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Migration and Covid 19

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The world is currently suffering from the coronavirus pandemic and everyone’s condition is

vulnerable at this time. The virus is not discriminating between poor and rich, and even the
countries with best healthcare system and most of the developed countries are suffering
drastically from this virus outbreak. And we can definitely say that the migrants and refugees,
especially who are homeless and forcibly displaced, are at highest level of risk to get
contaminated from the virus.

During the virus outbreaks such as COVID-19, the first policy of the government is to restrict
the spread of the disease and to protect the lives of the people. Most of the countries in the
world have been in lockdown from many days and people are advised to stay inside their
homes in isolation and to avoid gatherings. Social distancing has become an important aspect
of everyone’s daily routine to reduce the threat of COVID-19. These restrictions lead migrant
workers tend to go back to their native places because due to the prevalent lockdown they
were not able to earn their wages and could not afford to live in a rented dwelling during the
lockdown period.

During coronavirus pandemic, we have seen that these migrants are trying to reach their
native homes with every means possible. As most of these migrants are the workers who have
migrated to other places for work and belong to marginalized section of the society. In India,
most of state governments have sealed their borders and restricted the movement of people of
different states. There are national border restrictions all over the world. Due to which a lot of
these workers get stuck in these borders. In many borders due to restrictions imposed by
state, they gathered in huge numbers which further degraded the prevailing situation. It
actually violates the basic concept of social isolation and chances of spread of disease
increases.This fear among the migrants is completely justified as there is total shutdown of
markets and there is no work available for them to do.

Three-quarters of the world's refugees and many migrants are hosted in developing regions
where health systems are already overwhelmed and under-capacitated.1 Most of these
migrants usually live in overcrowded areas where they lack basic sanitary facilities and clean
drinking water. Due to these factors, chances of getting infected from this deadly virus in
very high.The problem due to exodus of migrant workers may lead to transfer of disease to
many parts of the country. Panic and fear caused by COVID-19 may lead villagers not let
them entering their villages which will further worsen the situation.

The Supreme Court of India in listening to a PIL filed by advocate Alakh Alok Srivastava
stated that the fear and panic created due to coronavirus is much more dangerous thing and
asked the centre to immediately identify the migrant workers and stranded workers on state
borders and provide them with health facilities, good food, shelter and in dignified manner
during this outbreak.2

The problem due to exodus of migrant workers may lead to transfer of disease to many parts
of the country. Panic and fear caused by COVID-19 may lead villagers not let them entering
their villages which will further worse the situation.

We need to analyse the policies of different countries towards migration during this time.
INDIA pending

If we look into United States, they have implemented emergency coronavirus measures to
control the situation. Under these rules, many migrants workers who have entered United
States illegally are been expelled to Mexico.3 This crisis lead the President to enforce the
rapid fire deportation system. There are been reports that there is not proper medical
examination to the migrants which is causing a lot of stress and panic for them. These
draconian laws threaten the civil liberties of immigrants. Most of the people affected from
these rules are asylum seekers and migrant workers. It makes situation vulnerable for
diseased migrants as they are being deported back.

Portugal government has temporary allowed the migrant workers and asylum seekers to get
full citizenship rights.4 This is a very good step taken by the government which will help
these people to get full access to healthcare and other services and protect them from the
deadly virus. Swedish government have made a very commendable initiative by starting
various labour market integration programmes. It will help in providing subsidised
employment to people whose subsidy was expiring in near future and most of them are
migrant workers.5

The conditions is Norway for these workers are very inhuman. These workers are recognized
to keep the country running, putting their life at risks.6 They are mostly exposed to the
disease. The conditions in Libya are also very dire. These migrants are in lockdown in very
crowded places with no proper sanitation and food facilities.

United Kingdom government have also extended the visa extensions for people who were
not able to go back due to travel restrictions.52 charities signed an open letter to council
leaders all over England to demand "urgent steps to protect and support vulnerable migrants"
during the Covid-19 pandemic.7

In the recent report of International Labour Organisation, it was stated that in pursuance with
Migrants for Employment Convention, every government should provide medical services to
migrant workers.8In the Para 20 of Migrant Workers Recommendation, 1975, it was stated
that every possible step and protection should be taken for protection of migrant workers
from special health risks. The report suggest that there should be proper social security to the
migrant workers and access to cash and health benefits.

At this time of stress and fear, the people should show some sympathy towards them and
society should understand the problems faced by the workers. This situation can only be
controlled if there is an inclusive approach which protects every individual's rights to life and
health.9 Migrant workers are vulnerable to discrimination and segregation in the society.
Sometimes they are also criticised and have to listen the negative comments from society.
And at these difficult times, governments all over world should do every possible thing to
protect the rights of every individual equally. All of us need to work together to defeat the
virus and this is time when they also need social protection. We cannot allow the fear created
among people due to lockdown, effect the rights of these people. This pandemic needs an
effective, international approach leaving no one behind. At last controlling the migrants and
providing them with the facilities will help the country to control the spread of the disease.


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