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Engine Cooling System

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Engine Cooling System Engine

Engine Cooling System

Description Value
Bolt-Expansion tank to fixing bracket 5 Nm
Bolt-Cooling fan, cowl and motor assembly to radiator lug 5 - 7 Nm
Bolt-Cooling fan relay unit to radiator 7 - 10 Nm
Bolt-Bonnet locking platform to body 7 - 10 Nm
Bolt-Bonnet locking platform bracket to platform 7 - 10 Nm
Bolt-Safety catch to bonnet locking platform 7 - 10 Nm
Bolt-Coolant outlet tube to auto transmission 18 Nm
Bolt-Coolant inlet tube to auto transmission 18 Nm
Bolt-Coolant pump to cylinder block 10Nm
Bolt-Camshaft timing belt back cover to coolant pump 10Nm
Bolt-Dipstick support bracket 9Nm

Version 2.0 213

Engine Engine Cooling System

Type Pressurised, spill return, thermostatically controlled water
Cooling fan: 7 blade axial flow electric, thermostatically controlled

Coolant capacity: 7.8L

∙Low speed 17 bar
∙High speed 22 bar
∙Low speed 10 bar
∙High speed 19 bar
Cooling fan switching points - for engine cooling during
normal running:
∙Low speed 100℃
∙High speed 112℃
∙Low speed 94℃
∙High speed 106℃
Cooling fan switching points - for engine cooling immediately
after engine stops:
∙High speed 104℃
∙Low speed Engine coolant temperature sensor failure

Search time No more than 300 seconds

Radiator: Cross-flow radiator
Coolant pump: Radial flow impeller - mechanical
Coolant pump drive ratio: 1: 1
Thermostat: Wax element
Thermostat operating temperature:
∙Initial opening 82 ± 2℃
∙Complete opening 96℃
∙Complete opening risen distance ≥ 10mm
Expansion tank cap relief valve:
∙High pressure opening 140-160KPa
∙Low pressure opening 0-10KPa

Version 2.0 214

Engine Cooling System Engine
Description and Operation
System Component Layout
Turbo Charger
For connections F to I see illustration on following page
A= Heater feed connection; B= Heater return connection; C= Cylinder head to bleed hose connection;
D= Automatic transmission return connection; E= Automatic transmission feed connection

1. Cooling fan shroud 17. T-piece

2. Radiator 18. Hose - T-piece to rear coolant pipe
3. Cooling fan and cowl 19. Hose - heater feed
4. Hose - coolant elbow to front coolant pipe 20. Cooling fan motor heatshield
5. Hose - turbocharger return 21. Cooling fan motor
6. Front coolant pipe 22. Hose - T piece to rear coolant pipe
7. Hose - front coolant pipe to radiator 23. Hose - turbocharger feed
8. Radiator right hand support bracket 24. T-piece
9. Bleed hose - radiator to expansion tank 25. Thermostat
10. Bleed hose - cylinder head to expansion tank 26. Hose - thermostat to T-piece
11. Expansion tank cap 27. Hose - radiator to thermostat
12. Expansion tank 28. Radiator left hand support bracket
13. Expansion tank bracket 29. Intercooler
14. Coolant level sensor 30. Cooling fan relay unit
15. Hose - coolant expansion tank to T-piece 31. Cooling fan low speed resistance
16. Hose - heater return

Version 2.0 215

Engine Engine Cooling System

VCT Engine
For connections F to I see illustration on previous page
A=Heater feed connection; B= Heater return connection; C=Cylinder head to bleed hose connection;
1. Cooling fan shroud 14. Hose - coolant expansion tank to T-piece
2. Radiator 15. Hose - heater return
3. Cooling fan and cowl 16. T-piece
4. Hose - coolant elbow to front coolant pipe 17. Hose - T-piece to rear coolant rail
5. Front coolant pipe 18. Hose - heater feed
6. Hose - front coolant pipe to radiator 19. Cooling fan motor
7. Radiator right hand support bracket 20. Hose - thermostat to coolant elbow
8. Bleed hose - radiator to expansion tank 21. Thermostat
9. Bleed hose - inlet manifold to expansion tank 22. Cooling fan low speed resistance
10. Expansion tank cap 23. Hose - radiator to thermostat
11. Expansion tank 24. Radiator left hand support bracket
12. Expansion tank bracket 25. Cooling fan relay unit
13. Coolant level sensor

Version 2.0 216

Engine Cooling System Engine
Cooling System Cylinder Block Component Layout
1. Flanged bolts 8. Elbow - engine outlet
2. Rear coolant pipe 9. Gasket
3. Bleed screw 10. Pillar bolt
4. Sealing washer 11. Flanged bolts
5. Flanged bolt 12. Coolant pump
6. ECT sensor 13. Seal
7. Sealing washer 14. Coolant pump location dowel

Version 2.0 217

Engine Engine Cooling System

Description Expansion Tank

General A plastic coolant expansion tank, fitted with a pressure relief
The system circulates the engine coolant, a 50% water and cap, is mounted on a bracket on the RH suspension turret. A
50% Organic Acid Technology operating conditions. (OAT) bleed hose connects the expansion tank to the top RH side of
coolant mix, around the engine and the heater circuit to the radiator and a stub on the inlet manifold. The expansion
maintain the engine at an optimum working temperature tank outlet is fitted to a T-piece in the heater return hose
under varying ambient and engine. fitted between the stub on the bulkhead and the rear coolant
pipe. A float type coolant level sensor is incorporated into the
Caution: Engine coolant will damage paint finished
expansion tank.
surfaces. If spilled, immediately rinse area with plenty of
water. Thermostat

The cylinder block is fitted with ‘damp', stepped cylinder liners. The thermostat is a wax element type with a pressure relief
The lower, thinner part of the liner a sliding fit into the cylinder feature. It is located in a sealed housing connected to the
block forming the ‘dry' part whilst the upper, thicker part of the radiator bottom hose, front coolant pipe and rear coolant
liner forms the ‘wet' part of the liner. This thermally efficient pipe. The housing is secured to a lug on the cooling fan cowl.
design exposes the upper part of the liners to the coolant and This positioning allows a more stable control of the coolant
dissipates heat directly from their outer surfaces. temperature and easier filling with a reduced chance of air
locks forming.
Periodic draining, flushing and renewal of the coolant is
necessary to maintain optimum efficiency and corrosion When the engine is cold and the coolant temperature is low,
resistance. the wax element of the thermostat is solid, the thermostat is
Cooling System Components closed and the coolant is prevented from circulating through
the radiator. Coolant is however able to circulate through the
Coolant Pump
bypass and heater matrix circuits.
The coolant is circulated by a rotor type pump mounted on the
As the coolant temperature increases, the wax element starts
upper rear edge of the crankshaft drive end of the engine. It is
to melt and the thermostat gradually opens, bleeding low
sealed to the block using an O-ring and driven by the camshaft
temperature coolant from the radiator bottom hose into the
timing belt.
cylinder block and allowing hot coolant to flow to the radiator
Coolant Hoses via the top hose, balancing the flow of hot and cold coolant
to maintain the optimum engine temperature. When the
Rubber coolant hoses transfer the coolant between
thermostat opens fully, the full flow of coolant passes through
components. Steel spring bands secure the hoses to
the radiator.
components with spring assisted worm drive clips fitted to the
engine inlet and outlet hoses and the turbocharger feed and In the event of a failed thermostat, the complete housing must
return hoses. 'Quick-fit' connections are used for the heater be replaced.
feed and radiator top hose connections to the cast aluminium
coolant elbow. The coolant elbow is fitted to the LH side of
the cylinder head and is sealed with a gasket. A feed to the
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) unit heater
matrix is taken from the coolant elbow to the feed stub which
passes through the bulkhead. The return pipe from the heater
matrix connects to the return stub, and the expansion tank
outlet which in turn connects to the rear coolant pipe.
Additional hoses in the coolant system redirect flow through
the turbocharger. The turbocharger feed hose is connected
to the engine lower coolant hose. The turbocharger coolant
return hose is connected to the front coolant pipe behind the
radiator. The feed and return hoses and coolant elbow outlet
hose are manufactured from silicone rubber.
A bleed screw is fitted in the rear coolant pipe to allow air to
be bled from the cooling system during filling.

Version 2.0 218

Engine Cooling System Engine
Radiator and Cooling Fan
The radiator is a cross flow type with an aluminium matrix
with moulded plastic end tanks and, if fitted, an automatic
transmission oil cooler. The radiator has features that carry
the fan assembly and Air Conditioning (A/C) condenser and
intercooler (Turbocharger). The lower section of the radiator
is located in rubber bushes supported by brackets fitted to the
front longitudinals. The top of the radiator is located in rubber
bushes in the bonnet locking platform. A plastic shroud is fitted
behind the front bumper to direct air through the radiator.
The condenser is installed in front of the radiator and locates
on two lower mounting lugs secured to the radiator with two
bolts. The turbocharger intercooler is mounted in front of the
lower section of the radiator.
The radiator cooling fan and motor assembly is fitted to a cowl
at the rear of the radiator. A heatshield is fitted to the rear of
the motor to protect it from the high temperature generated
by the turbocharger. The fan is a 'pull through' type drawing air
through the radiator when in operation with the cowl featuring
five additional vents on the LH side to allow for increased air
flow across the radiator during high speed driving. The cooling
fan relay unit is fitted to the LH side of the radiator.
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)Sensor
TheECT sensor is fitted into the coolant elbow and consists
of an encapsulated Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC)
thermistor which is in contact with the engine coolant and is
part of a voltage divider circuit which consists of a regulated
5 volt supply, a fixed resistor inside the Engine Control
Module (ECM) and a temperature dependent variable resistor
(theECT sensor).

Version 2.0 219

Engine Engine Cooling System

Coolant Flow
A= Cold B= Hot

Version 2.0 220

Engine Cooling System Engine
A= Cold B= Hot
Coolant Flow allowing the engine to run at a higher, more efficient operating
The cooling system operates using the conduction principle, temperature without the risk of coolant boiling. There is a limit
transferring heat from the engine components into the to which the cooling system can be pressurised so the cap is
coolant. When the engine is cold, the coolant pump circulates fitted with a relief valve. This will release any excess pressure
coolant through the engine block, cylinder head and passenger in the cooling system in the event of the maximum working
compartment heater. The thermostat remains closed pressure being reached.
preventing coolant from flowing through the radiator but will Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
allow a degree of coolant bypass to prevent excessive pressure escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
build up. As the engine begins to reach normal operating from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.
temperature, the thermostat begins to open, bleeding cool
Coolant flows through the radiator from the top RH tank to
coolant from the radiator bottom hose into the cylinder block
the bottom LH tank and is cooled by air passing through the
and allowing hot coolant to flow to the radiator via the top
matrix. The temperature of the cooling system is measured
hose, balancing the flow of hot and cold coolant to maintain
by theECT sensor. This sends a signal to theECM where
the optimum engine temperature. When the thermostat
it is used to control the cooling fan operation as necessary.
opens fully, the full flow of coolant passes through the radiator.
This coolant temperature signal is sent from theECM via
Any excess coolant, created by heat expansion, is returned to High Speed (HS)CAN Bus to the Body Controller Module
the expansion tank through bleed hoses from the top of the (BCM) and to the instrument pack via the Medium Speed
radiator and from the cylinder head. The expansion tank also (MS)CAN Bus where the coolant temperature is displayed. If
bleeds any air from the coolant. The expansion tank has an the coolant temperature becomes too high, a warning light in
outlet hose which is connected into the coolant circuit allowing the instrument pack and an audible message alerts the driver.
coolant to flow through the tank at any engine temperature.
Coolant from the bottom of the radiator flows towards the
The expansion tank cap, rated at 1.4 bar, seals the cooling engine. A T-piece divides coolant flow between engine and
system from atmosphere so increasing the pressure of the turbocharger. Coolant flows into the turbocharger and around
cooling system as the coolant expands with temperature rise. the bearing housing, exiting via the return hose on top of the
This increase in pressure raises the boiling point of the coolant, housing and joins into the coolant pipe.

Version 2.0 221

Engine Engine Cooling System

Heated coolant exits the coolant elbow and enters the heater fuse 4 in the engine compartment fusebox. The fan motor is
matrix feed pipe and is fed to the heater matrix. During engine driven by the output from the internal relays through fuse 4 in
operation, coolant is constantly circulated through the heater the engine compartment fusebox. To produce a slow fan speed
matrix by the coolant pipe. The coolant exits the matrix via theECM provides a ground path to pin 1 of connector EB037
the return pipe to be recirculated. at the relay. To produce a fast fan speed theECM provides a
ground path to pin 2 of connector EB036 at the relay.
Cooling Fan Strategy
The cooling fan will operate at high or low speeds. Control The cooling fan relay could fail in the following ways:
is achieved by theECM and the relay unit. TheECM uses • High speed relay winding open circuit
information provided by theECT sensor, theBCM and the
• High speed relay winding short circuit
A/C pressure sensor to control fan speed as so limit engine
coolant temperature. • High speed relay contacts high resistance
• High speed relay contacts open circuit
During normal running, the fan will operate at the following
coolant temperatures: • Low speed relay winding open circuit
• Low speed relay winding short circuit
Cooling fan status Low speed High speed
• Low speed relay contacts high resistance
ON 100 ℃ 112 ℃
• External wiring open circuit
OFF 94 ℃ 106 ℃
• External wiring short circuit to 12V
During normal running, the fan will operate at the following • External wiring short circuit to ground
• External wiring high resistance
Cooling fan status Low speed High speed
Warning: Keep clear of the cooling fan. The fan may start
ON 17 bar 22 bar automatically without warning, even after the engine is
OFF 10 bar 19 bar turned off.
Coolant Level Sensor
The fan strategy includes an engine idle adjustment to
compensate for the additional load when switching on the When the coolant is within the ‘MAX' and ‘MIN' limits marked
fan. The cooling fan may run for a period of 5 minutes if the on the side of the expansion tank, the sensor float will be
coolant temperature exceeds 104 ℃, after the handset is in the 'high' position generating an open circuit condition. If
removed to provide additional engine cooling in hot ambient the coolant level falls, the float will drop to the 'low' position
conditions. In the event ofECT failure, the fan will operate at closing the circuit, sending a signal to the ECM. TheECM
its low speed. sends a signal via the HSCAN bus to the BCMBCM which
passes the signal via the MSCAN bus to the instrument pack,
Cooling Fan Relay Unit illuminating the warning message and alerting the driver to any
The fan control relay unit is connected to theECM by two drop in coolant level.
wires, these wires supply a ground path to the internal relay
windings. The cooling fan relay receives a 12V supply through

Version 2.0 222

Engine Cooling System Engine
Service Procedures
Coolant - Drain and Refill
Caution: Engine coolant will damage paint finished
surfaces. If spilled, immediately rinse area with plenty of
1. Remove undertray.
Undertray - Assembly Remove.
2. Remove expansion tank cap.
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot. 4. Connect hose to bleed valve and blow through to
ensure bleed valve pin is not sticking.
3. Position container to collect coolant.
5. Connect hose to bleed valve and secure with clip.
4. Release clip and disconnect heater return hose from
rear of cylinder block. 6. Remove bleed screw from coolant pipe.
7. Prepare coolant to required concentration.
5. Release clip and disconnect bottom hose from radiator.
8. Fill cooling system, keeping coolant up to neck of
expansion tank until a steady stream of coolant is
emitted from bleed screw hole. Fit and tighten bleed
9. Continue filling until coolant reaches expansion tank
neck and remains static.
10. Ensure air conditioning is switched off.
11. With the expansion tank cap off, start and run engine at
1500-2500 rev/min. Fill expansion tank as necessary to
maintain coolant level just below expansion tank neck.
When coolant starts to rise up expansion tank neck, fit
6. Allow cooling system to drain. expansion tank cap.

Refill 12. Continue running engine at 1500-2500 rev/min until

cooling fan comes on, then run engine at idle speed
1. Connect bottom hose to radiator and secure with clip.
until cooling fan stops.
2. Connect heater return hose to cylinder block and
13. Switch off engine and allow to cool for 30 minutes.
secure with clip.
14. Check cooling system for leaks.
3. Release clip and disconnect hose from bleed valve.
15. Remove expansion tank cap and, if necessary, top up
coolant level to MAX level. If MAX mark is not visible,

Version 2.0 223

Engine Engine Cooling System

remove excess coolant until level is at MAX mark. Expansion Tank Cap- Pressure Test
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap 1. Visually check engine and cooling system for signs of
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot. coolant leaks.
16. Fit expansion tank cap. 2. Examine hoses for signs of cracking, distortion and
17. Fit undertray. security of connections.
3. Remove expansion tank cap.
Undertray - Assembly Refit.
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.
4. Fit adaptor from pressure testing kit T14001to
expansion tank cap.

5. Fit pressure hose from pressure testing kit T14001to


Version 2.0 224

Engine Cooling System Engine
System - Pressure Test
1. Examine hoses for signs of cracking, distortion and
security of connections.

6. Slowly pressurise cap to required pressure and check

whether the pressure is between 140=160 KPa.
7. Release pressure by depressing pressure release valve
on T14001.
2. Remove expansion tank filler cap.
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.

8. Remove pump from adaptor and remove hose from

9. Remove cap from adaptor and fit to expansion tank.

3. Fit adaptor from pressure testing kit T14001to

expansion tank.

4. Fit pressure hose from pressure testing kit T14001 to

5. Slowly pressurise system to 140-160 KPa and check

Version 2.0 225

Engine Engine Cooling System

for leaks. Coolant Expansion Tank

Warning: Do not exceed the setting pressure value, or the
cooling system will be damaged. 1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
6. Visually check engine and cooling system for signs of 2. Remove expansion tank cap.
coolant leaks. 3. Reduce the quantity of coolant in the tank to below
7. Release pressure by depressing pressure release valve the fluid level.
on T14001. Coolant drain
4. Clamp hoses from expansion tank to T-pieces.
5. Release clips securing hoses to expansion tank.
8. Remove hose from adaptor.
9. Remove adaptor from expansion tank and refit
expansion tank cap.
6. Position container to collect coolant.
7. Release hoses from expansion tank.
8. Disconnect coolant level sensor multiplug.
9. Remove 2 bolts securing expansion tank to bracket and
remove tank.
1. Position tank, fit bolts and tighten to 5 Nm
2. Connect coolant level sensor multiplug.
3. Connect hoses and secure with clips.
4. Remove clamps from hoses.
5. Top up cooling system.

Coolant refill .
6. Fit expansion tank cap.
7. Connect battery earth lead.

Version 2.0 226

Engine Cooling System Engine
Fan Assembly
Warning: Disconnect the battery to prevent operation of
the cooling fan, which could cause personal injury.
1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove front bumper.
Front Bumper Assembly Remove.
3. Remove air cleaner.
Air Cleaner Remove.
4. Remove 2 bolts securing bonnet locking platform
supports to platform.
7. Disconnect cooling fan relay unit multiplugs.
5. Mark fitted position of safety catch. Remove 2 bolts
securing safety catch to bonnet locking platform and 8. Remove 2 bolts securing relay unit to radiator.
position aside.

9. Position container to catch coolant spillage.

6. Remove 4 bolts securing bonnet locking platform to 10. Release clip and disconnect top hose from radiator,
body and position aside. move coolant pipe from fan cowl locating points.

Version 2.0 227

Engine Engine Cooling System

10. Fit air cleaner.

Air Cleaner Refit.
11. Fit front bumper.
Front Bumper Assembly Refit.
12. Connect battery earth lead.
13. Top-up coolant.

11. Release thermostat from cowl mounting lug.

12. Disconnect the top hose from the radiator.
13. Remove 2 bolts securing cowl to radiator, release from
radiator lugs and remove fan assembly.
Caution: Do not attempt to remove the fan from the
fan motor. The assembly is dynamically balanced during
1. Position cowl in radiator lugs, fit bolts and tighten to
5 - 7 Nm.
2. Position thermostat to mounting lug in fan cowl.
3. Connect top hose to radiator and secure with clip,
ensure coolant pipe is located correctly in fan cowl.
4. Position fan relay unit to radiator, fit bolts and tighten
to 7 - 10 Nm.
5. Connect fan multiplugs and secure to body.
6. Position safety catch to approximate fitted position and
connect multiplug.
7. Position bonnet locking platform to body and radiator,
fit and tighten bolts to 7 - 10 Nm.
8. Position bonnet locking platform supports to platform,
fit and tighten bolts to 7 - 10 Nm.
9. Align safety catch to bonnet locking platform, fit and
tighten bolts to 7 - 10 Nm.

Version 2.0 228

Engine Cooling System Engine
Cooling Fan Resistor Radiator Assembly
Remove Remove
Warning: Disconnect the battery to prevent operation of 1. Drain cooling system.
the cooling fan, which could cause personal injury.
Coolant - Drain
1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove condenser.
2. Remove cooling fan, cowl and motor assembly.
Fan assembly Remove.
3. Release 2 clips securing radiator top hose and bleed
3. Remove screws securing resistor bracket to the shroud. hose to radiator and release hoses.
4. Measure 5 cm lead from the two ends of the resistor 4. Release hose support from fan cowl bracket and release
respectively, and cut it off. thermostat.
5. Removing the 7 mm cord insulator from the remaining 5. Position drain tray below transmission fluid cooler
wire after removing the resistor. (Automatic transmission models only).
Refit 6. Press clips and release 2 transmission cooling fluid hose
1. Take a resistor to be installed and insert the heat shrink from radiator (Automatic transmission models only).
Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid
2. Insert the wires into the butt splice and use
as the fluid can be very hot.
T84001crimping tool to crimp the terminal.
3. Cover the butt splice using heat shrink and heat it up Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
until fully covered. contamination.

Caution: DO NOT burn out the heat shrink tubing during 7. Disconnect cooling fan multiplugs.
the heating process.
4. Fit the resistor bracket to the shroud with 2 self tappng
screws. Ensure that the lead and wire harness will not
cause any interference.
5. Fit cooling fan, cowl and motor assembly.
Fan assembly Refit.
6. After completing the replacement, check the operation
of the fan and ensure that the low-speed condition of
the fan is operational.

8. Release and remove radiator from mounting rubbers,

taking care not to damage cooling fins.

Version 2.0 229

Engine Engine Cooling System

Note: The left and right radiator tank or transmission oil 9. Top up gearbox oil (Automatic transmission models
cooler cannot be replaced separately. If there is a fault only).
in these components, the whole radiator assy must be
Automatic Transmission - Top Up.
10. Fill cooling system.
9. Remove 2 bolts securing relay unit to radiator and
Coolant - Refill
position aside.
10. Remove 2 bolts securing fan cowl to radiator, lift and
release cowl from mounting lugs and position aside.

1. 1 Position fan cowl in radiator lugs, fit bolts and tighten
to 5 - 7 Nm.
2. Fit radiator to vehicle and secure in mountings, taking
care not to damage cooling fins.
3. Connect cooling fan multiplugs.
4. Position and secure transmission fluid hoses to radiator
(Automatic transmission models only).
5. Fit relay unit to radiator, fit bolts and tighten to 7 -
10 Nm.
6. Connect radiator top hose and bleed hose to radiator
and secure with clip.
7. Fit thermostat to fan cowl lug and position hose to fan
cowl bracket.
8. Fit condenser.

Version 2.0 230

Engine Cooling System Engine
Supply Fluid Cooler Hose - Automatic 3. Position hose and secure hose to radiator.
Transmission 4. Top up transmission oil level.
automatic transmission - top-up .
1. Remove air cleaner.
5. Fit air cleaner.
Air cleaner(s) remove.
Air cleaner(s) remove.
2. Remove undertray.
6. Fit undertray.
Undertray - assembly remove.
3. Position drain tray below radiator. Undertray - assembly refit.

4. Depress clip and release transmission cooling fluid hose

from radiator.
Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid
as the fluid can be very hot.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
5. Remove bolt securing hose to transmission, release
hose from transmission and remove from vehicle.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

6. Remove and discard O-ring.
1. Lubricate new O-ring with clean transmission fluid and
fit O-ring to hose.
2. Fit hose to transmission, fit and tighten bolt to 18 Nm

Version 2.0 231

Engine Engine Cooling System

Return Fluid Cooler Hose - Automatic automatic transmission - top-up .

5. Fit undertray.
Undertray - assembly refit
1. Remove undertray
Undertray - assembly remove
2. Position drain tray below radiator.
3. Depress clip and release transmission cooling fluid hose
from radiator.
Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid
as the fluid can be very hot.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
4. Remove bolt securing hose to transmission, release
hose from transmission and remove from vehicle.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

5. Remove and discard hose O-ring.
1. Lubricate new O-ring with clean transmission fluid and
fit O-ring to hose.
2. Fit hose to transmission, fit and tighten bolt to 18 Nm
3. Position hose and secure to radiator.
4. Top up transmission oil level.

Version 2.0 232

Engine Cooling System Engine
Thermostat Pump-Coolant
Remove Remove
1. Drain cooling system. 1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
Coolant - Drain 2. Remove and discard camshaft drive belt.
2. Remove cooling hoses support from cooling fan cowl Camshaft Drive Belt Remove.
and lift thermostat from mounting lug. 3. Drain cooling system.
3. Release clips and disconnect hoses from thermostat
Coolant - Drain.
4. Remove bolt securing dipstick tube support bracket.
5. Remove bolt securing camshaft drive belt rear cover to
coolant pump.
6. Remove 5 bolts securing coolant pump to cylinder
4. Remove thermostat.
1. Clean thermostat housing inlets and outlets.
2. Position thermostat to cooling hoses and fix with 7. Release coolant pump from 2 dowels.
8. Remove coolant pump.
3. Position thermostat to cowl mounting lug, position
9. Remove and discard O-ring from coolant pump body.
cooling hoses to cowl bracket.
4. Fill cooling system.
1. Clean component mating faces.
Coolant - Refill.
2. Clean dowel and dowel holes.
3. Fit new O-ring to coolant pump and fit coolant pump
to cylinder block.
4. Fit bolts securing coolant pump to cylinder block and
tighten to 10Nm.
5. Fit bolt securing camshaft drive belt rear cover to
coolant pump and tighten to 10Nm.
6. Fit bolt securing dipstick tube support bracket and
tighten to 9Nm.
7. Fit new camshaft drive belt.

Camshaft Drive Belt Refit

8. Refill cooling system.
Coolant - Refill.
9. Connect battery earth lead.

Version 2.0 233

Engine Engine Cooling System

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Cooling System
T14001 Pressure Test

Harness Repair

Version 2.0 234

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