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Oblicon Sample Exams

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ADMU COLLEGE OF LAW Midterm Examinations, 24 Sem., 2013-2014 Theology and Catholic Social Teaching Atty, Joaquin P. Obieta T-C and LF January 14, 2014 1. A principal theme of CST is “The Dignity of Every Person and Human Rights.” What is the basis or key foundation of this principal theme? 2. Catholic social teaching recognizes two competing values regarding property: one is the basic right to private ownership of property. What is the other 2 Explain your answer briefly, 3. What is the basis or foundation for the right to religious freedom? Explain. 4, Do govemments have a right to impose regulatory norms on the exercise of religious freedom? Why or why not? Explain briefly, 5. Does the right to religious freedom render nugatory the traditional Catholic doctrine on the moral duty of men and societies toward the true religion and toward the one Church of Christ? Explain very briefly, 8. What is the reason or basis for the Catholic Church's uncompromising position on abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. Explain briefly. 7. If every man has a right to religious freedom, does it not follow then that all religions are of equal validity in the eyes of God. Explain your answer briefly, 8. Is it correct to say that Dignitatis Humanae teaches that religious communities haxe an absolute and unrestricted right not to be hindered in their public teaching and witness to their faith, whether by the spoken or by the written word? Why ot why not? Explain very briefly. 8. _ Is it correct to say that Dignitatis Humanae teaches that religious freedom being a personal freedom, need not be recognized when men act in community. Why or Why not? Explain very briefly. 10. State or enumerate (no need to explain) at least nine key themes of CST. Ona? Tio | wome AOI Tio : Tony 0743 Atty. Obert subject 1. Year & Sec. Professor cote Ot 74 They SUBJECT 1 YEAR & SEC moh. 1, S004 DATE Atty. Obi PROFESSOR Sen nmmnemmee a eed White Juus > Ciigions Cugard the, five os the, wards Facet peuaa 2 Auton os the only perFrs copy af ihe, heOVEnYY Fest, iiving been COMMUN COted, i eed “Muslin” Ksentiny moins Veoeobence i de byl fbn " ie isa 9 Famine eaacoriee season alte, i dered f biusim fal Pending te, powythercsu fexrgren of joe forefothers + camuts ______teue_tos. END. a cehte. able sop: oft of _deffeCent E mage archi the fame bod b eeictiy ones $6 the 10cen tn gtihée Lith the vecying geagenspsasl, extol $ gncintagiat tomturs & etch nation of SubghUn, pot 10 mention the poeiumet rctmsronces af snech : Ds ki ce i owe, + crush CuteAnsiog th This divert oe bh ive, Oh —_—thetifftfent_tunures * backgrounds af 2¢ beveuefergyy | fr dough thee deph Pendiiy Lat suspended, ange fis bee Nowe #0 Cemictate, I, Subject 1 cectord eet SL Asvacttes af the cath PCADHy cue the deterrent effect 6 ane of its GF davintages. “The oettirens effet i intengid tn sttangiy deaee Futere infvacters fam s20fangg os mee aera 7 tie 1eftor oF the passihle infecting of ne. cei peng utun 1000 it core, io tate, fat te morals ® weifive of ite Sinton issuts tohich tt oltiy deein inital 40 docieey The hutch kts tot tat, hate the common (ole of pmmonag the common Pood. TH une) be upertd i Memotn_nesdfal ‘ ini i ae fit the placing by the shurca of teepauins gid noe ———witlsnt_thes cepatetion oF the hut & Sete Thu ett, ANILA LAW ScHdt TUDENT COUNCIL: ADMU COLLEGE OF LAW Midterm Examinations, 2né Sem., 2009-2010 Theology and Catholic Social Teaching Atty. Joaquin P. Obieta FE January 19, 2010 OR FALSE: (Do not explain your angwer.) [ Rerum Novarum was prompted, among others, by the rising power of socialism or revolutionary Marxism among the exploited working ciass. “TRut ‘The notion of “preferential option for the poor’, being relatively new to Catholic Social Teaching, has no biblical basis. 4+ ‘The Papal Encyclicals and the Bible are the exclusive sources of Catholic Social Teaching: Fas 5 Teach. Fes Fh “Sol was defined by Pope John“the sum total of those conditions of social living whereby:men ae enabled more fully and more readily to achieve then own perfection.” yo. -y * As in the past, the Church today insists that the Catholic religion should be treated as the only religion of the Stale. 7454 oc 4 iy Apostles, the Church has always taught that social justice is a faith, hope-and charity. aie 4.4, ATENEO DE M 9 8 2 5 5 7 The natural lav approach to ethics is based on the. fundamental belief that God created the Universe with certain purposes in mind:

007-2008 Instructions: Read, understand and analyze this quastions below. Clearly and briefly state your enswers. Explain your enswers, Unless ottienvise steted, each ltern is for va (5) pts, Wiite legibly. Leave a space in between lines. ‘Do not scrimp on tast booklets; this may be the last time you will write on them. 1. Distinguish resolution under Article 1191 and Tescission under Article 1381 of the Civil Code. (10pts.) 2, Lesser owns a lol along EDSA. eso) leased the lot to \@SSe8sunder the following terms and conditions: (a) the lease shail be for five (5) years; (&) Lessee shall pay monthly rental of Php20,000; (¢) the rental shall be Incre id annually by 10%: and (d) Ceesee shall use the ot cry for_auvellsing parpesoe On he ‘Segond yeaof the lease, Lessor and Lessee verbally agreed that Lessee sha! have the right of first refusal In case the Lessor deciles to selrthe Tat during the lease term, On the pire yeap Lessee leamed thal ‘eesor was shopping for apossible buyer ofthe lot. Is Lessoe's fi of fat elutaT Vad and enforceable? What action can Lessee take to piutect Lessee's right of first refusal? (10pts,) 3. Juan had only three (3) hei’s, namely, Two, Three and Tour. When Juan cied on A Jue 181p(TusS and CHesbsramacatsly ererednte an meeceeal nce es coicyed alte ic tance Wives and acy on hc o-Ps wnerehy The ‘wo look possession ad-agsered ounershi over ie tntes Gr aveaeicied as rears Juan's estate. Four learned of the agreement and Two's possession anc contfol of thé lots only a month aftér Juan's déath (a) “How will you characterize the agreement between Two end Three on the conveyance of the entire estate of Juan to Two? (10 pis.) (allie Teue>> (0) Late last year, Four filed an action to recover his share in the estate of Juan from Two. Cari Four successfully do so? purorgtn 4. XYZ Corp. is a broker in, anid_stockholder of, the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE"), As broker, XYZ Corp.yewes PSE)(a) 100,000 in various fees. and (b) P50,000 in penalties for violation of ceria PSE rules. On 14 February 2007, the PSE ylectared ‘cash, dividends to its stockholders, including, Corp. which was entitled to P7,000,000. When PSE paid the dividends, it paid XYZ Co¥p. only P850,000. XYZ Corp. objected. Can PSE legally justify its payment of P850,000 to XYZ Corp.? Cryer 5. Amin and Lahat incorporated ZYX Corp. (ZYX"). They paid ZY¥ P50,000,000 each in full payment of their subscription to "ZYX shares, Pursuant to a verbal agreement with G, R, E, Ed, and Y, however, all the ZYX shares were placed equally In the names of G. R, E, Ed, and Y, who are reflected as the stockholders of record of ZYX. (2) How wit you characterize the agreement among the parties? 44:7 (b) Amin and Lahat created ZYX for the purpose of obtaining a US$160 milion contract for the supply of telecommunications equipment and system to the Philippine government, The ZYX shares were in the names of G, R, E, Ed and Y to avoid ZYX's Gisquaiication if owned of recor by presidential celatives. Should ZYX get the supply contract, what will be its status? (c) In a separate transaction, Amin and Lahat jointly and severally borrowed 40,000,000 from ABC Bank. Upon maturity of the toan, ABC Bank demanded payment from Amin? How much should Amin pay ABC Bank? Will Amin’ failure to pay affect Lahal?

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