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The News Report

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Monday 20th September, 2021.


A newspaper report needs to…
Be about an interesting
event; Capture the reader’s

Present factual Be succinct and to the

information; point;
The Essentials First
When the reader reads
a newspaper report,
they should be given
It is important that the essential
newspaper reports information first, so
have the most that they can decide if
important they wish to read more.
information coming
first. This is called
Structure of a newspaper report
Headline and byline



Headline and byline
For a good headline, you need to:
•Catch the reader’s attention so
Lead they want to read the rest of the
•Sum up the story in a few words;
•Use powerful and interesting
•Write in the present tense – even
if the report is about an event
Tail that has already happened;
•Include alliteration or wit at
Headline and byline

Lead For a good byline, you need:

•The writer’s name;
•The writer’s speciality (for
Body example, Sports reporter,
Food correspondent, Crime
editor, Deputy politic editor,
Tail Senior fashion reporter);
•A link to the writer’s Twitter
account (for example,
LeadFor a good lead paragraph,
you need to;
•Make the paragraph short
and snappy so that it briefly
Headline and byline explains what has happened;
•Ensure that, even if the
reader stopped reading at
Lead this point, they would still
know roughly what happened;
•Use past tense in most cases;
•Make sure the first
paragraph answers as many
Tail of these six questions as you
can –
Who? What? Where? Why?
When? How?
BodyFor a good body section,
you need to:
•Add more information and
Headline and byline detail to your lead
•Include background
Lead information, evidence, facts
and quotes from people
involved in or connected to
Body the event/story;
Having quotes •Continue to write in order
from witnesses Tail of importance, putting the
Be sure to use
or experts most important information
will make your correct
report more punctuation in the first few paragraphs
credible and for quotes! of the body section.
Tail For a good tail section:
•Give the reader the
opportunity to gain
additional information if
Headline and byline they are particularly
interested in the topic of
Lead the news report;
•Include links to previous
This ‘Tail’
news reports or useful
information can Body websites;
be useful but is •Include a final quote from
not always a witness or expert that
needed. It Tail
helps to sum up the story
tends to be the
least important or that could hint at what
information in might happen next.
the report.
Example headline
School Children Raise Funds for Local Charity
Frances Trackall, Education reporter
A small group of Year 5 students from Arkwood Primary School have
created a brilliant plan to raise money for a local charity that assists
people in the community. Following a visit to the school from a charity lead
representative, the students set out to create a way of raising much
needed funds.

The students presented the fundraising idea to school principal Mrs

Justine Knight, who saw great potential in the plan to sell produce from
the school’s vegetable garden to local restaurants and, in turn, raise
money for the local charity. She stated that ‘the children have displayed a body
true sense of community in their fundraising plan.’ Following a meeting with
teachers, it is hoped that the students can begin to implement the four
phase plan. ‘The school would support students wholly in the fund raising
venture,’ Mrs Knight added.

The school plans to sell the garden produce to two local restaurants,
beginning in early September. For more information on this fundraising tail
plan, visit the Arkwood Primary School website (
The Sporting Telegraph
www.sporting-telegraph.c The Number One Sports Newspaper
Brilliant Bolt Grabs Gold Again
Jamaican Sprinter Takes London by Storm Winning Three Olympic Gold Medals
Exclusive Report by John Stevenson

Usain Bolt reaffirmed his title as the World’s Fastest Man by

achieving a marvellous third gold medal of the games this week. In
front of a deafening capacity crowd in London’s Olympic Stadium,
the 25-year-old world record holder completed a remarkable set of
victories to establish himself as one of the greatest sprinters of all
Usain Bolt: winner of three Olympic
time. gold medals in London

Following earlier victories in both the 100m and 200m individual sprint, Bolt inspired his
Jamaica team-mates to a third triumph in the 4x100m relay. The three gold medals are added
to his personal collection alongside similar achievements in the corresponding individual
events of Beijing in 2008.
Afterwards, the reigning 100m and 200m world champion was understandably
buoyant in his celebrations.
“It’s a brilliant feeling. It’s been a long road. I’m happy, but I’m relieved. It’s great to be
in the history books as one of the greatest. I’m proud of myself,” he told reporters.

Although other athletes have won more medals than Bolt, including American sprinter
Carl Lewis who was commentating for a television network, no-one else can match the
explosive power and unrivalled pace exhibited by Bolt.

The sprinter’s Jamaican team-mates were equally jubilant following their relay victory,
describing it as a momentous day in Athletics history. Even the American team, who
were disqualified from the relay following a disastrous illegal baton handover, were
gracious in defeat. Admitting disappointment at missing out on a team medal, Justin
Gatlin promised supporters that the team had given it all they could and refused to
criticise the officials’ decision, but did apologise to the US fans.
Now thinking ahead to his future and the potential of bringing down the curtain on a
glittering Athletics career, Bolt confirmed that he intends to compete in 2016 but retire
before the next Olympic Games in 2020. Instead, he will focus on charity work, a
likely ambassador role in the sport or could even consider a dramatic switch to another
sport such as football. As the crowds filtered out of the magnificent stadium, the talk
was all about just one man - the incredible Usain Bolt, who is surely already an
Olympic legend.
Get It Right!
For a GREAT newspaper report you need to:
Keep your most Cut out the less
important important sections
information near the from the bottom of
top of the report; the report if it ends
up being too long;

Keep your sentences Check your spelling

short and punchy, so and your facts…and
that the report is check them again!
interesting to your

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