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The Philippine Teacher's Professionalization Act RA 7836

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Report of the Results of the Examination Statement of Policy

The Board shall, within one hundred twenty (120) days after the examination, The State recognizes the vital role of teachers in nation-building
report the ratings obtained by each candidate to the Professional Regulation
and development through a responsible and literate citizenry.
Commission for approval and appropriate action.
Towards this end, the State shall ensure and promote quality
Issuance of Certificate of Registration and education by proper supervision and regulation of the licensure
examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching
Professional License.
The registration of a professional teacher commences from the date his name is

Penal Provisions
The Philippine
enrolled in the roster of professional teachers.

Oath Before Practice The following shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Five

Every registrant shall be required to take his professional oath before practicing
as a professional teacher.
thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos
(P20,000.00) or imprisonment of nor less than six (6) months nor Professionalization
more than five (5) years, or both, at the discretion of the court:
Periodic Merit Examination of Teachers (a) Any person who practices the teaching profession in the Act
Philippines without being certified in accordance with the

RA 7836
To encourage continuing professional growth and development and to provide
additional basis for merit promotion, in addition to their performance rating, provisions of this Act;
teachers may take an oral and written examination at least once in five (5) years
as basis for merit promotion. In taking this examination, no fee shall be required. (b) Any person who represents or attempts to use as his own
certificate of registration that of another;
Failure to Pass the Merit Examination
(c) Any person who gives any false, or fraudulent evidence of any
If a teacher fails to pass the merit examination, he or she shall be allowed to take kind to the Board or any member thereof in obtaining a certificate
the examination for a second time. Should he or she fail to pass the merit of registration as teacher;
examination for the second time, then he or she shall be required to take a DECS
accredited refresher course or program before being allowed to retake the
(d) Any person who impersonates any registrant of the same or
different name;
Incentives. (e) Any person who uses a revoked or suspended certificate of
Teachers who pass the merit examination shall: registration;
(a) Be awarded a diploma of merit by the Board; (f) Any person who, in connection with his name, otherwise
assumes, uses or advertises any title or description tending to
(b) Earn merit points for purposes of promotion in salary or to a higher position
or grade level; convey or conveys the impression that he is a teacher without
holding a valid certificate; and
(c) Be placed in the priority list for government scholarship; and
(g) Any person who violates or who abets the violation of any of
(d) Enjoy such other benefits as may be promulgated by the Board.
the provisions of this Act.

Transitory Provision
Integration of the Teaching Profession
All incumbent teachers in both the public and private sector not
The teaching profession shall be integrated into one national organization which otherwise certified as professional teachers by virtue of this Act,
shall be recognized by the Board and the Commission as the one and only shall be given (5) years temporary certificates from the time the
integrated and accredited association of professional teachers. Upon registration
with the Board, every professional teacher shall be encouraged to become a Board for Professional Teachers is organized within which to
member of the integrated national organization. Those who have been registered qualify as required by this Act and be included in the roster of
with the Board but are not members of the said integrated organization shall be professionals.
allowed to register as members of the said integrated organization within three
(3) years after the effectivity of this Act. Membership in the integrated Signed: December 16, 1994
organization shall not be a bar to membership in other associations of the
teaching profession. The professional teachers shall receive the benefits
Creation and Composition of the Board Each Board member must at the time of his appointment:
Examination, Registration and License
There is hereby created under this Act a Board for Professional (a) Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines; Required
Teachers, hereinafter called the Board, a collegial body under the (b) Be at least thirty-five (35) years of age, of proven integrity, and
general supervision and administrative control of the possessed of high moral values in his personal as well as Except as otherwise specifically allowed under the provisions of this
Professional Regulation Commission, hereinafter referred to as professional conduct and has not been convicted of any offense Act, all applicants for registration as professional teachers shall be
the Commission, composed of five (5) members who shall be required to undergo a written examination which shall be given at least
involving moral turpitude;
appointed by the President of the Philippines from among the once a year in such places and dates as the Board may determine upon
(c) Be a holder of the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of
recommended chosen by the Commission. The recommended approval by the Commission. A valid certificate of registration and a
Science in Education and preferably a holder of a master’s or valid professional license from the Commission are required before any
shall be chosen from the list of nominees selected by the
doctorate degree in education, or their equivalents, from a person is allowed to practice as a professional teacher in the Philippines,
accredited association of teachers, who duly possess all the
qualifications prescribed in Section 8 of this Act. university, school, college, academy or institute duly constituted, except as otherwise allowed under this Act.
recognized and/or accredited by the Philippine government;
Duties and Function of the Board (d) Be a professional teacher with a valid certificate of registration Scope of Examination
The Board shall have the following duties and functions: and valid professional license, save those members who shall
The examinations for the elementary and secondary school teachers
compose the first Board for Professional Teachers;
shall be separate. The examination for teachers in the elementary level
(a) Promulgate, administer and enforce rules and regulations (e) Has been a professional teacher in the active practice of the
shall consist of two (2) parts, namely: professional education and
necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act in accordance teaching profession for at least ten (10) years in the elementary and general education. The examination for teachers in the secondary level
with the charter of the Professional Regulation Commission; secondary level; and
(b) Determine and fix the frequency, dates, and places of shall consist of three (3) parts, namely: professional education, general
(f) Not be an official or member of the faculty of, nor have education, and field of specialization.
examination, appoint supervisors, proctors, and other personnel as
needed who shall be entitled to a daily allowance to be fixed by the pecuniary interest in any university, college, school, or institution
Board for every examination day actually attended, use buildings conferring a bachelor’s degree in education or its equivalents for at Qualification Requirements of Applicants.
and facilities of public or private schools for examination purposes; least three (3) years prior to his appointment, and neither connected
No applicant shall be admitted to take the examination unless, on the
(c) Issue, suspend, or revoke the certificate of registration for the with a review center or with any group or association where review
practice of the teaching profession; date of filing of the application, he shall have complied with the
classes or lectures in preparation for the licensure examination are following requirements:
(d) Prescribe and collect examination and other fees as it may deem offered or conducted.
proper; (a) A citizen of the Philippines or an alien whose country has reciprocity
(e) Prescribe and/or adopt a code of ethical and professional
standards for the practice of the teaching profession. Such ethical
Compensation of the Board with the Philippines in the practice of the teaching profession;
(b) At least eighteen (18) years of age;
standards, rules and regulations to take effect sixty (60) days after its The chairman, vice-chairman, and members of the Board shall receive
(c) In good health and of good reputation with high moral values;
publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of general compensation comparable to the compensation received by existing
(d) Has not been convicted by final judgment by a court for an offense
circulation; regulatory boards under the Professional Regulation Commission,
involving moral turpitude;
(f) Administer oaths in connection with the administration of this computed on the basis of the number of examinees/candidates.
(e) A graduate of a school, college or university recognized by the
government and possesses the minimum educational qualifications, as
(g) Supervise and regulate the registration, licensure and practice of Supervision of the Board and Custodian of its follows:
professional teachers in the Philippines;
(h) Adopt an official seal of the Broadscale
The Board shall be under the supervision and control of the Commission. (1) For teachers in preschool, a bachelor’s degree in early childhood
(i) Look into the conditions affecting the practice of the teaching
profession and whenever necessary, adopt such measures as may be All records, including applications for examination, examination papers education (BECED) or its equivalent;
deemed proper for the enhancement and maintenance of high and results, minutes of deliberation, administrative cases and investigative (2) For teachers in the elementary grades, a bachelor’s degree in
professional and ethical standards of the profession; cases and investigations involving professional teachers shall be kept by elementary education (BSEED) or its equivalent;
(j) Ensure that all educational institutions offering elementary and the Commission. (3) For teachers in the secondary grades, a bachelor’s degree in
secondary education comply with the essential requirements for education or its equivalent with a major and minor, or a bachelor’s
degree in arts and sciences with at least ten (10) units in professional
curricula, faculty and facilities for the elementary and secondary Secretariat and Support Services education; and
The Professional Regulation Commission, through its chairman, shall (4) For teachers of vocational and two-year technical courses, a
(k) Investigate such violations of this Act, the rules and the code of
provide the secretariat and other support services to implement effectively bachelor’s degree in the field of specialization or its equivalent, with at
ethical and professional standards for professional teachers as it may
the provisions of this Act. least eighteen (18) units in professional education.
come to the knowledge of the Board, and for this purpose, to issue
subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to secure the appearance of
witnesses and the production of documents in connection therewith .

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