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Mitsubishi Inverter Motor SF-V5RU Series Instruction Manual

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Series Instruction
[Wiring procedures]
● Use good wiring equipment, and foIIow the eIectricaI faciIity technicaI standards and power company standards.
lf the wiring distance between the inverter and motor is Iong, the motor torque couId drop due to a drop in the main circuit
cabIe!s voItage, especiaIIy during a high frequency output. ln this case, wire so that the voItage drop is 2% or Iess during the
motor operation.
An exampIe of seIecting the equipment for a 20m wiring distance is shown beIow.
Table l Motor wiring (For 200V class)
output TerminaI Tightening Crimp HlV wire, etc. PCV wire No-fuse breaker (NFB *1)
(kW) screw torque terminaI or earth Ieakage breaker (ELB) (*2)
size N﹒m mm2 AWG mm2 When power factor
standard improving reactor is instaIIed

1.5 M6 3 2-6 2 14 2.5 30AF 15A 30AF 15A

2.2 M6 3 2-6 2 14 2.5 30AF 20A 30AF 15A
3.7 M6 3 3.5-6 3.5 12 4 30AF 30A 30AF 30A
5.5 M6 3 5.5-6 5.5 10 6 50AF 50A 50AF 40A
7.5 M6 3 8-6 8 8 10 100AF 60A 50AF 50A
11 M8 10 14-8 14 6 16 100AF 75A 100AF 75A
15 M8 10 22-8 22 4 25 225AF 125A 100AF 100A
18.5 M8 10 38-8 38 2 35 225AF 150A 225AF 125A
22 M8 10 38-8 38 2 35 225AF 175A 225AF 150A
30 M10 20 60-10 60 1/0 70 225AF 225A 225AF 175A
37 M10 20 100-10 100 4/0 95 400AF 250A 225AF 225A
45 M10 20 100-10 100 4/0 120 400AF 300A 400AF 300A
55 M10 20 150-10 150 MCM300 185 400AF 400A 400AF 350A
*1. seIect the NFB type according to the power capacity.
*2. seIect a UL or cUL approved breaker when using this product in the United states or Canada.
Table 2. Motor wiring (For 400V class)
output TerminaI Tightening Crimp HlV wire, etc. PCV wire No-fuse breaker (NFB *1)
(kW) screw torque terminaI or earth Ieakage breaker (ELB) (*2)
size N﹒m mm2 AWG mm2 When power factor
standard improving reactor is instaIIed

1.5 M6 3 2-6 2 14 2.5 30AF 10A 30AF 10A

2.2 M6 3 2-6 2 14 2.5 30AF 15A 30AF 10A
3.7 M6 3 2-6 2 14 2.5 30AF 20A 30AF 15A
5.5 M6 3 2-6 2 14 2.5 30AF 30A 30AF 20A
7.5 M6 3 3.5-6 3.5 12 4 30AF 30A 30AF 30A
11 M8 10 5.5-8 5.5 10 6 50AF 50A 50AF 40A
15 M8 10 8-8 8 8 10 100AF 60A 50AF 50A
18.5 M8 10 8-8 8 8 16 100AF 75A 100AF 60A
22 M8 10 14-8 14 6 16 100AF 100A 100AF 75A
30 M10 20 22-10 22 4 25 225AF 125A 100AF 100A
37 M10 20 22-10 22 4 35 225AF 150A 225AF 125A
45 M10 20 38-10 38 2 35 225AF 175A 225AF 150A
55 M10 20 60-10 60 1/0 70 225AF 200A 225AF 175A
*1. seIect the NFB type according to the power capacity.
*2. seIect a UL or cUL approved breaker when using this product in the United states or Canada.
Table 3. Motor protector and forced cooling fan wiring (Common for 200/400V)
Part name TerminaI Tightening Crimp HlV wire, etc. PCV wire
screw torque terminaI
size N﹒m mm2 AWG mm2

ThermaI protector M4 2 1.25-4 0.9 18 1.1

CooIing fan M4 2 1.25-4 0.9 18 1.1
Note 1. Connect the motor protection thermaI protector to oH and sD on the lNV side.
Note 2. Connect the cooIing fan to a commerciaI power suppIy. (7.5kW or smaIIer: singIe -phase, 11kW or Iarger: 3-phase)
◎ Check/adjust each parameter of inverter prior to operation.
otherwise, the equipment may move unexpectedly, depending on the equipment used. For parameter
setting, refer to the "1nverter 1nstruction Manual".
● Since the motor may reach considerably high temperature during operation, be careful not to allow the
body or hand to touch the motor. otherwise, it may result in burn. Also, select a supply cable that takes
into consideration the surface temperature of the motor.
● When any fault occurs, stop the operation immediately.
otherwise, it may result in electric shock, injury, fire, etc.
● Make it a rule to use the motor and inverter by the designated combination.

● When measuring the insulation resistance, be careful not to touch the terminal directly with bare hands.
otherwise, it may result in electric shock.
● Since the motor frame may reach high temperature, be careful not to touch it with hands. otherwise, it
may result in burn.

● The repair/disassembling/modification work should be absolutely performed by the specialist. otherwise,
it may result in electric shock, injury, fire, etc.

● When disposing the motor, dispose it as a general industrial waste.
Note: Keep in mind that the items marked with ● show the general items, and those marked with ◎
show the contents particular to the vector inverter motor.
---------- Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. lnspection at time of purchase """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1

2. Transportation/storage/installation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2
3. lnstallation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2
4. Connection to equipment """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3
5. Application of belt and pulley"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6
6. Wiring """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7
7. structure""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8
8. lnitial start-up """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 9
9. operation """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 9
10. Vibration """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 10
11. Maintenance/inspection """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 11
12. Changing the encoder """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 12
13. Maintenance of coil and insulator""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 16

l . lnspection at time of purchase

Check for the following items after the motor has arrived and before starting the installation. Check the
package for top/bottom before unpacking. For wooden flask packing, in particular, unpack the package
with care taken to nails.
a. Check that the output (kW), number of poles (PoLE), type (TYPE), voltage (V), frequency (Hz),
etc. indicated on the nameplate are consistent with those ordered.
b. Check that the motor shaft is turned lightly with hands without any scratch. (Be careful not to cut
hands with key groove.)
c. Check that the motor is not damaged due to accident, etc. during transportation.

1f any doubtful point, damage, etc. are found when the above checks are performed, inform them to
Mitsubishi or sales agent, etc. together with manufacturing No. (SER1AL) and status.
Do not use the damaged motor or the motor of non-designated specifications. otherwise, it may result
in electric shock, injury or breakage.

2. Transportationlstoragelinstallation
( l ) Transportation
For motor of which single unit weight exceeds 30kg, use the eyebolt attached for transportation.
Since this eyebolt is arranged to lift the motor, never lift the motor using the eyebolt with the motor
attached to the opponent equipment, as it may result in extremely dangerous situation.
(2) storage
a. When the motor is not used immediately, keep it stored with care taken to the following points:
(a) Store the equipment at a clean and dry place.
(b) When storing the equipment at an outdoor place or at a humid place, be sure to keep the
entire product covered with a waterproof cover, to prevent the rainwater or dust from entry.
b. Make it a rule to keep the equipment stored with care taken to the above points, and to check it for
following items from time to time (approx. once every month).
(a) Measure the winding for insulation resistance, to check that the measurement value is 1M2
or more. 1fit is found to be decreased to lower than 1M2, dry the winding in accordance with
the section 13(1) "Maintenance of coil and insulator", for complete moisture prevention.
(b) The equipment has been applied with rust preventive paint, to avoid rust during use, however,
check from time to time for absence of rust, depending on the storage condition.
(c) When storing the equipment for a long time, apply the rust preventive again to the machined
surface such as shaft, etc.
(d) When storing the equipment at a warehouse, or storing it for a long time under installation
condition, make it a rule to perform the hand-turning operation approx. once every month, or
non-load operation for approx. 5 minutes.
(e) When storing the equipment for a long time, refer to the "Long-time storage procedure
(BAN-13984)" prepared separately.

3. lnstallation
1nstall the equipment properly with care taken to the following points, as the undesirable installation
may cause the motor life to be shortened, or result in direct accident.
(a) Do not attempt to install the equipment in the explosive atmosphere or at an outdoor place.
(b) The standard motor is not proper for use at a place where the acid or alkali may exist a lot. When
necessary to install the equipment at such a place, consult Mitsubishi, and use a corrosion-proof
type motor. (The motor is compatible up to "Corrosion grade-3" or equivalent.)
(c) When installing the equipment on a floor, under the shaft or on the ceiling, etc., perform such work
in accordance with the "1nstallation conditions" indicated in the motor delivery specifications.
(d) Arrange a proper protective cover, etc. to the coupling, belt and pulley, connections between
motor and opponent equipment, to prevent the foreign matter from contacting, and the operator
from touching them mistakably.
(e) Select such installation place as to facilitate the maintenance/inspection.
(f) Set the nameplate at a visible place all the time. Do not put any obstacle near the nameplate, or
remove the nameplate, so that the nameplate is visible all the time.
(g) Do not install the motor near the wall or close to the other equipment, as it may obstruct the motor
cooling air passage, resulting in a cause of the motor overheated. 1nstall the motor with sufficient
clearance (normally 20cm or more) secured at the entrance of motor ventilation port.
Since it is necessary to remove the fan cover when replacing the encoder or fan, secure a proper
space to pull it out toward the counter-load side.
(90 to 132Fr: 200mm or over, 160/180Fr: 250mm or over, 200/225Fr: 300mm or over)
(h) Never put any combustibles at the circumference of motor.
(i) Never get on the motor, or hang from the motor.
(j) 1nstall the motor securely on the rigid frame such as dedicated installation floor, steel frame, etc., using
the foundation bolt, in such a manner that the motor shaft installed is horizontal by all means. (For
vertical type motor, install it with the shaft set vertically and its shaft end directed downward.)
For special motor, install it in accordance with the specifications. The reason why the motor is vibrated
unusually is mainly because the motor is installed on a weak foundation or connected incorrectly to the
opponent equipment. Consequently, be sure to install and connect the motor correctly.

4.Connection to equipment
( 1 ) D i r e c t . c o n n e c t i o n (Fig.1)
lnstall the motor in such a m an n er that the center of motor shaft forms a
straight line with the center of opponent equipment shaft correctly.
Lay the liner to the leg of motor or equipment a s required, to m a k e a
complete adjustment.

Proper Improper Improper

Fig.1 D i r e c t . c o n n e c t i o n t o o p p o n e n t e q u i p m e n t

1. Perform the adjustment, s o that the dimension.A is equal at whichever

the m e a s u r e m e n t m ay b e performed, using a clearance gauge.
(lrregularity of width.A: 3/100mm or less)
2. Perform the adjustment s o that there is no roughness a s shown in B.
(Concentricity: 3/100mm or less)

( 2 ) C o n n e c t i o n of m o t o r t o e q u i p m e n t t h r o u g h belt
a. lnstall the motor with the shaft of motor set in parallel to that of
opponent equipment, s o that the centerline of both pulleys forms a
straight line. (Fig.2)
Opponent equipment pulley Motor pulley Apply the belt with its

upper surface slacked.


Belt 1. When "C" is up to 1000mm, "L" is Motor

smaller than 1mm Tension the belt at
C 2. When "C" is over 1000mm, "L/C" is lower surface.
smaller than 1/1000
Apply the belt with its
upper surface slacked.


Tension the belt at
lower surface.

Fig.2 Belt a p p l i c a t i o n
b . s e t t h e belt with its lower s i d e Table.1 D i s t a n c e b e t w e e n
located at the tension side. motor shaft and
For this purpose, determine o p p o n e n tV.belt
e q u i p mFlat
e n t belt
the rotation direction of s h a f t
Proper distance x2 of D +d x5 to x6 of
opponent equipment before D
determining t h e motor Minimum D +d x3 of D
position. (Fig.2) distance
c. F or d i s t a n c e b e t w e e n m oto r a n d
W h e n the belt is tensioned excessively, the bearing m ay b e d a m a g e d , or
a n a c c i d e n trefer
( b r oto
k eTable.1.
n shaft) m a y occur. W h e n t h e belt is t e n s i o n e d
d. Belt tensioning
insufficiently, onprocedure
the other hand, the belt m ay slip, resulting in d a m a g e
or d i s e n g a g e m e n t . To tension t h e flat belt properly, tension it to s u c h
level that it is turned lightly when it is pulled with on e hand.
Tension the V.belt a s shown below.
(a) Find t h e contact distan ce t b e t w e e n belt a n d V.pulley by using t h e
following equation, or by measuring it actually.
D -d )
t C 2 -(
l 2 I
a (m
= I m)

(b) Find t h e c e n t e r of t, a n d apply t h e l o a d vertically to t h e V-belt at
this center point, to find the deflection load Td (kg) which allows the
deflection amount (6) at the time to reach the value shown below.
6 = 0 . 0 l 6 x t (mm) (Fig.3)
For instance, t h e deflection am oun t for belt contact distance of l m
is l 6 m m (=0.0l6 x l000).
(c) Find t h e deflection l o a d T d (kg) for e a c h belt, a n d adjust t h e belt
t e n s i o n , s o t h a t t h e a v e r a g e v a l u e i s within t h e r a n g e of v a l u e
shown in Table-3.
l . W h e n using m ore than two V-belts, u s e the matched set of which
belt length is consistent.
2. S i n c e t h e belt m a y b e c o m e e l o n g a t e d a n d l o o s e n e d in 2 t o 8
hours w h e n the operation is performed with a n e w belt applied,
re-tension the belt in accordance with
the deflection load (Td) shown in Table-3.
3 . W h e n replacing t h e belt with a n e w o n e , d o n ot fail to perf orm
t h e adjustm e n t . W h e n u s i n g t h e old belt, adjust t h e t e n s i o n in
accordance with the  re-tensioning deflection load (Td).
D : L a r g e V - p u l l e y
t diameter (mm) d : Small
V-pulley diameter (mm)
Td d C : Center distance (mm)
 Td : Deflection load (kg) ( S e e
D Table 3.) a : Contact angle

e. W h e n the belt is loosened during use, adjust it, using the adjusting bolt
arranged to the slide b a s e of motor. W h e n the flat belt u s e d m a y slip,
apply a few quantity of belt wax.
Do not u s e any wax to the V-belt.
f. Since the selection of pulley may b e c o m e a problem for c a s e when the
motor is installed to the equipment through belt, refer to the section 5
"Application of belt a n d pulley".
g. The deflection load Td shown in Table 3 shows a value for c a s e when
the contact angle between the belt a n d V-pulley is l40。. W h e n the
contact angle is changed, therefore, multiply
the deflection load (shown in Table 3) by compensation coefficient K
(shown in Table-2), to find e a c h deflection load.
E x a m p l e : K55kW, 4-pole, standard . V-belt, contact angle of l80 。
x Td (l40。) = 0.9 x (46 to 53) =.
1n this c a
4 l . 4 to 47.7s e , the deflection load Td (l80。) to tension a
Table 2 C o nnew t a c tbelt
a n gisl egiven
c o m paesn sfollows:
Contact l40。 l50。 l60。 l70。 l80。
angle a
K l.0 0.98 0.94 0.9l 0.9
h. W h e n using the other V-belt/V-pulley than t h o s e shown in Table 3, it is
n e c e s s a r y to c a l c u l a t e t h e deflection l o a d T d (N) s e p a r a t e l y . F o r
calculation m ethod, refer to t h e belt m a k e r ' s catalog or N o . l 0 8
"Tension/application of V-belt" shown in t h e technical d o c u m e n t i s s u e d
by the J a p a n Electrical Manufactures' Association.

( 3 ) C o n n e c t i o n of m o t o r t o e q u i p m e n t with g e a r (gear couplin g)

E n g a g e the g e a r with the motor shaft kept in parallel to that of opponent
e q u i p m e n t correctly. C h e c k for t h e following points, to e x a m i n e w h e t h e r
the motor shaft is e n g a g e d properly with that of opponent equipment.
a. Check that the centers of both g e a r s a r e consistent.
b. W here possible, turn the motor with a thin coat of red oxide applied, to
check that the gear teeth a r e in contact evenly.
c. Check that any rolling sound or streaking sound is not generated when
the motor is rotated.
d. Measure the backlash, using a thickness gauge, to check that the
m easurem en t value is proper.
( 4 ) C h a i n drive
With t h e g e a r s a r r a n g e d , a d j u s t t h e c h a i n l e n g t h t o s u c h level t h a t t h e
chain is slightly slacked. ln this c a s e , perform t h e adjustment s o that t h e
distance b e t w e e n t h e c e n t e r s of both shaf ts is greater t h a n "Diameter of
l a r g e g e a r + D i a m e t e r of s m a l l g e a r " . C o n s u l t t h e c h a i n m a k e r for
maximum s p e e d ratio, chain lubrication, etc.

(5) other precautions

s e c u r e the balance of parts fixed to the motor shaft (such a s pulley,
coupling, gear, etc.), to the grade G2.5 or over specified in J l s B0905
"Balance quality of rotating equipment".
Note that the improper balance may c a u s e the motor to vibrate unusually.
1. T h e r e d b r o w n r u s t g e n e r a t e d a t t h e o u t e r r i n g of b e a r i n g o r w o r n
h o u s i n g i s c a u s e d d u e t o r e p e a t e d f in e m o v e m e n t / w e a r of b e a r i n g
fitting point, which m a y probably generated by such unbalance.
2. F o r c o m m e r c i a l l y a v a i l a b l e f l e x i b l e c o u p l i n g , e x e r c i s e c a u t i o n t o t h e
allowable center run.out.
3 . W h e n a t t a c h i n g t h e pulley, c o u p l i n g , e t c . , b e c a r e f u l n o t t o hit t h e m
T a b l e forcibly,
List for a s application
the bearing of anV.belt/V.pulley
d encoder m a y tobsetdam
a n d aaged.
rd motor and
3 W h e
forn t h e r e
deflection i s al obai g
d t i
( g
c h
o t
n e
t n
a i
c n
t ga a
n l
g l o
l ew: a n
140。c e )with s h a f t , fit it, u s i n g t h e
shrinkage.fitting method.
s t a n d a r d V.belt Narrow V.belt
Deflection Deflection
N u m b e r of p o l e s

Rated Pulley Pulley

load Td load Td
(N/piece) (N/piece)


Width To Nominal
Width To
To To


di amete di amete
(maxim re.tension (maxim re.tension
u m tension r
u m tension
(minimu a belt (minimu a belt
m value)
value) a new m value)
value) a new
belt belt
1.5 4 A 2 90 35 11 to 7.8 to 3V 2 75 27.7 13 to 9.8 to
12 11 15 13
2.2 4 A 2 100 35 14 to 11 to 14 3V 3 75 27.7 18 to 14 to
16 21 18
3.7 4 A 3 112 50 14 to 11 to 14 3V 2 100 27.7 23 to 18 to
16 25 23
5.5 4 B 3 125 63 19 to 15 to 19 3V 3 100 38.0 22 to 17 to
22 25 22
7.5 4 B 3 150 63 22 to 17 to 22 3V 3 125 38.0 24 to 19 to
25 27 24
11 4 B 4 160 82 23 to 18 to 23 3V 4 125 48.3 26 to 21 to
25 30 26
15 4 B 5 170 101 24 to 18 to 24 3V 6 125 68.9 24 to 19 to
26 27 24
18.5 4 B 5 200 101 25 to 20 to 25 3V 6 140 68.9 26 to 21 to
28 30 26
22 4 B 5 224 101 27 to 22 to 27 3V 6 160 68.9 27 to 22 to
31 31 27
30 4 C 5 224 136 39 to 30 to 39 5V 4 180 77.9 52 to 41 to
45 60 52
37 4 C 6 224 161.5 40 to 31 to 40 5V 4 200 77.9 58 to 45 to
46 67 58
45 4 C 6 265 161.5 44 to 34 to 44 5V 4 224 77.9 63 to 49 to
51 73 63
55 4 C 7 265 187 46 to 36 to 46 5V 5 224 95.4 62 to 48 to
53 71 62

5.Application of belt a n d pulley
lf the belt is selected/tensioned improperly when connecting t h e motor to t h e
opponent equipment through belt, t h e e x c e s s i v e force m a y b e applied to the
shaft e n d a n d bearing, which m a y result in shortened service life, generation
of breakage, etc. Consequently, select a n d attach the belt with c a r e taken to
the following points:

(1) The application of motor side V.pulley a n d V.belt is a s shown in Table 3. ln

the following c a s e s , check that the load applied to the belt is smaller than
the allowable radial load of motor prior to use.
. W h e n the diameter of pulley is smaller than the value shown in Table 3
. W h e n the number of belts u s e d is increased
. W h e n the stepped section of motor shaft is not in level with the e n d
surface of pulley rim, etc. W h e n the load d u e to belt is greater than the
allowable radial load of motor, the motor or belt/pulley.
The relationship between pulley a n d force applied to the motor
shaft is a s follows. Relationship between pulley diameter a n d
force applied to shaft ...
The greater the diameter becom es, the smaller the force applied to the
shaft becom es.
Relationship between pulley width a n d force applied to stepped section of
shaft ...
The greater the width becom es, the greater the force applied to the
stepped section of shaft becom es.
Relationship between force applied to center in axial direction of pulley
a n d force applied to stepped section of shaft ...
The greater the clearan ce between center a n d s t e p p e d section of shaft
es, the greater the force applied to the stepped section of shaft
b e c o m e s . PW( A t t a c h t h e m o t o r i n s u c h a m a n n e r t h a t t h e s t e p p e d
s e c t i o n of m o t oVentilation
r s h a f t i s in level with t h e e n d s u r f a c e of pulley rim.)

shaft t = PW
Load point

Fig.4 Pulley installation p r o c e d u r e

( 2 ) U s e the arm type pulley having a ventilation port, s o that the motor
ventilation/cooling should not b e interfered. W h e n using a flat plate type,
drill a s large hole a s possible. (Fig.4)
(3) The V.belt s p e e d is a s follows:
s t a n d a r d V.belt 30m/sec., maximum (maximum 4.pole motor pulley
diameter: up to 320) Narrow V.belt 40m/sec., maximum
(maximum 4.pole motor pulley diameter: up to 425)
( 4 ) s e l e c t the s p e e d c h a n g e ratio, to such level a s to allow the contact angle
o(Fig.3) between belt a n d pulley to b e over 140。 .

6. Wwiwrn
g(l )etawled diawwrn of teimwral box
The lead wires for motor, cooling fan and thermal protector are bundled at the same position as
motor terminal box as shown in Fig.5.

(A, B) for cooling fan

(U, V, W) for motor
(G1, G2) for motor (U, V, W) for motor

U V W Grounding
A B C G1 G2

(A, B, C) for cooling fan (G1, G2) for motor

(a) l . 5 to 7.5kw (b) l l to 55kw

Fwn.5 )etawled diawwrn of teimwral box

In addition, there are also encoder connectors arranged at the other points.

g2l Lead wwie correctwor method

It is recommended to use the method shown in Fig.6, for connection of each lead wire.

Vector inverter motor

Commercial B
power supply C FAN
(Note 1)
Vector inverter
Commercial R U V
power supply S V W IM

Forward rotation STF (class-D earth)
Backward rotation STR G1 (Note 2)
10 PAR
2 C

(Note 3)

Fwn.6 Lead wwie correctwor method

gNote ( lConnect the cooling fan power supply to the commercial power supply side.
The cooling fan (FAN) power supply of 7.5kw or less is of single phase.
gNote 2l Use the equipment with thermal protectors (Gl, G2) (used for protection of motor
overload) connected.
gNote 3l It is recommended to use the dedicated cable (FR-V5CBL) for encoder (PLG).

7. Structure
This structure is equipped with a n encoder on the reverse load
side a n d a cooling fan. The vector inverter motor structure is
shown in diagram 7.

Connector for encoder

Cooling fan
Air flow NP

AIR Cooling fan

FLOW airflow

Safety plate
Fan name plate

Terminal box

Fan cover fixing bolt

Bracket Eye bolt
(reverse load side) Frame

Cooling fan cover Encoder Stator core (stator core)

Rotor core Stator coil (stator coil)
(rotor core)
Cooling fan
Bracket (load side)

Heatcontractiontube Preload spring

Encoderplate spring
Shaft end key

AIRFLOW Retainer
Encoder control (reverse load side) End ring fan
Set hexagonal screw
(load side)

Finger guard
Grounding terminal (Note)
Drip-proof protective coverr

Fig 7 Vector inverter motor structural diagram (example)

(Note) Always install the grounding terminal on the frame installation leg section
in addition to the grounding terminal in the terminal box (refer to Fig. 5).

8.lnitial s t a r t . u p
T o s t a r t t h e inverter m o t o r for t h e first tim e, c h e c k for t h e following i t e m s
before turning ON the power switch.
( a ) W h e n t h e motor g e t s d a m p during transportation or s t o r a g e , c h e c k that
t h e insulation r e s i s t a n c e is over t h e specified v a lu e (1Mo or over). B e
careful not to touch the terminal directly with bare hands, a s the operator
m a y b e electrically shocked during m e a s u r e m e n t of insulation resistance.
(b) Check that the screws at e a c h part a r e not loosened.
( c ) W h e n t h e m otor is s t o r e d for a lon g time, c h e c k t h a t t h e d u s t , e t c . a r e
n o t a c c u m u l a t e d a t t h e coolin g f a n , e t c . l n t h a t c a s e , r e m o v e t h e f a n
c o v e r t o c h e c k for a b s e n c e of d u s t . W h e n a n y f o r e i g n m a t t e r i s
accumulated, remove such foreign matter.
(d) Rotate the shaft with hands, to check that it is turned freely
without any scratch. ln this c a s e , b e careful not to allow the
han d to b e cut by the key groove.
(e) Check that the fuse u s e d provides the proper capacity.
(f) Check that the motor is connected properly, a n d that the grounding (earth)
is connected securely.
(g) W h e n allowing t h e motor to r o t a t e in r e v e r s e direction m a y result in
inconvenience, c h e c k the motor independently for rotation direction prior
to operation. ln this c a s e , remove the key attached to the shaft.
( s e t the rotation direction, using the vector inverter
(h) Check that the motor is connected correctly to
the equipment.

(a) Make it a rule to minimize the load before turning ON the switch, but to
apply the designated load when the motor h a s reached the full speed.
(b) Check the current, using the vector inverter, etc. to confirm whether the
load applied is proper, a n d adjust the current a s required, to the value
less than that indicated at the column.A of
nameplate. Note that allowing the current exceeding the value indicated on
the nameplate to flow m a y c a u s e the motor to operate under over.load
condition, probably resulting in the generation of
burning accident.
(c) Note that starting the motor excessively continuously may result in a c a u s e
of motor fault.
(d) Check that there is not any failure in the bearing sound.
(e) B e s u r e t o t u r n O F F t h e s w i t c h w h e n a p o w e r f a i l u r e o c c u r s d u r i n g
operation. Note that leaving t h e power supply turn ed O N m a y c a u s e t h e
m o t o r to fail to start or to b e burnt d u e to h e a v y load, or t h e m o t o r t o
start insidiously, depen din g o n t h e status of load when t h e power supply is
applied, resulting in unexpected accident.
(f ) B e c a r e f u l n o t t o p u t t h e f i n g e r o r o t h e r f o r e i g n m a t t e r s s u c h a s
screwdriver, e t c . in t h e m o t o r t h r o u g h t h e o p e n i n g of f a n c o v e r during
o p e r a t i o n . B e c a r e f u l n o t t o t o u c h t h e r o t a t i n g p a r t of c o o l i n g f a n .
O t h e r w i s e , it m a y c a u s e a n injury o r b r e a k a g e , r e s u l t i n g i n d a n g e r o u s
( g ) s i n c e the motor surface m a y r e a c h high tem perature during operation, b e
careful not to allow t h e h a n d or b o d y t o m a k e t o u c h with t h e m o t o r
surface. Otherwise, it m a y result in burn.
(h) The temperature rise limits of coil/bearing a r e a s shown below:
Class.F coil: 100K (resistance method), bearing: 65K [surface] (thermometer
(N ote 1) W h e n the ambient temperature is higher th a n 40 。 C,the
t e m p e r a t u r e r i s e limit i s d e c r e a s e d b y t h e d i f f e r e n c e from s u c h
ambient temperature.
( i ) W h e n a failure occurs, stop the operation immediately.

(1)AIIowabIe vibration d u r i n g o p e r a t i o n
a. While the load equipment is operating by the motor, the motor is affected by the direct-
coupling accuracy with the load equipment or by the vibration generated from the load
equipment, causing the motor to be vibrated. The magnitude is also changed due to status of
foundation or base. The vibration is desirable to be small as a matter of fact. Fig.8 shows
such range as not to practically infringe the operation, though it may be slightly changed due
to motor rotating speed, installation condition, etc. When the vibration generated, exceeds
such allowable value, it is necessary to examine the cause, and to take the proper corrective
measure as required.
b. The motor of standard
construction is generally
resistible against the shock of
approx. 4.9m/s2 (0.5G).
When the motor is used for
press, etc. where the 100
vibration acceleration of over Vibration amplitude (m)
the value may be applied to
the motor, consult the dealer. 60
The values in parenthesis 50
show the reference values.
c. When the fan, blower, etc. 40
are attached directly to the
motor shaft, or when coupling 30
them directly to the opponent
equipment, the increased 20
unbalance at the equipment
side may increase the motor
vibration, probably causing
the bearing, etc. to be
damaged. secure the 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
equipment side balance
quality to over the grade Rotation speed (rpm)
G2.5 specified in Jls B0905
"Balance quality of rotary Fig.8 AIIowabIe vibration
equipment". ( m a x i m u m vaIue a t
frame) of m o t o r

(2)Vibration d u r i n g s h u t . d o w n
Note that fretting (fine wear on raceway of bearing rolling element due to relative small vibration)
may occur on the bearing when the vibration is transmitted to the motor under shut-down, which
may lead to the generation of unusual bearing sound or to broken bearing.
When such fretting occurs, it is necessary to take the following measures, so that the ball or roller
and inner ring/outer ring should not have the relative motion at the same position all the time.
a. Rotate the motor all the time by taking some way or other.
b. Fix the raceway of bearing rolling element so as not to vibrate relatively.
c. When the vibration is not excessively big, operate more than two motors alternately at an
interval of several days.
d. Reduce the vibration of adjacent equipment during operation.
e. Modify the foundation or floor construction, so as to reduce the motor vibration during

l l . Maintenancelinspection
Since whether the maintenance is performed properly may greatly affect the service life of motor,
performing the daily inspection/periodical inspection shown below will ensure the stabilized operation
for a long time.

( l ) Daily inspection
1tems Methods Contents
Sound Audible Listening the sound at each part of motor, using a listening rod will make
check it possible to detect the magnetic sound, mechanical sound, or other
unusual sound generated from bearing, cooling fan and encoder.
overheat Smell lt is possible to detect the special smell (scorching smell of varnish)
generated when the motor is overheated due to motor overload,
ventilation disturbance, etc.
Temperature lnstrument Check that there is not any oil leakage, and that the ventilation passage
rise (judgement (visual check) is not interfered.
of appearance) Do not attempt to touch the bearing, frame, etc., to check the temperature
of bearing, frame, etc., as it is dangerous. ln such a case, use a
temperature measurement instrument such as alcohol thermometer, etc.

(2) Periodical inspection

1tis advised to perform the periodical inspection, referring to the following table, though the
inspection period may be depending on the working condition.
1nspection period
1tems Contents
1) Check that the insulation resistance measured is over the
specified value (1M2 or over).
Be careful not to touch the terminal directly with bare hands
Monthly during measurement. otherwise, it may cause the operator to
be shocked electrically, resulting in dangerous situation.
2) Surface painting: when the painting is peeled off, repair it,
otherwise the rust may be generated abruptly.
Disassembling, Perform the maintenance/inspection of cooling fan, to check for
inspection Every 3 months
adhesion of oil mist, etc.
1) Coil/insulator: Check the coil for loosened fastening string,
adhesion of dust, etc.
2) Painting: where applicable, execute the repair painting even if
Yearly the painting is not peeled off.
3) others: Check the other points. lf any broken part is found,
repair or replace such part, and clean the part.
Approx. 20,000 The bearing provides the shortest service life. when replacing the
hours* bearing, replace it as an encoder set.
Approx. 20,000 The bearing provides the shortest service life. when replacing the
Cooling fan
hours* bearing, replace it as a cooling fan set.
Approx. 20,000 when the shielded ball bearing has reached its recommended
hours* replacement period, replace it with a new one.

Note: The recommended replacement period (marked with ·) indicates the target design life, or a
guideline part replacement period at designated use condition (load ratio: approx. 70%,
base rotation speed: 1,500 rpm). 1t is essential to perform the daily inspection/periodical
inspection for prevention of environment deterioration. 1t is recommended to perform the
inspection systematically.

(3) Period and scope of quality assurance

The repair, disassembling and modification must be absolutely performed by the specialist.
1tis to be acknowledged that the modification of product by the customer is out of scope of
guarantee by Mitsubishi.
● When any non-conformity occurs in the product within one year after delivery due to
Mitsubishi's responsibility, Mitsubishi will basically repair it free of charge.
● The scope of guarantee for product is only for product delivered.

12. C h a n g i n g t h e e n c o d e r
The encoder is a precision type component therefore replace it in a dust free
Also, clean off any dust a n d foreign objects etc. adhering around the motor
encoder from the dirty areas.
* The encoder is commonly specified between 1.5kW an d 55kW. U s e
the following model n a m e when ordering from us.
Encoder model n am e: NOC.HP2048.2MHT 15.035.15 Nihon D e n s a n
Nemicon brand
CAUTloN : W h e n removing the encoder during bearing replacement etc.,
carry out this replacement procedure with caution.

1. Removi ng t h e e n c o d e r
(1) Make sure the power is turned off.
(2) Loosen a n d remove the reverse load side bracket fixing bolt from the Cooling
fan cover. (Fig. 9)
( 3 ) R e m o v e the cooling fan cover. Also, clean the cooling air mouth a n d inner
surface of the cooling fan cover. (Fig. 10)

Fig. 9 Fig.

(4) Loosen the cooling fan fixing screw a n d remove the cooling
fan. (Fig. 11)

Fig. 11

(5) R e m o v e the binding ban d that fixes the cable in place a n d peel off the
adhesive tape. (Fig. 12) Next remove the binding ban d from the a r e a
shown in Diagram 13. W h e n doing this b e sure not to d a m a g e the cable
with a cutter etc. (Fig. 13)

Fig. Fig.
12 13
(6) Loosen the screw that a r e fastened to the encoder plate spring a n d remove
them. (Fig. 14)
(7) Loosen the set hexagonal screws (2 places) that fix the encoder control
shaft, pull out the encoder completely from the shaft a n d carefully remove
it. (Fig. 15)

CAUTloN : Clean away any dirt on the installation surface of the encoder
a n d on the outside of the encoder.

Fig. 14 Fig. 15

(8) Loosen the fastening screws of the connector a n d plug a r e a

a n d remove. (Fig. 16)

Fig. 16

CAUTloN : The encoder is a precision type component therefore b e

careful not to apply any force.

2. lnstalling t h e e n c o d e r
( B e f o r e i n s t a l l i n g t h e e n c o d e r c h e c k t h e m o d e l name. R e f e r t o p a g e 1 2
for t h e m o d e l name.)
(1) 1nstall the encoder in reverse order of its the removal.
when installing the main body of the encoder onto the motor shaft, make sure to install it so as
not to cause any damage to the encoder bearing. 1f there are any bulges at the area where the
shaft is fit, with a smooth cut file or 400-grit sandpaper remove the bulging area.
Note) Make sure that there is no moisture, oil, dust or rust etc. attached to the area where the
shaft is fit. 1f there are any foreign objects adhering wipe with acetone and completely
(2) <work standards when inserting the encoder> (Fig. 17)

. 17
i) As in Fig. 18-a, position the plate spring on the installation surface and lightly place it so that
there is no gap. Make sure that it is not installed so that the plate spring is close but not
touching (Fig. 18-b) or leaning (Fig. 18-c).
ii) without any force tighten the screws that fasten to the plate spring of the encoder main body.
when tightening, support the plate spring lightly and tighten while taking care that it twists as
little as possible.
iii) with the stop set hexagonal screws that fix the encoder control shaft, tighten and fix the
control shaft and the motor shaft. (Fig. 19)

Close but not touching Leaning position

A=23 position (NG) (NG)

(a)Correct position (b)Incorrect position (c)Incorrect position

Fig. 18 Fig. 19

(3) Check criteria after fastening the encoder: after carrying out the installation work for the encoder,
check the nominal dimension A=23mm between the encoder installation surface and housing. 1t
can be determined that if it is 23mm the installation has been done correctly. (1f possible aim for
between 22.8mm and 23.2mm)
(4) 1nstall in the direction of the connector, positioning key groove on the load shaft side. (Fig. 20)

Positioning key


. 20
(5) Fix the encoder cable by inserting the binding band into the tube of the crimp terminal and the
crimp area. (Fig. 2l-a).
Next, fix the encoder cable by winding adhesive tape around it about two times without touching
the rotation section of the cooling fan. (Fig. 2l-b). <Adhesive tape: Nitto Denko brand No.l88UL
width l9mm equivalent>
When doing this, be careful with the cable returning point (☆ mark R6 as a guide: diagram 2l-c)
and the encoder outlet straight section and the cable curve. (Fig. 2l-d)

Fig. 2l.a Fig. 2 l. b

Fig. 2 l . c Fig. 2 l. d

(6) 1nstall the encoder in the air flow direction of the cooling fan on the motor side.
Note) After assembling, turn on the cooling fan and check the cooling air direction.

(7) 1nstall the cooling fan cover. (Fig. 22)

Note) Make sure that the lead cable of the cooling fan is not pushing against the edge of the fan

Fig. 22 <Completed product visual>

1 3 . M a i n t e n a n c e of coil a n d ins ul a t o r
( 1 ) W h e n t h e coil g e t s d a m p
W h e n the coil gets d a m p during transportation, storage or shutdown,
m e a s u r e the insulation resistance, using a n insulation resistance meter at
the time planned for maintenance.
W h e n the insulation resistance m e a s u r e d is d e c r e a s e d to lower than the
following value, b e sure to dry the coil.
Low.voltage motor 1MΩ when m e a s u r e d for o n e minute, using a 500V
space insulation
1MΩ when resistance
m e a s u r emeter
d f o r at
o n 40。
e mCi n u t e , u s i n g a 5 0 0 V
heater insulation r es is t an ce m e t e r at normal t em per at u r e
(before charging)
To dry t h e coil, d i s a s s e m b l e t h e motor, to dry t h e coil in a c c o r d a n c e with
the following procedure until the desired insulation resistance is recovered.
a. Dry the coil within drying furnace having tem perature of not m o r e t h a n
90。 C.
b. Cover t h e motor with c a n v a s or equivalent cover, drill a hole at t h e top
of cover through which the moisture is relieved, a n d blow the hot blast
( 2 ) W h eair
n tor h e insert
coil i s as t h
a ei n
a et idn g unit or lamp, to dry t h e coil. ln this c a s e , it is
W h e n the coil is stained,temperature
n ecessary to control s o a s resistance
or the insulation not to e x c fails
e e d 90。
to bC.
e improved
even if the coil is dried, clean the coil in accordance with the following
a. Wipe the coil to remove the dust, clean the coil with cleanser, using hot
water or low.pressure steam , a n d then rinse it in clean water.
b . W h e n the stain fails to b e fully removed with cleanser, clean it with
volatile oil, gasoline or carbon tetrachloride, using a cloth or brush. ln
this c a s e , b e careful not to b e poisoned.
c. Dry the coil in accordance with the procedure described in item (1).
d. W here applicable, brush, spray or dip the high.grade varnish while the
coil is hot after it h a s b e e n dried.
e. B e sure to check the insulation resistance before starting the operation.


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