Clinker Drop Test - Kiln 2: Objective
Clinker Drop Test - Kiln 2: Objective
Clinker Drop Test - Kiln 2: Objective
Date 6-May-21
This test is to
1/ Calculate Raw meal / clinker ratio in stable operation by weighing clinker and dust during 24 hours
2/ Calculate Kiln feed accuracy (Poldos Counter)
Clinker to be diverted to off spec bin by stopping the last pan conveyor
Clinker bin level to be taken before and after the test
Clinker to be measured by truck weighing continiously for 24 hours
Dust to be collected and measured by weighing, while raw mill stopped.
Kiln feed counter to be recorded hourly along the test
Kiln operation to remain in stable condition and key parameters to be recorded
(Kiln feed, process fans, oil, kiln rpm, and other main parameters should be kept as constant as possible)
Calculation With:
method Ckm = Clinker weight measured
Factor calculation Dm = Hourly dust weight measured
Fck = KF / Ckm (1) KF = Ckm * 1.57 / (1 - Dratio) (3)
Pind = Kiln feed counter as showing
Kiln feed accuracy Dratio = Dm x hours / Pind
ε = (RM - Pind) / RM (2)
Clinker has been measured by truck weighing continiously for 24 hours (cross check)
Clinker bin level has been taken before and after the test
Dust weightment done 4 hrs
Raw meal consumption has been recorded in 2 ways: from counter and from IP21
Kiln operation has been in stable condition during the test
Measure Calculation
Clinker weight (Ckm) tpd 5243 Dust ratio %
Dust weight (Dm) tph 21.87 Corrected feed (KF) ton
Kiln feed (Pind) ton 9240 Corrected kiln feed tph
Kiln feed tph 385
as constant as possible)
ght measured
Dratio) (3)
er as showing
Alsafwa Cement Company (Production Department)
Date : 4-May-21
K2 Clinker Weighment
Clinker Weighment Start @ : Hrs. 9:45
S# Time in Dumper No Tare Weight Gross weight Net Weight (Kg)