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Assignment - Business Research Methods

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1. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

2. Number of words: 7,000 – 11,000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date: 2 APRIL 2022.

6. This assignment accounts for 100% of the total marks for the course.


Part I (90%)


The objective of this assignment is to develop learners' ability to identify and define a research problem,
conduct a literature review, and develop an empirical model or framework which is consistent with the
identified research problem and objectives of the study.

You are required to:

1. select a research topic in business and management that you are interested in. In not more than 16
words, state clearly the research title. Using the selected research topic, identify and define the main
issue or problem which leads towards performing an academic research. In other words, you need to
formulate the problem statement associated with the topic that you have selected,

2. develop the relevant research questions and state the objectives of the study from the main issue or
problem. Your research questions and research objectives should not be more than five. (3-5 research
questions and 3-5 research objectives OR a total of not more than 5 research questions and research

3. explain the significance of the study by highlighting who will benefit from the study and how they will
be benefited,

4. explain the scope of the study,

5. compile a list of relevant references for the selected topic. From the list, choose TEN most relevant
references to your topic. Preferably, the references should be from refereed journals,

6. discuss a literature review on your selected topic using the references that you have compiled, and

7. explain the relevant hypotheses based on the developed research model/framework.

Additional Guidelines/Assignment Format

 References should mostly include the latest publications (year 2015 and onwards), but older references
are acceptable if seminal or theoretical perspectives are given.
 All submitted assignments will go through plagiarism check.
 Please check on the meaning of plagiarism by referring to OUM resources and various websites which
discuss the matter.
 Font size: 12.
 Font type: Times New Roman.
 Line spacing: 1½.
 Use APA style for in-text citations and references. All previous works by other authors cited in the body
must appear in references.
[Total: 50 Marks]

The objective of this assignment is to enhance learners’ skills in conducting a business research by
developing a research design, which is a blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data,
based on the research questions, and to achieve the objectives of the study.

In Task1, you prepared a research proposal on the topic of your choice and developed a theoretical
model/framework. Task 2 continues with the remaining research process. In this assignment, you are
required to:

1. select the most appropriate research approach,

2. determine the unit of analysis,

3. choose the most appropriate data collection method to be adopted or adapted (where necessary) and
describe the process in detail, including the instrument and measurement to be used, the sampling
technique and data collection method, and

4. outline the procedure of analysing the data.

Additional Guidelines/Assignment Format:

 Your assignment must include in-text citations and a reference list, following APA style.
 References should mainly be from latest publications (year 2015 and onwards).
 All submitted assignments will go through online plagiarism software check.
 Please check on the meaning of plagiarism by referring to OUM resources and various websites which
discuss the matter.

[Total: 40 Marks]
Part II (10%)

Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions:

1. Research Title
2. Introduction
3. Literature Review
4. Methodology
5. Data Analysis
[Total: 10 marks]



Part 1(90%)

Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max.
*QN CLO Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Clear title that Clear but brief title Vague title that
Very clear title that No title was
Develop research title for the reflects the issue that reflects the reflects the issue
reflects the issue and given.
1 3 proposed study. 1 and the variables issue and the and the variables 4
the variables subjects
subjects & research variables subjects & subjects &
& research setting.
setting. research setting. research setting.
Very clear discussion Clear discussion of Clear but brief Vague discussion No discussion of
of the background of the background of discussion of the of the background the background
Discuss the background of the the study that the study that background of the of the study that of the study was
1 3 1 4
study. provides a lead-in to provides a lead-in study that provides provides a lead-in given.
the research to the research a lead-in to the to the research
problem. problem research problem problem.
Clear but brief Vague discussion
Very clear discussion Clear discussion of No discussion of
discussion of the of the problem
of the problem the problem the problem
Discuss the problem statement problem statement statement and
statement supported statement statement was
1 3 supported by the sources of the 2 supported by the supported by the 8
by the sources of the supported by the given.
problem. sources of the sources of the
problem. sources of the
problem. problem.
Very clear Clear explanation of Clear but brief Vague explanation No explanation
explanation of research questions explanation of of research of research
research questions which are research questions questions which question was
Explain the research questions of
1 3 which are consistent consistent with the which are are consistent given.
the study 1.5 6
with the research research consistent with the with the research
framework. framework. research framework.
Very clear Clear explanation Clear but brief Vague No explanation
Explain the research objectives of
1 3 1.5 explanation of of research explanation of explanation of of research 6
the study
research objectives objectives which research objectives research objective was
which are consistent are consistent with
which are objectives which given.
with the research the research consistent with the are consistent
framework. framework. research with the research
framework. framework.
Very clear Clear explanation of Clear but brief Vague explanation No explanation
Explain the significance of the explanation of the the significance of explanation of the of the significance of the
1 3 study 1.5 significance of the the study. significance of the of the study. significance of 6
study. study. the study was
Very clear Clear explanation of Clear but brief Vague explanation No explanation
explanation of the the scope of the explanation of the of the scope of of the scope of
1 3 Explain the scope of the study. 1 4
scope of the study. study. scope of the study. the study. the study was
Very clear discussion Clear discussion on Clear but brief Vague discussion No discussion on
on the literature the literature discussion on the on the literature the literature
Discuss the literature review on review on the review on the literature review on review on the review on the
the selected topic using the selected topic using selected topic using the selected topic selected topic selected topic
1 3 2 8
references that have been the references that the references that using the references using the was given.
compiled. have been compiled. have been that have been references that
compiled. compiled. have been
Very clear Clear explanation of Clear but brief Vague explanation No explanation
explanation of the the relevant explanation of the of the relevant of the relevant
Explain the relevant research relevant research research relevant research research research
hypotheses based on the hypotheses based on hypotheses based hypotheses based hypotheses based hypotheses was
1 3 1 4
developed research the developed on the developed on the developed on the developed given.
framework/model. research research research research
framework/model. framework/model. framework/model. framework/model
Total 12.5   50
*QN = Question Number


Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max.
*QN CLO Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Clear explanation Clear but brief Vague No explanation
Very clear
Explain the research approach of research explanation of explanation of of research
explanation of
2 3 of the study. 1.5 approach of the research approach research approach of the 6
research approach of
study. of the study. approach of the study was
the study.
study. given.
Very clear discussion Clear discussion of Clear but brief Vague discussion No discussion
of the data collection the data collection discussion of the of the data of the data
method and the method and the data collection collection collection
Discuss the data collection
instrument used for instrument used method and the method and the method and the
2 3 method and the instrument 2.5 10
the study. for the study. instrument used instrument used instrument
used for the study.
for the study. for the study. used for the
study was
Very clear Clear explanation Clear but brief Vague No explanation
explanation of the of the unit of explanation of the explanation of of the unit of
Explain the unit of analysis, unit of analysis, analysis, unit of analysis, the unit of analysis,
2 3 population and sampling 2 population and population and population and analysis, population and 8
technique. sampling technique. sampling sampling population and sampling
technique. technique. sampling technique was
technique. given.
Very clear Clear description of Clear but brief Vague No description
description of the the data analysis description of the description of the of the data
Describe the data analysis data analysis procedure of the data analysis data analysis analysis
2 3 2 8
procedure of the study. procedure of the study. procedure of the procedure of the procedure of
study. study. study. the study.

2 3 Use appropriate and latest 1 Fifteen appropriate Thirteen Eleven appropriate Nine appropriate References 4
references and citations and latest references appropriate and and latest and latest were not
were cited and listed latest references references were references were adequate
according to APA were cited and cited and listed cited and listed
format. listed according to according to APA according to APA
APA format. format. format.
The writing was The writing was The writing was The writing was The writing was
smooth, easy to smooth, easy to adequate. difficult to read unorganised.
read, and read, and However, there are because of the
Overall organisation, including grammatically grammatically errors in many sentence
2 3 1 4
sentence structures and format correct. correct in most of places. structures and
the places. grammatical
However, there are errors.
some errors.
Total 10   40
*QN = Question Number

Part II (10%)
Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max
*QN CLO Criteria Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
All five comments are Four of the comments Three of the None of the No postings
Quality of Postings very good, are good, comments are comments are good submitted
Affective Domain appropriate, relevant, appropriate, relevant, somewhat good and and relevant. /
1-5 3 (A2) meaningful, meaningful, appropriate and Comments are short
2.5 respectful respectful meaningful responses that are 10
neither substantial
nor meaningful.
Minimum effort

Total 2.5 10
*QN = Question Number


Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.


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