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Vision Tool Manuals

BarCode Reader/
Verification (BCR)
Module Release Version Date

6.41.001 8/19/05

6.41.004 8/29/05

6.41.006 10/10/05

6.41.008A 12/16/05
TIPS Vision Tool Manual
The BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

SYSTECH International Information

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SYSTECH Information
TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR ) Tool

Table of Contents
SYSTECH International Information ........................................................ ii

BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool ................................................ 1

1 Terms Commonly Used with This Tool ..............................................................2
2 Tool Setup and Adjustment ................................................................................3
3 BCR Properties .....................................................................................................4
3.1 Setup Tab .......................................................................................................4
3.1.1 Match String ........................................................................................................ 5
3.1.2 Scan Lines .......................................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Minimum Scan Lines ........................................................................................... 6
3.1.4 Scan Type ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1.5 Angle Find Spacing ........................................................................................... 10
3.1.6 Symbology ........................................................................................................ 11
3.1.7 Color ................................................................................................................. 14
3.1.8 Direction ............................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Edges Tab .................................................................................................... 16
3.2.1 Detector Width .................................................................................................. 16
3.2.2 Edge Threshold ................................................................................................ 16
3.2.3 Filter Size .......................................................................................................... 17
3.2.4 Filter Gap .......................................................................................................... 17
3.2.5 Image Filters ..................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Grading Tab .................................................................................................. 18
3.3.1 Enable Grading ................................................................................................. 18
3.3.2 Grade Threshold ............................................................................................... 19
3.3.3 Grading Graphics .............................................................................................. 19
3.3.4 Display Profile Button ........................................................................................ 19
3.4 Tool Info Tab .................................................................................................25
3.4.1 Name ................................................................................................................ 25
3.4.2 Result Lines ...................................................................................................... 25
3.4.3 Location ............................................................................................................ 26
4 Tool Training ...................................................................................................... 26
5 BCR Tool Property Information ........................................................................ 27
5.1 Performance Counts ..................................................................................... 27
5.2 Station Parameter Tags ................................................................................ 28
6 BCR Tool Example - 1 ....................................................................................... 29
7 BCR Tool Example - 2 ........................................................................................ 38
8 Index .................................................................................................................... 43

Table of Contents
TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR ) Tool

Please read the Introduction to Vision Tools manual before preceding with this tool.

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Table of Contents
TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

The Bar Code Reader Tool reads and verifies the presence of barcodes. The tool
uses several edge detectors to first determine the positions and width of the bars and
spaces between them and then decodes the bars; determining the ASCII characters
the bars represent. The tool will fail if it does not meet the specified bar or space con-
straint or other characters are immediately adjacent to the symbol. The results of a
read inspection can then be sent to another application using either the Communication Tool or
the Vision Scripting Tool.

Execution Time Scan Lines

Match String

Barcode Type

Note: For cleanly printed (i.e. preprinted) and well imaged codes, the width of the narrow bar or
space must be at least 1.5 pixels. Codes printed online usually require 2 or more pixels/narrow
bar. For example, to read 8 mil (.008”) codes with a standard resolution camera (652x494), the
field of view should be no larger than 2.6” across (= 652 x .008 / 2).

Cleanly printed, well imaged composite codes require two pixels/narrow bar for decoding. Rotat-
ing codes, degraded codes, or poor imaging requires more resolution. For a 2.6” field of view, a
high resolution camera (1296 x 1016) is recommended for 8 mil composite codes.

The code can be printed at any orientation relative to the camera. Decoding with full 360 degree
rotation of the code is supported.

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

1 Terms Commonly Used with This Tool

Region of Interest (ROI) is a rectangular area in which the tool is conducting its inspection.

The BCR tool is designed to detect Edges. Edges are viewed as gray scale changes from light
to dark or dark to light. These transitions are known as the edge’s Polarity.

A Match String is the ASCII character value of the decoded binary values derived from the bar-
code symbol.

The Edge Threshold is the minimum difference in gray scale value an edge transition must sat-
isfy to be considered a valid edge.

Training is the process of establishing the barcode model used in verifying the characters in the
runtime Match Code.

A Quiet Zone is the “empty space” before and after the barcode bars.

Terms Commonly Used with This Tool:

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

2 Tool Setup and Adjustment

The tool is setup and adjusted in the Vision Edit (SENTRI Non-X-Series system software) or
Series system software) screens. Select the BCR Tool and draw a rectangular box around the
barcode symbol. Use a separate tool for each symbol. The ROI need not include the entire
height of the bars. In the dimension perpendicular to the bars, the rectangle must be large
enough to accommodate a quiet zone whose minimum size is approximately 10 percent of the
length of the barcode symbol. In the picture below, the bottom ROI boundary and the right ROI
boundary are green and the Match String is in green in the upper left hand corner of the ROI.
This indicates the barcode has been successfully read.

Quite Zone Quite Zone

Direction Perpendicular to Bar

Note: The minimum width of the smallest bar or space must be greater than 1.5 pixels for reli-
able operation. The current barcode’s number of pixels for the minimum bar or space can be
found in the performance view under BarPixels.

Note: If the ROI is does not have enough quite zone at either end or does not extend past the
end of the barcode symbol, a red question mark will appear in the upper right hand corner of the
ROI. At the same time the bottom ROI border and the right ROI border will be red. If this occurs,
expand the size of the ROI in the direction perpendicular to the bar orientation. An example of
this is shown in the following picture:

Double-click within the tool ROI or select View then Properties or right-click within the tool’s ROI
and click View Properties. The BCR Properties dialog box appears. This is used to select or
change tool properties to optimize the inspection.
Tool Setup and Adjustment:
TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Note: For RSS-14, RSS-14 w/Composite A, and RSS

Limited barcodes, the ‘read’ barcode which appears in the
upper left-hand corner of the Barcode Reader Tool’s ROI
will contain a 14th digit. This is shown in the picture to the
right. This 14th or final digit is a check (sum) digit.

The ‘read’ digits shown in green are: 98765432112336.

The final number, it this case a 6, is always the check

3 BCR Properties

3.1 Setup Tab

Use the Setup tab to define the type of barcode inspection to be performed and the inspection

Note: The preceding picture shows default values in all fields.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.1.1 Match String

The Match String is a series of ASCII characters used for verification purposes that can be
derived from the barcode. These can be entered manually if known or they will automatically be
entered when training the tool. The Match String field will be populated automatically when the
tool is trained.

Force the tool to act as a barcode reader by not selecting the Match String check box.

Select the Match String check box to activate the Match String field. Click on the Match String
field and manually enter the Match String by typing.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.1.2 Scan Lines

Select the number of scan lines used by the program to determine the barcode. The more lines
used the longer it will take for the program to execute. Use the minimum number required by the
program to give a satisfactory inspection. The default value is 3 with a range of 2 – 100. Click on
the Scan Lines slider to show the Scan Lines. The criteria for a successful read, is for at least
one scan line to return a valid code. A scan line that returns a valid code is green and all other
scan lines are red. This is shown in the following picture:

The sharper the printing of the barcode, the less lines will be required. Where barcodes may be
smudged and/or printing is not shape and well defined, more line will be required.

3.1.3 Minimum Scan Lines

Select the minimum number of scan lines required to constitute an acceptable read. The value
selected for the Minimum Scan Lines will be the number of lines required to read the code suc-
cessfully. Fewer lines will cause a failure. An equal number of lines or a greater number of lines
reading the code will result in a valid read. Minimum Scan Lines cannot be set to a higher num-
ber than Scan Lines. Increasing the number of scan lines increases the time required to perform
the inspection.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Where the barcode printing is not sharp and/or is smudged, dirty, etc., a small number of scan
lines may give a false valid reading. Therefore a sufficient number of scan lines should be
required so as to insure a valid reading.

3.1.4 Scan Type

Select the type of scan used to inspect the barcodes. Choose by selecting from the Scan Type
drop-down box either Raster, Raster w/Angle, or Cross type scanning. The default is Raster.
The following picture shows Raster lines, which are horizontal when scan Direction is Horizon-
tal, Left to Right or Right to Left.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Lines are vertical if selected Direction is Vertical, Top to Bottom or Bottom to Top.

Use Raster w/Angle (with Angle), when there may be angular displacement of the barcode of up
to plus or minus thirty degrees (+/- 30 Deg.). In the case of horizontal (left to right or right to left)
barcode this would be plus or minus 30 degrees from the horizontal and in the case of vertical
(bottom to top or top to bottom) barcode this would be plus or minus 30 degrees from the vertical.

The following picture shows Raster w/Angle lines, which are horizontal when scan Direction is
Horizontal, Left to Right or Right to Left.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

The program first uses the lines defined by Angle Find Spacing to determine the angle of the
barcode. This angle is displayed by the single green line through the barcode (in the direction of
the barcode) as shown in the preceding barcode picture.

The angle of the barcode in now shown in the lower left hand corner and the found barcode string
is in the upper left hand corner.

Use Cross, when the barcode symbol placement is expected to vary less than 15 degrees. The
following picture shows Cross lines on a horizontal barcode symbol:

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Note: The number of scan lines may need to be increased when dealing with angled barcode
symbols in order to achieve a successful inspection.

3.1.5 Angle Find Spacing

The Angle Find Spacing field and slider are activated when Raster w/Angle is selected for the
scan type. The value of the Angle Find Spacing is the distance in pixels between the lines used
to determine the angle of the barcode from the horizontal or vertical. Good results are normally
obtained using a value of approximately one quarter of the height of the barcode in pixels.

Increasing the value of the Angle Find Spacing increases the distance between the lines used
to determine the angle, decreases the number of lines used and reduces the time required for the
inspection. Decreasing the value of the Angle Find Spacing decreases the distance between
the lines used to determine the angel, increases the number of lines used and increases the time
required for the inspection.

Angle results can be questionable if too large or too small a value is used.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.1.6 Symbology

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Note: RSS 14 Expanded in not currently supported.

Select the type of barcode to be inspected from the Symbology drop-down list. Click on the
selected barcode to highlight it. The default is Unknown. Use Unknown to force the tool to
determine to barcode type. Using Unknown requires longer execution time for the tool.

The types of barcode that can be read are as follows:

Symbology Description

Unknown Attempts to read any of the symbologies listed below.

Code 39 Reads Code 39 (also called Code 3 of 9)

Code 39 w/Checksum Reads Code 39 with checksum

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Symbology Description

Code 39 Extended Reads Code 39 with full ASCII character set

Code 128 Reads Code 128 with subsets A, B & C

I2of5 Reads Interleaved 2 of 5 code-

Codabar Reads Codabar and does not display the start and stop

Codabar w/Start&Stop Reads Codabar and reports the value of the start and stop
characters (can only vary between a, b, c, and d)

UPC-A Reads Universal Product Code Version A (12 digit) with

optional supplemental 2 or 5 code

UPC-E Reads Universal Product Code Version E (6 digit, zero sup-

pressed representation of version A) with optional supple-
mental 2 or 5 code

UPC-A&E Reads either version A or E. Version E codes are

expanded to version A format.

EAN-13 Reads 13 Digit European Article Number with optional sup-

plemental 2 or 5 code. Also known as JAN in Japan.

EAN-8 Reads 8 Digit European Article Number with optional sup-

plemental 2 or 5 code. Also known as JAN in Japan.

Postnet Reads 9 or 11 digit code defined by the US Postal Service

giving the Zip code.

Planet Code Reads 11 digit code defined by the US Postal Service giv-
ing a tracking number

Postnet/Planet Reads either Postnet or Planet code.

RSS 14 Reads Reduced Space Symbology (RSS) 14 digit code

adopted by EAN International (EAN) and Uniform Code
Council, Inc. (UCC). This setting will also read RSS-14
Stacked, RSS-14 Truncated, and RSS-14 Stacked Omni-

RSS 14 w/ Composite A Reads RSS 14 with 2D Composite Component (CC-A,

MicroPDF417 variation) stacked over the RSS 14 code.

RSS 14 w/ Composite B Reads RSS 14 with 2D Composite Component (CC-B,

MicroPDF417) stacked over the RSS 14 code.

RSS 14 w/ Composite C Reads RSS 14 with 2D Composite Component (CC-C,

PDF417) stacked over the RSS 14 code.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Symbology Description

RSS Limited Reads Reduced Space Symbology (RSS) Limited 14 digit

code adopted by EAN International (EAN) and Uniform

RSS Limited w/ CompositeA Reads RSS Limited with 2D Composite Component (CC-A,
MicroPDF417 variation) stacked over the RSS 14 code.

RSS Limited w/ CompositeB Reads RSS Limited with 2D Composite Component (CC-B,
MicroPDF417) stacked over the RSS 14 code.

RSS Limited w/ CompositeC Reads RSS Limited with 2D Composite Component (CC-C,
PDF417) stacked over the RSS 14 code.

PDF417 Reads PDF417 as defined by AIM Uniform Symbology

Specification PDF417.

MicroPDF417 Reads MicroPDF417 as defined by AIM International Sym-

bology Specification MicroPDF417.

Composite A Reads MicroPDF417 variation (supplemental information

up to 56 characters) as defined by EAN and UCC CC-A 2D
Composite Component protocol.

3.1.7 Color

Select the type of edge transition to analyze. Select Dark Bars for dark bars on a lighter back-
ground. Select Light Bars for bars on a dark background. The default is Dark Bars.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.1.8 Direction

Select the direction the BCR Tool “reads” the code. The options are Horizontal, Vertical, Left
to Right, Right to Left, Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top or Full Rotation. The default is Left to
Right. The direction of the read should always be oriented perpendicular to the bars.

Use Full Rotation when the orientation of the barcode symbol in unknown or is variable. This
requires longer execution time for the tool.

Use Horizontal when the direction (left to right or right to left) is unknown. This requires longer
execution time for the tool than does Left to Right or Right to Left.

Use Vertical when the direction (top to bottom or bottom to top) is unknown. This requires
longer execution time for the tool than does Top to Bottom or Bottom to Top.

BCR Properties: Setup Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.2 Edges Tab

Use the Edges tab to tune the inspection process.

Note: Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to use the Image Filters
when using the Barcode Reader/Verification Tool for Barcode Grading.

3.2.1 Detector Width

Select the width of the detectors. In general, adjust the width so that at least one and preferably
more detectors cover the barcode to be read. This should take into consideration expected vari-
ation in position of the barcode during production. The distance between the detectors will
depend on both the Detector Width setting and the height (for horizontal barcode or width for
vertical barcode) of the ROI. The default is 4 pixels with a range of 1 to 31.

3.2.2 Edge Threshold

Use this setting to define the edge by observing changes in color of the ROI and detectors on the
monitor’s screen. The default value is 15 with a range of 0 to 125. Lowering the number
increases the tool’s sensitivity to detect an edge. Determine the minimum and maximum values
of the Edge Threshold that produce a green ROI and detector and set the value approximately
mid way between the minimum and maximum value. Once the initial setting is determined,
select several other detectors by moving either the barcode or the ROI relative to each other to
ensure the setting is valid for most detectors. Check and readjust the Edge Threshold as nec-
essary after adjusting the Filter Size and Filter Gap settings.

BCR Properties: Edges Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.2.3 Filter Size

Filter Size is the magnitude of the edge filter in pixels. Use this property, along with Filter Gap,
to obtain a well-defined edge or edges, that are not sharp. The default value is 1 with a range of
0 to 15. Raising the number will smooth a jagged edge and filter out weaker edges. Adjust the
filter size upward or downward, observing the passing (green) and failing (red) colors on the
monitor to obtain a good inspection. Filter Size and Filter Gap are used together to define the
position of the edge. It may be necessary to adjust both properties several times to optimize the

3.2.4 Filter Gap

Filter Gap filters out the pixels showing the greatest change (peaks of an Edge Strength Plot).
Use this property to increase the tool’s sensitivity to find weaker edges or to minimize the effect
of slight changes in edge location. The default is 0 with a range of 0 to 15.

3.2.5 Image Filters

Use the Image Filters button on the BCR Properties dialog box, Edges tab to display the Filter
Operations dialog box.

Use filters to preprocess an image (i.e. altering it to be more easily recognized and inspected).
Preprocessing of images is accomplished by using one or more filters. An example of this is the
inspection of a that are on colored backgrounds and/or do not have sharply defined edges. The
tool may not detect an edge under these conditions. Using filters the barcode can be made to
appear with sharp edges.

There may be times when the features of an image that are of interest are not easily extracted by
simple gray scale thresholding (separating the background from the foreground). Filters manipu-
late the base image to produce an output image with easier recognized features of interest. If
your application requires such image manipulation, select the Image Filters button on the Edges
tab of the BCR Properties dialog box.

Test the resulting image by clicking OK on the Filter Operations dialog box to display the Vision
Edit screen. Adjust the properties visible on the BCR Properties dialog box, Setup tab until the
image inspection process, as viewed on the Vision Edit screen, obtains optimum results. If the
optimized parameters do not produce inspections that are correct, repeatable and can be vali-
dated, then repeat the process of adding, deleting, adjusting and reordering filters until inspection
result is acceptable.

See the Filtering Images section of the Introduction to Vision Tools manual for details regard-
ing the use of this image-filtering device.

BCR Properties: Edges Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.3 Grading Tab

Note: This tab is optional and is based on the purchase of a license from SYS-
TECH for grading of bar coding for conformance to ISO specifications. This tab
will not be visible for users who do not have a license for Bar Code Grading
Inspection. The use of this feature is only valid when used in conjunction with
the SYSTECH provided lighting, optics, and TIPS Bar Code Grading Hood.

Use the Grading tab to setup the grading of bar codes.

Note: All fields of the Grading tab shown in the picture above contain default values.

This feature is only required when it is necessary or desirable to determine and/or maintain a
minimum level of quality in producing bar codes relative to the ISO specification for bar codes.
The Grading function grades inspected barcodes relative to the ISO specifications for bar codes.

Note: For this feature to be functional, a Calibration Vision Tool must be created and cali-
brated using the proper standards, and precede the Barcode Reader Verification Vision Tool
in the execution order of the tools. See the Calibration (CAL) Vision Tool Manual for details on
how to calibrate the tool and see the Tool Execution Order section of this manual for informa-
tion on tool execution order.

3.3.1 Enable Grading

Click on the Enable Grading check box to alternate between a check and no check in the check
box. A check in this check box indicates all functions on this tab are enabled. No check in the
check box indicated all functions on this tab are not enabled.

BCR Properties: Grading Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.3.2 Grade Threshold

The Grade Threshold property sets the level of acceptance relative to the ISO specifications for
the bar code, as graded by the BCR Vision Tool. This parameter has a default value of 2.5 and
a range of 0 to 4. 0 represents lowest quality and 4 represents highest quality.

3.3.3 Grading Graphics

The upper left-hand of the BCR tool’s ROI will show, respectively, the minimum reflectance, the
average reflectance, the maximum reflectance, and the standard deviation derived from the cali-
bration. The bottom left-hand of the BCR tool’s ROI will display the same terms, in the same
order, only derived from the inspection.

3.3.4 Display Profile Button

Use the Display Profile button to display the Scan Reflectance Profile dialog box.
The Scan Reflectance Profile dialog box displays a plot of variations in reflectance
with linear distance along a scan path for the center scan line path. Also displayed are
the scores both as grades and percentages for selected parameters and the overall
grade for the bar code. The following picture shows the Scan Reflectance Profile for a typical
bar code inspection.

Use the information presented on this dialog box to determine the cause of low quality bar cod-

The ‘read’ bar code is displayed in the upper left hand corner of the dialog box, under the dialog
box’s name. Use the two magnifying glass buttons to examine the plot in greater or less detail.

BCR Properties: Grading Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Point #: (Description), directly above the reflectance profile plot, indicates what is taking place
at the point on the profile where the cursor is located.

The Reflectance is also given directly above the reflectance profile plot and is the reflectance
percentage relative to the calibrated value for the point on the profile where the cursor is located.

Note: The definitions for the terms displayed on the dialog box are listed on the
following page in a brief form. A more complete definition, including formulas,
can be found in the International Standard ISO/IEC 15416:2000(E) from which
the information presented here was taken.

The Overall Grade is defined as the lowest grade of all of the graded terms. Grading is given in
terms of both a letter and number. Letter grades are A, B, C, D, and F. Numerical grades are 4,
3, 2, 1, and 0 and correspond respectively to the letter grades; A being equivalent to a 4. The
higher the number, the better the grade. This description holds for all of the following terms for
which a numerical and letter grade are provided.

The percentages shown after most terms on the left side of the dialog box are the value for the
term as calculated by the Grading BCR tool in accordance with the ISO specification.

Decode indicates whether the bar code can be read. An N indicates it cannot be decoded and a
Y indicates it can be decoded.

Rmax is the maximum reflectance in the Scan Reflectance Profile.

Rmin is the minimum reflectance in the Scan Reflectance Profile.

Global Threshold is the reflectance level midway between the maximum and minimum reflec-
tance values in a scan reflectance profile used for the initial identification of elements.

Symbol Contrast is the difference between the highest and lowest reflectance values in a scan
reflectance profile.

Min. Edge Contrast is the difference between the space reflectance and bar reflectance of
adjoining elements including quiet zones. The lowest value of edge contrast found in the scan
reflectance profile is the minimum edge contrast.

Modulation is defined as the ratio of minimum edge contrast to symbol contrast. The larger the
percentage, the greater the contrast.

Defects are defined as irregularities within elements and quite zones, and are measured in terms
of element reflectance non-uniformity. The smaller the number the better.

Decodability (Decoding Ability) is a measure of the accuracy of the bar code production in
relation to the appropriate reference decode algorithm. It is normally easier to ‘read’ barcodes
with higher levels of decodability than those with lower decodability. The closer the number is to
100%, the better the chance the code can be read.

BCR Properties: Grading Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Unused Error is the extra percentage of coding that can be removed (not read) and the barcode
can still be correctly read.

Print Contrast Signal is the background reflectance minus the bar reflectance total divided by
the background reflectance. The closer this number is to 100% the greater the contrast.

Bar Gain is defined as the product of the sum of the archived bar widths minus the sum of the
nominal bar widths total divided by the number of bars times the nominal narrow element dimen-
sion. The closer this value is to 0, the closer the bar widths are to the archived, trained bar. Profile Graphics

The following pictures are provided to show how to interrupt the data on the reflectance profile
graph. In most cases it will be necessary to enlarge your profile graph in order to see this level of
detail. As a general rule, the items displayed in red are indicating where in the scan profile the
different scoring parameters were established.

Space Display:

Space Point: White Dot, White Line

Defect Point: Yellow Dot, Red Line

Max Space Point: White Dot, Green Line

Rising Edge Point: White Dot, Yellow Line

BCR Properties: Grading Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Bar Display:

Falling Edge Point: Black Dot, Yellow Line

Max Space Point: Black Dot, Green Line

Defect Point: Yellow Dot, Red Line

Bar Point: Black Dot, Black Line

Symbol Contrast Display:

R Max Point(s): Red Dot

Global Threshold Level

R Min Point(s): Red Dot

BCR Properties: Grading Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Decodability (Decoding Ability) Display:

Maximum Decodability Error in red

"Ideal" Edge Location

"Actual" Edge Location

"Actual" Element Width

Decodability Error in black

Edge Contrast Display:

Minimum Edge Contrast in red

Edge Contrast in black

BCR Properties: Grading Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Defect Display:

Maximum Defect displayed in red

BCR Properties: Grading Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.4 Tool Info Tab

The Tool Info tab provides the tool name and position and size information in pixels. It is also
used to assign data output lines.

Ellipsis Buttons

3.4.1 Name

The tool is automatically named BCR or BCRn where n is an integer number for multiple
instances of the tool in the same image. Change the name of the tool by deleting the name and
keying in a new name. If the name of the tool is left blank, the name Tool will be assigned.

3.4.2 Result Lines

This property is used to assign the tool results output lines. Inspection properties that can be
reported are Read and Match. A pass on the Read line asserts an output, which indicates the
barcode has been decoded. A pass on the Match line asserts an output that indicates the bar-
code has been decoded and matches the value of the Match String properties. No output is
asserted if the inspection fails. Click the Ellipsis button and select an output line number the
inspection results are reported. Configure the lines for the characteristics appropriate to the

BCR Properties: Tool Info Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3.4.3 Location

These properties define the position of the tool ROI and are automatically updated when the tool
is placed on the image.

X is the position in pixels from the extreme left limit of the image to the left bound-
ary of the ROI.
Y is the position in pixels from the extreme top limit of the image to the upper
boundary of the ROI.
W is the width of the ROI in pixels.
H is the height of the ROI in pixels.

4 Tool Training

Train the tool to automatically decode the symbol. A good symbol is needed to insure the proper
code is read for verification. The tool must be trained or a Match String entry must be made if
the purpose of the inspection is to verify a value. If the tool is not trained, then the Match String
may be entered manually. It is not mandatory to train a BCR Tool. When the tool is not trained
and no values are entered in Match String the tool will read but not verify barcode values.

Do not attempt to use the Train and Stat Train buttons with the Grading tab.

If training is not successful, increase the ROI size slightly. If training is not successful after
adjusting the ROI, consider changing the position of the camera or changing lenses to magnify
the size of the image.

See the Tool Training section of the Introduction to Vision Tools manual for details regarding
tool training.

See the Statistical Training Considerations section of the Introduction to Vision Tools man-
ual for details regarding statistical tool training.

Tool Training: Tool Info Tab

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

5 BCR Tool Property Information

The characteristics in the following table can be tagged using Tag Editor in SENTRI Non X-
Series system software or Builder in ADVISOR X-Series, SENTRI X-Series, SENTRI BLISTER
and ADVISOR Non X-Series system software.

5.1 Performance Counts

These tags can be displayed by clicking on Performance on the Builder screen tool bar, View,
Counts tab, and BCR. The tags can also be displayed on TSS screens using Screen Edit.

Property Data Stored

DecodedString The string of ASCII characters decode from the barcode.

DecodedSymbology The type of barcode being inspected as determined by the BarCode

Reader tool.

Inspected The total number of BCR inspections.

PassedRead The number of inspections that successfully decoded the barcode.

FailedRead The number of inspections that failed to decode the barcode.

PassedMatch The number of inspections that verified a correctly coded symbol.

FailedMatch The number of inspections that failed to verify a correctly coded


NoMatch The number of inspections that successfully decoded the barcode

but failed to verify the correctly coded symbol.

BarPixels The minimum barcode element width in pixels.

InkSpread Deviation from ideal (theoretical) bar width. Positive indicates

greater width than expected (more ink) and negative indicates less
width than expected (less ink).

GoodScans The number of scan lines in each inspection returning a valid code.

UnusedError* The percentage of unused error correction for 2-dimensional cod-

ing. (The amount of error correction left before the code can no
longer be read.)

* Used only with Grading function.

BCR Tool Property Information: Performance Counts

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

5.2 Station Parameter Tags

Display the tags on any screen using the Screen Edit function.

Property Data Stored

MatchEnable A one corresponds to a check in the Match String check box. A

zero corresponds to a blank Match String check box.

MatchString The character information to be compared to the decoded symbol.

ScanLines The number of scan lines used in each inspection.

MinScanLines The minimum number of scan lines required to achieve a valid read.

Symbology The type of barcode to be inspected.

Direction A number corresponding to the Direction property.

ObjectColor A number corresponding to the ObjectColor property.

ScanType A number corresponding to the ScanType property.

EdgeThreshold The value setting the sensitivity of the tool to detect an edge
selected by the user.

FilterSize The value of the factor used to smooth jagged edges or filter out
weaker edges as selected by the user.

FilterGap The value of the factor used to increase or decrease the tool’s sensi-
tivity to weak edges or to minimize the effect of slight edge changes
as selected by the user.

DetectorWidth The value in pixels of the Detector Width property used in the
inspection. See Detector Width in discussion of tool’s properties.

Aperture* The selected value for the Aperture setting. Values are 3, 5, 10,
and 20 in the measurement units selected.

EnableGrading* A number corresponding to the selected Enable Grading property

where 0 = Not Enabled, 1 = Enabled.

GradeThreshold* The level of acceptance for the quality of the barcode. 0 represents
lowest quality and 4 represents highest quality.

* Used only with Grading function.

BCR Tool Property Information: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

6 BCR Tool Example - 1

This example is verifying the BarCode Reader tool’s ability to pick out wrong barcode, barcode
with missing bar, and improperly printed barcode.

1. The following picture shows the desired barcode:

2. Set the graphics mode to Maximum to display tool information to help in trouble-
shooting during system training. Return the property to None, Normal or Mini-
mum when conducting inspections to make the system more responsive to
operator commands after training is complete. Place the camera in the Live
mode. Center the image and adjust the camera focus and f-stop. Click the Live
mode speed button again to stop continuous imaging and acquire a single image
to position and configure the tools.

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3. Click on the BCR Speed Tool button and form an ROI around a typical image,
making the ROI big enough to contain the barcode as it shifts position in produc-
tion. Right-click within the ROI and then click on View Properties to display the
BCR Properties dialog box. This is shown in the picture below:

4. Select the default values for Color, Scan Type and Direction. The bars in our
example are dark compared to the background; the barcode is horizontal and is
read left to right. The tool reads the barcode (02039573) and determines the type
of barcode is I2of5 (Interleaved 2 of 5). These values are shown in the upper left-
hand corner of the ROI.

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

5. Click on the Train button. The type of barcode is now displayed in the Symbol-
ogy field and is removed from the upper left-hand corner of the ROI. This is
shown in the following picture:

6. Select the Match String check box to force have the tool compare each read bar-
code against the desired barcode (02039573).

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

7. The Match String check box is now checked and the Match String field contains
the desired barcode 02039573. Increase the number of Scan Lines to 50 to
insure that any defects will be small. Increase the Minimum Scan Lines to 46.
Forty six Scan Lines must read the barcode correctly. This allows for the bar-
code to shift upward and downward a maximum of six lines without causing a
failed inspection. Any defect over six lines wide will cause a failure if the barcode
is perfectly aligned within the ROI.

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

8. Select the image of barcode with some type of defect that should fail inspection.

9. Increase the number of Scan Lines in order to insure that at least a few lines
cross areas of the barcode that are not acceptable. Increase the Mn Scan Lines
value to insure that some large majority of the lines must see acceptable barcode.
10. The upper left-hand corner shows that only nineteen of the required forty-six scan
lines read the barcode successfully. The red ROI and lettering in the upper left-
hand corner of the ROI shows the inspection criteria has not been met.

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

11. Select a second image of barcode with a different type of defect that should fail

12. In this example only twelve of the scan lines read the barcode correctly. The red
ROI and lettering in the upper left-hand corner of the ROI shows the inspection
criteria has not been met.

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

13. Select a third image of barcode with a different type of defect that should fail

14. In this example forty-three of the scan lines read the barcode successfully. The
red ROI and lettering in the upper left-hand corner of the ROI shows the inspec-
tion criteria has not been met.

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

15. Select an image of barcode with a missing bar that should fail inspection.

16. The red ROI and the question mark in the upper left-hand corner of the ROI indi-
cates the tool cannot read the barcode with a missing bar.

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

17. Select a barcode of the same type (Interleaved 2 of 5) but with a different number
that should fail inspection.

18. The ROI is red indicating a failed inspection and the found number (in red) repre-
sented by the barcode in the upper left-hand corner is not the correct number.
The found number is 02035973 versus the desired number of 02039573. The
inspection process is proven.

BCR Tool Example - 1: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

7 BCR Tool Example - 2

This example shows the use of the Edges tab in setting the tool to read a code defined by the
United States Postal Service.

1. The example is shown below and contains the barcode representation of a postal
zip code (Postnet).

2. Click on the BCR button at the right of the Vision Edit screen and con-
struct an ROI around the barcode as shown in the following picture:

BCR Tool Example - 2: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3. Right-click within the ROI and highlight View Properties on the pop-up menu and
then left-click on it. This displays the BCR Properties dialog box shown in the fol-
lowing picture.

4. Adjust the parameters on the Setup tab to match the inspection requirements as
• Leave the Match String check box unchecked in order for the tool to read the
inspected barcodes.
• Leave Scan Lines set to 3 in order to more easily see the results of changing
parameters. The number of lines can be increased after best setting of
parameters is determined. Increased number of lines will allow for the bar-
code varying in vertical position and a solution to still be found.
• Leave the Minimum (Number of) Scan Lines (finding a solution) at 1 since it
will be very difficult for more than one line to cover the barcode unless there
are a great number of lines.
• Change Symbology to Postnet, the name of the U.S. Postal Service bar-
code for zip codes. Symbology could also be changed to Postnet/Planet
but solutions would require more time while tool tried both types of barcode to
find the best match.
• Color should be left Dark Bars (bars are dark on light background in this
example as shown in the picture above).
• Leave Scan Type showing Raster.

BCR Tool Example - 2: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

• Change Direction to Left to Right (standard for this type of barcode). This
could be left showing Horizontal but solutions would require more time while
tool looked in both directions for best solution.
5. The properly configured Setup tab is shown in the following picture:

6. Click on the Edges tab. This tab is shown in the next picture in the default state.

7. Adjust the Edges tab parameters until the tool reads the sample barcode.

BCR Tool Example - 2: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

8. The parameters on the Edges tab are adjusted until the tool reads the sample bar-
code. The following picture shows the parameters properly adjusted and the tool
reading the sample barcode. In this example it was not necessary to use the
Image Filters feature in order to get the tool to read the sample barcode.

Note: This is a trial and error process of changing the values, one at a time, and then observing
the tool to see when the ROI turned green. When the barcode is read, the red question mark in
the upper right hand corner disappears and in its place the read number appears in green. Like-
wise, the ROI changes from red and yellow to green and yellow.

BCR Tool Example - 2: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

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BCR Tool Example - 2: Station Parameter Tags

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

8 Index

ADVISOR Non X-Series .............................................................................................................. 3
ADVISOR X-Series ...................................................................................................................... 3
Angle Find Spacing Field ........................................................................................................... 10
Aperture ..................................................................................................................................... 28
ASCII Character ........................................................................................................................... 2

Bar Code Reader Tool, description .............................................................................................1
Bar Display ................................................................................................................................. 22
Bar Gain ..................................................................................................................................... 21
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2 ........................................................................................................................................... 27
BCR Properties Dialog Box
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2 ........................................................................................................................................... 17
BCR Tool Example - 1 ............................................................................................................... 29
BCR Tool Example - 2 ............................................................................................................... 38
Bottom to Top ............................................................................................................................ 15
Builder .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Display Profile ...................................................................................................................... 19
Ellipsis .................................................................................................................................. 25
Image Filters ........................................................................................................................ 17

CAL Vision Tool Manual ............................................................................................................ 18
Calibration Vision Tool ............................................................................................................... 18
Check Box
Enable Grading .................................................................................................................... 18
Match String ........................................................................................................................... 5
Code 128 .................................................................................................................................... 13
Code 39 ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Extended .............................................................................................................................. 13
w/Checksum ......................................................................................................................... 12
Color ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Communication Tool .................................................................................................................... 1
Composite A ............................................................................................................................... 14
Contrast ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Counts ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Counts tab .................................................................................................................................. 27
Cross Scanning ............................................................................................................................ 7

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Dark Bars ...................................................................................................................................14
Decodability ................................................................................................................................20
Decodability (Decoding Ability) Display .....................................................................................23
Decode .......................................................................................................................................20
DecodedString ...........................................................................................................................27
DecodedSymbology ...................................................................................................................27
Defect Display ............................................................................................................................24
Defects .......................................................................................................................................20
Detector Width ...........................................................................................................................16
DetectorWidth ............................................................................................................................28
Dialog Box
BCR Properties ...............................................................................................................3, 17
Filter Operations ..................................................................................................................17
Scan Reflectance Profile .....................................................................................................19
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2 ............................................................................................................................................. 8
3 ...........................................................................................................................................15
4 ...........................................................................................................................................28

EAN-13 .......................................................................................................................................13
EAN-8 .........................................................................................................................................13
Contrast ................................................................................................................................20
Contrast Display ...................................................................................................................23
Edge Threshold
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 2
2 ...........................................................................................................................................16
Edges ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Edges Tab
1 ...........................................................................................................................................16
2 ...........................................................................................................................................17
EdgeThreshold ...........................................................................................................................28
Ellipsis Button ............................................................................................................................25
Enable Grading ..........................................................................................................................18
EnableGrading ...........................................................................................................................28
Example .....................................................................................................................................29
1 ...........................................................................................................................................29
2 ...........................................................................................................................................38

FailedMatch ................................................................................................................................27
FailedRead .................................................................................................................................27
Angle Find Spacing ..............................................................................................................10
Match String ........................................................................................................................... 5

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Filter Gap
1 ........................................................................................................................................... 16
2 ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Filter Operations dialog box ....................................................................................................... 17
Filter Size ................................................................................................................................... 17
FilterGap .................................................................................................................................... 28
FilterSize .................................................................................................................................... 28
Full Rotation ............................................................................................................................... 15

Global Threshold ........................................................................................................................ 20
GoodScans ................................................................................................................................ 27
Grade Threshold ........................................................................................................................ 19
GradeThreshold ......................................................................................................................... 28
Grading ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Graphics ............................................................................................................................... 19
Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Grading ................................................................................................................................ 19
Profile ................................................................................................................................... 21
Gray Scale ................................................................................................................................... 2

Horizontal ................................................................................................................................... 15

I2of5 ........................................................................................................................................... 13
IEC ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Image Filters Button ................................................................................................................... 17
InkSpread ................................................................................................................................... 27
Inspected .................................................................................................................................... 27
International Standard ............................................................................................................... 20
ISO ............................................................................................................................................. 20

Left to Right ................................................................................................................................ 15
Light Bars ................................................................................................................................... 14
Live ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Location ...................................................................................................................................... 26

Match .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Match Code .................................................................................................................................. 2
Match String
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 2
2 ............................................................................................................................................. 3

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

3 ............................................................................................................................................. 5
4 ...........................................................................................................................................26
Check Box .............................................................................................................................. 5
Field ........................................................................................................................................ 5
MatchEnable .............................................................................................................................. 28
MatchString ................................................................................................................................28
Min. Edge Contrast ....................................................................................................................20
Minimum Scan Lines ................................................................................................................... 6
MinScanLines ............................................................................................................................28
Modulation ..................................................................................................................................20

Name ..........................................................................................................................................25
NoMatch .....................................................................................................................................27

ObjectColor ................................................................................................................................28
Overall Grade ............................................................................................................................. 20

PassedMatch .............................................................................................................................27
PassedRead ...............................................................................................................................27
Performance Counts ..................................................................................................................27
Planet Code ...............................................................................................................................13
Polarity ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Postnet .......................................................................................................................................13
Postnet/Planet ............................................................................................................................13
Print Contrast Signal ..................................................................................................................21
Profile .........................................................................................................................................19
Graphics ...............................................................................................................................21
Property Information ..................................................................................................................27

Quiet Zone
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 2
2 ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Raster scanning ........................................................................................................................... 7
Raster w/Angle
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2 ...........................................................................................................................................10
Read ...........................................................................................................................................25
Reflectance ................................................................................................................................20
Profile ...................................................................................................................................19
Region of Interest ......................................................................................................................... 2

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Result Lines ............................................................................................................................... 25

Right to Left ................................................................................................................................ 15
Rmax .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Rmin ........................................................................................................................................... 20
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 2
2 ............................................................................................................................................. 3
3 ........................................................................................................................................... 26
RSS 14 ....................................................................................................................................... 13
RSS 14w/ Composite A ............................................................................................................. 13

Reflectance Profile ............................................................................................................... 19
Type ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Scan Lines
Slider ...................................................................................................................................... 6
ScanLines .................................................................................................................................. 28
ScanType ................................................................................................................................... 28
Screen Edit ................................................................................................................................. 27
Screen Edit function ................................................................................................................... 28
SENTRI BLISTER ........................................................................................................................ 3
SENTRI Non X-Series ................................................................................................................. 3
SENTRI X-Series ......................................................................................................................... 3
Setup Tab
1 ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2 ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Scan Lines ............................................................................................................................. 6
Space Display ............................................................................................................................ 21
Station Parameter Tags ............................................................................................................. 28
Contrast ................................................................................................................................ 20
Contrast Display ................................................................................................................... 22
1 ........................................................................................................................................... 11
2 ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Drop-down List ..................................................................................................................... 12

Counts .................................................................................................................................. 27
1 ..................................................................................................................................... 16
2 ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Grading ................................................................................................................................ 18
Setup ............................................................................................................................... 4, 17
Tags ........................................................................................................................................... 28

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

Example ...............................................................................................................................29
Property ................................................................................................................................27
Training ................................................................................................................................26
Top to Bottom ............................................................................................................................15
Train ...........................................................................................................................................26
Training ........................................................................................................................................ 2

1 ...........................................................................................................................................12
2 ...........................................................................................................................................12
Unused Error .............................................................................................................................. 21
UnusedError ...............................................................................................................................27
UPC-A ........................................................................................................................................13
UPC-A&E ...................................................................................................................................13
UPC-E ........................................................................................................................................13

Valid Code .................................................................................................................................... 6
Vertical .......................................................................................................................................15
View Properties ............................................................................................................................ 3
Scripting Tool ......................................................................................................................... 1
Vision Edit Screen ........................................................................................................................3

End of document.

TIPS Vision Tool Manual
BarCode Reader/Verification (BCR) Tool

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SYSTECH International, Inc.
2540 Route 130, Suite 128
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Phone: (609) 395-8400 FAX: (609) 395-0064

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