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Recycling Aluminum Aerospace Alloys

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Light Metals 2007 Edited by Morten Sørlie TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2007

Title of Publication Edited by

TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), Year


Subodh K. Das and J. Gilbert Kaufman
Secat, Inc., 1505 Bull Lea Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Keywords: Aluminum alloys; Recycling, Aircraft

Abstract idle in “graveyards” around the USA. Yet it has been impractical
to reuse the metal in these planes because of the combination of
the differences in compositions of older obsolete aircraft and
Abstract: For decades, thousands of obsolete private, civil, and those of new aircraft, often having special performance
military aircraft have been sitting in “graveyards,” while the requirements requiring specialized alloy compositions.
demand for recycled aluminum continues to increase. The aircraft
provide an obvious source of valuable metal. However cost- Driving Forces for This Study
effective recycling of aircraft is complex because aircraft alloys
are (a) typically relatively high in alloying elements and (b) The driving forces for this study to enable large-scale recycling of
contain relatively higher levels of impurities than required of aluminum aircraft alloys are very clear and very strong.
many newer aircraft alloys to optimize their toughness and other
performance characteristics. This paper describes (a) potential • The production of aluminum as “secondary metal” (i.e.,
aircraft recycling process, (b) the technical and logistic producing it by recycling) requires only about 2.8
challenges, and (c) options to address those challenges in a kWh/kg of metal produced while primary aluminum
practical and cost-effective manner. A program addressing these production requires about 45 kWh/kg of metal
issues is laid out in this paper. produced. The 95% energy saving are a powerful
economic incentive; and
• The ecological driving force is great too, as recycling
Introduction results in the emission of only about 4% as much CO 2

as does primary production.

Introduction and Scope
Clearly, it is in the industry’s and in the nation’s best advantage to
For decades, thousands of obsolete aircraft have been sitting in maximize the amount of recycled metal that can be regained from
“graveyards,” while the demand for recycled aluminum continues obsolete aircraft.
to increase. The discarded aircraft provide a large source of
valuable metal. However cost-effective recycling of aircraft The Ideal Aircraft Recycling Process
alloys is complex because aircraft alloys are (a) typically
relatively high in alloying elements and (b) contain very low Today, in order to meet the performance requirements of
levels of impurities to optimize toughness and other performance aerospace alloy and product specifications, all alloys are produced
characteristics. utilizing primary metal. Typically the specifications for these
alloys require that such strict controls on impurities are
Thus recycling of aluminum aerospace alloys represents a major maintained that recycled metal cannot be used without additional
challenge to both the aluminum and aerospace industries. While processing.
the recycling of high percentages of aluminum from packaging
and automotive applications has been commercialized and It is timely to consider a new paradigm in which obsolete aircraft,
become economically attractive , the unique compositions
like obsolete beverage cans and obsolete automotive vehicles, are
and performance requirements of aerospace alloys have resulted recognized as valuable sources of aluminum, and an appropriate
in delaying directly addressing techniques for cost-effectively new commercial scenario developed.
recycling those alloys.
The most desirable recycling scenario would include the
The purpose of the study described herein was to identify the most following:
attractive means of cost-effectively recycling aluminum alloys
used in the production of private, civil, and military aircraft. We a. An aircraft-recycling center would be established, and
will endeavor to define and illustrate the practicality of any new as aircraft become obsolete they would be flown or
approaches needed, as well as identify opportunities for related delivered to this facility.
alloy development and product evaluation that might make
aerospace structure recycling even more attractive. b. To the degree feasible economically, the major
components of the aircraft would be disassembles and
Aluminum remains the most economically attractive material major non-aluminum components would be removed
from which to make aircraft and space vehicles, and new
construction proceeds at a prodigious rate. However, the c. To extent readily practical, the aluminum aircraft
development of newer aircraft structures has proceeded at such a components would be pre-sorted by alloy type, most
pace that thousands of obsolete civil and military aircraft stand importantly by 2xxx and 7xxx series alloys.

• Options for re-use of the metal from recycled aircraft
d. The remaining structure would be automatically components in aluminum castings
shredded, sorted, and remelted to provide metal in the
most valuable form for reuse. Dismantling and Pre-Sorting Strategies
e. The recycled metal would be cast into ingot or billet of One of the first things to be considered is the degree to which
one of a useful set of high-strength aluminum alloy dismantling prior to shredding is helpful and cost-effective. And
compositions available for a wide variety of non- assuming that it may be, what are the most useful strategies that
fracture critical aerospace components, and might be employed.
subsequently fabricated into new end products that meet
established performance requirements To a large extent, aircraft alloys fall into two series, the Al-Cu or
2xxx series and the Al-Zn-Mg or 7xxx series. While automated
Challenges in Achieving Cost-Effective Aircraft Recycling sorting techniques applied after shredding will unquestionably
work, anything that can be readily done to pre-sort those alloys
The principal challenges that must be dealt with in creating this would be helpful.
ideal aircraft-recycling scenario include the following:
One technique that seems practical would be to dismantle aircraft
a. Identifying decision options for dismantling aircraft to into certain logical component groups, as these typically are made
simplify recycling; of similar alloys of the same series. As example, landing gears,
engine nacelles, tail sections, and flaps could be presorted, and
b. Identifying and optimizing technologies for automated wings separated from fuselages. Such separations may be
shredding, sorting, and remelting of those 2xxx and desirable anyway to permit removal of non-aluminum
7xxx alloys with relatively high levels of alloying components before shredding.
elements (sometimes in excess of 10 percent);
Guidance in such dismantling and pre-sorting should be available
c. Identifying the range of representative compositions from the aircraft manufacturers who can identify the alloys used
likely to be obtained from recycling aircraft in various components of specific aircraft produced over the
components, dependent I=upon the amount of pre- years. The availability of such manufacturer information will be
sorting that proves practical. very useful in establishing procedures for dismantling aircraft
d. Identifying the combination of performance
requirements and compositions that would make useful An additional consideration, especially if/when manufacturing
aircraft components from recycled metal, even though information is not available, is that it may be possible to take the
they may not achieve the highest achievable levels of approach of identifying the various metallic constituents and their
toughness; chemistry prior to dismantling the aircraft with devices like hand-
held mobile spectrometers. Such devices are available that may
e. Identifying useful byproducts to handle elemental be used for in-situ identification of alloy types of specific
residual unable to be used in recycled metal, e.g., Fe. components. Manufacturers include Vericheck Technical
Services, Thermo Electron and Spectro. Non-aluminum
Some useful progress has already being made in addressing items components may also be readily identified using this technique
b and e on this list of challenges. Examples include laser-induced
breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), developed and applied by Huron Automated Shredding and Sorting
Valley Steel Corp. (HVSC), which is already being applied to the
shredding and sorting of some aluminum alloys , and the use of
The remainder of this study assumes that the laser induced
high iron containing aluminum for deoxidizing steel (de-ox) . (5)
breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technology developed and
applied by Huron Valley Steel Corp. (HVSC) , scaled up for

In general, however, little or nothing has yet been done to apply handling large aircraft components, will provide useful sorting of
recycling technology to shredding, sorting, and re-use of recycled the aircraft alloys regardless of the degree to which they are pre-
metal from obsolete aircraft and space vehicle components. sorted. The challenge is determining more-precisely the level of
Focusing upon that area was the purpose of this study. sorting possible: for example, is the process sufficiently
discriminating to separate 2014 from 2024? Or separate 7055,
Some Options for Consideration 7075, and 7085, for example?
In the following sections, we will consider An even more challenging feature that will influence re-use of the
• Dismantling and pre-sorting strategies recycled metal is to what degree will the LIBS process sort alloys
• Automated shredding, sorting, and remelting of different impurity levels, defined for example as the level of
• Identifying the resulting compositions of recycling Fe, e.g., 2024 from 2124 and 2324, or 7075 from 7175 and 7475.
aircraft components The higher toughness alloys 2124, 7175 and 7475 typically have
• Options for re-use of the metal from recycled aircraft Fe levels in the 0.05-0.20% range while 2024 and 7075 have Fe in
components in new aircraft the range of 0.35-0.50%. If such differences can be sorted
• Options for re-use of the metal from recycled aircraft automatically at high speed for an element like Fe, that would
components in non-aircraft applications greatly add to the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of the re-use of
recycled metal.

The authors propose to work with the HVSC scientists to address If, on the other hand, 2xxx and 7xxx alloys can not be separated
these issues. before melting, and assuming an approximately equal amount of
2xxx and 7xx alloys, the recycled metal composition is more
Identifying the Compositions of Recycled Aircraft Alloys likely to look like that in Table 3

Dependent upon the levels of discrimination achievable in Table 3 – Potential Composition of some Recycled Aircraft
shredding and sorting, a variety of different compositions may Alloys Assuming No Pre-Sorting
result from these operations. A more detailed study is needed to ALLOY Al Cu Fe Mg Mn Si Zn
define the representative levels, including some in which sorting R2+7XX ~92 3.0 0.4 1.8 0.4 0.4 3.0
is minimal and others where it is the best achievable. This will
lay the groundwork for extended studies of re-use of the metal. The characteristics of this composition are difficult to estimate as
they do not match any existing registered alloy.
Of several basic things that we can be certain of: the metal from
recycled 2xxx alloys will be high in Cu, Mg, Mn and Si and the Two other factors should be noted at this stage.
metal from 7xxx alloys will be high in Zn, Cu, and Mg. The • First, it should be recognized that at least small
compositions of some alloys used for many years in aircraft quantities of several other wrought aluminum alloys like
structures are shown in Table 1; in older aircraft likely to be found 2219 and 6061 and cast alloys like 201.0, A356.0, and
in many graveyards, 2024 has been the most widely used 2xxx A357.0 may go into the recycle mix.
alloy, 7075 the most widely used of the 7xxx series. Newer • Second, aircraft alloys typically have grain-refining
aircraft will have more high-purity alloys like 2124, 2324, 7050, elements such as Cr, Zr, and V present in small
7175, and 7475. quantities (~ 0.1 percent or less), and the potential
buildup of such elements in addition to Fe, Mg, and Si
Table 1 – Nominal Compositions of Some 2xxx and 7xxx Alloys needs to be the subject of further study. This second
ALLOY Al Cu Fe Mg Mn Si Zn factor will become increasingly important as newer
2014 ~93 4.4 0.7 0.50 0.8 0.8 0.15 aircraft employing later alloys such as 2124, 2048,
max max 7050, 7055, and 7085 enter the obsolete mix.
2214 ~93 4.4 0.3 0.50 0.8 0.8 0.15
max max A further in-depth analysis and mass balance is needed to more
2024 ~93 4.4 0.5 1.5 0.6 0.5 max 0.25 precisely determine the compositions of recycled aircraft metal.
max max Secat has proposed to undertake such a study collaboratively with
2324 ~94 4.1 0.12 1.5 0.6 0.1 max 0.15 an organization such as HVSC and interested aerospace
max max companies.
7050 ~89 2.3 0.15 2.2 0.1 0.12max 6.2
max max Options for Re-Use of the Recycled Aircraft Components in
7075 ~90 1.6 0.5 2.5 0.3 0.4 max 5.6 Aircraft
max max
7475 ~90 1.6 0.12 2.2 0.06 0.1 max 5.7 Assuming that the estimated composition in Table 2 based upon
max max pre-sorting of 2xxx and 7xxx alloys are reasonably correct, as
7178 ~89 2.0 0.5 2.8 0.3 0.4 max 6.8 noted above it would appear that the resultant alloys could be used
max max for a number of non-critical aircraft components, such a stiffeners,
flaps, and other relatively low-to-moderately stressed components
While a high level of discrimination and thus of sorting may made of sheet, plate, or extrusions. These might be used in
possibly be achieved based upon Fe levels in recycled aircraft private, civil, and many military aircraft. Typically these would
components, it is more logical at this point to assume that sorting be components that are not designed based upon fracture
is limited to identifying only 2xxx and 7xxx series alloys, in mechanics concepts employing fatigue crack growth rates and
which case the compositions of recycled metal are likely to fracture toughness parameters. The alloys utilized in fracture-
represent something like the following in Table 2. critical areas may still have to be fabricated using primary metal.

Table 2 – Potential Compositions of some Recycled Aircraft Therefore another key question to be addressed with further study
Alloys Assuming Pre-Sorting is whether the percentage of aircraft components that do not
ALLOY Al Cu Fe Mg Mn Si Zn Others require fracture-critical design is broad enough to justify the re-
R2XXX ~93 4.4 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.2 use of compositions likely to result from recycling.
R7XXX ~90 2.0 0.4 2.5 0.2 0.2 6.0 0.2
Options for Re-Use of the Recycled Aircraft Components in
If this is correct and if 2xxx and 7xxx alloys can be sorted Non-Aircraft Applications
successfully leading to compositions as in Table 2, there would
appear to be some opportunities to re-use the recycled metal in a If the use of these compositions for non-fracture critical
2024-like alloy from the former and a 7075-type alloy from the components in new aircraft is too tightly limited, i.e., if the
latter. The properties of these alloys are likely to resemble those number of non-fracture critical components in civil and military
of 2024 and 7075, and subject to more thorough performance aircraft is not large enough to justify re-use of the recycle
evaluation there is every reason to conclude that such metal might compositions, it is useful to look at what other opportunities may
be utilized in non-fracture-critical aerospace components. exist for use of the compositions in Tables 2 and 3?

Another possible approach to the increased Fe content is to make
To aid in addressing that question, the compositions of several use of the affinity of Zr for Fe, resulting in a heavy particle that
wrought 2xxx and 7xxx alloys used in other applications sinks to the bottom of crucibles during processing . Combining

(including 2014, also an aircraft alloy) are presented in Table 4. this Fe-Zr product with Mg and perhaps other undesirable
impurities like Ni and V may also improve their impact on
Table 4 – Nominal Compositions of Some 2xxx and 7xxx Alloys resulting recycle content.
used in Non-Aerospace Applications
ALLOY Application Cu Fe Mg Mn Si Zn Alloys Designed with Aircraft Recycling in Mind
2014 RR; Truck 4.4 0.7 0.50 0.8 0.8 0.15
Bodies max max As noted above, an ideal component of maximization of resources
2017 Rivets 4.0 0.7 0.60 0.7 0.5 0.25 in aircraft recycling would be the availability of several new
max max aluminum alloys that would take advantage of the unique
7129 Auto 0.7 0.3 1.6 0.1 0.15 4.7 characteristics of recycled aircraft metal. Such an approach may
Bumpers max max max
call for some “tailored” alloys, enabling broader specification
Comparing compositions in Tables 2 and 4 illustrates that it may limits on alloying elements likely to be found in recycled aircraft
not be too much of a stretch to re-use recycled aircraft metal in metal, notably the high Cu in 2xxx alloys and Zn in 7xxx alloys.
certain other products. Further study of this option is justified.
Adopting the approach of alloy optimization for aircraft recycling
Options for Re-Use of the Recycled Aircraft Components in requires several steps, potentially phases in a development
Castings program:

Other opportunities for the use of recycled metal from aircraft 1. Define the range of expected current and future recycled
may include aluminum alloy castings, especially those of the metal alloy content, utilizing collaborative studies with
2xx.0 and 7xx.0 series, Al-Cu and Al-Zn respectively. Examples organizations such as HVSC that are already
of some such alloys include the following in Table 5: capitalizing on the economics of recycling. Perform a
mass balance to the extent practical indicating the
Table 5 – Some Aluminum Casting Alloy Compositions relative volumes of various scrap compositions to be
ALLOY Al Cu Fe Mg Mn Si Zn Others
201.0 ~95 4.6 0.15 0.35 0.35 0.10 0.25 0.05 2. Identify 3-4 basic candidate compositions of alloys that
max max would accept recycled aircraft metal directly, including
242.0 ~94 4.1 0.6 1.4 0.10 0.6 0.10 0.05 those listed in Table 2;
max max max max
295.0 ~94 4.5 1.0 0.03 0.35 1.1 0.25 0.05 3. Determine the performance characteristics of such
max max max candidate alloys for a wide variety of applications,
710.0 ~93 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.05 0.15 6.5 0.05 including non-critical aircraft components, structural
max max max max components for bridges and buildings, high-temperature
713.0 ~91 0.7 1.1 0.35 0.6 0.25 7.5 0.05 applications, and architectural usage including the

max max. max. following determinations:

o Atmospheric corrosion resistance
Even these relatively tolerant limits pose some challenge for o Stress-corrosion crack growth
direct use of recycled metal reuse. Nevertheless, some opportunity o Toughness, with tear tests and/or fracture
for study of some new alloy options remains, and the properties of toughness tests (for thick sections)
the alloys in Table 2 when produced as casting should be studied. o Formability tests, with bulge, minimum bend,
and hemming tests

13 – Conclusions and Looking Ahead

Alternative Products for Use of Excess Alloying Content
There are strong economic and environmental driving forces for
It is appropriate to address the fact that as aluminum alloys are aggressively pursuing the recycling of obsolete aircraft, thousands
recycled there is a trend for the Fe content to increase gradually, of which exist throughout the world. Based upon the preliminary
primarily through pickup from scrap handling equipment. While evaluations from the preliminary study conducted to date, it is
aircraft alloys may not be recycled very frequently, as are recommended that the following steps be taken to establish the
beverage cans, for example, it is a factor to consider. cost-effectiveness of recycling obsolete aircraft:
With only a few exceptions, Fe is an impurity in all wrought 1. Conduct an in-depth study to determine the quantity and
alloys today, and is an ideal candidate for an alternative product character of the obsolete aircraft readily available for
if/when it exceeds desirable levels. An excellent example of such recycling, including the alloys utilized in producing
a product is the use of high Fe-bearing aluminum as a deoxidizing those aircraft.
agent for steel production. Maximization of this capability will 2. Determine the practicality of disassembling and pre-
benefit both the aluminum and steel industries and add to the life- sorting aircraft components by alloy and product form.
cycle benefits to aluminum operations.

3. Conduct trials of the application of technologies such as
LIBS for automatically sorting aircraft alloys 7. “Properties and Physical Metallurgy,” John E. Hatch,
collaboratively with an organization like HVSC. Editor, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1984.
4. Carry out a mass balance to estimate from the results of
Items 1 and 2 what likely and/or potential compositions 8. “Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys,” J.R. Davis, Editor,
may result from various approaches to shredding and ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1993.
sorting components from these aircraft.
5. Define a selection of 2-4 alloys based upon the 9. “Properties of Aluminum Alloys – Tensile, Creep, and
foregoing mass balance that should be produced, either Fatigue Data at High and Low Temperatures,” J.G.
by a sample remelting of aircraft parts or in the Kaufman, Editor, ASM International, Materials Park,
laboratory, and their characteristics thoroughly OH, 1999.
evaluated, including:
o Design strengths 10. J. Gilbert Kaufman, Fracture Resistance of Aluminum
o Atmospheric corrosion resistance Alloys – Notch Toughness, Tear Resistance, and
o Stress-corrosion crack growth Fracture Toughness,” ASM International, Materials
o Toughness, with tear tests and/or fracture Park, OH, 2001.
toughness tests (for thick sections)
o Formability tests, with bulge, minimum bend, 11. J. Gilbert Kaufman and Elwin L Rooy, “Aluminum
and hemming tests Alloy Castings – Properties, Processes, and
6. Generate a representative set of applications for which Applications,” ASM International, Materials Park, OH,
the properties and performance generated in Item 5 2004.
would be adequate, including:
a. Non-fracture critical aircraft components 12. Subodh K. Das presentation, “Secat, Inc. and US DOE
b. Railroad and highway vehicle construction Partnerships,” August 31, 2005
c. Highway structures
13. Subodh K. Das, “Emerging Trends in Aluminum
Secat has moved forward to establish a collaborative team to Recycling,” TMS etc.
provide guidance on the program, including but no limited to:
o HVSC, developers of the LIBS alloy sorting
o Representative(s) of the Aluminum
Association Recycling Division;
o Aircraft fabricators; and
o Aircraft designers, perhaps through MMPDS,
the design committee for the industry
Secat is ideally situated to take the lead in such a study, given its
long experience in recycling studies for the Sloan Foundation, the
Aluminum Association, and several municipalities .

14 - References

1. William T. Choate and John A.S. Green, “Modeling the

Impact of Secondary Recovery (Recycling) on the U.S.
Aluminum Supply and Nominal Energy Requirements”
TMS, 2004

2. “Aluminum Industry Technology Roadmap,” The

Aluminum Association, Washington, DC, 2003

3. Roger A.P. Fielding, Recycling Aluminum, Especially

Processing Extrusion Scrap,” Light Metal Age, August,
2005, pp. 20-35

4. A. Gesing et al, Presentation at 2003 TMS Annual

Conference, published in 2003.

5. Nicholas Jeal, “High Performance Magnesium,”

Advanced Materials & Processes, ASM International,
Materials Park, OH, September, 2005, p. 65.

6. ASM Handbook, Volume 2, “Properties and Selection:

Nonferrous Alloys and Special Purpose Materials, ASM
International, Materials Park, OH, 1990.


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