration monitoring system for the DMCW pumps shall be provided. Vibration monitoring
system shall be wired directly to the VMAS server located in the electronic equipment room.
Vibration measurement on X-Y axis for each bearing will be provided. Key phasor
measurement shall be provided based on the OEM recommendation.

6.4.0 Controls / Instruments / Interlocks provided for DMCW Pumps

Field Instruments

Following Instruments shall be provided for DMCWP.

• One no. pressure gauge at suction and discharge of each DMCW pump for local reading.

• One no. pressure transmitter on the suction common header shall be provided for
“pressure adequate” to start the pumps.

• One no. Pressure switches on the suction line shall be provided for “pressure low” to trip
the running pumps.

• One number recirculation control valve & one number DP transmitter shall be provided on
the recirculation line.

• Two nos. redundant pressure transmitters on the common header

• Cation cnductivity, conductivity of dischrge water available in the common headre shall be

a. DMCW Pump Discharge

1. One pressure switch shall be provided on the individual DMCW pump discharge for “low
low discharge pressure trip of DMCW pump”.

b. DMCW Common Header

1. One no. pressure transmitter on the common header of each Unit for sensing "Discharge
header pressure low" for starting the stand by pump.

2. One no. Pressure gauge shall be provided at the common discharge header for local

c. Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE)

1. A DP indicating Switch to sense the DP across the PHE and the same shall be
annunciated in the Plant DCS as well.

2. One number Temperature element at the suction and discharge header for remote
indication. One number Temperature Gauge and Pressure Gauge will be provided at the
inlet and outlet of each PHE.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

6.5.0 Controls / Interlocks for DMCW Pump & Discharge Valve

Starting of DMCW Pumps

The operation of DMCW pumps and its discharge valves shall be from Operator station in
CCR. The DMCW pumps with its discharge valves are envisaged to operate in sequence,
after start command is initiated by operator.

Any DMCW pump can be started only when following Permissive conditions are fulfilled.

 DMCWP suction valve - ‘fully opened’ measured through “ZSO” contact

 DMCW pump discharge motorized valve - `fully closed'.
 Motor winding temp. "Not High".
 Pump bearing temp. "Not High".
 Motor bearing temp. "Not High".
 Discharge motorized valve” actuator ready to start”.
 HT Switchgear “Available”

Starting of first DMCW Pump

1. DMCW pump ‘start command' shall start the DMCW pump and simultaneously the
command is issued to the discharge motorized valve to open.

2. In case the discharge motorized valve fails to open within the specified time, a DMCWP
trip command shall be initiated.

3. In case discharge motorized valve fails to open with in a specified time, an audio-visual
annunciation shall be generated for operator's intervention for manual operation.

Starting of Standby DMCW Pumps

• After the system is primed (sensed through pressure), start command of standby DMCW
pumps, will be given with time delay. If running pumps trips, the standby pump shall start
automatically. Once standby pump start command is initiated, the corresponding standby
pump discharge motorized valve shall open automatically.

Tripping of DMCW Pumps

DMCW Pumps shall trip in the event of following eventualities.

• Pump suction pressure “low low”
• Pump discharge pressure low
• Pump discharge motorized valve failed to open.
• Pump / Motor - bearings temperature “high high”
• Motor winding temp “high high”
• Motor & Pump vibration “high High”

When DMCW pump stops (or Trips) the motorized valve at DMCW Pump discharge, shall
close fully.

6.6.0 DMCW Overhead Make-up Tank

In the event of low tank level sensed by the level transmitter, the DM water make up
motorized valve shall open automatically. The valve shall close automatically at high level in
One level gauge shall also be provided for local indication of water level in the tank.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.8.1


Description Data
Number of DMCW/CCW pumps for turbine 3 x 50% for each unit
generator auxiliaries.
Number of DMCW/CCW pumps for steam 2 x 100 % for each unit
generator auxiliaries and BOP auxiliaries.
Capacity of each pump Design flow required for all the auxiliaries of the
circuit + Design flow required for common auxiliaries
+ 10% margin.
Head of pump As per system requirement +10% margin on friction
Type of Pumps Horizontal Centrifugal type
Impeller type Closed
Speed 1500 rpm
Drive transmission Direct
Seal Mechanical seal
Lubrication Oil / Grease /Self-liquid
Coupling Spacer type
Accessories Drain plug, vent, priming connection, Coupling
guard, lifting lugs etc
Shut off head About 15% more than rated head
Material of construction
Casing ASTM-A-351 CF8M
Impeller ASTM-A-351 CF8M
Wearing Rings SS-316
Shaft SS-316
Mechanical Seal Manufacturer's Std
Base plate MS fabricated - IS: 2062 (min thickness 10 mm)
Stuffing Box ASTM-A-351CF8M
Type Plate type, single pass
Number of heat exchangers for turbine 3 x 50% for each unit
generator auxiliaries.
Number of heat exchangers for steam 2 x 100% for each unit
generator auxiliaries and BOP auxiliaries.
Design pressure 2 times working pressure or 1.5 times shut off head
of respective pumps, whichever is higher.
4 2
Overall fouling factor 0.8 x 10 hrm deg.C/kcal
Material of Construction
Heat transfer plate Titanium
Plate Gasket Nitrile Rubber
Thickness of plate Contractor to furnish
Carrying Bar CS (IS 2062)
Guide Bar CS (IS2062)
Frame Plate / Pressure plate/ nozzle CS (IS2062)
Nozzle Flange CS (IS2062), ANSI B16.5
-4 2 o
Overall Friction Factor (min) 0.8x10 m hr C / kcal
Type Self cleaning Strainers
Material of Construction
Body IS :2062 (ebonite lining)
Plates Stainless Steel (SS:316)

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Data
Filters SS 316
Quantity per Unit One for each unit
Effective Capacity 10 Cu.M (Minimum.)
Type Horizontal With Dished ends
Design Pressure Atmospheric
Design Standard ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code Section-VIII
Plates to IS: 2062/ ASTM A36. Minimum shell
Material of Construction thickness shall be 6mm.
Location Power House floor at suitable elevation.
Vent, Overflow & Drain connections, Manhole,
Accessories approach ladder/platform etc.
Quantity per Unit One for each unit
Effective Capacity of each Suitable for the system
Size (Dia. x Height) Adequate
Type Vertical cylinder, dished bottom
Design Pressure Atmospheric
ASME Boiler & Pressure vessels Code Section-VIII.
Design Standard Div.
Material of Construction SS plates of minimum thickness of 6 mm
Dissolving Basket AISI-316,
Propeller type agitator (shaft, propeller etc. of
stainless steel 316SS construction) along with
drive motor of suitable rating and protection class.
Agitator (With Slow speed reduction gear unit)
Accessories Vent, overflow, drain & Sample connections.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract





This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, fabrication, manufacture &
assembly, inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of complete Fuel Oil System.


The design, manufacture and testing of the equipment or any item as specified in this section
shall comply with the requirements of the latest revisions of one or more of the following
standards as applicable:

API 650 (2001) Welded steel tanks for oil storage

IS - 803 Code of practice for design fabrication and erection of

vertical mild steel cylindrical welded oil storage tanks.

IS - 800 Code of practice for general construction in steel

API STD: 2000 Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks:

Non refrigerated and Refrigerated

IS-1593 Code for Heavy fuel Oil (HFO)

IS-1460 (2005) Specification for Diesel Fuels

IS-8183 Specification for Bonded Mineral Wools Group 4

ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Section IX, Welding & Brazing qualification.
(B & PV) Code

ASME Sec II Material specification

ASME Sec V Non destructive examination

ASME Sec.VIII, Div.I (2001) Boiler and pressure vessel code

ASME/ANSI B31.1 (2001) American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code for

Power Piping

ANSI B 16.5 (1996) Code of steel flanges and pipe fittings

BS-5351 Code for design & testing of steel ball valve

API-600 Code for design & construction of gate valve for sizes 50
NB or above

API-602 : Code for design & construction of gate valve for sizes
below 50 NB

NEC National Electrical Code

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

NFPA 850 Electric Generating Plants

BS 3274 Specification for tubular heat exchanger for general


OISD – 118 Oil Industry Safety Directorate – Layouts for Oil and Gas

Petroleum Act – 1934

API 610 Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery service

API – 676 Positive Displacement Pumps - Rotary

ASTM American Society for testing & Materials

TEMA Standard of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer's


ANSI 16.10 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Face to Face

and End to End Dimensions for Valves

ANSI B 31.1 Power piping

ANSI B16.34 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Valves –

Flanged, Threaded and Welding End

ANSI B16.5 Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings

IBR Indian Boiler Regulations.

If the equipment supplied does not conform to the above codes and standards, but it is
manufactured to the Contractor's own standard developed from his experience, the same
shall be clearly identified in the Bid, with sufficient data to support the design. The design shall
be accepted by the Owner, if he is satisfied that the design proposed is based on adequate

In addition to the above requirements, all equipment and procedure shall comply with
applicable laws regulations and requirements of the state in which the project is located.


The list is by no means exhaustive and the items though not specifically mentioned but
needed for safe, efficient, trouble-free and coordinated operation of the system

• HFO Unloading and Storage System

• HFO Forwarding System
• HFO Heating and Cooling System
• HSD Unloading and Storage System
• HSD Forwarding System
• Drain Oil and Oily Water Separator System
• Steam and Condensate System
The complete piping system as required along with valves, actuators, fittings and supports,
insulation and cladding etc.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Fuel oil system and its facilities shall be designed meeting the requirements of Pollution
Control/Petroleum/Explosive rules of Central and State Governments.

The HSD shall be used for cold start-up, warm-up purposes, for start-up / commissioning
activities and firing up to 7.5% MCR of the main boilers. The HFO shall be utilized as start up
and secondary fuel for flame stabilization during low load operation (upto 30%) of the main

The HSD and HFO systems are represented in flow diagram 00-1112140-M-005.

4.1.0 HFO Unloading and Storage System

Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) system shall be transported to site by road tankers. The system shall
be equipped with dedicated facilities to unload and meter the deliveries by road tankers. The
HFO unloading system comprises a HFO unloading header to enable the simultaneous
unloading of ten (10) road tankers with connection branch to each tanker provided with ball
valves. Simplex strainer shall be provided at each unloading pump suction. Flow meter shall
be provided after the unloading pump discharge header to measure the quantity of flow into
the HFO storage tank.

4.2.0 HFO Unloading Pumps

• The HFO unloading facility shall be designed to enable to unload 10 road tankers
simultaneously and discharge to onsite storage tanks within one hour period
• Configuration shall be Three (3) nos- (2W+1S) each with a capacity of 100 Cum /hr.
• Head
a) The discharge head shall be adequate to meet the pumping from road tankers to a
nearly full storage tank operation with the worst case oil viscosity.
b) A margin of 10 % shall be added to the calculated head requirement.
c) The discharge head of HFO unloading pumps shall be adequate to pump from the
unloading header into a nearly full storage tank operation.

4.3.0 HFO Storage Tanks

The maximum storage temperature for the tank shall be at least 50°C. The tank shell
temperatures caused by solar irradiation must be considered too.
Effective storage capacity of each HFO storage tank shall be 3000 m .

No. of HFO Storage tanks : 2 Nos.


• Effective capacity shall mean the capacity between High level and Low level. High level
shall be 100 mm below High High level and Low level shall be 100 mm above top of outlet

• The FO storage tanks roof and shell metal thickness shall be as required by API: 650 plus
a corrosion allowance of 3 mm (1/8 inch).

• Each HFO tank shall be equipped with floor coil heater. Heavy fuel oil tank shall also be
designed to incorporate suction heaters for steam heating of the oil as it is withdrawn from
the tank.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• The HFO Tanks should be located in such a way that the maximum dead stock for the
NPSH required for the pump shall not be more then 100 Kl.

• Spare nozzles for suction and Recirculation shall be provided in each HFO tank for future

• Measurement points & control logics shall be employed in the unit DCS.

4.4.0 HFO Heating and Cooling System

Floor Coil Heater

The heavy fuel oil storage tanks shall be provided with steam floor coil heaters at the bottom
of the tank to raise the temperature of oil from minimum expected temperature of oil under
minimum ambient temperature to the handling / tank maintenance temperature in order to
ensure flow ability of oil. The floor coil heater shall be of Serpentine type, using A106 Gr.B
pipes and of welded type construction. Heating shall be provided from plant’s auxiliary steam

Suction Heater

The function of the heavy fuel oil tank suction heater is to heat the required quantity of oil from
the bulk temperature in the storage tanks to the temperature required at HFO forwarding
pumps suction. The heater shall heat only the quantity of oil that is being withdrawn from the

Fuel oil suction heater shall be shell and tube type heat exchanger designed for immersion in
the oil. Heaters shall be designed for mounting on the tank shell by bolting to a flanged
connection. Additional support shall be provided from the tank floor as required to properly
support the weight of the heater. Heaters shall be designed for steam flow through the tubes,
while the oil passes through the shell to the forwarding pump suction. Auxiliary steam shall be
the heating medium.

HFO heaters

Design oil flow of each heater shall be matching with the pump capacity defined above and
shall maintain the outlet temperature of HFO as required at the burner header. Working Oil
pressure shall be as per requirement and design oil pressure shall be 1.5 times the working
pressure. The heaters shall be sized considering inlet temperature as 30° C and the design
shall conform to TEMA/ ASME SEC-VIII.

All heaters shall be provided with a 100 percent capacity. Configuration shall be
1 Working + 1 Standby.

Steam Heating & Electric Trace Heating

Steam heating shall be used for all Unloading tanker/storage tanks/suction coil heater in the
fuel oil unloading, storage and forwarding pump house area.

Electrical Trace Heating shall be used for the HFO piping (both supply and return lines)
between pump house area and the boiler front and HFO piping in fuel oil unloading, storage
and forwarding pump house area. The Electric Trace Heating shall be of the self-regulating

A single thermostat shall not be used to simultaneously provide control over both flowing and
non-flowing portions of lines.

The heater output shall be sufficient to replace the heat loss plus a 10% safety factor.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

HFO Coolers

The function of the heavy fuel oil coolers is to reduce the temperature of the heavy fuel oil by
cooling it from the Boiler return temperature to HFO storage tank maintenance temperature.
HFO return oil cooler shall be cooled by service water. It shall be complete with make-up
connection with float valve. Separate package type cooling tower with pumps shall be
provided.. All coolers shall be provided with a 100 percent capacity. Configuration shall be
1 Working + 1 Standby.

4.5.0 HFO Forwarding System

The HFO from the storage tanks shall be supplied to boiler units by means of the HFO
forwarding system, comprising of 3 Nos. (2W + 1S) HFO Forwarding Pumps. System shall be
designed for a capacity sufficient for firing up each boiler for 30% load with recirculation. The
excess oil shall be returned to the storage tank. The HFO forwarding pumps shall be
designed to operate in parallel with each other with provisions for necessary relief valves.
Duplex strainer shall be provided at forwarding pump suction & discharge common headers.

The pumps shall be selected at 110% of the actual required design flow to account for the
wear over the operating life. Configuration shall have individual pumps for each unit with at
least one standby. The common stand-by pump shall be put automatically in operation in
case of operating pump trip.

a) Design flow capacity each : Catering to 30% of the BMCR capacity of fuel oil for one
boiler including continuous recirculation from burner
header end, with 10% margin.

HFO pressuring Pumps Recirculation Control Valves Shall be designed to the maximum flow
capacity of Full pump discharge flow and minimum flow capacity of 10% of pump
discharge flow.

4.6.0 HSD Unloading and Storage System

The High speed diesel (HSD) shall be transported to site by road tankers and unload it to the
HSD storage tank for further forwarding to consumers of the Power plant. The oil from the
road tankers shall be unloaded to header through neoprene hoses. Simplex strainer shall be
provided at each unloading pump suction.

4.7.0 HSD Unloading Pumps

• The HSD road tanker unloading facility shall be designed to enable to unload 5 road
tankers simultaneously and discharge to onsite storage tanks within one hour period.
• Configuration shall be Two (2) nos - (1W+1S) each with a capacity of 100 Cum /hr.
• Head
a) A margin of 10% shall be added to the calculated head requirement.
b) The discharge head of HSD unloading pumps shall be adequate to pump from the
unloading header into a nearly full storage tank operation.

4.8.0 HSD Storage Tanks

HSD storage tank shall be provided to have a effective storage capacity shall be 1000 m .

No. of HSD Storage tanks : 1 No.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


• Effective capacity shall mean the capacity between High level and Low level. High level
shall be 100 mm below High High level and Low level shall be 100 mm above top of outlet

• The HSD storage tanks roof and shell metal thickness shall be as required by API: 650
plus a corrosion allowance of 3 mm (1/8 inch).

• The HSD Tank should be located in such a way that the maximum dead stock for the
NPSH required for the pump shall not be more than 30 Kl

• Spare nozzles for suction and Recirculation shall be provided in the HSD tanks for future

• Low level is the minimum static head required for the pump.

4.9.0 HSD Forwarding System

HSD forwarding pumps 3 Nos( 2W+ 1S) shall be designed to supply the HSD flow
requirement for the start-up of each boiler simultaneously.

The HSD forwarding pumps shall be selected at 110% of the actual required design flow to
account for the wear over the operating life. Configuration shall have individual pumps for
each unit with at least one standby. Duplex strainer shall be provided at forwarding pump
suction and discharge common header.

a) Design flow capacity each : Catering to 7.5% of the BMCR capacity of fuel oil for one

HSD pressuring Pumps Recirculation Control Valves Shall be designed to the maximum flow
capacity of Full pump discharge flow and minimum flow capacity of 10% of pump discharge

4.10.0 Drain Oil, Oily water and Oily Water Separator System

Drain Oil System

The drain oil from various equipment of HFO, HSD Unloading system shall be collected in a
common drain oil tank. The tank shall be rectangular tank of carbon steel construction. The
drained oil shall be transferred to the HFO storage tanks by drain oil pump. The drain oil
system shall be steam traced and insulated.

Drain oil pump shall be vertical positive displacement, twin screw, steam jacketed type
pumps shall be provided to transfer the drained oil to heavy fuel oil storage tanks.
Configuration shall be 1W + 1S.

Oily water System

The oily water mixture from HFO, HSD unloading area and sump area in the pump house and
tank dyke area shall be led to the oily water sumps by gravity.

Oily Water separator System

The oily water mixture from Oily water collection sump shall be led to the oily water separator
sumps through non clog vertical centrifugal pumps suitable capacity. Configuration shall be
1W + 1S. The waste water from oily water separator sump shall be transferred to Waste
Water Treatment System for further treatment.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

4.11.0 Steam and Condensate System

Auxiliary steam after pressure reduction / PRDS shall be available for Steam heating / tracing
for Heavy Fuel oil unloading, storage system and HFO heaters along with drain oil system
shall be provided to maintain the oil temperature and viscosity. PRDS shall be sized based
on the Auxiliary steam parameters.

Condensate from storage tank heating and suction heaters shall be drained through steam
traps to a header which shall lead to condensate flash tank. Condensate from truck unloading
area shall be collected through the condensate drain header and led to the condensate flash
tank of suitable capacity before discharging the same to oily water separator sump.


5.1.0 Pumps

The HFO/ HSD/ Drain Oil Pumps shall be of positive displacement type with gear, screw or
sliding vane rotary type or any other rotating element. Both HFO and HSD firing pumps shall
be located in the same pump house.

5.2.0 Bearing

Bearing shall be antifriction ball or roller preferably split type or sleeve type. Bearings shall be
adequately sized to absorb radial as well as axial thrust loads, if any. Bearings shall be of
external type. In the latter case provision of lubrication of the bearings by oil or grease shall be

5.3.0 Mechanical Seal

Mechanical seal shall be provided at roots where the shaft extends from the casing. The seal
material shall have low co-efficient of friction and shall be suitable for the fluid handled.

5.4.0 Relief Valve

a) Each pump shall have relief valve either built-in with the body or end plate, or attachable
as specified elsewhere for protection against damage due to accidental closure of
discharge valve & pressure build up.

b) The capacity of the relief valve shall be at least that of the pump to ensure the full
discharge of liquid through the bypass line to the suction side of the pump during
accidental pressure build up.

c) The relief valve body shall be constructed from stainless steel/ The MOC of relief valve
shall be same as the pump MOC with internals shall be stainless steel.

5.5.0 Jacketed Body

HFO Pumps and strainers at pump suction and discharge (as required) shall be of steam-
jacketed type.

5.6.0 Timing Gear

Timing gear shall be provided to transmit torque from one rotor shaft to another and to
maintain the proper angular relationship of the rotors. Proper lubricating arrangement for this
shall be provided.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

5.7.0 Coupling

a) Pump shall be connected to its drive by means of flexible coupling.

b) Coupling guard shall be provided.

5.8.0 Base plate

Common base plate for the pump and motor shall be provided. The base plate shall be
suitably drilled for the anchor bolts. The base plate shall have drip pan and suitable draining

5.9.0 Drive Motor

The design and construction of the drive motor shall be as specified in relevant Electrical

5.10.0 Strainers and Filters

a) The strainers shall have basket type straining elements permitting easy removal and

b) The open area ratio (i.e. straining area to the inlet area ratio) shall be at least 6:1.

c) The strainer shall have screen of stainless steel (AISI-304) construction with wire
diameter of about 0.25 mm and open area of about 50%. Strainer screen shall be of
40 mesh or higher.

d) Strainer body shall be made of Mild steel.

e) Each strainer shall be provided with a pair of counter flanges and associated bolts nuts
and gaskets. Material of counter flanges shall be of tested quality steel conforming to
IS-2062. All strainers shall also be provided with oil drip plates beneath them for
collection of oil.

f) Bolts and nuts shall be as per IS-1363. Gaskets shall be minimum 3 mm thick.

5.11.0 Steam Traps with Strainers

a) The steam traps shall be inverted bucket or thermodynamic type complete with integral or
separate strainers.

b) Traps shall have carbon steel body with stainless steel internals to AISI 316.
c) Y-type strainers whether integral with steam traps or otherwise shall have body of Cast
Steel Class 150 material and perforated metal screen of type AISI-316 stainless steel
with about 0.8 mm perforation. The strainer shall have screwed blow off connections
fitted with removable plug. The free opening area shall be at least three (3) times the
internal pipe area.

d) Numbers and location of steam traps shall be selected by the Contractor.

5.12.0 Fuel Oil Heaters

a) The heaters shall be located adjacent to the fuel oil pumps, preferably on a common
structural steel base plate with suitable drip lip and plugged drain connection.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

b) The heaters shall be shell and tube type heat exchanger designed as per HEI/IS-4503 or
equivalent to meet the performance requirements as given. The heat exchanger shall be
shell/straight tube single pass type having oil flow through the tubes. Care shall be taken
in design and construction to prevent oil leakage into steam space.

c) Suitable lugs for gripping the insulation material shall be provided on the heater shell.

d) Each heater shall be furnished with cast steel flanged relief valves to protect the heater
from excess pressure and air vents with valves in the oil and the steam compartment.
Steam trap outlets and all drains shall be brought to one common point.


a) The HFO and HSD unloading pumps shall be controlled/operated from the Local control
panel. The unloading pumps shall be automatically tripped of in the event of high level in
the connected storage tanks.

b) The HFO and HSD pressurising pumps system shall be controlled and monitored from
Central Control Room (CCR) through the DCS Remote I/O unit. The pressurizing pumps
shall be automatically tripped in the event of any of the followings :

1) low level in the connected storage tanks

2) pump suction temperature lower than 55 C (for HFO only).

The stand by pressurising pump shall be automatically started in the event of either low
pressure in respective pump discharge header or tripping of any of the running pumps.

c) Drain oil pumps and recovery oil pumps shall have manual control/operation from the
Operator Station in the CCR. Drain oil pump shall, however, be automatically tripped in
the event of low level in drain oil tank.

d) Steam flow to the HFO tank heaters shall be controlled by the pneumatically operated
shut off valve (On/off type) on individual lines to maintain desired level of oil
temperature. One pneumatic control valve shall be provided on the steam supply line to
each suction heater in HFO tank to control the tank outlet temperature.

e) Steam flow to each HFO heater shall be independently controlled by means of the
control valve on steam line to control the heater outlet oil temperature. The motorized
valves on steam supply lines to HFO heaters shall have start/stop facilities from the
Local and also from the Central Control room

f) Recirculation control valve shall be provided for HFO & HSD forwarding pumps to
maintain pump discharge & to the protect pumps from over-pressurization of the piping
in the event the downstream valves being closed with the pumps in service.

g) All the transmitters, switches used in this area shall be explosion proof and shall have the
zener protection.


• Technical Data Sheets duly filled up

• System description Fuel oil unloading system
• General Arrangement Drawings
• Manufacturers catalogues
• Equipment layout drawings
• Electrical load list

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Technical Data sheets for the Motor and Actuators

• Load list / drive list
• Specification, data sheet and catalogues for motor
• Alarm list and Instrument list
• Technical data sheets of all instruments and control panel along with catalogue
• Write – up on operation & control philosophy
• Write-up on Control system
• Process & Instrumentation drawing
• GA drawing & Local control panel details
• Power consumption details
• Bill of Quantities
• List of Codes and Standards
• Lubricants list (with quantities for initial fill and make-up)
• Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)
• Quality Assurance Plan.
• List of tests to be conducted at shop and at site
• Testing procedures
• Surface protection & painting procedures
• List of all maintenance tools, tackles and accessories required for maintenance of the
offered equipment including bought out components
• List of all recommended spare parts for all equipment offered including bought out
• List of commissioning spares
• List of sub-vendors/ sub-contractors
• Detailed engineering, manufacturing and delivery schedule
• Details of similar job executed in last five years
• End user certificates



• Final version of the technical data sheet with vendor drawings/catalogues and
performance curves
• Final version of system description and control philosophy
• Design Criteria for the equipment
• Process design calculations with detailed equipment sizing design criteria.
• Capacity calculations (flow & head) for all pumps, heat exchangers, control valves etc., of
the system.
• Pressure loss calculations across all filters (to be identified individually) and pipeline &
• All pressure vessels and tanks thickness calculations
• Insulation thickness calculation
• Detailed equipment layout showing details such as views, elevations, plans, sections, etc
• Final version of general arrangement of all equipment and vessels including details of
• Sectional drawings of all equipment giving details of materials and design calculations.
• Piping layout drawings, support drawing with bill of quantities.
• Piping isometric drawings for pipes >2”
• Pipe support drawings with details
• Final version of Utility Consumer list
• Equipment list with detailed technical specifications of all items.
• Pipe line list
• Valve list indicating detailed technical specifications (make, size, range)
• Piping specification

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Fabrication drawings of equipment & tanks

• List of oil, lubricants, grease etc. for all equipment, as required.


• Foundation outline drawing showing plan dimensions and elevations and loading
details, pocket size, etc.
• Point of action of static and dynamic loads in plan and elevation for all equipment &
tanks / structures.
• For foundations subject to vibrations in addition to the above, the following shall be
 Weight of rotating parts.
 Unbalanced force to be considered for dynamic design along with its direction and
point of application.
 Maximum allowable amplitude of vibrations in vertical and horizontal direction.
• Details of control room, layout, air-conditioning requirements etc.
• Layout and details of anchor bolts for equipment and tank / structures
• Embedment details
• Special instructions if any on civil works for both design and construction aspects


• Technical Data sheets for the Motor and Actuators

• Control scheme for Motor Starter
• Control scheme/wiring diagram for Actuators.
• Load list/ drive list
• BOQ of Materials for Earthing.
• GA drawing & terminal box detail for Motor
• Motor curves including Torque Vs speed, Thermal withstand, Locked rotor curves (hot &
Cold), Starting characteristics (at 80% & 100% rated voltage), Performance curve
(output Vs efficiency, output Vs current, output Vs slip).
• Any floor opening/cut-out / embedded plate details for cable routing / equipment

Control & Instrumentation

• Final version of instrument list and I/O list

• Detailed P&ID
• Detailed write-up on operation, control & design Philosophy
• Power & control cable schedule
• Schedule of instruments and controls indicating operating parameters, ranges etc.
• List of alarm annunciations with set values
• Technical data sheets for all instruments and controls
• Sizing calculations for all flow elements and control valves
• Protection and interlocking logics for the System.
• Technical specification for relay based LCP
• General arrangement, front layout, internal arrangement etc. for the panel
• Internal and external cable inter connection details for LCP
• Interconnecting cable schedule
• Instrument location layout and cable routing layout
• Instrument air routing layout
• Junction Box (JB) schedule
• Instrument loop diagrams
• Power supply distributions diagram
• Instrument installation diagrams
• Control schemes

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Write-up for controls and interlocks provided.

• Detailed technical write-up and operating instructions of instruments
• Test Certificate for all the instruments


• Drawing / Document submission schedule

• Terminal point schedule
• Erection procedure/ manuals and Commissioning manuals.
• Operation and maintenance manual.
• List of maintenance tools spares for startup commissioning and trouble free operation
• Any other documents pertaining to the supplied equipment required for construction,
operation, maintenance and repair.
• Material test certificates, inspection & test report, performance test report
• As built drawings
• Final version of surface protection & painting procedures
• Equipment nameplate details
• Erection Bill of Quantities

Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.9.1


S.No Description Unit Data

Horizontal, twin-screw type, steam
1 Type
2 Number nos. 3(2Working + 1 Standby)
3 Rated capacity m /hr 100(each)
4 Rated head mlc As per design criteria
5 Duty Intermittent and parallel operation
6 Type of drive Directly driven by electric motor
7 Relief Valve Yes
8 Material of construction
8.1 Rotor Stainless Steel
8.2 Shaft Stainless Steel
8.3 Shaft sealing Mechanical Seal
8.4 Casing & Rotor housing Material CI as per IS :210 Gr. 260
Hardened and tempered alloy steel
8.5 Driving gear with machine cut teeth and ground


1 Type Horizontal, twin-screw type

2 Number nos. 2(1Working + 1 Standby)

3 Rated capacity m /hr 50(each)
4 Rated head mlc As per design criteria
5 Duty Intermittent and parallel operation
6 Type of drive Directly driven by electric motor
7 Relief Valve Yes
8 Material of construction
Stainless Steel or Equivalent
8.1 Rotor
subject to approval of Owner
Stainless Steel or Equivalent
8.2 Shaft
subject to approval of Owner
8.3 Shaft sealing Mechanical Seal
8.4 Casing & Rotor housing Material CI as per IS: 210 Gr. 260
Hardened and tempered alloy steel
8.5 Driving gear with machine cut teeth and ground


Horizontal, triple-screw type, steam
1 Type

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

S.No Description Unit Data

2 Number nos. 3(2W + 1S)
3 Rated capacity m /hr As per requirement
4 Rated head mlc As per design criteria

5 Duty Intermittent and parallel operation

6 Type of drive Directly driven by electric motor
7 Relief Valve Yes
8 Material of construction
8.1 Rotor Stainless Steel
8.2 Shaft Stainless Steel
8.3 Shaft sealing Mechanical Seal
8.4 Casing & Rotor housing Material CI as per IS :210 Gr. 260
Hardened and tempered alloy steel
8.5 Driving gear with machine cut teeth and ground


1 Type Horizontal, triple-screw type
2 Number nos. 3(2W + 1S)
3 Rated capacity m /hr As per requirement
4 Rated head mlc As per design criteria
5 Duty Intermittent and parallel operation
6 Type of drive Directly driven by electric motor
7 Relief Valve Yes
8 Material of construction
Stainless Steel or Equivalent
8.1 Rotor
subject to approval of Owner
Stainless Steel or Equivalent
8.2 Shaft
subject to approval of Owner
8.3 Shaft sealing Mechanical Seal
8.4 Casing & Rotor housing Material CI as per IS: 210 Gr. 260
Hardened and tempered alloy steel
8.5 Driving gear with machine cut teeth and ground

1 Number nos. 2
2 Effective Capacity m 3000
Vertical, cylindrical, fixed roof type
3 Type of construction
with atmospheric vents
4 Design Code API 650 / IS:803
Tank maintenance temp/ As per
5 Operating /design Temperature Deg. C
design criteria
6 Design Pressure API 650

7 Material of construction Plates : IS 2062

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

S.No Description Unit Data

7.1 Steel plates Carbon steel IS 2062
7.2 Structural Shapes Carbon steel IS 2062
7.3 Nozzles Carbon steel IS 2062
7.4 Flanges Carbon steel IS 2062
8 Venting Capacity As per API 2000/ IS 803
9 Insulation Yes
10 Steam floor coil heater & Suction


1 Number 1
2 Effective Capacity m 1000

3 Type of construction Vertical, cylindrical, fixed roof type

4 Design Code IS:803 / API 650
5 Operating/design Temperature Deg. C Ambient / 60
6 Design Pressure API 650
7 Material of construction Plates : IS 2062
7.1 Steel plates Carbon steel IS 2062
7.2 Structural Members Carbon steel IS 2062
7.3 Nozzles Carbon steel IS 2062
7.4 Flanges Carbon steel IS 2062
8 Insulation Not applicable
9 Venting Capacity As per IS 803/API 2000
10 Floor coil heater & suction Heater Not applicable


Design code As per Manufacturer std subject to
approval of Owner.
2 Design minimum heat load kW As per design criteria
3 No of heating element As per requirement
4 Material of construction
A106 Gr B
All safeties as per code shall be
5 Safety provided. Bidder shall furnish a list
of all such safeties.
6 Corrosion allowance mm 1


1 Design code API / TEMA
2 Design minimum heat load kW As per design criteria
3 No of heating element As per requirement
4 Material of construction
A106 Gr B
All safeties as per code shall be
5 Safety provided. Bidder shall furnish a list
of all such safeties.
6 Corrosion allowance mm 1

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

S.No Description Unit Data

Type Shell (OIL) and tube(STEAM) type
1 with U type seamless tube bundle
2 Design code API / TEMA
3 No: of heaters 2(1W + 1S)
4 Material of construction A106 Gr B

Type Shell (OIL) and tube(WATER) type
1 with U type seamless tube bundle
2 Design code API / TEMA
3 Number 2(1W + 1S)
4 Material of construction A106 Gr B

XI HFO pressuring Pumps-

Recirculation Control Valve
1 Valve Type Globe
2 Action Single/Direct
3 Port Single port
4 End connection Butt weld / Flanged
5 Shutoff class Class V
6 Positioner type HART compatible
7 Handwheel Top mounted

XII HSD pressuring Pumps-

Recirculation Control Valve
1 Valve Type Globe
2 Action Single/Direct
3 Port Single port
4 End connection Butt weld / Flanged
5 Shutoff class Class V
6 Positioner type HART compatible
7 Handwheel Top mounted
1 Number As per the Requirement
2 Capacity m As per the Design
3 Type of construction rectangular
4 Design Code API 650/ IS 803
5 Operating/design Temperature Deg. C 45/60 Deg. C
6 Design Pressure bar API 650
Carbon Steel IS 2062,
7 Material of construction
8 Insulation applicable
9 Steam Coil Heater applicable
10 Steam Suction coil Heater Not applicable
11 Venting Capacity As per API :2000 / IS 803


1 Number 2 (1W+1S) per drain oil tank

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

S.No Description Unit Data

2 Type Vertical , non clog, single screw
3 Rated Capacity m /hr Min 5
4 Head mlc As per Design criteria
5 Duty Intermittent operation
6 Type of drive Direct driven by electric motor
7 Material of construction
7.1 Rotor Stainless Steel
7.2 Shaft Stainless Steel
Hardened and tempered alloy steel
7.3 Driving gear with machine cut teeth and ground


1 Number 2 (1W+1S)
Vertical , non clog, single screw
2 Type
3 Rated Capacity m /hr Min.5
4 Head mlc As per Design criteria
5 Duty Intermittent operation
6 Type of drive Direct driven by electric motor
7 Material of construction
7.1 Rotor Stainless Steel
7.2 Shaft Stainless Steel
Hardened and tempered alloy steel
7.3 Driving gear with machine cut teeth and ground


1 Number 2 (1W+1S)
Wet pit, Vertical, non-clog,
2 Type
Centrifugal type
3 Rated Capacity m /hr Min.5 (shall be finalized DDE)
4 Head mwc As per Design criteria
5 Duty Intermittent operation
6 Type of Drive Direct
7 Material of Construction
7.1 Rotor Ni- cast Iron (250 BHN)
7.2 Shaft B.S.970 EN8 / Equiv
7.3 Casing & Rotor housing Material Ni- cast Iron (250 BHN)


2(1W + 1S) for each oil water
1 Number
collection sump
Wet pit, Vertical, non-clog,
2 Type
Centrifugal type
3 Rated Capacity m /hr Min 5
4 Head mlc As per Design criteria

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

S.No Description Unit Data

5 Duty Intermittent operation
6 Type of Drive Direct
7 Material of Construction
7.1 Rotor Ni- cast Iron (250 BHN)
7.2 Shaft B.S.970 EN8 / Equiv
7.3 Casing & Rotor housing Material Ni- cast Iron (250 BHN)


1 Number no. As per the design requirements
2 Capacity m 5
3 Material of Construction RCC, Underground


1 Number no. 1
2 Capacity m DDE
3 Material of Construction RCC, Underground


1 Number no. 1
2 Capacity m As per the design requirement
3 Material of Construction Carbon Steel IS 2002, All
requirements including the
radiography shall be acceptable as
per IS 2825


1 Type Simplex/duplex type

Material of Construction
2.1 Body IS :2062

2.2 Plates Stainless Steel (SS:304)

2.3 Filters SS 304


1 Quantity /capacity As required
Type Thermodynamic or Inverted bucket
type Trap
3 Body SA 105
4 Trim material Stainless Steel (SS 316)
5 Screen SS 316
6 Strainer Integral with trap
7 End connections welded

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

S.No Description Unit Data

1 Number 1 x 100%
Wet pit, Vertical, non-clog,
2 Type
Centrifugal type
3 Rated Capacity m /hr 5 min
4 Head mwc As per Design criteria
5 Duty Intermittent operation
6 Type of Drive Direct
7 Material of Construction
7.1 Rotor Ni- cast Iron (250 BHN)
7.2 Shaft B.S.970 EN8 / Equiv
7.3 Casing & Rotor housing Material Ni- cast Iron (250 BHN)

Fuel Oil Unloading Hoses
1 Type Neoprene
2 Standard Manufacturer’s standard
Steam and Condensate Hoses
1 Type Carbon steel –Electro zinc plated
2 Standard Manufacturer’s standard
Hot Water Lancing Hoses
1 Type Carbon steel –Electro zinc plated
2 Standard Manufacturer’s standard

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract








2.10.2 CRUSHER

2.10.3 SCREENS











2.10.13 GATES

2.10.14 HOPPER



2.10.17 SUMP PUMPS





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Vol-II Sec 2-10-00 CHS Index_R0 2.10 CHS - Index
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.0


1.1.0 This section of the specification provides the detailed technical requirements for the Coal
Handling System covers the requirements for design, materials, construction features,
manufacture, shop inspection and testing at manufacturer's works, testing, commissioning,
performance testing as per well established engineering practices, safety codes and other
relevant codes and standards.

1.2.0 Compliance with this specification shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of
furnishing material and workmanship to meet the specified conditions.


The equipments to be supplied, erected / installed, tested and commissioned under the scope
of this specification shall include but not be limited to the following:

1 Belt Conveyors and its tecehnological structures

2 Conveyor galleries, tunnels, transfer points
3 Crusher houses, Junction towers, etc
4 Crushers and screens
5 Unidirectional stacker cum reclaimer with rails and all it’s accessories
6 Inline magnetic separators
7 Sump Pumps
8 Metal detectors
9 Inline conveyor scales
10 Traveling trippers with all accessories
11 Dust Extraction Systems
12 Bunker ventilation system
13 Dust Suppression Systems
14 Flap gates
15 Flow divider
16 Rack and pinion gate
17 Rod gate
18 Underground hoppers
19 Chutes and hoods, skirt boards
20 Electrical/ Manual Hoists
21 Belt sealing arrangements with all accessories.
22 Plant cleaning and service water system
23 Pumps for dust suppression system, service water system and coal run-off pit.

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-0 Main section_R0 2.10.0 Coal Handling System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

24 All necessary piping (water and air) fittings, valves and related instruments.
25 Coal sampling unit With all accessories
26 Elevator
27 Essential spares
28 Commissioning Spares
29 Recommended Spares
30 Pent House
31 Coal runoff water system with piping and pumps
32 Vulcanizer
33 Bull Dozer
34 Reversible belt feeder
35 Vibrating feeder
36 Stone picking arrangement
37 Any other mechanical equipment and accessories required to complete the Coal Handling


This description shall be read along with the coal handling system flow diagram. The Coal
handling system comprises the following:

Incoming Conveying System

Coal shall be received at the port in ships and unloaded on to the pipe conveyors which shall
feed into crushers. The rated capacity of these incoming conveyors is envisaged as
3000 T/h. Two streams of conveyors are envisaged from the jetty to plant.

Screening and Crushing System

The coal as received in the plant shall be expected to be of (-) 100 mm size. Two stream of
conveyors each with the capacity of 3000 T/h feeding to vibrating grizzly screens to separate
(-) 25 mm before feeding to crushers. Over size (+) 25 mm coal shall be fed to Ring granulator
crushers for reducing to (-) 25mm size.

Blending of domestic coal and imported coal shall be done by reclaiming coal from the
respective stock piles at the required proportion and conveyed to the succeeding conveyor
where they get mixed. The proposed blending ratio of imported and Indian coal shall be as

The coal shall be blended in the following options,

i) Direct Feeding domestic coal by 30 % and Reclaiming imported coal by 70 %

ii) Direct Feeding imported coal by 70 % and Reclaiming domestic coal by 30 %
iii) Reclaiming domestic coal by 30 % and Reclaiming imported coal by 70 %.

For the worst coal, blending option shall be 50:50. Same options as stated above shall be

Conveying system for Direct Feeding to SG Bunkers

SG bunkers shall be filled by means of conveyors with traveling tripper. Bunker sealing
arrangement is envisaged for covering the bunker opening when the feeding conveyor is away

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

from the opening. The clearance between the bottom of the tripper floor and top of coal
bunker has to be covered with steel plate to avoid dust formation.

Coal stockpiles, stacking and reclaiming

Coal received at the plant shall be stored in four stockpiles. Rail mounted slewing type
Stackers cum reclaimers are envisaged for stacking and reclaiming for the proposed plant.
Stockpile shall be of trapezoidal cross section. The reclaiming shall be through the bucket
wheel mounted on the tip of the boom conveyor. The rated capacity of stacking shall be
3000T/h. The rated capacity of reclaiming shall be 3000T/h. The machine shall be capable of
stacking / reclaiming anywhere along the stockpile. The stockpile height shall be 10m.

Whenever the reclaimer is not available, coal shall be reclaimed by dozers into the emergency
reclaim hopper (ERH). One set of emergency reclaim hoppers shall be provided for reclaiming
and further it feeds boiler.

Bypass chute will be provided to bypass screen and crusher.

Below each of the emergency reclaim hoppers, rod gate, rack & pinion gate and vibrating
feeders shall be provided for feeding coal to the belt conveyors. Vibrating feeders are driven
by variable frequency drives thus adjusting the feed capacity.

During blending in some options combination of Stacker cum reclaimer and Emergency
reclaimer shall be operated to meet the required coal quantity.

Coal yards shall be provided with plain water spray dust suppression system which would
spray water on the stockpile wherever the Coal is being stacked and also dust control. Fire
water system shall be provided along the rails for fire fighting purposes. The Coal yard would
have a drainage system to drain out rain water.

Necessary entry points shall be provided in the stock yard for bull dozer movement. Roads
shall be provided around the stockyard for the vehicle movement.

Necessary diversions/ interchanges by means of two way chutes shall be provided at strategic
locations of the conveying system so as to render adequate flexibility in operation with
minimum of complication. Refer flow diagram for no. of interchanging points in coal handling


Conveying, Stacking, Reclaiming and Bunker feeding is based on the following functional

1. Bulk density of coal considered for calculation:

For calculation of volume : 800 kg/m
For structural design and load calculation : 1200 kg/m

2. All the equipment shall be suitable for handling damp and sticky coal during monsoon
season with moisture content of 25% and fines (-1 mm) up to 40%.

3. The service factor for selection of flexible couplings, brakes, etc., shall be minimum 1.5 of
the motor rating.

The service factor for selection of gearbox shall be minimum 1.5 installed motor rating or
2.0 on shaft power and whichever is higher shall be considered for selection.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The service factor for selection of fluid coupling shall be minimum 1 installed motor rating.

4. The type of high speed coupling between motor and gearbox shall be as follows:

(a) For motor rating below 30 kW : Resilient type flexible coupling

(b) For LT motors of 30 kW and above : Traction type fluid coupling
(c)For HT motors : Actuator operated scoop type fluid coupling/
CST drive incorporated a wet clutch system that
is located on the gear box ,allowing the motor to
be started under no load condition.

For the scoop type fluid coupling, fan-cooling arrangement shall be provided. Geared
couplings have been considered as low speed couplings for all the conveyors.

5. Coal handling system shall have 100% standby arrangement for reliability.

6. The motors, gearboxes, couplings, pulleys and belt for conveyors shall be standardized
and no. of types shall be limited to minimum possible.

7. All equipment drives shall be capable of starting on full load. However two stream
operations shall be considered for designing coal handling system. All electrical system,
water requirement shall be designed accordingly.

8. Gear box for all equipment with drive motor rating of above 10 kW shall be hardened and
ground helical / bevel helical type. All inclined conveyors shall be provided with hold back
integral with the gearbox.

9. All equipments upto the crusher shall be designed for handling coal of (-) 100 mm and
beyond the crusher house shall be designed for handling coal of (-) 25 mm nominal size.

10. Rated System capacity of all the system (except for the Emergency reclaim system ) shall
be 3000T/h and design capacity shall be margin of 10%.

11. Rated System capacity of Emergency reclaim system shall be 1000T/h and design
capacity shall be margin of 10%.

12. Bidder shall provide sheds either in two stock piles or in four stock piles. If provided for
two stock piles, the covered shed shall be 270m. If provided for all four stock piles , the
covered shed shall be 140m. Stacker cum, reclaimer shall move inside the covered shed.
Accordingly shed height shall be constructed. Width of the shed shall be constructed
considering the dozer movements. .

13. Complete stockpile shall be accessible by stacker cum reclaimer.

14. Barricading (Wind Barrier) is provided around coal yard to avoid flying of coal dust. The
height of the barricading will be 12m from FFL including RCC retaining wall of 1.0 M
height .The barricading shall be of permanent colour coated perforated Galvalume metal
sheet of approved quality and supported by structural steel / pipe with suitable foundation
system. Galvalume sheet supporting structure and its foundation system shall be
designed for critical combination of wind and other applicable loads as per the relevant
standards. The coating and galvanization of Galvalume sheet shall be as per Section
5/Vol.II of the Specification (as applicable for coal handling) . Dust suppression efficiency
of the board shall be 85% (min).

15. Stockpile paving shall be provided upto the roads provided around the stockpile.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


5.1.0 Minimum clearance between the bottom of the tail pulley and floor in junction tower / crusher
house / transfer house / tunnel shall be 500 mm.

5.2.0 The sizes of the junction towers, transfer houses and crusher house and the floor elevations
shall be finalized by the Contractor considering a minimum clear walkway space of 1500 mm
around the equipment in each floor. The clear distance between the floors shall be minimum
3000 mm (bottom of beam/hoist) and the headroom shall be suitable for handling / removing
the equipment at the head end and tail end. The floors of junction towers and crusher house
(like crusher) shall be designed for keeping the heaviest part of the equipment anywhere on
the floor for maintenance purpose. Adequate space for maintenance of equipment shall be
provided. The length and elevation of the conveyors shall be finalized by the Contractor based
on the limitations for the inclination furnished. All underground conveyors shall be located
suitably in enclosed tunnel. Conveyor tunnel shall be adequate depth having minimum height
of 3500mm.

5.3.0 Adequate space around the crusher in the crusher house shall be provided for opening the
cage of the crusher and for removal of the shaft.

5.4.0 Partitions with slide doors shall be provided in the crusher house between the crushers to
enable maintenance of standby crusher when the other crusher is operating. Adequate
maintenance space and handling facilities shall be provided on both sides of the partition wall.
Independent handling facilities shall be provided for each crusher.

5.5.0 All conveyor galleries shall be provided with dust sweeping hoppers covered with removable
chequered plates. There shall be one dust hopper for each walkway of gallery and the same
shall be provided at each trestle location. Similarly, 2 nos. dust hoppers shall be provided for
each floor or junction towers / crusher house. These dust hoppers shall be connected to a
dust chute to enable the dust swept to be led to the ground level. Wherever monorails are
projecting outside the building, sliding doors in the outer wall shall be provided. Floor wash
from coal handling area shall be taken to ETP. Separate rain water pipeline from roof top of
junction towers / crusher house upto ground level shall be provided.

5.6.0 There shall be Electric hoist and manual hoist for handling during maintenance .The path way
of monorail shall be close enough for easy handling of the equipment to be lifted. Extension of
the monorail outside shall be minimum three (3.0) meter from the out side of the wall/ column
of the building.

5.7.0 When a belt is being changed it shall be possible to pull the new belt into position with the old.
Suitable openings shall be provided in gantries, buildings, etc. Removable snub pulleys should
be used to prevent the belt snagging on sharp corners.

Required and necessary hooks with sufficient capacities shall be provided at various locations
of the transfer tower for maintenance / handling of equipment and for belt changing purpose.

5.8.0 Maintenance platform of minimum one meter width with handrails and access ladders shall be
provided for the flap gates and flow divider accessibility.

There shall be two access staircases from ground level to different floors in the Crusher
House. Out of the two staircases, one shall be located completely inside the crusher house
and the other shall be located outside the crusher house with cover at two different ends of the
crusher house.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


6.1.0 System Performance Requirements

The coal handling system and equipment shall perform satisfactorily to meet the guarantee
requirements specified in the following clauses.

The capacity figures specified for the equipment shall have to be achieved with tolerance on
the positive side. The guarantee requirements shall be met without undue vibrations in the
conveyor supports, junction towers, crusher house, transfer house, etc.

6.2.0 Functional Guarantees for Coal Handling System

The system shall be tested for performance for designed capacity specified for all the
equipment have to be achieved with no negative tolerance.

1. CONVEYORS: The capacity shall be achieved with specified maximum input size of coal
even while handling damp & sticky run-of-mill / crushed coal during rainy season having
25 % moisture content & fines upto 40 % with out any spillage / choking / over loading of
equipment. The Contractor shall guarantee – speed, capacity, power consumption at
motor terminals, vibrations & noise levels, alignment of conveyor belt, & trueness with the
centre line.

2. CRUSHERS & SCREENS: shall be capable of delivering design capacity, with specified
maximum input size of coal even while handling damp & sticky run-of-mill coal having 25
% moisture. The Contractor shall guarantee the design capacity & size of out put coal,
noise & vibrations of the crushers at full load, power consumption. The screens shall
screen out all the materials having dimensions of less than or equal to 25 mm size, even
during rainy season with 25 % moisture content. Fines (-1mm) shall not exceed 10% of
crushed product. Screens shall screen out 95% of sized material even during rainy

3. STACKER RECLAIMER: shall have the design capacity to stack or reclaim the specified
coal even while handling well compacted, damp & sticky coal during monsoon season.
The capacity shall be arrived at on working for 6 hours over complete cross section of the
stock pile. The Contractor shall guarantee – design capacity of stacking / reclaiming,
luffing & slewing area, speed of the intermediate conveyor, noise & vibration, power

4. DRIVE MOTORS: shall be suitable for direct on line starting fully loaded conveyors /
feeders. The Contractor shall guarantee power consumption.

5. NOISE LEVEL: should not exceed 85 dBA at a distance of 1.0 meter from equipment.

6. Vibration level of equipments at bearings shall not exceed the following limits for different
equipment. Vibration levels shall conform to the limits specified below and shall be
measured as per BS 4675.

At the bearing of drive pulley, motor and gear box for the following equipment:
Crushers : 160 microns
Conveyors : 75 microns
Stacker reclaimers : 115 microns
All other equipment / feeders, screens etc : 75 microns.
Floors & columns of drive house : 200 microns.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

7. Magnetic separator shall separate the magnetic material of the sizes and shapes
mentioned in this specification effectively.
8. Accuracy of belt weigh scale shall be as specified in data sheet

9 Endurance Test: each stream & each path shall be tested at design capacity for 24 hours
to prove that the system functions satisfactorily with out any trip due to over load or
system fault.

10. All necessary instruments including walkie-talkies

11. Dust Control System: At the outlet of the dust extraction system, the dust concentration
should not exceed 50 mg/Ncu.m.

12. Dust Suppression System: shall effectively suppress the dust at all unloading points.

6.3.0 Guarantee Test Procedure

In accordance with the specification, on successful completion of trial operation, the plant shall
be subjected to Guarantee Tests. Further, the PG Tests shall be conducted as per the
procedure specified in the following paragraphs. Contractor shall prepare PG procedure
document and same shall be subject to Owner’s approval

6.3.1 Pre-requisite to the Guarantee Tests

The pre-requisites to be ensured by Owner and the Contractor prior to start of the tests as
mutually agreed.

The plant shall be jointly inspected by Owner and the Contractor & a joint protocol shall be
signed that the plant is fit for Guarantee Tests.

6.3.2 Testing for Performance Guarantees Flow Path Capacity Tests

i) For the direct Flow Path from JNT-1 to bunker feeding, two conveyor streams shall be
formed with suitable CRISS-CROSS Combinations (if applicable) of ‘A’ or ‘B’ Conveyors/
intermediate equipment. 70:30 and 50:50 blending options are used for the capacity tests.

ii) Above streams shall also be independently tested for performance & guarantee. Further,
the equipment / conveyors (except common equipment) used for performance testing of
one stream shall not be used for performance testing of the other stream.

iii) In case of direct flow path, Guarantee test should include operation of the travelling
trippers provided on conveyors However, for purpose of measurement of guaranteed
power consumption the coal shall be discharged into the last bunker of unit-1.

iv) While operating at the guaranteed capacity of various equipment of CHS, non-spillage of
coal and non-choking of chutes / equipment shall be demonstrated as indication of
smooth continuous flow through the conveyor system. Major Equipment capacity tests

i) Guaranteed capacity of all the major equipment as identified shall be established

separately by operating only one equipment out of the two of a set at a time.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ii) To confirm the guaranteed capacity of screens and crushers Guarantee test shall be
conducted for combination of associated screens and crushers. But for one set (only),
capacity of crusher shall be tested individually by blanking of the associated screen. Power Consumption Measurement

i) The guaranteed power consumption as total sum of all the equipment as specified shall
be measured during capacity test of the identified Flow Paths for both the streams

ii) Measurement Terminal(s)

The guaranteed power consumption for the entire Flow Path shall be taken during
capacity test as sum of the power measurements at the following terminals.

1. 6.6 kV CHS Switch board incoming terminal

2. Each of 415V CHS MCC incoming terminals

Further the power consumption for the equipment being fed from CHS board/LT board but
not to be considered for guaranteed power consumption shall be measured separately at
their respective MCC/LT & HT switchgear input terminals and shall be subtracted from the
total power consumption measured. However, if conditions permit such equipment may
not be operated during power measurement duration.

For Stacker / Reclaimer machine, the average power consumption shall be measured
through energy-meter at HT switchgear feeder to Stacker / Reclaimer. For Conveyors, the
power consumption shall be measured at their respective switchgear terminals.

Contractors may note that the liquidated damages for power consumption shall be levied
separately and independently for individual coal flow paths i.e. direct path, stacking path
and reclaiming path. Contractors shall guarantee the total power consumption for
individual paths.

iii) Time Duration

Power Consumption measurement shall be done only for 15 minutes after the conveyor
flow rate stabilizes at the guaranteed capacity.

iv) Meters

Ammeter / Voltmeter readings shall be noted from the meters mounted on the control
desk / LT switchgear / HT switchgear or if necessary by means of clamp type meters.

For power measurement 3-Phase wattmeter (2/3 element) / two wattmeter method shall
be used. Power measurement shall be taken after stable condition is achieved.

Watt meters shall have a min. accuracy class of ± 1% Energy meter shall be of min.
± 1% CT s & VTs shall have accuracy of ±1%. All meter readings shall be recorded. No
corrective allowance shall be allowed over the measured values.

The details of watt meters and energy meter along with their calibration certificate shall be
furnished to Owner before start of tests. General

i) Test Duration

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

a) Normal duration of the above capacity tests shall be four hours. However, minimum
one (1) hour continuous & steady operation shall be required to establish the
guaranteed capacities.

b) In case of any minor interruption due to operation of electrical protection as well as

stoppage due to safety reasons the duration of test shall be extended by the time lost
in such interruptions. In case of exceptionally longer interruptions calling for re-
mobilization and re-preparation of plant the implications shall have to be mutually
discussed and agreed upon.

6.3.3 Testing for Demonstration Requirements

The specified performance parameters of various equipment / system including but not limited
to the following shall be demonstrated to the full satisfaction of the Owner. All interlocks,
indications, annunications as per approved write-up on control philosophy shall be vertified.
Paths mentioned in it shall be demonstrated. Conveyors

a) Conveyor Profile

1. Check against lifting of conveyor belts over concave curves at the time of start under
empty belt, full load and partial load condition.

2. Check against wrapping, folding of belt over convex curves and at the beginning of
trippers specially while feeding the initial bunkers.

b) Coasting Time

Coasting down time of conveyors including check for spillage / blockage of coal in the

c) Belt Alignment

Check against abnormal sway during operation

d) Self aligning idlers

Satisfactory performance. Free rotation.

e) Control / Sequential Operation

Auto & manual control / sequential operations include starting & stopping of coal handling
plant equipments performance checks.

f) Protection Switches

Satisfactory operation of pull chord, belt sway, zero speed and chute blockage switches,

g) Load Start

Ability to start under full designed load

h) Simultaneous Operation

Demonstration of simultaneous operation of both the streams under full load.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

i) Vibration Level in Conveyors

Both velocity and amplitudes for all the conveyor drives and in each conveyor gallery
under different conditions of conveyor operation as desired by Owner. Observations shall
be recorded. The permissible limits shall be as per VDI 2056/ IS:12075/BS:4999, Part
142. Vibration at base frame of drive equipment and at drive floors of various buildings
shall also be taken and this shall be within tolerable limits.

j. Skirtboard:

k. Perfect sealing with no spillage/no dust. Crushers

1. Output coal size to be less than 25 mm.

2. Vibration measurement: Both RMS velocity and amplitudes at bearings shall be

measured. Permissible limits shall be as per VDI 2056 / IS 12075 / BS 4999 Part 142.

3. Demonstration of design output even when handing damp sticky coal having maximum
moisture level.

4. Easy operation of device for adjusting gap between cage bars / cage screen and
hammers to be demonstrated. Coal Sampling Unit

Demonstration of satisfactory operation of the system continuous for one week.

Satisfactory operation of the CSU shall necessarily include testing on random basis, trouble
free smooth operation, absence of choking tendency and ability to collect samples
automatically and continuously for a minimum of 24 hrs. of conveyors operation without
requiring any manual intervention.

Demonstration of trouble free operation of all equipments including crushers even when
handling damp sticky coal having maximum moisture level is to be demonstrated.

Free carriage and cutter movement proper dust door closing and perfect sealing.

Bias Test

Overall system performance (by collecting stop-belt samples)

Particle size reduction performance of the crushes. (The sampling system shall provide for
collection and transport of reject in various stages of the sampling system to facilitate
performance testing of the sampling system). Metal Detector

1. Tests for detection of specified smallest size buried under coal.

2. Tests for detection of pieces of different metals like brass, SS, manganese steel, bars,
scrap, brake shoes, shovel teeth etc.

3. Operation of sand bag marker.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract In line magnetic Separators

1. Demonstration of magnet capacity to separate out specified sizes and weights of

magnetic pieces

2. Collection of picked up pieces into tramp iron chutes / trolley

3. Position adjustment with turn – buckle arrangement Flap Gates

1. Remote, local and manual actuation of gates.

2. Check for stroke and operation of limit switches.

3. Demonstration of actuation of gates while feeding coal in manual mode. Travelling Trippers

1. Proper to & fro travel.

2. Operation of brakes and rail clamps at full load.

3. Check against dragging during startup or running.

4. Check against blockage of discharge chutes at full load.

5. Check for proper reeling / unreeling operation of flexible cable.

6. Satisfactory operation & functioning of bunker sealing arrangement.

7. Check against folding / wrapping of belt at the beginning of the tripper specially while
feeding initial bunkers. Dust Suppression System

1. Head of pumps to be measured.

2. Pressure available at sprinkler nozzle manifolds (on random basis) in running condition to
be measured (pressure not less than 4.5 kg/cm²(g).

3. Demonstration of the entire stockpile coverage by the sprinkler

4. Satisfactory spray atomization and dust suppression effectiveness.

5. Measurement of SPM before and after DS system operation Ventilation System

1. Rated volumetric capacity and head of individual fans to be measured covering atleast
2 nos. of each type / application and rating.

2. Vibration measurement: Both RMS velocity and amplitudes at bearings shall be measured
and measured. Permissible limits shall be as per VDI 2056/IS 12075/BS 4999, Part 142.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract Gear Boxes

i. Temperature not to exceed designed values.

ii. Satisfactory operation of hold back.

iii. No oil leakages.

iv. No abnormal sound Fluid Couplings

i. No excessive rise of temperature.

ii. No oil leakages

iii. Satisfactory operation of temperature switches.

iv. No abnormal sound Brakes

Satisfactory operation and synchronization of brakes of various conveyors so as to hold up

coal in chutes after tripping. Belt Scrappers

Satisfactory operation of belt scrappers at various moisture levels of coal and proper
adjustment. Reversible Stacker / Reclaimer

1. Stacking at maximum boom height

2. Reclaiming at maximum and minimum stockpile heights

3. Long travel speed to & fro

4. Satisfactory operation of limit switches, alarms and other controls.

5. Slewing and Luffing motions

6. Rail tolerances

7. Satisfactory operation of rail clamps, cable reeling drums, belt weigher Screen

Design capacity and screening efficiency. Belt weigher

Standard execution : as mentioned in the data sheet;

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract Control & Instrumentation Equipments

i) Demonstration and Inspection test for PLC, Microprocessor based system, Local control
panels, etc., Detailed inspection and testing is explained in Section 4.

ii) Satisfactory operation of the control operations and annunciations.

iii) The redundancy test for control operation of coal handling plant. Noise Levels

i) Noise level measurement, for conformance to specified levels, to be done around the
following equipment / areas:

1. Conveyor drive, discharge terminal (including discharge chute, gearbox, coupling &

2. Screens

3. Coal Crushers.

4. Coal discharge chutes on intermediate floors in possible impact zones.

5. Ventilation fans.

6. Water supply & Dust suppression pumps.

ii) Noise level measurement shall be done around the specified equipment location in the
following manner.

a) The measurement shall be carried out with a calibrated integrating sound level meter
meeting the requirements of IEC-651 or BS-5969 or IS:9779.

b) Sound pressure level shall be measured all around the equipment at a distance of 1m
from the vertical projected plan of the equipment as a whole (this shall include
coupling, gear box, motor etc.) at a height of 1.5 m from floor level. Microphone
positions shall be at horizontal separations of not more than 1.5m around the

c) The measurement shall be done with slow or impulse response, as the case may be
on the A-weighting scale. The average of the A-weighted sound pressure level
measurements expressed in decibels to a reference of 0.0002 micro bar shall not
exceed the guaranteed value indicated in the specification.

d) The tests shall be carried out with the equipment operating at near rated speed & load
correction for back ground noise shall be considered inline with IS:4758. Noise level
measurement shall be recorded.


7.1.0 Completely filled up technical schedules and data sheets of tender documents

7.2.0 General arrangement and sectional elevations drawings for all the conveyors, transfer
House’s, tunnels, junction towers, crusher houses, etc.

7.3.0 Descriptions and write-up of the control systems

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

7.4.0 Control system configuration

7.5.0 Complete electrical load list.

7.6.0 Details of similar job executed in last five years

7.7.0 Mandatory spares

7.8.0 Start up and commissioning spares

7.9.0 3 years Operation and maintenance spares

7.10.0 Special Tools and tackles for erection & maintenance

7.11.0 Utilities requirement


The Contractor shall submit the following data/information documents/ drawings to the
purchaser/consultant, who in turn will review and furnish comments on drawings/documents.
Contractor shall furnish a list of data / drawings / documents which will be submitted to the
purchaser/consultant, with due dates of submission immediately after award of Contract. The
Contractor on fortnightly basis shall update the list. All drawings shall be generated in AUTO
CAD. The following list shall not limit the contractor, if any additional documents / drawings
required for the review of the owner/ consultant same to be submitted.
Master document list to be submitted by the contractor listing all the documents/ drawings.

8.1.0 The contractor shall submit drawings, data sheets, design calculations/criteria, write up on
operation, control interlock protection, type test procedure, guarantee test procedure and
erection/O&M manuals.

8.2.0 General arrangement drawings for transfer houses, tunnel conveyors, conveyors, control
rooms, crushers house, bunker bays, dust control/ventilation equipment etc. shall be
accompanied by load data details along-with basis and embedded part details/anchor bolt

8.3.0 Fabrication drawings of conveyor technological structures, chutes/hoppers, feeders and

trippers shall be submitted for reference.

8.4.0 Contractor shall furnish GA and cross sectional drawing, bill of material, performance
characteristics and material specification as applicable for all equipment.

8.5.0 Contractor shall furnish selection calculations for all drives, gearboxes, couplings, brakes
etc. for all equipment.

8.6.0 Contractor shall furnish the design calculations selection criteria for models of all major

8.7.0 Contractor shall furnish operation and maintenance instruction manual

8.8.0 Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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8.9.0 Control & Instrumentation

1. Coal Handling plant control room layout

2. Control Schemes & Logic diagram along with write up of control system
3. Hardware and software design manual (covering exhaustive details of compete DCS
based control system)
5. G.A (General Arrangement) drawings of all control panels/ cabinets / local panels with all
dimensional details.
6. Input / Output list
7. Drive list / Solenoid valve list
8. Annunciation list & SER list
9. List of set points
10. Maximum DCS bus utilization under worst loading condition calculation details shall be
11. Process mimic indicating Analogue and digital parameters
12. Marshalling philosophy
13. Cabinet / Panel wiring diagrams and internal layout drawings
14. Wiring diagrams for panel, local panel, junction boxes, actuators, starters etc.
15. Instrument index
16. Instrument hook-up diagram
17. Heat load and Power consumption data for DCS

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.1


The specific codes / standards followed for the design of the system are as below:

IS: 11592 - 2000 : Code of practice for selection and design of belt conveyors

IS 1891 Part-1- 1994 : Conveyor and elevator textile beltings spec.Part.1 General

IS 1891: Part 5 1993 : Conveyor and elevator textile belting - Specification: Part 5 Fire
resistant belting for surface application

IS: 8531 : Specification for Pulleys for Belt conveyors

IS: 8598 : Specification for Idlers and idlers set for belt conveyors

IS:14386 -1996 : Belt conveyors-Traveling Tripper- Motorized for belt widths

650 mm to 1600 mm- Dimensions

IS: 2062 : Steel for general structural purposes.

IS: 1239 2004 part 1 : Spec for mild steel tubes tubular and other wrought steel

IS: 3589 2001 : Steel pipes for water and sewage (168.3 to 2504mm outside

IS 7155:1990 : Code of Recommended Practice for Conveyor safety

IS 7155: Part 3: 1986 : Code of recommended practice for conveyor safety: Part 3 Belt
conveyors and feeders

IS 7155: Part 5: 1990 : Code of recommended practice for conveyor safety: Part 5 Apron
conveyors/Apron feeders

Canadian Bureau of Mines Spec. No. EMR/MRL/80:21 (TR) for FR Grade Belting

Any other International standards such as ASTM / CEMA/ ASME / ISO / DIN / JIS for design of
coal handling system shall be followed.


i. Angle of surcharge of all conveyors shall be considered as 20°. Trough angle of conveyor
shall be 35°.

ii. Maximum inclination of conveyors inside the tunnel shall be limited to 10 degree. The
inclination of all conveyors (except the bunker bay conveyor) above the ground level shall not
exceed 12 degree for crushed coal (-25mm) and uncrushed coal (+25mm). Inclination of

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

conveyor feeding the bunker bay shall be designed to prevent the lifting due to tripper
movement. The conveyor shall be horizontal at the feed point as far as possible. In case the
same is not possible, the inclination at the feed point shall be limited to 6 degree. Continuous
conveyor running on the ground is not acceptable except for the conveyors at feeding point
and yard conveyors. Clear headroom clearance of 8m for the road crossing and other areas
to be maintained above the ground.

iii. The artificial coefficient of friction shall be considered as 0.03 for calculating the power
requirement for conveyors.

iv. Idlers

Idlers shall be three roll, 35 degrees troughing angle for carrying side and impact idler & two
roll V type for return side for all belt conveyors.

The side brackets for all idlers shall be of pressed ‘C’ type. Conveyor idlers, below the
magnetic separators shall be of non-magnetic material (stainless steel).

Carrying and idlers shall be placed at half of the normal distances of placed on the conveyors
at the convex curve area.

Impact idlers shall be placed at 300mm distance at the feeding zone.

Carrying idlers shall be placed at 500mm distance within the skirt board length apart from the
feeding zone.

Wobble tolerance idlers with +/-0.2mm shall be provided below the belt weigher for better
weighing accuracy.

One self cleaning type rubber disc return idler located near the head pulley for cleaning
return belt shall be provided.

v. Pulley

All pulleys shall be of welded construction, MS construction and statically balanced.

Finished shell thickness shall be min. 16 mm for drive pulleys and 12 mm for non drive
pulleys. Thickness of rubber lagging shall be 12 mm herring bone type for drive and10 mm
plain type for non drive pulleys with shore hardness shall be minimum 60±5 on scale ‘A’. The
face width of the pulleys shall be considered as follows for conveyors having belt speed upto

Belt width Face width

650 BW+100mm
800 & 1000 BW+150mm
1200 onwards BW+200mm

The shafts of pulleys shall be of C-40 or better. The deflection slope of pulley shaft at
bearings shall not exceed 6 minutes under load condition.

Single snub with wrap angle not less than 210° shall be considered for design of conveyors.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

All drive pulley shafts shall be supported on heavy duty, horizontal split type Plummer blocks
of 4 bolts construction.

The pulleys below inline magnetic separators shall have shell of non magnetic SS-304. The
plumber block shall be split type ,dust tight with double labyrinth seals.

Suitable guards shall be provided for all pulleys.

vi. Belting

Fire Resistance grade covers shall be considered for all CONVEYORS. Fire resistant
property shall conform to Canadian Bureau of Mines Report No. FRL–269 and Flame
retardation test conforming to ISO-340.

The belting shall be of Nylon-Nylon. Number of plies shall be minimum 4. The minimum cover
thickness shall be 5 mm at the top and 3 mm at the bottom. Factor of safety shall be
considered as minimum 10.

Yard conveyor belting shall be of Steel chord. The minimum cover thickness shall be
6 mm at the top and 4 mm at the bottom. Factor of safety shall be considered as
minimum 7.Rip protection for steel chord belts shall be provided.

Belt rating shall be standardized by grouping the nearest rating to standard rating, (applicable
only on the positive side) to reduce the spare inventory. Maximum belt sag shall be 2%
between idlers.

vii. Brake

All inclined conveyors shall be provided with hold back integral with the gearbox and electro-
hydraulic thruster brakes.

Electro-hydraulic thruster brakes shall also be provided for conveyors where the coasting
time is required to be adjusted.

viii. Scrapper

One sprung blade type (Tungsten carbide tip) and one torsion arm type (with poly urethane
blade) belt scrapers at discharge pulleys and one no. V-plough type (with poly urethane
blade) internal scraper shall be provided for each conveyor. Diagonal plough type scraper
shall be provided for the reversible type conveyor/feeder at both head and tail ends. Scrapper
arrangement shall be easily maintainable without any hindrance with chute or any assembly.

ix. Take up

Take up arrangement sand pit, safety guards etc. shall be as per relevant Indian standards.
The belt conveyors shall be equipped with suitable tensioning devices. The devices shall
have sufficient travel to allow the easy removal and replacement of the belt pulleys. If dead
weight tensioning units are employed they shall have slide rails on each side. The total
weight should be made up of individual weights of not more than 15 kg each.

Conveyors/belt feeders shall be provided with either screw type (for conveyor length up to
40 m) or automatic gravity take-up (Horizontal / Vertical) (for conveyor length more than
40 m) as applicable.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The gravity take up shall be provided with a minimum travel of 2.5% of length of conveyor
plus one splicing length for N-N belt wherever possible. The take arrangement shall be
provided with a minimum travel of 0.5% of conveyor length for steel chord belt.CHP
contractor shall give the recommended travel for the take-up considering the specified
minimum travel. Wire mesh guard of 2.5m height above ground level / maintenance platform
level around take up will be provided.

The gravity take up counter weight box shall not be more than 1500mm from ground
level at its Lowest position. Intermediate platform shall be provided in take-up zone for the
maintenance of the take-up pulley or counter weight.

x. Conveyor Galleries

All over ground conveyors shall be provided with covered galleries. This includes the
conveyor and walkways. For yard conveyor, covered gallery shall be provided for the
elevated portion of the conveyor. Gallery shall not hinder the SCR movement. For natural
ventilation of the above ground conveyors, a gap of 300mm shall be provided throughout the
length of gallery between roof & side cladding at the top and 200 mm at the bottom.

xi. Walk ways in the gallery

For Single conveyors, 1000 mm on one side and 800mm on the other side shall be provided.
For the Double conveyors, 1000 mm walkway at center and 800mm on either side shall be
provided. Near the stone picking arrangement and cross over in conveyor galleries walkway
width shall be extended 1m on either side.

Walkways shall be covered with chequered plate with antiskid arrangement, handrails in each

xii. Conveyor Tunnels

For Single conveyors, 800mm walkway shall be provided on either side.

xiii. Chutes

• Uncrushed coal:
Mother plate: SS 409 M of thickness 16 mm
Joining procedure: Full thickness joint with inner surface matching on all borders
Minimum valley angle: 60 deg for all type of coal.

• Crushed coal:
Mother plate: SS 409 M of thickness 16 mm
Joining procedure: Full thickness joint with inner surface matching on all borders
Minimum valley angle: 60 deg for all type of coal
Angle of chute at feeding end: 45 deg.

Between flange joints of chute, 3mm thick neoprene gasket shall be provided.
Direct impact of the material on the belt shall be avoided by providing inclined surface at
the feed point. Inspection door to be provided on the chute at accessible location.

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xiv. Traveling trippers

Trippers with two-way chute shall be driven by wheel drive, independent of main conveyor
drive and shall be through electric motor, helical gear box, etc. It shall discharge coal to

Traveling trippers shall operate in conjunction with main line conveyor. Hydraulic brake shall
be provided for tripper which shall ensure the tripper remains stationary during bunker
feeding. Cable reeling drum shall be provided for power supply arrangement. Last bunker
feeding is through the head pulley. Tripper moves over the first bunker to last bunker for coal
feeding. Requirement of “feeding min. 2/3rd of first bunker” means tripper shall feed min.
2/3rd of the tripper floor opening for the first bunker. Accordingly Bunker bay design shall be
taken care. This will be reviewed during detailed Engineering.

xv. Concave curve shall be maintained as minimum 300m radius and convex curve shall be
maintained as minimum 75m radius. However, if the calculated radius is greater than the
specified radius the same shall supersede and the calculated radius to be considered for

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ANNEX – 2.10.1


1.0 General

1.1 Type of belt Heavy duty application

1.2 Capacity ( Design) T/h 3300 Belt conveyors

1100 Belt conveyors

1.3 Belt Width mm 2000 mm Belt conveyors for 3300T/h

1200 mm for Belt conveyors for 1100T/h

1.4 Belt Speed m/s 2.9m/s - 2000mm

2.9m/s - 1200mm
Belt feeder speed shall be limited to 2m/s.

1.5 Ratio of working tension to 90%(maximum)

allowable tension

2.0 Pulley

2.1 Type Heavy duty type.

2.2 Lagging Herringbone for unidirectional conveyors.

Diamond groove for the head and tail pulleys

of bidirectional conveyors.

2.3 Bearing life (minimum) h 30,000

2.4 Bearings Double row self aligning spherical roller

3.0 Idlers

3.1 Carrying idlers Roller dia and thickness shall be minimum

152.4 & 4.85 mm, Spacing -
1000 mm

3.2 Return idlers Roller diashall be minimum 152& 4.85 mm.

Spacing – 3000 mm

3.3 Impact idlers 190 mm roll dia with 127 mm steel tube dia
and 4.85 mm thickness.

Min. 5 Nos. impact idlers will be provided at

each feed point, at 300mm spacing

3.4 Self aligning carrying and Will be provided on thrust bearing for
return idlers swiveling. Side guide rollers will be

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Spacing shall be 12 m from the terminal

pulleys and bend pulleys and 24 m apart

Spacing shall be 10 m for steel chord belt

3.5 Bearings Single row deep grove ball bearing,

- 35 mm dia minimum for carrying & impact
idlers with double labyrinth seals.

- 25 mm dia minimum for return idlers with

double labyrinth seals.
3.7 Testing of rollers Free rotation, friction, Dust & water tests,
weather proof

3.8 Lubrication Life lubricated (Factory lubricated & sealed

for life)

4.0 Technological structures

4.1 Stringers/Short supports Min. stringer size - ISMC 150 for 1100T/h
Min. stringer size - ISMC 200 for above

and short support - ISMC100 for 1100T/h

and short support - ISMC150 for above

Short post shall be provided with sufficient

cross bracing and knee bracing wherever

4.2 Deck plate Min. 3.15 mm for full length of conveyors

4.3 Seal plate Min. 3.15mm shall be provided throughout

the conveyors.

5.0 Safety switches Degree of protection for all switches: IP 65

5.1 Pull cord switches First at 4 m and subsequent at 25 m interval

on both sides of the conveyor

5.2 Belt sway switches First at 15 m and subsequent at 50 m

interval on both side. Self resetting type

5.3 Zero speed switch One for each conveyor at non drive pulley.
Non contact proximity type electronic switch

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6.0 Tensioning arrangement Sand pit, safety guards for 2.5m will be
provided. Counter weight shall be Cast iron
and will be at a height not exceeding 1.5 m
above GL.

7.0 Accessories

7.1 Size of chutes As per coal trajectory at impact zone.

Tramp iron chute – 400 ¯ 6 mm thk MS

7.2 Type and No. of belt cleaners Three (3) nos. On each feeder. Out of three,
two shall be at head end (external) and one
at tail end (internal) for unidirectional
conveyor and six (6) nos.2 nos. at head end,
2 nos. at tail end and 1 no. diagonal scraper
at each end for bidirectional conveyor.

Head end / Tail end - Sprung blade type

- Torsion arm type
Tail end - ‘v’ plough type / Diagonal type

7.3 Skirt board Length of feed point :6m (min.)

side plate 6mm(min.) MS,
Cover plate 3.15 mm(min) MS
Liner :5 mm thick TISCRAL/ SAILHARD
Height: Not less than 750mm
Width: 2/3rd of the belt width

Skirt board shall be designed in such a way

avoiding spillage if the conveyor is having
multiple feeding points. Skirt board shall be
extended minimum 3m ahead of the feeding
zone.(applicable to multiple feeding also).
Skirt board shall not be provided in the idler
transition zone. Minimum 500mm shall be
maintained behind the feeding zone.

7.5 Chute blockage switch Required at each conveyor discharge,

vibrating screen feeder, bypass chute,
crushing feeding chute, fixed tripper
discharge chute and all feeding chute
nearest to skirtboard.

7.6 Cross over Cross over at every 100m interval.

7.7 Sealing belt for bunker

i. No. of piles Minimum three(3)

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ii. Top/bottom cover 5mm/5 mm thick(fire-resistant)

iii. Width(minimum) 150mm more than bunker slot

7.8 Slot for bunkers

20 mm round MS flat bars spaced at 100
mm c/c.
i. Cross bars over slot
Slot opening size shall be minimum 600mm.
Cross bars shall be furnished for slot
openings. However detailed drawing shall
be furnished during vendor engineering.

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SUB-SECTION - 2.10.2

Ring granulator type crushers complete with accessories and subsystems shall be provided
for sizing the input coal to guaranteed output of 98% or the size as required by mill. The
crusher shall be suitable to handle different feed size and property of the input coal.

Crushers shall be capable to deliver normal rated output even when handling damp sticky
coal havingmaximum moisture content specified elsewhere. No clogging or building up of
material on crushing element shall develop.

Zero speed switches shall be provided for speed sensing. Temperature measuring elements
and vibration monitoring system for crusher bearings shall be provided.

Crusher shall be lined totally from inside with abrasion resistant steel liners of adequate
thickness. The suspension bars shall be extractable completely from non drive side and
atleast 50% from the drive side.

Crusher shall be provided with hydraulic system to facilitate the opening of crusher door
without any difficulty.

The crushers shall be mounted on independent spring foundation with vibration dampening
device like GERB springs and dampeners.

Rotor shall be statically and dynamically balanced even when the crusher is under operation
with the broken hammers / rings.

Vibrating monitoring system shall be provided for the ring granulator.

Provision shall be made for transferring coal from any conveyor to the crusher above the
other conveyor (Refer Dwg. No. 00-1115112-M-007)

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1.0 Type Ring Granulator

2.0 Capacity (Rated/Design) TPH 1815/2000

3.0 Number required 2W+2S

4.0 Maximum input lump size mm (-) 100

5.0 Output lump size mm (-) 25 (98% efficiency)

6.0 Materials of Construction

6.1 Crusher shafts Forged and heat treated alloy steel

6.2 Liner plates / for frame SAIL-HARD / Manganese steel, 20mm


6.3 Rings Mn steel IS 276 Gr. III

6.4 Breaker plate Mn steel IS 276 Gr. III, 40mm thick

6.5 Screen plate SAIL-HARD / SAILMA – 350 HI

7.0 Type of Fluid coupling Electric Actuator Operated Scoop type

8.0 Maximum speed of Crushers rpm 750

9.0 Method of opening Hydraulic cylinder

maintenance door

10.0 Fines (-1mm) in the output Shall not exceed 10 %

11.0 Hard grove index Refer coal analysis data.

12.0 Output size adjustment facility Required

13.0 Tramp iron rejection Required

14.0 Type of balancing Both static and dynamic

15.0 Notes
1. Provision will be made for external lubrication.

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SUB-SECTION - 2.10.3

Screens shall be Vibrating Grizzly screens and shall be provided with bars. Screens are
provided to screen out (-) 25 mm coal. The segregated material shall be directly fed on to the
corresponding belt conveyors provided under each grizzly feeder. Oversized coal shall be fed
to coal crusher.

Inclination of grizzly pan shall not exceed 10deg from horizontal. There shall be no vibration
transmitted to the operating floor.

Deck of vibrating screening feeder shall have continuous solid deck section in the impact
zone under direct coal fall and remaining deck shall be fitted with perforated deck assembly.

The width of vibrating screening feeder shall match to feed the material uniformly over the
entire length of crusher rotor without any deflectors in the feeding chute.

Screening area excluding solid deck area shall be minimum 0.75 m2 per 100 tonnes/hr of
incoming feed.

Equipment shall be designed in such a manner that choking does not occur during operation,
particularly during rainy season when the coal gets sticky

solid deck section shall be provided with replaceable tiscral or equivalent. Liner plate of
adequate thickness. The perforated deck shall be wear resistant and shall be rigidly fixed with
main frame along the length of grizzly deck.

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-3 screens_R0 2.10.3 Screens
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1.0 Type Vibrating Grizzly type

2.0 Capacity (Rated/Design) TPH 1815/2000

3.0 Number required 2W+2S

4.0 Feed size (-) 100 mm

5.0 Screens to separate mm (-) 25mm

6.0 Efficiency of screening 95%

7.0 Material of construction

7.1 Drive shaft EN-8 / equiv. as per BS 4363 Gr. 55C

7.2 Liner plate on solid deck TISCRAL / SAILHARD/ Abrasion

resistant steel, 16 mm thick
7.3 Perforated deck liner TISCRAL / equivalent, 16 mm thick

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.4

The stacker cum reclaimer shall be rail mounted, slewing and luffing type with bucket wheel
for reclamation. The number of discharges per minute shall be limited to 55.The bucket wheel
drive shall be hydraulic type suitable for achieving variation in the capacity. Belt width shall
match with the conveyor specification requirements. Stability factor shall be minimum 1.5.
Stacker / reclaimer shall be capable of withstanding wind at non operating condition as per
project information.

Number of driven wheels shall be at least half of the total number of wheels (Excluding that of
travelling tripper). The travel mechanism shall be provided with electro hydraulic operated rail
clamps monitored by limit switches(Open and closed positions).

All the angular movement points shall be provided with maintenance free bearings either
lubricated for lifetime or self lubricating type for whole of the life of the machine. Bucket size
shall be selected for peak reclaim capacity based on maximum 80% degree of fill with respect
to water fill capacity of the bucket. Further, not more than50% of annular ring volume shall be
considered as effective volume.

The boom conveyor will be adequate capacity to match with the peak reclaiming by the
bucket wheel. It will also be provided by suitable weighing scale having accuracy not less
than ±1% for a range of 20 % to 120% boom conveyor rated capacity.

Walkways with hand railings shall be provided on both sides of boom conveyor.

The operator's cabin shall be supported by hydraulic cylinders mounted on the boom so as to
Enable operator to be in upright position at all times. Shock absorbers shall also be provided.

The cabin shall be weather proof, dust proof, and provided with adequate number of
Shatterproof glass doors and windows to provide good all round visibility for the operator.
Also a split air conditioner will be provided for operator’s cabin.

Travel drive equipment and slew drive equipment shall be suitable for 150 starts/hr. with
continuous reversals.

Cross over shall be provide on the boom conveyor.

Safety accessories required for the movement of two stacker cum reclaimer on the same yard
conveyor shall be provided by the contractor. Anti collision device for stacker cum reclaimer
shall be provided.

Teeth of bucket shall be hard faced. Travel drive equipment and slew drive equipment shall
be suitable for 150 starts / hr. Ratio of boom length to rail track gauge shall not exceed 5.

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1.0 Type Unidirectional bucket wheel type

Stacker-cum-reclaimer, cell less type

2.0 Number required 4nos.

3.0 Capacity while stacking T/h 3300T/h


4.0 Capacity while reclaiming 3300T/h


4.1 Average Reclaiming Capacity T/h 3300T/h

(over a period of 4 hours)

5.0 Wind pressure

5.1 Operating N/m 200

5.2 Non-operating Max. wind pressure as per IS 875

(latest edition)

6.0 Maximum wheel load T 30

permissible with impact

7.0 Track gauge m Will be more than the 20 % of boom


8.0 Effective stock pile height m 10

above graded level

9.0 Width of stock pile at the base m 50

10.0 Length of the stockpile m 600m length (Bulk density 0.8T/m3

and angle of repose: 35deg). SCR
shall reach the full length of the
o o
11.0 Slewing angle of Boom of degrees ± 105 i.e., total 210
stacker reclaimer

Type of rail Kg/m 52

12.0 Type of drive for :

12.1 Bucket wheel Hydraulic motor without gear box and

coupling directly coupled to the driven

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


shaft is to be provided for bucket
wheel drive to avoid speed drop due
to overload.
( no. of buckets = Contractor to

12.2 Slewing Hydraulic drive

12.3 Long Travel drive Hydraulic motor without gear box and
directly coupled to the driven shaft is
to be provided for bucket wheel drive
to avoid speed drop due to overload.

13.0 Type of brakes Electro hydraulic thruster

14.0 Type of control of SCR Automatic operation with PLC shall be

provided in addition to manual control

15.0 Type of Totaliser for Stacker- Shall indicate the coal available in the
cum-Reclaimer Boom stockpile at any point of time
Conveyor scale

16.0 Stacker cum reclaimer Yes

bypass option

17.0 Air conditioning for operating Required

station in Stacker cum

18.0 Boom Conveyor

18.1 Boom length m 44

18.2 Belt width mm Same as conveyor specification

19.0 Speeds

19.1 Travel m/min. 10 to 20

19.2 Hoisting or Luffing m/min. 5 (at the top of the boom)

19.3 Slewing m/min. 6 to 30% (at bucket wheel tip)

20.0 Type of brakes Electro hydraulic thrustor

21.0 Material of construction

a) Machine body ` MS (IS: 2062)

b) Wheels Cast alloy steel

c) Bucket wheel MS (IS: 2062)

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H or Equivalent

e) Teeth Manganese steel, Gr.I, IS: 276

f) Blades 37 MnSi5

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SUB-SECTION - 2.10.5


The DE System equipment will be designed as per the latest Indian and international

The list of some of the Codes & Standards is given below:

ACGIH : American Conference of Industrial Hygienists

ASTM-D-2234 : Standards methods for collection of a gross sample of coal

IS:655 : Specification of metal air duct

IS:4894 : Specification of centrifugal fan

IS:1940-1-1986 : Mechanical vibration – Balance quality requirements of rigid

Rotors-Part-1-Determination of permissible residual unbalance

IS: 3938 : Specification of Electric Wire Rope Hoists

IS: 875 : Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquakes) for buildings
and structures

IS:2062/IS-226 : Steel for general structural purposes.

IS:325 : Motors


Dry type dust extraction system (DES) with pulse jet bag filters, compressor, air receiver, air
dryer, fan dampers, ducting, gates, rotary feeders, screw conveyors, etc shall be provided in
the specified areas (refer flow diagram). The dust collected in bag filter hopper shall be
discharged onto the forward belt conveyor. Dust extraction system shall be designed based
on the two streams of operation, however for bunkers, it should cater to all bunkers of two

a) All extraction points shall be provided with butterfly type dampers.

b) The fans shall have straight but backwardly inclined blades.

c) The bag filter material shall be fire proof, non-woven type with antistatic property mounted
on cages of GI. Pressure drop shall be limited to 100mm WC.

Fan static pressure shall meet the total system frictional loss in the system.

d) Thickness of suction hood, dust collecting hopper and ducts shall be minimum 5mm.
Thickness of casing of centrifugal fan shall be minimum 5mm.

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-5 Dust Ext Sys and bunker vent 2.10.5 Dust Extraction, Bunker Ventilation & Roof
roof extractor_R0 Extractor Systems
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

e) These shall be operated from the local control panels and interlocked with operation of
conveyor equipment.

f) The height of discharge duct shall be at least 3 m above nearest building but in no way it
shall be less than 30 m from ground.

Refer Annex – for Specified Design data


Capacity of bunker ventilation system shall be based on 12 air changes per hour considering
half filled condition of all bunkers. Compressed air shall be used for cleaning of filter bags.
The dust concentration at the extraction point to be considered for selection of bag filter shall
be 10g/m (minimum).

a) All extraction points shall be provided with butterfly type dampers.

b) The fans shall have straight but backwardly inclined blades.

c) The bag filter material shall be fire proof, non-woven type with antistatic property.
Pressure drop shall be limited to 100mm WC.

Fan static pressure shall meet the total system frictional loss in the system.

d) The air to cloth ratio of the bag filter shall not exceed1.5 m³/min/m². The bag filter
cleaning system shall be reverse pulse jet air system.

e) Thickness of suction hood, dust collecting hopper and ducts shall be minimum 5mm.
Thickness of casing of centrifugal fan shall be minimum 5mm.

Belt sealing arrangement over the bunker slots to avoid dust nuisance.

Refer Annex – for Specified Design data

Bunker Floor Ventilation System

Bunker floor shall be ventilated using power roof extractor considering 8 air changes per hour.
For specified Design data refer Annex

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


A) Dust Extraction System

Sl. Item Units Data


1.0 Type of D.E. System Bag Filter

2.0 Service Continuous

3.0 No. of D.E. Systems required Refer flow diagram

4.0 Maximum Emission Level in mg/nm 50
the Air Exhausted to the
5.0 The dust concentration at the g/m 10 (minimum)
extraction point to be
considered for selection of
cyclone & bag filter

6.0 Bag Filter Cleaning Automatic on line reverse pulse jet

Arrangement compressed air system. Necessary
compressors, piping, valves, timers, etc. will
be provided by CHS Contractor.

7.0 Operation of DE system Will be started / stopped from the local

control panels and will be interlocked with
the conveyor operation. Suction hood will be
in open position for the running conveyor
and same will be in closed position for the
standby conveyor.
3 2
8.0 Air to Cloth Ratio m /min/m 1.5 (Max.)

9.0 Method of discharge of the To be discharged back on to the operating

dust collected in bag filter belt conveyor through rotary air lock and
hopper screw conveyor if required.

10.0 Isolation of extraction point Manually operated butterfly type dampers.

11.0 Design philosophy for duct Based on “balancing without blast gate”
sizing and fan selection method as per ACGIH hand book. Duct will
be sized based on a velocity of min.20 mps.

12.0 Dust collecting hopper Adequate for storing dust collected in 4

hours operation.

13.0 Min. 2, one at feed point and one at

No. extraction points for each discharge point
belt conveyor
1 The Contractor shall calculate independently the total air quantity, sizes of the ducting
and fans, pressure drop in the ducting, equipment and air outlets etc., based on
conveyor belt speed, width, sizes of various equipment involved and shall select

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl. Item Units Data

suitable dust extraction units. The minimum extraction quantity at various dust
extraction points will be as per values given below and wherever is not specified, the
same will be recommendations of “American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists” (ACGIH).

Amount of air to be extracted

a) At the conveyor
discharge pulley : 1950m3/h / m of belt width upto speed of 1.0 m/s,
2787.m3/h / m of belt width above speed of
1.0 m/s

b) At the loading point of

conveyor on the skirt
board : 1950m3/h m of belt width upto speed of 1.0 m/s ,
2787m3/h / m of belt width above speed of 1.0
* for 1m fall of material
“*” In case material fall is more than 0.92 meter, add 1700 m3/h.

c) Screen Inlet : min.915m3/ hr/square metre area of screen

d) Crusher Inlet : 3600 m3/hr per metre width of inlet opening

2. DE system equipment will be outdoor type. However necessary weather protection

cover/ hood will be provided for the motors, control system for bag filter cleaning etc.
Compressor will be indoor type.

3. 50 % more air will be considered for DE system for handling crushed coal which has
more fines.

B) Bunker Ventilation System (BVS)

Sl. Item Units Data


1.0 Type Twin cyclone separator with Dry type

bag filter (with reverse pulse jet type)
2.0 Maximum Emission Level in mg/nm 50
the Air Exhausted to the

3.0 Location of fan, cyclone and On Tripper floor roof

bag filter

4.0 Other requirements Will be as specified for DE system.

5.0 Cyclone separator Efficiency of 99% down to 10 micron

particle size. Made of 6 mm thk. MS

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roof extractor_R0 Extractor Systems
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

C) Bunker Floor Ventilation System

Sl. Item Units Data


Power Roof Extractor Fan

1.0 General

1.1 Service Exhaust

1.2 Mounting Roof

1.3 Type Tube Axial

1.4 Capacity To suit system requirement

2.0 Material of construction

2.1 Casing Mild steel plate to IS 2062

2.2 Impeller Cast Aluminium

2.3 Shaft EN 8

2.4 Hood MS (hinged type)

3.0 Accessories

3.1 Weather proof lockable type

disconnect switch

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SECTION - 2.10.6

Dust suppression system (DSS) shall be provided for stockpile area and JNT in order to
suppress the dust.

Dry fog system shall be provided for all the JNT specified in the flow diagram. Sprinkler type
system shall be provided for stockpile. The type of nozzles shall be Swiveling type for
stockpile area. Service water shall be used for DSS. The complete control system for the DSS
shall be by the Contractor.

(Water storage tanks for DSS shall have capacity to serve for one (1) hour of total water
requirement that includes service water requirement. Local water tanks shall be complete with
manhole, drain, overflow connection, inlet connection with float valve etc. A water tank of
RCC construction shall be provided by the contractor to store service water which supply
water to DSS/service water application

a) There shall be two (2) water pumps (1 working + 1 standby) for the sprinkler dust
suppression system. The quantity of water to be sprayed for the stockpile shall be calculated
based on minimum 6.25 litres of water per hour per tonne of coal stacked in a section of
90 metres length wherein a set of sprinklers operate simultaneously for two stockpiles. Total 4
sprinklers will be in operation simultaneously. Globe valves shall be provided at each
sprinkler. The operation of each section of sprinklers shall be sequential.

(b) Separate pumps (1W+1S) shall be provided for the Dry fog system. Each water spray
header in DSS shall be provided with a solenoid valve to stop the water spray when the
concerned plant and equipment of coal handling system do not operate.

(c) Each DSS shall be operated from the local control panels and shall be interlocked with
the respective conveyor / equipment.

(d) The pipes for stockpile dust suppression system shall be buried below ground and
suitable protection like wrapping and walls shall be provided.
(e) Dust emissions level shall be less than 5mg/nm within 5m radius of DS application point
for dry fog system.

(f) All water application, piping shall be MS as per IS: 1239.

(g) Another set of pumps (1W+1S) shall be provided for the service water application.

Common dedicated 2 X 100 % reciprocating compressors with air drier shall be provided.
Compressed air shall be used for cleaning the bag filter in Dust Extraction system and dry fog
dust suppression dust. The Refrigerator type air drier and air receiver shall be provided with
other required accessories. Design pressure of the receiver shall be 25% more than the rated
pressure. Corrosion allowance of 1.5mm shall be considered for the receiver.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



Sl. Item Units Data


1.0 Type Dry fog system- JNT specified in the flow

Dry fog system at Crusher house at the
crusher receipt and discharge
Sprinkler type system-Stockpile

2.0 Location Refer flow diagram

3.0 Type of nozzles Swiveling type for stockpile,

Dry Fog jet spray type for other areas.
Each nozzle of DSS will be provided with in-
built filter made of brass and shall also be of
self cleaning type

4.0 Spray nozzle tip and housing SS 304 and Aluminum alloy

5.0 Quantity of water to be As per manufacturer’s standard

sprayed at each feed and
discharge points of conveyor. (Minimum 2 no of nozzles for discharge side
of conveyor and 4 no of nozzles for receipt
side of conveyor shll be provided)

6.0 Method of operation of each Local panels. Solenoid valves will be

DS system provided at each header and interlocked
with the respective conveyor operation.

7.0 Centrifugal Pumps

7.1 Designation Dust suppression

7.2 Liquid handled Water

7.3 Type Back pull out

7.4 Location As per Requirement

7.5 Shaft Coupled

7.6 Drive transmission Direct

7.7 Seal Gland

7.8 Coupling guard Made of expanded metal bolted to the

base plate

7.9 Flow per sprinkler LPM Flow shall be calculated based on design

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl. Item Units Data

8.0 Material of Construction

8.1 Impeller Bronze

8.2 Casing Close Grained CI

8.3 Shaft / Shaft sleeve EN-8

8.4 Impeller ring / casing ring Bronze

1. Method of DSS operation in stockpile: The header pipe lines around the stockpile will be
buried below ground to avoid obstruction for the movement of dozers in the stock pile
area. Only Stand post for sprinklers will be above ground level. The spacing of the
sprinklers will be such that it covers the entire stockpile. The spacing of sprinklers will be
indicated by contractor.
2. A duplex strainer will be provided for service water pumps / DS water pumps at pump
3. The pumps will be of outdoor type. Weather protection hood / cover will be provided for
the motor.

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SECTION - 2.10.7

Coal sampling system shall be provided for collecting the samples for analyzing the coal. The coal
sampling system shall be as per BS-1017 / ISO – 1988 / ASTM D2234. Complete coal sampling
system comprises primary cutter, primary & secondary crusher, Secondary cutter and other auxiliary
shall be provided for collecting the final sample.


Item Units Data

1.0 Location As per the flow diagram

2.0 Type Automatic type

3.0 Type of primary cutter Swinging type

4.0 Materials of construction

4.1 Cutter S.S. 304/316

4.2 Liners for hoppers S.S. conforming to AISI-409M

4.3 Trough of screw conveyor SS-or MS with SS-liner

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-7 Coal Sampling System_R0 2.10.7 Coal Sampling System
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.8

In-line magnetic separator shall be provided on belt conveyors to separate the magnetic tramp
iron. The separator shall be located with adjustable tramp iron chute after determining the coal
and tramp iron trajectory. Tramp iron chutes shall have minimum 50 deg angle with horizontal.

The magnet will be of material with high permeability and coil will be immersed in a non
inflammable oil contained in a welded steel case fitted with expansion tank and relieve valve.

The magnetic separator shall be such that it will operate continuously without overheating.


Sl. Item Units Data


1.0 Type, location and quantity Nos. As per the flow diagram

2.0 The minimum flux density at the gauss 1000

operating distance from magnet lower
face under hot running conditions

3.0 Size of tramp iron to be lifted M20 bolts & nuts/50 kg MS plates/50
kg MS round bars of L/D ratio within 5.

4.0 Magnetic coil material Aluminum

5.0 Magnet core material CRGO

6.0 Force index 1,00,000

7.0 Type of insulation for coil H

8.0 Type of rectifier Selenium

9.0 Max. operating temperature of coil °C 140

under hot stabilized condition

10.0 Efficiency of magnetic separator & 90%

Suspension Magnet for lifting M20 nuts
when the nuts are buried at different
depths along the conveyor belt

11.0 Minimum operating height above conv. mm 400 for -25mm

Belt 450 for -100mm

12.0 Tramp iron chute To be provided upto ground level

13.0 Material of chute work and other parts Stainless steel. SS-409M of 8mm thick
in magnetic zone

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-8 In-line magnetic separator_R0 2.10.8 In Line Magnetic Separator
2 X 800 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.9

All underground tunnels will be provided with push pull type ventilation system by providing
supply air fans and exhaust fan of adequate capacity. The Contractor has to provide HDPE
pre-filter with efficiency of 90% down to 20 microns for the tunnel ventilation. Adequate
capacity of supply air fan and exhaust fan shall be provided.


Sl. Item Units Data


1.0 No. of air changes/hr. 12 ( minimum )

2.0 Type of fan Centrifugal fan (both for supply and exhaust

Exhaust fan shall be 70% of supply fan.

3.0 Location Underground tunnels below emergency

reclaim hopper

4.0 Velocity of air inside duct mps 12 ( maximum )

5.0 Material of duct GI duct

6.0 Grills GI construction with louvers

7.0 Centrifugal Fan

7.1 Service Ventilation.

7.2 Location Covered shed

7.3 Type SWSI / DWDI

7.4 Blade Type Backward (min 5mm thick) with self cleaning

7.5 Construction Class II

7.6 Drive V-belt driven

7.7 Material of Construction

7.7.1 Casing MS (5mm thick minimum)

7.7.2 Shaft EN-8

7.7.3 Impeller MS / CS

7.7.4 Accessories Requirement

Flexible connection at fan

outlet, inlet guard, fixed type

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-9 Tunnel Ventilation_R0 2.10.9 Tunnel Ventilation
2 X 800 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl. Item Units Data

inlet vane, outlet damper,
spring type vibration isolator
with minimum isolation
efficiency of 80%, ribbed
neoprene rubber pads
between foundation block and
floor, filter, slide rails etc shall
be provided.

8.0 Bearings 50,000hrs. (Minimum life)

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.10

Inline conveyor belt weigh scales shall be provided

• On conveyors to record the quantity of coal received in the plant and quantity of coal
• Boom conveyor of SCR to record quantity coal available in stockpile and also reclaiming

The belt scale shall be load cell type and will be continuous operating. Provisions for local and
remote measurement of instantaneous through put, totalling, local signalling of load limits of
conveyors shall be provided. Control of sampler, signals for remote indication and overload
alarm shall be given in the belt scale. Suitable device for testing the accuracy by test weights
shall be provided. The belt scales shall be of electronic microprocessor type. Weigh scales
shall be of multi-idler type.


Sl. Item Units Data


1.0 Quantity Nos. As per the flow diagram

2.0 Location As per the flow diagram

3.0 Troughing angle Degrees Refer conveyor section

4.0 Material handled Refer description in the main


5.0 Range 20% to 120% of rated capacity

requirement with 100% overload

6.0 Accuracy ±1% for SCR belt scale

± 0.25% for others

7.0 Measurement provisions Flow rate indicator & totaliser

7.1 Type of totaliser Digital, six digits

7.2 Local rate indicator Required

7.3 Remote rate indicator Required

7.4 Location of totalizer and remote CHS control room

rate indicator

8.0 Type of belt scale Electronic/Microprocessor based

9.0 Type of load cell Temperature compensated

hermetically sealed and protected
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Vol-II Sec 2-10-10 Belt weigh Scale_R0 2.10.10 Belt Weigh Scale
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl. Item Units Data

against shock and vibration
10.0 Analog Readout 4-20 mA Current output for coal
weighed shall be provided to CHP
control system

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-10 Belt weigh Scale_R0 2.10.10 Belt Weigh Scale
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.11

Metal detector complete with marker, warning horn, alarm annunciation, electricals, controls,
etc are to be provided as required. Hooter with audible range of min 100m shall be provided.

The metal detector will identify magnetic and non-magnetic material and indicate its location.

Metal detector shall be mounted on conveyor structure, with necessary protection against
coal bed hitting the coil The coil shall have protection of IP- 65.

The capacity of metal detector shall be to detect minimum 25 mm Aluminum cube. In case of
steel cord the sensitivity shall be 35 mm. Carrying idlers on either sides shall be placed closer
to the detector as recommended by manufacturer.

No moving parts, electricity conveying devices like motor etc, shall be placed near the
detecting zone.

No return idler be placed below the metal detector.

The short support below the metal detector shall be welded with the stringer to avoid

No metal construction like deck sheet etc. between idler and detector be placed.

It shall also detect other metals, like brass, copper, stainless steel, manganese steel, bars,
scraps etc. It should ignore magnetite/iron and shall distinguish between metal pieces and


Sl. Item Units Data

1.0 Location As per flow diagram

2.0 Material handled Coal

3.0 Annunciation Hooter Yes


4.0 Audible range of Hooter m Minimum 100

5.0 Tramp iron markers Sand bag

6.0 Scoop Non ferrous material shall be removed

using automated scoop without tripping
the conveyor.

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-11 Metal detectors_R0 2.10.11 Metal Detectors
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.12

Flow divider with rack pinion, worm gear, geared motor (and provision for manual operation)
shall be provided for dividing the coal in two-way chutes based on the requirements. The
preferred location of the flow divider shall be perpendicular to the conveyor motion as it
ensures required flow division. Accuracy of flow divider: +/- 5%.


Sl.No Description Unit Data

1.0 Quantity required As per flow diagram

2.0 Capacity through gate T/h 0 to 100 % Variation

3.0 Max. Lump size of material mm Based on the location


4.0 Method of operation of the Motorised


5.0 Shaft material EN-8

6.0 Material Liner 10mm MS with 10 mm TISCRAL/


7.0 Limit switch As per requirement

8.0 Mechanical buffer Required

9.0 Linear speed mm/s 30

Notes: 1. Manganese bar is kept at the impact zone.
2. Inspection door is required at each side.

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-12 Flow divider_R0 2.10.12 Flow Divider
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.13


Flap gates of non-jamming type with curved/straight blade design with electric
actuator (and provision for manual operation) shall be provided for diverting the coal
in two-way chutes. The gate surface shall be provided with 20mm thick TISCRAL/
SAILHARD / wear resistant liner plate.

The actuator motor shall be dust tight. The flap gate shall be remote controlled with
necessary interlock as required. All components including opening in the chute for
shaft of gate shall be protected against dust. For Specified Design refer Annex


Motorized rack and pinion cut off gates complete with frame, gate plate with liner,
limit switches, locking device, rollers, chain and sprocket, accessories, necessary
fixing bolts for fixing the gate with chutes shall be provided in all the locations as
indicated in the flow diagram.

Adequate rod gate shall be provided on top of rack and pinion gate. The slide gate
plate thickness should be adequate with proper reinforcement to meet the
requirement of load of coal in choked condition and abrasion of coal. All gates shall
have manual operation facility by hand wheel/chain with limit switches for safety of
the operator. Gate shall be normally actuated by rotary actuator with necessary limit
switches. For Specified Design refer Annex

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-13 Gates_R0 2.10.13 Gates
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Sl.No Description Unit Data


1.0 Quantity As per the flow diagram

2.0 Type of Gate Non-jamming

3.0 Method of operation Electric actuator, individually operated

with provision for manual operation.

4.0 Material of Construction of 20 mm thick TISCRAL/ SAILHARD or

Gate equivalent material liner.

5.0 Limit switches to indicate To be provided

the different positions of

6.0 Mounting of limit switches Outer surface of chute

7.0 Automatic operation:

7.1 No. of Operation/ Hr 15 (with 10 consecutive switching)

7.2 Protection Travel and thrust dependent

8.0 Manual Operation

8.1 Maximum effort Convenient for operation by single


9.0 Material of Construction:

9.1 Flap gate shaft EN-8

9.2 Flap plate MS (IS: 2062) Grade B

9.3 Liner (on flap gate) 6 mm SS 409M

9.4 Gate shaft EN-8 (BS-970) / Equivalent


Designation Refer flow diagram

Location Below ERH

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-13 Gates_R0 2.10.13 Gates
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No Description Unit Data

Quantity required Refer flow diagram

Capacity through gate T/h

Minimum size of gate mm Contractor to indicate

Lump size of material mm (-) 25 for ERH


Method of operation of the Motorized with facility for manual

gate operation

Material of construction

8.1 Material of the gate 10 mm thick SAILHARD or equivalent on

10mm gate plate

8.2 Material of shaft EN-8

Notes :
The gates shall be suitable for closing and opening the gate with hoppers full.

Access platform with hand railing and staircase shall be provided wherever

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-13 Gates_R0 2.10.13 Gates
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.10.14


Coal would be reclaimed by dozers into the emergency reclaim hopper (ERH). Vibrating
feeder will be provided below the ERH for feeding coal to the belt conveyor

RH/ERH will be of RCC construction and will be provided with a side plate angle of 65 deg
with horizontal. The minimum length and width of hopper will be minimum 6 m x 6 m. Grid will
be provided on the top of hopper.

The ERH and grid over it will be designed for the accidental movement of the bulldozers.

The ERH will be provided with rack and pinion gates & rod gates.


Sl.No Description Unit Data

1.0 Designation ERH

2.0 Number required As per flow diagram

3.0 Whether grid required on Yes

top of hopper

4.0 Size of grid openings mm To suit the lump size of coal and flow

5.0 Type of construction of RCC


6.0 Shed over hoppers Yes


7.0 Storage capacity Minimum 20T

8.0 Liner 5 mm SS-409M for ERH

8.1 Side plate angle 65 degree

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-14 Hoppers_R0 2.10.14 Hoppers

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.15


Around the coal stockpile, drainage channels shall be constructed to take all the effluent from
the coal stock yard (sprinkling water, rain / leach water), which shall be ultimately led to a coal
pile run-off pit sump.


Coal pile runoff water from the coal stockpile shall be fed into a collecting pond through RCC
drains provided on around the coal stockpile. Coal particles shall settle down and clear water
shall over flow to the adjacent sump. From this sump, clear water shall be pumped to ETP.


Sl. Item Units Data


1.0 Purpose Collecting the coal pile runoff water

from the drainage channels around the
coal stockyard and led to a collecting
pond. Coal particles shall settle down
and clear water shall over flow to the
adjacent sump. Sludge will be removed
2.0 Pit capacity m³ Each 1500m

3.0 Number of pit 2 (refer plot plan)

4.0 Pump capacity m3/h Suitably sized considering the

maximum rainfall. The effluent shall not
be let into storm water drain in any
case. Shall be let into ETP. (N+1) pump
to be provided in each location.

Pump capacity shall be minimum


The necessary piping, valves and control shall be provided.

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 1
Vol-II Sec 2-10-15 Coal Pile Run off Pit_
Pump_R0 2.10.15 Coal pile run off pit & Pump
2 X660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.16


Sl.No Description Unit Data

1.0 Nos. Required Four (4)

2.0 Type Diesel Engine driven Crawler Tractor

Unit with Coal Dozer attachment

3.0 Handling Material (of less Coal

than or equal to 50mm)

4.0 Condition of Grade (a) Generally leveled

(b) Climbing Crushed coal pile of a
height of 10 m (max.) and
reclaiming / dozing

5.0 No. of speed steps Forward: not less than three (3)
Reverse: not less than three (3)

6.0 Engine
Rating (BHP) Not less than 242KW (324

7.0 Adequate number of flood Required

lights for Illumination
during night works.

8.0 Portable Fire Extinguisher Required

inside the Operator’s

9.0 Heavy Duty 12/24 Volt Required

Battery to enable operation
of Engine Starting Motor

10.0 Generator suitable for Required

charging the Battery
when the Engine is
in Operation

11.0 Engine power for dozing

the coal from the stock pile
of following Dimensions

i) Stock pile width m 50

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 2
Vol-II Sec 2-10-16 Bulldozers_R0 2.10.16 Bulldozers
2 X660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No Description Unit Data

ii) Angle of repose degrees 35º
iii) Max Height of stockpile m 10
iv) Bulk density kg/m³ 1000

12.0 All Standard Control Required

& monitoring features

13.0 All Standard accessories Required

as applicable

14.0 All special accessories as Required

recommended by mfg. for
this application

15.0 Noise level limitation 85(dBA) measured at a distance of 1.5m

From the outline of the equipment.
Notes :
1. All Controls of the Dozer will be brought into the Operator’s Cabin.
2. Dozer will be used for moving, spreading, leveling, compacting and dozing the
material specified. The dozer will be capable of stable operation on steep
slopes, Side banks and in dust laden atmosphere.
3. Tests & Test certificates:-
Equipment covered by this specification will be tested by the vender at site to
establish its guaranteed operational performance / capacity over a period of
eight weeks.
4. Consumables required for the test will be supplied by Contractor
5. Hand operated brake shall be provided.

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-16 Bulldozers_R0 2.10.16 Bulldozers
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.17

Sump pumps with 100% standby shall be provided. The drive motor of all the sump pumps
shall be mounted at least 1.0m above the floor level.

High and low level switches, non return valves etc shall be included in the system. Margin of
20 % on calculated head.


Sl. Item Units Data


1.0 Pump detail Open impeller, Non-clog type, grease

lubricated. 30m3/h capacity. Speed limited
to 1450rpm. Shall be Pumped to ETP.

2.0 Number of pumps Two(2) (1W+1S) at each pit location

3.0 Liquid to be handled Coal slurry with specific gravity of 1.1and

maximum lump size of coal will be 25mm.
and solid content will be 25%

4.0 Mounting The drive motor will be mounted at 1.0 m

above floor / ground level.

5.0 Pump accessories Automatic float level switch for start/stop,

requirement suction strainer, sump cover plate etc will
be provided

6.0 Pump discharge point To coal pile run off pond

Sump size(length x mmxmmx 1000 X 2500 x 1500(minimum)

7.0 width x depth) mm

8.0 Sump type Will be twin pit type

9.0 Pump Material of


9.1 Casing CI(210 BHN)

9.2 Impeller ALLOY CI (2%Ni CI)

9.3 Pump shaft / Line shaft EN-8

9.4 Strainer CI

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-17 Sump Pumps_R0 2.10.17 Sump Pumps
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.18

For each type of belt, one number hydro mechanical type portable belt vulcanizer complete
with kit and vulcanizing solution shall be provided for repairing and splicing conveyor belts.
The Belt vulcanizer shall be used to vulcanize / repair belts including making of general
diamond tooth, rectangular or saw tooth type transverse splice, repairing longitudinal slit,
edge, spots in belt. The material of construction of heating surface is Aluminum. The machine
shall be suitable for vulcanizing full splice length in one setting and shall also be suitable for
the maximum belt width. The machine shall be capable to generate adequate pressure and
temperature as recommended by the supplier of the belt. However, pressure and temperature
shall not be less than 7 kg/cm2 and 140° C respectively. Cable of 30m length of adequate
size shall be included along with switch, plug etc. for connection between socket and
temperature control box and platen. Separate belt vulcanizing machine shall be envisaged
for suitable for vulcanizing steel cord and NN belt. Vulcanizing kit and glue to be supplied
along with it along with its tools.

Hooks shall be provided on transfer points, conveyor galleries for belt handling and replacing
the new belt. Space to be provided near the take up for making joints.

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 1
Vol-II Sec 2-10-18 Belt Vulcaniser_R0 2.10.18 Belt Vulcaniser
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.19


The Coal Handling Plant shall be operated, monitored & controlled from the CHP local control
room through the DCS remote I/Os with the redundant Processor, power supply,
communication module, redundant communication link with the main plant DCS.

In plant coal handling local control room shall be provided with Two (2) no. 24” LCD TFT type
Operator station and CHP Mimic panel for control and monitoring the CHP locally in addition
to remote monitoring from the central control room in the main plant DCS.

CHP mimic panel with hard wired push button for back panel operation. Two No. large screen
display (84”) complete with control station and other hardware at CHP control room for
controlling & monitoring coal handling system.

The operation and control system of the Coal Handling Plant shall cover the total functional
requirements of the plant which includes normal start-up, shutdown and emergency
operations, sequence control, interlock & protection, monitoring & alarm etc. All the
instrumentation for monitoring, Protection and smooth operation of the plant shall be
provided. The Coal handling system comprising conveyors, Crushers, screens, magnetic
separators, Metal Detectors, belt weigher, belt feeders, dust control system, compressor
system, water system, etc. Stacker/Reclaimer (S/R) shall be controlled and operated from the
Operator station in the operator's cabin. Remote I/O racks with the dedicated redundant
controllers/processors for S/R shall be provided for connecting the signals of the S/R system
to the DCS cabinets in the CHP local control room. Location of RIO panel shall be in S/R’s
operator cabin.

Dust suppression, Dust extraction & Coal sampling system, shall have local control panels
mounted near the equipment. Local start/stop facility for conveyors & other equipment shall
also be provided for maintenance requirements.


2.1.0 The Coal handling Plant comprises of the many equipment's the details are as follows:

Operation of the following equipment's of coal handling plant is from the CHP control room.
For control & operation more details refer Vol-II, section 4.10C&I

• Conveyors, Flap gates, Crushers, Vibrating Feeder & Screens.

• Inline magnetic separators (ON/OFF control with indication)
• Metal detectors (ON/OFF control with indication)
• In line Belt Weigh Scale (ON/OFF control with indication).
• The Stacker/Reclaimer shall be controlled through Dedicated PLC.

2.2.0 Conveyor System

2.2.1 Conveyor System The starting sequence of the conveyors shall follow a direction opposite to
that of flow of material.

Any individual equipment (belt conveyor etc.) should not be allowed to start unless the
equipment immediately following the same in the direction of flow of Coal is already in

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-19 Operation and Philosophy_R0 2.10.19 Operation and Philosophy
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Stop / tripping of any equipment from running condition shall trip all preceding equipment in
the system, but shall not effect succeeding ones which shall continue to operate. Interlocking
of various conveyors shall be achieved with limit switches and zero speed switches. Crusher
Motor shall not be stopped during the sequential operation of the conveyor system.

Adequate no. of Pull cord switches shall be provided along the length of each belt conveyor,
which shall enable the respective conveyor to be stopped immediately. Belt Protection
switches, Pull Chord Switch & Belt Sway Switch, shall be identified/addressed by a specific
number in the Control Room. All the safety switches shall be addressable type.

Operator can select anyone of the programmed paths from the operator station located in the
CHP Control Room. Operation of the Coal handling plant shall be based on the Coal flow path
selection. The operator can select the desired Coal flow path in the Operator station.

The flow stream path is selected by positioning different flap gates/ feeders at the desired
position from monitor to select the conveyors. The system shall be in operation with a time
delay and with a hooter sound. If selection is wrong, the DCS shall generate an audio-visual

The control system shall be designed for "Auto" & "Manual" operation of the conveyors in the
selected path. Auto/Manual selection shall be done from the Operator station. Auto Mode: In
the "Auto" mode, the conveyors and related equipment shall start sequentially when the
"System Start" is activated. During stopping, when the "System Stop" is activated, all
conveyors shall stop sequentially (in the reverse sequence) allowing time delays for clearing
the materials on conveyor.

Manual Mode: In Manual Mode, the operator shall start the conveyor system in the same
sequence as in Auto mode by pressing individual "Start" buttons on Operator station. The
operator shall also stop the conveyor system, by pressing "System stop" or individual "Stop"
buttons in the reverse sequence.

During 'sequence start' in both auto and manual modes, first the required number of hooters
shall be energized simultaneously for a preset time of 1 minute or so (adjustable) as per the
program. After the preset time, the hooters shall stop and a preset time of two minutes
(adjustable) shall be allowed for the movement of the personnel and for the permissive of' the
conveyor system operation.

The Status of the sequence i.e; each conveyor/ equipment ON/OFF status shall also be
displayed on MIMIC panel at CHP control room.

2.3.0 Flap gates and flow divider

All flap gates and flow divider shall be motorized and remote controlled from the control room.
Their position shall be indicated on the Operator station of control room.

2.4.0 Metal Detector

The starting of conveyors are interlocked with the metal detectors to start the conveyors
energizing the metal detector is mandatory. Once the metal is detected, the corresponding
conveyor shall trip. It shall be possible to restart the conveyors, after local resetting of metal
detector & putting back the marker bag in position. Metal detector ON/OFF indication shall be
provided in the Operator station.

In case of tripping of conveyor system, metal detector shall de-energize after a time lag.
Following individual indications shall be provided on Local Control panel:

• Metal Detector 'ON'

• Metal Detected

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

2.5.0 In Line Magnetic Separator

The starting of conveyors are interlocked with the ILMS provided in BCN to start the
conveyors energizing the ILMS is mandatory .It shall be possible to start the conveyor only
after energizing the magnet of ILMS. Further, if conveyor system trips magnetic separators
shall de-energize after a time lag and audio-visual annunciation shall appear at CHP control

Following individual indications are provided on Local control panel:

• Magnetic separator ON.

• Magnetic separator OFF.
• Magnetic separator AVAILABLE.

2.6.0 Coal Sampling Unit

Coal sampling unit shall be controlled through Local Control Panel.. Push buttons, LED
indications of status, alarms shall be provided on the local control panel for manual operation
and monitoring.

Monitoring of sampling system shall be provided in the CHP Operator station.

Local push button stations shall be provided for all individual equipment of Coal sampling
system near the equipment.

2.7.0 In line conveyor scale)

Belt weighers are provided to measure the flow rate and total quantity of coal delivered to the
bunker. Belt weighers are located on conveyors (refer flow diagram) and boom conveyor of
stacker cum reclaimer. It will provide 4-20 mA analog signal to the DCS.

2.8.0 Safety Switches

Belt Watch Panel operating at 24V DC supply is provided for the PCS and BSS in the
Conveyor System. Each conveyor consists of programmable type safety switches namely Pull
chord sWitch(PCS), Belt sway switches(BSS), Chute jam switch (OS)and zero speed switch
(ZSS). The function of these switches is to protect the conveyors during abnormal or
emergency conditions. PCS-These switches will trip the conveyors if it is pulled from any point
of the conveyor the pull chord run through both sides of conveyor.

BSS-These switches will trip the conveyors if the belt slides on to the switch.

ZSS-These switches will trip the conveyor, if the belt speed at tail pulley is less than the
desired \ speed. ZSS is provided at tail pulley for all conveyors. All the above mention safety
switches shall be provided on both side of the conveyors.

2.9.0 Bunker Level Measurement

One (1) no. RADAR type Level Transmitter (4-20mA type) shall be provided for each coal

The level Transmitters shall be interfaced with the DCS for viewing the level of coal in the

Display and annunciation of High and Low level signals shall be available for operator at
Control Room by means of 4-20mA.

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-19 Operation and Philosophy_R0 2.10.19 Operation and Philosophy
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

In case of level high in bunker level, the feeding conveyor shall be stopped. Bunker level shall
be continuously displayed with low, low-low, high and high-high indications on the Operator

2.10.0 Stacker cum Reclaimer

The sequence of operation, control and interlocking etc., of the Stacker /Reclaimer shall be
achieved through dedicated Operator station mounted local to the equipment.

Remote I/O racks with the dedicated redundant processors/controllers for S/R shall be
installed in the operator cabin of the S/R system. The soft link communication between the
S/R Remote I/O unit and the DCS cabinets in the CHP local control room shall be through
cable reeling drum.

Operation of the Stacker/Reclaimer shall be through Stacker/Reclaimer Operator station. The

protection, interlocks, controls and logics for the Stacker/Reclaimer operation shall be within
the Stacker cum Reclaimer’s DCS processors/controller.

2.11.0 Dust Suppression System

The DS water supply pumps shall start automatically and always be running as long as the
coal handling system is running (only for the running conveyor). Once the coal handling
system stops, the main DS water supply pumps shall stop automatically.

All necessary instrumentation and field sensors for control and operation shall be provided.

2.12.0 Dust extraction System

The following sequence shall be followed for starting the DE system:

Start Screw conveyor (if applicable) or feeders of bag filter.

Start RAV of bag Filter

Power to sequential controller

Start Centrifugal Fan Motor

Open motorized damper of fan inlet

DES shall operate only for the running conveyor

2.13.0 Brake for Conveyors

Brakes are for all conveyors irrespective of coasting time to avoid the jamming of chute while
stopping the conveyor.

2.14.0 Travelling Tripper

The Travelling Trippers shall be operated manually by the local control station provided on the
bunker bay.

Based on the level indicated by the bunker level indicator (Low) the operator will select the
bunker and position the Tripper. After filling this bunker the operator will select the next
bunker which indicates Low.

The last bunker is filled directly by the conveyor without operating the tripper. For this the
material is guided to the conveyor itself by operating the flap gate provided in the tripper.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The flap gate in the tripper is positioned in such a way that the material from the conveyor is
always directed to the bunker. To avoid spillage from tripper during unit change, the flap gate
in the tripper shall be operated and the material is guided to the conveyor itself.

After filling all bunkers, indication will be given to the CHP control Room and the material shall
be directed to the stock yard by selecting the stacking mode.


Protection and Interlock shall be provided for all the equipment's and a system to safeguard
the equipment's against abnormal conditions which may result in the failure of the
equipment's and protect the operating personnel. Controls shall be provided to start/shutdown
various systems and/or any equipment with associated auxiliaries and to operate the CHP
with safety.

Generally the following equipment shall come under interlock scheme:

• Conveyors
• Flap gates
• Rack & Pinion gates
• Metal detectors
• Magnetic Separators
• Crushers
• Vibrating Screens/feeders
• Belt Scale

Safety interlocks to be taken care for conveyors and other equipment as a minimum are:

1. Conveyors
• Pull chord switch -not operated
• Belt Sway switch -not operated
• Chute Block switch -not operated
• Brakes for conveyor -not operated
• Zero speed switch -Closed at 90% approx. of belt conveyor speed

2. Crusher
• Zero Speed -not operated
• Vibration level-not high
• Temp of Windings -not high
• Temp of Fluid coupling Oil-not high

3. Flap Gates/ Rack & Pinion Gates

• End of travel limit switches -reset


Each of the Coal handling plant equipment shall have status and alarm indicated in the
Operator station. Operating stop and trip condition of each equipment shall be indicated.
Similarly energised, de-energised and trip conditions of magnetic separators shall be
indicated on the Operator station.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Individual point Annunciation shall be provided for each of the following in the Operator
station as a minimum:

• Annunciation for trip of individual belt conveyors

• Annunciation for Fault in individual conveyor Hydraulic drives / crusher motor, screen
motor trip on fault of HT motors.
• Annunciation for trip of individual crusher, screen and feeder.
• Annunciation for HT motor trip due to high bearing temperature and winding temperature.
• Annunciation for trip of conveyor due to metal detection by metal detector.
• Annunciation for Stacker-cum-Reclaimer
• Individual annunciation for the following conditions of the electrical power system:







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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.20

Manual Stone Picking arrangement at a suitable location in the conveyor gallery shall be
provided complete with platforms, overhead lighting, hand railings, suitable seating, safety
hook & holding arrangement for manual pickers, disposal chutes to ground level etc.


• Before the crusher house

• Before the bunker bay

Provision for minimum 3 person/conveyors shall be provided in each location in series (at an
interval). Total 6 persons in each location for two conveyors. Cross over arrangement shall
also be provided at each location.

Spec. No. SE/C/U P/EE1/OT No.01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 1
Vol-II Sec 2-10-20 Stone picking arrgmnt_R0 2.10.20 Stone Picking Arrangement
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.10.21

Vibrating feeders shall be mounted on the floor with the help of helical springs made of alloy
steel. No rubber/synthetic material for the support shall be acceptable. Vibrating feeders shall
be provided with removable abrasion resistant liner plate.


Location : As per the flow diagram

Type : Linear motion

Quantity : As per requirement

Type of Duty : Heavy duty, Continuous

Capacity : Each vibrating feeder shall be

Below surge hopper -
1500TPH(Rated), 1650TPH(Design)

Below reclaim hopper -

200TPH (Rated), 220TPH(Design)

Inclination of deck : Not more than 10 deg.

Drive : Hydraulic/ Electric motor

Noise level : 85 dba at 1m distance.

Lubrication : Oil / Grease lubricated.

Material of Construction :

1. Material of Tray/ Thickness : 16 mm MS on Solid

deck and 10 mm MS
on Side plate

2. Liners on Tray, Bottom

and side thickness : 10mm SAILHARD

3. Shaft : 45C8 / EN-8.

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Vol-II Sec 2-10-21 vibrating feeder_R0 2.10.21 Vibrating Feeder
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract









2.11.3 JET PUMP







2.11.10 FLY ASH SILO










Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. II, Section 2 Page : 1 of 1
Vol-II Sec 2-11-00 AHS Index_R0 2.11 AHS - Index
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.11.0


The equipments to be supplied, erected / installed, tested and commissioned under the scope
of this specification shall include but not be limited to the following:

1.1.0 Bottom Ash Handling System

(Flow diagram – Bottom ash flow diagram)

• Bottom Ash Hoppers with hydraulic /electric operated slide gates with provision for
manual operation etc.
• Scraper chain conveyors and its accessories.
• Clinker grinders - complete with drive motors, fluid couplings, gear boxes, chains &
sprockets, Protective guards, feed sumps, seal water nobs etc.
• Jet pumps to convey bottom ash and economiser ash from the bottom ash hopper area
to ash slurry sump.
• One (1) no Flushing apparatus for each Economiser hopper.
• One lot of Isolation valves, expansion joints, flushing apparatus and associated piping for
evacuation of ashes from Economiser hoppers.
• Bottom ash overflow transfer pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other
accessories to pump BA overflow water to clariflocculator.
• BA overflow tank
• Drain sump pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories.
• Drain sump.
• Tube settler common for both the units with necessary isolating valves and level switches.
• Seal water Pumps
• AHS seal water tank
• Sludge pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories.
• One lot of Water piping, slurry piping, instrument air piping, fittings, valves,
instrumentation, agitating nozzles, liners etc as per requirement and specification flow
• All other items required to make the system complete in all respects.

1.2.0 Fly Ash Handling System

(Flow diagram – Fly ash flow diagram)

• Vacuum system
- One (1) lot of fly ash hopper isolating valves, intake valve (pneumatic operated),
control system, level probes, adopter piece, etc., below each ESP hopper, APH
hopper, Duct (if applicable) and stack hopper.
- ESP and Buffer hopper Fluidizing blowers and associated drive units, heaters,
silencers, filters, valves, instruments to supply hot air to fluidizing pads of ESP
hoppers, Buffer hoppers etc.,
- One lot of Water piping, slurry piping, instrument air piping, fittings, valves,
instrumentation, agitating nozzles, liners etc as per requirement and specification flow
- Liquid ring type vacuum pumps with all accessories to generate vacuum in first stage
of vacuum conveying.
- Bag filter with buffer hopper to collect dry fly ash from various fly ash hoppers by
vacuum located near ESP first field.
- Expansion joint shall be provided wherever required.
- Drain sump

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-0 Main section_AHS_R0 2.11.0 Ash Handling System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

- Drain Pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories.
- All other items required to make the system complete in all respects.

• Pressure pneumatic conveying system

- Transmitter vessels / blow tanks along with isolating valves, inlet and outlet pneumatic
operated valves as applicable, control system, level probes, adopter piece, supports
for transmitter etc., below buffer hoppers.
- One (1) lot of fly ash piping with fittings, instruments, valves, flanges, hangers,
supports etc. for complete system as required upto the silos.
- Branch isolation / diverter valves wherever required as per flow diagram and to meet
the system operational requirement.
- Conveying air compressors - oil free screw compressors Transport air receivers for
each unit with associated instruments and with dedicated refrigerant dryer of
adequate capacity with drives and all accessories.
- One (1) lot of conveying compressed air piping as per requirement with fittings,
instruments flanges, supports, etc.
- Instrument air compressor - Oil free screw compressors with dedicated refrigerant
dryer common for both units of adequate capacity with drives and all accessories
- Instrument air receivers with associated accessories. Air receiver along with safety
relief valve, automatic drain trap and other accessories complete with supporting
steel structures.
- Expansion joint shall be provided wherever required.
- Fly ash RCC storage silos with associated accessories.
- Silo aeration blower and associated drive units, heaters, silencers, filters, valves,
instruments to supply hot air to fluidizing pads of silo,
- All other items required to make the system complete in all respects.

• Ash slurry and water system

- Jet pumps to convey fly ash from fly ash silos to ash slurry sump.
- Drain sump pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories.
- Drain sump.
- Hydro duct conditioner pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other
- Hydro duct conditioner sump
- One lot of Water piping, slurry piping, instrument air piping, fittings, valves,
instrumentation, agitating nozzles, liners etc as per requirement and specification flow
- All other items required to make the system complete in all respects.

1.3.0 Ash disposal system

(Flow diagram – ash disposal system)
• BA ash slurry
- Collection channel
- Motorised plug valve
- Slurry sump with its accessories
- BA Slurry Pumps with its accessories
- BA Drain sump pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories.
- BA Drain sump.
- One lot of Water piping, slurry piping, instrument air piping, fittings, valves,
instrumentation, agitating nozzles, liners etc as per requirement and specification flow
- BA Seal water pump with its accessories
- BA Seal water sump with its accessories
- All other items required to make the system complete in all respects.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-0 Main section_AHS_R0 2.11.0 Ash Handling System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• FA ash slurry
- Collection channel
- Motorised plug valve
- Slurry sump with its accessories
- FA Slurry Pumps with its accessories
- FA Drain sump pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories.
- FADrain sump.
- FA Seal water pump with its accessories
- FA Seal water sump with its accessories
- One lot of Water piping, slurry piping, instrument air piping, fittings, valves,
instrumentation, agitating nozzles, liners etc as per requirement and specification flow
- All other items required to make the system complete in all respects

• Water system
- AHS sea water tank with its accessories
- Sea water FA HP pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories.
- Sea water BA HP pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories.
- Sea water BA LP pumps complete with drive motors, couplings & other accessories
- One lot of Water piping, slurry piping, instrument air piping, fittings, valves,
instrumentation, agitating nozzles, liners etc as per requirement and specification flow
- All other items required to make the system complete in all respects.

• Ash Water Recovery System

- Vertical turbine pumps for pumping the water from recovery water sump to
- One lot of recovery water pipe from ash pond to clariflocculator.
- Clariflocculator
- Required no. of dosing system arrangements.
- Sludge pumps & piping to pump ash sludge into ash pond
- Sludge sump and its accessories
- One lot of Water piping, slurry piping, instrument air piping, fittings, valves,
instrumentation, agitating nozzles, liners etc as per requirement and specification flow
- All other items required to make the system complete in all respects.


2.1.0 Bottom Ash Handling

Ash Source: Bottom ash and Economiser ash

Bottom ash formed due to the combustion of coal in the SG shall be collected in a refractory
lined dry Bottom Ash Hopper (BAH). In this system, the bottom ash from the boiler furnace
shall be discharged into the submerged scraper chain conveyor provided below the dry type
bottom ash hopper. The scraper chain conveyor in turn shall feed bottom ash to clinker
grinder where it gets crushed to (-) 25mm and feeds the buffer hopper (connecting the
scarper chain conveyor outlet with jet pump). Bottom ash hopper refractory and bottom ash
shall be cooled by the sea water. Overflow from the Scraper chain conveyor shall be collected
in the overflow tank and recirculated by the overflow transfer pump to Clariflocculator.
Common sea water tank shall be provided for the bottom and fly ash disposal system.

From economiser hoppers, coarse ash will flow to the scraper chain conveyor (above the
maintained water level) by means of an adequately sized sloping pipe (for transporting slurry
by gravity) duly assisted by jets (nozzles) placed at strategic locations for easy slurry flow.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The individual slurry outlet pipes shall combine to form a header in sloped gradient and the
header will connect to each scarper chain conveyor. Each individual economiser hopper shall
be provided with manual isolation valve, water seal cum expansion trough, flushing apparatus
having water supply from BAHP water pumps for slurry preparation.

Fly ash from Economizer hoppers are also conveyed to bottom ash hopper using flushing
apparatus and same shall be handled as a part of this system.

2.2.0 Fly Ash Handling System

Ash Source: ESP ash, APH hoppers, duct hoppers (if applicable) and Stack hopper.

Vacuum-cum-pressure system: The fly ash handling system shall be of vacuum-cum-pressure

type. The fly ash collected in several sets of ESP hoppers located in the flue gas path shall be
evacuated pneumatically.

The fly ash is sequentially extracted from these hoppers by creating vacuum in extraction
piping. In this system, the vacuum shall be created using vacuum pumps. The total ash
removal system shall be divided into parallel paths (4 Nos).In each path, clearance of ash
from hoppers connected to common fly ash header shall be done one after another. Shifting
of ash clearance cycle from one hopper to the next shall be automatic and based on vacuum
level. The evacuation shall be done once in an eight (8) hours shift.

Fly ash shall be conveyed in dry mode through bag filter to buffer hopper. There shall be 4W
Nos. of buffer hoppers for each unit.

a) Dry fly ash evacuation System:

The fly ash system shall be designed to collect fly ash in dry form in RCC silos. Fly ash
lines from Buffer Hoppers shall be provided with pneumatically operated isolation valves
for diverting fly ash to any of the silos.

For collecting fly ash in dry form, the system shall be designed such that the fly ash and
conveying air mixture from fly ash hoppers is passed through buffer hoppers, where ash
shall get separated and air shall flow to the vacuum pumps through Bag filters. The bag
filters shall be pneumatic pulse jet type. The fly ash from the buffer hoppers shall be
transported to RCC silo by using air from conveying air compressors. Adequately sized
vent filter shall be mounted on top of the silos to filter the air and let it out to atmosphere.

2.3.0 Disposal of Fly Ash from Silo

Each storage silo shall be provided with a dedicated aeration system. Each silo shall have
the following connections with rotary feeder to offer the unloading of ash in different form as

• 2 no. opening common for Unloading of ash in dry form to closed tank carriers
through Telescopic chute.
• 2 no. opening for Wet disposal using jet pump.
• 1 Opening common for Unloading of ash through Dust conditioner into open truck.
• 1 One blind flange opening.
Silo area shall be provided with compound wall and gate considering stage-1 and 2.

2.4.0 Ash Slurry Disposal

a) Common ash slurry pumps shall be provided for bottom and eco ash of two units.
(2W+1S) shall be provided for two units. Ash slurry shall be discharged into common
channel of ash slurry sumps from where it shall be disposed to Ash pond by means of

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

slurry pumps and associated piping. Number of slurry pumps in series shall be selected
based on the total disposal distance. One pipeline shall be provided with each series of
pumps. Slurry discharge line shall be flushed with water in order to prevent settling of ash
inside the slurry pipe lines at the end of each operation.

b) Common ash slurry pumps shall be provided for fly ash of two units. (1W+1S) shall be
provided for two units. Ash slurry shall be discharged into common channel of ash slurry
sumps from where it shall be disposed to Ash pond by means of slurry pumps and
associated piping. Number of slurry pumps in series shall be selected based on the total
disposal distance. One pipeline shall be provided with each series of pumps. Slurry
discharge line shall be flushed with water in order to prevent settling of ash inside the
slurry pipe lines at the end of each operation.

2.5.0 Ash Water Recovery System

a) Ash pond decanted water shall be re-circulated back from ash pond to plant for treatment
and reuse in ash handling system. The recovery water system shall be designed
considering the bottom & eco ash disposal, fly ash disposal and flushing requirement for
each pipelines.

b) The water from the stilling pond shall be let out through the collecting well. The effluent
outflow from these collecting wells shall be gravity led through a discharge pipe with an
isolation valve to a recovery water sump (close to ash pond).

c) Water from collection sump shall be pumped to clariflocculator by using recovery water
pumps. Parshall flume flow measuring instrument shall be provided for measuring the
inflow to the clarifier. The clarifier shall be located partially above ground. The dosing
system (100% standby) shall pump, measured quantity of coagulant solution into flash
mixer of clariflocculator. The water from the clariflocculator shall be led in to a clear water
sump by gravity through open channel located above ground. The clear sump shall be
located partially below ground. The acceptable limit of suspended solids of the recovered
clear water shall be less than100 ppm. From the clear water tank, it shall be pumped to
AHS sea water tank/sea water outfall.

Whenever ashes are disposed in dry mode and excess water during rainfall, clear water
shall be taken to sea water outfall. Recovery water system shall be sized considering
excess rainfall.

2.6.0 Major Structures

2.6.1 AHS Sea water tank and pump house

This house shall be common for the two units shall be housing

• Seawater FA HP pumps,
• sea water BA HP pumps,
• seawater BA LP pumps
• Ash seal water tank
• Ash Sea water tank
• seal water pumps for seal trough makeup, vacuum pumps & hydrodust conditioner,
• Drain pump and its sump
• Tube settler (located outside the pump house)
• BA slurry pumps
• BA slurry sump

The pump house shall be complete with EOT crane, drainage facilities, etc.

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2.6.2 Conveying Air compressor house

This house shall be common for two units for housing conveying air compressors with driers,
ESP/ BH fluidizing blowers and heaters, instrument air compressors with air driers etc.. This
house shall be complete with EOT crane, drainage facilities etc.

2.6.3 Recovery water pump house

Common pump house shall be provided for the two units. Pump house shall be housing
recovery water pumps, Clear Water Pumps, Seal water pumps, etc. The pump house shall be
complete with EOT crane, drainage facilities, Sludge pumps, dozing systems, etc.

2.6.4 Buffer Hopper

The ash from ESP conveyed using vacuum pumps shall be collected in the buffer hopper.

2.6.5 Fly Ash Silo

Four (4) Nos. of fly ash silo shall be provided for the two units for collecting the dry fly ash
from the buffer hoppers.

2.6.6 Slurry pump house.

This house shall be common for the two units shall be housing

• FA ash slurry pumps and its sumps

• Drain pump and its sump
The pump house shall be complete with EOT crane, drainage facilities, etc.

2.6.7 Vacuum pump

All vacuum pump shall be located near the first field of ESP in proper building, necessary
handling arrangement to be provided. Drain pump and its sump to be provided.

2.6.8 Silo utility building

This house shall be common for the two units shall be housing

• Hydro dust conditioner pumps and is sump.

• Silo fluidizing blowers etc.

The pump house shall be complete with EOT crane, drainage facilities, etc.


3.1.0 Ash generation for Each Unit

BMCR requirement at
50:50 blending ratio
Coal consumption (worst coal)
Ash handling design – ash
content 26.0%
Bottom Ash 25%
Economiser Ash 5%
APH Hopper 5%

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Stack Hopper 0.50%

Duct Hopper 2.50%
Fly Ash 90%

Operating time

Bottom ash hopper area to ash slurry pump and slurry sump
to ash pond
Fly ash hoppers to fly ash silo 4h in a shift
Fly ash silo to ash slurry pump and ash slurry sump to ash
8h in a shift
pond (4W+4S)- Jet pump to be considered.

3.2.0 Density of Ash

Particle Density Bottom Ash, Economiser and ESP Ash : 2.0 T/m³
Bulk Density for Bottom & Eco Ash for Volumetric Calculation : 0.65 T/m³
Bulk Density for Bottom & Eco Ash for Structural Load Calculation : 1.6 T/m³
Bulk Density for ESP and airpreheater Ash for Volumetric Calculation : 0.75 T/m³
Bulk Density for ESP Ash and air preheater for Structural Load Calculation: 1.6 T/m³

3.3.0 Slurry Concentration and Slurry Line Flow Velocity

Eco Slurry Concentration from economizer hoppers : 20% (max.)(w/w)

Bottom Ash Slurry concentration from

Bottom ash silo to ash slurry sump : 25% (max.(w/w)

ESP Ash Slurry Concentration from fly ash silo

to Ash Slurry Sump : 30%(max.(w/w)

At Slurry Pump Discharge Slurry Concentration for Bottom Ash and Fly Ash

For bottom ash : 25%(w/w)

For fly ash : 30%(w/w)
Clarifier sludge : 2-3 %(w/V)
Concentration of Economiser ash slurry : 20 %(w/w) (max)

3.4.0 Slurry Line Velocity

• All slurry velocity: Min. 2.3 m/sec - Max. 2.8 m/sec.

• Ash slurry line flushing minimum velocity 2.3 m/sec or higher based on process

3.5.0 Water and air Line Velocity

Location Pipe size below Pipe size 50NB- Pipe size above
50NB 200 NB 200 NB
Water Pump Suction 0.6-0.9m/sec 1.2-1.5 m/sec 1.2-1.5 m/sec
Water Pump Discharge 0.9-1.8 m/sec 1.5-2.4m/sec 1.8-2.8 m/sec
Compressed Air Below 2.0
kg/cm2 (g) 15-20 m/sec 20-30 m/sec 25-35 m/sec
Compressed Air above 2.0
kg/cm2 (g) 20-30 m/sec 25-40 m/sec 35-45 m/sec

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3.6.0 Selection Criteria of Volume of Various Hoppers / Tanks / Sumps

BA Hopper 8 hrs of max. Furnace BA and ECO ash

BA Over Flow Sump 10 min. overflow from BA hopper

AHS seawater tank 1 hour of water consumption for both the units

Drain Sump 5.0 min of drain pump capacity

Sludge Sump 10 min. of max. Inflow Sludge

Buffer Hopper 30 min of Stream Capacity + 750 mm free board

+ Slope angle 60 degree
Fly Ash Silo (each) 4 silos of each 1000MT +1000 mm freeboard
above max. ash level.
Tube settler sizing Hydraulic loading: 3.0(m3/hr/m2)

Weir Loading: 300 m3/day,

Inlet Flow to Tube settler Maximum inflow + 25 % margin

Recovery water sump 30 minutes storage

Clear water sump 15 minutes storage

Seal water tank 30 minutes storage

Slurry sump Minimum 5 minutes storage

3.7.0 Frictional Factors

Friction factor ‘C’ for Ash slurry lines 140

Friction factor ‘C’ for Sludge lines 130
Friction factor ‘C’ for Recovery Water lines 100
Friction factor ‘C’ for Bottom ash overflow lines 120
Friction factor ‘C’ for Water Lines 110
Friction factor ‘C’ for Drain Lines 100
Frictional factor C130 and Multiply by
subsequent sp. gravity for calculation
Gravitational Head
of slurry frictional head when flow
under gravity.

3.8.0 Capacity and Head

Design capacity for vacuum pumps, blowers & compressors shall have 10% margin. Slurry
pumps and all other pumps water pumps shall have 10% margin over and above total friction
head requirement.

All water duty pump, BA overflow pumps, drain pumps and recovery water pump shall have
10% margin on capacity over actual requirement.

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Pump Head (TDH) 1) For water duty pump (corresponds to "Rated

Flow") + 10% margin on frictional pressure drop
+ suction lift + Static lift + Velocity head +
Terminal Point head.
2) For ash contaminated water pump (corresponds
to “Rated Flow") +10% margins on frictional
pressure drop + suction lift + Static lift + Velocity
3) For ash slurry pump (corresponds to
"Rated Flow") + 10% margin on frictional
pressure drop +suction lift +static lift + Velocity

3.9.0 General Requirement

a. The ash handling system shall be designed and constructed in view of dust free
operation. Fugitive dust emission at any area shall not exceed 50 mg/Nm3 for all solid

b. Complete ash handling system shall be designed by considering sea water (CT Blow
down) application. All SS material in contact with sea water shall have PREN 38 & CF35.

c. Ash handling system shall be fully automated.

d. The radius of 90° bends will be, minimum 5 times the pipe diameter for fly ash and
minimum 3 times the pipe diameter for slurry line.

Pressure pneumatic handling system shall be as per proven design practice However,
both lean phase and dense phase systems of proven design are acceptable.

e. The minimum width of clear access corridor around equipment along with associated pipe
& cables shall be 1200 mm. Space shall be provided for withdrawal & placement of the
components during maintenance.

f. A clear head room of 2500 mm shall be provided between the floor and any overhead
piping/cable or any other obstruction. Adequate provision for natural ventilation and
illumination shall be made as per good engineering practice.

g. Access openings shall be provided with removable grating /chequered plate or with

h. Ladder may be provided up to a maximum height of 3 m beyond which access through

staircase shall be provided.

i. All necessary auxiliary platforms for maintenance / inspection of equipment / instruments

along with access from the operating floor are to be provided.

j. Proper hook approach to access the equipment shall be given affect. Rolling shutters/
removable door shall be provided for removal of equipment from the building.

k. Location & number of doors & staircases shall be based on operation & maintenance
aspect, security aspect & fire protection & fire fighting aspect.

l. In case vent valves are provided for the transmitter vessels this vent connection shall be
provided above the highest ash level in the buffer hopper.

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m. As the slurry pumping is over a long distance necessary air release valves and surge tank
(if necessary) shall be provided to avoid water hammer effect.

n. The layout of ash slurry and ash water pumps shall be such that it shall be possible to
maintain any pump set without disturbing the operating pump set and also it should not
be necessary to dismantle the discharge piping for removing any ash water/ash slurry

o. The layout of water piping for the ash handling system shall ensure that all valves are
located so as to be conveniently accessible. All the water piping to bottom ash hopper
area, fly ash storage silo area from the pump house shall be routed in the overhead pipe
rack only. In no case, the water pipes shall run in the trench. However, the bottom-ash
slurry pipelines from the jet pump outlet to ash slurry sump can be run in the pipe
trenches up to the nearest pipe rack and then routed on the pipe rack.

p. All piping shall be arranged to provide clearance for the removal of equipment requiring
maintenance and for easy access to valves and other piping accessories required for
operation and maintenance.

q All pipe joints to be provided inside the ash slurry and ash water pump houses shall be
flanged type with suitable gaskets.

r Access walkways / steps in the pump houses, control rooms, compressor rooms, etc.,
shall be minimum 1200mm wide. Suitable hand railing shall be provided for personnel
safety, wherever required.

s. Ash disposal lines from ash slurry Pump House up to the entry into the ash pond shall be
routed on pipe rack. Concrete pedestals are provided only in the area (upto to the ash
pond) as mentioned in plot plan. On the ash bund, the pipe line shall be routed on
concrete pedestals, such that the bottom of the pipe line shall be at least 500mm over the
ground for facilitating easy maintenance. Each slurry pipe line there shall be several
discharge points at every 200 metres. Isolation valve shall be provided at discharge point.

t. The height of the concrete pedestal on the bund shall also be designed such that a
suitable downward slope is provided for ash slurry pipe lines up to the final discharge
point, to avoid choke of pipe.

u. Facilities for carrying out online and off-line maintenance of ash handling plant and
auxiliaries shall be provided. In general, this should include adequate handling
equipment, working space, platforms and safety devices.


4.1.0 Drawings, data / documents to be submitted along with tender

4.1.1 Completely filled up Technical schedules and data sheets of tender documents

4.1.2 Flow diagram of Ash handling system

4.1.3 System description

4.1.4 Complete electrical load list.

4.1.5 Details of similar job executed in last five years

4.1.6 List of erection and commissioning spares.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

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4.1.7 List of recommended O&M spares for 3 years normal operation.

4.1.8 List of Special Tools & Tackles.

4.1.9 List of makes of bought out items.

4.1.10 Control system configuration

4.2.0 Drawings, Data / Documents to be furnished by the successful Bidder

The Contractor shall submit the following data/information documents/ drawings to the
purchaser/consultant, who in turn will review and furnish comments on drawings/documents.
Contractor shall furnish a list of data / drawings / documents which will be submitted to the
purchaser/consultant, with due dates of submission immediately after award of Contract. The
Contractor on fortnightly basis shall update the list. All drawings shall be generated in AUTO
CAD. The following list shall not limit the contractor, if any additional documents / drawings
required for the review of the owner/ consultant same to be submitted.

4.2.1 Design Data - for approval Design Data

• Design basis report for AHS.

• Design calculations for Pumps, Blowers, Compressor, silo, tanks, pressure vessels etc.
and any other equipment found necessary.
• Technical data sheets of all Ash handling system equipment
• Sequence interlocks and block logic diagram.
• Design basis for foundations, civil works, structural etc.,
• Design basis for electrical systems/equipment
• Operational philosophy for operation of plant.
• STAAD input/output files
• Any other details found necessary. Drawings & Documents —for approval

A) Flow Diagram of Ash Handling System and design/sizing calculation

B)General arrangement - Plans and Sections of the following subsystems:

• Bottom ash handling system

• Fly ash handling system
• Fly ash silo
• Fly ash silo unloading system
• Handling facilities
• Any other details found necessary.

C) Architectural drawing, GA & Reinforcement drawing for Concrete Works, and Steel GA
and Fabrication drawing - for the following structures:

• Ash Water Tank

• Compressor building
• Ash slurry sump/ Pump house
• Ash Handling System Control/MCC Room
• Bottom Ash Hopper
• Fly ash silos

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• Pipe racks
• Equipment foundation details
• Any other details found necessary.
• QAP and PG test procedure.

E) Following piping arrangement drawings

• Fly ash piping layout from fly ash hoppers to Fly ash silos.
• Water Piping
• HP Water & LP water Piping
• Refractory cooling water piping
• Seal Water Piping
• Cooling water piping
• Compressed air piping
• Instrument air piping
• Economizer ash slurry piping
• Water piping for fly ash collection system (dust conditioner)
• Bottom ash slurry piping
• Bottom ash overflow piping
• Slurry pipe layout
• Etc.,

4.2.2 GA drawings of the following equipment

• All pumps
• Transmitter vessel/Denseveyor.
• Slurry line valves
• Fly ash valves
• Pipe fittings
• Dust conditioner
• Rotary feeder
• Jet pumps
• Clinker grinder
• Blowers
• Air Compressors
• Air receivers
• Sump /drain pumps
• Heaters etc.,

Flow diagram for all systems indicating equipment, piping valves, specialties and
instrumentation including performance test scheme, technical write-ups and performance test

Details of painting specification.

4.2.3 Control & Instrumentation Drawings & Documents for approval

The C&I Drawings / documents shall have the following as a minimum

1. Ash Handling plant control room layout

2. Control Schemes & Logic diagram along with write up of control system
3. Hardware and software design manual (covering exhaustive details of compete DCS
based control system)

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5. G.A (General Arrangement) drawings of all control panels/ cabinets / local panels with all
dimensional details.
6. Input / Output list
7. Drive list / Solenoid valve list
8. Annunciation list & SER list
9. List of set points
10. Maximum DCS bus utilization under worst loading condition calculation details shall be
11. Process mimic indicating Analogue and digital parameters
12. Marshalling philosophy
13. Cabinet / Panel wiring diagrams and internal layout drawings
14. Wiring diagrams for panel, local panel, junction boxes, actuators, starters etc.
15. Instrument index
16. Instrument hook-up diagram
17. Erection hardware BOQ
18. Heat load and Power consumption data for DCS

4.2.4 Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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SUB-SECTION - 2.11.1



IS: 2062 - Structural steel (tested quality).

IS: 1239 - Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel.
IS: 210 - Grey iron castings.
IS: 6 - Moderate heat duty fire clay refractories Group A

In case of any conflict between the aforesaid standards and the stipulations of this
specification, the later shall prevail.


Dry bottom ash hopper shall be provided with the effective capacity to collect 8 hours ash
generation. Bottom Ash Hopper shall be completely above ground level.

A seal trough shall be provided around the top periphery of the bottom ash hopper for
furnace sealing and to prevent ingress of air into the furnace. Flushing nozzles shall be
provided in the seal trough for occasional flushing of the trough.

Access and maintenance platform minimum clear width of 1000 mm with Chequered plate
covering all round the hopper at suitable level shall be provided. In addition, local platforms
as required for observation/poking/ maintenance shall be provided.

Hopper drain valves, over flow and drain piping with seal box etc. shall be provided.

The refractory shall be designed to withstand the radiant heat from boiler furnace and in case
of emergency allow storage of hot ash inside the hoppers with no quenching water available.

Spray quench nozzle shall be provided which shall be of blanket spray type. Each nozzle
shall be provided with its own isolation and regulation valves. The nozzles shall be arranged
so as to ensure adequate cooling of all refractory surfaces.

There is a possibility of slag built up on the hopper/transition chute surfaces.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-1 Dry bottom ash hopper_R0 2.11.1 Dry Bottom Ash Hopper
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


S.No Items Unit Data

1 No. required No. Two (2) nos. One (1) for Each Unit
2 Type of Hopper Dry Impounded, Refractory lined
3 Number of outlets in each BA hopper No. Four (4)
8 Hrs of maximum bottom ash
4 Required storage capacity of ash in hopper
Hrs generation
Distance between top of hopper and
5 300
operating level in hopper mm
Tested quality mild steel plates of
Minimum thickness of hopper plate
6 mm thickness not less than 10 mm
suitably stiffened with rolled section
Monolithic Castable Refractory
7 Type of lining
Furnace temperature Deg C 1050
Material of construction of wear resistant Ni-Hard Cast Iron (Minimum 340
9 feed plates BHN)

Electric Motor operated or hydraulic

Type of gates at the outlets
10 cylinder Operated Water Tight
Pressure range of boiler at furnace throat mmWC (-)40
Refractory cooling arrangement Yes
Seal SS316L
Refractory holding anchor SS316 L
Feed chute to scrapper chain conveyor 316,L MIN. 5MM THK
Operating time to evacuate bottom ash in a
16 shift of 8 hrs

Cooling water header for refractory SS

Sluicing/Arch Breaking/Wash Nozzles Body: Cast Iron/mild Steel Nozzle
Tip : Anti Corrosivetool steel or
stainless steel of hardness not less
than 550 BHN
Hopper valley angle
19 45 deg
Dip pieces Heat and corrosion resistant steel,
minimum 10 mm thick.
Outlet gates 6 mm thick Carbon steel with
stainless steel liners.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-1 Dry bottom ash hopper_R0 2.11.1 Dry Bottom Ash Hopper
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.2



The design, manufacture and performance of clinker crusher as specified herein, shall comply
with the requirements of all applicable codes. As far as practicable the equipment supplier
shall follow the latest applicable Indian/International Standards.


The double roll clinker grinders shall crush ash clinkers to (-) 25mm size. It is mounted below
the discharge chute of the hopper. A seal water line shall be provided with suitable interlock to
the motor starting circuit, such that the grinder does not start till sufficient pressure and flow is
obtained in the seal water line. If the clinker grinder is overloaded, the direction of rotation of
motor shall be reversed for 3 minutes and then resume its original direction.

Clinker grinder chamber shall be provided with sufficiently big (100 mm size) drain connection
with valve.

An adequately sized vent line from clinker grinder chamber shall open to atmosphere above
the maximum level of water in bottom ash hopper.

Wear plates shall be provided on clinker grinder inlet & other wearing surfaces of the grinder
chamber. The grinder speed shall not exceed 50 rpm and the drive motor speed shall not
exceed 1000 rpm. Common steel fabricated base frame for grinder & drive shall be furnished.
Grinder drives shall be so interlocked that the motor does not start till sufficient pressure is
obtained in its seal water connection.


Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1 Number Required Four (4) (2W + 2S) for each unit
2 Type of Grinder Heavy duty double roll
3 Capacity T/h To match the Scraper chain
4 Material to be Handled Bottom ash clinkers
5 Max. Output Size Permissible mm 25 mm
6 Type 915 mm wide double roll,
automatically reversible
7 Seal water pressure As required by the system
8 Max allowable Speed 50 rpm
9 Is Fluid Coupling Required? Yes
10 Type of Transmission Helical gear box, chain and sprocket.
11 Protective glands for coupling Yes
12 Protective guard for Yes
13 Reversing mechanism Yes
14 Common base plate of drive Yes
motor and gear box

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-2 Clinker Grinder_R0 2.11.2 Clinker Grinder

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

15 Materials of construction
15.1 Rolls Hadfield‟s Manganese steel (ASTM
A128, 12-14% Mn) casting shop
hardened to 300 BHN at all working
surfaces and work hardened to 400
BHN at site.

15.2 Teeth of Rolls Hadfield‟s Manganese steel (ASTM

A128, 12-14% Mn) casting shop
hardened to 300 BHN at all working
surfaces and work hardened to 400
BHN at site.

15.3 Wear Plate/Liner 12-14% Mn Austenitic steel plates to

IS:276, 10mm thick

15.4 Grinder Chamber SS 316L – with 10 thk MN Steel/

Alloy CI
15.5 Shaft SS 304/EN 8 or equal.
15.6 Shaft sleeve SS 316L
15.7 Chain guard As per IS 2062
16 Clinker outlet chute/ Ejector 10mm thick MS (IS:2062) lined with
feed sump wear resistant liners.
17 Gland Packing Graphite Teflon.
18 Testing and Inspection
18.1 No load running test at Yes
manufacturer's works
18.2 Performance test at site Yes
18.3 All tests may be observed by Yes

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-2 Clinker Grinder_R0 2.11.2 Clinker Grinder

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.3



The design manufacture and performance of the jet pump for handling abrasive boiler bottom
ash as specified herein, shall comply with the requirements of the latest applicable
Indian/British/ American/DIS Standard.


Jet pump shall be capable of evacuating 8 hour collection of bottom ash, coarse ash and fly in
evacuation time stipulated elsewhere in the specification including time for changeover,
flushing etc. with a minimum 25mm wear on the diameter of throat.

The design of jet pump shall allow for easy and quick inspection, removal and replacement of
jet pump sections that are subjected to wear.


Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1 Location As per flow diagram
2 Number Required Nos As per flow diagram
3 Flow rate T/h Based on the evacuation time
4 Discharge Point As per flow diagram
5 Material of construction
5.1 Inlet Piece Alloy CI with 4.5% Ni (min) 500 BHN
IS- 4771
5.2 Nozzle Tip (Replaceable) SS 304 with ceramic lining./
tungsten carbide
5.4 Nozzle Holder CI with 2.5% Ni
5.5 Tube/outlet piece Alloy CI with 2.5% Ni (min) 340
5.6 Gaskets Rubber Compound
General data Wear and corrosion.
All parts of the pump shall
be suitable to resist
6 Tests to be conducted
Visual Inspection and Dimensional Check Against Approved Drawings

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-3 Jet Pumps_R0 2.11.3 Jet Pump

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.4


Scrapper units shall be provided with rail, wheels and suitable motorized self-propulsion arrangement
to facilitate their removal from under the boiler furnace and its replacement with the standby scrapper
conveyor unit. In no case the angle of inclination of the sloped portion of the trough with the horizontal
shall be more than 35deg. This drive shall be properly protected against overflow water, clinker etc. In
no case the dia of the chain shall be less than 26mm. upper surface of the chain shall be case
hardened to a depth of minimum 3mm to offer abrasion resistance. Size of the chain shall be provided
with a factor of safety of minimum five (5) over the required chain pull during start-up condition with
the upper trough being filled with ash up to maximum water level.


Items Unit Data
1.0 No. required No. Four (4) (2W + 2S) for each unit
2.0 Capacity
Continuous normal operating
2.1 T/h Actual ash generation
capacity of each conveyor
2.2 Continuous minimum operating capacity 50% Margin over normal operation
during emergency
3.0 Linear speed of chain m/min 0.3-0.8 (maximum)
Linear speed of chain is fixed Variable
4.0 variable
or variable
Minimum operating depth of water in upper
5.0 m 2.0m
Operating water temperature to Maximum
6.0 60° C
be maintained in upper trough
Design of chain -associated
As per the recommendation of
7.0 components like sprocket & chain
pulleys, fight connectors etc.
8.0 Basalt Lining
8.1 Hardness 8 Mhos (minimum)
Bending strength 300 kg/cm2 (minimum)
8.3 Compressive Strength 4500 kg/cm2 (minimum)
8.4 Density 2.8-2.9 gm per cm2
9.0 Final Drive Transmission Kg/cu.m chain and sprocket
10.0 Type of Couplings mm Fluid
11.0 Protective guard for couplings required mm Yes
12.0 Factor of safety for scraper feeder chain Min. Six (6)
13.0 Make of scraper feeder chain RUD/HEKO or equivalent.
14.0 Material of Construction
14.1 Chain >HV750(can reach 800)

14.2 Scraper 16Mn+65Mn,Thickness 10mm

CrNiMo alloy steel/CrNi alloy
14.3 Drive chain wheel/guide wheel
magnesium iron
Alloy made of Al,Zn,In inside of
Galvanic anode material and position of
14.4 scraper chain side plate under the

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-4 Scraper chain conveyor_R0 2.11.4 Scraper Chain Conveyor
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Items Unit Data
14.5 Trough structure Q235-A
Material of liner in soleplate of upper Basalt, Thickness 40mm
trough/lower trough
14.7 Side plate angle of discharge chute deg 70

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-4 Scraper chain conveyor_R0 2.11.4 Scraper Chain Conveyor
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SECTION - 2.11.5



The design, manufacture and performance of air blowers shall comply with all currently
applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will
be installed. The equipment shall also conform to the latest applicable Indian/British/American
Standards. Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relieve Contractor of this


2.1.1 ESP & buffer hopper fluidizing Blowers and Silo Fluidizing Blower

The requirement of compressed air for fluidizing the fly ash in the ESP & buffer hoppers of
each unit and fly ash silo bottom shall be met by dedicated blowers of suitable capacity with
adequate size of air heaters.

To prevent the blockage of the porous media and fan suction filters due to the accumulation
of atmospheric dirt on the underside. Contractor shall pay special attention for selection of the
suction filter on the air supply unit and shall bring out in their bid special features of filters to
be provided. Suitable heating arrangement shall be provided at the discharge of centrifugal
fans (if fans are envisaged for fly ash extraction) to raise the temperature of air at least 50°C
above the water vapor dew point. Schemes shall also include for thermal insulation of all air
pipe work from the fan outlet to the point of contact of fly ash.

The blowers shall preferably be coupled to the motor directly through an approved type of
flexible coupling. Coupling halves shall be bored and keyed to the shafts of the blower and
motor by the Contractor. Coupling guards made of expanded metal and bolted to the base
plate shall also be furnished.

In case blowers are offered with drive arrangement through Vee belts and pulleys, slide rails
for motor shall be furnished, together with sheet/expanded metal guard for exposed moving

The following accessories shall be furnished for each blower-motor set :

a) Common base plate for blower and motor.

b) Foundation bolts, nuts, sleeves etc.
c) Flexible coupling between blower and motor with coupling guard (for coupled blowers).
d) Vee belts and pulleys (for belt driven blowers).
e) Slide rails for motors (for belt driven blowers).
f) Suction filter (renewable medium type).
g) Lubrication fittings.
h) Silencer(s), if necessary.
i) Safety relief valve
j) Quick closing non-return valve
k) Discharge pressure gauge with cock.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-5 ESP BHopper blowers_SF 2.11.5 ESP Buffer Hopper Blowers & Silo
Blowers_R0 Fluidizing Blowers
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



Sl.No. Description Unit Data

Air Blower
1 General design data Silo fluidization and ESP & buffer hoppers
2 Number Required Refer flow diagram
3 Capacity m³/hr As per system requirement
4 Type Rotary twin lobe type
5 Discharge Pressure kg/cm²(g) As per system requirement
6 Medium Handled Air
7 Specific Gravity of Medium 1.0
8 Maximum Speed rpm 1500
9 Ambient temperature Refer project data.
10 Design relative humidity Refer project data.
11 Cooling Air Cooled
12 Design conditioned As mentioned for compressor
13 Type of belt V.Belt
14 Material of construction
14.1 Casing CI to IS:210 Gr. FG260
14.2 Shaft EN-8
14.3 Base Plate MS/CI
14.4 Rotor Alloy CI
14.5 Shaft Sleeves SS 410
14.6 Bearings Anti Friction
14.7 Heaters for fluidizing blowers
a) Type Electrical
b) Outlet temperature Deg. C 150
c) Temperature indicator/type Yes/Bi metallic.
d) Insulation material Mineral wool
e) Temperature limit at surface Deg. C 60
f) Note:
Thermal insulation of all air pipe work from the blower/heater outlet to the point of contact of fly
ash to be provided by Contractor.
All interconnected piping in blowers shall be Galvanized steel as per IS 1239 Heavy Grade.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-5 ESP BHopper blowers_SF 2.11.5 ESP Buffer Hopper Blowers & Silo
Blowers_R0 Fluidizing Blowers
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.6



IS-1520 Horizontal centrifugal pumps for clear, cold and fresh water.

IS-1710 Vertical turbine pumps for clear cold fresh water

Standards of Hydraulic Institute, USA

IS-5120 Technical requirements for rotodynamic special purpose pumps.

IS-5639 Pumps for handling chemicals & corrosive liquids.

IS-6536 Pumps for handling volatile liquids.

IS-9137 Code for acceptance tests for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial flow pumps -
class 'C'.

ISO 3555/ Acceptance tests for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial

BS 5316 Flow pumps, class 'B' tests.

Part 2

In case of any contradiction with the above standards and data sheet the stipulations in the data
sheet shall prevail and shall be binding to the supplier


Pump Casing
Pump casing shall be provided with adequate number of vents and priming connections with
valves unless the pump is made self-venting and priming. Casing drain, as required, shall be
provided complete with drain valves.

Pump design must ensure that the nozzles are capable of withstanding external reactions not
less than those specified in API-610.

In cases where an expansion joint is located at pump discharge, the pump assembly will be
subjected to an additional thrust which will be transmitted to the foundation. This additional
thrust shall be taken into the consideration of pump design.

The rotor assembly shall be statically and dynamically balanced and designed with critical
speed substantially above the operating speed.

Impellers shall be made in one piece and securely fixed to the shaft. Means shall be provided to
prevent loosing during operation including rotation in reverse direction.

Wearing Rings
Replaceable type wearing rings shall be furnished at suitable locations for each pump. The
rings shall be so fitted as to prevent turning while the pump is in operation.

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 4

Vol-II Sec 2-11-6 HCP_R0 2.11.6 Horizontal Centrifugal Pump

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Shaft size shall be selected considering that the critical speed shall be away
from the operating speed as recommended in applicable code/standard. The critical speed
shall be at least 20% above the maximum operating speed or above 60-70% of the lowest
operating speed.

Shaft Sleeves
Renewable type fine finished shaft sleeves shall be provided at the stuffing boxes/mechanical
seal. Length of the shaft sleeves must extend beyond the other faces of gland packing or seal
end plate so as to distinguish between the leakage past shaft and shaft sleeve and that past the

Shaft sleeves shall be properly fastened to the shaft to prevent any leakage or loosening. Shaft
and shaft sleeve assembly should ensure concentric rotation.

Bearings shall be easily accessible without disturbing the pump assembly. A drain plug shall be
provided at the bottom of each bearing housing.

Heavy duty sleeve/ball/roller type bearings shall be provided to take care of the radial loads.

In case of sleeve type radical bearings, axial thrust shall be absorbed in suitable hydraulic
devices and/or thrust bearings.

Bearings and hydraulic devices (if provided for balancing axial thrust) shall be of adequate
design for taking the entire pump load arising from all probable conditions of continuous
operation, as specified in the 'data sheet'. Life of the bearings shall be guided by the design
standard of the pump or as specified in data sheet. Thrust bearing shall be capable of running
continuously at maximum load.

The bearings shall be oil/grease lubricated. Suitable lubricating arrangement for the bearings
shall be furnished with the pump complete all accessories like pump, filters, pipings, fittings,
valves, interlocking and supervising instruments etc. as necessary and specified in the data
sheet. The design shall be such that the bearing lubricant does not contaminate the liquid being

Stuffing Boxes
Stuffing box design shall permit replacement of packing without removing any part other than
the gland.

Stuffing boxes shall be sealed / cooled by the fluid being pumped/external clear water, as per
requirement. All necessary pumps, piping, fitting, valves, instruments etc. as required for safe
and trouble-free operation of the pumps and as specified in the data sheet shall be included in
the pump supplier's scope of supply.

Mechanical Seals
Mechanical seals shall be provided if specified in the pump data sheet. The pump supplier shall
co-ordinate with the seal maker in establishing the circulation rate for maintaining a stable film at
the seal face in the chamber. The seal piping system shall form an integral part of the pump

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 2 of 4

Vol-II Sec 2-11-6 HCP_R0 2.11.6 Horizontal Centrifugal Pump

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Sl.No. Description Unit Data

A) Centrifugal Pumps (Water)-
Desal Water
1 Type Centrifugal, horizontal
2 Qty. As per the flow diagram.
3 Capacity As per design requirement.
4 Casing Axially split type / Horizontal / split
casing/volute casing-
5 Impeller type Closed
6 Drive transmission Direct coupled
7 Seal Mechanical seal/self water/ gland
8 Lubrication Oil/grease/self liquid
9 Operating range 40% to 120% of rated flow.
10 Pump characteristic Non overloading type & stable
11 shut off head About 15 % more than the rated head.
12 Material of construction
a) Casing CI to IS 210 Gr 260
b) Impeller & casing rings SS 304
c) Shaft & shaft seals SS 304
d) Shaft sleeve SS 410
Notes: 10% margin shall be provided over the frictional drop in estimating the head of the
B) Horizontal Centrifugal Seal
Water Pumps
1 General Seal water pumps
2 Max. Rated Speed (At 50 Hz) 3000 rpm
3 Pump Efficiency MIN. 70%
4 No. of Pumps Nos. As per the flow diagram.
5 Features of construction
6.1 Type of Pump Back pull out
6.2 Impeller Enclosed
6.3 Volute Casing Single/Double/Diffuser
6.4 Shaft Coupled.
6.5 Coupling Flexible.
7 Materials of Construction
7.1 Impeller 85-5-5-5 Bronze
7.2 Casing Grained cast iron with 2% Ni.
7.3 Thrust bearing Anti-friction type
7.4 Base plate MS
7.4 Shaft Heat treated stainless steel AISI 410
7.5 Shaft Sleeve Type 316 stainless steel (replaceable)
7.6 Coupling Cast steel/ forged steel.
7.7 Wearing rings Stainless steel ASTM 351 8M
7.8 Stuffing box, glands and Bronze deep boxes with at least 5-6
lantern ring packing rings.
8 Liquid data
9 Liquid handled Desal Water
10 Specific gravity 1.02
11 Temperature C Ambient

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 3 of 4

Vol-II Sec 2-11-6 HCP_R0 2.11.6 Horizontal Centrifugal Pump

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1 Type Centrifugal, horizontal
2 Qty. As per the flow diagram.
3 Casing Duplex SS as per ASTM A 890 CE3MN
4 Impeller Duplex SS as per ASTM A 890 CE3MN
5 Shaft ST ST ASTM A 276 – SS316L ANLD
6 Shaft Sleeve ST ST ASTM A 276 – SS316L
Notes: Other details shall be
same as the clarified water

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 4 of 4

Vol-II Sec 2-11-6 HCP_R0 2.11.6 Horizontal Centrifugal Pump

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.7




The design, manufacture and performance of the horizontal pumps for handling abrasive slurry
as specified herein, shall comply with the requirements of all applicable codes, the latest
applicable India/ British/ American/Din standards, in particular the following:

IS: 5120: Technical requirement - rotodynamic special purpose pumps.

IS: 5639: Pumps for handling chemicals & corrosive liquids.

API: 610: Centrifugal pumps for general services.


Ash Slurry Pumps

For pumping the bottom ash or fly ash slurry from the slurry sump to the ash disposal area,
Respective slurry pumps will be used. Each set shall comprise of two horizontal ash slurry
pumps, operating in series (if required) having a provision of installing 1 more additional pump
in future. The first stage of ash slurry pumps shall be provided with fluid coupling with gear
box arrangement and the second stage with V-belt drive (if applicable) as required, depending
upon the disposal distance and/or wear of the impeller.

The pump shall be designed to have best efficiency at the specified duty point and shall be
suitable for continuous operation at any point within the 'range of operation' specified.

Pumps shall have a continuously rising head capacity characteristics from the specified duty
point towards shut off point, the maximum being at shut off.

The pump-motor set shall be designed in such a way that there is no damage due to reverse
flow through the pump.

Each pump shall have single stage and shall be specially designed to handle abrasive slurry
as specified in data sheet. Pumps shall be suitable for connection in series where system
head requirement exceeds the head developed by one pump.

Pump Casing
Pump casing shall be of double casing type construction. The outer casing shall be designed
to withstand the maximum shut-off pressure developed by the pump in series at the pumping
temperature. The inner casing shall be replaceable type. Single casing pump shall not be

Casing drain as required shall be provided complete with drain valves.

In case of pumps handling hot fluid, the pump casing nozzles will be subjected to reactions
from external piping. Pump design must ensure that the nozzles are capable of withstanding
external reactions not less than these specified in API-610.

In the case of installation, where an expansion joint or sleeve type coupling is located at pump
suction and discharge, the pump assembly will be subjected to an additional thrust which will

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-7 Ash slurry pumps_R0 2.11.7 Ash Slurry Pump
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

be transmitted to the foundation. The pump shall be designed to withstand this additional
load, calculated on the basis of pump/series shut-off head.

When system head requirement is more than the head developed by one pump, two or more
pumps will be connected in series in the same pipe line, all the pump casings shall
be hydrostatically tested to the requirement of last stage pump.

Each pump casing and internals shall be designed such that the casing can be rotated so that
its discharge outlet covers 360° angle in vertical plane, at steps of 45°. The casing position
shall be changeable at site at steps of 45° to suit pipe arrangement.

The impeller shall be non-clog type, suitable for handling maximum size of solids specified.

The impeller shall be overhung type, shall be secured to the shaft and shall be retained
against circumferential movement by keying, pinning or lock rings. The overhung shaft
impellers should be secured to the shaft by an additional locknut or cap screw. All
screwed fasteners shall tighten in the direction of normal rotation. Means shall be provided
to prevent loosening during reverse flow condition/reverse rotation.

Shaft size selected shall take into consideration the critical speed, which shall be away from
the operating speed as recommended in applicable code/standard mentioned earlier. The
critical speed shall also be at least 10% away from run away speed

Shaft Sleeves
Renewable type fine finished shaft sleeves shall be provided at the stuffing boxes. Length of
the shaft sleeves must extend beyond the outer faces of gland packing so as to distinguish
between the leakage between shaft & shaft sleeve and that past the gland.

Shaft sleeves shall be securely fastened to the shaft to prevent any leakage or loosening.
Shaft & shaft sleeve assembly should ensure concentric rotation.

Bearings of adequate design shall be furnished for taking the entire pump load arising from all
probable conditions of continuous operation throughout its 'range of operation' and also at the
shut-off condition. The bearing shall be designed on the basis of 20,000
working hours minimum for the load corresponding to the duty point.

Sleeve/ball/roller type bearings shall be provided to take care of radial loads.

In case of ball/roller type radial bearings, the same may be utilized for taking axial loads also
by adopting suitable design.

In case sleeve type radial bearings are acceptable, axial thrust shall be absorbed in suitable
thrust bearings.

Proper lubricating arrangement for the bearings shall be provided. The design shall be such
that the bearing lubricating element does not contaminate the liquid being pumped.
Where there is a possibility of liquid entering the bearing, suitable arrangement in the form
of deflectors or otherwise must be provided ahead of assembly.

Bearings shall be easily accessible without disturbing the pump assembly. A drain plug shall
be provided at the bottom of each housing.

Stuffing Boxes
Stuffing box design should permit replacement of packing without removing any part other
than gland.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-7 Ash slurry pumps_R0 2.11.7 Ash Slurry Pump
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Stuffing boxes shall be sealed/cooled by the liquid being pumped and necessary piping,
fittings, valves, instruments etc. shall form an integral part of the pump assembly.

If external cooling/sealing water is required, all items like piping, fitting, valves, interlocking
and supervising instruments etc. required for this purpose shall be supplied under this

For the seals under vacuum service, the seal design must ensure sealing against
atmospheric pressure, even when the pumps are not operating.

Base Plate & Sole Plate

For directly couple pump-motor set, a common base plate mounting both for the pump and
motor shall be furnished. The base plate shall be of rigid construction, suitably ribbed and
reinforced. Base plate and pump supports shall be so constructed and the pumping unit so
mounted as to minimize misalignment caused by mechanical force such as normal piping
strain, internal differential thermal expansion and hydraulic piping thrust. Suitable drain taps
and drip lip shall be provided.

Variable speed Drive (Fluid Coupling)

The first stage pump of each series of ash slurry pumps shall be driven at a variable speed
using a scoop type fluid coupling. The pump speed shall be manually adjustable within the
range specified in data sheet.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-7 Ash slurry pumps_R0 2.11.7 Ash Slurry Pump
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



Sl.No. Description Unit Data

Horizontal Centrifugal
Slurry Pumps
1 Application Ash slurry pumps in ash slurry pump
B.A overflows pumps.
2 Medium Ash slurry
3 Pump Efficiency MIN. 70%
4 No. of Pumps for each unit. Refer Flow diagram
5 Capacity m3/hr As per system requirement
6 Suction head discharge of For the 1st pump in each set flooded.
1st pump.
7 Features of construction
8 Type of Pump Volute casing
9 Impeller Non clog
10 Volute Casing Double
11 Coupling Ash slurry pump
11 Maximum permissible tip 28 m/sec
speed for pump impeller
12 Slurry concentration 25-30% by weight
13 Maximum operating speed Not exceeding 1500 rpm.
of the pump
Variable speed hydraulic /fluid coupling
for first stage and gear box to achieve
speed variation of (+) 10%, (-) 20% of
rated speed.
For second stage onwards- Belt drive
14 Lubrication Grease/Oil
15 Type of sealing External water sealing

16 Separate pumps for Contractor to indicate

sealing/ cooling acceptable
17 Pump and foundation to be Yes
designed for expansion
joint/ sleeve coupling at
pump suction & discharge
18 Bearings Ball/roller
19 Thrust bearing to be Yes
designed for pump shut-off
20 No. of pumps per chain As per Flow Diagram and system
21 Duty Continuous
Scope of Supply Yes
1 Pumps with drive motors Yes
2 Driving power transmission Yes
device, fluid and flexible
coup-ling as applicable
3 Motor slide rails No
4 Guard for couplings/belts Yes
5 Adopters for pump suction Yes
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Vol-II Sec 2-11-7 Ash slurry pumps_R0 2.11.7 Ash Slurry Pump
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

and discharge
6 Companion flange with Yes
bolts, nuts & gaskets for
pump suction and discharge
7 Base plate for pump and Yes
drive unit
8 Foundation bolts, nuts, Yes
sleeve for all equipment
9 Eye bolts, lifting tackles etc. Yes
10 Painting and protective Yes
11 Erection, testing and Yes
commissioning service
12 Supervision of erection Yes
13 Cooling/ sealing/ lubrication Yes
system with necessary
pumps, piping, valves, tank,
instruments etc.
14 Water for cooling/ sealing/ From seal water system by Contractor
lubrication to be taken from
15 Discharge pressure gauge Yes
16 Suction pressure/ No
combination gauge
17 Materials of Construction
17.1 Impeller and impeller ring Chrome nickel cast iron Ni hard Type IV,
550 BHN OR 24% Chromium cast iron of
550 BHN
17.2 Outer Casing Outer casing shall be cast steel ASTM-
A216 or Spheroid graphite ductile iron
ASTM 636, 65-45-12. OR 24%
Chromium cast iron of 550 BHN
17.3 Inner casing Inner casing (volute liner) shall be
chrome nickel cast iron NI hard Type IV,
550 BHN OR 24% Chromium cast iron of
550 BHN
17.4 Wear plate (Bracket side Chrome nickel cast iron NI hard Type IV,
and suction side) 550 BHN OR 24% Chromium cast
iron of 550 BHN
17.5 Suction Adopters Chrome nickel cast iron Ni hard Type IV,
550 BHN OR 24% Chromium cast iron of
550 BHN
17.6 Discharge Adopters Chrome nickel cast iron Ni hard Type IV,
550 BHN OR 24% Chromium cast iron of
550 BHN
17.7 Shaft Carbon steel to AISI K-1040/EN 8
17.8 Shaft Sleeve Hardened and ground SS (550 BHN) OR
SS ASTM A 743 CA 15 (550 BHN)
17.9 Stuffing box Alloy CI 400 (BHN)
17.10 Gland Carbon Steel ASTM 216 GR.WCB
17.11 Gland packing Asbestos Rope

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-7 Ash slurry pumps_R0 2.11.7 Ash Slurry Pump
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.8



The design, manufacture and performance of knife gate valve as specified herein shall comply
with requirements of all applicable codes. As far as practicable the equipment supplier shall
follow the latest applicable Indian/British/American standard.


The valves shall be of rugged construction designed for the service condition specified in the
enclosed data sheet. Liberal wear allowances shall be provided in all components subject to
attrition by flowing slurry.

The valves shall be suitable for trouble-free service with highly abrasive ash slurry containing
solid lumps, clinkers etc. Design of the valves should be such that there is no possibility of
entrapment of solid particles between gate and body seat leading to leakage of fluid in valve
closed condition.

Design of the valve shall be such that sealing surfaces (body as well as gate) are effectively
protected from direct abrasion by flowing ash slurry.

The valves shall be manually / cylinder operated type as required for service condition or as
indicated in the data sheet. In case of cylinder operated valves necessary solenoid valves,
needle valves etc for compressed air line shall be in the scope of tender.

All valves shall be provided with an open/close position indicator.

All parts of the valves coming in contact with flowing ash slurry shall be made from appropriate
abrasion-resistant material commensurate with the materials specified in the data specification
sheet for the principal valves components.

Limit Switch
Wherever, needed valves shall be provided with limit switches for interlocking purpose.

Limit switch shall have minimum of one normally open and one normally closed contacts.

For other electrical specification requirements relevant electrical sub-section shall be referred

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-8 Knife gate valve_R0 2.11.8 Knife Gate Valve
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Body and seat material : Cast Iron FG 260 to IS 210 (min 10mm thick)

Plate/flap Material and Hardness : SS with 400BHN on wers surface. Deflection cone
: Ni-HARD ALLOY CI (450-600) BHN

Stem : Stainless steel (SS-304) for knife edge gate valves


Whether local position indicator required for : Yes

Each type of valve

Whether limit switches for open and close : Yes

Condition required

Whether solenoid valves, needle valve and : Yes

all accessories for compressed air supply


Hydraulic test at shop required : Yes/No

Hydrostatic test pressure :

a) Shell : 1.5 times maximum working pressure

b) Seat : At maximum working pressure

Note : Contractor to select number of valves, type of actuation, size etc. as per system requirement
for the applications shown in Flow Diagrams.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-8 Knife gate valve_R0 2.11.8 Knife Gate Valve
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.9



The design, manufacture, performance and testing of the drain pumps shall comply with all
currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will
be installed and shall also comply with latest Indian/British/American Standards, as applicable. In
particular, the equipment shall conform to the latest editions of the following standards:

i) IS: 1710 - Vertical turbine pumps for clear cold, fresh water.

ii) IS: 5639 - Pumps handling chemicals and corrosive liquids.

iii) IS: 5659 - Pumps for process water.

iv) IS: 5120 - Technical requirements for rotodynamic special purpose pumps.

v) IS: 5600 - Specification for sewage and drainage pumps.

vi) Standards for Hydraulic Institute, U.S.A.



Pumps shall be wet pit type, vertical shaft, single stage and non clog design with enclosed shaft.


i) The impeller shall be semi open or open (non-clogging) as per standard design of the

ii) It shall be specifically designed to pass large solids or unscreened liquids. The clearance
between the stationary and moving parts shall be such as to allow sustained performance
without excessive maintenance.


All accessories required for the efficient and safe operation of the pump-motor sets shall be
furnished which shall include but not limited to the following:

i) Base plate together with foundation bolts and nuts, sleeves, inserts etc.

ii) Motor stool.

iii) Lifting lugs, eye bolts etc.

iv) Discharge pipe brought above the mounting plate.

v) Coupling guard, if necessary.

vi) Pressure gauge etc.

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 2

Vol-II Sec 2-11-9 Drain Pump_R0 2.11.9 Drain Pump

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



S.No. Description Sump drainage pumps for BA hopper area, vacuum

pump area, slurry pump area and Silo area
1. Type Vertical, Centrifugal, single stage, semi-open or (open non-
clogging) type impeller.
2. Duty Intermittent, However, to be designed for continuous
operation. Pump capacity shall be minimum 25m3/h
3. Fluid to be pumped with 30% particles by weight
4. Suction Condition Submerged
5. Number of pumps As indicated in the flow diagrams.
6. Pump speed (Max.) 1500 rpm (Max.)
7. Type of coupling Directly driven through flexible or rigid coupling/V-belt driven
between pump &
8. Location of pump In Motor Stool
thrust bearing
9. Automatic Float Yes
Level Switch
for Start/Stop
10 Sump Cover Plate Yes
11 Stuffing Box Yes
12 Material of Construction
a) Inner Casing Ni-hard, alloy CI with 550 BHN
Outer Casing IS 310 FG 260
b) Impeller Ni-hard, alloy CI with 550 BHN
c) Impeller shaft SS-316L
d) Line shaft SS-316L

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-9 Drain Pump_R0 2.11.9 Drain Pump

2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.10



There shall be Four (4) Nos. of fly ash RCC storage silos with associated accessories. Each
fly ash storage silo shall have the following auxiliaries and accessories.

- Adequately sized target/diverter boxes with pneumatic operated isolating valves located
on silo top.
- Bag type vent filter (Pulsating jet type) with fan on the vent line at the top of fly ash
storage silo.
- Pressure relief vent on the top of silo to safeguard the silo from getting pressurized.
- Dry fly ash unloading spout with all accessories such drive equipments, rotary feeder, and
discharge chute with canvass, limit switches, dust suppression unit etc for unloading ash
into closed tankers.
- Dust conditioning equipment with all accessories such as isolation/shut off gate, drive
equipments, rotary feeder, fly ash dust conditioner with water spray nozzles, associated
water piping, valves etc. to make the system complete in all respects.
- Silo level indicator with all accessories.
- Ceramic fluidizing pads to fluidise fly ash in fly ash silo.
- One (1) lot of maintenance/operating floor for silo unloading, staircase to approach upto
top of silo, handling arrangement at top of silo, hand railings, ladder to approach inside
silo etc.
- One (1) outlet connection with blind flanges for installation of jumbo transmitter at a later
- All other items required to make the system complete in all respects.

Each silo shall have the following connections with rotary feeder to offer the unloading of ash
in different form as below.

• 2 no. opening common for Unloading of ash in dry form to closed tank carriers
through Telescopic chute.
• 2 no. opening for Wet disposal using jet pump.
• 1 Opening common for Unloading of ash through Dust conditioner into open truck.
• 1 One blind flange opening.

a) One blind flange opening.

The bag filter unit shall be placed over the buffer hopper and silo top. Gross face velocity
(considering 10% bag choked condition) shall not exceed 1 m/min. The performance of bag
filter shall not get affected when 10% of bags plugged. Bag filter shall be supplied complete
with automatic pulse jet cleaning with all necessary diff. pressure gauge, pressure switch
solenoid operated pulse valve. Clean air plenum on bag filter with clear man height shall be
provided for easy access of bags during maintenance.

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 4

Vol-II Sec 2-11-10 Fly ash silo and accessories_R0 2.11.10 Fly Ash Silo and Accessories
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1 General design data
2 Type of Silo Construction RCC fly ash silos (flat bottom)
3 Numbers and capacity Nos As per flow diagram and each 1000MT
4 Method of Venting Conveying Through bag filter to Atmosphere
Air from Silo
5 Silo Level Measurement Continuous
6 No. of silo outlets As per flow diagram,
7 Type of valve at silo outlets Knife gate valve-Pneumatically operated)
8 Accessories and mountings
8.1 Manhole Yes
8.2 Ladder for Access Inside Silo Yes (SS - Ladder)
8.3 Pressure and Vacuum Relief Yes
8.4 Access Staircase from Yes
8.5 Fluidizing pads Ceramic / Woven SS
8.6 Silo bottom fluidization Yes
8.7 Adequately Sized Openings Yes
8.8 Operating Floor at Dust Yes
Conditioner Floor
8.9 Silo Ash Level Indication Yes
8.10 Hand Rails and Toe Plates Yes
all Round Roof Area
8.11 Silo Top Cover Air & Water Tight RCC Slab
8.12 Monorail with Hoist to handle Yes.
equipment from silo top to
8.13 Grating platform for inter- Yes
connecting two silos at
silo unloading platform level
and also at silo top
8.14 Tests at manufacturer’s
8.15 Visual and Dimensional Yes
Check of all the Accessories
of Silo
8.16 Particle emission at silo 50 mg/nm3
8.17 Terminal Box Yes.
8.18 Shed Over Silo Provided Yes.
8.19 Clear head room from the 5 .5 m clear
ash discharge chute upto
ground level for trucks to
pass through Height of the
platform supporting the Silo
unloading equipments from
ground level
1 General
1.1 Designation Continuous dust conditioner and unloader
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Vol-II Sec 2-11-10 Fly ash silo and accessories_R0 2.11.10 Fly Ash Silo and Accessories
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1.2 Type Double Paddle type
1.3 Number Required As per flow diagram.
1.4 Material Handled Fly ash
1.5 Maximum moisture content. % 20 (max)
1.6 Type of material Highly Abrasive
1.7 Location Underneath fly ash silo
1.8 Operation Continuous during each Unloading
1.9 Number of Unloading Frequent unloading
Operations per Day During day time
1.10 Metering device To be provided upstream of Paddle mixer
1.11 Type of metering device Air lock type rotary feeder
1.12 Trough of paddle mixer U-type.
1.13 Type of shaft Hollow pipe
1.14 Material of construction
a) Trough M.S. 6MM thick with SS 410/304 5 mm
thick liners.
b) Top cover plate M.S. 4 MM thick
c) Shaft SS 410
d) Paddles SS 409
e) Spray nozzles SS 316
1.15 Inlet type To suit silo outlet
1.16 Number of inlets One
1.17 Type of gate at silo outlet Knife gate valve
- Pneumatically Operated
1.18 Number of Outlets As per requirement.
1.19 Capacity TPH 120 (for open truck only)

1.20 Water supply to spray

nozzles shall be adjustable
so as to condition the fly ash
in order to control dust
nuisance, without causing
ash slurry formation.
1.21 Necessary canvas chute
from dust conditioner outlet
to the inlet of trucks shall be
included in the Contractor's
1.21 Necessary canvas chute
from dust conditioner outlet
to the inlet of trucks shall be
included in the Contractor's
1 General
1.1 Number Required Nos. As per flow diagram
1.2 Duty hrs/day 24
1.3 Material Handled Fly ash
1.4 Maximum Lump Size mm 12
1.5 Capacity TPH 120 -Dust conditioner –open truck 200-
closed truck
1.6 Material of construction
1.6.1 Inlet, outlet and rotor MS fabricated. The edge of the rotor vanes
shall be hardened to 340BHN for 100mm
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Vol-II Sec 2-11-10 Fly ash silo and accessories_R0 2.11.10 Fly Ash Silo and Accessories
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1.6.2 Shaft EN-8
Alloy CI – Type 1a as per IS-4771 with hardness of 350 BHN min., for all parts coming in
contact with fly ash. Alternatively MS fabricated with 10 thick TISCRAL/ SAILHARD liners
1 Total number required As per flow diagram
2 Location Below fly ash silo
3 Type Telescopic chute.
4 Drive Geared motor & chain drive with brake
5 Material of construction
5.1 Thickness mm 8 as per IS 2062
5.2 Outer bellows Canvas cloth
5.3 Maximum horizontal mm 400
6 Capacity TPH 120 -Dust conditioner –open truck 200-
closed truck
a. Venting arrangement with filter and fan will be provided.
b. Level probes and limit switches will be provided
1 Location At the top of each buffer hopper & Silo
2 Type Compressed air cleaned, reverse pulse jet
3 Duty Continuous-24 hours/ day
4 Material Handled Dry Fly ash
5 Material of Construction
5.1 Bags Automatic pulse jet type, Polyester needle
felt of antistatic type
5.2 Cages GI
5.3 Casing MS
5.4 Volume of Dust Laden Air to m³ Shall match the flow rate of ash-air mixture
be handled Into fly ash silo
5.5 Air-to-Cloth Ratio m/min One
5.6 Maximum Dust mg/Nm³ 50
Concentration in Air that shall
be Let Out to Atmosphere
5.7 Are Controls for Automatic Yes
On-line Bag Cleaning System
Temperature to withstand Deg C 170 (continuous) 200 (occasional)
5.8 Tests
Visual and dimensional Yes
check at works
Site tests for functioning of Yes
the automatic on-line
bag cleaning system
Check for dust concentration Yes
in the air to be let out to
atmosphere at site

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-10 Fly ash silo and accessories_R0 2.11.10 Fly Ash Silo and Accessories
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.11



The design, manufacture and performance of Plug Valve as specified herein shall comply with
requirements of all applicable codes. As far as practicable the equipment supplier shall follow
the latest applicable Indian/British/ American Standards. In case of any conflict between the
aforesaid standards and stipulation of this specification, the later shall prevail.


The valve assembly shall be of lubricated taper plug type design suitable for quick opening and

The valves shall be motor operated type as required for service condition or as specified in data

All valves shall be provided with an open/close position indicator.

The design of the valves shall be such as to offer absolute leak tightness under the specified
service condition and against the maximum working pressure as specified and as will be

The material of construction and hardness of the various parts of the valves shall be as
specified in the data sheet.



Body/cover Carbon steel ASTM A 216 Gr WCB (0.3%


Plug: SS 316L NITRIDED TO 500 - 600 BHN


Stem Carbon steel ASTM A 216 Gr WCB (400-

450BHN suitably impregnable for low friction.)


Whether local position indicator : Yes

required for each type of valve

Whether limit switches for open and : No

closed condition required

Whether solenoid valves, needle : No

valves and all accessories for
compressed air supply required

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 2

Vol-II Sec 2-11-11 Slurry line plug valve_R0 2.11.11 Slurry Line Plug Valve
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Hydraulic test at shop required : Yes

Hydrostatic test pressure

a) Shell : 1.5 times maximum working pressure or 1.2

times the shut off pressure, whichever is

b) Seat : Working pressure

Note : Contractor is to select number of valves, size etc. as per system requirement for the
applications shown in the Flow Diagrams.

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 2 of 2

Vol-II Sec 2-11-11 Slurry line plug valve_R0 2.11.11 Slurry Line Plug Valve
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.11.12


This section is intended to provide the scope, design, constructional and functional
requirements for Conveying air and Instrument air requirements for Ash handling system.


The applicable standards and codes for various major equipment are given below. Latest
editions of the following standards shall also be used.

TEMA - Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer's Association

ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
IS - Indian Standards
VDI - Verein Deuscher Ingenieure
RMS - Reputed manufacturers standard


The scope of supply shall include but not limited to the following:

a. Screw type, Oil free Air compressors for both the units

• 3 (2W+1S) nos. for conveying air application for unit-1

• 3 (2W+1S) nos. for conveying air application for unit-2
• 3 (2W+1S) nos. for Instrument air requirement.
(with adequate capacity and discharge pressure as required for offered equipments shall
be provided.

b. Three (3) numbers (2W+1S) Air Dryers of refrigerant type air dryers to match instrument
air compressor capacity along with all accessories including control panel, flow meter,
online digital dew point meter at the outlet of each dryer, etc.

Three (3) numbers (2W+1S) Air Dryers of refrigerant type air dryers to match conveying
air capacity for unit-1 along with all accessories including control panel, flow meter, online
digital dew point meter at the outlet of each dryer, etc.

Three (3) numbers (2W+1S) Air Dryers of refrigerant type air dryers to match conveying
air capacity for unit-2 along with all accessories including control panel, flow meter, online
digital dew point meter at the outlet of each dryer, etc.

c. Two (02) numbers of Instrument air receivers and three (03) numbers of conveying air
compressors of adequate capacity (minimum 10m3) shall be provided along with all
accessories such as pressure gauges, safety relief valves, electronic type auto drain
traps, manual isolation / blow off drain valves, bypass control valve, fittings, pressure
indicators, etc. The air receivers shall be vertical self-supporting cylindrical vessels with
supporting legs for resting on their foundation.

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 6

Vol-II Sec 2-11-12 Compressed air system_R0 2.11.12 Compressed Air System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


• The compressed air system shall consist of common inter connected systems for
instrument air and service air.

• The set pressure of relief valve shall be 110% of the rated discharge pressure.

5.0.0 LAYOUT

Air compressors would be located indoor in a separate compressor room.

Air compressors are kept in compressor house. The compressor house shall be provided with
necessary crane to handle equipment/components during maintenance. Air receivers shall be
placed outside the compressor room. ADP equipment would be skid mounted and located

• Maintenance bay of at least one compressor bay width with adequate handling facilities
and rolling shutters of adequate dimensions to enable truck entry shall be provided.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract




1.0.0 General

1.1.0 Designation Air compressor

1.2.0 Number offered

- Instrument and service air compressor As mentioned above

1.3.0 Type Two stage, Water cooled, Oil free

compressor with drive motor and
accessories like inter cooler,
after-cooler, Oil cooler, Moisture
separators, intake filters, Suction
silencers, Vibration isolators, etc.,

1.4.0 Duty mode Continuous, Load-Unload and

ON-OFF operation.

1.5.0 Control mode ‘Dual’ control mode

1.6.0 Lubrication bearing Forced

1.7.0 Location Indoor

1.8.0 Type of drive-compressor connection Direct

1.9.0 Galvanization of interconnecting piping Yes

2.0.0 Material of construction

2.1.0 Casing Cast iron with corrosion

resistance material

2.2.0 Rotor body Forged Carbon Steel coated with


2.3.0 Shaft seal High alloy steel

2.4.0 Inlet throttle valve Aluminium alloy

2.5.0 Housing of valve Aluminium alloy

2.6.0 Bull gear Alloy steel

2.7.0 Pinion gear Alloy steel

2.8.0 Timing gear Low alloy steel

2.9.0 Gear box Cast iron

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


2.10.0 Blow of valve Stainless steel

2.11.0 Unloading cylinder head Aluminium

2.12.0 Tube of blow off cooler / oil cooler. SS304

2.13.0 Outer casing of coolers Carbon steel


1.0.0 General

1.1.0 Designation Accessories for compressed air


1.2.0 Nos. required One set for each compressor

1.3.0 Type Horizontal / Vertical shell and tube

type with removable bundles, with
counter current flow heat

1.4.0 Location Indoor

2.0.0 Equipment parameters

2.1.0 Outlet air temperature °C 8 °C (Maximum) above cooling

water inlet temperature
2.2.0 Design pressure kg/cm (g) 1.25 times the maximum operating
2.3.0 Hydrostatic test pressure kg/cm (g) 1.5 times maximum operating
2.4.0 Allowable pressure drop of air kg/cm (g) 0.2

2.5.0 Minimum corrosion allowance mm 3.0

3.0.0 Material of Construction

3.1.0 Tube Copper / CU-Ni / Stainless steel

3.2.0 Shell CS SA 106 Gr.B / IS : 2002/

SA 516 Gr 70

3.3.0 Tube sheet CS SA 105 / IS : 2002 / SS 316/

SA 516 Gr 70

3.4.0 Tube support plates SA 516 Gr. 70 / IS : 2062

3.5.0 Auto-drain trap body & Trim SS 316

4.0.0 Intake Air Filter

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


4.1.0 General

4.1.1 Designation Intake Air Filter for compressors

4.1.2 Nos. Required One for each compressor

4.1.3 Location Suction pipe of compressor

4.1.4 Type Dry type

4.2.0 Performance Required

4.2.1 Air flow rate As per compressor flow rate

4.2.2 Filtering efficiency 99.50% down to 2 microns over

entire capacity range of

4.3.0 Special Feature

4.3.1 Operating sound level 85 dB at 1 M (max.) from edge of


4.3.2 Filtering element equivalent Compressed felt / manufacturer’s


5.0.0 Air Receiver

5.1.0 General

5.1.1 Designation Air receiver

5.1.2 Type Vertical

5.1.3 Location Outdoor

5.1.4 Receiver design code IS : 2825 / IS : 7938

5.1.5 Number Refer flow diagram

5.2.0 Equipment Parameter

5.2.1 Capacity Minimum 10 m³

5.2.3 Design pressure 1.1 times the maximum operating


5.2.4 Hydraulic test pressure 1.5 times maximum operating


5.2.5 Relief valve set 10% higher than working pressure

or atleast equal to design pressure
whichever is higher

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


5.3.0 Material of Construction

5.3.1 Shell IS: 2002 Gr 2A

5.3.2 End plates IS: 2002 Gr 2A

5.3.3 Relief valve body Cast steel

5.3.4 Relief valve spring Spring steel

6.0.0 Air Drying Plant

6.1.0 General

6.1.2 Designation Air Drying Plant for Instrument Air

6.1.3 Type Refrigerant type

6.1.4 Duty Continuous

6.1.5 Nos. required Nos. As per flow diagram

6.1.6 Location Indoor

6.2.0 Operating Data

6.2.1 Air flow rate Nm /min To match compressor flow rate

6.2.2 Dew point (atmospheric ) °C (-) 20

6.2.3 Maximum allowable pressure drop Kg/cm 0.3

6.3.0 Tests

6.3.1 Noise level Limited to 85 dB (A) at 1.5 m from

equipment in any direction

6.3.2 Capacity at rated discharge pressure of ASME Power test code for
compressors compressor and exhausters

6.3.3 Negative tolerance on guaranteed values of 0.00%

specific power consumption, air dryer dew
point of air, air dryer pressure drop and
water pressure drop.

6.3.4 Performance test for air dryer – Rated dew Yes

point temperature

6.3.5 Material of construction IS:2002

Note: Design, MOC, annunciations, trips for compressor (within the compressor and Air
drying Plant skid) as per manufacturer standard will be subjected to approval by owner.
Manufacturer shall be as per approved vendor list. DM water shall be used for Compressor

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-12 Compressed air system_R0 2.11.12 Compressed Air System
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.13


Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1.0 Vacuum system
Swing type or slide plate type or
1.1 Type of valves
any other type of proven design
(i) one (1) no. Fly ash feed valves
under each fly ash collection chute
i.e. each ESP hopper& APH hopper.
1.2 Numbers required (ii) one no. Fly ash Branch
segregation valve for each branch
pipe. (iii) Manual hopper isolation
valve for each hopper
1.3 Size of valves As per system requirements.
Solenoid operated pneumatically
1.4 Method of operation actuated with provision of manual
override facility.
1.5 Material of construction
Alloy cast iron with hardness of 250
1.5.1 Body
3mm thick stainless steel with 300-
350 BHN hardness for fly ash
1.5.2 Plate/disc
segregation valves and10 mm thick
SS with 300-350 BHN.
Replaceable type alloy C.I or SS
1.5.3 Seat smooth finished minimum 250 BHN
2.0 Pressure System
Plate type/ butterfly type/ dome
2.1 Type of valves type/cone type or any other type of
proven design.
i)One (1) no. Feed valves at the
inlet and outlet of air ejector/air lock/
2.2 Number required
pump tank with manual isolation
ii)Required no of Branch
segregating valves for each branch

2.3 Size of valves As per system requirements.

Solenoid operated pneumatically
2.4 Method of operation actuated with provision of manual
override facility.
2.5 Material of construction
Alloy cast iron with hardness of 250
2.5.1 Body
Minimum 10 mm thick S.S. /alloy
2.5.2 Plate/disc/dome/cone
C.I 300-350BHN
Replaceable type alloy CI or SS
smooth finished hardness to 250
2.5.3 Seat (whenever applicable)
BHN (min.)

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-13 fly ash branch segrn vlv_ FA 2.11.13 Fly Ash branch segregation valves & fly ash feed
feed vlv_R0 valves
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

Silo inlet valves / fly ash
3.0 pressure Transportation
Lines/interconnection valves
As indicated in the tender drawings
3.1 Number Required
and as required
Solenoid operation pneumatically
3.2 Method of operation
Inflated rubber seated
Pneumatically Or
Resilient rubber seated BI-
3.3 Type
directional valves
Or Rotating disc type valve (having
3.4 Material of Construction
3.4.1 Dome valve
(i) Body Cast iron FG - 260
(ii) Dome Alloy C.I min. 350 BHN

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-13 fly ash branch segrn vlv_ FA 2.11.13 Fly Ash branch segregation valves & fly ash feed
feed vlv_R0 valves
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.14


i) Specified Design Data for air locks / Pump tanks

Sl. No. Parameters Data Description

Under buffer hoppers: minimum two(2) nos.
Numbers Per buffer/intermediate hopper for dry ash
provided transportation from buffer hoppers to storage
To cater to the ash removal rates as
Sizing of air
2.0 mentioned in reference clause of Design data
locks/pump tanks
in system capacity.
Material of
3.1 Body Tested quality MS to IS: 2062 10mm thick.

Fly ash buffer hopper bottom portion shall be conical in shape aeration pads shall be provided in
conical portion to prevent compaction and to fluidize. Each hopper to include access door of dia
750mm or 750 x 750mm. Suitable platform and stairs shall be provided at different levels for
equipment / bag filter/ valve maintenance.

ii) Specified Design Data for Dry Fly Ash Buffer/ Intermediate Hoppers

Sl. No. Parameters Data Description

1.0 Number As per flow diagram.
6 mm thick M.S. to IS: 2062 with 10 mm thick
Material of abrasion resistant Alloy C.I. liners of 300-
construction 350BHN hardness at sloping surfaces and
outlet area.
3.0 Emission Outlet emission level shall be within 50ppm

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-14 Air locks and fly ash buffer
hoppers_R0 2.11.14 Air Locks and Fly Ash Buffer Hoppers
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


SUB-SECTION - 2.11.15


A) Specified Design Data for Pneumatic Ash Conveying Pipelines

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1.0 Pipe size (I.D.) As required
2.0 Types of pipes For vacuum system: Class - D cast
iron pipes conforming to IS : 1536
or BS: 1211.
For Pressure system: MS IS 3589
(9.52 mm thick)
Buffer hopper to vacuum pump: min.
6mm MS pipes IS-3589
3.0 Type of joints
3.1 Pipe to Pipe, Pipe to Flanged /Sleeve Coupling (Flanged
Fitting, Pipe to Valve with every third joint of sleeve
& Valve to Fitting, coupling)
Fitting to Fitting
3.2 Fittings (Bends, elbows Ni-hard/chrome-alloy cast iron or
laterals and spool piece etc. equivalent. Minimum hardness 400
BHN and wear back thickness
minimum 20 mm.
4.0 Material of construction
4.1 Sleeve 9.0 mm thick carbon steel ASTM-
36/BS EN10025: 1993 Grade S:275 /
355/IS2062 or CI FG 260:IS:210
4.2 Flanges / end rings Carbon steel to ASTM-A-108 /
IS:2062 or Cl. FG 260, IS:210. Steel
and rings shall be formed from hot
rolled section bar, free from
circumferential welds.

B) Specified Design Data for slurry transportation pipes and Accessories for Bottom Ash,
Economiser Ash and Fly Ash

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

I B.A. Economizer Ash and
F.A. Slurry and disposal
1.0 Type of pipes ERW/SAW of API-5L Gr. B Casing
Pipe with Cast Basalt Linear with min.
20mm thick
2.0 Pipe Size As per the requirement
3.0 Thickness of Casing pipes 6.0 mm (Min.)
4.0 Type of Joints Sleeve type coupling joints in straight
length and flanged joints at fittings
(bends, elbows, laterals etc.) (Flanged
with every third joint of sleeve

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-15 Ash and slurry conveying
pipelines_R0 2.11.15 Ash and Water Conveying Pipelines
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

II Pipe Fittings (Bends
Elbows. Laterals Spool
Pieces etc.)
1.0 Material and hardness Ni-Chrome alloy cast iron or
equivalent. Min. Hardness 400 BHN
Integral wear back of minimum 20 mm
2.0 Basalt lining 20 mm thick cast basalt lined MS
fittings (MS shell of 6 mm minimum
3.0 Hardness of 8 mhos (minimum)
III Coupling
1.0 Type Sleeve type couplings with minimum
9.0 mm thick sleeves
2.0 Material of construction
2.1 Sleeve Carbon Steel to ASTM A-36/BS EN
10025:1993 Grade S:275/355
2.2 Flanges/End rings Carbon Steel to ASTM A-108 Steel
end rings shall be formed from special
hot rolled section bar, free from
circumferential welds.

Note: All slurry piping inside the BA and FA slurry pump house shall be basalt lined.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-15 Ash and slurry conveying
pipelines_R0 2.11.15 Ash and Water Conveying Pipelines
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.11.16

The Ash handling system shall have DCS remote I/O units with the Redundant Processor,
power supply, communication module etc for the control and monitoring of the bottom ash
handling system and

Fly ash handling system.

It shall be possible to perform all operations such as “system ON and system OFF” and
monitoring of the complete ash handling system from the Operator station in the local control
room of Ash handling system

The Operator station shall be mounted on a control desk provided in the ash handling system
control room. The DCS cabinets for Ash handling system shall be located in this AHS control
room. Redundant communication link shall be provided for connecting the Remote I/O units
and the main plant DCS.

Operation and monitoring of Fly ash handling system and its auxiliaries such as ash
transmitters, conveying air compressors, etc. and the bottom ash handling system and its
auxiliaries such as bottom ash hopper, clinker grinder, jet pumps, scraper chain conveyor etc.
shall be from the DCS Operator station in the local control room of Ash handling system. The
complete controls will be implemented in the DCS.

Bottom Ash hopper system shall be provided with a local panel mounted in the bottom ash
hopper area to facilitate local operation. This local panel shall be provided with conventional
operational hardware (push buttons, switches, indicating lamps, mimics etc.). DCS Remote
I/O racks of bottom ash handling system located in the bottom ash area shall be housing
power supply, I/O modules and communication modules etc. Remote I/O racks of bottom ash
handling system shall be provided for connecting the signals of the local panel / bottom ash
system to the DCS cabinets in the local control room. Location of RIO panel shall be in
Bottom ash hopper Local panel room.

The fly ash shall be removed from the ESP, APH, duct and stack hoppers and transported to
the buffer hopper either under auto mode (timer mode operation or level probe mode
operation) or manual mode (one hopper at a time) selectively. Level probes shall be provided
for each fly ash hopper to enable operation of the fly ash handling system.

The unloading of dry fly ash/bottom ash into the trucks shall be independently operated and
monitored from their respective local relay based panel. The equipment status shall be
indicated on the operator station in the AHS local control room by hardwiring the status
signals to the DCS system.

The air compressors shall be provided with dedicated Microprocessor based control system.
Controls and protection of the air compressor shall be realized in the dedicated control
system including the loading and unloading operations. Start of standby on trip of running
compressor shall be performed by the DCS.

Slurry pumps:

The electrical control and monitoring signals, as specified, in the electrical section of this
specification are to be controlled and monitored from the AHS local control room. Bidder shall
make the necessary provision for interfacing of Electrical signals to AHS DCS.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-16 Operation and Philosophy_R0 2.11.16 Operation and Philosophy
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Local operation –

Local start/stop push button stations shall be provided near all the drives except for the
motorised valves and solenoid valves. Local start push button shall be wired to the DCS.
Local start command shall be executed only when all the permissive conditions are satisfied.
Lockable type Local stop push button shall be connected to the MCC/switchgear.

Auto/manual selection shall be provided in the Operator station as soft selection for drives.
The Local / Remote operation selection will be made through MCC. For systems provided
with relay based local panels, the selector switches shall be provided on the local panel by

For the motorized valves, integral starters shall be provided and these shall have local open,
close and stop push buttons in addition to local / remote selector. The local / remote selector
switches of all integral starters shall be locked and shall have a common key. By unlocking
the lock, authorised personnel having the key may operate the motorised valve locally. Local
mode selected shall be wired to the DCS for annunciation to operator in the control room.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-16 Operation and Philosophy_R0 2.11.16 Operation and Philosophy
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract




Vacuum pump shall be of the low speed liquid ring type driven by an electric motor. A minimum
margin of 10 percent (%) over the above capacity shall be considered for sizing of the vacuum
pumps. Silencers shall be provided so that each vacuum pump complies with the noise level limits. All
vacuum pumps and their drives shall be interchangeable.


S.No. Description Vacuum pumps for fly ash vacuum conveying system
1. Type Low speed liquid ring type.

2. Duty Continuos

3. Nos. of working and standby As per requirement.

4. Sizing criteria To cater to the ash removal rates laid down under as
specified. A minimum margin of 10% (percent) over the
above capacity shall be considered for sizing the vacuum
5. Material of Construction

a) Casing CI

b) Shaft sleeve Stainless steel

c) Impeller Stainless steel

d) Shaft Carbon steel EN -8

e) Type of coupling between the Flexible coupling with suitable guards or V Belt drive along
pump and motor with belt guards

f) Accessories Necessary separator silencer, adjusting valves and orifices

piping, strainers, heatex changers for seal water system (if
applicable) and other equipment as necessary and as
6. Inlet seal water temperature 36 deg. C

7. Maximum tip speed of 15 m/sec.

impeller of Vacuum pump.

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-17 Vacuum pumps_R0 2.11.17 Vacuum Pumps
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract




S.No. Description Vacuum pumps for fly ash vacuum conveying system

1 Nos. As per requirement.

2. Material of Construction

a) Body 10 mm thick M.S. to IS:2062

b) Liners 8 mm thick replaceable stainless steel liners of hardness

300-350 BHN.
c) Nozzles Body :Cast Iron/Mild Steel

d) Tip : Anti corrosive tool steel / stainless steel of hardness not

less than 550 BHN.

Spec. No. SE/C/UP/EE/E/OT No. 01/2015-16 FICHTNER INDIA Vol. - II, Section 2.0 Page 1 of 1
Vol-II Sec 2-11-18 Flushing boxes_R0 2.11.18 Flushing boxes below Economiser Hoppers
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



Description Unit Data

Recovery Pump
Designation Recovery water pump
Type Vertical type
Total number of pumps 3nos. (2W + 1S)
Location Indoor
Operation Continuous
Total duration of operation/ day h 18
Liquid data
Ash water
Specific gravity 1.05
Temperature C Atmospheric
Material of Construction
Bowl Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Impeller Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Shaft sleeve Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Column pipe Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Discharge head and tee Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Pump shaft Duplex SS ASTM A 890 CD 4M CU
Motor stool Carbon steel (IS:2062)
Gland packing Impregnated Teflon
SS 316L for fasteners submerged in
Fasteners in pump assembly water and alloy steel for other
Base plate/sole plate Carbon steel(IS:2062)
Accessories and Services
Discharge pressure gauge Yes
Companion flange yes
Suction strainer Yes
Bearing temperature indicator Yes
Foot valves Yes

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-19 Recovery water system_R0 2.11.19 Recovery Water system
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

a. It shall be possible to operate
these pumps over a range of
75% to 110% of rated capacity.
b. NPSH test, Std running test,
Hydrostatic test and Balancing
tests and performance test to
be done
Number Required One (1)
Rise Rate m/h 1.5 (max.)
3 hrs. (2.5 for clarification & 0.5 for the
Retention Time h
Material of Construction RCC RCC
Effluent Quality (turbidity+
ppm 50
suspended solids)
Quality of water after clarification NTU <20
pH value of water after
6.5 TO 8.5
3 2
Surface flow rate m /h/m 1.5
Number One
Material RCC
Shaft Material SS 316L
Paddle Material SS 316L
Note: Maximum effluent capacity
shall be 10% margin over the
rated capacity.
Quantity One (1)
Material of Construction RCC
Storage Required hrs 1 hrs.
Sludge disposal pumps
Type Vertical type
Number 1W+1S
Material of Construction
Bowl Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Impeller Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Shaft sleeve Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-19 Recovery water system_R0 2.11.19 Recovery Water system
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Column pipe Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803

Discharge head and tee Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Pump shaft Duplex SS ASTM A 890 CD 4M CU
Motor stool Carbon steel (IS:2062)
Gland packing Impregnated Teflon
SS 316L for fasteners submerged in
Fasteners in pump assembly water and alloy steel for other
Base plate/sole plate Carbon steel(IS:2062)
Recovery water piping
Terminal Points Complete recovery system
Inlet Piping to Clarifier HDPE
Piping From Flash Mixer to RCC hume pipes to IS:458
Clarifier Class P2
Sludge piping HDPE
Flow Measuring Device
Inlet and outlet of clarifier
Required At
Notes : In case of underground piping the pipes shall be suitably protected by coating &
Dosing Tank
Quantity As per Flow diagram
Adequate to store solution required for
Capacity of each tank
one shift of 8 hours
MOC FRP with vinyl resin
Solution concentration % 10 -20
Agitator High speed, motor driven
Dosing pumps
Number Two (2) x 100% per stream
Positive displacement, diaphragm
MOC PP with PTFE diaphragm

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Vol-II Sec 2-11-19 Recovery water system_R0 2.11.19 Recovery Water system
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, fabrication, manufacture
& assembly, inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of complete Mill Reject Handling


The applicable standards and codes for various major equipment in mill reject handling
system are given below. Latest editions of the following standards shall also be used.

TEMA - Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer's Association

ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
IS - Indian Standards
VDI - Verein Deuscher Ingenieure
RMS - Reputed manufacturers standard
IS:2825 - Code for unfired pressure vessels (with
amendments latest
ASME section VIII Division I - Boiler and pressure vessel code


1. One (1) no pyrite hopper for each mill with all associated connections and accessories as
per requirement and specification flow diagram.
2. One (1) no. mill reject conveying vessel for each pyrite hopper to transport mill rejects to
storage bunker by means of dense phase conveying system.
3. One (1) no. storage bunkers per bunker bay (Two for each unit )
4. One (1) Pressure relief valve on the top of each bunker to safeguard the Mill reject
storage bunker.
5. One (1) No. bag type vent filter on the vent line at the top of each Mill reject storage
6. One (1) No. rupture disc for each pyrite hopper.
7. Three (3) Nos. (2W+1S) – water cooled, Screw compressors ( Oil free type) for unit 1 & 2
to supply air required for conveying mill rejects from transport vessel to storage bunker.
8. One (1) No. Air receiver with associated accessories for each bunker bay. Receiver shall
act as a buffer to conveying compressors.
9. One (1) lot of water piping, instrument air piping, fittings, valves, instrumentation etc., as
per requirement and specification flow diagram.
10. One (1) lot of mill reject conveying piping with fittings, instruments, valves, flanges,
hangers, supports etc. for complete system as required upto silo for each unit.

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Vol-II Section 2-12 MRS_R0 2.12 Mill Reject Handling System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

11. One (1) lot of maintenance/operating floor for Mill reject bunker unloading, staircase to
approach upto top of bunker, handling arrangement at top of bunker, hand railings, ladder
to approach inside bunker if necessary etc.
12. One (1) lot of supports with access platforms, ladders, handrails, pipe racks, concrete
sleepers (if required), etc. for all the air, water and mill reject conveying lines.
13. One (1) lot of base plates, guards, holding down bolts, anchorage channels, pipe sleeves,
inserts etc. required for the complete mill reject handling equipment.
14. Insulation of human accessible parts/hopper/airlock vessel/pipe to maintain outside
surface temperature at 60 deg. C
15. One (1) cylinder operated valve for each of inlet, outlet & bypass of pyrite hopper.
16. Necessary lifting devices of adequate capacity to handle the mill reject handling
17. All structural works (including pipe racks & structures) associated with the Mill reject
handling system including foundation bolts, pockets, grouting and underpinning etc and
minor civil works.
18. Proper reject handling arrangement below each bypass chute of pyrite hopper. One (1)
Trolley for each bunker bay.
19. One (1) portable sump pump shall be provided for each bay to pump the drain to nearest
20. Any other items which are not listed but are required to make the Mill reject handling
system complete in all respects as per this specification.


• Type of mill shall be as per mill section.

• All the bends in the pneumatic handling system shall be provided with wear back of
• The radius of 90 degree bends shall be minimum five times the pipe diameter.
• The emission level at the outlet of the bag filter shall be limited to 50 mg /Nm
• Maximum temperature of the mill reject shall be 200°C
• Bulk mean velocity of material in the Mill reject conveying pipe line shall be less than
• Bulk density of mill rejects
a) For volume considerations : 1.6 T/m
b) For structural design/ load
consideration : 2.4 T/m

• The service factor for selection of gearboxes, resilient couplings, flexible couplings,
brakes etc., shall be 1.5 minimum on the motor rating.


The Mill Reject System comprises of collection of coal rejects/pyrites mills (type of mill – refer
mill section) and transportation of the same to storage bunkers

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Vol-II Section 2-12 MRS_R0 2.12 Mill Reject Handling System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Mill Reject Handling System:

This description shall be read along with the mill reject handling system flow diagram.

The Mill Reject System comprises of collection of coal rejects/pyrites from mills and
transportation of the same to storage bunkers through dense phase pneumatic conveying

Each mill shall be provided with collection and transportation equipment comprising of one (1)
pyrite hopper with water spray arrangement, valves at inlet and outlet and one (1) mill reject
vessel. Each of the mill reject vessels shall be connected to storage bunkers through
conveying pipeline of MS ERW heavy grade. Storage bunkers shall be of MS construction
with SS liners and shall be provided with discharge gate at its outlet to discharge rejects into a
truck. . Compressors shall be provided for conveying mill rejects from pyrite hoppers to
storage bunker. The instrument air required for operation of various pneumatic valves shall be
drawn from plant instrument air header. The water required for cooling of Dome valves and
for spraying in pyrite hoppers shall be drawn from Service water distribution system. Radio
Frequency type level probes shall be provided in pyrite hopper to start/stop evacuation cycle
or for indication.

No of cycles shall be optimized for minimum air consumption and will be limited to six (6).
Bulk mean velocity of material in the conveying pipe line shall be less than 10m/sec. Average
velocity shall be computed from actual cycle time and length of piping (material travel path)
during a number of conveying cycles.


a) The system shall be designed for the worst coal consumption.

b) The Mill reject handling system shall be designed and constructed in view of dust free
operation. Fugitive dust emission at any area shall not exceed 50 mg/Nm3 for all solid
c) Mill Reject handling system shall be fully automated.
d) Pressure pneumatic handling system shall be as per proven design practice.
e) Based on the layout requirement, adequate provision for maintenance shall be

Mill Discharge and Pyrite Hopper

Each coal mill discharge shall be provided with a pneumatic cylinder operated gate for
discharging the rejects into a pyrite hopper.

The pyrite hopper shall be provided with one cylinder operated knife gate valve & one manual
operated knife gate valve on upstream which shall be normally kept in open position.
Necessary explosion vent of proven design shall be provided in each hopper. Grid shall be
provided in the hopper to prevent passage of over size material to mill reject vessel. Suitable
chute shall be provided to remove rejects collected on the grid. Pyrite hopper shall be
designed to allow the grid to be replaced. Pyrite hopper shall be provided with by-pass chute
with cylinder operated knife gate valve to unload the pyrite hoppers on the ground in case of
emergency. The bypass arrangement in Pyrite hopper shall be provided for removing the raw
coal to avoid mixing with rejects. Pyrite hopper shall be provided with manual operated knife
gate valve & cylinder operated knife gate valve on downstream side which is normally kept in
open position. Pyrite hopper shall be provided with level probes, temperature switches and
Explosion vent. Arrangement of nozzles to spray water shall be provided when temperature
goes beyond the preset value.

Each pyrite hopper shall be provided with two level switches – one to start the operating
sequence and the other to indicate the hopper above grid chocked condition.

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Vol-II Section 2-12 MRS_R0 2.12 Mill Reject Handling System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Mill Reject Vessel

One (1) mill reject vessel shall be provided for each pyrite hopper to transport mill rejects to
storage bunker by means of dense phase conveying system. Transport vessel shall be
provided with inlet valves, outlet valve and air inlet valve. Inlet valve of mill reject vessel is
normally in open position. After lapse of predetermined time or commencement signal by level
probe of pyrite hopper, the inlet valve of mill reject vessel closes and air is injected through air
inlet valve and the reject shall be conveyed to mill reject silo. . This cycle is repeated.

Conveying vessels shall be designed and tested based on codes and standards mentioned in
the specification or equivalent Indian/international standard for pressure vessels. The vessel
shall be designed considering the temperature of mill reject as 200 C. Design pressure of the
vessel shall be 1.5 times the compressor discharge pressure.

The conveying vessels shall be constructed with tested quality mild steel plates. They shall
withstand the abrasive action and hot condition of mill rejects and the operating air pressure.
The conveying vessel shall be supported independently on steel columns. The vessel shall
have suitably located and adequately numbered air connections for supply of compressed air
for conveying mill rejects through pipes to mill rejects storage bunker.

The isolating valve at the top of vessel and the outlet bend piece at the bottom of the vessel
shall be connected to vessel through air tight flanged joints. The material of construction for
the outlet bend shall be alloy C.I. with 400 BHN.

Storage Bunker

Total storage capacity for each unit to store mill rejects for 24 effective running hours at worst
coal. 3mm thick SS-304 liner in conical as well as vertical portion. The storage bunker shall
be MS construction (as per IS 2062) plates with adequate stiffeners.). Adequately sized bag
filter to vent the transport air to atmosphere, terminal boxes, level probe and pressure relief
valve, shall be provided over top of storage bunker.

Motor operated undercut gate of double pivoted sector type shall be provided at the mouth of
storage bunker to unload the rejects into trucks. Bunker shall be provided with access ladder
inside the bunker, pressure relief door, external staircase from ground level to top of bunker,
platform with outlet gate, etc.

Access platforms shall be provided with 32 mm thick MS grating 32 NB GI pipe hand railing
shall be provided wherever required.

Suitable canvass chute shall be provided below the operating floor of the bunker.

Clear headroom of 5.5m and width of 5m shall be maintained below the operating floor.

Air Compressors
Water cooled screw air compressors (Oil free type) shall be provided to supply air required for
conveying mill rejects from transport vessel to storage bunker. The compressors shall be of
continuous indoor duty complete with necessary valves with vent pipe work ducted to a safe
discharge outlet. The air pipe work shall be of ERW pipes to IS: 3589/1239 heavy quality

At least 10% margin shall be provided on compressor capacity over and above the maximum
flow requirement of simultaneous evaluation of all mills. DM water shall be used for
Compressor cooling.

Mill reject compressor shall be located along with the AHS compressor.

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Vol-II Section 2-12 MRS_R0 2.12 Mill Reject Handling System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Air Receiver
Air receiver shall be provided for mill rejects handling system. Air receivers shall be designed
in accordance with IS: 2825. The air receiver shall be of vertical cylindrical design with dished

The air receiver shall have inlet/outlet connections, safety relief valves, pressure gauges,
Temperature gauge, pressure switches, flanged pipe connections, inspection manholes with
automatic drain traps. Pressure gauges shall be provided at each air inlet line and on air
receiver. The air receiver shall have structural platforms for maintenance of safety relief
valves and instruments.

The finished receiver complete with all welded attachments shall be hydraulically tested at
150% of the design pressure. The test pressure shall be maintained for at least 30 minutes.
All joints shall be gently hammered during the test.

The air receiver capacity (no. of receiver shall be minimum 4) shall be

• Selected to convey one complete cycle from one vessel without taking into
consideration any air supply from the compressor. A margin of 25% shall be provided
over and above the arrived air receiver capacity.
• Minimum capacity shall be 5 M3 capacity each.
• Capacity shall be maximum of the above criteria

All pipings shall be tested hydraulically after installation to minimum 1.5 times the maximum
pressure encountered.

Mill Rejects Valves

Valves isolating mill pyrite hopper and rejects conveying vessel shall be of knife gate / dome
type, (one number pneumatically operated and one number manually operated ) quick
opening and closing remote controlled design. The valve shall be of reliable and proven
quality. It shall be possible to operate it cutting through the material flow. These shall be
provided with proper sealing arrangement such that whenever the material is being conveyed
from vessel to the silo, there shall not be any leakage of air from vessel to pyrite hopper /
atmosphere. Solenoid valves and air piping shall be included in Contractor’s scope, “Open”
and “close” limit switches shall be provided for panel indication of open/close status of valve.

The valves shall be tested hydraulically to a pressure of minimum of 1.1 times (for seat) and
2.0 times (for body) the maximum pressure encountered. Air tests shall be conducted to
detect seat leakage.

Compressed Air Line Valves

Remote actuated main valves on compressed air pipe lines shall be pilot operated solenoid
pneumatic cylinder operated 100% leak proof valve.

Spring balanced two / three position control valve to actuate the pneumatic cylinder of main
valves shall be either solenoid operated or pilot air pressure operated. In addition, mechanical
lever for manual operation of valves shall be provided. Material of construction of valves shall
have minimum surface friction and shall be rust and weather proof.

Pneumatic actuators shall be completely enclosed type, double acting. Material of

construction shall be stainless steel. Integral micro limit switches for “Open” and “close”
position shall be provided. External pointer for valve position and manual operation facility
shall be provided.

The main valves shall be tested hydraulically to a pressure of minimum 1.1 times (for seat)
and 2.0 times (for body) the maximum pressure encountered. Control valves and pneumatic
cylinders shall be tested to a pressure of minimum 1.5 times the maximum pressure

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Valves shall meet the requirements of international / Indian Standard Codes. Contractor shall
clearly indicate in his offer the applicable standard / code.

Bag Filter
Vent with Bag filter of reverse pulse jet type shall be located at the top of Bunker to dedust the
conveying air before venting into atmosphere. The material of filter bags shall be Polyester
needle felt of antistatic type. The material of filter bags shall be suitable for prolonged
operation up to a temperature of 200 °C without losing its collection efficiency and durability.
Filter bags shall be suitably treated to minimize the chances of filter bags catching fire. Bag
cleaning mechanism shall be automatic, and shall comprise of solenoid valves, air nozzles,
adjustable solid state timer, pressure switches, piping and fittings etc. Nozzles shall be placed
just above the filter bags to facilitate individual cleaning of each bag. 10% additional bags
shall be considered.

Instrument Air System

The instrument air required for the mill reject handling system shall be met from the plant
instrument air compressors. For equipment operation in the system, instrument air is provided
at each bay through distribution pipe work from specified tapping point to pneumatic operated
valves, vessel sealing arrangement, Dome valve actuator, Denseveyor panel and bag filter.

Cooling Water Requirement

Cooling water requirement of Dome valves & for spraying in pyrite hoppers shall be drawn
from Service water distribution system and cooling water for compressor shall be met using
DMCW water. MOC of the piping shall be SS.


The pneumatic cylinder operated plate valve at mill outlet (Pyrite Hopper Inlet) is normally
kept open. Mill Rejects from coal mill drop into the Pyrite Hopper through the grid. Oversize
material is retained on the grid. Hand Wheel Operated Plate Valve on Over-size material
discharge chute is operated on need basis. The High Level Probe in Pyrite Hopper picks up
when Pyrite Hopper is full and grid is choked. The bypass chute is fitted with pneumatic
cylinder operated plate valve. This Plate valve shall be provided with limit switch for interlock
with pyrite hopper inlet valve and status monitoring switch shall be provided accordingly.
Whenever this bypass valve is to be opened, it should be ensured that Pyrite Hopper inlet
valve is closed. Also whenever the oversize valve is to be opened, it shall be ensured that
Pyrite Hopper inlet valve is closed, for this purpose limit switches shall be provided on the

A temperature Switch in Pyrite Hopper is set to give alarm annunciation in case temperature
goes beyond 60°C and set to open the Solenoid Valve in Spray Water line to spray water.
Additionally the water spray solenoid valve is operated through a time control.

During normal operation, the Solenoid Valve on spray water line - (normally closed) is opened
whenever dome valve is opened and water is sprayed for quenching mill rejects in Pyrite
Hopper for 5 seconds (adjustable). Dome valve top plate is provided with continuous cooling
water supply to protect the insert seal through a open drain cooling water system sourced
from service water. RF Type Level Probe in Pyrite Hopper is set to pick up when mill rejects
reach a preset level (low level or permissive level) generally kept equal to Vessel volume.
Whenever RF Type Level Probes picks up, the dome valve of Denseveyor is actuated to open
to allow gravity feed of mill rejects into Denseveyor. After a preset time-lapse dome valve is
closed, insert seal is inflated through instrument air supply. Compressed air from Convey
Airline is then injected to the Denseveyor. Mill rejects are conveyed to the storage bunker via
pipe work and terminal box. On completion, the vessel pressure drops down and the system
is reset for next cycle commencement signaled by the RF Type Level Probe in Pyrite Hopper.
As a back-up to this, a timer provision is also made in control system. The batch cycling
operation and conveying of mill rejects goes on till high level in storage bunker is sensed on

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

which further conveying to bunker is stopped till bunker is evacuated manually. The mode of
operation is same for all mills. In each stream, vessel are in operation one by one during
normal operation.


• Completely filled up Technical schedules and data sheets of tender documents

• General arrangement drawing of Mill Reject handling system equipment with sections
• Write-up to Mill reject handling system
• Utilities requirement
• Complete electrical load list.
• Control system configuration
• Details of similar job executed in last five years
• List of mandatory spares.
• List of recommended O&M spares for 3 years normal operation.
• List of Special Tools & Tackles.


The Contractor shall submit the following data/information documents/ drawings to the Owner /
owner’s consultant, who in turn shall review and furnish comments on only important
drawings/documents. Contractor shall furnish a list of data / drawings / documents which shall
be submitted to the Owner / owner’s consultant with due dates of submission immediately after
award of contract. The contractor on fortnightly basis shall update the list. The following list shall
not limit the contractor, if any additional documents / drawings required for the review of the
owner/ consultant same to be submitted. Master document list to be submitted by the contractor
listing all the documents/ drawings.

• Design Basis for mill reject handling system

• Sizing calculations for system & equipment.
• Technical data sheets of all equipment.
• Sequence interlocks and block logic diagram.
• Design basis for design of foundations, civil works, structural etc.,
• Design & Operational philosophy for Mill reject system.
• Flow Diagram of Mill Reject Handling System and design calculation
• GA – Plans and section of all subsystems, Equipment & structures.
• P&ID for Mill reject handling system & compressor.
• Piping layout for Mill reject conveying, Air & water piping’s.
• Equipment layouts of mill reject system
• PG test procedure.
• MQP’s, QAP’s for all the supplied items.
• STAAD input/output files

Bidder shall furnish operation and maintenance instruction manual

Control & Instrumentation

The C&I Drawings / documents shall have the following as a minimum

1. Mill Reject Handling plant control room layout

2. Control Schemes & Logic diagram along with write up of control system
3. Hardware and software design manual (covering exhaustive details of compete DCS
based control system)
5. G.A (General Arrangement) drawings of all control panels/ cabinets / local panels with all
dimensional details.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

6. Input / Output list

7. Drive list / Solenoid valve list
8. Annunciation list & SER list
9. List of set points
10. Maximum DCS bus utilization under worst loading condition calculation details shall be
11. Process mimic indicating Analogue and digital parameters
12. Marshalling philosophy
13. Cabinet / Panel wiring diagrams and internal layout drawings
14. Wiring diagrams for panel, local panel, junction boxes, actuators, starters etc.
15. Instrument index
16. Instrument hook-up diagram
17. Erection hardware BOQ
18. Heat load and Power consumption data for DCS

• Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall
also be submitted by contractor.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX – 2.12.1


Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1.0.0 Mill Reject System
1.1.0 Mill reject conveying capacity per T/h Design extraction rate of mill rejects
unit from pyrite hopper will be 150% of
expected mill rejects of coal
consumption at 100% BMCR
considering worst coal

Each conveying line will be designed

for a capacity corresponding to 150%
of expected mill rejects with worn out

Mill reject shall be as follows:

• As recommended by mill

• Minimum 1% of coal
consumption at BMCR
considering worst coal

Capacity shall be maximum of the

above criteria
1.2.0 Type of conveying Dense phase type pneumatic
1.3.0 Mills
1.3.1 Type of mill Refer mill section.
1.3.2 Arrangement DDE
1.3.3. Elevation of Mill reject spout (wrt m DDE
FFL in mill area)
2.0.0 Pyrite Hopper
2.1.0 Quantity One per mill
2.2.0 Buffer Capacity Minimum 1.5 m or effective volume
of 3 cycles whichever is higher
2.3.0 Material of Construction
Pyrite hopper body MS plate of minimum 10 mm thick
conforming to IS 2062, Gr A
Grid SS-304, 10mm thick flat / bar
Liners 6mm thick SS-316
2.4.0 Accessories As per the flow diagram & as
3.0.0 Mill Reject Vessel
3.1.0 Location Below pyrite hopper
3.2.0 Quantity One per pyrite hopper
3.3.0 Type Suitable for dense phase type
pneumatic conveying.
3.4.0 Material of Construction
Vessel body Cast iron/ fabricated out of MS plate
Construction shall be as per ASME
code for unfired pressure vessel or

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

3.5.0 Design Pressure 1.5 times the compressor discharge
3.6.0 Temperature of material to be C 200.
3.7.0 Maximum size of material to be mm 20mm, Occasionally upto 50mm
4.0.0 Transport air compressors
and accessories
Type Oil free, Screw compressor.
4.1.0 Capacity (FAD) m³/h As per system design requirement
4.2.0 Type of Cooling Water
4.3.0 Pressure rating kg/cm²(g) As per system design requirement.
4.4.0 Accessories to be Supplied.
a) Suction Air Filter area (twice Yes
compressor inlet size: Particle
removal upto 5 micron).
b) Suction Silencer Yes
c) Instrumentation as required Yes
d) Test Certificates for Materials of Yes
Construction for Compressor
e) Notes
Tests to be witnessed by the
Owner at manufacturer’s works
Visual Inspection and Yes
Dimensional check
Check for Capacity at specified Yes
discharge pressure. Flow
as per ISO 1217
4.5.0 Type of drive Belt driven /
Motor & gear box shall be directly
coupled as per OEM practices.
5.0.0 Air Receiver
5.1.0 Type Vertical
5.2.0 Number required Minimum 4 nos.
5.3.0 Working Pressure kg/cm²(g) As per system design requirement.
5.4.0 Design Pressure kg/cm²(g) 1.5 times of the compressor
discharge pressure
5.5.0 Nominal Volume of each receiver m² As per system design requirement.
5.6.0 M.O.C of Shell/Body MS: IS 2002Gr.A
5.7.0 Corrosion Allowance mm 3
5.8.0 Code of Construction IS 2825 / ASME Sec VIII
5.9.0 Manhole with cover for inspection Yes
& cleaning
5.10.0 One suitably sized safety valve Yes
set at 1.25 times the operating
pressure of the receiver to relieve
full compressor discharge
5.11.0 One pressure gauge with Yes
isolating valve
5.12.0 Auto drain trap Yes
5.13.0 Material test certificate required? Yes

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

5.14.0 Tests at manufacturer’s
works to be witnessed by
Purchaser’s representative
5.15.0 Visual inspection and Yes
check against approved
5.16.0 Hydrostatic test at 1.5 times the Yes
design pressure
6.0.0 Piping
6.1.0 Mill reject conveying
6.1.1 Material of Construction
Pipe MS ERW heavy grade to IS:
Bends / Fittings / Laterals Alloy CI to hardness 400 BHN. End
connection shall be Flanged.
6.2.0 Conveying Air
6.2.1 Material of Construction
a) Pipe • For 50NB and below - MS ERW
BLACK IS 1239 (PT-1).
• For 65NB to 150NB - MS ERW
BLACK, IS 1239 Heavy Class (PT-
• For 200NB to 450NB – ERW, IS
1978 (or) API 5L GR. B (or) IS
3589 fabricated from IS 2062
b) Fittings For 50NB and below - ASTM A 105
For 65NB and above – ASTM A234
c) Flanges ASTM A 105 (A283 GR-C for 200NB
and above)
d) Gaskets GRAFOIL
e) Line joint For 50NB and below – Socket
For 65NB and above – Butt welded.
f) Notes
Type of Mill reject conveying Flanged, long radius. (Bend angle R
bend = 5D)
7.0.0 Mill Reject Handling Valves
7.1.0 Type Slide type/ Dome/ Swing type
7.2.0 Material of construction
a) Body Cast Iron, 225 BHN hardness
b) Plate / Disc 10mm thick, 300-350 BHN SS
c) Seat Replaceable type alloy CI or SS
smooth finished with hardness
250 BHN
7.3.0 Method of operation Solenoid operated pneumatically
actuated with provision for manual
override facility.
8.0.0 Mill reject storage bunker and
8.1.0 Type MS construction (as per IS 2062 with
adequate stiffeners) SS-304 liner in

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

conical as well as vertical portion
8.2.0 Numbers required. Nos As per flow diagram
8.3.0 Method of Venting Conveying Air Through bag filter to Atmosphere
from bunker
8.4.0 Bunker Level Measurement and Continuous/RF type
8.5.0 No. of Outlets Required One.
8.7.0 Type Motor operated undercut gate of
double pivoted sector
8.8.0 Purpose Unloading mill reject to trucks
8.9.0 Accessories and mountings
a) Accessories As per the flow diagram.
b) Ladder for Access Inside Silo Yes (SS - Ladder)
c) Pressure Relief Valve Yes
d) Access Staircase from Ground Yes
Level to Silo Top
e) Hand Rails and Toe Plates Yes
f) Monorail with Hoist to handle Yes
equipment from silo top to
g) Tests at manufacturer's works
h) Visual and Dimensional Check of Yes
all the Accessories of Silo
9.0.0 Bag filter
9.1.0 Location At the top of each Mill reject storage
9.2.0 Type Compressed air cleaned, reverse
pulse jet type
9.3.0 Quantity 1 No per silo
9.4.0 Duty Continuous-24 hours/ day
9.5.0 Material Handled Mill reject
9.6.0 Material of Construction
a) Bags Polyester needle felt of antistatic type
b) Cages GI
c) Casing & Duty MS
9.7.0 Volume of Dust Laden Air to be m³ To match the flow rate of mill reject
handled conveying system to bunker.
9.8.0 Air-to-Cloth Ratio m/min One
9.9.0 Maximum Dust Concentration in mg/Nm³ 50
Air that shall be Let Out to
9.10.0 Are Controls for Automatic On- Yes
line Bag Cleaning System
9.11.0 Tests
a) Visual and dimensional check at Yes
b) Site tests for functioning of the Yes
automatic on-line bag cleaning
c) Check for dust concentration in Yes
the air to be let out to atmosphere
at site

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

10.0.0 Terminal End Box
10.1.0 Location At the Discharge end of Conveying
line i.e on Bunker
10.2.0 Type M.S. Fabricated Box with Ni hard
10.3.0 Hardness of deflector BHN 500 – 550

Note: All equipment shall be suitable for seawater application.

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Vol-II Section 2-12 MRS_R0 2.12 Mill Reject Handling System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract





This section is intended to provide the scope, design, constructional and functional
requirements for Condenser Cooling water system and Auxiliary cooling water system.


All materials, design, fabrication, manufacture, testing, and installation shall be as per
stipulation of applicable approved National / International standards so far as they are equal to
or more stringent than this specification. In addition to the codes and standard mentioned in
Volume II, Section-1.0, GTS, the following standards or their approved equivalent shall be

HIS : Hydraulic Institute Standard.

CTI : Cooling Tower Institute Publications

BS 4485 : Specification for water cooling towers

IS 1710 : Vertical Turbine Pumps for Clear, Cold and Fresh Water.

IS 5120 : Technical requirements -Rotodynamic special purpose pumps.

IS 9137 : Code for acceptance for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial flow pumps -
Class 'C'

BS 5316 : Acceptance tests for Centrifugal, mixed flow Part-1 and axial flow pumps
-Class 'C' Tests (ISO 2548)

BS 5316 : Acceptance tests for Centrifugal, mixed flow Part-11 and axial flow pumps
-Class 'B' Tests (ISO 3555)

In general the pump shall meet all the requirements specified in IS 1710 and in case some
requirement is not covered in the above stated standard then BS , ANSI and API standards
shall be referred to in that order.

The applicable standards for material and components are indicated in the relevant data


The scope described here is by no means exhaustive and the items though not specifically
mentioned but needed for safe, efficient, trouble-free and coordinated operation of the system
shall be included in the scope. The System shall include, but not be limited to the following:

3.1.0 Cooling Tower

RCC counter flow Natural draft cooling tower with all equipment & accessories necessary for
safe, suitable and efficient operation,

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Vol-II Section 2-13 Plant CW_R0 2.13 Plant Cooling Water System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3.2.0 Cold Water Basin, CW Channel and Forebay

• RCC basin portioned into compartments with supporting structures and foundations
• Stop log gates at water outlets channels
• Over flow and sludge removal
• Removable screens at water outlet channels with provision for proper cleaning.
• Handling arrangement for the gates and screens
• Cold water channels up to CW pump house.
• Coarse screen for each CW,ACW and Blow down pump sump bay.
• Stop log gate for isolation of CW,ACW and Blow down pump sump bay.

3.3.0 CW Pump house

CW pump house consists of the following:

3.3.1 CW pumps

• Concrete volute type cooling water pump with all auxiliaries like bearing cooling water
pump if any
• Electro Hydraulically Operated Butterfly Valves at each CW pumps discharge with
accessing platform.
• Motor Operated Butterfly Valves at condenser inlet & outlet.
• Manual operated Butterfly valve where ever required
• Rubber Expansion Joint at each CW pump, CW blow down pumps and condenser inlet &
• Drive motors along with base plate, coupling, coupling guard etc. for the equipment with
accessing platform.
• Vibration monitoring system.

3.3.2 EOT crane

• One no. EOT crane for handling the CW, Blow down pumps and semi-gantry/gantry cranes
for handling screens & stop log gates shall be provided in the pump house. For more
details refer section 2.19.

3.3.3 ACW Pumps

• Vertical turbine, Wet pit non-pull out type cooling water pump with all auxiliaries
• Motor Operated Butterfly Valves at each ACW pumps discharge.
• Non-return valve at each ACW pump discharge.
• Butterfly Valves at PHE inlet & outlet.
• Rubber Expansion Joint at each ACW pumps discharge.
• Drive motors along with base plate, coupling, coupling guard etc. for the equipment.

3.4.0 CW Chlorination System

• Hypochlorite dosing for more details refer Volume-II section 2.14

3.5.0 CW Make-up and CW Blow down system

CW make-up system Refer Volume-II, Section 2.14 for more details.

3 x 50% CW blow down pumps shall be provided in CW sump which will pump the CW blow
down water to ash water make-up tank and to sea water out fall tank.

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Vol-II Section 2-13 Plant CW_R0 2.13 Plant Cooling Water System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3.6.0 Submersible Pump

One no of Portable submersible pump for CW sump chamber and two no’s of submersible
pump for CT Basin shall be provided for each unit.

3.7.0 Piping

All necessary interconnecting piping’s, pipe fittings, valves, Air release valve, rubber
expansion joints etc. as per requirement for the system along with pipe supports.

All valves located at elevations shall be provided with operating platform with access ladder /
chain sprocket arrangement.

Ultrasonic flow measurement shall be provided in CW and ACW pumps discharge header.

Debris filter shall be provided outside the TG building above ground with covered shed.
Accordingly pipe to be modified.

Refer Volume – II section 2.20 on piping for more details.

3.8.0 Stop log gates

o One set of stop log gate for Unit # 1 CW pumps

o One set of stop log gate for Unit # 2 CW pumps
o One set of stop log gate for Unit # 1 ACW pumps
o One set of stop log gate for Unit # 2 ACW pumps
o Two set of stop log gate for Unit # 1 & 2 Blow down pumps

Each set will be suitable for isolating the sumps upto floor level.
Storage rack shall be provided for the stop log gates. Storage rack shall be located near the
Pump house with gantry crane access.


4.1.0 CW system

The Condenser Cooling Water System shall be designed to meet the cooling water
requirement of steam turbine condenser. The CW system shall be closed circuit re-circulating
type with Natural Draught Cooling Tower. The hot water return from Condenser shall be
cooled in the cooling tower.

The Condenser Cooling Water Pumps shall be sized to meet the cooling water requirement of
steam turbine condenser.

The delivery head of the pump shall be selected suitably considering

• Static head from minimum water level in CW sump to Cooling tower hot water riser
pipe flange
• Condenser pressure drop
• COLTC Pressure drop
• Flow element pressure drop (If any)
• frictional drop in the pipes, pipe fittings, valve etc with 10% margin

Re-circulation to CW pumping system shall be provided from the discharge duct of each of the
module. The re-circulation line shall be led upto the CW forebay through a motor operated
Butterfly valve and a manual butterfly valve.

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Vol-II Section 2-13 Plant CW_R0 2.13 Plant Cooling Water System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

A common Re-circulation to CW blow down pumping system shall be provided from the
discharge header. The re-circulation line shall be led upto the forebay through a Butterfly

The cooling tower shall be designed to meet the requirement of CW & ACW systems. The
design atmospheric wet bulb temperature shall be as per specified data sheet.

CW Make-up water is required to compensate for the evaporation and drift loss in the cooling
tower and blow down from the CW system. CW make-up shall be normally from sea water
intake pump house. Chlorine shall be dosed in the fore-bay and in the sumps of CW pump
house as a biocide agent in the form of chlorinated water.

All wetted parts shall be suitable for the sea water application.

4.2.0 ACW system

The Auxiliary Cooling Water (ACW) pumps shall be provided to circulate cooling water on the
secondary side of the Plate heat exchangers of TG, SG and BOP auxiliaries and Condenser
Vacuum pump. The pumps shall be located in the CW pump house fore bay and circulate the
cooling water through the PHE & Vacuum pump cooler and discharge into the Condenser
outlet header.

All wetted parts shall be suitable for the sea water application.

4.3.0 CW Studies

a) CW Sump Model Studies

The Design of intake, Forebay, sump for CW system shall be based on BHRA/ HIS.
Mathematical model study for pump and Physical hydraulic model studies for the CW
channel, forebay and pump sump shall be conducted to achieve streamlined flow for
CW,ACW and Blowdown Pumps. Physical model study shall include all the pumps of CW

b) CW Transient Analysis

The hydraulic transient analysis shall be carried out for complete CW system by method
of characteristics for various possible starts/ stop/ trip eventualities of CW pumps to avoid
pressure surges/ vacuum in the system. Based on the transient analysis study, suitable
remedial features shall be incorporated in the CW system design.

4.4.0 DMCW System

Refer Volume-II, Section 2.8 for more details.


5.1.0 Cooling Towers

The cooling tower shall be designed for a continuous duty to cool the hot water received from the
condenser and the auxiliary cooling water system at the required design parameters as indicated
in the Specified Design Data as Annex – 2.13.1. The hot water enters the tower at a suitable
height and falls downward over Splash type fills of PVC construction and the cooled water exits
from the cooling tower basin for further transportation to the condenser and the auxiliary cooling
water system.

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Vol-II Section 2-13 Plant CW_R0 2.13 Plant Cooling Water System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

To enable maintenance of the cooling tower basin, it shall be bifurcated into two parts by
providing RCC partition. Accordingly each part of the basin at the cooled water outlet shall be
provided with necessary screens and stop log gates for isolation purposes. Suitable handling
arrangements shall also be provided for the same.

It shall be possible to drain the basin to a sludge pit which shall be located outside the cooling
tower basin. In order to effect complete draining of the basin, the basin is sloped towards it’s
periphery. Additional slope or drain channels shall be established towards a collecting sump
which shall be located in the basin at the opposite side of the cooling water outlet provision in the
basin. Embedded pipe made of steel to a nominal size of 300 mm shall be provided from the
bottom of the collecting sump for draining the basin thro’ this collecting pit. This pipe shall be
further sloped into the sludge pit to enable draining of the basin.

The basin shall be below or above ground and shall have sufficient holding capacity. The
basin shall be 7min storage capacity (from normal water level to low water level).A minimum
of 300 mm free board shall be provided in the basin. The basin shall be divided into
compartments by providing concrete partition wall designed for pressure on one side only.
Maximum, minimum and normal operating water levels in the basin shall be clearly indicated
in the data sheets.

The sludge sumps shall be provided with a sluice gate at the entry level of the drain pipe. Sludge
pits shall be of adequate size and depth to enable lowering of submersible pump. Two numbers
of sludge pump complete with electric motor shall be supplied for lowering into the sludge pits for
each of the cooling tower. For each of the sludge pit pump discharge side valves, piping supports
and clamps etc. shall be provided to dispose the drained water/sludge to the nearest plant drain.

Suitable access facilities shall be provided for the cooling tower as follows:

• Access to the hot water distribution level shall be provided thro’ two numbers of external
RCC staircase (with hot double dipped galvanised MS pipe hand rails) up to the hot water
distribution level with suitable access ways inside the tower (around periphery and one
across the diameter) within the hot water distribution level. Access to the throat level shall
also be made available from these RCC stairs.

• External access ladders (four up to the throat level from ground level) and internal access
ladders (four up to the top from the throat level) with protective cage in hot double dipped
galvanised mild steel along with necessary landing platforms.

• A RCC platform all around the tower at the top for fixing aviation warning lights.

• Access doors at hot water distribution level, throat level and at top level in mild steel with
anticorrosive polyurethane coating.

• Access to each basin compartment through internal RCC stair and suitably sloped wheel
barrow access ramp.

5.2.0 Tower Fills

This section is intended to specify the constructional requirement of cooling tower fills.

Constructional Requirements

The fills shall be made of Virgin ultraviolet stabilized PVC material. The fill material shall
promote a high rate of heat transfer, provide low resistance to air flow and maintain uniform
water and air distribution throughout the fill volume. The fill shall be fire retardant and resist

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Minimum Testing Requirements

Required tests for Chemical and physical properties including hardness and density,
verification of dimensions and thickness, ageing & deterioration resistance verification, load
test for adhesives and other characteristics verification shall be conducted.

Lightning arrester shall be provided and warning light will be provided.

5.3.0 Pumps

The pump shall be designed to have best efficiency at the specified duty point and shall in no
case less than 85%. The pumps shall be capable of continuous operation at any point within
the operating range.

The pumps shall have stable head capacity characteristic continuously rising towards shut off
conditions. Pump shall operate satisfactorily and continuously at run-out capacity
Pumps shall be capable of operating from 40% to 120% of rated flow.

Both working and standby pump shall have identical performance characteristics. The pump
and motor shall be designed for manual as well as automatic start-up facility under standby

The impeller shall be of semi open type and shall be of non overloading characteristic.

The pump shall be directly driven by a constant speed squirrel cage induction motor.

5.3.1 Vertical turbine pumps for ACW and CW Blow down system

The offered pump should be of proven design and Contractor shall provide satisfactory
certificate from the end user. Otherwise for the offered pump, Contractor should have carried
out the model test in the presence of Owner to predict the performance of the prototype. The
specific speed of the model tested shall lie within ± 5% of the specific speed of the pump
offered. Model test shall include the cavitations test & Net Positive Suction Head Required.

Blow down and ACW Pumps shall be of vertical shaft, submerged suction, self lubrication type
(water) design, complete with bowl, column, discharge head and drive assembly, etc. If the
water quality is found to be unsuitable for self lubrication, the Contractor shall provide service
water as external water for lubrication.

Column Pipes shall be flanged and bolted and shall be complete with bolts, nuts, & gaskets.
The standard lengths of the column pipe pieces shall be dictated from considerations of ease
of handling and as per IS: 1710.

The pump discharge shall be of above the floor type. Suitable arrangement shall be provided
to take care of the discharge hydraulic thrust due to an untied expansion joint. This may be
achieved either by sizing pump discharge head and base plate adequately to take care of the
discharge hydraulic thrust .

The pump suction bell diameter shall be such as to limit the flow velocity at the maximum flow
to within 1.5 m/sec.

The line shaft couplings shall preferably be of flanged type (if applicable).

The type of lubrication shall be self-water or forced water as required. Shaft bearings above
minimum water level shall be of self lubricated type and below minimum water level shall be of
water lubricated type. During initial filling and normal operation the lubricating water shall be
tapped from water filling line/potable/nearest source and fed to overhead tank. The backup

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

source shall be tapped from a common header formed by taking a tapping from discharge of
all ACW pumps and Blow down pumps. This water shall pass through 2 x 100% duplex filters
and fed to overhead tank. In case of forced lubrication, lubrication water pump capable of
meeting the total lubricating water flow requirement for one ACW pump along with drive shall
be provided for each ACW pumps and blow down pumps.

Non – Reverse ratchet mechanism shall be provided for the vertical pumps to prevent the
reverse rotation.

The pump and motor (complete assembly) should be designed for withstanding the run away
peed attained with reverse rotation caused by reverse flow continuously even when all the
remaining pumps are in operation. Necessary speed switches to detect reverse rotation shall
be provided to prevent motor switching on while rotating in reverse direction. The indication
shall also be provided for this purpose.

5.3.2 Concrete Volute pump for CW system

Major components of Concrete Volute pump consist of the concrete elements, the embedded
parts and the “pull-out” or removable parts.

Concrete elements
The suction duct is integrated into the civil engineering work of the pumping station. Suction
duct should be minimized head loss to achieve the overall high pumping efficiency and
almost uniform velocity distribution at the impeller inlet to limit the secondary cavitation effects,
noise, vibration and loss of efficiency. The suction duct shall be low level designed as shallow
as possible to limit the groundwork volume.

The volute should be the double curvature volute to yields optimum efficiency. Below the
volute, the suction bell is connected to a pre-formed intake suction box. All are prefabricated
concrete elements.

In case square volute, transition piece should be provided for connecting the pump discharge

A manhole should be provided to permits impeller inspection without removal of the pump

Embedded mechanical parts

Suction side designed part sealed in the concrete will be to secure the sealing ring at the
pump inlet and upper designed part sealed in the concrete will be to accommodate the bottom
of the casing cover.

Removable parts


Impeller should be semi open type and material will be Duplex steel with a high Pitting
Resistance Equivalent number ensures long service life for sea water.


Shaft should be never in direct contact with the pumped water, most corrosion or abrasion
problems, and maximizing reliability and availability. Removable shaft sleeves should be
provided at the bottom part, under the cover of the stuffing box.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Different types of bearings may be used, with one or two guiding bushes. One of the most
reliable options is to install a single bearing – a rotary oil tank assembly above the shaft output
sealing box. This leads to substantially reduce wear rates and results in much simplified
monitoring and maintenance.

Thrust bearing

Thrust bearing should be conventional design, either of the antifriction or tilting pads type.
Depending on the pumping unit, it may be installed on the bottom of the pump body, in the
speed reduction gear, or in the motor (for pumps directly driven by a slow-speed motor).

Wear rings

The wear ring (or “sealing ring”) on the suction part limits the leak rate between the impeller
outlet (high pressure area) and the suction side (low pressure area). The axial clearance
between the wear ring and the impeller is easily checked during down times, without having to
remove the impeller. A balancing ring designed to reduce axial thrust may also be installed at
the bottom of the pump casing, depending on the amount of axial thrust to be absorbed.

Shaft seal

Sealing at shaft penetration should be achieved by a stuffing box. The packings are cooled by
cooling water circulating through an aperture and directly taken at pump delivery. A filtering
system is provided for in the case of water full of solid particles.

CFD Model shall be conducted for Concrete volute pump.

The pump and motor (complete assembly) should be designed for withstanding the run away
speed attained with reverse rotation caused by reverse flow continuously even when all the
remaining pumps are in operation. Necessary speed switches to detect reverse rotation shall
be provided to prevent motor switching on while rotating in reverse direction. The indication
shall also be provided for this purpose.

To tackle the back flow from pump discharge line Non – Reverse ratchet mechanism or other
precaution should made for prevent the reverse rotation of pump.

Motor cooling should be provided.

Pump model test shall be according to DIN 1944 Class I or ISO 5198 Class A or JIS-B-8327-

Site guarantee test according to DIN1944 Class II or ISO 3555 Class B.

5.4.0 Plate Heat Exchanger

Further details refer Volume-II section 2.8 for more details.

5.5.0 Pump House

CW pumps, ACW pumps and blow down pumps shall be housed in a pump house equipped
with an EOT crane of sufficient capacity for erection & maintenance of the pumps. These
pumps shall be installed in individual chambers connected to the fore bay with provision for
isolation of the individual CW pump chambers for maintenance. Each chamber shall be
provided with coarse trash rack screen and stop logs of SS 316L material. CW
elctrochlorination system shall be housed in a room adjoining the CW pump house. MCC for
the CW,ACW and Blowdown system shall be accommodated in a separate annex room.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


6.1.0 General

The I&C system will consist of a Remote I/O panel, field instruments, instrumentation & control
cables and erection hardwares.

6.2.0 Operational Philosophy

It is envisaged that primary operations including control and monitoring of cooling water
system will be carried out only from the Operator station of the plant DCS located in the
central control room.

In addition, emergency stop command PB will be provided in the UCP of CCR.

2 nos. of Large video screens size 84 inch (Common for two (2) units) are interfaced with DCS
for plant operation & monitoring of plant common systems / utility plants in CCR.

Apart from the CCR operation, mimic panel with hard wired push buttons for back panel
operation shall be provided.

6.3.0 CW Pump Controls

The complete controls will be implemented in the plant DCS and the signal will be acquired
through remote I/O panels of DCS.

The CW pump controls / interlocks will be provided for safe and trouble free operation of six
numbers CW pumps (2 working + 1 standby per unit).

The Local / Remote operation selection will be made through MCC. After getting the Remote
selection as a permissive from MCC, drives shall be controlled / operated from DCS.

Key lockable type Emergency Stop push buttons will be provided to facilitate the emergency
Stop operation of CW Pumps and will be wired to the SWGR directly. The local start
command from LPB of CWP will be routed through DCS where all control logics, interlocks
and permissive will be implemented.

The CW pumps with its discharge valve (Inching type- electro hydraulic butterfly valve) is
envisaged to operate in sequence, after CW pump Start command is initiated by operator.

All alarms and Trips will be annunciated in CCR.

Vibration monitoring system for all the CW pumps, ACW pumps and Blow down pumps shall
be provided. Vibration monitoring system shall be wired directly to the VMAS server located in
the electronic equipment room. Vibration measurement on X-Y axis for each bearing will be
provided. Key phasor measurement shall be provided based on the OEM recommendation.

6.4.0 Controls / Instruments / Interlocks provided for CW Pumps

Field Instruments

Following Instruments will be provided for CWP. All the instruments used in CW lines will be
suited for seawater service and diaphragm seals will be used.

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Vol-II Section 2-13 Plant CW_R0 2.13 Plant Cooling Water System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

a. CW Forebay

CW forebay motor operated valve is an on-off type motorized valve, whose operation is
provided through Operator station in CCR.

1. Two number ultrasonic type Level transmitters (1 out of 2 logic) will be provided for

a. Opening CW fore-bay makeup valve at ‘low water level’ along with alarm.
b. Closing CW fore-bay makeup valve at ‘high water level’ along with alarm.
c. Deriving start permissive and trip of Blow down pumps

CW make up flow to forebay will be measured for indication in CCR.

b. CW Pump Sump

1. Two numbers of ultrasonic type level transmitters (1 out of 2) in each CW pump pit will
be provided for
a. Indication of 'Low Water Level' for alarm annunciation purpose (Derived through
b. Sump Adequate Level' for pump start permissive purpose.
c. Tripping the CW pump at `Very Low Water Level’ condition (Derived through LVM).

c. CW Pump Discharge

1. One no. pressure gauge at discharge of each CW pump for local reading.

2. Two pressure transmitters (1 out of 2) will be provided on the individual CW pump

discharge for “high discharge pressure trip of CW pump” through LVM and “pressure
low trip ” through LVM.

d. CW Common Header

1. Two Pressure transmitters (1 out of 2) on the common header of each Unit for
sensing "Discharge header pressure Adequate" for full opening of the CW pump
discharge butterfly Valve from 10° to 100%.

2. The above mentioned pressure transmitters will also be used for sensing "Discharge
header pressure low" for starting the stand by pump.

3. One no. ultrasonic flow meter will be provided at common header of each unit CW
pumps for indication.

4. One no. DP transmitter across the debris filter will be provided to initiate flushing
incase the DP across the filter goes “high high” and “high” alarm. Apart from the DP
transmitter, one no. DP gauge will be provided for local indication.

5. Pump reverse rotation switch will be provided to achieve start permissive for CW

6.5.0 Controls / Interlocks for CW Pump & Discharge Valve

a. Starting of CW pumps

The operation of CW pumps and its discharge valves will be from Operator station in CCR.
The CW pumps with its discharge valves are envisaged to operate in sequence, after start
command is initiated by operator.

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Vol-II Section 2-13 Plant CW_R0 2.13 Plant Cooling Water System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Any CW Pump can be started only when following Permissive conditions are fulfilled.

 CW Sump level not low – ‘Level Adequate’.

 CW pump discharge butterfly valve - `fully Closed'.
 Motor winding temp. "Not High".
 Pump bearing temp. "Not High".
 Motor bearing temp. "Not High".
 Pump reverse rotation "Not existing".
 Discharge butterfly valve ”actuator ready to start”.
 HT Switchgear Available
 Condenser CW inlet and outlet valves “Open”
 Motor Protection Relay “operated”.
 Cooling Tower inlet isolation valves “fully open”

Starting of first CW pump

1. CW pump ’Start command' will start the CW pump and simultaneously the command is
issued to the discharge valve to open by 10 .

2. In case the butterfly valve fails to open within the specified time, a CWP trip command will
be initiated.

3. When the CW header pressure is adequate, the CW pump discharge valve will further
open to 100% viz. full open.

4. In case butterfly valve fails to open beyond 10° within a specified time, an audio-visual
annunciation will be generated for operator's intervention for manual operation.

Starting of second CW pumps

After the system is primed (sensed through pressure), start command of 2 CW pump, will
be given with time delay.

Starting of Standby CW Pumps

• If any running pumps trips, the standby pump will start automatically. Once standby pump
start command is initiated, the corresponding standby pump discharge valve will open

Tripping of CW Pumps

CW Pumps will trip in the event of following eventualities.

• Very low level in CW sump

• Pump discharge pressure low (after a time delay)
• Pump Discharge pressure high (after a time delay)
• Pump discharge butterfly valve failed to open
• Pump / Motor - bearings temperature very high
• Motor winding temp. very high
• Motor & Pump vibration very High

When CW pump stops (or Trips) the butterfly valve at CW Pump discharge, will close fully.

Stopping of CW pumps

Once the stop command of the CW pump is issued from the Operator station of the Plant
DCS, the following operations will be done sequentially.

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Vol-II Section 2-13 Plant CW_R0 2.13 Plant Cooling Water System
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• The CW pump stop command issued to SWGR.

• CW discharge valve will be closed.

6.6.0 CW Condenser Inlet / Outlet

CW inlet and outlet of condenser will be provided with pressure gauges and temperature
gauges for local indication. Temperature measurement provided at the condenser inlet/outlet,
Pressure measurement provided at the condenser inlet/outlet and two numbers of DP
indicating switches provide high alarm indications in the CCR. One DP transmitter shall also
be provided for monitoring.

BF Valves Controls

a. The open / close facility of each butterfly valve will be provided in CCR.
b. Indication of each butterfly valve open / close status will be provided in CCR.
c. Position status for inching type motor operated valves status will be provided in the CCR.

6.7.0 Condenser on Load Tube Cleaning System

The complete controls of COLTCS for each unit (2 sets)_ will be implemented in the plant unit
DCS and the signal will be acquired through remote I/O panels (if required) of DCS.

The COLTCS will be operated from the unit DCS in the Central control room (CCR). All the
controls / interlocks are done in the DCS provided. The following signals are interfaced with
the DCS

• DP high alarm - normal recirculation pump operation.

• DP high alarm for Emergency back wash.

• System alarm for Balls monitoring.

• CW pump trip for interlocking to COLTCS.

b. ACW Pump Sump

Two numbers of ultrasonic type level transmitters (1 out of 2) in each ACW pump pit will be
provided for

1. Indication of 'Low Water Level' for alarm annunciation purpose (Derived through LVM),
2. Sump Adequate Level' for pump start permissive purpose.
3. Tripping the ACW pump at `Very Low Water Level’ condition (Derived through LVM).

c. ACW Pump Discharge

1. One no. pressure gauge at discharge of each ACW pump for local reading.
2. One pressure transmitters will be provided on the individual ACW pump discharge for
“high discharge pressure trip of ACW pump” through LVM and “pressure low trip”
through LVM

d. ACW Common Header

1. Two Pressure transmitters (1 out of 2) on the common header of each Unit for sensing
"Discharge header pressure Adequate" for full opening of the ACW pump discharge
butterfly Valve from 10° to 100%.

2. The above mentioned pressure transmitters will also be used for sensing "Discharge
header pressure low" for starting the stand by pump.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3. One no. DP transmitter across the filter will be provided to initiate flushing incase the
DP across the filter goes “high high” and “high” alarm. Apart from the DP transmitter,
one no. DP gauge will be provided for local indication.

4. Pump reverse rotation switch will be provided to achieve start permissive for ACW

6.8.0 Controls / Interlocks for ACW Pump & Discharge Valve

a. Starting of ACW pumps

The operation of ACW pumps and its discharge valves will be from Operator station in
CCR. The ACW pumps with its discharge valves are envisaged to operate in sequence,
after start command is initiated by operator.

Any ACW Pump can be started only when following Permissive conditions are fulfilled.

 ACW Sump level not low – ‘Level Adequate’.

 ACW pump discharge butterfly valve - `fully Closed'.
 Motor winding temp. "Not High".
 Pump bearing temp. "Not High".
 Motor bearing temp. "Not High".
 Pump reverse rotation "Not existing".
 Discharge butterfly valve ”actuator ready to start”.
 HT Switchgear Available
 Motor Protection Relay “operated”.
 Cooling Tower inlet isolation valves “fully open”

Starting of working ACW pump

1. ACW pump ’Start command' will start the ACW pump and simultaneously the command is
issued to the discharge valve to open by 10 .

2. In case the butterfly valve fails to open within the specified time, a ACWP trip command will
be initiated.

3. When the ACW header pressure is adequate, the ACW pump discharge valve will further
open to 100% viz. full open.

4. In case butterfly valve fails to open beyond 10° with in a specified time, an audio-visual
annunciation will be generated for operator's intervention for manual operation.

Starting of common Standby ACW Pumps

• If any running pumps trips, the standby pump will start automatically. Once standby pump
start command is initiated, the corresponding standby pump discharge valve will open

Tripping of ACW Pumps

ACW Pumps will trip in the event of following eventualities.

• Very low level in ACW sump

• Pump discharge pressure low (after a time delay)
• Pump Discharge pressure high (after a time delay)
• Pump discharge butterfly valve failed to open
• Pump / Motor - bearings temperature very high

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Motor winding temp. very high

• Motor & Pump vibration very High

When ACW pump stops (or Trips) the butterfly valve at ACW Pump discharge, will close fully.

Stopping of ACW pumps

Once the stop command of the ACW pump is issued from the Operator station of the Plant
DCS, the following operations will be done sequentially.

• The ACW pump stop command issued to SWGR.

• ACW discharge valve will be closed.

6.9.0 Blow down pumps

Blow down pumps are started and stopped manually from the DCS. Local start / Stop are
possible from LPBS.

Any Blowdown Pump can be started only when following Permissive conditions are fulfilled.

• Blow down Sump level not low – ‘Level Adequate’.

• Blow down pump discharge butterfly valve - `fully Closed'.
• Motor winding temp. "Not High".
• Pump bearing temp. "Not High".
• Motor bearing temp. "Not High".
• Pump reverse rotation "Not existing".
• Discharge butterfly valve ”actuator ready to start”.
• HT Switchgear Available
• Motor Protection Relay “operated”.

Starting of working Blow down pump

1. Blow down pump ’Start command' will start the blow down pump and simultaneously the
command is issued to the discharge valve to open by 10 .

2. In case the butterfly valve fails to open within the specified time a blow down pump trip
command will be initiated.

3. When the blow down header pressure is adequate, the blow down pump discharge valve
will further open to 100% viz. full open.

4. In case butterfly valve fails to open beyond 10° with in a specified time, an audio-visual
annunciation will be generated for operator's intervention for manual operation.

Tripping of Blow down Pumps

Blow down Pumps will trip in the event of following eventualities.

• Very low level in blow down sump

• Pump discharge pressure low (after a time delay)
• Pump Discharge pressure high (after a time delay)
• Pump discharge butterfly valve failed to open
• Pump / Motor - bearings temperature very high
• Motor winding temp. very high
• Motor & Pump vibration very High

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

When blow down pump stops (or Trips) the butterfly valve at blow down Pump discharge will
close fully.

Stopping of blow down pumps

Once the stop command of the blow down pump is issued from the Operator station of the
Plant DCS, the following operations will be done sequentially.

• The blow down pump stop command issued to SWGR.

• Blow down pump discharge valve will be closed.


1 Duly filled-in technical data sheet, bill of material and price list as per specified schedules.

2 Preliminary outline drawings indicating the principal dimensions of the equipment offered
and locations of pump suction and discharge connections.

3 Foundation drawings with all design loads, direction and points of application. Loading
data for thrust block, if provided, shall be indicated.

4 Cross-section drawings indicating the assembly of pumps and major parts thereof with
materials of construction and special features. Drawings indicating the desired sump
dimensions and also the clearances from suction bell for proper suction condition required
for most efficient running of the pump.

5 Characteristic curves of pumps showing effective head pump input power, efficiency,
submergence and NPSH, against capacity ranging from a shut-off condition to run out

6 Speed vs. torque curve of the pump corresponding to recommended mode of pump
starting. Super-imposed on speed vs Torque curves of the motor, corresponding to
80%,90%,100% rated voltage.

7 Performance curve for single and parallel operation superimposed on system resistance

.8 A bar chart indicating design, procurement, manufacture, testing, delivery, installation, site
testing and commissioning.

9 List of tests the Bidder proposes to carry out in shop and at site after installation including
those pertaining to their sub-contractor.

10 List of maintenance tools, tackles and accessories required for maintenance of the offered
equipment including bought out components.

11 List of instruments being offered with the package with necessary details regarding the

12 List of recommended spare parts for equipment offered including bought out components
suitable for three (3) years operation of the equipment.

13 Write up on pump lubrication system

14 Complete descriptive and illustrated literature on the equipment and accessories being

15 GA of vibration/temperature measurement points on CW pump

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

16 P&I diagram for cooling system for motor and pump

17 Technical leaf let/catalogue

18 Delivery schedule.


Description Category

1 Drawings/documents submission schedule A

2 Final version of the technical documents/drawings listed in clause 14.0.0 A

above, as applicable.

3 Comprehensive quality assurance plan A

4 General arrangement drawing of pump assembly and layout of pumpsets A

and associated equipments.

5 Detailed cross-section of the pump and other equipment and the details I
of the materials of construction with special feature, parts list.

6 GA of vibration/temperature measurement points on CW pump A

7 Field wiring diagrams (between Field Instruments & JB I

8 Test certificates and reports for all C&I items A

9 Quality plan with scheduled date of inspection for C&I items A

10 Test procedures and details of test to be conducted. A

11 Test reports, Test certificates, performance curves and other particulars A

as required by applicable clauses of this specification.

12 Bearing schedule of all bearings giving specification and number of all I

bearings used in the equipment supplied under this section.
13 Pump data sheet, Motor datasheet, G.A drawing of Motor, Terminal box A
drawing, Quality Plan of Motor, Motor performance Curves.
14 Instruction manuals for the operation, maintenance, repair, replacement A
and spare parts ordering.

1)The Instruction Manuals shall present the following basic categories of

information in a comprehensive manner prepared for use by operating
and/or maintenance personnel:
a) Instruction for Erection
b) Instruction for pre-commissioning check-up, operation, abnormal
conditions, maintenance and repair.
c) Write-up on Controls and Interlocks which are to be provided.
d) Recommended inspection points and periods of inspection.
e) Schedule or preventive maintenance.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Category

f) Ordering information for all replaceable parts.

g) Recommendation for type of lubricants, lubricating points, frequency
of lubrication and lubricant changing schedule.
h) Instruction Manual for Pump and Motor.

Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.


Cooling Water System flow diagram drg. no.00-1112140-M-003.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.13.1


Description Unit Data

COOLING TOWER Natural draft cooling tower
Number of cooling towers one per unit
Cooling water flow cu m /hr By contractor
Design atmospheric wet bulb deg C 28

Cold water outlet temperature deg C 33

Design temperature range C 10
Design relative humidity % 75
As per volume II section 1.0 clause no.5.2.0
Bidder shall collect the actual data for a period
of 20 years from the meteorological department
pertaining to Thoothukudi location and design
for plant accordingly. Design condition shall be
subjected to owner’s approval. Adverse
condition of the above two shall be taken for
the design condition without any commercial

Tower operation Continuous

Liquid handled Sea water

Drift eliminator Required
Type of Fill Splash
Basin depth The basin shall be complete with 7 minutes
storage capacity (from normal water level to low
water level)
Fill PVC
Fill support RCC
Drift eliminator PVC
Water distribution pipes GRP
Water distribution nozzles, splash Polypropylene
plates / cups.
Access doors, stoplogs and Hot dip galvanized mild steel with etch primer
screens. and bituminous painting. SS mesh.
Method As per CTI/BS
Instrumentation By vendor
Water Conditions
COC in CW system 1.3 (MOC and other requirements shall be
suitable for operating COC of 1.5)
Chlorine dosing to control Yes
biological growth / algae
Sludge Pumping Unit

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Type of pump Submersible type
Numbers provided for each unit (1 W + 1S)
Design flow To evacuate the entire basin water in Twelve
(12) hours
Accessories Control panel and one set of Suction and
discharge hoses and its accessories for
disposing the water.
Material of construction (MOC)
Casing and Suction Bowl Duplex stainless steel ASTM A 890-CD-4M-CU /
Nickel resist cast iron ASTM A 439 Gr.D2
Impeller Duplex stainless steel ASTM A 890-CD-4M-CU
Shaft Duplex stainless steel ASTM A 890-CD-4M-CU
Shaft sleeve & coupling DUPLEX SS
Design Code IS 5120 / IS 1710 / HIS
BLOW DOWN WATER PUMPS and ACW water pumps (for Vertical Turbine pump)
Type of pumps Vertical type ,mixed flow, wet pit ,non pullout
No. of pumps for Blowdown Nos 3x 50%(2W+1S) common for both unit.
No. of pumps for ACW water Nos 2 x 100% for each unit
Delivery rate Suitable to let out to sea +Ash water tank 5%
Delivery head Suitable to let out to sea frictional drop in the
pipes, pipe fittings, valve etc + 10% margin on
frictional drop.
Location Indoor
Type of line bearing lubrication Self
Liquid for lubrication Pumped liquid
Prime mover Direct with AC Electric motor
Impeller type Semi open mixed flow
Acceptable noise level Not greater than 85 dBA at a distance of 1.0 m
from the equipment
Material of Construction
Suction bells DUPLEX ST ST ASTMA 890/890M-CD3MN
Column pipes ASTMA 240-UNSS31803
Discharge Bend (Wetted Part) ASTMA 240-UNSS31803
Discharge casing (Outer MS IS 2062-Fe 410 W A Epoxy Painting
Fasteners in column assembly SS AISI :316L
Impellers Duplex ST ASTMA 890/890M-CD3MN Type 4A
Impeller bowl Duplex ST ASTMA 890/890M-CD3MN Type 4A
Impeller shaft Duplex SS as per ASTM A 276 UNSS 31803
Line shaft Duplex SS as per ASTM A 276 UNSS 31803
Top shaft Duplex SS as per ASTM A 276 UNSS 31803
Shaft sleeves Duplex SS as per ASTM A 276 UNSS 31803
Shaft coupling (Muff Type) Duplex SS as per ASTM A 276 UNSS 31803
Shaft bearings Cutless rubber with ST ST SHELL
Gland Duplex ST ASTMA 890/890M-CD3MN type 4A
Gland packing PTFE
Stuffing Box DUPLEX ST ASTMA 890/890M-CD3MN TYPE

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

WATER PUMPS(for Concrete
Volute pump)
Type of pumps Concrete Volute ,mixed flow,
No. of pumps Nos 3 x 50% for each unit
Delivery rate Suitable to supply cooling water to condenser
+10% Margin.
Delivery head Suitable to supply cooling water to condenser
considering pressure drop across the
condenser, frictional drop in the pipes, pipe
fittings, valve etc + static head + 10% margin on
frictional drop.
Location Indoor
Type of line bearing lubrication Self
Liquid for lubrication Pumped liquid
Prime mover Direct with AC Electric motor
Impeller type Semi open mixed flow
Acceptable noise level Not greater than 85 dBA at a distance of 1.0 m
from the equipment
Material of Construction
Suction Draft Tube RCC
Casing / Volute RCC
Impeller ST ST ASTMA890/890M-CD3MN-TYPE 4A
Volute Radius Ring SG Ni RESI-BSEN13835 XniCrNb20-2 (S2W)
Pump shaft ST ST ASTM A 276 UNS 31803 (ANLD)
Intermediate shaft (Carden shaft) Forged Carbon Steel
Lower & Upper Shaft sleeve ST ST ASTM A 276 UNS 31803 (ANLD)
Pump shaft bearing NAT RBR LND BRG SS 316 SHELL
Liner Holder Ring ST.ST.ASTMA240/240M UNS S 31803(PLATE)
Discharge Divergent Pipe MS IS 2062
Cover Ring ST.ST.ASTMA240/240M UNS S 31803(PLATE)
Pump Cover SG Ni RESI-BSEN13835 XniCrNb20-2 (S2W)
Stuffing Box SG Ni RESI-BSEN13835 XniCrNb20-2 (S2W)
Volute Tongue ST.ST.ASTMA240/240M UNS S 31803(PLATE)
Motor Base plate MS IS 2062 – Fe 410 W A
Gaskets NON ASB Gasket Ferrolite NAM37 OR EQ
Packing Gland PTFE
2/2 Rubber Bearing Housing SG Ni RESI-BSEN 13835 XnicrNb20-2 (S2W)
2/2 Pressure Reducing Bush ST ST ASTMA 276-316L ANLD
Impeller Nut & Cap ST ST ASTMA 276-316L ANLD
Portable Sump pump
Type of pump Submersible type
Numbers provided for each unit 1
Design flow To evacuate the individual pump sump water in
Tw0 (2) hours
Accessories Control panel and one set of Suction and
discharge hoses and its accessories for
disposing the water.
Material of construction (MOC)
Casing and Suction Bowl Duplex stainless steel ASTM A 890-CD-4M-CU /
Nickel resist cast iron ASTM A 439 Gr.D2
Impeller Duplex stainless steel ASTM A 890-CD-4M-CU
Shaft Duplex stainless steel ASTM A 890-CD-4M-CU
Shaft sleeve & coupling DUPLEX SS

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Design Code IS 5120 / IS 1710 / HIS
Designation CW Pump , ACW Pump, CW Blow down pump,
Condenser inlet & outlet
Fluid handled Sea water
Hydro test pressure 1.5 times of design pressure
Vacuum (test) mm of Hg 730
Movements(min),Axial mm 12
compression/elongation, lateral
Control unit to be provided Yes
Material of construction
Bellow / Body High Grade Abrasion Resistant Epdm /
Neoprene Rubber
Tie Rod Carbon Steel(GALVANISED)
Stretcher Plate Metal IS 2062 Gr. A SS Steel Annular Rings
Retaining Ring Segments Minimum10 mm Thick Split Ring Mild Steel
Counter Flange IS 2062 GR. A (GALVANISED)
Bolts & Nuts IS 1367 CL. 4.6
Hand wheel required Yes
Location Indoor / Out door
Face to face dimension mm As per AWWA C504 / BS 5155 t
Actuator for BF valves To be suitable for step operation
Up to 100 NB BF valve Without gear operated
Above 100 NB to up to 500NB With gear operated
Above 500NB BFV Motor (eclectically) operated
Material of construction
Valve Body CI IS 210 Gr 260 / IS 2062 with Rubber Lining
Valve Disc SS-316 L
Valve Shaft SS-316 L
Body Seal Rings (If Applicable) EPDM
Disc Seat Rings SS-316 L
Seal Retaining Rings MFG.STD
Bearings SS-316 L
Internal Hardware SS-316 L
External Hardware CI IS 210 Gr 260 / IS 2062 with Rubber Lining

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This part of the specification covers the requirements for complete water system and

All systems shall be provided with adequate redundancy to ensure uninterrupted operation of
the plant.

This section is broadly divided into the following:

• Sea water intake and outfall system

• Desalination and Water Treatment Plant
• Electro chlorination System
• Chemical Dosing system
• Waste Water Treatment System
• Miscellaneous Water System.


Design, manufacture, inspection and testing of the equipment covered by the specification
shall, unless otherwise specified, conform to the latest edition of the codes and standards
including all addenda mentioned below.

Pressure Vessels : ASME Sec VIII Div 1

Carbon Steel Tanks : IS 803 / API 650
Hor. Centrifugal Pumps : IS 5120 / API 610 / HIS
Vertical Pumps : IS 1710 / ANSI / HI 2.1-2.2-2000
Blowers : IS 4894
Butterfly Valves : BS 5155 / AWWA C 504/ IS :13095
Diaphragm Valves : BS 5156
Gate Valves : IS 780
Chemical Plant Piping : ASME B 31.3
GRP Piping : ASTM D 3517 / 2996 /AWWA C 950
GRP Tanks : BS 4994
CPVC Pipes : ASTM D1784
Flanges (Upto 600 NB) : ANSI B 16.5
Flanges (Above 600 NB) : AWWA C 207
Rubber lining : IS 4682 Part 1
GRP Pressure Vessels : ASME Sec X
Carbon Steel Pipes (LP) : IS 1239 / IS 3589
Underground Pipes : AWWA M 45
Vibration : ISO 7919 / ISO 10816
Chemical Handling Devices : IS 9222 Part 1
Occ. Safety Health Admin. : OSHA
Noise Level : ISO 1996
PE pipes and fittings : ISO 13953
HDPE pipes : ISO 4427

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


The scope shall consist of the following as a minimum:
3.1.0 Sea water Intake and outfall System
The water required for the Power plant shall be drawn from the sea by gravity through velocity
Cap Intake arrangement Method. The seawater intake system include the velocity caps,
seawater intake piping, desilting basin, channel, seawater intake pumphouse, seawater intake
pumps, stop-log gates, screens, seawater piping to desalination plant and to CT basin, etc.

The seawater outfall system involves collection of reject seawater from CW blowdown system,
SWRO system and filter backwash and pumping to sea through seawater piping and diffuser

3.1.1 Intake Velocity Cap

The offshore velocity cap intake shall be located and designed to minimize fish entrainment,
preclude interference with navigation, minimize bottom sediment withdrawal, and minimize
warm water recirculation between the offshore intake and discharge structures. The design of
the offshore intake also will be affected by wave forces determined from hydrographic
conditions and has to be considered accordingly. Bathymetry studies and Geo technical report
for offshore intake has to be carried out by Contractor.

Fish entrainment shall be minimized by placing a velocity cap at the offshore intake and
maintaining an intake design approach velocity of 0.15 m/s.

Based on the preliminary studies the locational details of the velocity caps have been finalized
as below and also refer the NIO report attached along with the specification:

intake Location Distance from Depth (m)

Quantity (m /h) Lat/Long shore -CD
8° 25.548’N
Intake 25,600 2050 m -5.40
78° 5.511’E

The location of the velocity cap shall be as per the attached drg no 0-1112140-G-001 and to
be designed as per MOEF / relevant norms.

The intake system shall be designed for 30,000 m3/hr considering margin. The system is
sized considering the future requirement.

The velocity cap structure shall be preferably Bell mouth type and shall be sized to meet the
requirements of the system. The aperture size of the intake screen shall be 5 mm x 5 mm.

The level of the velocity cap shall be decided by the Contractor to ensure that the system
hydraulic losses are met and the required flow is achieved.

The velocity head shall be in concrete/ Duplex stainless steel/Suitable material for sea water
and the equipments in contact with sea water shall be Duplex stainless steel and shall be
suitable for sea water. The makeup water requirement for the 2 X 660 MW shall be restricted
within 13500 m3/hr. Bidder shall furnish detailed water balance to confirm the water
requirement. The intake pipe shall be alternatively operated using sluice gates till future units
commissioned. Intake and outfall System shall be sized considering the partial flow / minimum
flow operating conditions.

The system shall be designed for the cyclonic conditions.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Chlorination piping system :

The intake well shall be chlorinated to avoid marine growth / bio fouling. The chlorination pipes
shall be sized as per the demand and shall confirm to SDR 17 as per ISO 4427. The
chlorination pipes shall be routed along with the main intake pipes. Pipes shall be protected
from bio fouling once it is laid in sea.

3.1.2 Floating Fencing

Floating fence system shall be provided around the intake cap. The material of the fencing
shall be fabric or any material suitable to the sea water, Oil & chemicals. They shall be
minimum 1.2m height (Excluding the column/pile support). Fish nets shall be provided around
the velocity caps. The chains shall be of high quality marine grade with MS hot dip galvanized
/ anti corrosive painting.

3.1.3 Marker Buoys

The Permanent Non-metallic, illuminating marker buoys suitable type as per IALA
recommendations O-139 (AISM Standards) shall be installed at intake velocity cap structure
and Outfall diffuser section. They can also be Solar powered.

The number of marker buoys as required shall by convention to demarcate the installation
shall be assessed and installed with suitable anchoring points. Pre-warning spheres shall be
provided near the velocity cap at a suitable distance near the floating fence.

Air burst system:

2 x 100% compressors (One number working and One no. standby) shall be provided. The air
compressors shall be oil free/non-lubricated and air cooled. The capacity of air compressor
shall be arrived such that it shall be possible to charge the air receiver to the required pressure
in 30 minutes.

The capacity of the air receiver shall be adequately sized for complete backwash of one intake
screen at a time. The number of air receivers shall be considering maximum capacity of each
air receiver as 10.0 m .

Compressed air piping from air receivers to intake screens (individual piping for each velocity
cap from onshore) with required automatically operated isolation valves shall be provided.

Compressors will be located in the sea water intake pump house. MOC of the compressed air
piping will be HDPE and the rating shall be SDR 17.

The intake pipes shall have a suitable isolation facility at the intake forebay inlet. sluice gates
shall be provided for isolation purpose.

Contractor shall design, supply and install suitable arrangement for the pigging system
consisting of pig launchers, pigging pumps, pig receivers and pig launching platform at the
desilting basin with suitable handling facility.

Provision shall be provided in the pipeline for remote vehicle inspection.

3.1.4 Sea Water Intake Pump house:

Seawater shall be drawn through the intake head velocity cap arrangement to a desilting basin
is proposed onshore to take care of high turbidity. The desilting basin shall be further
connected to the Sea water intake pump house through a channel. Sea water drawn for plant

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

use including CT make up and Desalination plant requirements. The scope shall include
seawater Intake pumps, Pump sumps, Pump-house, Trash Racks, Traveling screens, FRP
sluice gate, Stop Log Gates and their handling system along with screen wash pumps etc.
Suitable handling system shall be considered within the pump-house for handling the pumps.
Suitable handling system shall also be provided for screens and gates. Necessary sump
modeling is included in the scope of the Contractor.

The low water level in the intake sump will be arrived at based on the low tide level and the
hydraulic losses in the intake pipe and trash screens The submergence of the pump, the
sump dimensions and wall clearances shall be designed in accordance with Hydraulic institute
standards. The pressure drop shall be calculated for the aged condition of the pipe with
adequate margin.

The sump floor should be level (without slope) for a certain distance upstream of the pump, at
least up to the travelling water screen (TWS). According to Hydraulic Institute guide lines,
entry velocity at the location of the trash screen will be 0.3m/sec maximum.

The seawater intake pumping system shall consist of separate pumps for feed to desalination
plant and make-up to cooling towers. For desalination plant feed, 3 x 50% vertical turbine
pumps and For CT make up 3 x 50% vertical turbine pumps shall be considered. The pumps
shall be of duplex SS having a PREN > 38. The Vertical turbine pumps shall be Non-pull out
type and the discharge pipe shall be above floor discharge. Re-circulation facility back to the
sump shall be provided. All pumps shall have margin of 10% on capacity & head over the
actual requirement.

The complete seawater piping for CT make-up water system and the feed water system to
desalination plant shall be of GRP. Pipeline shall be mainly underground with concrete
encasement of 250 mm. Top of the buried pipe shall be atleast 1.5 meters below the ground
level. Suitable air release valves shall be provided.

Transient analysis shall be conducted for makeup water piping from the Intake Pump house to
the Cooling Tower & Desalination Plant.

Double ball Air release valves, Thrust blocks, valve pits, man holes for the pipes shall be
provided by the Contractor wherever necessary.

3.1.5 Seawater Outfall System

Sea water outfall consisting of reject seawater of CW blow down, SWRO reject and Filter back
wash. These reject seawater shall be collected in an outfall tank of suitable capacity and shall
be pumped back to sea at an identified location offshore Using 3 x 50% Sea water Outfall
pumps located in a pump house. Sea water outfall pipeline shall be terminated up to the
outfall point as shown in the drg no. 0-1112140-G-001. The outfall pump shall be sized to
take the outfall water upto the disposal point offshore.

Based on the preliminary studies the locational details of the outfall has been finalized as
below and also refer the NIO report attached along with the specification::

Outfall Location Distance from Depth (m)

Quantity (m /h) Lat/Long shore -CD
8° 25.95’N
Outfall 19,500 1060m -5.00
78° 5.157’E

The seawater outfall piping shall be of GRP, however piping at the terminal point where it will
be submerged in the sea shall be of HDPE.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The outfall system shall be designed for 22,500 m3/hr considering margin. The system is
sized considering the future requirement.

The above MOC shall be only used for sea water outfall piping .Sea water outfall pipes shall
only be routed as per the following:

• Plot plan 00-1112140-G-001 REV 0, wherein “sea water outfall pipe from outfall pump
house up to sea shore shall be routed adjacent to the external Conveyer trestle.
• As per clause no. 4.0.0 page 7 of 32, vol-II sec 2.20, pipeline shall be mainly underground
with concrete encasement of 250mm.
• As per clause no. 2.1.0 page 12 of 164, vol-II sec 1, “from the shore, outfall pipe shall be
routed on coal conveyor deck for which space will be provided”. Conveyor deck is in
owner’s scope. The height of the top of Conveyor deck is approx. 8m (Above Power Plant
FGL). However height will be finalized during detailed engineering without any price
• Exact location of rising to conveyor deck will be finalized during detailed engineering
without any implication.
• From the conveyor deck to sea water outfall location, pipe shall be buried in sea bed as
per specification.

Bidder to consider one no. sea water outfall pipe as indicated in the tender specification. Pipe
size shall be OD2000. Accordingly, bidder shall design, supply and erect the complete piping
along with necessary supports along the the conveyor deck as per specification.

Necessary piping supports, thrust blocks required at the entry portion of the conveyor deck
shall be provided by the bidder.

Necessary pipe supports for lowering the pipe from the conveyor deck to sea bed shall be
provided by the bidder considering all the hydrodynamic forces acting on the pipe. Adequate
measures shall be provided to protect the pipe from direct hydrodynamic forces.

Bidder shall furnish the load data of the outfall pipe line routed on the external coal handling
system conveyor and Jetty to the owner for the design of the external coal handling system
foundations and jetty.

Suitable air release valves shall be provided as per system requirement. Transient analysis
shall be conducted for piping from outfall Pump house to discharge point at sea. Confirmatory
Thermal dispersion study shall be conducted by the Bidder and any modifications to meet the
Thermal dispersion is included in the Bidder scope.

3.1.6 Seawater intake and outfall piping

The Intake & outfall pipe shall be buried below the sea bed and shall be covered with rip-rap to
prevent movement by currents and waves. The pipes shall be designed considering scour
protection, hydrodynamic forces and buoyancy forces. The minimum earth cover above the
top of the pipe shall be 1.0m generally and one pipe diameter or more in the inter tidal zone or
as required by the statutory norms if specified higher.

The HDPE pipes shall be of suitable diameter, SDR 26, PE 100 material. The intake pipes
shall be provided with man holes at every 200 m distance in the off shore. The size of the
manhole shall be 1200mm. The HDPE pipe shall be conformed with IS 4984/ ISO 4427/ ISO
4437./ASTM D 3350.

Materials used for the manufacture of high-density polyethylene pipe and fittings shall comply
with all requirements of ASTM D3350. The high-density polyethylene material shall be cell
class of PE345664C or ASTM D3350 and shall be assigned a Plastics Pipe Institute

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

(PPI) recommended designation of PE3408. Pipe Manufacturer shall be a member in good

standing of the Plastics pipe institute.

The backup flange for HDPE pipes, fasteners, supporting structures, clamps, etc for the pipes
shall be duplex stainless steel of PREN > 38. The number of sea water outfall pipe shall be

The concrete anchor blocks shall be fitted to the HDPE pipes to counter the buoyancy forces.
The fasteners for the anchor blocks shall be Duplex stainless steel. The stability of the pipes
shall be designed as per DNV standard. The system shall be sized for intermittent operations.

The excess dredged material after backfilling shall be disposed off shore as per the statutory
regulations in consultation with the owner..

3.2.0 Desalination and Water Treatment Plant

3.2.1 Desalination Plant

Desalination plant shall be based on Reverse Osmosis process. Contractor shall supply
suitable pretreatment system to handle the raw sea water and make it suitable for the Sea
Water Reverse Osmosis system (SWRO). Electro Chlorination system booster pumps
(2W+1S) shall take suction from the CT make up pumps discharge header. Clarifier sludge
shall be collected in sludge pit and led to ash pond by means of sludge transfer pumps.

The technical requirements shall be read along with the associated data sheets.

For sea water quality refer Volume II, Section 1, Annex – 1.3. However, contractor to carry out
sea water analysis during detailed engineering and design the system considering worst
parameters without any commercial implications for any variations within the range of 10%
on TSS and 10% on TDS from the actual values indicated in the sea water analysis report
provided along with the tender document. Variations on TSS and TDS if it exceeds beyond
10% the same shall be mutually discussed and finalized during detailed engineering with the
owner. SWRO system shall be designed for a minimum TDS value of 38000 ppm or the
higher value of the samples tested. The seawater sampling procedure during detailed
engineering is subject to 3Owners approval.

The pretreatment system shall basically consist of Flow control station, Stilling arrangement,
Parshall flume with suitable clarification system followed by pressure sand filters. Clarified
water shall be stored in clarified water storage tank. Clarified water tank shall be covered tank.
The clarified water from the clarified water storage tank shall be treated in Pressure sand
filters and Ultra filtration system followed by cartridge filters before feeding the same to SWRO
high pressure pumps. Contractor to consider suitable UF back wash and chemical cleaning
systems for the UF module. The HP pumps shall pump the water through the RO Trains and
the permeate water shall be collected in a common RCC desalinated water cum fire water
storage tank. Energy recovery units shall be installed to recover the energy from the RO reject
and reduce the power consumption. Handling equipment shall be provided to handle the
SWRO high pressure pumps / motors. Material handling arrangements shall also be provided
for handling all pumps, removing the cover of cartridge filters and heavy valves etc. The
SWRO High pressure piping shall be of Duplex stainless steel (PREN > 38) of schedule 40
minimum and shall meet the pressure requirements of the system. Necessary instruments
along with interlocks shall be provided for the safety of the RO system.

The RO Reject shall be collected in the reject water tank and transferred to outfall tank for
further disposal.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Suitable Backwash system consisting of backwash pumps which shall utilize the clarified
water or SWRO reject water for filter back wash shall be considered. Air scouring
arrangement shall be envisaged for the pressure sand filters by dedicated blowers.

The backwash waste from the pressure sand filters shall be collected in the SWRO reject tank
and then pumped to the Outfall tank.

Membrane Protection System consisting of:

(i) CIP system for the RO skid consisting of Cleaning Solution tank, cartridge filter, cleaning
pumps along with associated piping, valves and instruments. Separate Cleaning systems
shall be envisaged for SWRO and BWRO system.
(ii) SWRO flushing pumps taking suction from the Permeate Tank along with associated
piping, valves and instruments.
(iii) Suck-back Tank above each SWRO train with adequate head & quantity of permeate to
ensure gravity flow from the low TDS permeate side to the high TDS brine side during an
emergency shut-down (or) power failure to prevent the deterioration of the membranes.

SWRO Reject along with CW Blow down and filter back wash waste shall be collected in
Outfall tank and pumped back to the sea by Outfall pumps.

Necessary chemical storage and dosing systems shall be provided. A two storied chemical
house with chemical storage at the ground floor and dosing equipment on the first floor shall
be considered. Electrically operated hoist shall be provided for handling chemicals in the
chemical house. Ferric chloride shall be used as coagulant. Necessary bulk storage tank and
unloading system shall be envisaged. Suitable polyelectrolyte shall be considered. All the
dosing pumps in the pretreatment plant shall be proportional dosing type based on feed flow.
Hydrochloric acid shall be used for conditioning the sea water for RO if required.

The complete desalination Plant shall be automatic, DCS controlled with necessary operator
interface. Suitable on line instruments shall be provided for verifying the quality of water at
various stages of treatment. Low pressure sea water piping shall be of GRP and high
pressure piping shall be of duplex stainless steel having PREN > 38. CPVC pipes shall be
used for chemical lines. For SWRO high pressure reject line super duplex stainless steel
pipes to be provided.

All carbon steel structures and tanks/vessels shall be shot blasted to SA 2 ½ and epoxy
painted externally. All stainless steel material in contact with sea water shall have a
PREN > 38.

Transient analysis & stress analysis shall be conducted for piping from the SWRO feed Pump
to RO high pressure pumps and HP pumps to SWRO and the reject lines.

Auto on/off valves shall be pneumatic or motorized with open and close limit switches. Manual
over ride hand wheels to be provided for all valves for local operation. Control philosophy shall
ensure proper failsafe positions of the valves in case of power or air failure.

Adequate instruments shall be provided for effective auto operation, monitoring and control of
the plant. MOC of wetted parts shall be suitable for service fluid. Following instruments shall
be provided as a minimum.

• Pressure Gauges at the discharge of all pumps and blowers.

• Flow transmitters at the inlet to each clarifier, inlet to Filters, suction of each RO High
Pressure Pump, booster pump (if applicable), RO permeate, Reject, Filter Backwash
(common), at the outlet of each Mixed Bed exchanger
• Flow control valves to be provided at HP pump discharge.
• Level transmitters and local level gauges for all tanks.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Turbidity analyzers at the outlet of clarifiers and at the common outlet of gravity filters.
• SDI analyzer at each SWRO cartridge filter outlet.
• Pressure transmitters at suction and discharge of RO HP Pumps, (Booster pumps (if
applicable) inlet and reject of both SWRO and BWRO, discharge headers of all pumps for
auto start of standby pump.
• pH Transmitters at Cartridge Filter outlet, each SWRO and each BWRO permeate and at
the outlet of each MB.
• ORP transmitters at the outlet of cartridge Filters.
• Temperature transmitters at SWRO inlet.
• Conductivity transmitter at the outlet of cartridge filters, individual SWRO and BWRO
permeates and at the outlet of each MB.

All transmitters shall be indicating type. Two out of three logic shall be adopted for the
following critical measurements:

• pH transmitters at cartridge filter outlet, each SWRO and each BWRO permeate
• Pressure transmitters at suction and discharge of RO high pressure pumps, booster
pumps (if applicable), inlet and reject of both SWRO and BWRO, discharge headers of all
pumps for auto start of standby pump.
• Conductivity analyzer at RO skid outlet.
• ORP analyzer at RO inlet.

Product water from the desalination Plant (i.e. SWRO) shall have a TDS of less than
500 ppm and shall be used for the following purposes. The capacity of Desalination plant shall
be minimum 16 MLD. The water treatment plant area shall have space for future 16 MLD
plant. Identical space for Pretreatment, Desalination & DM system and DM water tanks shall
be provided by the Bidder in the WTP area.

Lime along with carbon dioxide dosing shall be considered at SWRO outlet to achieve the pH
and LSI requirements. The permeate water from SWRO shall be utilized for the following

• Service Water including HVAC.

• CHP dust suppression
• Potable water requirement
• Fire fighting system
• As input water for DM Plant
• AHP / ESP wash water/ Seal water
• Wet FGD system(Future)

3.2.2 DM Plant

The DM Plant shall follow the scheme of Brackish Water RO with Strong Acid Cation
Exchangers(SAC), Strong Base Anion Exchangers (SBA), Mixed Bed. BWRO shall be sized
for 3 x 50%, SAC -2 x 50%, SBA – 2x 50% and Mixed Beds shall be sized for 3 x 50%. Bidder
to consider an additional provision to bypass both SAC and SBA and feed directly to MB units
from BWRO outlet. SAC and SBA shall be sized for regeneration once in 20 hours. Mixed
beds shall be sized for regeneration once in every 48 hrs. SAC, SBA and Mixed Bed
regeneration chemicals shall be Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Hydroxide (Lye). The capacity
of the DM Plant shall be arrived considering cycle make up requirement as 1.5% of the BMCR
flow, Chemical dosing dilution requirements, SWAS make-up, H2 gas generation, CPU & DM
plant regeneration requirements, closed Cooling water system make-up requirements and
Fuel Oil area PRDS requirement (If required).

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Associated chemical handling, storage and dosing systems, RO CIP system etc shall be
provided. Neutralizing pit shall be in 2 compartments with each compartment sized to collect
the regeneration effluent from both CPU and DM plant. Recirculation cum disposal pumps
shall be provided. DM Plant effluents shall be transferred to central monitoring basin for
further use. Regeneration system for condensate polishing units shall be located in the DM
Plant area.

Flow, conductivity and pH transmitters shall be provided at the outlet of individual BWRO and
Mixed beds. Conductivity transmitters/comparators to be provided at the outlet of SAC and
SBA vessels. Multi channel Silica analyzer shall be provided to verify the water quality at the
outlet of each Mixed bed. Outlet Rota meters and inlet flow transmitter shall be provided for
each Ion exchange vessel. Other instrumentation requirements shall be similar to desalination

The DM water thus produced shall be stored in two DM water storage tanks each sized to
store 1500 MT of DM water production of one stream. DM water shall be used for the Power
cycle make up (Minimum 1.5 %), LP Dosing Chemical Preparation, H2 Gas generation Plant,
SWAS make up, regeneration of Mixed Bed units and the condensate polishing units. The
DM water tanks shall have Seal pot arrangement for the overflow, CO2 absorption system for
the vent line. The DM water tank shall have 3 layers of PVC/PP balls.

Potable water shall be drawn from the product water of the SWRO, duly dosed with
hypochlorite solution for disinfection purpose.
BWRO reject will have a TDS in the range of 2000 ppm and shall be collected in 100 m tank
and can be pumped for further use either quenching the boiler blow down (as applicable),
recycled back to the desalination system, for gardening purposes or CHP dust suppression

SAC, SBA, Mixed Bed and CPU regeneration effluents shall be collected in neutralizing pit,
treated and neutralized effluent shall be transferred to central monitoring basin and utilized for
horticulture and CHP dust suppression.

3.2.3 Control Philosophy

The RO – DM water System, referred here shall imply sea water pre-treatment system, Ultra
filtration system, SWRO system, BWRO system, DM plant with all sub-systems and
accessories. The operation of both RO-DM shall be carried out fully automatic (sequentially).

The RO – DM water System shall be controlled and monitored from the Desalination/WTP
local control room, through the DCS remote I/Os, Redundant Processor, power supply,
communication module, redundant communication link, all hardware, software, other
interfaces, cables and field sensors/instruments/erection hardware/furniture envisaged to
control and monitor it.

The RO – DM water System local control room shall be provided with Two (2) no. 24” LCD
TFT type Operator station and Mimic panel for control and monitoring the Desalination/WTP
locally in addition to remote monitoring from the central control room in the main plant DCS.
One No. large screen display (84”) complete with control station and other hardware at control
room for controlling & monitoring Desalination/WTP system.

For DM/RO plant One (1) no. A3 color printer in addition to 1 no. A4 BLW printer shall be
provided in the local control room for the operator station.

Operator station in the Desalination / WTP local control room shall be provided with the
access to monitor the main plant operations.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3.2.4 BWRO Plant

BWRO System consisting of RO-II Pass Feed pumps taking suction from Desalinated Water
Tank, Cartridge filters, RO High Pressure Pumps, BWRO skids complete with membranes,
pressure tubes, SS316L HP piping, valves and instruments, Degasser Tower and Degassed
water storage tank with necessary DG blowers etc.

3.2.5 SAC, SBA and MB Plant

SAC, SBA and MB Plant consisting of Feed pumps, SAC, SBA and mixed bed units, DM
Water Storage Tanks, DM Water Transfer Pumps etc.

Regeneration System consisting of Regeneration Pumps, Bulk Acid (With fume absorption
system) & Alkali storage tanks, Acid & Alkali unloading pumps, Acid & Caustic measuring
tanks, chemical transfer arrangement from bulk tanks to measuring tanks, dilution
arrangements, hot water tank with electrical heating arrangement, ejectors etc along with
associated piping, valves and instruments required for regeneration of mixed bed unit.

Neutralization system consisting of neutralization pit to collect regeneration wastes, neutralized

waste disposal pumps to pump water to the central monitoring basin etc.

One (1) no Safety shower with Eye wash fountain near bulk Acid storage tank and One (1)
near the DM Plant shall be provided as minimum.

3.2.6 DM Make up System

Three 3 x 50% DM Transfer pumps shall be located next to the DM Tanks and shall draw
water from a common suction header. These pumps shall also supply make up water for
Auxiliary boiler, overhead DMCW system expansion tanks, Chemical Preparation, Hydrogen
generation, Fuel oil area (PRDS) requirement and condensate storage tanks. Each Pump
shall be capable of meeting the requirements of one unit.

3.2.7 Control Philosophy

The DM transfer pumps and all associated controls shall be implemented in Desalination
/WTP DCS. Control and monitoring of all other make up pumps including TG cycle make up
pump, boiler fill pump etc shall be from the plant DCS. All necessary level controls of CST,
DMCW overhead tanks etc shall be realized in DCS.

3.2.8 Service and Potable Water System

Service and potable water system consisting of Service Water Pumps for pumping water to
the main plant Service Water Overhead Tank, Plant Potable Water Pumps for pumping water
to the Potable Water Overhead Tank. Further Distribution of service and potable water in the
various location shall be by gravity.

3.2.9 Chemical Storage System

Chemical Storage System consisting of Chemical house (G+1) for storing 30 days
requirement of Desalination plant chemicals like Coagulant, Coagulant Aid, Acid, Antiscalant,
Antioxidant along with dosing tanks & dosing pumps for each Chemical. Agitators for dilution,
dissolving basket for effective mixing may be provided based on requirement.

Coagulant & Acid being consumed in higher quantity will be delivered to site in tankers,
unloaded using Unloading pumps & stored in a Bulk Storage Tank. Bidder to consider
2 x 100% bulk tanks each of capacity to hold 30 days requirement or one tanker capacity of 20

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Tonne whichever is higher. The unloading pumps shall also be used to transfer required
quantity of chemical from the Bulk Tank to the Dosing Tank.

Addition of acid is optional and left to the Contractor.

Ground floor of Chemical House shall be used for storing chemicals and also house control
panels, office, toilets etc. All dosing equipments including tanks, pumps etc. shall be located in
the 1 floor. Complete chemical handling facilities like monorail of suitable capacity along with
electrically operated hoist, lifting beam, eye wash and safety shower etc shall also be included.

3.2.10 Layout Requirements

The Pre-treatment system equipment comprising of Stilling chamber, Flash Mixers,

Flocculators, Clarification system, Clarified Water Storage Tank will be located outdoor.

Ultra filteration system, Cartridge filters (For both Pass-I & Pass-II), HP pumps (For both
Pass-I & Pass-II), Energy recovery units, RO skids (both first and second pass) and mixed
bed units shall be located indoor in the Desalination Building which shall also house the MCC
room, Control room & Laboratory. Pressure sand filters shall be located inside an open shed.

Degasser tower, blowers, Degassed tank, RO-II Pass Feed Pumps , DM Feed tank, Feed
Pumps, DM Tanks, Bulk Chemical storage tanks etc will be outdoor. Regeneration equipment
will be semi outdoor in an open shed.

Road access shall be available to chemical storage tanks for unloading chemicals from the
tankers, Desalination building and chemical house.

Lay down space shall be provided for the HP pump and cartridge filters for maintenance. An
overhead travelling hoist/crane will be provided for maintenance of the HP pumps.

Adequate space for access and maintenance will provided for all equipment.

An emergency shower and eye wash provision will be made near the acid and caustic storage

The Water Treatment plant layout will be compact to maximize the space utilization and will
allow easy maintenance. The arrangement of membranes will be such as to permit easy
removal of one (1) membrane assembly without disturbing the other.

3.3.0 Dis-infection System

3.3.1 Electro Chlorination System

Electro chlorination system shall be sized considering sea water intake system (shock and
continuous), Desalination feed system, CW system (shock and continuous) and Sewage
treatment plant for all the 2 x 660 MW units.

Chlorine will be dosed to remove organic matter present in the Circulating Water (CW) and to
minimize biological growth on the piping as such since biological growth could promote
corrosion, impair heat transfer and impair water distribution throughout the circulating water

The feed water to electro chlorination plant shall be taken from the Sea water intake pump
house within the plant boundary.

The seawater is fed to the electro chlorination plant from the Sea Water intake pump house by
means of Electro Chlorination system booster pumps (2 operating + 1 standby) which shall

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

take suction from the CT make up pumps discharge through self-cleaning filters (3 W + 1 S)
where suspended solids with size bigger than 0.5 mm are filtered.

Sizing criteria

1. For sea water intake system – 1 ppm continuous dosing at forebay & 3 ppm shock dosing
at velocity cap
2. Desalination feed system – 2 ppm continuous dosing
3. Circulating Water system – 1 ppm continuous dosing & 3 ppm shock dosing (once in a
shift for 30 minutes)
4. Sewage treatment plant – 2 ppm continuous dosing

The flow control valves provided at inlet to each Electrolyser unit will control seawater flow
rate. The filtered seawater is fed to the Electrolyser unit. The Capacity of the chlorine
Generator shall be sized as per sizing criteria above. These generators units connected
hydraulically in parallel with each other, having chlorine production to meet the system
requirements. Each electrolyser unit will have two electrolytic cells connected electrically and
hydraulically in series.

The Electrolyser will generate hypochlorite and hydrogen consuming the sodium chloride
present in the seawater.

The active hypochlorite solution is collected in the 2 Nos. Sodium Hypochlorite storage-
degassing tank where the liberated hydrogen gets vented out with air dilution.

This solution is pumped to the CW system in each pumping chamber by continuous

centrifugal pumps. Each unit cooling water system has a dedicated continuous dosing pump
and there will be one standby pump common for both units. There are two dosing pumps (1
operating + 1 standby) dedicated for shock dosing in CW system. Shock Dosing shall be done
for one unit at a time. The Hypo shall be dosed upstream of Screens in each pumping

In the Water Treatment Plant, Hypo shall be dosed in the Stilling chamber (2ppm continuous
dosing) There are 2 x 100% transfer pumps for Hypo dosing to Water Treatment Plant.

In sea water intake system, 3 x 50% hypo dosing pumps shall be provided for continuous
dosing at the intake forebay and 2 x 100% dosing pumps shall be provided for shock dosing at
velocity cap.

Dedicated 2 x 100% hypo transfer pumps shall be provided to cater to sewage treatment plant
chlorination requirements.

For potable water disinfection 1 x 100% capacity dosing tank along with 2 x 100% dosing
pumps shall be considered. Hypo chlorite required for potable water disinfection shall be
procured separately and hypo chlorite generated from electro chlorination system shall not be
used for potable water disinfection.

The hydrogen generated with the hypochlorite gets separated in the 2 Nos. hypochlorite
storage cum degassing tank. The air dilution blowers (1 Duty + 1 Standby) for each Degassing
Tank are provided in order to dilute the hydrogen stream with air, so as to get a non-
flammable mixture (25% of LEL).

In case of failure of one blower, the other one will start automatically. An automatic interlock
will shutdown the rectifier if both the blowers fail.

The transformer-rectifier unit provides the Electrolyser with direct current. Each Electrolyser
unit will have individual transformer-rectifier. The current from the transformer - rectifier is
transferred through Bus bars to the Electrolyzer.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sampling valves will be provided at the outlet of the cell drain to monitor the cell performance.

The side reaction products of the electrolysis process after long periods of operation can
accumulate on the electrodes. They shall be removed by dissolving them in a solution of
diluted hydrochloric acid that shall be circulated through the Electrolyser unit.

The acid cleaning system consists of 1 x 100% HCl circulation tank and two circulation pumps
(1 operating + 1 standby), which are hooked up to the Electrolyser units for cleaning.

3.3.2 Layout

The Electrolyser units & Transformer-Rectifiers will be located indoors.

Dilute HCl tank, Hypo storage tanks & Hydrogen dilution blowers shall all be located outdoor.

Road access shall be available to chemical storage tanks for unloading chemicals from the

An emergency shower and eye wash provision will be made near the HCl storage area.

MCC room, control room will be located indoor.


4.1.0 Plant Water Treatment System

The Water Treatment Plant shall be designed based on the Sea Water Analysis provided
along with this tender. The system provided shall be suitable for downstream requirements.

• DM Plant shall be sized suitable for 1.5 % of Cycle Make-up Requirements and also the
requirements of DMCW makeup, LP Dosing Chemical Preparation, H2 Gas generation Plant,
SWAS make up, regeneration of SAC, SBA, Mixed Bed units and the condensate polishing
units, fuel oil area PRDS requirement.
4.2.0 Waste Water Treatment System

All the wastes generated from the Power Plant shall be collected and treated according to the
nature of the waste. The following wastes are envisaged from the Power Plant.

1. Cooling water blow down, filter back wash and the SWRO rejects shall be collected in the
Outfall tank and the water will be pumped to sea.
2. Clarifier sludge and ETP Clarifier sludge shall be collected in sludge pit and pumped to the
ash pond/ slurry sump.
3. Boiler Blow down suitably quenched with Service water and transferred to central
monitoring basin and utilized for horticulture purpose.
4. BWRO Reject shall be suitably used back in the Desalination Plant or shall be utilized for
CHP dust suppression/ green belt development.
5. DM Plant and CPU regeneration waste shall be pumped to the Guard Pond/Central
Monitoring basin after neutralization.
6. Wastes from floor wash shall be led to the Common ETP Collection sump. Necessary
sump shall be provided to collect the waste from different area depending on the layout.
Sump pumps shall be used to pump the waste collected and transfer it to Common ETP
Collection sump.
7. Coal pile runoff water from the settling tank shall be pumped to the common ETP
collection sump. Coal pile run off transfer pumps and ETP clarification system to be
designed for the maximum rainfall data.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

8. Oily wastes from TG Area, Fuel Oil Handling Areas etc. shall be pumped and collected in
collection tank and then treated in TPI/API type Oil water separators. The clear water is
transferred to the Central Monitoring basin.
9. From the floor wash Collection sump, the wash water shall be pumped to a Clarifier for
reducing the Suspended Solids with necessary dosing system. The clear water shall be
led to the Guard Pond/ Central Monitoring basin of capacity 24 hours storage capacity and
from there used for horticulture, CHP dust suppression, etc. The sludge from the clarifier
shall be transferred to the PT Clarifier sludge pit and then pumped to ash pond.
The capacity of the ETP shall be decided suitably by the Contractor.
10. Sewage from the entire plant area shall be transferred by gravity flow and treated in
common sewage treatment plant. Sewage from power plant shall be collected in common
sewage collection sump. The collected sewage will be treated in Aeration tank followed by
clarifications and the overflow from clarifier will be stored in a clarified water tank. The
clarified effluent will be filtered in activated carbon filter and pressure sand filters and
reused for horticulture applications. Sodium hypo chlorite should be dosed in the treated
water for disinfection purpose.

4.3.0 Control Philosophy

The control and monitoring of waste water treatment plant shall be carried out from from plant
DCS through Remote I/O.


All the equipments / vessels / Tanks shall be designed for the maximum pressure /
temperature / flow that the equipment / vessel is expected to be subject to under any
circumstances. The MOC of all the Equipments / vessels / Tanks shall be suitable for the
service fluid being handled.

All Bulk Storage Tank shall be 1 No. horizontal suitable for 30 days storage capacity of the
respective chemical and shall be of FRP construction.

All Solution Preparation cum Metering Tanks shall be 2 x 100% vertical tanks each of 1 day
requirement of the respective chemical and shall be of FRP construction with SS316 Agitator
(Unless not suitable alternative MOC shall be used) and Dissolving Basket.

All Dosing Pumps shall be Positive Displacement – Diaphragm / Plunger Type, 2 x 100% of
PP construction with PTFE Diaphragm.

All Air Blowers shall be 2x 100% Rotary Twin-Lobe Oil Free of C.I construction with EN9 shaft.

All Chemical Unloading Pumps shall be 2 x 100% Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps of capacity
15 m /hr @ 15 mlc with PP wetted parts (Except wherever different MOC is specified ).

All Pressure Vessels shall be designed based on ASME Sec. VIII, Div. I / IS 2825.

The data furnished above are in general and shall be inline with the specified data sheet.

Drawings, data / documents to be submitted along with tender

Duly filled-in technical data, bill of material and prices as per specified schedules.

Technical write-up for the system.

List of drawings/documents attached to tender.

Time schedule for design, manufacture, delivery, erection, testing, and commissioning.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

P & I Diagram for the System

Operation and control philosophy.

Equipment layout drawings.

Process design calculations with catalogues and equipment sizing calculations

Utility consumption for various equipments (power, cooling water and instrument air

List of tests the Bidder proposes to carry out in shop and at site after installation including
those pertaining to their sub-Bidder.

List of all maintenance tools, tackles and accessories required for maintenance of the offered
equipment including bought out components.

List of all recommended spare parts for all equipment offered including bought out
components suitable for three (3) years operation.

A bar chart indicating design engineering, procurement, manufacture, testing at shop, delivery,
installation, testing and commissioning activity/duration of System offered.

Quality Assurance Plan.

Complete Electrical Load List

Bill of quantities for civil works.

Drawings, data / documents to be furnished by the successful Bidder

The following drawings, data / documents shall be submitted for the approval / review of the
Purchaser / Consultant by the successful Bidder.

Mechanical Category

a) Drawing / Document submission schedule A

b) Process design calculations with catalogues and

equipment sizing calculations A

c) Final Schematic, Flow and P&I diagram with interlock

summary. A

d) Final technical data sheets for all equipment/ tanks/ vessels/

instruments A

e) Piping and Valve Schedule. A

f) Equipment layout drawings. A

g) Design calculations A

h) Pressure vessel thickness calculations A

i) FRP tank thickness calculations A

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

j) Fabrication drawings of vessels & tanks I

k) G.A. drawings of all equipment with sectional details giving

details of materials. A

l) Piping specification A

m) Piping layout A

n) Isometric drawings including pipe support drawings. I

o) Technical literature for all equipment I

p) Foundation bolt detail drawing. A


a) Complete civil inputs required for civil design A

Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX – 2.14.1


Description Unit Data

Flow to be considered for Design of sea M3/hr 30000
water intake system
Intake pipe Size ( From Intake Well to OD 2000 PE 100 SDR 26, HDPE
desilting basin) pipe
Manhole size 1200 mm
Facility for cleaning and maintenance of Pigging system shall be envisaged
intake pipe
Quantity of pipe Nos By Contractor (minimum 2)
Design code ASTM D3350/ PE345664C or ASTM
D3350 / IS 4984/ISO 4427/ISO 4437.
Chlorine dosing for the intake system To be envisaged. Pipes shall be SDR
Air burst System To be envisaged. Pipes shall be SDR
Compressor type Non-Lubricated screw type
Quantity 1W +1S
Air receivers To be provided
Mode of Operation Fully Automatic
Duplex Stainless steel (PREN > 38) Sluice To be provided for each pipe
Mode of Operation of sluice gate Motor operated
MOC of Gate frame, shutter plate, shutter Duplex stainless steel (PREN >38)
MOC of anchor blocks RCC
MOC of bolts & nuts for anchor blocks Duplex SS
MOC of back up flange, bolts and nuts Duplex stainless steel (PREN > 38)
MOC of puddle flange HDPE/GRP
MOC of end flange HDPE / GRP

Desilting Basin
Quantity 1
Number of compartment 3
Minimum Size Confirmation of Size by Mathematical
Model Study& CFD.
The required flow shall be achieved
when one compartment is under
The system shall be sized
considering the periodic dredging
carried out for the jetty.

Stop log gates for desilting basin To be provided

Sand slurry pumps 2
Type Submersible pumps for maintenance
of desilting basin with 50 mts power
cable for each pump with trolley
Material of constructions Complete Duplex stainless steel
Slurry pipe The discharge slurry pipe (HDPE)

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

shall be extended to the sea near
Material handling facility for stop log gate To be provided.

1. Provision shall be made in the desilting basin for construction of Sea water intake pump
house for future 2 x 660 MW where in CT make up pumps, desalination feed pumps
shall be installed.
2. Desilting basin & pump house forebay concrete shall be protected with suitable painting
against sea water
Location of intake Pumps On shore within the plant boundary
Pipe routing Below ground
Route Survey To be conducted
Recirculation from discharge Required. Through Control valve
Stop Logs, Trash Rack, Traveling Screen Required
Material Handling for Pumps Required
Air release valves Required
Intake system Chlorination Required

Material handling for Screens and Stop Required

Design of forebay As per HIS standards
Physical Sump Model study To be conducted by Contractor
CT Make –up supply Pumps
Type Vertical turbine Non-pull out pumps
Quantity 3 x 50%
Type of Lubrication Oil/ Grease/ Self Lubrication
(External flushing water To be self
generated or from service water)
Column Pipe Connection Flanged
Type of Coupling between Pump & Motor Flexible
Pump Discharge Above pump Floor
Desalination Plant Supply Pumps
Quantity Nos 3 x 50 %
Type Vertical turbine Non-pull out pumps
Capacity M3/hr By Contractor
Type of Lubrication Oil/ Grease/ Self Lubrication
(External flushing water To be self
generated or from service water)
Column Pipe Connection Flanged
Type of Coupling between Pump & Motor Flexible
Pump Discharge Above pump Floor
Quantity Nos 3 x 50 %
Capacity M3/hr By Contractor
Screen wash Pumps
Quantity 2 x 100 %
Capacity By Contractor
Type Horizontal pump
MOC Duplex SS (Casing, impeller and
Flow to be considered for design of sea M3/hr 22500

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

water outfall system
Pipe routing Below ground
Effluents going to outfall Pressure sand filter waste, UF
system reject, SWRO Reject and CT
Blow down
Outfall Water Quality Parameters To be monitored (FRC, Oil,
Temperature & pH)
Note: Power plant contractor to provide the outfall line size details to port contractor to enable
allocation of space for laying the pipes along with tressle
Outfall tank capacity M3 5000minimum
Design As per HIS
Stop log gates and Screens Required
Outfall Pumps
Type Vertical turbine Non-pull out pumps
with VFD arrangement
Quantity 3 x 50%
Type of Lubrication Oil/ Grease/ Self Lubrication
(External flushing water To be self
generated or from service water)
Column Pipe Connection Flanged
Type of Coupling between Pump & Motor Flexible
Pump Discharge Above pump Floor
Tensile strength of weld for HDPE pipes As per ISO 13953 irrespective of
Under water videography To be provided
Hydro testing procedure for offshore pipes Hydrotesting shall be done for the
offshore HDPE pipes. Detailed
procedure shall be furnished by the
Gates & Screens for Pumps
Stop Log Gates (For Intake & Outfall SS 316L guides and shutters
Trash Rack with automatic raking SS 316 L
mechanism (for intake system)
Travelling Screen (for intake system) SS 316 L
Coarse screens / Fine screens Shall be provided for outfall system
Bowl Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Impeller Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Pump shaft Duplex SS ASTM A 890 CD 4M CU
Shaft sleeve Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Column pipe Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Discharge head and Tee Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Motor stool Carbon steel (IS:2062)
Gland packing Impregnated Teflon
Fasteners in pump assembly SS 316L for fasteners submerged in
water and alloy steel for other
Base plate/sole plate Carbon steel (IS:2062)
For the sea water handling pumps, Duplex SS shall have PREN > 38

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Type Stop-log
Design code IS:5620 or Equivalent
Flow (m /hr) Contractor to Finalize
Fluid to be handled Sea water
Material of construction for stop log gate SS316L
Exposed embedded parts SS316L
Service water tank and Potable water tank
at Intake Pump house
Service water tank Nos 1
Potable water tank Nos 1
Capacity 1m
Location Above the Intake Pump House
Portable compressors for the intake pump Required
Quantity 2
Portable submersible dewatering pumps 2 (Duplex Stainless steel)
Desalination Plant (Common for 2 x
1 no. of motorized inching type
butterfly valve with isolation valves in
Flow control station upstream and downstream along
with bypass line with isolation valve
at the inlet to stilling chamber
Clarification System
Stilling Chamber Common, RCC
Retention time (minimum)
(Contractor to consider higher capacity if
required to meet system requirements.) Min One (1) minute
Parshall Flume One for each clarifier
Flash Mixer (RCC)
Quantity nos 2 x 60 %.
Retention time Min One (1) minute
Agitator Required. Duplex Stainless Steel.
Quantity nos 2 x 60 %.
Retention time Min Twenty (20) minute
MOC of shell RCC
Agitator Required. MS FRP
Quantity nos 2 x 60 %
Clarification zone Retention time Min 120 minute
Clarifier outlet Suspended solids ppm < 10 ppm
RCC, suitable to store 4 hours of
Sludge Pit sludge generated.
Sludge Transfer Pumps
Quantity Nos. Two (1 W + 1 S)
Type Vertical Non clog type
MOC Duplex stainless steel
RPM 1500

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Air agitation Required with air grid arrangement
Air Blower Twin lobe blower, 2 nos. (1W+1S)
PT Chemical Dosing System
Dosing tank Fecl3 Polyelectrolyte
Quantity Nos 2 2
Storage Capacity Day 1 1
MOC FRP with vinyl ester resin
Solution concentration 10 % 0.1 %
Bulk Storage tank Nos 2
15 m3 each or
30 days
whichever is
Capacity Days higher
Unloading pumps 2 x 100 %
Type Centrifugal
Pump RPM 1500
Mechanical seal To be Provided
Dosing Pumps
Qty 2 x 100 % per stream
Type Positive Displacement, Diaphragm
MOC PP with PTFE diaphragm
Automatic (i.e. proportional dosing
Operation based on change in feed flow)
Suction Dampening pot Required
PT Chemical storage building Two storeyed building with
electrical hoist and weighing scale.
Chemical preparation tanks and
dosing equipments shall be located
on first floor. Chemical storage
space(for 30 days requirement)
along with office room, toilet and
switchgear room (if applicable)
shall be located on ground floor.
PT Service water overhead tank for 3
2 m RCC tank
chemical preparation.
Clarified water storage tank
Capacity 4 hours requirement
Number of Compartments Twin Compartment
Above ground fully covered RCC
MOC tank with suitable lining.
Filter feed pumps
Quantity Nos 3 working + 1 standby
Type horizontal centrifugal
MOC Duplex (PREN > 38)
Pump Efficiency % > 80%
Pressure Sand Filter
As per system requirement with One
Quantity Nos Standby.
IS 2062 with internal rubber lining of
MOC 4.5 mm thickness

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Horizontal cylindrical filters with fine
Type sand and gravels as filter media.
3 2
Loading Rate m /hr/m max 10
Location Shall have covered Shed
Back wash Pumps Nos Two (1 W + 1 S), Duplex SS
Two (1 W + 1 S), Twin Lobe, oil free
Air scouring Blowers Nos discharge
Outlet Quality NTU <2
Shall be transferred to Outfall tank
Waste Backwash water along with SWRO reject.
Ultra filtration system
Type Hollow fiber membrane
Molecular weight cut off 100KDa.
MOC PVDF/Poly ether sulphone
Capacity As per system requirement
Average flux Lmh 60
SDI at UF outlet <3
Turbidity Nil
To be provided at the inlet of each
Basket strainers skid. MOC – Duplex SS.
Minimum recovery % 90
Hydronautics / Norit (Pentair)/ Hyflux
Make /Koch/ Dow
Note: UF skids to be designed in a manner that when one skid goes for back wash the other
skids should be able to achieve the required product flow.
UF permeate water tank
Qty No 1
To hold water required for one back
washing of all UF skids+
Downstream system requirement
Capacity with suitable margin.
MOC RCC covered tank
1W+1S, MOC – Complete Duplex,
UF back wash pumps 1500 RPM.
1W+1S, MOC – Complete Duplex,
UF fast flush pumps(if required) 1500 RPM.
To be provided with 1 x 100%
chemical dosing tanks, 2 x 100%
UF chemical enhanced back wash system dosing pumps for each chemical.
To be provided with one no. of
chemical cleaning tank, 2 x 100%
Chemical cleaning system for UF chemical cleaning pumps
SWRO feed pumps
Quantity 3 nos. (2W+1S)
As per system requirement with
Capacity and head suitable margin
MOC Duplex (PREN > 38)
RPM 1500
Pump Efficiency % > 80%
Micron Cartridge Filters (MCF)
MOC of Housing GRP/ Duplex SS
Quantity Nos 2 working + 1 standby
PP, 2.5" x 40", 5 microns nominal
Capacity each Suitable for one train of SWRO

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

SWRO System
General data
Total Capacity Minimum capacity of the plant shall
be 16 MLD.
Number of streams Nos 3 X 50%
Nett Capacity Of each stream 5 MLD each.
Design Sea Water Temperature Deg C 25 to 33 Deg C
Product water Quality TDS < 500 ppm
Feed water SDI SDI <3
Average System Flux LMH < 14
Elements per vessel Nos 7 (max)
System Recovery % 30
H P Piping and Valves MOC Duplex (PREN > 38)
Velocities in HP Lines Mts/Sec < 3.4
Velocities in RO Permeate Lines Mts/Sec < 2.0
Velocities in Other LP Lines Mts/Sec < 2.4
SWRO High Pressure Pumps
Quantity Nos Two (2) (working) + 1 (standby)
Horizontal axial / radically split casing
Type multistage centrifugal pumps
MOC Duplex (PREN > 38)
Pump Efficiency % > 80%
VFD Required
Energy Recovery Unit
Type Pressure Exchanger / energy
recovery turbine
Quantity Nos One per Stream
MOC Duplex SS as per UNS 32750
Make ERI / Pump Engineering / Fedco
Booster Pump (If applicable)
Type Horizontal end suction
Quantity Nos One per Stream
MOC Duplex SS (PREN > 38)
Make Preferably same as HP Pump
VFD Required.
RO Pressure Vessel
Size Inches 8"
Pressure rating 1200 psi
Length Suitable for 7 elements
Port configuration Side port
SWRO Membrane
Size 8"
MOC Polyamide, spiral wound
Minimum salt rejection % Greated than 99.7
Membrane area M2 < 40
Make Hydronautics / Dow / Toray
Chemical Handling System
Chemical storage - Dry 30 days storage in chemical house
Chemical storage - Bulk Liquid 30 days storage in Storage Tanks
Chemical unloading Pumps 2 x 100% for all chemicals
Chemical dosing Pumps 3 x 50 % for SWRO
3 x 50% for BWRO
Chemical Dosing tank 2 nos of dosing tank shall be

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

provided for each dosing system with
12 hrs storage capacity each along
with SS 316 agitators, level gauges,
level switches, fume absorbers,
overflow and drain lines.
Remineralization system consisting of Lime
and CO2 dosing for SWRO product water To be provided.
CIP System
Suitable for cleaning one SWRO
Capacity Train
Cleaning Pumps 2 x 100%, SS 316
1 no, 5 micron rating, SS 316
Cartridge Filter Housing
Cleaning Tank One FRP, One cleaning volume + 20%
Suck back tank
Quantity One per Skid
Total Pressure vessels volume in the
Capacity skid + 10 % Margin
SWRO Flushing pumps
Quantity 2 x 100 %
Capacity To Flush One RO Stream at a time
@ minimum flow of 6 m3/hr per
pressure tube.
Low Pressure Sea water, Brine, product Filament wound GRP with 1.6 mm
water, Cleaning solution, Air scour, ducting inside and outside resin rich liners
Duplex (PREN > 38), Sch 40
High pressure sea water piping (minimum).
Super duplex stainless steel as per
High pressure reject piping UNS 32750, sch 40 (minimum)
Chemical lines CPVC
Valves Size
B/F with DI body and Al Bronze/
LP sea water and brine for isolation purpose > 8"
Duplex SS disc and EPDM Seat
LP sea water and brine All Gate Valve, Duplex / Al Bronze
All Ball Valve, Duplex / Al Bronze
HP sea water and brine Isolation/
Interfacing between chemical cleaning &
flushing lines. All Ball Valve, Duplex
HP sea water/ brine Control All Globe or plug Valve, Duplex
B/F with DI body, SS 316L disc and
LP Product water/ Cleaning Solution > 8"
LP Product water/ Cleaning Solution All Gate / Ball Valve SS 316 L
Process isolation valves for instruments Gate / Ball / Globe Valves with
< 2" suitable material for service as
Chemical Lines Ball valves, CPVC
Reject Water Tank
Quantity No 1
Capacity to hold waste generated
from SWRO & UF for a period of
One (1) hour and two Filters back
Capacity of tank wash waste water quantity.
MOC RCC, below ground

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Reject water Transfer Pumps
Quantity 3 x50 %
As per system requirement with
Capacity & head suitable margin.
Type Vertical centrifugal non clog type
MOC Duplex SS
RPM 1500
Desalinated water cum fire water storage
One number with Three
Quantity compartments
13000 (Including Fire water
Total Capacity of tank requirement as per TAC)
3 ( one compartment dedicated for
fire water storage tank, capacity shall
Number of compartment per tank be as per TAC)
MOC RCC, Above Ground
Pump House for desalinated water cum
fire water storage tank Completely above ground
Service water Pumps
Quantity Nos 2 x 100%
MOC CI casing with SS 304 impeller
RPM - 1450
Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Potable water Pumps
Quantity Nos 2 x 100%
RPM - 1450
Type Horizontal Centrifugal
ESP/APH wash pumps
Quantity Nos 2 x 100%
MOC CI casing with SS 304 impeller
RPM - 1450
Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Ash water make-up pumps for seal water
Quantity Nos 2 x 100%
MOC CI casing with SS 304 impeller
RPM - 1450
Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Twin compartment RCC Overhead
Service & Potable water tank for Plant tank to enable gravity distribution.
Service Water compartment 500 m
Potable water Tank 75 m
Provision of suction line from Overhead
water tank with isolation valve for Colony
Transfer Pumps ( 2 x100 %) with
necessary provision of electrics To be provided.
Boiler floor wash pumps
Quantity Nos 2 x 100%
MOC CI casing with SS 304 impeller
RPM - 1450
Type Horizontal Centrifugal

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Portable submersible De-watering
Quantity No 2
Capacity M3/hr 100
Head MWC 20
MOC SS 316 L
Discharge hose Required
Cable Length m 50 (Minimum)
Trolley Required
Nett Capacity M3/day Contractor to furnish
Number of streams No 3x50%
BWRO – 3x50%
Capacity MB – 3 x 50%
To meet downstream DM water
Net flow rate of BWRO requirement
Scheme Brackish water RO + Mixed Bed
DM Water Quality
Conductivity < 0.1 micro Siemens/cm at 25 Deg C
Reactive Silica ppb < 10
pH 6.8 to 7.2
BWRO Feed Pumps
Quantity Nos Two working + 1 Standby
Casing + Impeller+ Shaft CF8M / SS 316
Type Horizontal centrifugal
RPM 1500
Micron Cartridge Filter
Quantity Nos 3 X 50%
Cartridge Filter MOC GRP / SS 316L
Cartridges PP, 2.5" x 40", 5 microns nominal
BWRO High Pressure Pumps
Quantity Nos Two working + 1 Standby
Casing + Impeller+ Shaft CF8M / SS 316
Type Vertical in line multi stage centrifugal
RPM 1500
BWRO System
No Of Trains Nos 3 x 50%
System recovery % Minimum 70
500 irrespective of the TDS at the
outlet of SWRO system. Additional
TDS load if any due to Lime & CO2
dosing in SWRO product water shall
Design Inlet TDS ppm be taken care in the system design.
Outlet TDS ppm < 20
Capacity To meet DM water requirements
Average System Flux LMH < 25
HP Piping MOC SS 316L
BWRO reject water tank
Quantity No 1
Capacity 4 hours storage
BWRO reject water transfer pumps

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Quantity Nos 2 (1W+1S)
As per system requirement with
Capacity & head suitable margin
MOC SS 316
RPM 1500
CIP System for BWRO
Capacity Suitable for cleaning one BWRO
Cleaning Pumps 2 x 100%, SS 316
Cartridge Filter 1 no, 5 micron rating, SS 316
Cleaning Tank One FRP, One cleaning volume + 20%
Degasser System
Quantity of Towers Nos 2 x 50%
MOC (Towers, Blowers & Ducting) FRP
Blowers quantity Nos Three ( 2W + 1 S)
Degassed water tank/MB Feed Water
Quantity No One (common for both streams)
Capacity Hrs 1 hour storage
MOC FRP/RCC with suitable lining
DM Feed Pumps
Quantity Nos Three ( 2 W + 1 S)
Casing + Impeller CF8M / SS 316
Type Horizontal centrifugal
RPM 1500
Strong Acid Cation exchanger
Quantity Nos 2 x 50%
Net Flow rate per hour m /hr Contractor to indicate
Service cycle Hrs 20 hrs service 4 hrs regeneration
Regeneration Chemicals HCl
IS 2825 & IS 2062 with internal
Design code and MOC rubber lining as per 4682 Part I
Strong Base anion exchanger
Quantity Nos 2 x 50%
Net Flow rate per hour m /hr Contractor to indicate
Service cycle Hrs 20 hrs service 4 hrs regeneration
Regeneration Chemicals NaOH
IS 2825 & IS 2062 with internal
Design code and MOC rubber lining as per 4682 Part I
Mixed Bed Units
Quantity Nos 3 x 50%
Net Flow rate per hour m /hr Contractor to indicate
Service cycle Hrs 48
Regeneration Chemicals HCl and NaOH
Regeneration System Acid Alkali
Bulk storage Tank MOC, 2 nos, FRP (Bisphenol), 30 days
requirement each or one tanker
capacity of 20 KL whichever Is
Unloading Pumps PP SS 316
Capacity & head 15 m3/hr and 15 mlc
RPM 1500
Acid Measuring Tank FRP,120% of one regeneration

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Quantity Two (2)
Caustic Measuring Tank FRP,120% of one regeneration
Quantity Two (2)
Agitator Required.
MOC of agitator SS 316 for caustic tank
Ejectors Mild steel ebonite lined
Hot water tank for Caustic regeneration
Quantity One
Capacity To suit the system requirements
Temperature 60 ° C
Heating Method Electrical, with heating elements
Thermal Insulation To be Provided
MB Air Blower
Quantity Nos Two (1 W + 1 S)
MOC CI Body, DI lobes and EN9 shaft
Type Twin Lobe, Oil free discharge
Neutralization System
Neutralization Pit MOC RCC with acid/alkali proof lining
Quantity One with 2 compartments
1.5 times the waste generated from
Capacity (each compartment) regeneration of MB and CPU unit.
Neutralization By PVC Air grid , Re-circulation &
Chemical addition by Acid & Caustic
Air shall be tapped from MB blower.
Neutralized waste disposal Pumps Two (1 W + 1 S), CF8M/SS 316
Capacity To dewater the N. Pit in 4 hours
Type Horizontal centrifugal
Casing + Impeller CF8M / SS 316
RPM 1500
Priming arrangement Required
Priming Tank Capacity 5 - 6 times the suction pipe volume
- (min).
Priming Tank MOC - FRP
Piping MOC
Low Pressure Piping CPVC/MSRL
HP Piping for BWRO SS 316 L
Chemical handling Lines CPVC
LP Piping > 8" CI body, SS 304 disc, EPDM seat
HP Piping for BWRO (Isolation) Ball Valve, SS 316
Process Piping < 8" Diaphragm Valves, CIEL
RO Control Valve Globe, SS 316
Chemical Lines Diaphragm valves
DM water storage tank
Quantity No Two (one for each unit)
Space for another 2 tanks for future unit. To be provided.
Capacity per tank Hrs 1500 MT of DM water.
MOC Carbon Steel epoxy painted.
CO2 absorption system for Vent line Required
PVC/PP Balls Required in Three layers
Seal Pot Arrangement for Overflow Required

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Manhole Two in shell and one in Roof.
DM water transfer Pumps
Quantity Nos Three ( 2 W + 1 S)
Space provision for pumps of future units To be provided.
Casing / Impeller / Shaft CF8M / SS 316
Type Horizontal centrifugal
RPM 1500
MB Regeneration Pumps
Quantity Nos Two ( 1 W + 1 S)
Casing / Impeller / Shaft CF8M / SS 316
Type Horizontal centrifugal
RPM 1500
Electro Chlorination for 2 x 660 MW
No. of streams 2
Capacity of each stream To meet requirement for 2 x 660 MW
kg/hr units
Available Cl2 Content at outlet ppm 2000
Acid Cleaning System Required
Electro Chlorination System Booster
Quantity Nos 3 x 50 %
Capacity M3/hr By Contractor
Material of Construction
Duplex SS 2205 to UNS 31803
Casing/ Impeller
PREN > 38
Shaft Duplex SS ASTM A 890 CD 4M CU
RPM 1500
Automatic self-cleaning filters
Quantity Nos 3 x 50 %
Capacity M3/hr By Contractor
MOC of mesh SS 316L, 500 microns
MOC of shell MSRL/FRP
Quantity As per system requirement
Capacity As per system requirement
Design electrode life > 5 years
Material of Construction
Anode Titanium as per ASTM B265 Grade ll
with MMO coating.
Cathode Titanium as per ASTM B265 Grade ll
Shell PVC lined with FRP, To be designed
to withstand 1.5 times of booster
pumps shut off pressure.
MOC of gasket Titanium impregnated with ebonite
Range of operation of plant 10 to 100%

Instruments - hypo storage tanks level

transmitter, dosing flow transmitters,
differential pressure transmitters, feed
temperature transmitters, flow control valve
for electro chlorination system, differential
pressure transmitters for self-cleaning filters
and hydrogen detection system. To be considered.
Transformer - Rectifiers One for each Electrolyser Unit

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Hypo Storage Tanks Two (2) Nos. Common for Cooling
water system, Pretreatment plant,
Potable water system, STP and other
if any.
One (1) near Intake Pump house for
intake system

Hydrogen Sensors To be provided
Hypo dosing pumps for Cooling Water
System- Continuous dosing
Quantity 3 x 50%
Capacity As per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
RPM 1500
Hypo dosing pumps for Cooling Water
System- Shock dosing
Quantity 2 x 100 %
Capacity As per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
RPM 1500
Hypo dosing pumps for Desalination
Quantity 2 x 100 %
Capacity As per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
RPM 1500
Hypo dosing pumps for Potable water
Quantity 2 x 100 %
Capacity As per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
1 no, to store 24 hrs potable water
Hypo dosing tank for potable water disinfection requirement, FRP
Hypo dosing pumps for STP
Quantity 2 x 100 %
Capacity By Contractor
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
1 no, to store 24 hrs potable water
Hypo dosing tank for STP disinfection requirement, FRP
Hypo Transfer pumps to Intake Pump
house Tank
Quantity 2 x 100 %
Capacity as per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
RPM 1500
Hypo dosing pumps for Intake Water
System - Continuous
Quantity 3 x 50%
Capacity As per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
RPM 1500
Hypo dosing pumps for Intake Water
System – Shock
Quantity 2 x 100%

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Capacity as per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
RPM 1500
Hypochlorite storage tank
Quantity nos 2 x 50%
To store 24 hours of plant
Total Capacity requirement
Hypochlorite storage tank- Intake pump
Quantity 1 x100%
To store 24 hours of plant
Capacity requirement
Dilute Hydrochloric Acid
Storage Tank
Quantity 1x100%
20 KL or 30 days stock which ever is
Capacity high
Hydrochloric acid Circulation pumps
Quantity 2 x 100 %
Capacity As per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft PP
RPM 1500
Acid measuring tank
Quantity No. 1
To store 120% of one cleaning
Capacity requirement
H2 Dilution air blowers
Quantity (1W+1S ) for each Hypo storage tank
Capacity & Head as per system requirement
M.O.C of Casing, Impeller & Shaft SS 316
Type Horizontal Centrifugal blowers
Transformer – Rectifiers
One dedicated for each Electrolyser
Quantity Unit
Method of control Thyristor
Output DC current as per system requirement
Output DC voltage As per system requirement
Cooling type Air Cooled
Diffuser assemblies
As per system requirement with a
minimum of one diffuser set per CW
pump chamber, one no. in stilling
1 no, to store and neutralize the
cleaning effluents from electrolyzer
Neutralization pit units
2 x 100%, SS 316, horizontal
Neutralization pit disposal pumps centrifugal pumps
Effluent Treatment Plant
Boiler Blow down water

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Sump One per Boiler
Pump Type Vertical Centrifugal
Capacity To suit the system
Head To suit the system
Quantity 1W+1S
Floor wash
Sump One per Boiler. However as per
layout, the quantity shall be
increased by the Contractor.
Pump Type Vertical Centrifugal
Capacity To suit the system
Head To suit the system
Quantity 1W+1S
Coal Pile run off handling system
Qty. - 2 x 100%, Capacity to be
arrived based on maximum rainfall
Settling pond with overflow sump data
Coal pile run off pumps type Vertical Centrifugal
Capacity to be arrived based on
Capacity maximum rainfall data
Head To suit the system
Quantity 1W+1S
Oily waste water–TG Area
Qty. – 1no. Capacity – to suit system
Oily waste water sump requirement.
Pump Type Screw Pumps
Capacity To suit the system
Head To suit the system
Quantity 1W+1S per unit
MOC CI as per IS: 210 FG 260
Rotor Stainless Steel 316
Shaft Stainless Steel 316
Shaft sealing Mechanical Seal
Casing & Rotor housing Material CI as per IS: 210 Gr. 260
Hardened and tempered alloy steel
Driving gear with machine cut teeth and ground
Oily waste water–Fuel oil Area
Qty. – 1no. Capacity – to suit system
Oily waste water sump requirement.
Pump Type Screw Pumps
Capacity To suit the system
Head To suit the system
Quantity 1W+1S per unit
MOC CI as per IS: 210 FG 260
Rotor Stainless Steel 316
Shaft Stainless Steel 316
Shaft sealing Mechanical Seal
Casing & Rotor housing Material CI as per IS: 210 Gr. 260
Hardened and tempered alloy steel
Driving gear with machine cut teeth and ground

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Vol-II Section 2-14 WTP_R0 2.14 PWT, WW& Chemical Treatment Systems
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Oily water Collection tank One
Capacity m3 50
Oil water Separator Feed pump
Pump Type Screw Pumps
Capacity To suit the system
Head To suit the system
Quantity 1W+1S
MOC CI casing with SS 316 Rotor & shaft
Oil water separator
Type API/TPI type
Quantity 1
Capacity To suit the system
2 nos, 1000 litres min capacity each,
Slop oil tank GRP
ETP Common Collection tank One
Capacity m Capacity to be arrived considering
coal pile runoff water during
maximum rainfall period and boiler
area floor wash waste.
Clarifier Feed pumps
Pump Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Capacity Capacity to be arrived considering
coal pile runoff water during
maximum rainfall period and boiler
area floor wash waste.
Head To suit the system
Quantity 1W+1S
RPM 1500

Type Plate Type Lamella Clarifier
Quantity One
Suitable to treat the effluent
Capacity generated from 2 x 660 MW units.
2 x 100% dosing pumps, MOC –PP
2 nos of dosing tank shall be
provided for each dosing system with
Coagulant/Coagulant aid Dosing System 12 hrs storage capacity each along
with SS 316 agitators, level gauges,
level switches, fume absorbers,
overflow and drain lines
Central Monitoring basin
Quantity One
Compartments Two
Total Effective Capacity One day storage
Treated water transfer pumps
Pump Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Capacity to be arrived considering
coal pile runoff water during
maximum rainfall period and boiler
Capacity area floor wash waste.
Head To suit the system
Quantity 1W+1S

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Vol-II Section 2-14 WTP_R0 2.14 PWT, WW& Chemical Treatment Systems
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

Sewage Treatment Plant (2 x 660 MW)
Shall be Designed considering 0.5
person per MW and 45 litres per
capita per day + Sewage effluent
Capacity from Port of 10 m3/day.
Treated water Shall meet the requirements of
TNPCB and will be used for
Bar screen chamber To be provided.
Oil and grease removal chamber To be provided
Common sewage collection sump
Quantity No 1
Capacity To hold 10 hours generation
Material of construction RCC
STP feed pumps
Quantity No 2 x 100%
Type Submersible / horizontal centrifugal
MOC CI with SS impellers
Capacity and head To suit system requirement.
Aeration tank
Quantity No 1
Material of construction RCC
Tube settler
Quantity No 1
Capacity To suit system requirement
Material of construction. RCC
Hypo dosing system
Dosing tank 1 no, MOC – HDPE
Dosing pumps 2 x 100% , MOC - PP
Clarified water tank
Quantity No 1
Storage 4 hours
Material of construction RCC
Filter feed pumps
Quantity No 2 x 100%
Type horizontal centrifugal pumps
MOC CI with SS impellers
Capacity and head To suit system requirement.
Pressure sand filters
Quantity No 1
Activated carbon filters
Quantity No 1
Treated water collection tank
Quantity No 1
Capacity 4 hours storage
Material of construction RCC
Treated water transfer pumps 2nos. capacity – as per system
Note: All the capacities specified for tanks are effective volume.

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Vol-II Section 2-14 WTP_R0 2.14 PWT, WW& Chemical Treatment Systems
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, fabrication, manufacture
& assembly, inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of the fire protection system.


The scope of supply shall include, but not limited to, the following:
• Fire water pumping system combined for Hydrant system and MVWS system – The fire
hydrant and MVW spray system shall have a dedicated adequate number of electrical
motor driven main fire water pumps (minimum 3 Nos.) and 50% standby diesel engine
driven pumps (minimum 2 Nos.).

• Fire water pumping system for HVW Spray system – The spray system shall be provided
with dedicated pumping system comprising of adequate number of electric motor driven
pumps and 100% standby diesel engine driven pumps.

• The common pressurization unit shall be provided for hydrant and spray water system
network. Pressurization unit shall consist of Two (2) nos. of electric motor driven fire
water jockey pumps (one working + one standby), One (1) no. hydro-pneumatic tank and
Two (2) nos. air compressors (one working + one standby) of adequate rating for
pressurization of hydro-pneumatic tank shall be provided.

• Fire water booster pumping system - Dedicated fire water booster pumps comprising of
adequate number of electric motor driven main pumps and 100% diesel engine driven
standby pumps shall be provided for higher elevation of boiler units/transfer
towers/bunker floors.

• The seawater intake pump house shall be provided with one (1) no of Diesel Engine
driven vertical turbine pump of capacity 410 m3/hr for supplying fire water to the coal
stockpile area ring main header for fighting large coal stockpile fire. The material of
construction for the pumps, piping and isolation gate valves (Duplex stainless steel) shall
be rated for seawater duty. The sea water fire water pump outlet shall be connected to
the main fire hydrant network near the coal stockpile through a normally closed isolation
(Duplex stainless steel) gate valve.

• Hydrant system shall be provided for all the buildings, equipments and entire area of
inside the power plant boundary including Boiler and ESP Areas, Mill Reject Handling
System compressor house, ESP Control Building, Fly ash equipment building, HFO &
HSD Pump House Area, HFO & HSD storage tanks and dyke area, Compressor House,
Diesel Generator Area, Generator, Station, Unit transformers and all auxiliary
Transformers, CW Pump House,Electrochlorination building (CW), Water Pretreatment
Plant, Sludge Pump House, FIltered Water Reservoir and Pump House, Sea Water Intake
Pump House, DM Plant with acid and alkali bulk storage tanks, Chemical House, Coal
Handling Plant and Coal Storage Yards including all transfer points, bunker bay
conveyors, sub-stations and control room, office building(Coal handling shall include
complete ECHS & ICHS) Crusher House, Coal Handling Control Building, Ash Handling
Plant Area including Ash Slurry Pump House, Ash Water Pump House, FA Conveying
Blower Room, MCC rooms, All storage areas including O & M Store, Effluent treatment
Plant, Open Storage Yard, Transformer Yard, GIS Switchyard & Grid Control Room
Building, Service Building, Administrative building, CPU Regeneration building, All gate

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

houses, Canteen, Workshop, Chimney area, Diesel filling station, Fire water pump house,
Cooling Tower Area, Fire Station, Ash silo area and any other building equipments
inside power plant boundary.
• High Velocity Water Spray System (HVWS) for Generator transformers, Unit Auxiliary
Transformers, Unit Transformers, Station Auxiliary Transformers, Standby/ Maintenance
transformers, Bus reactors, CHP auxiliary transformers, AHP auxiliary transformers and
Station transformers (All oil filled transformer of rating 10 MVA and above), turbine oil
canal pipe lines in main plant, Boiler feed pumps lube oil tanks, coolers, consoles etc,
Boiler burner front, main lube oil tank, clean and dirty lube oil tanks, and Generator seal
oil system tanks and its coolers.
• Water spray system for steam turbine bearing housing and air pre-heaters or any other
fire protection system as recommended by equipment supplier.
• Nitrogen injection based fire protection system in addition to automatic high velocity spray
system shall be provided for transformers of 220Kv or higher voltage.
• Medium Velocity Water spray system – Cable gallery/Cable spreader rooms in the whole
plant such as main plant area, ESP, AHP, CHP, WTP, CW, Sea water intake, FOPH and
Switchyard control building etc, All Coal conveyor gallery in tunnels/underground and
above ground, Transfer points, Junction tower and crusher house entire coal handling
system of inside the plant boundary, Fuel oil pump house (Unloading and Forwarding
pump house), Fuel oil storage tanks and Emergency DG building.
• Foam system shall comprises of SS foam tank, foam pumps foam inductors, balance
proportioners, foam makers with discharge outlets, associated interconnection (SS and
GI) piping, valves, fittings, instrumentation etc. for Fuel oil storage tanks.
• Portable and mobile fire extinguishers for entire plant buildings, equipment area, entire
• Fire tenders (One no. water type fire tender and One no. foam tender) with all equipments
as per TAC norms with bay to station all fire vehicles.
• Two (2 nos.) numbers of fully equipped ambulance (Ventilators, oxygen cylinder, first aid
kid, etc.) with all fittings and Fire Jeep.
• Fire tenders, Ambulance and Fire Jeep, All the vehicles (5 Nos.) shall be registered,
permit and tax paid before handing over to TANGEDCO with name transfer.
• Clean agent (Automatic inert gas) gas flooding system for Central Control Room, Control
Equipment Room, Computer Room and UPS & inverters Room in the TG building.
• Fire Detection and Alarm system for all Central Control rooms, Control Equipment Room,
battery rooms, all switchgear rooms / MCC rooms, Computer rooms, Cable spreader
rooms in whole plant such as main plant area, ESP, AHP, CHP, WTP, CW, Sea water
intake, FOPH and Switchyard control building etc, Detection system for various
equipments and in other auxiliary buildings cable spreader, MCC room and Control room.
• All necessary instruction and warning plates.
• All necessary facemasks, fire jackets, breathing and resuscitation apparatus and/or other
protection devices for optimal protection of the personnel of fire station equipments. Fire
service station with all equipments as per TAC norms with bay to station all fire vehicles
• Passive fire protection measures such as fire barriers for cable galleries and shafts etc.,
fire retardant coatings, fire resistant penetration sealing for all openings in floors, ceilings,
walls etc., fire proof doors etc., shall be provided to prevent spreading and for
containment of fire.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


The Power Plant is classified as Ordinary Hazard Occupancy as per TAC. The design and
installation of complete fire protection system shall comply with regulations of Tariff Advisory
Committee (TAC) of India. In the absence of TAC regulations, the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) standard shall be adopted. All equipment, special purpose fittings,
couplings or accessories shall be approved and certified for use in fire protection system
application by TAC/UL/FM.

Fire water reservoir

The source of water required for hydrant and spray system shall be from the reserve storage
provided in the desalination water storage tank. The tank shall have two equal compartments
and both the compartments shall be connected to a common suction header of fire water
pumps so that any fire pump can be fed by either fire water storage compartment as per TAC
regulations. At least two (2) headers shall be taken out of pump house for making loops
around various risks. Each loop shall be interconnected for better reliability of the system. To
isolate the system due to damage/repair, suitable nos. of gate valves should be provided.

Pump house equipments

Dedicated fire water pumps shall be provided for the fire hydrant and spray system. Blind
flange with valve connection for future expansion to be provided in the fire hydrant and spray
system network. The fire water pump capacity and head will be designed as per the system
requirement/TAC recommendation. The adequate number of fire water pumps (No. of Pumps,
pump capacity and head will be firmed up during the detail engineering) shall be provided.

The fire hydrant and MVW spray system shall have a dedicated electrical motor driven main
fire water pumps (minimum 3 Nos.) and 50% standby diesel engine driven pumps (minimum 2

Separate fire water pumping system with electric motor driven spray pumps and 100%
standby diesel engine driven pumps shall be provided for HVWS system. The electrical power
supply scheme for the motor driven fire pumps shall be in line with the TAC requirements.

All standby diesel engine driven pumps shall be provided with 2 x 100% Battery chargers and

The fire water pumping system equipments are located in the comprehensive pump house,
adjacent to the desalination water storage tank.

The common pressurization unit shall be provided for hydrant and spray water system
network. Pressurization unit shall consist of Two (2) nos. of electric motor driven fire water
jockey pumps (one working + one standby), One (1) no. hydro-pneumatic tank and Two (2)
nos. air compressors (one working + one standby) of adequate rating (Initial filling of
compressed air shall be provided within 2 hours) for pressurization of hydro-pneumatic tank
shall be provided.

Interconnection between hydrant and spray system headers shall be provided by means of
providing a normally closed isolation valve and non-return valve which permits flow from
hydrant system to spray system and not vice versa.

Dedicated fire water booster pumps comprising adequate number of electric motor driven
main pumps and 100% diesel engine driven standby pumps shall be provided for higher
elevation of boiler units/transfer towers/bunker floors. The pumps and the drivers shall be
complete with all accessories and appurtenances.

Above-ground piping shall be duly painted and complete with all fittings, isolation gate valves,
check valves, globe valves, vent valves, drain valves and instrument isolation valves including
check valve, etc. as required for the completeness of the system.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Pumps shall have continuously rising head characteristic curve towards shut-off with the
highest head at shut off. Pumps shall be suitable for parallel operation. Pumps shall have
non-overloading characteristics to avoid motor overload.

Pumps shall be capable of furnishing not less than 150% of rated capacity at a head of not
less than 65% of rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120% of rated head for
horizontal centrifugal pumps and 140% of rated head for vertical pumps.

The rating of electric motor shall be selected to provide the power required to drive the pump
at 150% of its rated discharge. The rating and design of motors and switchgears shall
conform to the relevant Indian Standards Specification. The motor shall be of continuous
rating type and its rating shall be at least equivalent to the horsepower required to drive the
pump at 150 % of its rated discharge.

The diesel engine drive of fire pump shall be rated at 120% of power required at duty point or
at least equal to the power required by pump at 150% discharge at 65% head, whichever is
higher after necessary correction for altitude and ambient temperature. The engine driven fire
pumps shall be provided with redundant starting batteries.

Hydrant system
Hydrant system shall consist of a fire water ring main network of piping along with Isolation
gate valves installed above ground (on RCC pedestals) around areas to be protected, hydrant
valves (external / internal), hoses (15M/7.5M long hoses), hose cabinets, couplings, branch
pipe, nozzles and water monitors along with all accessories. All accessories such as MS
painted hose boxes etc. shall be provided as per TAC. External hydrants 'Hose houses or
hose boxes' shall be located all around the periphery of buildings and internal hydrants 'Hose
boxes' shall be provided at each landing floor of staircases through above ground main.
Outdoor type fixed water monitors shall be provided for ESP areas, Boiler house, tall
buildings, Coal stock pile area, bunker building, junction towers/transfer towers and other
areas in the coal conveyors at locations where water cannot reach from hydrant system.
When height of structure, tower exceeds 15M, the concerned hydrants shall be replaced by
water monitors.

• The hydrant network shall be sized to ensure that about 3.5 kg/cm2 pressures are
available at the hydraulically remotest point (As per TAC) in the system with the hydrant
pump discharging at rated head and capacity.
• The velocity in the hydrant main shall not exceed 5.0 m/s.
• At least two hydrant ring mains shall be provided with separate ring main for the main
• Spacing of each outdoor hydrants shall be provided 45Mts.distance. The Internal
hydrant//Landing valves shall be provided 45M distance in case of TG Hall, Mill Bay,
Boiler and other area 30M distance in each floor space.
• Hydrants shall not be located less than 2M from building. No building shall be deemed to
be protected by a hydrant unless such hydrant is within 15M of the building.
• Each of the landing valves and external hydrant valves associated with the main plant
(Transformer yard, TG building and Boiler area) areas be provided with a hose box.
• Each ring mains be terminated with an isolation valve and a blind flange at all the corners
to enable future expansion/modification by the client.
• Fire water booster system pump head shall be designed for internal hydrant of the
farthest top most floor (boiler drum) of the boiler and pressure will be tested at that
• Fire brigade connection shall be provided.
• All the landings of boiler staircases, turbine buildings and other multi-storied structures,
Coal handling plant transfer points/junction towers, crusher house, bunker floors and
other Auxiliary buildings/non-plant buildings shall be provided with landing valves with
hose box including the hose reels.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

High velocity water spray system

HVWS system shall be designed as per TAC regulations. HVWS shall consist of above
ground piping, along with relevant fittings, Deluge valves, Strainers, isolation gate valves,
spray nozzles, quartzoid bulb detector and pressure switches. HVWS system shall
automatically detect, control and extinguish any out-break or fire and simultaneously give
audible alarm. This shall hydraulically open the deluge valve thus allowing water to be
sprayed on to the equipment/area through projector nozzles in the form of a solid conical
emulsifying spray. Local audible alarm shall be produced by water motor alarm gong. The
operation of the Deluge Valve shall be annunciated in the Local Zonal Fire Alarm Panel as
well as in the Central Fire Detection and Alarm Panel. The system shall also have a manual
over riding facility along with regular testing facility.

Isolation gate valve and y-type strainer shall be provided on upstream and downstream side
of deluge valve. Fast acting butterfly vales shall be provided as a bypass to deluge valve, so
that this valve can be kept closed and can be operated manually, if there is any malfunction of
deluge valves.

The density of spray for various high velocity water spray system shall be as follows:

Area/ Equipment Spray density Applicable

for each area code
Generator transformers, Unit Auxiliary Transformers, 10.2 lpm/m TAC
Unit Transformers, Station Auxiliary Transformers,
Standby/ Maintenance transformers, Bus reactors,
CHP auxiliary transformers, AHP auxiliary
transformers, Station transformers and All other oil
filled transformer of rating 10 MVA and above, turbine
oil canal pipe lines in main plant, Boiler feed pumps
lube oil tanks, coolers, consoles etc, Boiler burner
front, main lube oil tank, clean and dirty lube oil tanks,
and Generator seal oil system tanks and its coolers.

• The pressure at the hydraulically most remote projector in the network shall not be less
than 3.5 bars for outdoor transformers as per TAC manual.
• Boiler burner front detection and spray distribution pipe shall be flanged connection with
no leakage including with all accessories.
• A pressure switch shall be provided at the down streamside of the deluge valve for
remote annunciation of “Deluge Valve Open” alarm in the main Fire Alarm panel in central
Control Room. Another pressure switch shall be provided in the detection line of the
system for remote annunciation of “Detection circuit operated” alarm in the main Fire
Alarm panel in central Control Room.
• Placing of spray nozzles shall be such that their spray cones overlap each other.

Medium velocity water spray system

MVWS system shall be designed as per TAC regulations. The medium velocity spray system
shall consist of a network of open spray nozzles fitted with a special deflector to give required
angle of discharge for the water around the area to be provided. The sprayers shall discharge
a cone of water spray consisting of medium size droplets of water. The water supply to the
MVWS system shall be controlled by a deluge valve which shall operate electrically actuated
solenoid valve on release of water pressure.

Local audible alarm shall be produced by water motor alarm gong. The operation of the
Deluge Valve shall be annunciated in the Local Zonal Fire Alarm Panel as well as in the
Central Fire Detection and Alarm Panel. The system shall also have a manual over riding
facility along with regular testing facility.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

In order to avoid total flooding of the entire area of cable gallery / coal conveyor system, the
area to be protected by MVWS system shall be divided into number of zones. Each zone shall
have separate water supply network controlled by a deluge valve. A fire detection system
provided for the MVWS protected area shall sense fire and shall actuate the deluge valve. In
the event of fire in one zone, the deluge valve of corresponding zone and those of adjacent
zones on either side shall be opened.

The cable galleries shall have number of rows of cable trays and each row will have number
of tiers of cable trays. Each of the cable rows shall be provided with a network of water
distribution piping and nozzles. The distribution network shall consist of distribution header for
each row of cable tray and on these headers drop pipes shall be provided so as to cover all
the tiers. Fire in the cable gallery/cable spreader room, addressable multi-sensor detector
supplemented with linear heat sensing cable of digital type shall be used for detection of fire.
Upon detection of fire MVW spray system shall be brought into operation by automatically
opening of deluge valve, which shall allow the projectors located in that areas to direct water
in the form of spray, which will cut off oxygen supply and extinguish the fire.

The MVWS system for coal conveyors shall be provided for both top and return conveyors.
Junction towers/Transfer towers, Crusher house, and all other area shall also be covered.
Fire in the coal conveyor will be detected by the linear heat sensing cables and infrared
ember detectors which shall provide signal for electrical actuation of deluge valve. MVWS
system spray nozzles shall be provided in row centre of the conveyor belt for top conveyor
(The sprayers shall be installed in rows at the ceiling level above the centre of each conveyor
belt and spaced at not more than 4M) and on either side of the conveyor at 4m intervals.
Staggering of sprayers is recommended for bottom conveyors. Conveyor walk way shall not
be affected by MVWS system pipe routing.

The MVWS system for fuel oil pump house and EDG building shall be designed considering
the pump house as a single zone. A network of pipes with spray nozzles shall be located near
the roof of the pump house which shall be connected to a deluge valve. The fire in the fuel oil
pump house and EDG building shall be detected by a detection system comprising of
quartzoid bulb detectors which shall actuate the deluge valve.

Isolation gate valve and y-type strainer shall be provided on upstream and downstream side
of deluge valve. Fast acting butterfly vales shall be provided as a bypass to deluge valve, so
that this valve can be kept closed and can be operated manually, if there is any malfunction of
deluge valves.

Probe type heat detectors shall be used for detection of fire in the fuel oil storage tanks.

• For MVW spray system of cable galleries, the density of spray shall be 12.2 Ipm/m2 of the
surface area as per TAC rules for spray system. The pressure at the hydraulically most
remote projector in the network shall not be less than 2.8 bar.
• For MVW spray system of coal conveyors, the density of spray shall be 10.2 Ipm/m2 of
the surface area as per TAC manual. The minimum pressure of 1.4 bars shall be
achieved at the hydraulically remotes sprayer. However pressure at the hydraulically
favorable sprayer shall not exceed 3.5 bars.
• For MVW spray system of fuel oil pump house and Emergency DG set building the
density of spray shall be 10.2 Ipm/m2 of the surface area as per TAC rules for spray
system. The pressure at the hydraulically most remote projector in the network shall not
be less than 1.4 bar and 2.8 bar.
• For MVW spray system of fuel oil storage tank, the density of spray shall be 3 Ipm/m2 of
the surface area same as adopted for fuel oil storage tank.
• Placing of spray nozzles shall be such that their spray cones overlap each other.
• A pressure switch will be provided at the down streamside of the deluge valve for remote
annunciation of “Deluge Valve Open” alarm in the main Fire Alarm panel in central
Control Room. Another pressure switch will be provided in the detection line of the system

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

for remote annunciation of “Detection circuit operated” alarm in the main Fire Alarm panel
in central Control Room.
• The MVWS system shall be connected with fire hydrant line and tapping shall be provided
wherever required from the fire water hydrant and MVWS system ring main network.

Fixed Foam System

Fixed foam system is provided for fuel oil storage tanks. The water for the foam system shall
be tapped from the Hydrant system. The system will consist of at least two nos. of AFFF foam
concentrate tank (2 x 100% capacity of SS foam tank), foam pumps, foam inductors, balance
proportioners, foam makers with discharge outlets, associated interconnection (SS and GI)
piping, valves, fittings, instrumentation etc. It will be discharged to the foam inductors through
2x100% capacity foam (One (1) Motor driven and One (1) diesel engine driven) pumps
through balancing line, with control valves, flow controllers etc. along with deluge valves,
strainers and isolating valves fixed piping valves and other accessories, etc.

• The system shall be designed for a foam application rate of 4.1 LPM per sq. meter. The
duration of discharge shall be 30 minutes as per NFPA-11.
• The type of fire detection for the fuel oil tank will be tank mounted minimum 2 nos. of
probe type heat detector with different temperature setting for fuel oil storage tanks.
• The foam concentrate pipe line pipe and fitting shall be SS material and all other pipes
(foam water pipes) shall be GI pipes.

Automatic Clean Agent Fire Suppression System

The system shall be manufactured, designed, installed & commissioned in conformance with
the stipulations of NFPA-2001.

At least 2 x 100% capacity Inert Gas cylinder batteries with each slave cylinder complete with
non-return valve and control valve and each master cylinder having a pilot solenoid valve.
Frame work support for cylinders for each area, Discharge manifolds, hoses, nozzles, and
pneumatic horn for each area. Seamless pipe work, discharge nozzles, along with evacuation
& gas release alarms and Warning sign boards shall be provided. Discharge nozzles will be
provided on the gas distribution pipe network will be connected to a gas manifold, through a
manually operated valve. The manifold will be connected to a group of inert gas cylinders.

Portable & Mobile Fire Extinguishers

Portable CO2, Dry Chemical Powder, Foam type extinguishers and stored pressure type fire
extinguisher (ABC fire) as per TAC requirements shall be provided. Stored pressure type fire
extinguisher (ABC fire) 5 kg, Carbon Di-Oxide Type Portable Fire Extinguishers 9 kg, Dry
Chemical Powder Type Portable Fire Extinguishers 10 kg, 22.5 kg carbon di-oxide type,
trolley wheel mounted unit one each and Chemical powder type, trolley wheel mounted unit
one each for TG control room, Switch yard control room, ESP control room and Fire station
shall be provided. 50Lts foam type, trolley wheel mounted unit for TG building lube oil tank
area, Fuel oil Pumping area, Fuel oil storage tank area and Transformer area shall be

Fire Tenders
The chassis for carrying out fabrication work of fire water/foam tender shall be of Make
TATA1109/TATA 2518 or Ashok Leyland Taurus/Beaver or Volvo. The chassis shall be
equipped with power assisted steering. It shall carry an extension ladder of 10.5M length
including with hydraulic platform to operate the water monitor and shall be capable of towing a
trailer pump.

Water tender
One (1) number of water type fire tender consist of 4500Lts. capacity water tank with rear
mounted multistage high pressure pump, DCP and CO2 extinguishers including all
accessories shall be fabricated as per IS:950.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Foam tender
One (1) number of foam fire tender consist of 3000Lts. capacity water tank, 500 Lts. Capacity
foam tank with rear mounted multistage high pressure pump, DCP and CO2 extinguishers
including all accessories shall be fabricated as per IS:951/87 and IS:10460.

HT and LT Motors, MCC, Cabling system complete with cable trays, supports, conduits,
glands, lugs etc (for the cables of all the motors, push button stations, MCC/ Control panel,
Auxiliaries etc including HT motors). Earthing system, Rubber mats, First aid box, Danger
plate and any other electrical equipment and accessories required to complete fire protection

Control and operation philosophy

Fire water pumping system

The fire water ring main network shall be a pressurised system provided with automatic
starting of fire water pumps. The mode of operation of fire water pumping system shall be as

Hydrant and MVWS System

The hydrant and MVWS system shall be a pressurised system provided with automatic
starting of fire water pumps. The mode of operation of hydrant system shall be as follows:

a) In the event of fire when hydrant valves and MVWS system deluge valves are opened,
the pressure in the header will drop due to the resulting flow and at a preset low pressure
in the header, the electric motor driven pumps shall start automatically by getting an
impulse from a pressure transmitters mounted on the header.

b) In case the electric motor driven pump fails to start, the pressure in the mains will drop
further and sequentially start the other electric motor driven pumps. There will be a
provision to start the pump manually in case of emergency.

c) In case the electric motor driven pump fails to start, the pressure in the mains will drop
further and sequentially start the standby diesel engine driven pumps shall come into
operation by getting in impulse from a pressure switch provided at a preset low pressure.
There will be a provision to start the pump manually in case of emergency.

d) Stopping of all the above pumps shall be manual.

e) Jockey pumps shall not be running when main pumps are in operation.

HVW Spray System

The mode of operation of hydrant system shall be as follows:

a) On detection of fire the deluge valve is opened and water will be released from the
projectors. This will cause a drop in pressure in the HVWS mains due to the resulting flow
through the deluge valve. At a pre-set low pressure in the header, the motor driven pump
shall start automatically by getting in impulse from a pressure transmitters provided on the
header. A manual emergency release is also provided for manual local operation. Remote
/ manual operation will be possible from the deluge valve local control panel.

b) In case the electric motor driven pump fails to start automatically pressure in the mains
will drop further and the diesel engine driven pump shall come into operation by getting
an impulse from pressure transmitter provided at a preset low pressure.

c) Stopping of all the above pumps shall be manual.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

d) Jockey pumps shall not be running when main pumps are in operation.

Pressurization System

The mode of operation of the pressurization system shall be as follows:

a) This system shall keep the hydrant system under pressurised state under all conditions.

b) The pressurisation in the hydro-pneumatic tank is achieved by means of two air

compressors. Two (2) nos. jockey pumps will assure that the volume of water inside the
hydro-pneumatic tank will be refilled after reaching the minimum level.

c) Small system leakages are met by make up water supply from hydro-pneumatic tank and
electric driven jockey pump located in the firewater pump house. When the water level in
the hydro-pneumatic tank falls to a predetermined low level the jockey pump starts
automatically through an impulse from a level switch and pumps water to the hydro-
pneumatic tank. The jockey pump will stop when predetermined high level is reached in
the tank through an impulse from a level switch. However compressor shall start only
when the water level has reached a high set point and the pressure in the tank falls below
the determined set point and stops when the pressure in the tank reaches the determined
set point sensed through a pressure switch. While deciding the settings it will be ensured
that the jockey pump and compressor do not start simultaneously. The jockey pump and
compressors are capable of both start and stop in either auto or manual modes.

Booster Fire Water Pumping System

The Booster Fire Water Pumping system will operate as follows:

a) In the event of fire when hydrant valves of boiler upper elevations are opened, the
pressure in the header will drop due to the resulting flow and at a preset low pressure in
the header, the electric motor driven pump will start automatically by getting an impulse
from a pressure switch mounted on the header on the down steam / discharge end of
booster pumps.

b) In case the electric motor driven pump fails to start, the pressure in the mains will drop
further and sequentially start diesel engine driven pump. There will be a provision to start
the pump manually in case of emergency.

c) Stopping of all the above pumps will be manual.

Fixed foam system

Fixed foam extinguishing system shall be provided for the HFO/HSD storage tanks. The
probe type heat detectors provided for the fuel oil system shall be part of the fire alarm
addressable analog loop of MFAP. On receiving the signal from the probe type heat detector,
MFAP will send a signal to the local control panel of foam pump and deluge valve, which will
electrically actuate the foam system. A manual emergency release is also provided for
manual local operation.

Control and instrumentation

The system will be designed for automatic operation. Control and operations are realized in
the main plant DCS with all necessary interlocks for starting the fire water pumps in

All the fire protection equipments that includes the electric motor driven main fire pump sets,
standby diesel engine driven fire pump and associated systems are interfaced with the DCS
through the DCS remote I/O panel located at fire water pump house.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Fire water pump house shall be provided with One(1) no. 24” LCD TFT type Operator station
for control and monitoring the FPS locally in addition to remote monitoring from the central
control room in the main plant DCS.

In addition to the above, the control cum annunciation panel shall be provided with
Auto/manual selection in fire water pump house. Control cum annunciation panel shall be
connected to the MFAP for monitoring. Local control panel of booster fire pumps and foam
pumps shall be connected to MFAP for monitoring

In case of power failure, the control system remains operative by being connected to the UPS
system. It shall assure that the plant shall be shutdown according to the safety requirements.

Local Control Panels for all deluge valves shall be provided. Local control panels shall be
provided for each diesel engine driven pumps and fire water booster pumps in the respective
pump house. All the pump status annunciation in this panel/operator station shall be repeated
to the Main Fire Alarm Panel in the Central Control Room.

Fire Detection and Alarm System

Two (2) nos Main Fire alarm panel (MFAP). One (1) shall be located in the main plant central
control room and one in coal handling plant control room. The MFAP shall be Microprocessor
based analogue addressable type complete with power supply, LCD colour monitoring display
unit, matrix key pad, all input, output & control modules, 24 V sealed maintenance free battery
& battery charger, built-in hooters etc.

One (1) no Repeater Fire alarm panel (RFAP) shall be located in Fire Station. The RFAP shall
be microprocessor based analog addressable type complete with power supply, LCD display,
matrix key pad, all input, output & control modules, 24 V sealed maintenance free battery &
battery charger, built-in hooters etc.

One (1) no of Repeater Fire alarm panel (RFAP) shall be provided in the Switch Yard Control

All interface cabling between fire alarm system and DCS system for HVAC equipment
interlocks shall be complete with double compression glands, lugs, ferrules, markers etc.

Control Units, Heat detectors, Quartzoid bulb detectors, Operation work station, Addressable
analogue photo electric smoke detectors, addressable analogue fixed temperature cum rate
of rise heat detectors, indoor and outdoor manual call points hooters, response Indicators,
addressable interface units, infra red detectors emergency exit and warning signs etc. shall
be provided. Minimum one (1) no of siren (3 kM range) complete with power supply and
control unit including with all accessories. Loop cabling, interface modules etc. required for
hooking up the system for annunciation in the main fire alarm panel and supply of all erection
hardware shall be provided.

The type of detectors shall be provided in the following areas / equipments are given below:

Equipment to be protected Type of Detection System Provided

Generator transformers, Unit Auxiliary Water filled quartzoid bulb detectors and
Transformers, Unit Transformers, Station Manual call points.
Auxiliary Transformers, Standby/ Maintenance
transformers, Bus reactors, CHP auxiliary
transformers, AHP auxiliary transformers,
Station transformers and All other oil filled
transformer of rating 10 MVA and above,
turbine oil canal pipe lines in main plant, Boiler
feed pumps lube oil tanks, coolers, consoles
etc, Boiler burner front, main lube oil tank,

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Equipment to be protected Type of Detection System Provided

clean and dirty lube oil tanks, and Generator
seal oil system tanks and its coolers.
All Cable galleries/cable spreader rooms/Cable Addressable multisensor smoke detectors
vaults and manual call points. Multisensor
detector and digital LHS cable (LHS
cables shall be provided in zigzag fashion
(with an included angle of minimum 90
degree) each of the top tray, bottom tray
and in every alternate tray)along with
necessary number of interface units in the
cable gallery will be cross zoned to actuate
the water spray system.
All Switchgear rooms/MCC room, SWAS Addressable multisensor detectors (Below
room, UPS room, Computer rooms, Engineers the true ceiling, below the false ceiling and
room, Air-conditioning equipment room, false floor as the case may be) and
Control room, Control equipment room. Air manual call points.
washer room
Battery and Battery charger room, Addressable corrosion resistant rate of rise
of temperature detector with fixed
temperature element (Heat Detectors)
Fuel oil Storage tanks and dyke area Minimum 2 nos. of probe type heat
detector with different temperature setting
and flame proof manual call points.
Auxiliary buildings/non-plant buildings Addressable multisensor detectors (Below
the true ceiling, below the false ceiling and
false floor as the case may be) and
manual call points.
Water filled quartzoid bulb detectors.
Emergency Diesel Generator Building Manual call point
Water filled quartzoid bulb detectors and
Fuel oil pump house Flame proof Manual call point
Coal conveyors Linear heat sensor cables (Minimum 3
runs shall be provided one for top
conveyor centre and (2 runs) each one run
either side of the bottom conveyors),
Minimum 3 nos Infra red type detectors for
each coal conveyor: one each at a
distance of 1-2 m from tail end and head
end and one at the middle with Continuous
air-blow system for cleaning of detectors
and flame proof manual call points.
Entire Coal handling system area Flame proof manual call points.
Hydrogen generation plant room Gas detector and flame proof manual call

All Plant Buildings and entire plant area Manual call points strategically located

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Two separate dedicated fire water ring main distribution network shall be provided for
Hydrant, MVWS system and HVW Spray system as per TAC requirement

• All Hydrant, Spray and foam system pipe mains/pipes shall be routed aboveground on
top of the concrete pedestals at regular intervals. In main plant area and coal (yard) stock
pile area pipelines shall be routed in RCC pipe trenches filled with sand and covered with
pre-cast RCC removable covers. Pipe trenches crossing through road or rail shall be
through hume pipes.
• In case of requirement for modification in pipe routing during detailed engineering due to
plant layout constraints, Contractor shall carry out such modifications at no extra cost to
• Fire water pipes shall be of Carbon Steel conforming to IS: 1239 (medium grade) and
IS: 3589 (6.35mm thick).
• All aboveground piping shall be adequately supported by concrete pedestals at regular
• All buried pipes shall be double coated and wrapped as per IS: 10221 and/or IS: 15337.
• Over ground pipe normally empty but periodically charged shall be Galvanized pipes.
• The entire pipe network shall be hydraulically designed in such a way that the velocity of
water in any section does not exceed 5.0 m/s at any segment of pipe network.
• All outdoor piping shall be buried such that the top of the pipe is atleast 1.0 M below the
finished ground level.
• RCC hume pipes shall be provided as IS:458 NP class II for road crossings and NP class
III for rail crossings.
• The yard piping shall be provided with strategically located sectioalising isolation gate
valves to enable maintenance of defective pipeline and also to achieve maximum
pressure at the remotest and highest hydrant at the time of fire as per TAC requirement.
• All fire hose connection branch pipe and couplings shall be of SS 304construction and in
accordance with IS: 903.
• The pipe work shall be provided with gate valves IS:14846 at suitable location to facilitate
repairs or other necessary work on the system, all above ground valves shall be rising
stem type. All above ground Gate valves, check valves and globe valves shall confirm to
• The hydrant valve shall be of SS 304construction conforming to IS : 5290.
• The water monitors provided shall be of fixed type with Swiveling joints, SS 304 Nozzle
and conforming to IS:8442.
• Deluge valve shall be quick release, hydraulically operated diaphragm actuated type of
valve, set in closed position, by water pressure through external bypass check valve and
restriction orifice from the inlet chamber to top chamber. The Deluge valve shall be of cast
iron construction complete with all accessories.
• All the deluge valves shall be provided inside the deluge valve shed.
• Holiday test for wrapping and coating shall be provided.
• The medium/high velocity spray nozzle shall be of SS 304construction.
• Hose cabinets shall be provided with 16 SWG thick body and 3 mm glass. The hose shall
be provided with key box with break glass and pedestal where required. Fire hoses shall
be of IS 636 type-A.


a) Master drawing/document list

b) Time schedule for design, manufacture, delivery, erection, testing and commissioning.

c) Duly filled-in technical data, bill of material and prices as per specified schedules.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

d) Technical write-up for the entire fire protection, detection and alarm system.

e) Schedule for all type of fire protection, detection and alarm system for each type for
various buildings, equipment and entire plant area.

f) Flow diagram for fire water pumping system

g) Flow diagram for fire water booster pumping system

h) Flow diagram for foam pumping system

i) Flow diagram for fire water from sea water make-up pumping system

j) Schematic layout for hydrant system

k) Schematic layout for spray system

l) Flow diagram for foam system

m) Schematic diagram for inert gas flooding system

n) Schematic diagram for fire detection and alarm system

o) Schedule of portable and mobile fire extinguishers

p) Fire tender equipment details

q) Ambulance equipment details

r) Fire jeep equipment details

s) Preliminary layout drawings for the complete scope of work

t) Manufacturer’s catalogue for Fire, Protection Detection and Alarm system.

u) List of tests the Bidder proposes to carry out in shop and at site after installation including
those pertaining to their sub-contractor.

v) List of all tools, tackles and accessories required for maintenance of the offered
equipment including bought out components.

w) List of all recommended spare parts for all equipment offered including bought out
components of the offered fire protection system.

x) List of all mandatory spares for all the equipment as per TAC/technical specification

y) Power consumption list and feeder list.


a) Final version of Master Drawing/document submission schedule

b) Technical write-up for the entire fire protection, detection and alarm system.

c) Schedule for all type of fire protection, detection and alarm system for each type for
various buildings, equipment and entire plant area.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

d) P&ID for fire water pumping system

e) P&ID for fire water booster pumping system

f) P&ID for foam pumping system

g) P&ID for fire water from sea water make-up pumping system

h) P&ID for foam system

i) Piping and equipment layout for fire water pump house

j) Piping and equipment layout for fire water booster pump house

k) Piping and equipment layout for fire water in sea water make pump house

l) Piping and equipment layout for foam system pump house

m) Foundation drawings with dead load as well as operating load and other data as required.

n) GA drawings of the equipment, dimensional and sectional drawings of all equipment

giving details of materials.

o) Cross sectional drawings indicating the assembly of all the major equipment.

p) Piping layout drawings and isometric drawings including pipe support drawings for all
automatic high velocity / medium velocity spray / foam system.

q) Hydraulic calculations for Hydrant system, high velocity spray system, medium velocity
spray system and foam system.

r) Composite layout for hydrant system

s) Area wise fire water piping layout for hydrant and spray system

t) Schematic diagram for inert gas flooding system

u) Piping and equipment layout for inert gas flooding system

v) Schematic diagram for fire detection and alarm system

w) Fire detection and alarm system layout for each area

x) GA and wiring diagrams for control cum annunciation panel, PLC panel, MFAP, RAP,
local control panels etc.

y) Instrument hook-up diagram for all type of instruments

z) Protection and interlocking logics for Fire protection, detection & alarm system.

aa) Portable fire extinguisher layout for the entire plant

bb) Detailed and final drawing of fire tender equipment

cc) Ambulance equipment details

dd) Fire jeep equipment details

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ee) QAP for all manufactured and sub contracted items.

ff) Comprehensive quality assurance plan.

gg) Instruction manuals for the operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and spare parts

hh) Training manual

ii) Test procedures and details of test to be conducted.

jj) Type and Routine Test certificates, material test certificates for major components.

kk) Technical data sheet, GA drawing for motor

ll) Power consumption list and feeder list.

mm) Performance and characteristics curves for motor

nn) As-built drawings for all equipment/systems supplied under this contract and all buildings /
structures / works executed under this contract incorporating all changes/modifications
upto the time of commissioning / handling over to the Owner/consultant.

oo) Drawings/data to be required/submitted to statutory authorities

pp) List of all tools, tackles and accessories required for maintenance of the offered
equipment including bought out components.

qq) List of all recommended spare parts for all equipment offered including bought out
components of the offered fire protection system.

rr) List of all mandatory spares for all the equipment as per TAC/technical specification

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.15.1


A. Fire Water Pumps for Hydrant System and Spray System

S.No. Description Electrical Motor Diesel Engine Jockey Pump

Driven Pump Driven Pump
1.0 General Information
1.1 Duty Continuous Continuous Intermittent
1.2 Rated capacity By Contractor / By Contractor / By Contractor
(m /hr.) / Nos. (Minimum 3 nos. (Minimum 2 nos.
for Hydrant cum for Hydrant cum
MVWS system MVWS system and
and minimum 1 no minimum 1 no for
for HVWS system) HVWS system)
1.3 Rated speed (RPM) 1500 1500 2900
1.4 Total head at By Contractor By Contractor By Contractor
discharge of the
pump MWC
1.5 TAC Approved Yes Yes Yes
1.6 Services Hydrant and Hydrant and Common for
Spray System Spray System Hydrant and Spray
1.7 End connection Side suction Side suction End suction
Side discharge Side discharge
2.0 Material of
2.1 Casing SS 304 SS 304 SS 304
2.2 Impeller Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
2.3 Shaft Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
2.4 Gland Packing Graphite Graphite Graphite
2.5 Counter flange Carbon Steel IS – Carbon Steel IS - Carbon Steel ASTM
2062 2062 A 105
2.6 Base plate Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel IS -
IS 2062 IS 2062 2062

B. Hydro-Pneumatic Tank

S.No. Description Hydro-pneumatic Tank

1 Type Vertical cylindrical with dished end supported.
2 Capacity and Quantity By Contractor and 1 No.
3 Code / Standard IS : 2825
4 Working Pressure By Contractor
5 Design Temperature 60 Degree.

C. Air compressor for Hydro-Pneumatic Tank

S.No. Description Air compressor

1 Type Air Cooled Reciprocating Compressor
2 Quantity 2 Nos.
3 Application For Hydro-pneumatic Tank Pressurisation
4 Free Air Delivery and Pressure rating By Contractor

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

D. Fire Water Booster Pumps

S.No. Description Electrical Motor Driven Diesel Engine Driven

Booster Pump Booster Pump
1.0 General Information
1.1 Duty Continuous Intermittent
1.2 Rated capacity (m /hr.) / As per system requirement / As per system
Nos. One (1) requirement / One (1)
1.3 Rated speed (RPM) 1500 1500
1.4 Total head at discharge As per system requirement As per system
of the pump MWC requirement
1.5 TAC Approved Yes Yes
1.6 End connection Side suction Side suction
Side discharge Side discharge
2.0 Material of Construction
2.1 Casing SS 304 SS 304
2.2 Impeller Stainless steel Stainless steel
2.3 Shaft Stainless steel Stainless steel
2.4 Seal Mechanical seal Mechanical seal
2.5 Gland Packing Graphite Graphite
2.6 Counter flange Carbon Steel IS –2062 Carbon Steel IS -2062
2.7 Base plate Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
IS 2062 IS 2062

E. Foam Pumps

Sl. No. Description Electrical Motor Driven Diesel Engine Driven

Foam Pump Foam Pump
1.0 General Information
1.1 Type Gear Gear
1.2 Service Foam Foam

1.3 Duty Continuous Intermittent

1.4 Location In-door In-door

1.5 End connection Side suction Side suction

Side discharge Side discharge
1.6 Rated capacity (m /hr.) / By Contractor By Contractor
1.7 Rated speed (RPM) 1500 1500

1.8 Total head at discharge By Contractor By Contractor

flanged of the pump
1.9 TAC Approved Yes Yes

2.0 Material of
2.1 Casing CF8M CF8M

2.2 Rotor Gears SS 316 SS 316

2.3 Rotor Shafts SS 431 SS 431

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl. No. Description Electrical Motor Driven Diesel Engine Driven

Foam Pump Foam Pump
2.4 End Covers SS 316 SS 316

2.5 Stuffing Box Packing Mechanical Seal Mechanical Seal

2.6 Gland SS316 SS316

2.7 Base Plate M.S Fabricated M.S Fabricated

2.8 Integral Relief Valve SS 316 SS 316

F. Pipes and Fittings

Description Data
Above Ground Piping
(Normally Filled with
IS : 1239 (part I) – Heavy class ERW MS Black pipes for sizes
Pipe specification
150 NB and below.
IS : 3589 – Grade 410 (wall thickness min – 6.35mm) ERW MS
Black pipes for sizes above 150 NB
Butt welded for size 65 mm NB & higher as per ANSI B16.9 and
Pipe to pipe joint
socket. welded for sizes upto 50 mm NB as per ANSI B16.11
Flanged and drilled to ANSI 150# B16.5 with neoprene gaskets
Pipe to valve joint between flanges for sizes 50NB & above. Screwed for sizes below
IS 1239 (Part II) – heavy grade MS for sizes upto 150 NB
Fabricated from parent material for sizes above 150 NB.
Pipe fittings
Butt welded as per ANSI B 16.25 for sizes 65 NB and above
and socket welded as per ANSI-B-16.11
Bolts, nuts & washers Hot dip galvanised MS.

Corrosion protection Refer relevant page of painting clause.

Above Ground Piping
(Normally Empty)
Pipe specification IS : 1239 (Part I) – Heavy class galvanised ERW MS pipes.
Screwed flange as required for sizes 65 mm NB & above and
Pipe to pipe joint
screwed socket for sizes 50 mm NB and below.
Welding on GI Pipes shall not be carried out. All GI Pipe joint
connections shall be threaded type only with sealant Teflon
Pipe to valve joints Flanged for sizes 50NB & above, screwed for sizes below 50NB.
IS 1239 (Part II) Heavy grade galvanised MS Screwed flanged
for sizes 65mm NB & above and screwed socketed as per ANSI
Pipe fittings
B 16.11 or IS 1239, Part II for sizes 50 mm NB and below.
All fittings and flanges for galvanized pipes shall be galvanized.
Bolts nuts & washers Hot dip galvanised MS.

Pipe protection Refer relevant page of painting clause.

Foam System

Foam tank MOC SS tank

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Data
Stainless steel seamless
Stainless steel to ASTM A-312, TP-304, Sch.- 40s.
pipes upto 80NB
Fittings Stainless Steel pipe fittings

15 NB to 40 NB SS forged to ASTM A-182, F-304, 3000#

50 NB & above SS Seamless to ASTM A-403, WP-304, Sch.- 40

SS flanges Plate fabricated to ASTM A-240, TP-304

Gaskets CAF as per IS:2712, Gr.W3.

G. Valves and Specialties

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

1.0 C.I Gate Valves

1.1 Type Rising spindle type

1.2 Sizes 50 NB to 600 NB

1.3 Rating PN 1.6

1.4 End connection Flanged and drilled to ANSI 150# B 16.5

1.5 Code / Standard CI:IS 14846 rising spindle TAC approved

1.6 Material of construction

Body CI IS : 210 Gr. FG 260

Bonnet CI IS : 210 Gr. FG 260

Stem Gun metal IS : 315 CTB2 or IS:320 HT2

1.7 Testing As per IS : 14846

1.8 Test pressure Body - 24 kg/cm
Seat - 16 kg/cm

1.9 Approval ISI marked/ TAC approved

2.0 Gun Metal Globe Valves

2.1 Type Rising spindle

2.2 Sizes 50 NB to 100 NB

2.3 Rating PN 1.6

2.4 End connection Flanged to B16.5

2.5 Code / Standard IS : 778

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

2.6 Material of construction

Body GM, IS:318 Gr.2, Casting

Bonnet GM, IS:318 Gr.2

Disc GM, IS:318 Gr.2, Guided

Stem HT brass, IS:320, OS & Y, Forged

Hand wheel / lever CI IS 210 Gr. 260

2.7 Testing As per IS : 778

2.8 Test pressure Body - 24 kg/cm
Seat - 16 kg/cm

2.9 Approval ISI marked / TAC approved

3.0 C-I Check Valves

3.1 Type Swinging disc type

3.2 Size 50 NB to 600 NB

3.3 Rating PN 1.6

3.4 End connection Flanged and drilled to ANSI 150# B 16.5

3.5 Code / Standard As per latest BS / IS code.

3.6 Material of construction

Body CI IS:210 Gr. FG 260

Cover CI IS:210 Gr. FG 260

Disc CI IS:210 Gr. FG 260

Hinge pin H.T brass IS : 320 HT-2

Gasket CAF IS 2712

3.7 Testing As per latest BS / IS code.

3.8 Test pressure Body : 24 kg/cm
Seat : 16 kg/cm

3.9 Approval ISI marked and TAC approved

4.0 Butterfly Valves

4.1 Type Wafer upto 300 NB, lug type upto 500 NB

4.1 Sizes 100 NB and above

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

4.3 Rating PN 1.6

4.4 End connection Flanged and drilled to ANSI 150# B 16.5

4.5 Code / Standard IS: 13095

4.6 Material of construction

Body SA 216 Gr. WCB, casting

Shaft SS 40, stub shaft

Disc SA 216 Gr. WCB, casting

Hand wheel / lever CS

4.7 Testing AWWA-C 504

4.8 Test pressure Body - 24 kg/cm
Seat - 16 kg/cm

4.9 Approval ISI marked / TAC approved

5.0 Hydrant Valve

5.1 Type Single / Double headed, female oblique type

5.2 Code / Standard IS : 5290

5.3 End connection

Inlet Flanged and drilled to ANSI 150# B 16.5

Outlet Female instantaneous coupling with spring lock type

coupling with blank cap & chain.
5.4 Size 63 mm

5.5 Flow Contractor to indicate

5.6 Testing As per IS : 5290

5.7 Test pressure Body - 21 kg/cm
Seat - 14 kg/cm

5.10 Material of construction

Body SS 304

Female outlet SS 304

Stop valve SS 304

Blank cap SS 304

Bonnet SS 304

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

Gland SS 304

Hand wheel CI IS 210 Gr. 260

Spring Phosphor bronze to IS : 7608

5.11 Approval ISI marked / TAC approval

6.0 Water Monitor

6.1 Type Horizontal and vertical swivel type

6.2 Size 63mm / 75mm / 100mm

6.3 Code / Standard IS : 8442 Type-I

6.4 Working pressure 9.0 kg/cm
6.5 Design pressure 10.5 kg/cm

6.6 Testing
6.6.1 Test pressure 23 kg/cm

6.6.2 Flow & throw test 63mm 75mm 100mm

With water
Flow at 7 kg/cm (LPM) 1750 2580 3500

Horizontal throw (m) 53 60 64

6.7 Discharge capacity at 63mm 75mm 100mm

7 kg/cm pressure (LPM) 1750 2580 3500

6.8 Throw 63mm 75mm 100mm

With water

Min. Horizontal (M) 53 60 64

Min. Vertical (M) Contractor to indicate

6.9 Rotation 360°

Horizontal Contractor to indicate


6.10 End connection Flanged and drilled to ANSI 150# B 16.5

6.11 Material construction

Water barrel IS : 1239 (Part I)

Wire braided hose PVC

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

Nozzle SS 304

Handle MS to IS 2062

Base flange MS IS 2062. Drilled to ANSI 150# B 16.5

Reducer & 90° Elbow Seamless ANSI B 16.9 / IS:1239 (Part II) / IS 4310

Swivel joints SS 304

(horizontal & vertical)
(Horizontal / vertical) SS 304
rotation lock
Grease nipple SS 304

Drain cock SS 304

6.12 Approval ISI marked & TAC approved

7.0 Branch Pipe & Nozzle

7.1 Size 63 NB with 20 NB nozzle

7.2 Nozzle Type Hexagonal, detachable

7.3 Code / standard IS : 903-1995

7.4 Material of construction

Branch pipe / nozzle SS 304

Spanner Steel of grade C-40 to IS:1570

(Part 5) chromium or zinc plated.
7.5 Testing As per IS : 903

7.6 Approval ISI marked/ TAC approved

8.0 Hose Coupling

8.1 Type Instantaneous male and female

8.2 Size 63 NB

8.3 Code / standard IS : 903

8.4 Material of construction

Female half coupling SS 304

Male half coupling SS 304

Seal washer Rubber

Outer disc SS 304

Self locking nut SS 304

Locking latch SS 304

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

Spring Phosphor bronze

Guide disc SS 304

Knob SS 304

8.5 Testing As per IS : 903

8.6 Approval ISI marked/ TAC approved

9.0 Fire Hose

9.1 Type Reinforced Rubber lined

9.2 Size 63 mm

9.3 Code / standard IS:636 Type A

9.4 Length 15 m for external & internal hydrant

9.5 End fittings Instantaneous spring lock type coupling at both ends.

9.6 Testing As per IS : 636

9.7 Hose weight (gm/m) IS : 636

9.8 Bursting pressure IS : 636

9.9 Proof pressure IS : 636

9.10 Kink test pressure IS : 636

9.11 Change in length test IS : 636

9.12 Change in diameter test IS : 636
9.13 Approval ISI marked/ TAC approved

10.0 Hose Cabinet

10.1 Type Fabricated out of 16 G MS sheet

10.2 Size Approx. 750 x 600 x 250

10.3 Mounting - Wall / column mounted for internal hydrant pedestal

mounted for external hydrant
10.4 Special requirement (i) Each cabinet shall accommodate 2 nos. of 15 m
long hoses and 1 no. branch pipe & nozzle.
(ii) Cabinet to have double door having toughened
glass panel (3 mm) with rubber lining and marked
`Fire’ on it in 80 mm size letters.
(iii) Approved lock with duplicate keys kept wired in a
break glass key cabinet in the hose box itself.
(iv) A spanner and a set of spare rubber rings packed in
fresh chalk to be kept inside the hose box.
(v) Clamp for holding branch pipe to be provided.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

10.5 Accessories -Fastening nuts, bolts and hardware

- Hammer for breaking the glass to take out the keys
11.0 Deluge Valve

11.1 Type Quick release, diaphragm/ piston actuated

11.2 Size 80 NB, 100 NB & 150 NB

11.3 Design data Normal working pressure : 7 kg/cm
Design pressure : 10.5 kg/cm

Test Pressures:
Body = 24 kg/cm
Seat = 16 kg/cm

11.4 End connection Flanged, Flat Faced to ANSI B 16.5 #150

11.5 Type of operation Hydraulic (wet pilot)

11.6 All Trims and accessories

11.9 Material of construction

For Diaphragm type

Housing CI IS 210 Gr. 260

Cover CI IS 210 Gr. 260

Clapper Cast bronze IS 318 LTB-2

Clamp ring Cast bronze IS 318 LTB-2

Seat Cast bronze IS 318 LTB-2

Diaphragm Neoprene

Seat rubber Neoprene

For Piston type

Housing CI IS 210 Gr. 260/ eqvl.

Top & side Cover CI IS 210 Gr. 260/ eqvl.

Piston rod GM, IS : 318 Gr. 2

Piston seat GM, IS : 318 Gr. 2

Piston GM, IS : 318 Gr. 2

Valve seat GM, IS : 318 Gr. 2

Guide way GM, IS : 318 Gr. 2

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

Comp. Spring SS 304

‘O’ Ring Nitrile Rubber

Valve disc Nitrile Rubber

NRV, ball Brass, IS : 319

Bolts Stainless (wet parts)

Hot dip galvanised MS (dry parts)
11.10 Testing As per UL (Type test report to be enclosed)

11.11 Approval TAC approval

12.0 Spray Nozzles(HVWS)

12.1 Type Open type, solid cone

12.2 Working pressure 3.5 bar

12.3 Material SS304

12.4 K factor/Orifice size (mm) 17.5 / 7 & 33/10

12.5 Spray angle Contractor to indicate

12.6 Approval TAC approved

12.7 End connector Screwed, 3/4” BSP

12.8 Marking K – factor to be marked on hexagonal face.

13.0 Spray Nozzles

(Medium Velocity Water
Spray System)
13.1 Type Open type

13.2 Working pressure 1.4 – 2.8 bar

13.3 Material

Body, deflector & SS304

deflector pin
13.4 K factor / orifice size 21.05 / 6.6 mm

13.5 Spray angle 120°

13.6 Approval TAC approved

13.7 End connector ½” BSP, Screwed

13.8 Marking K – Factor to be marked on hexagonal face

14.0 Quartzoid Bulb Detector

14.1 Material SS304

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Cl.No. Description Specification Requirement

14.2 Sensitive element Heat sensitive bulb

14.3 Set temperature 79°C

14.4 Response time Less than 20 seconds

14.5 End connector ½” BSP, Screwed

14.6 Approval TAC approved

15.0 Y-Strainers

15.1 Manufacture As per approved vendor list

15.2 Sizes 80 NB to 300NB

15.3 End connector Flanged and drilled to ANSI 150# B 16.5

15.4 Screen open area to pipe 4:1

room sectional area ratio
15.5 Material of construction

Body MS to IS : 2062

Screen AISI : 316, 18 BWG

15.6 Screen mesh 30 mesh

15.7 Testing pressure Two times working pressure or 1.5 times design
pressure whichever is higher.
16.0 Gate Valves

16.1 Type Rising spindle type

16.2 Sizes 50 NB to 600 NB

16.3 Rating PN 1.6

16.4 End connection Flanged and drilled to ANSI 150# B 16.5

16.5 Code / Standard IS 14846 rising spindle TAC approved

16.6 Material of construction

Body Duplex Stainless Steel

Bonnet Duplex Stainless Steel

Stem Duplex Stainless Steel

16.7 Testing As per IS : 14846

16.8 Test pressure Body - 24 kg/cm
Seat - 16 kg/cm

16.9 Approval ISI marked/ TAC approved

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Sl.No. Parameter Unit Description

Pressurised Water Type Fire
1 Type Stored pressure type fire
extinguisher (ABC fire) 5 kg
2 Design Standard IS : 940
3 Quantity Nos. DDE
4 Guaranteed performance
a Capacity lts 5
b Max. effective range when M 7–9
tested in still air
c Min. period during which the S 75
continuous jet shall be
d Maximum period for discharge S 90
of 95% of the charge.
5 Constructional features As per design code
6 Material of construction As per design code
7 Physical data DDE
8 Accessories
a Chemical charge Yes
b Mounting brackets complete Yes
with all hardware
c Carrying Handle Yes
d Liquid level indicator Yes
e Any other as per design code Yes
9 Approvals ISI
10 Painting and testing As per manufacturer.
Carbon Di-Oxide Type
Portable Fire Extinguishers
1 Type Carbon Di-Oxide type
2 Design standard IS : 2878
3 Quantity Nos. DDE
4 Guaranteed performance
a Capacity Kg 9
b Max. effective range when m 2
tested in still air

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Parameter Unit Description

c. Min. period during which the S 8
continuous jet shall be
d Maximum period for discharge S 18
of 95% of the charge
5 Constructional features As per design code
6 Material of construction As per design code
7 Physical data DDE
8 Accessories
a Chemical charge Yes
b Mounting Brackets complete Yes
with all hardware
c Carrying handle Yes
d Liquid level indicator Yes
e Any other as per design code Yes
9 Approvals ISI
10 Painting and testing As per manufacturer.
Dry Chemical Powder Type
Portable Fire Extinguishers
1 Type Dry chemical powder type
2 Design standard IS : 2171
3 Quantity Nos. DDE
4 Guaranteed performance
a Capacity kg 10
b Max. effective range when m 4
tested in still air
c Min. period during which the S 15
continues jet shall be
d Maximum period for discharge S 20
of 95% of the charge
5 Constructional features As per design code
6 Material of construction As per design code
7 Physical data DDE
8 Accessories
a Chemical charge Yes
b Mounting brackets complete Yes

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Parameter Unit Description

with all hardware

c Carrying handle Yes

d Liquid level indicator Yes
e Any other as per design code Yes
9 Approvals ISI
10 Painting and testing As per manufacturer.
Foam Type Portable Fire
1 Type Mechanical Foam type
2 Design standard IS : 10204
3 Quantity Nos. DDE
4 Guaranteed performance
a Capacity lts 9
b Max. effective range when m 5-7
tested in still air
c Min. period during which the S 50
continuous jet shall be
d Maximum period for discharge S 60
of 95% of the charge
5 Constructional features As per design code
6 Material of construction As per design code
7 Physical data DDE
8 Accessories
a Chemical charge Yes
b Mounting brackets complete Yes
with all hardware
c Carrying handle Yes
d Liquid level indicator Yes
e Any other as per design code Yes
9 Approvals ISI
10 Painting and testing As per manufacturer.
Trolley Mounted Carbon Di-
Oxide Type Mobile Fire
1 Type Carbon Di-Oxide mobile type
2 Design standard IS : 2878

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Parameter Unit Description

3 Quantity Nos. DDE
4 Guaranteed performance
a Capacity kg 22.5
b Max. effective range when m 5
tested in still air
c Min. period during which the S 20
continuous jet shall be
d Maximum period for discharge S 60
of 95% of the charge
5 Constructional features As per design code
6 Material of construction As per design code
7 Physical data DDE
8 Accessories
a Chemical charge Yes
b Mounting brackets complete Yes
with all hardware
c Carrying handle Yes
d Liquid level indicator Yes
e Any other as per design code Yes
9 Approvals ISI
10 Painting and testing As per manufacturer.
Trolley Mounted Dry
Chemical Powder Type
Mobile Fire Extinguishers
1 Type Dry Chemical Powder Mobile type
2 Design standard IS : 10658
3 Quantity Nos. DDE
4 Guaranteed performance
a Capacity kg 50
b Max. effective range when m 8 – 10
tested in still air
c Min. period during which the S 85
continuous jet shall be
maintained at length not less
than 6 m
d Maximum period for discharge S 95
of 95% of the charge
5 Constructional features As per design code

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Parameter Unit Description

6 Material of construction As per design code
7 Physical data DDE
8 Accessories
a Chemical charge Yes
b Mounting brackets complete Yes
with all hardware
c Carrying handle Yes
d Liquid level indicator Yes
e Any other as per design code Yes
9 Approvals ISI
10 Painting and testing As per manufacturer.
Trolley Mounted Foam Type
Mobile Fire Extinguishers
1 Type Foam mobile type
2 Design standard IS : 13386
3 Quantity Nos. DDE
4 Guaranteed performance
a Capacity lts 50
b Max. effective range when m 10
tested in still air
c Min. period during which the S 40
continuous jet shall be
maintained at length not less
than 6 m
d Maximum period for discharge S 180
of 95% of the charge
5 Constructional features As per design code
6 Material of construction As per design code
7 Physical data DDE
8 Accessories
a Chemical charge Yes
b Mounting brackets complete Yes
with all hardware
c Carrying handle Yes
d Liquid level indicator Yes
e Any other as per design code Yes

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Parameter Unit Description

9 Approvals ISI
10 Painting and testing As per manufacturer.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, fabrication, manufacture
& assembly, inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of compressed air system.


The applicable standards and codes for various major equipment in Compressed Air System
are given below. Latest editions of the following standards shall also be used.

TEMA - Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer's Association

ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
IS - Indian Standards
VDI - Verein Deuscher Ingenieure
RMS - Reputed manufacturers standard


The scope of supply shall include but not limited to the following:

a. Six (06) Nos. of Screw type, Oil free Air compressors

• 3 (2W+1S) nos. for instrument air application

• 3 (2W+1S) nos. for service air requirement.
(with adequate capacity and discharge pressure as required for offered equipments shall
be provided.

b. Three (3) numbers (2W+1S) of Heat of Compression (HOC) Rotary drum type air dryers
to match instrument air compressor capacity along with all accessories including control
panel, flow meter, online digital dew point meter at the outlet of each dryer, etc.,

c. Three (03) numbers of Instrument air receivers and three (03) numbers of service air
receivers of adequate capacity shall be provided along with all accessories such as
pressure gauges, safety relief valves, electronic type auto drain traps, manual isolation /
blow off drain valves, bypass control valve, fittings, pressure indicators, etc. The air
receivers shall be vertical self-supporting cylindrical vessels with supporting legs for
resting on their foundation.


• The compressed air system shall consist of common inter connected systems for
instrument air and service air.

• The set pressure of relief valve shall be 110% of the rated discharge pressure.

• Maintenance bay of at least one compressor bay width with adequate handling facilities
and rolling shutters of adequate dimensions to enable truck entry shall be provided.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Pressure requirement shall be based on the data furnished by BTG and other packages.
Instrument air required for the coal handling system and ash handling system shall not met
by these compressors. Capacity shall be considered for the maximum compressed air
required for BTG operation (simultaneous starting of the two units.) Apart from the service
air required for the BTG and also considering usage factor of 10% of total consumer point,
service air compressor to be sized accordingly. Air consumed per station shall be
40 Nm /h. Same capacity to be maintained for the instrument and service air compressor.
Pressure drops across various items shall be included based on the layout.

• Operation of air compressors regarding selection of operating and stand by compressors

and also method of starting of stand by compressor shall be as per manufacturer’s

5.0.0 LAYOUT

Air compressors would be located indoor in a separate compressor room.

Air compressors are kept in compressor house. The compressor house shall be provided with
necessary crane to handle equipment/components during maintenance. Air receivers shall be
placed outside the compressor room. ADP equipment would be skid mounted and located
indoor. Auto drain trap shall be provided at boiler end, turbine end and wherever necessary.


6.1.0 List of drawings / documents to be submitted along with the Bid

1 Duly filled-in technical data(mechanical, Electrical and C & I) , bill of material and prices
as per specified schedules
2 List of drawings & documents attached for tender purpose
3 Deviation list
4 Spares list
5 List of all maintenance tools, tackles and accessories required for maintenance of the
offered equipment including bought out components
6 P&I diagram for compressed air system
7 GA drawing of Inter and After cooler
8 Write up & drawings related to the control system of air compressors
9 General arrangement drawings of compressor plant with details of all accessories
10 Write up on air dryer
11 P&I diagram for air dryer
12 GA drawings for air dryer
13 Battery limit drawing / information
14 List of sub vendors
15 List of comparable installations
16 Pre commissioning, commissioning and PG test procedures
17 List of tests the bidder proposes to carry out in shop and at site after installation including
those pertaining to their sub-bidder
18 A bar chart indicating design engineering, procurement, manufacture, testing at shop,
delivery, installation, testing and commissioning activity/duration of system offered.
19 Quality assurance plan (QAP) (Shop items)
20 Complete Electrical load list
21 Equipment layout
22 Signed copy of the Tender specification for acceptance
23 Control, operation and design philosophy,
24 System write up,
25 GA of control panel, PLC panel,
26 System configuration drawing
27 Air conditioning load details

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

28 User’s list,
29 Confirmation of all the clauses of the specification,
30 List of valves and flow elements,
31 list of spares, makes, catalogues and literatures,
32 QAP format
33 Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (PID) indicating primary sensors and secondary
instruments, destination Reference (alarm, control etc)
34 Technical data sheets of all instruments and control panel along with catalogue
35 General Arrangement Drawings
36 Instrument list
37 Power consumption details
38 Bill of Quantities

6.2.0 List of documents / drawings to be submitted after award of contract

6.2.1 Mechanical

i. Flow diagrams and P&I diagrams for compressed air system A

ii. Sizing calculations for compressors, air dryers, air receivers and
FAD compressed discharge pressure calculation. A

iii Shell thickness calculations for air

receiver A.

iv. Final technical data sheets for all equipment/ vessels/ instruments etc... A

v. GA drawings of compressor plant with details of all accessories A

vi. Write up for air dryer I

vii. P&I diagram for air dryer A

viii GA drawings of Inter and After cooler I

ix. GA drawing for air dryer A

x. GA drawing of air receivers. A

xi. Foundation drawings with load data for air compressor. A

xii. Write up on control system of air compressors I

xiii. Drawings related to control system A

xiv. Drawings/data sheets for valves, instruments, filters, strainers,

air, water, impulse and lube oil piping, etc. I

xv. GA drawing of compressor room showing layout of

compressors, air receivers , air dryers ,cooling water lines
within Battery limits of the package A

xvi. Operation and maintenance manual A

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

6.2.2 Electrical

For electrical drawings / documents, please refer section – 3 of this specification.

6.2.3 Control & Instrumentation

The following drawings, data / documents shall be submitted for the approval / review of the
Purchaser / Consultant by the successful bidder.

1. Detailed Control philosophy / operation philosophy / Design philosophy /

Redundancy Philosophy A

2. Engineering documents

i. Input / Output list, Instrument list, Drive list I

ii. Annunciation list & SER list A

iii. I/O Assignment, List of Set Points, JB Schedule I

iv. Loop schematics - For Each instrument I

3. Control schemes / logic diagrams A

4. Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) procedure / Site Acceptance

Test (SAT) Procedure / Availability test procedure / PG test
Procedure A

5. Detailed Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (PID) indicating

primary sensors and secondary instruments, destination
reference (alarm, control etc) A

6. Installation sketches (Individual Instrument Hook up Drawing

and Installation isometric drawings) I

7. Power supply and earthing schemes A

8. Marshalling philosophy / cabling philosophy A

9. Interconnection schedule (ICS) and cable schedule I

10. Cabinet / Panel wiring diagrams and internal layout drawings I

11. Cabinet / Panel / FTC / JB / Local Panel - terminal details I

12. Wiring diagrams for panel, local panel, junction boxes, actuators, starters etc. I

13. QAP for all major equipment A

14. GA drawings of control panel / local panel I

15. Spares list A

16. All test certificates including degree of protection certificates

and Explosion proof certificates for oil services I

17. Data sheets of all field Instruments and Control panels A

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

18. As built drawing after commissioning and O&M manual A

19. Level-II PERT for I&C system A

20. Purchase specification for PLC and all other I&C equipment. A

21. System configuration drawing A

22. Measurement / typical loop schemes for each signal type (AI,RTD,AO,DI,DO) I

23. Power distribution scheme I

24. Recommended earthing scheme I

25. UPS and battery charger A

26. Engineering inputs for implementing the communication link to DCS I

27. Storage instructions for all equipment I

28. Erection and commissioning manuals for all the systems / equipment /
components including installation drawings I

29. Design philosophy / Redundancy philosophy A

30. Grouping philosophy of control loops in controllers A

31. PLC configuration drawing / system architecture drawing including MMI A

32. Hardware and software design manual (covering exhaustive details of

complete PLC engineering) A

33. Process mimics A

34. GA drawing of control desk A

35. Annunciator window layout and inscription A

36. Data sheets of each and every item of PLC A

6.2.4 General Documents

1. Contract network schedule.

2. Details of paints and painting material.

3. Installation drawings and manuals for all equipment / systems.

4. Detailed write-up for shop tests and site performance tests

5. Integrated operation and maintenance manuals for the complete plant as well as for all
individual equipment.

6. Test certificates for type / routine and standard acceptance tests.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

7. As-built drawings for all equipment / systems supplied under this contract and all buildings /
structures / works executed under this contract incorporating all changes / modifications
upto the time of commissioning / handling over to the Owner.

8. Project Design Manual consisting of studies of all the systems, design criteria, sizing
calculations of all major equipment / systems etc.

9. Materials test certificates and performance test certificates for all equipment tested at

10. Detailed interface schedule for all terminal points identifying terminal point no., size,
material, type of connection, design flow, pressure and temperature at the terminal points.

11. Storage instructions for all equipment.

12. Drawings / data to be required / submitted to statutory authorities.

13. Schedule of instruments for performance tests.

14. Schedules of places of shop test and inspection for all equipment.

15. Detailed write-up on all pre-commissioning and commissioning activities.

Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX – 2.16.1


1.0.0 General
1.1.0 Designation Air compressor
1.2.0 Number offered
- Instrument and service air compressor 3 (2W+1S) nos. for instrument air
3 (2W+1S) nos. for service air
1.3.0 Type Two stage, Water cooled, Oil free
compressor with drive motor and
accessories like inter cooler,
after-cooler, Oil cooler, Moisture
separators, intake filters, Suction
silencers, Vibration isolators, etc.,
1.4.0 Duty mode Continuous, Load-Unload and
ON-OFF operation.
1.5.0 Control mode ‘Dual’ control mode
1.6.0 Lubrication bearing Forced
1.7.0 Location Indoor
1.8.0 Type of drive-compressor connection Direct
1.9.0 Galvanization of interconnecting piping Yes
2.0.0 Material of construction
2.1.0 Casing Cast iron with corrosion
resistance material
2.2.0 Rotor body Forged Carbon Steel coated with
2.3.0 Shaft seal High alloy steel
2.4.0 Inlet throttle valve Aluminium alloy
2.5.0 Housing of valve Aluminium alloy
2.6.0 Bull gear Alloy steel
2.7.0 Pinion gear Alloy steel
2.8.0 Timing gear Low alloy steel
2.9.0 Gear box Cast iron
2.10.0 Blow of valve Stainless steel
2.11.0 Unloading cylinder head Aluminium
2.12.0 Tube of blow off cooler / oil cooler. SS304
2.13.0 Outer casing of coolers Carbon steel
Note : Equivalent material for screw compressor shall be acceptable subject to approval
1.0.0 General
1.1.0 Designation Accessories for compressed air
1.2.0 Nos. required One set for each compressor
1.3.0 Type Horizontal / Vertical shell and tube
type with removable bundles, with
counter current flow heat
1.4.0 Location Indoor
2.0.0 Equipment parameters
2.1.0 Outlet air temperature °C 8 °C (Maximum) above cooling

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


water inlet temperature
2.2.0 Design pressure kg/cm (g) 1.25 times the maximum operating
2.3.0 Hydrostatic test pressure kg/cm (g) 1.5 times maximum operating
2.4.0 Allowable pressure drop of air kg/cm (g) 0.2
2.5.0 Minimum corrosion allowance mm 3.0
3.0.0 Material of Construction
3.1.0 Tube Copper / CU-Ni / Stainless steel
3.2.0 Shell CS SA 106 Gr.B / IS : 2002/
SA 516 Gr 70
3.3.0 Tube sheet CS SA 105 / IS : 2002 / SS 316/
SA 516 Gr 70
3.4.0 Tube support plates SA 516 Gr. 70 / IS : 2062
3.5.0 Auto-drain trap body & Trim SS 316
4.0.0 Intake Air Filter
4.1.0 General
4.1.1 Designation Intake Air Filter for compressors
4.1.2 Nos. Required One for each compressor
4.1.3 Location Suction pipe of compressor
4.1.4 Type Dry type
4.2.0 Performance Required
4.2.1 Air flow rate As per compressor flow rate
4.2.2 Filtering efficiency 99.50% down to 2 microns over
entire capacity range of
4.3.0 Special Feature
4.3.1 Operating sound level 85 dB at 1 M (max.) from edge of
4.3.2 Filtering element equivalent Compressed felt / manufacturer’s
5.0.0 Air Receiver
5.1.0 General
5.1.1 Designation Air receiver
5.1.2 Type Vertical
5.1.3 Location Outdoor
5.1.4 Receiver design code IS : 2825 / IS : 7938
5.1.5 Number Refer flow diagram
5.2.0 Equipment Parameter
5.2.1 Capacity i) Instrument Air 10 m³
ii) Service Air 10 m³
5.2.3 Design pressure 1.1 times the maximum operating
5.2.4 Hydraulic test pressure 1.5 times maximum operating
5.2.5 Relief valve set 10% higher than working pressure
or atleast equal to design pressure
whichever is higher
5.3.0 Material of Construction
5.3.1 Shell IS: 2002 Gr 2A
5.3.2 End plates IS: 2002 Gr 2A
5.3.3 Relief valve body Cast steel
5.3.4 Relief valve spring Spring steel

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6.1.0 General
6.1.2 Designation Air Drying Plant for Instrument Air
6.1.3 Type Heat of Compression (HOC)
Rotary drum type
6.1.4 Duty Continuous
6.1.5 Nos. required Nos. As per flow diagram
6.1.6 Location Indoor
6.2.0 Operating Data
6.2.1 Air flow rate Nm /min To match compressor flow rate
6.2.2 Dew point (atmospheric ) °C (-) 40
6.2.3 Maximum allowable pressure drop Kg/cm 0.3
6.3.0 Tests
6.3.1 Noise level Limited to 85 dB (A) at 1.0 m from
equipment in any direction
6.3.2 Capacity at rated discharge pressure of ASME Power test code for
compressors compressor and exhausters
6.3.3 Negative tolerance on guaranteed values of 0.00%
specific power consumption, air dryer dew
point of air, air dryer pressure drop and
water pressure drop.
6.3.4 Performance test for air dryer – Rated dew Yes
point temperature

Note: Design, MOC, annunciations, trips for compressor (within the compressor and Air
drying Plant skid) as per manufacturer standard will be subjected to approval by owner.
Manufacturer shall be as per approved vendor list. DMCW water shall be used for
Compressor cooling.

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This section covers minimum requirements for design, engineering, fabrication, manufacture
& assembly, inspection, erection, testing and commissioning of Air Conditioning and
Ventilation System and associated equipment to be provided by the Contractor.


This section sets out the scope of the installations covered by this specification as well as
required supplies and services but without excluding other necessary components and
services not mentioned.

2.1.0 Air Conditioning System

Air conditioning system shall be provided for all buildings or rooms as specified below:
• In which waste heat occurs which is not removed by other means and where, due to the
installed equipment temperature limitations exist

• Intended for human habitation

and all other areas where equipment requires air conditioned atmosphere.

2.1.1 Water Cooled Chiller unit type Air conditioning system

Independent Water Cooled Chiller shall be provided for TG building and Service building air
conditioned areas

• TG Building

• Central Control Room

• Electronic Equipment Room
• Computer Room
• Printer Room
• UPS Room
• Record Room
• Shift In-charge room
• Relay room
• I & C Laboratories
• Engineers room

• Service Building

2.1.2 Water Cooled Package Type Air conditioning System

Water Cooled Package unit shall be provided for the following areas:

• ESP Control Room

• Switch Yard Control room
• Coal Handling System Control Room
• Ash Handling System Control Room
• Administration building

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

2.1.3 Water Cooled Package Type/Split Type Air conditioning System

• For auxiliary buildings, if AC load is less than 5 TR, multiple split units shall be provided
considering one number of standby unit.
• For areas having AC load more than 5 TR or equal to 5TR, Water cooled package units
shall be provided

Depending on the capacity criteria mentioned above, either water cooled package unit or split
type air conditioning system shall be followed for the following areas

• DM plant control room

• CW pump house control room
• Fire water pump house control room
• Fuel oil unloading/forwarding pump house control room
• SWAS Room (Dry Panel)
• Electro chlorination control room
• Hydrogen generation plant control room
• Road weigh bridge control room
• Sea water intake pump house control room
• Stack emission monitoring system control room
• Air compressor control room
• Fire water booster pump house control room
• Ash slurry pump house control room
• Ash water recovery pump house control room
• Elevator M/c room
• Operator cabin in crusher house
• Field maintenance Office
• HT Switch gear operator room
• Turbine control room at EL(+) 0.00 m,
• ETP control room
• STP control room
• Stores – maintenance officer room
• Storage shed for electronic items like PLC panels, DCS panels, cards etc,.
• Fire station control room
• Dormitory and dispensary

Any other areas if required air conditioned environment shall be provided with suitable AC

2.2.0 Ventilation System

Ventilation system shall be provided for all the buildings or rooms as specified below

• In which waste heat occurs which has to be removed but where temperature ranges do
not necessitate air conditioning and all other areas which requires ventilation.

2.2.1 Evaporative type Ventilation System Air Washer System

The Evaporative type system shall be provided in the following locations within the TG
Building by air washers. A dedicated plant room shall be provided for air washer unit.

• TG Hall
• HT Switchgear Rooms

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• LT Switchgear Rooms
• Electrical Rooms
• Cable Spreader Rooms
• Battery charger room
• SWAS room (wet panel) Unitary Air Filtration System

Sheet metal type Unitary Air Filtration unit (UAF) of suitable capacity shall be envisaged for
each unit of ESP Building non AC areas. A dedicated plant room shall be provided for UAF

2.2.2 Dry type Ventilation system Supply Ventilation System

The supply ventilation system shall be provided for the following areas

• All switchgear rooms/MCC rooms ( Except TG and ESP building)

• Cable spreader rooms ( Except TG and ESP building) Simple Exhaust Ventilation System

The simple exhaust ventilation system shall be provided for the following areas

• Diesel generator room

• Air Compressor room
• Electro chlorination room
• Battery Room
• All Pump Rooms
• DM plant room
• Chemical House
• Hydrogen generation plant room
• Workshop
• Stores
• Elevator machine room
• AC plant room
• Toilets

2.2.3 Common equipment

• All controls, measuring and monitoring equipment, to an extent as well as additional

instrumentation necessary for matching to specific designs of equipment and units.

• Hot dip galvanized duct work.


3.1.0 Air Conditioning

Indoor / Outdoor Design Conditions

• Inside design conditions to be maintained in Air-conditioned area

Dry bulb temperature Relative humidity

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Occupied Area : 24.0°C ± 1.0°C 50 ± 5%

Equipment Room : 21.0°C ± 1.0°C 50± 5%

• The outdoor design data shall be taken from ISHRAE/ASHRAE Hand book
• Fresh air for air conditioned area shall be provided with 1 AC/hr or 35 m /hr/person which
ever is higher
• Bidder shall collect the actual data from the meteorological department pertaining to site
location and design for plant accordingly
• Bidder shall adopt the Thoothukudi Metrological data (No. Of years shall be minimum of
20 years ) and design condition shall be arrived based on the guidelines mentioned in
ASHRAE .The design condition subject to the owner’s approval

3.2.0 Ventilation System

Design & Technical Requirements

Basis of Airflow
Air changes per
Evaporative cooled areas - T.G building operating floor, mezzanine 6
floor, ground floor , MCC room / Switch gear room, Electrical room
and Cable spreader room
MCC room / Switch gear room/ GIS room 15
Battery Rooms 30
Chemical house 20
Air Compressor building 15
Diesel generator room 30
Sea water intake pump house, CW pump house, Fuel Oil unloading / 15
Forwarding pump house and all other pump houses
SWAS room ( Non-AC areas) 15
AC Plant room 15
Workshop and Stores 6
Toilets in all buildings 15
Pantry in all buildings 15
Elevator machine room 15
Hydrogen generation plant room 20
Electro chlorination plant room 20

Supply and Exhaust Ventilation System

Area to be ventilated Supply air system Exhaust air system

TG Hall Filtered Supply air Roof exhaust fans
ventilation system from air
washer through ducting

Supply Air Ventilation System

Area to be ventilated Supply air system Exhaust air system

Various rooms like cable Filtered Supply air Gravity dampers
spreader room, switchgear room, ventilation system from air
battery charger room, SWAS washer through ducting
room (Non AC) etc, in TG

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Area to be ventilated Supply air system Exhaust air system

ESP Switchgear Building Filtered Supply air Gravity dampers
ventilation system from UAF
through ducting
All other MCC Wall mounted supply fans Gravity dampers
rooms/Switchgear, cable with pre filters
spreader rooms,
GIS Building Centrifugal fan with pre filter Gravity dampers.
and fine filters along with Exhaust fan inter linked
ducting for supply air with SF6 gas detector
system, exhaust by gravity shall be provied for
dampers will be provided for emergency purpose.
GIS building to maintain
positive pressure and to
prevent ingress of duct
particles inside GIS building.

Simple Exhaust Ventilation System

Area to be ventilated Supply air system Exhaust air system
DM Plant Room Fresh air through intake Wall mounted
louvers exhaust fans
Battery Room (2x50% capacity Fresh air through intake Wall mounted
axial flow belt driven) louvers exhaust fans

Chemical house of PT Plant, Fresh air through intake Wall mounted

workshop and stores, pantry in louvers exhaust fans
all buildings, Hydrogen
generation plant room, Electro
chlorination plant room
All Pump houses Fresh air through intake Wall mounted /Roof
louvers exhaust fans
Elevator machine room/ AC Fresh air through intake Wall mounted
Plant room/ Compressor building louvers exhaust fans

Diesel generator room Fresh air through Roof/Wall mounted

acoustically treated intake exhaust fans

Toilets in all buildings Through door Wall mounted

undercuts/door louvers Propeller type
exhaust fans

3.3.0 General Design Requirement

3.3.1 Relevant Indian/International standards such as ISHRAE, ASHRAE SMACNA, etc., as

applicable to HVAC system and latest issues of these applicable codes and standards shall
be adopted.

3.3.2 10% margin in equipment capacity over peak heat load calculated considering solar load and
all internal loads due to equipment, lighting, fresh air, occupants, etc have to be considered
for air conditioning and ventilation system.

3.3.3 For sensible and latent heat load, 5% factor of safety shall be considered. .

3.3.4 All windows in the air-conditioned area shall be provided with light coloured venetian blind.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3.3.5 False-ceiling shall be provided in all air conditioning areas.

3.3.6 All the AC areas and air handling unit room, shall be provided with insulation on the under
side of the roof.

3.3.7 i) The evaporative type ventilation system for each area shall be sized based on either air
flow rate calculated considering a room temperature of 3°C (Maximum) below ambient
DBT during peak summer considering all heat loads or air flow rate calculated
considering minimum number of air changes / hour as mentioned above, whichever
results in higher air flow rate.

ii) The saturation efficiency of 90% and 70% shall be considered for air washer and UAF

iii) The dry type ventilation system for each area shall be sized based on either air flow rate
calculated considering a room temperature of 5°C (Maximum) above ambient DBT
during peak summer considering all heat loads or air flow rate calculated considering
minimum number of air changes / hour as mentioned above, whichever results in higher
air flow rate.

iv) Exhaust air quantity from TG hall shall be estimated a 65%-70% of supply air quantity.

3.3.8 For switchgear and cable vault rooms, the supply air flow rate shall be maintained higher than
that of exhaust air flow rate to prevent the ingress of dust into the room from outside.

3.3.9 If, as per manufacturer’s requirements, any switchgear requires air-conditioning, the same
shall be provided by the Tenderer.

3.3.10 The battery room shall be maintained at negative pressure to prevent leakage of fumes to
outside from the battery rooms.

3.3.11 All equipment, ducts, pipes, controls, etc. shall be fully treated against corrosion and sealed
against moisture, sand and dust ingress.

3.3.12 All plant including ducts and pipes as well as machines shall be vibration isolated or otherwise
treated that:

• No excessive vibration is felt in the floors or walls of the rooms served by any machine.

• The mechanically induced vibration levels in floors, walls and ceilings of rooms are
sufficiently small as to limit the radiation of sound levels to the rooms within acceptable


4.1.0 Water Cooled Chiller unit

The capacity of chilling unit shall be based on the following:

• Chilled water In / Out temperature : 12 deg C / 7 deg C

• Condenser water In/out temp : 33 deg C/ 38 deg C

Each Water Cooled Screw chilling unit comprises of the following:

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Microprocessor controlled water cooled chiller package unit suitable for R 134a having
one no. of Rotary screw Compressor (Semi hermetic type) with motor, unit mounted
starter, automatic capacity control etc.,

• One no. of Shell & tube water cooled condenser with hot gas inlet, liquid outlet, relief and
purge connection for refrigerant, water inlet and outlet connection, drain connection with

• One no. of Shell & tube flooded type chiller with liquid inlet, vapour outlet, connection for
refrigerant, water inlet and outlet connection, drain connection with valve and chiller

• Thermostatic expansion valve, Refrigerant piping, valves and fittings interconnecting

compressor, condenser, chiller and expansion device and refrigerant piping including
insulation etc,

• Chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps including all interconnecting pipe lines,
valves and necessary accessories.

• Induced draft cooling towers with valves and accessories

• Initial charge of Refrigerant Gas & Oil lubricants, base frames, vibration isolation pad,
integral wiring and unit mounted isolator/fuse switch.

• Flexible connection (corirubber with retainer rods and flanges suitable to operate at the
design pressure) between chilling unit and piping.

• Vibration isolators for chillers & Cooling towers.

• Necessary instruments for safe and reliable operation of the system

4.2.0 WATER cooled Package Air Conditioners

Each water cooled Package Air Conditioners comprises of the following:

• Scroll type refrigerant compressor (R 134a) with motor and drive package

• One no of Water cooled condenser

• One no DX cooling coil with air handling fan.

• Interconnecting refrigerant pipes to connect the compressor, condenser, and expansion


• Condenser water pumps including all interconnecting pipe lines, valves and necessary

• Induced draft cooling towers with valves and accessories

• Initial charge of Refrigerant Gas & Oil, lubricants.

• Necessary instruments for safe and reliable operation of the system.

4.3.0 Split type air-conditioning system

The major components of split type air–conditioner system is:

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i) Indoor unit comprising of:

DX -Cooling coil
Coarse filter

ii) Outdoor unit comprising of:


DX Dehumidifying & coil unit: The DX coil shall be standard staggered tube arrangement with
seamless copper tube and aluminum plate fin mechanically bonded to copper shall be sized
with following specification:

Face velocity : 2.5 m/sec

Tube OD minimum : 10mm

Wall thickness : 0.5mm

Blower : The Blower shall be DIDW forward curved belt driven

fan of suitable capacity and static pressure.

Coarse Filter : Coarse filter shall be washable dry panel filter having
an efficiency of 90 % down to 20 microns and
suitable for handling the units air quantity
Compressor : The compressor of split unit shall be Scroll type
compressor ( R 134a/407c/R410a).
Condenser : Condensers shall be fin-tube type seamless copper
tubes and aluminum plate fin mechanically bonded
to copper and shall be sized with following

Face velocity : 2.5 m/sec

Tube OD minimum : 10mm

Wall thickness : 0.5mm

The Condenser fan shall be of high efficiency propeller type

4.4.0 Centrifugal Pump

Each centrifugal pump set shall be either horizontal split casing/End suction top discharge
pumps for chilled water and condenser water re-circulation. It shall comprise of the following:
• One no. horizontal split casing/ End suction top discharge centrifugal pump with
adequately sized induction motor suitable for 415V, 3 phase, 50 Hz supply.
• Common base plate for the pump and motor, coupling with guard, anti vibration pads,
foundation bolts etc.
• Chilled water pump set shall include thermal insulation of pump.
• Flexible connection (Corirubber with retainer rods and flanges suitable to operate at the
design pressure) shall be provided between pump and piping.
• Drain piping from pump to nearest floor drain.

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4.5.0 Cooling Tower

The cooling tower shall be induced draft (Single cell) FRP cooling tower with fan and motor,
drive package, FRP basin, FRP air inlet louvers, fills, drift eliminators, nozzles, make-up
connection, over flow connection, drain connection, ladder and supporting structure. The
capacity of the cooling tower shall be equal to the condenser cooling capacity and designed
for the following conditions:
 Approach : 5 C

4.6.0 Air Handling Unit

Air handling unit (AHU) shall be double skinned, draw through re-circulating type handling an
air quantity equal to the dehumidified air quantity. The system shall consist of the following

 AHU Casing
 Inlet louvers
 Coarse filters section
 Cooling and dehumidifying coil section
 Fans Section (DIDW centrifugal type)
 Vibration isolators ( minimum efficiency of 85%)

AHU casing

The AHU casing shall be in sectionalized construction with modules for dampers, filters,
cooling coil, and fan section all housed in a galvanized sheet metal casing. The casing of
AHU shall be double skin construction. Double skin sandwich panel (inside and outside) shall
be fabricated using minimum 0.8mm (22g) galvanized steel sheet with 25mm thick
polyurethane foam [PUF] insulation of minimum 38kg /m density in between the two skins.
The skin shall be suitably stiffened and braced to eliminate distortion and drumming.


The pre-filter section shall be washable type filter panels suitably arranged in holding frames
having a minimum efficiency of 90% down to 10 micron size. A differential pressure gauge
shall be fitted across the filter.

Cooling coil unit

The cooling coil with capacity equal to the units refrigeration capacity shall be standard
staggered tube arrangement fabricated from continuous aluminum fins mechanically bonded
to seamless copper tubes sized with a face velocity of 2.5 m/sec.

Centrifugal Fan
The centrifugal fan shall be double inlet double width centrifugal forward curved V-belt driven
fan by a totally enclosed motor of suitable capacity and static pressure. The blower / fan
discharge velocity shall not exceed 10 m/s.

4.7.0 Plenum mounted Fine filter

The fine filter section shall be synthetic non-woven washable filter panels, suitably arranged in
holding frames having a minimum efficiency of 99.9% down to 5 micron size. A differential
pressure switch shall be fitted across the filter. The fine filter area shall be designed for a face
velocity of not exceeding 1.75 m/sec.

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4.8.0 Electric duct heaters

Electric air heater shall be finned tubular element sheathed type construction of either
ductable or slip-on installation type. The electric heater shall be UL approved design & be
provided with the following accessories conforming to NEC Article - 424.

• Step controller of either silicon control rectifier or SCR-vernier type for system requiring
close RH tolerance.
• Program controller - with multiple humidistat’s / thermostat energizing heater in steps-
minimum 4-steps for areas requiring relatively higher RH tolerance.
• High temperature cutout with manual reset facility
• Fan circuit interlocking contacts
• Over current protection
• Safety disconnect switch (Interlocking with panel door).

All heater capacity shall be sized for winter heating load also and where heater are used as
reheater for humidity control, facility shall also be provided to control room dry bulb
temperature during winter.

4.9.0 Pan type Humidifier

Electric humidifier, shall be pan type steam humidifier. The humidifier shall consist of stainless
steel basin insulated on outside with 25 mm resin bonded fiber glass thermal insulation of
25 kg/ cm. density covered with 20 SWG GI sheet on outside.

4.10.0 Fresh air unit

Each fresh air unit shall comprise of :

a) One (1) no. Tube axial fan with motor

b) Pre filter with HDPE media having 18 G GSS frame. The efficiency of the filters shall be
90% down to 10 microns. Maximum Velocity across pre filter shall be 2.5 m/s.

c) Fine filter with HDPE media having 18 G GSS frame. The efficiency of the filters shall be
99.9% down to 5 microns. Maximum Velocity across Fine filter shall be 1.75 m/s.

d) Fresh air Louver, Volume control damper and connecting duct

4.11.0 Make-Up Water Tank and softening plant

The Make-up water tank shall be made of G.I or FRP and shall be of adequate thickness and
suitably reinforced. It shall be complete with make-up connection with float valve, quick fill
connection, overflow connection and drain connection with valve. The tank shall be provided
with level gauge glass. This tank shall supply make-up water to Cooling towers, Expansion
tank and humidifiers. The tank size is to be designed based on capacity to hold water for
15 minutes of make-up water requirement. This make up water shall be treated through the
Non-Chemical Water Softening Equipment (if required) installed in the common header of
Condenser water pump outlets. Conductivity type level switches low, low low, high high shall
be provided.

4.12.0 Expansion Tank

MS Expansion tank shall be insulated. The tank shall be complete with all the accessories,
float valve, drain, overflow, makeup connection and vent connection. Conductivity type level
switches low, low low, high high shall be provided.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

4.13.0 Air Washer Unit

Air washer chamber housing the Air Intake Louver with bird screen, pre filter, air distribution
plates, Stainless Steel Filters continuously flooded with water through spray nozzles, Die-
extruded PVC Eliminators, Water tanks, marine light shall be manufactured of steel sheet in
sections to facilitate easy dismantling and erection. The unit shall be fabricated from minimum
3 mm thick M.S. sheet duly painted with epoxy resin based paint from inside and outside with
adequate stiffeners, bracings etc. The air washer tank also shall be made from minimum 6
mm thick MS sheet duly painted with epoxy resin based paint.

The various sections of the unit shall be bolted with suitable gasket to avoid leakage of water.
All the sections of the units shall be Epoxy painted from inside and outside to prevent
corrosion/ weathering damage. The nuts and bolts used for jointing the sections shall also be
galvanized. All inside and outside parts of the fan shall be spray galvanized except the fan
shaft that shall be of epoxy painted.

Properly hinged air tight epoxy painted inspection doors of suitable sizes shall have to be
provided in filter and spray sections of each sheet metal Air Washer units.

The water shall be collected in a MS (6mm) fabricated tank and shall be re-circulated by
means of the pump. This tank shall be shall be complete with make-up connection with float
valve, quick fill connection, drain connection with valve, water low level switch and overflow
connection with siphon. Water from the washer chamber tank shall be taken through a
primary screen type water strainer fitted in an accessible position in the tank. The strainer
screen shall be manufactured of S.S netting in a S.S. Frame.

4.14.0 Unitary Air filtration unit

Unitary Air Filtration Unit shall consist of intake louvers with bird screen, pre filter, air
distribution plates, one set of automatically cleanable type Stainless Steel mesh Filters with
continuous water spraying arrangement over the surface of it to clean the filters, PVC die-
extruded Moisture Eliminator sets after the above water flooded filters to eliminate the carry
over of moisture, sump tank, circulating water pumps, piping and valves, centrifugal fans,
outlet damper and plenum section. The entire components shall be neatly arranged and skid
mounted and shall be self-enclosed by 3 mm thick MS casing duly painted with epoxy resin
based paint. The casing front shall be provided with the air intake louvers with bird screen of
GI construction. Each section i.e., filters, evaporative pad and pump section etc. shall be
provided with access door for maintenance. All parts of the fan for this system coming in
contact with moist air shall be epoxy painted. The fan section shall be designed to limit the
noise level to 85 dBA within 1.0 m of the fan enclosure. On the whole, the assembly of UAF
shall be designed so as to be structurally sound, air tight and also aesthetically pleasing.

The water shall be collected in a MS (6mm) fabricated tank and shall be re-circulated by
means of the pump. This tank shall be shall be complete with make-up connection with float
valve, quick fill connection, drain connection with valve, water low level switch and overflow
connection with siphon. Water from the washer chamber tank shall be taken through a
primary screen type water strainer fitted in an accessible position in the tank. The strainer
screen shall be manufactured of S.S netting in a S.S. Frame.

4.15.0 Centrifugal Fans

Centrifugal fans for Ventilation System shall be DIDW/SISW non-overloading type designed.
Fan shall be driven with V-belt by a totally enclosed motor and the fan outlet velocity shall not
exceed 11 m/sec.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Impeller shall be die formed aerofoil or laminar type of self cleaning and non-overloading
characteristics. The impeller shall be statically and dynamically balanced according to ISO

The fan casing shall be of welded construction and provided with flanges on inlet & outlet side
for duct connection.

The fan impeller & casing etc. shall be protected by a suitable corrosion resistant.

Accessories like common base frame, anchor bolts, vibration isolators, V-belt guard, inlet
guard and outlet damper, canvas etc., shall be provided. Centrifugal fans and drive motors
mounted on common base frame to be mounted on spring type vibration isolators to prevent
vibration transfer to floors as well as to the downstream side of duct.

4.16.0 Roof Extractors

Power roof extractor’s impeller shall be of axial type. Casing shall be made of MS and
impeller shall be made of aluminum. Hood of the roof ventilator shall be of hinged type
providing easy access to motor and impeller. Mounting frame for mounting the roof ventilators
shall be provided. Weather proof lockable type disconnect switch shall be provided such that,
the hood can be opened only when the disconnect switch is in “OFF” position.

4.17.0 Axial Flow Fan

Directly driven axial flow fans with die cast aluminium impeller dynamically balanced, fitted
with three-phase induction motor.

The fan casing shall be of galvanized steel material. Fan shall be provided with rain protection
hood (for roof exhausted) / inlet cowl, filters (supply air fans), bird-screen, back-draft damper,
(where necessary) grouting frame and cadmium plated fixing bolts.

For battery rooms, the wall mounted axial flow fan shall be of FRP coated cast aluminium
impeller with blades of aerofoil design. The fan motor shall be externally mounted (outside the
air path) on a bracket fixed to the casing with necessary V-belt drive. The motor shall be of
explosion proof type.

4.18.0 Pre Filter

The pre filter section shall comprise of 50 mm thick washable filter panel suitably arranged in
holding frames. The pre filter shall have a minimum efficiency of 90% down to 10 microns
size. Maximum Velocity across pre filter shall be 2.5 m/s.

4.19.0 Air Distribution System (common for both air conditioning and ventilation

The ductwork inside the building shall be manufactured form hot-dip galvanized sheet metal,
complying with IS-277 Gr 275 or better.

All ductwork support ties to the structure shall be made resilient with the use of 12mm thick
non-intercellular neoprene strip, gaskets or washers. All ductwork connections to air handling
equipment shall be made via 15 cm long connections of rubber impregnated canvass

Entire AC ducting shall be designed based on equal friction method and maximum velocity in
the ducting shall be 7.5 m/s.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Maximum velocity in the duct shall be 11 m/s and velocity of air through supply air grilles shall
be maximum 5 m/s for ventilation system.

Supports for Ductwork

Supports shall generally comprise hot-dipped galvanized mild steel sections and drop rods
assembled in a suitable manner to permit adjustment for height and alignment of the ducts,
and to prevent the transmission of vibration and/or noise.

Ducts shall be supported by the stiffening angles or angle flanges but where this is
impractical, supporting angles shall be fixed to the ducts

Supply and Exhaust Air Grilles

In conventional attractive design, lamellas adjustable, aerofoil shape, broad front frame to
allow airtight mounting. Frame and lamella made from steel with agreed stove enamel finish,
conserved in nature color. Covered screw mounting with use of mounting frame shall be

Air-flow control shall be by means of counter-moving, coupled lamellas, with sets of

adjustable air deflection blades and an opposed blade damper located at the rear, adjustable
from the front side.

Supply and Exhaust Air Diffusers

Square construction diffusers for mounting in false ceilings shall be provided. Air vanes in
lamella form for air distribution to all sides, made from powder coated extruded aluminium
with agreed finish, Connection boxes in air-foiled construction made of galvanized sheet
metal with built-in throttling device and connecting piece.

Ceiling diffusers shall be of the adjustable eyelash deflection blade type and shall have an
opposed blade damper located at the rear. The diffuser shall be fixed to the ductwork by a
purpose-made sub-frame assembly.

Fire Dampers

The supply and return air ducts of air conditioning system and main duct of ventilation system
shall be provided with automatic motor-operated fire dampers with fire rating of 120 minutes,
at locations where ducts pass through wall/floors/ceiling slabs of electrical rooms in TG
building & ESP building, for isolation/ maintenance/ fire-protection purpose. The operation of
these automatic dampers shall be interlocked with the fire alarm system and shall also be
possible to operate manually from the remote control panel. Required electrical contacts shall
be provided in control panel of A/C plant for further wiring up to fire alarm panels.

Fusible link fire dampers of 60 minutes fire rating shall be provided for all other areas
excluding electrical rooms where ducts pass through wall/floors/ceiling slabs for isolation/
maintenance/ fire-protection purpose.

Isolating Dampers

Consisting of frames of galvanized sheet metal, air foiled lamellas, adjustable from the
outside by a lever and positioning device.

Lamella clutches by aluminium cogs mounted inside, bearing sleeves closed to the outside,
including mounting flange for connection to an air-duct or mounting into an A/C-chamber.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Air Quantity Regulating Flaps

Air quantity regulating flaps for balancing, during first step of operation, of the mathematically-
-determined air quantities in each duct branch. These throttling devices shall be arranged in
supply air ducts as well as in return air ducts.

Weather Louvers

Weather louvers shall be of hot-dipped galvanized angle-iron frame with built-in rain-rejecting
galvanised iron or aluminium lamellas as well as bird protection screen of galvanized iron,
Mounting frame of galvanized profile steel.

4.20.0 Insulation

4.20.1 Thermal Insulation

The entire supply / return air ducting shall be thermally insulated with 25 mm thk. fibre glass
of 32 kg/cu.m. The exposed roofing also shall be thermally insulated.

The exposed roof slabs (Including beams and column etc.) of air- conditioning areas , air
handling units room and Packaged Air conditioners (PAC) rooms will be insulated with 50 mm
thickness fibre glass insulation of density 48 kg/m finished with 26 SWG aluminium cladding.
For the portion ventilation system ducting exposed to outdoor ambient, thermal insulation of
25 mm fiber glass wool with aluminium cladding finished with sand cement plaster shall be

4.20.2 Acoustic Insulation

The supply air ducting from each AHU outlet upto 5 meters shall be acoustically insulated with
12 mm thick resin bonded fibre glass of density 48 kg/cu.m covered with 30 G perforated
aluminum sheets.
4.20.3 Chilled water pipe insulation

Chilled water piping shall be thermally insulated with expanded polystyrene of density
20 kg/cu.m and finished with sand cement plaster. The thickness of piping insulation shall be
as follow.

Sl. No. Pipe Diameter in mm Insulation Thickness in mm

1 Upto 25 NB 40 mm
2 Above 25 NB to 125 NB 50 mm
3 150 NB 75 mm


It is envisaged that primary operations including control and monitoring of TG building A/C
system and monitoring of ventilation system shall be carried out from the AC and ventilation
system local control room through the remote I/Os with the redundant Processor, power
supply, communication module, redundant communication link with the main plant DCS. Apart
from the DCS controls, selector switches and push buttons shall be provided for manual
operation of all air-conditioning equipment.

Control, operation and monitoring of service building A/C system and monitoring of ventilation
system shall be carried out from the PLC system located in the A/C control room of Service
Building. Apart from the PLC controls, push buttons, selector switch shall be provided for
manual operation of all air-conditioning equipment.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Control, operation and monitoring of CHP, AHP, ESP & Switch yard building A/C system shall
be carried out from the respective air-conditioning equipment.

Operations of the ventilation equipment in TG building and ESP building shall be carried out
from the respective ventilation LCP
Operation of the ventilation fans in other areas like AHP building, switchyard buildings,
Compressor room, WTP room and all other buildings shall be carried out from the respective

One no. Local starter Panel shall be installed in each AHU room which will feed power to all
the AHU fans, motors of 3-way mixing valves of AHUs, Fresh air fans (wherever applicable),
Smoke Exhaust fans (wherever applicable) and their motorized isolating dampers, Fire
damper motors, Electric heaters and Humidifiers. These equipment located in each AHU
room shall be operated and controlled from the DCS operator stations located in the AC
Plant Room as well as from this Local Starter Panel.

The Screw Chilling units shall incorporate microprocessor based control panel, which will also
be interfaced with the DCS system.

The Screw Chilling units can be started only when its associated cooling tower fan, condenser
& chilled water pumps are in operation.
All the drives of the AC system shall be manually started / restarted through DCS operator
stations after any trip.

The chilled water system shall be provided with the following safety & operating controls:

(i) Operating Control

Room temperature control with the help of modulating 3-way chilled water flow
regulating valve with the cooling coil of AHUs through the PLC system, getting sense
from the temperature sensor and associated transmitter placed in the return air path.

Chilled water temperature shall be controlled based on the room load with the help of
operating temperature sensor and through compressor’s automatic unloading
mechanism for screw chillers through the built-in Microprocessor based control panel
of Screw Chiller. This control shall also be possible through the PLC system

One common PLC for Air-Conditioning System & Ventilation System shall be provided to
control the followings.

a) AC system for control building.

b) AC system for ESP building.
c) AC system for service building.
d) Ventilation system (Air washers) for TG building.
e) Ventilation system (UAF) for ESP building.

Further it may be noted that Control of auxiliaries buildings provided with split AC / package
Units shall be independent of common PLC Control of auxiliaries buildings provided with dry
ventilation system shall be independent of common PLC.

Room RH control with the help of humidifiers (if required) & duct mounted re-heaters
through the DCS, getting sense from the RH & Temperature sensors and their
associated transmitters placed in the return air path inside AHU rooms.

(ii) Safety Control

The chilled water system shall be incorporated with the following safety controls and

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

- High discharge pressure cutout (HP).

- Low suction pressure cutout (LP).
- Low oil level cutout
- High winding temperature cutout through PTC sensors

Low chilled water temperature cutout by anti-freeze thermostat /temperature

sensor for Screw chiller.

Cutout due to low flow of chilled water & condenser water by flow switches.

Cutout due to overload of all drive motors. High air temperature cutout by safety
thermostat / temperature sensor for duct mounted electric heaters.

Safety controls of Screw chillers will also include Over/Under voltage and voltage
unbalance protection, Single phase & Phase reversal preventer, over/under current
and current unbalance protection and others as per manufacturer’s standard.

Low cooling tower sump water level cutout for Condenser pumps. (Alarm for low
water level in expansion tank & humidifier as applicable shall be provided).

Stopping of AHU fans in case of fire in the respective zone through the PLC.

Closing of fire dampers at the air supply duct from AHUs in case of fire with the sense
from room mounted fire/smoke detector through zonal fire panel and the PLC.

(iii) Interlocks

The system components shall be interlocked with one another in the following way:

The Screw Compressor shall not start unless:

At least one cooling tower fan is running.
At least one condenser water pump is running.
At least one chilled water pump is running.

The duct mounted electric strip heater shall not be energized unless the respective AHU fans
are running.

All the above Interlocking and the complete controls will be implemented in the respective
control system mentioned above.. Whereas the chilled water temperature controls and the
safety interlocks of the screw chillers shall be realized in the microprocessor based control
panel as per the manufacturer’s standard

On-Off-trip status for all the drives, electric heaters & humidifiers (if required) shall be
available at the DCS operator stations located in the local control room of the AC and
ventilation system

Motors of fire dampers provided in supply air duct of AHU shall remain energized in normal
condition to effect opening of dampers. In the event of fire, the motors of fire dampers will be
de-energized and the damper will close due to spring action, the relevant AHU fan motors will
be tripped at the same time. These dampers shall be operated through the PLC getting signal
from relevant duct mounted smoke detectors / fire alarm panel.

Provision for one common audio annunciation for any kind of malfunctioning in AC plant shall
be kept through a hooter located in the AC Plant Control Room and suitably interfaced with
the respective control system.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The DCS system shall be interfaced with:

• The Air Conditioning MCC cum PDB.

• The Microprocessor based control panels of Screw Chiller.
• The LCPs located in each AHU rooms.
• The Temperature and RH sensors and their associated transmitters located in the
AHU rooms.
• The zone fire panels/ duct mounted smoke detectors.


• Technical data sheet to be filled by Bidder.


• P&I Diagram Air conditioning System

• P&I Diagram Ventilation System
• DBR for Air Conditioning System
• DBR for Ventilation System
• Air conditioning System calculations
• Ventilation System calculations
• Specification for Air Conditioning System
• Specification for Ventilation System
• Equipment layout for Air conditioning plant room and AHU room
• Equipment layout for Air washer room and UAF room
• Ducting layout for AC and Ventilation system
• GA and data sheet for equipment for AC and Ventilation system
• Schematic duct layout for AC and Ventilation system

Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX – 2.17.1
SI.No Description Unit Data
A) Chillers unit
Type Water cooled Screw chillers
No of units 3 x 50 %
Flow To suit system requirement
Type Semi hermetic/
Refrigerant R134a
Type Flooded type shell & tube
Type Shell & Tube
B) Chilled /Condenser Water
Horizontal split casing end suction top
discharge Centrifugal pump
3 x 50 % for chiller system and 2 x 100% for
No of units
package air conditioning system
Flow To suit system requirement
C) Air Handling Units
Double skinned, horizontal floor mounted,
draw through re-circulating type
No of units 3 x 50 %
Capacity To suit system requirement
Coil type Chilled water type
Copper tube with aluminum fins mechanically
Coil construction
Coil face velocity 2.5 m/s
Fan Type DIDW forward curved centrifugal fan
No of fans per AHU One
Fan Outlet Velocity < 10m/s
Type Pre Filter
Filter material Non Woven synthetic type, washable
Filter efficiency 90% down to 10 microns
D) Packaged Air Conditioners
Type Water cooled type
Area served Refer clause 2.1.2
Capacity To suit system requirement
N + 1, where N - no of working units, 1 no of
No of units
standby unit
Indoor unit
Cooling coil Internally grooved copper tubing with slit fins
Fan type Centrifugal
Compressor Hermetically sealed Scroll
Non woven polyester media enclosed by
Filter media
HDPE mesh
Efficiency 90% down to 10 microns
E) Cooling Towers
Casing FRP
3 x 50 % for chiller system and 2 x 100% for
package air conditioning system

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SI.No Description Unit Data

Air inlet louver FRP
Fill PVC
Nozzles Bronze / Polypropylene
Cold water basin FRP
F) Split Air Conditioners
Type Air cooled type with 5 Star Rating inverter AC
Area served Refer clause 2.1.3
Capacity To suit system requirement
N + 1, where N - no of working units, 1 no of
No of units
standby unit
Indoor unit
Cooling coil Internally grooved copper tubing with slit fins
Non woven polyester media enclosed by
Filter media
HDPE mesh
Efficiency 90% down to 10 microns
Outdoor unit
Condenser coil Copper coil with aluminum fins
Compressor Hermetically sealed rotary type
Fan type Propeller
G) Air washer unit
Areas Served Power house building
Type Spray type (Double bank)
Flow To suit system requirement
Redundancy All working
Construction type Sheet Metal type
Casing 3 mm MS Sheet
Tank Minimum 6 mm MS Sheet
Air Distribution Plate 18 - 24G GS Sheet
Nozzle Stainless steel/ Brass / PVC, Spray Nozzle
Eliminator PVC
Spray Set Header MS to IS 1239 / IS 3589
Air intake louver 22 G GS Sheet with MS Angle Frame
Filter Flooded type stainless steel filter.
H) Unitary Air filtration Unit
Areas Served ESP building
All Working.
2X50% UAF for each ESP building
Type Spray type ( Single bank)
Flow To suit system requirement
Construction type Sheet Metal type
Casing 3 mm MS Sheet
Tank Minimum 6 mm MS Sheet
Air Distribution Plate 18 - 24G GS Sheet
Nozzle Stainless steel/ Brass / PVC, Spray Nozzle
Eliminator PVC
Spray Set Header MS to IS 1239 / IS 3589
Air intake louver 22 G GS Sheet with MS Angle Frame
Filter Flooded type stainless steel filter.
I) Air Washer/UAF Fan
Areas Served Power house building
Redundancy 2 nos of fan for each air washer and UAF
Centrifugal Fan, DIDW for Air Washer / SISW
for UAF
Casing 3.15 mm MS Sheet with spray galvanization
Fan Shaft EN8

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SI.No Description Unit Data

Fan Impeller Mild steel spray galvanized
Motor driven, coupled with fan through V-belt
and Pulleys
Outlet damper 18 G GS Sheet with 16 G Frame
Base Frame, Slide Rail, Belt Guard, Inlet
Other Accessories
Screen and Vibration Isolator to be provided
J) Pumps for Air washer / UAF
Horizontal split casing end suction top
discharge Centrifugal pump
3 x 50 % for air washer system and 2 x 100%
No of units
for UAF system
Flow To suit system requirement
K) Axial Flow Fan
Service Supply/Exhaust
Mounting Wall/Roof/Duct
Type Tube axial/Propeller
Capacity To suit system requirement
Redundancy for battery room
exhaust fans
Material of construction
Casing Mild steel plate to IS 2062
Impeller Cast Aluminium
Shaft EN 8
Inlet Cone / Outlet cone Mild steel
L) Roof Extractor Fan
Service Exhaust
Mounting Roof
Type Axial
Capacity To suit system requirement
Material of construction
Casing Mild steel plate to IS 2062
Impeller Cast Aluminium
Shaft EN 8
Hood MS

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SECTION - 2.18

This section is intended to specify the detailed specification of the various mechanical
equipments of the Hydrogen Generation Plant and Cylinders as covered in this specification.

The Hydrogen Generation Plant and Cylinders and associated accessories shall be designed,
manufactured, inspected, tested, including supervision of erection, testing and commissioning
to well established engineering practices, safety codes and other relevant codes and

Compliance with this specification shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of
furnishing material and workmanship to meet the specified conditions.


The Hydrogen Generation Plant and all associated piping and systems shall be designed,
manufactured, inspected, tested, to well established engineering practices and safety codes
of the latest applicable Indian / British / American / DIN / ISO standards.

ANSI B 31.3 ASME code for process piping

BS: 5156 Diaphragm valves
AWWA C-504/BS 5155 Butterfly valves
IS 5120/ IS 9173 Pumps
IS 5312 Non return valve
IS 803 Storage tanks
OSHA, NEC, NEMA, ASTM, API 618 H2 Compressors
IS:7241 Glossary of terms used in cylinder technology
IS:7285 Specification for seamless steel cylinders for
permanent and high pressure liquefiable gas
IS:8198 Steel cylinders for compressed gases (Atmospheric
Gases, Hydrogen, High pressure liquefiable gas
cylinders and dissolved acetylene gases)


The Hydrogen Generation plant will include but shall not be limited to the following:

• Two (2) nos. of Hydrogen Gas Generator / Electrolyser Units of Specified Capacity.
• One (1) no Common DM Water Storage Tank of required capacity with all necessary
accessories and Instruments.
• One no KOH Tank for each Hydrogen gas Generator with necessary drain, vent,
Chemical Filling line , Inlet, Outlet lines and all necessary Instruments.

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Vol-II Section 2-18 Hydrogen generation and
cylinders_R0 2.18 Hydrogen Generation Plant & Cylinders
2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• One no Motor Driven Electrolyser DM Pump for each Hydrogen gas Generator with all
necessary Valves, Instruments and accessories for each stream.
• One no Dryer of Regeneration type for each Hydrogen Generator with necessary
moisture traps, regeneration system, drains etc.
• Adequate nos. of Hydrogen storage tank with all accessories, Instruments and safety
Equipments for each tank.
• Suitable nos. of Nitrogen Cylinders to Purge the Hydrogen Generator, with Nitrogen
Cylinder Manifold, Valves, Instruments and Piping to Purge the Hydrogen Generator.
• Hydrogen piping manifold with necessary valves, Instruments, etc,
• All integral and interconnecting piping, valves , all types of pipe support, including pipe
racks, etc for the entire Hydrogen Generation Plant .
• Any other equipment / accessory/component necessary for the effective, safe and
efficient operation of Hydrogen Generation plant.


The function of the Hydrogen Generation Plant system is to safely generate Hydrogen Gas of
specified purity and store in the cylinders for use in Turbine Generator.

The Hydrogen Generation Plant shall be of 2 x 100% streams each of suitable Capacity of
modular manifolds at 99.998 % (max) and dew point of -70°C. The moisture content in
hydrogen shall not exceed 0.05 gm/m . The complete hydrogen generation plant system
equipments, layout shall be designed as per the guidelines of explosive authority (chief
controller of explosives) of India and other statutory authorities for the design and installation
of the plant. The hydrogen generation equipment (Electrolyser) shall be of bipolar design.
The Production of each Electrolyser shall be variable between 20 and 100 percent. All the
Piping and Valve material shall be of SS 316L grade.

Hydrogen Gas is generated by electrolysis of water, with KOH as the electrolyte. The water
used here is DM Water, which is fed from a DM Water Storage Tank to Electrolyte Making
Tank where the electrolyte will be mixed to form a solution of the required strength (28% KOH
solution). The electrolyte solution is then pumped with the help of 1 x 100% electrolyte making
pump to the Hydrogen Generator where the actual electrolysis process takes place. AC
power will be supplied to silicon rectifier, which shall provide DC power to operate a battery of
cells. By electrolytic process of water, each cell shall produce two (2) parts of hydrogen and
one (1) part of oxygen.

The hydrogen thus generated from each battery of cells is passed through a catalytic
hydrogen purifier to remove any traces of O2 present.

Moisture from hydrogen shall be separated through an adequately sized Dual Tower
Desiccant Dryer and then passed through a Hydrogen storage Tank of suitable capacity
manufactured to IS or equivalent standards. From the Hydrogen storage tank, the gas shall
be compressed and stored in the cylinders. The hydrogen cylinders shall be used for the
generator cooling. Nitrogen Manifold is provided for adequate purging of the system.


Hydrogen is proposed to be generated along with oxygen by electrolytic dissociation of water

into its basic constituents:

The generated hydrogen gas output shall be regulated to a set value of an automatic control
system, which regulates the electrical input. The plant utilising this process shall take up less
space and there shall not be any problems in respect of water contamination, air pollution or

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

noise etc. The basic components of the hydrogen generation plant are as following, but not
limited to the same.

5.1.0 Electrolyser

The Electrolyser shall be of modular type having Bipolar type Cells and shall be connected to
each other to form a single unit. The cells and Electrodes in the Electrolyser shall be of
corrosion resistant Material. The electrodes of the cells shall be such as to distribute the
current evenly on the entire surface of the electrodes. Between the anodes and cathodes
there shall be a diaphragm of woven pure asbestos for separating the gases generated in this

The Electrolyser will be designed to operate at part load of normal capacity without any
disconnection and operation interruption and shall produce the hydrogen gas of specified
parameters. All measuring instruments for Pressure, Temperature, controllers and control
valves shall be provided. Safety devices will be provided to release the gas pressure, in case
it goes above the limits.

The Electrolyser Cells shall have Diaphragms in between the electrodes in such a manner to
prevent mixing of the Oxygen and Hydrogen gases. The design shall take care of avoiding or
minimizing the Carryover of Electrolyte downstream of Electrolyser. The Cells shall be
designed in such a way that they can be cleaned and maintained easily.

Sampling of H2 gases from each cell with sight glass shall be provided for safe sampling &

The mixing, filling, replenishing of electrolyte shall be required only during maintenance
periods and not during normal operation.

The Electrolyser shall be protected against accidental grounding, arcing or electrical shock.

The level of electrolyte shall be automatically controlled.

5.2.0 Rectifier

For each electrolyser, transformer-rectifier set adequately sized to cater to the load demand
shall be provided. The rectifier equipment shall be complete in all respects with air-cooled
rectifier transformer, thyristor converter, electronic control and annunciation, filter choke etc.
mounted on suitable panels.

5.3.0 Caustic Solution Tank

The electrolyte is typically stored in carboys and then drained or poured into the Caustic
solution Tank with the aid of funnel provided for this purpose. The tank shall be of HDPE
construction with flape type cover, half type. The outlet of transfer pump is connected to
electrolyte during initial filling or make-up when gravity of electrolyte falls below a
recommended density through quick coupler.

5.4.0 Hydrogen Dryer or purifying unit

The Purified Hydrogen from the catalytic Hydrogen Purifier shall be passed through a Dual
Tower Desiccant Dryer unit filled with high performance molecular sieve and with heaters and
related RTD of suitable Design to remove any moisture present in the Hydrogen gas. The
Dryer shall have all necessary filters, valves, instruments etc.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

5.5.0 Hydrogen Storage tank

Two Nos (2) of H2 storage Tanks shall be considered between the H2 Generator and
Compressor for stability of pressure which acts as buffer cum suction pot. The volume of the
tank shall be suitably decided by the Contractor and its working pressure shall be minimum
16 bar (g). The M.O.C shall be 16 MnR (SA 516 Gr. 70).

Design pressure of the Buffer Vessel shall be 32 bar (g).

Capacity of each tank shall be minimum 400litres

5.6.0 H2 Charging Manifold

Minimum 2 nos of Hydrogen Gas Cylinder Manifold for cylinders shall be provided.. Each
manifold shall be capable of simultaneous filling minimum 6 cylinders. Sufficient quantity of high
pressure manifold valves, pressure gauges, non-return valves, high pressure unions for filling
connection, temperature gauges, high pressure safety valves, water seal posts, high pressure
brass fittings, copper pig tails for cylinder manifold, flash back arrestors, adaptors, regulators,
and all necessary copper piping shall be part of cylinder manifold filling of hydrogen at a
maximum filling pressure of 150 – 160 Kg/ (g) shall be provided. The safety valve set
pressure is 150/160 bar (g).
5.7.0 Catalytic Hydrogen Purifier

The hydrogen gas from the Electrolyser shall flow to the catalytic hydrogen purifier, which
shall be capable of removing oxygen as impurity from the hydrogen gas to achieve the
hydrogen purity of 99.998%.

5.8.0 DM Water & Electrolyte Mixing System

The electrolyte used shall be 28% KOH solution. In electrolyzer, water is consumed
continuously, hence DM water system shall be considered.

Electrolyte making pump

Used for making electrolyte, pumping electrolyte into system or drawing electrolyte back into
electrolyte tank.

Electrolyte Making Tank

It is used for making electrolyte by mixing with water. The volume of the electrolyte making
tank shall be decided suitably by the Contractor. The M.O.C shall be SS304.

DM Water Pump

Used for feeding water into the system. Normally, the interval of feeding water is about 2
hours and finished in 10 minutes. The feed water pump capacity shall be decided suitably by
the Contractor & pressure shall be 16-18 bar (g). This high pressure is required in order to
pump water into system.

DM Water Storage tank

Two numbers DM Water Storage Tank of Capacity adequate enough for 5 days normal
requirement of hydrogen gas generation on continuous basis at rated capacity of the
Hydrogen generation Plant. Tank will be fitted with drain connections, level transmitters, level
indications. The Tank shall be of HDPE construction. Water level shall be controlled via a
solenoid valve with float type level switch assembly mounted at tank top.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

5.9.0 Gas Washer

The gases coming out of separators shall be hot and saturated with lye containing water
vapour. The gases shall be washed by DM water being circulated by a pump. The heat
absorbed by the circulating water shall be dissipated by heat exchangers.
5.10.0 Gas Holder

Two gas holders for hydrogen shall be provided so that hydrogen gas flow to the holder
from gas washer. However if Hydrogen storage cylinder exists between the generator and
compressor, gas holder shall not be required.

5.11.0 De-Oxy Unit

The hydrogen gas from gas holder shall flow to de-oxy unit. The de-oxy unit shall be capable
of removing oxygen as impurity from the hydrogen gas to achieve the hydrogen purity of
5.12.0 Gas Cooler

A gas cooler for H2 coming out of the de-oxy unit shall be provided to cool the hot H2 gas.

5.13.0 Hydrogen Compressors

A quantity of three (3), two-stage triple diaphragm hydrogen compressors is proposed for the
compression of the hydrogen product. Each unit will be designed to compress required
capacity of hydrogen gas. Two-stage triple diaphragm compressors proposed in this system
incorporate a unique combination of simple design features to provide the best compressor
benefits available in the market today for preserving the purity of the hydrogen product.

5.14.0 Quality Standards

The hydrogen gas produced shall conform to IS: 1090 Gr.I
5.15.0 Location
The Hydrogen Generating equipment shall be located indoor in a building specified.

The Building Areas shall be considered for classification in accordance with NFPA 70 and
NFPA Documents referenced therein. Equipments supplied for areas which are classified
hazardous or potentially hazardous shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 70 and
referenced NFPA documents. Equipments with standard electrical protection maybe installed in
separate unclassified areas as defined by NFPA70 and NFPA documents referenced therein.


Number of hydrogen gas cylinders for the unit shall be assessed in accordance with the
following guideline

N1 = L x 30 x N where

N1 = Total number of hydrogen gas cylinders to be installed.

L = Normal leakage rate per day (shall be assumed as minimum 5 cylinders per day)
Bidder shall be informed the normal leakage rate per day during detailed
N = Number of generating units (2 for this project).

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The number of hydrogen cylinders required for the unit shall be as computed
above or 300, whichever is higher.

Number of carbon-dioxide gas cylinders for the unit shall be assessed by following guidelines:

N2 = -------- +X where

N2 = Total number of CO2 cylinders required

M = No. of fills required (to be taken as minimum two numbers)
L = Total fill required for each turbo generator in Nm³
V = Volume occupied by CO2 in each cylinder, in Nm³
X = No. of cylinders to be kept in stock additionally to account for unforeseen

The number of carbon di-oxide gas cylinders shall be as computed above, or 50, whichever is

The total number of Nitrogen cylinders required for each unit shall be Forty (40) minimum.

The water holding capacity of each cylinder shall be 46.7 litres

N2 Cylinder shall be hydro tested at a pressure of 250 kg/cm²(g) (minimum)

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.18.1


S.NO Description Units Data

1.0 H2 Generator and
No. required / service Two (1W+1S)
Capacity Nm /hr Not less than 12Nm3/hr
Type Electrolyser
Location Indoor

2.0 Electrolyser
Type Bi Polar

3.0 DM Water Tank

Type Cylindrical
Orientation Horizontal / Vertical

4.0 Lye Tank

Type P.V.C (High density) pre-fabricated
with suitable mixing arrangement

5.0 Gas Washer

Type Direct cooling & washing by DM

6.0 Gas Holder

Type Vertical Rising Bell (or) Any suitable
Capacity min. 5 minutes hold up

7.0 De-Oxy-Unit
Type Contractor to indicate
Purity required at the outlet of 99.998% Hydrogen
the De-Oxy-Unit

8.0 Gas Cooler

Type Shell & Tube (or) Any suitable type
Orientation Vertical / Horizontal
Gas temperature required at the °C 40
outlet of cooler

9.0 Coalescence cum Activated 1 No.

Carbon Filter
Type Pre-filter + sibmicron (duly
Rated flow Nm /hr. Contractor to indicate
Rated pressure Kg/cm (a) 150
Oil traces at down stream ppm 0.2 max.
Accessories Drain valves & clogging indicator

10.0 Drying System for H2 Gas

Type Moisture separating column type with
automatic drain system
Orientation Vertical

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

S.NO Description Units Data

Compressor and Accessories

No of compressor No’s 3(2W+1S)
Type two-stage
Rated flow Nm3/h Contractor to
Rated pressure Kg/cm2(g) 150
11.0 Cylinder Manifold
Type Dual filling
12.0 Purity Testing Instruments
Gas analyser Contractor to indicate
Recorder Contractor to indicate

13.0 Cylinder Pressure Testing Contractor to indicate


Cylinders H2 CO2 N2
Storage Storage Storage
Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder
(Minimum (Minimum (Minimum
Requirem Requirem Requirem
ent) ent) ent)

1 Number of cylinders As per clause 6.0.0

2 Fluid handled Hydrogen CO2 Gas N2Ga4
3 Purity 99.998% 99.9% 99.9%
4 Material of cylinders Manganes Manganes Manganes
e steel e steel e steel
5 Bottom shape of cylinders Convex inwards so that the Cylinders
can be kept in standing position.

Note: 1. Suitable audio visual alarming devices shall also be included in the purity testing instrument
system to give audio visual alarm where the purity of the hydrogen gas decreases below
2. The specified data is indicative and shall be minimum requirements for the equipment

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2.19.3 HOISTS

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.19.0


This part of the specification covers the requirements for Cranes and Hoists.

This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with other sections of the
specification as appropriate and the equipment offered shall meet the requirements as spelt
out therein. The system shall comprise of cranes and hoists.


The scope of supply shall have to meet all the requirements to make the system complete as
per specification and for satisfactory performance guarantee of the complete crane and hoist.

Crane and Hoist shall be provided in the following area considering the design requirement of
crane and hoist.


a) Two number of EOT crane for Power House building.

b) GIS building
c) BFP and its auxiliaries and its drives
d) CW pump house
e) Sea water intake pump house
f) Screens and gates
g) Desalinated water pump house
h) Filtered water pump house
i) Sea water outfall pump house
j) Fuel oil pump house (unloading and forwarding)
k) Air Compressor room (Instrument and service air)
l) Ash Slurry pump & ash water pump house
m) Recovery water pump house
n) Conveying air compressor room
o) Ahs clarified water tank and pump house
p) Sea water tank and ash slurry pump house.
q) One number of 15T EOT crane for Store
r) One number of 10T EOT crane for Workshop
s) DG set building
t) Any other areas as applicable

Hoist :

a) Boiler area(ID fan, FD fan, PA fan, Boiler circulation pump, coal feeder area, Air
preheater, seal air fan)
b) ESP
c) Bottom ash silo, fly ash silo and mill reject ash silo
d) Mill reject compressor
e) Power house building(Vacuum pumps, CEP, DMCW pumps, ACW pumps, butterfly
valves at condenser inlet and outlet, condenser water box, Lube oil unit, control oil unit
and central lube oil system)
f) Electro Chlorination building
g) Desalination building

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

h) Gravity filtered pipe gallery

i) Coal Handling System (Crusher House, Transfer towers, Head/Tail end of conveyors,
Bunker building, flap gate, flow divider, junction tower, ERH, etc.)
j) Water treatment plant , Effluent treatment plant and Sewage treatment plant
k) Sea water intake pump house stop-log gates and screens.
l) HVAC Building.
m) AC plant,
n) Fuel Oil Pump House,
o) ETP
p) Air Washer Room
q) Chemical house
r) Hydrogen generation building
s) Any other areas as applicable

2.1.0 Crane

Crane shall be provided complete with all accessories as specified under, but not limited to the

a) Box type steel bridge girder complete with bridge rails, end stoppers, walkway platforms
across the span of either side of crane and access ladders for double girder crane, (cabin
for TG hall EOT crane, etc

b) End carriage complete with minimum two (2) nos. of wheels for each end carriage and
access ladders from gantry platforms, spring buffers etc.

c) Service cage with all protections and access ladder, for maintenance of DSL’s.

d) Crab (trolley) with wheels and drive equipment for hoists and trolley complete with motors,
gear reducers with Suitable arrangement for collection of oil spillage, brakes, limit switches,
couplings, rope drums, wire ropes, main hook, auxiliary hook, end stoppers etc.

e) Set of crane longitudinal drive equipment complete with motor, gear reducers with Suitable
arrangement for collection of oil spillage, brakes, shaft bearings, gear pinions, and limit

f) EOT crane runway gantry rails complete with fixtures comprising of fixing clamps (machined
to suit rail flange contour), bolts, nuts etc for effective crane longitudinal runway length, end
stoppers specified.

g) Brakes for all motion, Anti-collision switch for TG hall EOT crane and limit switch for over
hoisting/lowering, CT and LT motion.

h) Runway conductors & bridge cross conductors with accessories.

i) Crane shall be operated through Pendant Push Button station. TG hall EOT crane shall be
operated from cabin as well as Pendant Push Button station.

j) Crane buffer stops shall include the buffers on the crane itself. The stoppers to be fixed
on the building frame and wheel stoppers shall be provided at either end of the crane

k) Lifting beam, loose slings and cradle shall be provided as required.

l) The complete electrical equipment basically including:

• Load break changeover switch mounted on the building structure.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Cabling between the load break switch and the down shop leads.
• Down shop leads and current collector for crane.
• Load break switch on the crane bridge walkway
• Protective and control switch gear
• Motors
• Festoon cable system for crab
• Master controllers
• Pendent controller (where specified)
• Wireless remote control (where specified)
• Indicating lamps, push buttons.
• Lighting panel, lighting fixtures, Cabin fan, light, alarm/bell, socket outlets etc.
• All power and control cables.
• Cable trays & supports, Conduits, Cable glands, lugs & clamps etc.
• Crane earthing system
• Variable Voltage and Variable Frequency (VVVF) control for speed control of crane
• Electronic Anti-collision device

2.2.0 Hoist

a) Electrically operated trolley suspended, mono girder type hoists complete with drive motor.
b) Hoisting cable, hoisting block and hooks complete with drive motor.
c) Limit switches to prevent over travel while hoisting and lowering of the hook.
d) Limit switches to prevent over travel of hoist assembly at both ends.
e) Runway conductors for feeding power to trolley assembly.
f) Pendent control stations suspended from hoist.
g) Monorails for the travelling of hoist assembly.
h) Brakes for hoist and trolley motion.
i) Protective and control switch gear
j) Motors
k) All power and control cables including Festoon cable system
l) Conduits, Cable glands, lugs & clamps, earthing etc.

2.3.0 Lifting tackles

The crane installations shall be supplied with all the ropes (slings), lifting beam (if required),
chains, shackles etc. needed for maintenance of the plant equipment/component.

The minimum scope of supply per handling equipment (crane & hoist) for each lifting tackle
includes the following items:

• Two (2) nos. single ropes each with 2 eyes at the ends, each rope 2 m long
• Two(2) nos. single ropes each with 2 eyes at the ends, each rope 4 m long
• Four (4) nos. shackles.

The load-bearing capacity of the ropes and shackles must be suitable for the relevant crane &

The maximum tension in the rope shall not exceed 1/8 of the calculated braking capacity of
the rope. The ropes shall be of the stranded type, and galvanized wires shall be used.

The eyes of the single ropes must be secured with compression fittings. The length of the
eyes must be at least 15 times the nominal diameter of the rope.

In special cases, where safe lifting of the relevant component is not certain, specially-made
devices shall be provided. At least two (2) of these shall be provided in each individual case.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

For each installation a list shall be submitted, showing the number, type, nominal load-
carrying capacity and strength characteristics of the materials used. In addition, factory and
acceptance certificates shall be submitted for all ropes (slings) and materials.


a) Cranes & hoist shall be provided in the areas where handling of the equipment
/component to be lifted for maintenance weighing above 300 kg..

b) The cranes and hoist designed to operate at 100% safe working load and subjected to
over load test at 125% of rated load.

c) The Turbine Building EOT crane is required to handle the heaviest component other
than the generator stator. The main hoist is used for maintenance of the main steam
turbine and electric generators, generator coolers, condensate pumps, lube oil units and
other equipment located in power house building. The auxiliary hoist is used to handle
smaller components more rapidly.

d) Cranes and hoist shall be designed considering the ambient temperature of 50 °C.

e) The cranes and hoist would be designed considering for hazardous area or non
hazardous classification as required.

f) Crane and hoist control shall be from Variable Voltage and Variable Frequency (VVVF)
drive. Creep speed shall be achieved through VVVF drive for cranes.

g) The hoists shall be provided with flexible trailing cable system.

h) Manual Hoists shall be operated at floor level by means of endless chain.

i) Specification for the gantry/semi gantry crane shall be referred from the single or double
girder crane (based on the type of crane)

j) The CW Pump house EOT crane shall be rated for the heaviest component to be
handled in the CW Pump house.

k) The lift for the CW Pump house EOT crane shall be based on lifting the circulating water
pump out of the pump suction flume onto the maintenance floor area.

l) Layout Considerations: The span of EOT cranes shall be derived based on the building
layout with considerations to clearances and hook approach to handle all equipments.

m) At crane girder level, Access walkway of minimum 500 mm width with safety handrails
on one side shall be provided along the full span length of the cooling water building
crane and other double girder cranes except TG hall EOT crane.

n) At crane girder level, Access walkway of minimum 500 mm width with safety handrails
on both side shall be provided along the full span length of the TG hall EOT crane.

3.1.0 Sizing Criteria

a) The TG hall crane capacity shall be taken as 10% more than the single heaviest
equipment/component to be lifted. And other cranes and hoists capacity shall be selected
by considering 20% margin over the weight of the component to be lifted.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

b) Crane and hoist selection criteria

Crane shall be provided in the areas where the handling of the equipments /
components shall have requirement in both transverse and longitudinal direction.
Otherwise, hoist shall be considered. Curved monorail with hoist shall also be
considered, if the equipments / components are located inline with the monorail. Height
of the building shall be finalized considering the required lift over other equipments,
piping etc.

Type of Handling equipment Crane & Hoist’s Safe working load

Double Girder EOT Crane > 7.5T
Single Girder over head / Under Slung < 7.5T
Electric hoists > 1000 Kg
Manual hoists with trolley > 300 Kg and < 1000 Kg

Note: Electrical hoists shall be provided at all equipments / components location

which has a lift more than 10 m (for all >300 kg and < 1000 kg). Hook shall be
provided for all possible maintenance location for the weight less 300kg. Hoists
shall also be provided if required specifically as mentioned in respective

c) Auxiliary hoist shall be provided, for TG hall EOT crane and CW pump house EOT crane.
AH capacity shall be rated for a minimum capacity of 20% from the main hoist capacity or
20% more than the single heaviest equipment/component to be lifted whichever is higher.

d) For guidance purposes the following crane speeds shall be considered:-

Double girder Cranes Single Girder Crane

• Main Hoist 1m/min (for TG hall EOT crane) 2.5 to 5m/min

2m/min (for other cranes)

• Aux Hoist 5m/min N/A

(if applicable)

• Trolley Travel 10 m/min 10 to 15 m/min

• Bridge Travel 15 m/min 15 m/min

• Creep speeds 10% of operating speeds for all motion

e) Speeds for the electric hoist shall be

• Hoisting speed 3.5 m/min to 5 m/min

• Travel speed 5 m/min to 10 m/min

• Creep speeds 10% of operating speeds for all motion

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


4.1.0 Drawings, data / documents to be submitted along with bid

4.1.1 Completely filled up technical schedules and data sheets of tender documents

4.1.2 Crane clearance diagram showing various dimensions/data. (Including highest crane hook
position, safe working load etc.)

4.1.3 General Arrangement Drawing of the E.O.T. crane assembly.

4.1.4 Wheel Loading Diagram.

4.1.5 Detailed drawing showing the features of the components of the Crane Bridge and trolley.

4.1.6 A detailed write-up on the crane control system. Drawings and data sheets showing the
particulars of the controllers, switches, contactors, relays, other control devices and limit

4.1.7 General arrangement drawing of protection, control and lighting panels.

4.1.8 Electrical /Control Schematic diagrams.

4.1.9 Equipment arrangement drawing.
4.1.10 Quality Assurance Plan /Inspection and Test Plan (ITP).
4.1.11 Field Quality Plan
4.1.12 List of tests to be conducted at shop and at site.
4.1.13 Testing procedures.
4.1.14 A comprehensive write-up and /or brochure on the details of the manufacturing facilities and
the test facilities in the shop of the supplier..
4.1.15 Detailed engineering, manufacturing, delivery, erection and commissioning schedule and
PERT chart.
4.1.16 Details of similar job executed in last five years.
4.1.17 Lubricants list (with quantities for initial fill and make-up).

4.1.18 List of erection and commissioning spares for each crane.

4.1.19 List of recommended O&M spares for 3 years normal operation.

4.1.20 List of Special Tools & Tackles.

4.1.21 List of makes of bought out items.
4.1.22 End user certificates.

4.2.0 Drawings, data / documents to be furnished by the successful bidder

Description Approval

4.2.1 Technical data sheets A

4.2.2 Crane clearance diagrams showing various dimensions. A

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Approval
4.2.3 Drawings showing general arrangement, clearance requirement, assembly, A
cross sectional data and material of construction for :

a. E.O.T. Crane Unit

b. Bridge Assembly and Components
c. Bridge and long travel and Wheel Assembly
d. Trolley
e. Trolley Wheel Assembly
f. Drive and Transmission Unit for Bridge Travel, Trolley Travel, and
g. Suspension Unit for Hook Block
h. Main Hook Block
i. Protection, control and lighting panels.
j. Electric hoist
k. Manual hoist

4.2.4 Drawings on runway rails, fixtures to fix runway rails with the runway main A
girder and stops etc.

4.2.5 Design calculations of the following : A

Bridge girder, Rope drum, Machinery Shafts, Gearbox excluding proprietary

items, Motor rating, Brake capacity, Bearing life, Wheel loading and current
collector, angle iron conductor sizing.

4.2.6 Leaflets on proprietary items such as motors, brakes, gear box, coupling A

4.2.7 Electrical documents as listed in respective sections. A

4.2.8 Material test certificates, including those for the Hooks and wire rope. I

4.2.9 Report on various tests at shop and at site and certificates of approval by I
authorised authority for all flame proof components and test reports for the
same if required.

4.2.10 Quality plans/ Inspection test plan and Field Quality Plan A

4.2.11 Erection Manual I

4.2.12 Operation and Maintenance Manuals I

4.3.0 To be submitted after the award of contract:

• Completely filled in technical Schedules.
• Dimensional General arrangement drawing for Panels, Main Switch, Master controller etc.
• Schematic wiring diagram for Panels.
• Dimensional General arrangement drawing for Motors, Brakes etc
• Characteristic curves for Motors.
• Load requirement for each crane / hoist
• VVVF Control Features.
• Control write-up for tandem operation.
• Catalogues for the all the electrical items such as cables, brakes, limit switches, relays,
meters, etc.
• Quality Plans for agreed list of equipments.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Type test certificates.

• Sizing calculation for DSL.
• Sizing calculation for Motors & Brakes
• Sizing calculation for Cables.
• Lighting arrangement.
• Earthing layout drawing.
• Cable routing drawing.

4.4.0 Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.19.1


The design, manufacture, erection and testing of the crane shall conform to the latest edition of
the following codes and standards along with their amendments:

IS 3177 Code of Practice for Electric Overhead Travelling Cranes and Gantry
Cranes other than Steel Works Cranes.

IS 807 Code of Practice for Design, Manufacture, Erection and Testing (Structural
Portion) of Cranes and Hoists.

IS 325 Three Phase Induction Motors.

IS 2223 Dimensions of flange mounted ac induction motors (First Revision)

IS 1231 Dimensions of Three-phase Foot-mounted Induction Motors (Third Revision).

IS 2062 Steel for General Structural Purposes.

IS 2266 Steel Wire Ropes for General Engineering Purposes.

IS 3443 Crane Rail Sections.

IS 15560 Point Hooks with Shank up to 160 Tonne specification

IS 5749 Forged Ram shorn Hooks.

IS 3813/4164: Specification for 'C' Hooks.

Any other International standards such as ASTM / ASME / ISO / DIN / JIS for design of coal
handling system shall be followed.


a) Deflections and Camber

i. The total maximum vertical deflections of the girders for the safe weight of working
load plus the weight of the crab in central position (without taking into consideration
the impact factor) shall not exceed limit of span/900 as specified by the relevant IS
807 or any other code whichever is having higher deflection shall be taken for limit.

ii. The girder shall be cambered by an amount equal to the maximum deflection due to
dead load plus one half the live load and trolley.

b) Hooks

Hooks shall have swivels and safety latch.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

c) Hoist rope

The rope shall be of flexible plough steel with lubricated hemp (fibre) core construction.
Attachment to the rope shall be provided for fastening to the drum. Rope shall be of
sufficient length so that drum has two full turns when hook is at the lowest position.

d) Drums

Rope-drums shall be grooved and welded steel conforming to IS 3177. Drum shall have
minimum one spare groove when this hook is at its highest position.

e) Sheaves

Rope sheaves shall be of cast steel or fabricated steel with anti-friction bearings.
Sheaves shall be fully guarded to prevent rope coming off.

f) Gears

Gears shall be cut from solid cast or forged steel blanks or shall be of stress relieved
welded steel construction. Pinions shall be of forged carbon or heat treated alloy steel.

Split gears shall not be used. Gears and pinions shall be totally enclosed for all motions
and must be dust proof and prevent oil leakage. Gear boxes shall have oil bath type for
lubrication. Gear boxes shall have covers split horizontally for inspection.

Necessary oil level indicator, Drain plugs, Lifting lugs and guards shall be provided.

g) Bearings

Bearings shall be of ball or roller type only. All anti-friction bearings shall be of approved
make, which are interchangeable with corresponding size bearings of other make.
Bearing housings shall be of split type or so designed to permit easy removal of the shaft.
The design shall be such that there is no ingress of dust and oil or grease does not leak
out. Drip pans shall be provided to accept accidental leakage and drippings. Bearings
shall have minimum life expectancy of 10,000 working hours.

h) Shafts, Axles, coupling, and Keys

Shafts and axles shall be made of forged steel and shall have ample strength, rigidity and
adequate bearing surface for intended duties. Shafts and axles shall be accurately
machined and properly supported. Shafts shall, as far as possible, be furnished straight. If
shouldered, these shall be provided with fillets of ample radius or shall be tapered to
avoid loss of strength and stress concentration. These shall be designed considering
allowances for keys and splines.

All couplings shall be of steel. Flexible gear type coupling shall be provided

Keys and keyways shall conform to IS 2048 / 2291 / 2292 / 2293 as applicable.

i) Jacking pad should be provided to facilitate replacement of all bearings and wheels.

j) Sweeping plates shall be fixed to both ends of the end carriages.

k) Guard shall be provided on crane to prevent the hoist ropes coming in contact with down
shop leads. Suitable guards shall be provided to revolving shafts, coupling etc.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

l) Steel made rail stops shall be provided at ends of rails for bridge and trolley welded to
crane girders to prevent creeping of rails and running off of trolley. Stops shall match
wheel radius for double/single girder overhead crane and buffers shall be provided as

m) The span of EOT cranes shall be derived based on the final building layout with
considerations to clearances and hook approach.

n) Bridge and trolley frames shall be of fabricated structural steel sections. Mountings shall
be designed to facilitate easy removal of the wheels, bearings and journals.

o) Buffers shall be provided on trolley and bridge frames to absorb shock of impact without
transferring to the frame.

p) Crane Bridge shall be driven by two independent end drives.

q) Wheel bases for end carriage shall not be less than 1/5 of the span or as per IS.3177

r) The push button station shall be supported independently, earthed separately

independent of suspension and shall comprise the following push buttons and indicating

i.‘Start’ and ‘Stop’

ii.Long travel - ‘Right’ and ‘Left’
iii.Cross travel - ‘To’ and ‘Fro’
iv.Hook - ‘Hoist’ and ‘Lower’

Red lamp shall indicate supply ‘ON’. All push buttons shall be hold-to run’ type.

s) Operator cabin for TG hall EOT crane

The operation cabin shall be enclosed type with ample space for mounting control panel. 4
to 6 mm shatter proof glass above 1m height of cabin on 3 sides shall be provided. The
main control panels shall be mounted on the crane bridge.

The cabin shall be designed to give the operator clear view of the equipment being lifted in
the bay. The operator’s seat shall meet the above requirement and shall be comfortable.
The cabin shall be adequately illuminated. The Cabin shall be air conditioned (window A/C
type). Audible alarm and plug points shall be provided.

Apart from above the cabin shall have following requisites,

• Master controllers for all motions.
• Emergency stop push button
• Foot switch for alarm or bell
• Switches for lighting fixtures
• Switches for cabin fan.
• Operator’s chair.
• Cabin light.
• Annunciation.
• Two (2) nos. of industrial socket.
• A foot operated type – electric warning horn/gong shall be provided at outside the cabin
• Deadmans handle/control for each of the crane motion shall be provided.
• Cabins Platform shall be provided with 10mm thick rubber sheet on the floor to comply
with I.E rules.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The cabin and ladder shall be arranged as to prevent personnel from making accidental
contact with run way conductors. One number of CO2 type Fire extinguisher and tool box
shall be provided in the cabin. Three number of CO2 type Fire extinguisher shall be
provided in the crane bridge girder. Cabin size shall be not less than 2.5m x 1.8m with 2M
minimum clear height.

t) EOT cranes conforming to Group M5 for Mechanical, Structural and M7 for Electrical of
IS:3177 – 1999 shall be designed, manufactured, inspected, shop tested, erection, site
testing and commissioning to well established engineering practices, safety codes and
other relevant codes and standards.

u) Safety arrangements shall be incorporated to prevent damage to motors on account of

mechanical overload and electrical faults and to gearing shafts, etc. due to over stressing
and other detrimental conditions.

v) All materials / components shall be of tested quality and shall conform to the specification
requirements and standards mentioned. Test certificates for MOC supplied shall be
furnished for acceptance.

w) For load carrying members the component plates, bars, angles and other rolled sections
shall be minimum 8 mm thick.

x) No cast iron part shall be used on the crane except for electrical equipment. However, in
case of gear boxes casing only, use of cast iron of grade not less than 25, IS: 210 -1962
is recommended. Similarly, no wood or other combustible material shall be used in any part
of the crane.

y) Parts requiring replacement or lubrication shall easily be accessible without dismantling the
other equipment and structures.

z) Defects in the material like fractures, cracks, blow holes, pitting etc. are not allowed.
Rectification /Replacement of any such flow are permissible only with the approval of the

aa) Overload protection system must be considered for the Hoist with additional operational
limit switches.

bb) Crane shall be complete with trolley, tracks, wheels, axles, drive mechanism, hoisting
drum brakes, horns, warning, lights, limit switches etc.

cc) Ladders shall be provided for accessing the walkway from operating floor on both sides of
the building. Minimum 500 mm clear walkway shall be provided along the building
columns on both sides of TG building (Full length) and one side of full length all double
girder cranes.

dd) Access ladder shall be provided for access the crane from building walkway. And ladder
shall be provided for access the cabin & maintenance cage from crane walkway.

ee) Platforms / walkways in crane shall be provided for maintenance with 750 mm clear inside
width. Non skid steel plate of thickness 6 mm with toe guards of 100 mm height above
the floor level and safety hand railing shall be provided along the full span length on either
side of the crane bridge girders. The hand railings shall consist of 32 mm NB pipe in two
(2) tiers. Top pipe shall be at about one (1) m and middle pipe shall be at about 450 mm
height from the walkway platform level.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ff) Two individual bridge girders in plate welded box type are fabricated from tested steel
plates. Box section shall be adequately reinforced by internal diaphragms and ribs.

gg) The brakes shall be located on input shaft / extension of input shaft of gear reducer.
Coupling halves shall not be used as brake drums.

hh) Anti-collision switch shall be provided wherever applicable.


a) Electrical equipment shall be adequately rated to permit simultaneous operation of may

combination of motions of the crane for it duty service.
b) Motor ratings shall be 25% (at least) over the maximum power requirement. The hoist
motors shall be rated to lift 125% of the design load at rated speed.
c) Motors shall suit the duty class S4, cyclic duration factor 60% and 300 starts per hour and
shall be suitable for VVF operation. Motor pull out torque shall not be less than
2.75 times/ rated torque. Motor shall have class F insulation temperature rise limited to
class B and enclosures shall conform to the degree of protection IP-55.
d) All motors shall be capable of the following :
• Operating satisfactorily at full load for 5 minutes without injurious heating with
75% rated voltage at motor terminals.
• Withstand 120% of rated speed for two minutes.
• Current shall not exceed 6 times full load current for creep speed motor.
• Withstanding the stresses imposed if started at 110% rated voltage.
• Start with rated load and accelerate to full speed with 80% rated voltage at motor
• The locked rotor motor withstand time under hot condition at 110% rated voltage
shall be more than motor starting time at minimum permissible voltage by at least
3 seconds for motors upto 20 seconds starting time.
• Maximum torque shall not be below 200% of full load torque.
e) Each motor more than 30 KW rating shall be provided with space heater. All electrical
equipment accessories and wiring shall have tropical protection.
f) The crane(s) shall be furnished complete with all electrical equipment, accessories, like
drive motors with VVF drives, conductors, insulators, protective & operating devices,
cables, current collectors, all protective devices, anti collision limit switches, mechanical
overload and protection for electrical faults etc.
g) The limit switches shall be totally enclosed type IP-55.
h) Each hoist shall be furnished with two (2) limit switches meeting the following
• A screw type limit switch with self resetting features which will act in case of over
• A gravity operated hand reset type limit switch as a back up protection against over
i) Track type limit switches shall be provided on the bridge and trolley to prevent over
travelling in either direction.
j) Trailing cable shall be 1100 V grade, tinned copper, heat resistant, with EPR insulation
and as per Class – 5 of IS-8130. Also should have inner PCP sheath and outer CSP
sheath with nylon chord reinforcement & heat resistant, oil resistant and flame retardant
heavy duty FRLS type.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

k) Necessary start/stop and emergency controls shall be provided. Automatic reset type limit
switches shall be provided to prevent over-travel for:

• Over hoisting and lowering motions of the hook.

• Long travel motion
• Cross travel motion

l) Down Shop Leads (DSL)

One (1) set of shrouded type down shop leads (DSL) with copper conductor for the crane
runway length shall be provided. Conductor shall be colour coded for R, Y, B phases and
ground. Current carrying capacity of Runway conductors shall be designed for
simultaneous operation of the two cranes as applicable.

The shrouded copper bus bar conductor system shall comprise of 4 wire suitable for
single power feed to mid point. The material of shroud shall be PVC suitable for 70 deg.
C. The continuous current rating of the conductors shall be so chosen that the voltage
drop from load break switch to the motor terminal is restricted to 3 % based on maximum
derated current and 10% based on peak current.Minimum 20% allowance for wear and
tear shall be provided over the calculated size.

m) VVVF control

The VVF drive control shall be used for control of each motion. The VVF drive shall be
equipped at least with 1024 pulse incard, droop control for synchronization and crane
software. The rating of VVF shall be decided considering 250% of full load current of
respective drive motor based on in panel rating with derated at 50 Deg C ambient

VVVF system shall be rated for continuous duty as per IEC 146 (clause II). Output
frequency range shall be minimum 0 to 50 Hz at constant torque and 0 to 100 Hz at
constant power. Efficiency of VVVF shall be minimum 97%.

Individual converters shall be provided for each vector drive. The harmonic content
reflected on incoming line is to be limited to 5% THD and 3% for individual harmonics.
Harmonics filters preferably along with 12 pulse converter/IGBT based converter shall be
used to achieve this.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ANNEX 2.19.1


Sl.No. Description Data

1 Design, fabrication and testing of As per IS : 3177 – 1999 / IS:807
the crane conform to standard /
code number
2 Operation Wireless remote control & Pendent push
button for all double girder cranes.
Wireless remote control + Operator cabin +
pendent push bottom for TG hall EOT crane
3 Crane Components
3.1 Type of girder Double girder box type
3.2 Type of connection to end By fitted bolts
3.3 Girder material IS2062 Gr. A/B
4 Rails-Bridge Girder
4.1 Type / section Rails sections as per IS: 3443 Grade 50 C 12.
Joint to be butt-welded by thermit welding &
fusion welding or by end clamping welded by
thermit welding & Fusion welding or by end
clamping arrangement.
4.2 Material Rail Steel
5 Lifting hooks MH AH (if applicable)
5.1 Type Ram shorn for more 'C' type swiveling
than 50T or 'C' type hook with locking
swiveling hook with device.
locking device.
5.2 Material EN 3A-BS 970 Class 2 IS:1875
5.3 Standard conforming to Ram shorn: IS:5749
Single hook (or) “C” hook: IS 15560

6 Trolley
6.1 Type Fabricated
6.2 Method of fabrication Fusion welded
6.3 Material conforming to IS: IS: 2062 Gr. A or B
6.4 Number of Trolleys One (1) per crane
6.5 Number of hoists on trolley One (1) Main + One (1) auxiliary hoist (if
7 Sheaves details Main hoist Aux. hoist
7.1 Material Fe 410 WA IS: 2062 Gr. A or B /
CS Gr. 280-520 IS:1030
Design as per IS:3177-1999
7.2 Diameter of equivalent sheaves Should not be less Should not be less
in mm on root than 62% of than 62% of
calculated main calculated main
sheave diameter sheave diameter.

7.3 Type of guards provided Fabricated from sheet steel

8 Coupling & shafting

8.1 Coupling details (between motor Main Aux. hoist Cross Long
and gear box) hoist travel travel
a) Type Flexible geared type

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Data

b) Guards and Enclosures Provided
8.2 Coupling details (gear box and Cross travel Long travel
a) Type Flexible geared type
b) Guards and Enclosures Provided
8.3 Coupling details (gear box and Main hoist Aux. hoist
rope drum)
a) Type Flexible geared type
b) Guards and Enclosures Provided
8.4 Shafting (output)
a) Factor of safety As per IS:3177-1999
b) Arrangement of lubrication Grease cups / Nipples
c) Type of lubricant Grease
9 Gear box details
9.1 Hoist Motions MH AH
a) Type of mounting of gear box Horizontal / Vertical
b) Classification Suitable for M5 duty
c) Type of gears Helical Helical /
/ Spur Spur
d) Type of lubrication (grease / Splash lubrication
splash / pump lubrication)
e) Difference in gear and pinion Min 20 BHN
f) Materials (gear / pinions) Main Gears En 9/55C8/IS2707 Gr. 1 or 2
Pinions En 19/EN 24
Hardness conforming to IS:3177
g) Casings Fabricated Fe 410w IS:2062 Gr A/B & stress
9.2 Travel Motions CT LT
a) Type of mounting gear box Vertical Vertical /
b) Classification M5 duty
c) Type of gears Helical Helical /
/ Spur Spur
d) Type of lubrication (Grease / Splash lubrication
splash / pump lubrication)
e) Difference in gear and pinion Min 20 BHN
f) Materials (gear / pinions) Main Gears En 9/55C8/IS 2707 Gr. 1 or 2
Pinions En 19/ EN 24.
Hardness conforming to IS:3177
g) Casings Fabricated Fe 410w IS: 2062 Gr A/B & stress
10 Warning gong Operated from pendant. Suitable for 240V AC
of noise level 95 dBA at 3.5 m
11 Rope Drum
11.1 Type Rope drums shall be spur / helical gear type
and should be fabricated from M.S. as per IS
2062 and should be stress relieved.
11.2 Rope drums Main hoist Aux. Hoist
a) Material (Indicate IS) Seamless pipe ASTM-106 or fabricated
Fe410w IS: 2062 Gr. A/B & stress relieved.
b) Numbers provided One for each hoist
c) Type of grooves Identical right hand and left hand
d) Flange / flangeless Flanged

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Data

12 Wire Rope
12.1 Rope details Extra flexible plough steel conforming to
IS:2266, Rope grade 1770
12.2 Construction 6 x 36
12.3 Factor of safety Not less than 5.25 / As per IS
12.4 Type of core Fibre
13 Wheels
13.1 Wheels Cross travel long travel
13.2 Type Double flanged
13.3 Materials Forged Steel / C 55 Mn 75
13.4 Hardness 300-350 BHN.
13.5 Arrangement of lubrication Grease
13.6 Bearing for the wheels Antifriction Bearings.
13.7 Method of lubrication Grease lubrication
13.8 Bearing life 10,000 working hours
14 Limit Switches
Main Aux, Hoist CT LT
Hoist: (If
Type Rotary Rotary lever type lever
geared geared + type
+ gravity gravity
Quantity type type
1+1 1+1 2* 2
14.1 Protection Based on the location.
15 Brakes Main Aux, Hoist CT LT
15.1 Type AC Electro Hydraulic Thruster operated +
DC Electro Magnetic disc
15.2 Quantity 1+ 1 1+ 1 1+1 1+1
15.3 Braking capacity 150% 150% 125% 125%
16 Buffer Cross Travel Long Travel
16.1 Number 4 4
16.2 Type Rubber / Spring loaded type. To be designed
to bring the loaded crane to rest from speed
of 50% of the rated speed.
17 Electrical
17.1 Power supply Shrouded type down shop leads (copper)
shall be provided to supply power to crane.
Power supply to Crab shall be through flexible
trailing conductors.
17.2 Rating S4, 60% CDF
17.3 Number of starts / hour 300 starts / hr

Note: 1. Tandem operation will not be envisaged for the TG hall EOT cranes.
2. * Two number of one way lever type’ limit switches or one no. two way lever type limit
switch shall be provided for each CT & LT motion

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB-SECTION - 2.19.2


The design, manufacture, erection and testing of the crane shall conform to the latest edition
of the following codes and standards along with their amendments:

IS 3177 Code of Practice for Electric overhead travelling cranes and gantry cranes
other than steel works cranes.

IS 800 Code of practice for use of structural steel in general building construction.

IS 807 Code of practice for design, manufacture, erection and testing (structural
portion) of cranes and hoists.

IS 2266 Steel wire ropes for general engineering purposes.

IS 3443 Crane rail sections.

IS 15560 Point hooks with shank up to 160 tonne specification

IS 4029 Guide for testing three phase induction motors

IS 5749 Forged ramshorn hooks.

IS 4164 Specification for lifting `C' Hooks with eye - capacity up to 25 tonnes

IS 12162 Specification for lifting hook

IS 3832 Specification for hand-operated chain pulley blocks

IS 3938 Specification for electric wire rope hoists

IS 1835 Specification for Round steel wire for ropes

IS 7847 General Characteristic of Lifting hook.

IS 3815 Specification for point hook with shank

Any other International standards such as ASTM / ASME / ISO / DIN / JIS for design of coal
handling system shall be followed.

Under slung crane / over head crane are required to be installed for handling various
equipments during maintenance.

a) EOT cranes conforming to M5 for Mechanical, Structural and M7 for Electrical of IS:3177
– 1999 and Class II of IS 3938 shall be designed, manufactured, inspected, shop tested,
erection, site testing and commissioning to well established engineering practices, safety
codes and other relevant codes and standards. However, Work shop single girder over
head crane conforming to Group M7 for mechanical, structural and electrical of IS 3177.

b) The crane shall be a complete unit with bridge girder, end carriages for long travel,
travelling for cross travel, rope drums, wire ropes, sheaves, drive units, brakes, rails and
fixtures, rail clamps (if applicable), end stops, buffers, conductors, all electrical etc. to

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

make the equipment complete in all respects. The steel used for the crane construction
shall be of standard quality. All materials used shall be of recent manufacture, free from
defects, mill scales, laminations, pitting, flakes, rust etc. All welds shall be free from
defects like blowholes, lack of penetration, slag intrusions etc.

c) Bridge Girder

The crane bridge shall consist of single girder. In case of overhead crane, bridge girder
shall be mounted on runway rails. In case of under slung crane, bridge girder shall be
mounted on the bottom flanges of I-section. The trolley shall move on the bottom flange of
the girder.

The bridge girder shall have enough strength to carry the rated load without causing
undue stress or deflection.

d) Wheel

The LT wheel arrangement for overhead crane shall have double flanged wheel and CT
wheel arrangement shall have single flanged wheel. The under slung crane shall single
flanged wheel arrangement for both LT & CT. The wheels shall be machined on their
tread to match the runway rail section for overhead crane and profile of the I-section for
under slung crane.

e) The ratio between wheelbase and crane span shall be as stipulated in IS 807.

f) Trolley frames shall be fabricated from rolled structural steel section and not from re-
rolled structural steel section.

g) Design shall provide for easy maintenance of all parts, particularly the wheel bearings on
end carriage.

h) Platforms/walkways shall be provided for maintenance of crane components with access

ladder to access the platforms from operating floor/maintenance area.

i) Deflections and Camber

i. The total maximum vertical deflections of the girders for the safe weight of working
load plus the weight of the crab in central position (without taking into consideration
the impact factor) shall not exceed limit of span/900 as specified by the relevant IS
807 or any other code whichever is having higher deflection shall be taken for limit.

ii. The girder shall be cambered by an amount equal to the maximum deflection due to
dead load plus one half the live load and trolley.


a) Electrical equipment shall be adequately rated to permit simultaneous operation of may

combination of motions of the crane for it duty service.
b) Motor ratings shall be 25% (at least) over the maximum power requirement. The hoist
motors shall be rated to lift 125% of the design load at rated speed.
c) Motors shall suit the duty class S4, cyclic duration factor 60% and 300 starts per hour and
shall be suitable for VVF operation. Motor pull out torque shall not be less than
2.75 times/ rated torque. Motor shall have class F insulation temperature rise limited to
class B and enclosures shall conform to the degree of protection IP-55.
d) All motors shall be capable of the following :

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Operating satisfactorily at full load for 5 minutes without injurious heating with
75% rated voltage at motor terminals.
• Withstand 120% of rated speed for two minutes.
• Current shall not exceed 6 times full load current for creep speed motor.
• Withstanding the stresses imposed if started at 110% rated voltage.
• Start with rated load and accelerate to full speed with 80% rated voltage at motor
• The locked rotor motor withstand time under hot condition at 110% rated voltage
shall be more than motor starting time at minimum permissible voltage by at least
3 seconds for motors upto 20 seconds starting time.
• Maximum torque shall not be below 200% of full load torque.
e) Each motor more than 30 KW rating shall be provided with space heater. All electrical
equipment accessories and wiring shall have tropical protection.
f) The crane(s) shall be furnished complete with all electrical equipment, accessories, like
drive motors with VVF drives, conductors, insulators, protective & operating devices,
cables, current collectors, all protective devices, anti collision limit switches, mechanical
overload and protection for electrical faults etc.
g) The limit switches shall be totally enclosed type IP-55.
h) Each hoist shall be furnished with two (2) limit switches meeting the following
• A screw type limit switch with self resetting features which will act in case of over
• A gravity operated hand reset type limit switch as a back up protection against over
i) Track type limit switches shall be provided on the bridge and trolley to prevent over
travelling in either direction.
j) Trailing cable shall be 1100 V grade, tinned copper, heat resistant, with EPR insulation
and as per Class – 5 of IS-8130. Also should have inner PCP sheath and outer CSP
sheath with nylon chord reinforcement & heat resistant, oil resistant and flame retardant
heavy duty FRLS type.

k) Necessary start/stop and emergency controls shall be provided. Automatic reset type limit
switches shall be provided to prevent over-travel for:

• Over hoisting and lowering motions of the hook.

• Long travel motion
• Cross travel motion

l) Down Shop Leads (DSL)

One (1) set of shrouded type down shop leads (DSL) with copper conductor for the crane
runway length shall be provided. Conductor shall be colour coded for R, Y, B phases and
ground. Current carrying capacity of Runway conductors shall be designed for
simultaneous operation of the two cranes as applicable.

The shrouded copper bus bar conductor system shall comprise of 4 wire suitable for
single power feed to mid point. The material of shroud shall be PVC suitable for 70 deg.
C. The continuous current rating of the conductors shall be so chosen that the voltage
drop from load break switch to the motor terminal is restricted to 3 % based on maximum
derated current and 10% based on peak current.Minimum 20% allowance for wear and
tear shall be provided over the calculated size.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

m) VVVF control

The VVF drive control shall be used for control of each motion. The VVF drive shall be
equipped at least with 1024 pulse incard, droop control for synchronization and crane
software. The rating of VVF shall be decided considering 250% of full load current of
respective drive motor based on in panel rating with derated at 50 Deg C ambient

VVVF system shall be rated for continuous duty as per IEC 146 (clause II). Output
frequency range shall be minimum 0 to 50 Hz at constant torque and 0 to 100 Hz at
constant power. Efficiency of VVVF shall be minimum 97%.

Individual converters shall be provided for each vector drive. The harmonic content
reflected on incoming line is to be limited to 5% THD and 3% for individual harmonics.
Harmonics filters preferably along with 12 pulse converter/IGBT based converter shall be
used to achieve this.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Description Unit Data


1.1 Type of control proposed Pendant


2.1 Rope As per IS 2266, Rope grade 1770

a) Rope construction IS 2266 / 6 x 36 multi strand construction Fibre


b) Rope quality (material) Extra flexible plough steel

c) Factor of safety As per IS

2.2 Rope drum Hoist drum length shall be such that each lead of
wire rope has a minimum of two full turns on the
drum when the hook is at its lowest position not
taking into consideration turns covered by wire rope
anchorage and one spare groove for each lead of
wire rope on the drum when the hook is at its
highest position.

a) Drum material Fabricated from carbon steel as per IS 2062,

Grade B and stress relieved or seamless pipe as
per ASTM A 106 Grade A or B.

b) Whether stress relieved Yes (if fabricated)

2.3 Bearing type Antifriction ball or roller

2.4 Hook

a) Hook type Swivel “C” type single shank of suitable grade of

either circular or standard trapezoidal section,
point hook suitably heat treated with adequate
lifting capacity. Swivel lock pin shall be provided.

b) Hook material Forged steel

c) Safety latches provided Yes

d) Hook suspension Thrust Bearing

2.5 Sheave material Fabricated from cast steel / steel plate IS 2062 Gr
A or B / CS Gr 280-520 IS 1030

2.6 Hoist Brake

a) Type DCEM “fail to safe”

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

b) Torque 150% of rated torque or greater than the torque
transmitted to the brake drum from the suspended
load up-to the test load.

2.7 Gear box Fabricated Fe 410w IS:2062 Gr A/B & stress


a) Material of gears EN 9 / 55C8

b) Material of pinions EN 19 /EN 24

c) Type of gears & pinions Spur / helical

2.8 Limit Switch type Rotary geared + gravity type


3.1 CT brake

a) Type DCEM “ fail to safe”

b) Torque Nm 150% of rated torque

3.2 Gear box Fabricated Fe 410w IS:2062 Gr A/B & stress


a) Material of gears EN 9 / 55C8

b) Material of pinion EN 19 / EN 24

c) Type of gears & pinion Spur / Helical

3.3 Wheels

a) Materials Forged steel

b) Hardness BHN Not more than 200BHN

c) Type Single flanged

d) Wheel bearing type Antifriction Ball/Roller

3.4 Type of limit switches Lever


4.1 CT brake

a) Type DCEM “ fail to safe”

b) Torque Nm 150% of rated torque

4.2 Gear box Fabricated Fe 410w IS:2062 Gr A/B & stress


a) Material of gears EN 9 / 55C8

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Description Unit Data

b) Material of pinion EN 19 / EN 24

c) Type of gears/pinion Spur / Helical

4.3 Wheels

a) Materials Overhead Crane – C55 Mn 75 for overhead crane

& Steel used for wheel shall not contain more than
0.06% of Sulphur or Phosphorous.

Under slung Crane – Forged steel

b) Hardness BHN Overhead crane – 300 to 350 BHN for

under slung crane – Not more than 200BHN

c) Type overhead crane – Double flanged

under slung crane – Single flanged

d) Wheel bearing type Antifriction Ball/Roller

4.4 Type of limit switches lever

5.0 Type of Buffer Stoppers Rubber / spring

6.0 Electrical

6.1 Power supply Shrouded type down shop leads (copper) shall be
provided to supply power to crane. Power
supply to Crab shall be through flexible trailing

6.2 Rating S4, 60% CDF

6.3 Number of starts/hour 300 starts /hour

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SUB -SECTION - 2.19.3


The design, manufacture, erection and testing of the crane shall conform to the latest edition
of the following codes and standards along with their amendments:

IS 800 Code of practice for use of structural steel in general building construction.

IS 807 Code of practice for design, manufacture, erection and testing (structural
portion) of cranes and hoists.

IS 325 Three phase induction motors.

IS 816 Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild

IS 2266 Steel wire ropes for general engineering purposes.

IS 2327 Straight sided splines for cylindrical shafts with internal centering-dimensions,
tolerances and verification.

IS 2610 Power transmission straight-sided splines for machine tools-dimensions.

IS 15560 Point hooks with shank up to 160 tonne specification

IS 4029 Guide for testing three phase induction motors

IS 5749 Forged ramshorn hooks.

IS 4164 Specification for lifting `C' Hooks with eye - capacity up to 25 tonnes

IS 12162 Specification for lifting hook

IS 3832 Specification for hand-operated chain pulley blocks

IS 3938 Specification for electric wire rope hoists

IS 1835 Specification for Round steel wire for ropes

IS 7847 General Characteristic of Lifting hook.

IS 3815 Specification for point hook with shank

Any other International standards such as ASTM / ASME / ISO / DIN / JIS for design of coal
handling system shall be followed.


Electrically operated hoist shall be a complete unit with hoisting motor, rope drum, wire rope,
traveling trolley, travel motor, necessary gearing, sheaves, brakes, hook, pendent push button
station, contactor panel, conductor for travel motion, limit switches, end stops, buffers, earthing

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

terminals and all other accessories to make the equipment complete in all respects. Minimum
factor of safety shall be (5) five for electrically operated hoist.

Parts requiring replacement or lubrication shall be easily accessible & without dismounting

Equipment will include the devices as required and comply with applicable standards/
specification requirements.

Both hoists and trolleys are driven electrically as specified. Rope drum shall be as per IS
3938. Rope drum shall be either cast or welded to sustain concentrated loads resulting from
rope pull.

All brake shall be of “fail to safe” design and will operate automatically in case power failure.

Rope-drums shall be grooved and welded steel conforming to IS 3938. Drum length shall
be such that each lead of wire rope has a minimum of two full turns on the drum when the
hook is at its lowest position not taking into consideration turns covered by wire rope
anchorage and one spare groove for each lead of wire rope on the drum when the hook is
at its highest position.

Wire ropes shall be extra flexible with well lubricated hemp core having thirty-six (6X36)
wires per strand shall be provided. Wire ropes shall be of Right Hand Ordinary (RHO) lay

Hook shall be forged steel supported on a ball or roller bearing. The hook shall rotate
freely on this bearing. Hook shall have swivels and safety latch. Locking pin shall be
provided to prevent swivelling of hook. The sleeves of hook block shall be encased in an
oil tight casing permitting generous lubrication of wire ropes & sheaves & also preventing
accidental trapping of hands.

Rope sheaves shall be of cast steel or fabricated steel with anti-friction bearings.
Sheaves shall be fully guarded to prevent rope coming off.


i. Motor ratings shall be 25% (at least) over the maximum power requirement. The hoist
motors shall be rated to lift 125% of the design load at rated speed.
ii. Motors shall suit the duty class S4, cyclic duration factor 60% and 300 starts per hour
and shall be suitable for VVF operation. Motor pull out torque shall not be less than
2.75 times/ rated torque. Motor shall have class F insulation temperature rise limited
to class B and enclosures shall conform to the degree of protection IP-55.
iii. The VVF drive control shall be used for control.
iv. The hoist shall be furnished complete with all electrical equipment, accessories, like
drive motors with VVF drives, conductors, insulators, protective & operating devices,
cables, all protective devices, start/stop and emergency controls, limit switches,
mechanical overload and protection for electrical faults etc.


The chain pulley block shall be a complete unit with trolley, load chain, load chain wheel, hand
chain, hand chain wheel, necessary gearing, brakes for hoisting, hook and other accessories.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Chain pulley block shall be of worm or spur gear type. Factor of safety shall be (5) five for chain
pulley block.

The load chain shall be electrically welded, accurately calibrated, and pitched arid polished as per
IS. And Load chain shall be heat treated to give required ductility & toughness

The hand chain will also be electrically welded, calibrated, pitched and polished and will
conform to IS: 3832.

The forged hook shall be properly heat treated and so designed that in loaded condition, it is
free to swivel without twisting the load chain. The hook will conform to IS.

All other components of chain pulley block such as anchorage, guide, pawl, stripper etc. shall
be designed and provided as per IS: 3832. Effort on the hand chain for traveling motion of
manual hoist will not be more than 20kgforce.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


A) Electric Wire Rope hoist

Sl.No. Description Unit Data


1.1 Design according to standard service IS 3938 Class II

class/ load class

1.2 Location (Indoor/ Outdoor) (Based on the location)

1.3 Type of control Pendant


2.1 Wire Rope

a) Rope construction IS 2266 / 6 x 36 multi strand

construction Fibre core.

b) Rope quality (material) Extra flexible plough steel

c) Factor of safety Not less than 5 / As per IS

2.2 Rope drum

a) Drum material Fabricated from carbon steel as per IS

2062, Grade B and stress relieved or
seamless pipe as per ASTM A 106
Grade A or B.

b) Whether stress relieved Yes (if fabricated)

c) Bearing type Antifriction ball or roller

2.3 Hook

a) Hook type Swivel “C” type single shank of

suitable grade of either circular or
standard trapezoidal section, point
hook suitably heat treated with
adequate lifting capacity. Swivel lock
pin shall be provided.

b) Hook material Forged steel

c) Safety latches provided yes

d) Hook suspension Thrust Bearing

e) sheave material Fabricated from cast steel / steel plate

IS 2062 Gr A or B / CS Gr 280-520 IS

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

2.4 Hoist Brake

a) Type DCEM “fail to safe”

b) Torque Nm 150% of rated torque or greater than

the torque transmitted to the brake
drum from the suspended load up-to
the test load.

2.5 Gear box Fabricated Fe 410w IS:2062 Gr A/B &

stress relieved

a) Material of gears EN 9 / 55C8

b) Material of pinions EN 19 /EN 24

c) Type of gears & pinions Spur / helical

2.6 Type of Limit Switch Rotary geared + gravity type


3.1 CT brake

a) Type DCEM “ fail to safe”

b) Torque Nm 150% of rated torque

c) Gear box Fabricated Fe 410w IS:2062 Gr A/B &

stress relieved

i) Material of gears EN 9 / 55C8

ii) Material of pinion EN 19 / EN 24

iii) Type of gears & pinion Spur / Helical

d) Wheels

i) Materials Forged steel

ii) Hardness BHN Not more than 200BHN

iii) Type Single flanged

iv) Wheel bearing type Antifriction Ball / Roller

e) Type of Limit switches Lever

4 Rating S4, 60% CDF

5 Number of starts/hour 300 starts / hr

Note: Bearings: Antifriction type with minimum Life of 10000 working hours.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

B) Manual Hoist

Sl.No. Description Unit Data

1 Standards IS 3832 / Class-II
2 Application (Based on location)
3 Trolley and hoist operation Hand operated
4 Material of construction
4.1 Trolley frame Cast steel / Mild steel
4.2 Gears (Trolley) Machine cut cast steel / Forged steel /
C40 / C50
4.3 Lifting hook (Swivel) Shank ‘C’. Forged steel. Safety latch
and swivel lock pin.
4.4 Gears IS 3681/4460
5 Trolley wheel Forged / cast steel / C40 with minimum
200BHN and single flanged to suit
standard I beam section.
6 Brake Screw and disc friction type /Ratchet &
pawl type

Fixed chain pulley blocks having 6 m lift shall be supplied by the Contractor.

o 1T capacity – 10 nos.
o 3T capacity – 10 nos.
o 5T capacity – 8 nos.
o 10T capacity – 3 nos.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract



This section is intended to provide the scope, design, constructional and functional
requirements for all power plant piping, valves and fittings.


The scope of supply shall include but not limited to, the following:
High pressure/ power cycle piping
• High pressure piping covering complete main steam, hot reheat and cold reheat Piping
between boiler and turbine nozzles, HP & LP bypass piping.
• Complete auxiliary PRDS and auxiliary steam piping system.
• All extraction steam piping.
• Complete feed water piping including booster pumps suction, interconnection between
booster pumps and main pumps, boiler feed discharge piping upto economiser,
recirculation, BFP warm up and leak off.
• Spray piping system for reheater/ superheater attemperation, HP & LP bypass system and
auxiliary PRDS system.
• Condensate piping system.
• Condenser make up water system.
• Heater drains and vents piping including necessary flash tanks.
• Steam drains including necessary flash tanks.
• Valve gland sealing piping system.
• Miscellaneous line drains and vents including necessary flash tanks.
• Complete safety valve exhaust piping for safety valves on steam generator, HP piping,
Aux. PRDS, heaters and deaerator etc.
• Start up vents, safety valves, pneumatic relief valves (PRVs), flash tanks and all vents
from the respective equipments and pipes upto a level of one meter above the boiler
house/ TG building roof. Silencers shall be provided for start up vents, lowest safety valve
and PRV’S. All drains from respective equipments and pipelines shall be connected to the
drain manifold of the flash tanks.
• Complete chemical dosing system piping.
• Any other piping system to make the power cycle piping complete.
• Complete steam blowing and chemical cleaning of piping including provision of temporary
piping as required.
• Piping systems shall be complete with fittings/accessories, specialities, blow-down valves,
vent valves, drain valves and safety valves along with their escape piping, drain piping and
steam traps, expansion joints, insulation, hangers, supports, restraints/guides, snubbers
and auxiliary steel etc. The drain system shall be complete along with drain pipes, unit
flash tank, drain valves, root valves, relief/safety valves, control valves, motorised valves,
gate/ globe valves, non return valves, break-down orifices, steam traps etc.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Low pressure piping and valves etc.

The scope of low pressure piping including miscellaneous piping shall cover piping systems
for the following services from the terminal points within the main plant area as specified

• Condenser cooling water system, Auxiliary cooling water system, closed cooling water
• Condenser make up, boiler fill and deaerator fill systems
• DM water supply and distribution system
• Condensate polishing system
• Condenser on load tube cleaning system
• Condenser air evacuation system
• Drain water system
• Chemical dosing system
• Service water systems, Potable/ drinking water system
• Air preheater wash system
• Sea water intake and outfall system
• Cooling tower blow down and make up system
• Fire water piping system
• Fuel oil unloading, storage and forwarding piping systems
• Effluent system
• Ash slurry system
• Instrument air and Service air piping system
• Sludge system

All interconnection piping within and between the equipments and any other piping system

Piping systems shall be complete with fittings/ accessories and specialities, expansion joints,
all isolating and regulating/ control valves, hand operated and/or motorized/pneumatic/
hydraulic actuators, surface painting/ protection, hangers, supports, trestles, restraints/ guides,
snubbers and auxiliary steel etc as required.

Power cycle control valves

All the control valves as required complete with pneumatic actuators and accessories, which
shall include but not be limited to the following:

• Desuperheating spray water control valves for superheater, reheater and auxiliary steam
• HP and LP heaters normal and emergency level control valves
• BFP recirculation control valves
• Deaerator level control valves
• Deaerator pressure control valves
• Condensate recirculation flow control valves

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

• Condenser normal make up control valves

• Condenser emergency make up control valves
• Feed water control valves (low load)
• Condensate recirculation control valve
• Excess condensate dump control valve
• Deaerator overflow control valve
• Boiler drain control valves

The power cycle control valves shall be complete along with suitable type of bypass valves.
Each control valve shall be provided with arrangement of upstream and downstream isolation
valves (hand/ pneumatically/ electrically operated). All other control valves not specifically
included above but required for completeness of the system shall also be in the scope of the

All other valves with in the system / Equipment / package.


The pipe work shall be designed and erected in accordance with ANSI / ASME B31.1 'Power
piping', and the relevant codes and standards of ASTM & AWWA or an expressively approved
equivalent standard and Indian Boiler Regulations wherever applicable.

All the piping system including main steam piping system, cold reheat steam piping system,
hot reheat steam piping system and HP & LP bypass steam piping system shall after erection
be subjected to hydrostatic test pressure as per IBR no:374. In view of the above, piping
support system / selection of spring hangers for the above piping shall also be designed for
hydrostatic pressure of the respective piping system without any requirement of additional /
temporary supports during hydraulic testing of piping system.

All the power cycle pipe thickness shall be calculated as per ASME B31.1 and IBR-350 and
maximum of thickness values calculated as per ASME B31.1 and IBR-350 shall be
considered. Corrosion allowance as per IBR-350 shall be considered in power cycle pipe
thickness calculation.

The present specification shall prevail against that of the code whenever the former is more

The supply must be in accordance with the latest editions of the approved Standards as
agreed by the Owner / Owner’s Representative, incorporating any other features as required
by this Specification and in accordance with the Piping Materials Specification. The
requirement of Indian Boiler Regulation (IBR) shall be complied with as far as applicable.

All pipe components manufactured by the Contractor and parts on which he has worked, are
to be marked clearly with an item number, specification number and material. This marking
shall be permanent.

Sizes of pipelines shall be selected such that the velocity of fluid in pipes does not exceed the
following limits under conditions of maximum possible volumetric flow :

Steam :

Superheated steam 75 m/s

Saturated Steam 40 m/s

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Wet steam / Exhaust steam 30 m/s

Water and Condensate lines:

Pump suction lines (without feed water suction line) 1.5 m/s
Pump discharge lines 2.5 m/s
Feed water discharge lines 6.0 m/s
Feed water suction lines 1.0 m/s

Air lines:
Delivery line for reciprocating compressors 20 m/s
Suction line for reciprocating compressors 20 m/s
Suction and delivery lines for rotary compressors 20 m/s

Oil lines:

Lube and Control oil lines 1.0 m/s

Pump suction line for HSD/HFO 0.8 m/s
Pump discharge line for HSD/HFO 1.8 m/s

Pipe line under gravity flow shall be restricted to a flow velocity of 1 m/sec generally. Channels
under gravity flow shall be sized for a maximum flow velocity of 1.2 m/sec.

The following " C" Value shall be used in HAZEN William’s formula for calculating the friction
loss in piping systems.

i) Carbon Steel pipe : 100

ii) C.I Pipe / Ductile Iron : 100
iii) Rubber lined steel pipe : 120
iv) PVC I HDPE pipes : 140
v) GRP pipes : 150
vi) RCC Conduits : 100
All rules of the art considering technical and economic parameters shall be carefully followed,

• Lower values of velocities that those stated above shall be used to determine line size if
dictated by considerations of pressure drop, NPSH, surges, water hammer, etc.

• The design flows considered in line sizing shall not be less than the rated capacities of
equipment to which the piping is connected such as pumps, blowers, compressors,
valves, flow limiting orifices, etc., or the system heat and/or mass balance diagrams.

• For lines conveying liquids, the design pressure must be equal to maximum operating
pressure including the pressure reached during transients (water hammer.)

• The calculation of the pipe work shall consider also the highest possible temperature that
can occur during any mode of operation together with the highest corresponding pressure.

• For the design of safety valves installed downstream of reducing stations, H.P. bypass
valves or equivalent control valves, the maximum throughput of the fully open reducing or
bypass valve, including injection water quantity, is to be taken as the basis for calculation.

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• Sizes of Boiler feed pump suction piping shall be selected to meet the NPSH
requirements of the pumps under transient conditions prevailing on loss of steam supply
to feed water tank. Similarly for all pumps, NPSH requirements shall be satisfied in line

• The calculation of wall thickness required for pipelines subject to internal and / or external
pressure shall be based on the formulae and recommendations as given in the applicable
codes. Adequate allowances shall be made towards thinning due to bending, weakening
at branch connections, threading, commercial tolerances on pipe wall thickness, corrosion
and erosion, etc. and the same shall be subject to approval by Owner / Owner’s

• The pipe thickness for CW pipe shall be arrived for full vacuum conditions.

• In case of carbon steel materials, the nominal wall thickness of pipeline shall be not less
than the minimum acceptable values given below, Contractor to furnish calculation
justifying thickness selection :

NB mm (inch) 15 20 25 - 40 50 - 80 100
(1/2) (3/4) (1) (1.5) (2) (3) (4)
Min. thickness
3.73 3.91 4.55 - 5.08 5.54 - 5.54 6.02
NB mm (inch) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 -
(6) (8) (10) (12) (14) (16) (18) (20)
Min. thickness
7.11 8.18 9.27 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 -

> NB 600 mm to NB 950 mm – 10.00 mm

> NB 950 mm to NB 1200 mm – 12.00 mm

Sizes of NB 32 (11/4”), NB 65 (21/2”), and NB 125(5”) shall not be used in the piping
system. Minimum thickness for stainless steel pipes shall be Sch 40S as per
ANSI B36.19.

• In addition to the required wall thickness in accordance with calculations, a corrosion

allowance of 1.6 mm must be added for unprotected water lines where corrosion is to be


The pipe work and its accessories shall be designed and arranged so that all parts can be
mounted and replaced without difficulty. All important parts, such as valves must be
accessible from the floors / platforms.

The platform must be able to withstand the weight of the valve removed as well as the weight
of the appropriate number of persons handling the valve, and must be sized adequately
providing both working space for the men and space for the valve.

For piping systems with a nominal pressure of more than 40 bar (g), drainage and venting
facilities must be fitted with double valves.

The pipes with nominal diameter upto and including 40 mm can be arranged at site according
to lengths and specification. The pipes with nominal diameter more than 40 mm can be
installed according to the erection drawing designed. Pipe can be pre-fabricated or
manufactured according to pipe length and specifications.

No tubes with nominal diameters less than 25 mm shall be used, except for impulse
measuring lines, dosing pipelines and instrument piping.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The nominal size of the takeoff connections for instruments shall not be less than 15 mm for
service conditions not exceeding either 62 bar(g) or 425°C and 25 mm for service conditions
which exceed either of these limits.

For all system parts subject to acceptance retests relevant provision shall be made so that
they can be separated to allow for those retests.

None of the forces and moments transmitted by the pipes to adjacent machines, apparatus
and platforms must exceed the maximum permissible values, given by the manufacturers of
these items.

Trench piping shall not be used unless found unavoidable.

To the extent that steam or hot water can remain or flow in pipe sections isolated for repair
purposes, dump pipes with hand operated shut-off valves capable of being locked open or
closed shall be provided for the safety of personnel.

Piping systems shall be protected against excess pressure caused by thermal expansion of
locked-in fluids.

Valve sizes for vents and drains shall be 25 NB minimum. Vent lines, which are normally
operated, shall be terminated at a minimum height of 3.0 M above the highest service

For vents, pipes and any upward facing atmospheric exhaust, weather hoods and silencers as
necessary shall be provided.

Manholes/Inspection chamber of adequate size shall be provided at approx. 100M interval for
large diameter CW piping.

For tanks and pressure vessels, piping material for drains and vents shall be the same as that
of the vessel. Suitable drains shall be provided upstream and downstream of valves to
facilitate maintenance in the circuit safely.

In addition, plugged drain and air release bosses shall be welded at appropriate places in the
piping to facilitate hydrostatic testing.

Steam traps should be avoided as far as possible. If provided, steam trap installation shall
include a permanent strainer, upstream and downstream isolation valves and a globe valve as
free drain. Steam traps shall be of the bimetallic or thermodynamic type, selected to suit the
service conditions.

The Contractor shall furnish and install suitable thimbles at all points where pipelines pass
through building floors and walls.

The Contractor shall provide effective flashing rings with rain-tight hoods for all pipes passing
through the roofs or exterior walls.

All piping shall be cleaned and kept clean and free from all foreign matter before and during
erection. The Contractor shall submit a detailed description of proposed steam blowing and
other cleaning procedures for all pipelines, and no part of this work shall be started until these
procedures have been approved. The Contractor shall furnish, install and dismantle all
temporary pipes, hangers, anchors, etc. required for cleaning of all piping systems.

As many welds as possible shall be carried out in the workshop. Supports for H.P piping
systems shall also be welded in the workshop.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Pipes from water drains, air vents and safety valves shall be grouped together where possible
and routed to easily observed points equipped with covered funnels or to flash tanks.

So far as practicable, hangers and supports shall be standardized and the number of types
and component assemblies shall be reduced to the minimum. Each pipe hanger and support
component shall be of steel suitable for the maximum temperature that it shall attain during
plant operation. Spring support assemblies shall be equipped with a means of locking the
springs against movement. Rigid supports, clamps and restraints shall be used as far as

The use of counterweights as a substitute for support spring assemblies shall not be

Sliding surfaces shall be constructed of non corrodible materials that do not rely on coatings
such as paint, galvanizing, etc. for corrosion protection. Excessive friction shall be prevented.

Before plant start-up, all supports shall be checked to confirm that spring load indicators have
assumed the proper cold load position and that all hangers and supports which do not
incorporate springs are in the correct position. For springs which do not assume the proper
cold load position, length of hanger tie rods to be adjusted in such a way that springs assume
the correct cold position. After all required adjustments have been made, all threads shall be
fully engaged and locked and all spring ties shall be disengaged

Seawater intake, Outfall and ACW Piping

The complete seawater piping for seawater intake, outfall piping, CT make-up water system,
Auxiliary cooling water piping and the feedwater system to desalination plant shall be of
HDPE/GRP. Actual piping MOC shall be referred from the respective section. Accordingly
Bidder shall consider.

Pipeline shall be mainly underground with concrete encasement of 250 mm. Top of the buried
pipe shall be atleast 1.5 meters below the ground level, Buoyancy effect shall be considered
while selecting the depth. Suitable air release valves shall be provided. Transient analysis
shall be conducted for piping from the Intake Pump house to the Cooling Tower &
Desalination Plant.

Design Requirements for GRP pipe and fittings

Sl.No. Design parameters Sea water

1. Stiffness Class 5000
2. Vacuum 760mmHg
3. Inner liner thickness 1 mm
4. Resin type for inner Liner Vinylester
5. Glass type ECR
6. Resin type for Exterior Liner Isopthalic
7. Aggregate type Silica Sand
8. Exterior Layer thickness 0.5 mm
Minimum initial specific 2
9. 5000 N/m
stiffeners STIS
10. Ring bending strain 1.3

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The size of the manhole shall of the minimum 600mm.

Design requirements for HDPE:

The Intake & outfall pipe shall be buried below the sea bed and shall be covered with rip-rap to
prevent movement by currents and waves. The pipes shall be designed considering scour
protection, hydrodynamic forces and buoyancy forces.

The HDPE pipes shall be of suitable diameter with rating of SDR 26 or better, PE 100 material.
The intake pipes shall be provided with man holes at every 100 m distance. The size of the
manhole shall of the minimum 600 mm. The HDPE pipe shall be conformed with IS 4984/ ISO
4427/ ISO 4437./ASTM D 3350.

Materials used for the manufacture of high-density polyethylene pipe and fittings shall comply
with all requirements of ASTM D3350. The high-density polyethylene material shall be cell
class of PE345664C or ASTM D3350 and shall be assigned a Plastics Pipe Institute
(PPI) recommended designation of PE3408. Pipe Manufacturer shall be a member in good
standing of the Plastics pipe institute.

The Flanges, fasteners, supporting structures, clamps, etc for the pipes shall be duplex
stainless steel of PREN > 38. The fasteners for connecting concrete anchor blocks shall be of
suitable material for sea water.

The minimum design pressure of sea water intake and outfall pipe shall be 6 kg/cm² (g).
However higher value shall be considered based on the system requirement. Pipe shall also
be designed for full vacuum conditions.

Actual piping MOC shall be referred from the respective section. Accordingly Bidder shall


A minimum 2.5 meter headroom shall be maintained to the lowest point of all piping
components or insulation in walking areas and 8.0 meter above roadways unless otherwise
approved by the Owner / Owner’s Representative. A minimum passageway of 1.5 m shall be
considered for access between and around all equipments and a 150 mm minimum clearance
shall be provided between piping, including insulation if applied, and any point of adjacent
equipment or piping including flanges and/or pipe supports.

Suitable Walkways of 750mm width for maintaining pipes and cables shall be provided on the
pipe rack along with access ladders at suitable intervals.

50% extra space for the routing of future pipes for stage –II shall be provided in the pedestals
and pipe rack. While designing the pipe rack / pedestal, extra 50 % load shall be taken in
order to meet the future pipes. Number of the future pipes will be finalized during detailed

Additional clearance shall be provided, where required, for pipe movement due to thermal
expansion. All valves, instruments, strainers, orifices, valve motor drives and other piping
accessories shall be provided with adequate space for access and removal of parts for

Bracket supports and other protruding attachments which constitute a hazard to operating
personnel shall be elevated to a minimum of 2.5 m from the operator's access elevation.

All horizontal runs of outdoor piping shall be supported by pipe racks with a slope of 1:500
applicable for steam lines only and a minimum ground clearance of 8.0 m shall be considered

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

for road crossing. Steam lines inside building shall be laid with a slope of 1:100. These drain
valves shall be lockable.

The instruments shall be positioned to allow easy observation. A 250 mm minimum clear
space shall be provided from the bottom surface of pipe to trench bottom or finished grade.

All lines shall be provided with vent and drain connections at all high and low points,
respectively, as per layout constraints with suitability for operation .All piping shall be arranged
to permit complete drainage when a particular unit or system is shutdown. Condensate &
water lines shall also be provided with vent & drain lines for hydro test conditions. Drain
points shall have a suitable isolating valve. All such drain connections shall be piped to a
suitable collection point

5.1.0 Piping Flexibility Analysis

Steam piping systems shall be designed and analysed using CAESAR II software (latest
version) in such a way that no excessive stresses, forces, moments or deflections can take
place. This static analysis shall be done for plant operating, shut down, hydro test and
occasional loading (e.g. Wind, Seismic, Safety valves popping up & Water / steam hammer
conditions). As a general guidance a line shall be subjected to comprehensive stress analysis
if it is fall under any of the following categories.

1. All lines at design temperature above 100 Deg.C

2. All lines 100 NB and larger connected to sensitive rotating equipments.
3. All piping subjected to vibration
4. All relief lines connected to pressure relief valves and rupture discs
5. CW Supply and Return Line near pump and condenser.
6. Sea water intake, outfall and CT Makeup pipes.
7. Other lines which in the option of Owner or Owner’s Representative requires a formal

Pipe sagging shall be restricted to 2.5mm and piping rotation to less than 1degree.The
calculations shall be based on design pressures, temperatures and weights of valves. In
addition, the water weight for hydrostatic testing and the insulation weight shall also be taken
into account.

The calculations shall determine the maximum combined pipe stresses and the forces,
moments, and deflections at all points of support, anchors and restraints. In all calculations,
the manufacturing tolerance (12.5% for OD pipes) shall be taken into account.

The design shall take into account possible maximum values, e.g. the maximum head of the
pumps in the system as well as exceptional operating conditions, such as over pressures,
vibrations and water hammer.

There shall be sufficient allowance for thermal expansion and displacement without excessive
stresses. The thermal expansion of the pipe work shall be carefully analyzed and appropriate
pipe routing and location of the supporting equipment to be decided to prevent the piping from
causing excessive forces & moments at the anchoring points.

5.2.0 Pipe Supports and Hangers

Pipe supports shall be designed according to the layout requirements. Spring shall be used
for pipe supports where restriction of vertical movement of pipe creates excessive stress in
the piping system. Otherwise rigid supports like rod hangers, clamps, saddle supports etc.
shall be used.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The supporting devices shall ensure that the finished system shall provide an uniform
continuous slope for draining. Loads imposed on the building structure shall, in all instances,
be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

All supports for piping, cables and fitting supplied under this Contract are to be clamped to
building steelwork in preference to bolting, screwing or welding. Under no circumstances shall
any part of the building steel work be drilled, cut welded without prior permission of the Owner
/ Owner’s Representative in writing. No point of passage of pipes through or walls is to be
used as a point of support except with the approval of the Engineer.

Sling supports shall not be dependent for flexibility on the flexure of supporting rods or straps.

All outdoor installation supports and hangers shall be suitably coated to withstand the local
environmental conditions.

All spring supports shall be designed and fabricated to forestall the complete release of the
piping load in the case of spring failure.

Supports for horizontal piping shall be spaced to prevent excessive sag, bending and shear
stress in the piping, with special consideration given where components, such as flanges and
valves, impose concentrated loads.

For standard and heavier wall thickness piping, the maximum spacing between supports on
straight run of the piping shall be in accordance with ANSI B 31.1.

Vertical supports shall be spaced in such a way that no pipe load is transferred to attached
equipment under cold position and also to prevent the pipe from being over stressed from the
combination of all loading effects.

5.3.0 Fabrication & Erection of Piping Systems

The plant piping systems shall be fabricated, erected and tested in accordance with the
requirements of ASME, ANSI, and API Standards.

All piping to be adequately supported during construction so that excessive moments or loads
are not placed on equipment or other piping. The piping is to be installed to permit free
expansion and contraction without damage to joints or supports.

Piping bending, wherever required, is to be fabricated with a minimum of five (5) diameter
radius. The joint spacing between bevelled ends of pipe shall be maintained between 1.5 and
2.5 mm. Butt welding & end preparation for pipe connections with pipe and flanges shall be as
per ANSI B 16.25.

All joints in high pressure and low pressure piping shall be of the fully butt welded type except
at points where flanged connections are essential to permit dismantling of pipework for
maintenance purposes or for matching flanged item of plants.

Interconnecting joints in all pipes shall be made by butt-welding. Such joints shall be made
without the use of backing rings. The welds shall be performed entirely in Gas Tungsten Arc.
Welding (GTAW) process but where this is not practicable, a combination of GTAW for the
root run, and Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) for the subsequent runs, is acceptable.
Consumable insert rings may be used where considered necessary.

All flanged joints shall meet the requirements of ANSI B 16.5 or the equivalent Approved
Standard. All flanges shall be machined on the edge and spot faced at the back to receive
bolts, washers and nuts. For high pressure services flange faces must be of serrated finish.
Blank flanges are to be solid steel and machined all over. Flanges having pressure ratings

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

less than 10 bar shall not be used. All flange jointing material unless specified, shall be
subjected to the approval of the Owner / Owner’s Representative.

Socket welded connections shall be used on oil piping services less than 50 mm nominal
size. The use of socket welded connections on other piping services shall be subjected to the
approval of the Owner / Owner’s Representative and restricted to the areas where the
temperature or pressure cycling or severe vibration is not expected to occur or where the
service may not accelerate crevice corrosion.

Screwed connections shall only be used on galvanised pipes for air services and only when
the pipe is less than 50 mm nominal size. In case of threaded joints in piping, all screw
threads shall be of the ISO metric form and the diameter and pitch of thread for all bolts,
studs and nuts shall conform to the ISO standards. Threaded joints are used in galvanized
steel pipes only. Threaded joints, which are to be seal- welded shall be made up without the
use of any joint compound or sealing tape. Threaded joints, which are not to be seal- welded
shall be made leak-tight by use of suitable joint compound. Backing off of the make-up
threaded joints to facilitate fit-up to alignment is not permitted.

At all points where pipes pass through concrete floors or brick or other walls, suitable floor
collars or wall boxes are to be provided and fixed. The floor collars shall have raised curbs of
suitable height, which shall not be less than 75 mm. The wall boxes shall be flush fitting and
be of neat design and approved finish.

The Contract shall include fixing of all necessary components for the protection against
weather of such holes in an approved manner. Where pipes pass through roofs, the pipe
collar shall up stand less than 200 mm above the top of the roof and hood shall shroud it to
within 25 mm of the finished roof level. After the collars, boxes or other fittings been fixed in
position, the floors, walls and structures shall be made good by the Contractor.

If service pipes run adjacent to each other, they are, wherever possible, to pass through a
box. Where pipes of varying bore pass through a common box, a neat plate cover shall be
provided between the pipes and the box. In the case of flanged pipework, boxes shall be large
enough to permit the passage of the flange.

Where pipes are laid in covered trenches this Contract shall include for the supply and fixing
of all the necessary pipe supports, clamps, packing and fixings, etc.

During erection the Contractor shall be responsible for providing temporary trench covers for
the protection of the pipes in the trench and for the safety and convenience of his employees
and those of other contractors working or having normal access in the vicinity of trench areas.

The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the trenches clean and dry, and shall hand
over same to the Owner in clean and dry condition at the time of taking over of plant.

5.4.0 Cleaning, Packing and Handling of Piping Systems

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that the interior of all piping is
kept clean during erection and free from any injurious matter.

All piping except water and air piping shall be chemically cleaned, pickled and purged with an
air blast to clean the pipe inner surface. The outside of all pipes shall also be cleaned
similarly. Carbon steel and ferritic alloys piping shall be cleaned after hot working or heat
treatment. Cleaning shall be accomplished by either of the following methods.

a) Degreasing making use of alkalis

b) Pickling in hot sulphuric acid along with suitable inhibitor, followed by washing in cold and
hot water.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

c) Cleaning by means of power driven wire brushes. The brushes shall be of the same
material as the metal being cleaned. Both inside and outside surfaces shall be cleaned.

d) Grit-blasting the inner and outer surfaces using silicon carbide or steel shots. All grit shall
be subsequently removed.

After cleaning (by any of the above methods), the pipes shall be protected by means of an
outdoor preservative. All pipes shall be capped using plugs or plastic caps. All bevels,
threads, flange faces and other sealing surfaces shall be suitably protected with wood or
plastic to prevent damage to these surfaces.

Suitable connections shall be made, where necessary, on all pipe runs to facilitate the removal
of dirt and debris and the cleaning of each pipe run in accordance with the requirements
specified elsewhere.

All steam piping to turbines shall be blown through with steam in accordance with the
Inspection and Testing Requirements. The Contractor shall install and subsequently remove
any temporary piping, fittings, supports or instrumentation required to carry out the blowing
through operation. The terminals of piping being blown through shall be adequately fixed in
order to take the resultant thrusts. The anchor, whether temporary or permanent, shall be
designed to take the thrust and any loads imposed on the building steelwork and shall receive
the prior approval of the Owner / owner’s Representative. Target plates shall be used to
ascertain that the system is rid of impurities.

5.5.0 Testing of Piping Systems

The following tests shall be conducted in the piping systems to check for cracks and the
welding joint quality.

5.5.1 Hydrostatic Test

All pipework shall be tested hydraulically to at least 1.5 times the design pressure for at least
2 hours. After the hydraulic test, a leak test with air to 1.1 time the design pressure for at least
24 hours shall be performed.

The hydrostatic test of the pipe work shall be carried out with skids isolated from the pipe
work. Skids shall be tested separately before installation and connection to pipe work.

The hydrostatic test pressure shall not be applied until the piping system and the testing
medium have reached thermal equilibrium.

During the tests, hydrostatic pressure shall be monitored and corrections shall be made to
compensate for thermal expansion or contraction. By this procedure, the test pressure shall
be kept within specified test pressure. All joints are visually examined for leakage during the

Tested systems shall be vented and drained immediately upon successful completion of the

All stainless steel lines are emptied and dried immediately after hydrostatic tests are
completed. To avoid the possibility of pitting due to chlorine contents in water, demineralised
or otherwise suitably treated water shall be used as the testing medium.

5.5.2 Pneumatic Test

Pneumatic testing of a piping system is done

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

i) When the piping system is so designed that it cannot be filled with water or other liquid
testing medium.
ii) When the piping system is to be used in services where traces of the testing medium
cannot be tolerated.
iii) When the piping system cannot be completely drained and dried out.
iv) When hydrostatic testing would contaminate, or adversely affect chemical handled during
the process.
v) When the testing fluid would affect or damage internal lining.

Pneumatic tests shall meet the following requirements:

• Air test shall be performed with clean, dry air. The source shall be equipped with
appropriate pressure relief valves and gauges. The pneumatic test pressure shall not be
less than 1.2 or more than 1.5 times the design pressure of the piping system.
• No repair welding shall be performed on a pressurised system.

5.5.3 Radiographic Test

Radiographic inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of ANSI
B31.1 and ASME V for checking piping weld quality.

Random radiography shall be carried out in accordance with ASME V Article 2 for all full
penetration butt welds. Weld repairs made a s a result of radiographic examination shall be
radiographed after welding. Repairing a particular area more than two times is not permitted
and the component shall be rejected. Prior approval shall be obtained from the Owner /
Owner’s Representative before taking up major weld repairs (When depth of repair exceeds
20% of thickness or 25 mm whichever is smaller). Mapping of major weld repairs is also

All welds shall be subject to 100% non destructive testing.

Radiography shall be carried out as follows:

i) For piping 2½ inch NB or smaller, a single elliptical exposure which encompasses the
entire weld circumference.
ii) For piping 3 inch NB or larger, the double-wall-single-image technique shall be used with
at least three exposures at 120o to each other.
The radiographic film recording shall be performed in accordance with the ASTM E94-77. The
Radiographic Procedures and Standards of Acceptability shall be in accordance with ASME V
and as specified in the appropriate design requirements:

• Gamma isotope double wall IR-192.

• Film used shall be fine-grained, a high contrast, direct type.
• Intensifying screen shall be `lead'.
• Image quality indicators shall be of the wire type (DIN 54109) selected to give the required
level of sensitivity.


6.1.0 Scope of Specification

This specification covers the guidelines for selection of valves and technical requirements for
materials, installation and tests of general and special purpose valves, valve drives and
related accessories. General-purpose valves include gate, globe, piston lift check, swing

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

check, butterfly, plug, Ball and Diaphragm valves. Valve drives include pneumatic (diaphragm
and cylinder), electric (motor and solenoid) actuators and hydraulic.

6.2.0 Valve Selection Criteria

Valve selection criteria based on mode of flow regulation is given below.

Type of valve On-Off Throttling (Directional
Globe – Straight/Angle/Oblique
Yes Yes No
Globe – Multiport pattern No No Yes

Piston Yes Yes No

Parallel Gate – No
Yes No
Wedge gate – with bottom cavity Yes No No
Wedge gate – without bottom cavity
Yes Moderate No
(rubber seated)
Plug – Non
Yes Moderate Yes
lubricated/Eccentric plug
Plug –
Yes No Yes
Lubricated/Lift plug
Ball Yes Moderate Yes

Butterfly Yes Yes No

Pinch Yes Yes No

Diaphragm – weir type Yes Yes No

Diaphragm – straight through Yes Moderate No

Following is the valve selection criteria based on the fluid properties.

Type Special Applications
Neutral Corrosive
(water, oil (Acid, Slurry
etc) alkaline etc)
Globe – Yes
No No
Straight pattern
Globe –
Angle pattern Yes No No
&Oblique pattern
Globe –
Yes No No
Multiport pattern
Piston Yes No No
Parallel Gate -
Conventional Yes No Less pressure drop

Parallel Gate – Water with sludge or

Yes No No
Conduit gate debris

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Type Special Applications
Neutral Corrosive
(water, oil (Acid, Slurry
etc) alkaline etc)
Parallel Gate –
Yes No No
Knife gate
Wedge gate –
with bottom Yes No
Wedge gate –
without bottom
Yes Yes No
cavity (rubber
Plug –
Lubricated & Yes Yes No
Non lubricated
Plug –
Eccentric/Lift Yes Yes Yes
Ball Yes Yes No

Butterfly Yes Yes No

Powder as the nature
Pinch Yes Yes Yes
of fluid
Diaphragm –
weir type/ Yes Yes Yes No
Straight through

For reasons of plant standardization the Contractor shall standardize the valves, to reduce
number of types and manufacturers to a minimum. Installation and testing of the valves shall
be in accordance with the applicable standards. The requirement of this clause shall apply if
they are more stringent than the approved standards.

All valves shall be suitable for the media and for the service conditions and those performing
similar duties shall be interchangeable. All valves must meet maximum design demands for
pressure and temperature of the piping system.

If the media handled are polluted, the shut off devices used in discharge lines (e.g. drains on
vessels) and possibly also in vent lines should consist of gate valves.

The maximum permissible forces for actuation handwheels are 300 N for wheels with
diameter up to 400 mm and 600 N for larger diameters. Differential pressures requiring higher
forces for actuation of handwheels shall entail fitting the valve with gears. For calculation of
the gears or all other actuators the design pressures shall be taken as differential pressures.
Large valves that are frequently operated or hard to operate manually shall be motorized.

Valves that are required to be motor operated shall be provided with hand operated equipment
for closing and opening of the valves during power failure and shall have a suitable
arrangement for de-coupling when the valves are being motor operated.

Gear operator shall be of totally enclosed. Bevel gear in grease case with grease nipples for
gate and globe valves and totally enclosed helical worm gear in grease case with grease
nipples for ball, plug and butterfly valves.

Where required, valve spindles shall be lengthened so that the hand-wheel is at a minimum
height of one metre above the level of the floor. Where necessary they shall be provided with

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

headstocks and pedestals of rigid construction. The actuation of valves by means of chain
drives is not permissible.

On all valves where the hand wheels are liable to be dangerously hot to touch thermal
insulation shall be provided on the ring and spokes.

All valves shall be closed by rotating the handwheel in clock wise direction when looking at the
face of the hand wheel. The face of each handwheel shall be clearly marked 'open and 'shut',
with arrows indicating the direction of rotation to which each term refers.

Plastic or bakelite valve handwheels shall not be accepted. Valves with solid handwheels are
not acceptable since all valves must be capable of being locked by means of a chain and
padlock in the open and closed position.

All valves must be suitable for outdoor installation with due consideration of the special climate
and environmental conditions at the site.

Unless otherwise agreed, all valves shall be fitted with the spindle in the vertical position. Eye
bolts shall be provided where necessary to facilitate handling heavy valves or parts of valves.

Valves of sizes NB 50 and above shall be provided with position indications.

Fire safe valves shall be supplied with antistatic devices.

Materials used must confirm to the applicable standards. Materials for screws, bolts and nuts
must have the operating temperature limits closely observed.

All valves of the relevant pipe work systems must be suitable for pickling.

For cold water lines ductile iron shall be allowed. In no case shall grey cast iron be allowed.

Unless otherwise required by virtue of the valve's function, bodies shall have an internal cross
section corresponding to the nominal diameter of the connection.

Integral bypass arrangement for gate valves shall be provided wherever necessary. In that
case, bypass valve shall be a globe valve and bypass attachment to main valve body shall not
be screwed. The integral bypass valve shall also be motorized if the connected main valve is
provided with motor actuator.

Gate valves and swing check valves of the H.P. piping systems shall be equipped with self-
sealing lid covers. Gate valves with self-sealing lid covers shall be equipped with a safety
device at the body. If discs are used they must be capable of being dismantled and changed
under operating conditions.

Connecting flanges shall be in accordance with the applicable standards with regard to both
the connection dimensions and the minimum thickness of the material.

The transition from the flat rear surface of the flange (nut contact faces) to where the welding
begins must have no sharp-edged machined grooves.

The spindle must be made in one piece: the length of thread must be such that the threaded
bush is fully engaged in any position of the moving part. The connection between the spindle
and the cone must be sufficiently flexible. For H.P. globe valves and globe valves for throttling
purposes of NB 50 or less the spindle and cone must be made in one piece.

In case of metallic sealing elements there must be difference in hardness between the body
seat and the sealing element, the sealing element having the higher hardness values.

All globe valves shall be equipped with throttling cones with parabolic characteristics.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Each valve shall be marked on the body with the material diameter, the nominal pressure,
type of valve and an arrow showing the flow direction whenever only one is possible.

No traps which incorporates internal screens or check valves shall be used unless specifically
required by the specifications or approved by the Owner.

Condensate drainers shall be of the ball-float type.

For safety valves, pressure relief valves, bursting discs and other safety devices against
excess pressure the directives of appendix II of the code ANSI B31. 1: 'New Mandatory Rules
for the design of Safety Valve Installations' shall apply as well as requirements of Indian Boiler
Regulations (IBR) wherever applicable.

6.3.0 Requirements of General Purpose Valves

a) Gate and Globe Valves

All gate and globe valves, except bronze body valves, shall be screwed outside and yoke
designed with rising stems. Bronze body valves shall have union type bonnets and rising

Bonnets joints shall be of the bolted, flanged type for class rating upto 600#. Pressure
seal bonnets shall be provided for class rating above 600#. The bypass shall be integral
with the main valve and shall be of welded connection.

Valves shall be provided with back-seating construction and shall be suitable for re-
packing at full pressure with the valve in the open position. Gate valves for pressure
above 40 bar shall have double wedge type discs. Globe valves shall have plug type
discs. All valves shall have replaceable seat rings.

b) Check valve

Check valves shall be designed for mounting in horizontal or vertical piping runs.
Check valve shall be of a non slam type with a swing disc and, in special cases, of the
tilting disc type or guided piston lift type used upto 2”. Check valves are placed in line with
a gate valve or a globe valve where guaranteed tightness is required. As far as possible,
mounting check valves in vertical position to be avoided.

c) Butterfly valves

Butterfly Valves shall be used in place of gate or globe valves for low-pressure liquid or
gas service upto 300# class rating. Valves are to be designed for minimum pressure loss
when open and capable to withstand the full pressure of the line when closed and cause
minimum vibration when used for throttling of flow.

• Butterfly valve Up to 100NB shall be without gear, above 100NB to 500NB shall be gear
operated and above 500NB shall be motor (electrically) operated.

d) Ball Valves

Ball valves may be used for low pressure liquid / air service. Each ball valve shall be
provided with an operating lever.

e) Instrument Root Valves

Instrument shut-off valves shall be Globe type construction, no bonnet, outside screw,
rising stem, with vent plugs and flanged or socket weld ends.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

6.4.0 Requirements of Special Purpose Valves

Special purpose valves include valves operated with motor, pneumatic and solenoid
actuators. These valves are mainly meant for remote operation in critical controls of fluid
pressure, flow and temperature. The special valves shall have provision for hand operating

a) Motor operated valves:

Electrically operated valves are preferred for non-safeguarding service. Local operation
shall be provided on all valves. Every selector switch shall be lockable in "local" or
"remote" or "hand" positions and each shall be provided with a padlock and two keys.
Valve motors shall be supplied from the 400 V, 3-phase system.

Electric actuators shall have torque-limiting devices effective throughout full travel, the
torque at which these operate being readily adjusted, and travel limit switches for controls
and also for the operation of remote indicating lights.

The speed of operation of all power-operated valves is to be selected to suit the operating
conditions of the system and to minimise pressure surges. Actuators shall have adequate
power and control systems to operate the valves accurately under all system operating

All motorized valves shall be equipped with four limit switches, for automatic control and
position indication purposes. Two torque switches are equipped, one for acting in the
opening direction and the other in the closing direction. Limit switches shall not be used as
mechanical stops. The materials of the limit switches shall be corrosion resistant to
chemicals present in the plant environment by hermetically sealed snap acting single pole
double throw type, able to switch faultlessly 125 V DC/24V DC/ 230V AC.

b) Pneumatic actuated valves:

Pneumatic actuators may be of the following types:

- Spring opposed diaphragm motor type
- Spring less opposed diaphragm motor type
- Piston operated type

Air actuators shall be designed to produce the required stem forces with supply air
pressures of 5.5 - 7 bar (g). Piston actuators shall be used where stem forces dictate their

Diaphragms shall be of moulded rubber, neoprene or other suitable materials and

diaphragm housings shall be of pressed steel construction.

Piston actuators use cast pistons and cylinders with O-ring seals. Air cylinders are
manufactured in accordance with BS 4862 or approved equivalent.

The cylinders, unless otherwise specified, shall be required to be supplied with protective
gaiters - bellows type to protect the piston rod seals. Cylinder seal materials are to be
selected by considering higher ambient temperatures.

c) Solenoid actuated valves:

Solenoid coils are rated at 125 V DC for continuous energizing and designed to operate
satisfactorily within 0.80 to 1.1 of rated DC voltage and in 55°C ambient temperature.

Solenoid valves shall operate on the "ON-OFF" principle. The use of economy resistors is
not allowed. Solenoids shall be installed in a vertical orientation.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

d) Safety and relief valves:

Safety & safety relief valves are provided to relieve the pressure in excess of the design
pressure building up in the system.

All relief valves are direct spring loaded, angle body types of a design suitable for their
respective operating conditions. Relief valves for compressed air, steam services shall be
of the "safety" type. Relief valves for water or oil shall be of the liquid relief type having a
slow opening and closing action. All relief valves shall be arranged for field adjustment of
the set pressure and provided with lifting levers.

e) Control valves:

Control valves are meant for regulating pressure, temperature & flow parameters in the
system. Control valve stations are generally designed with a gate valve at its upstream
and downstream with a globe vent valve and a globe type bypass valve. Manual bypass
valve is provided where manipulation can provide satisfactory control or where it is
required for the safe plant shutdown following failure of the control valve. Bypass valves
are not provided in cases where manual control cannot sensibly be achieved.

Trim of control valves shall be designed to avoid erosion, excessive noise and vibration
while handling flashing condensate.

Control valves shall have stainless steel stems, guide bushing, inner valves, seat rings,
stem lock pins and stuffing box parts hardened with stellite or other equivalent seating

Flow control valves shall be especially designed to meet high pressure drop applications
with stainless steel stems, stellited, or other equivalent hardening, seats and discs.

Control valves shall be fitted with approved indicators, showing accurately the amount of
valve opening, and shall have electric position transmitters with 4-20 mA output
equivalents to 0-100% opening. All valve seats and faces shall be renewable and be
made from materials that are corrosion and wear resistant. Noise levels for control valves
shall be restricted to 85 dBA at 1 m.

f) Pressure reducing valves:

Pressure reducing valves shall be designed for perfectly stable, quiet and non-vibratory
operation over its full range and shall be suitable for continuous duty at the operating

Incase of electrical or hydraulic valve operator is provided, on failure of the operating

mechanism, the valve shall not close automatically and the valve opening shall be readily
adjustable by hand. A pressure relief valve shall be provided at the discharge of each
reducing valve, capable of discharging the maximum flow of the reducing valve without
build-up of pressure.

Pressure & Temperature gauges shall be provided upstream and downstream of each
reducing valve and this valve is operated by sensing the downstream pressure with the
set pressure.

6.5.0 General requirements of installation of valves

All regularly operated isolation valves and control valves shall be accessible from a permanent
floor or access platform. For operator convenience, valves shall have 1.0 m clear approach
space. The stems of all valves for outdoor service shall have weatherproof protection covers
of approved construction.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sufficient overhead access and clearance shall be provided to enable the valve internals to be
withdrawn and also for the complete valve to be removed by means of lifting tackle if
necessary. Pipe work systems shall be designed and supported so that valves can be
isolated for maintenance purposes without shut down of the system whenever feasible and
Unless otherwise specified, manually operated gate, globe, or butterfly valves shall be hand
wheel operated and plug valves or ball valves shall be wrench-operated. Manual gear
operators shall be provided, as required, depending on the size and pressure rating of the
valve. All gear operators shall be of the totally enclosed type, self-locking, with position
indicators. All valves shall be equipped with a locking facility, which permits locking in the open
or closed position.

All valves shall be fitted with indicators such that it may be readily seen whether the valves are
open or shut, and the extent of opening. In case, the valves fitted with extended stems,
indicators shall be provided both on the valve and at the extended stem hand wheel. Where
remote indication is required, the valves shall be equipped with limit switches mounted on the
valves for electrical signal of valve positions "open" and "shut" or position 0 to 100% as

Valves and related accessories shall be subjected to hydrostatic testing and seat leak testing
as per the requirement of the applicable codes and valve pressure classes as per B16.34 /
API 598 / BS 5146. All motor actuators shall be supplied with type and routine test reports.

The shut off valves in the vent line from the safety valves shall be locked open by a approved
master key system.

All isolation valves shall be designed to withstand the differential pressure across them when

The drains from each filter separator and other liquid drainage points shall be fitted with a non-
return valve and manual isolating valve. The drains shall be grouped and connected to a
common drain header leading to the condensate tank.

Vents and thermal reliefs shall discharge to the vent system. The capacity and the design of
the vent system shall be as per the recommendations of API standards.

Whenever there is a risk of pressure above design point safety valves shall be provided.


The main materials and special requirements specified under this title shall be seen as the
minimum requirement.

The following guideline represents minimum requirements. In case of intended deviations

‘Deviation from Enquiry Documents' applies.

7.1.0 Piping Material Specifications

1 HP steam <= 50 ASTM ASTM ASTM Spiral Socket
system – HP NB A335 P91 A182 A182 F91- wound welded
Steam to F91
steam turbine,
HP steam upto > 50 NB ASTM ASTM ASTM Spiral Butt

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

PRDS A335 P91 WP91 A182 F91- wound welded

2 Steam <= 50 ASTM ASTM ASTM Spiral Socket

Temperature NB A335 P91 A182 A182 F91- wound welded
above 550º C F91
& upto 605 º C
> 50 NB ASTM ASTM ASTM Spiral Butt
A335 P91 A234 A182 F91- wound welded

3 Steam <= 50 ASTM ASTM ASTM Spiral Socket

Temperature NB A335 P22 A182 A182 F22 wound welded
above 500 and F22
upto 550º C
> 50 NB ASTM ASTM ASTM Spiral Butt
A335 P22 A234 A182 F22 wound welded

4 Steam <= 50 ASTM A335 ASTM ASTM A182 Spiral Socket

Temperature NB P11 A182 F11 Wound Welded
above 400 and F11 SS316
upto 499º C
> 50 NB ASTM A335 ASTM ASTM A182 Spiral Butt
P11 A234 F11 Wound welded
WP11 SS316
5 Temperature <= 50 ASTM A106 ASTM ASTM A105 Spiral Socket
below 400º C NB Gr B A105 Wound Welded
(LP steam SS316
> 50 NB ASTM A106 ASTM ASTM A105 Spiral Butt
Auxiliary steam
Gr B A234 Wound welded
system, Fuel
oil, Feed water,
CEP suction,
Nitrogen Filling
6 DM water <= 50 ASTM A312 ASTM ASTM A182 EPDM/ Socket
distribution NB TP 316L A182 Gr Gr F316L Teflon Welded
system/ F3316L
Portable water
> 50 NB ASTM A 403 Gr ASTM A182 EPDM/ Butt
system & LP
A312 TP WP316L Gr F316L Teflon welded
dosing system 316L
7 Closed cycle <= 50 ASTM ASTM ASTM EPDM/ Socket
cooling water NB A53 Gr B A105/IS1 A105 Teflon Welded
system ERW / 239 Part
IS1239 part I II
Heavy ERW
50 NB 53 Gr B A234 Teflon welded
and upto ERW / WPB/IS1
450 NB IS1239 part I 239 Part
Heavy ERW II up to
upto 150NB 150NB
& IS3589

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

ERW above
Above ASTM A134- Same as ASTM A105 EPDM/ Butt
450 NB A283 Gr C parent / IS2062 Teflon welded
ERW / IS pipe Plate
3589 fabricated
8 Instrument Air <= 50 ASTM A53 ASTM ASTM EPDM/ Threaded
system NB Gr. B (ERW)/ A105/IS1 A105 Teflon
IS1239 Part I 239 Part Galvanized
Heavy ERW II
Galvanized Galvaniz
> 50 NB ASTM A53 ASTM ASTM EPDM/ Threaded
Gr. B/IS1239 A234 A105 Teflon
ERW Part I WPB / IS Galvanized
Heavy up to 1239
150NB Part II up
Galvanized to 150NB
9 Service air / <= 50 ASTM A53 ASTM ASTM EPDM/ Socket
service water NB Gr B ERW/ A105/IS1 A105 Teflon Welded
IS1239 Part I 239 Part
Heavy ERW II
& Upto Gr B A234 A105 Teflon welded
450 NB ERW/IS1239 WPB/ IS
ERW Part I 1239
up to 150NB. Part II up
to 150NB
450 NB ASTM A134- ASTM Plate EPDM/ Butt
& Above A283 Gr C A234 fabricated Teflon welded
2062 Plate
10 Lube Oil, <= 50 ASTM A106 ASTM ASTM Spiral Socket
Waste oil and NB Gr B A105 A105 Wound Welded
Control / SS316
Hydraulic Oil
> 50 NB ASTM A106 ASTM ASTM Spiral Butt
(Upstream of
Gr B A234 A105 Wound welded
Filter) / LDO &
11 Lube Oil, <= 50 ASTM A312 ASTM ASTM Spiral Socket
Waste oil and NB TP316 A182 Gr A182 Gr Wound Welded
Control / F316L F316L SS316
Hydraulic Oil
> 50 NB ASTM A312 ASTM ASTM Spiral Butt
TP316 A403 A182 Gr Wound welded
of Filter)
GRWP31 F316L SS316
Sea water All HDPE HDPE HDPE With EPDM Fusion
12 intake and Backing welded
outfall / CT Ring

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Makeup and
Desal plant
feed water/ ash
recovery water
Actual piping
MOC shall be
referred from
the respective
Bidder shall

Sea water Butt and

intake and Wrap for
outfall / CT Abovegro
Makeup and All GRP GRP GRP - und / Bell
Desalplant and Spigot
feed for Below
water/Auxiliary ground.
cooling water
system/ Low
and High
Pressure Sea
13 water

Actual piping
MOC shall be
referred from
the respective
Bidder shall


NB A312 TP 316 A182 Gr A182 Gr Teflon Welded
L F316L F316L
Above IS1239 part ASTM ASTM A105 EPDM/ Butt
50 NB I, ERW, A234 up to 150 Teflon welded
(includin Heavy, glass WPB glass flake
g Above flake coating glass coating
Condenser ground flake
14 cooling water (1 mm) / (1 mm) up
CW ASTM coating
system pipe) to up to
A312 TP 316 (1 mm) 350NB and
L upto up to fabricated
150NB & 350NB from IS2062
IS3589 and Plate with
fabricated fabricate Polyurethan
from IS 2062 d from e lined
,with parent 400NB and
Polyurethane pipe with

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

lined inside Polyureth Above
150NB and ane lined
Above inside
Above IS3589 - - - -
900 NB fabricated -
(below from IS 2062
ground) with
corrocoat or
coating of
1500 microns
DFT and
Outside of
pipes shall
be provided
with 250 mm
thick RCC
15 Chemical lines ALL CPVC - - - -
in Desalination
Note: At the welding joints, corrocoat coating shall be applied after welding.
7.2.0 Valve Material Specifications


system – HP < 50 NB A182 Gr. A182 Gr. Gr. F6a Gr. 32510 WELDED.
Steam to F91 F91 ASTM A182 ASTM A47 SOCKET
steam turbine, ASTM ASTM Gr.F6a Gr.32510 WELDED
HP steam upto A182 A182 Gr
PRDS Gr.F91 F91
Temperature < 50 NB A217 A182 Gr. Gr. F6a Gr. 32510 WELDED.
above 550º C & C12A/ F91 ASTM A182 ASTM A47 SOCKET
upto 605 º C ASTM ASTM Gr.F6a Gr.32510 WELDED
A182 A182 Gr
Gr.F91 F91
(TEMP >500°C A217 A217 WC9/ Gr. F6a Gr. 32510 WELDED.
AND <550°C) WC9/ ASTM
ASTM A217 C-
A217 12A
A182 F22 Gr.F6a Gr.32510 WELDED
(TEMP>400°C A217 A217 WC6 Gr. F6a Gr. 32510 WELDED.
AND <499°C) WC6

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A182 A182 Gr Gr.F6a Gr.32510 WELDED
Gr.F11 F11


system, A216 Gr A216 Gr Gr F6a Gr 32510 WELDED
Auxiliary steam WCB WCB
system, Fuel < 50 NB ASTM ASTM ASTM A182 ASTM A47 SOCKET
oil, Feed water, 105 A182 Gr Gr F6a Gr 32510 WELDED
Condensate F6a
CEP suction,
Nitrogen Filling
6. Lube Oil, >65NB ASTM ASTM ASTM A479 ASTM A47 BUTT
Waste oil and A216 Gr A216 Gr Type 410-2 Gr 32510 WELDED
Control / WCB WCB
Hydraulic Oil
(Upstream of < 50 NB ASTM ASTM A ASTM A479 ASTM A47 SOCKET
Filter) / LDO & A105 182 Gr. Type 410-2 Gr 32510 WELDED
7. Lube Oil, >65NB ASTM A ASTM A ASTM A479 ASTM A47 BUTT
Waste oil and 351 351 CF3M Type 410-2 GR. 32510 WELDED
Control / CF3M
Hydraulic Oil
of Filter) 182 F 182 F 316 Type 410-2 GR. 32510 WELDED
316 L L
AIR WCB CF 8M Type 410-2 GR. 32510 RAISED
< 50 NB A105 SS316 ASTM A479 ASTM A47 SCREWED
GALV. Type 410-2 GR. 32510
SERVICE WCB A216 Gr Type 410-2 GR. 32510 RAISED
182 Gr. Type 410-2 GR. 32510 WELDED
Gr.D2 - Gr.D2 - NI GR. 32510 RAISED
< 50 NB A182 A182 ASTM A47 SOCKET
F316L F316L GR. 32510 WELDED
11 Condenser >600NB CI-IS 210 CI-IS 210 DUPLEX SS
cooling water FG-260 FG-260
system or or
216 CLB 216 CLB
or or
Fabricate Fabricated
d steel as steel as
per per ASTM
ASTM A-515 Gr.
A-515 Gr. 60/80 /
60/80 / IS:2062
IS:2062 Gr.or
Gr. B or

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equivalen equivalent.
t. Fully Fully
ebonite ebonite
lined lined

A 439
Gr.D2 - A 439
600NB GR. 32510 RAISED

A182 GR. 32510 WELDED
DMCW/ CCCW 351 351 CF3M Type 410-2 Gr 32510 RAISED
/ Potable water CF3M FACE
/LP chemical
dosing system < 50 NB ASTM A ASTM ASTM A479 ASTM A47 SOCKET
182 A182 Type 410-2 Gr 32510 WELDED
F316L F316L

Piping and valve specification also given in the respective package section. In case of contradiction
between the respective package section and the piping section, superior of the respective package
section and the piping section shall be provided.


8.1.0 Excavation for Pipe Trenches

The trench shall be cut true to the line leveled with the help of sight rails provided at every
30 m, at change of direction, gradient and at any suitable distance as directed by the Owner.

If the trench is excavated below the required level indicated in the drawing, the extra depth
shall be filled with concrete or approved equivalent material as directed by the Owner.

The trench shall be excavated so as to provide an average cover of 1500 mm or equal to the
diameter of the largest pipe to be laid in the trench unless otherwise shown in drawings. The
average cover shall be reckoned from top of the pipe of the largest diameter to be laid in the
trench, to the finished grade. The width of the trench, shall be sufficient to give free working
space on each side of the pipe. The free working space shall conform to IS:783. Generally it
shall not be less than 150 mm on either side or 1/3 of dia of pipe whichever is greater.

No excavated material shall be deposited within 1.5 meters from the excavated trench.

The dredged material shall be disposed off shore as per the regulations for sea water intake

In case of road cutting, all material i.e. metal, bricks, etc. shall be taken out carefully and kept
separately for reuse and road work shall be redone up to the original level prior to cutting the
road with the excavated road materials after laying & testing of the pipeline. The Contractor
shall provide suitable signs and barricades to prevent accidents. Contractor shall also provide
reasonable bypass when a road is cut for laying pipeline. The dykes affected due to laying of
the pipes, shall be redone conforming to the original specifications by the Contractor.

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During excavation if some obstacle is met with, same shall be reported to the Owner and dealt
with as instructed by him.

The Contractor shall dewater, shore or do whatever might be required to excavate the trench,
install the pipe in it and backfill the trench, in accordance with the specifications. Dewatering
shall be done in advance of the laying of the pipe to allow adequate inspection of padding of
the bottom if required and dewatering shall be continued throughout during laying of the pipe
and backfilling of the trench.

In muddy/slushy ground, the bed shall be provided with a layer of a sand or lean concrete as
directed by the Owner.

The trench shall follow the gradient of pipeline as specified in the drawing. The Contractor
shall keep the trench in good condition, until the pipe is laid and tested. All materials to shore
the trench in order to prevent caving are to be furnished and removed by the Contractor.

In case pipe is lowered in caved trench and back-filled before being inspected by the Owner,
the Contractor shall re-excavate the trench for inspection and backfill it.

8.2.0 Sand bedding:-

Sand bedding of adequate thickness with fine sand to be provided as per AWWA M11

8.3.0 Corrosion Protection Tape coating


All underground steel pipes shall be protected with external corrosion Protection Tape.

Coating shall be coal tar based tape coating materials confirming to AWWA C203. Tape shall
be coal tar component supported on fabric of organic / inorganic fibres. The fibre shall be
thoroughly coated and completely covered on both sides with coal tar component. The tape
shall be supplied in standard width and rolls shall be wound on hollow cores of standard
diameter. The material shall have enough mechanical strength and dimension stability. As far
as possible the fabric shall be thin, flexible, uniform and composed of glass fibres in an open
structure bonded with a suitable inert material compatible with coal tar.

The primer shall be a coal-tar or suitable resin product. The primer shall consist of chlorinated
rubber synthetic plasticizer and solvents. These primers shall be suitably compounded to
produce a liquid coating which may be applied by brushing or spraying and which shall
produce effective bond between the metal and subsequent coating of coal tar tape. Primer
should not contain benzol or other toxic and/or highly volatile solvents, added pigments or inert
fillers or other substances and shall show no tendency to settle out in containers.

Where the soil is corrosive in nature, Cathodic protection shall be given. If soil resistivity is
greater than 5000 ohm-cm, cathodic protection is generally not required

Application Procedure

Cleaning, blasting and protection after blasting

Before the metal is blast cleaned, all oil and grease on the surfaces shall be thoroughly
removed by flushing with a suitable solvent (such as xylene or 1,1,1 trichloroethane) and
wiping with clean rags. The use of dirty or oily rags or dirty solvent shall not be permitted. All
foreign matter not removable by blast cleaning shall be removed by suitable means. Blast
cleaning operations shall remove all rust, scale and other impurities from the surface,
exposing base material, presenting a greyish matte appearance. Slight shadows, strata or
discoloration caused by rust stains or mill scale oxides need not be removed. Blasted

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

surfaces that rust before a priming coat has been applied shall be cleaned of all rust by buffing
or wire brushing, or shall be reblasted. Adequate air separators shall be used to effectively
remove all oil and free moisture from the air supply to the blaster.

After being cleaned, the pipe shall be protected from and be maintained free of oil, grease and
dirt that might fall on the pipe before it has received its coal tar tape. During blast cleaning,
any pipe found to show pits shall be set aside immediately, pending examination by the Owner
for acceptance, reconditioning or rejection.

Priming and Application of coal tar tape

All blasted surfaces shall be primed immediately following blasting and cleaning. The
surfaces be dry at the time the primer is applied and no primer shall be applied during rain
unless the pipe to be primed is protected from the weather by suitable housing.

The use of coal tar primer that has become fouled with foreign substance or has thickened
through evaporation of the solvent oil shall not be permitted. The application of primer shall
be hand brushing, spraying or other suitable means and shall be in accordance with
instructions for application, as supplied by the manufacturer. The apparatus to be used for
application of the primer shall be acceptable to the Owner. Spray gun apparatus to be used
shall include a mechanically agitated pressure pot and an air separator that shall remove all oil
and free moisture from the air supply.

After application, the primer coat shall be uniform and free from floods, runs, sags, drips,
holidays or bare spots. Any bare spots or holidays shall be recoated with an additional
application of primer. All runs, sags, floods or drips shall be removed by scraping and
cleaning, and the cleaned area shall be retouched or remedied by reblasting and repriming.
Suitable measures shall be taken to protect the wet primer from contact with rain, fog, mist,
spray, dust or other foreign matter until completely hardened and tape applied.

The minimum and maximum drying times of the primer or the period between application of
primer and application of coal tar tape, shall be in accordance with instructions issued by the

If the coal tar tape is not applied within the allowed maximum time after priming, the pipe shall
be reprimed with an additional light coat of primer or the entire prime coat shall be removed by
reblasting and the pipe reprimed.

The cleaning and priming operation may be carried out in the Contractor's workshop or on
site. The entire pipe length shall be cleaned but the ends of the pipes shall be left without
coating for a distance of 230 mm for joints, which shall be coated and wrapped manually on
site after laying, welding and testing the pipes.

Tape application should fallow as soon as the primed surface is tacky. Tape shall be wraped
in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation in a manner that shall meet the
adhesion and holiday detection requirement. In no case the overlap per single wrap is less
than 12.5 mm. Two coats of coal tar tape coating shall be applied. A suitable primer as per
manufacturer's recommendation shall be applied between the wraps. Air pockets or bubbles
between the pipe and tapes or between tapes are to be avoided and tape shall be in perfect
contact with the primed steel.

8.4.0 Laying of Underground Piping


After prefabrication, coating and trenching, the Contractor shall lay the underground piping in
accordance with the following clauses and as per the approved piping arrangement drawings.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The Contractor shall be responsible for correct layout and gradient of the line.
Lowering & Laying
The pipes shall be lowered either by mechanical methods or by hand when the trench is ready
and bottom of the trench is graded as per required pipe laying conditions and specifications.

By machine

The shop coated pipe, already transported to the pipe laying site/convenient length of pipe
assembly coated and wrapped near the trench after hydrostatic testing shall be placed on
clean square cut skids suitably spaced so as to keep the pipe away from touching the ground.
The pipe may be lowered down in the trench by the launcher cranes, with sufficient care to
protect the coating of the pipeline. Bare cables, chains hooks etc. shall not be permitted to
come in contact with the coating.

At tie in welds and other places, the Contractor shall clean, prime, coat and wrap manually.
Also short sections of pipelines which are impracticable to shop treat may be hand treated but
only on the prior written approval of the Owner.

By Hand

The pipe may be lowered with the help of tripods and chain pulleys blocks into the trench
immediately after the coating. However if in the opinion of the Owner that the temperature
condition do not allow direct lowering, then the pipe shall be set down on clean square cut
skids. The skids shall be so spaced as to keep the pipe away from touching the ground.

Method & Time of lowering pipe

Under favourable temperature, conditions and using methods which shall not damage coating,
the pipe may be lowered into the trench.

Pipe previously set on skids, because of unfavourable temperature conditions shall be

lowered into the trench normally in the cool of the morning and only when the temperature of
the pipe is below the softening point of the coating materials.

All skid marks and other places of damages shall be thoroughly examined to ensure proper
patching where necessary, before the pipe is finally lowered into the trench.

Handling of Coated Pipes

Coated pipes shall not be placed in trench until cave in plugs, hard clods, stones, skids,
welding rods etc. have been removed there from. Where the trench has a hard or jagged
bottom, sufficient fine dirt or sand shall be placed therein, before the pipe is lowered.

Coated pipe shall not be handled or moved by means of cable or chains or by prying with
skids or bars. It shall be tied and lowered by using lowering belts of a standard width and
designs for the size of pipe being handled.

Coated pipe shall not be dragged along the ground or otherwise handled in a manner that
shall be detrimental to the coating.

Lining up & Welding

The ends of the pipe line shall be kept securely closed to prevent entry of any foreign material/
moisture after lowering into the trench.

Before making joints the pipe shall be carefully laid so as to be perfectly aligned in both plan
and profile and the end closures provided shall be removed.

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Tie-in shall be made in the coolness of the morning or when the ambient temperature is not
exceeding 29°C or softening temperature of the coating material whichever is less. All
bevelling, aligning and welding shall be in accordance with the welding specifications.

Free access shall be provided for the welding of the circumferential joints by increasing the
width and depth of the trench at these points. There should be no obstruction to the welder
from any side so that a good welded joint is obtained.

8.5.0 Draining

All lines and equipment shall be completely drained after the hydrostatic test of a system has
been completed. High point vents shall be open to prevent excessive vacuum and permit
complete draining.

If it becomes necessary to leave a system filled with the testing medium for any abnormal
length of time, suitable arrangement such as venting shall be made to provide for possible
liquid expansion with change in ambient temperature.

8.6.0 Backfilling

After testing and inspection of the pipeline to the entire satisfaction of the Owner, the trench
shall be backfilled with the same material as the pipe bed above the top of the pipe. No trench
shall be backfilled without the approval of Owner.

Backfilling with the excavated material shall be done in layers of 200 mm, well watered and
rammed to avoid any settling afterwards.

The Contractor shall place soil over the trench to such a height as to provide adequately for
future settlement of the trench backfill.

If due to exigencies of the work, some portion of the pipeline is backfilled without approval of
the Owner, the Owner shall have the right to order uncovering of the pipe for examination .

The backfill material shall be free from stone pieces.

Surplus excavated soil or rubbish material shall be removed by the Contractor to a place
designated by the Owner.

When the trench has been dug through roads all backfill shall be thoroughly compacted. In
certain cases, special compaction methods may be required by the Owner. This shall be done
by the Contractor and part of the EPC work.

When the trench has been dug through unlined ditches the backfill shall be thoroughly
compacted in 150 mm layers for a distance of 1.50 m beyond the outside banks of the ditch
on either side. The banks of the ditch shall also be compacted in 150 mm layers .

After the roads have been already graded, if they are trenched or otherwise disturbed by the
Contractor during laying of the pipelines. The Contractor shall restore the road to its original
level and condition. In the event, the Contractor is required to place extra fill, gravel, or other
special material it shall be borne by him and shall part of the EPC work.

8.7.0 Clean up of Surroundings

As soon as the backfill is completed, the Contractor shall immediately clean up the adjoining
area by removing all surplus and defective material and dispose of all refuse such as spurs,
sheet iron, and broken skids etc. to the complete satisfaction of the Owner.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

8.8.0 Thrust blocks should be provided at all direction changes for GRP/HDPE Buried pipes .


9.1.0 Drawings, Data / Documents To Be Submitted Along With Offer

9.1.1 Completely filled up technical schedules and data sheets of tender documents

9.1.2 Details of similar job executed in last five years

9.1.3 Mandatory spares

9.1.4 Start up and commissioning spares

9.1.5 3 years Operation and maintenance spares

9.1.6 Special Tools and tackles for erection & maintenance

9.2.0 Drawings, Data / Documents to be furnished by the successful Bidder

9.2.1 Piping specification for Supply and erection

9.2.2 QAP for shop and field works

9.2.3 Piping general arrangement drawings

9.2.4 Stress analysis report

9.2.5 Isometric drawings

9.2.6 Datasheets and GA drawings for valves and piping specialties

9.2.7 Specification for Pipe supports and stress analysis.

9.2.8 Specification for insulation

9.2.9 Pipe Thickness calculation

9.3.0 Any other drawings required for review during the detailed engineering stage, same shall also
be submitted by contractor.

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This section is intended to provide the scope, design, constructional and functional
requirements of thermal insulation for piping, valves, fittings and equipments for the purpose
of heat conservation, temperature maintenance, process stabilization, personnel protection.


Thermal insulation

Marine grade aluminum Cladding material & Other Accessories materials.

Cladding sheet, all other ancillary materials i.e. Wires, Straps, Zinc coated Screws, Wire
netting, Joint sealing compound, Ceramic mill boards, MS flats, Lugs, Bolts & Nuts etc. shall
be of commercial quality.


3.1.0 Insulation Material

Thermal insulation shall be required for all hot piping and equipment with fluid temperature
grater than 60 C.and for piping and equipment for the following cases:

• Conservation Energy and thereby increase system thermal efficiency.

• Maintaining the process temperature.
• Personnel protection
• Prevention of condensation.

Piping and equipment shall be insulated with Mineral (Rock) wool material conforming as per
the relevant code & provided as below:
Mineral (Rock) Wool material of density 150kg/m shall be provided for piping and Fittings.
Mineral (Rock) wool material of density 100kg /m shall be provided for Valve Boxes and

Insulation material shall be finally covered with cladding material.

Bidder shall calculate the insulation thickness based on the selected Insulation material and
the same will be subjected to owner approval during detailed engineering.

3.2.0 Cladding material & Other Accessories materials

Cladding of Marine grade aluminum shall be required for piping and equipment for the
following purpose:

• Cladding over hot thermal insulation to protect insulation surface against moisture in air or
rain, to prevent physical damages etc.

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Insulation material shall have backup stainless steel hexagonal wire netting for interface
temperature greater than 400 C & galvanised steel for interface temperatures less than &
equal to 400 C. The insulation shall be backed with hexagonal wire mesh on one side.

Insulation material shall be wrapped and held in place using binding and lacing wires. The
binding and lacing wires shall be of stainless steel material for interface temperature greater
o o
than 400 C & galvanised steel for interface temperatures less than & equal to 400 C.

Insulation supporting arrangements for vertical piping and equipments shall be provided.

The straps for securing Aluminium cladding sheet shall be of Aluminium material.


4.1.0 Construction requirement of Insulation

Insulation work on piping and equipment shall be done after the system has been completely
tested, cleared and cleaned of loose scale, rust, grease etc. and after application of primer.

Insulation materials shall be dry. If the materials become wet after application, they shall be
dried or replaced before weather proofing work.

When applying cold insulating materials, care shall be taken to ensure that the material is
applied at the recommended applied density.

When applying multi-layer material for cold insulation all joints shall be staggered and each
layer shall be separately secured in place. Unless otherwise specified, at least the final two
layers shall be provided with a suitable vapour barrier where the operating temperatures are
above 0°C.

For cold insulation, the lugs or other insulation supports used shall not be more than
75 percent of the total insulation thickness used in order not to puncture the vapour barrier.

Sampling lines shall be insulated .Controllers and instruments which are located indoors,
together with tubing connected there to, shall not be insulated.

4.1.1 Piping

The Insulation material shall be properly butted to each other so that the fibres are interlocked
at all longitudinal and horizontal joints.

All joints, gaps shall be densely filled with loose mineral wool. The mattresses shall be
securely laced together at all joints with GI tie wires.

Where pipe work is being insulated, the valves and flanges shall be covered with removable
box type insulation and a separate width of aluminium jacket shall be used over the insulation.
The removable covers shall be secured in place by means of bands with quick release clips.

A small hole to act as a leakage indicator shall be formed in flange lagging.

Steam traced lines shall be insulated with a provision to accommodate one 15 NB steam trace
line. Tracing union loops located outside the insulation shall be wrapped with 25 mm width,
3mm thick standard insulation tape and weather proofed.

For horizontal surface the longitudinal joints shall always be either at the bottom or on sides.
When more than one layer of insulation is required the circumferential joints shall be
staggered by at least 50 mm.

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Bends shall be insulated in the same manner as straight pipe except that the insulation shall
be applied in mitred segments to conform to the contour of the bend.

Expansion joints properly filled with loose mineral wool shall be included to allow movement
and expansion of the pipe without producing random tracking of insulation.

In the case of the greater insulation thickness (atleast from 60mm upwards) spacer shall be
provided to ensure a uniform insulating thickness on all sides and a perfect circular shape of
the sheet metal jacket.

4.1.2 Equipment

For vertical surfaces of vessels and equipment, the insulation material shall be laced together
along all joints and to the support rings immediately above them. This shall be further secured
by 20 mm wide 23 SWG, horizontal aluminium bands at about max 1 meter pitch. For dished
ends of vessels, the insulation shall be secured by readily tensioned 20 mm wide 23 SWG
marine grade aluminum bands fixed centrally to a wire ring at the outer ends to band round the
body of vessel.

For insulation of equipment, supports of same metal as vessel, projecting to a point not more
than half the thickness of the insulating materials shall be welded to the vessel to support the
vertical insulation. The support shall be uniformly pitched at 500 mm. A support shall be
located above each vessel flange at a sufficient distance above the flange bolts to allow for
their easy removal.

Small cylindrical surfaces are insulated with mattress section. The edges of each mattress
shall be butt jointed closely together, in order to eliminate gaps and secured with GI strap
bands of 15 mm wide, 0.5 mm at intervals of 250 mm. The mats to be stitched together at the
horizontal joint using 0.7 mm thick GI wire.

If the insulation is in several layers, joints shall be staggered. Each layer must be secured

For Equipment / Pressure vessel nozzles including man holes, hand holes and their covers,
line flanges, valves and other fittings, if any, shall be insulated with removable metal jacketed
sections. The jackets shall permit removal and replacement of these parts without causing
damage to the insulation.

4.2.0 Construction of Cladding

All joints of the cladding shall be bent true to shape, properly grooved and overlapped
(min 25 mm) and neatly screwed with self tapping rust proof screws of size M4 x 12 mm. The
self tapping screws shall be cadmium plated and shall be flat or round headed. In addition, to
these screws the sheet metal joints shall be sealed with bituminous mastic or equivalent
joining compound.

The application of the cladding such that the vapour barrier of the cold insulation shall be
effective and prevent moisture migration into the body of the insulation which will cause
deterioration in the insulation value, physical damage to the insulation and corrosion of the
cold surface.

During application of the vapour seal over cold insulation, special care is to be taken that it
shall be carried down over all exposed edges of the insulation.

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ANNEX – 2.21.1


Description Unit Data

Ambient temperature °C 40
Surface Velocity m/sec. 1
Emissivity of the Cladding material - 0.2
Insulation surface temperature °C 60
Operating temperature for Pipe / °C MCR condition
Thermal conductivity W/mk As per standard.
Insulation Material
Insulation Material Mineral (Rock) wool.
Preformed pipe sections Shall be used for pipes & fittings.
Slabs or Mattress Shall be used for Valve Boxes and
Density of Insulation material
Preformed pipe sections kg/m³ 140
Slabs or Mattress kg/m³ 100
Cladding Material
Cladding material Marine grade aluminium
Thickness of Cladding material for SWG
Pipes, Fittings, Valve Boxes and (mm) 20 (0.91) SWG for piping having
Equipments. outside diameter over insulation
450 mm and above and for all
equipments & 22(0.71)SWG for
piping having outside diameter
over insulation less than 450 mm.
Finishing Cement
Type of material Lightly bonded Mineral wool
Density kg/m³ 1100

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This section is intended to provide the scope, design, constructional and technical
requirements for workshop, chemical laboratory, stores, diesel bunk and road weigh bridge.


2.1.0 Workshop, Chemical laboratory and Stores

The workshop, chemical laboratory and stores shall be complete in every respect & suitable
for satisfactory operation of the power plant.

The list of minimum equipment to be supplied is furnished in this specification. The sizes of
machines / equipment and their capacity shall be selected by the Contractor based on the
requirement specific to the equipment and systems being proposed by them.

Maintenance tools and tackles as required for the various machines, commissioning spares
for various machines as applicable, first fill lubricant / coolant for each equipment shall be

2.2.0 Road Weigh Bridge

Two (2) no. of complete weigh bridge platform pit-less type with load cells, digital weight
indicator and totaliser.

The weigh bridge shall be tested for full capacity and certified to be accurate before received
at the site. After erection at site, contractor shall arrange for the inspection of the weigh bridge
by the Inspector of weights and measures and get the weigh bridge stamped by him. The
contractor shall pay the requisite fees for such first stamping. The requisite test loads for
stamping shall also be arranged by the contractor.

All necessary cables from load cells up to digital weight indicator, totaliser and printer.

All other accessories and limits required to complete the weighing system.


3.1.0 Workshop
The various components of workshop machine shall be capable of easy installation and
removal / replacement.

The noise and vibration from machinery shall be minimized and not be greater than that from
high quality modern plant of comparable size.

Special attention shall be paid to the appropriate regulations for accident prevention. It must
be assumed that in the operation of the machines even inexperienced personnel shall be
satisfactorily protected. All equipment and machines with moving, hot or electrically energized

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parts shall be provided with reliable protective equipment. Where necessary, erection
openings / access shall be provided.

Suitable safety interlocks, limit switches for longitudinal travel and cross traverse of saddles
and emergency brakes shall be provided as required. Emergency brake control shall be easily
approachable to the operator.

The machines, tools and equipment will be in accordance with ISO standards as well as
accident prevention regulations.

The dimensions of the workshop and stores shall be mainly based on the size of the
equipment to be handled, the number of people working in the workshop and store and the
quantity of spare parts to be stored.

Minimum 1500 mm clearance shall be maintained between the individual machines /


The various machinery, plant and equipment shall be so designed and arranged as to present
a functional and pleasing appearance.

3.1.1 Equipment - Workshop

Sl. Equipment
Specification Accessories Qty
1. Heavy duty lathe 900 mm SOB, 2000 mm Square tool post, two (2) 1
DBC. other parameters of nos. dead centers, rotating
the machine shall be as per center, quick change tool
manufacturer’s standard post with set of tool holder, 3
jaw self centering chuck,
2. General Duty 600 mm SOB, 1500 mm complete coolant system, oil 1
Lathe DBC. other parameters of gun & oil can, rear splash
the machine shall be as per guard, steady rest and follow
manufacturer’s standard rest, one set (10 nos.) of
carbide turning tools
(standard), work light without
bulb, chip tray, longitudinal

3. Shaper Stroke-610 mm, other Crank handle, tool holder 1

parameters of the machine attachment, Ram length
shall be as per adjustment control, one (1)
manufacturer’s standard no. high speed steel (HSS)
cutting tool, machine vice,
pulleys & v-belts as
required, electric motor,
starter, automotive
lubricating pump, machine
lamp without bulb.
4. Slotting machine Stroke - 300 mm, other Complete coolant system / 1
parameters of the machine equipment, lighting
shall be as per equipment, 3 jaw self
manufacturer’s standard centering chuck of diameter
300 mm with back plate
(steel body).
5. Universal milling Table - 1600 mm X 300 Complete coolant equip. 1
machine mm, other parameters of work light without bulb,

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Sl. Equipment
Specification Accessories Qty
the machine shall be as per indexing head. One(1) no.
manufacturer’s standard high speed steel milling
6. Radial drilling Capacity drilling in steel 50 Box table (500 mm X 500 1
machine mm diameter, Radius of mm X 500 mm), complete
drilling arm : 1500 mm, coolant equipment with
other parameters of the pump, motor, piping etc.,
machine shall be as per work light without bulb
manufacturer’s standard
7. Pedestal drill 16 mm diameter in steel, - 1
size of table – 600
mm x 600 mm
8. Grinder 600 mm wheel diameter. Eye protection shield, tool 1
Double wheel pedestal rest bracket, adjustable tool
grinder rest, One coarse grinding
wheel and one fine grinding
wheel, machine lamp.
9. Tube bending 1/2" to 4" NB, other Formers of different sizes 1
machine parameters of the machine suiting machine capacity.
shall be as per
manufacturer’s standard
10. Power hacksaw Job diameter - 225 mm, One (1) no. hacksaw blade, 1
other parameters of the machine lamp without bulb.
machine shall be as per
manufacturer’s standard
11. A/C welding Current range - 60 to 400 Welding cable with 2
machine Amps, AC Welding electrode holder (5 metres
Transformer, other length), Earthing cable
parameters of the machine assembly (5 metres),
shall be as per Protective helmet with
manufacturer’s standard glass, pair of hand gloves,
chisel, wire brush, Ammeter
- voltmeter attachment
12. D/C welding MG set, current range : 35 – Welding cable with 1
machine 320 Amps, Rectifier welding electrode holder (5 metres
sets other parameters of the length), Earthing cable
machine shall be as per assembly (5 metres),
manufacturer’s standard Protective helmet with
glass, pair of hand gloves,
chisel, wire brush.
13. Argon Arc Max continuous welding - 2
welding set current @ 60% duty cycle
170 amps, welding current
range: 5 to 220 Amps.
14. Soldering iron 25 Watts, 250 Volts - 4

15. Welding tables Size - 750 mm (length) X - 3

500 mm (width) X 1000 mm
16. Pneumatic As per manufacturer - 1
hammer standard.
17. Work benches Carpenter type work bench, - 6
size – 750 mm x 500 mm x
1000 mm height

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Sl. Equipment
Specification Accessories Qty
18. Fitter vice Size – 150 mm. - 6

19. Marking-off Size – 2000mm x 2000 mm, - 1

table material of construction –
cast iron.
20. Portable screens Fabricated screen, size 6 ft -
high and 8 ft length
21. Corrugating Size 900mm - 1
22. Industrial As per manufacturer -
Vacuum standard.
23. Set of Measuring tools 1 set for
ng tool
a) Vernier Calliper Size 0 to 300mm, least -
count 0.02mm.
b) Vernier depth Size 0 to 300mm, least -
guage count 0.02mm.
c) Inside calliper 0 to 150mm. -
d) Outside calliper 0 to 150mm. -
e) Inside Size 0 to 25mm, least count -
Micrometer 0.01mm.
f) Outside Size 0 to 150mm, 0.01mm -
Micrometer accuracy.
g) Dial guage with Size 0 to 10mm, least count -
magnetic stand. 0.01mm
h) V block 100 mm x 45 mm x 60 mm -

i) Snap Gauges As per manufacturer -

j) Feeler Gauges As per manufacturer -
k) Thread Pitch NPT, Metric- As per -
Gauges manufacturer standard.
l) Slip Gauge As per manufacturer -
Block set standard.
m) Precision Level As per manufacturer -
n) Steel measuring 5m long. -
o) Steel Rule 150 mm , 300 mm, 600 mm, -
24. General Tool

a) Screw drivers Dimension & Blade length - 1

(mm)- 3.2x0.5x200;
4.3x0.6x200; 5x0.6x125;
b) Double ended 10x11; 12x13; 14x15; 16x17; - 1
spanners (mm x 18x19; 20x22; 21x23; 24x26;
mm) 24x27; 25x28; 30x32.

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl. Equipment
Specification Accessories Qty
c) Hammer Set Ball Peen Hammer in 1 lb, 2 - 1
Lbs, Mallet Hammer 1 Lbs,
Wooden Hammer
Sledge Hammer 1
10 Lbs Sledge Hammer 1
d) Hack Saw frame As per manufacturer - 1
with blades standard.
e) Socket set 1/2" Sq Drive socket in size - 1
mm (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,
22, 24 ,26, 28 30,32)
f) Precision Level As per manufacturer - 1
g) File set Flat- 100,150,200,250 mm - 10
Round file - 150 mm
Half Round file - 200 mm,
250 mm
h) Pipe Cutter ½” – 2” - 1

i) Long nose plier 170 mm(L) - 1

j) Round nose 25 mm(L) - 1
k) Universal Plier & As per manufacturer - 1
Cutter Plier standard.
l) Cir Clip Plier As per manufacturer - 1
(Inside / standard.
m) Pipe wrench Each - 0-3/4”, 1½”, 0-2½ - 1

n) Right angle 12" Size - 1

o) Chisel Set Flat Chisel of 1/2", ¾", 1" tip - 1

p) Bearing Puller Universal Puller Twin Grip of - 1
set 6" opening size - 1
Puller triple grip of 8" - 1
opening size -1 No.
q) Centre Punch As per manufacturer - 1
r) Gasket Punch Punches of various sizes 6, - 1
set 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 22, 24 mm
in a case.
s) Hand Lamps, As per manufacturer - 1
without Bulbs , standard.
Sockets , Plugs
t) Box for above As per manufacturer - 1
tools standard.

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3.2.0 Stores Requirements

• Open storage area along with necessary storage stand/ brackets

• Heavy part storage racks suitable for wooden pallet stacking.
• Wooden Pallet
• Pallet stacking & reclaiming fork lift electrically operated with all accessories and electric
charger system.
• Small parts & consumables storage racks along with bins of various sizes.
• Air conditioned storage area with racks & bins for storage of electronic cards.
• Bin card storage cabinets along with bin cards.
• Chemical storage shed with necessary safety measures.
• Necessary fire fighting & fire alarm system along with ventilation system for the stores.
• An interchangeability chart for various standard parts/ consumables.
• Necessary computer, software etc. with net working for issue, receipt, purchase office &
coding operations.

3.3.0 List of Chemical Laboratory Equipments

The list of minimum equipment to be supplied for Chemical Laboratory of the Power Plant for
the purpose of conducting routine tests on water, lube oil and gas are given below:

3.3.1 Lab Equipments for Water Analysis:

A Bench Top pH Meter

Type : Bench Top model - 2 Nos.

Range : 0 - 14.00
Resolution : 0.001/0.0/0.1
Relative accuracy : ± 0.005 slope 80 to 120%
With auto buffer recognition, 3 point calibration

The instrument shall be supplied with certified calibration solution I pH buffer tablets.

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

B Portable pH Meter

Portable Model : 1 Nos.

Range : 0 -14.00
Resolution : 0.01 pH
Relative accuracy : ± 0.01 pH, slope 80 to 120%

The instrument shall be supplied with certified calibration solution I pH buffer tablets.

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

C Bench top conductivity meter

1.0 Type : Direct reading digital

2.0 Design Data

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2.1 Range :
0 to 20.00, 200.0, 2000µS/cm
0 to 20.00, 200.0 ms/cm.
2.2 Resolution : 0.05% full scale
2.3 Accuracy ±1 % full scale within each range, ± 0.1 µS/cm in the lowest range
2.4 Temperature compensation: Automatic from 0 to 120°C.

The conductivity meter shall be complete with cells for the above range specified.

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

D Portable Conductivity Meter

Portable model of the following specification may also included in the supply.

Range : 0 to 199.9; 0 to 1999µ S/cm; 0 to 19.99 ms/cm.

Resolution : 0.1, 1 µS/cm : 0.01 ms/cm
Accuracy : ±1 %

E Spectrophotometer- Double Beam

One double beam Spectrophotometer of the following. specification shall be considered.

Double beam
spectrophotometer : 1 No
Range : 190 to 1100 nm
Band width : 4nm
Wave length resolution : 0.1 nm
Wave length calibration : Automatic
Wave length accuracy : ± 1 nm
Stray light : <0.3% T@ 220 & 340 nm
Photometric range : 0 to 3.0 Abs
Read out mode : Transmittance, Absorbance, concentration .

The equipment shall be supplied with other accessories required for normal operation and
voltage stabilizer along with the main instrument.

F Jar Test Apparatus

Type: Flocculator with Multiple stirring machine equipped with a variable speed drive

Stirrer: Four stainless steel stirrer paddles with an arrangement to vary the speed of each
stirrer independently over a range of 6-60 RPM. The Iength of the paddles shall be such that
at the max. speed of 60 RPM the tip velocity shall not exceed 600 mm I sec.

Speed control: Step less speed control through Rheostat or energy regulator

Speed measuring device

Type : Tachometer
Range : Rpm 0-100
Accuracy : Rpm 1
Smallest division : Rpm 1
Power supply : 240V,50Hz 1 PH, AC

Flocculator : Shall be" fitted with a fractional horse power motor and shall
take jar or breaker of 1 litre capacity. It shall also have in
illuminated arrangement for observing floc formation by
providing a light source under the base & a hole of
approximately 25MW at the base for directing the light beam.

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Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

G Turbidity Meter

Measurement : Nepholometric
Range : 0.001 NTU for a range of 0.000 - 0.999,
0.01 NTU for range 0.00 to 9.99,
0.1 NTU for a range 0.0'0 to 99.9,
1 NTU for 0 to 1000 NTU.

Accuracy : ± 2% reading or ± 0.01 NTU.

The instrument shall be supplied with 0.02, 10,100,1000 NTU standards for calibration and
two empty cuvettes.

H Residual Chlorine Meter

Chlorine, F & T
Method : DPD (50-100 Test);
Range : 0.02 to 2.00 & 0.1 to 8.0 mg/l
Pocket colorimeter with LCD display; backlit & silicon detector

I DO2 Meter

Purpose : A dissolved oxygen meter is used to measure the amount of

oxygen present in a unit volume of water.

Description : The DO2 Meter shall essentially consist of, but not be limited to
the following parts:

a) Self-stirring BOD probe & Kit

b) 5ft Cable Assembly(data logging & printer cables)
c) RS232 infrared adaptor communication
d) Cap membrane kit (6 each) which includes electrolyte.
e) Digital LCD display
f) Battery

The portable oxygen meter should be able to measure:

a) Oxygen range : 0.01 mg/l - 2000 mg/l

b) Resolution : 0.01 mg/l
c) Temperature range : 0 – 50 deg C
d) Automatic air pressure compensation
e) Automatic temperature compensation
f) Correction for salinity

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

J Flame Photometer

Purpose : For determination of sodium, potassium and calcium in solution

by flame photometry

Description : The flame photometer shall essentially consist of, but not be
limited to the following' parts:

(1) An atomiser and burner

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(2) Pressure regulating devices (Needle valves) and gauges for fuel and air or oxygen.
(3) An optional system consisting of suitable light dispersing and filtering devices capable of
preventing excessive interference from light of wave lengths other than that being measured.
(4) Photo sensitive detector/indicating device.
Burner Type: Suitable for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Range : Full scale deflection should be guaranteed for 2PPM of sodium,
5 ppm of potassium 20 ppm of calcium
Accuracy : ±1%
Accessories : (1) Interference filters for sodium, potassium and calcium
(2) Oil free air compressor

Power Supply : 240V, 50 Hz, 1 phase AC unaffected by voltage fluctuation of


Limits of Detection : Na <= 0.2 ppm, K <= 0.1 ppm, the instrument consists the
following .features in addition.
Electronic flame failure detection, fine and coarse sensitivity

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

K Magnetic Stirrer

Purpose : Laboratory use

Capacity : 3 (Min.) Iitres


Case : Die cast aluminium

Top plate : Glass coated stainless steel

Size of the plate : Square plate 180 x 180 mm (Min.) I Round plate
180 mm dia (Min.)

Speed control : Stepless speed controlled upto to 1200 RPM

Stirrer type : Teflon coated stirring round bars

Size : 7.9 mm (dia) x 13 mm (L)

7.9 mm, (dia) x 25 mm (L)
7.9 mm (dia) X 38 mm (L)

Quantity : 3 Nos. i.e., one each of the size indicated above.

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

L Hydrometer

Purpose : To measure Specific gravity of liquids

Temperature : 0 to 80 degree C
Range of measurement : 0 to 2

Materials of Construction
Bulbs and stems: Chemically resistant glass·

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i) Instrument shall have double scale.
ii) The bulbs and stems shall be streamlined so that hydrometer reaches without trapping air
bubbles setting point

3.3.2 Lab Equipments for Coal Analysis:

A Muffle Furnace

Table top design, short heating up and low outer wall temperatures via the use of high grade
ceramic fiber material in the multi layer composite insulation. With electronic analog controller
and digital analog temperature display, thermo couple PtRh-Pt, low noise solid state.

Temperature range : upto 1200 °C

Accuracy : ±3 Deg C
Nos : 2

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

B Ordinary Oven

Purpose : Drying Laboratory Glassware

Nos : 2
Type : Electrically heated and double walled with a facility for digital
temperature facility
Design data
Thickness of insulation : 50 mm (min.)
Material of insulation : Glass wooI
Heating element
Material : Ni-Cr Ribbon
Control : Thermostatic
Temperature range : 30-250 deg C
Accuracy : ±1 Deg C

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

C Sieve Shaker

Purpose : For grading of samples of pulverised fuels

These equipment shall be motorized with rotary gyrator motion and tapping motion for 20 cm
test sieves with set of siever. A timer of 0 to 60 mins shall be included as a part of this

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

D Grinder

Purpose : Preparation of coal samples for testing


Type : Roll crusher or coffee mill type

Capacity : 20 kg/hr.
Input size : 5-6 mm
Output size : 650 - 750 micron
Holding capacity : 7 kg

Grinder shall be fully enclosed and shall have an enclosed hopper and receptacles
Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

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E Stop Watch

Beveled movement with two hands with range 30 minutes & resolution:1/5seconds

Type : hand held, Non magnetic.

Resolution : 1/5 of second

Reset facility : required

Recording period : 0-30 minutes with a 60 second sweep

F Bomb Calorimeter

Automatic calorimeter consists of controller, measuring cell, integrated cooler decomposition

vessel and accessory kit. As per ASTM and DIN.

Method : Isoperibol
Range : 6000 to 15000 BTU / Lb for a 1 gram sample
Precision : <=0.05% RSD
Resolution : 1 BTU/lb, 0.1 Cal/g.

Corrections acid or % nitrogen, fuse wire, sulfur, moisture, spiking ash and hydrogen.

Temp measuring resolution 0.0001° C

The consumables required for 1000 analysis and other accessories required for normal
operation may be supplied along with the main instruments.

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

G Top Pan Balance

Capacity : 3200 grams

Minimum display : 0.1 grams
Standard deviation : <=0.06 g
Linearity: : ± 0.1 mg.
Nos : 2

The above balance may be supplied with the certified weight box with traceability certificate.

H Analytical Single Pan Balance

Fully automatic internal calibration

Maximum capacity : 81/210 grams

Readability : 0.01/0.1 mg
Repeatability : 0.02/0.1 mg
Linearity : ± 0.031 ± 0.2 mg
Nos : 2

The above balance may be supplied with the certified weight box with traceability certificate.

I Vacuum Oven

Type : Infra red moisture analyzer

Method : Heating by infrared rays, determination of weight loss.

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Sample weight maximum: 30 grams

Measuring accuracy : 0.05%
Measuring range : 0 to 100%
Readability : 0.01 %
Temperature range : up to 160°C
Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate

J Jaw Crusher

Purpose : Preparation of Coal

Capability desired : Crushing from hard rock to coal
Input size : 125 (Max. for high capacity)· .
50 & less for medium capacity
Output size : 12.5(Min. for high capacity)
3.2 (Min. for medium capacity)
Crushing capacity : 1000 kg/hr. for high capacity
250 kg/hr. for medium capacity

The crushers shall be supplied complete with rotary screen, tight and loose pulleys, belt, motor and
accessories including feeding hopper all assembled and mounted. .

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

K Set of sieves, Cover & Receiver

Sieve frame shall be made of brass 200 mm diameter, 50 mm height above the wire cloth and shall
be drawn from one piece without seam.

Cover and receiver shall be of stainless steel 200 mm diameter for use with the above siever.
A set of test of sieves 10 Nos of various size as per IS 460
Equipment shall be supplied with. calibration certificate.

3.3.3 Lab Equipments for Oil Analysis:

A Redwood Viscometer

The instrument is required to measure the viscosity of lubricating, transformer and fuel oils having
their viscosity not less than 30 seconds and not more than 2000 seconds as per IP70.

The viscometer shall essentially consist of :

a) A cylindrical, heavily silver-plated, brass cup provided with an agate jet in the base. The oil
cup shall be surrounded by a loose cylinder provided with vanes for stirring the liquid bath.
The bath shall be cylindrical and provided with a tap for emptying and a side tub for heating
with an electric heating element applied to the walls but not to the under side of the bath. An
auto- transformer (Regavolt) shall be supplied to control the temperature.

The agate jet may be closed by means of a metal ball attached to a stiff wire, which can be
removed and suspended from the thermometer support during the run.

A wire attached internally near the top of the side of the cup shall indicate the level to which the
sample must be adjusted .

Thermometer Conforming to IP 70/62

i) IP 8 C Range : 0 to 44 deg C
ii) IP 9 C Range : 37.8 to 82 deg C

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A certificate of accuracy from the manufacturer shall be supplied with each thermometer.
a) Flash - Capacity 50 - 0.06 ml. At 20 deg C
b) Thermometer clip
c) Oil cup cover
d) Iron stand with leveling screws to support and align the bathe firmly
e) Screen painted white inside and having an opening 9 cm. in width from the top to the bottom.
f) Level - a circular level, sensitive to 0.20 mounted on a brass plate to fit the upper end of the oil
cup and slotted to accommodate the vertical rod and the valve stem.
g) Wooden stand.
h) Ball valve receiving flask, heating bath wit stirrer and electrical heating

B Heating Mantle

Type: Heating elements completely embedded in nonflammable fabric. Mantle shall be capable of
accommodating round-bottomed flasks of 500 to 1000 ml. Capacity.

Temperature inside mantle : Upto 400 deg.C

Temperature control accuracy : ±2 deg.C.
Power rating : 0.35 to 0.45 kW
Power supply : 240V, 50 Hz, 1 phase, AC
Accessories : a) Suitable built-in temperature control unit
b) Pilot indicating lamp
c) Thermocouple and temperature indicator

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate

C Cannon Fenske Viscometer with water bath

As per ASTM D445

Cannon Fenske reverse flow type Viscometer (factory certified) for opaque liquid of size 75,I
100, 150, 200, 300, 350, 400, 450, 450, 500 one each.

D Pensky Marten Flashpoint Apparatus(Electrically Heated)

Purpose : The equipment supplied shall be suitable in all respects for determination
of flash point (closed and open cup) by the method as laid down under of
IS.1448 Part-1 /IP 3A ASTM 0925B/IP 144B Part-1 /lS.120

Description : The equipment general shall consist of but not be limited to (1) Cup (2) Lid
(3) Electric heater (4)

Thermometers (5) Clip to convert the equipment for open cup determination (6) Oil test jet. The
equipment shall be suitable for operation on 240 V 50 Hz, 1 -Phase AC power supply

1. Cup : Conforming to dimensions laid down in IS and equipped with devices for
locating the position of lid on the cup and the cup in the stove. A handle
attached permanently to the flange of the cup shall be provided .

2. Lid : Lid shall include the following parts: Stirring Devices: conforming to Para
3.1.2 (a) of IS -1448 P-21 Cover Proper: conforming to para 3.1.2 (b) IS
Shutter: conforming to' para 3:1.2 (c) of IS Flame Exposure Device :
conforming to para 3.7.2 .(d) of IS. It shall contain gas test jet.

3. Stove : The stove consist of the following parts.

a) Air bath conforming to para 3.1.3 (a) of IS. The air bath shall be
electrically heated.

b) Top Plate: conforming to para 3.1.1 (b) of 1S

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4. Thermometers : Cemented into the collar

a)If 15c Low range: 7°C to 11.00° C one each

b)If 16 C high range: 9.0° C to 370° C

The thermometers shall comply in all respects 10 para 3.1.4 of method F:21 of IS1448. Over and
above being cemented into the collar. each thermometer shall contain a projected ring so that it
can rest on the collar in such a way that the bottom of the bulb is 44.4 mm below the level of the
rim of the cup which will correspond to the level of the lower surface of the portion of the lid inside
the rim.

Each thermometer shall be provided with a certificate of accuracy from· the manufacturer of the

Clip for open cup: A clip shall be supplied to convert the apparatus for determination of flash point
by open cup method.

Oil Test Jet: A Oil test jet shall be provided with necessary accessory to fit on the lid as an
alternative to gas test· jet in case of non- availability of gas cylinder.

E Potentiometric Titration Apparatus

Karl J Fisher Moisture

Titrator with the following specification shall be considered for determining the moisture in oil

Titration Method : KF coulometric

Titration speed : Low current 2 mg I min, High current 20 mg/min
Moisture range : 1 ppm to 100% H2O
Precision : 0.3 % at 1 mg H20
End point potential: Fixed
correction : automatic
Result presentation: ppm - % - mg.

Two liters of chemical required for analysis also shall be supplied along with the main instrument.

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate .

F Centrifuge for Oil Analysis

Purpose : To determine the amount of water and sediment in oil used in power
The apparatus supplied shall conform to the latest editions of BS:2882 and IP 75 and shall be
complete in all respects.

The apparatus shall, essentially consist of a centrifuge capable of whirling a minimum of four (4)
filled centrifuge tubes at a controlled speed. The centrifuge shall have a diameter of swing of 38 to
45 cms measured from tip to tip of the rotating tubes and shall permit the use of cone shaped
tubes. The centrifuge shall be enclosed by a metal shield or case strong enough to eliminate
danger in case of occurrence of breakage. The diameter of the metal shield/case shall not be less
than 48 cms.

The centrifuge motor shall be :

(a) Of flame proof design

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(b) Without slip ring, commutator or centrifugal. Starting switch

(c) Effectively isolated from the bowl

Each tube shall have a capacity of100 ml and shall be of glass.

The buckets shall be suitable for accommodating the tubes described and shall conform in all
respects to the various provisions of IP 75

The apparatus shall operate on 240V, 50 Hz single phase supply.

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate

G Dean & Stork Apparatus

The apparatus shall consist of 10ml graduated receiver with 19/26 outer joint and 24/29 inner joint,
500 ml round bottom flask with 24/29 outer joint, Leibig condenser of 200mm length with 19/26
joints and spray tubes. The apparatus supplied shall comply in all respects to IS: 1448 (Part-1)
method P:40.

H Portable Pressure and Vacuum Pump for Oil Analysis

Neoprene diaphragm based oil-free, teflon coated head, portable AC powered vacuum pump
for Lab use operating on 230V / 50 Hz.

Accessories :(a) Cellulose nitrate membrane filter dia 47mm, pore size 0.45 um
Qty- 4Packets (each packet having 100 filters)
(b) 2 nos. stainless steel filter holder for vacuum filtering of
aqueous liquids with clamp,
(c) 2 nos. of vacuum flask with complete accessories

3.3.4 Orsat Apparatus for Flue Gas Analysis

For measurement of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide & oxygen in furnace flue gases; the
apparatus should include:-

(a) Leveling bottle with 250ml capacity

(b) 100ml gas burette with graduation of 0-50ml in side of 0.2ml division with outer jacket
(c) 3 absorption pipette of 100ml capacity (Two filled with glass tube and one with copper
spiral & glass tubes)
(d) 3 test manifold
(e) Calcium chloride & rubber bellow

The above items from a to e shall be fitted in Good quality wooden cabinet with front & rear
sliding doors with lifting handle-1Nos

(a) Three test manifold & rubber bellow : 6 Nos
(b) Absorption pipette with glass tune : 6 Nos
(c) 100ml gas burette with outer jacket : 6 Nos
(d) Leveling bottle cap. 250 ml : 6 Nos

3.3.5 Standard Lab Equipments:

A Dry & Wet Bulb Thermometer

Wet & dry thermometers mounted on a case boxed with spare wick and related humidity
tables. Thermometer shall have readings in both deg C and F.

Temperature range : 10 to 50 deg C & 0 to 120 F.

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Graduations : every 2 deg F.

Material : Boro Silicate Glass
Medium : Mercury
Length : 10" Min

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate .

B Barometer

The Contractor shall furnish precision aneroid barometers of dial size 6 inches (150 mm).
The barometers shall have a range of 600 to 800 mm Hg with resolution = 1mm Hg and
accuracy ± 1mm Hg temperature range –5 to 55 C

Range : 600 – 800mm Hg

Mounting : Wall mounting
Dial size : 150mm
Auxiliary indicator : Required
to record the previous
External adjustment: Required

C Dew Point Meter

The Dew point meter shall be used for measuring moisture in instrument air, service air,
hydrogen etc. The Contractor shall furnish calibration accuracy guarded glass column to
measure a range of moisture from (-) 100 to (+) 30deg. Cel. The meter shall be accurate and
readable to within 0.1deg.C as minimum.

Standard range : (-) 100 to (+) 30deg. Cel

Resolution : 0.1deg. C)
Accuracy : ±2 deg C

D Water Bath

Purpose: Laboratory use

Temperature range : 5 deg. Centigrade above ambient to 90°C
Accuracy : 60°C. ± 1°C
Construction Features:
Body :
Type : Double walled
Material : Inner wall - stainless steel
Dimension : 35 cm x 25 cm x 10 cm (Min.)
Facilities desired : a) Thermostatic temperature control
b) Built in constant Ievel arrangement
c) With cover plate to accommodate 4 viscometers of canon fenske,
thermostat with digital temperature setting and reading

Equipment shall be supplied with calibration certificate.

E BOD Incubator

Capacity : 220 lit

Refrigerant : R 134a
Heating power : 150W
Cooling power : 200W
Temperature range : 5°C to 50°C
Accuracy : ± 1°C
Temperature Display : 3 digits LED
Temperature rising : Digital keypad

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Temperature control : Automatic microprocessor based

Temperature sensor : PT 100
Supply voltage : 240V, 50Hz
Ambient temperature : 0 - 50°C

Double-walled inside anodized Aluminium and outside Mild steel sheet painted in epoxy
powder coating with' L' shape thermometer and two air circulation fans.

F Microscope Trinocular with Standard Accessories

Range - 40 X - 400X

Detachable Trinocular tube 360° rotatable, 30° inclined Dioptry compensation, Interpupillary
distance adjustment
Sample size - Up to 15mm diameter and up to 5mm thick

G Lab Refrigerator

Type:Standard laboratory model

Quantity: 2Nos(One for storage of chemicals and other for storage of samples)
Capacity:300 & 265 Lts resp.

H Digital Density Meter

The density meter calibrated at 20°C within the range 600–1200 shall be supplied.

I Moisture Analyzer

Range : 10ppm to 100% with appropriate sample size

Display readability : 0.001 g
Temperature Setting : 40° - 160°C in one degree increments
Temperature Control : Temperature sensor, +/- 5°C
Temperature Steps : One
End of Analysis Mode : time-out
Units of Results : % moisture, % solid, % moisture dry, weight loss
Display : Liquid crystal display
Integrated Printer : None (optional external printer)
Connector for column
printer : Socket connector for 24 column printer

J Wet & Dry Hygrometers


Range : 10 – 100%
Accuracy : 1.0%
Resolution : ± 5%


Range : 0 – 55 °C
Resolution : 0.1°C
Accuracy : ±1°C
Sensor type : Capacitance

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

3.3.6 Laboratory Furniture


The bench top shall be made of marine plywood with thickness 30 mm to which tiles are to be
bonded with Polyurethane or Epoxy compound. The area joined with acid resistant cement.
The Tiles are of shell white colour shed in matte finish. The tiles will be of the ceramic material
having reputed make of size 10”x10” with minimum thickness of 5mm

Dimension: D= 750 mm & Top Height-900mm with 3 nos corner SS sink

L=450mm D= 350mm H= 170mm

Total Running Length= 43 meters


20 SWG steel with epoxy coated Storage unit. Each unit shall be comprising of one drawer
with lock arrangement. Cup-board with adjustable shelves, lock system and door shall be with
Auto lock hinge.

Dimension : D=550 mm, H=750 mm, W=850 mm

Total Quantity : 48 nos


The unit shall have horizontal sliding glass door which run smoothly in plastic channels or
aluminum channel with epoxy powder coated. The sliding lass will be 5 mm thick safety glass.
Two no shelves are to be provided. Shelves & periphery of cabinet will be made of 20 SWG
CRCA with epoxy powder coating.

Dimension: D=350 mm, L=900 mm ,H=600 mm

Total Quantity= 20 nos


Top shall be finished in black granite. The units are to be placed on tabular pedestals & are
made of best quality steel. The instrument tables are to be supplied with two electric outlet and
two drawer for storage, Anti-vibration table made out of 20 SWG CRCA sheet (out-Table).
The inner table will be made out of 40x40 CRCA tube with pre casted RCC slab
500mmx700mm weighing 80 Kg. will be placed over rubber pads to take care of vibration.
Dimension: L=1650 mm D=750 mm, H=750mm

Total Quantity= 2 nos


To be equipped with 3 way water faucets. The top bench shall be designed as per Sr No 1
Dimension: L= 5800 mm W=1500 mm

Height to counter top 900mm

Height to top Shelves 1500mm
Elevated Shelves shall be made out of 20 SWG CRCA sheet.
D=300mm H=650mm L=5100mm

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Top bench shall be as per Sr no 6

Dimension: L=4000, W=1500 mm
Height to counter top 900 mm
Height to top Shelves 1500mm
Elevated Shelves shall be made out of 20 SWG CRCA sheet .
D=300mm H=650mm L=3300mm
SS Sink size L=450mm W=350mm H= 170mm


Working desk will have under bench storage module made out of 20 SWG CRCA sheet. The
table top shall be melanin white colour. The door and shutter should have full receassed
handles. The shutter should have concealed hinges and locking arrangement.
Dimension: L= 1350 mm,D= 750 mm,H=750 mm

Total Quantity= 4 nos


18 SWG CRCA Slotted angles steel racks with anti rusting paint
Dimension: L=1050 mm,D= 450mm, H=2100 mm
Total Quantity= 6 nos

I Laboratory Working Chair, with adjustable height arrangement. The base shall have five
arms with castor wheels.
Total Quantity= 6 nos

J Revolving Stool – top made of S.S. circular type of 250 mm dia. Height shall be
450 mm to 600 mm adjustable.
Total Quantity= 6 nos

3.4.0 Road Weigh Bridge

The Electronic Weigh Bridge shall be suitable for weighing loaded Road Trucks and Trailers
and for 24 hours of operation per day.

The weigh bridge shall be capable of withstanding dynamic loads imparted by the vehicle
movement and braking.

The weigh bridge shall calibrate automatically the variation due to rains and other errors.

The weigh bridge equipment shall be electronic load cell with micro processor based type.

The weigh bridge shall be suitable for operation during rainy season.

Sensing equipment for positioning of road vehicles shall be provided.

3.4.1 Equipment – Road Weigh Bridge

SL.NO. Description Data

1.0. Weigh bridge type Pit less type microprocessor based Road Weigh

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SL.NO. Description Data

2.0. Quantity Two (2) no.

3.0. Codes and Standards IS: 1432 - General requirements for weighing

IS: 1436 - Weigh Bridge- Specification.

IS : 9281 - Specification for Electronic

Weighing Systems - Part 2
Methods of Measurements

IS: 9777 - Data sheet for selection of weigh

bridges for bulk handling

Load Cells - Organisation International

Monetary League(OIML) standard
4.0. Weighing capacity - Gross 60MT capacity - Stores.
100MT capacity – Silo area
5.0. Platform size 18000 x 3000 mm
6.0. Platform MOC Anti skid steel
7.0. No. of trucks / trailers for Minimum 200 trucks / tractor trailers per day.
8.0. Type of trucks / trailers for All type
9.0. Maximum safe over load 150% of rated capacity.
10.0. Maximum load for mechanical 300% of rated capacity.
11.0. Standards for load cells OIML (Organisation international monetary
12.0. Load cells type Rocker pin ( Compression type) / Shear beam
13.0. Load cell protection IP 68 and tested by a national test house and
also have overload parameters.
14.0. Number of load cells per weigh Minimum 6 Nos. Each with rating of
bridge maximum safe over load capacity. Suitable
compensation must be built for temperature
14.1. Accuracy required + 0.05%
14.2. Repeatability < ±0.010 % FSO
15.0. Resolution 10 kg
16.0. Indicator kg or tone
17.0. Totaliser Yes, minimum 6 digit type to be provided in the
weight indicator.

18.0. Weighing equipment Desk top type and compact should be suitable
for dusty, hot, humid conditions without an air

19.0. Digital weight indicator Atleast 20 mm high character display for backlit
LCD display.
20.0. Display modes Weight and 16 mm for messages with
a) Indicate weight
b) Indicate calibration – Calibration to be

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SL.NO. Description Data

checked automatically every 5 minutes.
21.0. Display of key board entered 10 mm high characters
22.0. Protection From electro magnetic and radio interference
23.0. Auto calibration Calibrations check facility to be provided.

24.0. Digital filtering system To ensure correct weighment when weighing

oscillatory loads.
25.0. Annunciators To indicate over capacity.

26.0. Push button balance To weigh ±¼ of a scale interval of 200

27.0. Front panel controls For balance, lamp test, semi auto tare, cancel
tare and key board enable
28.0. Automatic, manual tare and To be provided in digital weight indicator
zero facility Provision for interfacing with a PC & printer
29.0. Weighment & printouts 1. Name of the contractor
2. Date and Time
3. Serial Number
4. Product Code
5. Customer Code
6. Truck Registration Number
7. First (Gross) Weight (I)
8. Second (Tare) Weight (II)
9. Net (pay load) Weight (III)
10. LxBxH (m)
Weigh slip after every weighment (i.e) I & II
weighments. Real time clock required to provide
date and time to printer. Facility for totalising the
different material received.
30.0. Control Room Air conditioned
31.0. Side post and post marking at Required
entry and exit of weigh platform
32.0. Painting of Weigh bridge Surface preparation : Degreasing and Mech.
Cleaning with wire brushing and machine
brushing as per St2.
Primer: Two (2) coats of HB Zinc Phosphate
(alkyd Medium as per IS:2074, DFT:35-40
microns per coat.
Finish Paint: Two (2) coats of synthetic enamel
(alkyd med) as per IS: 2932, DFT: 20-25
microns per coat.
Total DFT:110 – 130 microns
Final Colour of Paint: As per manufacturer’s
1.0 Operator’s Station (PC based) One (1) no for each Weigh Bridge
2.0 Processor Core 2 Duo or better
3.0 Hard drive 320GB
4.0 System Memory 2GB

5.0 DVD Drive DVD Read & Writer

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SL.NO. Description Data

6.0 Operating system WIN 2007 or higher
7.0 Graphic accelerator 8MB (Minimum)
8.0 Communication ports 04 nos. (min.) with two pen drive and other ports
as required
9.0 Monitor TFT Type
10. 0 Screen diagonal 21” flat
11.0 Resolution 1024 X 768 or better
12.0 Degree of protection IP-30
13.0 External Controls Brightness, contrast, Horizontal /Vertical
amplification & shift
14.0 Keyboard One (1) no for each weigh bridge
15.0 Mouse One (1) no for each weigh bridge
16.0 UPS One (1) no for each weigh bridge with a power
backup facility of 1 Hr for the total system.
17.0 Printer One (1) no for each weigh bridge – DOT


1. The dimensions with GA drawing shall be submitted further after awarding the

2. Facility for auto calibration to be provided.

3.5.0 Miscellaneous

1. No. diesel bunk with tank of capacity 12 KL and metered filling facility to be provided near
stores and all the approval and license to be arranged by the contractor.

3.6.0 List of Chemicals:

SL.NO. List of Chemicals Quantity
1. Accetic acid glacial,AE/GR/ER/ grade in 7.5Lts
bottles of 2.5 Its
2. Accetone AE/GR/ER grade - in bottle of 2.5 10 Its
3. Alpha napthol sulphonic acid E/GR/ER grade 200 gms
0 in 25 gms pack
4. Alkali blue indicator - in 100gms pack 100 gms
5. Ammonia solution about 25% pure 25 Its
AR/GR/ER grade in 2.5 Its
6. Ammonia buffer solution in 500 ml pack 20 Its
7. . Ammonia chloride AE/GRIER grade in 500 6kg
gms pack
8. Ammonia molybdate excellar grade 20kg
9. Ammonia purporate (mureide) indicator in 5 40gms

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SL.NO. List of Chemicals Quantity

gms pack
10. Anhydrous calcium chloride fused 20gms
11. . Amylum soluble AR/GR/ER grade in. 500 2kg
gms pack
12. Aluminium for estimation of aluminium 20gms
13. Barium chloride AR/GR/ER grade in 500 4 kg
gms pack
14. . Benzene AR/GR/ER grade in bottles of 2:5 10 Its
15. Bromocresol (indicator) green in 5 gms of 2.5 20 gms
16. Bromocresol (indicator) purple in 5 gms pack 10 gms
17. Carbon tetrachloride LR grade in 500 ml 10 gms
18. Calgon(indicator) for hardness determination 20gms
in 5 gms pack
19. Chlorotex reagent for determination of 3 Its
chlorine content in 100 ml pack
20. Citric acid AR/GR/GR grade 20 kg
21. Concentrated nitric acid (concentration 69 to 10. Its
72%) AR/GR/ER grade
22. Cobaltus chloride AR/GR/ER grade 2kg
23. Copper sulphate AR/GR/ER grade in 500 3kg
gms pack
24. ,Dextrose (D glucose) AR/GR/ER grade in 4kg
500 g'ms pack
25. Dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate 2 kg
AR/GR/ER grade in 500
gms pack
26. EDTA solution 0.02 N in 500 ml pack 12lts
27. Erichrms black T (solochrome black) indicate 200 gms
in 25 gms pack
28. Ethylene diamine tetra acetic Cilcid 2kg
AR/GR/ER grade in 100 gms
29. Ferric chloride anhydrous AR/GR/ER grade 2kg
in 500 gms pack
30. Ferrous ammonia sulphate AR/GR/ER grade 3kg
in 500gms pack
31. Fusion mixture AR/GR/ER grade in 500 ml 2 kg
32. Glycerol AR/GR/ER grade - in 2.5 Its pack 10 Its
33. Hexamine in 500 gms pack 1kg
34. Hydrochloric acid AR/GR/ER grade 40 Its in 2.5 Its pack

35. Hydrazine sulphate in 500 gms pack 1kg

36. Hydrofluoric acid AR/GR/ER grade 48% in 3 Its

500 ml pack
37. Hydrogen per oxide purified 30% AR/GR/ER 4 Its
grade in 100 gms pack
38. Hydroxyl amine hydrochloride AR/GR/ER 2kg
grade in 100 gms pack
39. Indige carmine (indicator) in 25 gms 200 gms

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SL.NO. List of Chemicals Quantity

40. Iodine resublimed in 100 gms pack 800 gms

41. Lead nitrate AR/GR/ER grade in 500 gms 1kg


42. Manganous chloride AR/GR/ER grade in 500 1kg

gms pack

43. Mercury AR/GR/ER grade in 250 gms pack 3kg

44. Mercuric chloride AR/GR/ER grade in 250 2kg

gms pack

45. Methanol AR/GR/ER grade in 500 ml pack 30 Its

46. Methyl" orange indicator in 50 gms pack 500gms

47. Methyl ted indicator in 50 ml pack 100 gms

48. N.T Nappthyl ethylene diamine 20 gms

dithudrochicride in 10 gms pack
49. Oxalic acid AR/GR/ER grade purified in 500 3 kg
gms pack
50. Ortho phenanthrolein - in 5 gms pack 50 gms

51. Para dimethyl amino benzal dehyde in 100 500 gms

gms pack

52. Perchloric acid AR/GR/ER grade in 500 ml 4lts

53. Phenolpthalein powder in 50 gms pack 500 gms

54. pH indicator paper wide range in boxes of 20 boxes

booklet range 2 to 10.5
55. Potassium chromate AR/GR/ER grade in 2kg
500 gms pack
56. Potassium dichromate AR/GR/ER grade 2.5 kg
in"500 gms pack
57. Potassium chloride purified AR/GR/ER grade 3kg
in 500 gms pack
58. Potassium hydroxide pure pellets in 500 gms 20kg
59. Potassium iodide AR/GR/ER grade in 100 6 kg
gms pack

60. Potassium nitrate purified in 500 gms pack 2kg

61. Potassium pemanganants purified in 500 2kg


62. Potassium metabisulphite in 500 gms pack 10 kg

63. Pyrogallol (QuaJigens) in 100 gms pack 2kg

64. Silica gel indicating type 2 kgk

65. Silver nitrate pure AR/GR/ER grade in 100 500 gms

gms pack

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SL.NO. List of Chemicals Quantity

66. Silicone grease in 100 gms pack 1 kg

67. Sodium acetate AR/GR/ER grade in 500 3 kg

gms pack

68. Sodium carbonate anhydrous AR/GR/ER 2 kg

grade in 500 gms pack

69. Sodium carbonate anhydrous AR/GR/ER 2 kg

grade in 500 gms pack
70. Sodium hydroxide pellets purified AR/GR/ER 10 kg
grade in 500 gsm

71. Sodium chloride crystal pure AR/GR/ER 4 kg

Grade in 500 gms pack

72. Sodium diethyl dithe carbomate in 100 gms 500 gms


73. Sodium nitrate 500 gms

74. Sodium thiosulhate AR/GR/ER grade in 500 3 kg

gms pack

75. Sodium potassium tartarate AR/GR/ER 2 kg

grade in 500 gms pack
76. Sodium sulphate AR/GR/ER grade in 500 2 kg
gms pack
77. Sulphuric acid AR/GR/ER grade sp. gravity 25 lts
1.84 in 2.5 its pack
78. Sulphasolicylic acid AR/GR/ER grade in 500 1 kg
gms pack
79. Sulphanilic acid in 100 gms pack 500 gms

80. Tin granule in 250 gms pack 500 gms

81. Toluene rectified in 500 ml bottles 10 lts.

82. Universal indicator in 100 ml bottles 11 lts

83. Xylene rectified in 2.5 lts pack 15 lts

84. Xylenol orange indicator in 5 gms pack 40 gms

85. Zince granule reagent grade 1 kg

86. Filter paper whattman make sheets, packed 8 boxes

in boxes of 100 sheets
87. Filter paper whattman make

15 cm dia No. 40 size 6 boxes

15 cm dia No.41 size 6 boxes

15 cm dia No. 42 size 6 boxes

88. Ortho Phosphoric acid 5 liters

89. Sodium Nitrite AR 1 kg

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

SL.NO. List of Chemicals Quantity

90. Calcium Acetate AR 500 grams

91. Sulphanilenide AR 500 grams

92. pH Buffer Tables 4,7,9,2,10 5 packs each of 10 tables.

93. Calcium chloride AR 1 kg

94. Thorium Nitrate AR 250 grams

95. Potassium Bromate 500 grams

96. Potassium Bromide 500 grms

3.7.0 List of Glass Wares and accessories

1 Bottle reagent plain narrow mouth with inter changeable flat head stopper corning Make :
Borsil ® of vensil.

Sl.No. Capacity Approximate Size of Quantity (Nos.)

Odxheight (mm) interchangeable
1 125 54 x 120 19/26 12
2 250 64 x 147 19/26 24
3 500 80 x 172 24/29 24
4 1000 104 x 200 29/32 24
5 2000 129 x 265 34/35 12

2 Bottle reagent amber narrow mouth with interchangeable flat head stopper corning (B)
make : Borosil ® or Vensil

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Approximate total height Quantity (Nos.)

1 125 120 12
2 250 147 12
3 500 172 12
4 1000 200 12

3 Bottles weighing with coining ® make : Borosil ® or Vensil

Sl.No. Capacity Quantity (Nos)

1 25 6
2 40 6
3 50 6
4 60 6

4 Bottles dropping with 9.5 ml dropper make : Borosil ® or Vensil

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (Nos)

1 50 6
2 100 6

5 Bottles dropping clear glass T.R. pattern with slotted ground glass stopped make : Borosil
® or Vensil
Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (Nos)
1 50 6
2 100 6

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

6 Bottles dropping amber glass T.R. pattern with slotted ground glass stopped make :
Borosil ® or Vensil

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (Nos)

1 50 6
2 100 6

7 Bottle gas washing complete with interchangeable stopper coming ® make: Borosil ® or

Sl.No. Capacity Size of Quantity (Nos.)

stopper (mm)
1 125 29/32 12
2 250 29/32 12
3 500 29/32 12

8 Bottle gas wash complete with interchangeable stopper coming ® make : Borosil ® or

Sl.No. Capacity Quantity (Nos)

1 500 6
2 1000 6

9 Bottles, relative density, accuracy as per IS:5717-1970 with capillary bore,

interchangeable stopper coming (R) or Vensil

Sl. Capacity Tolerance Maximum body Size of inter Quantity

No. Diax Height (mm) changeable (Nos.)
stopper (mm)
1 25 2 30 x 56 10/19 6
2 30 2 48 x 66 10/19 6

10 Beaker, made of Boresil ® or Vensil glass with spout coming ®

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Approx size (mm) Quantity (Nos.)

OD x Height
1 50 42 x 55 24
2 100 50 x 72 24
3 250 68 x 95 24
4 400 77 x105 24
5 600 90 x 120 12

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

11 Buretts made of corning glass straight moulded with stop cock PTFE with capillary outlet,
graduation on 0.1 ml class B of IS:1997 with works certificate. Make: Boresil ® or Vensil.

Sl.No. Capacity Graduation Tolerance Approx. total Quantity

(ml) interval (ml) ±(ml) height (mm) (Nos.)
1 50 0.1 0.05 780 12
2 100 0.2 0.10 830 12

12 Pipettes volumetric with one bulb accuracy as per Class B of IS:4162 (1985 reaffirmed
1991) with works certificate make: Boresil ® or vensil.

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Tolerance (+%) Quantity (Nos.)

1 10 0.02 12
2 25 0.03 24

13 Pipettes (Mehr type) accuracy as per class B of IS:4162-1967 with works certificate make
: Boresil ® or vensil.

Sl.No. Capacity Graduation Tolerance (ml) Quantity (Nos.)

(ml) interval (ml)
1 1 0.01 0.006 12
2 1 0.1 0.006 12
3 2 0.02 0.01 12
4 2 0.1 0.01 12
5 5 0.02 0.01 24
6 5 0.1 0.05 24
7 10 0.1 0.05 24

14 Funnels, filtering boresil glass with long stem make : Boresil ® or Vensil.

Sl.No. Dia (mm) Quantity (Nos)

1 75 24
2 100 24

15 Funnels, filtering boresil glass with short stem make : Boresil ® or Vensil.

Sl.No. Dia (mm) Quantity (Nos)

1 150 12
2 200 12

16 Funnels, separating with stop cock and interchangeable stopper, globe shaps coming (8)
make : Boresil ® or Vensil.

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Stopper size Quantity (Nos)

1 250 19/20 12
2 500 24/25 6

17 Flasks, separating with stop cock and interchangeable stopper, globe shape comings ®
Make : Boresil ® or Vensil.

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Approximate Approximate Quantity (Nos.)

OD x Height Neck OD (mm)
1 150 72 x 124 24 12

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Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Approximate Approximate Quantity (Nos.)

OD x Height Neck OD (mm)
2 250 85 x 1459 24 24
3 300 104 x 176 34 24
4 100 131 x 220 42 6

18 Flasks volumetric Boresil glass with ground glass stopper accuracy as per Class B, IS:915
(1975, re-affirmed 1991) make : Boresil ® or Vensil.

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Tolerance (ml) Interchangeable Quantity (Nos.)

stopper size
1 50 0.06 10/15 24
2 100 0.10 14/15 24
3 250 0.15 14/15 12
4 500 0.25 19/20 6
5 1000 0.40 19/20 6

19 Cylinder, boresil glass with spout, graduated in 0.1 ml make : Boresil ®

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Graduation (ml) Tolerance (mm) Quantity (Nos.)

1 25 0.5 0.25 12
2 50 1.0 0.5 12
3 100 1.0 0.5 12
4 250 2.0 1.0 6
5 500 5.0 2.5 6
6 1000 10.0 5.0 6

20 Dishes (Petril, crystalising coming ® make : Boresil ® or Vensil

Sl.No. Approximate OD x Height Quantity (Nos)

1 100 x 50 6
2 150 x 75 6
3 190 x 108 6

21 Dishes, evaporating flat bottom with pour out coming ® make : Boresil ® or Vensil.

Sl.No. Approximate OD x Height Quantity (Nos)

1 80 x 45 12
2 150 x 75 6
3 190 x 108 6

22 Desicoator-scheibler glass with knob, cover and porcelain plate make: Boresil (R) or Vensil. .

Sl.No. Internal dia (mm) Quantity (Nos)

1 250 4
2 150 x 75 6
3 190 x 108 6

23 Distillation trap with Graharh condenser, interchangeable stopper coming ® for determination
of moisture in coal by distillation process as per ASTM D95 and ASTME 123

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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 5 6
2 10 6
3 25 6


Sl.No. Glass Tubing – Tube size Quantity (nos)

1 4 mm bore 5
2 5 mm bore 5


Sl.No. Glass Road – Rod size Quantity (nos)

1 33 mm dia 5
2 5 mm dia 5
3 10 mm dia 5

26 Glass cover circular swallow type with ground glass.

Sl.No. Dia (mm) Quantity (nos)

1 100 12
2 150 12

27 Procelain morter with pastel. The pastel fitted with wooden handle.

Sl.No. Morter Dia (mm) Quantity (nos)

1 150 6

28 Agati Morter and Pastel

Sl.No. Dia (mm) Quantity (nos)

1 8 3


Sl.No. Porcelain tiles glazed Quantity (nos)

1 6” x 6” 24

30 Porcelain crucibles with lid for temperature upto 1200 deg.C.

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 50 12

31 Porcelain disc filtering perforated dia 2 mm – 12 nos.

32 Polyethene reagent bottles with wide mouth

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 100 24
2 250 24
3 500 24
4 1000 24

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33 Polyethene reagent bottles with narrow mouth

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 100 24
2 250 24
3 500 24
4 1000 24

34 Polyethene carbuoys with washer attached lid.

Sl.No. Capacity (ltr) Quantity (nos)

1 1.0 12
2 2.5 24
3 5.0 24
4 10.0 12
5 20.0 12

35 Polyethene buckets

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 10 12
2 15 12

36 Polyethene wash bottles

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 100 12

37 Polyethene beakers

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 250 12
2 500 12
3 1000 12
4 2000 12

38 Polyethene tubing in rolls of 30 meter

Sl.No. Size ID/OD (mm) Quantity (nos)

1 3/5 1
2 5/7 1
3 6/8 2
4 8/10 2
5 10/12 2

39 Aspirator bottles made of polyethne with plastic screw in cap, handle and stop cock.

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 500 6

40 Bottle alikathene seqeeze with jet

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 500 12

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41 PVC tray rigid with handle

Sl.No. Approximate size (mm) Quantity (nos)

1 450x300x15 12

42 Rubber bladder

Sl.No. Size (inches) Quantity (nos)

1 5 24

43 Rubber tubing (pressure) in rolls of 30 meters.

Sl.No. Inside dia (mm) Outside dia (mm)

1 5 10
2 8 15
3 10 15

44 Rubber tubing thickness 1 to 2 m rolls of 30 mtrs

Sl.No. Outside dia (mm) Quantity (rolls)

1 5 1
2 6 1
3 7 1
4 8 1

45 Tubes Nessler with graduation at 25 ml & 50 ml

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 100 36

46 Test tube borosil glass thick walled

Sl.No. Capacity (ml) Quantity (nos)

1 50 24
2 100 24

47 Test tube holder 12 nos.

48 Test tube stand, wooden, 12 nos.
polished with 6 holes and 6
pegs for holding test tubes
49 Triped stand 6 nos.
50 Bung rubber assorted size 1 set ech
between 5 and 20 mm dia
set consisting of 10 –
51 Spatula polished and 12 nos.
flexible with this rounded
ends, length 100 mm width
15 mm
52 Scoop, made of SS, length 12 nos.
60 mm
53 Burettle clamp metallic 12 nos.
base with supporting red
and spring type holders for
two bureltes
54 Funnel holder wooden, for 12 nos.

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two funnels, opening

diameter 50 mm
55 Pipette stand, polythene to 12 nos.
hold 12 pipeltes, 6 on
either size horizontally
56 Tongs SS (Stainless steel) 12 nos.
with flattened and curved
tip length 400 mm
57 Tongs blackened steel with 4 nos.
flattened and curved tip
length 400 mm
58 Glass cutter 1 no.
59 Redwood viscosity flask 50 4 nos.
60 Brush round form made of 12 nos.
camel hair in quill holder
61 Wire gauge made of 6 nos.
galvanized iron, square
mesh, and asbestos centre
net size 150 x 159 mm
62 Cork boring machines for 1 no.
boring holes in cork and
compressed rubber corks
complete with set of nickel
plated steel borers of 3 to
25 mm dia 2 nos. each.
63 Platinum crucibles with lid. 3 nos.
– capacity 30 ml, depth 30
mm inside dia 10 mm total
weight approximate 30
gms inclusive of lid
64 Platinum dishes with 1 no.
crucibles type lid capacity
100 ml depth 30 mm,
inside dia 75 mm, total wt.
approx 60 gms inclusive of
65 Stopwatch in metal body 2 nos.
for 1 hour duration
66 Sprit lamp 2 nos.
67 Dean & stork apparatus for 3 nos.
determination of moisture
in coal (round bottom flask
capacity 500 ml, condenser
& receiver 25 ml full set.

The following additional glass ware and accessories shall also be included in the list.

Sl.No. Name Capacity Quantity

1 Burette 25 ml 6 Nos.
2 Burette 10 ml 6 Nos.
3 Pipettes on bulb 20 ml 12 Nos.
4 Measuring cylinder stoppered 50 ml 6 Nos.
5 Measuring cylinder stoppered 100 ml 6 Nos.
6 Lodine flash with I/c stopper 250 ml 6 Nos.
7 Lodine flash with I/c stopper 500 ml 6 Nos.
8 Asbestoses gloves 6 pairs

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Sl.No. Name Capacity Quantity

7 Rubber Gloves Acid / Alkali proof 12 pairs
8 China dish 250 ml 12 Nos
9 China dish 100 ml 12 Nos.
10 Tissue paper 100 rolls
11 Bucker funnel 75 mm dia 3 Nos.
12 Aspirator bottle – Glass 250 ml 6 Nos.
13 Suction below 12 Nos.
14 Polythene beaker 100 ml 12 Nos.
15 Polythene trough 3 Nos.

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This section is intended to provide the scope, functional requirements for Inspection and
Testing of various mechanical equipment, material, parts, and workmanship of the Plant
during manufacture, to demonstrate compliance with specification, codes and standards and
to ensure overall reliability of plant operation and performance.


The equipment to be supplied under this Contract shall be subject to works' inspections and
workshop tests.

The Bidder shall issue a quality assurance programme, indicating the kind and extent of
inspections and tests to be carried out on plant components. These inspections and tests
shall prove whether the equipment fulfils the requirements of the Contract in view of

• Design & functional requirement of equipment/system

• safety conditions
• consideration of the applied standards and regulations
• execution of workmanship
• Conformity with the present state of modern technology.

2.1.0 Material tests

Test specimens shall be taken in accordance with the relevant standards and codes.
Dimensions shall be adequate for the purpose intended and the test specimen shall
accompany the component through all phases of the heat treatment. Before cutting or
otherwise removing the test specimens, these shall be permanently banded together with the
forgings, castings or components which they represent and, if requested, in the presence of
the Owner’s Engineer. Except where expressively otherwise approved, all test specimens
shall be machined to the dimensions specified in the relevant standards find codes. Steel
castings and forgings, in all cases; be annealed before the test specimens are withdrawn.

Chemical analysis and mechanical properties of the material concerned shall also be

All casting components shall be tested for compliance with the relevant standards and codes
and shall be suitable for the purpose for which the castings are to be used. The chemical
analysis and mechanical properties of the material tested shall be provided by the Bidder.
The results obtained from these material tests shall be in compliance with the values
contained in the relevant standards and codes and with the figures quoted in the relevant
sections of the Contract, X-ray examination and ultrasonic examination of circumferential,
longitudinal, nozzle welded joints, stiffening rings, etc., shall be carried out by the Bidder in
compliance with the standards under which the relevant equipment will be designed.

All castings and forgings of critical components of the equipments viz ST, BFP, CEP, CW
pumps etc, pressure vessels, alloy & stainless steel material shall be subjected to X-ray
and/or ultrasonic tests before the start of machining procedures, in order to detect defects as
early as possible and to replace in time defective parts, thus avoiding undue delay in the
manufacture and delivery of plant components. After partial machining in the Bidder's
workshop, further tests may be performed. No repair welding machining of castings and
forgings of major components shall be carried out without prior inspection and confirmation by

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the Owner’s Engineer. In case of a rejection, written and certified notice must be given to the
Owner/ Owner’s Engineer, indicating also measures undertaken by the Bidder in order to
cope with the requirements of the Contract.

Major steel forgings

Purchase specifications shall clearly state the quality and inspection requirements and should
include, but not be limited to:

a) chemical composition range

b) heat treatment
c) mechanical test specimen locations
d) mechanical properties
e) magnetic properties (when applicable)
f) non-destructive testing
- methods and procedures
- stage and extent of application
- recordable indication size
- allowable indication size
g) thermal stability test (HP and reheat turbine shafts only)

Each forging shall be suitably marked with an identification number which shall transferred
throughout all machining stages. The identification number shall be indicated on all
documents relating to the forging.

Repair welding will not be permitted on rotating parts and on other components the proposal
will be subject to approval by the Owner’s Representative.

Rotor forgings

The profile of forgings at the stage of final ultrasonic Inspection should be such as to minimize
the regions where complete coverage is not possible.

Ultrasonic indications should be measured by the equivalent flat bottomed hole or AVG
(DGS) method.

The toughness of rim and core (where applicable) material shall be evaluated by testing
charpy V impact specimens over a range of temperatures and thus determining the 50%
fibrosity fracture appearance temperature.

Allowable indication size and material toughness are interdependent design related criteria
and the Bidder must be prepared, if requested by the Owner’s Representative, to justify his
proposals by reference to fracture mechanics calculations.

Bores, when provided, shall be magnetic particle inspected and a suitable intrascope used for

Major steel castings

Purchase specifications shall clearly state the quality and inspection requirements and should

a) chemical composition range

b) heat treatment
c) mechanical test specimen locations
d) mechanical properties
e) non-destructive testing
- methods and procedures

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- stage and extent of application

- recordable indication size
- allowable indication size
f) other tests
g) standard weld repair procedure.

Each casting shall be identified by hand stamped or cast-on reference numbers which shall
be Indicated on all documents relating to the casting.

Non-destructive testing

Minimum requirements are as follows:

a) Crack detection of critical areas of castings which in the case of castings to operate at
high temperature or high pressure shall consist of 100% of all accessible areas. Magnetic
particle inspection shall be used for ferritic steel castings.
b) Ultrasonic inspection of all surfaces of castings to operate at high temperature or high
c) Ultrasonic thickness check of critical areas.
d) Radiographic examination adjacent to future butt weld regions (Acceptance Standard
Level 1 of ASTM E446 or E186 as appropriate).
e) Radiographic examination shall also be used to assist in defining defects indicated by
ultrasonic inspection.

In addition to being applied as necessary quality control on as cast items, inspections outlined
in a) and b) above shall be applied to the finally heat treated casting.

Prior to non-destructive testing all surfaces shall be satisfactorily prepared and visually

Repair welding

Unacceptable defects observed by visual examination or indicated by nondestructive testing

shall be excavated by chipping or thermal gauging and grinding and their complete removal
proved by crack detection.

In the case of excavations which penetrate more than 25 mm or 50% of the wall thickness or
cover more than 10,000 mm area the Owner’s Representative written approval of the
proposed repair must be obtained.

Only welders qualified by performance tests on similar cast materials shall be used.

On completion of repair welded areas shall be ground smooth and carefully blended into the
surrounding material. The repaired areas shall be surface crack detected, magnetic particle
inspection being used for ferritic steel castings and in addition ultrasonic inspection shall be
used on castings to operate at high temperature or high pressure.

Steel plates and sections

The following requirements, which may be supplementary to the applicable material

standards, shall be considered when selecting material grades:

• impact testing of plate or sections over 50 mm thick (impact requirements to be

dependent on application)
• ultrasonic testing of plate where the presence of non-metallics may interfere with the
interpretation of ultrasonic testing of future welds

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• ultrasonic testing and through thickness ductility measurement, where the application
involves the risk of lamellar tearing in the material at regions of high restraint (e. g. at set-
on nozzle locations or cruciform joints)
• ultrasonic testing clad materials to detect lack of bonding (proposed rectification
procedures shall be submitted for the approval of the Owner’s Representative).

Reinforced thermosetting resin pipes

Checks shall be made on all raw materials to ensure that they comply with the relevant ASTM

All deliveries of resin shall be checked for consistency by viscosity and reactivity. Any resins
deviating from the manufacturer's published figures shall not be used.

Testing of reinforced thermosetting resin pipes:

• Long term hoop strength (type test for pressure pipes only)

In accordance with ASTM D2992 Procedure B with the exception that the test results
shall be extrapolated to determine the stress which the pipe can withstand for a period of
60 years without failure. The lower 95% confidence limit at 60 years shall also be

• Hydraulic test

100% of the pipes shall be subjected to an internal hydraulic pressure test at the
manufacturer's works prior to delivery. The test shall be applied to a pressure equal to
1.5 times the maximum working pressure stated for each classification of pipe. The test
pressure shall be applied for a minimum period of 5 minutes without signs of leakage.

• In addition to the above the first pipe and every thirtieth thereafter of each class and
diameter shall be maintained at test pressure for a minimum of 4 hours without signs of

Each pipe and fitting shall be subjected to an internal low pressure air test at the
manufacturer's works prior to delivery. The test pressure shall be an overpressure of
0.1 bar and this shall be applied for a minimum period of 5 minutes without signs of
leakage or distress. Fittings which are of mitred construction shall be manufactured from
pipes which have successfully passed the tests defined above.

• Dimensions

The dimensions and tolerances of all pipes shall be determined in accordance with
ASTM-D 2122Stiffness

A minimum of one pipe for every 30 pipes manufactured shall be tested for stiffness in
accordance with ASTM-D 2412 "Method of Test for External Loading Properties of Plastic
Pipe by Parallel Plate Loading". A minimum of one pipe of each class and diameter of
pipe shall be tested.

Longitudinal and hoop tensile strength. The tensile strength properties of a minimum of
one pipe for every 100 pipes manufactured shall be measured in accordance with
ASTM-D 638. A minimum of one pipe of each class and diameter of pipe shall be tested.

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• Cure

Curing, to be tested by the Barcol Hardness test determined in accordance with

ASTM-D 2583 standard: 100 % of the produced pieces. Minimum acceptable hardness is
90% of the value recommended by the resin manufacturer of the particular resin used,
when non-reinforced. The sample pipe shall also withstand a commercial acetone test on
the internal portion of the laminate.

• Loss on ignition

A minimum of one pipe for every 30 pipes manufactured shall be tested in accordance
with ASTM-D 2584 "Standard Method of Test for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced

• Joint tests

A minimum of two pipes in every 100 pipes manufactured shall be jointed and tested in
accordance with the requirements of section 7.2 of ASTM-D 3262.

• Visual inspection

Each pipe and fitting shall be subjected to a complete visual inspection before shipment
in accordance with ASTM-D 2563.

• Vacuum test

Vacuum test of pipe shall be carried out for each diameter once at beginning of
production. The vacuum to be applied shall be equivalent to the condition which occurs
during full vacuum. The corresponding derated vacuum for this test shall be proved by the
pipe manufacturer.

• Failure of tests on completed pipes

In the event of a specimen not fulfilling the minimum requirements for strain corrosion
resistance, all pipes of that class and diameter which have been manufactured shall be
rejected and shall be replaced entirely.

Any pipe or fitting which fails any of the quality control tests which are to be carried out on
each and every pipe or fitting shall be rejected. In the event of any pipe failing any of the
remaining tests outlined above that pipe shall be rejected and the relevant test shall be
carried out on a further ten pipes of that class and diameter. If any one of these ten pipes
fails than the manufacture of pipes of that class and diameter shall cease and the Owner
reserves the right to reject all the pipes of that class and diameter.

Thermal insulating materials

Materials shall be tested for bulk density, specific heat, compressive strength, fire
resistance under pressure, service temperature limit in accordance with VDI 2055 or
equivalent standards.

Workshop manufacturing and pre-assembly

All workshop fabricated components and parts of the plant shall, to the fullest practical
extent, be formed, machined, fitted, welded, stress-relieved, X-rayed, adjusted, tested,
cleaned and painted. The equipment shall be pre-assembled in the workshop of the
Bidder or his sub-supplier to the maximum possible extent, then dismantled only as far as
required for safe and proper shipment, in order to keep erection work on site to a

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minimum. Equipment and parts shall be marked, labelled or otherwise identified to

facilitate assembly and erection on site. Marks and labels shall be fixed in such a manner
so that deformation or obliteration shall not 'occur during shipment, storage and erection
on site.

2.2.0 Manufacturing tests

2.2.1 Welding
Welding procedures shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of the construction
code/specification for the item of plant concerned and in the case of critical plant items the
tests shall be witnessed by an internationally recognised inspection authority.

Welders shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of the construction

code/specification for the item of plant concerned for all types/positions of welding he may

A system of positively identifying the work of each welder shall be maintained and any welder
whose work is the subject of multiple rejections shall be required to undergo a requalification
test. Any welder failing the retest may, at the discretion of the Owner’s Representative be
disqualified from further welding on items under this contract.

Welded fabrications shall be stress relieved when specified by the applicable standard or for
dimensional stabilisation prior to machining.

Copies of temperature charts referenced with load items shall be included in the test
certification supplied for the relevant items.

All welds shall be visually examined and shall be of smooth contour, free from cracks,
undercut and other significant defects. Wherever possible the interior of tubes etc. shall be
examined using a suitable optical device where necessary.

Fillet welds shall be checked for size using suitable gauges which shall be available for use
on request by the Owner’s Representative during an inspection visit.

Non-destructive examination of pressure and vacuum containment welds

Welds shall be non-destructively tested in accordance with the construction standard

applicable to the item of plant. In addition the requirements of the following Table 1 shall be
observed. This table shall also apply in cases where the standards used for design and
construction of an item of plant does not specify the quality requirements for welds. Fault
limitations to be subject of agreement with the Owner’s Representative prior to fabrication.

Table 1 : Non-Destructive Testing

Design Wall Inside Type and Extent of Non-

Type of Steel Factor thickness diam. Destructive Testing Remarks
(shell) (mm) (mm) Butt Nozzle Fillet
C and C-Mn ≤ 0.85 ≤ 10 all - - - Only applicable
steels with C to:
content not Atmospheric
exceeding 0.25% systems
(excluded sys-
tems, which
chemicals, toxics
or flammable

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Design Wall Inside Type and Extent of Non-

Type of Steel Factor thickness diam. Destructive Testing Remarks
(shell) (mm) (mm) Butt Nozzle Fillet
≤ all 10% R - -
> 40 all 100% 10% M 10% M
> 0.85 ≤ 40 ≤ 100 10% R - -
> 100 100% R 10% M 10% M
> 40 all 100% R 100% M 100% M Test before
stress relief
C-Mn steels with ≤ 30 all 10% R 10% M 10% M Applicable below
C content 0.25 to 50 bar
0.35% and C
1/2 Mo steels
all > 30 all 100% R 100% M 100% M Test before
stress relief
Low alloy steels all all all 100% R 100% U 100% M Test before
except CrMoV stress relief
and 2 CrMo
CrMoV and all all ≤ 100 100% R 100% M 100% M Test before
2CrMo steels and > 100 100% R* 100% M 100% M stress relief
12% Cr ferritic/ 100% U 100% U Test before
martensitic steels stress relief
* Radiographic examination may be omitted if done on as-welded joint
Austentic ≤ 0.85 ≤ 15 all - - - Not applicable to:
Stainless Steels Butt welds made
from one side
200 °C
≤ 30 all 10% R - -
> 30 all 10% R 10% D 10% D
≤ 100 10% R - -
> 0.85 ≤ 30
> 100 100% R 10% D 10% D
> 30 all 100% R 100% D 100% D

Legend: R = Radiographic examination

U = Ultrasonic examination
M = Magnetic particle examination
D = Dye penetrant examination


1. Where 10% examinations are shown for pipe work under 100 mm diam bore this shall be
the circumference of 10% of the welds by each welder selected at random with a minimum
of one per welder.
2. Where 10% examinations are shown for vessels or large diameter pipework this shall be
10% of each weld length and must include all intersections of longitudinal and
circumferential welds.
3. Where partial examinations reveal rejectable defects, adjacent welds or areas of weld shall
be examined. In the event of rejectable defects being found welds shall be subject to 100%
4. Welds in clad materials shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the base
material and the surface of the overlaid welds shall be dye penetrant tested throughout their

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Non-destructive examination of structural welds

Welds shall be non-destructively tested in accordance with the construction standard

applicable to the item of plant. Where appropriate, the following requirements shall also be

Magnetic particle testing of the tension side welds In major fabricated girders and sections.

Ultrasonic examination of heavily restrained welds (e. g. cruciform joints) where there is a risk
of lamellar tearing in the parent material.

Weld repairs

Unacceptable defects observed by visual examination or indicated by nondestructive testing

shall be completely removed by chipping or thermal gouging and grinding. The resulting
excavation shall be crack detected prior to rewelding.

Details of the original defects and repair shall be recorded.

Repaired welds shall be subjected as a minimum requirement to the same inspection

requirements as the original welds and test records should indicate that a repaired weld is
referred to.

2.2.2 Pressure testing

All items subjected in service to internal pressure or vacuum shall, unless otherwise agreed,
be pressure tested in the manufacturer's works and prior to any internal or external coating.

Hydrostatic testing

All pressure vessels, inserts or other parts of such vessels, which are subject to an internal
pressure or vacuum during operation shall undergo a hydraulic or other approved test. Unless
otherwise stated in the specification, the test pressure shall be maintained for a sufficient
period to permit complete examination by the inspector.

Should it be necessary to carry out repair welding on stress-relieved equipment, it must

undergo a stress-relieving process again with prior approval of the Owner’s Representative.
In all such cases, the hydraulic test must be repeated.

Particular attention must be paid to the temperature of water used for hydraulic testing which
shall not be less than 20°C. Prior to testing, metal temperatures shall also not be less than
20°C. Where pressure parts 600 mm in diameter and above are being tested, the hydraulic
pressure shall be raised to the test pressure in stages, during which the item shall be
examined and all defects rectified before the full test pressure is reached.

Suitable water shall be used as the test media unless otherwise agreed and test pressures
shall be in accordance with the applicable construction standard but if none is specified then
the test pressure shall be 1.5 times the design pressure but not less than an overpressure of
3.5 bar. Test pressure of vacuum containment items shall be agreed with the Owner’s

The test pressure shall be maintained for sufficient time to permit complete visual
examination of all surfaces and joints and in no cases less than specified in the applicable
construction standard.

The chloride content of water used for testing austenitic stainless steel items shall not exceed
30 ppm unless immediate flushing with water of this quality is done after the test.

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Pneumatic testing

The Bidder shall apply pneumatic testing in cases where hydrostatic testing is impractical or
undesirable. Safety precautions, test pressures/ duration and degree of prior non-destructive
examination of the subject items shall be agreed with the Owner’s Representative.

Pneumatic or gas leak testing supplementary to hydraulic testing shall be applied in

appropriate cases where specified by the applicable construction standard.

2.2.3 Testing of corrosion protection

Surface coatings

Following tests have to be performed before, during and after coating:

• visual inspection of blasted surfaces according to DIN 55928 part 4, annex 1

• checking of coating material
• measurement of air humidity, air temperature and coating area temperature
(determination of dew point)
• visual inspection of coating
• checking of dryfilm thickness (DFT)
• checking of adhesion.

Galvanised zinc coatings

Surfaces shall be visually inspected. Bare patches, lumps blisters or inclusions of foreign
matter shall be cause for rejection.

Zinc coating thickness shall be determined non-destructively in accordance with DIN 50981 or
coulometrically in accordance with DIN 50932. For coatings with a weight exceeding 900 g/m
the coulometric test method specified in DIN 50932 shall be used.

Hard rubber linings

Surfaces shall be visually inspected. Uneven surfaces, splits, blisters or inclusion of foreign
matter shall be cause for rejection.

The thickness of linings shall be measured in accordance with VDI Standard 2539 or
equivalent. A tolerance of + 10% is permitted for rubber coatings of 3 mm nominal thickness.

Hardness tests shall prove compliance with the rubber manufacturers standards.

The absence of pores shall be proved by the induction sparking test method. The potential
used shall be 5,000 Volts for each mm of thickness plus an additional 5,000 Volts (i. e.
potential of 20,000 Volts for 3 mm thick lining).

2.3.0 Mechanical equipment

2.3.1 Rotating units

Balance testing of rotating units

Each rotating unit shall be first statically balanced and then dynamically balanced (in the case
of impellers this shall be done before and after mounting of the service rotor shaft). A check
balance of items that have undergone overspeed test shall also be made.

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Vibration testing of rotating units

The vibration characteristics of rotating units shall be measured during performance tests.
Locations of measurement and standards to be achieved shall, on request, be subject to
agreement by the Owner’s Representative.

2.3.2 Steam turbine

The turbines shall be completely assembled with their control, stop and governing valves on a
suitable erection rig at the manufacturer's works and shall be carefully inspected and
measured for manufacture and assembly tolerances. Functional tests shall be performed on
the safety equipment.

Important items of turbine control equipment which cannot be adequately tested during the
main tests shall be separately bench tested.

Furthermore testing shall comprise:

• balancing and overspeed test of the assembled rotor
• measurement of radial clearances
• assembling inspection.
• Bearing oil temperature rise
• Vibration levels over the operating speed range
• AOP cut-in and cut-out pressures
• Check for assembly clearance after the test

2.3.3 Steam Generator

As per the requirement of IBR / ASME

2.3.4 Pumps
Running tests and performance tests shall be conducted on all pumps:

Performance tests shall be conducted through the full operation range of the pump to closed
valve conditions. Graphs indicating flow/head, flow/power absorbed, flow/efficiency,
flow/NPSH and speed shall be produced.

The lubricating oil used in the test shall be of the same brand and grade as that
recommended by the manufacturer for service use.

Bearing oil temperature rise and Vibration levels over the operating speed range shall be
measured and shall be as per the standard.

Dismantling of the pump for visual examination of parts for damage following test shall be
done when required by the inspection standard, when considered necessary by the
manufacturer, or when requested by the Owner’s representative witnessing the running or
performance tests. Replacement of parts following test shall necessitate repeat testing.

Job motor shall be used for testing the BFP, CEP CW, ACW booster and CCW pumps.

NPSH test shall be performed for BFP and CEP pumps. For vertical pumps minimum
submergence test shall be conducted.

For all the pumps in the plant, the Testing and acceptance std shall be IS 5120/HIS/PTC
code. However no negative tolerance is allowed for Flow, Head, Shut off head & Efficiency at
Guarantee point. However positive tolerance of 3% on Heat at Guarantee point and 5% on
shut off head is permitted.

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2.3.5 Fan
All fans shall be tested in accordance with the BS 848 part 1 and other applicable standards.

The particular test procedure to be applied to each type of fan shall be agreed with the
Owner. The tests shall be conducted strictly to the requirements of the agreed test procedure
so that all points on the performance curves are within agreed tolerances.

2.3.6 Deaerator, Condenser and Plate heat Exchanger

• Hydro Test as per ASME sec VIII , Div 1
• Air test / hydrostatic test of tube to tube sheet joints for condenser.

2.3.7 Gate, Globe, Regulating and Check valves

• As per IBR / ASME
• Shell Hydro test
• Seat leakage test as per BS 6755 part 1 Rate A with Air test & Hydro test.

2.3.8 Control Valve, Pneumatic block valve and PRDS

• As per IBR / ASME
• Shell hydro test as per ASME 16.34
• Seat leakage test , Actuator chamber leakage test, as per ASME 16.104
• Operation test ( calibration , Hysteresis )
• Flow characteristics test

2.3.9 Butter Fly valves

• Shell hydro test & Disc strength test as per BS 5155
• Seat leakage test BS 5155
• Open & close operation check for more than 14 “ valve
• Flow characteristics test

2.3.10 Air compressors

Air compressors shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 1571, class C.1
part 1, ISO 1217, ASME PTC-9 or similar standards. Any request for deviation from the test
conditions shall be accompanied by the manufacturers' proposals for the adjustment of the
correction factors contained in the standard.

No Tolerance on guaranteed values of energy consumption, volumetric efficiency, air drier

capacity, dew point of air, is allowed.

2.3.11 Air Drying Plant

Leakage test, Auto sequential test, operating time for regeneration cycle, Dew point test

Performance test for the air dryer shall be conducted at site to prove the following
a) Rated dew point temperature
b) No spikes in the dew point temperature during changeover from one tower to the other
in the dryer

2.3.12 Cranes and hoists

Where size permits cranes and hoists shall be completely assembled at the manufacturer’s
works and functional tests including load, speed, deflection etc shall be load conducted.

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2.3.13 Fire fighting system

All testing requirement as per TAC / NFPA.

The stand post assembly along with the hydrant valve (valve being open and outlet closed)
shall be pressure tested at a hydrostatic pressure of 21 Kg/cm2 to detect any leakage through
defects of casting.

Flow test shall be conducted on the hydrant valves. The flow through valves shall not be less
than 900 Litres/min.

Leak tightness test of the valve seat shall be conducted at a hydrostatic test pressure of
14 Kg/cm2(g).

2.3.14 HVAC
a) Chiller

Each chiller shall undergo a series of factory tests to ensure that the vacuum section is leak
tight and meets the manufacturer’s strict quality control standards. The chiller-heater shall be
covered with helium charged bell and the vacuum section shall be evacuated. The leakage
rate shall be measured by a helium mass spectrometer.

Performance Tests

All chiller units shall be performance tested at the manufacturer’s work. During the test
reading shall be taken for various parameters like

• Chilled water inlet/outlet temperatures

• Capacity
• Steam consumption (for absorption chiller)
• Power consumption
• Cooling water inlet / outlet temperatures.
• Vibration & noise level.
• Temperature rise of lubricating oil.

Pressure Tests

A standard Pressure test shall be conducted on the evaporator, refrigerant piping, condenser
and steam line as per code. In Shell and tube heat exchangers, Water side and refrigerant
side shall be hydraulic and pneumatic pressure tested respectively. The compressors shall be
pressure tested pneumatically at 1.5 times the design pressure. Pressure build up test and
leak back test shall also be carried for the compressor as per the applicable standards.

b) Air Handling Unit

Visual and dimensional check shall be done for quality workmanship and completeness of
each section and component and their assembly. The cooling coils shall be pressure tested
(hydraulic for chilled water, pneumatic for direct expansion type) for minimum 1.5 times the
design pressure.

Performance Tests

All Air handling units shall be performance tested at the manufacturer’s work. During the test
reading shall be taken for various parameters like

• Air flow rate and static pressure developed by the air handling fan.
• Cooling capacity of the cooling coil.

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• Noise level at specified distance form the unit and Vibration.

• Power consumption.
• Leak tightness for the assembled unit.
• Smooth operation and responsiveness of the face and bypass damper.

c) Cooling Tower

All testing as per ATC-105 : Acceptance test code for water cooling towers

2.3.15 Water treatment plants

Functional tests on completed individual equipment shall include:

• Pumps performance test

• Interlock and protection panels.

2.3.16 Hangers & Supports

All shop tests shall be conducted in accordance with ANSI standards and other applicable

Each Constant load hanger shall be tested before delivery to ensure that the variation in
supporting capacity provided through specified range does not exceed 5%.

Each variable load spring hangers shall be tested before delivery for its spring stiffness.

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This section covers the general mechanical requirements of all other sections of this
specification and shall be complied with in every respect unless otherwise stated or agreed by
the Owner.


The quality requirements of approved international other national standards shall be taken as
the minimum requirements.

Cast iron is not to be used for any part of equipment which is in tension or which is subjected
to impact, or to a working temperature exceeding 100°C unless specifically approved by the
Owner. Materials for iron castings shall comply with approved international or national

All forgings are to be manufactured from basic electric steel or fully killed acid open-hearth
steel. Consideration shall be given to the use of vacuum-degassed steels in appropriate

Forgings shall be free of cracks externally or internally, extensive non-metallic inclusions and
surface defects which cannot be removed by subsequent machining.

Each forging shall be suitably branded with an identification number which shall be
transferred throughout all final machining stages. The identification number shall be marked
on all documents and test certificates relative to the forging.

3.0.0 PUMPS
The following represents general requirements for pumps Intended for various services and
the same shall be read in conjunction with the requirement specified elsewhere in the detailed
mechanical specification.


All pumps shall be so designed that they are suitable for continuous operation and outdoor
condition unless otherwise specified.

Pumps installed for parallel operation or as standby sets are to be of the same design, i.e.

Standard-type pumps with suitable characteristics shall be used wherever practical. Only
proven makes and models are to be supplied. All accessories and the overall design of pump
sets are to be such that they are suitable for automatic operation as planned for the relevant

All pumps shall comply with the latest applicable recommendations of Hydraulic Institute
Standards (U.S.A) or approved equivalents.

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Pump types

Centrifugal pumps shall be used wherever possible.

Rotary-type positive displacement pumps will be accepted for handling fuel oil/sludge
handling etc., and reciprocating pumps shall be used for chemical dosing and metering

The pumps shall have a continuously rising head (upto shut-off) characteristics with the
minimum shut-off head of 110% but not exceeding 125% of the head at best efficiency point
for the rated impeller.

The pump shall be designed to have best efficiency between the rated and normal point.
However in no case the rated point should be beyond 115 % of the best efficiency point.
Moreover the minimum continuous stable flow shall not be less than 20 % of the best
efficiency point.

The Contractor shall note that the pump characteristics as obtained during the performance
testing of pump shall not deviate from the characteristic furnished during tender stage
particularly with regard to the operating point and shut off head and steepness of the curve
beyond the duty point.

Miscellaneous pumps / General Service pump shall have flow & head margins of 10% & 15%

The pump shall be capable of meeting the actual requirement for continuous operation at
47.5 Hz.

The equipment shall be made suitable for outdoor installation. Weather/environmental

conditions under which the equipment must operate are specified in the 'Project Data'.
However, for the Owner's guidance, the Contractor shall list in the proposal any special
protection that the Owner is required to arrange.

Pump shall be capable of automatic start up from stand still condition with discharge valve
fully open. Motor shall be selected according to the above requirement.

Difference in flows handled by the two pumps when operating the parallel shall not be more
than 5% of the flow through any one pump.

The impeller shall be of non-overloading type.

A hardness difference of 50 BHN minimum shall be maintained between the impeller ring and
wearing ring, inter-stage bushing and spacer sleeve and balancing and spacer sleeve and
Balancing disc/piston and counter balancing disc.

Mechanical seal of shall be provided at both ends of the shaft of pump for DM
water/Feedwater/Condensate/oil application.

The maximum temperature rise of bearings shall not exceed as per standard over ambient

All major rotating components shall be dynamically balanced. The assembled rotors shall be
dynamically balanced.

The tender shall also demonstrate that the pump can operate at the quoted minimum
continuous stable flow without exceeding the vibration limits as stipulated in HIS.

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Pump-motor set shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration .The limits of vibrations
shall be applicable with maximum wearing clearances.

Acceptance of the forced lubrication system shall be subjected to the approval by the Owner.
In case forced oil lubrication is recommended the lubrication system shall include shaft driven
lube oil pump and lube oil plant with interconnecting piping and controls. Acceptable peak to
peak vibration limits shall generally be guided by HIS.

The drive motor rating shall be selected such that a minimum margin of 25% upto 18.5KW,
15% for 22-55KW, 10% for above 75 KW is available over the pump input power required at
the rated duty point. However, motor rating shall not be less than the maximum power
required by the pump at any point on the curve including the run-off condition. All motors shall
be energy efficient type with efficiency not less than 94%.


Corrosion allowances of minimum 1.6 mm shall be shall be considered for carbon steel pipes.
For vessels of carbon steel construction a corrosion allowance of 3 mm shall be considered.


All the skid mounted equipment piping wherever specified shall be in fully assembled
condition. Piping shall be duly supported on the base plate and terminated with ANSI flange
at the edge of the base plate towards suction. Piping shall be properly tagged with metallic

In mechanical seal cooler cooling water shall be used on shell side. Tube shall be made of
SS304.Shell shall be of carbon steal. Tubes used for cooling bearing housing shall be of
SS 304.

Forced oil lubrication when used shall have all supply lines in stainless steel and return lines
in carbon steel.

The technical and design features of each is elaborated in a separate section.


Strainer shall be provided on suction line of each pump. Generally Basket type strainer is
preferred .The clear area of strainer shall be five times the inlet cross sectional area of the
connecting piping. Strainers shall be constructed of 16 gauge perforated stainless steel plates
(304grade) and shall be lined with stainless steel (316 grade) screen.

The design pressure for strainers shall corresponding to maximum system pressure
envisaged during the worst operating condition

The pressure drop across the strainers at rated flow under 100% cleaned condition and 50%
clogged condition shall not exceed 0.1 kg/cm² (max.) and 0.15 kg/cm² (max.) respectively.

The strainer shall be so designed that they all capable of sustaining the differential pressure
at rated design flow and 50% clogged condition.

Strainer body and cover shall be of ASTM A216 Gr.WCB or equivalent. The area of the
strainer shall be atleast five (5) times the inlet cross sectional area of the connected piping.
The MOC of mesh shall be SS:316 / SS:304.

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All welding / cutting / rework on IBR piping shall be strictly done as per IBR code.

All welding process shall be of standard and internationally agreed type and designation free
from all unproven innovative or development features

All costs for inspection and testing including any additional tests required by the Engineer
shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Price. Any additional inspection and testing
required by the Engineer shall be performed promptly and no claims for consequent delay or
disruption of the work will be considered.

The procedure to be followed in production welding of all parts of the vessel including main
seam, circumferential seams, and branches shall be provided in detail by the Contractor for
the Engineer's approval.

Welding, post weld heat treatment and other non-destructive testing shall be conducted by
Contractor as required by the ASME and as instructed by the Owner. Procedures of all
welding, welder qualification and treatment of welding defects, pre/post welding heat
treatment, NDT shall be performed after welding as per ASME and Testing requirement shall
be approved by the Owner. The Contractor shall arrange suitable stress relieving equipment
with automatic recording device.

All necessary radiography as per applicable code shall be included in the scope of work of the

Approval of the welding procedure etc., shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for
correct welding, electrodes and for minimising distortion in the finished structure.

All welders and welding operators shall be qualified for the work and shall hold current
welder's qualification certificates in accordance with the latest editions of ASME Sec. IX and

For welding on site, the Contractor shall provide drying ovens in sufficient number to permit
the correct storage of electrodes for 48 hours before use. Drying ovens shall preferably be
heated by electric means and shall have automatic heat controls and visual temperature
indication. The storage temperature for electrodes shall be as stated by the manufacturer but
in the case of low hydrogen electrodes shall not be less than 100 °C. The re-baking of low
hydrogen electrodes shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Welds of stainless or special steel with steel which is not stainless must be made in a manner
which ensures that the stainless steel or special steels do not lose their corrosion-resistant or
other special properties.

Welded seams shall not be painted before inspection; in case of necessity, only colorless
coating may be used.

All controls, examinations and tests corresponding to these specifications, shall be performed
by the supplier, without detriment to the Owner's inspection right to verify and control them on
their part or to repeat them if they deem it is necessary.

The supplier shall keep 'welding records' for all pressure pipes with a qualified welding
method, as well as for condensers, deaerators, water pipes, pressure vessels and other
important weldings. He shall record on them, after every working day, the number of weldings
executed during the day, their location, identification of welders, measured preheating
temperature (if any) and other information of interest.

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The Inspector shall be notified at regular site meetings at least 2 days prior to the
commencement of any assembly or fabrication work.

All control protocols, such as of the qualifications of welders and methods, of evaluation of
X-rays, of magnaflux examinations, as well as the x-ray films, shall be submitted to the
Owner's inspection for their approval.

Qualification of welders

The standard to be applied for the qualification of welders shall be approved by the Owner.
Welders shall be qualified according to the section IX of the before mentioned ASME
standard. The inspector of the Owner has the right to attend during the qualification tests.
Tests with unsatisfactory results made by a welder under qualification may be repeated by
him doubling the number of tests. For the welders acceptance each of the repetition tests has
to be satisfactory. The supplier shall keep a 'registry of welders' on which he shall record
systematically: qualifications, part of the supply on which they intervene, major faults and

Qualification of methods

The variables to be considered in defining the weldings subjected to special qualification of

method shall be agreed upon with the Owner. Stipulations in Q-11, section IX, of the
mentioned ASME standard, shall govern for this purposes.

Control of executed weldings

Unless otherwise agreed or unless other contractual stipulations exist, the section VIII, point
UW 51 of the ASME standards, shall apply for 100 % x-ray controls, and the point UW 52 for
x-ray sampling examinations, excepting from the last the indications about porosity which
shall be agreed upon separately.

The Contractor shall have at the works site all necessary equipments and facilities to perform
control, like portable x-ray equipments, radioactive isotope equipments, x-ray laboratory,
magnaflux equipment, dye check penetrants and developers, fluorescent power and
ultraviolet lamp to verify the watertightness of expanded tubes. The Contractor's personnel
shall include a specialist and the auxiliary workers necessary to execute the controls.

Lubricated elements shall have a safety reserve against occasional lubricating deficiencies or
their retaining capacity should be such as to operate without damage even if delays occur
during maintenance periods. As far as possible, lubrication of the given element in the
machine should be done with the same lubricant under all climatic conditions (winter and
summer) and furthermore, a limited number of different types of lubricants should be required
for the different parts of the equipment. Lubrication oil and grease of any brand shall be easily
obtained on the local market in India.

Centralized lubrication systems should be provided that includes purification of the main
lubricant considering centrifugal or static filter type.

Lubricant deposits such as those on bearings, accumulation tanks, etc., should be easily
accessible, simple to clean and to control their level and it should be possible to empty their

The required lubricant characteristics shall be stated, also indicating the trade name for the

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All pressure vessels shall be designed in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel,
Section VIII Unfired Pressure Vessels. All butt welds shall be subject to 100% radiography
test and all other welds shall be subject to 100% non destructive testing. Other standards the
Contractor intend to use are to prior approval of the Owner. All flanged connections to
pressure vessels shall conform to at least pressure class 150. Threaded connections shall
conform to pressure class 3000.

All connections shall match for pipe instrumentation, drains and relief valves. All bolt holes
must straddle the centre line of nozzles. Access stairways and handrails necessary for safe
operation and easy maintenance shall be provided. Corrosion allowance shall be considered.

If any degree of vacuum may occur the pressure vessel or tank shall be designed for full
vacuum even if vacuum breakers are installed.

The items listed below shall be provided as a minimum.

1 manhole (minimum nominal bore 600 mm) for vessels of 1.0 meter diameter and above
2 handholes (minimum size 200 mm) for vessels below 1.0 meter diameter
2 spare nozzles
1 drain nozzle

Manhole covers shall be provided with david.

The saddle and reinforcing plates welded to the vessel shall be of the same material as the
vessel shell or head. Insulated vertical vessels and tanks shall be furnished with insulation
supports or clips.


Unless otherwise specified, tanks used for the storage, lubricating oil, raw water, make-up
water, condensate, chemicals, etc. and tanks used for mixing and agitation shall be of welded
construction, manufactured from mild steel plates of accepted quality and thickness in
accordance with the approved relevant standards.

All welds shall be continuous, including welds around internal stays, stiffeners and supports
(see also Article "Welding" of this Section V).

All large tanks shall have at least two manholes each of 600 mm inner diameter complete with
covers of the bolted type, fitted with a davit for easy handling.

All tank nozzles shall be provided with flanges, if not otherwise specified.

Nozzles shall be provided where necessary for the fitting of instruments, level controllers and

Internal and external protection painting of the tanks shall be performed according to the
requirements of this Contract.

Arrangements shall be made for the blanking-off or removal of all valves or pipe connections
during sand-blasting and painting to prevent the ingress of sand or other matter. The
protective process shall be applied also to any ferrous or non-ferrous parts mounted inside
the tanks.

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Heat exchanger

Heat exchangers are to be designed, manufactured and erected in accordance with the
applicable standards.

Only proven products shall be delivered. No cast iron components are permitted.

It must be possible to install and remove the heat exchangers without undue difficulty. Lifting
lugs and eyes and other special tackle shall be provided to permit easy handling.

Tubular heat exchangers or plate and frame type heat exchangers are acceptable. Where
necessary the tubes are to be protected by impact shields. An adequate number of visual
inspection ports is to be provided in critical areas to facilitate condition monitoring.

Unless otherwise specified, all heat exchanger tubes and casings must be designed to
withstand 1.2 times the zero flow pressure of the relevant pump at cold conditions, or
1.2 times of the maximum positive operating pressure, as applicable. The minimum design
pressure is 6 bar, and the design shall be proof against full vacuum. The test pressure must
be 1.5 times the design pressure.

The heat exchangers shall be designed for the maximum temperature incurred plus 20 K.

Heat exchangers must be capable of continuous unrestricted operation with up to 10% of

plugged tubes, and a corresponding factor of conservatism of at least this amount must be
used in the design of the heat transfer areas.

Considerable importance will be attached to the ease of cleaning the heat exchangers.

Where any heat exchanger part in contact with liquid can be isolated, and there is a possibility
of being heated from the other side, safety valves are to be provided for pressure relief.

Pipes from drains, vents and safety valves are to be grouped together, and routed to easily
observable points equipped with covered funnels or to the flash tanks.

The overall design and conception of the heat exchangers and accessories is to be such that
they are suitable for the degree of automation envisaged for the individual system.

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This specification covers the general requirements related to the cleaning protective coating
and painting of equipment, components and systems that are covered under main equipment /
system specifications for 2x660 MW Supercritical Thermal Power Plant. The components
and/or equipment shall be mechanically and /or chemically cleaned during the following stages
of the Contract.

• Cleaning in workshop
• Cleaning before painting and/or corrosion protection (application of prime coat)
• Cleaning before erection and during installation.

Cleaning of fabricated component items shall be carried out after fabrication and final heat
treatment or welding at manufacturer’s works or at site, as appropriate. No paint shall be
applied surfaces within 75 mm of field welded connections. These surfaces shall be coated
with a consumable preservative and marked.

For cleaning in workshop and before painting, mechanical cleaning by power tool and
scrapping with steel wire brushes shall be adopted to clear the surfaces. However, in certain
locations where power tool cleaning cannot be carried out, hand scrapping may be permitted
with steel wire brushes and/or abrasive paper. Cleaning with solvents shall be resorted to only
in such areas where other methods specified above have not achieved the desired results.
Cleaning with solvents shall be adopted only after written approval of the Owner / Engineer.

Machined surfaces shall be protected during the cleaning operations.

In the event of the surfaces not being cleaned to the Owner’s satisfaction, such parts of the
cleaning procedures or agreed alternatives as are deemed necessary to overcome the
deficiencies shall be carried out at the supplier’s sole expense.

For reclining small areas, hand cleaning by wire brushing may be permitted.


Painting of equipment shall be carried out as per the Codes indicated below and shall conform
to the relevant IS Code for the material and workmanship.

The following codes and standards shall be followed for the surface preparation, surface
protection and painting works.

IS: 5 Colors for ready mixed paints and enamels.

IS: 101 Methods of test for ready mixed paints and enamels.
IS: 104 Ready mixed paint, brushing, Zinc Chrome, priming.
IS: 158 Ready mixed paint, brushing, bituminous, black, lead free, acid,
alkali, water and heat resisting.
IS: 161 Heat resistant paints
IS: 1303 Glossary of terms relating to paints.
IS: 1477 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings
(Parts I & II).
IS: 2074 Specifications for ready mixed paint, Air drying, red oxide zinc
chrome priming.
IS: 2338 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood based
materials: Parts 2 schedules.
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IS: 2339 Aluminum paint for general purposes, in dual container.

IS: 2395 Code of practice for painting of concrete, masonry and plaster
surfaces: Part 2 schedules.
IS: 2524 Code of practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in buildings
(Parts I & II).
IS: 2932 Specification for enamel, synthetic, exterior (a) undercoating,
(b) Finishing
IS: 3140 Code of practice for painting asbestos cement building
IS: 6158 Recommended practice for design safeguarding against
Embrittlement of hot dip Galvanized Iron & steel products.
IS: 6159 Recommended practice for design & fabrication of Iron &steel
products prior to Galvanizing & metal spraying.
IS: 6278 Code of practice for white washing and Color - Washing.
IS: 10221 Code of practice for coating & wrapping of underground mild
steel pipelines.
IS: 33 Inorganic pigments and extenders for paints –Methods of
sampling & test.
IS: 13183 Aluminum paint, Heat resistant - specifications.
IS: 144 Specification for ready mixed paint brushing, petrol resisting, Air
drying for Interior paints of tanks and containers, Red oxide.
IS: 9954 Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting of steel
IS: 11883 Specification for Ready Mixed Paint, Air Drying, Red Oxide
Priming for metals.
IS: 9404 Color code for identification of pipelines used in the Thermal
Power Plants.
IS: 12744 Specification for Ready Mixed Paint, Air Drying, Red Oxide-Zinc
Phosphate Priming.
BS: 2015 Glossary of paint selected terms.
BS: 5252 Final coat color.
BS: 7079A1/S1 Specification for rust grades and preparation grades of
uncoated substrates after overall removal of previous coating.
BS: 7079A2 Preparations grades of previously coated steel substrates.
BS: 7079GrC Surface roughness characteristics of blast cleaned steel
BS: 7079GrD Methods for surface preparation.
BS-4232 Surface Finish of Blast cleaned steel for painting.
ASTM American Standard for Testing Material.
ASTM A 780 Standard practice for repair of damaged galvanized coatings.
AWWA American Water Works Association.

ASA-A-13.1- Scheme for identification of piping system (American National

1981 Standard Institution).
DIN Deutsehes Institute for Normung
S1S-055900- Surface preparation standards for painting steel surfaces.
1967 (Swedish standard Institution)
SSPC-SP Preparation Specifications (Steel structures painting council,
National Association of Corrosion Engineers, U.S.A. (NACE).

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This specification covers the surface preparation, method of application and material to be
used for all coating of equipment, steel structures and piping. Steel material subjected to
surface preparation on shop/site shall have minimum requirements in accordance with Rust
Grade B (SSPC/SSPM Volume-2).

Coating materials according to SSPC, EN ISO, ASTM, BIS or DIN standards, shall be used.
The paint shall comply with applicable laws, regulations, ordinances etc., of the local authority,
state or the nation pertains to the work. The materials shall be matched with each other so
that they are compatible. Coatings deviating this specification shall be subject to approval.

Standards of surface preparation and painting shall give a time to first maintenance of
minimum 10 years.

The paint to be applied shall be approved by Owner.

All paints & paint material used shall be procured from approved manufacturers. Paint shall be
supplied in manufacturers original containers with the description of content, specification No.,
colour, ref no, date of manufacture, shelf life expiry date & pot life.

The paint manufacturers shall provide coating system data sheet for each coating system to
be used containing the following information

a. Surface preparations
b. Film thickness (min and max)
c. Min and max recoating intervals at relevant temperatures
d. Mixing ratio, thinner details and coating repair systems

The sample for testing the paint being used may be taken by the Owner at any time.

In general Shop fabricated equipment will be delivered to the site coated with a shop applied
system or the manufacturer's standard finish in accordance with the requirements of this

For equipment that has received shop prime coat, all touch-up prime coat and additional coats
shall be applied in accordance with the coating schedule. It is responsibility of the vendor to
ensure compatibility between shop and field applied paint systems.

Necessary precautions shall be provided to all equipment, structures to protect other surfaces
from abrasive blasting, coating over spray and spatter. Damage to other surfaces or
equipment shall be repaired by the vendor.

The Contractor shall submit the following for review and approval by the Owner:
a. Manufacturer's recommended paint scheme for the project
b. Latest published product & instructions for application data,
c. Procedures for surface preparation and application.
d. Pre qualification for equipments and blasting materials, product, procedure and
personnel qualifications for the paint and painting systems.
e. Painting repair procedures

Painting records shall contain:

· Equipment/components/location painted
· Date of painting
· Paint details such as specification No, colour, date of manufacture, shelf
life, expiry date
· Application equipments
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· Ambient conditions at the time of painting

· Surface temperature
· Drying time between coating, DFT and number of coatings
· Appropriate work plan for painting.

The supply of all necessary equipments, weather protection, and scaffolding for painting to
ensure work is carried out in accordance with the specification and agreed programme.

Maintenance of the paint work until completion of the contract, this shall include repair of any
damaged areas caused by third party.

Disposal of painting waste resulting from painting, shall comply with applicable laws,
regulations, ordinances etc., of the local authority, state or the nation pertains to the work and
coating materials.

It is a mandatory requirement that all operatives working to this procedure take full cognizance
and implement necessary safety precautions.


Mechanical cleaning shall preferably be carried out by abrasive blasting. The Owner is
prepared to consider alternative methods such as chemical cleaning provided they achieve
the necessary surface condition.

In case of chemical cleaning, the detailed procedure for chemical cleaning as well as the
system for which chemical cleaning is required shall be submitted by the contractor for
Owner’s approval. The procedure shall comprise of pre-treatment and acid treatment to
achieve cleanliness equivalent to that specified for mechanical cleaning.

Surface condition:

The Metal surfaces shall be clean and free of mil scale, rust, dirt, grease and any other
deleterious matter.

Where metal surfaces are to be painted the surface profiles shall conform to the painting
specification requirements.

Where this does not apply, surfaces shall have a surface texture not coarser than Grade 80
abrasive paper.


Abrasives containing silica, silicates or slag residues shall not be used for water/steam side
surfaces of plant except for cleaning sand castings, where hydro blasting may be employed.

For austenitic materials only, abrasives containing 98% or more of alumina, Al2 O3, shall be

Removal of abrasive and debris:

After cleaning, abrasive and debris shall be thoroughly removed for components.


As soon as all items have been cleaned and within four hours of the subsequent drying, they
shall be given suitable anti-corrosion protection.

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All water, air and steam side surfaces shall be protected by the application of approved water
soluble corrosion inhibitors, or vapor phase inhibitors that can be subsequently removed by
site water washing or steam blowing.

The gas side of steam generating plant items shall be protected by the application of
temporary protective that do not require to be removed before commissioning, but which are
removed during initial firing.

The rate of application of volatile corrosion inhibitors shall be at least 10 grams per square
meter or 35 grams per cubic metre, whichever is the greater, except for pipes up to 300 mm
diameter for which the minimum application rates shall be 5 grams per square metre.

Immediately after the protective treatment has been applied all vessels and pipes shall be
suitably sealed off by discs or caps or approved alternatives to prevent ingress from the
surroundings. Cylindrical plugs shall not be driven into the ends of pipes. These protective
covers shall not be removed until immediately before final connection is made to the
associated equipment.


Painting shall be done only when the surface temperature is above 5°C. Surface temperature
must be at least 3°C above dew point to ensure that condensation does not occur on the

Reasonable protection against precipitation and seawater spray shall be exercised for the
painting of outdoor parts.

Precautions shall also be taken against solar radiation to ensure that the specified dry film
thickness of priming or finish coats is obtained.

Any prime coat exposed to excess humidity, rain, dust etc., before drying, shall be permitted to
dry and the damaged area of primer shall be removed and the surface prepared and primed

Sheltered or unventilated horizontal surfaces on which dew may collect require more
protection, and to achieve this additional top coat of paint shall be applied.

The temperature quoted as “normal” in the “Paint System Tables” refers to the average local
climatic conditions.


In preparing any surface to be coated, all loose paint, dirt, grease, rust, scale, weld slag or
spatter or any other extraneous material shall be removed and defects repaired, so as to
obtain a clean, dry, even surface to receive the priming or finishing coat (s) as called for in the
painting schedules. Sharp edges should be rounded, especially when tank linings have to be

All machined surfaces, including flange faces, shall be suitably covered to prevent damage
during surface preparation.

All surfaces should be blast cleaned whenever possible.

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Surface preparation methods:

Bare steel surfaces should be prepared by one of the methods described below in order of
preference and in accordance with Swedish Standard SIS 05 59 00 or Steel Structures
Painting Council, SSPC, Vis 1, or DIN 55928, section 4.

The relative humidity level should not be more than 60% & the steel surface temperature at
least 3º C above the dew point during dry blast cleaning operations.

a. White metal blast cleaning Sa 3 or SSPC - SP 5

Sa 3 Blast cleaning to bare metal. Mill scale, rust and foreign matter must be removed
completely. Subsequently, the surface is cleaned with vacuum cleaner, clean dry
compressed air or a clean brush. It must then have a uniform metallic color and
correspond in appearance to the prints designated Sa 3.

b. Near white metal blast cleaning Sa 2 1/2 or SSPC - SP 10

Sa 2 1/2. very thorough blast cleaning. Mill scale, rust and foreign matter shall be
removed to the extent that the only traces remaining are slight imperfections in the form of
spots or stripes. Subsequently, the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, clean dry
compressed air or a clean brush. It must then correspond in appearance to the prints
designated Sa 2 1/2.

Mechanical cleaning should only be used when procedures (a) and (b) are not practicable.

c. Near white metal blast cleaning P Sa 2 1/2 DIN 55928

Very thorough blast cleaning. Very adhesive coatings remain. From all other surface mill
scale and rust are to be removed to such an extent that the only traces remaining are
slight imperfections in the form of spots or stripes. Further treatments see Sub b).

The adhesivity of residual coatings in the transition zone has to be tested even after the
application of the primer.

d. Very thorough mechanical scraping and wire brushing St 3

St 3 very thorough scraping and wire-brushing - machine brushing - grinding - etc. are to
be preferred. Surface preparation as for St 2. But much more thoroughly. After the
removal of dust, the surface must have a pronounced metallic sheen and correspond to
the prints designated St. 3.

e. Thorough scraping and wire brushing St 2

St 2 Thorough scraping and wire-brushing - machine brushing - grinding - etc. The

treatment shall remove loose mill scale, rust and foreign matter. Subsequently, the
surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, clean dry compressed air or a clean brush. It
should then have a faint metallic sheen. The appearance must correspond to the prints
designated St 2.

f. Air Blasting with Non-Metallic Abrasives Powder

Whenever the "Duplex"-process is to be applied (hot dip galvanising followed by painting),

prepare the hot dip galvanised surface by water washing to remove flux residues and
careful air blasting with non-metallic abrasive powder. Use an abrasive with grain size
from 0.1 to 0.5 mm, at a greatly reduced air pressure, max. 2 bar (g) (28 psig).

This procedure also applies to stainless steel and aluminium surfaces to be coated.

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Surface preparation SIS BS 4232 only
55928 SSPC-Vis
methods 055900 for blasting
Blasting acc to item
Sa 3 First quality White metal SP 5
Blasting acc to item (b) Sa 2 1/2 near White SP 10
Commercial blast
Blasting acc to item (c) Sa 2 Third quality
SP 6
Hand/or power tool Hand tool cleaning
St 2 --
derusting acc to item (e) SP 2
Power tool cleaning
acc to items (d) and (e) St 3 --
SP 3
Flame jet cleaning F1 -- Flame cleaning SP 4
Pickling Be -- Pickling

Steel structures to be blast cleaned have to be free of pitting and other severely corroded
places in accordance with B.S. 4232 and SIS 055900.

The abrasives used for blast-cleaning shall be graded flint, grit, shot or silica sand and shall be
such that they will produce an average keying profile on the blast-cleaned surface of not more
than 40 microns.

An air pressure of 7 bar g at the nozzle shall be used.

After blast-cleaning, all accumulated grit, dust, etc., must be removed leaving the surface
clean, dry and free of mill scale, rust grease and other foreign matter.

In the event of rusting after completion of the surface preparation, the surface must be
cleaned again in the manner specified.

Oil, grease, soil, cement, salts, acids or other corrosive chemicals shall be cleaned from steel
surfaces, by the use of solvents, emulsions or cleaning compounds. The final wiping shall be
with clean solvent and clean rags or brushes. There shall be no detrimental residue left on the

Primed areas which suffer damage must be spot blasted on site to a degree of cleanliness Sa
2 1/2 before, touching up.

Protective coating must be applied as quickly as possible after the completion of surface
preparation no matter what cleaning method has been used.

No blast-cleaned surface shall be allowed to remain uncoated overnight.

Steel work protected by shop primer after arrival on site must be cleaned of salt, sand, oil etc.
Before the first coat of paint is applied on site. Shop primer damaged during transport must be
rectified by blast-cleaning and coating before application of the site coats.

Wood surfaces shall be sanded clean. All nail holes shall be puttied and sanded before

Concrete: If a protective coating is required, concrete shall be allowed to cure before painting.

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All containers shall remain un-opened until required for use.

Primers and paints which have livered, gelled or otherwise deteriorated shall not be used.

The oldest primer or paint of each kind shall be used first.

All ingredients in any container shall be thoroughly mixed before use, and shall be agitated
frequently during application to keep the primer in suspension.

Primer or paint mixed in the original container shall not be transferred until all settled pigment
is incorporated into the body of liquid.

Mixing in open containers shall be done in a well ventilated area.

Primer or paint shall be mixed in a manner ensuring the breakdown of all lumps, complete
dispersion of pigment and uniform composition.

Two-component primers shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Thinners shall not be added to primers or paints unless necessary for proper application
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
When use of thinners is permitted, it must be added to the primer or paint during mixing.

8.1.0 Primer Paint

After the surface is prepared, one coat of suitable primer shall be applied. After this first coat
is dried up completely, second coat of primer shall be applied.

Primer shall be applied by brushing to ensure a continuous film without ‘holidays’. The dry film
thickness of each coat shall be as specified in the Annex- ANNEX 25.1.2 -Paint System of this

The primer should be worked by brush application to cover the crevices, corners, sharp edges
etc. in the presence of inspector.

The shades of successive coats should be slightly different in color in order to ensure
application of individual coats, the thickness of each coat and complete coverage should be
checked as per specification approved by Engineer before application of successive coats.

The contractor shall provide standard thickness measurement instrument with appropriate
range(s) for measuring.

Elko meter for measuring the Dry film thickness of each coat, surface profile gauge for
checking of surface profile in case of sand blasting. Holiday detectors and pinhole detectors
for checking the painted surface discontinuities should be provided by the contractor.

The contractor shall make arrangements for paint manufacturer to provide expert technical
service at site as and when required free of cost and without any obligation to the Owner, as it
would be in the interest of the manufacturer to ensure that both surface preparation and
application are carried out as per their recommendations.

Final inspection shall include measurement of paint dry film thickness, check of finish and

8.2.0 Rub down and Touch Up of Primer

The shop coated surfaces shall be rubbed down thoroughly with emery paper to remove all
dust, rust and other foreign matters, washed, degreased, then cleaned with warm fresh water
and air dried.
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Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract

The portions, from where the shop coat has peeled off, shall be touched up and allowed to dry
before applying a coat of primer.

The compatibility between shop coat and field primer shall be ascertained from the paint
manufacturer. In case degreasing with white spirit is not effective, the surface shall be finally
wiped clean with aromatic solvent like xylol or light naphtha.

8.3.0 Non Compatible Shop Coat Primer

a) The compatibility of finishing coat shall be confirmed from the paint manufacturer. In the
event of use of primer such as zinc rich epoxy, inorganic zinc silicate etc., the paint
system shall depend on condition of shop coat. If the shop coat is in satisfactory condition
showing no major defect, the shop coat shall not be removed. The touch up primer and
finishing coat(s) shall be identified for application by Engineer. Shop coated (coated with
primer & finishing coat) equipment shall not be repainted unless paint is damaged.

b) Shop primed equipment and surfaces shall only be 'spot cleaned' in damaged areas by
means of power tool brush cleaning or hand tool cleaning and then spot primed before
applying one coat of field primer unless otherwise specified. If shop primer is not
compatible with field primer then shop coated primer shall be completely removed before
application of selected paint system for particular environment. For package
units/equipment, shop primer shall be as per the paint system given for particular

c) In case of existing paint, compatibility between finishing coat and new selected finish coat
shall be ascertained before application of finish coat. In case, the coat is selected for
upgrading existing alkyd coating to high performance coating then, surface preparation
shall be by manual/mechanical means to remove loose rust, peeled off/damaged paint,
but sound old coating need not be removed. It shall be touched with suitable primer
wherever it has peeled of before application of tie coat. The tie coat shall be applied after
7 days of curing of the primer. If, new paint system is not suitable to upgrade existing
coating then complete paint shall be removed by mechanical or blast cleaning before
application of new coating system.

8.4.0 Finish Paint

Suitable Finish paints as per the schedule shall be applied for the jobs. The color/shade shall
be as approved by the Owner. After cleaning the dust on the dried up primer, first coat of
finished paint shall be applied. After this first coat dries up hard, the surface is wet scrubbed
cutting down to a smooth finish and ensuring that at no place the first coat is completely
removed. After applying second coat, allowing the water to get evaporated completely, third
finish coat of finish paint may be applied(if applicable).


Generally, all steel structures shall receive two primer coats and two finish coats of painting.
First coat of primer shall be given in shop after fabrication before dispatch to erection site after
surface preparation as described below. The second coat of primer shall be applied (if
required) after erection and final alignment of the erected structures. Two finish coats shall
also be applied after erection.

Steel surface which is to painted shall be cleaned off dust and grease and the heavier layers
of rust shall be removed by chipping to grade ST-2 as per SIS05-5900 or as per IS: 1477 (part
-I) prior to actual surface preparation. Suitable primer of required DFT shall be applied as
specified in the Paint system of this document- Annex-25.1.1.

Suitable finish paint of required DFT shall be applied as specified in the Paint system of this
document- Annex-25.1.1. The undercoat and finish coat shall be of different tint to distinguish
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the same from finish paint. All paints shall be of approved brand and shade as per the
Owner’s requirement.

Joints to be site welded shall have no paint applied within 100 mm of welding zone. Similarly
where Friction grip fasteners are to be used no painting shall be provided. On completion of
the joint the surfaces shall receive the paint as specified.

Surfaces inaccessible after assembly shall receive two coats of primer prior to assembly.
Surfaces inaccessible after erection including top surfaces of floor beams supporting gratings
or chequered plate shall receive one additional coat of finish paint over and above number of
coats specified before erection. Portion of steel member embedded / to be encased in
concrete shall not be painted.


The paints shall conform to the specifications given in this Annex and class - 1 quality in the
products range of any of the following manufacturers:

a. Asian Paints (India) Ltd.

b. Bombay Paints
c. Berger Paints India Ltd.,
d. Good lass Nerolac Paints Ltd.,
e. Garware Paints
f. Jenson & Nicholson
g. Shalimar Paints
h. Equivalent other country manufacturer after prior approval of Owner.

11.0.0 STORAGE

All paints and painting material shall be stored only in rooms to Engineer's approval. All
necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent fire. The storage building shall preferably be
separated from adjacent buildings. A signboard bearing the words "PAINT STORAGE - NO
displayed outside. All paints shall be stored in the safest manner so that no container rolls
down and causes accidents. The shelf life of the paints shall be ensured so that the paint
materials are not in storage and use after the date of expiry.


Health and safety of work

The supplier has to check all painting work to be carried out according to the specification of
the paint supplier further to all relevant prescriptions and regulations concerning the health
and safety of work.

The paint supplier has to present a written specification including at least the flash point of
the paints, ventilation requirements, handling precautions such as inhalation, eye and skin
protection, and first aid procedure, storage requirements, spill or leak procedure, fire
precaution, waste disposal.


Quality of the surface to be painted or coated has to be tested acc. to DIN 55928 and DIN

Temporary corrosion protections are to be completely removed prior to applying the definite
one, in acc. with DIN 55928.

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All prime coatings shall be applied by brush or airless spray or a combination of these
methods, as approved by the coating manufacturer.

All doors, windows, stairways, handrails (if painted), bolts, flanges and equipment supports
shall be finish painted by brush.
Spray guns should not be used outside in windy weather or near surfaces of a contrasting
colour unless the latter is properly protected.

All cold-spray painting shall be done using standard equipment in accordance with accepted
standards and methods.

Care has to be taken not to connect spraying devices for nitro and backelite paints
simultaneously to oil based paints.

Paint applied to items that are not being painted shall be removed at the supplier’s expense,
leaving the surface clean, unstained and undamaged.

Dry film thickness (DFT)

To the maximum extent practicable the coats shall be applied as a continuous film of uniform
thickness and free of pores. Overspray, skips, runs, sags and drips should be avoided. The
different coats shall not be of the same colour.

For a composite paint or coating system consisting of several coats, the total DFT must be at
least equal to the sum of the minimal DFT’s for the individual coats. If, the paint system does
not have the required minimum DFT those areas should be marked & repainted. If the
occurrence of those areas is high, the complete surface must be repainted. It is also critically
important to check the DFT of primers and intermediate coats and to correct them where

For paintings based on Zinc silicate the DFT is limited as well on minimum DFT as on
maximum (150µm) because of the risk of mud cracking.

Consumption of paints

Has to be evaluated according to DIN 53220. The paints shall be tested as per
IS - 101.

Each coat of paint shall be allowed to harden before the next is applied. For epoxy paint the
hardening time normally is 12-14 hours. Suppliers’ recommendations regarding hardening
time of epoxy paints must be followed.

Particular attention must be paid to full film thickness at edges.

The minimum total dry film thickness of the paint systems shall be as recommended in the
Annex 25.1.2. The DFT is given in microns (millionths of a metre).


The colour coding for identification of pipelines should comply with IS-2379 & IS -9404.

The type and number of protective coats for any item requiring painting are to be in
accordance with DIN 55928 and are to be at least of a quality as shown in the attached
Annex-25.1.1- Paint System.

Alternative to the Annex-25.1.1- Paint System specified, are to be presented on the schedule
Departure from Specification, as indicated elsewhere.

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Generally, all parts shall receive the specified prime coat (s) at the supplier’s works to ensure
that no corrosion occurs during transport to the site and storage at the site.

Parts which cannot be damaged during transport shall receive the full number of coats.

Types of Substrate, Base metal:

• Ferrous (Surface Temperature during operation < 120º C, EN ISO 12944:1998)

To this group belongs carbon steel, low alloyed steel & high alloyed steel. All paint
systems are inevitable for corrosion protection.

• Hot dip galvanized surfaces.

Hot dip galvanized surfaces do require painting in a wet, industrial, chemicals and/or
marine environment

• SS (EN ISO 12944:1998 conditionally applicable)

In general, SS surfaces do not require painting unless in a chemical and/or marine

environment. In case of chemical and/or marine environments determination of
whether or not the surface requires painting depends on the chemical content of the
base metal.

The following formula applies:

W = Cr + 3.3 x Mo + 22.45 N2

If W < 23, then the surface has to be painted.

If W < 28 & W > 23, then the surface to be painted if splash contact with the media (
i.e. sea) is possible. This may also occur if there is a strong wind carrying drops to the
If W > 28, then the surface need not be painted.

• Aluminium

By default such surfaces/components will not be painted. Exceptions are

architectural/aesthetic reasons and high corrosive conditions, which shall be
evaluated separately depending on aluminum alloys.


Galvanizing works shall conform in all respect to B.S. 729, B.S. 3083 and B.S.C.P. 2008 and
to DIN 50976 whatever requires the higher quality and shall be performed by the hot dip
process, unless otherwise specified.

It is essential that details of steel members and assemblies which are to be hot-dip galvanized
should be designed in accordance with B.S 4479.

Vent-holes and drain-holes should be provided to avoid high internal pressures and air-locks
during immersion, which may cause explosions, and to ensure that molten zinc is not retained
in pockets during withdrawal.

Careful cleaning of welds is necessary before welded assemblies are dipped. The welds and
the surrounding metal should be cleaned separately, preferably be blast-cleaning, because the
usual preliminary pickling cannot be relied on to remove the welding slag.

All defects of the steel surface including cracks, surface laminations, laps and folds shall be
removed in accordance with B.S. 4360. All drilling, cutting, welding, forming and final
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fabrication of unit members and assemblies shall be completed, where feasible, before the
structures are galvanized. The surface of the steelwork to be galvanized shall be free from
paint, oil, grease and similar contaminants in accordance with DIN 55928, part 4 and DIN
50976. The weight of zinc coating per unit area has to be noted in the manufacturing
documents in accordance with DIN 50976.

The minimum average coating weight shall be as specified in Table 1 of B.S. 729 or Table 2,
DIN 50976, whatever requires higher quality.

Structural steel items shall be initially grit-blasted to B.S. 4232, second quality,
(Sa 21/2) or by pickling in a bath and the minimum average coating weight on steel sections 5
mm thick and over shall be 610 g/m (DFT = 85µ) .

On removal from the galvanizing bath, the resultant coating shall be smooth, continuous, free
from gross surface imperfections such as bare spots, lumps, blisters and inclusions of flux,
ash or dross.

Galvanized contact surfaces to be joined by high-tensile friction-grip bolts shall be roughened

before assembly so that the required slip factor (defined in B.S. 3294, part 1 and B.S. 4604,
part 1) is achieved. Care shall be taken to ensure that the roughening is confined to the area
of the mating faces.

Bolts, nuts and washers, including general grade high-tensile friction grip bolts (referred to in
B.S. 3139, and B.S.4395 part 1) shall be hot dip galvanized and subsequently centrifuged
(according to B.S. 729). Nuts shall be tapped up to 0.4 mm oversize after galvanizing and the
threads oiled to permit the nuts to be finger-turned on the bolt for the full depth of the nut. No
lubricant, applied to the projecting threads of galvanized high-tensile friction-grip bolt after the
bolt has been inserted through the steelwork, must be allowed to come into contact with the
mating faces of the steelwork,. A local remelting of the galvanized parts to achieve the nuts to
be finger turned on the bolt is possible in accordance with DIN 50976.

Protected slings must be used for offloading and erection. Galvanized work which is to be
stored at the works or on site shall be stacked so as to provide adequate ventilation to all
surfaces to avoid wet storage staining (white rust).

Small areas of the galvanized coating damaged in any way shall be restored in accordance
with DIN 55928, part A and DIN 50976 by:

o Cleaning the area of any weld slag rust and other impurities and by thorough wire
brushing to give a metallic clean surface.

o Application of suitable number of coats of zinc-rich paint containing more than 90 % w/w
of zinc in dried film. The dry film thickness shall exceed at least 50 % the thickness of the
desired galvanization. In case of application of a low melting point zinc alloy repair rod, the
rods shall be in accordance with DIN1707, the thickness of the alloy shall be at least as of
the desired galvanization.

The restored area is not to exceed 1 % of the galvanized surface.

Surface restoration of parts in contact with drinking water is not allowed and the quality of the
galvanization is to be in accordance with DIN 2444.

After fixing, bolt heads, washers and nuts shall receive two coats of zinc-rich paint.
Connections between galvanized surfaces and copper, copper alloy or aluminum surfaces
shall be protected by suitable preferably hydrophobe tape wrappings to the owner’s approval.

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Corrosion protection may be also achieved by spraying of suitable metals as zinc and/or
aluminum on the surfaces of structures. For special cases tin, copper, lead can be used as
well. Methods of surface preparation have to conform to B.S. 2569 or to DIN 8567. A proper
treatment of the surface followed by an immediate spraying is to apply to ensure adhesion of
the sprayed metal. The surface has to be clean, free of impurities, rust, mill scale and rough
enough to have binding properties to ensure good enticulation with the sprayed layer. Suitable
roughness can be achieved by blast cleaning acc. to BS 4232 or DIN 8567. Welds are to be
cleaned and prepared with special care. All surfaces to be treated have to be dry and

Application of coatings, requirements for thickness, adhesion, composition of coating metals,

and subsequent treatment have to conform to BS 2569, DIN 8565 and 8567.

Testing of the spray coated layers are to be carried out in accordance with DIN 8565.

The contractor has to specify the type, composition and thickness of the sprayed metal and of
the sealing coating according to DIN 8565 including the corresponding warranties and tests if,
sprayed metal coating will be applied.

Safety of work:

All precautions connected with this type of application of corrosion protection have to be in
accordance with German regulation DVS 2307, page 1. 2.

Sprayed, unfused coating of metals and metallic compounds applied by combustion gas
flame, plasma arc, detonation and similar processes, and the preparation of components,
spraying techniques, sealing, finishing and inspection shall be according to B.S. 4761.

The hot galvanized surface has to be cleaned before the application of the coats to remove
corrosion products, dirt, dust, grease.

The cleaning can be achieved by

- brush off
- washing with 1 - 1.5 % ammonia water with up to 0.1 % detergent added and followed by
wet grinding to turn the foam to grey color,
- steam blasting.


This Instruction serves the identification of the coated surfaces that are received from shop in
assembled condition / module wise.

The warning note shall prevent any possible damage to the coated surfaces during
transportation / assembly at site.

Eg.: Welding work OR Heat treatment work on the outside of coated or lined surfaces is


a. The colour code scheme is intended for identification of the individual group of the
pipeline. The system of colour coding consists of a ground colour and colour bands
superimposed on it. The colour coding for the identification of pipelines shall comply with
Annex – 25.1.1 of this specification.

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Ground Colour shall be applied throughout the entire length for un insulated pipes. For
insulated pipes, on the metal cladding or on the pipes of material such as non-ferrous
metals, austenitic stainless steel etc., ground colour coating of minimum 2m length or of
adequate length not to be mistaken as colour band shall be applied at places requiring
colour bands. Colour band(s) shall be applied at the following location.

i. At battery limit points

ii. Intersection points & change of direction points in piping ways.

iii. Other points, such as midway of each piping way, near valves, junction joints of
service appliances, walls, on either side of pipe culverts.

iv. For long stretch/yard piping at 50 M interval.

v. At start and terminating points.

b. Flow direction shall be indicated by an arrow in the location stated above and as directed
by Engineer. Colors of arrows shall be black or white and in contrast to the color on which
they are superimposed. The size of the arrows shall confirm to IS:2379. Product names
shall be marked at pump inlet, outlet and battery limit in a suitable size as approved by
Engineer. As a rule minimum width of color band shall conform to 75 mm up to 300 NB
and to 100 mm over 350 NB. Whenever it is required by the Engineer to indicate that a
pipeline carries a hazardous material, a hazard marking of diagonal stripes of red and
golden yellow as per IS:2379 shall be painted on the ground color.

c. All uninsulated piping systems, hangers and supports shall have two coats of suitable
primer coats and with suitable finish paints as per Annex 25.1.2 Painting system. Shades
shall be as per IS 5 or as indicated by Owner /Engineer. Service of the pipe/line
designations shall be painted on all pipes at visible locations.


Equipment number shall be stenciled in black or white on each vessel, column, equipment
and machinery after painting.

Line number in black or white shall be stenciled on all the pipelines of more than one location
as directed by Engineer; size of letters printed shall be 150 mm (high) for column & vessels.
50 mm (high) for pump compressor and other machinery and shall be as per IS: 9404 for
piping. The storage tanks shall be marked as detailed in the respective drawing.


a) All painting materials including primers and thinners brought to site for application shall be
procured directly from manufacturer as per specifications and shall be accompanied by
manufacturer's test certificates. Paint formulations without certificates are not acceptable.
Engineer at his discretion, may call for tests for paint formulations. Contractor shall
arrange to have such tests performed including batch wise test of wet paints for physical &
chemical analysis. All costs thereof shall be borne by the contractor. The paints shall be
tested as per IS: 101 / equivalent international standard and approved by the Owner.

b) The painting work shall be subject to inspection by Engineer at all times. In particular,
following stage wise inspection shall be performed and contractor shall offer the work for
inspection and approval of every stage before proceeding with the next stage. The record
of inspection shall be maintained in the registers. Stages of inspection shall be surface
preparation, primer application and each coat of paint. In addition to above, record shall
include type of shop primer already applied on equipment e.g. red oxide zinc chromate or
zinc phosphate or Silicate primer etc.

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c) Any defect noticed during the various stages of inspection shall be rectified by the
contractor to the entire satisfaction of Engineer before proceeding further. Irrespective of
the inspection, repair and approval at intermediate stages of work, contractor shall be
responsible for making good of any defects found during final inspection/guarantee
period/defect liability period as defined in general condition of contract. Dry film thickness
(DFT) shall be checked and recorded after application of each coat and extra coat of paint
shall be applied to make-up the DFT specified without any extra coat to the Owner.


The contractor shall guarantee that the chemical and physical properties of paint materials
used are in accordance with the specifications contained herein/to be provided during
execution of work. The contractor shall produce test reports from the manufacturer regarding
the quality of the particular batch of paint supplied. The Engineer shall have the right to test
wet samples of paint at random for quality of the same. Batch test reports of the
manufacturer's for each batch of paints supplied shall be made available by the contractor.

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Sl. No. Description Ground Colour

1 Closed cooling water pumps Sea Green
2 Plate heat exchanger Sea Green
3 Closed Cycle cooling Water (CCCW) pumps Sea Green
4 CCCW Expansion tank Sea Green
5 CCCW chemical dosing tank Sea Green
1 Raw water
a Raw water pump Sea Green
b Clarifier Sea Green
c - Raw / Fire water storage tank Sea Green
d DM plant supply pump Sea Green
e Filter air blower Sea Green
f Filter back wash pump Sea Green
g Lime slaking tank & agitator Sea Green
h Lime slurry transfer pump Sea Green
I Lime solution tank Sea Green
j Lime solution dosing pump Sea Green
k Alum solution tank Sea Green
l Alum solution metering pump Sea Green
m Polyelectrolyte solution tank Sea Green
n Polyelectrolyte solution metering pump Sea Green
o Sludge feed pump Sea Green
p Filter press Sea Green
q Service water tank for DM building Sea Green
r Service water tank for control annex Sea Green
2 Demineralization system
a Activated carbon filter Sea Green
b Cation exchanger Sea Green
c Anion exchanger Sea Green
d Degasser tower Sea Green
e Air blower for degasser tower Sea Green
f Strong base anion exchanger Sea Green
g Degassed water transfer pump Sea Green
h Strong base anion exchanger Sea Green
I Mixed bed polisher Sea Green
j Air blower for mixed bed polisher Sea Green
k DM Water Storage tank Sea Green
l DM water transfer pump Sea Green
m Acid unloading cum transfer pump Dark Admiralty Grey
n Bulk acid storage tank Dark Admiralty Grey
o Acid measuring tank for SAC Dark Admiralty Grey
p Acid measuring tank for MB Dark Admiralty Grey
q Regeneration water pump Dark Admiralty Grey
r Caustic Lye unloading cum transfer pump Dark Violet
s Bulk caustic storage tank Dark Violet
t Caustic regeneration tank & agitator Dark Violet
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Sl. No. Description Ground Colour

u Caustic solution filter Dark Violet
v Caustic dilution tank for SBA/WBA Dark Violet
w Caustic dilution tank for MB Dark Violet
x Caustic pump for regeneration for WBA/SBA Dark Violet
y Waste water recirculation cum disposal pump Sea Green
1 Power house EOT crane Canary Yellow
2 CW pump house EOT crane Canary Yellow
1 Air compressor Sky Blue
2 Compressed air dryer Sky Blue
3 Air receiver Sky Blue
E Chemical Dosing
1 Hydrazine preparation tank Dark Admiralty Grey
2 Ammonia preparation tank Dark Admiralty Grey
3 Hydrazine & ammonia dosing tank Dark Admiralty Grey
4 Hydrazine & ammonia dosing pump Dark Admiralty Grey
5 Phosphate preparation tank Dark Admiralty Grey
6 Phosphate dosing tank Dark Admiralty Grey
7 Phosphate dosing pump Dark Admiralty Grey
8 Sampling system Dark Admiralty Grey
1 Diesel engine driven pump Fire Red
2 Fuel tank for diesel engine driven pump Fire Red
3 Main hydrant pump (Electrical) Fire Red
4 Jockey pump Fire Red
5 Fire Water Storage tank Fire Red
6 CO2 cylinder Fire Red
1 Fuel oil pumps skid Light Brown
2 Fuel oil Storage tank Light Brown
3 Fuel oil strainer Light Brown
1 Ash transmitting vessel Aluminium

1 Refrigerant compressor Sky Blue

2 Chilled / condenser pumps Sea Green
3 Condenser water pipe Sea Green
4 Fans Grey
1. This color code basically refers to IS:2379 for piping with necessary modifications
2. For any item left out, color coding will be decided after Owner’s approval.

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Description Colour Colour No.

1 Generator Two undercoats of high quality
epoxy based primer followed
by two coats of epoxy painting
2 Generator circuit breaker - RAL 7032
a) Outdoor
b) Indoor Glossy white -
3 Transformers Pebble grey RAL 7032
4 Bus ducts Pebble grey RAL 7032
5 Junction boxes. Pebble grey RAL 7032
6 HT/LT Switchboards, Distribution boards, Control & Relay panels
a) Indoor Pebble grey RAL 7032
b) Outdoor Pebble grey RAL 7032
7 UPS Panel, charger Pebble grey RAL 7032
8 DG Alternator Onan Green -
9 NGR Pebble grey RAL 7032
10 Motor Pebble grey RAL 7032
11 Lighting fittings As per manufacturer’s As per
standard manufacturer’s
12 Cable trays Galvanized
13 Elevator Red oxide primer paint

1. For interior coating, manufacturer’s standard can be adopted subject to Owner’s approval.
2. All panels that are to be erected at CCR floor shall be painted using RAL 7032 (exterior
colour). All Electrical, C&I, Fire alarm or any other panel shall have this colour.

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Ground Shade Band Shade

Color No. as Color No.
Sl.No Medium Color Color Remarks
per IS:5 as per IS:5

1 Water system
White is not
a) Untreated or raw / service Sea green 217 White - included in IS -

b) Treated/dematerialized Sea green 217 Light orange 557

c) Condensate Sea green 217 Light brown 410

d) Potable water Sea green 217 French blue 166

e) RO water Sea green 217 Light orange 557

f) Service & clarified water Sea green 217 French blue 166

2 Steam system

a) Auxiliary steam Aluminum - Signal red 537 with aluminum

3 Air system

a) Instrument Sky Blue 101 White -

White not
b) Service/Plant Sky Blue 101 White - included in IS-
5 - 2007

Black not
c) Vacuum pipes Sky Blue 101 Black -
included in

4 Gas system

a) Hydrogen 309 Signal red 537

b) Chlorine 309 Dark violet 796

c) Carbon dioxide 309 Light grey 631

White is not
d) Oxygen 309 White 218 included in

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Ground Shade Band Shade

Color No. as Color No.
Sl.No Medium Color Color Remarks
per IS:5 as per IS:5

LDO/HFO Light brown 410 221
a) green

b) Transformer oil Light brown 410 Light orange 557

6 Chemical feed

Acid piping (in water Hazard mark
a) admiralty 632 Signal red 537
treatment plant) is given

Alkali Piping (in water Golden Hazard mark

b) Dark violet 796 356
treatment plant) yellow is given

7 Fire services Fire red 536 - - -

8 Effluent pipes Black - - - -


NO as per IS:5
1 Gantry girder & monorail Brilliant green 221

2 Gantry girder & monorail stopper Signal red 537

3 Building structural steel columns brackets, beams Dark admiralty 632

bracings, roof truss, purloin, side grit, louvers, stringers grey

4 Pipe rack structure & trestle Dark admiralty 632


5 Chequered plate (Plain Face) Black -

6 Grating Black -

7 Ladder Dark admiralty 632

Hand railing
8 Hand rail Signal red 537

9 Middle rail Signal red 537

10 Toe Plate Signal red 537

11 Vertical post Black -

12 Structural steel for Silo Smoke grey 692

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1. Covering capacity and DFT depends on method of application. Covering capacity specified
above is theoretical. Allowing the losses during application, min specified DFT shall
be maintained.

2. All primers and finish coats shall be cold cured and air dried unless otherwise specified.

3. All paints shall conform to relevant Indian Standard and shall be applied in accordance
with manufacturer's instructions for surface preparation, intervals, curing and application.
The surface preparation, quality and workmanship shall be ensured.

4. Technical data sheets for all paints shall be supplied at the time of submission of quotations.

5. In case of use of epoxy tie coat, manufacturer shall demonstrate satisfactory test for inter coat
adhesion. In case of limited availability of epoxy tie coat, alternate system may be used taking
into consideration the service requirement of the system.

6. Contractor will submit the final colour shade for all equipments & piping under his scope for
final approval by client / consultant.

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Cleaning, Protective Coating and Painting - Systems designed as per ISO 12944 with service life of 10 yrs.
Surface/ Location Temp
Surface Coat No. of Generic Type Dft/Coat
prep coats
< 130 SA 2 1/2 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
Deg minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
Structural Steel work, / 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
piping ( Oil + Water), specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1
tanks outside surface, Touch 1 Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
transmission towers up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level2
cranes, steel floors, Mid coat 1 2 pack High build High Solid Lamellar MIO based Epoxy Mid 200
galleries, stairways, coat.
Outdoor. Finish 1 2 pack Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane top coat - with Gloss 75
retention of at least 90% on QUVB exposure of minimum
1000 hrs.
Total 350
130 to SA 2 1/2 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
200 minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
Deg / 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
Structural Steelwork,
specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1.
piping, indoor and
Touch 1 Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level2
Sealer 1 Single pack Heat Resistant Silicon Acrylic Finish paint. 25
Finish 2 Single pack Heat Resistant Silicon Acrylic Finish paint. 25
Total 150
SA 2 1/2 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
/ 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
Alternative -2 specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1.
1 Single pack Moisture Cured, Inorganic Silicate based heat 50
Finish 1 resisting finish up to 400 Deg - Grey shade./ white/ 50
Total 175
Alternative-3 Finish 1 Single pack Heat Resistant Silicon Acrylic Finish paint. - 80
either Aviation White/ Aviation Orange.
Total 155
Structural Steel work 200 to SA 3 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
Piping, Un-insulated 400 minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs

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Cleaning, Protective Coating and Painting - Systems designed as per ISO 12944 with service life of 10 yrs.
Surface/ Location Temp
Surface Coat No. of Generic Type Dft/Coat
prep coats
Carbon Steel Indoor Deg C. / 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
and Outdoor specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1.
Touch 1 Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level 2.
Finish 2 Heat Resisting Silicon Aluminium Paint. VS to be min 28%. 20
Total 115
Carbon steel surfaces Power 2 Red-oxide Zinc phosphate primer to IS 12744 30
subjected to tool
temperature up to cleaning
400°C. < 400°C to St 2 /3
But Under Thermal
Power 2 Red-oxide Zinc phosphate primer to IS 12744 30
Components coming in tool
the gas path (other cleaning
than Coils), including
water walls, SH panels,
SH Headers, Hot air
ducts etc.

<130 SA 3 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
Deg.C minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
/ 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
Structural Steel work,
specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1.
Touch 1 Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
(Oil + water ) , Tanks
up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level2
Mid coat 2 2 pack High build High Solid Lamellar MIO based Epoxy Mid 100
Finish 2 Two component Polyamide Cured Epoxy Coating. 25
Total 325
Structural Steel work in Ambien SA 3 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
the battery rooms, t minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
chlorination plant and / 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
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Cleaning, Protective Coating and Painting - Systems designed as per ISO 12944 with service life of 10 yrs.
Surface/ Location Temp
Surface Coat No. of Generic Type Dft/Coat
prep coats
water treatment plant, specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1
( extremely aggressive Touch Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
atmosphere ) up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level2
Mid coat 1 Two component, high build rust encapsulating, aluminium 125
pigmented modified epoxy coating.
Finish 1 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 150
Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%
Total 350

Steel Tanks inside Normal SA 2.5 Primer 1 Two component high build amine cured epoxy Primer with 75
Surface zinc phosphate pigment.
(Total) for Oil Storage Finish 2 Two component Self priming High Build Polyamine adduct 125
cured epoxy coating.
Total 325
Alternative-1 Finish 3 Two component Self priming High Build Polyamine adduct 125
cured epoxy coating. (No primer required. Self priming
coating post blasting)
Total 375

Alternative-2 Finish 2 Two component High build high solid Solvent free epoxy 150
coating - certified by CFTRI for Potable water
usage.(Primer same as above)
Total 300
Steel Tanks inside Ambien SA 3 Primer 1 Two component high build polyamide cured zinc phosphate 75
Surface (Total) for t Primer
Water Storage ( Finish 2 Two component Self priming High Build Polyamine adduct 125
Potable and Distilled cured epoxy coating - certified by CFTRI for Potable water
Water ) usage.
Total 325
Alternative 1 Finish 2 Two component High build high solid Solvent free epoxy 200
coating - certified by CFTRI for Potable water usage. (No
primer required. Self priming coating post blasting)
Total 400
Steelwork immersed in < 60 SA 3 Primer 1 Two component High Build High Solid Rapid Curing Epoxy 75

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Cleaning, Protective Coating and Painting - Systems designed as per ISO 12944 with service life of 10 yrs.
Surface/ Location Temp
Surface Coat No. of Generic Type Dft/Coat
prep coats
seawater such as inlet/ Deg C Zinc Phosphate Primer.
outlet structures, Finish 1 Two component High build High Solid Modified Epoxy 500
dolphins, sheet piling coating.
Total 575
Wherever TAR based product is not to be recommended.
Finish 1 Two component High build High Solid Modified Epoxy 500
Total 500
Finish 1 Two component High build High Solid Modified Epoxy 500
coating with Glass Flake.

Total 500
Alternative 1
Cast Iron Water < 60 SA 3 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
pipelines - Outside Deg C minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
surface, buried in Soil / 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1
Finish 2 Polyamide Cured Coal Tar Epoxy, Vs min 65% black. 200
Total 475
Alternate-1 Finish 1 Two component High build High Solid Modified Epoxy 500
Alternate -2 Finish 1 Two component High build High Solid Modified Epoxy 500
coating with Glass Flake
Steel Pipes - Inside < 60 SA 3 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
surfaces such as Deg C minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
cooling water lines. / 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1.
Finish 2 Coal Tar Epoxy, Vs min 65% black. 225
Total 525
Water Pipelines - < 60 SA 3 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
Outside Surface, Indoor Deg C minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
/ 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1.
Touch 1 Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
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Cleaning, Protective Coating and Painting - Systems designed as per ISO 12944 with service life of 10 yrs.
Surface/ Location Temp
Surface Coat No. of Generic Type Dft/Coat
prep coats
up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level2
Finish 2 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%
Total 275
< 100 SA 3 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
Deg C minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
/ 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1.
Touch Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
Oil pipelines - Outside
up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level2
surface, above ground
Mid coat 2 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%
Finish 1 2 pack Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane top coat - with Gloss 75
retention of at least 90% on QUVB exposure of minimum
1000 hrs.
Total 350
Pumps, Motors, Up to SA 2.5 Primer 1 Catalysed Zn rich Primer with a VS of 60% min, complying 75
Turbine, Claddings, 90 Deg to SSPC Paint 20 level 2.
Steam Turbine Finish 2 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
Condenser, Indoor Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%.
Total 275
Alternative 1 SA 2.5 Primer 1 Catalysed Zn rich Primer with a VS of 60% min, complying 75
to SSPC Paint 20 level 2.
Mid coat 1 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%.
Finish 2 2 pack Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane top coat - with Gloss 75
retention of at least 90% on QUVB exposure of minimum
1000 hrs.
Total 250
Heat Exchangers - Up to SA 2.5 Primer 1 Solvent based IZS - VS of 60%. Zn Dust - 1.77 kg/ltr 75
Inside Surface. 60 Deg minimum. Zn dust by weight - minimum 85%. Pot life 12 hrs
/ 21 Deg.- Paint to meet compositional & performance
specifications for SSPC Paint 20 , Level 1.
Finish 2 Coal Tar Epoxy, Vs min 65% black. 200

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Cleaning, Protective Coating and Painting - Systems designed as per ISO 12944 with service life of 10 yrs.
Surface/ Location Temp
Surface Coat No. of Generic Type Dft/Coat
prep coats
Total 475
Heat exchanger Coils Power One coat of dip-coat paint -Red-oxide Zinc phosphate 35
coming in the gas path tool primer
. (Eco, SH, RH coils & cleaning
Loose tubes etc.)

Instrument panels, Ambien Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 75
Electrical cubicles and t Oil zinc phosphate pigment.
similar steel sheet – grease Mid coat 1 Two component High Build Surface Tolerant Epoxy coating 100
indoor and pigmented with Aluminium and Lamellar Micaceous iron
(Can be used on contamin oxide
Aluminium, steel, atnts Top coat 1 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
stainless steel and must be Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%
galvanized removed
Total 275

Instrument panels, Ambien Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 100
Electrical cubicles and t Oil zinc phosphate pigment.
similar steel sheet – grease Mid coat 1 Two component High Build Surface Tolerant Epoxy coating 150
outdoor and pigmented with Aluminium and Lamellar Micaceous iron
(Can be used on contamin oxide.
Aluminium, steel, atnts Top coat 1 2 pack Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane top coat - with Gloss 75
stainless steel and must be retention of atleast 90% on QUVB exposure of minimum
galvanized removed 1000 hrs.
Total 325
<120 Air Touch 1 Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
Substrate, base metal: Deg blasting up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level2
Carbon steel, HDG acc with Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 50
ISO 1461 Or. Equiv. Nonmetall zinc phosphate pigment.
Non Insulated. - ic Mid coat 1 Two component High Build Surface Tolerant Epoxy coating 150
Outdoor abrasive pigmented with Aluminium and Lamellar Micaceous iron
Powder oxide

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Cleaning, Protective Coating and Painting - Systems designed as per ISO 12944 with service life of 10 yrs.
Surface/ Location Temp
Surface Coat No. of Generic Type Dft/Coat
prep coats
Finish 1 2 pack Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane top coat - with Gloss 75
retention of atleast 90% on QUVB exposure of minimum
1000 hrs.
Total 275
<120 Touch 1 Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and 75
Deg up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level 2.
Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 125
zinc phosphate pigment.
Air Finish 1 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
blasting Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%.
Substrate, base metal: with Total 225
Carbon steel, HDG acc Nonmetall For Outdoor Application
ISO 1461 Or. Equiv. ic Touch 1 Two component Zinc rich Primer meeting performance and (75)
Non Insulated.- Indoor abrasive up compositional specifications of SSPC Paint 20 Level2
Powder Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 125
zinc phosphate pigment.
Finish 1 2 pack Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane top coat - with Gloss 75
retention of at least 90% on QUVB exposure of minimum
1000 hrs.
Total 200
For Indoor Application
< 120 Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 125
Deg zinc phosphate pigment.
Air Finish 1 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
blasting Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%
with Total 225
Substrate, Stainless
Nonmetall For Outdoor Application
Steel - Non insulated.
ic Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 125
abrasive zinc phosphate pigment.
Powder Finish 1 2 pack Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane top coat - with Gloss 75
retention of atleast 90% on QUVB exposure of minimum
1000 hrs.
Total 200
Applicable for Water - For Indoor Application

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


Cleaning, Protective Coating and Painting - Systems designed as per ISO 12944 with service life of 10 yrs.
Surface/ Location Temp
Surface Coat No. of Generic Type Dft/Coat
prep coats
Water Cooled heat < 120 Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 75
Exchangers like Deg zinc phosphate pigment.
Condensers, Flash box, Top coat 2 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
Water - Water coolers Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%.
etc. Air Total 275
For Outdoor Application
For Outdoor with
Primer 1 Two pack , high build siloxane modified epoxy primer with 125
installations in Nonmetall
zinc phosphate pigment.
corrosive atmosphere - ic
abrasive Mid coat 1 Two component High Build high Solid Aliphatic Amine 100
like Chemical/ Marine. Cured Epoxy coating. - Min VS 85%.
Top coat 1 2 pack Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane top coat - with Gloss 75
retention of at least 90% on QUVB exposure of minimum
1000 hrs.
Total 300

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2 X 660 MW Udangudi Supercritical Thermal Power Project – Stage-1

Tender Enquiry Document for EPC Contract


S.No. Location Description
1 Metal and Timber Joinery Two component high build, self priming, rust encapsulating,
modified epoxy coating. Min VS 80%.

2 All Ceiling Oil bound distemper ( Office rooms )

White Washing - all areas.
3 Internal wall surfaces Oil Bound distemper

4 Control room/office Acrylic Emulsion.

5 External faces of walls Cement based Water proof paint

6 Walls of battery room and 1. Primer -1 coat of 50 microns - Two pack Polyamide
other acid/alkali spillage areas Epoxy Primer with Zinc phosphate Pigment for
concrete application. Min VS 48%.

2. Top coat - 1 coat of 125 microns - Two component self

priming, high build polyamine adduct cured epoxy
coating having excellent chemical resistance. Min VS
7 Cooling Tower External

a. Steel sections i) Blasting to SA 2.5

ii) 1 x 75 microns - Inorganic Zinc Silicate as per

SSPC Paint 20 Level 2.

iii) 1 x 150 microns –Two components high build

epoxy intermediate pigmented with lamellar
micaceous iron oxide. Min VS 65%.

iv) 1 x 75 microns - Two component high solids,

Glossy, Acrylic Aliphatic Polyurethane paint, Min
VS of 57%, Gloss retention of 90% after exposure
to 2000 hrs under QUV B 313 lamp

b. Concrete sections 1. 1 x 50 microns - Epoxy Polyamide Primer

2. 1x 500 microns-Two components high build high solid,

engineered epoxy coating. Min VS 87%. - Typical dft -
500 microns per coat. Condensation as per IS 101 -
9000 hrs, Salt spray as per ASTM G 85 - 8000 hrs.
8 Chimney external i) 1 x 50 microns Concrete Epoxy Polyamide primer
followed by
ii) 2 Coats of 50 microns of Acrylic Aliphatic
Polyurethane paint

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