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(C) Coal 2. Best Quality of Coal Is: (D) Anthracite 3. Types of Coal in The World Are: (C) 4

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1. Carbon coke is prepared from:

(a) Mineral oil (b) Natural gas (c) Coal (d) Uranium

2. Best quality of coal is:

(a) Bituminous (b) Peat (c) Lignite (d) Anthracite

3. Types of coal in the world are:

(a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6

4. From which country of the world the use of coal was started:
(a) China (b) Pakistan (c) USA (d) France

5. Biggest source of getting thermal electricity:

(a) Oil (b) Coal (c) Gas (d) Uranium

6. Color of coal is black because the content of:

(a) Potash (b) Sulphur (c) Carbon (d) Phosphorus

7. Leading coal producing country of the world is:

(a) China (b) Canada (c) England (d) USA

MINERAL OIL (Petroleum)

1. How many countries of the world were producing mineral oil:

(a) 112 (b) 116 (c) 166 (d) 170

2. Which country uses largest amount of petroleum:

(a) China (b) Russia (c) India (d) America

3. Second largest petroleum producing country is:

(a) Russia (6) India (c) China (d) Saudi Arab

4. Largest source of getting energy in the world:

(a) Petroleum (b) Natural gas (e) Coal (d) Uranium

5. Most important source of energy in the world is:

(a) Petroleum (b) Gas (c)Water (d) Wind

6. Saudi Arabia's largest petroleum reserve field is in:

(a) Taif (b) Safaniya (c)Abqaiq (d) Ghawar
7. World's Petro-chemical industry depends on:
a. (a) Coal (b) Natural gas (c) Mineral oil (d)

8. Number of member countries of OPEC:

(a) 9 (b) 12 (c) 14 (d) 15

9. Which country of the world has largest resources of mineral oil:

(a) Saudi Arabia (b) Russia (c) America (d) Iran

10. King of fuel is:

(a) Uranium (b) Gas (c) Mineral oil (d) Coal

Short Question Answers (Coal, Petroleum)

1. Write the quantity of carbon in lignite,

Ans; Lignite Contents is of a carbon important in this type is 45% to 65% percent.

2. What is meant by thermal power?

Ans: Electricity produced by coal is known as thermal power,

3. Write two uses of coal,

Ans: It is used to get thermal power. It is also used as a fuel in iron and steel industry.

4. Sources of peat coal are found in which countries.

Ans: Ireland, Canada, Russian Federation, U.S.A, Norway and Sweden.

5. How coal was formed?

Ans: Coal comes from ancient plants buried over millions of years in the Earth's crust.

6. Write types of coal.

Ans: On the basis of corban contents there are four main types of Coal:
 Anthracite coal 92 - 95% Carbon
 Bituminous Coal 60 - 80% Carbon
 Lignite Coal 45 - 65% Carbon
 Peat Coal Up to 30%

7. Why coal is called black gold?

Ans: Coal is very important material, its importance is so immense that without its use nothing
can be produced in industries, Because of its importance it is called black gold.
8. What is meant by lignite?
Ans: lignite coal has 45% to 65% of carbon contents. Its color is brown. It has less heat, it is
mainly, found in Russia and Australia.

9. Name inferior type of coal.

Ans: Peat is inferior type of coal, there is large amount of moisture in it.

10. Write a note on coal reserves of Pakistan.

Ans:Thar, Makarwaal, Lakhra, Sharaq, Barnai and Bolaan have huge reserves of coal.

11. What is importance of coal in China.

Ans: China ranks first in coal production of world, mostly coal is used in iron and steel industry.
75% of electricity is produced through coal.

12. Name four coal producing countries of the world.

Ans: China, America, Canada and Russia.


1. Explain OPEC.
Ans: Organization of oil producing countries of middle east is called OPEC.

2. What is mineral oil?

Ans: It is one of the principal sources of energy It is called the king of all fuels, today 39% needs
of energy are fulfilled with mineral oil

3. Explain importance of petroleum.

Ans: Its importance can be estimated through this, it is being used in more than 5000 products,
which includes, synthetic rubber, Soap, Plastic, Nylon etc.

4. Importance of oil of middle east.

Ans: World's most reserves of mineral oil are present in Persian Gulf and its adjacent areas, an
estimate shows that it has reserves of more than 670 billion barrels, which is 67% of world's total
reserves. This region is spread on 2.2 million square kilometers.

5. Crude oil is made up of which particles,

Ans: Hydrocarbon, Sulphur and Oxygen.

6. In what forms mineral oil is found in earth.

Ans: It is found in following forms: (a) Paraffin (b) Asphalt (c) Mixture
7. State products of mineral oil.
Ans: Soap, synthetic rubber, plastic and nylon.

8. Which energy source is known as king of all fuels.

Ans: Mineral oil is called king of all fuels.


1. Potwar plateau is located in which province:

(a) Punjab (b) Sindh (c) K-P-K (d) Sindh

2. Is situated between Mithan kot and Thatta:

(a) Thal (b) Upper Indus Plain (c) Lower Indus Plain (d) Thar

3. Khunjrab pass situated in Karakoram links Pakistan to:

(a) Afghanistan (b) China (c) India (d) Iran

4. Rachna Doab is located between two rivers.

(a) Ravi-Chenab (b) Chenab-Jhelum (c)Jhelum-Indus (d) Bias-Ravi

5. Cholistan desert is located in which province:

(a) Baluchistan (b) Sindh (c) Punjab (d) KPK.

6. Lower Indus plain is situated in which province:

(a) Sindh (b) Punjab (c) Baluchistan (d) KPK

7. Which mountains are called roof of the world?

(a) Suleman mountain (b) Koh-e-Safaid
(c) Kerther mountain (d) Karakoram mountain

8. World's second highest peak is:

(a) Everest (b) K-2 (c) Sikaraam (d) Nanga parbat

9. K-2 is the peak of mountain:

(a) Karakoram (b) Himalaya (c) Hindukush (d) Kohistan

10. The height of Nanga Parbat peak is:

(a) 7397m (b) 8510m (c) 8611m (d) 8126m
11. The length of Siachen glacier is:
(a) 45 km (b) 55 km (c) 60 km (d) 75 km

12. The highest peak of central Himalaya mountain is:

(a) Nanga Parbat (b) K-2 (c) Siwalak (d) Rakaposhi

13. Upper Indus plain is situated in which province:

(a) Punjab (b) Baluchistan (c)KPK (d) Sindh

14. Areas between two rivers is called:

(a) Coastal area (b) Border area (c) Doab (d) Bar

15. An important city of Koh-Suleman is:

(a) Attock (b) Peshawar (c) Quetta (d) Mianwali

16. In which province "Thar Desert" is located?

(a) Punjab (b) Sindh (c) KPK (d) Baluchistan


1. Name four important mountain ranges of Pakistan.

Ans: 1. Siwalik Mountain Range 2. Pir Panjal range 3. Himalaya mountain ranges 4. Karakoram

2. Write a note on delta of Indus river.

Ans: This region comprises the deposits of the Indus River extending from a little south of
Hyderabad to the sea. Dominant soils of the area are severely saline, silt loams with weak structural
development. Mainly loamy saline soils are found here.

3. Name of northern and north eastern mountain ranges of Pakistan.

Ans: The northern and north eastern mountains of Pakistan comprise of four parallel series of
ranges, which are as following:
 The sub-Himalayas - Siwaliks ranges.
 The Lower Himalayas - Pir Panjal range.
 The Central / Great Himalayas.
 The trans Himalayas ranges - Karakoram. ranges.

4. Write a note on Potowar Plateau.

Ans: The Potwar Plateau lies at the height of 1200-1900 feet and covers an area of about
18000 sq. miles in the Punjab.
5. Write a note lower Indus plain.
Ans: The lower Indus plain lies in the province of Sindh. It extends from Mithan Kot to
Thatta. The lower Indus Plain is very flat, the Lower Indus plain is 800 km long. It covers an area of
51,800 sq km.

6. Write a note on Karakoram.

Ans: This range extends in the north of Indus river and spread to Hindukush. The average height
of these ranges is 6100m. K-2 is highest peak of this range.

7. What is the economic importance of plateaus for Pakistan.

Ans: There are two plateaus in Pakistan: Potwar plateaus and Baluchistan plateau. These
areas are enriched with minerals. These minerals are a big part of Pakistan's total export.
Trade importance of these plateaus is very obvious.

8. What do you know about Cholistaan Commercial desert.

Ans: This desert is situated in south east of Punjab. It includes areas of Rahim Yar Khan,
Bahawalpur and Bahawalnagar. There is very less amount of agriculture.

9. Write characteristics of Baluchistan plateaus.

Ans: Baluchistan plateau is of immense importance for Pakistan. This plateau is enriched
with mineral resources. Such as Mineral oil, rock salt and natural gas are found here in a large

10. Write name of doab of Pakistan.

Ans: Bari doab, Rachna doab, Chaj doab, Sindh sagar doab.

11. Write a note on upper Indus plain.

Ans: This land consists of doabs. This plain is made up with the soil brought by river Indus,
Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Satluj. This plain is best when it comes to fertility.

12. Where Pakistan's deserts are located.

 Desert of Thar Sindh
 Desert of Cholistaan Punjab
 Desert of Thal Punjab
 Desert of Kharan Baluchistan

13. Describe the importance of location of Pakistan.

Ans: Pakistan is an important country of South Asia. It is situated in northern western part of
South Asia. India is in east of Pakistan, China is in north-east of Pakistan. In the west Afghanistan
and Iran are located and, in the south, lies Arabian Sea.
14. What is meant by Siwalik Range?
Ans: The average height of these range is 600 to 1200 m. Rawalpindi and Pabbi Hills include in
this range. It is covered with coniferous forests.

15. In how many parts Indus River plains are divided?

Ans: 1. Upper Indus Plain 2. Lower Indus Plain

16. Write a note on Himalaya Range.

Ans: The Himalayas mountains occupy the entire northern part of Pakistan in a depth of 200
miles. The average height of these mountains is 600 - 6000m.

17. Write a note on climate of plains of Pakistan.

Ans: The general climate of plains of Pakistan is hot and humid.

18. Write a note physiographic division of Pakistan.

Ans: Pakistan has been divided into five regions on this basis.

 North and north-eastern mountains.

 North-west and western mountains.
 Plateaus
 Indus plains
 The deserts

19. What is the importance of coastal areas of Pakistan?

Ans: Coastal area of Pakistan are of great importance. It includes the coastal area of Sindh
and Baluchistan. Coastal areas are important fishing rounds and are also a source of vegetation.


1. Which is leading province of Pakistan in terms of forest area:

(a) K-P-K (b) Punjab (c) Sindh (d) Baluchistan

2. In which season, trees are planted in Pakistan:

(a) Spring (b) Autumn (c)Summer (d) Winter

3. How much area of Pakistan is covered with forests:

(a) 3.8% (b) 4.8% (c) 6.8% (d) 7.7%

4. Mangrove forests in Pakistan are found in:

(a) Coastal Region (b) Desert region (c) Plain region (d) Mountain region

1. Write kinds of natural vegetation in Pakistan.

(1) The plain territory by dry and semidry natural environment.
(2) The northern hilly territory of wet climate.
(3) Coastal semi-humid territory of moderate environment.

2. State importance of forests in Pakistan.

Ans: Though the forest resource is meager in Pakistan, it plays an important role in Pakistan's
economy by employing half a million people, providing 3.5 million cubic meters (mm3) of wood and
one-third of nation's energy needs.

3. What is meant by irrigation plantation?

Ans: Irrigation plantation means planting forests in water areas grown on limited area. The
trees of such forest are very beneficial for economy.

4. What is meant by forests in technical terms.

Ans: Forest can be defined as, Plant community, predominantly of trees or woody vegetation,
occupying an extensive area of and.

5. Write a note on mangrove forests of Pakistan.

Ans: These forests covering an area of about 345 thousand hectors of land along Karachi
coast and coasts of Baluchistan. These are evergreen forests.

6. In Pakistan what term is used for artificial forests.

Ans: In Pakistan artificial or un-natural forests are known as "Rakh" forests.

7. How many types of plants are found in Pakistan.

Ans: There are mainly two types of plants in Pakistan.
o Natural plants
o Un-natural or artificial plants

8. How much area of Pakistan is covered with forests.

Ans: 4.8% of total area of Pakistan is covered with forests.

9. Write down the role of vegetation is the fertility of soil.

Ans: Due to the presence of vegetation the fertility of soil increases.

10. What is meant by forests?

Ans: The part of earth filled with trees is called forest.
11. Name two artificial forests of Pakistan.
Ans: Changa Manga and forests of Gwadar.




1. Which is a Rabi crop:

(a)Wheat (b) Sugarcane (c) Cotton (d) Rice

2. As compared to other countries of the world, Pakistan's per hectare production of

wheat is:
(a) Very low (b) Very high (c) Not less (d) Equal to

3. Share of agriculture in GDP is:

(a) 25% (b) 15% (c) 30% (d) 10%

4. Wheat is most important crop of Pakistan:

(a) Food (b) Not a food (c) Cash (d) Not a cash

5. Pakistan's economy largely depends on:

(a) Industry (b) Agriculture (c) Trade (d) Mining

6. Which is the biggest crop of Pakistan:

(a) Cotton (b) Wheat (c)Rice (d) Sugarcane


1. Which famous in quality the world of rice from Pakistanis:

(a) Irri 6 (b) Kalandi (c)Irri 12 (d) Basmati

2. Most important area for cultivation of rice in Pakistan:

(a) Quetta (b) Bahawalpur (c)Gujranwala (d) Chakwal

3. Which Pakistan is second important food crops of:

(a) Rice (b) Maize (c) Barely (d) Bajra

1. Most important crop of Pakistan in terms of international trade is:
(a) Sugarcane (b) Cotton (c) Rice (d) Wheat

2. In Pakistan, month for cultivation of cotton is:

(a) March (b) July (c)October (d) December

3. Which province of Pakistan is known as "cotton basket":

(a) Punjab (b) Sindh (c)Baluchistan (d) KPK


1. Sugarcane is an important crop of Pakistan:

(a) Cash (b) Not a cash crop (c) Food (d) Not a food crop

2. In Pakistan province of produces high amount of sugarcane:

(a) Sindh (b) Baluchistan (c) Punjab (d) KPK

3. What was total area under cultivation of sugarcane at time of independence:

(a) 100. 000 hectare (b) 900, 000 hectare (c) 500, 000 hectare (d) 300, 000 hectare


1. Define water logging and salinity.

Ans: When canal water seeps through the porous of soil create the problem of water logging
and salinity.

2. What is the importance of agriculture in economy of Pakistan?

Ans: Pakistan is basically an agricultural country major part of gross domestic product (GDP)
consists of agriculture major exports of Pakistan

3. Write problems of water logging in Pakistan.

Ans: Water logging is a disease of soil. It occurs due to non-absorbing of canal water in the
soil. Because of water logging soil becomes useless. A vast area of Pakistan is water logging

4. Name Kharif crops of Pakistan.

Ans: Sugarcane, Rice, Cotton and Maize.

5. What are Rabi crops?

Ans: The crops which are cultivated in October and November and are harvested in April and
May are called Rabi crops e.g. Wheat etc.
6. Write Season the of wheat cultivation in Pakistan.
Ans: Climate the growth is of a major wheat crop. factor wheat which is specific a winter
crop. it is sown during sunny and cooler night of October and November. In Pakistan, wheat
harvesting is done during the months of April and May

7. Name four wheat producing districts of Pakistan.

Ans: Attock, Rahim Yar Khan, Kasur and Mianwali.

8. Name four cash crops of Pakistan.

Ans: Wheat, Rice, Cotton and sugarcane etc.

9. Which non-physical factors should be considered before cultivation of wheat.

(I) Preparation of soil.
(II) Planting Intime
(III) High yielding seed varieties
(IV) Use Chemical fertilizers

10. What are important wheat growing areas of Pakistan.

Ans: Gujranwala, Sahiwal, Okara, Faisalabad, Gujrat, Nawabshah, Jackobabad, Multan, and

11. Name four wheat producing districts of province Sindh.

Ans: Sukkur, Jacobabad, Umer kot, Nawab Shah.

12. Write agricultural problems of Pakistan.

1. Shortage of water
2. Lack of capital
3. Non-availability of machinery
4. Lack of medicines
5. Problem of water logging and salinity

13. Name of the food grains of Pakistan.

Ans: Wheat, Rice, Pulses, Edible oil etc.

14. What are important exports of Pakistan.

Ans: Cotton textile products, sports goods, rice, fruits and vegetables and marble.

15. Write four recommendations eliminate water logging and salinity.

Ans: To install tube wells, to plant salinity eliminator grass, pavement of canals and kolas
and use of gypsum.

16. What is total area of wheat cultivation in Pakistan.

Ans: 57% of total cultivation area of Pakistan is under cultivation of Wheat and Rice.

17. Write planting method of rice in Pakistan.

Ans: Rice is Kharif crop in Pakistan, it is cultivated in April and May. It is sown as
transplanted first of all its nursery is prepared. It is cultivated in flooded field by hands in
Pakistan by the farmer.

18. What is the cultivation season of rice in Pakistan?

Ans: In Pakistan rice is cultivated in the months of April and May. It is Kharif crop.

19. Which type of climate is required for rice?

Ans: Hot humid climate is required for rice.

20. What is food importance of rice.

Ans: Rice consists of almost 90% of starch, rice contain relatively more calories, Rice is an
important 8% proteins.

21. What are rice producing areas of Pakistan.

Ans: In Pakistan rice is mostly cultivated in monsoon areas, mostly rice is cultivated in
Punjab, It is also cultivated in some areas of Sindh and Baluchistan.

22. Write importance of cotton in Pakistan's economy.

Ans: Cotton is an important component of our economy, Cotton comprises of major part of
our exports. If in any year cotton production falls it adversely affects our economy.

23. From where cultivation of cotton started?

Ans: Cultivation of cotton started from Indus valley.

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