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5 Ayudam

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Sincere Thanks To:

1. Mannargudi Sri.Srinivasan Narayanan for Sanskrit texts and proof reading

2. Nedumtheru Sri.Mukund Srinivasan, Sri.Sridhar, Sri.AMR.Kannan and

Sau.R.Chitralekha for images and artwork

3. Smt.Jayashree Muralidharan for eBook assembly


Introduction 1

Slokams and Commentaries 5

Slokam 1 7

Slokam 2 13

Slokam 3 15

Slokam 4 17
Slokam 5 19

Slokam 6 21

Slokam 7 23

nigamanam 24


Complete List of Sundarasimham-ahobilavalli eBooks 25

Prahlada Varadan - Ahobilam

. ïI.


This is an important sthOthram, where all the Five weapons of the Lord are
The order of salutations are (1) Chakram/Sudarsanam (2) Sankham/
Paanchajanyam (3) Gadhai/KoumOdhakI (4) Sword/Nandhakam (5) Bow/

Once upon a time, Sriman narayanan looked at His PachAyudhams (nithya sooris)
and commanded them to reach BhU lOkam and be born as SaanDilya, Oupagaaya,
Mounjaayana, Kousika and BharadvAja to perform AaarAdhanam for Him there.
The five weapons of the Lord arrived at the dhivya dEsam of ThOthAdhri
(VanAchalam) and performed fierce tapas to receive the anugraham of their
Lord. Sriman Narayanan was pleased with their tapas and initiated them with
dheekshA as His AarAdhakars; next, our Lord instructed them over five nights
and days on ways to build temples for Him, perform AaarAdhanam, conduct
Uthsavams for Him in His ArchA form. These upadEsams from the lips of the
Lord of the Universe over five nights and days came to be known as
PaancharAthra Saastram or PaancharAthra Aagamam. In view of the direct link
of PaancharAthram to the Lord, this Aagamam is considered as very sacred
Aagamam. It has 108 samhithAs. Three among them are known as
PaancharAthra ratna thrayam and their upabrahmaNams are used in Bhagavath
AarAdhanam at Srirangam, Kaancheepuram and ThirunArAyaNapuram.


DeivanAyaka PerumAL and SrIvaramangai nAcchiyAr at VAnamAmalai


Beautiful descriptions and the power of these weapons of the lord are provided
in the SthOthram. The Phala sruthi section of this SthOthram reminds us that
when recited daily this stotram removes all sorrows, sins and fears and bestows
auspiciousness on the devotees (samastha DhukkhAni BhayAni sadhya: paapAni
nasyanthi sukhAni santhi). Whenever one recites these slOkams during the
middle of a tractless forest, fearsome war, in the middle of enemies, floods,
fire and unexpected calamities of any kind causing great fear, such a recitation
will banish all those fears and provide protection of every sort according to the
Phala Sruthi.



Thiruevvul Veeraraghava PerumAl wearing Panchayudha MAlai


ThiruvallikENi Sudarsanar and SrI Nrusimhar - Thanks Sri. AMR.Kannan

SlOkam 1

S)…rTshöarizoaittIì< sudzRn< ÉaSkrkaeiqtuLym!,

suriÖ;a< àa[ivnaiz iv:[ae> c³< sda=h< zr[< àp*e.

sphurat sahasrAra SikhAti teevram

sudarSanam bhAskarakoTi tulyam |

suradvishAm prANavinaaSi vishNo:

cakram sadhA aham SaraNam prapadye ||

adiyEn always seeks the refuge of Sriman narAyaNan’s chakram (discus),

SudarSanam, which is not only beautiful to behold but also is immensely
powerful with thousands of fiery spokes of flames to destroy the enemies of
dEvAs. This mighty weapon of the Lord is resplendent like the crores of Suns,
which have arisen at the same time.


Sudarsanar is worshipped as the deekshithan in the Yajn~am to destroy those

who harm the BhaagavathAs dear to His Lord. While saluting one angam of
Sudarsanar (viz)., aksham, SrI Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar, the composer of SrI
Sudarsna Sathakam extols the unique aspects of the nigraha sakthi of the
Lord’s powerful weapon. Acting as the sankalpa sakthi of His Lord, Sudarsanar
performs the following duties as the Deekshithan of the Yajn~am to destroy
those who commit apachArams to those who are near to His Lord

dI]a< s<¢am sÇe mhit k«tvtae dIiÝiÉSs<htaiÉ>

ijþale sÝijþe dnujk…lhivjuRþtaeneim juþva,

vEk…{QaôSy k…{f< mhidv ivlst! ipi{fkaveidmXye

idZyat! idVyiwRdeZy< pdimh Évwa< A]taeNme;m]m!.

deekshAm sangrAma satrE mahati krtavatO deeptibhissamhatAbhi:

jihvAlE sapta-jihvE danuja-kula-havir juhvatO nemijuhvA |

vaikNThAstrasya kuNDam mahativa-vilasat piNDikA-vEdimadhyE

diSyAt divyarthvideSyam padamiha bhavathAm akshatOnmEshamaksham ||

--- 64th slOkam of SrI Sudarsana Sathakam


In the grand Yajn~am of Mahaa Satram, the dheekshitan places the havis in the
Agni. Similarly, Sudarsanar places the havis of asurAs and RaakshasAs in His
fire. The aksham of SudarSanar is the Homa KuNDam. There, Sudarsanar
places the Havis of asurAs and RaakshasAs, who hurt the Lord’s dear ones.
Sudarsanar uses His nEmi angam of His disc to collect the havis for placement
in the seven tongued Agni (KaaLee, KarALee, ManOjavA, SulOhitaa,
SudhUmravarNaa, Spulinginee and ViSvadASaa) just as a deekshitan uses the
vessel of Joohoo (Yajn~a paathram) to bring together the material used as
havis in the Mahaa Satra Yajn~am. There is one difference between the Homa
KuNDam (aksham) used by human deekshitAs and SudarsaNar. The agni in the
Homa KunDam loses its lustre with time; the radiance of the Sudarsana Homa
KuNDam never loses its lustre (tEjas). SrI Koora Narayana Jeeyar pleads for
the boon of Dhivya padhavi to SrI Sudarsna UpAsakars: “aksham bhavatAm

divyam padam diSyAt” .

The insights into Sudarsana BhagavAn and His relationship to His Lord as well
as His mantra maya svaroopam can be gained from a study of 12 Sri Sudarsana
ashtOttara nAmAvaLi: (Please add praNavam before each nAmAvaLi)

1) (à[vm!) c³rajay nm>

1) (PraNavam) cakra-raajAya nama:

2) shöÉanve nm>

2) sahasra bhaanavE nama:
The thousand rayed One

3) ;q!kae[aNtrs<iSwtay nm>

3) shaDkONAntara samsthitAya nama:

One who is housed in the six corners formed by two triangles

4) ÉImkmR[e nm>

4) bheema karmaNe nama:

One who is known for His mighty heroic deeds

5) naray[a}anuvitRne nm>

5) naarAyaNa –Ajn~A anuvartinE nama:

One who follows the commands of His Lord, SrIman NaarAyaNa

6) }anzi´blEeñvyRvIyR tej> àÉamyay nm>

6) jn~Ana Sakti bala aiSvarya veerya tEja prabhAmayAya nama:

One who is radiant with the six guNams of His Lord

7) mNÇyNÇàÉavay nm>

7) mantra-yantra prabhAvAya nama:

One who is reputed for His power exhibited through His Mantram and

8) Aae<karêpay nm>

8) OmkAra roopAya nama:

One who has the form of PraNavam

9) pr<Jyaeit;ee nm>

9) paramjyOtishE nama:

One who is the supreme JyOthi

10) svaRyuxsmiNvtay nm>

10) sarvAyudha samanvitAya nama:

One who is equipped with all types of weapons (Refer: SrI ShODaSaayudha
stOtram of Swamy Desikan)

11) vE:[vay nm>

11) vaishNavAya nama:

12) naray[k«paVyuhtejí³ay nm>

12) naarAyaNa krupA vyUha tEjaScakrAya nama:

Embodiment of the assembly of His Lord appearing as the radiant discus

. ïIivjyvi‘ ïIsudzRnvi‘ smet ïIsudzRnpräü[e nm>.

||SrI Vijayavalli Sri Sudarsanavalli samEta

SrI SudarSana parabrahmanE nama:||

Among the tattvams, Sudarsanar is recognized as the Manas tattvam.
Swamy Desikan has blessed us with two powerful stOtrams on Sri Sudarsanar:

1. Sri SudarsanAshtakam of Swamy Desikan salutes the glories of Lord

Sudarsana. This is the 7th e-book in the Sundarasimham eBooks series and
has an appendix discussing the Sudarsana AarAdhanam and Phalans of His
worship through His mantram (

2. SrI ShODaSaayudha StOtram, Sudarsana Kavacham, Sudarsana Homam,

Sudarsana archaa Moorti with Yoga Narasimhan and Sudarsana Yantram are
covered in the 93rd e-book of Sundarasimham series: (http:// More about Sudarsana Vaibhavam have been
included in this e-book.


Divine Conch on SrI Parthasarathy's right thirukkaram - ThiruallikENi

SlOkam 2

iv:[aemRuoaeTwainlpUirtSy ySy XvindaRnvdpRhNta,

t< paÂjNy< zizkaeiqzuæ< zŒ< sda=h< zr[< àp*e.

viShNo: mukhOtthAnila pUritasya

yasya dhvani: dAnava darpahantA |

tam pAncajanyam SaSikoTiSubhram

Sankham sadA aham SaraNam prapadye ||

adiyEn always seeks the refuge in Paancajanyam, the divine conch of the Lord
shining like a crore of Moons. Its dhvani arising from the air emanating from
the sacred mouth of the Lord strikes terror in the hearts of the asurAs and
vanquishes soundly their pride.


In NaachiyAr Thirumozhi, ANDAL salutes the white Valampuri conch that

usually adorns the upper left hand of the Lord and asks it to share with Her its
close relationship to the Lord and the blissful anubhavam of being close to the
Lord’s mouth and being filled with the air emanating from that most sacred
mouth. The sound of the white Conch named Paancajanyam (veLLai viLi Sankhu)
is of the roopam of PraNava naadham and strikes terror in the minds of the
asurAs. They begin to run and their pride as mighty warriors is totally
destroyed. During MahA BhAratha Yuddham, our Lord took only the Conch as
His weapon and the sound of it resounding through heaven and earth rent the
hearts of the sons of DhrutarAshtra. Even today, ParthasArathy at His Thiru

allikkENi divya dEsam has only the conch as His weapon and AabharaNam on His
right hand.

Among the tattvams, Paancajanyam is recognized as the SaatvIka ahankAram.

SlOkam 3

ihr{myI— meésmansara< kaEmaedkI— dETyk…lEkhNÇIm!,

vEk…{Qvama¢kraiÉm&òa< gda< sda=h< zr[< àp*e.

hiraNmayeem mEru samAna sArAam

kaumOdakeem daitya kulaikahantreem |

vaikuNTha vAmAgra karAbhimrshTaam

gadAm sadA aham SaraNam prapadye||

adiyEn always seeks the protection

of the golden mace of the Lord
known as KaumOdakee. It has the
strength equal to Mount Meru,
when it comes down on the limbs of
the assembly of asurAs and crushes
them. It is held lightly by the
blemishless Lord in the palm of His
lower left hand to protect His


One of the lakshaNams of Sriman

NaarAyaNa according to
PaancarAtra Aagamam is the
holding of the golden mace,
SrI GuruvAyoorappan with gadhai

Kaumodhakee under his lower left palm. The other three hands of Sriman
NarayaNa hold a discus (SudarSanam), a conch (Paancajanyam) and a Lotus
flower with its stalk.

Among the tattvams, the mace KaumOdhakee of the Lord is recognized as

Mahat tattvam.

Sri Nilamangai thAyar samEtha Sri Sthalasayana thuraivAr - after sAtthupadi -

Sri PerumAL with Gadhai (azhwar amsam), nandakam, sanku, chakram.

(Thanks Sri.B.Senthil)

SlOkam 4

r]ae=sura[a< kiQnae¢k{QCDed]rCDaei[tidGxxarm!,

t< nNdk< nam hre> àdIÝ< of!g< sda=h< zr[< àp*e.

rakshO asuraaNaam kaThinOgrakaNThac-

chEdaksharat SoNita digdhadhAram |

tam nandakam nAma hare: pradeeptam

khaDgam sadA aham SaraNam prapadye ||

adiyEn always seeks the refuge in Nandakam, the shining sword of the Lord,
which is hard and fearsome. The blade of
this powerful sword of the Lord is smeared
with the blood of asurAs, who rose against
the AasrithAs of the Lord and ended up
losing their heads.


Among the tattvams, Nandakam, the sharp

and shining sword of the Lord is recognized
as the Jn~Ana tattvam and its sheath is
considered as Ajn~Ana tattvam. The 41st
Paasuram of Swamy Desikan’s adhikAra
Sangraham covers the relationship between Malayappa Swamy with Shining Sword
the various tattvams and the Weapons as
well as the AabharaNams of the Lord.


Thirukkudanthai Sarangapani with the Divine Bow

Thanks: Sri.Sridhar

SlOkam 5

y¾yainnadïv[at! sura[a< ceta<is inmuR´Éyain s*>,

ÉviNt dETyazinba[vi;R za¼¡ sda=h< zr[< àp*e.

yajjyAninAda SravaNaat suraaNaam

cetAmsi nirmukta bhayAni sadya: |

bhavanti daityaaSani baaNavarshi

Saarngam sadA aham SaraNam prapadye ||

adiyEn seeks always the refuge in the powerful bow of the Lord known as
Saarngam, which showers unceasing downpour of fiery arrows on the opposing
asurAs. The sound of the twang of the bow string of Saarngam during the
prayOgam of the asthrams by the Lord chases away the fears of the dEvAs


Andal celebrates the down pour of the arrows from the Lord’s bow, Saarngam in
ThiruppAvai: “Saarngam udaittha sara mazhai pOl”. In Raghuveera Gadyam,
Yuddha Kaandham section, Swamy Desikan Salutes the power of the bow
Saarngam/KodaNDam in the hands of the Raghu Veeran and the destruction of
RaavaNan and his mighty army.


PanchAyudhan - SrI Anantha Padmanabha PerumAL - Thiruvananthapuram

SlOkam 6

#m< hre> pÂmhayuxana< Stv< pQe*ae=nuidn< àÉate,

smStÊ>oain Éyain s*> papain nZyiNt suoain siNt.

imam hare: pancamahAyudhAnAm

stavam paThedya: anudinam prabAte |

samasta du:khAni bhayAni sadya:

pApAni naSyanti sukhAni santi ||

The fears, sins and sorrows will be destroyed for those who recite daily this
sacred stuti about the Lord’s five unique and powerful weapons. All
auspiciousness will embrace them.


The fruits of reciting daily the Panca MahAyudhams of the Lord is referred to
here. One’s fears, sorrows and sins are instantly destroyed and the sukhams
ensue in their place.


Matsya Moorthy

Thanks: Sau.R.Chitralekha

SlOkam 7

vne r[e zÇujlai¶mXye y†CDyapTsu mhaÉye;u,

#d< pQn! StaeÇmnak…laTma suoI Évet! tTk«tsvRr]>.

vane raNe SatrujalAgnimadhye

yadrcchayApatsu mahAbhayeshu |

idam paThan stotram anAkulAtmA

sukhee bhavet tatkrta sarvaraksha: ||

For anyone finding himself in the middle of powerful enemies, dangerous floods,
fierce fires, gruesome battle field, trackless forest with wild animals or any
other dangers causing great fright will get rid of all these fears by reciting
this sacred stuti about the five weapons of the Lord and will enjoy tranquility
and peace of mind.


The power of the recitation of the stOtram about the five weapons of the Lord
in the middle of all frightening situations and calamities is indicated here. All
these prathikoolams will be destroyed and unique anukoolams will result from
such a recitation. The forest alluded to here is the labyrinth of the forest of
samsAram, where the Jeevan loses his way and cries out for rescue. It is like
the VindhyA forest in which AchArya RaamAnuja lost his way and was rescued
by the divya dampathis of Kaancheepuram. The gruesome battle field is where
the Jeevan is assaulted incessantly by the KarmEndhriyams. The Lord as
HrusheekESan comes to our rescue then. When we are about to drown in the

floods of SamsAram and are about to be sucked by the dangerous whirlpools,
Lord as MatsyAvathAran gets hold of us and pulls us to the other shore of
SamsAram. We enjoy tranquility by overcoming all these huge fears.

. #it ïIpÂayuxStaeÇm! sMpU[Rm!.

SrI pancAyudha StOtram sampoorNam


Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan


Sundara simham - ahobila mutt




(The titles below are hyper-linked to individual eBooks.  If the pointer is placed over 
the text and clicked, you can access the titles online) 

eBook # Title eBook # Title

1 SrI Stuti 17 Vegasethu stOtram

2 BhU Stuti 18 Panniru nAmam

3 Godha Stuti 19 RAmAnujar Chronology
4 HayagrIva Stotram 20 Charama Surukku

5 Raghuveera Gadyam 21 AahAra Niyamam

6 ParamArta Stuti 22 Gopala Vimsati

7 Sudarshana Ashtakam 23 Navamani MAlai

8 kAmAsikAshtakam 24 Thirumanthira Churukku

9 AshtabhujAshtakam 25 PAdukA Satakam

PadukA Sahasram

10 Garuda Dandakam 26 Amruta Ranjani

11 Thirucchinna mAlai 27 PradAna Satakam

12 Arutta Panchakam 28 DevarAjAshtakam

13 Dvaya Churukku 29 HayagrIva Panjaram

14 VairAgya Panchakam 30 GeetArtha Sangraham

15 DasAvatAra slOkam 31 Adaikala Patthu

16 DayA satakam 32 Azhagiyaingar Thaniyans

eBook # Title eBook # Title

33 Paramatha Bhangam 54 NacchiyAr Thirumozhi

34 Prabhanda SAram 55 Pillayandhadhi

35 Nrusimha PanchAmrutham 56 Chitra DesikIyam

36 Vaishnava Dinasari 57 SaraNAgati Deepika

37 Mey Viratha Manmiyam 58 Paramapada Sopanam

38 Guna Ratna kOsam 59 Sri Bhashyam Vol1

39 Abheeti Stavam 60 Sri Bhashyam Vol2

40 Mummani KOvai 61 Vaikuntha Stavam

41 Sandhya Devathaas 62 Thiruppavai

42 Injimedu Azhagiya Singar 63 Tattva Padhavee

43 43rd Pattam Jeer 64 Agaramanimaala Stotram

44 44th Pattam Jeer 65 Mangalya Stavam

45 Prakrutam Azhagiya Singar 66 HayagrIva SahasranAmam

46 Rig UpAkarma 67 Narasimha AvatAram

47 Yajur UpAkarma 68 Rahasya Navaneetham

48 SAma UpAkarma 69 Rahasya Padavee

49 Stotra Ratnam 70 Thiruppalliyezhuchchi

50 Amruta svAdini 71 SaranAgathi (Tamil)

51 AdhikAra Sangraham 72 Dehaleesa Stuti

52 Thirumanjana Kattiyam 73 Purusha SUktham

53 SrI Stavam 74 Desika Darsanam

eBook # Title eBook # Title

75 Bhagavad dyAna sopanam 95 Sri Venkatesha Ashtottaram

(Brahmanda Puranam)
76 SubhAshita Neevi 96 Sri Venkatesha Ashtottaram
(Varaha Puranam)
77 NaimisAranyam 97 Famous Five

78 AparyAptAmrutha sopanam 98 Arithmetic and Almighty

79 A Day in Sri Matam 99 Peerless Preceptor

80 ThiruppallANDu 100 SrI Lakshmi Sahasram

81 Thiruvellur 101 Sri Venkatesha Sahasram

82 ad upanishads 102 PadukA Sahasra Yantrams
Vedams and upanishads

83 Thiruviruththam 103 ThirunedunthanDakam

84 ThiruvAsiriyam 104 ThirukkurunthanDakam

85 Periya thiruvandhadhi 105 ThiruvezhukURRirukkai

86 Thiruvaimozhi 106 Manthra Pushpam

87 Desika Sahasranaamam 107 Virodha ParihAram

88 Satha DUshani 108 Oppiliappan vaibhavam

89 Tattva Muktha kalApam

90 Chillarai Rahasyam

91 Srimad RahasaTrayaSAram

92 Fabulous Four

93 Sudarashana Vaibhavam

94 Sri Venkatesha Sooktis


ahObilavalli - Chenchulakshmi thAyAr - ahobilam




(The titles below are hyper-linked to individual eBooks.  If the pointer is placed over 
the text and clicked, you can access the titles online) 

eBook # Title eBook # Title

1 DanurmAsa ArAdanam 17 Thiruvellarai

2 SALagrama ArAdanam 18 Achyutha Satakam

3 Mukunda MAlA 19 Sundara kANDam
4 VAsantika parinayam 20 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 1

5 SampradAya parisuddhi 21 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 2

6 ThiruppAvai 22 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 3

7 YatirAja Saptati 23 RanganAtha mahimai Vol 4

8 AthimAnusha Stavam 24 Thiru Vaikunta Vinnagaram

9 Anjali Vaibhavam 25 Thiru ThevanAr Thogai

10 ThiruvellakuLam 26 Thiru Semponsei Koil

11 DevanAyaka Pancasat 27 Thiru Arimeya Vinnagaram

12 NyAsa Dasakam 28 Ramanusar nURRandhAdhi

13 NyAsa Tilakam 29 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol1

14 NyAsa Vimsati 30 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol2

15 PeirazhwAr krishnAnubavam 31 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol3

16 AmalanAthipirAn 32 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol4

eBook # Title eBook # Title

33 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol5 54 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 2

34 VaradarAja Pancasat 55 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 3

35 Vishnu SUktham 56 Apamarjana Stotram

36 ThirutheRRiambalam 57 PerumAL Thirumozhi

37 Varaha Puranam 58 Jitante Stotram - Vol 1

38 Vasudeva PunyahavAcanam 59 Jitante Stotram - Vol 2

39 Samaveda PunyahavAcanam 60 Jitante Stotram - Vol 3

40 Brahmotsavam 61 Jitante Stotram - Vol 4

41 Homa Havis and Yajna 62 Sri Varadaraja stavam

42 Raghava YadavIyam 63 Acharya Panchasat

43 Yadavabhyudayam 64 Bhagavan Gunaratnasatakam

44 Lakshminarayana Hrdayam 65 Garuda Panchasat

45 RAmAshtaka Kritis 66 Rangaraja Stavam Vol 1

46 HanUmath vaibhavam 67 Rangaraja Stavam Vol 2

47 Manasa Aradanam slokam 68 Sundarabahu Stavam Vol1

48 Ekadashi & other vrtams 69 Abhaya Pradana Saaram

49 Mahalakshmi Kritis 70 Tattva Nirnayam Vol1

50 Ahobila Divya Desam 71 Tattva Nirnayam Vol 2

51 VaradarAja panchakam 72 Bhishma Stuti

52 SadAchAryAs 73 SrI SUktham

53 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 1 74 Prapanna Paarijaatam

eBook # Title eBook # Title

75 Nikshepa Rakshai

76 Vedanta Desika Prapatti

77 Trayamidam Sarvam

78 Srinivasa Kalyanam(PPT)

79 Sankalpa Sooryodayam

80 Krishna karnamrutam

81 Desika Prarthanashtakam

82 SrI Lakshmi Tantram (Vol1)
83 Sri Upakara Sangraham Pt.1
84 Sri Upakara Sangraham Pt.1
85 Thiruppullani mahimai

86 Panchayudha Stotram

87 Dvadasa naama panjaram

88 Hamsa Sandesam

89 Dvadasa naama Stotram



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