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On The Psychogenesis of Homosexuality: Gerard J.M. Van Den Aardweg, PH.D

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On the Psychogenesis of

Gerard J.M. van den Aardweg, Ph.D.

The best-established facts in relation to homosexuality point to
developmental-psychological, not genetic or physiological, causa-
tion. The efforts of the last few decades to find evidence to support
a biological theory have made it more doubtful than ever that such
evidence will be found. In contrast, many studies have shown that
the most significant factor which correlates with homosexuality is
“gender nonconformity” or same-sex peer isolation. Another factor
closely associated with homosexuality is an imbalance in parent-
child interaction, notably forms of over-influence of the opposite-
sex parent in combination with a deficient relationship with the
same-sex parent. The third well-established correlation is with
inherent, rather than discrimination-produced, “neuroticism” or
emotional instability/immaturity.
Structured around this pivotal evidence from statistical as
well as clinical research, homosexuality is explained here as a
character neurosis. Characteristics of this neurotic character syn-
drome include personality immaturity, self-victimization, and self-
centeredness. This syndrome affects not only the emotional but also
the moral and spiritual dimensions of the psyche and if indulged
leads to generalized personality deterioration. Therapeutically, a
holistic approach, simultaneously addressing the emotional, moral,
and spiritual components of the psyche, offers the best opportu-
nity for overcoming homosexuality. De-egocentrization and per-
sonality maturity, including the development of mature manhood/
womanhood, are the goals of therapy.

The Linacre Quarterly 78(3) (August 2011): 330–354.

© 2011 by the Catholic Medical Association. All rights reserved.
0024-3639/2011/7803-0006 $.30/page.
330 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

The two currently prevailing opinions on the causes and dynamics

of homosexuality1 are first, that they are “genetic,” and second, that they
are “still unknown, but probably inborn.” Both views have been advocated
for some decades now by the proponents of the gay ideology, supported
by a stream of like-minded ideas and interpretations in professional
periodicals. These views have penetrated everywhere, including the Chris-
tian and academic world. They serve as the pseudo-scientific rationale
for the successful “discrimination” argument. For there is a strong belief
that if some people are just “that way” by their biological makeup, it
would be unjust to deny them “equal rights,” and inhumane to expect
them to suppress their nature or try to change. By and large, however,
we are confronted with a modern mythology masquerading as science.
In reality, primary, efficient causes of same-sex attraction (SSA),
inclusive of homosexual pedophilia, have not been found and are very
unlikely ever to be found in the field of “biology.” Overwhelming evidence
points to “psychology,” namely, to the person’s psychological life history,
his childhood and adolescent experiences, and his family and peer rela-
tionships. Before perusing this evidence, we must critically inspect the
arguments and observations adduced for a presumed biological causa-
tion; for as long as this deep-seated belief (that in its present form dates
from the nineteenth century2) prevails, the whole issue of homosexuality
remains clouded in ignorance and darkness. And this biological argu-
ment creates a climate which favors the fallacies of the gay ideology with
their detrimental effects on many individuals with homosexual propensi-
ties and on public morality. Disconcertingly, most institutional science
and most academic publications on SSA follow this ideology. Not a few of
the prominent researchers are themselves gay activists, several of them
openly professing their wish to prove the normalcy of the condition.3
Over fifteen years ago, a lesbian activist cautioned: “We should be
aware of the potentially pernicious intermingling of gay activism with
science, which produces more propaganda than truth.”4 In other words,
people are misled. There are laudable exceptions, but the situation today
has not improved. Much public and private research money is spent on
studies that are thought to be potentially useful to the international
undertaking to socially normalize same-sex behavior and relations. The
intensified search for physical correlates of SSA during the last decades
must be seen in this light. The general trend is to interpret and present
the findings one-sidedly as supportive of the wished-for biological cau-
sation; psychologists and social psychologists try to demonstrate the
normalcy of homosexual relations and gay parenting.5 By contrast,
research and publications at variance with the normality view are virtu-
ally tabooed at universities and research institutes and unwelcome with
most professional journals and publishing houses.
Logically, if SSA—or for that matter, pedophilia—were determined
by genetic or physiological variables, that would not make these orienta-
tions more normal or natural. Such false logic however is regularly
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On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

implied in the propaganda for normalization of same-SSA. Thus the

sense of what is biologically healthy and normal (and morally good) in
relation to sexuality becomes obfuscated and the justifications for sexu-
ally abnormal behavior (both in frequency and in risks to medical and
psychological health) grow ever more absurd. Consider this example: a
brochure “for boys and men” by the German governmental Agency for
Health Education reveals, “Officially, the anus is not counted among the
sexual organs, but actually it should be. At the anus very many nerves
end which can easily be pleasurably stimulated. . . . One may also count
the anus as belonging to the category of sexual organs since many homo-
sexual and also heterosexual people practice anal intercourse. . .that can
be very exciting for both partners.”6 This is abnormality “normalized” by
pseudo-biological argumentation.
Paradoxically, contrary to what is generally suggested and widely
believed, perusal of the research in the fields of “biology” and psychol-
ogy leads to the following conclusions: (1) No hard evidence for the exis-
tence of genetic or otherwise “biological” causes of homosexual tendencies
has been found. (2) “Indications” of physical correlates reported in some
publications either turned out to be “one-day butterflies” which could
not be confirmed in subsequent investigations or may equally or better
fit a psychological explanation. (3) There is a well-established and con-
sistent body of evidence pointing to psychogenic, not physical, origins.
A brief survey may elucidate this assessment.
In their classic 1993 survey of the research on homosexuality and
“biological” (physical) factors, W. Byne and B. Parsons concluded that
“there is no evidence. . .to substantiate a biologic theory.”7 Sixteen years
and many studies later, that conclusion was unaltered: “It is not an
exaggeration to say that our understanding of the biological underpin-
nings of homosexuality has not progressed much.”8 The history of the
quest for hormonal peculiarities of same-sex attraction is a case in
point. Time and again some “promising” correlate has been reported,
but invariably it turned out to be a sample-specific artifact that could
not be found in other samples.9 Byne states: “Attempts to prove that
gay men have feminized gonadotropin responses were made decades
after strong evidence suggested that the brain mechanism regulating
the response does not differ between men and women.” He also says,
“It required 25 studies to convince some that testosterone levels in
adulthood do not reveal sexual orientation.”10 And regarding the peri-
odically resurfacing idea of sex-atypical prenatal hormone peculiarities
in homosexuals that would generate sex-atypical brain structures: “It is
[already] difficult, if not impossible, to relate sex steroids in a consis-
tent way to the anatomical differences of the brain between the sexes,”
let alone to hypothesized brain differences between homosexuals and
heterosexuals.11 This is apart from the fact that the prenatal hormonal
hypothesis for homosexuality itself is not only purely speculative but
also very improbable.12
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As for genetic factors, current speculations and investigations hardly

focus on genes for homosexuality proper, but rather on hypothetical pre-
disposing factors of a non-sexual nature. This silently acknowledges that
the decisive factors producing SSA are not genetic but “environmental,”
in the broadest sense of the word, from the intrauterine to the (childhood
and adolescent) psychological environment. No biologic environmental
factor has been well established, but indeed several psychological back-
ground factors have. Twin research in particular has virtually debunked
the myth of genetic causation. This is a fascinating story in itself. In 1952,
F.J. Kallmann reported 100 percent concordance for homosexual propen-
sities in a male volunteer sample of monozygotic twins, against 11.5 percent
or 42.3 percent in dizygotics, depending on the definition of homosexual-
ity.13 (Incidentally, this definition is a tricky factor in homosexuality
research.) Compare this to later numbers: homosexuality-concordance
percentages of between 25 and 66 for groups of male and female monozy-
gotic pairs, against around 20 percent for dizygotic pairs.14 Of non-twin
brothers of male homosexuals, 9 percent as well as 11 percent adoptive
brothers were also homosexual.15 So logically, “the fact that biological
brothers and adopted brothers show the same incidence of homosexuality
strongly suggests that it is entirely environmental in origin.”16
There is more. Monozygotic concordance for SSA proves very low in
studies with samples that are not self-selected (convenience or “snowball
samples”) such as those above. Only 3 out of 27 monozygotic male pairs
from the Australian twin register were concordant for SSA (11 percent),
versus 0 out of 16 same-sex dizygotic pairs and 2 of 19 opposite-sex dizy-
gotic pairs (12 percent). Of 22 female monozygotic pairs, 3 (14 percent)
were SSA-concordant, versus 0 of 16 same-sex dizygotic pairs and 2 of 19
opposite-sex dizygotic pairs (12 percent).17 From the respondents in a
recent study of the Swedish twin registry (the largest in the world), 7 male
monozygotic pairs were concordant for SSA, 64 discordant (thus 10 per-
cent monozygotic concordance), against 3 concordant male dizygotic pairs
and 50 discordant (thus 6 percent dizygotic concordance). For women,
monozygotic concordance was 12 percent, dizygotic concordance 9 per-
cent.18 In sum, monozygotic concordance appears lower in proportion as
the samples become more representative of the general population; thus
the discrepancy between the more recent samples and the older ones is
mainly due to selection procedures. Clearly, concordant monozygotic
pairs were over-represented in the older volunteer studies.19 Besides,
zygosity determination has sometimes been inaccurate because looking
alike is not decisive; only blood testing is20 (and even twin-registry sam-
ples are not safeguarded against this over-representation of homosexual-
ity-concordant monozygotic pairs). Add to this that it is ultimately still a
minority of all registered twins who participate in a study like this and
whose responses are useful (e.g., a mere one third in the Swedish study).
In sum, the genetic hypothesis has become most unlikely. To salvage
it, so-called model-fitting formulas which yield “heritability coefficients”
August 2011 333
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

have been applied to some twin data, but it looks like “statistical mas-
sage” because the results are one-sidedly presented as indicative of
genetic influences, whereas the alternative “environmental” explanation
is ignored. (Later publications carelessly cite such prejudiced earlier
publications as having demonstrated the genetic factor). Model fitting
assumes, for instance, that the (small) differences in SSA concordance
between monozygotic and dizygotic pairs indicate genetic influences—
precisely the thing that has to be demonstrated. Ignored are interpreta-
tions based on psychological observations regarding the development of
self-identity in twins.21 In reality, these “heritability coefficients” are not
measures of genetic influences but rather estimates of the strength of
genetic influences if they would exist.22
But the psychology of twins offers the most plausible—and verifi-
able—insights. Twins may identify intensely with their co-twin, want to
be and act like their alter ego, in particular when they are treated by par-
ents, siblings, and peers as “identical.” Hence the behavior, likes, and
dislikes of one may duplicate the other’s unto the smallest details.
Understandably, this mutual identification/imitation may be stronger
in monozygotic than in dizygotic twins, and stronger in dizygotic twins
than in non-twin siblings. The other important twin phenomenon is just
the opposite, viz., overemphasis of their differences, often as an effect of
their parents’ (and the environment’s) doing so. In their constant mutual
self-comparison, they may accentuate the points that distinguish them
as an individual in their own right. That may lead to an inferiority com-
plex in the one who comes to see himself (herself) as the less valued of
the two. Furthermore, one twin may bond more strongly with the
mother, the other with the father (these things may be related).23
Interestingly, precisely such distinguishing factors are encountered
in the childhood (adolescence) of monozygotic twins discordant in
homosexuality; and they provide a clue as to its psychogenesis. For
homosexually inclined monozygotic twins with heterosexual co-twins—
about 90 percent of monozygotic twins are discordant for SSA—the for-
mer appear to be more “gender nonconforming” in childhood, i.e., less
boyish or girlish, as compared with their co-twin.24 This gender noncon-
formity of one versus the gender conformity of the other suggests an
inferiority view of the first—the weak one versus the strong one. Fifty
years ago, this was the sad theme of an apparently autobiographical
novel by Morris West, then popular in Catholic circles. Central was the
tragedy of the homosexual Nicholas Black, who was, or rather saw him-
self as, the inferior shadow of his heterosexual twin brother. It nicely
illustrates how the typical gender-inferiority complex of men with
homosexual interests can develop as a result of self-comparison with a
close brother (or other boys, for that matter—see below) and is there-
fore worth citing at some length:
From the beginning, he had been cheated: the hidden fetal begin-
ning when the determinant elements were doled out by whatever
334 Linacre Quarterly
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power decided that, out of the blind coupling of man and wife, there
should grow a parody of a man. He had been born a twin—identical
in face and form with the brother who preceded him by an hour out
of the womb. He had been born a Catholic. . . . But here the identity
ended and the slow division began. The firstborn grew swart and
strong, the second was wan and sickly. They were like Esau and
Jacob—but Esau enjoyed the birthright: the field sports, the fish-
ing, the long rides in the dappled summer, while Jacob clung to the
shelter of the house and safe harbor of the sewing room and the
library. At school he lagged behind, was a year late at Oxford; and
while his twin was off with a gunnery commission in the Western
Desert, he was confined to a hospital bed with rheumatic fever. All
the strength was within the one; all the weakness in the other. All
the maleness belonged to the firstborn, and in Nicholas Black there
was only an epicene beauty, the soft subtlety of a mind turned back
too long upon itself.”25
The search for a genetic link for SSA has not yielded substantial evidence
either. The first, widely published, study of D.H. Hamer et al. (1993) was
a tempest in a tea cup.26 The verdict by the famous French geneticist
Jerome Lejeune that its methodological defects were so serious that
“were it not for the fact that this study is about homosexuality, it would
probably never have been accepted for publication”27 proved correct. An
unconvincing replication by a research team led by Hamer28 was fol-
lowed by a clear failure to replicate it with a larger Canadian sample.29
Nor do pedigree findings fare any better for the theory of biological cau-
sation. The same Hamer acknowledged, “We never found a family in
which homosexuality was distributed in the obvious pattern Mendel
observed.” Referring to the finding of a higher correlation in SSA
between lesbian women and their mothers than between them and their
sisters, he commented: “The rate was a whopping 33 percent, meaning
that the daughter of a lesbian had a one-in-three chance of also being a
lesbian. Genetically speaking, this result was impossible.”30 This type of
conclusion is however slow to penetrate. With few exceptions, findings
such as a somewhat elevated occurrence of male SSA among maternal
relatives (otherwise, still not confirmed),31 or the slightly higher fre-
quency of older brothers among homosexual than heterosexual men32
have been presented as support of an ad hoc—and most complicated—
physiological theory, despite the existence of a simple and straightfor-
ward explanation based on psychological observations. More examples
of reportedly “genetic indications” for homosexuality from the last
decade of research could also be given.
Nor have neuroanatomical correlates of SSA been demonstrated,
despite a few invalidated suggestions to the contrary. For example, an
initial report of larger inter-hemispheric fiber bundles in SSA men could
not be replicated.33 LeVay (1991) reported a smaller hypothalamic
nucleus (INAH3) in SSA men who had died of AIDS than in heterosex-
ual male drug users.34 Allegedly, this was evidence for a feminized brain
August 2011 335
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

center in homosexual men, but several more trivial explanations could

not be ruled out. Ten years later, Byne found a non-significant smaller
ratio of INAH3 volume to brain weight in homosexual men who had died
of AIDS than in deceased heterosexual male drug users, but the nuclei
of both groups contained the same number of neurons.35 The brain
weight data may reflect the superior health care received by the homo-
sexual men or variations in autopsy and fixation procedures, as the
groups came from different hospitals.36 The equal number of neurons in
both groups is interesting because INAH3 might be one of very few
human brain-anatomical structures for which sexual dimorphism has
been reasonably demonstrated.37
Also, many brain function studies with SSA persons are subject
to prejudiced biological interpretations—and publicity. For example,
sex-atypical functional hemispheric asymmetry and connectivity find-
ings, such as those reported in one study,38 even if they would be repli-
cated, may be accounted for by various factors other than inherent
differences in brain structures or functions between homosexuals and
controls (e.g., factors of attention and psychosocial conditioning).
Methodologically, any incidental correlation in the field of the “biologi-
cal” and behavioral sciences—such as between some neuro-anatomical,
neuro-functional, or other physical factor and homosexuality—should
first be confirmed in a series of replications, in different samples and by
independent researchers, before it can be regarded as reasonably estab-
lished. Further, in the theoretical case of a proven physical correlate of a
behavioral trait such as homosexuality, it does not logically follow that
the physical variable is a cause, nor even a disposition that would of itself
facilitate or catalyze homosexual development. Such a correlate might as
well be the biological basis of some physical or temperamental peculiar-
ity which in itself is unrelated to sexual orientation but only indirectly
predisposes to it, depending on a) the reactions of the child’s environ-
ment to that peculiarity or b) the child’s self-perception or self-image
with respect to it.39 But again, physical determinants of SSA have not been
demonstrated, any more than for homosexual or heterosexual pedophilia.
Dante had it wrong. There is no reason to think that homosexual people
are handicapped by “badly put up nerves,” mal protesi nervi.40
The observation that the homosexual twins of monozygotic pairs
with heterosexual co-twins had more gender nonconformity interests
and behaviors than their co-twins,41 as we saw illustrated in the case of
Nicholas Black, leads to a discussion of the importance of the peer fac-
tor in the psychogenesis of homosexuality. For this, gender noncon-
formity cannot be explained genetically or hormonally (in view of the
absence of evidence for hormonal abnormalities in persons with SSA).
Significantly, it is this childhood and/or adolescent peer factor that has
proven to be statistically the most closely associated to male and female
homosexuality, more than anything else. There is an unbroken record
of replications of this phenomenon in all kinds of samples, clinical and
336 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

nonclinical, in various countries and cultures, and for over half a century.42
Therefore, logically, any theory of SSA should take it as a starting point.
What exactly is meant by “gender nonconforming” interests and
behavior? The terminology suggests attitudes normally displayed by the
opposite sex, thus feminine tendencies in men with SSA, and mascu-
line tendencies in women. That explanation is only partly adequate,
though. It is true that many people with SSA show a degree of cross-
gender attitudes,43 a minority even to a high degree.44 Yet upon inspec-
tion of the traits composing the gender-nonconformity factor, “it may
be [in the case of the pre-homosexual boy] the absence of masculine
traits rather than the presence of feminine traits that is the stronger
and most influential variable for a future homosexual orientation in
adulthood.”45 Invariably, the most distinguishing items characterizing
“gender nonconformity” for pre-homosexual boys are the following:
“did not participate in baseball/soccer,” “avoided physical fights,” “afraid
of physical injury,” “not daring.”46 Thus for pre-homosexual boys, the
common denominator of these symptoms of unmanliness or unboyish-
ness can best be described as “non combativeness,” “softness,” “feeling
a weakling,” “masculinity avoidance.”47 For pre-lesbian girls, the situa-
tion is comparable. A degree of “tomboyishness” characterizes the major-
ity of them, yet only a minority of girls known as tomboys develops
lesbianism.48 The core trait of gender nonconformity in pre-lesbian
girls, as in adult lesbian women, is more adequately described as under-
developed femininity—deficient feminine “softness,” “weakness”—or
lack of feminine self-confidence, i.e., femininity-avoidance rather than
“masculinity” as such.49 Particularly relevant for the understanding of
the development of same-sex tendencies is the universal observation
that these gender nonconforming pre-homosexual children and teens
very frequently were, and above all, felt as if they were, outsiders in
their same-sex peer group. Pre-homosexual boys were “lone wolves,”
could not cope with other boys, and had few friends.50 And “the plight of
many lesbians was that so few could find real friends [around puberty].”51
The crucial experience of not belonging to the world of same-sex peers
is traumatic. It engenders the self-view of gender inferiority and
accompanying feelings of loneliness and distress or grief. In early ado-
lescence and adolescence, this not belonging fuels a longing to belong
to the same-sex community. And this may give rise to homo-erotic
friendship fantasies.
Un-masculinity, lack of combativeness, “softness,” etc. in boys and
a deficient identification with femininity in behavior and/or self-view in
girls are habits of behavior and thinking which often, not always, origi-
nate at home, especially as effects of upbringing and parent-child inter-
actions. This can be deduced from the second-largest statistical
correlation between SSA and childhood/teenage factors (the aforemen-
tioned “peer factor” being the largest), viz., the association between SSA
and parental factors, in particular in regard to the same-sex parent.52
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On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

The great majority of men with SSA report childhood emotional distance
from their father, and/or disturbed father relationships or paternal
absence, at any rate, as well as a lack of father-son confidentiality and of
positive paternal influences. As a rule, this “psychologically absent”
father figure co-occurred with maternal over-influence, likewise in many
variants: over-possessiveness, over-anxiousness, over-protection, dot-
ing, over-indulgence, over-interference/control, favoring, pampering,
infantilizing or babying, clinging to the son, treating him unwittingly as
the girl she had preferred in his place,53 and the like.
These two parental factors are typical of the boyhood of most men
with SSA in the Western world and—perhaps with some variations54—
also in non-Western cultures.55 But it is a modal picture which certainly
does not account for all cases. For example, some fathers behaved like
overprotecting mothers; in other cases, both parents were overprotec-
tive. Some men with SSA had older parents (for instance, one of the
younger children of a larger family), while some were brought up by
their grandparents, and others by adoptive parents. The net effect of
such parental upbringing was insufficient behavioral and mental mas-
culinization and/or inhibition of boyishness and maleness. Habits were
formed such as physical fearfulness, over-sensitivity, lack of firmness,
softness to self, lack of initiative, submissiveness, over-docility and
primness, over-domesticated behavior, infantility and naivety, behav-
ioral inhibition, or narcissism and superiority ideas. Relatively many
pre-homosexual boys were overly influenced by, attached to, or depend-
ent on their mother, imitating her behavior and attitudes (although this
does not necessarily imply affectionate closeness), whereas the father
did not play much of a role, or was perceived as rejecting.
Parental influences on pre-lesbian girls often discouraged feminine
habits, interests, and roles. The motherly element may have been too
weak, the pressure to “achieve,” behave “strongly,” suppress their softer
side, disproportionately strong. For example, the girl may have been too
much her father’s comrade, the father too prominent in her education
while the mother was hardly involved, or the father was not much inter-
ested in her as a girl, or not affectionate, or neglectful in other ways. In
short, the boy was not sufficiently viewed and treated as “a real boy,” the
girl not sufficiently valued as “a real girl.” In some cases, there was a
measure of parental role reversal. Relatively many parents had emotional
problems or were emotionally imbalanced, and many marriages were not
happy.56 Thus, objectively, pre-homosexual children often were the unin-
tended victims of their parents’ personality and relational problems. It
may be noted that the love of parents who overly attach a child to them-
selves is often more self-directed than child-directed (the bond of Marcel
Proust [1871–1922] with his mother is a classic example). These children
may have felt lonely and not understood despite their parents’ affection.
In any case, the majority of pre-homosexual children and youngsters
have missed a healthily affectionate and cheerful home atmosphere.
338 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

With few exceptions, the above parental factors do not directly

cause SSA but, if they go together, predispose to it. For instance, the
psychologically absent, distant, or rejecting father also figures promi-
nently in the childhood of (non-homosexual) male delinquents,57 and
many adult men today missed their father without ever becoming homo-
sexually interested.58 Parental (and other) upbringing habits are pre-
disposing insofar as they generate traits of un-manliness (in boys) and
un-femininity (in girls). These in turn hamper a child’s coping with the
same-sex world, particularly in the critical phase of pre-adolescence.
Youngsters compare themselves to others, in the first place with same-
age, same-sex peers. Gender-nonconforming behaviors and interests are
easily felt as “being different,” which is virtually identical with “being
inferior,” for one of the most powerful psychic instincts is the need to be
like the others, be one of them, belong to them.
In addition to parent-child factors, experiences with peers may cat-
alyze feelings of gender inferiority or gender non-belonging. For exam-
ple, the adolescent may self-compare with a brother or sister who is
“quite the opposite of me”59 (as Nicholas Black compared himself nega-
tively with his twin brother). Being or feeling rejected, bullied, or teased
by siblings or same-sex peers is another particular instance of this.60 The
child’s place in the rank order of siblings may be important, as in the
earlier mentioned case of pre-homosexual boys with older brothers. Pre-
disposing factors reinforce one another. One client with SSA who had
been mother’s favorite and had suffered from the contempt of his older,
and in his eyes more robust, brothers, summarized his self-view: “The
weakest hen in the chicken run is always picked (on).”61
A different category of factors predisposing to gender-inferiority
feelings—operating together with predisposing parental attitudes—
involves illnesses and handicaps, physical or psychological. These may
include the effects of minimal brain lesions, asthma (stimulating overpro-
tection), deafness, squinting, stuttering, clumsiness, a skin disease, a
harelip, fatness or meagerness, tallness and smallness, and irregularity of
facial traits. (It is no wonder if some girls with semi-masculine genitals
develop a femininity-inferiority complex, and then perhaps lesbian inter-
ests). Among lesbian women, “ugliness complexes” regarding the femi-
nine qualities of their body are not uncommon; for the value of feminine
graciousness and beauty rank high in the community of teenage girls.
The periods of pre-adolescence and adolescence are crucial for the
development of SSA. Before these phases, children may display “gender
nonconforming” traits, but it must be emphasized that there are no “gay”
children. (This is an irresponsible, stigmatizing myth.) The first adoles-
cent homo-erotic feelings or fantasies spring from a painful sense of gen-
der inferiority and not belonging.62 Such feelings may still be outgrown,
but strike deeper roots, if these inferiority feelings intensify and become
an inferiority complex.63 Feeling inferior, not valued, locked out, and
lonely spontaneously triggers feelings of depression and grief. This is
August 2011 339
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

grieving over the self, the ego, and may develop into self-pity. Because
of their inherent self-centeredness, self-importance, and perception that
they are the center of the world, the self-pity of children and adolescents
can be described as self-dramatization: “I am only . . . poor me.”64 Like
receiving pity (consolation), self-pity (self-consolation) is a defensive
reaction intended to overcome traumas and hurts of the self. It easily
becomes an autonomous habit, however, when indulged in for a longer
period. For without help, it is most difficult for a young person to suffer
without self-pity and rebelliousness, i.e., to truly accept real or imagined
inferiorities, injustice, rejection, or a humiliating situation. Once habit-
ual, the poor-me attitude—inner self-dramatization, self-victimization,
revolt, anger—and associated over-compensatory reactions, such as
exaggerated self-affirmation, the seeking of recognition, attention, and
same-sex affection, become like a second nature, a second personality,
“an inner child (or adolescent)”. A pathetic teenage “me” revolves
around itself and its unfulfilled longings for compensatory same-sex
affection, belonging, and recognition. Yet striving to satisfy them does
nothing to diminish or “repair” the underlying sorrow and chagrin; to
the contrary, gratifying these longings increasingly brings or keeps the
person in bondage to the frustrated ego of his teenage years. Homo-
erotic interests are not uncommon during adolescence, when the awak-
ened sexual instinct has not yet found its definitive, natural object.
Developmentally, adolescents must first experience that they belong to
the world of their own sex, and confidently identify with their own sex,
before they (can) become sensitive to the appeal of the opposite sex.
Teens look up to same-sex models and want to imitate them. Teenage
girls may rave over a charming teacher or—generally somewhat older,
already more developed—girls who carry the show (and are popular with
boys). Boys look up to (mostly older) boys and young men with a high
masculinity status (and who are popular with the girls). Teens who feel
pitiable and inferior as to their masculinity/femininity admire their
same-sex idols all the more in proportion to the pain they feel from miss-
ing what the others seem to possess. They crave for such a friend and
his manly (or her feminine) affection, however, in the way of an unreal-
izable daydream, like a child living in poverty might dream of becom-
ing rich. The emotional undercurrent is loneliness, the self-drama of
not belonging to the world personified by their idol. Such teens shut
themselves up in the private world of impossible, wishful fantasies. In
(pre-)puberty such hankering for warmth gets erotic overtones, and
grows even deeper roots if acted out in masturbation fantasies.
This mental state has several implications. In consequence of a fixa-
tion in adolescent self-centeredness and selfishness, emotional matura-
tion is more or less severely hampered, for psychic maturity depends on
the process of the young person’s de-egocentrization. Connected to this,
the core of homosexual love is immature self-love; the friend/partner
must love me before anything else. That is part of the explanation of the
instability and utopian character of homosexual affairs.65 The homosexual
340 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

desire is insatiable, fickle, self-directed, and not person-directed.66 The

more it is indulged, the deeper the dissatisfaction, as with other sex
addictions.67 The teenage fixation is also apparent in the “partner ideal,”
which is the same one as dreamed up in (late) adolescence. In the major-
ity of cases, the inferior-feeling teenager becomes obsessed with a same-
sex adolescent or young adult with the physical and personality traits
painfully missed or perceived as lacking in himself (herself).68
This “formula of attraction” underlines the basic self-centeredness
of same-sex fascinations. What is admired and sought in the preferred
partner is inspired by the person’s inferiority feelings (muscularity,
beauty, large penis, popularity, boyish mischievousness, “macho”
clothes in the case of men; traits of feminine softness, graciousness in
the case of women). “Steady” affairs are characterized by the emotional
swings from euphoria to depressive disillusion that are typical of adoles-
cence. Lesbian relationships “involve more of a symbiotic relationship, a
closeness suggestive of almost mystical oneness. . . . [This is] illustrated
by the large proportion of Lesbians who feel devastated. . .at the abrupt
termination of a close relationship, felt to be like the wrenching apart of
Siamese twins.”69
Secondly—after self-centeredness—since the inner teenage self is a
frustrated personality (viz., an inferiority complex with inherent feel-
ings of self-pity and unfulfilled passionate longing), SSA is the fruit of
neurotic development. One instructive illustration is this: of 17 men with
SSA who did not feel feminine, 13 (76 percent) “reported chronic, per-
sistent terror of fighting with other boys during the juvenile and early
adolescent period . . . [and] that painful loss of self-esteem and loneli-
ness resulted from their extreme aversion to peer-aggressive interactions.
All but one were chronically hungry for closeness with other boys . . . and
these were labeled ‘sissies’ by peers. . . . None engaged in even the modest
juvenile sex-typed interactions described by the least aggressive hetero-
sexual youngster.”70 That sense of male (female) non-belonging, includ-
ing the “closeness” hunger, becomes a mental habit. That is why the
well-established correlation between homosexuality and so-called neu-
roticism (neurotic tendencies, emotional instability) cannot be attrib-
uted to social discrimination,71 the inevitable explanation of those who
have difficulty in accepting the intrinsic pathology of SSA. Emotional
distress in reality is prior to, and brings about, the first same-sex attrac-
tions. Three sources of evidence indicate the “neuroticism“ of SSA:
a) The elevated scores on neuroticism (N) tests, i.e., on those few ade-
quately standardized and validated questionnaires such as H.J. Eysenck’s
Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) and Eysenck Personality Inven-
tory (EPI),72 and some scales of R.P. Cattell’s Sixteen Personality Factor
Questionnaire (PF)73 and of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI).74 These tests give the best estimates of neurotic emo-
tionality, comparable to standardized intelligence tests. Neuroticism
tests do not measure social discrimination.75 b) Studies on lifetime SSA-
August 2011 341
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

concomitant psychopathology: on anxiety and depression,76 on suicidal

attempts related to same-sex relationship conflicts,77 on compulsive
partner seeking and impaired capacity of bonding,78 on prevalence of
sexual dysfunctions79 and “domestic violence”80 in “steady” partnerships,
and on drinking and substance abuse.81 c) Biographies and autobiogra-
phies of persons with SSA invariably picture a life burdened by above-
average emotional pathology from youth on, most conspicuously if the
person embraced a gay lifestyle.82
In sum, much evidence supports the view of SSA as a sexual neuro-
sis based on character malformations in childhood. In the old but apt ter-
minology: a character neurosis. After all, the pre-revolutionary (pre-1973)
definition in the Diagnostic Manual: “arrest of emotional development,”
although not very precise, was a lot better than the later formulations
which at least suggested born-that-way interpretations and therefore
meant a regression to the ignorance of the nineteenth century, when the
primary causes of most psychopathology were thought to be inherited
peculiarities of the brain.83 In fact, the homosexual character neurosis,
inclusive of homosexual pedophilia84 and probably also much of what is
called transsexualism,85 is a syndrome of interrelated components: a gen-
der inferiority complex, underdeveloped masculine/feminine personality
habits, emotional immaturity, and excessive self-centeredness.
Regarding the neurotic aspect, the aforementioned tendency to
self-pity or self-dramatization may propel a generalized tendency to dis-
contentedness, negativism, grumpiness, i.e., complaining, whether or
not openly expressed. At times, the term “complaining illness” is quite
appropriate. This habitual complaining may be chiefly about psychic dis-
pleasure; worries, anxieties and irritations about the past and the future,
oneself, one’s life, or others; or about real and imagined physical and
psychosomatic ailments. Feelings of contentment, gratitude, cheerful-
ness, and happiness tend to be minimized, overlooked, or undermined
by the recurrent urge to feel the victim of some suffering or drama. This
causes many unnecessary interpersonal conflicts and jealousies, as well
as self-destructive (masochistic) behaviors. “Unresolved,” chronic anger
(with a parent, the outside world, fate, God), resentment, and indigna-
tion, which are twin reactions of self-pity, mostly originate in pre-ado-
lescence and adolescence as well.86 The inner need to complain about
oneself, which is also typical of many neurotic syndromes other than
SSA, feeds the longing for same-sex affection, as this is rooted in self-
pity about not belonging.87 Thus the person with SSA is inclined to suf-
fer from “injustice collecting.”88
Immaturity encompasses a wide range of mental and behavioral
patterns, from infantile/pubescent attachments to the parents, to child-
of-the-past behavior and thinking in areas connected with masculinity/
femininity inferiority feelings, to homosexual fantasies and relationships
proper. In part, a homosexual “is emotionally in his teens.”89 Looking
back, ex-homosexual people sometimes verbalize the same self-insight.90
342 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

Neurotic and immature self-centeredness is most conspicuous in the

lives of many who slide or hurl themselves—fatalistically or rebelliously—
into a gay lifestyle. This eventually leads to a pervasive personality dete-
rioration, emotionally and morally. The person risks becoming addicted
to depersonalized lust; many narcissistically seek attention and venera-
tion, become liars to themselves and others, and cheat their partners.
The moral sense becomes dull; many lose their religious faith. Exterior
appearances notwithstanding, joylessness, cynicism, and self-absorption
may predominate the person’s inner and private life.91
But is trying to change a realistic alternative? It is often argued that
if change to full heterosexuality is not possible, it is meaningless and
unnecessary self-torment to suppress one’s same-sex desires. Mostly the
corollary of this argument is that change is impossible anyway. This is
however a wrong representation of the dilemma. The fundamental choice
is between abandoning oneself to a neurotic and emotionally, morally
(and medically) degrading lifestyle, and resisting such a lifestyle, whether
or not the latter option will entail greater or smaller changes in sexual
orientation. Sincere and sensible resisting, though, always brings at
least some improvement, with regard to one’s sexual attraction and in
the overall mental condition. Because SSA is a character neurosis, the
most adequate approaches of “resisting,” therapeutic and otherwise,
focus simultaneously on sexual behaviors and emotions, the underlying
lack of male/female identification and self-confidence, and on the self-
directedness and personality immaturity in which they are rooted. For
the person who becomes less immature/self-centered will experience a
proportional decrease in same-sex attractions and increase in mature
manhood/womanhood. This said, the outlook for sexual change proper
is not so bleak as it is generally thought. It is true that as yet, complete
change, meaning the disappearance of all homosexual attractions plus
the restoration of normal heterosexual attractions, is achieved only by a
minority. But the majority still may succeed in reducing their same-sex
interests, often substantially, and improve emotionally and with respect
to other relevant personality aspects.92
Several reasons can be given for the limited success of therapeutic
attempts. One is the lack of resolution to change—the factor of motiva-
tion and the weakness of the will of many concerned persons, in spite of
their good intentions. Although they may wish to change, they still may
cherish their fantasies and other personality habits. Another reason lies
in the difficulty with overcoming deep-seated emotional and behavioral
patterns, which requires perseverance and a certain toughness towards
the self. And there are relatively few change-directed counselors, pastors,
and therapists, and the anti-change propaganda is strong in the mental
and medical health professions and the culture at large. Nevertheless it
is unfounded that persons who want to change must be dissuaded from
treatment or other resistance- or change-directed approaches because
the radical-change rate is—still—modest. Following such fatalistic logic,
August 2011 343
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

most attempts at overcoming disordered emotional and character habits,

deeply engrafted neurotic syndromes, addictions, criminal tendencies,
etc., of any kind should be abandoned on the ground that complete and
lasting changes are only achieved in a minority of cases. Moreover, the
science of SSA therapy is still young. In comparison with a century ago,
we have more knowledge about the origins of disordered emotional and
character habits, and there has been a positive development in treat-
ment methods. A not negligible percentage of people with SSA asks for
and will keep asking for change-oriented help, out of moral and religious
motives or because their homosexual experience leaves them dissatis-
fied. If not discouraged by the prevailing pro-gay indoctrination, that
number might well be 25 percent.93
Change is a holistic, psychological-moral-spiritual process. The
person must get to know himself (herself) not only psychologically—
including his (her) immature and neurotic side as described above—but
also on a deeper level, morally: recognize his (her) moral weaknesses
or vices—self-seeking and lack of love, lust enslavement, pride, insin-
cerity, disproportionate self-love, lack of self-discipline, cowardice,
discontentedness, revolt, and ingratitude. Next, he (she) must learn how
to counteract these habits and reinforce their opposite. Therapeutic
lead motives are the following: ego-centeredness and selfishness (lack
of interest in others, lack of loving); how to resist same-sex behavior
(including masturbation and pornography, among other things) and
fantasies; gender inferiority feelings (versus masculine/feminine self-
confidence); teenage thinking, feeling, and behaving; childish self-pity,
self-dramatization, complaining, feeling wronged, blaming others; lack
of awareness of one’s daily duties and responsibilities; immaturity in
relation to others, the parents, friends. Put more positively, it is a battle
to grow in virtues while fighting the vices.94 In this endeavor, the moral,
spiritual, and religious dimensions of the psyche must be involved and
activated: the soul’s inherent need for God, its moral conscience and
unconscious longing for moral purity, the healing powers of prayer, for-
giving95 and asking for forgiveness, and doing penance. As this holistic
approach addresses the whole psyche and personality and not only a
part, it opens up the best perspectives for change.96
At the same time, this holistic approach is the most civilized and
humane. It is based on scientific insights and research, and on a realistic
(i.e., not exclusively materialistic) view of the human psyche. It avoids
on one side the errors of a shallow humanist-materialist view of man,
with its blindness to the moral and spiritual dimensions of the soul, and
its factual indifference to the emotional, medical, and moral miseries of
people abandoned to the self-destructiveness of the homosexual way of
life. On the other side, this approach is at variance with the primitive
mentality, which although recognizing the unnaturalness and immoral-
ity of homosexual behavior and liaisons, reacts with merciless harshness
toward those who may feel or act upon SSA.
344 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

Definition: chronic same-sex attraction after age 17 or 18, accompanied by
near-absence of or strongly reduced heterosexual attraction.
The basic axiom of the psychiatry of Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926) that has
inspired many theories not only of the psychoses, neurotic and sexual devia-
tions, and delinquency, is twofold: the causes of most psychic aberrations are
“biologic,” ultimately founded in the brain, and (in general) genetic. The psyche
was considered, implicitly or explicitly, a by-product or consequence of the
material brain, where the “real” processes take place.
Familiar names in this connection: Magnus Hirschfeld, Benjamin, Alfred
Kinsey, S. LeVay, D.H. Hamer, J.M. Bailey, R.C. Pillard, S. Hershberger, M.S.
Weinberg, B.S. Mustanski.
Camille Paglia, Vamps and Tramps (New York: Vintage Books, 1994), empha-
sis added.
Cf. the critique of the unsubstantiated claims of the American Psychological
Association regarding the positive impact of gay parenting by Philip M. Sutton,
“Dr. Sutton on the APA Task Force Report” (2011),
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (Federal Centre for Health
Education), Wie steht’s, wie geht’s? (How are you?) (2009), 40, http://www.
W. Byne and B. Parsons, “Human Sexual Orientation,” Archives of General
Psychiatry 50 (1993): 228–239.
L.J. Gooren and W. Byne, “Sexual Orientation in Men and Women,” in Hor-
mones, Brain and Behavior, eds. A.P. Arnold et al. (New York: Academic Press,
2009), 2444.
G.J.M. van den Aardweg, On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality
(New York: Praeger/Westport, 1986), ch. 2; W. Byne, “Science and Belief: Psy-
chosexual Research on Sexual Orientation,” Journal of Homosexuality 28
(1995): 336 and 337; W. Byne, “Why We Cannot Conclude that Sexual Orienta-
tion Is Primarily a Biological Phenomenon,” Journal of Homosexuality 34
(1997). See also P.S. Bearman and H. Brückner, “Opposite-Sex Twins and Ado-
lescent Same-Sex Attraction,” American Journal of Sociology 5 (2002): 1188 ff.
Byne, “Science and Belief,” 336, 337.
Gooren and Byne, “Sexual Orientation in Men and Women,” 2444.
For instance, people with SSA do not have sex-atypical hormonal patterns.
That SSA seems to occur more than on average among women prenatally
exposed to high testosterone doses—although not in the great majority of cases
(H.F.L. Meyer-Bahlburg, “Gender and Sexuality in Classic Congenital Adrenal
Hyperplasia,” Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 30
(2001): 155–171)—does not directly bear on the causes of lesbianism; these
women develop semi-masculine genitals (among other symptoms), whereas
“ordinary” lesbians are physically normal. Moreover, such samples are likely to
over-represent women with sexual anomalies. The psychological interpretation
August 2011 345
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

of lesbianism in some such masculinized women lies near at hand: the girl is
very likely to develop a feminine-inferiority complex (see below). The amazing
thing is that the possibility of such an explanation is not even mentioned by
most authors, suggesting that the psychology of people with physical defects
and handicaps is unknown territory to them.
F.J. Kallmann, “Comparative Twin Studies on the Genetic Aspect of Male
Homosexuality,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 115 (1952): 283–298.
J.M. Bailey and R.C. Pillard, “A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation,”
Archives of General Psychiatry 48 (1991): 1089–1096; M. King and E. McDon-
ald, “Homosexuals Who Are Twins,” British Journal of Psychiatry 160 (1992):
407–409; F.L. Whitam et al., “Homosexual Orientation in Twins,” Archives of
Sexual Behavior 22 (1993): 187–202; J.M. Bailey et al., “Heritable Factors
Influence Sexual Orientation in Women,” Archives of General Psychiatry 50
(1993): 217–223.
J.M. Bailey and R.C. Pillard, “Genetics of Human Sexual Orientation,” Annual
Review of Sex Research 6 (1995): 126–150.
T.R. McGuire, “Is Homosexuality Genetic?” Journal of Homosexuality 28
(1995): 139.
J.M. Bailey et al., “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orienta-
tion and Its Correlates in an Australian Twin Sample,” Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 78 (2000): 524–536.
N. Långstro̊m et al., “Genetic and Environmental Effects on Same-Sex Sexual
Behavior,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 39 (2010): 75–80.
The phenomenon is known as “concordance-dependent ascertainment bias.”
L. Carter-Saltzman and S. Scarr, “MZ or DZ?” Behavior Genetics 7 (1977):
Ignored by researchers in the field of biological factors and homosexuality.
Applying these formulas to mental habits is sometimes an amusing game more
than serious science. Enter the data in the formula, and items like people’s opin-
ions on the death penalty, abortion, or the virtue of “humility” turn out to be
“genetically determined” for 50 percent (N.E. Whitehead and B.K. Whitehead,
My Genes Made Me Do It! [Lafayette LA: Huntington House, 1999]).
A.C. Sandbank, Twin and Triplet Psychology (London/New York: Routledge,
Bailey and Pillard, “Genetics of Human Sexual Orientation.” I have also
seen this in a few Dutch cases of SSA-discordant male twins. S.L. Farber, Iden-
tical Twins Reared Apart (New York: Basic Books, 1981), described two SSA-
discordant female monozygotic twins who had been reared apart; the lesbian
woman had a conflict-ridden relation with her foster mother and a strong
attachment to her foster father, whom she imitated (not uncommon childhood
factors in pre-lesbian girls).
M.L. West, The Devil’s Advocate (New York: Morrow, 1959), 104. Nicholas’s
erotic longings stemmed from his inferior-masculinity complex.
D.H. Hamer et al., “A Linkage between DNA Markers on the X Chromosome
and Male Sexual Orientation,” Science 261 (1993): 321–327.
346 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

Jerome Lejeune, letter to this author, 1993. Lejeune was the discoverer of the
gene causing Down syndrome.
H.S. Hu et al., “Linkage between Sexual Orientation and Chromosome Xq28
in Males but Not in Females,” Nature Genetics 11 (1995): 248–256.
G. Rice et al., “Male Homosexuality: Absence of Linkage to Microsatellite
Markers at Xq28,” Science 284 (1999): 665–667.
D.H. Hamer and P. Copeland, Living with Our Genes (New York/London:
Doubleday, 1998), 104 and 191, respectively.
A. Camperio-Ciani et al., “Evidence for Maternally Inherited Factors Favouring
Male Homosexuality and Promoting Female Fecundity,” Proceedings of the
Royal Society of London 271 (2004): 2217–2221. As for data collection, this was
a very inaccurate study. The sample consisted of self-selected homosexual vol-
unteers and the SSA “diagnosis” of their family members rested on their ideas
about them. (Self-professed homosexual men easily project their feelings onto
others.) It is true that the authors casually remark that “it is still possible” to
attribute their results to “cultural rather than genetic traits,” but in their whole
presentation this plays no role whatever.
A.F. Bogaert, “Number of Older Brothers and Sexual Orientation,” Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 84 (2003): 644–652. Bogaert’s physiologi-
cal speculations have been refuted in the meantime (Gooren and Byne, “Sexual
Orientation in Men and Women”). The much more plausible alternative, a psy-
chological explanation based on the influence that the position of “sweet little
brother”—liebe Brüderchen—has on the psychosexual development of some
prehomosexual boys, was already described in 1937 by Berlin professor of psy-
chiatry I.H. Schultz. I.H. Schultz, “Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von Theo Lang
über die genetische Bedingtheit der Homosexualität” (Notes on Theo Lang’s
Work on the Genetic Conditions of Homosexuality), Zeitschrift für die gesamte
Neurologie und Psychiatrie 157 (1937): 575–578.
M.S. Lasco et al., “A Lack of Dimorphism of Sex or Sexual Orientation in the
Human Anterior Commissure,” Brain Research 936 (2002): 95–98.
S. LeVay, “A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure between Heterosexual and
Homosexual Men,” Science 253 (1991): 1034–1037.
W. Byne et al., “The Interstitial Nuclei of the Human Anterior Hypothalamus,”
Hormones and Behavior 40 (2001): 86–92.
W. Byne, letter to this author, July 2005.
Byne et al., “The Interstitial Nuclei of the Human Anterior Hypothalamus,” 90.
I. Savic and P. Lindström, “PET and MRI Show Differences in Cerebral Asym-
metry and Functional Connectivity between Homo- and Heterosexual Subjects,”
PNAS 105 (2008),
It should be ruled out, too, that this speculative physical peculiarity would be
an effect of SSA (of a homosexual life style, drug abuse, venereal diseases, AIDS,
or medicine) instead of a cause or direct predisposition.
Dante, Inferno, XV, v. 114.
Bailey and Pillard, “A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation”; Bailey et al.,
“Heritable Factors Influence Sexual Orientation in Women.”
August 2011 347
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

By far the most studies are about homosexual men: K. Freund, Die Homo-
sexualität beim Mann (Homosexuality in the Male) (Leipzig: Hirzel Verlag,
1963); G.J.M. van den Aardweg, “Parents of Homosexuals: Not Guilty?” Amer-
ican Journal of Psychotherapy 38 (1984): 180–189. Van den Aardweg, On the
Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality, reviewed 11 studies comparing male
homosexuals with heterosexuals on this factor (pp. 78–80) and 4 for females
(p. 181); S.L. Hockenberry and R.E. Billingham, “Sexual Orientation and Boy-
hood Gender Conformity,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 16 (1987): 475–487;
J.M. Bailey and K.J. Zucker, “Childhood Sex-Typed Behavior and Sexual Ori-
entation,” Developmental Psychology 31 (1995): 43–55; Bailey et al., “Genetic
and Environmental Influences” (a review); G. Rieger et al., “Sexual Orientation
and Childhood Gender Nonconformity,” Developmental Psychology 44
(2008): 46–58. Significantly, the methods of research vary, but the outcome is
always the same. Gender nonconformity in pre-lesbian girls (as set against pre-
heterosexual girls) is also well documented. E.g., R.H. Gundlach and B.F. Riess,
“Self and Sexual Identity in the Female,” in New Directions in Mental Health,
ed. B.F. Riess (New York: Grune & Stratton, 1968); N.L. Thompson et al., “Par-
ent-Child Relationships and Sexual Identity in Male and Female Homosexuals
and Heterosexuals,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 41 (1975):
120–127; E.S. Sbardelini and E.T. Sbardelini, Homossexualismo masculino e
homossexualismo feminino, unpublished research report (Campinas SP
[Brazil]: Catholic University of Campinas, Department of Psychology, 1977)
(Brazilian sample); A.P. Bell et al., Sexual Preference (Bloomington, IN: Indi-
ana University Press, 1981); S. Oldham et al., “Sex Role Identity of Female
Homosexuals,” Journal of Homosexuality 8 (1982): 41–46.
Many male SSA groups have elevated scores on femininity in questionnaires
such as the Masculinity-Femininity (Mf) scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the I scale—tender-mindedness scale—of
Cattell’s 16 Personality Factor Test (Handbook of the Sixteen Personality Fac-
tor Questionnaire). See W.T. Doidge and W.H. Holtzman, “Implications of
Homosexuality among Air Force Trainees,” Journal of Consulting Psychology
24 (1960): 9–13; R.B. Dean and H. Richardson, “Analysis of MMPI Profiles of
Forty College-Educated Overt Male Homosexuals,” Journal of Consulting
Psychology 28 (1964): 483–486; G.J.M. van den Aardweg, Homofilie, neurose
en dwangzelfbeklag (Homophilia, Neurosis and the Compulsive Tendency to
Self-Pity) (Amsterdam: Polak & van Gennep, 1967); W.A. Oliver and D.L.
Mosher, “Psychopathology and Guilt in Heterosexual and Subgroups of
Homosexual Reformatory Inmates,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 73
(1968): 323–329; R.B. Cattell and J.H. Morony, “The Use of the 16 PF in Dis-
tinguishing Homosexuals, Normals, and General Criminals,” Journal of Con-
sulting Psychology 26 (1962): 531–540; R.B. Evans, “Sixteen Personality
Factor Questionnaire Scores of Homosexual Men,” Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology 34 (1970): 212–215; M.P. Feldman and M.J. McCulloch,
Homosexual Behavior, Therapy and Assessment (Oxford: Pergamon Press,
1971). Lesbians tend to have relatively high scores on masculinity, but on aver-
age not extremely high. Bell et al. (Sexual Preference) report a correlation of
.53 between lesbianism and childhood/adolescent gender nonconformity. One
third of a large nationwide U.S. sample of SSA women considered themselves
“more feminine than masculine,” one third “a little of both,” and one third
348 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

“more masculine than feminine” (Gundlach and Riess, “Self and Sexual Identity
in the Female”).
Between 2 percent and 8 percent (G.A. Westwood, A Minority (London: Long-
mans & Green, 1960); I. Bieber et al., Homosexuality (New York: Basic Books,
1962); van den Aardweg, On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality).
Hockenberry and Billingham, “Sexual Orientation and Boyhood Gender
Conformity,” 485, emphasis added; the same is valid for pre-lesbian girls.
See note 42 above for references.
In 1932, German professor of psychiatry H. Schultz-Hencke identified the
core personality trait of homosexual and pre-homosexual men as “non combat-
iveness” (“nicht kämpferisch”). H. Schultz-Hencke, “Über Homosexualität” (On
Homosexuality), Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie 140
(1932): 300–312.
Two percent, as computed from the statistics of Gundlach and Riess, “Self and
Sexual Identity in the Female”; six percent according to Bailey and Zucker,
“Childhood Sex-Typed Behavior”; Rieger et al., “Sexual Orientation and Child-
hood Gender Nonconformity.” This is one of the arguments against irresponsi-
bly stigmatizing gender nonconforming children as “gay”; they have enhanced
chances of developing SSA, but this condition may not be regarded as more or
less habitual before young adulthood. Even extreme sissyness in boys does not
automatically lead to homosexual interests in at least 30 percent of the cases
(R. Green, The “Sissy Boy Syndrome” and the Development of Homosexuality
(New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1987).
E.g., lesbians may depict themselves as “strong,” “independent,” “autonomous”
(e.g., J.H. Hopkins, “The Lesbian Personality,” British Journal of Psychiatry
115 [1969]: 1433–1436; Oldham et al., “Sex Role Identity of Female Homosexu-
als”); as physically daring or “not avoiding fights” in childhood/adolescence
(Thompson et al., “Parent-Child Relationships and Sexual Identity”; Sbardelini
and Sbardelini, Homossexualismo masculino e homossexualismo feminino).
They often were unhappy with their first menstruation (Gundlach and Riess,
“Self and Sexual Identity in the Female,” Table 5). But only one third felt more
masculine than feminine (cf. note 38).
Bieber et al., Homosexuality. There is ample subsequent confirmation (cf.
note 42 above).
Gundlach and Riess, “Self and Sexual Identity in the Female,” 222.
For a survey: van den Aardweg, On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexu-
ality (Tables 13.1 and 27.5). Deficient bonding with father averages about 80 per-
cent for cases of male SSA, a form of maternal over-influence about two thirds at
least, and the two factors combined about 60 percent. Deficient bonding with
mother averages 70 percent in female cases, mostly in the absence of a good
father relationship. These are undifferentiated generalizations, though, which do
not describe the multiform individual reality. Since most data come from ques-
tionnaire studies, they are subject to subjective coloration as well as blind spots
on the part of the interviewee regarding his family background. For example, not
all male subjects with SSA are aware of maternal overindulgence or spoiling.
Traumatizing parental attitudes to the contrary tend to be overemphasized.
August 2011 349
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

Because she had (several) boys already, or because the girl before him had
died when he was young or before his birth, or was aborted (as happened in the
case of a former client of mine).
Young homosexual military conscripts in Taiwan were thought to have had
more overprotecting/controlling fathers and less affectionate mothers than
hetero-controls (F.-W. Lung and B.-Ch. Shu, “Father-Son Attachment and
Sexual Partner Orientation in Taiwan,” Comprehensive Psychiatry 48 [2007)]:
20–26). The questionnaire used to assess parent-child relations is, however, too
shoddy—the relevant questions not being asked—to take this outcome seriously.
For example, Brazil (Sbardelini and Sbardelini, Homossexualismo masculino e
homossexualismo feminino). But also in a non-Western culture such as Japan,
the classic Western parental factors seem to predispose to homosexuality. Wit-
ness the case of the notorious writer Yukio Mishima (H.S. Stokes, The Life and
Death of Yukio Mishima [New York: Scooper Square Press, 1999]). Even in a
primitive tribe such as the Sambia of New Guinea, the (only) man identified as a
homosexual was characterized by the familiar background factors: a neurotic man,
brought up by his mother as her only child, without a father, and in a situation
of pronounced peer isolation (R.J. Stoller and G.H. Herdt, “Theories of Origins of
Male Homosexuality,” Archives of General Psychiatry 42 [1985]: 399–404).
As when the wife felt superior to her husband, and dominated him and her
family, or when the husband was a womanizer or had a drinking problem.
Serious marriage problems marked 60 percent of the parents of socially
adapted men with SSA (R. Liddicoat, “Homosexuality,” British Medical Journal
9 [1957]: 1110–1111), more than parents of neurotic controls (Bieber et al.,
Well-documented since S. Glueck and E.T. Glueck, Unraveling Juvenile
Delinquency (Cambrige MA: Harvard University Press, 1950).
It is well known that about two thirds of black American teens grow up with-
out their father. Bieber et al., Homosexuality, found the combined parental pat-
tern most characteristic for men with SSA and in 20 percent of neurotic controls.
For example, 36 percent of 121 male cases (van den Aardweg, On the Origins
and Treatment of Homosexuality).
See, e.g., W.G. Stephan, “Parental Relationships and Early Social Experiences
of Activist Male Homosexuals and Male Heterosexuals,” Journal of Abnormal
Psychology 82 (1973): 506–513: the experiences occurred in 75 percent of his
male sample.
Recollections of rejection and teasing are subjective. Although in some cases
the memories correspond more to the reality of the past than in other ones,
these people may have been affected by self-dramatization or self-victimization.
Also, sometimes teasing was provoked by the child’s irritating behavior (e.g.,
spoiled-child manners, obtrusive attention seeking). Children and youngsters
mostly do not see their own role in this.
For men, at about fifteen years (J. Loney, “Background Factors, Sexual Expe-
riences, and Attitudes Towards Treatment in Two ‘Normal’ Homosexual Sam-
ples,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 38 [1972]: 57–65); between
ten and seventeen years, peaking at age thirteen to fourteen (van den Aardweg,
350 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality). For women, mostly after the
onset of puberty (Gundlach and Riess, “Self and Sexual Identity in the Female”).
Alfred Adler, “Das Problem der Homosexualität” (The Problem of Homosex-
uality), in Zeitschrift der Individualpsychologie (1917; Leipzig: Hirzel, 1930),
was the first to point to the basic gender-inferiority complex of homosexuals,
which was a fundamental step forwards in our understanding of the syndrome.
The relation between enduring inferiority feelings (that is, an inferiority
complex) and self-dramatization in the case of homosexuality was first
described by Dutch psychiatrist Johan Arndt, in “Een bijdrage tot het inzicht
in de homoseksualiteit” (A Contribution to the Understanding of Homosexual-
ity), Geneeskundige Bladen 3 (1961): 65–105.
D.P. McWhirter and A.M. Mattison, The Male Couple (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1984) (the few “faithful” same-sex partnerships in males lasted 5
years at most); M. Dannecker, Homosexuelle Männer und AIDS (Homosexual
Men and AIDS) (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1990); A.A. Deenen et al., “Intimacy
and Sexuality in Gay Male Couples,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 23 (1994):
421–431 (average number of outside partners in first year of steady relations
was 2.5, in sixth year 11); M. Xiridou et al., “The Contribution of Steady and
Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection among Homosexual Men
in Amsterdam,” AIDS 17 (2003): 1009–1038 (steady male partnerships average
1.5 years); R.M. Grant et al., “Preexposure Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Preven-
tion in Men Who Have Sex with Men,” New England Journal of Medicine 363
(2010): 2587–2599 (HIV-negative SSA and transsexual men average eighteen
partners every three months). Lesbian partnerships are more stable, but less so
than unstable relations of heterosexual women (P. Blumstein and P. Schwartz,
American Couples [New York: Morrow, 1983]).
The so-called “homo monument” in Amsterdam, meant to celebrate the gay
emancipation, contains this dramatic, but psychologically correct exclamation
by Dutch homosexual poet Jacob Israel de Haan: “For friendship, such a bound-
less longing. . . .”
“Drinking salt water,” the German gay designer Joop Wolff called his sex
The gay subculture is psychologically pubescent. Only 10 percent of men with
SSA prefer a partner above age forty. It is of note that this does not necessarily
mean that these men seek a father. Some indeed want to be protected by an
older partner in a fatherly way, but the older man seems above all to be the mas-
culine idol of their adolescence: a sailor, a soldier, and the like. They adored this
type for having what they felt wanting in themselves (Statistics: H. Giese, Der
homosexuelle Mann in der Welt (The Homosexual Man in the World) [Stuttgart:
Enke, 1958]; Freund, Die Homosexualität beim Mann; A. Zebulon et al., “Sexual
Partner Age Preferences of Homosexual and Heterosexual Men and Women,”
Archives of Sexual Behavior 29 [2000]: 67–76).
Gundlach and Riess, “Self and Sexual Identity in the Female,” 226.
R. Friedman and L. Stern, “Juvenile Aggressivity and Sissiness in Homosex-
ual and Heterosexual Males,” Journal of the American Academy of Psycho-
analysis 8 (1980): 432–433.
August 2011 351
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

N. Whitehead and B. Whitehead, My Genes Made Me Do It: Homosexuality
and the Scientific Evidence (Lower Hutt, New Zealand: Whitehead Associates,
2010),, refer to several sup-
portive studies (p. 257).
H.J. Eysenck and S.B.G. Eysenck, Manual of the Eysenck Personality Inventory
(London: University of London Press, 1965). A vast body of research underlies the
notion of neuroticism as one of the few basic dimensions of personality and the
subsequent construction and validation of neuroticism (N) tests; most work was
done by the schools of Hans Eysenck (London) and Raymond Cattell (Chicago).
While it is true that N inventories are the best measuring instruments for
neurotic tendencies, they can, however, be faked, and are not immune to simu-
lation as well as dissimulation.
R.B. Cattell and G.F. Stice, Handbook of the Sixteen Personality Factor Ques-
tionnaire (Champaign, IL: Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, 1957).
G.J.M. van den Aardweg, in “Male Homosexuality and the Neuroticism Fac-
tor,” Dynamic Psychotherapy 3 (1985): 79–87, and On the Origins and Treat-
ment of Homosexuality, 170–173 and 188–189, reviewed 17 studies comparing
homosexual with heterosexual men up to 1986, and a few comparing lesbians
with controls. Homosexuals make high scores, whether they are therapy clients,
self-accepting, or militantly gay, and independent of nation or culture. Curi-
ously, it seems that this line of study dried up afterwards, with a few exceptions
(e.g., Lung and Shu, “Father-Son Attachment,” young Taiwanese men with SSA
scored much higher than two heterosexual control groups).
M.S. Weinberg and C.J. Williams, Male Homosexuals (New York: Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1974). Men with SSA from cultures with varying degrees of homo-
sexuality tolerance (U.S., Denmark, Holland) did not differ as to psychoneurotic
symptoms. There is no evidence either that socially discriminated groups such
as blacks make high N scores. Blacks report more physical health problems than
whites, but as many or slightly less mental health symptoms (Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies, “1996
National Household Survey of Drug Abuse,” as analyzed by P. Cameron et al.,
“Homosexual Sex as Harmful as Drug Abuse, Prostitution or Smoking,” Psycho-
logical Reports 96 [2005]: 915–961).
T.G.M. Sandfort et al., Sexual Orientation and Mental Health (Stony Brook,
NY: International Academy of Sex Research, 1999); D.M. Fergusson et al., “Is
Sexual Orientation Related to Mental Health Problems and Suicidality in Young
People?” Archives of General Psychiatry 56 (1999): 876–880 (a birth cohort
followed up until age 21); R. Herrell et al., “Sexual Orientation and Suicidality,”
Archives of General Psychiatry 56 (1999): 867–874 (increased suicide risk in
homosexual twins with a heterosexual co-twin, related to depression).
Statistics: A.P. Bell and M.S. Weinberg, Homosexualities (New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1978), 457; Gundlach and Riess, “Self and Sexual Identity in the
Female,” 225. Further confirmation: S.D. Cochran and V. Mays, “Lifetime Preva-
lence of Suicide Symptoms and Affective Disorders among Men Reporting Same-
Sex Sexual Partners,” American Journal of Public Health 90 (2000): 573–578;
M. King et al., “Mental Health Quality of Life of Gay Men and Lesbians in
England and Wales,” British Journal of Psychiatry 83 (2003): 552–558; and
352 Linacre Quarterly
van den Aardweg

Fergusson et al., “Is Sexual Orientation Related to Mental Health Problems”; and
S.T. Russell and K. Joyner, “Adolescent Sexual Orientation and Suicide Risk,”
American Journal of Public Health 91 (2001): 1276–1281, for adolescents.
Cf. note 65 above.
McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: 43 percent of the cases; and 60
percent masturbated two to three times per week.
P. Cameron, “Domestic Violence among Homosexual Partners,” Psychological
Reports 93 (2003): 410–416, (a review).
Cameron et al., “Homosexual Sex as Harmful as Drug Abuse.”
I know no exception to this rule.
Cf. Lombroso’s theory of the “delinquente nato,” the born-that-way delinquent.
The homosexual pedophile, whose fantasies concern children who do not yet
display the secondary sexual signs, felt excluded from the boyhood (not the ado-
lescent) community, which sparked his fascination for typical boyish traits.
(Lesbian pedophilia is much rarer.)
There is reason to include a substantial number of transsexuals in the cate-
gory of “homosexuality” (J.M. Bailey, The Man Who Would Be Queen [Wash-
ington, D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, 2003]). Transsexual men do not differ from
non-transsexual homosexual males in parental background factors (e.g., K. Fre-
und et al., “Parent-Child Relations in Transsexual and Non-Transsexual Homo-
sexual Males,” British Journal of Psychiatry 124 [1974]: 22–23), and there are
marked similarities both in their childhood/teenage self-view and promiscuous
sexuality (Grant et al., “Preexposure Chemoprophylaxis”).
R.P. Fitzgibbons, “The Origins of Same-Sex Attraction Disorder,” in Homo-
sexuality and American Public Life, ed. Chr. Wolfe (Chicago, IL: Spence, 1999).
Van den Aardweg, Homofilie, neurose en dwangzelfbeklag (drawing on Arndt,
“Een bijdrage tot het inzicht”). Inner self-dramatization explains the aptitude of
indignant gay activists to further their cause of social normalization by present-
ing themselves as victims of inhumane “homophobia” and rejection. However,
although it may seem that their dramatized self-view of rejection results from
non-acceptance because of their homosexuality, it actually traces back to their
traumatic not-belonging to the childhood/adolescent same-sex world, which
preceded and provoked their orientation. On the other side, if their sexuality
were completely recognized socially, their complaining about being slighted and
maltreated would not stop.
E. Bergler, Homosexuality: Disease or Way of Life? (New York: Hill & Wang,
1957). These several notions—“unresolved anger,” “self-pity/self-victimization,”
“injustice collecting”—largely overlap. The reader may recall the complaints of
Nicholas Black, which exemplify this mixture of self-victimization, bitterness,
and injustice collecting.
E. Bergler, Counterfeit Sex (New York: Grune & Stratton, 1958).
For example, Alan Medinger, Growth into Manhood (Colorado Springs, CO:
Waterbrook Press, 2000); for an ex-lesbian woman, recognizing her being “not
grown up at all” was the start of a complete and lasting cure (G.J.M. van den
Aardweg, “A Completely Cured Lesbian,” in idem, Homosexuality and Hope
(Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Publications, 1985), 91–95.
August 2011 353
On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality

In some cases it cannot be far from the truth to assume that the person’s sexual
and other self-directed drives are literally “demonized,” i.e., came into the power
of a demon. Since demons can blow on passions and stir up fantasies and selfish
inclinations (J.-B. Scaramelli, Regeln zur Unterscheidung der Geister (Rules for
Distinguishing the Spirits), ed. W. Schamoni [c. 1740; Abensberg, Germany:
Josef Kral, 1975]), it is rather certain that they are involved in the growth and
maintenance of sexually abnormal obsessions such as homosexuality.
R.L. Spitzer, “Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orienta-
tion?” Archives of Sexual Behavior 32 [2003]: 403–417, examining 200 “ex-gays,”
found 11 percent of the men “completely changed” (from homo- to heterosexual-
ity) according to strict criteria (29 percent according to more lenient criteria), and
37 percent (or 63 percent) of the women. Twenty-six percent of the men and
49 percent of the women were “not at all bothered” any more by homosexual
desires, and 62 percent of the men (46 percent of the women) only “slightly.” The
average follow-up period was 12 years. This author reported that of 100 male
ex-clients 43 percent stopped treatment within a couple of months, 11 percent
had changed radically, 26 percent satisfactorily, 11 percent had improved, 9 per-
cent were unchanged (average follow-up two to three years post-treatment; van
den Aardweg, On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality, Table 40.6).
Ten percent of a recent English sample of practicing male homosexuals wished
for this kind of help (King et al., “Mental Health Quality of Life”). One may get
an impression of the underlying need of change-directed help from an incidental
finding, as reported by Bell and Weinberg, Homosexualities, that between one
fifth and one third of practicing male homosexuals regarded their sexuality as an
emotional disorder, and that even 58 percent had sought psychological or psy-
chiatric assistance (for unspecified reasons; Bell et al., Sexual Preference).
G.J.M. van den Aardweg, The Battle for Normality (San Francisco: Ignatius
Press, 1997).
R.D. Enright and R.P. Fitzgibbons, Helping Clients Forgive (Washington,
D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2000).
A third of the 200 “ex-gays” examined by Spitzer, “Can Some Gay Men and
Lesbians Change” (p. 407), said a religious support group had been most help-
ful. The Catholic apostolate Courage, founded by the late Fr. John Harvey, has
a most practical ideal, living chastely. That seems a modest target; however, it
is key in any process of change. For impurity, the cherishing of immature and
selfish sensuality in behavior and fantasy life, strongly reinforces the gender-
inferiority complex.
In this connection, the question may arise: what may be done to help non-
believing clients/patients? In their case, the approach is largely the same
because all good-intentioned people are susceptible to moral values and can see
the importance of exercising the virtues and fighting the vices. Some may
become more open to belief in God when struggling with their immature fixa-
tions. Others may return to the religion of their childhood. Anyhow, the best
examples of long-lasting radical change I personally know are persons with a
God-centered inner life.

354 Linacre Quarterly

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