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Therapeutic Community (Modality)

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Underlying Therapeutic Community Principles

TC Mission

To promote human and social transformation among our clients and among

TC Vision

By the end of this decade, TC shall have become the corporate culture of the Parole
and Probation Administration permeating its plans, programs, and practices, and confirming
its status as a model component of the Philippine Correctional System

TC Beliefs

o Belief in the higher power

o Individual must take responsibility
o Inherent goodness of man
o Man can change and unfold
o Group can foster change

Salient Features of TC

1. The primary “therapist” and teacher is the community itself, consisting of peers and
staff, who, as role models of successful personal change, serve as guides in the
recovery process.
2. TC adheres to precepts of right living: Truth/honesty; Here and now; Personal
responsibility for destiny; Social responsibility (brother’s keeper); Moral Code; Inner
person is “good” but behavior can be “bad”; Change is the only certainty; Work
ethics; Self-reliance; Psychological converges with philosophical (e.g. guilt kills)
3. It believes that TC is a place where: One can change – unfold; the group can foster
change; individuals must take responsibility; structures must accommodate this; Act
as if – go through the motion.
4. There are 5 distinct categories of activity that help promote the change:
 Relational/Behavior Management
 Affective/Emotional/Psychological
 Cognitive/Intellectual
 Spiritual
 Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills

These tools serve more than just the purpose of curbing unproductive behavior. They
are also a means used for enforcing community sanctions on behavior that undermine the
safety and integrity of the community such as violations of the cardinal rules of TC: NO
drugs, NO violence or threat of violence, NO sexual acting out and NO stealing! Everything
an officer does is meant to erase “street behaviour” and to lead the offender to be committed
to “right living”.
When the office gives seminars and tutorials, arranges activities focused on the
Higher Power, conducts games, educational trips and other recreational activities, we touch
on the TC aspect of Intellectual and Spiritual Dimension. Aside from the role of a direct
supervisor, the VPAs may be the invited resource persons, donors/sponsors, facilitators,
lecturers, etc. during these seminars.

The skills training and livelihood activities fall within the purview of TC’s Vocational
and Survival Skills, so with Medical/Dental Clinics and Environmental Conservation
activities. In this aspect, the VPAs can facilitate job placement and can tap community
resources for client’s social and physical needs.

Therapeutic Community is a tool that the Administration uses to prepare the client for
reintegration to the community as a reformed, rehabilitated, productive, and drug-free and
law abiding person.

Treatment Categories

 Relational/Behavior Management
 Affective/Emotional-Psychological
 Cognitive/Intellectual Spiritual
 Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills

Cardinal Rules

 No drugs, no alcohol
 No sex or sexual acting out
 No violence or threat of violence
 No stealing
 No criminal activity

 INTEGRATION of TC tools, norms and methods with parobation/parole procedures

and requirements.
 Integration of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE principles and processes in the treatment
 Strong FAMILY support Meaningful VPA involvement.

Program Phases

 Preparatory stage
 Phase I-Orientation
 Phase II-Primary treatment
 Phase III-Immersion
 Phase IV-Integration

This phases is the Success Milestones Empowerment of Clients Clients’ Success and
Specific indicators of clients’ PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT from phase to phase


This stage corresponds to the sixty-day investigation period for petitioners for
probation, parole or executive clemency. As part of the investigation, the assigned officer
accomplishes the intake interview using the Worksheet, and secures additional relevant
information through other investigation procedures. The Investigation Officer’s (IO’s)
findings, together with the results of Client’s Needs and Problem Checklist, will provide the
initial general assessment that will, in turn, be used as a basis for preparation of Client’s
Personal Development Plan if probation/parole is recommended. It is at this stage that the
IO and CPPO/OIC should aim to create in the client and his/her family a mind-set of
cooperation and support for the former’s rehabilitation program. This is done by giving clear
information about probation/parole requirements during intake and field interviews, followed
by a more comprehensive program overview in the introductory Briefing. In the process, the
IO and CPPO/OIC raise client’s awareness of his /her obligations under the program, as well
as secure commitment to participate and a pledge of support from the family.


By the end of this stage:

 Clients shall have accomplished the first Needs and Problems Checklist and initial
Personal Development Plan, together with the IO.
 Clients shall have committed to comply with the conditions of their probation/ parole,
and to participate in the TC Program.
 Problems that may hinder clients’ participation in the TC program shall have been
identified and addressed (ex.: expenses, work, absences, literacy, etc.).
 Clients, family members and VPAs shall have attended the Introductory Briefing
during the investigation period or within the 1st month of supervision.
 The Local Government Units Chief Executive and/or officials shall have been
informed and invited to the Introductory Briefing.

Criteria for Entry into Phase I:

 My Needs and Problems Checklist (MNPC) accomplished

 MPDP initially accomplished
 Client committed in the PDP to comply with the conditions of probation/parole, and to
participate in the TC Program
 Client and family member(s) attended Introductory Briefing
 Client’s family expressed commitment to support his/her participation in the TC



Build Foundation

Client is assimilated into the TC culture during this phase. He/she acquires understanding of
the program, philosophy and beliefs of TC, his/her role in the hierarchical structure, and rules
to be observed as a TC Family member.

Client is familiarized with the TC unique terminology and introduced to the Behavior Shaping
Tools with opportunities to practice, as well as actually uses the basic ones.
The process of enculturation also generates self-awareness, challenges denials, and begins
client’s journey to self-responsibility and accountability.

The phase culminates with drawing up his/her Behavior/Attitude/Traits/Habits (BATH) Plan

and BATH Contract, and making an assessment of his/her progress through the Checklist
for Promotion to Phase II.


By the end of this phase, clients shall have:

Relational/Behavior Management
 Complied with probation/parole conditions
 Used pull-ups, affirmations, elaboration and other behavior shaping tools
 Refrained from use of prohibited drugs
 Established bonding and trust with the TC Family
 Involved some family members in their rehabilitation activities

 Shown good grooming
 iBegun to accept responsibility for their personal change

 Identified personal strengths and weaknesses and resolved to change specific
negative behaviors and attitudes
 Acquired knowledge of the TC concepts, tools and processes

 Applied at least one TC Unwritten Philosophy
 Developed insights on their rehabilitation program through reflections
 Demonstrated understanding and appreciation of the TC Philosophy
 Expressed insights on their faith in God as the primary source of help in order to

Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills
 Demonstrated responsibility through performance of assigned tasks

Criteria for promotion:

Relational/Behavior Management
 Complied with conditions of probation/parole
 Completed 100% of TC Phase I sessions
 Performed an assigned role or participated in the required number of Morning
 Tested negative for prohibited drugs prior to promotion
 Became a member of the TC Family
 Client’s family member (s) involved in pertinent Phase I sessions and/or reinforcing

 Improved and maintained hygiene and good grooming
 Declared their commitment to carry out their BATH Plan and BATH Contract
 TC Terminologies understood and used

 Used an Unwritten Philosophy to express concern for a TC brother or sister
 Accomplished at least 50% of required reflections
 Quoted and explained some lines of the TC Philosophy

Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills
 Performed the duties of their position in the TC Hierarchical Structure
 Participated in required reinforcing activities
 Reviewed and/or modified MPDP formulated in the Preparatory Stage
 Prepared a Road Map to Success prior to termination of probation/parole



Focus and Develop

The focus of primary treatment is to effect behavioral change and develop client initiative
and self-discipline. Through constant application of TC values and with regular use of TC
tools, clients manifest a socially acceptable behavior and live an addiction-free lifestyle.

Equipped with basic literacy and employable skills and imbibed with TC values and precepts,
clients become more productive members of their community, gender sensitive,
environment-conscious, and economically empowered.


By the end of this phase, clients shall have:

Relational/Behavior Management
 Continued to comply with probation/ parole conditions
 Demonstrated socially acceptable behavior
 Become familiarized with behavior shaping tools and applied them appropriately
 Become aware of and applied correct practices on environment issues
 Developed awareness of civic duties and responsibilities
 Refrained from use of prohibited drugs
 Identified triggers for relapse
 Understood and applied the concept of RJ and endeavored to reconcile with the
victim and community

 Identified, accepted and respected personal feelings, and dealt with them
 Expressed realizations and insights into their behavior, attitudes and values
 Become familiarized with TC healing tools and applied them appropriately

 Gained awareness and knowledge of gender issues
 Acquired and/or enhanced literacy skills
 Understood TC Ups and applied them
 Memorized and explained the TC Philosophy
 Affirmed their faith in God as the primary source of help in order to change

Psychomotor/ Vocational and survival Skills

 Sought and assumed responsibilities
 Identified and developed employable skills

Criteria for Promotion:

Relational/Behavior Management
 Substantially complied with probation/parole conditions
 Actively attended at least 80% of TC Phase II sessions, including mandatory
 Participated in environment-related activities
 Rendered at least two community services
 Participated in RJ processes as needed
 Tested negative for prohibited drugs prior to promotion
 Used at least two appropriate Behavior Shaping Tools (BST) to demonstrate concern
 Affective/Emotional-Psychological
 Developed good feelings about self and others as manifested in reflections,
counseling, encounters, peer confrontation, behavior, attitude, appearance, and
interaction with others

 Attended gender-related TC sessions
 Acquired needed basic literacy skills

 Memorized and explained the TC Philosophy
 Accomplished at least 70% of required reflections

Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills
 Developed employable skills
 Learned to perform other roles/tasks satisfactorily in the TC Hierarchical Structure
 Participated in required reinforcing activities
 Substantially achieved MPDP for Phase II, including at least 50% of BATH Contract
 Prepared a Road Map to Success prior to termination of probation/parole



Internalize and Apply

Phase III is a vital link between Phases II and IV. During this phase, clients apply their
learnings from Phase II and are now internalizing the TC precepts and beliefs. In the
process, clients become mature and responsible, endeavoring to fulfill their duties to their
families and community.

Immersion in this phase is viewed as a total plunge into the TC program precepts and beliefs
to bring about positive change in attitude and behavior. Clients undergo a difficult but
sustained change that would need assistance of legitimate support groups to prevent

These, together with established self-sufficiency and utilization of skills and intellectual
capacity, will lead them to become economically productive, contented and stable.

Clients’ successful performance during this period makes them ready for the fourth and last
phase which is Integration.


By the end of this phase, clients shall have:

Relational/Behavior Management
 Continued to substantially comply with probation/parole conditions
 Developed harmonious relationship with the family and community
 Identified legitimate social support groups for relapse prevention
 Continued endeavoring to reconcile with the victim

 Developed a sense of responsibility and maturity
 Learned to deal with issues leading to relapse
 Manifested positive personal change
 Managed critical life challenges

 Sustained basic literacy skills and/or developed other thought processes

 Attained genuine spiritual enhancement
 Internalized the TC precepts and belief system

Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills
 Enhanced/utilized employable skills and/or engaged in other productive pursuits to
increase self-sufficiency
 Demonstrated initiative and resourcefulness in performing functions in the
Hierarchical Structure

Criteria for Promotion:

Relational/Behavior Management
 Substantially complied with probation/parole conditions
 Attended at least 90% of TC Phase III sessions, including mandatory sessions
 Addressed and managed family conflicts and developed/maintained harmonious
family relationships
 Developed peaceful relationships with members of the community
 Been oriented in activities of legitimate social support groups and identified those
which they can join
 Continued openness/sincere participation in the RJ process
 Demonstrated concern for fellowmen thru community service
 Acted as big brothers/sisters to new members
 Assumed a lead role in behavior shaping processes (ex. Morning Meeting moderator,
Peer Confrontation leader, Static Group leader ) at least two times
 Satisfactorily met family and community responsibilities
 Tested negative for prohibited drugs prior to promotion

 Practised newly learned coping skills for relapse issues
 Portrayed enhanced personal attitude and behavior

 Enhanced basic literacy skills and/or developed ability to analyze and discern

 Practised values and moral principles and able to recognize God’s important role in
an individual’s life
 Accomplished at least 80% of required reflections
 Known by heart and practised the TC Philosophy and principles of right living

Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills
 Secured lawful means of employment and/or engaged in other income-generating
 Participated in required reinforcing activities
 Substantially achieved MPDP for Phase III, including at least 70% of BATH Contract
 Prepared a Road Map to Success aprior to termination of probation/parole



Live and Sustain

It is in the INTEGRATION PHASE that client is expected to consistently behave in a

responsible manner both in the family and in the community without the direct supervision of
a Probation and Parole Officer.

In this phase, client manifests sustained positive changes in behaviors and attitudes that
make him/her a TC strength and a role model to his/her fellow clients.

It is also during this phase that client sustains lawful means of livelihood, applies adequate
literacy skills, and deals with others in positive ways, thus making him/ her a productive
member and an asset of the community.


By the end of this phase, clients shall have:

Relational/Behavior Management
 Continued to substantially comply with probation/parole conditions
 Maintained harmonious relationship with the family and community
 Become a role model to other clients
 Maintained peaceful relationship with the victim

 Manifested sustained positive changes in behavior and attitude
 Recognized that personal change is a continuing process even without supervision
 Attained and applied adequate functional literacy

 Continued to practise theTC precepts and belief system

Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills
 Become economically independent

Criteria for Graduation:

Relational/Behavior Management
 Substantially complied with probation/parole conditions
 Attended at least 90% of TC Phase IV sessions, including mandatory sessions
 Manifested sustained peaceful relationship with the victim and community. (If
reconciliation not previously attained, made amends with the victim and community
through RJ processes.)
 Participated in socio-civic activities in the community
 Joined appropriate support groups in the community

Relational/Behavior Management (Continuation)

 Assumed a lead role in behavior shaping processes at least four times
 Participated as strength in one or more RJ processes for other clients
 Lived a vice-free and drug-free lifestyle
 Complied with at least 80% of the RJ contract (as needed)

 Shown sustained positive changes in behavior and attitude

 Pursued academic or vocational/technical courses
 Satisfactorily manifested the ability to discern right from wrong
 Applied appropriate thought processes to cope with daily life challenges (e.g. solving
 problems, weighing consequences, identifying options, etc.)

 Behaved in a morally upright manner
 Accomplished at least 90% of required reflections

Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills
 Spent wisely and saved part of their income
 Secured a stable means of livelihood to support themselves
 Supported their families substantially (if needed)
 Participated in required reinforcing activities
 Substantially achieved MPDP for Phase IV, including at least 80% of BATH Contract
 Prepared a Road Map to Success prior to termination of probation/parole

Criteria for TC Strength:

 Consistently exhibited exemplary compliance with the requirements for promotion/

 graduation
 Acted as facilitators in one or more TC and/or RJ processes
 Showed exemplary behavior and performance in carrying out their duties in the
 Structure and in their job, if employed
 Acted as role models and big brothers/sisters to other clients
 Accomplished at least 90% of required reflections in applicable phases
 Actively participated in worthwhile community activities/service/support group(s)
 Acted as resource persons/coordinators in some reinforcing activities
 Achieved other significant or outstanding accomplishments

Improved/Sustained Tools for Treatment Planning and Monitoring

Worksheet, Background Investigation, Records Check, Psychological Evaluation, drug test,

Skils Training Needs Survey, My Needs and Problems Checklist, My Personal Development
Plan, Probation/Parole Conditions, Behavior, Attitudes, Traits, and Habits Plan/Contract,
Checklists for Promotion, Graduation, and TC Strength, and My Road Map to Success

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