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Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province)

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Aldri Frinaldi

Lektor Kepala at the Faculty of Social Sciences,

Influence of Public Service Quality
State University of Padang. Jl. Prof. Hamka, Air
Tawar, Padang, Sumatera Barat in Citizen Satisfaction
Muhamad Ali Embi (Study in Private Hospital Y in
Professor at School of Government, College of
Law,Government and International Studies,
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darul
Padang, West Sumatra Province)
Aman, Malaysia

ABSTRACT quality of public services obtained a value of 74.8% with quite good
The main problem in public service particularly health category and to the satisfaction of the public to the TCR value of 75.3%
care service is the public’s increasing demand for with quite good category. It shows the quality of care in hospitals Y must
better quality of service. Therefore, hospitals as one be improved in order to obtain an increase in user satisfaction of the
of the means of health care providers should be people who became his services. Based on the research findings, re-
able to increase public satisfaction. This is impor- searchers suggest the hospital’s policy makers to prioritize the presence
tant to win the trust of patients and/or families of of doctors, particularly their punctuality during scheduled appointment
patients who come for treatment. The lack of pa- as listed in the announcement board. Moreover, the patients expect the
tients’ satisfaction in the quality of service in hospi- doctors to provide sufficient time to explain the diagnosis of the patients
tals in Indonesia contributes to the Indonesians’ based on their examination.
choice of medical treatment abroad. Therefore, the KEYWORDS: Quality of Public Services, Public Satisfaction, Private Hos-
study aims to determine the influence of quality of pital Y
services provided by the hospital toward patients’
satisfaction. This quantitative research surveyed pa- INTRODUCTION
tients in Hospital Y in Padang city using question-
There are no human being in any societies in this world
naire as a research instrument. The population is all
the patients and/or families of patients who are served
wants illnesses. Every one obviously wants to be healthy to
in the hospital during the data collection in the be able to perform daily activities excellently. However,
month of May to August 2014. A sample of 100 almost all people have suffered from illnesses that requires
people was selected using accidental sampling. The
medical treatment, some of them even have to be hospital-
collected data were analyzed using frequencies, per-
centages and averages using SPSS (Statistic Product
ized. Most countries worldwide have hospitals run by the
Service Solution) version16 for windows. Simple lin- government as well as private parties. Hospitals are one of
ear regression analysis technique was used for data the means of health care facilities where public health is
analysis. Location of the study was a private hospi-
maintained by certain approaches; health improvement
tal located in the city of Padang, West Sumatra Prov-
ince, which in this research is referred as private
(promotive), disease prevention (preventive), healing
hospital Y. The results of this study indicates that (curative), and the restoration of health (rehabilitation),
there is a significant relation between the quality of which are implemented comprehensively, integratedly, and
service to the citizen satisfaction with the regression sustainably.
equation Y = 44.967 + 2.612 X with value of cor-
When an ailing person seeks for treatment, a skilled and
relation (r) = 0.760, and the influence of quality of
service to the public satisfaction in 57.8%. Then the trained professional health workers has to be ready for
results Achievement Level Respondents (TCR) in the him. Many people choose private hospitals assuming they
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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will get better service there. One indicator of the lagging behind the ones overseas. This is consistent
low quality of public service is the fact that many with the result of research by Achmad Hardiman
patients express dissatisfaction of the service that (2003) that health care system in Indonesia is not
makes them turn to private sector, particularly in entirely satisfactory. Hospitals have not been able
the field of health care, despite the government to guarantee the quality of health services, which
always emphasize the importance of providing can be seen when doctors often come late, patients
qualified public services (Filmer, et al, 2000; should wait for a long time for services, uncomfort-
Sharon Friel, et al (2011). Bandara’s research able waiting room, the lack of continuity of ser-
(2005) explains that of all people from different vice, no certainty of the delivery of the drug and
economic background, almost 60% of visits to not been able to make computerized online pre-
health facilities in 2004 are to private hospitals. scription.
The services provided by the private hospitals are In an effort to develop patient-centered health
often better than the ones provided by the state care in Indonesia, as well as increase public confi-
for public service. dence in the qualities of hospitals in Indonesia,
Since the implementation of state-run health particularly in the province of West Sumatra, this
care called BPJS in Indonesia, many private hospi- research is important to study public service in the
tals cooperate in this program, therefore they field of health care. This research focuses on a
serve patients insured by the program. The pro- private hospital, which in this article is initialed Y,
gram is not only conducted by the hospitals run by located in the city of Padang, West Sumatra prov-
central and local government, but also by certain ince.
private hospitals. So it is not surprising that many
people who are insured by the BPJS program, THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
mostly from the lower income group, choose to be Effective public services will increase public
treated in the private hospitals. However, health satisfaction with the services provided by an institu-
service is often far from the assumptions and tion or company (Muhamad Ali and Rita, 2013).
expectations of the public, whether it is too highly According to Act No. 25 of 2009 on Public Ser-
priced or the quality is disappointing at not only vice, public service means an activity or series of
the private hospitals, but also the government run activities based on laws and regulations aimed to
hospitals, local administration run hospitals. It is meet the needs of every citizens and residences of
common to find Indonesian upper middle class go goods, services, and/or administrative services
abroad for health treatment. Researches found provided by public servants. Lijan (2010); Aldri and
that the choice for medical treatment abroad is Muhamad Ali (2012) explains that public service
not because of the medical incompetency, but refers to service provided for a number of men
because they feel being listened more, get clearer who have every beneficial activities in a group or
information and feel more valued as a human entity, and offers satisfaction although the results
being (Aldri and Dede, 2014; Aldri 2014). are not necessarily related to a physical product.
This makes the image of hospitals in Indonesia According to Moenir (2008), there are four

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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basic criteria in order to provide better quality of as from time to time (3) Inseparability means the
service, they are polite behavior in delivering production and consumption of a service are
service, the way of informing that comforts the integrated. This means the quality of the service
person concerned, choosing the right time of are not engineered in the production sector and
delivery, and hospitality. Gibson, Ivancevich and then delivered to the customer. The quality oc-
Donnelly in Ratminto and Atik (2006) states that curred during the interaction between clients and
the factors influencing the quality of public service service providers.
are satisfaction, efficiency, production, adaptation, According Ryzin (2005), satisfaction is a reflec-
and development. The quality of service, according tion of the public’s assessment about the overall
to Zethami (1990; and in Aldri and Muhammad services based on the public perception on services
Ali Embi, 2011a; 2011b), could be measured using a received. Another opinion expressed by Dasman
comparison between the expected and the actual Lanin (2014; 6) that public satisfaction on the
service provided. Furthermore, he argues that the services provided by the service provider can be
quality of such services consist of responsiveness, measured using positive disconfirmation satisfac-
location, assurance, phisical documents, empathy, tion and negative disconfirmation satisfaction with
reliability, and punctuality of service. the formula K > H = Satisfied and K < H = dissatis-
In the other hand, Fandy (2004; 2007); Aldri fied, and if K = H means neutral. Vigoda and
and Muhamad Ali (2012) suggests that satisfaction Gadot (in Dasman Lanin, 2014; 24) explains that
or dissatisfaction of consumers or clients can be satisfaction is a variable associated with detailed
measured by their positive or negative response information about public perception of the various
about the services they receive. The comparison forms of public service. He explained further that
between their experience when recieving the the professionalism is the key to the public satisfac-
service in reality and their prior expectation will tion, and satisfaction is the key to the public’s trust
create responses of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. in the service provider. He also cites Thomson and
Fandy also explains the main characteristics of the Mori (2004) whose research concluded that profes-
service as follows: (1) Intangibility, which means sionalism as an independent variable affects satis-
the service is essentially the performance and faction as the dependent variable. The findings
results of the experience rather than object. Most include; (1) competent officers, and; (2) fair offic-
services can not be counted, measured, felt, or ers, which will be professional attributes who
tested before it is delivered to ensure the quality, in supports positively the public satisfaction signifi-
contrast to goods produced by a production unit cantly.
whose quality can be tested before it is delivered to From those opinions of experts opinion, it can
the customer (2) Heterogeinity, meaning service be concluded that if the public satisfaction is low,
recipients or customers have various needs. Cus- then the quality of service is also considered low
tomers seeking for the same service may have and vice versa. Moreover, Kottler (2005; and in
different priorities. Similarly, the performance Muhamad Ali, 2013a) defines satisfaction as the
often varies from one procedure to another as well stage of one’s feeling after comparing between the

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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performance of service and expectation. There- equipment that follows the latest technological
fore, satisfaction can be seen from someone’s developments instead of outdated ones, comfort-
visible attitude as well as actions as a result of able environment (including air proper circulation
positive and negative emotional reactions, for inside and outside the rooms), organizational
example a happy feeling when getting what they culture, adequate and secure parking, clean toilets
want, or upset when something unexpected hap- for visitors, comfortable waiting room, adequate
pens. This attitude and action affects the percep- and affordable medicines available in the phar-
tion of a person or a group about a work that has macy, public internet facilities, places of worship,
been done or the work of others in providing clean cafeteria, as well as proper announcement of
service to them. information (including procedures imposed by the
Some services from health care includes treat- hospital, doctors’ schedules, directions or map of
ment for outpatient, or ambulatory service where the hospital, price list of treatment, care and
the medical care is provided to the patients who do medication).
not reside in the hospital (hospitalization). Another Furthermore Aldri (2014) explained that the
kind of treatment is inpatient, meaning personal quality of services can be assessed from the accu-
health service including observation, medication, racy, fairness, initiative, wisdom, enthusiasm and
nursing, medical rehabilitation where the patient ability to control feelings, which is always influ-
have to reside in a state or private hospital due to enced by attitudes that show active role, a sense of
their illnesses (Muninjaya, 2005). Then Irene awareness, attitude toward duties, loyalty, discipline
Diana (2010) suggests health care as any activity or and responsibility of duty. Levels of performance
benefit offered by one party to another that is can also be based on: determination/accuracy,
essentially invisible. Park K. Park in Joshi, et al fairness, initiative, wisdom, work enthusiasm/
(2013) suggests that health services should be passion, and control of feelings (emotions). The
comprehensive, accessible, acceptable, provide aspects of public’s satisfaction can be assessed from
scope for community participation and available at the feelings described such as pleasure, happiness,
the cost the community and country can afford. It and affection when satisfied, on the other hand
can be concluded that satisfactory customer service they will look upset, sullen and swearing or act in
will help health care organizations achieve their the manner of dissatisfied.
targets beside efforts to improve service excellence If the public satisfaction has not reached opti-
in health service. Joshi et al also states the impor- mum results, any public organization and institu-
tance of patients’ satisfaction to determine the tion should make efforts to improve the service.
success of health care, therefore the quality of Improving public satisfaction, as Dasman Lanin
health care should be improved based on the explains (2010; 225), is determined by internal
patients’ satisfaction. Aldri and Dede (2014) ex- political variables internal of the organization in
plains that in health care, there are several impor- the form of clique competition - clandestine,
tant components beside human resources that are influence of political pressure, unfair treatment of
necessary in public and private hospitals; medical the organization that only benefits certain people,

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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and deviate behavior from the organization. In his workers to provide fast response in delivering
research he found that indicators clique competi- service; 5) Assurance, including knowledge, ability,
tion - clandestine influence negatively on satisfac- good manner, and trustworthiness that is free from
tion, meaning the higher the clique competition - danger, risk, or doubt; 6). Empathy, including the
clandestine, the lower the public satisfaction and ease of having a friendly relation, personal atten-
vice versa; the higher the influence of political tion, and understanding the needs of customers; 7)
pressure, the lower the public satisfaction and vice Delivery, meaning discipline and sincerity of the
versa; the more the unfair treatment of the organi- health service personnel; 8) Timeliness, meaning
zation which only benefits certain people, the the speed of service delivery using TCR that in this
lower the public satisfaction and vice versa; and the study has a relatively good category.
more deviate behavior from the organization, the Respondents of 100 people represent patients
lower the public satisfaction and vice versa. and/or families of patients who came to the
outpatient department in the private hospital Y,
RESEARCH METHODS the location of this research. The sample is selected
This study uses quantitative methods, which using accidental sampling technique. This ap-
according to Sugiyono (2011) means a research proach is used to simplify the collection of data
method that is based on the philosophy of positiv- because the customers (patients and families) were
ism, which is used to examine the population or a present at the time they were receiving and experi-
particular sample, where data is collected using encing the service process firsthand that they can
research instruments, and data is analysed statisti- respond to the questionnaires objectively. The
cally in order to test the hypothesis. location of the study is a private hospital financed
The survey is conducted using questionnaire to by an Islamic foundation in Padang, West Sumatra.
find out perception of by respondents about the The researchers are prohibited to mention the
quality of public service and public satisfaction. A name of the hospital, therefore it will be called
survey is a type of research that uses questionnaires hospital Y for the purposes of this article. The data
as a research instrument (Masri, 1989). This study was then analysed using simple regression.
used SERVQUAL model from Zeithaml, et al
(1990; and in Aldri and Dede, 2014) to measure RESULT AND ANALYSIS
the quality of services performed by health officers The data was analyzed using inferential statisti-
at private hospital Y for patients inlcuding services cal techniques which were processed using the
as follows: 1) Tangibles, meaning physical appear- Pearson Product Moment in SPSS applications.
ance, equipment, employees, and communication The result of the Test of Variable Relations be-
skills; 2) Access, meaning location, the number of tween Public Service Quality and Public Satisfac-
hours of service and service procedures; 3) Reliabil- tion are presented in the table.
ity, the ability to provide the promised service The data contained in Table 4.1 and 4.2 shows
immediately, accurately, and satisfactorily; 4) the number of sample circulated, all of them have
Responsiveness, the willingness of health care completed and returned the questionnaire (N =

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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TABEL 4.1. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS 0. Because the probability is far below 0,005, the
correlation between the quality of service and the
public satisfaction is very real.
The number of R-square is 0.578 (which is
resulted from squaring the correlation coefficient;
0.760 x 0.760 = 0.578). R square can be called the
TABEL 4.2. CORRELATIONS coefficient of determination, which in this case
means that 57.8% of the variation of Service
Quality can be explained by the Public Satisfaction.
Meanwhile, the rest (100% - 57.8% = 42.2%) could
be because of other reasons that have not been
revealed in this study. The results of the research
hypothesis tested using regression test are:


100). The results of data analysis using Pearson

Product Moment with SPSS applications version 16
shows large correlation between the variables the
quality of service to the public satisfaction with the
correlation coefficient is 0.760. This shows a very From table 4.4. and 4.5, the results of ANOVA
close relation (close to 1) between service quality or F test, the F is measured 134.218 with 0,000
and satisfaction of the public. The direction of level of significance. Because the probability (0.000)
positive relation (no negative sign in figure 0.760) is much smaller than 0.05, the regression model
shows the higher the quality of service the more can be used. The regression equation obtained
the public is satisfied. Likewise, the lower the above will then be tested for its validity to predict
quality of service, the less the public is satisfied. the dependent variable. In other words, it will be
Furthermore, the level of significance of the tested whether service quality could actually predict
correlation coefficient of the output (measured by and influence the Public Satisfaction as used in the
probability) gives the figure of 0,000 or practically following hypothesis:

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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of Service of the Public Satisfaction
Hi = There is the influence of
Quality of Service to the Citizen Satis-
Tests were carried out based on
probability. If the probability > 0.025
then Ho is accepted. If probability <
0.025 then Ho is rejected. The results
shown in the column that Sig / signifi-
cance is 0,000 or probability is far
below 0,025, meaning Ho is rejected or
the significant regression coefficient or
Quality of Service really influence
significantly the level of public satisfac-
The model used in analyzing the
influence of service quality on the level
of public satisfaction is a simple linear
regression model using SPSS version
16.0 and tested at a significance level of
5%. The results obtained is Y = 44.967
+ 2.612 X, that can be concluded that
in the absence of attention to quality of
service, the level of satisfaction is an
average of 44.967, while the increase of
the quality of service (X) per one unit
will be followed by the increase of the
level of satisfaction (Y) to 2.612 average.
Thus, it can be stated that the level of
service quality influence the level of
The result of simple correlation
analysis R is used to determine the
high-low and the direction of the
relation between variables X (quality of
service) and Y (the level of satisfaction). Source: processed from primary data, 2014

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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The amount of correlation coefficient can be public services and the public satisfaction was
determined from the value of R = 0.760. Because conducted using Respondents’ Achievement Level
the value of R = 0.760 is positive, then the relation which is presented Table 4.6.
is a positive one or unidirectional. Based on the The result of the above table on Tangible
criteria of the level of the relation, according aspects of the quality of service is an average 75.5%
Sugiono (2010), the correlation coefficient (R) of TCR with quite good category. Access by average
0.359 lies between 0.4 to 0.8, which means moder- TCR is 73.8% with quite good category, Reliability
ate correlation. It can be concluded that there is a 75.5% with category pretty good, Responsiveness
positie correlation between the quality of service 74.6% with quite good category, Assurance 74.6%
(X) and the level of satisfaction (Y) in the Private with quite good category, Empathy 76.3% with
Hospital Y in Padang City, West Sumatra. Signifi- good category, Delivery 76.4% in both categories,
cance test with t test calculation shows the result of and Timeliness 76.4% with both categories. The
the t-test is 11.585, which is greater than t table overall service quality in average has a pretty good
(3.823), so Hi is accepted. This means that in the category with TCR 75.3%.
error margin of 5 percent, the quality of service Meanwhile the public satisfaction in the quality
significantly influence the level of satisfaction of of public services is analyzed using TCR analysis
the people on Private Hospital Y in the city of with the result as follows:
Padang, West Sumatra. Based on the table below, it is clear that the
Further data analysis of the questionnaire about public satisfaction in the services provided by


Source: processed from primary data, 2014

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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private hospital Y for service procedures amount to danger, risk, or doubt, has quite good quality.
75.2% TCR with quite good category, require- Empathy, including the ease of having a friendly
ments of services 68.8% TCR with quite good relationship, personal attention, and understand-
category, officers’ clarity 73.8 % TCR with quite ing the customers’ needs, is in good category.
good category, officers’ discipline 74.2% TCR with Delivery, the discipline and sincerity of the health
quite good category, officers’ responsibility earns officers, is in good quality category. Timeliness or
77% TCR with good category, officers’ ability 72% the speed of service is categorized as good quality.
TCR with quite good category, speed of service Looking at the relation of quality of service in
gained 71.4% TCR with quite good category, Table 4.7, we can see that of 14 questions about
fairness in service gained 72.8% TCR with quite satisfaction of outpatients, only four are categorized
good category, officers good manner and hospital- as good, they are the officers’ responsibility, cour-
ity 79.2% TCR with good category, the genuine- tesy and hospitality, comfortable surroundings and
ness of the cost of service earned 67.8% TCR with safety.
quite good category, the certainty of service 71.4% Besides using questionnaires, the researcher also
TCR with quite good category, the certainty of the interviewed several patients who were seeking for
service schedule 75.2% TCR with category pretty treatment regarding the number of hours of
good, comfortable environment obtained 78.4% service that are included in Tangible indicators.
TCR in both categories, and security of services The questions are asked to several patients who
obtained 81.6% TCR with either category. In had just finished consulting with doctors. Some of
average, public’s satisfaction in the services of the interviewees stated that they feel the doctors
private hospital Y has a TCR of 74.2% and catego- didn’t explain enough the information they think
rized quite good. should be elaborated more. They think that they
Based on the data in Table 4.6 above, in aver- are only allowed minimal time for consultation
age, the eight indicators of the quality of public before given prescription, which was estimated to
services resulted in quite good category. Tangible last only 3 minutes. The patients said that they
aspects including physical appearance, equipment, expect consultation to last for about 10 minutes.
employees, and communication skills are catego- We then interviewed one of the doctors about the
rized as pretty good quality. Access, that is indicated consultation time. He (the informant is not willing
by location, number of hours of service and service to be named in this research report) argued that he
procedures, has the category of pretty good quality. had given enough explanation for the patient, and
Reliability, the ability to deliver promised services the length of time needed for explanation depends
immediately, accurately, and satisfactorily, catego- on the patient’s illness. The patient asked about
rized as good. Responsiveness, the willingness of the illness or symptoms suffered and then he
health officers (including doctors) to establish and delivered an adequate explanation of the diagnosis.
provide fast service response, has pretty good After the diagnosis was explained, he would write
quality. Assurance, including knowledge, ability, prescription or decided the medical treatment
courtesy, and trustworthiness to be free from needed in order to cure the patients.

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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Looking back at the research conducted by consultation should be varied depending on the
Aldri and Dede, (2014) which studied health needs and expectations of the patients and their
service in private hospital X in the center of families. Even patients receiving the same services
Padang city, and research by Aldri (2014) on public might have different priorities. As also stated by
hospital in the city of P, West Sumatra, it can be Fandy (2004), it should be noted that health care
concluded that the quality of health service has customers have heterogeneous needs. Therefore,
been improved in terms of doctors are willing to the customers’ perceptions are the effect of interac-
give more time for consultation for patients and tion between the customers and the service pro-
their families in order them to be satisfied with the vider.
information about the illesses. Moenir (2008) Basically there is a basis for understanding the
suggests that qualified health service can be assessment of patients who receive the same
achieved by better way of communicating and service but suited the different needs and percep-
hospitality. The result of this study that indicates tion about the reputation of certain hospitals.
decent quality of service in order to meet public Most patients and/or relatives will seek for treat-
expectation is resonated in the research of Dasman ment in hospitals with good reputation, particu-
Lanin (2014) who suggests that the relation be- larly for illnesses that needs high risk medication
tween public’s satisfaction and the quality of (special treatment and latest technological equip-
service can be measured using formula K > H = ment) or the need for first class service because
Satisfied, K < H = dissatisfied, and if K = H means they can afford it (Aldri, 2014).
neutral. The failure to meet these expectations becomes
However, most problems in the consultation one of the causes that the patients’ level of satisfac-
schedule is centered in the doctors’ availability, tion is only “quite good”. These findings are
because most doctors also have duties and consulta- consistent with the view expressed by Aldri (2014)
tion schedules at other hospitals or clinics or even that one of the reasons many people from West
at home. This means the doctors usually try to Sumatra province go abroad for medical treatment
achieve certain target hours so they don’t work full is not because the health care abroad is more
time in the hospitals. Limitation of doctors and competent, but because they feel they are being
specialists’ consultation schedules has been consid- listened to, get clearer information and feel more
ered so they will have sufficient time for patients in appreciated because the consultation is considered
hospitals. However this might lead to protests from long enough. Ryzin (2005), and Dasman Lanin
doctors because they are restricted to gain more (2010) supports this finding, saying the patients’
money from their services, as they feel that their satisfaction is the result of public assessment about
salaries are considered insufficients. the service they have received. Therefore Lijan
Regarding the sufficient time for consultation, (2010) and Borisch (2014) argue that building
health service providers argue that the quality of public trust in the health care system needs not
service in terms of communication depends on the only fiscal consolidation in an attempt to overcome
needs of information of the patients. The time of the financial problems of a hospital, but also

Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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building awareness of the hospitals to improve influential relation between the quality of services
service quality, access, and equality in order to performed by health officers and the satisfaction of
increase customer loyalty and trust, which in the patients as the recipient of service.
long term will assure hospitals’ financial stability. In the future, it is important that private hospi-
Moreover, Thomson and Mori (in Dasman Lanin, tal Y improve its quality of service in order to
2014) suggests a hospital to increase the quality of achieve public satisfaction. The number of patients
competent officers who are able to serve fairly in or customers seeking for treatment in private
order to support public satisfaction significantly. hospitals is also influenced by the public percep-
Therefore a private hospital with good reputa- tion. This research suggests this hospital to priori-
tion can increase the loyalty of its customers and tize the improvement of the communication skills
can also increase the number of patients who come of health officers, particularly doctors and nurses.
for treatment. Thus, change of the number of The improving ability of communicating will
patients coming to a private hospital is also influ- improve public trust in service and loyalty as well as
enced by the perception of the public. A private increasing the number of the hospital’s customers.
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Influence of Public Service Quality in Citizen Satisfaction (Study in Private Hospital Y in Padang, West Sumatra Province) / ALDRI FRINALDI; MUHAMAD ALI EMBI

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