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VEC VEST Driver Manual Release

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Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability..
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
Enhanced Stability/ NOTE
Enhanced Cruise The VEST is always operational when the
vehicle is running. The active interventions
Safety Information and select warnings of the Volvo
Enhanced Cruise (VEC) are operational
when the cruise control is engaged or
DANGER disengaged.
The ultimate responsibility for the safe
operation of the vehicle remains with the
driver. Even with the Volvo
Enhanced Cruise (VEC), remain alert,
react appropriately and in a timely manner.
Also, use good driving practices. Failure to WARNING J307335
follow these instructions and good driving 1 Vehicle Equipped with Volvo Enhanced
The Volvo Enhanced Cruise (VEC) system Stability Technology (VEST)
practices can lead to vehicle damage,
reacts ONLY to vehicles moving in the
personal injury, or death. 2 Detected Forward Vehicle
same direction as your vehicle. The
system DOES NOT respond to side-to- 3 Vehicles Approaching from the Side are Not
side moving traffic, or oncoming traffic. Detected
General The system WILL NOT slow your vehicle Volvo Enhanced Cruise is integrated with
or provide an alert as you approach the vehicle's normal cruise control.
All vehicles equipped with Volvo
vehicles in these circumstances.
Enhanced Cruise (VEC) are also The Volvo Enhanced Cruise is an
equipped with the Volvo Enhanced additional integrated feature of your
Stability System (VEST). VEST is a NOTE
cruise control. When using cruise
constantly on, full-stability system which The Volvo Enhanced Stability Technology control, your vehicle will now not only
monitors vehicle performance and, when (VEST) system is always operational when maintain the "set" speed, but the system
necessary, automatically intervenes to the vehicle is running; the active will also intervene, as needed, to help
reduce the throttle and/or applies the interventions and select warnings of the maintain a set following distance behind
foundation brakes to help you maintain Volvo Enhanced Cruise are operational the vehicle in front of your vehicle.
stability during potential loss-of-control when the cruise control is engaged or
and/or rollover events. disengaged. Using a radar sensor (with a range of
approximately 152 m [500 ft]) mounted to
NOTE the front of your vehicle, the Volvo
Enhanced Cruise system reacts to
For additional information on operating the moving vehicles ahead of you.
cruise control see.
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
As a brief introduction, once the vehicle's the system provides. This manual
cruise control is engaged and explains what each of them mean and
maintaining a set following distance Collision warning system following what actions the driver can be required
between you and the vehicle in front: distance alerts cannot be disabled. to take to avoid potential collisions. Any
If the vehicle in front of you slows down beeping means that your vehicle is too
Other system features include a two- close to the vehicle ahead.
below your cruise control's set speed, stage audible and visual warning system
the system will intervene and, as and following distance keeping, which is When the system detects a situation that
necessary, in this order: always on, whether or not you are using requires intervention, it works with the
1 de-throttle the engine, cruise control. Volvo Enhanced Stability Technology
(VEST) to engage the brakes, however,
2 apply the engine retarder, and Since the VEC operates along with never rely on the system to stop the
normal cruise control, all the typical vehicle or to avoid a collision. At most,
3 apply the foundation brakes,
features built into cruise control work as the system applies about two-thirds of
in an attempt to maintain the set usual. For example, limits imposed by the potential braking power. The driver
following distance behind the vehicle factory-set road speed governors are can still apply full braking power, when
ahead. fully supported by the VEC system. needed.
Driver Indications and Warnings - Before
Alerts using Volvo Enhanced Cruise (VEC), the
If during the intervention, it is necessary to driver should fully understand all the
apply the foundation brakes, the vehicle DANGER audible warnings and visual indicators
will not automatically resume to the set the system provides. This manual will
speed. Volvo Enhanced Cruise reacts to vehicles assist in explaining what each of them
moving in the same direction as your mean and what actions the driver may
vehicle. The system is not responsive to be required to take to avoid potential
NOTE stopped vehicles, side-to-side moving collisions. Any beeping means that your
If during the intervention, it is necessary to traffic, or oncoming traffic. The system will vehicle is too close to the vehicle ahead.
apply the foundation brakes, the vehicle not slow your vehicle or provide warning
does not automatically resume to the set as you approach vehicles in these When the Volvo Enhanced Cruise
speed. circumstances. Ignoring the limitations of system detects a situation that requires
this system can lead to vehicle damage, intervention, it works in conjunction with
personal injury or death. the Volvo Enhanced Stability Technology
NOTE (VEST) to engage the brakes, however,
The collision warning system following Driver Indications and Warnings - Before the system should never be relied upon
distance alerts cannot be disabled. using this system, fully understand all the to stop your vehicle or to avoid a
audible warnings and visual indicators collision. Be aware that, at most, the
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
system will apply up to two thirds of the capacity (one-third of the potential equipped with properly sized and
vehicle's potential braking power. The braking power) is not sufficient to inflated tires, with a safe tread depth.
driver can still apply about two-thirds ensure a safe following distance. The If the VEC system has detected a
more braking power, when needed. primary condition that activates the problem with the detector, etc., and a
brake overuse warning is using the message displays in the DID. The
• Animals, non-metallic or limited- system down steep grades. system determines, depending on
metallic Objects: The system cannot Approach grades as you normally the type of problem detected, if the
warn or react to animals, non- would, with the appropriate gear vehicle may continue to have normal
metallic objects, and limited metal selected and at a safe speed. The cruise control functions (without the
objects. system cannot be disabled. benefits of VEC). If not, disable all
• Vehicles: Always be aware when • Reflective Objects May Impair the cruise control functions until servicing
approaching certain types of vehicles Radar: Objects that are reflective, is carried out. The system should be
and objects with limited metal such as crash barriers, guard rails, serviced as soon as possible to
surfaces. Such vehicles include construction zone barricades, and restore full VEC functionality.
recreational vehicles, horse-drawn tunnel entrances affect radar sensor • Sensor Inspection — The driver
buggies, motorcycles, logging function. should regularly inspect the radar
trailers, and so on, traveling in the sensor and mounting and remove
lane. The system sensor cannot be any mud, snow, ice build-up, or other
able to detect them, nor manage the Equipment Maintenance obstructions.
distance between your vehicle and
the vehicle or object ahead. The • Importance of ABS Maintenance — • Sensor Damage / Misalignment /
"Impact Alert" is the most severe Optimal Volvo Enhanced Cruise Tampering — In cases where the
warning issued by the system. This (VEC) braking requires a properly bumper and/or sensor are found to
warning is only active when the maintained ABS and VEST system. have sustained any damage, are
vehicle cruise control is set and the Have any ABS Diagnostic Trouble misaligned, or if you suspect that the
system is operational. The Impact Codes (DTCs) corrected by a sensor has been tampered with, do
Alert Warning indicates to apply qualified technician at the earliest not use the VEC system until the
additional braking force or maneuver opportunity. vehicle has been repaired and the
around the vehicle or object ahead. sensor re-aligned. In situations
• Importance of Brake Maintenance — where the sensor is misaligned the
Text appears on the dashboard Optimal VEC braking requires
screen, and a loud continuous “VEC Sensor Misalignment” or
properly maintained truck foundation “Check Volvo Enhanced Cruise“ DID
modulating tone sounds. A loud brakes (S-Cam or air disc) which
continuous modulating tone warns screen displays.
meet appropriate safety standards
the driver to apply the brakes and regulations. Brake performance
because the system's braking also requires that the vehicle be
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
needed. If the sensor becomes Automatic Foundation Brake
misaligned (or another system fault is Applications
detected) a message, or light on the The vehicle automatically manages
dash lets the driver know that service is foundation braking priorities among the
needed. various vehicle systems that use the
foundation brakes, such as Volvo
Enhanced Cruise (VEC), Volvo
Enhanced Stability Technology (VEST),
Automatic Traction Control (ATC) and
the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS).
After an event where the foundation
brakes are applied, normal cruise will
automatically be cancelled. The driver
must activate "resume" or "set" in order
for the vehicle to throttle up.
Operating System
For additional information on operating the
cruise control see.
J312611 1 Radar Sensor

Integrated Dashboard NOTE

Components The VEC system is fully integrated into
The cruise control automatically cancels
The radar sensor that provides the the vehicle dashboard so that a separate whenever the VEC applies the foundation
system with its ability to locate and track status/display box is not required. All brakes. Verify the system is disengaged by
moving vehicles, is at the front of the visual, text and audible indications and observing that the green "cruise" or "set"
vehicle. The antenna is on the center- warnings come directly from the vehicle's icon is no longer illuminated. To regain
line of the vehicle just behind the bumper instrument cluster and Driver Information normal cruise functionality and to
and is visible from the front of the Display (DID). The volume level of the reengage the system, "resume" or "set"
vehicle. alerts is adjustable, but cannot be the cruise control.
switched off.
The system radar sensor is pre-aligned
at the factory and no adjustment is
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability

Engaging the cruise control also activates J312553
the VEC system. Target Detected Icon
There are two warning levels for the
Turn the Volvo Enhanced Cruise (VEC) VEC:
on or off by pressing the
Resume/ON/OFF button. If the VEC is • Green: The vehicle in front is at a
temporarily disabled, press this button to safe following distance but it
resume cruise control. detected by the VEC. The
approximate speed of the vehicle is
Once the cruise control speed is "set," a not indicated.
green "cruise" icon illuminates on the
instrument panel. J312971 • Red: The vehicle in front is too close
1 Set Button (+/-) to follow safely. The driver needs to
The “set” speed displays on the intervene to avoid a collision.
illuminated Light Emitting Diode (LED), 2 Resume/ON OFF Switch
above the speedometer, at the set speed 3 Time Gap Button
The “set” speed displays in the cluster.
As mentioned, the cruise control
The VEC icon displays in the Driver automatically cancels whenever the
Information Display (DID) when the system applies the foundation brakes.
system is active. When the system is Verify that the system is disengaged by
"on" and "set" and the radar detects a observing the green "cruise" or "set" icon
vehicle ahead, the Target Detected Icon is no longer illuminated. To, regain normal
on the vehicle dashboard illuminates. cruise functionality and to re-engage the
This alert is an indication to the driver system resume or set cruise control.
that the system can automatically
intervene to maintain the set following Adjusting the Cruise Control Speed
distance. Use the Set button (+/-) (1) switch of the
vehicle cruise control system to increase
(+) the set speed or decrease (-) the set
J308214 speed.
1 Resume/ON/OFF Switch When adjusted, the new set speed is
2 Set Button (+/-) indicated on the vehicle dash. Typically,
J312968 the new set speed is displayed on the
Volvo Enhanced Cruise (VEC) ON Icon
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
message center, speedometer, or other Following Distance
location on the dash. Following distance refers to the time gap,
measured in seconds, between your
vehicle and the vehicle ahead. The
physical distance between your vehicle
and the vehicle ahead varies based on
your set cruise speed. This fact is true
even though the set time gap remains
the same for all set cruise speeds.
The minimum time gap between your
vehicle and vehicle ahead is 1.5
seconds. The maximum is 3.5 seconds. J313100
In the DID several screens display if
1 Time Gap Button
there is a following distance alert. The
J313099 Time Gap screen displays and details
1 Set Button (+/-) the amount of following distance, noting
the minimum time gap in seconds. The
time gap range is 1.5, 2.3, 2.8 and 3.2
seconds. 2.8 seconds is the default
setting when the vehicle is turned on.
Use the Time Gap button (1) to increase
or decrease the time gap.

Not all vehicles with VEC have the Time
Gap button available on the Cruise Control
stalk. The time gap for these vehicles is
preset and cannot be adjusted.


Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability


Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
Operating Results
The following chart illustrates what to expect from Volvo Enhanced Stability Technology (VEST)
in various driving situations you can encounter. Both the system indication and action to expect are in the table.
Situation System Alert System Reaction
A vehicle is present (in range) The cruise control "on" indicator and the "Target The system maintains the set speed and following
ahead of you. Detected Icon" illuminates. distance.
The vehicle ahead slows The system alerts the driver with the Following The vehicle slows due to (in order):
moderately. Distance Alert (FDA):
1 Reducing throttle,
A fast beeping sound emits.
2 Engaging the engine retarder, or
3 Applying the foundation brakes.
Note: If the foundation brakes are applied, the
system cancels after the event; Re-engage the
cruise control.
The vehicle ahead slows rapidly. The Following Distance Alert (fast beeping) is given, The vehicle is de-throttled, the engine retarder
followed by the Impact Alert (continuous modulating engaged and the foundation brakes applied.
tone), and a text message appears on the dash
The system cancels after the event; Re-engage the
cruise control.
With cruise set, but no vehicle No alert sounds. Vehicle maintains "set" speed.
ahead detected (vehicles ahead
are further away than 152 m [500
A vehicle cut in front of the truck • If, the vehicle cuts in front of truck at a distance of Vehicle maintains "set" speed.
and speeds away. 6 m (20 ft) or less, a fast beeping warning is given.
The warning emits until the vehicle ahead is beyond
the 6 m (20 ft) range.
• If the vehicle cuts in front further than 6 m (20 ft)
away, no warning is given.
A vehicle cuts in front of the truck The system alerts using the Following Distance The system reduces the throttle and retards the
within range of the sensor and Alert (fast beeping) and dash warnings. Depending engine; The foundation brakes can also engage.
slows down. on how rapidly the vehicle ahead slows, the system
can initiate an Impact Alert.

Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
Situation System Alert System Reaction
The vehicle goes down a steep If, the brakes remain applied for an extended Dethrottling, followed by engine retarder, followed by
grade. duration "Brake overuse" warning appears on the braking. If the brakes remain on for an extended
dash display. duration, dash warns driver, the system can be
A faster vehicle passes on left or No alert sounds. None. The driver must take appropriate action.
right. Use safe practices to avoid a vehicle collision.
A broken-down vehicle is The system alerts using the Following Distance The system reduces the throttle and retards the
stationary in the lane in which the Alert (fast beeping) and dash warnings. Depending engine; The foundation brakes can also engage.
truck is traveling. on how rapidly the vehicle ahead slows, the system
can initiate an Impact Alert.
An animal runs in front of your No warning is given. None. The system does not recognize non-metallic
truck. objects. Use safe practices to avoid a vehicle
Another vehicle crosses the road The system alerts using the Following Distance The system reduces the throttle and retards the
perpendicular to your path of Alert (fast beeping) and dash warnings. Depending engine; The foundation brakes can also engage.
travel, such as at an intersection. on how rapidly the vehicle ahead slows, the system
can initiate an Impact Alert.
These represent examples of typical
situations and responses that can occur
when using the system. Not all possible
situations and responses are covered by
this chart.

Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
Action Impact of VEC/VEST
The ultimate responsibility for the safe
operation of the vehicle remains with the
driver. Even with the system, remain alert,
react appropriately and in a timely manner,
and use good driving practices. Failure to
follow these instructions and good driving
practices can lead to vehicle damage,
personal injury, or death.
The following chart illustrates how the Volvo Enhanced Stability Technology (VEST) system reacts to various actions initiated while
on the road.
Action Effect on Volvo Enhanced Stability Technology (VEST)
Step on the brake. Cruise Control is canceled until = driver pushes "set" or "resume".
Step on the Cruise Control is overridden until the accelerator is released; Cruise control then resumes original set speed
accelerator. automatically.
Turn the cruise Maintaining following distance, the driver hears Following Distance Alerts as needed.
control "off".
Turn the cruise Maintaining following distance, and speed.
control "on".
"Set" the cruise The system is automatically activated, and your vehicle maintains set speed and set following distance from the vehicle
control. ahead.
Cover or block the Depending on the type and extent of the blockage, the system is diminished or even disabled. A blockage also affects
sensor. engine cruise control availability.
Use normal cruise Vehicle speed increased (+) or reduced (-) to achieve the new set speed while actively maintaining the following
"+/-" switch. distance with the vehicle ahead. This state is true if a vehicle is present within 152 m (500 ft).
The actions presented reflect many, but
not all, potential driver actions that can
interact with the system.

Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
warning is given, the driver must immediately. The instrument cluster
Indications and Warnings increase the distance between the illuminates Red LEDs, and a Pop-up
The system is a unique patented system vehicle and the vehicle ahead until the comes up requesting the driver act and a
that functions differently than other audible warning stops. continuous tone is sounded.
cruise control/forward collision warning When the IA activates, take evasive
systems. It is important that the driver NOTE action by applying more braking power
fully understands system features, and/or steering clear of the vehicle
Any beeping from the VEC system means
especially the driver indications, and that your vehicle is too close to the vehicle ahead to avoid a potential collision.
warnings. ahead.
Two important warnings provided by the
system are the Following Distance Alert The FDA is accompanied by a “distance
(FDA) and Impact Alert (IA). FDA alert” icon, displayed in the Instrument
warnings alert the driver, whether using Cluster. Once the audible warning is
cruise control. The driver is only alerted given, the driver must increase the
to IAs when in cruise control mode with distance between his/her vehicle and the
the system functioning. vehicle ahead until the audible warning
Following Distance Alert
The Following Distance Alert (FDA) is
active whenever the vehicle is moving
(whether cruise control is engaged). The J312553
alert provides both audible and visual
warnings. These warnings occur Impact Alert Warning
whenever the following time gap
between your vehicle and the vehicle DANGER J312334
ahead is less than the set time gap and Ignoring the Impact Alert warning from the If an impact alert occurs and driver
getting closer. VEC can lead to death, personal injury or intervention is required, a continuous
If the following time continues to get vehicle damage. audible sound and the “VEC Requires
shorter, the driver hears beeping that Driver Intervention” screen displays.
The Impact Alert (IA) is the most severe
increases in speed. When the time gap
warning issued by the system. The IA is
reduces to a critical point, Impact Alert
always active when Volvo Enhanced
telltale illuminates in the cluster.
Stability Technology (VEST) is active.
An icon bar also displays in the The IA Warning indicates that the driver
instrument cluster. Once the audible should apply more braking force
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability

The primary condition that activates the
"VEC Brake Overuse Warning" is using
VEC down steep grades. Approach grades
as you normally would, with the
appropriate gear selected and at a safe
speed. It is recommended that VEC not be
used on downhill grades! Failure to follow
these instructions can lead to damage to
the VEC system.
J312957 J312963
VEC provides a warning when the
system is using the foundation brakes
excessively. Overuse of the foundation
brakes can lead to the brakes
overheating and a potential loss of
braking performance from brake fade.
For example, the use of VEC on long,
steep downhill runs may cause this
warning to be activated. The driver
should use appropriate gearing and
J312962 brake techniques, on long, downhill J312964
grades. The VEC audible alerts are pre-set in the
Brake Overuse Warning
When the VEC system detects brake factory and cannot be turned off, but the
overuse, the ”VEC Requires Driver volume can be adjusted.
Intervention” displays in the DID. After a
Excessive application of the foundation brief delay, however, if the driver does Potential False Warnings
brakes can cause the brakes to overheat not respond to the brake overuse The VEC system should have
resulting in increasing stopping distances. warning(s), the VEC will stop functioning significantly less false alerts than earlier
Increased stopping distances can result in and be disabled. The “VEC Temporarily systems. Radar technology is not
vehicle collision, serious personal injury or Unavailable “ screen displays in the perfect, however, and false alerts
death. DID.A self-disabled VEC system will be sometimes occur. If false alerts occur too
restored the next time the vehicle is frequently (more than twice a day) this
started. may indicate sensor misalignment.
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
Service the system at the earliest lane as your vehicle and comes into conditions exist, the system may
opportunity. Drivers should take into sensor range. intervene and begin to make braking
account the road conditions, and any applications.
other factors they are encountering, as Tracking Vehicles in a Curve
they choose how to react to any alerts When taking a curve in the road: In the Applying the Brakes Manually
they receive from the VEC system. event that the vehicle ahead is no longer If the driver is aware of a possible
detected as you travel around a sharp threatening situation, you should take all
curve, the Volvo Enhanced Cruise (VEC) necessary and immediate actions; never
Operational Notes will delay acceleration back to the set wait for the VEC system to intervene.
speed until it regains contact with the Safe operation of the vehicle is the
Passing a Vehicle vehicle ahead, or determines that there responsibility of the driver. If the driver
When passing a vehicle or changing is no longer a vehicle ahead, after a time applies the brakes, cruise control will
lanes, the vehicle is no longer tracked by gap based on the last following distance automatically disengage, and there will
the system. recorded. not be a VEC intervention if the driver
When the vehicle ahead is out of sensor Example: Assume normal cruise control applies more than two-thirds brake
range and no other vehicle present, after is set at 80 kph (50 mph) and you are application.
a short safety delay occurs. Then the following 3 seconds behind a vehicle Approaching Slower Moving
system accelerates to the last stored set traveling at 75 kph (45 mph) that just Vehicles
speed. entered a sharp curve. If the vehicle When approaching a much slower-
ahead is no longer detected as you moving vehicle ahead, the driver should
Acquiring a New Target Vehicle travel around the curve, the VEC will
As you approach other vehicles ahead, anticipate this and begin applying the
delay its acceleration back to 80 kph (50 vehicle's brakes early and not wait for
previously undetected by the sensor, the mph) for 3 seconds. The operator should
system automatically locks onto new the VEC system to intervene.
be especially attentive to the VEC
vehicles and manages the following system behavior through curves. In Vehicles Crossing Your Path or Coming
distance. some cases, when traveling around a Towards You — The VEC reacts to
curve the radar may lose the vehicle vehicles moving in the same direction as
When No Other Vehicles are your vehicle. The system is not
ahead and attempt to accelerate when
Present going back into conventional cruise responsive to stopped vehicles, side-to-
When no target vehicle is within range of control. It is also possible for the VEC to side moving traffic, or oncoming traffic.
the sensor, your vehicle will maintain its begin to track vehicles in other lanes The system will not slow your vehicle or
set speed just like ordinary cruise when traveling around curves. In the rare provide warning as you approach
control. The VEC will continue this case where the VEC system believes vehicles in these circumstances
behavior until it is either turned off by the that the adjacent-lane vehicle ahead is in
operator, a brake application is made, or fact in your lane, and that unsafe
a vehicle ahead is traveling in the same
Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
System Operation Issues
If the Volvo Enhanced Cruise (VEC) Stability System Performance
system has detected a problem, the Importance of ABS Maintenance — The
Driver Information Display (DID) displays VEC braking requires a properly
a fault screen. The system also maintained ABS system. Have any ABS
determines, depending on the type of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)
problem detected, if the vehicle may corrected by a qualified technician at the
continue to have normal cruise control earliest opportunity.
functions (without the benefits of VEC). If
not, disable all cruise control functions System Disruption
until servicing is completed. Service the J312967
If the VEC system has detected a
system as soon as possible to restore problem, VEC Disabled icon appears
When the VEC connection is restored, and the VEC Temporarily Unavailable
full VEC functionality. the following screen and icon display. DID screen displays. The system will
When the VEC system is unavailable determine, depending on the type of
due to system issues, the following problem detected, if the vehicle may
screen and icon display. continue to have normal cruise control
functions (without the benefits of VEC),
or if instead all cruise control functions
J312968 need to be disabled until servicing is
carried out. The system should be
serviced as soon as possible to restore
J312966 full VEC functionality.
When the VEC system is unavailable
due to system issues, the following
screen and icon displays.


Enhanced Cruise/Enhanced Stability
false alerts than earlier systems.
Frequently Asked Questions Radar technology is not perfect,
1 Are automatic foundation brake however, and false alerts sometimes
interventions "always on"? Yes. occur. If false alerts occur too
frequently (more than twice a day)
2 Are the warnings "always on"? Yes. this may indicate sensor
None of the system warnings or misalignment. Service the system at
alerts will work if the VEC system has the earliest opportunity.
detected a problem.
5 I cannot find a following distance
3 How can I tell the difference between adjustment switch. Can you give me
the different alerts? All alerts where more details about where it is
you hear beeping mean that you are located? The system will typically
following too close to the vehicle work without needing any
ahead. A loud continuous modulating adjustment, by using the preset
tone means you should actively following distance from the factory. If
apply the brakes because the VEC a following distance adjustment
braking capability (one-third of the switch is installed at the factory, it is
vehicle's potential braking power) is integrated into the end of the turn
not enough to ensure a safe signal stalk. Consult your vehicle
following distance. The "Impact Alert" owner's manual for more information.
is the most severe warning issued by
the VEC system and is only active 6 Are the brake activations with VEC
when the vehicle cruise control is set the same as brake activations I've
and the VEC is operational. The experienced with most earlier
Impact Alert Warning indicates that systems? No. In addition to reducing
the driver should immediately apply throttle and engaging the engine
additional braking force or maneuver retarder, the VEC also activates the
to avoid, an Impact Warning screen foundation brakes.
displays in the DID, and a loud 7 Does the VEC warn about stationary
continuous modulating tone will objects? Yes.
4 My current system has a lot of false
alerts. How many false alerts can I
expect with your system? The VEC
system should have significantly less
ABS Maintenance ................................ 4 Sensor Inspection ................................ 4
Adaptive Cruise Control ................... 2, 6 Slower-moving Vehicle ....................... 14
Animals ................................................ 4
ATC ...................................................... 5 T
Audible Alerts ..................................... 13
Audible Warnings ................................. 3 Target Vehicle .................................... 14

Brake Maintenance .............................. 4 VEC ...................................................... 5
VEST .................................................... 5
D Visual Indicators ................................... 3

Diagnostic Trouble Code ...................... 4 W

F Warning Levels .................................... 6

False Alerts ........................................ 13

Following Distance Alert ..................... 12
Following Distance ............................... 7
Foundation Brakes ............................. 13

Impact Alert ........................................ 12

Objects ................................................. 4

Radar Sensor ....................................... 2

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