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Assessment of Reservoir Sedimentation of Irrigation Dams in Northern Ghana

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Assessment of reservoir sedimentation of irrigation dams in northern Ghana

Article  in  Lake and Reservoir Management · September 2019

DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2019.1659461


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4 authors, including:

Felix Kofi Abagale Wilson Agyei Agyare

University for Development Studies Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology


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Smallholder Irrigation Under Limited Water Supply in Selected Communities of Northern Ghana View project

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Lake and Reservoir Management

ISSN: 1040-2381 (Print) 2151-5530 (Online) Journal homepage:

Assessment of reservoir sedimentation of

irrigation dams in northern Ghana

Thomas A. Adongo, Nicholas Kyei-Baffour, Felix K. Abagale & Wilson A.


To cite this article: Thomas A. Adongo, Nicholas Kyei-Baffour, Felix K. Abagale & Wilson A.
Agyare (2019): Assessment of reservoir sedimentation of irrigation dams in northern Ghana, Lake
and Reservoir Management, DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2019.1659461

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Published online: 25 Sep 2019.

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Assessment of reservoir sedimentation of irrigation dams in northern Ghana

Thomas A. Adongoa, Nicholas Kyei-Baffourb, Felix K. Abagalec and Wilson A. Agyareb
Department of Agricultural Mechanization & Irrigation Technology, University for Development Studies, P. O. Box TL 1882, Tamale,
Ghana; bDepartment of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, KNUST, P. O. Box KNUST-mail bag, Kumasi, Ghana; cDepartment of
Agricultural Engineering, University for Development Studies, P. O. Box TL 1882, Tamale, Ghana

Adongo TA, Kyei-Baffour N, Abagale FK, Agyare WA. 2019. Assessment of reservoir sedimentation Reservoir; sedimentation;
of irrigation dams in northern Ghana. Lake Reserv Manage. XX:XXX–XXX. storage capacity; irrigation
dam; bathymetric survey
Sedimentation in reservoirs of irrigation dams is a serious issue that threatens their functionalities.
Since information on this phenomenon in irrigation dams in northern Ghana is almost nonexistent,
a study was necessary. The study used bathymetric survey integrated with geographic information
systems (GIS) tools to assess reservoir sedimentation of 9 irrigation dams in 3 northern regions of
Ghana. The bathymetric survey was conducted during August–October 2017 using a hand-held
Hondex digital depth meter. Reservoir depths at full supply level were found to range from 0.10 to
14.70 m. The volumetric storage capacity loss in the reservoirs ranged from 0.1 to 7.94 Mm3, while
the percentage storage capacity loss ranged from 8.54 to 34.12%. The reservoirs were found to be
losing volume by 0.26–0.91%/yr. The water surface area of the reservoirs lost due to sedimentation
ranged from 5.53 to 24.10%. Estimated mean annual sediment load and sediment inflows into
the reservoirs ranged from 3159 to 12,850 mg/L and from 1594 to 355,017 m3/yr, respectively.
Estimated useful life of the reservoirs ranged from 22 to 160 yr. All the reservoirs except Bontanga
and Tono had a well-formed delta and slightly formed tapering deposits. Major causes of the sedi-
mentation were observed to be mainly human activities within the reservoir catchments.
Enactment and enforcement of bylaws to restrict farming, burning, and sand/gravel mining activ-
ities in the buffer zones of the reservoirs are necessary to reduce the rate of sedimentation.
Improved catchment management practices, construction of check dams, installation of hydrosuc-
tion sediment-removal systems, and periodic desilting are also recommended.

Water is one of the most important natural Globally, irrigation has been noted to be the
resources to all living things (Young 2006). Due most important user of water from reservoirs,
to the seasonality of rainfall in many parts of the and irrigated area has also been reported to be
world, water resources development and manage- expanding at a rate of about 30% per decade
ment have become very important and a neces- (Qamar and Gopal 2017). However, sedimenta-
sity to conserve water and make it available for tion is a major unavoidable phenomenon in all
human and animals use in their immediate envir- reservoirs, and uncontrolled sediment deposition
onment. This has led to the construction of dams makes storage reservoirs the key nonsustainable
(Yusuf and Yusuf 2012). Indeed, these dams are component of modern water supply systems.
important infrastructure and play important role Accumulation of sediment in a reservoir reduces
in the world’s economy by providing water for its depth, storage capacity, and useful life and
irrigation, domestic/industrial water supply, and interferes with its functions (White 2001, Wang
electric-power generation by means of hydro- et al. 2018). With many reservoirs rapidly losing
power installation (Basson 2010, Issa et al. 2013). their depths to sedimentation and reaching the
As of 2011, there were about 850 small- to large- end of their original design useful life, sedimenta-
scale dams in Ghana, of which northern Ghana tion assessment is becoming an increasingly
has about 370 (Namara et al. 2011). important issue in reservoir operation and

CONTACT Thomas A. Adongo

Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 North American Lake Management Society

Figure 1. Map of northern Ghana showing the location of the study reservoirs (red color).

management (Doyle et al. 2003, USACE 2017). Materials and methods

The global rate of reservoir sedimentation is esti- Study area
mated to be 0.5 to 2% loss of storage capacity
annually (Issa et al. 2015). Adwubi et al. (2009) The study was conducted on 9 reservoirs:
found 4 small reservoirs in Ghana filling up rap- Bontanga, Golinga, and Libga reservoirs in the
idly with sediments at a rate of 1.75%/yr. Northern Region; Gambibgo, Tono, and Vea reser-
Facilities for flushing out sediment from reser- voirs in the Upper East Region; and Daffiama,
voirs of dams in Ghana are absent (Namara et al. Karni, and Sankana reservoirs in the Upper West
2011). Large amounts of catchment sediment due Region (Figure 1). Principal characteristics of the
mainly to poor land use practices are easily trans- reservoirs and their associated dams are presented
ported and deposited into the reservoirs (Adwubi in Table 1. The study reservoirs represent 3% of
et al. 2009). Furthermore, routine desilting or the number of reservoirs in northern Ghana, with
dredging in reservoirs for capacity restoration is all the 3 large reservoirs covered and 6 of the small
absent in Ghana amid high sediment inflows into and medium-size reservoirs. The study reservoirs
the reservoirs. The several patches of islands and were purposively selected based on 4 criteria:
weeds that can be seen in some reservoirs are
indications of the occurrence of sedimentation.  Reservoirs constructed between 1960 and 1990,
However, there is lack of information regarding classified as old reservoirs.
their depths, storage capacities, water surface  Reservoirs with design maps and engineering
areas, sedimentation rates, and actual useful life characteristics.
span after many years of operation. This study  Reservoirs that have not been desilted since
was therefore carried out to assess reservoir sedi- construction.
mentation and its effects on selected irrigation  Sizes of reservoirs to include small, medium-size,
dams in northern Ghana. and large reservoirs. Small, medium-size, and large

reservoirs are reservoirs with maximum storage


Note. SC, storage capacity; WSA, water surface area; FSL, full supply level; GIDA, Ghana Irrigation Development Authority; ICOUR, Irrigation Company of Upper Regions; WUA, water user association; small ¼ storage

capacities of <1 Mm3, 1 to 3 Mm3, and >3 Mm3,

Sep 2017
02 36’W

10 11’N
respectively (Basson 2007, Kolala et al. 2015).



Lambussie-Karni Methodology
Upper West

The objectives of the study were achieved using



Sep 2017
02 38’W
10 40’N

grab sampling and bathymetric surveys integrated



with remote sensing and ArcGIS 10.4 software.
Observations were also made of the activities sur-
rounding the reservoirs and recorded to inform

the outcomes of the surveys.


Sep 2017
02 34’W
10 27’N





Bathymetric surveys
The bathymetric surveys were conducted in the res-
Oct 2017
10 52’N

0 51’W


ervoirs during August–October 2017 using a hand-





held Hondex digital depth meter, a hand-held glo-

bal positioning system (GPS), canoe, ArcGIS 10.4
capacity <1 Mm3; medium ¼ storage capacity of 1–3 Mm3; large ¼ storage capacity >3 Mm3. Source: GIDA (2017) and ICOUR (2017).

software, and appropriate protective equipment.

Upper East


Depth measurements were collected using estab-

Oct 2017
10 52’N
1 08’W


lished navigation lines that served as reference





paths, beginning from the dam wall and continuing

upstream along the longitudinal extent of the reser-


Oct 2017

voir. The number of range lines required for the

10 45’N
0 50’W


survey in each reservoir was determined using




equation 1 (Zarris and Lykoudi 2003):

N ¼ 14:3 x A0:29 : (1)
Aug 2017

0 85’W
9 59’N



where N is the required number of range lines



and A is the reservoir surface area (km2).

Based on equation 1, the survey navigation
Aug 2017


0 57’W
9 22’N

lines were established at 30-m intervals for the





large reservoirs, that is, Bontanga, Tono, and

Table 1. Location and characteristics of study reservoirs.

Vea, and at 15-m intervals for the small and


medium-size reservoirs, Daffiama, Gambibgo,

1 02’W
9 57’N


Golinga, Karni, Libga, and Sankana. Based on the






recommendation of G omez-Fragoso (2016), depth

point measurements were done at an interval of
Number of bathymetric survey points taken

10 m for the large reservoirs and at 5-m intervals

for the small and medium-size reservoirs.
Class of reservoir based on capacity
Initial maximum SC at FSL (106 m3)

Initial WSA of reservoirs at FSL (ha)

The reservoir water levels were monitored

Maximum length of dam wall (m)
Maximum height of dam wall (m)

Dead SC of reservoir (106 m3)

thrice daily, at 08:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and

Year construction completed

Live SC of reservoir (106 m3)

04:00 p.m., and resulted in computation of the

Year construction started
Reservoir characteristics

Date of bathymetry

adjusted maximum pool elevation level. The


means of transport on the water was a canoe.

Primary data.

The water depths were measured with an accur-

acy of ±0.01% of the measured depths and the

geographic position data were taken with an


Figure 2. Bathymetric survey points in study reservoirs.

accuracy of ±3 m. The necessary number of sur- information system (GIS). The data (X, Y, Z) were
vey points taken ranged from 745 to 3885 imported into ArcGIS 10.4 software. Using the
depending on reservoir surface area (Table 1). ordinary kriging method, the depth points were
interpolated. The depth points were then color
coded according to their specific depths and con-
Maximum pool elevation-level adjustments and
verted into an elevation (raster) map, and contour
development of bathymetric maps
lines were created by connecting the same color
The bathymetric data were adjusted to the max- points throughout the longitudinal extent of the
imum pool (spillway) elevation, which is the max- reservoir using the contour spatial analyst tool. The
imum allowable water surface elevation. The output was a bathymetric contour map at 0.5-m
maximum pool level adjustment was necessary intervals indicating the spatial distribution of depth
because some of the reservoirs were not at full sup- of reservoirs at full supply level (Figure 3).
ply level at the time depth measurements were
taken. The adjusted bathymetric data were used to
Generation of bathymetric triangulated irregular
develop bathymetric survey maps (Figure 2) for
network (TIN) maps and computation of storage
each reservoir using ArcGIS software version 10.4.
capacity and water surface area of the reservoirs
For each reservoir, the depth points and their
respective GPS coordinates were processed in For each reservoir, the processed bathymetric
Microsoft Excel and integrated into a geographic survey vectorial data (X, Y, Z) were exported to

Figure 3. Spatial distribution of depth of reservoirs at full supply level.

ArcGIS 10.4 software in ESRI shape format. initial storage capacity and water surface area of
Using customizing tools in the GIS program and the reservoirs were used to compute the loss in
a kridging method, the depth points were inter- storage capacity and water surface area of the res-
polated and converted into raster maps. A trian- ervoirs (equations 2 and 6). The storage capacity
gulated irregular network model (TIN) was lost in a reservoir represents the volume of sedi-
generated from the data stored in the GIS data- ment accumulated in it.
base using the 3D Analyst module. TIN is a col- After the bathymetry, the following series of
lection of triangles generated using the data computations and analysis were made for each
points as the corners. The triangles were created reservoir using equations 2–7:
using the Delaunay triangulation method, so that
all points are connected using their two nearest SCL ¼ ISCR  CSCR (2)
neighbors to form triangles (Wilson and Richards where SCL is the reservoir storage capacity loss
2006). Consequently, a bathymetric TIN map was due to sedimentation (m3), ISCR is the initial
produced for each reservoir. The current storage (original) storage capacity of the reservoir (m3),
capacity and water surface area of each reservoir and CSCR ia the current storage capacity of the
at full supply level were then computed using the reservoir (m3) (Ferrari and Collins 2006);
TIN model tool in ArcGIS. The current storage SCL
capacity and the water surface area of the reser- MASR ¼ (3)
Ag R
voirs as obtained from the bathymetry and the

where MASR is the mean annual rate of sedi- Runoff samples from selected rivers and streams
mentation (m3/yr), SCL is the reservoir storage that feed a particular reservoir were collected
capacity loss (m3), and AgR is the age of the res- using a 3-L suspended sediment sampler.
ervoir (yr) (Aynekulu et al. 2006); Samples were taken about 25–40 m away from
SCL the reservoirs and were collected for a period of
%MASR ¼ x 100 (4) 3 years (Jun–Sep 2016, 2017, and 2018).
Sampling was done thrice daily at 8:00 a.m.,
where %MASR is the mean annual sedimentation 12:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m.. Depending upon the
rate (%/yr), SCL is the reservoir storage capacity depth of the runoff, the sampler was dipped to a
loss (m3), and AgR is the age of the reservoir (yr) depth of 30–50 cm below the water level so as to
(Basson 2010): have a more representative sample at a point.
ISCRSCL Five grams of aluminum sulfate (alum) was
UL ¼ 0:5 (5)
MASR added to each sample collected to aid quick
settlement of sediments. The settled sediments
where UL is the useful life of the reservoir in
were then filtered and transferred into a 1-L sam-
years when the initial storage capacity will reduce
pling bottle and labeled. The sediment samples
to 50%, ISCR is the initial (original) storage cap-
were then transferred into drying metallic plates
acity of the reservoir (m3), SCL is the storage
in the laboratory for oven drying at 60 C for 12 h.
capacity loss (m3), and MASR is the mean annual
The oven-dried samples were weighed to deter-
rate of sedimentation (m3/yr) (Gill 1979);
mine the sediment concentrations. Mean annual
WSALS ¼ IWSA  CWSA (6) suspended sediment concentrations were com-
where WSAL is the water surface area loss due to puted from the samples collected. Total sediment
sedimentation (ha), IWSA is the initial water sur- load for each reservoir was estimated from the
face area at full supply level (ha), and CWSAL is suspended sediment load using the Strand and
the current water surface area at full supply level Pemberton (1982) bedload correction method,
(ha) (Ferrari and Collins 2006); and while the total sediment inflow into a reservoir
was computed taking account the annual water
PRWSA ¼ x 100 (7) inflow into the reservoir.
where PRWSA is the percentage reduction in
water surface area (%), WSAL is the water sur- Acquisition and analysis of land-use/land-
face area loss due to sedimentation (ha), and cover data
IWSA is the initial water surface area at full sup- Multitemporal and multisensor satellite imageries
ply level (ha) (Issa et al. 2013). of the reservoir catchments were acquired for the
All the historical data such as initial (original) purpose of determining the land-use/land-cover
storage capacities and water surface areas of the (LULC) classes. Landsat 8 OLI images of scene
reservoirs were obtained from the database of the 195/52 of the year 2016 were used for the study.
GIDA and ICOUR and used in the equa- Two software packages, ERDAS Imagine version
tions presented. 10.4 and ArcGIS version 10.4, were used to pro-
cess the satellite images for layer stacking,
mosaicking, georeferencing, subsetting, and train-
Estimation of sediment loads and sediment
ing of the images according the area of interest
inflows into the study reservoirs
(AOI). Using ERDAS, the raw satellite images
All the rivers and streams that feed the reservoirs were converted from tag image file format (tiff)
under study are not gauged at their inlet points to IMG format in order to be compatible with
to monitor sediment loads and sediment inflows other ERDAS Imagine files. The UTM Zone 30 N
into the reservoirs. Therefore, a grab sampling Coordinate on the WGS84 was used to geocode
method was used to measure sediment loads and the imported images. The Landsat 8 OLI images
sediment inflows into the reservoirs via runoff. were georeferenced using ground control points

Table 2. Land-use/land-cover classes in the reservoir catchments and their areal coverage and C-factor.
Name of catchment/LULC areal coverage (km2) for year 2016
LU C-factor Bontanga Golinga Libga Gambibgo Tono Vea Daffiama Karni Sankana
CL 0.27 111.00 39.46 16.95 0.70 245.86 74.86 10.58 23.25 96.52
BL 0.25 8.23 3.77 7.04 0.63 79.43 10.38 3.91 3.01 8.80
WB 0.00 7.41 0.40 0.23 0.11 16.19 5.59 0.11 0.20 0.38
OSW 0.15 38.36 9.37 6.78 0.26 218.60 45.17 6.40 8.54 35.30
CSW 0.05 — — — 89.92 — — — —
Total — 165.0 53.0 31.0 1.70 650.0 136.0 21.0 35.0 141.0
Note. LULC, land-use/land-cover; CL, cropland; BL, built-up land; WB, water bodies; OSW, open savannah woodland; CSW ,closed savannah woodland;
C-factor, land-cover management factor.

collected from a shapefile created from samples the differential settling velocities of different par-
recorded from the field with root mean square ticle sizes within a water column. The settling
error (RMSE) of 0.015. The georeferenced images velocity is also a function of liquid temperature,
of the reservoir catchments were used for an viscosity, and specific gravity of the falling par-
image-to-image registration of the other images ticle (Okalebo et al. 1993).
using the same AOI. The area of each catchment
was used in the clipping and subsetting of the
images to ensure faster processing.
A combination of both unsupervised and super-
vised classification was used for classifying the two 1. A 50-g sediment sample was weighed into a
images for each catchment. A false color composite “milkshake” mixer cup, and 50.0 ml of 10%
of bands 4-3-2 of the Landsat 8 OLI images and sodium hexametaphosphate and 100 ml distilled
bands 1-2-3 in the visible–near-infrared (VNIR) of water were added.
the ASTER images were evaluated for the ability to 2. The mixture was shaken for 15 min, after which
distinguish LULC types. These color composites the suspension was transferred from the cup
provided the most optimal visualization of the 5 into a 1000-ml measuring cylinder and distilled
LULC classes and was consequently loaded into the water was added to reach the 1000-ml mark.
color board RGB (red, green, and blue) of ERDAS 3. The mixture was inverted several times until all
Imagine version 10.4 software. An unsupervised sediment particles were in suspension. The
classification was first done using the classification cylinder was placed on a flat surface and the
algorithm iterative self-organizing data-analysis time was noted.
technique (ISODATA) with a maximum iteration 4. The first hydrometer and temperature readings
of 6. This was used as guidance for the collection were taken at 40 s. After the first readings the
of training sample points on the field. The points suspension was allowed to stand for 3 h and the
were then overlaid on the images and used as guid- second hydrometer and temperature readings
ance to define polygons to extract the signatures were taken.
for the various LULC types. Maximum likelihood 5. The first reading indicated the percentage of sand
classification (MLC) was used for the supervised and the second reading the percentage of clay.
classification. Accuracy assessment of the classifica- The percentage of silt was determined by the dif-
tion of the satellite images was performed to assess ference. Computations were done as follows:
the quality of information derived from the data.
% Sand ¼ 100  ½H1 þ 0:2ðT1  20Þ2:0 x 2
Determination of reservoir sediment grain
(particle) size distribution % Clay ¼ ½H2 þ 0:2ðT2  20Þ2:0 x 2 (9)
% Silt ¼ 100  ð% sand þ % clayÞ (10)
The hydrometer method as described by
Bouyoucos (1963) was used for the determination
of the particle size distribution of the sediment where H1 is the hydrometer reading at 40 s; T1 is
deposited in the reservoirs. This method relies on the temperature reading at 40 s; H2 is the

Figure 4. Land-use/land-cover classes in the reservoir catchments for year 2016.

hydrometer reading at 3 h; and T2 is the tempera- The land-cover management (C) factors of the
ture reading at 3 h. LULC classes ranged from 0.0 to 0.27, and
according to Renard et al. (1997), LULC classes
Results and discussion with C-factor values above 0.20 significantly con-
tribute to high soil erosion and sediment yield if
Land-use/land-cover classes in the conservation measures are not installed. The C-
reservoir catchments factor value for the predominant land-use class
Using multitemporal and multisensor satellite (cropland) in the catchments is 0.27. This sug-
imageries and unsupervised/supervised classifica- gests that it is a potential source of sediment load
tion, 4 major land-use/land-cover (LULC) classes, to the various reservoirs. Improper tilling of land
namely, cropland, water body, built-up land, and and indiscriminate conversion of critical areas of
open savannah woodland, were delineated in the the catchments and buffer zones of the reservoirs
catchments of the study reservoirs except for for crop production were observed to be ram-
Tono, where closed savannah woodland was pant. These practices enhance accelerated soil
identified as the fifth major LULC class (Table 2 erosion and high sediment yield, leading to sedi-
and Figure 4). Across all the catchments, crop- mentation in the reservoirs. The open and closed
land constituted the largest area (over 40%), fol- savannah woodlands, which have high potentials
lowed by open savannah woodland, except in of controlling high soil erosion and sediment
Gambibgo catchment, where built-up land occu- yield, were also observed to be rapidly depleting
pied the second largest area. annually. Molla and Sisheber (2017) noted high

soil erosion and sediment yield in cultivated Table 3. Mean annual sediment loads and inflows into the
lands, followed by built-up/bare lands and grass- study reservoirs.
Mean annual Mean annual
lands that are heavily grazed. Reservoir sediment load (mg/L) sediment inflow (m3/yr)
Bontanga 4189–6471 8910
Golinga 4746–7117 8540
Sediment loads and sediment inflows into the Libga 3286–8083 5090
Gambibgo 6317–8952 1594
study reservoirs Tono 3159–5811 355,017
Vea 4466–6841 64,380
The mean annual sediment load into the reser- Daffiama 7145–9629 1750
voirs was found to range from 3159 to 12,850 mg/ Karni 9931–12.850 2590
Sankana 7120–10.943 8490
L, with the least and highest recorded at Tono
and Karni reservoirs, respectively (Table 3).
reservoirs received very high sediment inflows
According to Kamtukule (2008), mean annual
annually, as they recorded mean annual sediment
sediment load <1000.0 mg/L indicates low sedi-
inflows above 1000 m3/yr.
ment yield from the catchment, 1000–2999.9 mg/L
indicates moderate sediment yield from the catch-
ment, 3000–10,000.0 mg/L indicate high sediment Sediment grain size distribution and depositional
yield, and >10,000.0 mg/L indicates very high patterns in the study reservoirs
sediment yield. Based on this classification, the According to Morris and Fan (1997), the deposi-
Tono, Gambibgo, Vea, Bontanga, Libga, Golinga, tional pattern of sediment in a reservoir is driven
and Daffiama reservoirs annually received high by sediment grain size and texture. The ranges of
loads of sediment, as their mean annual sediment
average grain size distribution of the sediment
load ranges from 3000 to 10,000 mg/L (Table 3).
deposits in the study reservoirs were 10.3–24.8%
This means that their corresponding catchments
sand, 43.7–53.1% silt, and 30.6–37.8% clay
were not well conserved due to factors such as
(Table 4). The texture of the sediment deposits in
improper farming practices, burning, and deforest-
the reservoirs included clay, loam, clay loam, silty
ation rendering them susceptible to erosion and
loam, and silty clay loam. Across all the reser-
high sediment yield, which may be transported
voirs, the results indicated that the deposited
into the reservoirs. The sediment loads entering
sediment are richer in fine particles such as fine
the Sankana and Karni reservoirs were considered
very high as they recorded a mean sediment load sand, silt, and clay particles. The coarse sand par-
above 10,000 mg/L. This indicated that their corre- ticles were found along the peripheries of the res-
sponding catchments were highly susceptible to ervoirs and the inlets of the reservoir tributaries.
soil erosion, causing very high sediment yield. The Field observations and the illustrations in
mean annual sediment loads obtained in this study Figure 4 indicated that the Golinga, Libga,
are within the range of annual sediment loads esti- Gambibgo, Vea, Daffiama, Karni, and Sankana
mated in similar studies in other parts of the reservoirs had a well-formed delta and slightly-
world. For example, Chitata et al. (2014) estimated formed tapering deposits, while Bontanga and
mean annual sediment load ranging from 3590 to Tono reservoirs had a slightly formed delta and
5880 mg/L at the Mutangi reservoir located in tapering deposits. The formation of the delta and
semiarid southern Zimbabwe. Mavima et al. tapering depositional patterns in the reservoirs
(2011) recorded a mean annual sediment load of could be attributed to the large amount of silt
5660 mg/L at the Chesa Causeway reservoir particles in the sediment inflows to the reservoirs.
located in the Upper Ruya subcatchment Morris and Fan (1997) noted that sediment depo-
of Zimbabwe. sitional patterns in a reservoir affect the extent to
The mean annual sediment inflow into the res- which the maximum depth and storage capacity
ervoirs was estimated to range from 1594 to are lost and added that delta depositional pattern
355,017 m3/yr, with the least and highest esti- are formed if the sediment inflows to the reser-
mated in the Gambibgo and Tono reservoirs, voir consist mainly of coarse sediment or contain
respectively (Table 3). It was noted that the a large fraction of finer sediment such as silt,

Table 4. Sediment grain size distribution, texture and the depositional patterns in the study reservoirs.
Grain size distribution of sediment (%)
Portion of Texture of
Reservoir reservoir Sand Silt Clay sediment Sediment depositional pattern in reservoir
Bontanga Upstream 30.1 43.9 26.0 Loam Slightly formed delta and tapering deposits
Midstream 23.5 41.4 35.1 Clay loam
Downstream 19.0 45.7 35.3 Silty loam
Mean 24.2 43.7 32.1 Clay loam
Golinga Upstream 21.3 52.6 26.1 Silty loam Well-formed delta and slightly formed tapering deposits
Midstream 14.6 46.0 39.4 Silty clay loam
Downstream 9.7 42.3 48.0 Silty clay loam
Mean 15.2 47.0 37.8 Silty clay loam
Libga Upstream 28.1 51.7 20.2 Silty loam Well-formed delta and slightly formed tapering deposits
Midstream 21.4 45.9 32.7 Clay loam
Downstream 11.6 48.6 39.8 Silty clay loam
Mean 20.6 48.7 30.9 Clay loam
Gambibgo Upstream 31.1 48.9 19.7 Loam Well-formed delta and slightly formed tapering deposits
Midstream 22.6 43.3 34.1 Clay loam
Downstream 20.7 41.2 38.1 Clay loam
Mean 24.8 44.5 30.6 Clay loam
Tono Upstream 14.2 62.5 23.3 Silty loam Slightly formed delta and tapering deposits
Midstream 10.7 51.5 37.8 Silty clay loam
Downstream 5.9 45.2 48.9 Silty loam
Mean 10.3 53.1 36.7 Silty clay loam
Vea Upstream 25.0 49.9 25.1 Loam Well-formed delta and slightly formed tapering deposits
Midstream 20.6 47.0 32.4 Clay loam
Downstream 13.1 47.2 39.7 Silty clay loam
Mean 19.6 48.0 32.4 Silty clay loam
Daffiama Upstream 30.0 51.0 19.0 Silty loam Well-formed delta and slightly formed tapering deposits
Midstream 20.3 43.2 36.5 Clay loam
Downstream 12.8 48.1 39.1 Silty clay loam
Mean 21.0 47.4 31.5 Clay loam
Karni Upstream 28.5 44.5 27.0 Loam Well-formed delta and slightly formed tapering deposits
Midstream 17.0 45.9 36.3 Silty clay loam
Downstream 8.4 49.5 42.1 Clay
Mean 18.2 46.6 35.1 Silty clay loam
Sankana Upstream 23.3 54.5 22.2 Silty loam Well-formed delta and slightly formed tapering deposits
Midstream 19.0 43.7 37.3 Silty clay loam
Downstream 12.9 42.1 45.0 Silty clay
Mean 18.2 46.8 34.8 Silty clay loam
Note. Upstream, upper portion of the reservoir; midstream, middle portion of the reservoir; downstream, portion of the reservoir close to the dam wall;
sand, grains of particle size ranging from 0.02 to 2 mm; silt, grains of particle size ranging from 0.002 to 0.02 mm; clay, grains of particle size <0.002 mm.

while tapering deposits are formed when deposits (Figure 4). The areas of shallow depth were over-
develop progressively from fines from the water grown with weeds and some were converted
moving toward the dam wall. into farmlands.
The study found the maximum depth lost to
sediment to be in the range of 0.9–2.2 m with a
Spatial distribution and analysis of reservoir
mean of 1.37 m (Table 5). The Daffiama and
depth loss to sedimentation
Tono reservoirs, which had been in operation for
As presented in Table 5, the historical maximum 29 and 33 years, respectively, had the least depth
depths of the reservoirs at original design full loss, while the Sankana reservoir ,which had been
supply level ranged from 5.0 to 15.6 m. The 2017 in operation for 48 years, had the highest sedi-
bathymetric survey found the current maximum ment deposition. Assuming the sediment depos-
depths of the reservoirs at full supply level to be ition is uniform over the bed of the reservoirs,
ranging from 4.0 to 14.7 m, with the lowest and the reservoirs lose their depths at rates ranging
highest depth recorded in the Karni and Tono from 2.36 to 5.01 cm/yr, with the least in the
reservoirs, respectively. Across all the reservoirs, Gambibgo reservoir and the highest loss rate
the deepest sections with maximum depths were occurring in the Karni reservoir. The magnitude
close to the dam wall, whereas the shallowest sec- of depth loss in the small and medium-size reser-
tions with minimum depths were found at the voirs is high and thus substantially reduces their
throwback and peripheries, especially at the entry reservoir storage capacities. The reservoir depth
points of the tributaries that feed the reservoirs loss obtained in this study is similar to that

Table 5. Reservoir depth loss to sediment.

Maximum Current
depth at maximum Minimum Total Reservoir
Year design full depth at full depth at full maximum maximum
Name Class of construction Age of supply supply supply depth loss to depth loss
of reservoir reservoir completed reservoir level (m) level (m) level (m) sediment (m) rate (cm/yr)
Bontanga Large 1986 32 10.7 9.4 0.10 1.3 4.06
Golinga Medium 1974 42 6.2 4.5 0.10 1.7 4.09
Libga Small 1980 38 6.5 5.0 0.10 1.5 3.95
Gambibgo Small 1963 55 5.4 4.1 0.10 1.3 2.36
Tono Large 1985 33 15.6 14.7 0.10 0.9 2.73
Vea Large 1980 38 11.5 10.5 0.10 1.0 2.63
Daffiama Small 1989 29 5.5 4.6 0.10 0.9 3.10
Karni Small 1988 30 5.5 4.0 0.10 1.5 5.01
Sankana Medium 1970 48 6.7 4.5 0.10 2.2 4.58
Average — — 38 8.18 6.81 0.10 1.37 3.61
Note. Small ¼ storage capacity less than 1 Mm3, medium ¼ storage capacity between 1 to 3 Mm3, large ¼ storage capacity greater than 3 Mm3. Historical
initial maximum depths of reservoirs from Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) and Irrigation Company of Upper Regions (ICOUR).

reported by Chanson and James (2005), such that The multivariate linear regression analysis
small and medium-size storage capacity reservoirs recorded an R2 of 0.917, and this suggests that
lose their depths to sediment deposits at faster age, water inflow, sediment inflow, trap effi-
rates than large storage capacity reservoirs. The ciency, surface area, and storage capacity of a res-
range of depth loss obtained in this study is quite ervoir account for about 91.7% of its depth loss
a bit lower than the 5.3-m (25.25-cm/yr) depth to sediment, while other factors account for
loss recorded in the Akdarya reservoir in about 4.8%. The p values of 0.003–0.028 were
Uzbekistan within 21 yr of its operation recorded, and this indicated that the factors con-
(Rakhmatullaev et al. 2011) and also far lower tribute significantly to reservoir depth loss. The
than the 7.57 m (37.85 cm/yr) depth loss of the regression results also revealed that a unit
Jibia reservoir in Nigeria within 20 yr of oper- increase in the age of a reservoir results in a
ation (Yusuf and Yusuf 2012). 0.14% depth loss. For annual water inflows, the
results indicated that a unit increase results in an
increase in a reservoir depth loss by 12.51%. For
Effect of age, water inflow, sediment inflow, trap
annual sediment inflow, the model established
efficiency, reservoir surface area, and storage
that a unit increase results in an increase in
capacity on reservoir depth loss
depth loss in the reservoirs by 27.54% whilst a
For future reservoir depth analysis, the study pro- unit increase in annual trap efficiency results in a
posed equation 11, which sought to establish the reservoir depth loss by 50.99%. Also, an increase
causal effect of age, water inflow, sediment in reservoir surface area and storage capacity by
inflow, trap efficiency, surface area, and storage a unit results in an increase in a depth loss by
capacity on reservoir depth loss to sediments: 0.17% and 0.31% respectively.
RDL ¼ 0:0048 þ 0:0014ðAgRÞ þ 0:1251ðAWI Þ
þ0:2754ðASI Þ þ 0:5099ðATEÞ þ 0:0017ðRSAÞ Reservoir storage capacity and water surface area
loss to sedimentation
(11) The results from the bathymetric survey inte-
grated with GIS are presented in Table 6, while
where RDL is the reservoir depth loss to sedi- the bathymetric TIN maps indicating the current
ment (m), AgR is the age of the reservoir (yr), storage capacities, water surface areas at full sup-
AWI is the annual water inflow (m3), ASI is the ply level and the spatial distribution of the TIN
annual sediment inflow (m3), ATE is the annual elevations of the reservoirs are also presented in
trap efficiency (%), RSA is the reservoir surface Figure 5. The current storage capacities of the
area (ha), and RSC is the reservoir storage cap- reservoirs as estimated by the bathymetric survey
acity (m3). ranged from 0.2 Mm3 at Gambibgo to 85.06 Mm3

at Tono as noted against their initial storage

Reduction in water surface area

capacities at full supply level, which ranged from

0.3 to 93 Mm3, respectively. The estimated volu-
metric storage capacity loss indicating the volume
of sediment accumulated in the reservoirs ranged
from 0.1 Mm3 at Gambibgo to 7.94 Mm3 at Tono

reservoir (Table 6 and Figures 6a and 6b).

Note. FSL, full supply level; SCL, storage capacity loss; MASR, mean annual sedimentation rate; WSA, water surface area; storage capacity loss (m3) ¼ volume of sediment deposits (m3).
The bathymetric survey estimated the lowest
storage capacity loss of 8.54% at Tono reservoir
and 34.12% at Sankana reservoir as the highest.
2017 Bathymetric
survey WSA (ha)

The average annual sedimentation rate was found


to range from 0.26 to 0.91%, with the lowest rate
recorded at Tono reservoir and the highest rate
at Karni reservoir, as noted in Table 6. It was
observed that the small and medium-size reser-
Initial WSA
at FSL (ha)

voirs, namely, Gambibgo, Sankana, Daffiama,




Libga, Golinga, and Karni reservoirs, were rapidly

losing their storage capacities to sediment depos-
its at high rates ranging from 0.61 to 0.91% per
Predicted useful

year compared to the sedimentation rates of

life (yr)

0.26–0.35% per year in the large reservoirs,

namely, Tono, Bontanga, and Vea reservoirs.
Considering the high rate of sedimentation in the

small and medium-size reservoirs, they will be


seriously affected by sedimentation within the

next 5–10 years if control measures are not taken.






The findings of this study agree with the asser-

tion of Chanson and James (2005) that small and
Table 6. Storage capacity and water surface area loss in the study reservoirs.

medium-size reservoirs are highly vulnerable to




rapid sedimentation if strict reservoir protection

measures are not put in place and enforced. The
(106 m3)

findings also align reasonably with findings in



the United States, where the small and medium-

size reservoirs were found to be losing storage
2017 Bathymetric
survey storage

capacity rapidly at an alarming rates of 1.5–3.5%

FSL (106 m3)
capacity at

per year while the large reservoirs were silting at

a lower rate of 0.16% per year (Dendy et al.



1973). In other similar studies, Adwubi et al.

(2009) found 4 small reservoirs located in the
storage capacity
at FSL (106 m3)

Upper East Region of Ghana losing storage cap-


acity rapidly at a mean rate of 1.75% per year.

Abubakari (2014) reported that the Tono reser-



voir was filling up rapidly with sediment at

1.74% per year. Ceylan and Ekizogllu (2012) also
Age (y)

reported a storage capacity loss of 0.51% per year


in the Altinapa reservoir in Turkey, while Lago

La Plata Reservoir in Puerto Rico was also



reported to be losing its storage capacity annually



by 0.56% (G omez-Fragoso 2016).


Figure 5. 2017 Bathymetric TIN maps of study reservoirs.

As a result of the sedimentation of the reser- holding capacities were closer to the dam wall, as
voirs, there has been a loss in the water surface can be observed in Figure 5. The current (2017)
areas that was noted to range from 5.53 to 24.10%, reservoir bathymetry could not be compared to
with the least loss incurred in the Bontanga reser- initial or any previous bathymetry on the reservoirs
voir and the highest loss in the Golinga reservoir due to unavailability of data.
(Table 6). The water surface area loss was observed
to be similar to the storage capacity loss, as the
Effect of annual soil loss rate in reservoir
small and medium-size reservoirs recorded high
catchment on annual rate of sedimentation and
water surface loss that ranged from 13.53 to
effect of reservoir catchment size on annual rate
24.10% while the large storage reservoirs recorded
of sedimentation
low water surface loss of 5.53–8.44%. As observed
from the TIN maps, the maximum loss occurred A regression analysis was performed to statistic-
at the peripheries, especially the entry points of the ally establish the relationship and the causal effect
tributaries that supply the reservoirs with water of annual soil loss rate in the reservoir catch-
inflows. These areas were observed to have over- ments on annual rate of sedimentation. The
grown weeds, with other areas converted into regression analysis recorded an R2 of 0.238, and
farms. The TIN elevations indicate that, across all this indicates that annual soil loss rate in reser-
the reservoirs, the sections with maximum water voir catchments accounts for about 23.8% of

Figure 6. a) A plot of storage capacity versus age for Golinga, Libga, Gambibgo, Daffiama, Karni, and Sankana reservoirs. b) A plot
of storage capacity versus age for Bontanga, Tono, and Vea reservoirs.

annual rate of sedimentation, while other factors ARS ¼ 0:5967 þ 0:1352 ðMASLRÞ (12)
account for about 76.2%. The results also indi-
cated that an increase in annual soil loss in reser- where ASR is the annual rate of sedimentation of
voir catchments by a unit results in an increase the reservoir (%/yr) and MASLR is the mean
in annual rate of sedimentation by 13.5% (equa- annual soil loss rate in reservoir catchment
tion 12). The results from Pearson’s correlation (t/ha/yr).
confirmed that there was a moderate positive For the effect of reservoir catchment on annual
correlation between annual soil loss rate in the rate of sedimentation, the regression analysis
reservoir catchments and annual rate of sedimen- recorded an R2 of 0.085, and this suggests that
tation, r ¼ 0.367 and p ¼ 0.032, with annual soil about 8.5% of the variation in annual rate of
loss rate in the catchments explaining about sedimentation of reservoirs is caused by catch-
13.9% of the variation in the annual rate of sedi- ment size of the reservoirs. The results also indi-
mentation of their respective reservoirs: cated that every additional 1 km2 in catchment

Figure 7. Plates illustrating some of the major activities in the buffer zones of the study reservoirs that significantly contribute to
their sedimentation.

size could lead to an increase in annual rate of Major factors contributing to the sedimentation of
sedimentation of the reservoirs by 7.3%, as pre- the reservoirs
sented in equation 13. Also, Pearson correlation The study observed a number of major factors
indicated that there was a very small positive cor- that either are potential sources or contribute sig-
relation between the two variables with r ¼ 0.291 nificantly to the sedimentation of the reservoirs.
and p ¼ 0.041: Majority of these factors are mainly human activ-
ARS ¼ 0:6970 þ 0:0734 ðSRCÞ::: (13) ities within the reservoirs catchments and practi-
ces within buffer zones of the reservoirs. This
where ARS is the annual rate of sedimentation of
article focused much more on the buffer practices
the reservoir (%/yr) and SRC is the size of the
because they are more concentrated, and, there-
reservoir catchment (km2).
fore mitigation measures are easier to enforce.
These factors include:
Useful life of the study reservoirs
a. Sand/gravel mining and brick molding activities
The useful life of a reservoir is the time taken for
within the catchments/buffer zones of the reser-
50% of its initial (original) storage capacity to be
voirs. The grass species that check soil erosion
depleted due to sedimentation (Gill 1979).
at the peripheries of the reservoir are being
Considering the mean annual sedimentation rate
cleared to make way for gravel/sand mining, as
of 3289–265,813 m3/yr, the useful life of the res-
well as brick molding for construction of
ervoirs was estimated to range from 22 to
houses. This practice renders the ground bare
160 years, with Sankana and Tono reservoirs
and highly susceptible to erosion. The esti-
recording the lowest and highest, respectively, as
mated area under these activities ranged from
presented in Table 6. The estimates indicated that
5.9 to 812.5 ha (Table 7).
if control measures are not taken, the Sankana,
b. Conversion of buffer zones of the reservoirs
Golinga, Karni, Libga, Gambibgo, Daffiama, Vea,
into croplands. This activity makes the soil
Bontanga, and Tono reservoirs would be 50% loose and easily eroded. Irrigated farming activ-
filled with sediments in the year 2041, 2042, ities very close to the reservoirs using water
2044, 2047, 2048, 2057, 2122, 2123, and 2179, pumps were observed seriously practiced in
respectively. The predicted useful life of the reser- most of the catchments. The estimated area
voirs could not be compared to design useful life under these activities ranged from 70 to
due to unavailability of design useful life data. 24,586 ha (Table 7).
Comparing the volume of sediment deposits in c. Improper farming practices such as plowing
each reservoir (Table 6) to their dead storage along the slope, slash/burn of crop residues,
capacities (Table 1), it was observed that all the and farming very close to watercourses in the
reservoirs except Tono and Bontanga had lost catchments also increase their susceptibility to
their dead storage capacities ,which are meant to water erosion and sediment transport into
store sediment until their anticipated design life the reservoirs.
span. This finding is in line with that of Adwubi d. Depletion of upstream vegetative cover through
et al. (2009), where 4 small reservoirs in the burning and tree felling. Uncontrolled burning
Upper East Region of Ghana lost their dead stor- of reservoir protection grasses such as Panicum
age capacities within 9 yr of operation, with their maximum grasses and other grass species by
useful life ranging from 22 to 190 years. The use- hunters and herdsmen to make way for the
ful life of the Jibia reservoir located in Nigeria regeneration of fresh foliage for their animals to
was estimated to be 55 years and it was predicted graze are very common in the catchments of res-
to be completely filled up with sediments in the ervoirs. The estimated area affected by annual
year 2046, assuming the factors influencing the burning ranged from 29 to 3,610 ha (Table 7).
sedimentation and the rate of sedimentation e. Encroachment in the buffer zones of the reser-
remain unchanged (Yusuf and Yusuf 2012). voirs by human settlements as houses are built

Table 7. Quantification of major activities that are significant sources of sediment load to the study reservoirs.
Name of reservoir
Factor Bontanga Golinga Libga Gambibgo Tono Vea Daffiama Karni Sankana
Estimated area of the 206.5 66.3 38.8 5.9 812.5 310.7 26.3 43.8 176.1
catchment/buffer zone
under brick molding and
sand/gravel mining (ha)
Estimated area of the 11100 3946 1795 70 24586 7486 1058 2225 9126
catchment/buffer zone
under farming (ha)
Estimated area of the buffer 1542 141 133 89 29 3,610 772 30.4 147
zone affected by annual
burning (ha)
Estimated area of the buffer 82.3 37.7 40.4 11.5 78.4 104.8 33.5 31.9 44.6
zone encroached by
human settlements (ha)

very close to about 50 m away from reservoirs. are best practices to reduce sediment produc-
The inhabitants of these settlements established tion and should be carried out in the catch-
farmlands and gardens within 10–20 m of the ments of the reservoirs.
reservoir shoreline. These activities normally c. Establish vegetative screens at the entrance of
cause accelerated soil erosion and high sedi- the reservoirs as well as in the buffer zones to
ment transported into the reservoirs. The esti- reduce the quantity of sediment that enters the
mated encroached area ranged from 11.5 to reservoir, as the vegetative screens will trap
104.8 ha (Table 7). large amounts of sediments that come along
f. High to very high sediment load discharge into with inflows to the reservoirs. Burning of
the reservoirs. The estimated mean annual sedi- grasses and felling of trees within the buffer
ment load discharge into the reservoirs ranged zones of the reservoirs should be prohibited.
from 3159 to 12,850 mg/L, values that are in d. Hydrosuction sediment-removal systems should
the range of high to very high concentrations. be installed in the small reservoirs to flush
out sediments.
Measures for controlling and managing
e. Check dams should be constructed across the
sedimentation of the reservoirs
major river/streams that feed the reservoirs to
reduce sediment inflow to the reservoirs.
Since the study reservoirs do not have outlet f. Periodic desilting or dredging for removal of
works for flushing out sediments, the study iden- sediments should be carried out in the reser-
tified a number of pragmatic control measures voirs for capacity restoration.
that can be used by the management of the reser-
voirs to control their sedimentation so as to
increase their useful life and benefits. The meas-
ures include: The study assessed reservoir sedimentation of 9
irrigation dams in 3 northern regions of Ghana
a. The management of the reservoirs should col- and found substantial to dramatic sediment
laborate with the district or municipal assem- impacts at most of the reservoirs. The study res-
blies within which the reservoirs are situated to ervoirs are losing their depths by 2.36–5.01 cm/yr.
enact and enforce the necessary bylaws restrict- The reservoirs have accumulated about
ing farming, brick molding, sand/gravel mining 0.1–7.94 Mm3 of sediment after 29 to 55 years of
activities, and encroachment of human settle- operation. The original storage capacities of the
ment within the buffer zones of the reservoirs. reservoirs have been reduced by 8.54–34.12% due
b. Pragmatic erosion control and soil and water to sedimentation, with the lowest and highest
conservation measures such as contour plow- losses recorded at Tono and Sankana reservoirs,
ing, stone/earth bunding, zero/medium tillage, respectively. The annual rate of storage capacity
and upstream afforestation of the watersheds loss ranged from 0.26 to 0.91%, with the lowest

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