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Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Siswa

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I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!
The text is for number 1 to 2. You are required to pay the school fee before the final test. The test will
To: Sasha be held on April 22nd – 25th 2017.
Wish you all the best on your seventeenth birthday Those who can’t fulfill the requirement will not get the test card, except
Love, you meet the headmaster.
The final test committee
1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell the reader about her activities 8. What is the announcement about?
B. To ask Ryan to come to her birthday party A. The announcement to get the final test card
C. To congratulate Sasha about her birthday party B. The final examination
D. To persuade Sasha to buy some product C. The test will be held six days
D. The requirement is for the staff in the school
2. Who is celebrate the birthday?
A. Ryan C. Sasha’s friend 9. “………. to pay the school fee before the final test………..”
B. Sisi D. Sasha The underlined word has the same meaning with….
A. Requirement C. Payment
Read the text and answer questions 3 to 5. B. Get something D. Storage
From : +0829589400
To : Lita The following text is for questions 10 to 12.
Sorry Honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the Mall FINE SUN BLOCK
tonight. I have to meet my friend (Mrs. Cathy) at Please MOISTURISING CREAM SPP 35
don’t be angry. Effective protection for every sensitive and fair skin
Sender, Effective protection for the skin cell
Mom Against premature skin ageing and UV
Damage with an innovative UV A-UV B
3. Who sends the message? Filter system antioxidant
A. Lita C. Mrs. Cathy ACTIVE FINE CARE
B. Lita’s mother D. Mother’s friend It’s non sticky formula
Perfectly moisturizes the skin
4. How is Lita’s mother feel about her promise? Leaving it smooth and supple
A. Impressed C. Guilty Skin compatibility dermatological proven
B. Confused D. Happy
10. People who use this cream want their skin table ….
5. Mom writes the message in order to ….. A. Wrinkled C. Tanned
A. Apologize for not keeping the promise B. Smooth D. Dry
B. Remind Lita that she has promise
C. Tell Lita that she has to go to the meeting 11. This product is for people with …. skin
D. Say that she cannot meet her in the mall A. dry C. normal
B. oily D. sensitive
Read the text and answer questions 6 to 7.
Dear Andrew, 12. Which statement is not true based on the text?
Please come to my anniversary party on: A. Effective protection for every skin.
Day / Date : Tuesday, May 21st 2013 B. This product has active SPP 30
Time : 4 p.m. C. It has filter system.
Place : CFC, Jln. A. Yani 06, Pandeglang D. It’s non sticky formula
I really hope that you can come. There will be something
missing without your coming. Read the text and answer questions 13 to 15.
Jakarta, 09 July 2017
Love, Dear Indah,
I am very glad to write this letter to you, I want to tell you about
6. Who celebrate the anniversary party? my new school.
A. Rose C. Rose’s friend I am studying at SMPN 102 Jakarta. Now I am at the 9th grade.
B. Andrew D. Andrew’s sister I have met a lot of friends here.
My school is located in the city. It has a big library a
7. What kinds of party is it? representative class and laboratory. The school is tidy and clean. I am
A. Wedding party C. Graduation party very happy studying here.
B. Anniversary party D. Birthday party Please write back and tell me the condition of our school. Don’t
forget to convey my greetings for our teachers and our friends. I love
The text is for questions 8 to 9. you all.
To : All the students of SMPN 2 Yogyakarta
With love
Nadia Maharani D. The author admires him

13. What is the purpose of the text? 19. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. To tell Indah about her story A. Michael Jordan is handsome
B. To give information for the readers B. His Playing ability is great.
C. To describe to Indah about her new school C. Everyone dreams to be Michael Jordan
D. To know Indah’s condition D. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player in the
14. Nadia hopes Indah ….
A. Come to other her house and tell the story about her new 20. Michael Jordan is not only a great athlete but also a warm,
school caring person.
B. Write back the letter tell about her old school The underlined means….
C. Tell her story about her new school to other friends and A. Great C. Hospitality
teachers B. Famous D. Determined
D. Come to Nadia’s new school
21. The text indicates that the writer is ….
15. “It has big library, a representative class and laboratory”. A. Michael Jordan’s fan
The word it refers to … B. Michael Jordan’s son
A. Nadia’s new school C. Indah C. Michael Jordan’s coach
B. Nadia D. Nadia’s old school D. Michael Jordan’s family

The text is for questions 16. Read the text and answer questions 22 to 25.

The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It can run 100
kilometers an hour. It is now rare and is one of the animals which are in
danger of extinction. Some people like to hunt them for getting its skin
and sell it to create some interior accessories at home.
The cheetah has a small head and ears, and long, powerful
legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on open ground.
This is a different way of hunting from the other “big cats.” They
like to stay in and near trees to catch their prey. The cheetah is also
different from other cats because it cannot draw in its claws.

22. The text mainly describes … of cheetah.

A. The location C. The food
B. The characteristics D. The body
16. What does the notice means?
A. The book return service is available after hours only 23. Cheetah is now rare and is one of the animals which are in
B. You should put the books here if you return them after the danger because ….
closing time A. Lack of food C. The Hunting
C. You can borrow the books from this counter B. Short Life D. Fighting each other
D. You cannot return the borrowed if the library is closed
24. “It can run 100 km an hour.” The word it refers to ….
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 21. A. The Animal C. The Cat
If you are a sport fan, you are sure to know the name of Michael B. The Leopard D. TThe Cheetah
Jordan. It is probably the greatest basketball player is over; his fame will
live on for many years to come. 25. They like to stay in and near trees to catch their pray.
Michael Jordan certainly looks like a star. He is tall, well-build The antonym of the underlined word is ……
and handsome, with friendly brown eyes and wide green. He always A. To protect C. To chase
manages to look well dressed, even in his casual clothes or smart suits. B. To kill D. To prey
His personality, too, is as outstanding as his playing ability.
Michael Jordan is a very determined person. This has mid him a Read the text and answer questions number 26 – 28.
successful basketball star. He has given a lot of money and support to
All in all, Michael Jordan is not only a great athlete, but also a You Need:
warm, caring person. It is no wonder that so many boys have dreamed • A digital camera
of growing up to be just like him. • An object (a friend/classmates or something interesting, you can
find around the classroom or school yard)
17. The bets title for the text is …
A. Michael Jordan C. A Sport man Follow the steps below to take the picture:
B. A Warm, caring person D. Famous star 1. Hold up the camera and centre the object in the LCD (Liquid
Crystal Display).
18. Why is he famous? 2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want.
A. He is handsome 3. When you’re ready to takes pictures, hold the shutter halfway. It
B. He is the best basketball player is very important so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed
C. He gives charity and various other calculations.
4. A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go. back to earth. Behind them they left the craters, plains, and tall
5. Press the shutter all the way down. mountains of the moon. They left the machines they had set up. And
they left footprints that may last forever.
It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when
there is more extreme sunlight or to converse battery life. The glare 31. What is the text about?
from the LCD does not work well with more bright light. A. Two men who successfully landed on the moon.
B. The moon-landing craft used by astronauts.
26. What is the purpose of the text? C. People’s visits to the space through t he moon
A. To tell how something is made D. The craters, plains and mountains third of the moon
B. To show how to create something
C. To explain how to take pictures 32. What does the third paragraph tell you about?
D. To describe how something achieve A. Taking a walk on the surface of the moon
B. The first moon-landing craft
27. What will happen to the LCD when there is more extreme light? C. The astronaut’s activities on the moon
A. The Glare is broken D. The research done by earth scientists
B. The Glare works well
C. The Glare is unbroken 33. Neil Armstrong’s footprints could stay forever on the moon
D. The Glare does not work well because
A.They are made of hard rock of the moon
28. The Glare from the LCD …….. (the last sentence). B. They were set up by machines and strong dirt
What does the word “glare” mean? C. They were placed on the tall mountains of the moon
A. View finder C. Bright light D. There is no wind or rain to wipe them away
B. Battery life D.Sunlight 34. Based on the text, it can be concluded that the situation in the
moon is very…
The text is for questions 29 to 30. A. Noisy C. Common
B. Quiet D. Crowded
How to make a boat or Hat from Paper
• Things You Need: 35. “nd they left footprints that may last forever”.
A half of newspaper What does the word “forever” mean?
• What to do: A. For all future time C. In the long run
B. In the near future D. For the time being)
First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold.
Second, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep folded 36. They joined… the space ship that waited for them above the
Next, fold the corners down to the middle again moon”. (p.4)
Then, fold the points down to the middle. What the word “them” in the sentence refer to?
Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat, or flip it A. Neil Armstrong and his three crews
over and wear it as a hat. B. Edwin Aldrin and his Michael Collins
C. Michael Collins and all his friends
29. “Finally open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat or D. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin
flip it over and wear it as a hat”. The underlined word could be
best replaced with the word….. Read the text and answer the questions 37 to 42.
A. Design C. Perform
B. Create D. Have Once, there was a kingdom in Priangan land. There lived a
happu family. They were a father in a form of dog, Tumang. A mother
30. “Finally open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat or who called Dayang Sumbi and child who was called Sangkuriang.
flip it over and wear it as a hat”. The underlined word is refers One day, Dayang Sumbi called her son to go hunting with his
to…. lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang began
A. Paper C. Boat desperate and worried because he hunted no deer. Then, he thought to
B. Hat D. Newspaper shoot his own dog. He took the dog’s liver and carried home. Soon,
Dayang Sumbi found that he was not deer’s liver but Tumang’s his own
Read the text and answer questions 31 to 36. dog. So, she was very angry and hit Sangkuriang’s head. In that
incident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar then cast away from their
On July 20, 1969, the dream to visit the moon came true. Two home.
American astronauts landed on their names were Neil Armstrong and Years went by, Sangkuriang had travelled to many places and
Edwin Aldrin. finally arrived at a village. He met beautiful woman and felt in love with
The first thing the men discovered was that the moon is covered her. When they were discussing their wedding plans the women looked
with gray dust. The dust is so thick that the men left footprints wherever at the wounded in Sangkuriang’s head. And then she remembered with
they walked. Those were the first footprints any living thing had ever her son Sangkuriang.
made on the moon. And they could stay there forever! There is no wind Dayang Sumbi made a request for celebrating their wedding
or rain to wipe them away. day. Sangkuriang had to make a lake and a boat. Sangkuriang had to
The two astronauts walked on the moon for four hours. They make in one night. He built a lake the down.
picked up rocks for earth scientists to study. They dug up dirt to bring Just moment away and the boat was almost complete. Dayang
back to earth. They set up machines to find out things scientists wanted Sumbi had to stop it. Then she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of
to know. Then they climbed back into their moon-landing craft. light it. It made a cock crowded for new day. Sangkuriang failed to marry
The next day the landing-craft rockets roared as the two men her. He was very angry and kicked the boat. It felt over and became the
blasted off from the moon. They joined Michael Collins in the space ship mountain of Tangkuban Parahu.
that waited for them above the moon. Then, they began the long trip
37. What is the title of this story? 45. ………….
A. Sangkuriang cried A. Sad C. Upset
B. Sangkuriang shoots his dog B. Happy D. Disappointed
C. Sangkuriang and Tangkuban Parahu Mountain
D. Sangkuriang failed to marry The text is for questions no 46-48.

38. Why was Dayang Sumbi very angry to Sangkuriang? Orange is common name of citrus fruit of several … (46).
A. Because Sangkuriang shoot her dog Different varieties include the sweet orange, the sour orange, and the
B. Because Sangkuriang forgotten to take a deer mandarin orange, or tangerine. The fruit is technically is kind of berry. It
C. Because Sangkuriang leave her … (47) of several easily separated sections, each containing several
D. Because Sangkuriang go away seeds and many juice cells, covered by a leathery skin, containing
various oil glands.
39. What did Dayang Sumbi ask for celebrating their wedding? Orange trees are evergreens, seldom exceeding 9 m (30 ft) in
A. a big house C. a lake and a boat height. The leaves are oval and the flowers are white and fragrant.
B. a place D. a deer’s liver Three essential oils are obtained from oranges; oil of orange, obtained
from the rind of the fruit and used … (48) as a flavoring agent; oil of pet
40. Sangkuriang failed to marry her because …… grain, obtained from the leaves and twigs and used in perfumery; and
A. He did not finish completely with his promise oil of naroli, obtained from the blossom and used in flavoring and
B. He kicked the boat perfumes.
C. Sangkuriang rejected Dayang Sumbi’s request
D. Sangkuriang surrounded to make a lake and a boat 46. ………….
A. Three C. Twigs
41. What did Dayang Sumbi make to stop Sangkuriang’s work? B. Trees D. Leaves
A. She lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light it
B. Dayang Sumbi kicked the boat 47. ………….
C. She hit him A. Consists C. Forms
D. Dayang Sumbi runaway B. Makes D. Has

42. Sangkuriang got angry and kicked the boat because …… 48. ………….
A. Dayang Sumbi hit him A. Luckily C. Mainly
B. He failed to marry Dayang Sumbi B. Ideally D. Slowly
C. Dayang Sumbi rejected
D. Dayang Sumbi made a scar on his forehead 49. Arrange these jumbled words into a meaningful sentence.
a species - the peach – of – prunus – as – known – is
The text is for questions 43 to 45. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 4 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 6
...... (43), my family and I went to Pasir Putih beach. We went by own B. 1 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 4
car. We left our house at 08.00 a.m. and …… (44) there at 09.00 a.m. I C. 2 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 4
felt …… (45). We played with sand and swam in the area. After we felt D. 4 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 2
tired we had lunch together and played again. At 03.00 p.m. we went 50. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph of
back. procedure text.
1. Add the coconut milk, stir, continue simmer to enhance
43. …………. flavor.
A. Last holiday C. Today 2. Fry the grinded spices with 2 spoons of vegetable oil.
B. Next week D. In this moment. 3. Serve your white chicken curry while hot.
4. Boil chicken. Allow 2 cups of broth to remain in the pot.
44. …………. 5. Add the spices into the boiled chicken; turn to low heat
A. Left C. Arrived until it is tender.
B. Travelled D. Backed A. 4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 3 C. 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3
B. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3 D. 2 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3

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