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MATHEMATICS 10 Dates covered: Nov 27- Dec 2, 2017

Unit Topic:Lesson 4:Arcs and Inscribed Angles and Circles, Tangents, Secants and Angles They
Formed and Lesson 5: Relations of Circle and Polygons
Learning Targets: I can … Learning Materials:
1. Define and illustrate tangents and secants. Graphing paper, Internet video
2. Show the relationship between a tangent and a radius of a References:
circle. MCA-NCLC Book Module
3. Identify the angles formed by tangents and secants. DepEd Module Unit 1
4. Determine the measures of angles formed by tangents and OHSP Online Lesson
LESSON 4 – Circles, Tangents, Secants and Angles They Formed
I. Preliminaries
Start Lesson 4 of this module by assessing your knowledge of the different mathematical concepts previously
studied and other mathematical skills learned. These knowledge and skills will help you understand the
different geometric relationships involving tangents and secants of a circle. As you go through this lesson,
think of this important question: How do the different geometric relationships involving tangents and secants
of a circle facilitate finding solutions to real-life problems and making wise decisions? To find the answer,
perform each activity. If you find any difficulty in answering the exercises, seek the assistance of your teacher
or peers or refer to the modules you have studied earlier. You may check your work with your teacher.
II. Explore
Activity 7: Measure, then compare!
Perform the following activity. Answer every question that follows. Procedure:
1. Use a compass to draw circle S.
2. Draw line m such that it intersects circle S at exactly one point. Label the point of intersection as T.
3. Connect S and T with a line segment. What is TS in the figure drawn? 4. Mark four other points on line m
such that two of these points are on the left side of T and the other two points are on the right side. Label
these points as M, N, P, and Q, respectively.
5. Using a protractor, find the measures of ,angle MTS ,angleNTS , angle PTS and angle QTS. How do the
measures of the four angles compare?
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5. This time, draw line n such that it intersects the circle at another point. What statement
can you make about the measures of angles in item #5 and those in item #6?
7. Draw ,MS, NS, PS , and QS .
8. Using a ruler, find the lengths of TS ,MS , NS , PS , and QS . How do the lengths of the five segments
What do you think is the shortest segment from the center of a circle to the line that intersects it at exactly one
point? Explain your answer.
In the activity you have just done, were you able to compare the measures of different angles drawn? Were
you able to determine the shortest segment from the center of a circle to the line that intersects it at exactly
one point? I know you were! The activity you have done has something to do with your new lesson. Do you
know why? Find this out in the succeeding activities!
III. Firm Up
Activity 8: Investigate Me!
In the figure below, C is the center of the circle.
Use the figure to answer the questions that follow.

1. Which lines intersect circle C at two points? How about the lines that intersect the circle at exactly one
2. What are the angles having A as the vertex? C as the vertex? D as the vertex? G as the vertex? Make a list
of these angles, then describe each.
3. What arc/s does each angle intercept?4. Which angles intercept the
same arc?
5. Using a protractor, find the measures of the angles identified in item #2?
6. How would you determine the measures of the arcs intercepted by the
angles? Give the degree measure of each arc.
7. Compare the measures of angle DCE and angle DAE. How about the
measure of arc DE and measure of angle DAE? Explain your answer.
8. How is the measure of arc AD related to the measures of
angleDAB? How about measures of arc EFA and measure of angle EAG?
9. What relationship exists among measures of arc AD, measure of AF, and measure of angle BGD?
Were you able to measure the different angles and arcs shown in the figure? Were you able to find out the
different relationships among these angles and arcs? Learn more about these relationships in the succeeding
IV. Deepen
Discussion of Tangents Angles pp.29 – 46 Do the Time to Think activity pp.28 – 45
LESSON 5 – Relations of Circle and Polygons
I. Preliminaries:
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

1. state all possible relations between two circles;

2. establish the facts that hold for these possible relations;
apply these facts in solving problems or in proving geometric statements.

II. Explore
Given two circles. They may intersect or they may not intersect or they may not intersect. Below are the
cases when they do not intersect.


The circles above are disjoints i.e., one is apart from the other.

The line that joins the centers of two circles is called line of centers.
The tangent common to both circles which does not intersect the line of centers is called common external
tangent. HS is a common external tangent.
The tangent common both circles which intersects the line of centers is called common internal tangent.
HK is a common internal tangent.

III. Firm Up
Circles having the same center are called concentric circles.


P x

It is clearly shown that the arcs they intercept have the following measures.
o o
m∠ APB=x , m∠CPD=x
It follows that the arcs they intercept have the following measures.
m^ ^ =x o
AB= x , m CD
These facts clearly demonstrate that the measure of the arc does not depend on the size of the circle.
This means that for arcs to have the same measure they need not have the same length. CD ^ is evidently
longer than ^ AB.
It will likewise be noted that a chord of the bigger circle may be tangent to the smaller circles, as MN .
If two circles intersect, they have at most two points of intersection. The possible cases are illustrated

IV. Deepen
Discussion of Tangents Angles pp.47 – 48
Do the Time to Think activity pp.49 – 50

Prepared by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher Principal

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