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Presidential Elections in The USA

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Presidential Elections in the USA

Presidential Elections
Americans elect a new president on the first Tuesday in November. It's an
important event that happens once every four years. Currently, the president is
always elected from one of the two main parties in the United States: the
Republicans and the Democrats. There are other presidential candidates.
However, it is unlikely that any of these "third party" candidates will win. It
certainly hasn't happened in the last one hundred years.

In order to become the presidential nominee of a party, the candidate must win
the primary election. Primary elections are held throughout each state in the
United States in the first half of an election year. Then, the delegates attend their
party convention in order to nominate their chosen candidate. Usually, as in this
election, it's clear who will be the nominee. However, in the past parties have
been divided and choosing a nominee has been a difficult process.
Once the nominees have been selected, they campaign throughout the country.
A number of debates are usually held in order to better understand the
candidates' points of view. These points of view often reflect their party's
platform. A party platform is best described as the general beliefs and policies a
party holds. Candidates travel the country by plane, bus, train or by car giving
speeches. These speeches are often called 'stump speeches'. In the 19th century,
candidates would stand on tree stumps to deliver their speeches. These stump
speeches repeat the candidate's basic views and aspirations for the country.
They are repeated many hundreds of times by each candidate.

Many people believe that campaigns in the United States have become too
negative. Each night you can see many attack ads on the television. These short
ads contain sound bites which often distort the truth or something the other
candidate has said or done. Another recent problem has been voter turnout.
There is often less than 60% turnout for national elections. Some people don't
register to vote, and some registered voters don't show up at the voting booths.
This angers many citizens who feel that voting is the most important
responsibility of any citizen. Others point out that not voting is expressing an
opinion that the system is broken.

The United States maintains an extremely old, and some say inefficient, voting
system. This system is called the Electoral College. Each state is assigned
electoral votes based on the number of senators and representatives that state
has in Congress. Each state has two Senators. The number of representatives is
determined by the states' population but is never less than one. The electoral
votes are decided by the popular vote in each state. One candidate wins all of
the electoral votes in a state. In other words, Oregon has 8 electoral votes. If 1
million people vote for the Republican candidate and one million and ten people
vote for the Democratic candidate all 8 electoral votes go to the Democratic
candidate. Many people feel that this system should be abandoned.
Key Vocabulary – find these phrases in English in the text

• избирать
• политическая партия
• Республиканский
• Демократ
• третья сторона
• кандидат
• кандидат в президенты
• первичные выборы
• делегировать
• посещать
• партийная конвенция
• назначить
• дебаты
• партийная платформа
• пень речи
• атаковать рекламу
• звуковой укус
• искажать правду
• явка избирателей
• зарегистрированный избиратель
• кабинка для голосования
• Коллегия выборщиков
• Конгресс
• сенатор
• представитель
• голосование на выборах
• народное голосовани
1. When are the presidential elections in the USA and how often does it
2. Where are the candidates taken from?
3. What must a candidate do to become the presidential nominee?
4. What does a nominee do after being selected?
5. What is a party platform?
6. What are the ‘stump speeches’ ?
7. Why don’t some people register to vote?
8. What is the name of US voting system?
9. How does each state assign electoral votes?
10.How are the votes decided?

True False sentences – if the sentence is incorrect, so make it true.

1. Americans elect a new president on the first Thursday in November.
2. The president is elected from one of the two main parties in the US.
3. There are two main parties in the US: the Liberals and the Democrats.
4. The candidate from the ‘third party’ won only once in the last one
hundred years.
5. When the nominees are selected, they campaign around the country.
6. A number of debates are normally held in order to better understand the
candidates' points of view.
7. The candidates cannot repeat the same speeches in each State, they
should be different.
8. A lot of people think that campaigns in the United States are quite
positive than in other countries.
9. The voter turnout in the US is more than 60%.
10. The votes are considered by the prevalent vote in each state.

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