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Cessna 208 (B) Caravan I T.T.R.

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1. What is the maximum turbulence air penetration speed? 143kts.

2. What is the maximum maneuvering speed? 148kts.

3. What is the maximum continuous ITT? 8050C.

4. What is the maximum rate of climb speed, at sea level? 104kts.

5. What is the maximum operation speed with flaps extended beyond 20 0? 125kts.

6. What is the take-off power time limitation? 5minutes.

7. What is the maximum Ng for starting? 12%.

8. What is the maximum Ng for reverse thrust and time limitation? 101.6% and


9. What is the maximum allowable SHP? 675shp, compensated for temperature and


10. The maximum Ng is? 102.6% for 2seconds.

11. What is the minimum oil temperature for engine acceleration? 100C.

12. What is the standard empty weight? 4237lbs [passenger version].

13. What is the power loading? 13.3lbs/shp.

14. What is the oil tank capacity? 9.5 US quarts.

15. What is the oil system capacity? 14 US quarts.

16. Where is the oil dipstick located? At rear of the engine, left side.

17. Define horizontal stabilizer? 36 vortex generators provide positive elevator


18. What is the unusable fuel with both tanks on? 3.6 US gal.

19. What is the unusable fuel in each tank? 2.8 US gal.

20. What is the maximum take-off weight? 8750lbs.

21. What is the oxygen tank nominal pressure? 1850 psi, at 700F[210C].

22. What action would you take if the torque went over the maximum limit?

Continue the flight at reduced power.

23. What is the rpm for a propeller over speed test? 1750 plus or minus 60rpm.

24. What is the purpose of the inertial separator? To prevent FOD, i.e.; moisture

particles from entering the compressor air inlet when in bypass mode.
25. Beta range is selected by? Power lever.

26. After an aborted start; wait for fuel to drain off and select motoring


27. If oil pressure falls to 85 psi when operating above 72% Ng, what action should

you take? Reduce power and continue flight.

28. Give the battery start cycle limitations; 30 seconds on, 60 seconds off,

[twice], 30 seconds on, 30 minutes off.

29. Give the external power start cycle limitations; 20 seconds on, 120 seconds

off, [twice], 20 seconds on, 60 seconds off.

30. Engine oil; Mil – l – 23699D. Exxon turbo oil 2382. Mobil jet oil 2.

31. Give the dry motoring run procedure; FC lever [cut-off], ignition switch

[normal], battery [on], fuel shut off [open], fuel boost switch [on], starter

switch [motor].

32. When do you check engine oil quantity? Within 10 minutes of engine shutdown

and before the first flight of the day.

33. Where is the oil tank filler located? Rear of the engine on the left side.

34. The fuel reservoir tank is vented to; both fuel tanks.

35. Where are the fuel vents located? At the trailing edge of each wing, at the


36. The normal operation of the fuel system is; both tanks on.

37. The fuel cross feed system is; there isn’t one.

38. Where are the fuel drain valves located? Fuel tank external sump, Inboard fuel

tank sump, Fuel reservoir, Fuel filter [9 drain valves].

39. The battery bus is powered; even if the battery switch is selected off.

40. Stand-by electrical power; is provided as a back up to the main electrical


41. The electrical power is supplied by; one engine-driven starter/generator [28V,

200amps], one battery and external power.

42. Where is the external power switch located? On the left sidewall switch and CB

43. How many positions can be selected on the external power switch? 3; off-


44. Engine fire in the air; power lever idle, propeller feather, fuel condition lever

cut-off, fuel shut-off off, cabin heat firewall pull off.

45. Electrical fire in the air; batt switch off, generator trip and release, stand-by

power off, vents closed, bleed air extinguisher.

46. Engine fire on the ground during starts; fuel condition lever cut-off, fuel boost

switch off, and starter motor.

47. The battery hot light comes on at? 1400F.

48. The battery overheat comes on at? 1600F

49. The brake fluid reservoir filling; between min. & max

50. How are brakes connected to the pedals? Through I master cylinder attached

to each of the pilots rudder pedals

51. Give the propeller anti-ice cycle; 90 seconds on, 90 seconds off

52. How can u tell if the oil-operated pressure switch in the propeller anti-ice

system is unserviceable? By monitoring the propeller anti-ice ammeter

53. The windscreen de-ice panel is; detachable

54. If the auto mode failed, how would you activate the propeller anti-ice system?

Select manual mode, and hold

55. How many positions on the wing de-ice detector light switch? 2. [Wing light]

switch, must be held in the on [upper] position

56. Does the propeller have to be unfeathered for the propeller anti-ice to be

working? No, buh the engine must be running

57. The engine de-icing/anti-icing system is; no such system, propeller only

58. Why, in flight, must the mixing air always be in flight position? The cabin air

must be allowed to return into the mixer to get blended with hot compressor

outlet air [p3]

59. What happens if the ground position is used in flight? The system may overheat

and cause an automatic shutdown

60. What is the position of the heat switch during start? It must be in the off

position, or a hot start may result

61. What action if more heat is required during ground operation? Move the fuel

condition lever to high idle

62. Where is the flaps indicator in relation to the flap selector? To the left of the

selector on the pedestal

63. Where is the emergency power lever located? Extreme left side of pedestal,

next to throttle

64. Aileron trim is achieved by? A knob located on the pedestal above the rudder

trim wheel

65. Where is the rudder trim wheel located? On the pedestal below the aileron trim


66. Where is the elevator trim wheel located? Vertically mounted at extreme left

of the pedestal

67. Where is the fuel shut-off valve located? To the right of the aileron trim knob

on the pedestal

68. Where is the oxygen bottle located? At the top of the tail cone bulkhead

69. How do you know if the oxygen is flowing to the masks? Hoses of oxygen masks

contain a ball type flow indicator moving toward the masks

70. How many trim tabs on the elevators? Two

71. Does aileron travel change with the flaps in the down position? No

72. How many & what type of trim tabs are on the wing ailerons? Two. Left wing

[servo tab], Right wing [trimmable servo tab]

73. How would you counteract a runaway aileron trim? Runaway is not possible

because trim is not electric

74. The rudder trim operates against; the nose wheel steering bungee

75. How does the stall warning operate? Pneumatically operated, electrically


76. Where is the engine rpm gauge? Top instrument panel, to the right of the

torque gauge

77. What are the standard tire pressures? Main [40 plus/minus 5], Nose [36

plus/minus 6]

78. The nose-wheel steering is available through; 150 either side of neutral
79. When does the fuel warning light come on? When the respective tank contains

25 US gal or less

80. What does the vacuum pump operate? The gyroscope instruments

81. The suction gauge indications at diff height should be; 30,000’: 3.0-5.5”Hg

25,000’: 3.5-5.5”Hg 20,000’: 4.0-5.5”Hg 15,000’: 4.5-5.5”Hg

82. The autopilot is operated; electrically

83. The brake fluid specifications are; Mil-II-5606

84. What are the fuel tank contents? Total 335gal, each 167.8

85. How many rpm is 100% Ng? 37500rpm

86. Give all weights in lbs;

 Max ramp; 8785

 Max t/o; 8750

 Max land; 8500

87. What is the C. of G datum position? 100” forward of the front firewall

88. The C. of G limits are; 199.15 fwd, 204.35aft

89. Maximum time allowed for sideslip is? 3 minutes

90. What is the maximum operating altitude? 25,000’

91. What is the maximum allowed time for avgas use? 150hrs

92. What is the maximum allowable time for use of a mixture of 3 parts Jet A1 to

1 part of avgas? 450hrs

93. Erratic operation of the generator; place switch on trip position for 3minutes

then reset

94. The maximum glide speeds with a cargo pod installed are; 95kias @ 8750lbs,

87kias @ 7500lbs, 79kias @ 6250lbs, 71kias @ 5000lbs

95. The maximum glide speeds without cargo pods installed are; 97kias @ 8750lbs,

90kias @ 7500lbs, 82kias @ 6250lbs, 74kias @ 5000lbs

96. The maximum fuel imbalance allowed is; 200lbs

97. Where are the fuel quantity indicators located? Upper portion of the

instrument panel right side

98. What is the oxygen tank normal pressure? 1850psi at 210C/700F

99. Fuel is pumped from the reservoir to? The reservoir manifold assembly
100. The fuel control unit meters the fuel and directs it to; the flow divider

which distributes the fuel to dual manifold, THEN to 14 fuel nozzles located in

the combustion chamber

101. What are the maximum and transient rpms? 1900 max 2090 transient

102. What are the maximum, starting & transient ITT’s? 8050C max. 8500C,

2 seconds transient. 10900C, 2 seconds starting.

103. The fuel condition lever cut-off position shuts off; all fuel to the engine

fuel nozzles

104. The low idle positions; the control rod stop to provide an rpm of 52% Ng

105. The high idle positions; the control rod stop to provide an rpm of 65%Ng


1. The battery is mounted; on a swing out tray in front of the firewall

2. The voltage of the nicad battery is; 24 volts

3. Immediate corrective action must be taken; upon illumination of the battery

overheat light

4. The generator control unit [GCU] controls the operation of the; starter-


5. The ground power monitor; protects the electrical system from incorrect


6. Loss of any pneumatic signal to the fuel control unit causes; the engine to drop

to idle rpm

7. When the starter switch is placed in the start position; the ignition system is

energized if the ignition switch is in the norm position

8. During the overspeed governor test the propeller rpm should not exceed; 1750

plus/minus 60rpm


1. The anti-icing/de-icing systems on the caravan I airplanes use; electric power

& bleed air

2. Each segment of the wing surface de-ice boot inflation cycle lasts for

approximately; 6 seconds

3. The windshield, propeller and pitot-static anti-ice systems are intended to be

used; to prevent ice accumulation

4. The wing, wing strut and stabilizer de-ice boots are intended to be used; after

¼ to 3/8 inch of clear ice or ½ to ¾ inch of rime has accumulated

5. When the boot press switch is moved to the auto position; one three-segment

de-ice cycle is initiated

6. When the boot press switch is moved to the manual position; all de-ice boots

inflate simultaneously


1. The PT6A engine is defined as a; free-turbine turbo-prop engine

2. The torque gauge indicates the power; delivered to the propeller

3. The power turbine is mounted on a shaft that; drives the reduction gear

4. Air inducted into the engine; enters at the rear and is exhausted at the front

5. During operations using the emergency power lever; the emergency power lever

annunciator light will illuminate when the lever is unstowed from normal

6. With the propeller control lever in the max position; the propeller speed is

governed at 1900rpm

7. Engine oil level should be; maintained to within 2 quarts of max hot or max cold

as appropriate

8. The ignition switch should be placed in the on position;

 For air starts without starter assistance

 For operation on water covered runways

 During flight in heavy precipitation

9. The inertial separator should be placed in the by-pass position; when flying through

visible moisture at low temperatures

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