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USBL SeaTrac Developer Guide

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X100 Series

Acoustic Beacons
Serial Command Interface
(for firmware version 1.2)

SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

1. Document Revision and Change History ........................................................................ 6

2. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 9
2.1. Overview and Scope ............................................................................................. 9
2.2. Numerical Notations ........................................................................................... 10
2.3. Diagnostic Tools ................................................................................................ 10
2.4. Technical Support .............................................................................................. 10
2.5. Notices ............................................................................................................. 11

3. Beacon Architecture ................................................................................................. 12

3.1. Serial Command Processor .................................................................................. 12
3.2. Settings Manager and EEPROM Memory ................................................................ 12
3.3. Environmental Sensor System ............................................................................. 13
3.4. Attitude & Heading Reference System .................................................................. 13
3.5. Acoustic Transceiver & Data Modem ..................................................................... 14
3.6. USBL Processor ................................................................................................. 14
3.7. Acoustic Protocol Stack ....................................................................................... 15

4. Getting Started ....................................................................................................... 16

4.1. Equipment Required ........................................................................................... 16
4.2. Testing in air ..................................................................................................... 16
4.3. Reading Beacon Information ............................................................................... 17
4.4. Fetching, Updating and Storing Settings ............................................................... 19
4.5. Requesting Status Output ................................................................................... 19
4.6. Calibrating the AHRS .......................................................................................... 20
4.7. Acoustically Pinging Beacons ............................................................................... 21

5. Serial Protocol ......................................................................................................... 24

5.1. Serial Settings ................................................................................................... 24
5.2. Message Format ................................................................................................ 24
5.3. Synchronisation Characters ................................................................................. 25
5.4. Data Encoding ................................................................................................... 25
5.5. Command ID Codes ........................................................................................... 25
5.6. Checksums ....................................................................................................... 25

6. Message Field Type and Constant Definitions............................................................... 28

6.1. Primitive Types .................................................................................................. 28
6.2. Arrays .............................................................................................................. 29
6.3. Enumerations & Constants .................................................................................. 29
6.3.1. AMSGTYPE_E (Acoustic Message Type) ........................................................... 30
6.3.2. APAYLOAD_E (Acoustic Payload Identifier) ...................................................... 32
6.3.3. BAUDRATE_E (Serial Port Baud Rate) ............................................................. 33
6.3.4. BID_E (Beacon Identification Code) ................................................................ 33

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6.3.5. CAL_ACTION_E (Calibration Actions) .............................................................. 34

6.3.6. CID_E (Command Identification Codes) .......................................................... 35
6.3.7. CST_E (Command Status Codes) ................................................................... 40
6.3.8. STATUSMODE_E (Status Output Mode) ........................................................... 43
6.4. Structures ......................................................................................................... 44
6.4.1. ACOMSG_T (Acoustic Message)...................................................................... 44
6.4.2. ACOFIX_T (Acoustic Position and Range Fix Summary) ..................................... 45
6.4.3. AHRSCAL_T (AHRS Calibration Coefficients) .................................................... 49
6.4.4. FIRMWARE_T (Firmware Information) ............................................................. 51
6.4.5. HARDWARE_T (Hardware Information) ........................................................... 52
6.4.6. IPADDR_T (IP v4 Address) ............................................................................ 53
6.4.7. MACADDR_T (MAC Address) .......................................................................... 54
6.4.8. NAV_QUERY_T (NAV Protocol Query Bit Mask) ................................................. 55
6.4.9. SETTINGS_T (Settings Record Structure) ........................................................ 56
6.4.10. STATUS_BITS_T (Status Fields Bit-Mask) ...................................................... 62

7. Beacon Management Message Definitions ................................................................... 64

7.1. System Messages .............................................................................................. 64
7.1.1. CID_SYS_ALIVE ........................................................................................... 64
7.1.2. CID_SYS_INFO ............................................................................................ 65
7.1.3. CID_SYS_REBOOT ....................................................................................... 66
7.1.4. CID_SYS_ENGINEERING ............................................................................... 67
7.2. Firmware Programming Messages ........................................................................ 68
7.2.1. CID_PROG_INIT........................................................................................... 69
7.2.2. CID_PROG_BLOCK ....................................................................................... 71
7.2.3. CID_PROG_UPDATE ..................................................................................... 73
7.3. Status Messages ................................................................................................ 74
7.3.1. CID_STATUS ............................................................................................... 74
7.3.2. CID_STATUS_CFG_GET ................................................................................ 80
7.3.3. CID_STATUS_CFG_SET ................................................................................. 81
7.4. Settings Messages ............................................................................................. 82
7.4.1. CID_SETTINGS_GET ..................................................................................... 82
7.4.2. CID_SETTINGS_SET ..................................................................................... 83
7.4.3. CID_SETTINGS_LOAD .................................................................................. 84
7.4.4. CID_SETTINGS_SAVE ................................................................................... 85
7.4.5. CID_SETTINGS_RESET ................................................................................. 86
7.5. Calibration Messages .......................................................................................... 87
7.5.1. CID_CAL_ACTION ........................................................................................ 87
7.5.2. CID_AHRS_CAL_GET .................................................................................... 89
7.5.3. CID_AHRS_CAL_SET .................................................................................... 90
7.6. Acoustic Transceiver Messages ............................................................................ 91
7.6.1. CID_XCVR_ANALYSE .................................................................................... 91
7.6.2. CID_XCVR_TX_MSG ..................................................................................... 93
7.6.3. CID_XCVR_RX_ERR ...................................................................................... 94
7.6.4. CID_XCVR_RX_MSG ..................................................................................... 96
7.6.5. CID_XCVR_RX_REQ ..................................................................................... 97
7.6.6. CID_XCVR_RX_RESP .................................................................................... 98

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7.6.7. CID_XCVR_RX_UNHANDLED .......................................................................... 99

7.6.8. CID_XCVR_USBL ......................................................................................... 100
7.6.9. CID_XCVR_FIX ........................................................................................... 102
7.6.10. CID_XCVR_STATUS ................................................................................... 103

8. Acoustic Protocol Stack Message Definitions ............................................................... 104

8.1. PING Protocol Messages ..................................................................................... 104
8.1.1. CID_PING_SEND ......................................................................................... 105
8.1.2. CID_PING_REQ ........................................................................................... 107
8.1.3. CID_PING_RESP ......................................................................................... 107
8.1.4. CID_PING_ERROR ....................................................................................... 108
8.2. ECHO Protocol Messages .................................................................................... 109
8.2.1. CID_ECHO_SEND ........................................................................................ 109
8.2.2. CID_ECHO_REQ .......................................................................................... 111
8.2.3. CID_ECHO_RESP ........................................................................................ 112
8.2.4. CID_ECHO_ERROR ...................................................................................... 113
8.3. DAT Protocol Messages ...................................................................................... 114
8.3.1. CID_DAT_SEND .......................................................................................... 115
8.3.2. CID_DAT_RECEIVE ...................................................................................... 117
8.3.3. CID_DAT_ERROR ........................................................................................ 118
8.3.4. CID_DAT_QUEUE_SET ................................................................................. 119
8.3.5. CID_DAT_QUEUE_CLR ................................................................................. 120
8.3.6. CID_DAT_QUEUE_STATUS ........................................................................... 121
8.4. NAV Protocol Messages ...................................................................................... 122
8.4.1. CID_NAV_QUERY_SEND .............................................................................. 122
8.4.2. CID_NAV_QUERY_REQ ................................................................................ 124
8.4.3. CID_NAV_QUERY_RESP ............................................................................... 125
8.4.4. CID_NAV_ERROR ........................................................................................ 127
8.4.5. CID_NAV_REF_POS_SEND ........................................................................... 128
8.4.6. CID_NAV_REF_POS_UPDATE ........................................................................ 129
8.4.7. CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_SEND ..................................................................... 130
8.4.8. CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_UPDATE ................................................................. 132
8.5. DEX Protocol Messages ...................................................................................... 134
8.5.1. CID_DEX_CLOSE ........................................................................................ 134
8.5.2. CID_DEX_DEBUG ........................................................................................ 134
8.5.3. CID_DEX_ENQUEUE .................................................................................... 134
8.5.4. CID_DEX_OPEN .......................................................................................... 134
8.5.5. CID_DEX_RESET ......................................................................................... 134
8.5.6. CID_DEX_SEND .......................................................................................... 134
8.5.7. CID_DEX_SOCKETS .................................................................................... 134
8.5.8. CID_DEX_RECEIVE ...................................................................................... 134

9. Beacon Definitions and Frames Of Reference .............................................................. 135

9.1. Attitudes (Yaw, Pitch and Roll)............................................................................ 135
9.2. USBL Spherical Angles (Azimuth and Elevation) .................................................... 136
9.3. USBL Local Relative Position Coordinates ............................................................. 137
9.4. USBL World Relative Position Coordinates ............................................................ 137

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

1. Document Revision and Change History

This section details the changes that have been made to this document as a result of new beacon
firmware releases.

Developers upgrading beacon firmware should use the following summary list to check
for compatibility in command message encoding and decoding algorithms.

Revision 4 (Firmware v1.2)

Clarified the instructions for computing the CRC16 message checksums, as binary message
contents should be used after ASCII-Hex character pairs have been converted into their byte-
wise values.

Revision 3 (Firmware v1.2)

Document revised for firmware release v1.2.

 For standard USBL response fix calculations, ACOFIX_T structure POSITION_DEPTH

values are now given relative to the surface and not the beacon (i.e. local depth added
to USBL resolved depth)

 For enhanced USBL response fix calculations, ACOFIX_T structure

POSITION_NORTHING and POSITION_EASTING values are computed based on the
remote depth, range and azimuth angle (not from standard USBL coordinates as used

 SETTINGS_T structure modified to contain new Position Filter enable flag and control
XCVR_POSFLT_TMO. Fields are appended on the end of the structure for backward

 ACOFIX_T structure flags field modified to include POSITION_FLT_ERROR bit. This

indicates when the position filter (if enabled) has determine that a fix position may be
invalid based on the beacons last position, defined movement limits and time between

 Change made to the CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_UPDATE and

CID_NAV_REF_POS_UPDATE message outputs, to include an ACOFIX_T field.

 Documentation now completed for the NAV protocol.

 USBL detection algorithm to reduce false detects in multi-path dominant environments.

Revision 2 (Firmware v1.1)

Document revised for firmware release v1.1.

 Enumeration and structure definition changes include…

o New ACOFIX_T structure definition added used by several commands.

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o Six new CST_XCVR_STATE… codes have been added for use with the
o DAT_MODE_E enumeration removed as not required.

 Command message changes include…

o The 32-bit FLAGS field in the HARDWARE_T structure has been spit into two 16-
bit fields, representing system (factory set) flags, and user flags.
o CID_XCVR_RX_RESP_ERROR removed and functionality merged with
CID_XCVR_RX_ERR message.
o CID_XCVR_RX_ERR message contains the new ACOFIX_T structure describing
the received acoustic signal.
ACOFIX_T structure describing the received acoustic signal.
o CID_XCVR_FIX command now uses the new ACOFIX_T structure.
o New CID_XCVR_STATUS command added to allow the current status of the
acoustic transceiver to be queried – responses include Idle, Transmitting,
Receiving Header, Receiving Data etc.
o CID_PING_SEND command now has a MSG_TYPE field to specify how messages
are sent – either as Request Standard (MSG_REQ), Request USBL (MSG_REQU)
or Request Enhanced USBL (MSG_REQX) types. This allows finer control over
acoustic transmission types and timings.
o CID_PING_REQ and CID_PING_RESP messages now contain the new ACOFIX_T
structure – this means the XCVR_FIX_MSGS flag is no longer required to be set
in the acoustic transceiver settings.
o CID_ECHO_SEND command now has a MSG_TYPE field to specify how messages
are sent – either as Request Standard (MSG_REQ), Request USBL (MSG_REQU)
or Request Enhanced USBL (MSG_REQX) types. This allows finer control over
acoustic transmission types and timings.
o CID_ECHO_REQ and CID_ECHO_RESP messages now contain the new ACOFIX_T
structure – this means the XCVR_FIX_MSGS flag is no longer required to be set
in the acoustic transceiver settings.
o CID_DAT_SEND command now has a MSG_TYPE field (replacing FLAGS field and
obsolete DAT_MODE_E enumeration) to specify how messages are sent.
o CID_DAT_SEND command DEST_ID parameter now allows a value of
BEACON_ALL (0) to send data to all beacons. However the MSG_TYPE type must
be either MSG_OWAY or MSG_OWAYU.
CID_DAT_QUEUE_STATUS added to allow data to be queued at a remote
beacon, and transmitted back in a response.
o Command format for CID_DAT_RECEIVE updated to use the new ACOFIX_T
structure (support beacon fix information, acknowledge flag and is generated
upon receipt of an acknowledge message).
o CID_DAT_ACK message removed, as CID_DAT_RECEIVE now includes this

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 Firmware bug fixed in response turnaround timing where a timing error caused a range
error of up to 1m to be reported.

 Transmitter waveform modified for improved performance.

 Widened USBL detection window to allow greater multipath tolerance as signal is

processed by the data decoder.

Revision 1 (Firmware v1.0)

Initial documentation release for beacon firmware v1.0.

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2. Introduction

2.1. Overview and Scope

The SeaTrac X100 series of Micro-USBL tracking and data modems are suite of complimentary
products built around a robust broadband spread spectrum signalling scheme. These multi-
purpose acoustic transponder beacons are capable of simultaneously tracking asset positions
and undertaking bi-directional data exchange, making them ideal for use in a wide range of
applications including…
 Remote monitoring and control of sensors and equipment,
 Re-location and retrieval of sub-sea assets,
 ROV positioning and navigation tasks,
 AUV navigation, telemetry, mission adjustments and real-time position monitoring,
 Diver buddy and surface-vessel/dive-bell tracking and re-location,
 Remote and local depth, water temperature, attitude and heading reference (AHRS)

This document is intended to provide developers with the necessary information to allow
interfacing of SeaTrac Beacons with their systems using the serial communications port hardware
and command protocol, and intended to be read in addition to the hardware and operational
notes discussed in the specific Beacon’s user manual.

The subsequent sections of this document discuss the data types, constants and structures
commonly referenced by the serial command set, along with encoding schemes and a complete
reference for the serial messages accepted and generated by the beacon.

It is assumed that the reader has a reasonable level of programming expertise and is familiar
with the basic concepts of the serial port hardware within their chosen operating system, as well
as manipulation of numerical data types and basic software design principles.

Throughout this document the following symbols are used to indicate special precautions or
procedures you should note…

This symbol indicates a warning you should follow of to avoid bodily injury and damage
to your equipment.

This symbol denotes precautions and procedures you should follow to ensure correct
operation to your equipment, and in some situations (where noted) possible damage.

This symbol denotes special instructions or tips that should help you get the best
performance from your beacons.

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2.2. Numerical Notations

Throughout this document references are made to numerical values expressed in decimal,
hexadecimal or binary notation. To identify to base of numbers, the following notation is used…

 Decimal Values in decimal are expressed in plain numerical digits without

any form or prefix or postfix notation.

 Hexadecimal Values expressed in hexadecimal notation are always prefixed with

an “0x” notation; with uppercase characters for “A” to “F”
(although the SeaTrac Beacons serial interface will accept both
uppercase and lower case unless otherwise stated).

 Binary Values expressed in a binary notation are always prefixed with an

“0b” notation, followed by a string of “1” and “0” characters.

2.3. Diagnostic Tools

To support the information and concepts presented in this document, the “SeaTrac Tools”
application has been developed for Microsoft Windows operating systems, and is shipped with
each SeaTrac Beacon system or available for download from the Technical Support web pages
(see below).

The graphical interface provides user controls and displays to send messages to and from the
beacon hardware, and the communications “Journal” function keeps track of the individual serial
commands sent and received.
Clicking on each entry in the Journal will expand the message, showing the encoding/decoding
order of each message data field and its corresponding value(s) – this information can be used
in conjunction with the message reference descriptions provided in sections 7 and 8 to analyse
and debug the operation of the Beacon.

2.4. Technical Support

For the latest software and firmware updates, as well as production information, manuals and
datasheets, visit

For further Technical Support on either software of hardware related issues please use the
contact details provided on the website above or in the Beacon’s user manual, and where possible
please have the products part number, serial number, firmware and software revision details

We welcome any feedback you may have about SeaTrac products, from bug reports to ideas for
new features or hardware to support – please use the contact details on the website (or shown
below) to get in touch.

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2.5. Notices
Specifications and Content
The contents of this document are provided on an “as is” basis and although we try to ensure
the information presented here is correct at the time of going to press, this document may
contain some errors. Blueprint Design Engineering Ltd cannot be held responsible for any
inaccuracies or omissions. If you find an error or feel we have missed important or useful
information, please contact us. The latest version of this document is always available to
download from the website.

Specifications and information contained in this document are subject to change at any time
without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of Blueprint Design Engineering

Where possible, we will aim to re-release this document in conjunction with significant firmware
releases and updates, and will document the changes made to the documents technical contents
(commands, data structures, message formats etc) in the “Document Revision and Change
History” section (1) on page 6.

Acoustic Limitations
The operational ranges and performance that can be achieved between acoustic beacons
depends heavily on environmental factors (including water temperature, dissolved oxygen
content, marine plant life and man-made acoustic noise from passing vessels and submerged
equipment), geographical conditions (such as depth of channel, acoustic reverberation nearby
structures and obstacles that may block the acoustic transmission) and the mounting method,
orientation and position of the beacon of each operating platform.
Acoustic performance values stated in the documentation describe achievable results obtained
in favourable conditions.

Neither Blueprint Design Engineering Ltd., or their affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of
this product, or third parties, whether in tort, contract or otherwise for losses, costs, damages
or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties as a result of accident, misuse, abuse,
modification of this product or a failure to strictly comply with the operating and maintenance

The Windows™ operating system is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Other product and
brand names used within this document are for identification purposes only. Blueprint Design
Engineering Limited disclaims any and all rights in those marks.

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3. Beacon Architecture
The diagram below shows the hardware blocks in each beacon…

Config Switches
Power Supplies Supply Voltage EEPROM
Status LEDs
External Connector (5-way)

(DC 9V to 30V) Monitor Memory

Magnetic Reset

Main Tx/Rx

Serial Port Processor

USBL Receiver
(4 Channels)

AHRS Sensors
Pressure Sensor
(Acc, Mag, Gyro)

The X150 and X110 hardware are very similar, with the exception that X110 beacons do not
have the USBL receiver circuitry or transducers fitted.

3.1. Serial Command Processor

The serial command processor sub-system consists of a series of routines running on the
processor to decode incoming serial data into messages, ensure that correct formatting is
observed and the message content is valid by means of a checksum.

The serial UART hardware features a 64-byte hardware receive buffer, from which data is
analysed and decoded started on reception of the correct “synchronisation character”. Decoding
and buffering of the command continues until the end of the message is reached at which time
it is executed by the relevant command handler function.

Further details of the serial command protocol are discussed in section 5 from page 9

3.2. Settings Manager and EEPROM Memory

Operational settings for the Beacon are stored in permanent non-volatile EEPROM memory and
are loaded into a working RAM copy on power up.

Serial commands are provided to allow the user to mage changes to the working RAM settings
or read them back, and to save of load the RAM settings back into EEPROM as required.

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However, like other memories of its type, the EEPROM memory has a lifetime endurance of
between 10,000 and 50,000 cycles, after which its data retention capabilities may start to
degrade (below the guaranteed 5 year period). For this reason, it is recommended that the
settings are only saved by to EEPROM following changes by the user, but not on an automated
periodic basis.

Some settings values can be automatically computed/changed as the beacon operates, such as
pressure-sensor offsets, velocity-of-sound and magnetic calibrations. When the beacon is
powered off, these changes will be lost unless specifically committed to EEPROM with a save
command. In practice though, on dynamic platforms it is often found that storing a default
calibration for the magnetometer is sufficient for start-up accuracy and the dynamic calibration
routine will further adjust the calibration as required by the magnetic environment. Values such
as pressure offset and VOS are computed within the first couple of seconds of operation.

Some settings, such as those controlling the communication hardware, are only applied on
power-up or a software reboot command. Details of these are discussed in section 6.4.9 on page

Settings can be reset to factory values by either issuing a Reset serial command, or using the
magnetically triggered reset-to-default sequence – for further details refer to the Beacons user

3.3. Environmental Sensor System

Each beacon is fitted with an environmental pressure and temperature sensor that allow the
depth of each beacon to be calculated and monitored.
When used as part of a tracking system, the remote beacon’s depth information can be
transmitted and used as part of the position solution, improving vertical accuracy.
The pressure and temperature information can also be used to automatically update the local
velocity-of-sound value at each beacon, ensuring ranging calculations have the least possible

Additionally, each beacon has a supply voltage monitoring circuit that can be used to provide
low-voltage alarms for battery powered systems. The data modem feature can be used to
optionally broadcast this information to other beacons on demand.

3.4. Attitude & Heading Reference System

Each beacon is fitted with a 9 Degrees-of-Freedom (9-DOF) Attitude and Heading Reference
System, processing data from the onboard MEMS gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer
to compute pitch, roll and yaw information that is made available to external applications via the
communications port.

For further details on calibration procedures, refer to the Bacons user manual. Section 7.5 (from
page 87) deals with calibration configuration messages.

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3.5. Acoustic Transceiver & Data Modem

The Acoustic Transceiver module provides control over the beacons transmitters and receivers
allowing packets of data to be sent and received by adding and validating appropriate header
and checksum information.

Each beacon is configured by the user with a unique identification-code that allows up to 15
beacons to exchange acoustic data messages or broadcast to all other beacons in the network.
Messages are exchanged by a request/response process and when complete the sending beacon
is able to obtain timing information and a range measurement for the remotely interrogated

When data is sent, the transceiver will use one of the message types are available…

 One-Way Data is sent One-Way, and does not require a

response. (so may be broadcast to all other
beacons if required).

 One-Way USBL As above, data is sent one way, but additional

USBL information is sent allowing the the receiver
X150 beacon to compute an incoming bearing,
although range cannot be provided.

 Request Data is sent from the sender to a remote beacon,

 Request USBL and requires that a response is returned within a
 Request USBLX (Enhanced) set time limit (or a timeout will occur).
From the overall trip time ranging information can
be computed, and combined with the USBL or
Enhanced information, a relative position of the
remote beacon can be computed.

 Response When a message of the above type is received,

 Response USBL response messages are sent back to complete the
 Response USBLX (Enhanced) transaction.
From this state machine in protocol handlers can
determine suitable actions to take.

3.6. USBL Processor

The X150 beacons feature an Ultra-Short Baseline (USBL) receiver array capable of calculating
the azimuth and elevation of incoming acoustic signal, and combining this information with range
and the AHRS system can compute the position of the remote beacon in relative real-world
coordinates (Northing, Easting and Depth).

Tracking and navigation systems can be built using one X150 is mounted from the supervisor
vessel, with an application controlling the sequential ‘pinging’ of remote beacons. All relative

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positions are computed internally and output the results via serial messages, so no additional
PC hardware is required.
In this mode up to 14 beacons may be tracked with the position of each being optionally
broadcast to others in the network, using the data modem feature.
Alternately, developers may use several X150 beacons fitted to divers or other subsea assets
and establish their own control algorithms to allow create a multiple access network where each
asset can “ping” and obtain positions for every other beacon.

3.7. Acoustic Protocol Stack

The Acoustic Protocol Stack is connected to the Acoustic Transceiver module and in a fashion
similar to the network and transportation levels of the ISO-OSI network protocol suite, provides
additional beacon functionality through the use of Acoustic Protocols.

For further details on Acoustic Protocols and their command sets, please refer to
section 8 from page 104.

The supported beacon protocols are…

 PING Simple Ping protocol providing the basic ability to query if a beacon is
powered-up and on its response obtain a range and position for it.

 ECHO Testing and diagnostic protocol allowing packets of data to be sent to

a remove beacon and returned back to the sender.

 NAV Navigation protocol, building on the ranging and positioning

capabilities of the beacon to add support for querying remote sensor
information, obtaining enhanced position fixes, and broadcasting
beacons positions to other users of the network.

 DAT Datagram protocol providing commands allowing simple packets of

data to be sent to a remote beacon, and an optional acknowledgment
return made.
From this developers can implement their own data exchange
Position and ranging information are available for each
acknowledgment received.

 DEX Data Exchange protocol, building on the DAT protocol but

implementing TCP like data transfer capabilities, including sockets,
port numbers, stream buffering, transmission failure and retry

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4. Getting Started
When using SeaTrac Beacons for the first time, ensure that you have read the Beacon’s User
Manual first and observed all the operating requirements and precautions.
Specially, the user manual covers the connector pin-outs used for making connections to the
beacon and the requirements of the power supply.

4.1. Equipment Required

For a test and development setup it is recommended to have the following equipment…

 A PC with at least one RS-232 serial port, although dual serial ports are better for testing
both ends of an acoustic link with two beacons (a variety of RS232-to-USB serial
converters have been tested at 115200 baud and proved to also work well).

 If the PC has Microsoft Windows installed, having a copy of SeaTrac Tools installed is
also recommended to help validate Beacon hardware is functioning correctly and
application development progresses.

 A terminal application running on the PC to validate basic operation and view output
from the beacons serial port.

 For each beacon in the setup, a separate bench-top power supply capable of delivering
at least 1 amp at 12V with a smoothed DC output.

 Suitable leads to connect the beacon (or beacons) to the power supplies and RS232
serial ports.

 A bucket of water to place beacons while communicating acoustically (observe safe

handling procedures when using electrical items in the proximity of mains power

4.2. Testing in air

As mentioned above, where possible it is recommended to place beacons in a bucket of water
(or larger test tank is possible) while they are communicating acoustically.

The presence of the liquid around the transducer helps mechanically dampen it to its designed
operating levels and will reduce peak-current observed to be drawn from power supplies during

Alternately, two separate small containers of water may be used to hold each beacon, and
operation should still be observed as the sound leaves one container, travels through air, and
enters the second.

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Where possible, it is recommended to avoid prolonged operation of the beacons

acoustic transmitter out of water as the mechanical stress on the transducer element is
increased (due to reduced mechanical damping).

Taking the above note into account, development and testing of the beacons in air is still possible
so long as the developer is aware of the risks.

Beacons can be placed on a bench about 30cm to 50cm apart and should communicate
acoustically with each other, although sometimes it’s more reliable to use clamp-stands to hold
them away from the surface of the desk.

Developers should also be aware that in close proximity in air, there can be electro-magnetic
cross-talk and triggering between beacons (and their cabling) rather than successful receipt of
acoustic messages.

If the velocity-of-sound value for the transmitting beacon is manually specified to be

around 340ms-1, then ranges accurate to around ±20mm should be obtained.
However, accurate and repeatable USBL positioning is not possible in air due to the
geometry of the USBL receiver array and the wavelength of sound in air.

4.3. Reading Beacon Information

For new users, it is recommended that the first activity attempted is to read and validate the
beacon information command.

 First, connect a beacon to the computers serial port and run a serial terminal application
to establish a connection (several free “serial terminal” applications are available to
download from the internet).

 If required set the terminal application to echo characters typed locally and append line-
feeds to carriage-return characters (so a <CR><LF> character pair is sent at the end
of messages).

 When the beacon is powered up, a series of information messages should be displayed
in the terminal window along the lines of…
Copyright (c) 2014 Blueprint Design Engineering Ltd. All rights reserved.
For further information, visit
Firmware Part BP00913, Version 1.0, Build 1915

Device Information...
Hardware Part Number = BP00795
Hardware Part Revision = 1
Hardware Serial Number = XXXXXX
Hardware Flags = 0x00000000
Hardware EUI48 = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Bootloader Valid = 1
Bootloader Part Number = BP00912
Bootloader Version = v1.0.361

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Bootloader Checksum = 0xBFC5FAB7

Application Valid = 1
Application Part Number = BP00913
Application Version = v1.0.1915
Application Checksum = 0x4DBF60E9
Pressure Sensor Id = 20905984
Pressure Sensor Type = PA
Pressure Sensor Calibrated = 2014-03-01
Pressure Sensor Min = 0.0 bar
Pressure Sensor Max = 200.0 bar


 At this point the beacon is ready to receive serial commands. Type “#0281C1” and press
return – this will send a CID_SYS_INFO command requesting hardware and firmware

 Something similar to the following information string should be returned (if not a
formatting error message/code will be returned – see CST_E for appropriate return

 The fields in the above message can then be decoded using the information given in the
CID_SYS_INFO command reference section of this document. Alternately, you could use
the SeaTrac Tools application to send the above command, and use the “Journal” to
decode the information fields as…
Received Len = 41 bytes (in 83 chars)
Received Data =
CmdId = SYS_INFO (0x02)
Uptime = 0x00000034 (52)
Section = 0x01 (1)
HardwarePartNumber = 0x031B (795)
HardwarePartRevision = 0x01 (1)
HardwareSerialNumber = 0x00000E69 (3689)
HardwareFlags = 0x00000000 (0)
BootValid = TRUE
BootPartNumber = 0x0390 (912)
BootVersionMajor = 0x01 (1)
BootVersionMinor = 0x00 (0)
BootVersionBuild = 0x0169 (361)
BootChecksum = 0xBFC5FAB7 (3217423031)
AppValid = TRUE
AppPartNumber = 0x0391 (913)
AppVersionMajor = 0x01 (1)
AppVersionMinor = 0x00 (0)
AppVersionBuild = 0x077A (1914)
AppChecksum = 0xA9630475 (2841838709)

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4.4. Fetching, Updating and Storing Settings

Using a process similar to that described in section 4.3 above, you can make you application
change the beacon settings using the following sequence of commands…

 First define the SETTINGS_T structure in your application – you will require this to read
settings into.

 Send a CID_SETTINGS_GET command to the beacon, and parse the response into a
field of type SETTINGS_T – this will include the current sensor calibration values in use.

 Modify the settings structure as required then write values back into the Beacons RAM
using the CID_SETTINGS_SET command. Most settings will be applied immediately, but
some (such as communication settings) will only be applied following a power-up or
software reboot command.

 It may be required to store these new settings back into EEPROM, in which case now
issue the CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command. Note that if automatic calculation of VOS and
pressure offset are enabled, the previously specified values will be overwritten with the
computed values.

 If a reboot if required to apply communication settings, issue a CID_SYS_REBOOT

command now.

4.5. Requesting Status Output

Using a process similar to that described in section 4.3 above, you can make you application
manually request the current beacon status via a Status Output Message using the following
sequence of commands…

 In the terminal application, typing “#10000DC0” will prompt for a CID_STATUS message
using the output flags configured in the settings.

 Assuming the default flags of “Environment”, “AHRS” and “Magnetic Calibration” are
specified, something similar to the following message will be received…

 The above decodes as…

Received Len = 39 bytes (in 79 chars)
Received Data =
CmdId = STATUS_STATE (0x10)
OutputFlags = 0x07 (7)
Timestamp = 0x000000000010488D (1067149)
EnvironmentSupply = 0x30B9 (12473)
EnvironmentTemperature = 194
EnvironmentPressure = 8
EnvironmentDepth = 0
EnvironmentVos = 0x0D48 (3400)
AttitudeYaw = -541

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AttitudePitch = -755
AttitudeRoll = 818
MagCalBuf = 0x03 (3)
MagCalValid = TRUE
MagCalAge = 0x0000042B (1067)
MagCalFit = 0x5E (94)

 Alternately, you can specify a CID_STATUS with the first parameter as a combination of
flags defined by the STATUS_BITS_T type – this allows the content of the message to
be specified on a case-by-case basis.

 Automatic generation of Status Messages can be specified (or disabled) by choosing the
appropriate value from the STATUSMODE_E enumeration and send this via either the

4.6. Calibrating the AHRS

Using a process similar to that described in section 4.3 above, if desired you can implement your
own AHRS calibration controls using the following sequence of commands…

Accelerometer Calibration

 Prompt the user to hold the beacon steady and in an upright position and indicate when
they are ready to commence.

 To give user feedback, turn on the outputting of accelerometer sensor and calibration
status information using either the CID_SETTINGS_SET or CID_STATUS_CFG_SET
command. It is recommend that the output rate be chosen to be either 5Hz or 10Hz
with the STATUSMODE_E enumeration, and the STATUS_BITS_T type for

 Send the CID_CAL_ACTION command with the ACTION parameter chosen to be

CAL_ACC_RESET from the CAL_ACTION_E enumeration. This resets the measured limits
that the accelerometer uses to determine the direction of Gravity (the vertical

 As CID_STATUS messages are automatically generated, decode and show the

Accelerometer limits values to the user. Prompt the user to slowly start moving the
beacon around the vertical position to find the maximum Z value, then slowly invert the
beacon to find the minimum Z value. The emphasis should be on slow and gentle
movements to avoid acceleration peaks from being detected.

 Prompt the user to then hold the beacon horizontally and slowly rotate it clockwise and
anti-clockwise to find the minimum and maximum values for the X and Y axis.

 The user should indicate when all 6 values have been successfully found, and the
CID_CAL_ACTION command with the ACTION parameter chosen to be CAL_ACC_CALC
(from the CAL_ACTION_E enumeration) to compute the Pitch and Roll limits.

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 Optionally at this point the Accelerometer Calibration could be stored to EEPROM using
the CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command.

Magnetometer Calibration

 To give user feedback, turn on the outputting of magnetometer sensor and calibration
status information using either the CID_SETTINGS_SET or CID_STATUS_CFG_SET
command. It is recommend that the output rate be chosen to be either 5Hz or 10Hz
with the STATUSMODE_E enumeration, and the STATUS_BITS_T type for

 Send the CID_CAL_ACTION command with the ACTION parameter chosen to be

CAL_MAG_RESET from the CAL_ACTION_E enumeration. This resets the magnetometer
measurement buffer ready for a new set of data about the surrounding magnetic

 Prompt the user to start rotating the beacon around all 3-axis in 3D space. As the beacon
is rotated the Pitch and Roll information is used to build up a 3D magnetic map
surrounding the beacon in the calibration buffer.

 Displaying the MAG_CAL_BUF value output in CID_STATUS message can give the user
feedback on the calibration process. When the value reaches 100, calibration is complete
and the user can be prompted to stop movement.

 Send the CID_CAL_ACTION command with the ACTION parameter chosen to be

CAL_MAG_CALC (from the CAL_ACTION_E enumeration) to compute the Hard and Soft
Iron compensation coefficients. The new calibration will be applied immediately.

 Optionally at this point the Magnetometer Calibration could be stored to EEPROM using
the CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command.

4.7. Acoustically Pinging Beacons

There are many different ways that Beacons can be made to acoustically interact with each other
depending on the developer’s operational requirements.

This section covers the use of basic interrogation and operating a simple network that tracks the
position of several beacons using the PING protocol. Information on other protocols can be found
in section 8 from page 104 onwards.

Using a process similar to that described in section 4.3 above, a single beacon can be Pinged
using the following commands…

Configuring Remote Beacons (to be interrogated)

For each beacon that will be deployed and Pinged, you may wish to apply/check the following
settings prior to use.

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 Start as described previously in section 4.4 by retrieving the beacon settings into a
SETTINGS_T structure.

 Check that each remote beacon is assigned a unique beacon ID for the network
addressing in the XCVR_BEACON_ID field.

 Check each remote beacon uses the same response turnaround time value in the
XCVR_RESP_TIME field – typically this should be 10ms.

 Program any settings changed back into the beacon using the CID_SETTINGS_SET and

Configuring the Local Beacon (that performs the interrogation)

 Start as described previously in section 4.4 by retrieving the beacon settings into a
SETTINGS_T structure.

 Request that position fix messages are generated by the acoustic transponder by
settings the XCVR_FIX_MSGS flag in the XCVR_FLAGS field. Additionally specifying the
XCVR_DIAG_MSGS flag will also request that further transceiver activity and status
information is output.

 Setup the range (and hence amount of time) the transponder will wait for a remote
beacon to respond to a request before a timeout error is raised by specifying the value
of the XCVR_RANGE_TMO value.

 Check that the beacon is assigned a unique beacon ID for the network addressing in the

 Check the beacon uses the same response turnaround time value as the remote
beacons, in the XCVR_RESP_TIME field – typically this should be 10ms.

 Program any settings changed back into the beacon using the CID_SETTINGS_SET and

Interrogating Beacons

 When the acoustic transponder is idle, send the CID_PING_SEND command along with
a remote Beacon ID code to start a ping sequence. The beacon will immediately output
a status response message indicating if the transponder is busy or if transmission has
started. The acoustic transceiver will transmit a PING Request message

 On reception of the PING Request, the remote beacon will output as CID_PING_REQ
serial message locally – this is for information only, so it does not matter if the remote
beacon has a serial link connected.

 At some point later in time (proportional to the range of the remote beacon) as PING
Response acoustic message should be received and the local beacon will signal success
with a CID_PING_RESP message.

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 Because of the previous configuration, the local beacon will generate a CID_XCVR_FIX
message that contains ranging information. Additionally, if the local beacon is an X150
model this message will also contain positioning information.

 If no response is received by the local beacon, after the previously configured Range
Timeout period has been observed a CID_PING_ERROR message will be generated
indicating the beacon has timed out.

Controlling Algorithm
By using the above procedure, developers can build their own control algorithms that poll a
network of remote beacons, obtaining positing information for each one.

Iterations of the main loop should poll each beacon in turn (with a CID_PING_SEND command)
and either wait for a CID_PING_RESP message (and CID_XCVR_FIX) to indicate success and
position, or a CID_PING_ERROR message to indicate a timeout and the remote beacon cannot
be communicated with (or is not present).
This information can be presented to the user in the most suitable way for the developers

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5. Serial Protocol
Communications between a SeaTrac Beacon and controlling device (such as a PC or embedded
system) take the form of Command Messages sent to the Beacon, and Response (or Status)
Messages received back from it.

All Command Messages issued to the Beacon are acknowledged by a Response Message, and
occasionally Status messages are generated by the beacon in response to system events (such
as message reception etc).

5.1. Serial Settings

Messages are sent over the RS232 serial link with the following settings…
 115200 Baud Rate (the baud rate can be adjusted via the beacon settings – see the
Beacon User Manual, or CID_SETTINGS_SET command for further details).
 8 Data Bits
 No Parity
 1 Start Bit
 2 Stop Bits
 No handshaking / flow-control

5.2. Message Format

For ease of implementation and diagnostics, all messages are transmitted using ASCII encoded

Command and Response messages share the same message structure, as shown in the diagrams

Command Message (from PC to Beacon)

# CID Command Payload CSUM <CR><LF>

1 char 2 chars multiple of 2 chars 4 chars 2 chars

Response Message (from Beacon to PC)

$ CID Command Response CSUM <CR><LF>

1 char 2 chars multiple of 2 chars 4 chars 2 chars

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5.3. Synchronisation Characters

To indicate the start of a message, a unique synchronisation character (‘#’ or ‘$’) is used, whose
presence is guaranteed not to occur anywhere else other than at the start of a valid message.

 Messages from the PC to the Beacon should start with a ‘#’ character (ASCII code 35).

 Messages from the Beacon to the PC start with a ‘$’ character (ASCII code 36).

5.4. Data Encoding

Following the synchronisation character, all message data is encoded in ASCII as hexadecimal
character pairs describing bytes of data – where the first received character represents the most-
significant nibble (bits 7 to 4) and the second character represent the lest-significant nibble (bits
3 to 0).
This means that only hexadecimal characters ‘0’ to ‘9’ and ‘A’ to ‘F’ are valid during decoding of
the message content following the synchronisation character. All other characters are invalid.

For data values that require more than one byte in size to transmit (i.e. 16-bit Words and 32-
bit DWords), the value is transmitted least-significant-byte first (Little-Endian).

Data lengths should always be a multiple of 2 as single nibble (character) values are never used.

For example receiving characters…

 Sequence 4A = 0x4A = 0b010 01010 = 74 decimal

 Sequence 1234 = 0x3412 = 0b0011 0100 0001 0010 = 13330 decimal

The end of the message is indicated by the ‘Carriage-Return/Line-Feed’ character pair

(<CR><LF>) of ASCII values 13 (0x0D) and 10 (0x0A) respectively, allowing data to be
displayed on a variety of terminal applications.

5.5. Command ID Codes

Following the synchronisation character, all messages start with a single byte (2 character)
Command Identification Code (CID), indicating the purpose of the following data payload.

All acknowledgement Response Messages sent from the Beacon use the same CID as that
specified in the Command Message sent to the Beacon.

For a list of valid CID codes see section 6.3.6, and section 7 for definitions of their purpose.

5.6. Checksums
The last 4 characters of each message (prior to the <CR><LF> characters) represent the 16-bit
checksum value (send in Little-Endian form).

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Checksums are computed by processing in a sequential byte-wise fashion the messages binary
content after (but not including) the synchronisation character, and not including the checksum
value itself – i.e. the CID and Payload message fields.
This means that the ASCII-Hex characters of the message string should first be decoded into an
array of bytes representing their values, as described in section 5.4 (such that “32A9C4” would
become 0x32, 0xA9, 0xC4), and then the array values used to compute the checksum.
This applies both to received and transmitted messages.

Message checksums are generated using the CRC-16-IBM polynomial of x16  x15  x 2  1 .
(Normal polynomial 0x8005, Reversed polynomial of 0xA001)

When receiving a message, the computed checksum should be compared against the received
checksum, and if the two values match then the message is considered valid.

When transmitting a message, a buffer should be populated with the CID and message payload,
then the checksum of this computed and appended to the end of the buffer.

The following C code shows a simple algorithm for computing the CRC of the message buffer…

Function that computes the CRC16 value for an array of sequential bytes
stored in memory.
NB: Types uint8 and uint16 represent unsigned 8 and 16 bit integers
@param buf Pointer to the start of the buffer to compute the CRC16 for.
@param len The number of bytes in the buffer to compute the CRC16 for.
@result The new CRC16 value.
uint16 CalcCRC16(uint8* buf, uint16 len)
uint16 poly = 0xA001;
uint16 crc = 0;

for(uint16 b = 0; b < len; b++) {

uint8 v = *buf;
for(uint8 i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if((v & 0x01) ^ (crc & 0x01)) {
crc >>= 1;
crc ^= poly;
else {
crc >>= 1;
v >>= 1;
return crc;

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The following message strings show typical synchronisation, CID and checksum data, and can
be used to validate checksum algorithm implementations…

CID = 0x02, Checksum = 0xC181

 #0281C1

CID = 0x15, Checksum = 0xCFC1

 #15C1CF

CID = 0x10, Payload = 0x00,

 #10000DC0
Checksum = 0xC00D

CID = 0x40, Payload = 0x02,

 #4002B001
Checksum = 0x01B0

CID = 0x32, Payload = 7 bytes,

 $31020104000000001109
Checksum = 0x0911

CID = 0x02, Payload = 40 bytes,

 $0282330000011B030169
0E000000000000FF9003 Checksum = 0xDE5D

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6. Message Field Type and Constant Definitions

Message payloads contain a sequence of data fields as defined by the CID code at the start of
the message.
Depending on the CID code specified, the data fields may differ in length and meaning, but all
are built up out of simple defined data types discussed in this section…

6.1. Primitive Types

For basic exchange of data, the following primitive numeric data types are used. Unless otherwise
stated all multi-byte data types are transmitted least-significant-byte first (Little-Endean).

BOOLEAN A Boolean flag encoded in a byte (UINT8) with 0x00

representing FALSE, and a non-zero value (typically 0xFF)
representing TRUE.

DOUBLE1 An eight byte representation of a Double-precision floating-point

number as defined by the IEEE754 standard (1 sign bit, 11 bit
exponent, 52 bit fraction).

FLOAT2 (or SINGLE) An four byte representation of a Single-precision floating-point

number as defined by the IEEE754 standard (1 sign bit, 8 bit
exponent, 23 bit fraction).

INT8 A single byte representing an 8-bit signed integer (value

between -128 and 127)

INT16 A two byte representation of a 16-bit signed integer (value

between -32768 and 32767)

INT32 A four byte representation of a 32-bit signed integer (value

between -2147483648 and 2147483647)

INT64 An eight byte representation of a 64-bit signed integer (value

between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807)

UINT8 A single byte representing an 8-bit unsigned integer (value

between 0 and 255)

UINT16 A two byte representation of a 16-bit unsigned integer (value

between 0 and 65535)

UINT32 A four byte representation of a 32-bit unsigned integer (value

between 0 and 4294967295)

UINT64 An eight byte representation of a 64-bit unsigned integer (value

between 0 and 18446744073709551615)

For further details, see
For further details, see

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6.2. Arrays
Arrays define sequential and continuous (packed) allocations of memory for a specific data type.
In the scope of this documentation, arrays are defined by the use of square brackets (“[ x ]”)
after a data type, with the value enclosed within the brackets denoting the number of storage
elements required. Examples are…

 UINT8[12] – Defines an array of 12 UINT8 elements.

 DOUBLE[6] – Defines an array of 6 DOUBLE elements (48 bytes in total – 6  8 bytes).

Unless otherwise stated, arrays element indices are specified from 0 up to the number of array
elements minus 1 – i.e. for a definition of x = UINT8[12], elements are defined as x[0] to x[11].

6.3. Enumerations & Constants

Enumerated types (or Enums) are data types that have a pre-defined set of valid values
(sometimes called enumerators), and whose value can be set to store on of these.

If a value is stored that is not a defined enumerator, then the value should be considered invalid
and unexpected application behaviour may occur as a result.

Depending on programming style, enumerations may also be defined as a storage value, such
as a UINT8 and value enumerators defined as constants that can then be assigned to this value.

Unless stated otherwise, all enumerations defined below are stored and transmitted as
UINT8 values.

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6.3.1. AMSGTYPE_E (Acoustic Message Type)

The AMSGTYPE_E enumeration is used to specify a type of acoustic message, and determines
how the message is processed and which responses are generated from beacons.

Value Symbolic Name Summary

0x0 MSG_OWAY Indicates an acoustic message is sent One-

Way, and does not require a response. One-
Way messages may also be broadcast to all
beacons if required.

No USBL information is sent.

0x1 MSG_OWAYU Indicates an acoustic message is sent One-

Way, and does not require a response. One-
Way messages may also be broadcast to all
beacons if required.

Additionally, the message is sent with USBL

acoustic information allowing an incoming
bearing to be determined by USBL receivers,
although range cannot be provided.

0x2 MSG_REQ Indicates an acoustic message is sent as a

Request type. This requires the receiver to
generate and return a Response (MSG_RESP)

No USBL information is requested.

0x3 MSG_RESP Indicate an acoustic message is sent as a

Response to a previous Request message

No USBL information is returned.

0x4 MSG_REQU Indicates an acoustic message is sent as a

Request type. This requires the receiver to
generate and return a Response (MSG_RESP)

Additionally, the Response message should be

returned with USBL acoustic information
allowing a position fix to be computed by
USBL receivers through the range and
incoming signal angle.

0x5 MSG_RESPU Indicate an acoustic message is sent as a

Response to a previous Request message

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Additionally, the message is sent with USBL

acoustic information allowing the position of
the sender to be determined through the
range and incoming signal angle.

0x6 MSG_REQX Indicates an acoustic message is sent as a

Request type. This requires the receiver to
generate and return a Response (MSG_RESP)

Additionally, the Response message should be

returned with extended Depth and USBL
acoustic information allowing a more accurate
position fix to be computed by USBL receivers
through the range, remote depth and
incoming signal angle.

0x7 MSG_RESPX Indicate an acoustic message is sent as a

Response to a previous Request message

Additionally, the message is sent with

extended depth and USBL acoustic
information allowing a more accurate position
of the sender to be determined through the
range, remote depth and incoming signal

0xFF MSG_UNKNOWN This value is NEVER used to specify a

message type when sending Acoustic
Messages. However, on occasions certain
structures need to specify “No Message Type”
(for example see ACOFIX_T), and this value is
used as an OUTPUT ONLY to indicate this.

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6.3.2. APAYLOAD_E (Acoustic Payload Identifier)

The APAYLOAD_E enumeration is used to specify how the payload contents of acoustic messages
(see ACOMSG_T structures) are decoded and processed.

Value Symbolic Name Summary

0x0 PLOAD_PING Specified an acoustic message payload should

be interpreted by the PING protocol handler.

PING messages provide the simplest (and

quickest) method of validating the presence of
a beacon, and determining its position.

0x1 PLOAD_ECHO Specified an acoustic message payload should

be interpreted by the ECHO protocol handler.

ECHO messages allow the function and

reliability of a beacon to be tested, by
requesting the payload contents of the
message be returned back to the sender.

0x2 PLOAD_NAV Specified an acoustic message payload should

be interpreted by the NAV (Navigation)
protocol handler.

NAV messages allow tracking and navigation

systems to be built that use enhanced
positioning and allow remote parameters of
beacons (such as heading, attitude, water
temperature etc) to be queried.

0x3 PLOAD_DAT Specified an acoustic message payload should

be interpreted by the DAT (Datagram)
protocol handler.

DAT messages for the simplest method of

data exchange between beacons, and provide
a method of acknowledging data reception.

0x4 PLOAD_DEX Specified an acoustic message payload should

be interpreted by the DEX (Data Exchange)
protocol handler.

DEX messages implement a protocol that

allows robust bi-directional socket based data
exchange with timeouts, acknowledgments
and retry schemes.

0x5 – 0xF Reserved for future use.

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6.3.3. BAUDRATE_E (Serial Port Baud Rate)

The baud rate enumeration defines codes representing the speed of serial communications ports.
Values specified outside those defined in the table below will default to BAUD_115200.

Value Symbolic Name Summary

0x07 BAUD_4800 4800 bits per second

0x08 BAUD_9600 9600 bits per second

0x09 BAUD_14400 14400 bits per second

0x0A BAUD_19200 19200 bits per second

0x0B BAUD_38400 38400 bits per second

0x0C BAUD_57600 57600 bits per second

0x0D BAUD_115200 115200 bits per second

6.3.4. BID_E (Beacon Identification Code)

Beacon Identification (BID) Codes are used to identify a specific beacon that should receive
acoustic messages, or identify which beacon was the source (sender) of a message. Valid values
are in the range from 0 to 15 and are typically send and stored as a UINT8.

Value Symbolic Name Summary

0x0 BEACON_ALL (for transmit) When used as an address for sending acoustic
RESERVED (for receive) messages to, the value of 0x00 indicates
“broadcast to all”.
When used as an identifier of a sender of a
message, the value of 0x00 should be
interpreted as unknown or invalid.

0x1 to BEACON_ID_x Values from 1 to 15 represent valid beacon

0xF identification codes.

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6.3.5. CAL_ACTION_E (Calibration Actions)

The Calibration Action enumeration defines what operation the beacon should perform when a
CID_CAL_ACTION command is issued. Valid operations are…

Value Symbolic Name Summary

0x00 CAL_ACC_DEFAULTS Sets the current accelerometer calibration

coefficient values back to defaults.

0x01 CAL_ACC_RESET Resets the accelerometer Min and Max filtered

limit values measured by the sensor (does not
modify the current calibration).

0x02 CAL_ACC_CALC Calculates the new accelerometer calibration

coefficients from the measured sensor limit

0x03 CAL_MAG_DEFAULTS Sets the current magnetometer calibration

values back to defaults for Hard and Sort Iron
(does not clear the magnetic buffer).

0x04 CAL_MAG_RESET Clears the magnetic calibration buffer (does

not modify the current calibration).

0x05 CAL_MAG_CALC Calculate and apply a new Magnetometer

calibration from current magnetic buffer

0x06 CAL_PRES_OFFSET_RESET Reset the pressure offset back to zero Bar.

0x07 CAL_PRES_OFFSET_CALC Sets the pressure offset from the current

measured pressure, zeroing the depth sensor

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6.3.6. CID_E (Command Identification Codes)

Command Identification (CID) Codes are an enumeration (or defined set of constants)
stored/transmitted in a UINT8 type at the start of Command and Response messages after the
synchronisation character, with the purpose of identifying the message function and its payload.

The usage of each CID, including definition of message fields for both Command and Response
payloads is discussed in section 7 from page 64.

Value Symbolic Name Summary

System Messages

0x01 CID_SYS_ALIVE Command sent to receive a simple alive

message from the beacon.

0x02 CID_SYS_INFO Command sent to receive hardware &

firmware identification information.

0x03 CID_SYS_REBOOT Command sent to soft reboot the beacon.

0x04 CID_SYS_ENGINEERING Command sent to perform engineering


Firmware Programming Messages

0x0D CID_PROG_INIT Command sent to initialise a firmware

programming sequence.

0x0E CID_PROG_BLOCK Command sent to transfer a firmware

programming block.

0x0F CID_PROG_UPDATE Command sent to update the firmware once

program transfer has completed.

Status Messages

0x10 CID_STATUS Command sent to request the current system

status (AHRS, Depth, Temp, etc).

0x11 CID_STATUS_CFG_GET Command sent to retrieve the configuration of

the status system (message content and
auto-output interval).

0x12 CID_STATUS_CFG_SET Command sent to set the configuration of the

status system (message content and auto-
output interval).

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Settings Messages

0x15 CID_SETTINGS_GET Command sent to retrieve the working

settings in use on the beacon.

0x16 CID_SETTINGS_SET Command sent to set the working settings

and apply them. They are NOT saved to
permanent memory until CID_
SETTINGS_SAVE is issued.
The device will need to be rebooted after this
to apply some of the changes.

0x17 CID_SETTINGS_LOAD Command sent to load the working settings

from permanent storage and apply them.
Not all settings can be loaded and applied as
they only affect the device on start-up.

0x18 CID_SETTINGS_SAVE Command sent to save the working settings

into permanent storage.

0x19 CID_SETTINGS_RESET Command sent to restore the working settings

to defaults, store them into permanent
memory and apply them.

Calibration Messages

0x20 CID_CAL_ACTION Command sent to perform specific calibration


0x21 CID_AHRS_CAL_GET Command sent to retrieve the current AHRS


0x22 CID_AHRS_CAL_SET Command sent to set the contents of the

current AHRS calibration (and store to

Acoustic Transceiver Messages

0x30 CID_XCVR_ANALYSE Command sent to instruct the receiver to

perform a noise analysis and report the

0x31 CID_XCVR_TX_MSG Message sent when the transceiver transmits

a message.

0x32 CID_XCVR_RX_ERR Message sent when the transceiver receiver

encounters an error.

0x33 CID_XCVR_RX_MSG Message sent when the transceiver receives a

message (not requiring a response).

0x34 CID_XCVR_RX_REQ Message sent when the transceiver receives a

request (requiring a response).

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0x35 CID_XCVR_RX_RESP Message sent when the transceiver receives a

response (to a transmitted request).

0x37 CID_XCVR_RX_UNHANDLED Message sent when a message has been

received but not handled by the protocol

0x38 CID_XCVR_USBL Message sent when a USBL signal is decoded

into an angular bearing.

0x39 CID_XCVR_FIX Message sent when the transceiver gets a

position/range fix on a beacon from a

0x3A CID_XCVR_STATUS Message sent to query the current transceiver


PING Protocol Messages

0x40 CID_PING_SEND Command sent to transmit a PING message.

0x41 CID_PING_REQ Message sent when a PING request is


0x42 CID_PING_RESP Message sent when a PING response is

received, or timeout occurs, with the echo
response data.

0x43 CID_PING_ERROR Message sent when a PING response

error/timeout occurs.

ECHO Protocol Messages

0x48 CID_ECHO_SEND Command sent to transmit an ECHO message.

0x49 CID_ECHO_REQ Message sent when an ECHO request is


0x4A CID_ECHO_RESP Message sent when an ECHO response is

received, or timeout occurs, with the echo
response data.

0x4B CID_ECHO_ERROR Message sent when an ECHO response

error/timeout occurs.

NAV Protocol Messages

0x50 CID_NAV_QUERY_SEND Message sent to query navigation information

from a remote beacon.

0x51 CID_NAV_QUERY_REQ Message sent from a beacon that receives a


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0x52 CID_NAV_QUERY_RESP Message generated when the beacon received

a response to a NAV_QUERY.

0x53 CID_NAV_ERROR Message generated if there is a problem with

a NAV_QUERY - i.e. timeout etc.

0x54 CID_NAV_REF_POS_SEND Message issued to broadcast a reference

position (latitude and longitude) to all other

0x55 CID_NAV_REF_POS_UPDATE Message generated when a beacon receives a

NAV_REF_POS message.

0x56 CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_SEND Message issued to broadcast the relative

position (NED) of a beacon to all other

0x57 CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_UPDATE Message generated when a beacon receives a


DAT Protocol Messages

0x60 CID_DAT_SEND Message sent to transmit a datagram to

another beacon

0x61 CID_DAT_RECEIVE Message generated when a beacon receives a


0x63 CID_DAT_ERROR Message generated when a beacon response

error/timeout occurs for ACKs.

0x64 CID_DAT_QUEUE_SET Message sent to set the contents of the

packet data queue.

0x65 CID_DAT_QUEUE_CLR Message sent to clear the contents of the

packet data queue.

0x66 CID_DAT_QUEUE_STATUS Message sent to obtain the current status of

the packet data queue.

DEX Protocol Messages

0x70 CID_DEX_CLOSE Command sent to close a socket used for data

exchange between beacons, and free memory

0x71 CID_DEX_DEBUG Command sent to get information about a

specified socket, including buffer space used
and free, and data pending transfer.

0x72 CID_DEX_ENQUEUE Command sent to add data onto a socket

buffer pending transfer.

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0x73 CID_DEX_OPEN Command sent to create a new socket for

data exchange between beacons.

0x74 CID_DEX_RESET Command sent to reset the buffers and state

of a socket.

0x75 CID_DEX_SEND Command sent to initiate a transfer of data

pending on the specified socket.

0x76 CID_DEX_SOCKETS Command sent to retrieve a list of open

sockets on the beacon, and a summary of
data pending transfer on each one.

0x77 CID_DEX_RECEIVE Message sent when the beacon has received

data through a socket.

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6.3.7. CST_E (Command Status Codes)

Command Status (CST) Codes are an enumeration (or set of defined constants) that are
commonly used in Response messages sent from the beacon to indicate if a command executed
successfully, or if not, what type of error occurred. CST codes are always transmitted as a UINT8

Different Response messages may only implement a subset of the constants below, as
appropriate for their function. Further details about the status codes each CID response provides
are discussed in section 7 from page 64.

Value Symbolic Name Summary

General Status Codes

0x00 CST_OK Returned if a command or operation is

completed successful without error.

0x01 CST_FAIL Returned if a command or operation cannot

be completed.

0x03 CST_EEPROM_ERROR Returned if an error occurs while reading or

writing EEPROM data.

Command Processor Status Codes

0x04 CST_CMD_PARAM_MISSING Returned if a command message is given that

does not have enough defined fields for the
specified CID code.

0x05 CST_CMD_PARAM_INVALID Returned if a data field in a message does not

contain a valid or expected value.

Firmware Programming Status Codes

0x0A CST_PROG_FLASH_ERROR Returned if an error occurs while writing data

into the processors flash memory.

0x0B CST_PROG_FIRMWARE_ERROR Returned if firmware cannot be programmed

due to incorrect firmware credentials or

0x0C CST_PROG_SECTION_ERROR Returned if the firmware cannot be

programmed into the specified memory

0x0D CST_PROG_LENGTH_ERROR Returned if the firmware length is too large to

fit into the specified memory section, or not
what the current operation is expecting.

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0x0E CST_PROG_DATA_ERROR Returned if there is an error decoding data in

a firmware block.

0x0F CST_PROG_CHECKSUM_ERROR Returned if the specified checksum for the

firmware does not match the checksum
computed prior to performing the update.

Acoustic Transceiver Status Codes

0x30 CST_XCVR_BUSY Returned if the transceiver cannot perform a

requested action as it is currently busy (i.e.
transmitting a message).

0x31 CST_XCVR_ID_REJECTED Returned if the received message did not

match the specified transceiver ID (and
wasn’t a Sent-To-All), and the message has
been rejected.

0x32 CST_XCVR_CSUM_ERROR Returned if received acoustic message’s

checksum was invalid, and the message has
been rejected.

0x33 CST_XCVR_LENGTH_ERROR Returned if an error occurred with message

framing, meaning the end of the message has
not been received within the expected time.

0x34 CST_XCVR_RESP_TIMEOUT Returned if the transceiver has sent a request

message to a beacon, but no response has
been returned within the allotted waiting

0x35 CST_XCVR_RESP_ERROR Returned if the transceiver has send a request

message to a beacon, but an error occurred
while receiving the response.

0x36 CST_XCVR_RESP_WRONG Returned if the transceiver has sent a request

message to a beacon, but received an
unexpected response from another beacon
while waiting.

0x37 CST_XCVR_PLOAD_ERROR Returned by protocol payload decoders, if the

payload can’t be parsed correctly.

0x3A CST_XCVR_STATE_STOPPED Indicates the transceiver is in a stopped state.

0x3B CST_XCVR_STATE_IDLE Indicates the transceiver is in an idle state

waiting for reception or transmission to start.

0x3C CST_XCVR_STATE_TX Indicates the transceiver is in a transmitting


0x3D CST_XCVR_STATE_REQ Indicates the transceiver is in a requesting

state, having transmitted a message and is
waiting for a response to be received.

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0x3E CST_XCVR_STATE_RX Indicates the transceiver is in a receiving


0x3F CST_XCVR_STATE_RESP Indicates the transceiver is in a responding

state, where a message is being composed
and the “response time” period is being

DEX Protocol Status Codes

0x70 CST_DEX_SOCKET_ERROR Returned by the DEX protocol handler if an

error occurred trying to open, close or access
a specified socket ID.

0x71 CST_DEX_RX_SYNC Returned by the DEX protocol handler when

receiver synchronisation has occurred with
the socket master and data transfer is ready
to commence.

0x72 CST_DEX_RX_DATA Returned by the DEX protocol handler when

data has been received through a socket.

0x73 CST_DEX_RX_SEQ_ERROR Returned by the DEX protocol handler when

data transfer synchronisation has been lost
with the socket master.

0x74 CST_DEX_RX_MSG_ERROR Returned by the DEX protocol handler to

indicate an unexpected acoustic message type
with the DEX protocol has been received and
cannot be processed.

0x75 CST_DEX_REQ_ERROR Returned by the DEX protocol handler to

indicate a error has occurred while responding
to a request (i.e. lack of data).

0x76 CST_DEX_RESP_TMO_ERROR Returned by the DEX protocol handler to

indicate a timeout has occurred while waiting
for a response back from a remote beacon
with requested data.

0x77 CST_DEX_RESP_MSG_ERROR Returned by the DEX protocol handler to

indicate an error has occurred while receiving
response back from a remote beacon.

0x78 CST_DEX_RESP_REMOTE_ERROR Returned by the DEX protocol handler to

indicate the remote beacon has encountered
an error and cannot return the requested data
or perform the required operation.

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6.3.8. STATUSMODE_E (Status Output Mode)

The Status Mode enumeration is used to specify how often periodic status output messages are
automatically generated…

Value Symbolic Name Summary

0x0 STATUS_MODE_MANUAL Status output message are not generated

automatically, only upon manual request by
sending the CID_STATUS command.

0x1 STATUS_MODE_1HZ Status output message are not generated at 1

second (1Hz) intervals.

0x2 STATUS_MODE_2HZ5 Status output message are not generated at

0.4 second (2.5Hz) intervals.

0x3 STATUS_MODE_5HZ Status output message are not generated at

0.2 second (5Hz) intervals.

0x4 STATUS_MODE_10HZ Status output message are not generated at

0.1 second (10Hz) intervals.

0x5 STATUS_MODE_25HZ Status output message are not generated at

0.04 second (25Hz) intervals.

Be wary using this setting, as on slow

communication baud rates, this setting may
lead to a situation where more data is
required to be sent down the link in a set
period of time than the link is physically
capable of sending – and the beacon
processor may stall.

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6.4. Structures
Structures (sometimes called Records or Structs) are declarations defining complex data types
of physically grouped variables placed under one name in a block of memory.
For the scope of this document, the members (or fields) of Structures should be assumed to be
defined sequentially in memory, with no additional packing bytes added.

6.4.1. ACOMSG_T (Acoustic Message)

The Acoustic Message structure described the contents of packets that are transmitted between
beacons acoustically, and form the basis for all information transfer in higher level protocols.

Parameter Type Description

MSG_DEST_ID BID_E Identifier for the beacon the message is or was the
recipient of the message.

MSG_SRC_ID BID_E Identifier for the beacon that generated or sent the

MSG_TYPE AMSGTYPE_E Value that indicates the type of message being sent

MSG_DEPTH UINT16 Value that is only valid when MSG_TYPE is

MSG_RESPX (an extended USBL response), and
contains the depth sensor reading from the remote
beacon. The depth is encoded 0.5m steps, and so
should be divided by 2 to obtain a depth in metres.

MSG_PAYLOAD_ID APAYLOAD_E Value that indicates the type of payload the

message contains.

MSG_PAYLOAD_LEN UINT8 Values specifying how many bytes in the payload

array are valid and in use. Valid values are from 0
(for no payload) to 31.

MSG_PAYLOAD UINT8[31] Array of 31 bytes that contains the payload of the

acoustic message.
Only the number of bytes specified in the
PAYLOAD_LEN parameter are valid, while the
contents of the other locations are undefined.
The exact function and definition of the PAYLOAD
bytes depends on the type of payload specified in
the PAYLOAD_ID parameter.

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6.4.2. ACOFIX_T (Acoustic Position and Range Fix Summary)

The Acoustic Fix structure is produced by the acoustic transceiver module and contains a
summary of any information relating to a received signal – this includes current beacon depth,
beacon attitude, water VOS, signal strength and any information that can be computed relating
to the remote beacons range and position.

The data record varies depending on the contents of the FLAGS field, with required fields being
appended to the end of the record as required.

For details of attitude definitions refer to section 9.1 on page 135.

Parameter Type Description

DEST_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that this data is sent to.
Normally this is the local beacon ID code, but a
value of BEACON_ALL indicates data has been
transmitted to all beacons.
Valid values are form 0 to 15.

SRC_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that sent the data.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

FLAGS UINT8 A bit-field of flags used to indicate what the rest of

the record contains.
Bit values are…

 Bit[7:5] = RESERVED These bits are reserved for future use

 Bit[4] = POSITION_FLT_ERROR If this bit is true, it indicates the position filter has
identified that the position specified in the fix may
be invalid based on the beacons previous position,
the define beacons motion limits and the time since
last communication. However, the position fields
still contain the USBL computed position and it is up
to the user if they wish to reject this fix, or use it in
some direct or weighted fashion.

 Bit[3] = POSITION_ENHANCED If this bit is set, it indicates the Position fix has
been computed from an Enhanced USBL return –
this means the Depth will be the value from the
remote beacons depth sensor rather than computed
form the incoming signal angle.

 Bit[2] = POSITION_VALID If this bit is set, it indicates the record contains the
Position fields discussed below.

 Bit[1] = USBL_VALID If this bit is set, it indicates the record contains the
USBL fields discussed below.

 Bit[0] = RANGE_VALID If this bit is set, it indicates the record contains the
Range fields discussed below.

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MSG_TYPE AMSGTYPE_E The type of acoustic message received to generate

this fix.

ATTITUDE_YAW INT16 The yaw angle (relative to magnetic north) of the

local beacon when the fix was computed.
Values are encoded as deci-Degrees, so divide by
10 for just degrees to a 0.1° resolution.

ATTITUDE_PITCH INT16 The pitch angle of the local beacon when the fix
was computed.
Values are encoded as deci-Degrees, so divide by
10 for just degrees to a 0.1° resolution.

ATTITUDE_ROLL INT16 The roll angle of the local beacon when the fix was
Values are encoded as deci-Degrees, so divide by
10 for just degrees to a 0.1° resolution.

DEPTH_LOCAL UINT16 The reading from the local beacon depth sensor
when the fix was calculated.
Values are encoded in decimetres, so divide by 10
to obtain a value in metres to a 0.1m resolution.

VOS UINT16 The velocity of sound value used for the

computation of the remote beacon’s range based on
timing information.
Values are encoded in decimetres-per-second, so
divide by 10 for a value in metres-per-second.

RSSI INT16 The Received Signal Strength Indicator value for

the received message, encoded in centibels. To
decode, divide this value by 10 for decibels to a 0.1
dB resolution.

Range Fields
If the message FLAGS parameter contains the RANGE_VALID bit, then the following fields are
sequentially appended to the record…

RANGE_COUNT UINT32 The number of 16kHz timer intervals that were

counted between Request message transmission
and Response message reception.

RANGE_TIME INT32 The time in seconds derived from the

RANGE_COUNT value, and with internal timing
offsets and compensation applied.
Values are encoded in 100 nanosecond multiples,
so divide by 10000000 to obtain a value in seconds.

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RANGE_DIST UINT16 The resolved line-of-sight distance to the remote

beacon, based on the RANGE_TIME and VOS
Values are encoded in decimetres, so divide by 10
for a value in metres.

USBL Fields
If the message FLAGS parameter contains the USBL_VALID bit, then the following fields are
sequentially appended to the record…

USBL_CHANNELS UINT8 The number of USBL receiver channels being used

to compute the signal angle. Typically this value is
either 3 or 4.

USBL_RSSI INT16[x] An array of the received signal strengths for each of

the USBL receiver channels, where “x” is the value
defined by the CHANNELS field.
Values are encoded in centi-Bels, so divide by 10 to
obtain a value in decibels to a resolution of 0.1dB.

USBL_AZIMUTH INT16 The incoming signal azimuth angle from 0° to 360°.

Values are encoded as deci-Degrees, so divide by
10 for just degrees to a 0.1° resolution.

USBL_ELEVATION INT16 The incoming signal elevation angle from -90° to

Values are encoded as deci-Degrees, so divide by
10 for just degrees to a 0.1° resolution.

USBL_FIT_ERROR INT16 The fit error value returns a number that indicates
the quality of fit (or confidence) of the signal
azimuth and elevation values from the timing and
phase-angle data available.

Smaller values towards 0.0 indicate a better fit,

while larger values (increasing above 2-3) indicate
poorer fits and larger error tolerances.

Values are dimensionless, but divide the value by

100 to obtain a signed floating-point value to a
resolution of 0.01.

Position Fields
If the message FLAGS parameter contains the POSITION_VALID bit, then the following fields are
sequentially appended to the record…

POSITION_EASTING INT16 The Easting distance component of the relative

position of the remote beacon to the local beacon

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computed from the range, incoming signal angle,

local beacon depth, attitude and magnetic heading.

Values are encoded in decimetres, so divide by 10

for a value in metres.

POSITION_NORTHING INT16 The Northing distance component of the relative

position of the remote beacon to the local beacon
computed from the range, incoming signal angle,
local beacon depth, attitude and magnetic heading.

Values are encoded in decimetres, so divide by 10

for a value in metres.

POSITION_DEPTH INT16 The vertical Depth distance component of the

remote beacon from the surface - computed from
the range, incoming signal angle, local beacon
depth, attitude and magnetic heading.

Values are encoded in decimetres, so divide by 10

for a value in metres.

NB: If the ‘Fix’ has been obtained by a MSG_REQU

(Usbl) type request, then this value is computed
from the beacon’s attitude and incoming signal
If a MSG_REQX (Enhanced) type request has been
used, then this value is the remotely transmitted
beacon depth sensor value.

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6.4.3. AHRSCAL_T (AHRS Calibration Coefficients)

An AHRS calibration structure contains all the coefficients required for the accelerometer,
magnetometer and gyroscope sensors to produce valid yaw, pitch and roll attitude information.

Parameter Type Description

ACC_MIN_X INT16 The accelerometer X-axis sensor value that

corresponds to -1G of gravitational force.
Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value is -270.

ACC_MIN_Y INT16 The accelerometer Y-axis sensor value that

corresponds to -1G of gravitational force.
Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value is -270.

ACC_MIN_Z INT16 The accelerometer Z-axis sensor value that

corresponds to -1G of gravitational force.
Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value is -270.

ACC_MAX_X INT16 The accelerometer X-axis sensor value that

corresponds to +1G of gravitational force.
Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value is 270.

ACC_MAX_Y INT16 The accelerometer Y-axis sensor value that

corresponds to +1G of gravitational force.
Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value is 270.

ACC_MAX_Z INT16 The accelerometer Z-axis sensor value that

corresponds to +1G of gravitational force.
Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value is 270.

MAG_VALID BOOLEAN Flag is true when the calibration contains (or

represents) a valid set of coefficients.
Writing an invalid calibration causes no
compensation to be performed on sensor values.
Reading this flag as false indicates no dynamic
calibration has been computed or loaded from
EEPROM memory.

MAG_HARD_X FLOAT The magnetometer X-axis sensor offset value to

compensate for Hard Iron effects.
Valid values lie in the range -2000 to +2000.
Default value is 0.

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MAG_HARD_Y FLOAT The magnetometer Y-axis sensor offset value to

compensate for Hard Iron effects.
Valid values lie in the range -2000 to +2000.
Default value is 0.

MAG_HARD_Z FLOAT The magnetometer Z-axis sensor offset value to

compensate for Hard Iron effects.
Valid values lie in the range -2000 to +2000.
Default value is 0.

MAG_SOFT_X FLOAT The magnetometer X-axis sensor scaling value to

compensate for Soft Iron effects.
Valid values lie in the range -10 to +10.
Default value is 1.

MAG_SOFT_Y FLOAT The magnetometer Y-axis sensor scaling value to

compensate for Soft Iron effects.
Valid values lie in the range -10 to +10.
Default value is 1.

MAG_SOFT_Z FLOAT The magnetometer Z-axis sensor scaling value to

compensate for Soft Iron effects.
Valid values lie in the range -10 to +10.
Default value is 1.

MAG_FIELD FLOAT The normalised (not actual) magnetic field used for
magnetometer calibration.
Valid values lie between 0 and 100, with a typical
value for idea fit being 50.
Default value is 0.

MAG_ERROR FLOAT The fit error of the magnetic calibration.

Values are expressed as a percentage between 0
and 100.
Default value is 100 representing 100% error.

GYRO_OFFSET_X INT16 The rotational rate gyroscope X-axis sensor offset.

Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value of 0.

GYRO_OFFSET_Y INT16 The rotational rate gyroscope Y-axis sensor offset.

Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value of 0.

GYRO_OFFSET_Z INT16 The rotational rate gyroscope Z-axis sensor offset.

Valid values lie in the range -1000 to +1000.
Default value of 0.

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6.4.4. FIRMWARE_T (Firmware Information)

The FIRMWARE_T structure is used to describe configuration information for the firmware that
is currently loaded into memory.

Parameter Type Description

VALID BOOLEAN Flag when true indicating the firmware is valid and
allowed to execute.

PART_NUMBER UINT16 The part number of the Bootloader firmware.

VERSION_MAJ UINT8 The major version number of the firmware (when

expressed in the form Version

VERSION_MIN UINT8 The minor version number of the firmware (when

expressed in the form Version

VERSION_BUILD UINT16 The sequentially assigned build number of the

firmware (when expressed in the form Version

CHECKSUM UINT32 The CRC32 checksum of the firmware.

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6.4.5. HARDWARE_T (Hardware Information)

The HARDWARE_T structure is used to describe information related to the hardware
configuration of the beacon.

Parameter Type Description

PART_NUMBER UINT16 The hardware product part number, for example…

 795 = SeaTrac X150 USBL Beacon
 843 = SeaTrac X110 Modem Beacon

PART_REV UINT8 The hardware product part revision.

SERIAL_NUMBER UINT32 The unique serial number of the beacon.

FLAGS_SYS UINT16 Additional flags field defining factory set hardware

capabilities and features.
Currently reads as 0, reserved for future use.

FLAGS_USER UINT16 Additional flags field defining user set hardware

capabilities and features.
Bit values are…

 FLAG_CMD_CSUM_DISABLE When true, the command processor ignores

checksums at the end of received commands.
This mode is useful for developers wanting to enter
commands manually through a terminal application
(where it is difficult to compute the CRC16 values
on the fly).

 FLAG_MAG_SENS_DISABLE When true, this flag disables the function of the

magnetic “reset-to-defaults” sensor.

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6.4.6. IPADDR_T (IP v4 Address)

The network IP address structure can be defined either an array of 4 sequential bytes or a single
UINT32 value (or a union of both).

In C++, this definition could be represented as…

struct IpAddr_T {
union {
uint32 Addr;
uint8 Bytes[4];

Parameter Type Description

BYTES UINT8[4] The 4 IP address fields in reverse order to the

writing convention. (i.e. “<byte3> . <byte2> .
<byte1> . <byte0>”)

Or (Union)…

ADDR UINT32 Little Endian representation of IP address fields

stored in reverse order.

For example an IP address of would be stored in an array as…

IP[0] = 1, IP[1] = 0, IP[2] = 168, IP[3] = 192

In turn, this array would map to a little-endian UINT32 value as…

IPVAL = (192 << 24) + (168 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (1 << 0)
IPVAL = 3221225472 + 11010048 + 0 + 1
IPVAL = 3232235521

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6.4.7. MACADDR_T (MAC Address)

Network MAC addresses normally only require 6-bytes of memory allocation. However, for
convenience the SeaTrac beacon treats MAC addresses as a UINT64 type, but uses a union to
allow overlaying with a 6-byte sequential array.

In C++, this definition could be represented as…

struct MacAddr_T {
union {
uint64 Addr;
uint8 Bytes[6];

Parameter Type Description

BYTES UINT8[6] The MAC address fields in reverse order to the

writing convention.
(i.e. “<byte5> - <byte4> - <byte3> - <byte2> -
<byte1> - <byte0>”)

Or (Union)…

ADDR UINT64 Little Endian representation of the MAC address

fields stored in reverse order.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

6.4.8. NAV_QUERY_T (NAV Protocol Query Bit Mask)

The NAV Protocol Query Flags type is defined as a bit-field stored in a UINT8 value, where one
or more bits (flags) may be set to specify an overall numerical value.
Bits are defined as…

<value> UINT8 A bit-mask specifying which information should be

included in generated status output messages.

Bit values are…

 Bits[7:4] = RESERVED Reserved for future use, treat as 0’s.

 Bit[3] = QRY_ATTITUDE When set, a NAV_QUERY_SEND command will

request that attitude information is sent back, and
a NAV_QUERY_RESP will contain attitude data

 Bit[2] = QRY_TEMP When set, a NAV_QUERY_SEND command will

request that temperature information is sent back,
and a NAV_QUERY_RESP will contain temperature
data fields.

 Bit[1] = QRY_SUPPLY When set, a NAV_QUERY_SEND command will

request that supply voltage information is sent
back, and a NAV_QUERY_RESP will contain supply
voltage data fields.

 Bit[0] = QRY_DEPTH When set, a NAV_QUERY_SEND command will

request that depth information is sent back, and a
NAV_QUERY_RESP will contain depth data fields.

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6.4.9. SETTINGS_T (Settings Record Structure)

The Settings Record structure is used to either retrieve the current working settings values in
use from the beacon, or apply new changes to the beacon.

As this structure contains current calibration and communication settings for the beacon, it is
always recommended to read the contents of the structure from the beacon rather than
populating a new structure from scratch.
See Settings manipulation commands in section 7.4 from 82 for further details.

Settings marked with the “” symbol are only applied on power-up or following a

Parameter Type Description

STATUS_FLAGS UINT8 Value containing flags that control the generation

and output of CID_STATUS messages.

Bit values are…

 Bits[7:3] = RESERVED Reserved for future use, treat as 0’s.

 Bits[2:0] = STATUS_MODE Specifies how often periodic status output

messages are generated. Mask and then treat as a

STATUS_OUTPUT STATUS_BITS_T A bit-mask specifying which information should be

included in generated status output messages.
For each bit set in this mask, a corresponding
group of output fields will be appended to status
messages (making them larger in size).
For details of how these fields affect the status
message content, see CID_STATUS.

UART_MAIN_BAUD BAUDRATE_E Specifies the serial baud rate to be used by the

main communications port.

UART_AUX_BAUD BAUDRATE_E Reserved for future use.

When populating this field, use a default value of

NET_MAC_ADDR MACADDR_T Reserved for future use.

When populating this structure, use a default value
of 0.

NET_IP_ADDR IPADDR_T Reserved for future use.

When populating this structure, use a default value
of 0xC0A801FA (

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NET_IP_SUBNET IPADDR_T Reserved for future use.

When populating this structure, use a value of
0xFFFF0000 (

NET_IP_GATEWAY IPADDR_T Reserved for future use.

When populating this structure, use a default value
of 0xC0A80101 (

NET_IP_DNS IPADDR_T Reserved for future use.

When populating this structure, use a default value
of 0xC0A80101 (

NET_TCP_PORT UINT16 Reserved for future use.

When populating this structure, use a default value
of 8100.

ENV_FLAGS UINT8 This value contains flags that control the

processing of the beacons environmental sensors
(pressure, temperature, supply voltage etc).

Bit values are…

 Bits[7:2] = RESERVED Reserved for future use.

 Bit[1] = AUTO_PRESSURE_OFS When this flag is true, the pressure offset is

automatically chosen using the minimum observed
pressure reading when the beacon is in less than
3m of water (0.3 bar).
The assumption is than when fitted to an ROV this
value will be seen on deck after the ROV is
powered up, but if power is cycled when the
beacon is below 3m, the pressure offset will not be

 Bit[0] = AUTO_VOS When this flag is true, the velocity-of-sound used

in range timing equations is automatically
computed form the current water pressure,
temperature and manually specified salinity.

VOS is calculated using the Coppens 1981 equation

where temperature is valid over 0°C to 45°C,
salinity over 0ptt to 35ppt and depth over 0m to

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ENV_PRESSURE_OFS INT32 The manually specified offset applied to readings

take from the pressure sensor to compensate for
altitude and atmospheric pressure changes.

Values are encoded in milli-Bars, so divide by 1000

to obtain a value in Bars.
Valid values lie in the range -1 to 1000 Bar.

If auto-computation of pressure offset is enabled

(in ENV_FLAGS), then any value written to this
field will be lost the next time the offset is

ENV_SALINITY UINT16 The salinity value used when computing the

velocity-of-sound from current pressure/depth.

Values are encoded as deci-parts-per-thousand

(i.e. a value of 345 represents 34.5 ppt), so divide
this value by 10 to obtain a value in ppt.

Typically a value of 0 represents fresh water, while

350 (35ppt) represents average sea water.
Values are valid in the range 0 to 100ppt.

If auto-computation of VOS is disabled (in

ENV_FLAGS) then this value is not used.

ENV_VOS UINT16 The manually specified velocity of sound (VOS) to

be used to convert range timing information into

Values are encoded in deci-metres-per-second, so

divide by 10 to obtain a value in metres-per-
Valid values are in the range 100ms-1 to 2000ms-1.

If auto-computation of VOS is enabled (in

ENV_FLAGS), then any value written to this field
will be lost the next time the VOS is calculated.

AHRS_FLAGS UINT8 This value contains flags that control the operation
of the beacons AHRS system.

Bit values are…

 Bits[7:1] = RESERVED Reserved for future use.

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 Bit[0] = AUTO_CAL_MAG When this bit is true, automatic (dynamic)

calibration of the magnetometer is enabled.

In this mode, the magnetic field surrounding the

beacon is continuously samples as the beacon is
rotated through space, and every 30s a new
calibration is attempted. If the results are better
than the current calibration, then the new
coefficients are accepted.

AHRS_CAL AHRSCAL_T Structure containing the calibration data for the

Attitude/Heading Reference System (AHRS).

AHRS_YAW_OFS UINT16 A fixed attitude yaw offset that is applied to all

AHRS reading. Offsets are applied to the AHRS
output via a Direction-Cosine-Matrix, in the Euler
sequence Yaw, Pitch then Roll.

Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the

value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.
Valid values are cyclically wrapped to the range 0°
to 359.9°.

AHRS_PITCH_OFS UINT16 A fixed attitude pitch offset that is applied to all

AHRS reading. Offsets are applied to the AHRS
output via a Direction-Cosine-Matrix, in the Euler
sequence Yaw, Pitch then Roll.

Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the

value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.
Valid values are clipped to the range -90.0° to

AHRS_ROLL_OFS UINT16 A fixed attitude roll offset that is applied to all

AHRS reading. Offsets are applied to the AHRS
output via a Direction-Cosine-Matrix, in the Euler
sequence Yaw, Pitch then Roll.

Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the

value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.
Valid values are clipped to the range -180.0° to

XCVR_FLAGS UINT8 Value containing flags to control the operation of

the acoustic transceiver.

Bit values are…

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

 Bit[7] = XCVR_DIAG_MSGS When this flag is true a series of diagnostic status

messages will be generated by triggering events
processed by the acoustic transceiver – for further
details see the following commands…

 Bit[6] = XCVR_FIX_MSGS When this flag is true, a CID_XCVR_FIX status

message will be generated on successful reception
of an acoustic response message.
The fix message contains details relating to
distance, position and depth of the remote beacon.

 Bit[5] = XCVR_USBL_MSGS When this flag is true, a CID_XCVR_USBL status

message is generated on successfully reception of
an acoustic message containing USBL signal

 Bits[4:2] = RESERVED Reserved for future use.

 Bit[1] = XCVR_POSFLT_ENABLE When this flag is true, the position filter is enabled
to mark potentially erroneous acoustic USBL fixes
based on velocity and angular movement limits.

 Bit[0] = USBL_USE_AHRS When this flag is true the acoustic transceiver will
use the current AHRS attitude (updated internally
at a 50Hz rate) when resolving relative positions of
remote beacons to the local beacon.

When the flag is false, the fixed attitude specified

fields will be used.

XCVR_BEACON_ID BID_E The identification code the local beacon will accept
messages addressed to, or use as the source
identifier when sending messages.

Valid values are from 1 to 15 (0x1 to 0xF). A value

of 0 (BEACON_ALL) should not be used.

XCVR_RANGE_TMO UINT16 The range timeout specifies a distance (related to

time by the VOS setting) beyond which responses
from beacons are ignored, and the remote beacon
is considered to have timed out (see

Values are encoded in metres.

Valid values are in the range 100m to 3000m.

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XCVR_RESP_TIME UINT16 The response turnaround time specifies how long

the beacon will wait between receiving a request
message and starting transmission of the response
All beacons communicating acoustically within the
same network must use the same value otherwise
range errors will be observed.

Typically, larger values than the default of 10ms

can be used to reduce multi-path issues in confined
spaces and allow echoes to die down before the
response is sent, but should only be adjust if
communication reliability issues are observed.

Values are encoded in milliseconds.

Valid values are in the range 10ms to 1000ms.

XCVR_YAW UINT16 When the AHRS attitude is not used to specify the
transceiver attitude, this value is used as the
manually specified yaw attitude from which relative
positions of remote beacons to the local beacon are
Attitudes are applied in the position calculation
routine via a Direction-Cosine-Matrix, in the Euler
sequence Yaw, Pitch then Roll.

Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the

value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.
Valid values are cyclically wrapped to the range 0°
to 359.9°.

XCVR_PITCH UINT16 When the AHRS attitude is not used to specify the
transceiver attitude, this value is used as the
manually specified pitch attitude from which
relative positions of remote beacons to the local
beacon are computed.
Attitudes are applied in the position calculation
routine via a Direction-Cosine-Matrix, in the Euler
sequence Yaw, Pitch then Roll.

Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the

value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.
Valid values are clipped to the range -90.0° to

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XCVR_ROLL UINT16 When the AHRS attitude is not used to specify the
transceiver attitude, this value is used as the
manually specified roll attitude from which relative
positions of remote beacons to the local beacon are
Attitudes are applied in the position calculation
routine via a Direction-Cosine-Matrix, in the Euler
sequence Yaw, Pitch then Roll.

Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the

value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.
Valid values are clipped to the range -180.0° to

XCVR_POSFLT_VEL UINT8 The maximum velocity limit (in metres per second)
that the position filter expects to see a beacon
move at. Position Fix outputs for Beacons that have
moved faster than this in the time between pings
will be marked as a position error.

XCVR_POSFLT_ANG UINT8 For beacons that are further away, azimuth errors
start to come into play. This value defines the
angular limits that beacons can move (or position
jitter) within without being marked as an error.
Vales are specified in degrees, and typically this
value is 10 degrees.

XCVR_POSFLT_TMO UINT8 This timeout limit specified in seconds that

maximum time that a beacon is not communicated
with before its position filter is reset, allowing its
next position (what ever that may be) to be
marked as valid.
For example, a value of 60 seconds means that if
no communications have been made with the
beacon for 60 seconds, then its position could be
far outside the limits expected by the position filter,
so allow its position and restart tracking on the
next fix.

6.4.10. STATUS_BITS_T (Status Fields Bit-Mask)

The Status Flags type is defined as a bit-field stored in a UINT8 value, where one or more bits
(flags) may be set to specify an overall numerical value.
Bits are defined as…

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<value> UINT8 A bit-mask specifying which information should be

included in generated status output messages.

Bit values are…

 Bits[7:6] = RESERVED Reserved for future use, treat as 0’s.

 Bit[5] = AHRS_COMP_DATA When set, appends compensated sensor data fields

to the end of the status output message.

 Bit[4] = AHRS_RAW_DATA When set, appends raw sensor data fields to the
end of the status output message.

 Bit[3] = ACC_CAL When set, appends accelerometer calibration and

limits fields to the end of the status output

 Bit[2] = MAG_CAL When set, appends magnetometer calibration and

buffer fields to the end of the status output

 Bit[1] = ATTITUDE When set, appends the AHRS attitude (yaw, pitch,
roll) fields to the end of the status output message.

 Bit[0] = ENVIRONMENT When set, appends environmental sensor data

fields (temperature, depth, VOS, supply voltage
etc) to the end of the status output message.

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7. Beacon Management Message Definitions

7.1. System Messages

System messages are the core set of command supported by the beacon in both its normal
operating mode and in Bootloader mode.
These commands provide basic functions to determine if the device is response, identify its
hardware/firmware configuration, and allow firmware reprogramming.

The CID_SYS_ALIVE command is a simple command that can be periodically sent to the beacon
to determine if the hardware is present, connected and functioning.
For example, a host system sending the CID_SYS_ALIVE command at regular intervals can use
the response reply to reset a “connection lost” timeout timer, so that when a connection fails
the lack of responses can indicate to the user the hardware is no longer present.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SYS_ALIVE)

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SYS_ALIVE)

SECONDS UINT32 The number of seconds the beacon has been

powered up for.

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The CID_SYS_INFO command is used to receive hardware and firmware identification
information from the beacon. This information can then be used by external applications to
determine if firmware needs updating, or to determine support for Command Messages based
on the hardware type.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SYS_INFO)

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SYS_INFO)

SECONDS UINT32 The number of seconds the beacon has been

powered up for.

SECTION UINT8 The memory section that the current firmware is

executing in. Valid values are…
 0 = Bootloader Application
 1 = Main Application

HARDWARE HARDWARE_T Structure containing details about the Beacon

hardware, including part number, revision and
unique serial number.

BOOT_FIRMWARE FIRMWARE_T Structure containing details about the Bootloader

firmware, including version, build and checksum

MAIN_FIRMWARE FIRMWARE_T Structure containing details about the Main

Application firmware, including version, build and
checksum details.

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The CID_SYS_REBOOT command is sent to perform a software reset of the beacon. To prevent
accidental resets, the command requires an additional UINT16 constant value to be specified
after the CID code.

On receiving a valid reset command, the beacon performs the following actions…

 The status LED turns yellow

 The response message is transmitted

 The serial port is closed, so no further commands can be decoded.

 A 500ms shut-down period is observed.

 The beacon restarts, any communications settings changes made will be applied.

 Human readable power-up diagnostic information is output from the serial port.

 The beacon is ready to receive further commands.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SYS_REBOOT)

CHECK UINT16 Check constant value used to confirm a reset should

be performed. This value should be 0x6A95.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SYS_REBOOT)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
parameter was not specified in the
Command Message.
parameter was incorrect in the Command

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The CID_SYS_ENGINEERING command is used for factory commissioning, diagnostic and
debugging purposes that lie outside the scope of this document.

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7.2. Firmware Programming Messages

For developers wishing to allow beacons firmware to be updated while in the field and connected
to their system/software, the following 3 commands provide the facility to transfer a SeaTrac
XML Firmware file through the serial link.

Opening the FWX firmware file in a text editor will show and XML structure and content similar
to below…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Timestamp>2014-09-01 14:02:56</Timestamp>
Name="SeaTrac X-Series Application"
Timestamp="2014-09-01 13:45:16"
<Data Block="0" Length="64">
<Data Block="1" Length="64">
<Data Block="2" Length="64">

<Data Block="2459" Length="64">

<Data Block="2460" Length="64">
<Data Block="2461" Length="48">

The file should be processed using an XML parser which will yield the following nodes…

 FIMWARE This is the top level document node containing the CONFIG and
TARGET node.

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 CONFIG This node contains overall configuration information for the firmware
file. At present the only TIMESTAMP sub node contains the build time-
stamp of the firmware.

 TARGETS The TARGETS node contains a list of firmware applicable to each

physical device that can be programmed on the hardware.
Each device has a corresponding TARGET node definition.

 TARGET The TARGET node contains firmware for each device. The attributes of
the target node define the overall properties of the firmware used by
the programming utility, and several of these are required to be sent
when starting programming using the CID_PROG_INIT command.

 DATA The DATA nodes for the firmware target contains pre-formatted ASCII-
HEX data strings that should be sent to the device being programmed
using CID_PROG_BLOCK commands.

The CID_PROG_INIT command is used to initialise the firmware programming sequence. Calling
this command will instruct the beacon to shut down the AHRS and Acoustic Transceiver systems
until programming is complete.

That command is sent along with several parameters that are obtained by parsing TARGET XML
node from the firmware FWX file provided by Blueprint. The beacon will examine these
parameters and determine if the firmware file is applicable to it and if it is ready to accept the

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PROG_INIT)

FW_SECTION UINT8 Value obtained from the “Section” attribute of the

FWX file TARGET node.

FW_PART_NUMBER UINT16 Value obtained from the “PartNumber” attribute of

the FWX file TARGET node. If the attribute is not
specified in the file, use a value of 0.

FW_PART_REV_MIN UINT8 Value obtained from the “PartRevMin” attribute of

the FWX file TARGET node. If the attribute is not
specified in the file, use a value of 0.

FW_PART_REV_MAX UINT8 Value obtained from the “PartRevMax” attribute of

the FWX file TARGET node. If the attribute is not
specified in the file, use a value of 0.

FW_SERIAL_NUMBER UINT32 Value obtained from the “SerialNumber” attribute

of the FWX file TARGET node. If the attribute is not
specified in the file, use a value of 0.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

FW_DATA_FORMAT UINT8 Value obtained from the “DataFormat” attribute of

the FWX file TARGET node.

FW_LENGTH UINT32 Value obtained from the “Length” attribute of the

FWX file TARGET node.

FW_CHECKSUM UINT32 Value obtained from the “Checksum” attribute of

the FWX file TARGET node.

FW_SIGNATURE UINT8[20] Value obtained from the “Signature” attribute of

the FWX file TARGET node.
The signature attribute contains 40 ASCII-Hex
characters describing 20 bytes of data, so the
string should be first decoded into an array of bytes
that are then stored sequentially in this field.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PROG_INIT)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
successfully, and the device is ready to
accept further CID_PROG_BLOCK
more of the command parameters is
formatted incorrectly.
with flash memory is preventing
a problem with the firmware credentials
supplied, and the beacon will not accept
the new firmware.
section parameter is invalid, or you are
trying to program the Bootloader section
while executing code from the Bootloader
parameter is too large to fit into the
available memory
 CST_FAIL – An unspecified firmware error
has occurred.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

Once the CID_PROG_INIT command has been sent and accepted successfully by the beacon
(returning a STATUS code of CST_OK), the CID_PROG_BLOCK command is then sent repeatedly
to transfer each DATA node found in the FWX file under the required TARGET node.

Data in the FWX file is encoded in ASCII-HEX pairs, so for a DATA node length attribute of 64,
there will 128 ASCII-HEX characters.

A CID_PROG_BLOCK command should be sent for each DATA node in sequence, and a valid
STATUS code should be received back from the beacon before sending the next block.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PROG_BLOCK)

DATA_LENGTH UINT16 The number of bytes that will follow in this


DATA UINT8[x] An array of data bytes read from the relevant DATA
node in the FWX file, where “x” is the number of
bytes specified by DATA_LENGTH.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PROG_BLOCK)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
successfully and the next
CID_PROG_BLOCK command can be sent.
more of the command parameters is
formatted incorrectly.
of data specified if too large.
with flash memory is preventing
 CST_PROG_INIT_ERROR – There beacon
has not initialised programming, send a

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

CID_PROG_INIT command and get a valid

CST_OK response.
amount of data sent has exceeded the
amount of firmware storage available.
 CST_FAIL – An unspecified firmware error
has occurred.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

Once all the CID_PROG_BLOCK commands have been sent in the correct sequence, the
CID_PROG_UPDATE command is used to transfer the new firmware from the working download
area into active memory.

This command may take up to 5 seconds to execute depending on the size of the firmware being

If the command executes successfully, the status LED will illuminate yellow during the update
process, then the beacon will reboot.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PROG_UPDATE)

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PROG_UPDATE)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
successfully and the firmware has been
with flash memory is preventing
 CST_PROG_INIT_ERROR – There beacon
has not initialised programming, send a
CID_PROG_INIT command and get a valid
CST_OK response.
parameter is too large to fit into the
available memory
Checksum supplied with CID_PROG_INIT
does not match the checksum of data
downloaded with the CID_PROG_BLOCK
 CST_FAIL – An unspecified firmware error
has occurred.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

7.3. Status Messages

The Status Messaging system allows external applications to display or log the real-time sensor
readings and operational parameters of the beacon.

Status Messages can be either manually requested by issuing the CID_STATUS command, or set
to be automatically generated at specified time intervals (or disabled) by settings configured

The allow optimisation of communication link bandwidth or reduce data overhead for logging
purposes, the information content of status messages it split into distinct groups (see
STATUS_BITS_T) and can be specified either in the system settings or at the time a manual
status request is made.

The CID_STATUS message serves several purposes: when issued as a command, it requests the
current beacon status at that point in time, or alternately it can be set to be output periodically
at specified intervals (through the STATUS_OUTPUT field of either the CID_SETTINGS_SET or

When issued as a manual status request command, an optional STATUS_OUTPUT value can be
specified in the CID_STATUS message to determine the information content of the response
Omitting the STATUS_OUTPUT field causes the beacon to use the currently configured settings
option specified with the CID_SETTINGS_SET or CID_STATUS_CFG_SET commands. Alternately,
if the STATUS_OUTPUT value is specified, this will not update the stored settings value or alter
if status messages are also periodically generated.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at periodic time
intervals (not in response to a command message) depending on STATUS_OUTPUT
settings field – see SETTINGS_T and the CID_SETTINGS_SET or

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_STATUS)

STATUS_OUTPUT STATUS_BITS_T An optional bit-mask specifying which information

(optional) should be included in the generated status output
response message.
For each bit set in this mask, a corresponding
group of output fields will be appended to status
message (making it larger in size).

Response/Status Message Parameters

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_STATUS)

STATUS_OUTPUT STATUS_BITS_T A bit-mask specifying which information is

included in the following status output message,
so any decoding algorithm can correctly parse the
message record.

TIMESTAMP UINT64 The value of the beacon’s clock (set to zero when
the beacon was powered up – not rebooted!).
Values are encoded in milliseconds, so divide by
1000 for seconds.

Environmental Fields
If the message STATUS_OUTPUT parameter contains the ENVIRONMENT bit (see
STATUS_BITS_T), then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record…

ENV_SUPPLY UINT16 The beacons supply voltage.

Values are encoded in milli-volts, so divide by 1000
for a value in Volts.

ENV_TEMP INT16 The temperature of air/water in contact with the

diaphragm of the pressure sensor.
Values are encoded in deci-Celsius, so divide by 10
to obtain a value in Celsius.

ENV_PRESSURE INT32 The external pressure measured on the diaphragm

of the pressure sensor.
Values are encoded in milli-bars, so divide by 1000
to obtain a value in Bar.

Please note, the specification of pressure reading is

0.5% of the sensors full-scale value, so for a 200
Bar sensor the tolerance applicable to this value is
±1 Bar (~10m).

ENV_DEPTH INT32 The computed depth based on the measured

environmental pressure.
Values are encoded in deci-metres, so divide by 10
for a value in metres.

ENV_VOS UINT16 The value of Velocity-of-Sound currently being

used for computing ranges.
This may be either the manually specified VOS from
settings, or the auto-computed value based on
pressure, temperature and salinity.
Values are encoded in deci-metres-per-second, so
divide by 10 to obtain a value in metres-per-

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Attitude Fields
If the message STATUS_OUTPUT parameter contains the ATTITUDE bit (see STATUS_BITS_T),
then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record.
For details of attitude definitions refer to section 9.1 on page 135.

ATT_YAW INT16 The current Yaw angle of the beacon, relative to

magnetic north, measured by the beacons AHRS
Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the
value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.

ATT_PITCH INT16 The current Pitch angle of the beacon, relative to

magnetic north, measured by the beacons AHRS
Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the
value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.

ATT_ROLL INT16 The current Roll angle of the beacon, relative to

magnetic north, measured by the beacons AHRS
Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the
value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.

Magnetometer Calibration and Status Fields

If the message STATUS_OUTPUT parameter contains the MAG_CAL bit (see STATUS_BITS_T),
then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record.
These fields are commonly used to monitor the current magnetic calibration state and to assist
with the magnetometer calibration procedure.

MAG_CAL_BUF UINT8 Value that indicates how full the data buffer is that
holds magnetometer values describing the
surrounding magnetic environment.
Values are encoded as a percentage from 0 to 100
representing empty (where no magnetic calibration
is possible) to full (where the best magnetic
calibration can be computed).

MAG_CAL_VALID BOOLEAN The flag is True if a magnetic calibration has been

computed and is currently in use, compensating
magnetometer readings.

MAG_CAL_AGE UINT32 The number of seconds that have elapsed since the
magnetometer calibration was last computed.
When dynamic calibration is enabled, and there is
sufficient data in the magnetic calibration buffer,
then calibrations should be computed every 30

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

MAG_CAL_FIT UINT8 Value indicating how well the current

magnetometer calibration can fit the measured
data to an ideal “sphere” (or perfect calibration).
Values are encoded as a percentage from 0 to 100.

Accelerometer Calibration Fields

If the message STATUS_OUTPUT parameter contains the ACC_CAL bit (see STATUS_BITS_T),
then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record.
The fields are commonly used to assist in calibrating the accelerometer hardware.
For details of axis definitions refer to section 9.3 on page 137.

ACC_LIM_MIN_X INT16 Value that holds the raw accelerometer sensor

value that will be used to represent -1G on the X
sensor axis.

ACC_LIM_MIN_Y INT16 Value that holds the raw accelerometer sensor

value that will be used to represent +1G on the X
sensor axis.

ACC_LIM_MIN_Z INT16 Value that holds the raw accelerometer sensor

value that will be used to represent -1G on the Y
sensor axis.

ACC_LIM_MAX_X INT16 Value that holds the raw accelerometer sensor

value that will be used to represent +1G on the Y
sensor axis.

ACC_LIM_MAX_Y INT16 Value that holds the raw accelerometer sensor

value that will be used to represent -1G on the Z
sensor axis.

ACC_LIM_MAX_Z INT16 Value that holds the raw accelerometer sensor

value that will be used to represent +1G on the Z
sensor axis.

Raw AHRS Sensor Data Fields

If the message STATUS_OUTPUT parameter contains the AHRS_RAW_DATA bit (see
STATUS_BITS_T), then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record.
For details of axis definitions refer to section 9.3 on page 137.
Values are sampled internally by the AHRS at a rate of 50Hz.

AHRS_RAW_ACC_X INT16 The last raw accelerometer sensor value measured

on the X-axis.
This field is used during functional testing and can
be used to assist with the accelerometer calibration

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

Computing a ratio between this value and the -1G

to +1G interval (specified by the ACC_LIM_MIN_X
and ACC_LIM_MAX_X values), gives the current
gravitation acceleration seen on the sensor axis.

AHRS_RAW_ACC_Y INT16 The last raw accelerometer sensor value measured

on the Y-axis.
This field is used during functional testing and can
be used to assist with the accelerometer calibration

Computing a ratio between this value and the -1G

to +1G interval (specified by the ACC_LIM_MIN_Y
and ACC_LIM_MAX_Y values), gives the current
gravitation acceleration seen on the sensor axis.

AHRS_RAW_ACC_Z INT16 The last raw accelerometer sensor value measured

on the Z-axis.
This field is used during functional testing and can
be used to assist with the accelerometer calibration

Computing a ratio between this value and the -1G

to +1G interval (specified by the ACC_LIM_MIN_Z
and ACC_LIM_MAX_Z values), gives the current
gravitation acceleration seen on the sensor axis.

AHRS_RAW_MAG_X INT16 The last raw magnetometer sensor value measure

on the X-axis.
This field is used during functional testing and can
be used to assist with the magnetometer
calibration procedure (in conjunction with the
accelerometer orientation value).

AHRS_RAW_MAG_Y INT16 The last raw magnetometer sensor value measure

on the Y-axis.
This field is used during functional testing and can
be used to assist with the magnetometer
calibration procedure (in conjunction with the
accelerometer orientation value).

AHRS_RAW_MAG_Z INT16 The last raw magnetometer sensor value measure

on the Z-axis.
This field is used during functional testing and can
be used to assist with the magnetometer
calibration procedure (in conjunction with the
accelerometer orientation value).

AHRS_RAW_GYRO_X INT16 The last raw rate of rotation measured around the
X-axis of the gyroscope sensor.
Values are encoded in degrees-per-second.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

AHRS_RAW_GYRO_Y INT16 The last raw rate of rotation measured around the
Y-axis of the gyroscope sensor.
Values are encoded in degrees-per-second.

AHRS_RAW_GYRO_Z INT16 The last raw rate of rotation measured around the
Z-axis of the gyroscope sensor.
Values are encoded in degrees-per-second.

Compensated AHRS Sensor Data Fields

If the message STATUS_OUTPUT parameter contains the AHRS_COMP_DATA bit (see
STATUS_BITS_T), then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record.
For details of axis definitions refer to section 9.3 on page 137.
Values are sampled internally by the AHRS at a rate of 50Hz.

AHRS_COMP_ACC_X FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_ACC_X sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

AHRS_COMP_ACC_Y FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_ACC_Y sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

AHRS_COMP_ACC_Z FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_ACC_Z sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

AHRS_COMP_MAG_X FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_MAG_X sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

AHRS_COMP_MAG_Y FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_MAG_Y sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

AHRS_COMP_MAG_Z FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_MAG_Z sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

AHRS_COMP_GYRO_X FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_GYRO_X sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

AHRS_COMP_GYRO_Y FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_ GYRO _Y sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

AHRS_COMP_GYRO_Z FLOAT The AHRS_RAW_ GYRO _Z sensor reading after the

calibration coefficients have been applied.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

This CID_STATUS_CFG_GET command allows the current configuration for the generation of
automated status messages to be quickly retrieved.

As an alternative to this command, use CID_SETTINGS_GET.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS_OUTPUT STATUS_BITS_T A bit-mask specifying which information should be

included in generated status output messages –

STATUS_MODE STATUSMODE_E Specifies how often periodic status output

messages are generated.

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The CID_STATUS_CFG_SET command allows quick configuration of the status message output
configuration without the need to read or reload the entire settings structure. However, any
changes made with this command will only apply to the working RAM settings, and will be lost
upon power-down unless they are subsequently with the CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command.

As an alternative to this command, use CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS_OUTPUT STATUS_BITS_T A bit-mask specifying which information should be

included in generated status output messages –

STATUS_MODE STATUSMODE_E Specifies how often periodic status output

messages are generated.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
parameters was not specified correctly.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

7.4. Settings Messages

The beacon settings system is responsible for the retrieval, verification, application and storage
of parameters determining the operation of the beacon.

All settings are stored within a single “settings record” and at power-up this is loaded from
permanent (non-volatile) EEPROM memory into the working RAM area.

Any changes made to the settings record by the user (through the CID_SETTINGS_SET
command) are always made to the working RAM set and will be lost if the device is powered
down before a CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command is issued to update the EEPROM copy.

When new settings are specified by the CID_SETTINGS_SET command most will be applied
immediately. However, some settings such as those controlling communications baud-rates etc
are only applied when the device is powered up (or restarts via a CID_SYS_REBOOT command).
See the SETTINGS_T structure definition for details of which settings are only applied on power-

The EEPROM memory used to permanently store the settings information in the beacon
has a lifetime endurance of between 10,000 and 50,000 write cycles, after which its
data retention capabilities may start to degrade (below the guaranteed 5 year period).

For this reason, only store the working RAM settings when required with the
CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command. When designing a control system, ensure that
settings are only stored infrequently and when needed (i.e. not on a periodic basis that
may reduce operating life).

The CID_SETTINGS_GET command is issued to read back the settings record from working RAM
containing the values currently in use.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SETTINGS_GET)

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SETTINGS_GET)

SETTINGS SETTINGS_T Structure containing the current working RAM

settings in use.

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The CID_SETTINGS_SET command is issued to update the values of the working RAM settings
and apply the new values.
This command updates the entire contents of the settings record, so for modification of settings
it is recommended to first use CID_SETTINGS_GET command to read the current settings record,
then modify and resend this.

This command does not save the new settings into permanent EEPROM storage and so
changes made will be lost if the device is powered down or rebooted.
To store changes after the set command, use the CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command.

Not all settings will be applied after the set command is issued. Specifically
communication baud-rate settings will only be applied when the device is next power
up, or a CID_SYS_REBOOT command is issued.

See the SETTINGS_T structure definition for details of which settings are only applied
on power-up/reboot.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SETTINGS_SET)

SETTINGS SETTINGS_T Structure containing the new settings to apply.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_SETTINGS_SET)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
 CST_CMD_PARAM_MISSING - The settings
parameter were not specified correctly.

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This CID_SETTINGS_LOAD command causes the beacon to re-load the working RAM settings
from the EEPROM storage and apply them. Any previous changes made to the working RAM
settings that have not been stored with the CID_SETTINGS_SAVE will be lost.

Not all settings will be applied after the load operation completes. Specifically
communication baud-rate settings will only be applied when the device is next power up,
or a CID_SYS_REBOOT command is issued.

See the SETTINGS_T structure definition for details of which settings are only applied on

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
 CST_FAIL - The settings could not be
loaded (possibly due to memory or data
corruption), default settings have been
used instead.

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The CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command is sent to save the current working RAM settings into
permanent storage, ensuring they are used next time the beacon is powered up.

The beacon uses EEPROM memory to permanently store the settings information, but
this has a lifetime endurance of between 10,000 and 50,000 cycles, after which its
data retention capabilities may start to degrade (below the guaranteed 5 year period).

For this reason, the beacon settings system allows quick and real-time parameter
changes to be made into working RAM, and only stored when required with the
When designing a control system, ensure that settings are only stored infrequently and
when needed (i.e. not on a periodic basis that may reduce operating life).

If the communications baud-rate settings are accidentally changed, saved and the
device rebooted, it may not be possible to re-establish serial communications (without
trying all available baud rates).
An alternative is to use the magnetic reset-to-defaults function supported by the
beacon (although this will also reset calibration data) – see the beacon user manual for
further details.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
 CST_FAIL - The settings could not be saved
successfully (a storage error may have

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The CID_SETTINGS_RESET command is used to reset the working RAM settings back to their
factory default values, and store the default values back into EEPROM memory.

The beacon uses EEPROM memory to permanently store the settings information, but
this has a lifetime endurance of between 10,000 and 50,000 cycles, after which its
data retention capabilities may start to degrade (below the guaranteed 5 year period).

When designing a control system, ensure that settings are only reset infrequently and
when needed (i.e. not on a periodic basis that may reduce operating life).

Not all settings will be applied after the load operation completes. Specifically
communication baud-rate settings will only be applied when the device is next power
up, or a CID_SYS_REBOOT command is issued.

See the SETTINGS_T structure definition for details of which settings are only applied
on power-up/reboot.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
 CST_FAIL - The settings have been reset,
in RAM but could not be saved (possibly
due to memory error).

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7.5. Calibration Messages

Occasionally the beacon will need its onboard sensor calibrating, specifically the magnetometer
(to provider the magnetic north yaw heading for the AHRS system), and the pressure-sensor
offset for the depth computation (to compensate for atmospheric pressure changes).

The following calibration commands have been provided to allow application and developers easy
access to sensor calibration functions.

The Calibration Action command should be used at various times by external calibration
applications and algorithms to instruct to beacon to perform operations related to one of its on-
board sensors.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


ACTION CAL_ACTION_E The code of the calibration action that should be

performed. See below for further details of each
operation code.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
ACTION parameter was not specified

Summary of Calibration Actions…

 CAL_ACC_DEFAULTS This operation sets the current accelerometer
calibration coefficients back to their values (of 0) in the
AHRS working AHRSCAL_T settings.
However, this does not reset the currently measured
sensor limit values (output in the CID_STATUS
message), that are used to determine the calibration
coefficients by the CAL_ACC_CALC action.

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 CAL_ACC_RESET This operation resets the measured accelerometer MIN

and MAX filtered values measured by the sensor as it is
slowly rotated during a calibration procedure (and
output in the CID_STATUS message).
However, this does not reset any of the accelerometer
calibration coefficients in the working AHRSCAL_T

 CAL_ACC_CALC This action should be called once new sensor MIN and
MAX limit values have been obtained by rotation during
a accelerometer calibration. When issued, the beacon
calculates the new calibration coefficients from the
measured limits (CID_SETTINGS_SAVE should then be
issued to store the new calibration to EEPROM

 CAL_MAG_DEFAULTS This action sets the current magnetometer calibration

values for Hard and Sort Iron back to their default
values, but does not clear the Magnetic Calibration

 CAL_MAG_RESET This action clears the magnetic calibration buffer, that

is continuously measuring the surrounding magnetic
environment as the beacon is rotated. However, this
action does modify any of the current calibration

 CAL_MAG_CALC Once the magnetic buffer has been filled, calling this
action will calculate and apply a new magnetometer
calibration for Hard and Soft Iron compensation
(CID_SETTINGS_SAVE should then be issued to store
the new calibration to EEPROM memory).

 CAL_PRES_OFFSET_RESET Performing this action resets the pressure-offset back

to zero Bar.

 CAL_PRES_OFFSET_CALC This action sets the pressure-offset value from the

current pressure sensor reading – in effect zeroing the
depth sensor.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_AHRS_CAL_GET command allows the current calibration coefficients in use by the AHRS
system to be quickly retrieved.

As an alternative to this command, use CID_SETTINGS_GET.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


AHRS_CAL AHRSCAL_T The structure containing the current calibration

coefficients in use on the AHRS system.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_AHRS_CAL_SET command is used to allow direct updating of the AHRS sensor
calibration coefficients without the need to read or reload the entire settings structure. However,
any changes made with this command will only apply to the working RAM settings, and will be
lost upon power-down unless they are subsequently with the CID_SETTINGS_SAVE command.

As an alternative to this command, use CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


AHRS_CAL AHRSCAL_T The structure containing the new calibration

coefficients for the AHRS system.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The command was performed
calibration parameters was not specified

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

7.6. Acoustic Transceiver Messages

Acoustic transceiver messages are used to gain information about the activity of the beacons
transmitter and receiver systems, independently to how they are being controlled by any
message protocol handlers.

With the exception of the CID_XCVR_ANALYSE message, all other messages are
generated only when the appropriate enabling flag is set in the acoustic transceiver
settings – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Regardless of weather acoustic transceiver messages are generated, protocol handlers

may generate their own specific status and information messages that may duplicate (or
omit) some of the information contained in the messages below. Further details can be
found in the definitions of protocol handler messages found in the subsequent sections
of this document.

The CID_XCVR_ANALYSE command is sent to instruct the transceiver to perform a background
noise analysis of the receiver, and report its findings.
On receiving the command, the transceiver will stop any reception activity in progress, then
listen to the main receiver transducer for 0.5 seconds to determine noise levels. Once the test
in finished, the transceiver will return to the Idle state waiting for a new reception to commence.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_OK The command was performed successfully.

 CST_FAIL An error has occurred (such as Transmission in

progress) that prevented the noise analysis from

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

ADC_MEAN INT16 The average reading seen by the receiving

analogue-to-digital converter.
This value is used primarily for factory diagnostics
and commissioning of the beacon hardware.

ADC_PKPK UINT16 The peak-to-peak reading seen by the receiving

analogue-to-digital converter.
This value is used primarily for factory diagnostics
and commissioning of the beacon hardware.

ADC_RMS UINT32 The RMS reading seen by the receiving analogue-

to-digital converter.
This value is used primarily for factory diagnostics
and commissioning of the beacon hardware.

RX_LEVEL_PKPK INT16 The peak-to-peak noise level observed on the

receiver, encoded in centibels. To decode, divide
this value by 10 for decibels to a 0.1 dB resolution.

This is useful to identify is any short bursts of

interference are present during the analysis period.
Typical values should lie between 85.0dB and
100.0dB for normal operation.

RX_LEVEL_RMS INT16 The RMS noise level observed on the receiver,

encoded in centibels. To decode, divide this value
by 10 for decibels to a 0.1 dB resolution.

This is useful to determine what the general

background ambient noise level is. Higher values
indicate it is hardware for the receiver to detect
valid beacon signals over the noise.
Typical values should lie between 80.0dB and
95.0dB for normal operation.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_XCVR_TX_MSG status message is generated when the acoustic transceiver is instructed
to send a message to another beacon.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on protocol handlers or acoustic activity
triggering a transceiver event.

This message is generated only when the XCVR_DIAG_MSGS flag is specified in the
acoustic transceiver SETTINGS_T structure – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_XCVR_TX_MSG)

ACO_MSG ACOMSG_T Structure populated with the transmitted message


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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_XCVR_RX_ERR status message is generated when the acoustic transceiver has
encountered an error while trying to receive an acoustic message, or wait for a request response
to be received.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

This message is generated only when the XCVR_DIAG_MSGS flag is specified in the
acoustic transceiver SETTINGS_T structure – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Faint degraded or noisy acoustic signals may lead to data corruption on the receiver,
which is the most common cause of CST_XCVR_CSUM_ERROR messages being

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_XCVR_RX_ERR)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_XCVR_ID_REJECTED The transceiver has received a message with a

destination ID that does not match its own so the
message will be rejected (this is not technically an
error, just issued for information).

 CST_XCVR_CSUM_ERROR The transceiver has received a message, but the

message checksum CRC16 value does not match the
decoded data indicating the message is corrupt and
will be discarded.

 CST_XCVR_LENGTH_ERROR The transceiver has started decoding a message, but

not reached the end of it within the expected period
of time. The message is assumed to be corrupt and
will be discarded.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_TIMEOUT A valid response message was not received in the

time allowed by the beacons Range-Timeout setting,
indicating the remote beacon cannot be heard, is not
present or lies outside this range.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_WRONG A message from another beacon was received while

waiting for a response.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_ERROR A general reception error has occurred while waiting

for a response.

 CST_FAIL An unknown error has occurred.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the error.

As errors usually occur before a message completes

reception, the Flags field won’t indicate valid range,
USBL signal or position.

For errors above marked with “”, no RSSI level

will be available, as the error isn’t triggered by
direct reception of an acoustic message.

For errors above marked with a “”, a beacon ID

for the message sender will not be available, so the
SRC_ID/DEST_ID fields will be the local ID of the
beacon instead.

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_XCVR_RX_MSG status message is generated when the acoustic transceiver has
received a valid general message from another beacon that does not require a reply or
acknowledgment. After issuing this status message, the acoustic message is passed to the
appropriate protocol handler in the acoustic protocol stack, which may generate further

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

This message is generated only when the XCVR_DIAG_MSGS flag is specified in the
acoustic transceiver SETTINGS_T structure – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_XCVR_RX_MSG)

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.

ACO_MSG ACOMSG_T Structure populated with the received Request

message details.

The MSG_TYPE field value will be MSG_OWAY or


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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_XCVR_RX_REQ status message is generated when the acoustic transceiver has received
a valid request message from another beacon that will require a reply constructing and
transmitting back. After issuing this status message, the acoustic message is passed to the
appropriate protocol handler in the acoustic protocol stack, which may generate further

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

This message is generated only when the XCVR_DIAG_MSGS flag is specified in the
acoustic transceiver SETTINGS_T structure – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_XCVR_RX_REQ)

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.

ACO_MSG ACOMSG_T Structure populated with the received Request

message details.

The MSG_TYPE field value will be MSG_REQ,


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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_XCVR_RX_RESP status message is generated when the acoustic transceiver has
received a valid response to a request message it transmitted earlier. After issuing this status
message, the acoustic message is passed to the appropriate protocol handler in the acoustic
protocol stack, which may generate further messages.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

This message is generated only when the XCVR_DIAG_MSGS flag is specified in the
acoustic transceiver SETTINGS_T structure – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.

ACO_MSG ACOMSG_T Structure populated with the received Response

message details.

The MSG_TYPE field value will be MSG_RESP,


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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_XCVR_RX_UNHANDLED status message is generated when the acoustic transceiver has
received a message with a payload protocol identifier that it does not know how to handle within
its acoustic protocol stack.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

This message is generated only when the XCVR_DIAG_MSGS flag is specified in the
acoustic transceiver SETTINGS_T structure – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


ACO_MSG ACOMSG_T Structure populated with the received message


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The CID_XCVR_USBL status message is generated when the acoustic transceiver has received
a message that contains a USBL signal, from which incoming signal angle information can be
computed. The message contents are design to assist with diagnosing the validity of acoustic
signals, and debug causes of reception/decoding failure.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

This message is generated only when the XCVR_USBL_MSGS flag is specified in the
acoustic transceiver SETTINGS_T structure – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

The CID_XCVR_USBL message is large in size (typically 461 bytes) so suitable memory
buffering should be allocated when decoding.
Sending this message over a slow serial communications link may degrade the
performance of the beacon.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_XCVR_USBL)

XCOR_SIG_PEAK FLOAT The magnitude of the peak signal observer while

correlating the USBL signal.

XCOR_THRESHOLD FLOAT The magnitude of the detection threshold being

used to detect the first peak in the correlated USBL

XCOR_CROSS_POINT UINT16 The correlation sample number where the USBL

signal passes the detection threshold.

XCOR_CROSS_MAG FLOAT The actual magnitude of the correlated signal when

the USBL signal passed the detection threshold.

XCOR_DETECT UINT16 The correlation sample number where the first peak
of USBL signal was found.

XCOR_LENGTH UINT16 The number of correlation samples computed for

the received signal. Typically this value is 100.

XCOR_DATA FLOAT[x] Array of floating point data containing the

correlated received signal, where “x” is equal to the
value defined in XCOR_LENGTH.

CHANNELS UINT8 The number of USBL receiver channels being used

to compute the signal angle. Typically this value is
either 3 or 4.

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CHANNEL_RSSI INT16[x] An array of the received signal strengths for each of

the USBL receiver channels, where “x” is the value
defined by the CHANNELS field.
Values are encoded in centi-Bels, so divide by 10 to
obtain a value in decibels to a resolution of 0.1dB.

BASELINES UINT8 The number of baselines available from which

position information can be computed. Typically this
value is either 3 or 6.

PHASE_ANGLE FLOAT[x] An array of the measured phase angles for each

baseline (between pairs of USBL receiver
elements), where “x” is the value defined by the

SIGNAL_AZIMUTH INT16 The incoming signal azimuth angle from 0° to 360°.

Values are encoded as deci-Degrees, so divide by
10 for just degrees to a 0.1° resolution.

SIGNAL_ELEVATION INT16 The incoming signal elevation angle from -90° to

Values are encoded as deci-Degrees, so divide by
10 for just degrees to a 0.1° resolution.

SIGNAL_FIT_ERROR FLOAT The fit error value returns a number that indicates
the quality of fit (or confidence) of the signal
azimuth and elevation values from the timing and
phase-angle data available.

Smaller values towards 0.0 indicate a better fit,

while larger values (increasing above 2-3) indicate
poorer fits and larger error tolerances.

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The CID_XCVR_FIX status message is generated when the acoustic transceiver has received a
message from which information about the remote beacons position can be determined.

If the received acoustic message MSG_TYPE field is either MSG_OWAYU, MSG_RESPU or

MSG_RESPX, then the received USBL signal information can be used to compute the incoming
angle of the message.

In the case of MSG_RESPU and MSG_RESPX messages, these are sent in response to a request
message, and because round-trip timing is then available a range can be determined to the
remote beacon, and combined with incoming signal angles, a relative position estimate can be
However, for MSG_OWAYU messages no such timing information in available, so only incoming
signal angle information is available in the fix message.

Messages with the MSG_RESPX type also contain an additional field specifying the depth of the
remote beacon. From this information an enhanced vertical position fix can be computed.

For message types of MSG_RESP, no USBL signal information is available, so only ranging
information can be computed.

Messages types of MSG_OWAY do not provide USBL information, or allow for timing to be
performed, so Fix messages will not be generated on their reception.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

This message is generated only when the XCVR_FIX_MSGS flag is specified in the
acoustic transceiver SETTINGS_T structure – see CID_SETTINGS_SET.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_XCVR_RX_FIX)

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.

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The CID_XCVR_STATUS command can be used to determine the current operating state of the
acoustic transceiver modules.
It is particularly useful to use prior to issuing other commands that may start transmissions (i.e.
CID_PING_SEND, CID_ECHO_SEND etc.) to check that the transceiver is currently in the IDLE
state and can perform the operation.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_XCVR_STATUS)

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_XCVR_STATUS)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_XCVR_STATE_STOPPED Indicates the transceiver is in a stopped state.

 CST_XCVR_STATE_IDLE Indicates the transceiver is in an idle state waiting

for reception or transmission to start.

 CST_XCVR_STATE_TX Indicates the transceiver is in a transmitting states.

 CST_XCVR_STATE_REQ Indicates the transceiver is in a requesting state,

having transmitted a message and is waiting for a
response to be received.

 CST_XCVR_STATE_RX Indicates the transceiver is in a receiving state.

 CST_XCVR_STATE_RESP Indicates the transceiver is in a responding state,

where a message is being composed and the
“response time” period is being observed.

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8. Acoustic Protocol Stack Message Definitions

8.1. PING Protocol Messages

The acoustic PING protocol provides a set of commands and status messages that can be used
to determine the presence of other beacons, and obtain range and position values for the remote
“pinged” beacon.

Unlike other protocols, PING messages do not carry any payload information making them the
shortest messages possible. This in turn leads to least power consumption for battery powered
operations, and the fastest polling speed in networked or navigation systems.

Once the beacon is correctly configured, a PING operation is started by sending the
CID_PING_SEND command.

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The CID_PING_SEND command is issued to perform an acoustic “ping” on another beacon, from
which its range and position can be determined.

For positioning, acoustic PING messages are the shortest of all the protocols available, requiring
the least power consumption on the transmitter and allowing the fastest operation when polling
round a network.

If successful, the CID_PING_SEND command will start an acoustic message

transmission, and at some time later an acoustic response will be heard.
The PING protocol handler will generate subsequent serial message to signal when
these event occur.
Additionally acoustic transceiver diagnostic messages are available to monitor activity
and obtain further information on the received signal levels – see section 7.6 on page
91 for further details.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PING_SEND)

DEST_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon to send the Ping to, and
receive position and ranging information for.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

MSG_TYPE AMSGTYPE_E Value specifying the type of data message that

should be sent
Valid values are…

 MSG_REQ Data is sent as a request message, but no USBL

information is required.
As no USBL signal information is transmitted, but a
response is returned, ranging information will be
available for the remote beacon.

 MSG_REQU Data is sent as a request message and a USBL

signal is required.
As both USBL signal information and a response is
returned by the remote beacon, positioning and
range information for the remote beacon will be
available to the sender.

 MSG_REQX As MSG_REQU but an enhanced USBL request is

sent (i.e. remote depth sensor information included
to enhance the depth position fix).

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Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PING_SEND)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_OK The PING command is being sent.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_INVALID The DEST_ID parameter is invalid.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_MISSING The DEST_ID has not been specified correctly.

 CST_XCVR_BUSY The message cannot be sent as the acoustic

transceiver is busy performing another operation.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that the command was
sent to.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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The CID_PING_REQ status message is generated when the beacon received an acoustic PING
message from the sending beacon. This message is provided by the protocol-handler in the
beacon for information purposes only, and no action or acknowledgment by the external
system/user is required.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PING_REQ)

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

signal from the beacon sending data.
This will not contain range or position information.

The CID_PING_RESP status message is generated by the sending beacon when it receives a
PING response back from the remote (“pinged”) beacon.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PING_RESP)

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.

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The CID_PING_ERROR status message is generated when a PING operation is not successful,
usually because a response is not received from the remote interrogated beacon, causing a

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_PING_ERROR)

STATUS CST_E Status code indicating the error that occurred.

Valid values are…

 CST_XCVR_RESP_TIMEOUT A valid response message was not received in the

time allowed by the beacons Range-Timeout setting,
indicating the remote beacon cannot be heard, is not
present or lies outside this range.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_WRONG A message from another beacon was received while

waiting for a response.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_ERROR A general reception error has occurred while waiting

for a response.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that the error applies to
(i.e. the DEST_ID value used in the
CID_PING_SEND command).
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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8.2. ECHO Protocol Messages

The ECHO protocol is primarily intended for testing and validating remote beacons functionality
and diagnosing problems with acoustic communications.

The CID_ECHO_SEND command is used to start an ECHO transmission, where a user specified
payload of up to 31 bytes is sent to the remote beacon. Upon successful reception, the remote
beacon will then return a response message containing the same payload.

While the acoustic transceiver should receive the response message correctly, and not have to
validate the contents of the response data (guaranteed by the CRC checksum algorithms used),
the longer structures used by the ECHO protocol over the PING protocol allow acoustic channel
characteristics to be evaluated or the effect of Doppler shift on remote beacons.

The CID_ECHO_SEND command is issued to send a packet of data to another remote beacon,
and have this beacon return (or echo) the data back, also allowing its range and position to be

If successful, the CID_ECHO_SEND command will start an acoustic message

transmission, and at some time later an acoustic response will be heard.
The ECHO protocol handler will generate subsequent serial message to signal when
these event occur.
Additionally acoustic transceiver diagnostic messages are available to monitor activity
and obtain further information on the received signal levels – see section 7.6 on page
91 for further details.

When sending ECHO data, be aware that larger quantities of data will take longer to
send (by 80ms per byte), and during this time the receiver may become more
susceptible to errors caused by Doppler shift or other interference, and the statistical
probability of the CRC16 checksum algorithm (used by the acoustic transceiver)
uniquely validating the message content becomes reduced.

When testing the acoustic link, it is recommended to use data lengths of 16 bytes or
less if problems with communications are observer.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_ECHO_SEND)

DEST_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon to send the Echo request
to, and receive position and ranging information
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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MSG_TYPE AMSGTYPE_E Value specifying the type of data message that

should be sent
Valid values are…

 MSG_REQ Data is sent as a request message, but no USBL

information is required.
As no USBL signal information is transmitted, but a
response is returned, ranging information will be
available for the remote beacon.

 MSG_REQU Data is sent as a request message and a USBL

signal is required.
As both USBL signal information and a response is
returned by the remote beacon, positioning and
range information for the remote beacon will be
available to the sender.

 MSG_REQX As MSG_REQU but an enhanced USBL request is

sent (i.e. remote depth sensor information included
to enhance the depth position fix).

ECHO_LEN UINT8 The number of bytes to send in the Echo acoustic

packet. Valid values are from 0 to 31.

ECHO_DATA UINT8[x] The array of data that should be sent in the Echo
acoustic packet, where “x” is the value specified in

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_ECHO_SEND)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_OK The PING command is being sent.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_INVALID The DEST_ID parameter is invalid.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_MISSING The DEST_ID has not been specified correctly.

 CST_XCVR_BUSY The message cannot be sent as the acoustic

transceiver is busy performing another operation.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that the command was
sent to.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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The CID_ECHO_REQ status message is generated when the beacon received an acoustic ECHO
message from the sending beacon. This message is provided by the protocol-handler in the
beacon for information purposes only, and no action or acknowledgment by the external
system/user is required.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_ECHO_REQ)

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

signal from the beacon sending data.
This will not contain range or position information.

ECHO_LEN UINT8 The number of bytes sent in the Echo acoustic

packet. Valid values are from 0 to 31.

ECHO_DATA UINT8[x] The array of data received in the Echo acoustic

packet, where “x” is the value specified in

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The CID_ECHO_RESP status message is generated by the sending beacon when it receives an
ECHO response back from the remote beacon. The payload of the response message should
carry a duplicate copy of the data that was transmitted with the CID_ECHO_SEND command.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_ECHO_RESP)

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.

ECHO_LEN UINT8 The number of bytes received back from the remote
beacon in the Echo acoustic packet.
Valid values are from 0 to 31.

ECHO_DATA UINT8[x] The array of data received in the Echo acoustic

packet, where “x” is the value specified in

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_ECHO_ERROR status message is generated when an ECHO operation is not successful,
usually because a response is not received from the remote interrogated beacon, causing a

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_ECHO_ERROR)

STATUS CST_E Status code indicating the error that occurred.

Valid values are…

 CST_XCVR_RESP_TIMEOUT A valid response message was not received in the

time allowed by the beacons Range-Timeout setting,
indicating the remote beacon cannot be heard, is not
present or lies outside this range.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_WRONG A message from another beacon was received while

waiting for a response.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_ERROR A general reception error has occurred while waiting

for a response.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that the error applies to
(i.e. the DEST_ID value used in the
CID_ECHO_SEND command).
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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8.3. DAT Protocol Messages

The DAT (or datagram) protocol forms the basis for any data exchange between pairs of SeaTrac

When the controlling system or user, issues a CID_DAT_SEND command, a packet of up to 31

bytes is transmitted to the specified beacon.
Optionally the user may also choose if they wish to receive a response back from the remote
beacon. This allows acknowledgment of reception to occur, and additionally will include any data
that may have been queued onto a packet buffer at the remote end of the link (see
CID_DAT_QUEUE_SET) – allowing simple bidirectional data transfers to occur.

The DAT protocol is deliberately basic in its implementation, allowing system developers to
decide how to format and interpret the data packets – for example implementing “port” numbers
(similar to the UDP protocol), sequence pointers etc.

By implementing a simple controlling state machine, developers can use the ACK/ACK_USBL
send modes to determine the presence of the remote beacon and remotely retrieve data.
CID_DAT_RECEIVE messages will be returned to indicate data has been received at either end
of the link, or CID_DAT_ERROR messages to indicate undelivered data in the case of a timeout
or other reception error occurring.

At either receiving end, data is not buffered, but output with a CID_DAT_RECEIVE message as
it arrived, again allowing system developers to handle the data in the best way for their

When sending DAT data, be aware that larger quantities of data will take longer to
send (by 80ms per byte), and during this time the receiver may become more
susceptible to errors caused by Doppler shift or other interference, and the statistical
probability of the CRC16 checksum algorithm (used by the acoustic transceiver)
uniquely validating the message content becomes reduced.

Where possible it is recommended (but not required) to limit packet lengths to

between 16 to 20 bytes.

As mentioned above, the simplicity of the DAT protocol also leads to limitations if
trying to send larger amounts of data (across several packets) and verify successful
reception of the data in sequence, resending missing packets.

Developers may choose to implement their own protocol handling technique using the
DAT commands, however the DEX protocol has been developed using concepts similar
to those found in the TCP protocol to provide bi-directional data exchange with a
timeout-retry mechanism built into the protocol handler. DEX communications occur
through buffered ‘sockets’ defined between beacons, with port numbers allowing
different channels of data to be send.
For further details see section 8.5 on page 134.

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The CID_DAT_SEND command is issued to send a packet of data to another remote beacon,
optionally requesting that the remote beacon acknowledge reception of the data.

If the command requires an acknowledgement (ACK), then at some point later upon reception
of the response message a CID_DAT_RECEIVE message will be output containing the ACK flag
and any additional remotely queued data that has been transmitted back.

If successful, the CID_DAT_SEND command will start an acoustic message

transmission, and at some time later an acoustic response will be heard.
The DAT protocol handler will generate subsequent serial message to signal when
these event occur.
Additionally acoustic transceiver diagnostic messages are available to monitor activity
and obtain further information on the received signal levels – see section 7.6 on page
91 for further details.

When sending DAT data, be aware that larger quantities of data will take longer to
send (by 80ms per byte), and during this time the receiver may become more
susceptible to errors caused by Doppler shift or other interference, and the statistical
probability of the CRC16 checksum algorithm (used by the acoustic transceiver)
uniquely validating the message content becomes reduced.

Where possible it is recommended (but not required) to limit packet lengths to

between 16 to 20 bytes.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_DAT_SEND)

DEST_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon to send the DATA to.
Valid values are form 0 to 15.

A value of BEACON_ALL (0) indicates data is

broadcast to all other beacons. However when this
is used the SEND_MODE value can only be NOACK

MSG_TYPE AMSGTYPE_E Value specifying the type of data message that

should be sent
Valid values are…

 MSG_OWAY Data is sent one-way with no USBL signal request,

and no response acknowledgment is required.
As no USBL signal or response is used, no ranging
or position fix will be available on receipt on this

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 MSG_OWAYU Data is sent one-way with a USBL signal request,

but no response acknowledgment is required.
As a USBL signal is transmitted with the data, the
remote beacon can determine incoming signal
angle, but not range or position.

 MSG_REQ Data is sent as a request message where the

acknowledgment will be the response, but no USBL
response is required.
As no USBL signal information is transmitted, but a
response is returned, ranging information will be
available for the remote beacon.

 MSG_REQU Data is sent as a request message where the

acknowledgment will be the response, and a USBL
signal is required.
As both USBL signal information and a response is
returned by the remote beacon, positioning and
range information for the remote beacon will be
available to the sender.

 MSG_REQX As MSG_REQU but an enhanced USBL request is


PACKET_LEN UINT8 The number of bytes to send in the DAT acoustic

packet. Valid values are from 0 to 31.

PACKET_DATA UINT8[x] The array of data that should be sent in the DAT
acoustic packet, where “x” is the value specified in

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_DAT_SEND)

STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_OK The DAT command is being sent.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_INVALID The value of one of the parameters is invalid.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_MISSING There is not enough data parameters provided to

satisfy the message requirements.

 CST_XCVR_BUSY The message cannot be sent as the acoustic

transceiver is busy performing another operation.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that the command was
sent to.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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The CID_DAT_RECEIVE status message is generated when the beacon received a DAT protocol
data packet from another beacon.

Additionally, this message will be issued upon reception of an acknowledgement response back
from a remote beacon if the CID_DAT_SEND command specified its MSG_TYPE value to be either
MSG_RESP, MSG_RESPU or MSG_RESPX. In this case, if the remote beacon had any data
queued, it will also have been transmitted and is output with this message.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

The receiving beacon (generating this message) will automatically handle generation of
requested ACK messages if required. Beyond handling the data in the reported packet
not further interaction is required with the external system/user.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_DAT_RECEIVE)

ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.
Messages generated at the remote beacon (or
MSG_OWAY/MSG_OWAYU types were used) will not
contain range or position information.

ACK_FLAG BOOLEAN Flag is true if this message has been generated as a

response to a CID_DAT_SEND command which
requested an ACK – in which case, remotely queued
data may have also been transmitted back and in
included in this message.

PACKET_LEN UINT8 The number of bytes sent in the DAT acoustic

packet. Valid values are from 0 to 31.
A value of 0 indicate no data is present.

PACKET_DATA UINT8[x] The array of data received in the DAT acoustic

packet, where “x” is the value specified in

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

The CID_DAT_ERROR status message is generated when a DAT operation is not successful,
usually because a response is not received from the remote interrogated beacon, causing a

This message will only be generated if the CID_DAT_SEND command specified its MSG_TYPE
field to be MSG_REQ, MSG_REQU or MSG_REQX, as only these modes allow the remote beacon
to report back its status.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_DAT_ERROR)

STATUS CST_E Status code indicating the error that occurred.

Valid values are…

 CST_XCVR_RESP_TIMEOUT A valid response message was not received in the

time allowed by the beacons Range-Timeout
setting, indicating the remote beacon cannot be
heard, is not present or lies outside this range.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_WRONG A message from another beacon was received while

waiting for a response.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_ERROR A general reception error has occurred while waiting

for a response.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that the error applies to
(i.e. the DEST_ID value used in the CID_DAT_SEND
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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The CID_DAT_QUEUE_SET command is used to store (queue) a single packet of data in the
beacon, that will be held until an acoustic CID_DAT_SEND message from another beacon is
received that requires a response from a specific.

The DAT queue only holds one packet. Subsequent CID_DATA_QUEUE_SET commands
will overwrite any previously un-transmitted data.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


DEST_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon to that the queued

packet will be sent to in response to a
CID_DATA_SEND command. Requests received
from other beacons will be ignored.
Valid values are form 0 to 15.

A value of BEACON_ALL (0) indicates data is

broadcast to the next interrogating beacon
regardless of its ID.

PACKET_LEN UINT8 The number of bytes to queue.

Valid values are from 0 to 31.

PACKET_DATA UINT8[x] The array of data that should be sent in the DAT
acoustic packet, where “x” is the value specified in

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_OK The packed has been queued.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_INVALID The value of one of the parameters is invalid.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_MISSING There is not enough data parameters provided to

satisfy the message requirements.

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The CID_DAT_QUEUE_CLR command is used to clear any packed that has been queued for
remote retrieval by the DAT protocol, using the CID_DATA_QUEUE_SET command.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_OK The DAT command is being sent.

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The CID_DAT_QUEUE_STATUS command is used to determine if any packet is queued and
waiting for remote retrieval by the DAT protocol in response to a CID_DAT_SEND command.

The number of bytes in the packet payload is returned in response to this command, and when
the packet has been delivered, this value is reported as 0, indicating empty (and another packet
can be queued).

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


PACKET_LEN UINT8 The number of bytes in the queued packet.

Valid values are from 0 to 31.

A value of 0 indicates there is no queued data.

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8.4. NAV Protocol Messages

The Navigation protocol builds on the basic range and positioning information produced by the
acoustic transceiver, to provide a set of commands useful for incorporating into tracking and
navigation systems.

As standard, the NAV protocol uses enhanced USBL fixes where the remote beacons depth is
transmitted in the response message. From this, USBL beacons can improve the computed
vertical position solution.

The CID_NAV_QUERY_SEND command is issued to request the specified remote beacon respond
with the requested information.

Regardless of which information if requested, the response contains an enhanced USBL message,
where the remote depth sensor reading is encoded to a resolution of 1m, and this is used to
compute the vertical Z-axis depth from surface of the position fix. The only exception to this is
when remote Depth information is requested, then this value (to 0.1m resolution) is used for
the Z-axis depth fix.

If successful, the CID_NAV_QUERY_SEND command will start an acoustic message

transmission, and at some time later an acoustic response will be heard.
The NAV protocol handler will generate subsequent serial message to signal when
these event occur.
Additionally acoustic transceiver diagnostic messages are available to monitor activity
and obtain further information on the received signal levels – see section 7.6 on page
91 for further details.

By default the NAV protocol uses an enhanced USBL fix that returns the remote
beacons depth to a resolution of 1m, and this is used to augment the position fix.
However, if the QRY_DEPTH bit is specified in the QUERY_FLAGS field, the remote
beacon will return the depth to an resolution of 0.1m and use this value instead in the
position fix as well as returning it in response message REMOTE_DEPTH field and FIX

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


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DEST_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon to send the Echo request
to, and receive position and ranging information
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

QUERY_FLAGS NAV_QUERY_T Bit mask that contains the fields the

CID_NAV_QUERY_RESP status message should

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…
 CST_OK – The ECHO command is being
 CST_CMD_PARAM_INVALID – The value of
one of the parameters is invalid.
enough data parameters provided to satisfy
the message requirements.
 CST_XCVR_BUSY – The message cannot be
sent as the acoustic transceiver is busy
performing another operation.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that the command was
sent to.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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The CID_NAV_QUERY_REQ status message is generated when the beacon received an acoustic
NAV message from the sending beacon. This message is provided by the protocol-handler in the
beacon for information purposes only, and no action or acknowledgment by the external
system/user is required.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.

QUERY_FLAGS NAV_QUERY_T Bit mask that contains the fields the

CID_NAV_QUERY_SEND message specified.

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The CID_NAV_QUERY_RESP status message is generated when the beacon receives back a
message from the remote beacon in response to a CID_NAV_QUERY_SEND command.
In the response, the requested remote beacons information specified by the QUERY_FLAGS
parameter is encoded, and output via this message.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Note: By default the NAV protocol uses an enhanced USBL fix that returns the remote
beacons depth to a resolution of 1m, and this is used to augment the position fix.
However, if the QRY_DEPTH bit is specified in the sent QUERY_FLAGS field, the remote
beacon will return the depth to an resolution of 0.1m and use this value instead in the
position fix as well as returning it in the REMOTE_DEPTH field and FIX structure.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

the range and position of the beacon sending data.

See note above regarding enhanced depth

resolution when using the QRY_DEPTH flag.

QUERY_FLAGS NAV_QUERY_T Bit mask that contains the fields the

CID_NAV_QUERY_SEND message specified.

Depth Fields
If the message QUERY_FLAGS parameter contains the QRY_DEPTH bit (see NAV_QUERY_T),
then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record…

REMOTE_DEPTH INT32 The remote beacons depth based on the measured

environmental pressure.
Values are encoded in deci-metres, so divide by 10
for a value in metres.

See note above regarding enhanced depth resolution

when using the QRY_DEPTH flag.

Supply Fields
If the message QUERY_FLAGS parameter contains the QRY_SUPPLY bit (see NAV_QUERY_T),
then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record…

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REMOTE_SUPPLY UINT16 The remote beacons supply voltage.

Values are encoded in milli-volts, so divide by 1000
for a value in Volts.

Temperature Fields
If the message QUERY_FLAGS parameter contains the QRY_TEMP bit (see NAV_QUERY_T), then
the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record…

REMOTE_TEMP INT16 The temperature of air/water in contact with the

diaphragm of the pressure sensor or the remote
Values are encoded in deci-Celsius, so divide by 10
to obtain a value in Celsius.

Attitude Fields
If the message QUERY_FLAGS parameter contains the QRY_ATTITUDE bit (see NAV_QUERY_T),
then the following fields are sequentially appended to the message record…

REMOTE_YAW INT16 The Yaw angle of the remote beacon, relative to

magnetic north, measured by the beacons AHRS
Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the
value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.

REMOTE_PITCH INT16 The Pitch angle of the remote beacon, relative to

magnetic north, measured by the beacons AHRS
Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the
value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.

REMOTE_ROLL INT16 The Roll angle of the remote beacon, relative to

magnetic north, measured by the beacons AHRS
Values are encoded as deci-degrees, so divide the
value by 10 to obtain a value in degrees.

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The CID_NAV_ERROR status message is generated when an NAV operation is not successful,
usually because a response is not received from the remote interrogated beacon (causing a
timeout) or a malformed payload has been decoded.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Status Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code (CID_ECHO_ERROR)

STATUS CST_E Status code indicating the error that occurred.

Valid values are…

 CST_XCVR_RESP_TIMEOUT A valid response message was not received in the

time allowed by the beacons Range-Timeout setting,
indicating the remote beacon cannot be heard, is not
present or lies outside this range.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_WRONG A message from another beacon was received while

waiting for a response.

 CST_XCVR_RESP_ERROR A general reception error has occurred while waiting

for a response.

 CST_XCVR_PLOAD_ERROR The payload of the acoustic message does not

contain the expected or required data, and the
operation cannot be performed – this can occur on
reception of a Request or Response message.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon that the error applies to
(i.e. the DEST_ID value used in the
CID_ECHO_SEND command).
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

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The CID_NAV_REF_POS_SEND message is used to broadcast the reference position of the local
beacon (defined by Latitude and Longitude) to all other beacons capable of receiving the

This message allows a USBL beacon forming part of an acoustic tracing system, to occasionally
transmit its own position as a world referenced coordinate to all other surrounding beacons.
If these beacons have been receiving position updates from the CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_SEND
command, then the information sent here then allows them to compute their own (and other
beacons) world position from the previously transmitted relative NED co-ordinates (as the
latitude/longitude specifies the origin of the relative NED values).

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


POSITION_LATITUDE INT32 The latitude part of the local beacons position, used
as the reference position from which relative
Northing/Easting/Depth positions are based.

This value must be encoded in milliseconds of arc

angle – i.e. value in degrees multiplied by 3600000.

POSITION_LONGITUDE INT32 The longitude part of the local beacons position,

used as the reference position from which relative
Northing/Easting/Depth positions are based.

This value must be encoded in milliseconds of arc

angle – i.e. value in degrees multiplied by 3600000.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_OK The PING command is being sent.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_INVALID The DEST_ID parameter is invalid.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_MISSING The DEST_ID has not been specified correctly.

 CST_XCVR_BUSY The message cannot be sent as the acoustic

transceiver is busy performing another operation.

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The CID_NAV_REF_POS_UPDATE message is generated when the beacon receives acoustic
information sent from another beacon with the CID_NAV_REF_POS_SEND command.
On reception of the message, the acoustic payload is decoded and the transmitted
Latitude/Longitude position for the specified beacon is output from the serial port.

The connected host system may then use this information to convert previously send NED
coordinates to world coordinates by treading the latitude and longitude as the original of the
NED grid.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

signal from the beacon sending data.
This will not contain range or position information,
but will contain the message SRC_ID.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon this position refers to.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

NB: This ID code does not necessarily refer to the

local beacon (although it may).

POSITION_LATITUDE INT32 The latitude part of the sending beacons position,

used as the reference position from which relative
Northing/Easting/Depth positions are based.

This value is encoded in milliseconds of arc angle,

so divide by 3600000 to obtain a value in decimal

POSITION_LONGITUDE INT32 The longitude part of the sending beacons position,

used as the reference position from which relative
Northing/Easting/Depth positions are based.

This value is encoded in milliseconds of arc angle,

so divide by 3600000 to obtain a value in decimal

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The CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_SEND message is used to broadcast a position of a beacon (defined
as Northing, Easting and Depth) to all other beacons capable of receiving the message.

This message allows a USBL beacon forming part of an acoustic tracing system, to perform
sequential Queries or Pings to the other remote beacons that require tracking (using command
On successful reception of a response and computation of a position Fix, the USBL beacon can
use this command to re-broadcast the computed NED position of the remote beacon (relative to
the USBL head) to ALL the other beacons, who can in-turn update their local hardware (i.e. Diver
display, AUV navigation system etc)

Additional use of the CID_NAV_POS_SEND command allows the USBL beacons latitude and
longitude coordinates to also be transmitted, which are the reference point for
Northing/Easting/Depth positions to be world referenced.

Command Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon this position refers to.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

NB: This is not the destination to send the message

to, as this command is broadcast to ALL other
beacons who will then output the transmitted data
on their serial port.

POSITION_EASTING INT16 The Easting distance component of the relative

position of the remote beacon to the local beacon
computed from the range, incoming signal angle,
local beacon depth, attitude and magnetic heading.

This value must be encoded in deci-meters, so

multiply the meters distance by 10 and truncate as
an integer.

POSITION_NORTHING INT16 The Northing distance component of the relative

position of the remote beacon to the local beacon
computed from the range, incoming signal angle,
local beacon depth, attitude and magnetic heading.

This value must be encoded in deci-meters, so

multiply the meters distance by 10 and truncate as
an integer.

POSITION_DEPTH INT16 The vertical Depth distance component of the

remote beacon from the surface - computed from

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SeaTrac Serial Command Interface Reference

the range, incoming signal angle, local beacon

depth, attitude and magnetic heading.

This value must be encoded in deci-meters, so

multiply the meters distance by 10 and truncate as
an integer.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


STATUS CST_E Status code used to indicate if the command

executed successfully.
Valid values are…

 CST_OK The PING command is being sent.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_INVALID The DEST_ID parameter is invalid.

 CST_CMD_PARAM_MISSING The DEST_ID has not been specified correctly.

 CST_XCVR_BUSY The message cannot be sent as the acoustic

transceiver is busy performing another operation.

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The CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_UPDATE message is generated when the beacon receives acoustic
information sent from another beacon with the CID_NAV_BEACON_POS_SEND command.
On reception of the message, the acoustic payload is decoded and the transmitted
Northing/Easting/Depth position for the specified beacon is output from the serial port.

The connected host system may then use this information to update tracking tables/records as
required for all other beacons in the network being interrogated by the USBL controller.

Subsequent reception of a CID_NAV_REF_POS_UPDATE command allows all relative NED

coordinates to become world reference through the specification of the USBL origin
latitude/longitude position.

This message is a status message that may be sent by the beacon at any time (not in
response to a command message) depending on acoustic activity triggering a
transceiver event.

Response Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description

MSG_ID CID_E Command identification code


ACO_FIX ACOFIX_T A Fix structure containing information relating to

signal from the beacon sending data.
This will not contain range or position information,
but will contain the message SRC_ID.

BEACON_ID BID_E The ID code of the beacon this position refers to.
Valid values are form 1 to 15.

NB: This ID code does not necessarily refer to the

local beacon (although it may).

POSITION_EASTING INT16 The Easting distance component of the beacon

specified by BEACON_ID relative to the USBL head
(or sender of this message).

This value must be encoded in deci-meters, so

divide the value by 10 to obtain a distance in

POSITION_NORTHING INT16 The Northing distance component of the beacon

specified by BEACON_ID relative to the USBL head
(or sender of this message).

This value must be encoded in deci-meters, so

divide the value by 10 to obtain a distance in

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POSITION_DEPTH INT16 The vertical Depth distance component of the

beacon specified by BEACON_ID relative to the
USBL head (or sender of this message).

This value must be encoded in deci-meters, so

divide the value by 10 to obtain a distance in

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8.5. DEX Protocol Messages

The Data Exchange protocol build on the simple data transfer functions provided by the DAT
protocol to provide additional features including…

 Bi-directional data transfer within a single request-response message exchange

 Port numbers to allow the creation and decoding of data streams

 Buffered sockets, allowing links to be defined between beacon pairs, and data placed
onto the appropriate buffer ready for transfer.

 Synchronised retry mechanism, to track which data has been sent and which packets
have failed and need to be resent.

This section is still under construction and will be detailed in the next release of this document.









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9. Beacon Definitions and Frames Of Reference

The diagrams below show the definitions of the SeaTrac Beacon’s frames-of-reference…

9.1. Attitudes (Yaw, Pitch and Roll)

For rotation and orientation, the beacon uses the following axis definitions.
These follow the same standard as those used to define aircraft attitudes and rotations,
allowing the “right-hand-rule” to be applied to each axis.

By orienting the positive Z-axis downwards, positive Yaw angles also match compass
headings, with 0° Yaw occurring when the housing “front” marking aligns with magnetic
Pitch and Roll angles are 0° when gravity is perpendicular to (and below) the horizontal
plane, defined by the XY axis pair.

Attitudes are valid where…  0°  Yaw  360°

 -90°  Pitch  +90°
 -180°  Roll  +180°

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9.2. USBL Spherical Angles (Azimuth and Elevation)

On X150 beacons, for resolving incoming USBL signals, positive azimuths are defined
as being a positive rotation around the yaw axis (complying with the right-hand-rule).
Positive elevations are defined as being above the beacons horizontal plane (defined by
the XY axis pair), while negative elevations are defined as being below it.

Spherical angles are valid where…

 0°  Azimuth  360°

 -90°  Elevation  +90°

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9.3. USBL Local Relative Position Coordinates

On X150 beacons, having resolved the range and incoming USBL signal angle (as an
azimuth and elevation), the position of the remote beacon in the beacon’s local frame of
reference is computed (in metres) and defined in the coordinate frame shown below…

Coordinates are relative to the beacon’s position, with the origin being the defined as the
centre of the upper beacon housing bulkhead.

Please note that to comply to the earlier ‘attitude’ definition, positive Z axis directions
are defined as “down” (towards the seabed) when the beacon is mounted in the upright
position shown above.

9.4. USBL World Relative Position Coordinates

On X150 beacons, once a local frame-of-reference position is computed, it is transformed
into the world frame-of-reference using the attitude from the AHRS (or user specified

World coordinates are provided in a Cartesian Northing, Easting and Depth (NED) triplet,
with values stated in metres. Positive values of depth represent a translation towards
the seabed, while negative values represent a translation towards the surface.

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The Clock Tower Business Centre,
Low Wood, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 8LY, UK

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