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tuwlamchbsk of MANIAGE MENT a

b muulipunpose O m
DeHRH-Ac covding to felen Dvuce "manaqcman
uOYAs md we4R

five managaad FuncHons anu


tuncHma etanajemtAut
Manajem t-Accondiiy to koona & 0'Donall, H

P hni t otjecHu, firve cas ng, budgehing fomulaRon t pl04

k ProgrAm)
Dgstng Tdeukfloadn & greupiy ackfulHe, asigning duHes, daelopmeut uko Wy A
E n g HR Planug, reuátme, selucHom,Treduig develepmeud
CHiy k Lencling- Lendnslip, commuu caim, motivotim, supesim.
ig Sefiy skendaveb, me anwdug performuntt, conpwing wit shudatal
Coreciue achíns.
anageial skila kaanageuialfuncionAs-
d t to pectm t funcHev ot mauagnet ond to ousume uuliple son
C huot be skiulud. Robent katz. ideui fed o u mauagudd a t a eneubfod to
uccespa anagemed fe. 7eddal
Sklk, Humm Spls 4 Conapa SllA.
Teciani cad S kila-H nuolues procem kdhuicol Kuouledge proffeien Ma
e a proceses, techusqus a ols ot a Speafc a t a ,

b) Humcn Skilly-Jt inveles he abith to derec etkcively wim people Mar


Tnkaac k
coueahue witm eplojees.
EpL_Sll-J frvolues tu
fovroudatiun oHasan.many oys undeutend
aimskps oleuelop fdoas & selue problemvs Crcot
as to do pleals h thiugA, kuman suills esmn ha pepk npha
LMomagea_practfcA prom pcus to pree
14l0s-1940 : Managcine nSe
aaytrnet c scieuta wan develeped n eany o Cautuy & focwed fnceasip
PvoducHi hy Hfieny tuvouyh standanizaitn oliisíon ot Rabeu, cehrliaH n
& heranchy.

1950s- 1960s nctHonal brgais aion4

r e & gwwine compler trgauisafy, He 19 SD6160s sCus he
funcHona ganisafons Hu uman ouCL emen T
Maagu beíw to ndes and Ha huma fachormewmud cHun
produ Q pocluctiuty &touls.
3 1940s Shradegic Planin
H oa foun i chagad frm meaodg fncHm to vessw
Shragic planá swbT weu uned to fmaka
olloCati on tooa

1980 Grnpe Hkve Advaykage shebefic plauudup proG)

AsHa buives enurohmeud io,
anoy tme cenku tqnou hcus hy Tnoaasingly compeRtH Cumneched, & uwith a
UYfans aHm In 19P0s. copeie aduange beioman a
piohk fUr
5) 1990si Pncen OPii zaHov
most bu prous e-enginaedng. be ceme populaus m
Cmpahiea fotuycal n impDung t h n
1990sby Hha miaa
6) 2000S 19Dada P ta uk. ded
Ma 2ao starkd to foaus o ug fechology r 9roiot Valu CrestUn. ompauius
fer businen chxiaphA e Ms oere drebe do cap ne elacveio kud
DE H i l d Accovdiy to Koontz awd o'panel "planrny edediry m adwanta what to clo, wun
ho do k who
gong to olo t Planning Peces
obiechieASI. prowídas direchiem to fute 3oa
SetHng objecHves
. Reucas >uskA of unterfajnly Prses
k wasktil acHufHes DEvelepg
l4Ppfng Hon
4Proctes in no aHie TaA Zdentitying dheunative counsu ot a

S. FacilGtates deison madi 4. Evaluatig ectennative cewwd

6 EshuMakLs skendards fir Conhellig
. To get uctoy o Compe HRn
npement ot plan
Folypus up acHm

pes ot Planwings
"agc Flanwng-He setn of broad, Jong-vange goasmany
Panin-HL fdeniflcadion ot sped Re, shert-Tange cjetiws
ONkgeny Plan- backup plans m Cant primeY plons fad
Operationa Plan ht setng t wovR Standanbs
9PEA Plam J. bjcckis Sateg9 3 hly 4. Pracedure 5. Rule 6.Programme .uder

anagenmed by Oheckve (MBO)

b0 a shtte mAnagemend nmodel Hiaf ims to impow He pouDrmahde of m z
by ceay dedng jeckes Hat
QL agd by both manag eme to
eaig To
Rany, kaug sa goal setinq achon pwms entcou ragas PaaP

Covmnitmid ameng epleqes, wel oaU

g n jeckeA a c u Bu bgan2WHO
Dedsim Makig pA Decisen Making rnceM
.Frogrammed Nm- programmed Deasm
Mak Speukc
Roud ne & Srategic Decisim Malcivg oBechives
Tdeiadion t
Ovgaiscuional & feanad Decision Maling fesdeatk hobleM
1a ctical 4 Operakfoal De ision
mag SCaNdh alANakU

Induidual Dei'sin

Greup Maig
Mafer & mur Deisfen Maung Actien valualuM
Cualu o
Deásien maling Techniquest=l altouative
1.uauditaHve Tedkuigue
aj mavgínal Anedysi -1kis kehi qua iy ua to u Gudr keu uda ecve outpat u radt (tlexa Vaniede odu
) Finsncdal thalyn-"1th kuugut wed to eshmat
pkrbi byf Gn
nwshnuut, to cadeulet Ha pa-yback
reicad a to Cmalyze C h itows 4 outtos.
BEak- een haln-Tis kchiqu und to dlekmine
buak then poiid. H B.E. P. Toal Rednue Tofal Coot .

ozo -Aal -1 kc, iqu ih wma l5 ayexprct fhonal skkmtut to dukunine He

weakhe a Fm Q e Es kishia rfummanta 4
eLnear fogramming malyu:-JF Tnvelbes making om opHmum allocotum Cuw finonded cencH ot
) Gpme Tueeryt-1kin kckNq hwelveA 6elicHng Hu bust ot stu r linikd redaiLA
acHOs e hose rekej kuny nto ConuldesHm uws o
ot Vs topetitos
2.[6ualitative TechuiquoA
thLns aframansue usd t
e g ta , eaun
fa) SwoT Ancdyss ewaluak oPPTtuiFuy analysis
Compaye CompeHHve posikon to dawelop shrskic planuf
PESTEL-Aalysio The PESTEL PESTLE- Anlyis Frmaly Kmoun su PEST omaly) a fanauk
u o mal 4monit Hu macno- euufonmedrd PachYs may a
bojou fac on dm UgHnIsHn's pertma nce

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