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Week 9 Proses Konduksi Pada Dinding Berlapis

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By: Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd., Ph.D., CPHCM., CIQaR.
Fourier’s Law of Conduction

Bentuk Persegi Panjang (Rectangular)

Where (British Unit):
q= rate of heat transfer (Btu/hr)
A = cross-sectional area of heat transfer (ft2)
x = thickness of slab (ft)
 r = thickness of cylindrical wall (ft)
 T = temperature difference (°F)
k = thermal conductivity of slab (Btu/ft-hr-°F)
Latihan 1: Satu Lapisan Dinding

1000 Btu/hr is conducted

through a section of insulating
material shown in Figure that
measures 1 ft2 in cross-sectional
area. The thickness is 1 inch
and the thermal conductivity is
0.12 Btu/hr-ft-°F. Compute the
temperature difference across
the material.
Latihan 2: Satu Lapisan Dinding

A concrete floor with a conductivity of 0.8 Btu/hr-ft-°F

measures 30 ft by 40 ft with a thickness of 4 inches.
The floor has a surface temperature of 70°F and the
temperature beneath it is 60°F. What is the heat flux
and the heat transfer rate through the floor?

Note: 1 m = 39,37 in = 3,28 ft

Metode Analogi Tahanan Pada Diding Berlapis

∆T Where:
1 Lapis dinding: q = k A q
∆x Q = A = Heat Flux (Btu/hr-ft2)
T = Temperature Difference (oF)
Dinding berlapis: Q = ∆x
Rth = k = Thermal Resistance (hr-ft2-oF/Btu)
Metode Analogi Tahanan Pada Diding Berlapis
Contoh Dinding Berlapis

Dinding dari sebuah bangunan dibuat dengan 4

lapisan, 12 mm gipsum (k1=0,176 W/m 0K) , 75
mm fiberglass (k2=0,115 W/m 0K), 20 mm
plywood (k3=0,036 W/m 0K) dan 20 mm
hardboard (k4=0,215 W/m 0K). Hitunglah aliran
kalor yang melalui dinding tersebut jika
temperatur bagian dalam dinding 20 0C dan temp
bagian luar dinding -10 0C .
Contoh Dinding Berlapis

Dinding yang terbuat dengan 4 lapisan
∆x gipsum = 12 mm = 0,12 m
∆x fiberglass = 75 mm = 0,75 m
∆x plywood = 20 mm = 0,2 m
∆x hardboard = 20 mm = 0,2 m
k1 gipsum = 0,176 W/m 0K
k2 fiberglass = 0,115 W/m 0K
k3 plywood = 0,036 W/m 0K
k4 hardboard = 0,215 W/m 0K
t0 = 20 0C = 293 0K
t1 = -10 0C = 263 0K
Ditanya : Q = = …. ?
Contoh Dinding Berlapis

Latihan 3: Dinding Berlapis

A composite protective wall is formed of a 1 in.

copper plate, a 1/8 in. layer of asbestos, and a 2 in.
layer of fiberglass. The thermal conductivities of
the materials in units of Btu/hr-ft-oF are as
kCu = 240, kasb = 0.048, and kfib = 0.022.
The overall temperature difference across the wall
is 500°F. Calculate the thermal resistance of each
layer of the wall and the heat transfer rate per unit
area (heat flux) through the composite structure.

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