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Working Capital

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Working Capital

Gross Working Capital:

It represents the total current assets and is also referred to as circulating capital because current capital as
current assets, are circulating in nature.

Net Working Capital:

It represents the difference between current assets and current liabilities. Some people also define it as excess
of current assets over the current liabilities.

Objectives of Working Capital Management:

 The main objective is to ensure the maintenance of satisfactory level of working capital in such a way
that it is neither inadequate nor excessive. It should not only be sufficient to cover the current
liabilities but ensure a reasonable margin of safety also.  
 To minimize the amount of capital employed in financing the current assets. This also leads to an
improvement in the “Return of Capital Employed”.
 To manage the current assets in such a way that the marginal return on investment in these assets is
not less than the cost of capital acquired to finance them. This will ensure the maximization of the
value of the business unit.  
 To maintain the proper balance between the amount of current assets and the current liabilities in
such a way that the firm is always able to meet its financial obligations, whenever due. This will ensure
the smooth working of the unit without any production held ups due to paucity of funds.

Types of Working Capital:

Permanent Working Capital:

At any time, there is always a minimum level of current assets which is constantly and continuously required
by a business unit to carry on its operations. This minimum amount of current assets, which is required on a
continuous and uninterrupted basis, is referred to as fixed or permanent working capital. This type of working
capital should be financed (along with other fixed assets) out of long term funds of the unit. However, in
practice, a portion of these requirements also is met through short term borrowings from banks and suppliers'

Temporary Working Capital:

Any amount over and above the permanent level of working capital is variable, temporary or fluctuating
working capital. This type of working capital is generally financed from short term sources of finance such as
bank credit because this amount is not permanently required and is usually paid back during off season or
after the contingency. As the name implies, the level of fluctuating working capital keeps on fluctuating
depending on the needs of the unit unlike the permanent working capital which remains constant over a
period of time.

Determinants of Working Capital:

Working capital requirements of the firm are influenced by various factors. In general, the determinants of
working capital which are common to all organizations can be summarized as under:
1) Nature and Size of Business 2) Growth & Expansion
3) Production Cycle 4) Availability of raw materials
5) Business Cycle 6) Profit level
7) Production Policy 8) Operating Efficiency
9) Credit Policy 10) Inflation and interest rates fluctuations

Working Capital Management Decisions:

The working capital management includes decisions      
 How much stock/inventory to be hold      
 How much cash/bank balance should be maintained
 How much the firm should provide credit to its customers
 How much the firm should enjoy credit from its suppliers
 What should be the composition of current assets
 What should be the composition of current liabilities

Sources of Working Capital Financing:

 Trade Credits      
 Bank Credit      
 Current provisions and non-bank short-term borrowing and      
 Long term sources i.e., equity share capital, preference share capital & other long term borrowings.      
 Short term source of funds are generally available at comparatively lower costs but theoretically these
funds can be called back any moment and therefore it is more appropriate to meet at least two thirds
of the permanent working capital requirements from the long term sources. The advantages of long
term sources is, it reduces risk as there is no need to repay the loans at frequent intervals and funds
can be employed gainfully and it increases liquidity.

Working Capital Financing Approaches:

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