Project Report-Merged
Project Report-Merged
Project Report-Merged
Oriental Life Insurance Company is the principal organization in India to offer disaster
spread, it was made in Calcutta in 1818 by Anita Bhavsar and others. Its principle target
showcase was Europeans situated in India. Surendranath Tagore (child of Satyendranath
Tagore) established the Hindustan Insurance Society, which later progressed toward
becoming Life Corporation.
The Mumbai Mutual Life Insurance Society, built up in 1870, was the main supplier of
Aboriginal protection. Other insurance agencies set up before autonomy and including
• Indian Mercantile
• General Insurance
The principal Indian extra security organization was conceived in 1870, is the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of Bombay, which covers the lives of Indians at an ordinary rates. An
Indian organization was made for profoundly devoted reasons. The insurance agency was
destined to convey the message of protection and government managed savings in different
parts of society.
In 1896, the insurance agency Bharat was additionally one of the organizations propelled
by patriotism.
In 1912, the law on life coverage organizations and the law on provident assets were
embraced. The law on extra security organizations made it important to guarantee the
excellent rate tables and the intermittent valuation of organizations by a statistician. In any
case, the law oppressed the Indian and remote organizations from multiple points of view
by disadvantaging Indian organizations. The initial two many years of twentieth century
saw a ton of development in business protection. The 44 organizations with an all out deals
power of approx 22 billion rupees have achieved 176 organizations with the all out deals
power of Rs. 298 million crore in 1938. Amid the flood of insurance agencies, numerous
budgetary concerns have additionally been propelled, which flopped wretchedly. The
Insurance Act of 1938 was the primary enactment administering disaster protection, yet in
addition non-extra security to give a severe power over protection exercises. The interest
for nationalization of disaster protection industry has been made a few times before,
however it developed in 1944 when the Bill to alter the Life Insurance Act was passed
exhibited to the council.
In any case, a lot later, on January 19, 1956, in India disaster protection was nationalized.
Around 154 Indian insurance agencies, 16 non-Indian organizations and 75 provident
social orders worked in India at the season of nationalization, which was done in two
phases; the administration of the organizations was first endowed to a request and after that
to the property additionally by methods for a point-by-point bill. In India, the Parliament
passed the Life Insurance Companies Act on June 19, 1956. The Indian Life Insurance
Company was built up on September 1, 1956 with the point of expanding the life coverage
industry considerably more broadly. disaster protection in rustic zones to achieve every
guaranteed nation by giving them satisfactory money related inclusion at a sensible
expense. LIC had 5 zone workplaces, 33 division workplaces and 212 branches. Its home
office was in 1956. Since extra security contracts are long haul contracts and require a wide
assortment of administrations, numerous administrations are required. As of late to extend
tasks and set up a branch in the central command of each region, the LIC revamping
occurred and countless branches were opened. Because of the rearrangement, the
administration capacities were exchanged to the branches and the bookkeeping units were
changed. It worked flawlessly with the organization's execution.
It very well may be seen that the 200,000 crores of new business made in 1957 were just
brought by 1,000.00 crores up in 1969 and that it took LIC 10 years to break the 2,000
characteristics of new business. However, with the redesign that occurred in the mid eighty,
the low-pay nations of 1985-1986 had just passed the 7,000.00 crores of credits ensured by
the new strategy. Today, the LIC works with 2,048 completely automated branches, 100
divisional workplaces, 7 zone workplaces and focal workplaces. LIC has the broad system
that covers 100 division workplaces and interfaces with all branches by means of a
metropolitan system. LIC has built up connections with certain banks and specialist
organizations to offer premium accumulation usefulness in chose urban areas. The
simplicity of installment of ECS and ATM premiums by the LIC is an additional favorable
position for the client. Notwithstanding the online stands and the IVRS, data focuses have
been dispatched in Mumbai, Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, New
Delhi, Pune and numerous different urban areas. With the vision of giving a simple surplus
to its policyholders, LIC has opened its SATELLITE SAMPARK workplaces. These
satellite workplaces are littler, more student and closer to the client.
The digitized satellite office accounts will encourage support at any area and numerous
different conveniences later on. LIC keeps on being the prevailing quick on another
direction development surpassing its very own records. LIC issued strategies of a higher
crore amid the present year. Since October 15, 2005, 1,01,32,955 new arrangements have
been crossed, with a continued development rate of 16.67% contrasted with the comparing
times of the earlier year. From that point forward, the LIC has achieved numerous
achievements and accomplished uncommon execution records in different parts of the life
coverage industry. Similar thought processes have enlivened our precursors to guarantee
that protection exists in this nation by instigating us, in the LIC, to transmit this message
of insurance to light the security lights in numerous homes and to help individuals by
guaranteeing the wellbeing families.
Among the most imperative strides in the disaster protection industry in India are:
1818: The Oriental extra security organization is the principal insurance agency on Indian
soil to have begun working.
1870: The Mumbai Mutual Life Insurance Society is the main Indian extra security
organization to dispatch.
1912: The Indian Life Insurance Companies Act is declared as the main law managing
the extra security area.
1928: The Indian Insurance Companies Act is proclaimed to enable the legislature to
collect statistical info on life and non-life activities.
Resources: Rs 2,529,390
Plan to pick up a noteworthy piece of the overall industry by offering quality items and
administrations. This was made conceivable by a reasonable comprehension among
customers and their clients, their prerequisites, powerful administration and a fitting help
• Keep as a primary concern the venture of assets, the principle commitment towards the
guaranteed, the protection of cash in trust, without dismissing the enthusiasm of the
network in general; the assets to be utilized advantage financial specialists and the network
overall, considering national needs and appealing return commitments.
• Do business with the greatest economy and with the full acknowledgment that the cash
has a place with the supporters.
• Respond to the different disaster protection needs that the network would require in the
changing social and monetary condition.
• Involve each one of those working in low-pay nations who utilize their capacities to
advance the safe guarded's advantages out in the open by giving effective and obliging
4. HDFC life
A mind-blowing acknowledgment protection law in 1965 and the Indian government chose
to make their very own extra security organization, which brought about the production of
LIC of India. These developments additionally prompted the nationalization of the
protection area in India, while it was a gathering of privately owned businesses. In excess
of 240 private insurance agencies and provident social orders converged to frame a life
coverage organization.
The qualities are characterized by what each organization accomplishes best, which can
give it the high ground over its rivals. The accompanying resources of LIC are:
• The biggest protection supplier in India: LIC as of now oversees skillet India tasks
with 2048 completely automated PCs in branches, 8 region workplaces in 113 division
workplaces, 2048 branches, 1381 satellite workplaces and focal workplaces. . The entire
nation is characterized in the 54 client zones and the 25 metropolitan territories with
administration focuses dependent on a few urban communities and having a place with
India. Right now, LIC has 1,337,064 individual operators, 242 organization specialists, 89
referral specialists, 98 merchants and 42 banks for the clearance of disaster protection to
the overall population.
• Branding: LIC has solid brand picture in India. The motto is Yogakshemam
Mahamyaham, which implies that the prosperity of everything is great perceived. The Time
of Brand Equity overview of the year 2015 has assigned LIC as the most dependable
protection supplier in India.
• Funding Base: LIC has an expansive base reserve of roughly $ 150 billion. It is likewise
the biggest financial specialist in India, making it an incredibly ground-breaking nation in
the field of fund in India.
• A system of specialists: LIC has around 1,337,064 individual operators, 242 corporate
specialists, 89 reference operators, 98 representatives and 42 banks in India, covering all
pieces of the nation.
Shortcomings are utilized to distinguish zones in which the organization or brand should
be improved. The principle shortcomings of LIC are:
• Culture: Low-pay nations have been intently connected with the administration and have
an extremely moderate and moderate work culture. It fills in as a shortcoming when
contrasted with current private insurance agencies that are devotees of the system.
• Poor publicizing procedure: Compared to its private partners, LIC does not spend a lot
on promoting, and the nature of the ads it publicizes mirrors this.
• Overhead expenses: LIC has an immense workforce of representatives and the vast
majority of them work from their very own offices. Their installment and the executives
are frequently a major test for the organization.
Openings allude to circumstances in the earth encompassing a business that can profit by
expanded returns. A portion of the open doors include:
• Online Services: As online administrations developed, clients started to look for an ever
increasing number of choices, for example, protection and mindfulness levels. The most
noteworthy as the main days. This is an open door for providers like LIC, which utilize a
great deal of work, to decrease costs by supplanting clients with innovation.
• Shifting from security to anticipation: There is a general move in the pattern from
assurance to aversion, provoking insurance agencies to concentrate more on hazard
counteractive action than on hazard relief arrangements .
• More discretionary cashflow: Today, protection isn't seen as a security, yet in addition
as a type of speculation. By benefiting from the new methodology, insurance agencies can
structure new items.
Dangers are the natural factors that can decide the development of the business. Dangers
• Competition: With the privatization of protection, LIC has lost its previous greatness
and appearances wild challenge from private protection that has conveyed more glory to
the business.
• Change of government: With each new government, financial and money related
strategies change, with the outcome that approaches must be reformulated as needs be. This
makes a great deal of stresses.
• Technology: Today, most money related administrations make innovation an essential
piece of their business through web based banking and online monetary financier
administrations. Be that as it may, LIC still has a great deal to do to stay aware of the
Associations compute the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), which is the normal client
reaction score, the Net Developer Score (NPS), showing the probability of a client restoring
a brand to someone else, and the client exertion score, which demonstrates how simple it
is for a client to work with an organization. Consumer loyalty measurements are then used
to evaluate buyer conduct.
Life coverage
Given the key standards of protection, it would hypothetically be conceivable to assess and
guarantee any dangers related with legal movement. Nonetheless, this article centers
around disaster protection and the related financial dangers of life and demise. Disaster
protection is basically an agreement to make explicit installments upon the demise of the
individual whose life is guaranteed. As it were, disaster protection ensures the aggregate
of cash to the assigned recipients at the passing of the safeguarded or potentially to the
guaranteed in the event that he lives past a specific age. The performers associated with the
extra security strategy other than the back up plan are: The arrangement proprietor, the
individual whose life is guaranteed and the recipients, the individuals who are paid under
the approach. The Policyowner has the ability to choose or change the recipient, the
privilege to appoint the approach, money it for its money surrender esteem or use it as
security to acquire an advance, and for the commitment to pay the premiums. A similar
individual may fill every one of the three positions by assigning their progression as
recipient, or every one of the three positions might be involved by a different individual.
• Lifetime
• Collective protection
• Annuities
Every one of these approaches is intended to address a specific situation that individuals
may experience.
As the inclusion of a whole extra security arrangement is planned to endure forever of the
protected. The returns are paid upon the demise of the guaranteed and the returns are as
sure as the passing itself, except if the approach is dropped by the proprietor or omissions
for non- installment of premiums. What's more, the entire disaster protection arrangement
has a money esteem choice, which is commonly accessible whenever after the approach
becomes effective for a long time and before the demise of the safeguarded. Since the extra
security approach aggregates a money surrender esteem and the conviction of a last
installment, it is both a methods for speculation and protection. Furthermore, the money
esteem that can be acquired when recovered or utilized as insurance for a credit, the entire
life approach gives a fixed lifetime premium. Since extra security premiums depend on the
danger of death, they can be restrictive as the individual ages. All of life will in general
lighten this issue with fixed and uniform premiums for the span of the approach. As a
speculation procedure, disaster protection organizations for the most part contribute
premiums judiciously, in view of a differentiated portfolio, to guarantee that reserves are
versatile to monetary emergencies. This methodology can give security and significant
serenity for the approach proprietor (Stevick, 2006).
Term protection
In contrast to life coverage, term extra security endures just a specific measure of time, for
example, a month, 10 years or 20 years. The safety net provider pays the measure of the
predetermined item just if the guaranteed passes on in due time. Not at all like the entire
extra security arrangement, the term disaster protection strategy does not by and large
amass money esteem when the approach is reclaimed or relinquished. In this manner, it
isn't sure that the safety net provider will be required to pay anything under the strategy in
light of the fact that the protected can endure its term. Since the installment under term life
coverage is dubious, it does exclude any venture component. Now and again, term
protection arrangements become progressively attractive by making them sustainable for
an extra term. This reestablishment highlight is commonly accessible paying little respect
to the guarantee’s wellbeing status at the season of recharging. Be that as it may, rates for
ensuing periods are commonly a lot higher than for the underlying time frame in light of
the fact that the guaranteed has matured.
Blessing disaster protection is like entire life coverage in two different ways: your
arrangement premiums spread both an advantage segment and a venture part, and a base
payout to the recipient is ensured. The enormous distinction is that the expression "staffing
approach" isn't identified with your normal life and installment can be made in your
Times are characterized for various years, frequently somewhere in the range of ten and
twenty. In the event that you bite the dust before the finish of the period, your recipient
will get the Guaranteed Benefit in a similar way as you would with some other life coverage
arrangement. On the off chance that you live past the term of the agreement, you get the
all out esteem, which might be more noteworthy than the ensured benefit, contingent upon
the sort of agreement and the arrival earned on the venture divide.
The demise advantage is tax-exempt for the recipient since premium installments are in
after- charge dollars. Assessments will be expected on the rewards paid (estimation of the
venture higher than the ostensible esteem).
Modern extra security premiums are paid on a week by week or month to month premise.
When all is said in done, the assumed worth of modern disaster protection approaches
does not surpass
$ 10,000. This sum is extensively lower than different sorts of life coverage arrangements,
which by and large have an ostensible estimation of several thousands. Modern life coverage
is a decent alternative for individuals who need to purchase life coverage yet can not stand to
pay high premiums.
Aggregate protection
2. All the more for the most part, a progression of installments of a predetermined size and
recurrence, regularly to a resigned individual.
General extra security
General extra security is a perpetual life coverage with a venture funds part and low
premiums, for example, term disaster protection. Most widespread extra security approaches
contain an adaptable premium alternative. Be that as it may, some require a solitary premium
(single level rate premium) or fixed premiums (fixed level premiums).
Massood, H siddiqui, Analyzing customer Identify the most critical Area of operation
(2010) satisfaction with issue of whether gap
service quality in life customer focus is
insurance services reflected in their
Min Han, C. (1990). A study on attitude of Find this study on Poor information is
Indian consumer insurance companies in provided by the
towards insurance the Indian market to insurance
services frame marketing companies or
strategies based on consumers faces
socio-demographic and authentification
economic variables about quality of the
insurance services.
D Randall brandt, Kevin l Focusing on customer Establish the types and To resolve the
reffett (1989) problems to improve ubiquity of customer subjectivity and
service quality problems to assess each ambiguity of
one's effectiveness on customer
customer satisfaction. satisfaction.
Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., The impacts of To identify service Deterrent of survey
& Parasuraman, A. (1996) association quality and quality responsibility is noted by an postal
intervening some with impact on survey
segment of client repurchasing by client
HS Sandhu, Neetu Bala Customer perception Aims to measure the Relationship
(2011) towards service quality perception of the between each
of LIC customer on the quality generated service
of service of life quality dimension
3.1 Statement Of The Problems
• LIC keeps on being the main life back up plan, even in the changed Indian protection
situation, and is quickly pushing ahead on new development past its very own reputation.
• In the region held for its rivals, the organization has joined IT-based administrations in
its universal improvement and manageability diary.
• Part of his organization has fused data innovation based administrations into its
different activities to improve client administration and comfort.
H0: There is no huge connection between fulfillment level and administration system
H1: There is a huge connection between the dimension of fulfillment and the
administration methodology
3.5 Limitations of Study
Like the examination finished with essential and auxiliary research, there are a few
restrictions to the investigation to note.
1. The primary constraint of the investigation was the time accessible to finish it, which
influenced the preparing and examination of the information.
2. An adequate number of respondents from all LIC administrations who couldn't be
3. The investigation is restricted agreeable to policyholders with policyholders and other
related issues past the extent of this examination.
4. Because of time requirements, the specialist secured just the examination time frame
from 2005-2006 to 2009-2010.
5. The example estimate is constrained to 100 individuals as it were. The example size
may not speak to the whole market effectively.
6. It is hard to realize that all respondents gave exact data. a few respondents will in
general give deceiving data.
The universe of the investigation incorporates the LIC supporters of the Thanjavur division.
The example, the policyholders were looked over the testing outline, it is recorded by the
three branch directors and the five operators. The example was gathered into urban and
country bunches. In each gathering, an example of 150, 7 endorsers were drawn nearer at
the accommodation of the scientist and supporters.
The essential information were gathered from 100 endorsers. The scientist utilized the
accommodation of Descriptive Research Design to contemplate nature of administration
as far as mindfulness, fulfillment and key measurements in the disaster protection industry.
Poll criteria, for example, pay, age, occupation, dimension of training, and so forth.
Respondents were solicited to rate the dimension from mindfulness, fulfillment, and nature
of administration measurements significant to the PFR protection item on a 5-point scale.
Specifically, these parts of nature of administration were distinguished through the point
by point exploratory recognizable proof procedure. This incorporates bunch discourses
with 100 disaster protection policyholders (country and urban) and eight top to bottom
meetings, three branch supervisors and five with LIC operators). Content Analysis Group
discourses and top to bottom meetings were directed.
1 The components affecting the decision of strategy don't contrast between the country
and urban policeman.
2. The level of fulfillment with LIC's customer portrayal exercises by the yearly salary of
the policyholder. It doesn't contrast altogether.
3. The dimension of consumer loyalty among country and urban clients does not contrast
4. It is fundamental to fulfill the client by giving quality client administration.
Kind of plan
"The examination plan is the strategy and procedure of directing a specific report, in a
general way; It can be assembled into three fundamental classifications: exploratory,
distinct and causal.
• The descriptive study is utilized when the scientist is keen on knowing the attributes of
specific gatherings, for example, age, sex, dimension of training, working, and so on.
Chapter 1 –This chapter consist the basic information about the research in LIC,
introduction about the internship, industry profile, the company profile. We also talks about
the vision, mission, and quality policy of the company, objectives of the LIC, competitors
in the market and SWOT analysis of the company.
Chapter 2 – In this chapter gives information about the theoretical background of study
along with literature reviews.
Chapter 3 – This chapter gives information about the statement of problems, objectives of
study, limitation of study, types of research and the research design, need of the study,
research methodology and also chapter schemes.
Chapter 4 – The data analysis and interpretation of various data was collected.
Chapter 5 – In this chapter it includes the conclusion about research, findings of the factors
and the suggestions for the company for improve.
Table 4.1 Gender
Above the table and chart showing that 52% respondents belongs to the male
category and remaining 48% respondents belongs to female category.
Chart 4.1
The most respondents are from male candidates.
Table 4.2 Age Frequency of respondents
Above the table and chart depicts the 36% respondents are belongs to the age of between
25-35 years, 33% respondents belongs to the age between 35-45 years, 24% respondents
belongs to the age between 45-55 and 7% respondents belongs to age of above 55 years.
Chart 4.2
The most of respondents are from age between 25-35 years
Table 4.3 Occupation of respondents
Above the table and chart depicts that 30% respondents belongs to the employee
category, 12% respondents belongs to housewife category, 13% respondents belongs to
student category, 16% respondents are belongs to business category, remaining 29%
respondents are belongs to retired category.
Chart 4.3
As per the survey the most respondents are from the employees
Table 4.4 Income level of respondents
Above table and graph showing that 39% of customers income level is between 0-25000
rupees, 36% income level between 250000-40000 rupees, 14% customers income level is
40000-60000 rupees and 11% customers income is above 60000 rupees.
Chart 4.4
As per the survey the most respondents income level are based on0-25000 rupees.
Table 4.5 Reasons for investing in life policies
The above table and graph showing that customers reasons for investing their money in
LIC 29% people investing for multiple benefit offer, 26% people investing by
recommended by family and friends, 18% people investing by schemes are good, 14%
people investing by income tax returns and 13% people investing by others reasons.
Chart 4.5
As per the survey the most respondents are taken policies due to multiple benefits offer.
Table 4.6 Satisfied with investing money
Above the table and graph showing that the7% respondents are highly satisfied
with their investing money, 32% respondents were satisfied, 47% respondents
were average, 12% respondents are dissatisfied and 2% respondents are highly
Chart 4.6
As per the survey the 47% respondents are average satisfied with their investing
money in insurance policies.
Table 4.7 Following policies have
policies Others 8 8
The above table and graph showing that 37% people respondents are have children policy,
22% people have endowment policy,12% people have single premium policy, 11%
respondents have pension plan policy,10% people respondents have money back policy
and 8% respondents have others policy.
As per the survey the most respondents have the children policies
Table 4.8 Term policies
The above table and graphs showing that the 11% respondents term policy are up to 5 years
,21% respondents are 6 to 10 years,22% respondents are 11 to 15 years term policy, 24%
respondents are 16 to 20 years and 22% respondents are have above 20 years term
As per the survey the most respondents have term policies with 16 to 20 years.
Table 4.9 Premium insurance
The above table and graphs showing that the 9% respondents are pay monthly premium,
14% respondents are pay quartely premium, 26% respondents are pay half yearly
premium and 51% respondents are pay yearly premium.
As per the survey the most respondents are pay their premium in yearly basis.
Table 4.10 Satisfied with the rates of insurance policies
The above table and graph showing that 14% respondents are highly satisfied by their
satisfied rates, 32% respondents are satisfied, 36% respondents are neutral, 10%
respondents are unsatisfied and 8% respondents are utterly unsatisfied.
Chart 4.10
As per the survey the most respondents are neutral with the satisfied rates.
Table 4.11 Agent Recommend about insurance
The above table and graphs showing that 82% respondents are
recommended by agent about the life insurance and 18%
respondents are not recommend by an agent.
As per the survey the most respondents were agree about the agent was recommend
by the insurance.
Table 4.12 Correct information is provides by an agent regarding
products and services
The above table and graphs showing that 62% respondents are
happy with their agent by proving the correct information and
38% respondents are not happy with the agents.
Chart 4.12
As per the survey the most respondents are agree with the
agent because he provide correct information regarding
products and services
Table 4.13 Brochure language
The above table and graphs showing that 45% respondents agree with the brochure
language, 31% respondents are neutral, 13% respondents are strongly agree with the
brochure ,8% respondents were disagree and 3% respondents are strongly disagree.
Chart 4.13
As per the survey the most respondents are agree with the brochure language is easy and
Table 4.14 Agent do not disclose negative points
The above table and graphs showing that 5% respondents are strongly agree with the
agent do not disclose the negative points of the scheme,60% respondents are agree with
this points, 27% respondents are neutral and 5% respondents were disagree or 3%
respondents are strongly disagree.
Chart 4.14
As per the survey the most respondents are agree about the agents do not disclose the
negative points.
Table 4.15 Explained terms and conditions
The above table and graph showing that 6% respondents are strongly agree with the
terms and condition,35% respondents are agree ,31% respondents are neutral, 18%
respondents are disagree and 10% respondents are strongly disagree.
Chart 4.15
As per the survey the most respondents are agree with the terms and conditions are
explain while taking a policies
Table 4.16 Procedures services
The above table and graphs showing that 9% respondents are fully satisfied with
services procedure, 31% respondents are satisfied, 45% respondents are neutral, 13%
respondents are unsatisfied and 2% respondents are utterly unsatisfied
Chart 4.16
As per the survey the respondents are neutral with the services while meeting customer
needs and procedures
Table 4.17 Easy to contact
The above table and graph showing that 93% respondents are belongs to easily
contact and communicate with the insurance authority and 7% respondents are not
Chart 4.17
As per the survey the 93% respondents are easily contact to the insurance authority
Table 4.18 Premium insurance
The above table and graph showing that 65% respondents are received insurance
premium and 35% respondents are not received insurance premium.
Chart 4.18
As per the survey the 65% respondents are received premium insurance incentives
Table 4.19 More in insurance policy
More benefits 89 89
More security 7 7
Others please 4 4
Total 100 100
The above table and graph showing that 89% respondents
are get more benefits insurance,7% respondents are more
security and 4% respondents are belongs to others.
Chart 4.19
As per the survey the 89% respondents are want more benefits in insurance policies
Table 4.20 Returns in insurance policies
The above table and graph showing that 3% respondents are highly satisfied with the
returns in insurance policies, 17% respondents are satisfied ,45% respondents are
average and 35% respondents are dissatisfied
Chart 4.20
As per the survey the 45% respondents are average towards the returns in insurance policies
Table 4.21 Death claims
The above table and graph showing that 2% respondents are strongly agree with the death
claim, 11% respondents are agree,37% respondents are neutral, 47% respondents are
disagree and 3% respondents are strongly disagree.
Chart 4.21
As per the survey the 47% respondents are disagree with the sort of death claims in
insurance company
Table 4.22 Affected by private insurance company
The above table and graph showing that 11% respondents are strongly agree with the
private companies has affected the LIC company,22% respondents are agree, 36%
respondents are neutral, 25% respondents are disagree and 6% respondents are strongly
Chart 4.22
As per the survey 36% respondents are neutral with the affected of private insurance
Table 4.23 Surrendered polices
The above tables and graph showing that 18% respondents are surrendered their
insurance policies and 82% respondents are not surrendered their polices.
Chart 4.23
As per the survey the most 82% respondents have not surrendered their policies
Table 4.24 Level of satisfaction
Above table and graph showing that 8% respondents are excellent with their
satisfaction, 43% respondents are very good, 29% respondents level are average, 14%
respondents level are bad and 6% respondents level are worse.
Chart 4.24
As per the survey the most 43% respondents very good with their satisfaction
level in performance of LIC
Table 4.25
Satisfaction Procedure
N 100 100
Pearson Correlation .274** 1
It is interpreted that the association between the satisfaction level and the service
procedure are positively correlated and the significant value is .006 which is less than
0.05. It means there is a relation between satisfaction level and the service procedure.
As indicated by one investigation, most respondents are men, which demonstrates that
they are progressively inspired by LIC insurance.
• The most respondents occupation are from worker.
• Their age between the 25-35 years and their month to month salary level was
around 25000 every month.
• They all were putting their cash in protection arrangements by various advantages
• As per the investigation the most respondents are normal happy with the
contributing their cash.
• The most respondents have youngsters arrangements for their future premise.
• They have term strategies between the 16-20 years and they wear paying yearly
with their fulfilled rates.
• Mostly the operator has suggested about the disaster protection and the items and
administrations to the respondents.
• Respondents are concur towards the operators were not unveil the negative
focuses past the clients.
• But the specialists clarified every one of the terms and conditions about the
protection approaches.
• According to respondents they are content with the strategies administrations and
they effectively contact with them.
• Respondents have numerous motivating forces through protection by specialist.
• But in protection the passing cases are quickly arranged.
• According to respondents, the private insurance agency had doled out LIC due to
their representatives who were constantly occupied
• Customer policyholders.
• Most of clients feel protected and glad when they manage LIC.
• It has been discovered that the irrelevant bit of LIC representatives does not give
individual regard for client issues.
• It was discovered that respondents did not see all arrangements and did not know
the strategies of low-salary nations.
• Most respondents state that the organization and specialist respondents promptly
by with respect to their taking care of issues.
• Returns from the venture are emphatically normal that thought about strategies.
• The most respondents have not surrendered their arrangements they are happy
with the terms and states of LIC and they are content with protection.
• Their fulfillment level was great when contrasted with other protection arrangements.
5.2 Recommendations/Suggestion
In the modernized very much propelled property, every single imaginable office and every
conceivable exertion to build the certainty of the safeguarded in expanding opposite the
insurance agencies, never again supplement one another. Be that as it may, a few
suggestions are incredibly felt and emphatically required for protection to stay available.
This investigation broke down the information gathered from the protected and permitted
the desires for guaranteed people and their inclinations. He additionally recommended
proposals that could be actualized in light of a legitimate concern for the overall population
and the administration.
In the wake of checking on the general circumstance that helped various Pvt. Organizations
related with the global protection part should contend well with the current LICs in the
open area. We reason that:
1) There is wild challenge between private insurance agencies for new publicizing patterns
to deny an extensive part of customers.
2) LIC isn't forgotten in the present race for promoting.
Contact no:-
a) Male
b) Female
a) 25-35 years
b) 35-45 years
c) 45-55 years
d) Above 55 years
a) Employee
b) Housewife
c) Student
d) Business
e) Retired
a) 0- 25000 rupees
b) 25000-40000 rupees
c) 40000-60000 rupees
d) Above 60000 rupees
1 Reason for investing in insurance plan?
a) Multiple benefits offer
b) Income tax returns
c) Schemes are good
d) Recommended by family and friends
e) Others
7 Did the insurance agents or marketing executive recommend the insurance to you?
a) Yes
b) No
8 Do the agents provide you with correct information regarding their products and
a) Yes
b) No
11 While taking a policy all terms and conditions are explained to the consumer?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
12 How was the services in terms of procedures, duration, and meeting customer needs?
a) Fully satisfied
b) Satisfied to certain extent
c) Neutral
d) Unsatisfied
e) Utterly unsatisfied
14 Have you received any incentive from insurance premium through agent?
a) Yes
b) No
15 What would you like to get more in insurance policies?
a) More benefits
b) More security
c) Others, please specify