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Hospital Environment Makalah 1

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1 Introduction...................................................................................................................2
1.1 Purpose, scope and audience................................................................................2
1.2 Policy rationale....................................................................................................3
1.3 Health rationale....................................................................................................4
1.4 Health-care settings.............................................................................................5
1.4.1 Large health-care settings.......................................................................................5
1.4.2 Small health-care settings.......................................................................................6
1.4.3 Emergency or isolation settings..............................................................................6
1.5 Structure..............................................................................................................6
2 Implementation..............................................................................................................8
2.1 Positive policy environment................................................................................8
2.2 Steps in managing standards at national, district and local levels........................8
2.3 Roles and responsibilities..................................................................................11
2.4 Coordination in the health-care setting..............................................................12
2.5 Using the guidelines to create standards for specific health-care............................13
2.6 Assessing and planning minimum standards......................................................14
2.7 Phased improvements........................................................................................15
2.8 Technology choice, operation and maintenance.................................................15
2.9 Ongoing monitoring, review and correction......................................................16
2.10 Staff requirements and training..............................................................................16
2.11 Hygiene promotion................................................................................................17
3 . Guidelines for setting environmental health standards...................................................18
3.1 Guidelines and associated information..............................................................18
3.1.1 Guideline structure................................................................................................18
3.1.2 Indicators..............................................................................................................18
3.1.3 Guidance notes......................................................................................................19
3.2 Guidelines..........................................................................................................21
4 Assessment checklist....................................................................................................49
5 Glossary................................................................................................................................56
6 Further reading....................................................................................................................58

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose, scope and audience

Essential environmental health standards in health care contains guidelines for
setting standards of safety conditions to provide adequate health care. This
document also recommends measures for minimizing the risk of health care-
associated diseases for patients, staff and carers.1

These guidelines have been written for use by health managers and planners,
architects, urban planners, water and sanitation staff, clinical and nursing staff,
carers and other health-care providers, and health promoters. They can be used

• develop specific national standards that are relevant to various health-care

settings in different contexts

• support the application of national standards and set specific targets in health-
care settings
• assess the situation regarding environmental health in existing health-care
settings to evaluate the extent to which they may fall short of national plans
and local targets
• plan and carry out the improvements that are required
• ensure that the construction of new health-care settings is of acceptable
• prepare and implement comprehensive and realistic action plans so that
acceptable conditions are achieved and maintained.

These guidelines deal specifically with water supply (water quality, quantity and
access), excreta disposal, drainage, health-care waste management, cleaning and
laundry, food storage and preparation, control of vector-borne disease, building
design (including ventilation), construction and management, and hygiene
promotion. They are designed primarily for use in health-care settings in
precarious situations, and in situations where simple and affordable measures can
improve hygiene and health significantly.
1 ‘Carers’ is used in these standards to mean family, friends or voluntary workers who care for a
patient at home or who accompany patients to a health-care setting, visit hospitalized patients and
provide basic, non-professional care. Carers may be occasional visitors, or they may stay to cook,
clean and care for patients in the health-care setting (medical structure or home).
In principle, standards are set at the national level and are used at district and
local levels to set and work towards specific targets. Therefore, these guidelines
provide a basis for setting standards at a national level when this is required; they
may be used in a similar way at district and local levels, where appropriate. They
are intended to be used, together with existing national standards and guidelines,
for creating targets, policies and procedures to be used in each health-care
setting. Box 1.1 contains definitions of standards and guidelines.

Box 1.1 Definitions of standards and guidelines

Standards are the requirements that must be met to achieve minimum essential
environmental health conditions in health-care settings. They must be clear,
essential and verifiable statements.

Guidelines are the recommended practices to achieve desirable minimum
environmental health standards in health-care settings. They are not law, but
should be used as guidance.

1.2 Policy rationale

Effective functioning of health-care settings depends on a number of different

requirements, including safe and sufficient water, basic sanitation, adequate
management of health-care waste, appropriate knowledge and application of
hygiene, and adequate ventilation. However, many of these requirements are not
available in many health-care settings across the world (WHO, 2004a).

Health-care associated infections affect between 5% and 30% of patients,

although the figures could be significantly higher in some contexts (WHO,
2005a). The associated burden of disease is extremely high, is a significant drain
on health-sector and household resources, and disproportionately affects
vulnerable members of society. Environmental health in health-care settings can
significantly decrease the transmission of such infections.
Health-care settings include hospitals, health centres, clinics, health posts, dental
surgeries, general practitioner settings and home-based care. Interventions to
improve environmental health in health-care settings are intended to reduce the
transmission of infections (in health-care settings) and therefore directly reduce
the disease burden. They are also targeted at high-risk populations (for example,
immunocompromised patients). Health-care settings also provide an educational
opportunity to promote safe environments that are relevant to the population at
large, and thereby also contribute to safe environments at home and in
community settings, such as schools.

The international policy environment increasingly reflects these issues. Among

the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals, 2 that is of direct
relevance to the goals on improving maternal health (an estimated 529 000
maternal deaths occur per year; WHO 2005c) and reducing child mortality. They
also support other goals, especially those on major diseases and infant mortality.
The Millennium Project and the UN Secretary-General have also highlighted the
importance of rapidly addressing “quick wins” (successful, quick interventions),
particularly, providing services to health-care settings and schools (see Box 1.2
below). Putting policy into practice in this area demands strong links between
sectors such as health, water supply and sanitation, planning, building
management and construction.


Box 1.2 UN Millennium Development Goals relating to health-care settings

Goal 4, Target 5 of the UN Millennium Development Goals aims at reducing by

two thirds the death rate for children under five.
Goal 5, Target 6 aims at reducing maternal mortality by three quarters.

1.3 Health rationale

Health-care settings are environments with a high prevalence of infectious
disease agents. Patients, staff, carers and neighbours of the health-care setting
face unacceptable risks of infection if environmental health is inadequate. The

health-care setting might even become the epicentre of outbreaks of certain
diseases, such as typhus or diarrhoea.

Table 1.1 shows the risks related to environmental health in health-care settings,
as well as the main preventive measures that are covered by these guidelines.
Some staff may be exposed to radiological or chemical hazards. These require
particular preventive measures that are beyond the scope of these guidelines.

Table 1.1 Disease risks and preventive measures in health-care settings

Disease risk Prevention measures
Airborne infections • Ventilation
(e.g. • Space available per patient
Legionella, avian • Spacing of beds
influenza, • Use of separate rooms for highly vulnerable or
SARS, tuberculosis) infectious patients
• Use of masks and correct incineration of wastes
Water-, food- or • Water supply (quality and access)
handborne infections • Excreta disposal
(e.g. HEV, diarrhoea) • Hygiene facilities
• Food hygiene
• Hand hygiene
Infection of • Use of single-use medical devices and dressings
wounds/surgical • Pre-disinfection
incisions from • Cleaning and sterilization of instruments and
contaminated dressings
water, medical • Good-quality water
devices and • Asepsis in surgical or dressings procedures
dressings (e.g.
Bloodborne • Health-care waste management and use of single-use
infections due to needles and syringes
contaminated • Safe blood transfusion
needles and
syringes, unsafe
blood transfusion
(e.g. HBV, HCV,
Heat- and cold- • Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) and
related stress and insulation
discomfort (e.g.
higher fever)
Vector-borne • Control of disease vectors in and around buildings
disease • Protection of patients
transmission (e.g. • Protection of infrastructure
malaria, dengue,
HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HEV, hepatitis E virus; HIV,
human immunodeficiency virus; SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome

1.4 Health-care settings

These guidelines are intended for use in precarious health-care settings where
simple, robust and affordable solutions to infection control are required. They
apply to a range of health-care settings, from home-based care through to district
and central hospitals. Three broad types of health-care settings (discussed below)
illustrate the issues involved in environmental health:

• large health-care settings providing a range of outpatient and inpatient care

• small health-care settings providing outpatient care and outreach activities

• emergency or isolation settings.

1.4.1 Large health-care settings

Examples of large health-care settings providing a range of outpatient and

inpatient care include district hospitals and other referral health facilities.
Disease transmission risks are substantial, given the presence of infectious
patients and extended contact with other patients, staff and carers. The full range
of water supply, sanitation and hygiene facilities and services covered by these
guidelines needs to be provided.

Financial and material resources may be scarce, but there is usually a substantial
human resources capacity, with medical, nursing, pharmacy and technical
services staff potentially able to contribute to infection control.

1.4.2 Small health-care settings

Examples of small health-care settings providing outpatient care and outreach

activities include primary health-care centres in rural, periurban and urban areas.
As there is normally no inpatient care, disease transmission risks are limited. A
more limited range of facilities and services covered by these guidelines needs to
be provided and the basic requirements are relatively simple.

Financial and material resources may be scarce and support from the health
authorities may be inadequate, particularly in remote rural areas and poor peri-
urban areas.

1.4.3 Emergency or isolation settings

Emergency or isolation settings include isolation or treatment facilities for

routine emergencies as well as infectious diseases such as cholera, severe acute
respiratory syndrome and viral haemorrhagic fever, and therapeutic feeding
centres in emergencies. These settings may be stand-alone in crises (“open
situations”) or set up under tents in refugee camps (“closed situations”);
alternatively, they may be attached to, or part of, an existing health-care setting.
Disease transmission risks are particularly high in these settings.

Intensive management of water supply, sanitation, hygiene and waste is required

to protect staff, carers and patients from diseases such as cholera and viral
haemorrhagic fever. Some specific measures may be required that go beyond the
scope of these guidelines, and specialized references should be consulted (see the
list of “Further reading”).

1.5 Structure
These guidelines are organized into four main sections:

• Section 1 provides an overview of the purpose, scope and rationale for the
• Section 2 discusses how these guidelines may be used at national, district and
local levels, and identifies roles and responsibilities of stakeholders.
• Section 3 contains the 11 guidelines, each of which is accompanied by a set
of indicators (measures for whether the guidelines are met) and guidance
notes (advice on applying the guidelines and indicators in practice,
highlighting the most important aspects that need to be considered when
setting priorities for action).

• Section 4 provides a checklist of assessment questions for each of the

guidelines presented in Section 3, to measure the extent to which the
guidelines are followed and to identify areas for action.

Specific terms are explained in the glossary, and references and further reading
are provided in the reference list.

2 Implementation

This section highlights the importance of policy that encourages implementation

of these guidelines, and outlines the steps and roles and responsibilities at national,
district and local levels. It also provides information on applying the guidelines to
specific health-care settings; using them to develop minimum standards (which can be
used to assess standards that are already in place); choosing appropriate technology for
implementation; and ensuring ongoing monitoring, improvements and staff training.
2.1 Positive policy environment
Positive policies are required at national, state, regional, district and health-
setting levels to encourage appropriate levels of environmental health in health-
care settings. A supportive policy environment should allow stakeholders at
district and health-setting levels to establish effective governance and
management arrangements to plan, fund, implement and coordinate
improvements and maintain standards, based on these guidelines.
2.2 Steps in managing standards at national, district and local levels
As discussed in Section 1.1, these guidelines can be used to set standards at a
national, district or local level. Once standards have been set, there are essential
steps for managing them at national, district and local (health-care setting and
community). These steps are shown in Table 2.1.
The three levels presented in the table are intended as a general illustration of
how related activities are required at different levels. The way in which these
activities are organized in any given context will depend on country-specific
arrangements but, in principle, standards are set at the national level and are used
at district and local levels to set and work towards specific targets.
Intergovernmental organizations, such as the World Health Organization
(WHO), and national and international nongovernmental organizations, may play
an important role at all levels. This should also be taken into account in each

Table 2.1 Steps in establishing and managing appropriate standards at
national, district and local levels
National level District level HCS or community level
1 • Review existing • Raise awareness on • Mobilize support
national policies environmental health from health workers,
and ensure that in HCSs among key local communities
there is a stakeholders at and other local
national policy district level. stakeholders to
achieve and sustain a
framework that
healthy health-care
• Promote a working
conditions in
climate that
encourages patient
and staff safety.
2 • Ensure that national • Ensure that an • Create and assign

bodies exist for appropriate body responsibility to a

setting and or service exists at local body to oversee
monitoring district level for the implementation of
standards. overseeing national standards at
HCS level.
compliance with
• Promote a working
national standards.
climate that
encourages patient
and staff safety.
3 • Provide national • Provide expertise and • Assess existing
expertise and resources for conditions, consult
knowledge assessment and local stakeholders
through planning at local (including staff
information level. and local
dissemination community) and
mechanisms. plan
improvements and
4 • Review national • Ensure that the • Define a set of targets,
standards and add national policies and procedures
to them if needed. regulatory for implementing
• Ensure that there is framework is national standards
an effective reflected in and/or guidelines in a
regulatory guidance and way that reflects local
support for conditions.
framework that
compliance at • Define how targets,
encourages and
district level. policies and procedures

supports Develop and use
• will be applied.
compliance. guidelines where
national standards
do not exist.
5 • Provide and/or • Allocate funding for • Seek funding for
facilitate funding for planned planned
national improvements and improvements
programmes. new developments. and new
6 • Monitor progress at • Ensure oversight of • Oversee implementation
national level and improvements and of planned
promote consistent new developments to improvements and new
application of ensure the consistent developments.
standards in all application of
regions and at all national standards in
levels. all HCSs.
7 • Produce training and • Provide appropriate • Provide advice and
information training and training to health-care
materials information to health- workers and patients.
appropriate to a care workers.
range of health-care
• Ensure appropriate
curriculum for
health-care worker
8 • Periodic review and • Inform key • Mobilize support from

update of policies, stakeholders at health workers, local

standards, training district level on communities and other
contents, evaluation updated local stakeholders to
and monitoring environmental improve, achieve and
sustain a healthy
tools. health components
in HCSs.
• Promote a working
climate that
encourages patient and
staff safety.
HCS, health-care setting

2.3 Roles and responsibilities

Table 2.2 presents the role and responsibilities of stakeholders at district and
local levels. It also outlines some of the things they can do to help achieve and

maintain adequate environmental health conditions in health-care settings. The
list is not exhaustive and can be added to in any particular context.
Table 2.2 Roles and responsibilities for implementing guidelines and
standards for environmental health in health-care settings
Stakeholder group Contribution to improved environmental health in
HCSs or home care
Patients • Comply with procedures for use and care of water
and sanitation facilities, and observe appropriate
hygiene measures.
Patients’ families and • Comply with procedures for use and care of water

carers and sanitation facilities, and observe hygiene

• Encourage patients to do the same.

Health-care workers • Carry out disease prevention duties (such as

cleaning, health-care waste management, hand
hygiene and asepsis in health care) consistently and
• Care for and maintain water and sanitation facilities.

• Encourage patients and carers to adopt appropriate

• Participate actively in achieving and maintaining
HCS managers • Plan and implement programmes to set, achieve,
monitor and maintain targets.
• Create conditions in which staff are motivated to
meet and maintain targets.
Health authorities • Provide resources and direction for setting,
achieving and maintaining targets.
Environmental health • May collect and dispose of health-care waste in a
services centralized facility.
• Provide specialist advice for identifying problems
and recommending solutions for water supply,
sanitation and hygiene.
Education sector • Raise awareness in medical schools and other
• Provide training for the health sector.

Politicians • Provide and mobilize political and financial support

for improvements.
Public works and/or • Ensure correct design and construction of buildings
water and sanitation and sanitary infrastructure and maintain services to
sector HCSs as a priority.

Construction and • Provide skilled services that comply with
maintenance national standards for construction,
industry, including local maintenance and repair of buildings and
contractors sanitary infrastructure.
National and • Provide funding for new HCSs, upgrading or
international Funding renovation of existing ones and ongoing
bodies maintenance of targets.
Other communities • Participate in disease control sessions through
community health organizations that might exist.
• Report on health-care waste found outside HCSs.

HCS, health-care setting

The level of participation described above is achievable through the allocation of

resources and commitment at all levels.
Effective linkages between different government sectors, and between the public
sector, the private sector and local communities, are essential. Local intersectoral
bodies, such as village or district development committees, may be useful for
joint planning, implementing and monitoring of improvements.
2.4 Coordination in the health-care setting
Managing the various and interdependent aspects of environmental health at the
level of the health-care setting should involve all staff, as well as patients and
carers (see Section 2.3). There should be a clearly identified body with the
authority and resources required to carry out steps 3–7 (in the health-care setting
or community level column), in Table 2.1, above.
In hospitals and other larger settings, a committee may be required for planning,
coordinating and monitoring implementation of targets. Members of the
committee should include managers, clinicians, technical and ancillary staff.

In smaller settings, such as basic health posts, this role may be taken on by one
staff member or volunteer, who should receive support from environmental
health officers or other infection control staff based at the district level.

In these guidelines, the term “infection control committee” is used to describe a

body at the local or health-care setting level. This body might be a committee or
a single person, and may be responsible for all aspects of infection control, or
may focus more specifically on water supply, sanitation, hygiene, ventilation and
health-care waste management.

2.5 Using the guidelines to create standards for specific health-care
The guidelines in Section 3 reflect general principles for providing adequate
health care and minimizing the health-care associated disease risk to patients,
staff and carers. They can be used, as follows, for creating specific targets or
standards appropriate for individual health-care settings, or different types of
health-care settings:
• Review the 11 guidelines, which are narrative statements describing the
situation to be aimed for.

• Identify major areas that require attention in relation to specific

guidelines. Consider on-site conditions that might affect the way that the
guidelines are interpreted in practice. Note that on-site constraints, such as
lack of funding or lack of a suitable water source, should not be taken into
consideration at this stage. The aim is first to define appropriate standards
required in a particular setting, then to seek ways to meet those standards,
rather than defining limited standards that are insufficient.

• Use national standards or the indicators under each guideline to define

specific targets or standards, such as the number of users per toilet or the
quantity of water per person per day required. The indicators provide
benchmarks that reflect current understanding of appropriate levels of service
required to create and maintain healthy care environments. The guidance
notes provide advice on taking account of local conditions when using the
indicators for setting specific targets or standards and on intermediate steps to
reaching them.

2.6 Assessing and planning minimum standards

Once specific standards have been defined for a particular health-care setting
or type of setting, they can be used as a checklist to determine how and to what
extent the existing situation falls short of them. This will identify specific
problems that need addressing. See Section 4 for an assessment checklist.

Analysing the reasons for shortfalls, in as inclusive a way as possible, is
important because most solutions will require the participation of multiple
parties, including patients, carers, health-care workers and health managers. A
useful tool for this analysis is the problem–solution tree (see Box 2.1).
Objectives should be understandable and motivating to all those concerned by
their achievement, and progress towards achieving them should be possible to
measure and describe easily and clearly.

Box 2.1 The problem–solution tree

The problem–solution tree is a simple method to identify problems, their causes
and effects, and then define objectives for improvement that are achievable and
appropriate for the specific conditions of each health-care setting. The
problem–solution tree is performed as a group activity through the following

1. Discuss any major aspects of the current situation where water supply,
sanitation, healthcare waste management and hygiene targets defined for the
health-care setting are not met. Write each one in large letters on a small piece
of paper (e.g. A6 size) or a postcard.

2. For each major problem, discuss its causes by asking “why?” For each
of the contributing problems identified, ask “why?” again, and so on until root
causes for each problem have been revealed and agreed. Write all the
contributing problems in large letters on a piece of paper or postcard and stick
them on a wall, arranged in a way that reflects their relation to each other and to
the major problem.

3. For each of the contributing problems noted, discuss possible solutions.

Check that these solutions contribute to solving the major problems identified
by asking “what?” to identify the effects of the action. Some solutions proposed
will probably have to be abandoned because they are not realistic given current
conditions, or because they do not have sufficient impact on the major

4. Once a number of feasible solutions have been agreed, they should be
phrased as objectives. For each objective, the group can then discuss and agree
on a strategy (how the objectives can be reached), responsibilities (who will do
what), timing, resources and requirements.

2.7 Phased improvements

Many health-care settings are currently far from achieving acceptable levels of
environmental health and may have no suitable facilities at all, because of lack of
resources, skills or adequate institutional support. Often, achieving appropriate
standards will not be possible in the short term. Therefore, steps should be taken
both to prioritize improvements and to work in a phased way so that the most
urgent problems can be identified and addressed immediately, and other benefits
subsequently achieved. See Box 3.1 in Section 3 for advice on intermediate
measures for situations where long-term standards cannot be met rapidly.

2.8 Technology choice, operation and maintenance

Maintenance, repair and eventual replacement of environmental health facilities
should be taken into account while they are being designed and built. As far as
possible, facilities should be hard-wearing, durable and possible to maintain
without specialist skills or equipment. Technology should be chosen taking
account of local capacities for maintenance and repair. In some cases, it may be
necessary to choose a lower level of service to avoid essential equipment that
cannot be repaired when it breaks down. For example, it may be better to keep an
open, protected well, rather than equip it with a cover slab and pump, until there
is a reliable system in place for maintaining and repairing the pump.

Responsibilities for operation and maintenance should be clearly defined, and

appropriate expertise provided (see Section 2.9). Maintaining, repairing and
replacing water supplies, sanitation, ventilation systems and health-care waste
facilities should be planned and budgeted for from the beginning of a programme
to improve health-care settings or build new ones.

2.9 Ongoing monitoring, review and correction
Maintaining acceptable conditions requires ongoing efforts at all levels. The role
of the infection control committee in ensuring regular monitoring of
environmental health conditions is critical. The local department of
environmental health should be a major partner, providing expert monitoring and
advice. For example, health-care settings should be included in regular water
quality surveillance and control programmes.

A monitoring system should use a limited set of indicators (such as behavioural

indication) that are easily and frequently measured to identify problems and
correct them in a timely way. For example, water shortages at handwashing
points may be monitored by staff according to an organized schedule, and
signalled immediately to caretakers or maintenance staff, where these exist, for
action. A periodic review of environmental health facilities should also be
carried out in a way that illustrates the links between the various activities. As in
assessments, reviews should seek to identify causes for problems and then
propose realistic solutions.

Recording forms should be developed at the level of the health-care setting, or at

the district or national level for standardized monitoring reports. This will allow
data from all health-care settings to be collated and compared (see the
assessment checklist in Section 4).

2.10 Staff requirements and training

Infection control should be given a central place in the training and supervision
of healthcare workers and ancillary staff.

Many activities that are important for infection control are performed routinely
by healthcare workers as part of their health-care tasks. Hand hygiene is one of
the most important of these activities. In smaller settings, health-care workers
may also be required to perform medical and non-medical tasks, including
operating and maintaining environmental health facilities.

In larger settings, other staff (such as cleaners, kitchen staff and waste
technicians) are also responsible for infection control. In their training and
management, they should be made aware of the importance of their role and
should be able to apply the basic principles of infection control to their daily

Where the building design and mechanical services form part of the infection
control strategy (e.g. isolation rooms, ventilation), staff training should include
the importance of following correct operational procedures to ensure that
protection is maintained.

2.11 Hygiene promotion

Hygiene promotion is important for staff, patients and carers. They should be
given constant reminders of the importance of infection control and the routine
measures required to achieve it. This applies to all health-care settings, including
home care. Health promotion may be limited to providing basic information
about such things as the location and correct use of toilets and handwashing
points. Health-care workers have a primary role in this.

3 . Guidelines for setting environmental health standards

This section contains the 11 guidelines for setting essential environmental

health standards for health-care settings. These guidelines, along with their
accompanying indicators, can be used to help inform or develop policies for
providing health care at a national, district and local level.
3.1 Guidelines and associated information
These guidelines provide a basis for setting standards at a national level when
this is required. They may be used in a similar way at district and local levels,
where appropriate. The guidelines, indicators and guidance notes in this section
are intended to be used, together with existing national standards and guidelines,
for creating targets, policies, procedures and standards to be used in each health-
care setting.

3.1.1 Guideline structure

The guidelines are given in the form of a statement that describes the situation to
be aimed for and maintained. Each guideline is specified by a set of indicators
that can be used as benchmark values for the following activities:

• assessing existing situations

• planning new health-care settings or improvements to existing ones
• ensuring that the construction of new health-care settings is of acceptable
• monitoring ongoing maintenance of facilities.

3.1.2 Indicators

The indicators are based on WHO’s guidelines and have been compared with a
number of other indicators from documents that also guide practice in health-
care settings and other relevant settings, and are presented in the reference list.
Specialist technical terms are explained in the glossary. These indicators need to
be adapted in the light of national standards, local conditions and current
practices. They mostly concern results — for example, the quantity of water
available or the frequency of room cleaning.

3.1.3 Guidance notes

The guidance notes provide advice on applying the guidelines and indicators in
practice and highlight the most important aspects that need to be considered
when setting priorities for action. They are numbered according to the indicators
to which they refer.

The guidelines and indicators are designed to help set targets for creating
adequate conditions for the long term. Box 3.1 shows basic measures that can be
taken to protect health as a temporary measure until adequate long-term
conditions are provided.

Box 3.1 Essential temporary measures required to protect health

• Provide safe drinking-water from a protected groundwater source (spring,
well or borehole), or from a treated supply, and keep it safe until it is drunk
or used. Untreated water from unprotected sources can be made safer by
simple means such as boiling or filtering and disinfection.

• Provide water for handwashing after going to the toilet and before handling
food, before and after performing health care. This may be done using
simple and economical equipment, such as a pitcher of water, a basin and
soap, or wood ash in some settings.

• Provide basic sanitation facilities that enable patients, staff and carers to go
to the toilet without contaminating the health-care setting or resources such
as water supplies. This may entail measures as basic as providing simple pit
latrines with reasonable privacy.

Note that the risk of transmission of soil-based helminths is increased with

the use of defecation fields. The use of shoes or sandals provides protection
from hookworm infections.

• Provide safe health-care waste management facilities to safely contain the

amount of infectious waste produced. This will require the presence of
colour-coded containers in all rooms where wastes are generated.

• Provide cleaning facilities that enable staff to routinely clean surfaces and
fittings to ensure that the health-care environment is visibly clean and free
from dust and soil. Approximately 90% of microorganisms are present
within visible dirt; the purpose of cleaning is to eliminate this dirt.

• Ensure that eating utensils are washed immediately after use. The sooner
utensils are cleaned the easier they are to wash. Hot water and detergent,
and drying on a stand are required.

• Reduce the population density of disease vectors. Proper waste disposal,

food hygiene, wastewater drainage, and a clean environment are key
activities for controlling the presence of vectors.

• Provide safe movement of air into buildings to ensure that indoor air is
healthy and safe for breathing. This is particularly important if health care is
being provided for people with acute respiratory diseases.

• Provide information about, and implement, hygiene promotion so that staff,

patients and carers are informed about essential behaviours for limiting
disease transmission in health-care settings and at home.
3.2 Guidelines

Guideline 1 Water quality

Water for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, medical activities, cleaning and
laundry is safe for the purpose intended.

Indicators for Guideline 1

1. Escherichia coli or thermotolerant coliform bacteria are not detectable in

any 100millilitre sample of drinking-water.

A water safety plan aimed at assessing and managing water systems, and
ensuring effective operational monitoring, should be designed, developed
and implemented to prevent microbial contamination in water and its
ongoing safety.

2. Drinking-water meets WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality (2006)
or national standards concerning chemical guidelines and radiological

3. All drinking-water is treated with a residual disinfectant to ensure

microbial safety up to the point of consumption or use.

4. There are no tastes, odours or colours that would discourage consumption

or use of the drinking-water.

5. Water that is below drinking-water quality is used only for cleaning,

laundry and sanitation and is labelled as such at every outlet.

6. Water of appropriate quality is supplied for medical activities as well as

for vulnerable patients, and standards and indicators have been

Pseudomonas is a recognized cause of hospital-acquired infections mainly

transmitted through contact, but also through drinking-water, to
immunocompromised patients (infectious dose 108–109 colony forming

In France, the limit value for Legionella concentration for patients with classical
individual risk factors, such as the elderly, is < 1000 colony forming units/litre.

Guidance notes for Guideline 1

1. Microbial quality
Microbial quality is of overriding importance for infection control in health-care
settings. The water should not present a risk to health from pathogens and should
be protected from contamination inside the health-care setting itself. Drinking-
water supplied to health-care settings should meet national standards and follow
WHO guidelines for drinking-water quality (WHO, 2006). In practice, this
means that the water supply should be from a protected groundwater source,
such as a dug well, a borehole or a spring, or should be treated if it is from a

surface water source (see Indicator 2). Rainwater may be acceptable with
disinfection if the rainwater catchment surface, guttering and storage tank are
correctly operated, maintained and cleaned.

Legionella spp. are common waterborne organisms, and devices such as cooling
towers, hot-water systems (showers) and spas that use mains water have been
associated with outbreaks of infections.

The local department of environmental health should work with the health-care
setting infection control committee to monitor the microbiological quality of the
water in the health-care setting, as part of a routine surveillance and control
programme (WHO, 1997).

2. Chemical constituents
Chemical constituents may be present in excess of guideline levels in water
supplies, and it may not be possible, in the short term, to remove them or to find
an alternative source of water. In circumstances where WHO guidelines for
drinking-water quality or national standards for chemical and radiological
parameters cannot be met immediately, an assessment should be made of the
risks caused to patients and staff, given the levels of contamination, the length of
exposure (longer for staff than for patients) and the degree of susceptibility of
individuals (some patients may be highly susceptible to some contaminants). It
may be necessary to provide alternative sources of drinking-water for people
most at risk. For example, where a water supply exceeds WHO guideline limits
for nitrate or nitrite, this water should not be used for infant feeding (WHO,

3. Disinfection
Disinfection with chlorine is the most widely accepted and appropriate way of
providing microbial safety in most low-cost settings. Bleaching powder, liquid
bleach, chlorine tablets and other sources of chlorine may be used, depending on
local availability. To ensure adequate disinfection, a contact time of at least 30
minutes should be allowed between the moment the chlorine is added to the

water and the moment the water is available for consumption or use. The free
chlorine residual (the free form of chlorine remaining in the water) after the
contact time should be between 0.5 and 1.0 milligrams per litre (WHO, 2006) in
all points of the system, including end-points. Residual chlorine can be measured
with simple equipment (e.g. a colour comparator and diethyl-pphenylenediamine

Mains supply water may need supplementary chlorination to ensure adequate

disinfection and a sufficient level of residual chlorine up to the point of
consumption or use. Many mains water supplies do not achieve adequate water
safety at the point of delivery, due to problems at the water treatment works and
contamination in the distribution system. Stored water may also need
supplementary chlorination before use.

Water must not be contaminated in the health-care setting during storage,

distribution and handling.

Effective disinfection requires that the water has a low turbidity. Ideally, median
turbidity should be below 1 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU) (WHO, 1997).
However, 5 NTU is the minimum turbidity measurable with simple equipment
(turbidity tube), so this level may be used in low-cost settings in practice. If
turbidity exceeds 5 NTU then the water should be treated to remove suspended
matter before disinfection, by sedimentation (with or without coagulation and
flocculation) and/or filtration.

Filtration with ceramic (e.g. candle filters), chlorination and other technologies
that can be used on a small scale may be appropriate for treating water in health-
care settings that are not connected to piped supplies, as well as those that are
connected to piped supplies whose quality is not consistently satisfactory (WHO,

4. Drinking-water quality
Drinking-water should be acceptable to patients and staff, or they may not drink
enough, or may drink water from other, unprotected sources, which could be
harmful to their health.

Particular care is needed to ensure that safe drinking-water is supplied to

immunocompromised patients, because of their high susceptibility to infection.
Provision of boiled water may be desirable.

5. Water for cleaning

Water used for laundry and for cleaning floors and other surfaces need not be of
drinkingwater quality, as long as it is used with a disinfectant or a detergent.

6. Water for medical purposes

Water used for some medical activities may need to be of higher quality. For
example, water used for haemodialysis should meet strict criteria concerning
microbial contamination and chemical contaminants, including chlorine and
aluminium, which are commonly used in drinking-water treatment.

Guideline 2 Water quantity

Sufficient water is available at all times for drinking, food preparation, personal
hygiene, medical activities, cleaning and laundry.

Indicators for Guideline 2

1. Minimum water quantity required3

Table 3.1, below, lists the minimum quantity of water that is required for
different situations in the health-care setting.

3 According to situations (e.g. for use of a flush toilet, the water requirement can be much higher).

Table 3.1

, food preparation, laundry and cleaning.

Indicators for Guideline 3

1. A reliable drinking-water point is accessible for staff, patients and carers

at all times.

2. A reliable water point, with soap or a suitable alternative, is available at

all critical points within the health-care setting (operating theatres, wards,
consulting rooms, dressing stations, etc.) and in service areas
(sterilization, laboratory, kitchen, laundry, showers, toilets, waste zone
and mortuary).

3. At least two handwashing basins should be provided in wards with more

than 20 beds.

4. At least one shower is available for 40 users in inpatient settings (users

include patients, staff and carers staying in the health-care setting).

5. Laundry facilities, with soap or detergent, hot water and a disinfectant

(such as chlorine solution), are available for inpatient settings.

Guidance notes for Guideline 3

1. Drinking-water points
Drinking-water should be provided separately from water provided for
handwashing and other purposes, even if it is from the same supply. Drinking-
water may be provided from a piped water system or via a covered container
with a tap where there is no piped supply. Drinking-water points should be
clearly marked.

2. Handwashing
Basic hygiene measures by staff, patients and carers, handwashing in particular,
should not be compromised by lack of water.

Waterless, alcohol-based handrubs may be used for rapid, repeated
decontamination of clean hands. Handrub dispensers can be installed at
convenient points, and can also be carried by staff as they move between
patients. However, handrubs may not be affordable, and they do not replace soap
and water for cleaning soiled hands.

3. Handwashing facilities
Water points should be sufficiently close to users to encourage them to use water
as often as required. Alternatively, a handwashing basin, soap and a jug of clean
water may be placed on a trolley used for ward rounds, to encourage
handwashing as often as needed between patient contacts.

4. Showering facilities
Although less important than handwashing in terms of reducing disease
transmission, showering (or other means of washing the body) may be important
for the recovery of certain patients, and may be required by staff and carers in
contact with infectious patients.

If piped hot water is available, measures should be taken to avoid the

proliferation of bacteria in the water system. For this reason, piped water and
water from showers should ideally be maintained below 20°C or above 50°C.4

Separate showers may be needed for staff and patients, and for both sexes, to
ensure that all groups have adequate privacy and safety.

5. Laundry facilities

See Guideline 7 for more details.

Guideline 4 Excreta disposal

Adequate, accessible and appropriate toilets are provided for patients, staff and

4 Specific cleaning and disinfection procedures against Pseudomonas and possibly Legionella have to
be foreseen.

Indicators for Guideline 4

1. There are sufficient toilets available: one per 20 users for inpatient
settings; at least four toilets per outpatient setting (one for staff, and for
patients: one for females, one for males and one for children).

2. Toilets are appropriate for local technical and financial conditions.

3. Toilets are designed to respond to local cultural and social conditions and
all age and user groups.

4. Toilets are safe to use.

5. Toilets have convenient handwashing facilities close by.

6. Toilets are easily accessible (that is, no more than 30 metres from all

7. There is a cleaning and maintenance routine in operation that ensures that

clean and functioning toilets are available at all times.

Guidance notes for Guideline 4

1. Ratio of people per toilet

The recommended ratio of one toilet per 20 people is common and widespread,
and should be used as a planning guideline. Actual numbers required for
inpatient settings will depend on a number of factors, including the average
proportion of patients using bedpans instead of toilets. Users include patients,
staff and carers.

In outpatient settings, a suitable arrangement is often as follows: one toilet for

staff (two if separate toilets are required for male and female staff), one toilet for
male patients, one toilet for female patients, and one child’s toilet. In larger
outpatient settings, more toilets are required. The number required depends on a
number of local factors, including the average time patients wait before

2. Local technical and financial conditions
If there is sufficient and reliable piped water available and there is a connection
to a sewer system or a functioning septic tank and drainage system, flush toilets
may be appropriate, depending on materials used for anal cleansing. In other
situations, latrines (dry or pourflush types) are appropriate. Care must be taken,
when siting latrines, to avoid contaminating groundwater and risk of flooding.

3. Social and cultural considerations

In most cases, separate toilets are required for men and women, and separate
toilets should be provided for staff and patients. They should be clearly
signposted to help users find them.

Patient toilets should be equipped to make them easy to use by people with
physical handicaps, heavily pregnant women, elderly people and people who are
sick (see e.g. Jones and Reed 2005 for detailed design features).

Special children’s toilets should be provided where many children use the health-
care setting. Children’s toilets are particularly useful where latrines are used and
where the size of the drop hole and the conditions inside a normal latrine are off-
putting for children or inconvenient for carers.

Toilets should be designed and equipped to respond to cultural identities (e.g.

anal cleansing with water).

4. Hygiene and safety concerns

Toilets should be designed, built and maintained so that they are hygienic and
acceptable to use and do not become centres for disease transmission. This
includes measures to control fly and mosquito breeding, and a regularly
monitored cleaning schedule.

In order to minimize the risk of violence, including sexual violence, toilets

should be carefully located, should be lockable by the user (to protect people
while using them), and they and their access routes should be lit at night.

5. Handwashing points
Water points, with soap and adequate drainage, should be provided at the exit of
all toilets, and their use should be actively encouraged.

6. Accessibility
Time and effort required to reach the toilets need to be taken into account. In
multi-storey buildings, there should be toilets available on all floors, and routes
used to reach toilets should be smooth and flat, for easy access for people in

7. Cleaning and maintenance

Toilets should be cleaned whenever they are dirty, and at least twice per day,
with a disinfectant used on all exposed surfaces and a brush to remove visible
soiling. Strong disinfectants should not be used in large quantities, as this is
unnecessary, expensive, potentially dangerous, and may affect the
biodegradation process. If no disinfectant is available, plain cold water should be

In specific contexts (e.g. isolation for cholera patients), a 2% active chlorine

solution is used to disinfect faeces or vomit. Usually the chlorine solution is
already contained in the container that will receive the faeces or vomit from the
patients in bed.

Guideline 5 Wastewater disposal

Wastewater is disposed of rapidly and safely.

Indicators for Guideline 5

1. Wastewater is removed rapidly and cleanly from the point where it is


2. Wastewater drainage from health-care settings is built and managed to

avoid contamination of the health-care setting or the broader environment.

3. Rainwater and surface run-off is safely disposed of and does not carry
contamination from the health-care setting to the outside surrounding

Guidance notes for Guideline 5

1. Wastewater drainage systems

Wastewater is produced from washbasins, showers, sinks, etc. (grey water) and
from flushing toilets (black water). It should be removed in standard waste
drainage systems to off-site sewer or on-site disposal systems. All open
wastewater drainage systems should be covered, to avoid the risks of disease
vector breeding and contamination from direct exposure.

Small quantities of infectious liquid wastes (e.g. blood or body fluids) may be
poured into sinks or toilets. Most pathogens are inactivated by a combination of
time, dilution and the presence of disinfectants in the wastewater. Toxic wastes
(e.g. reagents from a laboratory) should be treated as health-care waste (see
Guideline 6). They should not be poured into sinks or toilets that drain into the
wastewater system.

2. Prevention of environmental contamination

The most appropriate wastewater disposal option is connecting the health-care
setting to a properly built and functioning sewer system, which is, in turn,
connected to an adequate treatment plant.

If the sewer does not lead to a treatment facility, an on-site retention system with
treatment will be necessary before wastewater is discharged.

In other situations, on-site disposal is needed. For grey water, soakaway pits or
infiltration trenches should be used. These should be equipped with grease traps,
which should be checked weekly and cleaned, if needed, to ensure the systems
operate correctly. Pits or trenches should not overflow into the health-care
setting grounds or surroundings and create insect or rodent breeding sites. Black

water should be disposed of in a septic tank, with the effluent discharged into a
soakaway pit or infiltration trench. Grey and black water may be treated in the
same septic tank and soakaway system, although this requires a larger septic tank
than one used for black water alone. All systems that infiltrate wastewater into
the ground should be sited so as to avoid contaminating groundwater. There
should be at least 1.5 metres between the bottom of the infiltration system and
the groundwater table (more in coarse sands, gravels and fissured formations),
and the system should be at least 30 metres from any groundwater source.

If the health-care setting has a septic tank, the sludge from the tank should not be
used for agricultural purposes, but should be buried following safe procedures.

3. Rainwater and surface run-off

Rainwater and surface run-off may be drained and disposed of separately if the
system in place for wastewater cannot cope with additional water from sudden
heavy rains or rainwater and surface run-off. In that case, it must be managed in
a way that does not carry contamination from the health-care setting to the
outside surrounding. Correct, separate drainage of rainwater is particularly
important for settings such as cholera treatment centres where there is a high
prevalence of enteric pathogens that might be washed out of the isolation area
into the local environment. Guideline 6 Health-care waste disposal

Health-care waste is segregated, collected, transported, treated and disposed of


Indicators for Guideline 6

1. Health-care waste is segregated at the point of generation according to its

type, using four major categories: sharps, non-sharps infectious waste,
non-sharps noninfectious waste and hazardous waste.

2. Colour-coded waste containers or containers bearing clearly understood

signs and symbols are provided at convenient locations. They are

collected from all healthcare services and stored safely before treatment
and/or disposal.

3. Each category of waste is treated and disposed of according to the safest

feasible method available.

4. A specific waste-disposal zone exists, where wastes can be stored and

disposed of safely and effectively.

Guidance notes for Guideline 6

1. Segregation
The four major categories of health-care waste recommended for organizing
segregation and separate storage, collection and disposal are:

• sharps (needles, scalpels, etc.), which may be infectious or not

• non-sharps infectious waste (anatomical waste, pathological waste, dressings,

used syringes, used single-use gloves)

• non-sharps non-infectious waste (paper, packaging, etc.)

• hazardous waste (expired drugs, laboratory reagents, radioactive waste,

insecticides, etc.).

2. Storage and collection

Sharps should be placed immediately in yellow puncture-proof and covered safe

sharps containers, which are regularly collected for disposal.

Non-sharps infectious yellow or red waste bags or containers (15–40-litre

capacity, with lids) should be collected, emptied, cleaned, disinfected and
replaced after each intervention (e.g. in an operating or maternity unit) or twice

Non-sharps non-infectious black waste containers (20–60 litre capacity) should

be collected, emptied, cleaned and replaced daily; alternatively, plastic bags may
be used inside the containers.

For the above categories of waste, it is recommended that waste containers are a
maximum of 5 metres from the point of waste generation, in two sets for each
location, for a minimum of three types of waste. At least one set of waste
containers should be provided per 20 beds in a ward.

Hazardous waste should be collected and stored in appropriate and labelled

containers placed in secure location. Radioactive waste should be stored in
containers that prevent dispersion, behind lead shielding.

3. Treatment and disposal

Sharps should be disposed of in a sharps pit (buried drums in small health centres
or emergency structures; concrete-lined pits in other settings). Off-site treatment
in a decentralised facility in charge of collection, treatment and disposal is not
advisable for safety reasons but may be necessary in an urban area where on-site
treatment is not feasible because of lack of space.

Non-sharps infectious waste should be buried in a pit fitted with a sealed cover
and ventilation pipe for on-site treatment in small health-care settings or, should
be hightemperature incinerated or steam sterilized on-site or off-site. Special
arrangements may be needed for disposing of placentas, according to local

The preferred option for specific infectious waste (such as blood samples, plastic
syringes and laboratory tests) is steam sterilization before disposal, if available.
This avoids environmental pollution from incineration. One autoclave should be
dedicated for waste sterilization, different from the autoclave used for sterilizing
medical devices within the laboratory (see e.g. Diaz and Savage (2003) for
details on a range of processes for treating infectious wastes).

Non-sharps non-infectious waste should be buried in a pit, a landfill site or

preferably recycled in non-food and non-medical items. If space is limited, non-
sharps noninfectious waste should be incinerated. Ashes and residues should be
buried in a pit.

There are several kinds of hazardous waste and each requires specific treatment
and disposal methods, which include encapsulation, sterilization, burial,
incineration and long-term storage. Some wastes, such as pharmaceutical wastes,
cannot be disposed of in low-cost settings and should be sent to a large centre for
destruction or returned to the supplier. In all cases, national legislation should be

4. Waste-disposal zone
The waste-disposal zone should be fenced off; it should have a water point with
soap or detergent and disinfectant for handwashing or to clean and disinfect
containers, with facilities for wastewater disposal into a soakaway system or
sewer. The waste-disposal zone should also be located at least 30 metres from
groundwater sources. Where an incinerator is used, it should be located to allow
effective operation with minimal local air pollution in the health centre, nearby
housing and crops, and it should be large enough for extension if new pits or
other facilities have to be built.

Guideline 7 Cleaning and laundry
Laundry and surfaces in the health-care environment are kept clean.

Indicators for Guideline 7

1. Routine programmed cleaning of surfaces and fittings is carried out to

ensure that the health-care environment is visibly clean, and free from
dust and soil. All horizontal surfaces are cleaned at least daily and
whenever they are soiled.

2. The intensity of cleanliness maintained is appropriate to the likelihood of

contamination and the degree of asepsis required.

3. Any areas contaminated with blood or body fluids are cleaned and
disinfected immediately.

4. Soiled linen is placed in appropriate bags at the point of generation and

predisinfected, washed in water, rinsed and dried in a covered place.

5. Clean and soiled linen are transported and stored separately, in different
(marked) bags.

6. Beds, mattresses and pillows are cleaned between patients and whenever
soiled with body fluids.

Guidance notes for Guideline 7

1. Routine cleaning
Ninety per cent of microorganisms are present within visible dirt, which should
be eliminated by routine cleaning. Neither ordinary soap nor detergents have
antimicrobial activity, and the cleaning process depends essentially on
mechanical action. Wet mopping with hot water and detergent, if available, is
recommended, rather than sweeping (WHO, 2002b). If hot water is not available,
a 0.2 % chlorine solution, or other suitable disinfectant in cold water should be
used. However, detergent is sufficient for normal, domestic cleaning of floors
and other surfaces that are not in contact with hands and medical instruments.

2. Intensity of cleaning routine
Floors and other washed surfaces should be made of a suitable, non-porous
material that is resistant to repeated cleaning with hot water and detergents or
disinfectants. This may be achieved by classifying areas of the health-care
setting into three areas, each with a specific cleaning routine (WHO, 2002b):

• Sweeping: offices and other non-patient areas; normal daily domestic


• Wet mopping daily: waiting areas, consulting rooms, non-infectious disease

wards, pharmacy.

• Cleaning with a detergent or disinfectant solution, with separate cleaning

equipment for each room daily, whenever soiled and after each intervention
(in the case of operating suites and delivery rooms): infectious disease or
isolation wards, protective isolation wards for highly susceptible patients and
protected areas, such as operating suites, delivery rooms, intensive care units,
premature baby units, casualty departments, haemodialysis units, laboratory,
laundry, kitchen, sterilization services.

In cholera treatment settings, a 0.2 % chlorine solution or other disinfectant

should be used for cleaning floors, walls and beds daily and whenever soiled.
Soiled clothing and bedding should be disinfected in 0.2 % chlorine solution for
10 minutes and then rinsed, before being washed and dried as usual.

3. Blood or body fluids

Chlorine solution (1%) is adequate for cleaning and disinfecting blood or body
fluid spills. Large spills should first be removed with absorbent material (which
should then be properly disposed of; see Guideline 6), before disinfecting and

4. Cleaning soiled linen

Soiled linen should not be sorted in patient-care areas, and should be handled
with minimum agitation to avoid releasing pathogens. Soiled linen should be

cleaned and autoclaved before being supplied to operating rooms or theatres.
Woollen blankets should be washed in warm water (WHO, 2004b).

5. Transporting soiled linen

Securely closed impermeable bags should be used for transporting linen heavily
soiled with body substances or other fluids (WHO, 2004b).

6. Beds and bedding

Beds should be wiped with a disinfectant solution (e.g. 0.2% chlorine solution)
following each hospitalization.

Mattresses should have waterproof protective covers for easy cleaning.

Mattresses and pillows should be treated, as required, to control lice, bedbugs
and other nuisances or disease vectors.

If woven mats are used instead of, or on top of, mattresses, they should be
destroyed (burned) and replaced between patients.

If insecticide-treated nets are used on beds, they should be washed and

reimpregnated every 6 months if used only for patients with non-infectious
diseases. If used for patients with infectious diseases (cholera, haemorrhagic
fevers, etc.), they should be washed and reimpregnated between patients and
whenever soiled. Non insecticide-treated net should be impregnated.

Guideline 8 Food storage and preparation

Food for patients, staff and carers is stored and prepared in a way that minimizes
the risk of disease transmission.

The information in these indicators and guidance notes is drawn from WHO
(2001) and WHO (2004c).

Indicators for Guideline 8

1. Food handling and preparation is done with utmost cleanliness.

2. Contact between raw foodstuffs and cooked food is avoided.

3. Food is cooked thoroughly.

4. Food is kept at safe temperatures.

5. Safe water and raw ingredients are used.

6. Powdered infant formula is prepared appropriately.

Guidance notes for Guideline 8

1. Food handling and preparation

Food handlers should be trained in basic food safety.

Food handlers should wash their hands after using the toilet and whenever they
start work, change tasks, or return after an interruption. Soap and water should
be available at all times during food preparation and handling, to ensure that
handwashing can be done conveniently (see Guidance note 3).

Kitchen staff and carers with colds, influenza, diarrhoea, vomiting and throat and
skin infections, or those who have suffered from diarrhoea and vomiting within
the past 48 hours, should not handle food unless it is packaged. All infections
should be reported and sick staff should not be penalised.

Food-preparation premises should be kept meticulously clean. Surfaces used for

food preparation should be washed with detergent and safe water and then
rinsed, or wiped with a clean cloth that is frequently washed. Scraps of food
should be disposed of rapidly, as they are potential reservoirs for bacteria and
can attract insects and rodents. Refuse should be kept in covered bins and
disposed of quickly and safely (see Guideline 6).

Eating utensils should be washed immediately after each use with hot water and
detergent, and air-dried. The sooner utensils are cleaned the easier they are to
wash. Drying cloths should not be used, as they can spread contamination.

In many inpatient settings, carers may bring food to patients, or may prepare
food at the health-care setting. In these cases, staff should seek to ensure that

food is prepared hygienically and that cooked food is consumed immediately.
Cooking facilities may need to be provided.

2. Separation of food and equipment

Separate equipment and utensils, such as knives and cutting boards, should be
used for handling raw foods or they should be washed and sanitized in between

Food should be stored in containers to avoid contact between raw and prepared

Raw meat, poultry and seafood should be separated from other foods.

3. Cooking and serving

All parts of foods cooked must reach 70°C to kill dangerous microorganisms. To
ensure this happens, soups and stews should be brought to the boil and meat
should be heated until juices are clear, not pink.

Cooked food must be reheated thoroughly to steaming hot all the way through.

Cooked food to be served should be kept hot (more than 60°C) before serving.

4. Storage
Cooked or perishable food should not be left at room temperature for more than
two hours, and should be prepared or supplied fresh each day. All food should be
kept covered to protect it from flies and dust.

Non-perishable foods should be stored safely in a closed, dry, well-ventilated

store and protected from rodents and insects. They should not be stored in the
same room as pesticides, disinfectants or any other toxic chemicals. Containers
that have previously held toxic chemicals should not be used for storing

Bought food should not be used beyond its expiry date.

Food should be protected from insects, rodents and other animals, which
frequently carry pathogenic organisms and are a potential source of
contamination of food (see Guideline 10).

5. Washing and use of water
Only safe water should be used for food preparation, handwashing and cleaning.
For specification of safe water, see Guideline 1.

Fruit and vegetables should be washed with safe water. If there is any doubt
about the cleanliness of raw fruit and vegetables, they should be peeled.

6. Powdered infant formula

Powdered infant formula should be prepared with water that is not cooler that
70°C (in order to kill Enterobacter sakazakii), stored and handled in accordance
with How to prepare powdered infant formula in care settings (WHO and FAO,

Guideline 9 Building design, construction and management

Buildings are designed, constructed and managed to provide a healthy and
comfortable environment for patients, staff and carers.

Indicators for Guideline 9

1. The air temperature, humidity and airflow in the health-care setting

provide a comfortable environment for patients, staff and carers.

2. Airflow minimizes the risk of transmission of airborne pathogens from

infected patients and minimizes risks to susceptible staff, patients and

5 WHO recommends that infants are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve
optimal growth, development and health. There are instances where breast milk is not available; where
the mother is unable to breastfeed; where she has made an informed decision not to breastfeed; or —
for example — where the mother is taking medication that is contraindicated for breastfeeding, or the
mother is HIV-positive. Similarly, some very low-birth-weight babies may not be able to breastfeed
directly, and in some cases, expressed breast milk may not be available at all or available in
insufficient quantities. Infants who are not breastfed require a suitable breast-milk substitute, for
example, infant formula.

3. Sufficient lighting is provided during all working hours to allow safe
movement of staff, patients and carers, and normal undertaking of
medical activities.

4. Buildings are designed and activities are organized so as to minimize the

spread of contamination by the movement of patients, staff and carers,
equipment, supplies and contaminated items, including health-care waste,
and to facilitate hygiene.

5. Health-care settings are built, furnished and equipped with materials that
minimize infectious disease transmission and facilitate cleaning.

6. Sufficient space is provided for people in wheelchairs, as well as to

minimize infectious disease transmission.

Guidance notes for Guideline 9

1. Ventilation

Guideline 9 should be followed by locating and constructing buildings that use

designs and materials that produce the best indoor conditions, taking into
account the local climate and prevailing winds.

The effective use of blinds, opening and closing of doors and windows, planting
of suitable vegetation around the building and other operational measures can
help optimize indoor conditions.

In addition to basic construction and operation measures, heating, ventilation and

airconditioning, or filters may be required for specific areas or activities of the
health-care setting. If heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, or filters are
used, they should be maintained regularly to ensure their continued
effectiveness. Filters should be inspected regularly and cleaned or changed as
required, because biofilms may build up and become breeding places for
microorganisms, resulting in, for example, health-care acquired Legionella
transmission. Ceiling fans and small portable ventilators are not recommended as

they dispense dust around the room (especially over the sterile field and
equipment in an operating theatre).

2. Air extraction to minimize pathogens

Minimizing the risk of transmission of airborne pathogens from infected patients
may require isolation in a negative-air-pressure room, where air is drawn into the
room and extracted by a fan, thus avoiding contaminated air circulating to other
parts of the healthcare setting. Care should be taken when siting the air extractor
for an isolation room to reduce the risk of transmission to people outside the
building and to minimize the risk of the contaminated air being drawn into
another area of the building by other parts of the ventilation system.

Operating theatres and rooms for isolating particularly vulnerable patients (e.g.
severely immunocompromised patients) may require positive air pressure
conditions, where clean air is drawn into the room, thus avoiding contaminated
air entering from other parts of the health-care setting.

In both negative and positive pressure facilities, operational procedures should

be drawn up (e.g. ensuring doors are closed and that ventilation is operational)
and staff should be properly trained to ensure correct operation of the room. In
negative-pressure facilities, the risk of transmission to nursing staff may be
significant and additional protective measures, such as masks, should be used

All occupied areas of the health-care facility should be adequately ventilated to

meet comfort requirements. Where infected and susceptible people share the
same air space and there is a risk of airborne transmission of infection,
ventilation rates should be maximized to dilute and remove any infectious
particles. Guidelines for the control of tuberculosis transmission in high-risk
locations recommend that mechanically ventilated spaces have an air change rate
of 6–12 air changes per hour (Jensen et al. 2005). While this is not feasible in
many low-cost settings, high ventilation rates are possible with natural

ventilation (Escombe et al. 2007), and where the climate allows, large opening
windows, skylights and other vents can be used to optimize natural ventilation.

Where possible, air should flow into rooms from the top and out of the room
from the bottom (near the floor, which is generally the most likely contaminated
part of the room), and natural ventilation should be optimized wherever feasible.

3. Lighting
Natural light may be sufficient in outpatient settings that operate only during the
However, some form of lighting should be available for night-time emergencies.

In isolated inpatient settings (such as rural hospitals) and in temporary structures

(such as cholera treatment centres), generators or solar panels and batteries are
likely to be required and provision for these should be made. As a minimum, a
safe type of kerosene or gas lantern and powerful hand torches should be

4. Movement between areas

Given the size and complexity of the health-care setting and the resources
available, activities should be organized in zones, with the flow of people,
equipment and materials managed so as to minimize movements from “dirty” to
“clean” zones.

Services should be located in relation to each other so as to facilitate hygienic

management. For instance, the sterilization service should be close to the
operating theatre.

5. Cleaning
All surfaces should be easy to clean by wet mopping and should be able to
withstand repeated exposure to hot water, detergents and disinfectants.

Walls, floors and ceiling surfaces should be smooth and made of non-porous
materials that are easy to clean and that do not provide a suitable environment

for pathogen survival or development. The same is true for furniture and
equipment used for patient care.

6. Building design
The building of new health-care settings or the improvement of existing ones
should be in line with national building codes and standard health-care setting
building designs. For example, beds for patients should be separated by a
minimum of one metre and should be easily accessible by people with physical
handicaps or elderly people.

Guideline 10 Control of vector-borne disease

Patients, staff and carers are protected from disease vectors.

Indicators for Guideline 10

1. The number of vectors in the health-care setting is minimized.

2. Patients, staff and carers are protected from potential disease-transmitting


3. Spread of vector-borne diseases is minimized by preventing contact with

infected substances or materials.

Guidance notes for Guideline 10

1. Minimizing disease vectors

Appropriate and effective methods for excluding or reducing vector numbers
depend on the type of vector; the location and number or size of breeding sites;
vector habits, including places and times of resting, feeding and biting; and
resistance of specific vector populations to control chemicals.

Basic environmental control methods, such as proper drainage, waste disposal

and food hygiene, should be the basis of any strategy (see Legionella and the
prevention of legionellosis, WHO 2007).

Mosquitoes and flies can effectively be excluded from buildings by covering
opening windows with fly screens and fitting self-closing doors to the outside.

Any use of chemical controls requires specialist advice, such as for residual
insecticide spraying, in and around the health-care setting. Advice should be
available from within the ministry of health.

2. Protect patients and staff from vector-borne diseases

Once inside the health-care setting, patients, staff and carers may be protected
from certain vectors through the use of barriers (e.g. insecticide bednets against
mosquitoes or covered food storage to prevent contamination by rats and flies) or

Patients with vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, Lassa fever and typhus,
should be treated or protected to ensure that the related vectors do not transmit
the disease from them to other people in the health-care setting. This may require
removal of the vectors (e.g. insecticide dusting to remove lice from typhus
patients) or the use of a barrier (e.g. insecticide bednets to isolate yellow fever
patients from mosquitoes).

3. Prevent spread of vectors

Infectious substances such as excreta and soiled dressings should be disposed of

immediately and completely to prevent flies and other mechanical vectors from
carrying pathogens to food, eyes, wounds, etc., or distributing them to the

Guideline 11 Information and hygiene promotion

Correct use of water, sanitation and waste facilities is encouraged by hygiene
promotion and by management of staff, patients and carers.

Indicators for Guideline 11

1. Staff are trained and managed in a way that encourages consistent

compliance with infection control procedures.

2. Patients and carers are informed about essential behaviours necessary for
limiting disease transmission in the health-care setting and in the home.

3. Facilities and resources enable staff, patients and carers to practise

behaviours that control disease transmission in an easy and timely way.

Guidance notes for Guideline 11

1. Training in infection control

Infection control should be a core part of initial training, and refresher trainings
should be carried out regularly to sustain knowledge and awareness of staff.

Infection control should be highlighted as an institutional priority, and a climate

that encourages patient and staff safety should be developed.

As part of an infection control strategy, all staff, once sufficiently trained and
equipped, should be sanctioned for non-compliance with reasonable procedures.
They should be updated on any changes. In particular, senior staff should
provide role models by complying consistently with procedures.

All staff at risk should be vaccinated against hepatitis B (WHO, 2002b).

2. Behaviours for limiting disease transmission

Information about behaviours for limiting disease transmission should be

provided verbally by staff, who should have the time to explain clearly to
patients and carers.

Posters and other visual information should be used to promote disease control
among patients and carers. Visual information should be relevant to risk
practices, it should be understood by the target audience and it should provide
practical and realistic advice and information.

Patients’ and carers’ contact with the health-care setting should be used as a
means to promote hygiene in the community. Both during normal periods and
during epidemics, health-care settings should be actively involved in preventive
health care through hygiene promotion.

3. Adequate facilities
Staff, patients and carers should not be expected to adopt behaviours that are
inconvenient, uncomfortable or impractical. For example, staff are unlikely to
comply fully with handwashing procedures if there are no handwashing facilities
close to where they care for patients (WHO, advanced draft). Refer to Guidelines
1 to 10.

4 Assessment checklist

The following checklist provides a set of assessment questions for each of the
guidelines presented in Section 3, to measure the extent to which the guidelines
are followed and identify areas for action. The qualitative and quantitative
indicators under the relevant guideline can be used as references to help answer
the questions. Questions may be answered with a “yes”, a “no” or a “not
applicable”. A “no” answer to any question should alert the assessor that
remedial action is required, either in the design and construction of facilities or
their operation and maintenance. Guidance on action to take can be found in the
guidance notes under each guideline in Section 3.
1 Water quality

Water for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, medical activities, cleaning and
laundry is safe for the purpose intended
Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Is water from a safe source (free Is the safety of the water source

monitored regularly?
from faecal contamination)?
• Is the quality of the water supplied
• Is water protected from to the HCS monitored regularly?
• Are water storage, distribution and
contamination in the
use facilities in the HCS
HCS? adequately maintained to avoid
contaminating the water?
2 • If necessary, can water be treated at • If water is treated at the HCS, is
the treatment process operated
the HCS?
• Are there sufficient supplies and
adequately trained staff to carry
out treatment?
• Is the quality of the treated water
monitored regularly?
• Are treatment processes monitored
3 • Does the water supply meet WHO • If necessary, are measures in place
guidelines or national standards to avoid overexposure of
susceptible patients to chemical
regarding chemical or contaminants?

radiological parameters?
4 • Is water acceptable (smell, taste, • If the water is not acceptable is
appearance)? there a safe alternative supply of
5 • Is the water supply designed and • Are procedures in place for
built so that low-quality water used keeping both water supplies
for cleaning, laundry, etc. independent and well identified,
cannot enter the drinking-water and are procedures followed
supply and is identified as non- consistently?
potable at all outlets?

HCS, health-care setting; WHO, World Health Organization

2 Water quantity

Sufficient water is available at all times for drinking, food preparation,

personal hygiene, medical activities, cleaning and laundry
Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Does the water supply have the • Is sufficient water available at all
capacity required? times for all needs?
• Is there a suitable alternative • Is the water supply operated and
supply in case of need? maintained to prevent wastage?

3 Water facilities and access to water

Sufficient water-collection points and water-use facilities are available in the

health centre to allow convenient access to, and use of, water for drinking,
food preparation, personal hygiene, medical activities, laundry and cleaning
Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Are there sufficient, clearly • Are drinking-water points properly
identified drinkingwater points? used and adequately maintained?
2 • Are there sufficient water points in • Is water accessible where needed at
the right place for all needs? all times?
3 • Are handwashing points available in • Is there always soap or a suitable
all areas where health-care is alternative at handwashing points?
carried out?

4 • In inpatient HCSs, are there • Are showers properly used and
sufficient showers? adequately maintained?
5 • In inpatient HCSs, are there • Are laundry facilities properly used
sufficient laundry facilities? and adequately maintained?

HCS, health-care setting

4 Excreta disposal

Adequate, accessible and appropriate toilets are provided for patients, staff and
Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Are there sufficient toilets in the • Are there sufficient toilets actually
health-care setting? in use?
2 • Are the toilets technically adapted • Are the toilets maintained and
to local maintenance systems? repaired in a timely and effective
• Are the toilets affordable in the way?
short term and long term?
3 • Are the toilets designed to suit • Do patients, staff and carers find
local culture and social conditions? the toilets appropriate?
• Do the toilets provide privacy and • Are the toilets used according to
security? their design?
4 • Are the toilets hygienic to use and • Are the toilets clean and without
easy to clean? smell?
5 • Are there handwashing facilities • Is there water and soap available all
close by the toilets? the time?
6 • Are the toilets easily accessible for • Are access routes to toilets kept in
all users? good condition and well lit?
7 • Is there a cleaning and maintenance • Is there an effective cleaning and
plan? maintenance routine in operation?
5 Wastewater disposal

Wastewater is disposed of rapidly and safely

Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 Does the wastewater drainage • Is the system operated and cleaned

system have sufficient capacity? so as to maintain its capacity?
• Does the system have the correct
design (drainage slopes, etc.)?
2 • Is the system designed and built • Are protective features (e.g. grease
so as to protect the broader traps) properly maintained?
3 • Does the rainwater and surface • Are cleaning and wastewater

run-off drainage system avoid disposal activities prevented from
carrying contamination outside ending up in the open environment
the health-care setting? and contaminating rainwater and

6 Health-care waste disposal

Health-care waste is segregated, collected, transported, treated and disposed of

Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Are there facilities in place for • Are the segregation facilities used
segregating health-care waste at effectively?
the point of generation?
2 • Are there sufficient waste • Are waste containers emptied,
containers of the right sort and cleaned and replaced (or disposed
design in the right places? of) frequently enough?
3 • Are there appropriate treatment • Are the treatment and disposal

and disposal facilities in place for facilities correctly operated and

the quantity and nature of health- maintained?
care waste produced? • Are waste-related injuries along the
wastemanagement chain correctly
reported and acted on?
4 • Is there a specific waste-disposal • Is the waste-disposal zone operated
zone with the necessary features? so as to prevent contamination?

7 Cleaning and laundry

Laundry and surfaces in the health-care environment are kept clean

Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Are washed surfaces made of non- • Are surfaces and fittings cleaned
porous and resistant material? routinely? Are they visibly clean?
2 • Are the cleaning requirements of • Are different zones of the HCS
different zones of the HCS cleaned according to their specific
defined? requirements?
3 • Are the cleaning requirements for • Are contaminated spills cleaned and
blood and body fluids well disinfected immediately?
4 • Are there sufficient laundry • Is soiled linen placed immediately in
facilities at the bags and then correctly washed and
HCS? dried?
5 • Are there sufficient bags and • Is clean and soiled linen transported

storage facilities for clean and and stored separately?
soiled linen?
6 • Do mattresses have waterproof Are mattresses and pillows cleaned

covers? between patients and whenever

• If mats are used, are they destroyed
and replaced between patients?
7 • Is appropriate equipment • Is medical equipment appropriately
available for cleaning, cleaned and then disinfected or
disinfection and sterilization of sterilized between uses?
medical equipment?

HCS, health-care setting

8 Food storage and preparation
Food for patients, staff and carers is stored and prepared so as to minimize the
risk of disease transmission
Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Are there handwashing points • Do food handlers wash their hands
in the food preparation area when necessary?
and at the toilets that food
handlers use?
2 • Are food storage and preparation • Are food preparation areas kept clean
areas designed and built so as to and protected from rodents and
be easy to keep clean? insects?
3 • Are there facilities and equipment • Is contact between raw foodstuffs and
provided for preventing contact cooked food prevented?
between cooked and raw
4 • Are cooking facilities adequate for • Is food cooked thoroughly?
heating food sufficiently?
5 • If cooked food or raw ingredients • Is food kept at safe temperatures?
are stored, is there a fridge at the
HCS for this?
6 • If dry foods are stored at the HCS, • Are dry food stores kept clean and
is the store appropriate? protected from rodents and insects?
7 • Do facilities exist to allow the safe • Is powdered infant formula prepared
preparation, storage and handling with hot water that is not cooler
of powdered infant formula? than 70°C, stored and handled
according to the WHO and FAO
(2007) guidelines?

HCS, health-care setting

9 Building design, construction and management

Buildings are designed, constructed and managed to provide a healthy and

comfortable environment for patients, staff and carers
Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Is the HCS designed and built so • Are the HCS buildings managed so
as to provide comfortable and as to maintain comfortable and
healthy conditions? healthy conditions?
2 • Is the ventilation of the HCS • Is the ventilation of the HCS
designed to minimize airborne appropriately managed and health-
disease transmission, for care workers properly trained?
example, severe acute respiratory
3 • Is the lighting system of the • Is the lighting system correctly
HCS sufficient to ensure safe operated and maintained?
working conditions and
security, and is it appropriate to
local conditions?
4 • Does the design of the HCS • Are the HCS activities organized to
respect national guidance to minimize the spread of
minimize the spread of contamination?
contamination (e.g.
5 • Is the HCS easily accessible by • Is space in the HCS used in the most
people with physical handicaps effective way for easy access and to
and does it have sufficient space minimize the spread of
(e.g. between beds) to minimize contamination?
the spread of contamination?
HCS, health-care setting

10 Control of vector-borne disease

Patients, staff and carers are protected from disease vectors

Design and construction Operation and maintenance

1 • Are HCS environments protected • Are vector-breeding sites avoided or
from vectorborne disease? controlled?
2 • Are HCS buildings designed and • Are inbuilt protective measures
built to exclude disease vectors? effectively used and maintained?
3 • Is insecticide sprayed in and • Are barriers or repellents used to
around the HCS? reduce exposure to vectors?
4 • Are HCSs equipped with bednets • Are all patients, and particularly
and window screens? patients with vector-borne
diseases, treated or protected to
prevent further transmission?
5 • Are there facilities to safely • Are infectious substances removed or
contain the waste produced? covered or disposed of immediately
and completely?
HCS, health-care setting

11 Information and hygiene promotion

Correct use of environmental health facilities is encouraged by hygiene

promotion and by management of staff, patients and carers
Design and construction Operation and maintenance
1 • Is there a plan for hygiene • Are staff aware of this plan?
promotion and staff management?
2 • Are staff informed about changes • Do staff follow new procedures?
and updated about plans or
3 • Are staff adequately trained in • Do staff follow infection control
infection control procedures? procedures correctly and
4 • Is there sufficient communication • Do staff provide appropriate
support available for hygiene hygiene information to carers and
information? patients?
5 • Are health-care setting facilities • Are health-care setting facilities
designed so as to be easy to use maintained so as to be easy to use
and maintain hygienically? hygienically?

5 Glossary

Autoclave A device to expose items to steam at a high pressure and

temperature to decontaminate the materials or render
them sterile. Some autoclaves are used for medical
devices; others are used for the treatment of waste.

Coagulation– Coagulation is the clumping of particles, which causes

flocculation impurities to settle to the bottom. It may be induced by
coagulants (e.g. lime, aluminium sulfate and iron salts).
Flocculation in water and wastewater treatment is the
agglomeration or clustering of colloidal and finely-
divided suspended matter after coagulation by gentle
stirring (by either mechanical or hydraulic means) so the
suspended matter can be separated from water or sewage.

Colour Equipment used to measure a chemical parameter (e.g.

comparator (or chlorine in water) by adding a specific reagent to the
colour-match sample and comparing the colour obtained with a colour
comparator) scale (e.g. DPD for testing chlorine in water).

Disinfection A process of removing or inactivating microorganisms

without complete sterilization.

DPD A reagent used for determining chlorine in water by

colour comparison (abbreviation of N,N-diethyl-p-

Environmental Floors, walls, ceilings, table tops, etc.

surfaces in the
context of a

Health-care An outcome (usually an infection) that occurs in any

associated health-care setting as a result of medical care. The term
“health-care associated” replaces “nosocomial”, the latter
term being limited to adverse infectious outcomes
occurring only in hospitals.

Housekeeping Environmental surfaces that are not involved in direct
surfaces delivery of patient care in health-care settings.

Infiltration A shallow trench, containing gravel and a porous pipe,

trench which enables water to percolate into the soil over a
larger area, and therefore with a greater infiltration
capacity, than a soakaway pit.

Sedimentation The act or process of depositing sediment from

suspension in water. The term also refers to the process
whereby solids settle out of wastewater by gravity
during treatment.

Soakaway pit A simple excavation in the ground, either lined or filled

or soakpit with stones, that allows water to percolate into the
surrounding soil.

Sterilization The use of a physical or chemical procedure to destroy

all microbial life. The most practical method in health-
care settings is saturated steam sterilization: exposure to
steam saturated with water at 121°C at 1.05 bar for 30
minutes, or 134°C at 2.10 bar for 13 minutes in an

Thermotolerant Bacteria that are used as indicators of faecal

coliform contamination of water, for example, as water quality
bacteria or indicators. The bacteria in the coliform group are able to
faecal form colonies on selective media at 44°C. Typically,
coliforms most thermotolerant bacteria are of the species
Escherichia coli, which is commonly found in faeces.

Turbidity Cloudiness in water caused by particles in suspension,

which makes chemical disinfection of the water less
effective. Turbidity is commonly measured in
nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and can be
determined visually using simple equipment.

6 Further reading

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2003). Guidelines for

environmental infection control in health care facilities.
Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices
Advisory Committee (HICPAC). Atlanta, GA (available at

Diaz L, Savage G (2003). Risks and costs associated with the management of
infectious wastes. Manila, World Health Organization (Western Pacific
Regional Office) (available at

Escombe AR et al. (2007). Natural ventilation for the prevention of airborne

contagion. PLoS Medicine, 4:309–317.

Franceys R, Pickford J, Reed R (1992). A guide to the development of on-site

Geneva, World Health Organization (available at

Harvey P, Baghri S, Reed R (2002). Emergency sanitation: assessment and

programme design. Loughborough, UK, Water, Engineering and
Development Centre
(available at

Harvey P (2007). Excreta disposal in emergencies – a field manual.

Loughborough, UK,
Water, Engineering and Development Centre (available at

Hazel J, Reed R (2005). Water and sanitation for disabled people and other
vulnerable groups — designing services to improve accessibility.
Loughborough, UK, Water,
Engineering and Development Centre (available at

Jensen PA et al. (2005). Guidelines for preventing the transmission of

Mycobacterium tuberculosis in health care settings, 2005. MMWR
Recommendations and Reports, 54:1–141.

Médecins Sans Frontières (2005). Essential water & sanitation requirements for
health structures. Unpublished document. Brussels, MSF.

Pessoa-Silva CL et al. (2004). Healthcare-associated infections among neonates

in Brazil. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 25:772–777.

Pittet D (2001). Improving adherence to hand hygiene practice: a
multidisciplinary approach. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 7(2):234–240
(available at

Prüss A, Giroult E, Rushbrook P, eds. (1999). Safe management of wastes from

health care activities. Geneva, World Health Organization (available at

Rozendaal JA (1997). Vector control: methods for use by individuals and

Geneva, World Health Organization (available at

Venter SN, September SM (2006). The effect of water quality on the outcome of
hand hygiene. Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology,
University of Pretoria.

WHO (1993). Guidelines for cholera control. Geneva, World Health

Organization (available at

WHO (1997). Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Surveillance
and control of community supplies. Geneva, World Health Organization
(available at

WHO (2001). Five keys to safer food. Geneva, World Health Organization
WHO/SDE/PHE/FOS/01) (available at

WHO (2002a). Managing water in the home: accelerated health gains from
improved water supply. Geneva, World Health Organization
(available at, see

WHO (2002b). Prevention of hospital-acquired infections. Geneva, World

Health Organization. (WHO/CDS/CSR/EPH/2002.12.) (available at

WHO (2004a). Safe health care waste management: policy paper. Geneva,
World Health Organization, (available at

WHO (2004b). Practical guidelines for infection control in health care facilities.
New Delhi/Manila, World Health Organization (South-East Asia

Regional Office/Western Pacific Regional Office), (SEARO Regional
Publication, No.
41/WPRO Regional Publication) (available at

WHO (2004c). First adapt then act! A booklet to promote safer food in diverse
settings. New Delhi, World Health Organization (Regional office for
South-East Asia) (SEA-EH-546) (available at

WHO (2005a). Health through safe health care: safe water, basic sanitation and
waste management in health care settings. Geneva, World Health
Organization (available at

WHO (2005b). Management of solid health care waste at primary health care
centres: a decision-making guide. Geneva, World Health Organization
(available at
e_rev_o ct06.pdf)

WHO (2005c). World health report 2005. Geneva, World Health Organization
(available at

WHO (2006). Guidelines for drinking-water quality incorporating the first

addendum to third edition, Volume 1, Recommendations, (3rd ed.).
Geneva, World Health
Organisation (available at

WHO (2007). Legionella and the prevention of legionellosis. Geneva, World

Organisation (available at

WHO (advanced draft). WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care.

Geneva, World Health Organization (available at

WHO and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) (1998). Infection
control for viral haemorrhagic fevers in the African health care setting.
Geneva, World
Health Organization (available at

WHO and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) (2007). How to prepare
powdered infant formula in care settings, Geneva, World Health

Organization (available at


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